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74 lines (62 loc) · 4.31 KB


File metadata and controls

74 lines (62 loc) · 4.31 KB


1. Swipe Actions

Old Swipe Actions

    func leadingSwipeActions() -> [IQContextualAction]?
    func trailingSwipeActions() -> [IQContextualAction]?

We removed IQContextualAction since it was added for backward compatibility and not needed now, so we now changed it to native UIContextualAction.

    func leadingSwipeActions() -> [UIContextualAction]?
    func trailingSwipeActions() -> [UIContextualAction]?

2. Register Supplementary View function changes

Old register function

    func registerSupplementaryView<T: UIView>(type: T.Type, kind: String, registerType: RegisterType, bundle: Bundle = .main)

New register function now only accept the view confirming to IQListSupplementaryView which usually be UITableViewHeaderFooterView or UICollectionReusableView

    func registerSupplementaryView<T: IQListSupplementaryView>(type: T.Type, kind: String, registerType: RegisterType, bundle: Bundle = .main)

3. Delegate functions changes

Old delegate functions

    func listView(_ listView: IQListView, modifySupplementaryElement view: UIView, section: IQSection, kind: String, at indexPath: IndexPath)
    func listView(_ listView: IQListView, willDisplaySupplementaryElement view: UIView, section: IQSection, kind: String, at indexPath: IndexPath)
    func listView(_ listView: IQListView, didEndDisplayingSupplementaryElement view: UIView, section: IQSection, kind: String, at indexPath: IndexPath)

New delegate functions. This change the UIView to IQListSupplementaryView

    func listView(_ listView: IQListView, modifySupplementaryElement view: IQListSupplementaryView, section: IQSection, kind: String, at indexPath: IndexPath)
    func listView(_ listView: IQListView, willDisplaySupplementaryElement view: IQListSupplementaryView, section: IQSection, kind: String, at indexPath: IndexPath)
    func listView(_ listView: IQListView, didEndDisplayingSupplementaryElement view: IQListSupplementaryView, section: IQSection, kind: String, at indexPath: IndexPath)

2. Data Source function changes

Old data source functions

    func listView(_ listView: IQListView, supplementaryElementFor section: IQSection, kind: String, at indexPath: IndexPath) -> UIView?
    func listView(_ listView: IQListView, canMove item: IQItem, at indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool
    func listView(_ listView: IQListView, canEdit item: IQItem, at indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool

New data source functions. Notice that the canMove and canEdit returns an optional Bool? now, so make sure to adopt this change in your existing codebase.

    func listView(_ listView: IQListView, supplementaryElementFor section: IQSection, kind: String, at indexPath: IndexPath) -> IQListSupplementaryView?
    func listView(_ listView: IQListView, canMove item: IQItem, at indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool?
    func listView(_ listView: IQListView, canEdit item: IQItem, at indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool?

2. IQSection initialization

Old functions

    public init(identifier: AnyHashable, header: String? = nil, footer: String? = nil)    
    public init<H: IQModelableSupplementaryView>(identifier: AnyHashable, headerType: H.Type, headerModel: H.Model)
    public init<F: IQModelableSupplementaryView>(identifier: AnyHashable, footerType: F.Type, footerModel: F.Model)

New functions reintroduce the views and header footer size, because users were now not able to set custom size for headers. But supporting the views will be removed in next major release.

We now accepting different kind of header/footer in same function. For example header can be configured by model and footer can be configured by string or view and vice versa.

    public init(identifier: AnyHashable, header: String? = nil, headerView: UIView? = nil, headerSize: CGSize? = nil, footer: String? = nil, footerView: UIView? = nil, footerSize: CGSize? = nil)\
    public init<H: IQModelableSupplementaryView>(identifier: AnyHashable, headerType: H.Type, headerModel: H.Model, footer: String? = nil, footerView: UIView? = nil, footerSize: CGSize? = nil)
    public init<F: IQModelableSupplementaryView>(identifier: AnyHashable, header: String? = nil, headerView: UIView? = nil, headerSize: CGSize? = nil, footerType: F.Type, footerModel: F.Model)