This package is used to create a summary file for a collection (or ensemble) of runs. The user must specify the location of the input files. The summary file calculates global means, RMSZ scores, PCA loadings, and max errors. This summary file is required for
AUTHORS: | Haiying Xu, Allison Baker |
VERSION: | 1.0.0 |
COPYRIGHT: | See the document entitled LICENSE.txt |
Send questions and comments to Haiying Xu ([email protected]).
- A script that generates an ensemble summary file from a collection of files.
- Library python script used by
- Bsub script to submit to yellowstone
- ens_excluded_varlist.json
- The variable list that will excluded from reading and processing
- module load python
- module load numpy
- module load scipy
- module load pynio
- svn co ASAPTool
- Note: need to install asaptools and setup PYTHONPATH by following
- the instruction at README.rst in ASAPTool, please make sure to set the correct python verion in the PYTHONPATH
python -h
For monthly average files, set tslice=0.
For yearly average files, set tslice=1 (Because tslice ==0 is the initial conditions.)
Esize can be less than or equal to the number of files in "--indir".
Note that --res, --tag, --compset, and --mach only affect the metadata in the summary file.
Recommended number of cores to use is one for each 3D variable (current default number of 3D variables is 42).
- To generate (in parallel) a summary file for 151 simulations runs,
- we specify the size and data location:
- --esize 151 --indir /glade/u/tdd/asap/verification/cesm1_3_beta11/sz151-yellowstone-intel/
- We also specify the name of file to create for the summary:
- --sumfile
- Since these are yearly average files, we set
- --tslice 1
We also specify the tag (cesm1_3_beta110 that will be written to the metadata of
--tag cesm1_3_beta11We can exclude some variables from the analysis by specifying them in a json file:
--jsonfile ens_excluded_varlist.jsonTo generate only global_mean and related PCA loadings (i.e., exclude RMSZ and max-error calculations. This speeds up the calculation and is useful for large ensemble sizes if RMSZ info is not needed.):
- To enable parallel mode:
- --mpi_enable
This yields the following command:
mpirun.lsf python --verbose --esize 151 --tslice 1 --indir /glade/u/tdd/asap/verification/cesm1_3_beta11/sz151-yellowstone-intel/ --tag cesm1_3_beta11 --sumfile --jsonfile ens_excluded_varlist.json --gmonly --mpi_enable
- To generate (in serial) a summary file for 151 simulations runs,
python --verbose --esize 151 --tslice 1 --indir /glade/u/tdd/asap/verification/cesm1_3_beta11/sz151-yellowstone-intel/ --tag cesm1_3_beta11 --sumfile --jsonfile ens_excluded_varlist.json