Thank you for your interest in contributing to ManiSkill! To get started, follow the setup and installation instructions below.
To start contributing, raise an issue at describing what your proposed changes/contributions or comment on an existing issue. Once one of the maintainers gives a thumbs up, you can make a pull request, and our team will review it.
We recommend using Python 3.9 to build and develop on ManiSkill, although we currently aim to support versions 3.8 and above. To get started you must set up a conda/mamba environment which can be done as follows
conda create -n "ms_dev" "python==3.9"
git clone
cd ManiSkill
pip install -e .[build] # install ManiSkill locally with testing dependencies
Then to setup pre-commit, run
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
Testing is currently semi-automated and a WIP. We currently rely on and pytest to test ManiSkill.
After you make changes, be sure to add any necessary tests to cover any new code in the tests/
folder and run all the tests with the following command
pytest tests/ -m "not slow and gpu_sim"
pytest tests/ -m "not slow and not gpu_sim"
Note that we add a "not slow" argument which is to prevent testing on slow tests like download utility testing. There is also the "gpu_sim" pytest mark, which marks some tests as having to use the GPU simulation. These tests are separated as CPU simulation cannot run once GPU simulation has started and vice versa. With that in mind, any test that uses GPU simulation must add the @pytest.mark.gpu_sim
Adapted from For some reason running build directly does not work, you have to pass in -s and -w.
python -m build -s -w
python -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
To install the test package
python -m pip install --upgrade --index-url --extra-index-url mani_skill
To upload to the actual pypi repository
python -m twine upload dist/*
ManiSkill is built to support building your own custom tasks easily. The documentation on how to use the ManiSkill API to do so is here:
We encourage users to either create their own repositories with their own tasks for others to use, or to submit to this ManiSkill repo to be part of the official, vetted, task list. For tasks in this repo, we do a number of checks to ensure they are of high quality and are well documented. For detailed information on how to add new tasks, see