- As any other remote company, we use Hubstaff to track time.
- If you have idle time logged. Its very important that you remove all the idle time before every Monday. If you don't admin will be alerted and this would negatively impact you. Repeating this behavior and we'll make sure a violation is registered against you.
- Start the timer when you're working and stop the timer when you're not.
- Manual time is not allowed.
- Disabling screenshots when logging activity is not allowed. Time logged without screenshots will not be considered. Screenshots might not be recorded because:
- You have disabled it. Go to settings to enable it.
- You have an older version of the app. Upgrade the app.
- Contact Hubstaff Support for help.
- We have been working with Hubstaff for few years now. We know the nuts and bolts of the software.
- Few employees used Autoclicker, Autokeyboard software to trick Hubstaff. We know how to recognize such activity. When we discover any such activity in your account. It will be treated as a theft of company's funds. This is a very serious offence and you will be fired effective immediately. You will NOT be paid for that month of work too.
- Working on personal projects or any other non company related work while keeping the hubstaff timer on is theft of company's funds. You'll be fired immediately. You will NOT be paid for that month of work too.
- When you're reading documentation on any API integration. Please keep the Hubstaff time turned on. That's work too!