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-title: Robots
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-title: 'Nuxt Robots Features'
-description: 'Nuxt Robots manages the robots crawling your site with minimal config and best practice defaults.'
- title: 'Features'
-Nuxt Robots manages the robots crawling your site with minimal config and best practice defaults.
-## 🤖 Robots.txt Config
-Configuring the rules is as simple as adding a production robots.txt file to your project.
-- [Config using Robots.txt](/robots/guides/robots-txt)
-## 🗿 X-Robots-Tag Header, Meta Tag
-Ensures pages that should not be indexed are not indexed with the following:
-- `X-Robots-Tag` header
-- `` meta tag
-Both enabled by default.
-- [How it works](/robots/getting-started/how-it-works)
-## 🔒 Production only indexing
-The module uses [Nuxt Site Config](/site-config/getting-started/background) to determine if the site is in production mode.
-It will disables non-production environments from being indexed, avoiding duplicate content issues.
-- [Environment Config](/robots/guides/disable-indexing)
-## 🔄 Easy and powerful configuration
-Use route rules to easily target subsets of your site.
-When you need even more control, use the runtime Nitro hooks to dynamically configure your robots rules.
-- [Route Rules](/robots/guides/route-rules)
-- [Nitro Hooks](/robots/nitro-api/nitro-hooks)
-## 🌎 I18n Support
-Will automatically fix any non-localised paths within your `allow` and `disallow` rules.
-- [I18n Integration](/robots/integrations/i18n)
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-title: 'Install Nuxt Robots'
-description: 'Get started with Nuxt Robots by installing the dependency to your project.'
- title: 'Installation'
-Using [Nuxt SEO](/nuxt-seo/getting-started/installation)? This module is already installed for you.
-## Setup
-1. Install `nuxt-robots` dependency to your project:
-npx nuxi@latest module add robots
-## Staging / Testing Environments
-:UBadge{color="amber" variant="solid" label="Important"}
-If you're using Preview / Staging / Testing environments you will need to implement extra configuration.
-This is important to avoid duplicate content issues and these environments appearing in Google searches.
-Please read the [Disabling Indexing](/robots/guides/disable-indexing) guide for more information.
-If you only have a production environment, you can skip this step.
-## Next Steps
-The module is now installed and configured!
-- Learn more about [how the module works](/robots/getting-started/how-it-works).
-- Configure the module [using a robots.txt](/robots/guides/robots-txt).
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-title: "Reproductions: Stackblitz"
-description: Create minimal reproductions for Nuxt Robots or just experiment with the module.
-You can use the Nuxt Robots Stackblitz playgrounds for either:
-- Playing around with the module in a sandbox environment
-- Making reproductions for issues (Learn more about [Why Reproductions are Required](https://antfu.me/posts/why-reproductions-are-required))
-## Stackblitz Playgrounds
-- [Basic](https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-zycxux?file=public%2F_robots.txt)
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-title: Getting Started
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-title: How It Works
-description: Learn more about how Nuxt Robots works.
-Nuxt Robots tells robots (crawlers) how to behave by creating a `robots.txt` file for you, adding a `X-Robots-Tag` header and `` tag to your site
-where appropriate.
-One important behaviour to control is blocking Google from indexing pages to:
-- Prevent [duplicate content issues](https://moz.com/learn/seo/duplicate-content)
-- Prevent wasting [crawl budget](https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/large-site-managing-crawl-budget)
-## Robots.txt
-For robots to understand how they can access your site, they will first check for a `robots.txt` file.
- └── robots.txt
-This file is generated differently depending on the environment:
-- When deploying using `nuxi generate` or the `nitro.prerender.routes` rule, this is a static file.
-- Otherwise, it's handled by the server and generated at runtime when requested.
-When indexing is disabled a `robots.txt` will be generated with the following content:
-User-agent: *
-Disallow: /
-This blocks all bots from indexing your site.
-## `X-Robots-Tag` Header and ``
-In some situations, the robots.txt becomes too restrictive to provide the level of control you need to manage
-your site's indexing.
-For this reason, the module by default will provide a `X-Robots-Tag` header and `` tag.
-These are applied using the following logic:
-- `X-Robots-Tag` header - Route Rules are implemented for all modes, otherwise SSR only. This will only be added
-when indexing has been disabled for the route.
-- `` - SSR only, will always be added
-## Robot Rules
-Default values for the `robots` rule depending on the mode.
-For indexable routes the following is used:
-Besides giving robots the go-ahead, this also requests that Google:
Choose the snippet length that it believes is most effective to help users discover your content and direct users to your site."
-You can learn more on the [Robots Meta Tag](https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/robots-meta-tag) documentation, feel free
-to change this to suit your needs using `robotsEnabledValue`.
-For non-indexable routes the following is used:
-This will tell robots to not index the page.
-## Development Environment
-The module by default will disable indexing in development environments. This is for safety, as you don't want
-your development environment to be indexed by search engines.
-# Block all bots
-User-agent: *
-Disallow: /
-## Production Environments
-For production environments, the module will generate a `robots.txt` file that allows all bots.
-Out-of-the-box, this will be the following:
-User-agent: *
-This tells all bots that they can index your entire site.
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-title: Nuxt I18n
-description: How to use the Nuxt Robots module with Nuxt I18n.
-Out of the box, the robots module will integrate directly with [@nuxtjs/i18n](https://i18n.nuxtjs.org/).
-You will need to use v8+ of the i18n module.
-## Auto-localised Allow / Disallow
-The module will automatically localise the `allow` and `disallow` paths based on your i18n configuration.
-If you provide a `allow` or `disallow` path that is not localised, it will be localised for you, if your
-i18n configuration allows it.
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- robots: {
- disallow: ['/secret', '/admin'],
- },
- i18n: {
- locales: ['en', 'fr'],
- defaultLocale: 'en',
- strategy: 'prefix',
- }
-This will generate the following output:
-User-agent: *
-Disallow: /en/secret
-Disallow: /en/admin
-Disallow: /fr/secret
-Disallow: /fr/admin
-## Opting-out of localisation
-If you want to opt-out of localisation, there are two options:
-### Opt-out for a group
-You can provide the `_skipI18n` option to a group to disable localisation just for that group.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- robots: {
- groups: [
- {
- disallow: [
- '/docs/en/v*',
- '/docs/zh/v*',
- '/forum/admin/',
- '/forum/auth/',
- ],
- _skipI18n: true,
- },
- ],
- },
-### Opt-out i18n globally
-By providing the `autoI18n: false` option you will disable all i18n localisation splitting.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- robots: {
- autoI18n: false,
- }
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-title: Nuxt Content
-description: How to use the Nuxt Robots module with Nuxt Content.
-Nuxt Robots integrates with Nuxt Content out of the box. Allowing you to configure if
-a page should be indexable or not right from your markdown files.
-## Setup
-Simply use the `robots: false` frontmatter key to opt out of indexing a page.
-```md [content/foo.md]
-robots: false
-This will require that your markdown files have an associated path. When using [Document Driven Mode](https://content.nuxt.com/document-driven/introduction), all markdown files will automatically
-have a path set.
-Otherwise, you will need to make sure your markdown files have a `path` key.
-```md [content/foo.md]
-path: /foo
-robots: false
-## How it works
-This will add an entry to your `robots.txt` file that looks like this:
-User-agent: *
-Disallow: /foo
-It will add the `X-Robots-Tag` header and `` tag to the page with the value of
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-title: Integrations
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-title: Disabling Site Indexing
-description: Learn how to disable indexing for different environments and conditions to avoid crawling issues.
-There are a number of reasons why you may want to disable indexing of your site.
-I've outlined some of the most common scenarios below.
-If you're trying to disable specific routes from being indexed, refer to the [Disabling Page Indexing](0.disable-page-indexing.md) guide.
-## Hidden Production
-In the case that you have a production site that you don't want search engines to know about, you should explicitly set the `indexable` option to `false`.
-This would be common for internal business tools, or sites that are not ready for public consumption.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- site: { indexable: false }
-## Preview / Staging / Testing Environments
-These environments are great for testing out code before it goes to production. But we definitely don't want search engines to index them.
-You want these hidden from search engines. You will need to provide a site `env` for each of them.
-This is only needed for non-production environments, as the default value is `production` when your Nuxt app is built.
-Because these will change depending on your environment, you should use the `NUXT_SITE_ENV` environment variable to set them.
-Feel free to set it to whatever you want, as long as it's not `production`.
-## Alternative Production URLs
-In the case where you have multiple domains or subdomains which point to your canonical URL, you only want one version of them to be indexed.
-For example, `www.example.com` and `example.com`, we only want to index `example.com`
-In this case, you should _permanently redirect_ instead of opt-ing out of indexing.
-If you're using the [Nuxt SEO Module](/nuxt-seo/getting-started/what-is-nuxt-seo) you can use the `redirectToCanonicalSiteUrl` option.
-## Multi-tenancy Production Site
-This is a bit more complicated but this is where [Nuxt Site Config](/site-config/getting-started/installation) shines.
-See the [Runtime Site Config](/site-config/guides/runtime-site-config) guide to learn how to set site config at runtime.
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-title: Disabling Page Indexing
-description: Learn how to disable indexing for specific pages on your app.
-When disabling indexing for specific pages, you have a few options.
-## useRobotsRule
-The [useRobotsRule](/robots/api/use-robots-rule) composable provides a reactive way to access and set the robots rule at runtime.
-import { useRobotsRule } from '#imports'
-const rule = useRobotsRule()
-rule.value = 'noindex, nofollow'
-## Route Rules
-If you have a static page that you want to disable indexing for, you can use [defineRouteRules](https://nuxt.com/docs/api/utils/define-route-rules) (requires enabling the experimental `inlineRouteRules`).
-This is a build-time configuration that will generate the appropriate rules in the `/robots.txt` file and is integrated with the [Sitemap](/sitemap/integrations/robots) module.
-```vue [pages/about.vue]
-For more complex scenarios see the [Route Rules](/robots/guides/route-rules) guide.
-## Robots.txt
-To configure blocked URLs using a [robots.txt](/robots/guides/robots-txt) file, simply use the `Disallow` directive.
-// public/_robots.txt
-User-agent: *
-Disallow: /my-page
-Disallow: /secret/*
-## Nuxt Config
-If you need finer programmatic control, you can configure the module using nuxt.config.
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- robots: {
- disallow: ['/secret', '/admin'],
- }
-See the [Nuxt Config](/robots/guides/nuxt-config) guide for more details.
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-title: Config using Robots.txt
-description: Configure your generated robots.txt file with a robots.txt file.
-The [robots.txt standard](https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/robots/create-robots-txt) is important for search engines
-to understand which pages to crawl and index.
-To match closer to the standard, Nuxt Robots recommends configuring the module by using a `robots.txt`.
-This file will be parsed, validated and used to configure the module.
-If you need programmatic control, you can configure the module using [nuxt.config.ts](/robots/guides/nuxt-config),
-[Route Rules](/robots/guides/route-rules) and [Nitro hooks](/robots/nitro-api/nitro-hooks).
-## Creating a `robots.txt` file
-You can place your file in any location; the easiest is to use: `/public/_robots.txt`.
-Additionally, the following paths are supported by default:
-```bash [Example File Structure]
-# root directory
-# asset folders
-├── robots.txt
-# pages folder
-├── robots.txt
-├── _dir/
-│ └── robots.txt
-# public folder
-├── _robots.txt
-├── _dir/
-│ └── robots.txt
-### Custom paths
-If you find this too restrictive,
-you can use the `mergeWithRobotsTxtPath` config to load your `robots.txt` file from any path.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- robots: {
- mergeWithRobotsTxtPath: 'assets/custom/robots.txt'
- }
-## Parsed robots.txt
-The following rules are parsed from your `robots.txt` file:
-- `User-agent` - The user-agent to apply the rules to.
-- `Disallow` - An array of paths to disallow for the user-agent.
-- `Allow` - An array of paths to allow for the user-agent.
-- `Sitemap` - An array of sitemap URLs to include in the generated sitemap.
-This parsed data will be shown for environments that are `indexable`.
-## Conflicting `public/robots.txt`
-To ensure other modules can integrate with your generated robots file, you must not have a `robots.txt` file in your `public` folder.
-If you do, it will be moved to `/public/_robots.txt` and merged with the generated file.
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-title: "Yandex: Clean-param"
-description: "Learn how to use the `clean-param` directive to remove query parameters from URLs with Yandex."
-Nuxt Robots is built around first-party robots.txt specifications from Google and Bing.
-Some users may want to configure Yandex, a popular search engine in Russia, and find that rules aren't working. To use
-Yandex you will need to provide alternative directives.
-## Clean-param
-The `clean-param` directive is used to remove query parameters from URLs. This is useful for SEO as it prevents duplicate
-content and consolidates page rank.
-It can either be configured directly through robots.txt when targeting Yandex or through the module configuration.
-### Robots.txt
-To configure the `clean-param` directive in your `robots.txt` file, you can use the following syntax:
-User-agent: Yandex
-Clean-param: param1 param2
-This will remove the `param1` and `param2` query parameters from URLs.
-### Module Configuration
-To configure the `clean-param` directive in your `nuxt.config.ts` file, you can use the following syntax:
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- robots: {
- groups: [
- {
- userAgent: ['Yandex'],
- cleanParam: ['param1', 'param2']
- }
- ]
- }
-## Host & Crawl-delay
-These directives are deprecated and should not be used. All search engines will ignore them.
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-title: Config Using Route Rules
-description: Learn how to configure robots through route rules.
-If you prefer, you can use route rules to configure how your routes are indexed by search engines.
-You can provide the following rules:
-- `{ robots: false }` - Will disable the route from being indexed using the [robotsDisabledValue](/robots/api/config#robotsdisabledvalue) config.
-- `{ robots: }` - Will add the provided string as the robots rule
-The rules are applied using the following logic:
-- `X-Robots-Tag` header - SSR only,
-- `` - When using the `defineRobotMeta` or `RobotMeta` composable or component
-- `/robots.txt` disallow entry - When [disallowNonIndexableRoutes](/robots/api/config#robotsdisabledvalue) is enabled
-## Inline Route Rules
-Requires enabling the experimental `inlineRouteRules`, see the [defineRouteRules](https://nuxt.com/docs/api/utils/define-route-rules) documentation
-to learn more.
-## Nuxt Config
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- routeRules: {
- // use the `index` shortcut for simple rules
- '/secret/**': { robots: false },
- // add exceptions for individual routes
- '/secret/visible': { robots: true },
- // use the `robots` rule if you need finer control
- '/custom-robots': { robots: 'index, follow' },
- }
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-title: Config using Nuxt Config
-description: Learn how to configure the module programmatically using nuxt.config.
-If you need programmatic control, you can configure the module using nuxt.config.
-## Simple Configuration
-The simplest configuration is to provide an array of paths to disallow for the `*` user-agent. If needed you can
-provide `allow` pat
-You can simply add the path or path pattern to hs as well.
-- `disallow` - An array of paths to disallow for the `*` user-agent.
-- `allow` - An array of paths to allow for the `*` user-agent.
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- robots: {
- // provide simple disallow rules for all robots `user-agent: *`
- disallow: ['/secret', '/admin'],
- allow: '/admin/login'
- }
-This will generate the following output:
-User-agent: *
-Disallow: /secret
-Disallow: /admin
-Allow: /admin/login
-## Group Configuration
-When targeting specific robots, you can use the `groups` option to provide granular control.
-- `groups` - A stack of objects to provide granular control (see below).
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- // add more granular rules
- groups: [
- // block specific robots from specific pages
- {
- userAgent: ['AdsBot-Google-Mobile', 'AdsBot-Google-Mobile-Apps'],
- disallow: ['/admin'],
- allow: ['/admin/login'],
- comments: 'Allow Google AdsBot to index the login page but no-admin pages'
- },
- ]
-This will generate the following output:
-# Allow Google AdsBot to index the login page but no-admin pages
-User-agent: AdsBot-Google-Mobile
-User-agent: AdsBot-Google-Mobile-Apps
-Disallow: /admin
-Allow: /admin/login
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-title: Guides
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-title: useRobotsRule()
-description: A reactive way to access and set the robots rule.
-**Type:** `function useRobotsRule(rule?: MaybeRef): Ref`
-View and control the robots rule using a simple reactivity API.
-In a server-side context, this can be used to change the rule used for `X-Robots-Tag` header and the `robots` meta tag.
-In a client-side context you can only read the value of the rule, modifying it will have no effect. This is due to robots only respecting the initial SSR response.
-Note: This does not modify the `/robots.txt` file, only the `X-Robots-Tag` header and the `robots` meta tag. Make sure to update your `robots.txt` file accordingly.
-Providing a `boolean` will either enable or disable indexing for the current path using the default rules.
-## Usage
-**Accessing the rule:**
-import { useRobotsRule } from '#imports'
-const rule = useRobotsRule()
-// Ref<'noindex, nofollow'>
-**Setting the rule - argument:**
-import { useRobotsRule } from '#imports'
-useRobotsRule('index, nofollow')
-// Ref<'index, nofollow'>
-// Ref<'noindex, nofollow'>
-**Setting the rule - reactive:**
-import { useRobotsRule } from '#imports'
-const rule = useRobotsRule()
-rule.value = 'index, nofollow'
-// Ref<'index, nofollow'>
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-title: Nuxt Config
-description: Learn how to configure Nuxt Robots using nuxt.config.
-## `enabled`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `true`
-- Required: `false`
-Conditionally toggle the module.
-## `allow`
-- Type: `string[]`
-- Default: `[]`
-- Required: `false`
-Allow paths to be indexed for the `*` user-agent (all robots).
-## `disallow`
-- Type: `string[]`
-- Default: `[]`
-- Required: `false`
-Disallow paths from being indexed for the `*` user-agent (all robots).
-## `metaTag`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `true`
-Whether to add a `` tag to the `` of each page.
-## `groups`
-- Type: `{ userAgent: []; allow: []; disallow: []; comments: [] }[]`
-- Default: `[]`
-- Required: `false`
-Define more granular rules for the robots.txt. Each group is a set of rules for specific user agent(s).
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- robots: {
- groups: [
- {
- userAgent: ['AdsBot-Google-Mobile', 'AdsBot-Google-Mobile-Apps'],
- disallow: ['/admin'],
- allow: ['/admin/login'],
- comments: 'Allow Google AdsBot to index the login page but no-admin pages'
- },
- ]
- }
-## `sitemap`
-- Type: `string | string[] | false`
-- Default: `false`
-The sitemap URL(s) for the site. If you have multiple sitemaps, you can provide an array of URLs.
-You must either define the runtime config `siteUrl` or provide the sitemap as absolute URLs.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- robots: {
- sitemap: [
- '/sitemap-one.xml',
- '/sitemap-two.xml',
- ],
- },
-## `robotsEnabledValue`
-- Type: `string`
-- Default: `'index, follow, max-image-preview:large, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1'`
-- Required: `false`
-The value to use when the site is indexable.
-## `robotsDisabledValue`
-- Type: `string`
-- Default: `'noindex, nofollow'`
-- Required: `false`
-The value to use when the site is not indexable.
-## `disallowNonIndexableRoutes`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `'false'`
-Should route rules which disallow indexing be added to the `/robots.txt` file.
-## `mergeWithRobotsTxtPath`
-- Type: `boolean | string`
-- Default: `true`
-- Required: `false`
-Specify a robots.txt path to merge the config from, relative to the root directory.
-When set to `true`, the default path of `/robots.txt` will be used.
-When set to `false`, no merging will occur.
-## `blockNonSeoBots`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `false`
-- Required: `false`
-Blocks some non-SEO bots from crawling your site. This is not a replacement for a full-blown bot management solution, but it can help to reduce the load on your server.
-See [const.ts](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/robots/blob/main/src/const.ts#L6) for the list of bots that are blocked.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- robots: {
- blockNonSeoBots: true
- }
-## `debug`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `false`
-- Required: `false`
-Enables debug logs and a debug endpoint.
-## `credits`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `true`
-- Required: `false`
-Control the module credit comment in the generated robots.txt file.
-# START nuxt-robots (indexable) <- credits
- ...
-# END nuxt-robots <- credits
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- robots: {
- credits: false
- }
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-title: Nuxt Hooks
-description: Learn how to use Nuxt hooks to modify the robots config.
-## `robots:config`
-**Type:** `async (config: ResolvedModuleOptions) => void | Promise`
-This hook allows you to modify the robots config before it is used to generate the robots.txt and meta tags.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- hooks: {
- 'robots:config': (config) => {
- // modify the config
- config.sitemap = '/sitemap.xml'
- },
- },
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-title: Nuxt API
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-title: getPathRobotConfig()
-description: Access the robots config for a specific path in Nitro.
-**Type:** `(path: string) => { indexable: boolean; rule: string }`
-Get the robots config for a specific path.
-## Usage
-import { getPathRobotConfig } from '#imports'
-const { indexable, rule } = getPathRobotConfig('/admin')
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-title: getSiteIndexable()
-description: See if the Site is indexable within Nitro.
-**Type:** `() => { indexable: boolean; hints: string[] }`
-Get the robots config for the entire site.
-This is useful for determining if the user has explicitly opted out of indexing the site or
-they have a hosted non-production site.
-## Usage
-import { getSiteIndexable } from '#imports'
-const { indexable, hints } = getSiteIndexable()
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-title: Nitro Hooks
-description: Learn how to use Nitro hooks to modify the robots final output.
-## `robots:config`
-interface HookContext {
- groups: RobotsGroupResolved[]
- sitemaps: string[]
- context: 'robots.txt' | 'init'
- event?: H3Event // undefined on `init`
-Modify the sitemap config before it's used to generate the indexing rules.
-This is called when Nitro starts `init` as well as when generating the robots.txt `robots.txt`.
-```ts [server/plugins/robots-ignore-routes.ts]
-export default defineNitroPlugin((nitroApp) => {
- nitroApp.hooks.hook('robots:config', async (ctx) => {
- // probably want to cache this
- const ignoredRoutes = await $fetch('/api/ignored-routes')
- ctx.groups[0].disallow.push(...ignoredRoutes)
- })
-## `robots:robots-txt`
-interface HookContext {
- e: H3Event
- robotsTxt: string
-This hook allows you to modify the robots.txt content before it is sent to the client.
-```ts [server/plugins/robots-remove-comments.ts]
-export default defineNitroPlugin((nitroApp) => {
- if (!process.dev) {
- nitroApp.hooks.hook('robots:robots-txt', async (ctx) => {
- // remove comments from robotsTxt in production
- ctx.robotsTxt = ctx.robotsTxt.replace(/^#.*$/gm, '').trim()
- })
- }
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-title: Nitro API
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-title: v3.0.0
-description: Release notes for Nuxt Robots v3.0.0.
-## Features :rocket:
-### Robots.txt Config
-The [robots.txt standard](https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/robots/create-robots-txt) is important for search engines
-to understand which pages to crawl and index.
-To match closer to the standard, Nuxt Robots now allows you to configure the module by using a `robots.txt` file.
-```bash [Example File Structure]
-This file will be parsed and used to configure the module.
-If you need programmatic control, you can still configure the module using [nuxt.config.ts](/robots/guides/nuxt-config),
-[Route Rules](/robots/guides/route-rules) and [Nitro hooks](/robots/nitro-api/nitro-hooks).
-Read more at [Robots.txt Config](/robots/guides/robots-txt).
-### New Config: `groups`
-- Type: `{ userAgent: []; allow: []; disallow: []; comments: [] }[]`
-- Default: `[]`
-- Required: `false`
-Define more granular rules for the robots.txt. Each group is a set of rules for specific user agent(s).
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- robots: {
- groups: [
- {
- userAgent: ['AdsBot-Google-Mobile', 'AdsBot-Google-Mobile-Apps'],
- disallow: ['/admin'],
- allow: ['/admin/login'],
- comments: 'Allow Google AdsBot to index the login page but no-admin pages'
- },
- ]
- }
-### New Config: `blockNonSeoBots`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `false`
-- Required: `false`
-Blocks some non-SEO bots from crawling your site. This is not a replacement for a full-blown bot management solution, but it can help to reduce the load on your server.
-See [const.ts](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/robots/blob/main/src/const.ts#L6) for the list of bots that are blocked.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- robots: {
- blockNonSeoBots: true
- }
-### Improved header / meta tag integration
-Previously, only routes added to the `routeRules` would be used to display the `X-Robots-Tag` header and the `` tag.
-This has been changed to include all `disallow` paths for the `*` user-agent by default.
-### New Config: `credits`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `true`
-- Required: `false`
-Control the module credit comment in the generated robots.txt file.
-# START nuxt-robots (indexable) <- credits
- ...
-# END nuxt-robots <- credits
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- robots: {
- credits: false
- }
-### New Config: `debug`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `false`
-- Required: `false`
-Enables debug logs.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- robots: {
- debug: true
- }
-## Deprecations
-### Nuxt Site Config Integration
-The module now integrates with the [nuxt-site-config](https://github.com/harlan-zw/nuxt-site-config) module.
-The `siteUrl` and `indexable` config is now deprecated, but will still work.
-For most sites, you won't need to provide any further configuration, everything will just work.
-If you need to modify
-the default config, the easiest way is to do so through the `site` config.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- site: {
- url: 'https://example.com',
- indexable: true
- }
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-title: v4.0.0
-description: Release notes for Nuxt Robots v4.0.0.
-## Nuxt Simple Robots is now Nuxt Robots
-In a [discussion](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/robots/issues/116) with the team and the community, we have decided to migrate `nuxt-simple-robots` into the `@nuxtjs/robots` module.
-This will allow me to better maintain the module and provide a more consistent experience across the Nuxt ecosystem.
-To upgrade simply replace the dependency in `package.json` and update your nuxt.config.
-- 'nuxt-simple-robots'
-+ '@nuxtjs/robots'
-If you're coming from `nuxt-simple-robots` then no other changes are needed. If you're coming from `@nuxtjs/robots` v3, then
-the following breaking changes exist.
-### `@nuxtjs/robots` v3 breaking changes
-- The `configPath` config is no longer supported. For custom runtime config you should use [Nitro Hooks](/robots/nitro-api/nitro-hooks).
-- The `rules` config is deprecated but will continue to work. Any `BlankLine` or `Comment` rules will no longer work.
-- Using `CleanParam`, `CrawlDelay` and `Disavow` requires targeting the [Yandex](/robots/guides/yandex) user agent.
-## :icon{name="i-noto-rocket"} Features
-### useRobotsRule()
-A new Nuxt composable [useRobotsRule()](/robots/api/use-robots-rule) has been introduced to allow you to access and modify the current robots rule for the current route.
-import { useRobotsRule } from '#imports'
-const rule = useRobotsRule()
-// Ref<'noindex, nofollow'>
-### Robots.txt validation :icon{name="i-noto-check-mark-button"}
-When loading in a `robots.txt` file, the module will now validate the file to ensure each of the `disallow` and `allow` paths are valid.
-This will help you avoid errors from Google Search Console and Google Lighthouse.
-### Default Meta Tag :icon{name="i-noto-relieved-face"}
-The module now adds the meta tag to your site by default. The composable and component helpers used to
-define this previously have been deprecated.
-Adding the meta tag is important for pages that are prerendered as the `X-Robots-Tag` header is not available.
-You can opt out with `metaTags: false.`
-### I18n Integration :icon{name="i-noto-globe-with-meridians"}
-The module now integrates with [nuxt-i18n](https://i18n.nuxtjs.org/).
-This will automatically re-configure your `allow` and `disallow` rules to include the locale prefix if you have
-omitted it.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- robots: {
- allow: ['/about'],
- disallow: ['/admin'],
- },
- i18n: {
- strategy: 'prefix_except_default',
- locales: ['en', 'fr'],
- defaultLocale: 'en',
- },
-# robots.txt
-User-agent: *
-Allow: /about
-Allow: /fr/about
-Disallow: /admin
-Disallow: /fr/admin
-Learn more on the [I18n Integration](/robots/integrations/i18n) docs.
-### Nuxt Content Integration :icon{name="i-noto-books"}
-The module now integrates with [@nuxt/content](https://content.nuxt.com/). Allowing you to use the `robots` frontmatter key within your markdown files.
-robots: false
-Learn more on the [Nuxt Content](/robots/integrations/content) docs.
-### Nuxt DevTools Integration :icon{name="i-noto-hammer"}
-The module now integrates with [Nuxt DevTools](https://devtools.nuxt.com/).
-You can visit the Robots tab and see if the current route is indexable, and if not, why.
-### New Nitro Hook and Util Exports :icon{name="i-noto-hook"}
-In this version the new hook Nitro hook as introduced `robots:config`. This hook
-will let you override the robots.txt data as a JavaScript object, instead of a string.
-Like-wise you can now re-use any of the internal functions to parse, validate and generate
-robots.txt data using the `@nuxtjs/robots/util` export.
-import { parseRobotsTxt } from '@nuxtjs/robots/util'
-export default defineNitroPlugin((nitroApp) => {
- nitroApp.hooks.hook('robots:config', async (ctx) => {
- if (ctx.context === 'robots.txt') {
- const customRobotsTxt = await $fetch('https://example.com/robots.txt')
- const parsed = parseRobotsTxt(config)
- config.groups = defu(config.groups, parsed.groups)
- }
- })
-## Breaking Changes
-### Site Config
-The deprecated Nuxt Config site config keys have been removed: `host`, `siteUrl`, `indexable`.
-You will need to configure these using [Site Config](/site-config/getting-started/background).
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- robots: {
-- indexable: false,
- },
- site: {
-+ indexable: false,
- }
-## :icon{name="i-noto-warning"} Deprecations
-### `defineRobotMeta()` and ``
-Because the module now uses a default meta tag, the `defineRobotMeta()` function and `` component are deprecated.
-You should remove this from your code.
-### `index` Route Rule
-The `index` route rule has been deprecated in favour of the `robots` rule. This provides
-less ambiguity and more control over the rule.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- routeRules: {
- '/admin': {
-- index: false,
-+ robots: false,
- }
- }
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-title: Releases
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-title: Robots
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-title: What is Site Config?
-description: Learn about the motivation behind Nuxt Site Config and a bit about how it works.
-Site config aims to be to things:
-- A single source of truth for site config, for end-users and module authors. Site config can be considered config that is commonly used amongst modules but is not supported by the Nuxt core.
-- A set of APIs for working with "writeable runtime config", for end-users and module authors.
-## Site Config Examples
-### `url`
-A canonical site URL is important for SEO and performance
-### `env`
-The environment the site is running in, importing so we can disable indexing for non-production environments.
-See [this issue](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/issues/19819) on why we can't use `process.env.NODE_ENV`.
-### `indexable`
-Can the site be indexed by search engines? Sometimes we have production sites that we don't want to be indexed.
-### `name`
-The name of the site is often used in meta tags and other SEO related tags
-### `trailingSlash`
-Trailing slashes are important for SEO and performance.
-## What's the problem?
-Not having a single source of truth for site config can be difficult to maintain and error-prone, for end-users and module authors.
-Requiring a lot of duplication and boilerplate code to support the same features across modules.
-Nuxt Site Config aims
-to unify the experience of site config with a set of powerful and flexible APIs for end-users and module authors.
-## Can't we just use the Request URL or module config?
-Nuxt itself provides a great SSR utility for getting the site URL from the request headers at runtime.
-However, this has two major drawbacks:
-- It's not available at build time or when prerendering
-- When used for SEO content, it can cause duplicate content issues if the URL is not the canonical URL (e.g. `www.example.com` and `example.com`)
-## Can't we just use `site` on Runtime / App Config?
-Yes. In fact, this module uses `site` on the App Config and Nuxt Config under the hood.
-This module acts as a wrapper around these data sources, as well as:
-- Environment variables
-- Runtime Config
-- Route Rules
-It aims to keep all these in sync, resulting in a single source of truth for site config.
-## How does it work?
-See [How it works](/site-config/getting-started/how-it-works) for more details.
-## End goal
-We should be able to spin up multi-tenant or multi-lingual Nuxt app with minimal effort, and Nuxt modules should just work, without any additional configuration.
-This is quite far off, but it sets a good direction for the module.
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-title: 'Install Nuxt Site Config'
-description: 'Get started with Nuxt Site Config by installing the dependency to your project.'
- title: 'Installation'
-Nuxt Site Config is a module for Nuxt modules.
-While you can install it in your own project, it's recommended to use it in a module.
-1. Install `nuxt-site-config` dependency to your project:
-```sh [pnpm]
-pnpm i -D nuxt-site-config nuxt-site-config-kit
-```bash [yarn]
-yarn add -D nuxt-site-config nuxt-site-config-kit
-```bash [npm]
-npm install -D nuxt-site-config nuxt-site-config-kit
-2. Use the install function in your module:
-```ts [modules.ts]
-import { installNuxtSiteConfig, updateSiteConfig } from 'nuxt-site-config-kit'
-export default defineNuxtModule({
- // ...
- async setup(options) {
- await installNuxtSiteConfig()
- // Optional: set some site config from your modules options
- // This is not recommended, only to keep supporting your modules options
- updateSiteConfig({
- _context: 'my-module',
- url: options.siteUrl,
- })
- }
-That's it! Explore the documentation to learn more.
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-title: How it works
-description: Learn how the Nuxt Site Config module works, so you can get the most out of it.
-# Config Sources
-Site config is resolved from the following sources, in order of precedence:
-## Build Time
-### 1. System
-System details relate to the environment the app is running in.
-export default {
- name: rootDirBaseName, // e.g. '/home/harlan/projects/my-nuxt-app' -> 'my-nuxt-app'
- indexable: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
-### 2. Package.json
-Site config provided by the package.json file.
-export default {
- name: pkgJson.name,
- description: pkgJson.description,
-### 3. Vendor Environment Variables
-Environment variables provided by the hosting providers.
-export default {
- url: [
- // vercel, netlify
- process.env.NUXT_ENV_VERCEL_URL,
- process.env.URL,
- // cloudflare pages
- process.env.CF_PAGES_URL,
- ],
- // vercel, netlify
- name: [process.env.NUXT_ENV_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_SLUG, process.env.SITE_NAME]
-### 4. Module overrides
-Build time site config provided by modules.
-### 5. Nuxt Config `site` key
-Site config provided by the user in the Nuxt config.
-### 6. Runtime Config and Environment Variables
-Site config provided by the user at runtime. `runtimeConfig.public.site` and associated environment variables.
-This will also attempt to use legacy environment variables from Nuxt:
-- Private / public runtime config camel cased `siteUrl`, `public.siteUrl`
-- Environment variables with and without `PUBLIC`: `NUXT_ENV_SITE_URL`, `NUXT_ENV_PUBLIC_SITE_URL`
-### 7. Nuxt Hook
-The `site-config:resolve` hook is called to allow any final build-time modifications to the config.
-## SSR / Nitro Runtime
-### 1. Request URL
-The request URL is used to determine the site URL at runtime.
-### 2. Build Time Site Config
-Config resolved in the build step. This is stored on the `runtimeConfig.public.site` key.
-### 3. App Config
-Config resolved from the App Config using the `site` key.
-### 4. Route Rules
-Config resolved from the route rules of the request path, the `site` key. This allows for multi-site support.
-## CSR Runtime
-### 1. Browser Context
-Uses the site URL from the `window.location.origin`.
-### 2. SSR Runtime Config
-The SSR runtime config created in the SSR step. This is sent to the client-side to avoid hydration errors.
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-title: Getting Started
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-title: Nuxt I18n
-description: How to use the Nuxt Site Config module with Nuxt I18n.
-Out of the box, the Site Config module will integrate directly with [@nuxtjs/i18n v8](https://i18n.nuxtjs.org/).
-## Usage
-By default, it will extract the following properties from the i18n module config.
-- `url` - The base URL, configured as `baseUrl` in the i18n module.
-- `currentLocale` - The current locale for the request. This will use the `defaultLocale` if no locale is set.
-For example, consider the following config:
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- i18n: {
- baseUrl: 'https://example.com',
- defaultLocale: 'en',
- locales: [
- { code: 'en', iso: 'en-US' },
- { code: 'fr', iso: 'fr-FR' },
- ],
- },
-The following site config will be inferred:
- "url": "https://example.com",
- "currentLocale": "en"
-Additionally, it will detect if you have a `nuxtSiteConfig` translation object and use the following properties:
-- `name` - Name of the site
-- `description` - Description of the site
-For example:
-```ts [locales/en.ts]
-export default {
- nuxtSiteConfig: {
- name: 'My Site',
- description: 'My site description',
- }
-```json [locales/en.json]
- "nuxtSiteConfig": {
- "name": "My Site",
- "description": "My site description"
- }
-The following site config will be inferred for an English request:
- "url": "https://example.com",
- "currentLocale": "en",
- "name": "My Site",
- "description": "My site description"
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-title: Integrations
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-title: Recommended Config
-description: Learn how to set site config in your Nuxt app.
-Site config can be set from many different sources from each environment.
-For a full list see [how it works](/site-config/getting-started/how-it-works).
-At a minimum, it's recommended you provide a `url`, `env` and `name` for your site.
-## Dev and Live Only
-If you only run your site in development and live environments, you can safely set your site config in your `nuxt.config.ts` file.
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- site: {
- url: 'https://example.com',
- name: 'My Site',
- // ...etc
- },
-## Environment-Specific Site Config
-If you have other environments, such as a staging or testing site, then it's recommended to
-set your site config using environment variables.
-## Build Time Site Config
-If you need to set your site config programmatically, you can use the `site-config:resolve` hook.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- hooks: {
- 'site-config:resolve': (siteConfig) => {
- if (process.env.FOO)
- siteConfig.name = 'Bar'
- },
- },
-## Runtime Site Config
-Sometimes you need to set your site config programmatically. This is fully supported, see the [Runtime Site Config](/site-config/guides/runtime-site-config) guide to
-learn how.
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-title: Runtime Site Config
-description: Learn how to set site config at runtime in your Nuxt app.
-Site config can be set from many different sources from each environment.
-The most flexible way to set your site config is at runtime. This gives you the ability to set it based on any condition you want,
-even allowing multi-tenancy.
-## Caveats
-When setting site config at runtime, it's important to set it as early as possible on the server.
-This is because modules will be using site config to generate your app, for example if you're using Nuxt SEO, site
-config is used for `sitemap.xml` and `robots.txt` generation.
-Therefore, it's recommended to set it either within a Nitro plugin or middleware.
-## Plugin
-A Nitro plugin is useful when you want to set site config based on a static condition, such as the environment
-or based on a result from a database.
-Because Site Config is attached to a H3 Request context, you will need to use the `site-config:init` hook to set it.
-For example, here we are setting site config based on a database query:
-```ts [server/plugins/update-site-config-from-db.ts]
-export default defineNitroPlugin(async (nitroApp) => {
- const site = await $fetch('/db/site-config', {
- params: { env: import.meta.env.NUXT_SITE_ENV },
- })
- nitroApp.hooks.hook('site-config:init', ({ event, siteConfig }) => {
- siteConfig.push(site)
- })
-## Middleware
-If you prefer a simpler API, you can a Nitro middleware instead with `updateSiteConfig` function.
-For example, here we are setting site config based on an admin host:
-```ts [server/middleware/update-site-config.ts]
-export default defineRequestMiddleware(async (e) => {
- const host = useNitroOrigin(e)
- if (host.startsWith('admin.')) {
- updateSiteConfig({
- name: 'Admin',
- indexable: false,
- url: 'https://admin.example.com'
- })
- }
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-title: Guides
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-title: Debugging
-description: Learn how to debug your site config.
-Nuxt Site Config comes with a Nuxt DevTools integration. The easiest way to debug is to open your DevTools
-and navigate to the Site Config tab.
-If you'd like to debug outside of development, you will need to enable the debug mode.
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- site: {
- debug: true,
- },
-## Debugging Runtime
-Visit the endpoint `/__site-config__/debug.json` to see the current site config debug output.
-## Debugging Build Time
-A static file `/__site-config__/debug.json` is generated at build time.
-You can view this file to see the build time site config debug output.
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-description: Learn how to use the component.
-This has the exact same API as `` but will normalise the trailing slash based on your site config
-as well as providing extra link resolving features.
- About
-Internally this uses the [createSitePathResolver](/site-config/api/create-site-path-resolver) composable.
-## Props
-### `withBase`
-- Type: `Boolean`
-- Default: `false`
-When enabled, the `app.baseURL` will be added to the link.
-### `absolute`
-- Type: `Boolean`
-- Default: `false`
-Will render the link as an absolute path.
-### `canonical`
-- Type: `Boolean`
-- Default: `false`
-When `absolute` is enabled, you can configure whether the URL returned should be canonical or not.
-The non-canonical URL will use the request origin instead of the configured site URL.
-## Component Options
-If needed, you can modify the behaviour of how this component is registered through using Nuxt Config.
-This can be useful for making the component global, allowing it to work in Nuxt Content, or setting a prefix
-to avoid collisions with other components.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- site: {
- componentOptions: {
- prefix: 'I',
- global: true,
- },
- },
- Foo
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-title: useSiteConfig()
-description: How to access site config within a Nuxt context.
-Access the current site config within a Nuxt context.
-## Usage
-```vue [component.vue]
{{ siteConfig.name }}
-## API
-### debug
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `false`
-Will provide a `_context` object that can be used to track the source of what is setting the site config.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- site: {
- name: 'My Site',
- },
-const siteConfig = useSiteConfig({ debug: true })
-console.log(siteConfig.name, siteConfig._context.name)
-// My Site, 'nuxt.config.ts'
-### `resolveRefs`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `false`
-Should any ref values within the site config be resolved when returned.
-### `skipNormalize`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `false`
-Skips the normalizing of the site config, will return it in a raw format in how it was provided.
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-title: updateSiteConfig()
-description: Learn how to modify site config at runtime.
-Modify the site config at runtime. You can provide any config to this function, such as the [recommended config](/site-config/guides/setting-site-config).
-:u-badge{label="Warning" color="amber"}
-When using this, you will to run it as early as possible in the Nuxt lifecycle to avoid conflicts with other modules.
-It's recommended to use the Nitro [updateSiteConfig](/site-config/nitro-api/update-site-config) API instead.
-## Usage
-```ts [plugins/site-config.server.ts]
-import { updateSiteConfig } from '#imports'
-export default defineNuxtPlugin({
- enforce: 'pre', // make it happen early
- setup() {
- updateSiteConfig({
- name: 'My Site',
- url: 'https://example.com',
- })
- }
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-title: createSitePathResolver()
-description: Create a function to resolve a path relative to the site.
-A utility function to resolve a path in a number of ways while taking into account the `url`, `trailingSlash` and `baseURL`
-## Usage
-import { createSitePathResolver } from '#imports'
-const resolvePath = createSitePathResolver({
- canonical: true,
-// https://www.example.com/about
-## API
-### `canonical`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `true`
-Should the path be resolved to the canonical URL using the site config `url`.
-When false, it will resolve to the request host using [useNitroOrigin](/site-config/api/use-nitro-origin).
-### `absolute`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `false`
-Should the path be resolved to an absolute URL.
-### `withBase`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `false`
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-title: useNitroOrigin()
-description: A runtime safe way of accessing the Nitro origin.
-A utility function to get the Nitro origin from the request headers.
-This is a replacement for `useRequestOrigin()` which has edge-cases issues in development, prerendering and in some runtime
-The nitro origin acts as the canonical origin for the site when a `url` has not been provided.
-## Usage
-import { useNitroOrigin } from '#imports'
-const origin = useNitroOrigin()
-// https://www.example.com
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-title: Nuxt API
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-title: Nuxt Config
-description: The config options available for Nuxt Site Config.
-## `enabled`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `true`
-Whether the site config is enabled.
-## `debug`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `false`
-Whether the debug mode of the site config is enabled.
-## `componentOptions`
-- Type: `object`
-- Default: `{}`
-Modify the behaviour of how the [<SiteLink>](/site-config/api/site-link) is registered.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- site: {
- componentOptions: {
- prefix: 'I',
- global: true,
- },
- },
- Foo
-## `url`
-- Type: `string`
-The canonical site URL.
-## `env`
-- Type: `string`
-- Default: `process.env.NODE_ENV`
-The environment the site is running in.
-See [this issue](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/issues/19819) on why we can't use `process.env.NODE_ENV`.
-## `name`
-- Type: `string`
-The name of the site.
-## `indexable`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `siteConfig.env === 'production' || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'`
-Can the site be indexed by search engines.
-## `trailingSlash`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `false`
-Whether to add trailing slashes to the URLs.
-## `description`
-- Type: `string`
-The description of the site.
-## `defaultLocale`
-- Type: `string`
-The default locale of the site.
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-title: Nuxt Hooks
-description: Learn how to use Nuxt Hooks to customize your site config.
-## `site-config:resolve`
-**Type:** `async (ctx: SiteConfig) => void | Promise`
-Modify the build time site config after it has been resolved.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- hooks: {
- 'site-config:resolve': (siteConfig) => {
- if (process.env.FOO)
- siteConfig.name = 'Bar'
- },
- },
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-title: useSiteConfig()
-description: How to use Site Config within Nitro.
-Same as [useSiteConfig](/site-config/api/use-site-config) but you will need to provide the request context.
-## Usage
-```ts [serverMiddleware.ts]
-import { defineEventHandler } from '#imports'
-export default defineEventHandler((e) => {
- const siteConfig = useSiteConfig(e)
- console.log(siteConfig.name)
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-title: updateSiteConfig()
-description: How to update Site Config within Nitro.
-Same as [updateSiteConfig](/site-config/api/update-site-config) but you will need to provide the request context.
-:u-badge{label="Warning" color="amber"}
-When using this, you will to run it as early as possible within the request lifecycle to avoid conflicts. It's
-recommended to run this either in a Nitro plugin or a nitro middleware.
-## Usage
-```ts [serverMiddleware.ts]
-import { defineEventHandler } from '#imports'
-export default defineEventHandler((e) => {
- updateSiteConfig(e, {
- name: 'My Site',
- url: 'https://example.com',
- })
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-title: getSiteIndexable()
-description: Access the site config.
-Determine if the site is indexable by search engines.
-This will use the `env`, if it is `production` then it will return `true`, otherwise it will return `false`.
-It can be overridden by providing a `indexable` property in the site config. This allows you to
-opt-out of indexing in production.
-## Usage
-import { getSiteIndexable } from '#imports'
-const indexable = getSiteIndexable(e)
-// true
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-title: createSitePathResolver()
-description: Create a function to resolve a path relative to the site within Nitro.
-Same as [createSitePathResolver()](/site-config/api/create-site-path-resolver) but you will need to provide the request context.
-## Usage
-```ts [serverMiddleware.ts]
-import { createSitePathResolver } from '#imports'
-export default defineEventHandler((e) => {
- const resolvePath = createSitePathResolver(e, {
- canonical: true,
- })
- resolvePath('/about')
- // https://www.example.com/about
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-title: useNitroOrigin()
-description: A runtime safe way of accessing the Nitro origin, within Nitro.
-Same as [useNitroOrigin()](/site-config/api/use-nitro-origin) but you will need to provide the request context.
-## Usage
-```ts [serverMiddleware.ts]
-import { useNitroOrigin } from '#imports'
-export default defineEventHandler((e) => {
- const origin = useNitroOrigin(e)
- // https://www.example.com
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-title: Nitro API
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-title: Nitro Hooks
-description: Learn how to use Nitro Hooks to customize your site config.
-## `site-config:init`
-export interface HookSiteConfigInitContext {
- event: H3Event
- siteConfig: SiteConfigStack
-Modify site config after it's being initialized.
-```ts [server/plugins/site-config.ts]
-export default defineNitroPlugin((nitroApp) => {
- nitroApp.hooks.hook('site-config:init', ({ event, siteConfig }) => {
- const origin = useNitroOrigin(event)
- if (origin.startsWith('fr.')) {
- siteConfig.push({
- _context: 'french nitro plugin', // helps you debug
- name: 'Mon Site',
- url: 'https://fr.example.com',
- })
- }
- })
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-title: Releases
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-title: OG Image
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-title: 'Install Nuxt Sitemap'
-description: 'Get started with Nuxt Sitemap by installing the dependency to your project.'
- title: 'Installation'
-1. Install `@nuxtjs/sitemap` dependency to your project:
-npx nuxi@latest module add sitemap
-2. Set Site Config
-It's recommended to always set a canonical site URL to avoid duplicate content issues.
-You can set your site URL in [many ways](/site-config/guides/setting-site-config), the easiest is `nuxt.config` or `.env`:
-While optional, it's also recommended to set a `name` as this will be displayed on your sitemap.
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- site: {
- url: 'https://example.com',
- name: 'My Awesome Website'
- },
-```bash [.env]
-Sitemap URLs will have their [trailing slashes](/nuxt-seo/guides/trailing-slashes) removed by default. If you want to keep them, you can set the `trailingSlash` option to `true`:
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- site: {
- // optional: only if you have trailing slashes enabled
- trailingSlash: true
- },
-3. Preview your Sitemap
-After you've set up the module, if you visit `/sitemap.xml` you can see the generated sitemap.
-This has been generated with [Application Sources](/sitemap/getting-started/data-sources).
-4. Next Steps
-- You may want to add your own sources, see [Dynamic URLs](/sitemap/guides/dynamic-urls).
-- Have 1000's of pages? Consider using [Multiple Sitemaps](/sitemap/guides/multi-sitemaps).
-- Ready to go Live? See [Submitting Your Sitemap](/sitemap/guides/submitting-sitemap).
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-title: Data Sources
-description: Learn how the Nuxt Sitemap sources work.
-Every URL within your sitemap will belong to a source.
-A source will either be a User source or a Application source.
-## Application Sources
-Application sources are sources generated automatically from your app. These are in place to make using the module more
-convenient but may get in the way.
-- `nuxt:pages` - Statically analysed pages of your application
-- `nuxt:prerender` - URLs that were prerendered
-- `nuxt:route-rules` - URLs from your route rules
-- `@nuxtjs/i18n:pages` - When using the `pages` config with Nuxt I18n. See [Nuxt I18n](/sitemap/integrations/i18n) for more details.
-- `@nuxt/content:document-driven` - When using Document Driven mode. See [Nuxt Content](/sitemap/integrations/content) for more details.
-### Disabling application sources
-You can opt out of application sources individually or all of them by using the `excludeAppSources` config.
-```ts [Disable all app sources]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- // exclude all app sources
- excludeAppSources: true,
- }
-```ts [Disable pages app source]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- // exclude static pages
- excludeAppSources: ['nuxt:pages'],
- }
-## User Sources
-When working with a site that has dynamic routes that isn't using [prerendering discovery](/sitemap/guides/prerendering), you will need to provide your own sources.
-For this, you have a few options:
-## 1. Build time: provide a `urls` function
-If you only need your sitemap data concurrent when you build, then providing a `urls` function is the simplest way to provide your own sources.
-This function will only be run when the sitemap is generated.
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- urls: async () => {
- // fetch your URLs from a database or other source
- const urls = await fetch('https://example.com/api/urls')
- return urls
- }
- }
-### 2. Runtime: provide a `sources` array
-If you need your sitemap data to always be up-to-date at runtime, you will need to provide your own sources explicitly.
-A source is a URL that will be fetched and is expected to return an array of Sitemap URL entries.
-```ts [Single Sitemap]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- sources: [
- // create our own API endpoints
- '/api/__sitemap__/urls',
- // use a static remote file
- 'https://cdn.example.com/my-urls.json',
- // hit a remote API with credentials
- ['https://api.example.com/pages/urls', { headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer ' } }]
- ]
- }
-```ts [Multiple Sitemaps]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- sitemaps: {
- foo: {
- sources: [
- '/api/__sitemap__/urls/foo',
- ]
- },
- bar: {
- sources: [
- '/api/__sitemap__/urls/bar',
- ]
- }
- }
- }
-You can provide any number of sources, however, you should consider your own caching strategy.
-You can learn more about data sources on the [Dynamic URLs](/sitemap/guides/dynamic-urls) guide.
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-title: "Reproductions: Stackblitz"
-description: Create minimal reproductions for Nuxt Sitemap or just experiment with the module.
-You can use the Nuxt Sitemap Stackblitz playgrounds for either:
-- Playing around with the module in a sandbox environment
-- Making reproductions for issues (Learn more about [Why Reproductions are Required](https://antfu.me/posts/why-reproductions-are-required))
-## Stackblitz Playgrounds
-- [Dynamic URLs](https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-dyraxc?file=server%2Fapi%2F_sitemap-urls.ts)
-- [i18n](https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-jwuie4?file=app.vue)
-- [Manual Chunking](https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-umyso3?file=nuxt.config.ts)
-- [Nuxt Content Document Driven](https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-a5qk3s?file=nuxt.config.ts)
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-title: FAQ
-description: Frequently asked questions about Nuxt Sitemap.
-## Why is my browser not rendering the XML properly?
-When disabling the [XSL](/sitemap/guides/customising-ui#disabling-the-xls) (XML Stylesheet) in, the XML will
-be rendered by the browser.
-If you have a i18n integration, then it's likely you'll see your sitemap look raw text instead of XML.
-![Broken XML because of xhtml namespace.](/sitemap/formatting-error.png)
-This is a [browser bug](https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=580033) in parsing the `xhtml` namespace which is required to add localised URLs to your sitemap.
-There is no workaround besides re-enabled the XSL.
-## Google Search Console shows Error when submitting my Sitemap?
-Seeing "Error" when submitting a new sitemap is common. This is because Google previously
-crawled your site for a sitemap and found nothing.
-If your sitemap is [validating](https://www.xml-sitemaps.com/validate-xml-sitemap.html) correctly, then you're all set.
-It's best to way a few days and check back. In nearly all cases, the error will resolve itself.
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-title: Getting Started
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-title: Nuxt I18n
-description: How to use the Nuxt Sitemap module with Nuxt I18n.
-Out of the box, the sitemap module will integrate directly with [@nuxtjs/i18n](https://i18n.nuxtjs.org/).
-You will need to use v8+ of the i18n module.
-I18n configuration can get quite complicated, so it's important to figure out what mode you're using.
-## Modes
-### Automatic I18n Multi Sitemap
-When certain conditions are met then the sitemap module will automatically generate a sitemap for each locale:
-- If you're not using `no_prefix` strategy
-- Or if you're using [Different Domains](https://i18n.nuxtjs.org/docs/v7/different-domains),
-- And you haven't configured the `sitemaps` option
-This looks like:
-> ./sitemap_index.xml
-> ./en-sitemap.xml
-> ./fr-sitemap.xml
-# ...etc
-These sitemaps will include [app sources](/sitemap/getting-started/data-sources). The `nuxt:pages` source
-will automatically determine the correct `alternatives` for your pages.
-If you need to opt-out of app sources, use `excludeAppSources: true`.
-### I18n Pages
-If you have enabled `i18n.pages` in your i18n configuration, then the sitemap module will automatically generate a single sitemap
-using the configuration.
-This sitemap will not include [app sources](/sitemap/getting-started/data-sources).
-You can add additional URLs using `sources`.
-## Dynamic URLs with i18n
-To simplify the sitemap output, any dynamic URLs you provided will not have i18n data and will exist
-only within the default locale sitemap.
-To help you with this, the module provides two options: `_i18nTransform` and `_sitemap`.
-### `_i18nTransform`
-If you want the module to convert a single URL into all of its i18n variants, you can provide the `_i18nTransform: true` option.
-```ts [server/api/__sitemap__/urls.ts]
-export default defineSitemapEventHandler(() => {
- return [
- {
- loc: '/about-us',
- // will be transformed into /en/about-us and /fr/about-us
- _i18nTransform: true,
- }
- ]
-### `_sitemap`
-Alternatively, you can specify which locale sitemap you want to include the URL in using `_sitemap`.
-```ts [server/api/__sitemap__/urls.ts]
-export default defineSitemapEventHandler(() => {
- return [
- {
- loc: '/about-us',
- _sitemap: 'en',
- }
- ]
-## Debugging Hreflang
-By default, the XML stylesheet doesn't show you the hreflang tags. You will need to view the page source to see them.
-Don't worry, these are still visible to search engines.
-If you'd like to visually see the hreflang tag counts, you can [Customise the UI](/sitemap/guides/customising-ui).
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- xslColumns: [
- { label: 'URL', width: '50%' },
- { label: 'Last Modified', select: 'sitemap:lastmod', width: '25%' },
- { label: 'Hreflangs', select: 'count(xhtml)', width: '25%' },
- ],
- }
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-title: Nuxt Content
-description: How to use the Nuxt Sitemap module with Nuxt Content.
-Nuxt Sitemap integrates with Nuxt Content out of the box.
-It comes with automatic configuration when using document driven mode.
-Otherwise, you can opt in on each markdown file or set up your own [app source](/sitemap/getting-started/data-sources).
-## Setup
-### Document Driven Mode
-When using `documentDriven` mode, all paths will be automatically added to the sitemap.
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- // things just work!
- content: {
- documentDriven: true
- }
-If you're not using `documentDriven` mode and your content paths are the same as their real paths,
-you can enable `strictNuxtContentPaths` to get the same behaviour.
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- strictNuxtContentPaths: true
- }
-### Markdown opt in
-If you want to add markdown pages to your sitemap without any extra config, you can use the `sitemap` key on
-your frontmatter. You must provide a `loc` value, or the page must have a `path`.
- loc: /my-page
- lastmod: 2021-01-01
- changefreq: monthly
- priority: 0.8
-# My Page
-### Nuxt Content App Source
-If you'd like to set up a more automated Nuxt Content integration and your not using Document Driven mode, you can add content to the sitemap as you would with [Dynamic URLs](/sitemap/guides/dynamic-urls).
-An example of what this might look like is below, customize to your own needs.
-```ts [server/api/__sitemap__/urls.ts]
-import { defineEventHandler } from 'h3'
-import type { ParsedContent } from '@nuxt/content/dist/runtime/types'
-import { serverQueryContent } from '#content/server'
-import { asSitemapUrl, defineSitemapEventHandler } from '#imports'
-export default defineSitemapEventHandler(async (e) => {
- const contentList = (await serverQueryContent(e).find()) as ParsedContent[]
- return contentList
- .filter(c => c._path.startsWith('_articles'))
- .map((c) => {
- return asSitemapUrl({
- loc: `/blog/${c._path.replace('_articles', '')}`,
- lastmod: updatedAt
- })
- })
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- sources: [
- '/api/__sitemap__/urls'
- ]
- }
-## Guides
-### Opt out from Sitemap
-You can also disable the content from being used by passing in `sitemap: false` or `robots: false`.
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-title: Nuxt Robots
-description: How to use the Nuxt Robots module with Nuxt Content.
-The [@nuxtjs/robots](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/robots) module is useful for creating a dynamic runtime robots.txt file.
-## Setup
-The module will automatically handle the correct URL to add to the robots.txt, even when using
-multiple sitemaps.
-There are no extra steps needed.
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-title: Integrations
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-title: Disabling Indexing
-description: How to filter the URLs generated from application sources.
-When viewing your sitemap.xml for the first time, you may notice some URLs you don't want to be included.
-These URLs are most likely coming from [Application Sources](/sitemap/getting-started/data-sources).
-If you don't want to disable these sources but want to remove these URLs you have a couple of options.
-## Disabling Page Indexing
-If you don't want a URL in your sitemap because you don't want search engines to crawl it,
-then you can make use of the `index` route rule.
-To actually block search engines, you will need to use this with the [Nuxt Robots](/robots/getting-started/installation) module.
-### Disabling indexing for a pattern of URLs
-If you have a pattern of URLs that you want hidden from search you can use route rules.
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- routeRules: {
- // Don't add any /secret/** URLs to the sitemap.xml
- '/secret/**': { robots: false },
- }
-### Disabling indexing for a Page
-If you just have some specific pages, you can use the experimental [`defineRouteRules`](https://nuxt.com/docs/api/utils/define-route-rules)
-## Filter URLs with include / exclude
-For all other cases, you can use the `include` and `exclude` module options to filter URLs.
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- // exclude all URLs that start with /secret
- exclude: ['/secret/**'],
- // include all URLs that start with /public
- include: ['/public/**'],
- }
-Either option supports either an array of strings, RegExp objects or a `{ regex: string }` object.
-Providing strings will use the [route rules path matching](https://nuxt.com/docs/guide/concepts/rendering#hybrid-rendering) which
-does not support variable path segments in front of static ones.
-For example, `/foo/**` will work but `/foo/**/bar` will not. To get around this you should use regex.
-### Regex Filtering
-Filtering using regex is more powerful and can be used to match more complex patterns. It's recommended to pass a
-`RegExp` object explicitly.
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- exclude: [
- // exclude /foo/**/bar using regex
- new RegExp('/foo/.*/bar')
- ],
- }
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-title: Setting Lastmod
-description: Learn how to set the lastmod of your sitemap URLs.
-In some cases you'll want to set the `lastmod`, `changefreq`, or `priority` of your sitemap URLs. To
-do this, you have a few options depending on your setup.
-See [Best Practices](/sitemap/guides/best-practices) for details on how to optimize these values.
-## Page Meta
-Support for configuring these values through `definePageMeta` is coming soon.
-## Prerendering Lastmod
-When prerendering your site, you can make use of setting the `article:modified_time` meta tag in your page's head. This
-meta tag will be used as the `lastmod` value in your sitemap.
-```vue [pages/index.vue]
-## Route Rules
-A more general approach is to use [Route rules](https://nuxt.com/docs/api/configuration/nuxt-config/#routerules).
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- routeRules: {
- '/about': { sitemap: { changefreq: 'daily', priority: 0.3 } }
- }
-Alternatively, you can use the [defineRouteRules](https://nuxt.com/docs/api/utils/define-route-rules) helper on specific pages.
-```vue [pages/index.vue]
-Using `defineRouteRules` feature is experimental and in order to use it you must enable the `experimental.inlineRouteRules` option in your nuxt.config.
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-title: Multi Sitemaps
-description: Generate multiple sitemaps for different sections of your site.
-The module will generate a single `/sitemap.xml` file by default, for most websites this is perfect.
-However, for larger sites that start having over thousands of URLs, introducing multiple sitemaps can help
-you to debug your sitemap easier and also help search engines to crawl your site more efficiently.
-## Enabling Multiple Sitemaps
-If you want to generate multiple sitemaps, you can use the `sitemaps` option, which has two options:
-- `object` - Enables manual chunking. Recommended when you have clear content types (pages, posts, etc) or less than 1000 URLs
-- `true` - Enables automatic chunking. Recommended when you have a more than 1000 URLs and don't have clear content types.
-```ts [Manual Chunking]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- // manually chunk into multiple sitemaps
- sitemaps: {
- posts: {
- include: [
- '/blog/**',
- ],
- // example: give blog posts slightly higher priority (this is optional)
- defaults: { priority: 0.7 },
- },
- pages: {
- exclude: [
- '/blog/**',
- ]
- },
- },
- },
-```ts [Automatic Chunking]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- sitemaps: true,
- // modify the chunk size if you need
- defaultSitemapsChunkSize: 2000 // default 1000
- },
-## Manual Chunking
-When manually chunking your sitemaps, there are multiple ways of handling it depending on what you need.
-In either case, if you'd like to provide defaults for URLs within the sitemap you can use the `defaults` option.
-- `defaults` - Sitemap default values such as `lastmod`, `changefreq`, or `priority`
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- sitemaps: {
- posts: {
- // posts low priority
- defaults: { priority: 0.7 },
- },
- },
- },
-### Extending App Sources
-When your single sitemap contains all the correct URLs and you just want to split them up into separate sitemaps,
-you can extend the [app sources](/sitemap/getting-started/data-sources) and [filter the URLs](/sitemap/guides/filtering-urls).
-- `includeAppSources` - Uses [app sources](/sitemap/getting-started/data-sources)
-- `includeGlobalSources` - Uses [global sources](/sitemap/getting-started/data-sources)
-- `include` - Array of glob patterns to include in the sitemap
-- `exclude` - Array of glob patterns to exclude from the sitemap
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- sitemaps: {
- pages: {
- // extend the nuxt:pages app source
- includeAppSources: true,
- // filter the URLs to only include pages
- exclude: ['/blog/**'],
- },
- posts: {
- // extend the nuxt:pages app source
- includeAppSources: true,
- // filter the URLs to only include pages
- include: ['/blog/**'],
- },
- },
- },
-If you're using a global `sitemap.sources` and need to filter URLs further, then you can use the `_sitemap` key.
-- `_sitemap` - The name of the sitemap that the URL should be included in
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- sources: [
- '/api/sitemap-urls'
- ],
- sitemaps: {
- pages: {
- includeGlobalSources: true,
- includeAppSources: true,
- exclude: ['/**']
- // ...
- },
- },
- },
-```ts [server/api/sitemap-urls.ts]
-export default defineSitemapEventHandler(() => {
- return [
- {
- loc: '/about-us',
- // will end up in the pages sitemap
- _sitemap: 'pages',
- }
- ]
-### Managing Sources
-If you need to fetch the URLs from an endpoint for a sitemap, then you will need to use either the `urls` or `sources` option.
-- `urls` - Array of static URLs to include in the sitemap. You should avoid using this option if you have a lot of URLs
-- `sources` - Custom endpoint to fetch [dynamic URLs](/sitemap/guides/dynamic-urls) from.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- sitemaps: {
- posts: {
- urls() {
- // resolved when the sitemap is shown
- return ['/foo', '/bar']
- },
- sources: [
- '/api/sitemap-urls'
- ]
- },
- },
- },
-### Linking External Sitemaps
-This mode also provides a special key called `index` which allows you to easily extend the index sitemap. This can be useful
-for adding an external sitemap.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemaps: {
- // generated sitemaps
- posts: {
- // ...
- },
- pages: {
- // ...
- },
- // extending the index sitemap with an external sitemap
- index: [
- { sitemap: 'https://www.google.com/sitemap-pages.xml' }
- ]
- }
-## Automatic Chunking
-This will automatically chunk your sitemap into multiple-sitemaps, using the `0-sitemap.xml`, `1-sitemap.xml` naming convention.
-It will be chunked on the `defaultSitemapsChunkSize` option, which defaults to 1000 URLs per sitemap.
-You should avoid using this if you have less than 1000 URLs.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- // automatically chunk into multiple sitemaps
- sitemaps: true,
- },
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-title: Dynamic URL Endpoint
-description: Use runtime API endpoints to generate dynamic URLs for your sitemap.
-In some instances, like using a CMS, you may need to implement an endpoint to make
-all of your site URLs visible to the module.
-To do this, you can provide [user sources](/sitemap/getting-started/data-sources) to the module.
-## Dynamic URLs from an external API
-## Fetching from an external API
-When you have a source that is a third-party API returning dynamic URLs,then you have a couple of options.
-1. Add the endpoint directly to the `sources` config - Good for endpoints that return the data already in the correct format
-2. Make an API endpoint that returns the URLs - Required when you have to transform the data or implement your own caching
-### 1. Using sources config
-If the URL you're fetching from requires any extra headers to work, you can provide a source as an array, where the second
-option is the fetch options.
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- sources: [
- // fetch from an unauthenticated endpoint
- 'https://api.example.com/pages/urls',
- // fetch from an authenticated endpoint
- [
- 'https://authenticated-api.example.com/pages/urls',
- { headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer ' } } // fetch options
- ]
- ]
- }
-### 2. Create your own endpoint
-1. Create a new API endpoint
-In this code snippet we're using the `defineSitemapEventHandler` helper to create a new API endpoint.
-This is a simple wrapper for `defineEventHandler` that forces the TypeScript types.
-```ts [Simple]
-// server/api/__sitemap__/urls.ts
-export default defineSitemapEventHandler(() => {
- return [
- {
- loc: '/about-us',
- // will end up in the pages sitemap
- _sitemap: 'pages',
- }
- ]
-```ts [Multiple Sitemaps]
-export default defineSitemapEventHandler(async () => {
- const [
- posts,
- pages,
- ] = await Promise.all([
- //
- $fetch('/api/posts')
- .then(posts => posts.map(p => ({
- loc: p.slug,
- // only if you're using manual chunking with app sources
- _sitemap: 'posts'
- }))),
- $fetch('/api/pages'),
- ])
- return [...posts, ...pages, ...products].map((p) => {
- return { loc: p.url, lastmod: p.updatedAt }
- })
-To solve type issues you have in using `defineSitemapEventHandler`, you can use the `asSitemapUrl` composable.
-```ts [server/api/__sitemap__/urls.ts]
-import { asSitemapUrl, defineSitemapEventHandler } from '#imports'
-export default defineSitemapEventHandler(async () => {
- // fetch data directly in the correct type
- const posts = await $fetch>('/api/posts')
- const pages = await $fetch<{ pages: { slug: string, title: string } }>('/api/posts')
- return [
- ...posts,
- // map URLS as needed
- ...pages.map(p => asSitemapUrl({
- loc: p.slug,
- }))
- ]
-If you still have TypeScript errors, you should just use `defineEventHandler`.
-2. Add the endpoint to your `nuxt.config.ts`
-```ts [Single Sitemap Sources]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- sources: [
- '/api/__sitemap__/urls',
- ]
- }
-```ts [Multi Sitemap Sources]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- sitemaps: {
- posts: {
- sources: [
- '/api/__sitemap__/urls/posts',
- ]
- }
- }
- }
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-title: Images & Videos
-description: Learn how to add images and videos in your sitemap.
-Generated sitemaps are given the `image` and `video` namespaces by default. This allows you to add images and videos to your sitemap.
-## Images
-To add images to your sitemap, you can use the `images` property on the sitemap entry.
-You can learn more about images in sitemaps on the [Google documentation](https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/sitemaps/image-sitemaps).
-export interface ImageEntry {
- loc: string
-You can implement this as follows:
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- urls: [
- {
- loc: '/blog/my-post',
- images: [
- {
- loc: 'https://example.com/image.jpg',
- caption: 'My image caption',
- geoLocation: 'My image geo location',
- title: 'My image title',
- license: 'My image license',
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
-### Automatic Image Discovery
-When you prerender your pages, the module can discover images in your page and add them to your sitemap automatically.
-To enable this, you must have a `` tag in your layout that will be scanned for images. This is to avoid adding images from your header and footer.
-## Videos
-To add videos to your sitemap, you can use the `videos` property on the sitemap entry.
-The TypeScript interface for videos is as follows:
-export interface VideoEntry {
- title: string
- thumbnail_loc: string | URL
- description: string
- content_loc?: string | URL
- player_loc?: string | URL
- duration?: number
- expiration_date?: Date | string
- rating?: number
- view_count?: number
- publication_date?: Date | string
- family_friendly?: 'yes' | 'no' | boolean
- restriction?: Restriction
- platform?: Platform
- price?: ({
- price?: number | string
- currency?: string
- type?: 'rent' | 'purchase' | 'package' | 'subscription'
- })[]
- requires_subscription?: 'yes' | 'no' | boolean
- uploader?: {
- uploader: string
- info?: string | URL
- }
- live?: 'yes' | 'no' | boolean
- tag?: string | string[]
-You can learn more about videos in sitemaps on the [Google documentation](https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/sitemaps/video-sitemaps).
-You can implement this as follows:
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- urls: [
- {
- loc: '/blog/my-post',
- videos: [
- {
- title: 'My video title',
- thumbnail_loc: 'https://example.com/video.jpg',
- description: 'My video description',
- content_loc: 'https://example.com/video.mp4',
- player_loc: 'https://example.com/video.mp4',
- duration: 600,
- expiration_date: '2021-01-01',
- rating: 4.2,
- view_count: 1000,
- publication_date: '2021-01-01',
- family_friendly: true,
- restriction: {
- relationship: 'allow',
- country: 'US',
- },
- platform: {
- relationship: 'allow',
- platform: 'web',
- date: '2021-01-01',
- },
- price: [
- {
- price: 1.99,
- currency: 'USD',
- type: 'rent',
- }
- ],
- requires_subscription: true,
- uploader: {
- uploader: 'My video uploader',
- info: 'https://example.com/uploader',
- },
- live: true,
- tag: ['tag1', 'tag2'],
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
-### Automatic Video Discovery
-Like automatic image discovery, you can opt-in to automatic video discovery including video markup in your `` tag.
-You are also required to provide a title and description for your video, this can be done using the `data-title` and `data-description` attributes.
-Each format would be added to your sitemap in the following format:
- https://archive.org/download/DuckAndCover_185/__ia_thumb.jpg
- Duck and Cover
- This film, a combination of animated cartoon and live action, shows young children what to do in case of an atomic attack.
- https://archive.org/download/DuckAndCover_185/CivilDefenseFilm-DuckAndCoverColdWarNuclearPropaganda_512kb.mp4
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-title: Sitemap Caching
-description: Use the default cache engine to keep your sitemaps fast.
-Caching your sitemap can help reduce the load on your server and improve performance.
-By default, SWR caching is enabled on production environments and sitemaps will be cached for 10 minutes.
-This is configured by overriding your route rules and leveraging the native Nuxt caching.
-### Cache Time
-You can change the cache time by setting the `cacheMaxAgeSeconds` option.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- cacheMaxAgeSeconds: 3600 // 1 hour
- }
-If you want to disable caching, set the `cacheMaxAgeSeconds` to `0`.
-### Cache Driver
-The cache engine is set to the Nitro default of the `cache/` path.
-If you want to customise the cache engine, you can set the `runtimeCacheStorage` option.
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- // cloudflare kv binding example
- runtimeCacheStorage: {
- driver: 'cloudflare-kv-binding',
- binding: 'OG_IMAGE_CACHE'
- }
- }
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-title: Route Rules
-description: Configure your sitemap entries with route rules.
-To change the behaviour of your sitemap URLs, you can use [Route rules](https://nuxt.com/docs/api/configuration/nuxt-config/#routerules).
-When doing so, you can provide either `robots: false` as a shortcut or a full `sitemap` object, see [Sitemap URL Schema](/sitemap/api/schema).
-Either through your nuxt config file using pattern matching.
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- routeRules: {
- // Don't add any /secret/** URLs to the sitemap.xml
- '/secret/**': { robots: false },
- // modify the sitemap.xml entry for specific URLs
- '/about': { sitemap: { changefreq: 'daily', priority: 0.3 } }
- }
-Alternatively, you can use the `defineRouteRules` helper on specific pages.
-```vue [pages/index.vue]
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-title: Nuxt Prerendering
-description: Perender your pages and have them all automatically added to your sitemap.
-When prerendering routes using Nuxt through either `nuxi generate` or using the prerender options, the module
-will extract data from the generated HTML and add it to the sitemap.
-This can be useful if you have dynamic routes that you want to be included in the sitemap and want to minimise
-your configuration.
-## Extracted HTML Data
-The following data can be extracted from the raw HTML.
-- `images` - Adds image entries ``.
-Passes any `` tags within the `` tag. Requires `discoverImages` to be enabled.
-- `lastmod` - Adds lastmod date ``.
-Uses the [opengraph](https://ogp.me) `article:modified_time` and `article:published_time` meta tag.
-## Enabling Nuxt Prerendering
-You will need to use configuration to enable this feature.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- nitro: {
- prerender: {
- // enabled by default with nuxt generate, not required
- crawlLinks: true,
- // add any routes to prerender
- routes: ['/']
- }
- }
-You can also use route rules to enable prerendering for specific routes.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- routeRules: {
- '/': { prerender: true }
- }
-### Prerendering the Sitemap on Build
-If you're using `nuxi build` and want to prerender the sitemap on build, you can add the sitemap path to the `nitro.prerender.routes` option.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- nitro: {
- prerender: {
- routes: ['/sitemap.xml']
- }
- }
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-title: Customising the UI
-description: Change the look and feel of your sitemap.
-## Disabling the XLS
-What you're looking at when you view the sitemap.xml is a XLS file, think of it just like you would a CSS file for HTML.
-To view the real sitemap.xml, you can view the source of the page.
-If you prefer, you can disable the XLS by setting `xsl` to `false`.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- xsl: false
- }
-## Changing the columns
-You can change the columns that are displayed in the sitemap by modifying the `xslColumns` option.
-These have no effect on SEO and is purely for developer experience.
-Note: You must always have a `URL` column at the start.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- xslColumns: [
- // URL column must always be set, no value needed
- { label: 'URL', width: '75%' },
- { label: 'Last Modified', select: 'sitemap:lastmod', width: '25%' },
- ],
- },
-The `select` you provide is an XLS expression that will be evaluated against the sitemap entry.
-It's recommended to prefix the value with `sitemap:` if in doubt.
-### Example: Adding priority and changefreq
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- xslColumns: [
- { label: 'URL', width: '50%' },
- { label: 'Last Modified', select: 'sitemap:lastmod', width: '25%' },
- { label: 'Priority', select: 'sitemap:priority', width: '12.5%' },
- { label: 'Change Frequency', select: 'sitemap:changefreq', width: '12.5%' },
- ],
- },
-### Example: Adding `hreflang`
-_Requires >= 3.3.2_
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- xslColumns: [
- { label: 'URL', width: '50%' },
- { label: 'Last Modified', select: 'sitemap:lastmod', width: '25%' },
- { label: 'Hreflangs', select: 'count(xhtml:link)', width: '25%' },
- ],
- },
-## Disabling tips
-In development tips are displayed on the sitemap page to help you get started.
-You can disable these tips by setting the `xslTips` option to `false`.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- xslTips: false,
- },
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-title: Debugging
-description: How to debug the sitemap generated from Nuxt Sitemap.
-It's quite likely at some point you'll open your sitemap and think "this isn't right".
-## Nuxt DevTools
-The best tool for debugging is the Nuxt DevTools integration with Nuxt Sitemap.
-This will show you all of your sitemaps and the sources used to generate it.
-## Debug Endpoint
-If you prefer looking at the raw data, you can use the debug endpoint. This is only enabled in
-development unless you enable the `debug` option.
-Visit `/__sitemap__/debug.json` within your browser, this is the same data used by Nuxt DevTools.
-## Debugging Prerendering
-If you're trying to debug the prerendered sitemap, you should enable the `debug` option and check your output
-for the file `.output/public/__sitemap__/debug.json`.
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-title: Sitemap.xml Best Practices
-description: The best practices for generating a sitemap.xml file.
- title: Best Practices
-## Performance
-When dealing with many URLs that are being generated from an external API, the best option is use the `sitemaps`
-option to create [Named Sitemap Chunks](/sitemap/guides/multi-sitemaps).
-Each sitemap should contain its own `sources`, this allows other sitemaps to be generated without waiting for this request.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- sitemaps: {
- posts: {
- sources: [
- 'https://api.something.com/urls'
- ]
- },
- },
- },
-If you need to split this up further, you should consider chunking by the type and some pagination format. For example,
-you can paginate by when posts were created.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- sitemaps: {
- posts2020: {
- sources: [
- 'https://api.something.com/urls?filter[yearCreated]=2020'
- ]
- },
- posts2021: {
- sources: [
- 'https://api.something.com/urls?filter[yearCreated]=2021'
- ]
- },
- },
- },
-Additionally, you may want to consider the following experimental options that may help with performance:
-- `experimentalCompression` - Gzip's and streams the sitemap
-- `experimentalWarmUp` - Creates the sitemaps when Nitro starts
-## Set appropriate lastmod
-The `lastmod` field is used to indicate when a page was last updated. This is used by search engines to determine how often to crawl your site.
-This should not change based on code changes, only for updating the content.
-For example, if you have a blog post, the `lastmod` should be updated when the content of the blog post changes.
-It's recommended not to use `autoLastmod: true` as this will use the last time the page was built, which does
-not always reflect content updates.
-Learn more https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2023/06/sitemaps-lastmod-ping
-## You probably don't need `changefreq` or `priority`
-These two fields are not used by search engines, and are only used by crawlers to determine how often to crawl your site.
-If you're trying to get your site crawled more often, you should use the `lastmod` field instead.
-Learn more https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2023/06/sitemaps-lastmod-ping
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-title: 'Submitting Your Sitemap'
-description: 'How to submit your sitemap to Google Search Console to start getting indexed.'
-When going live with a new site and you're looking to get indexed by Google, the best starting point is
-to submit your sitemap to Google Search Console.
-> Google Search Console is a free service offered by Google that helps you monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot
-your site's presence in Google Search results.
-## Submitting Sitemap
-Google provides a guide on [Submitting your Sitemap to Google](https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/sitemaps/build-sitemap) which is a great starting point.
-You should index either `/sitemap.xml` or if you're using multiple sitemaps, add `/sitemap_index.xml`.
-## Requesting Indexing
-It's important to know that submitting your sitemap does not guarantee that all your pages will be indexed and that it may take
-some time for Google to crawl and index your pages.
-To speed up the process, you can use the [URL Inspection Tool](https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/9012289) to request indexing of a specific URL.
-In some cases you may want to expedite the indexing process, for this, you can try out my free open-source tool [Request Indexing](https://requestindexing.com).
-## Sitemap Error
-When submitting a sitemap for the first time you may get see "Error". This is because Google previously
-crawled your site for a sitemap and found nothing.
-When encountering this it's best to wait a few days and see if the error resolves itself. If not, you can
-try resubmitting the sitemap or making a [GitHub Issue](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap).
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-title: Guides
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-title: Config
-description: Configure the sitemap module.
-## `enabled`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `true`
-Whether to generate the sitemap.
-## `sortEntries`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `true`
-Whether the sitemap entries should be sorted or be shown in the order they were added.
-When enabled the entries will be sorted by the `loc`, they will be sorted by the path segment
-count and then alphabetically using `String.localeCompare` to ensure numbers are sorted correctly.
-## `sources`
-- Type: `SitemapSource[]`
-- Default: `[]`
-The sources to use for the sitemap. See [Data Sources](/sitemap/getting-started/data-sources) and [Dynamic URL Endpoint](/sitemap/guides/dynamic-urls) for details.
-## `excludeAppSources`
-- Type: `boolean|AppSourceId[]`
-- Default: `false`
-Whether to exclude [app sources](/sitemap/getting-started/data-sources) from the sitemap.
-## `appendSitemaps`
-- Type: `(string | { sitemap: string, lastmod?: Date })[]`
-- Default: `false`
-Sitemaps to append to the sitemap index.
-This will only do anything when using multiple sitemaps.
-## `autoLastmod`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `false`
-Whether to automatically detect the `lastmod` date for each URL.
-If the `lastmod` date can't be inferred from a route page file it will use the current Date.
-## `sitemaps`
-- Type: `SitemapConfig[] | boolean`
-- Default: `false`
-Whether to generate multiple sitemaps.
-See [Multi Sitemaps](/sitemap/guides/multi-sitemaps) for details.
-## `defaultSitemapsChunkSize`
-- Type: `number`
-- Default: `1000`
-When using `sitemaps: true` this will be the default chunk size for each sitemap.
-## `defaults`
-- Type: `object`
-- Default: `{}`
-Default values for the sitemap.xml entries. See [sitemaps.org](https://www.sitemaps.org/protocol.html) for all available options.
-## `urls`
-- Type: `() => MaybePromise | MaybePromise`
-- Default: `[]`
-Provide custom URLs to be included in the sitemap.xml.
-## `include`
-- Type: `(string | RegExp)[]`
-- Default: `['/**']`
-Filter routes that match the given rules. See the [Filtering URLs](/sitemap/guides/filtering-urls) guide for details.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- include: [
- '/my-hidden-url'
- ]
- }
-## `exclude`
-- Type: `(string | RegExp)[]`
-- Default: `undefined`
-Filter routes that match the given rules. See the [Filtering URLs](/sitemap/guides/filtering-urls) guide for details.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- exclude: [
- '/my-secret-section/**'
- ]
- }
-## `xsl`
-- Type: `string | false`
-- Default: `/__sitemap__/style.xsl`
-The path to the XSL stylesheet for the sitemap.xml. Set to `false` to disable.
-## `discoverImages`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `true`
-Whether to discover images from routes when prerendering.
-## `autoI18n`
-- Type: `undefined | boolean | { locales: NormalisedLocales; defaultLocale: string; strategy: 'prefix' | 'prefix_except_default' | 'prefix_and_default' }`
-- Default: `undefined`
-Automatically add alternative language prefixes for each entry with the given prefixes. Set to `false` to disable.
-When using the @nuxtjs/i18n module, this will automatically be set to the configured `locales` when left `undefined`.
-## `sitemapName`
-- Type: `string`
-- Default: `sitemap.xml`
-Modify the name of the root sitemap.
-Note: This only works when you're not using the multiple `sitemaps` option.
-## `strictNuxtContentPaths`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `false`
-Whether the paths within nuxt/content match their real paths. This is useful when you're using the `nuxt/content` module
-without documentDriven mode.
-## `cacheMaxAgeSeconds`
-- Type: `number`
-- Default: `60 * 10`
-The time in seconds to cache the sitemaps.
-## `runtimeCacheStorage`
-- Type: `boolean | (Record & { driver: string })`
-- Default: `true`
-The storage engine to use for the cache. See [Caching](/sitemap/guides/cache) for details.
-## `xslColumns`
-- Type: ``({ label: string; width: `${string}%`; select?: string })[]``
-- Default:
- { "label": "URL", "width": "50%" },
- { "label": "Images", "width": "25%", "select": "count(image:image)" },
- { "label": "Last Updated", "width": "25%", "select": "concat(substring(sitemap:lastmod,0,11),concat(' ', substring(sitemap:lastmod,12,5)),concat(' ', substring(sitemap:lastmod,20,6)))" }
-The columns to display in the XSL stylesheet.
-## `xslTips`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `true`
-Whether to include tips on how to use the sitemap in the XSL stylesheet.
-## `experimentalWarmUp`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `false`
-Should the sitemaps be warmed up when Nitro starts. This can be useful for large sitemaps.
-## `experimentalCompression`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `false`
-Should the sitemaps be compressed and streamed when the request accepts it.
-## `credits`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `true`
-Whether to include a comment on the sitemaps on how it was generated.
-## `debug`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `false`
-Enable to see debug logs and API endpoint.
-The route at `/__sitemap__/debug.json` will be available in non-production environments.
-See the [Debugging](/sitemap/guides/debugging) guide for details.
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-title: Nuxt API
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-title: Schema
-description: The schema for some of the sitemap module data.
-## Sitemap Entry
-The sitemap entry schema mostly follows the [sitemap specification](https://www.sitemaps.org/protocol.html), with additional Sitemap extension recommendations from Google such as [News](https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/sitemaps/news-sitemap), [Images](https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/sitemaps/image-sitemaps), and [Videos](https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/sitemaps/video-sitemaps).
-The following options are supported:
-- `loc` - URL of the page.
-- `lastmod` - The date of last modification of the file
-- `changefreq` - How frequently the page is likely to change.
-- `priority` - The priority of this URL relative to other URLs on your site.
-- `alternatives` - An array of alternatives to include in the sitemap entry as ``.
-- `news` - An array of news to include in the sitemap entry as ``.
-- `images` - An array of images to include in the sitemap entry as ``.
-- `video` - An array of videos to include in the sitemap entry as ``.
-export interface SitemapUrl {
- loc: string
- lastmod?: string | Date
- changefreq?: Changefreq
- priority?: 0 | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.3 | 0.4 | 0.5 | 0.6 | 0.7 | 0.8 | 0.9 | 1
- alternatives?: Array
- news?: GoogleNewsEntry
- images?: Array
- videos?: Array
- _i18nTransform?: boolean
- _sitemap?: string
- url?: string // @deprecated use `loc`
-export type Changefreq =
- | 'always'
- | 'hourly'
- | 'daily'
- | 'weekly'
- | 'monthly'
- | 'yearly'
- | 'never'
-export interface AlternativeEntry {
- hreflang: string
- href: string | URL
-export interface GoogleNewsEntry {
- title: string
- publication_date: Date | string
- publication: {
- name: string
- language: string
- }
-export interface ImageEntry {
- loc: string | URL
- caption?: string
- geoLocation?: string
- title?: string
- license?: string | URL
-export interface VideoEntry {
- title: string
- thumbnail_loc: string | URL
- description: string
- content_loc?: string | URL
- player_loc?: string | URL
- duration?: number
- expiration_date?: Date | string
- rating?: number
- view_count?: number
- publication_date?: Date | string
- family_friendly?: 'yes' | 'no' | boolean
- restriction?: Restriction
- platform?: Platform
- price?: ({
- price?: number | string
- currency?: string
- type?: 'rent' | 'purchase' | 'package' | 'subscription'
- })[]
- requires_subscription?: 'yes' | 'no' | boolean
- uploader?: {
- uploader: string
- info?: string | URL
- }
- live?: 'yes' | 'no' | boolean
- tag?: string | string[]
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-title: Nitro API
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-title: Nitro Hooks
-description: Learn how to use Nitro Hooks to customize your sitemap entries.
-Nitro hooks can be added to modify the output of your sitemaps at runtime.
-## `sitemap:resolved`
-**Type:** `async (ctx: { urls: SitemapConfig; sitemapName: string }) => void | Promise`
-Triggered once the final structure of the XML is generated, provides the URLs as objects.
-```ts [server/plugins/sitemap.ts]
-import { defineNitroPlugin } from 'nitropack/runtime/plugin'
-export default defineNitroPlugin((nitroApp) => {
- nitroApp.hooks.hook('sitemap:resolved', async (ctx) => {
- // single sitemap example - just add the url directly
- ctx.urls.push({
- loc: '/my-secret-url',
- changefreq: 'daily',
- priority: 0.8,
- })
- // multi sitemap example - filter for a sitemap name
- if (ctx.sitemapName === 'posts') {
- ctx.urls.push({
- loc: '/posts/my-post',
- changefreq: 'daily',
- priority: 0.8,
- })
- }
- })
-## `sitemap:index-resolved`
-**Type:** `async (ctx: { sitemaps: { sitemap: string, lastmod?: string }[] }) => void | Promise`
-Triggered once the final structure of the sitemap index is generated, provides the sitemaps as objects.
-```ts [server/plugins/sitemap.ts]
-import { defineNitroPlugin } from 'nitropack/runtime/plugin'
-export default defineNitroPlugin((nitroApp) => {
- nitroApp.hooks.hook('sitemap:index-resolved', async (ctx) => {
- // add a new sitemap to the index
- ctx.sitemaps.push({
- sitemap: 'https://mysite.com/my-sitemap.xml',
- lastmod: new Date().toISOString(),
- })
- })
-## `sitemap:output`
-**Type:** `async (ctx: { sitemap: string; sitemapName: string }) => void | Promise`
-Triggered before the sitemap is sent to the client.
-It provides the sitemap as a XML string.
-```ts [server/plugins/sitemap.ts]
-import { defineNitroPlugin } from 'nitropack/runtime/plugin'
-export default defineNitroPlugin((nitroApp) => {
- nitroApp.hooks.hook('sitemap:output', async (ctx) => {
- // append a comment credit to the footer of the xml
- ctx.sitemap = `${ctx.sitemap}\n`
- })
-## Recipes
-### Modify Sitemap `xmlns` attribute
-For some search engines, you may need to add a custom `xmlns` attribute to the sitemap. You can do this with a simple
-search and replace in the `sitemap:output` hook.
-```ts [server/plugins/sitemap.ts]
-import { defineNitroPlugin } from 'nitropack/runtime/plugin'
-export default defineNitroPlugin((nitroApp) => {
- nitroApp.hooks.hook('sitemap:output', async (ctx) => {
- ctx.sitemap = ctx.sitemap.replace(' void | Promise`
-This will let you modify the string content of the final sitemap before it is returned from the server.
-Can be ran in both Nitro (runtime) and Nuxt (prerendering).
-## New Hook: `sitemap:resolved`
-**Type:** `async (ctx: { sitemap: FullSitemapEntry[]; sitemapName: string }) => void | Promise`
-This will let you modify the final sitemap before it is turned into a string.
-Can be ran in both Nitro (runtime) and Nuxt (prerendering).
-### Individual multi-sitemap API endpoints `dynamicUrlsApiEndpoint`
-- Type: `boolean | string`
-- Default: `false`
-You can now give each sitemap a unique API endpoint to fetch URLs from.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- sitemap: {
- sitemaps: {
- foo: {
- dynamicUrlsApiEndpoint: '/api/foo-sitemap'
- },
- bar: {
- dynamicUrlsApiEndpoint: '/api/bar-sitemap'
- },
- },
- }
-### New Config: `strictNuxtContentPaths`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `false`
-Enable when the paths of your nuxt/content md files match the routing.
-This will automatically add sitemap content to the sitemap.
-This is similar behaviour to using `nuxt/content` with `documentDriven: true`.
-### New Config: `credits`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `true`
-Allows you to remove the "Generate by Nuxt Sitemap" comment from the generated sitemap.
-### New Config: `xslTips`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `true`
-Toggle the tips displayed on the sitemap.xml pages.
-## Deprecation
-- `trailingSlash` has been deprecated
-- `siteUrl` has been deprecated
-- `autoAlternativeLangPrefixes` is now disabled by default. If you want to enable it, you need to set it to `true` explicitly.
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- title: v4.0.0
-title: Nuxt Sitemap v4.0.0
-description: Release notes for v4.0.0 of Nuxt Sitemap.
-## Background
-Over the last couple of months I've had many issues reported with similar themes:
-- Dynamic URLs are hard to work with
-- It's difficult to get multiple sitemaps to show the correct URLs
-- I18n has many small issues
-I hope this release can resolve these. It has required replacing much of the underlying logic, please test your sitemaps after upgrading.
-## Features :rocket:
-### 🥫 Sitemap Sources
-The v4 introduces the official concept of 'sources' to your sitemaps.
-Every URL within your sitemap will belong to a source. A source will either be a User source or a Application source.
-This concept existed before v4 in different forms, v4 aims to clean them up and make working with them much easier.
-For full documentation see [Sitemap Sources](/sitemap/getting-started/data-sources).
-### 🤝 Nuxt Dev Tools Integration
-Nuxt Sitemap now has a dedicated tab in Nuxt Dev Tools to help you debug.
- nuxt-simple-sitemap-devtools.webm
-### 💬 More i18n Improvements
-- Locale domain support ([#155](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/issues/155))
-- Support pages opt-outed using `defineI18nRoute(false)` ([#126](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/issues/126))
-- Only add trusted i18n routes, will use meta tags when prerendering
-- Less aggressive filtering
-- Opt-in to transform dynamic URLs `__i18nTransform: true`
-See the updated [i18n documentation](/sitemap/integrations/i18n)
-### 🚀 Caching Improvements
-Now utilises native route rules. By default will set up SWR rules for 10 minutes.
-Learn more on the [Sitemap Caching](/sitemap/guides/cache) guide.
-## Other Improvements
-### Nitro Composables for better types
-When creating an API endpoint that returns URLs you should use the new `defineSitemapEventHandler` function for full TypeScript support.
-// api/sitemap.ts
-export default defineSitemapEventHandler(() => {
- return ['/foo']
-### Prerendering Improvements
-Previously prerendering was done in a Node context, this will now run in a Nitro context which will provide better consistency between prerender and runtime environments.
-### Video Support
-Video entries are now supported properly. ([#159](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/issues/159))
-## ⚠️ Deprecations
-- `cacheTtl` is deprecated, you should use `cacheMaxAgeSeconds` which is more explicit.
-- `inferStaticPagesAsRoutes` is deprecated, if you were using this to opt-out of pages, you should use `excludeAppSources: true`
-## ☠️ Breaking Changes
-### Nuxt Hooks no longer supported
-If you were using Nuxt hooks to modify the prerendered sitemap, you will need to migrate these to Nitro hooks.
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- hooks: {
- // old - no longer supported
- 'sitemap:resolved': function (ctx) {},
- 'sitemap:output': function (ctx) {}
- },
-```ts [server/plugins/sitemap]
-export default defineNitroPlugin((nitroApp) => {
- nitroApp.hooks.hook('sitemap:output', async (ctx) => {
- // supported!
- })
-### Multi Sitemap App Sources
-By default, app sources will no longer be included in multi sitemap implementations. You will need to use `includeAppSources: true` to re-enable it. See [Extending App Sources](/sitemap/guides/multi-sitemaps#extending-app-sources) for more information.
-### Removed deprecations
-- The hook `sitemap:prerender` has been removed. You should use `sitemap:resolved` instead.
-- The config `trailingSlash` and `siteUrl` has been removed. You should use site config, see [Setting Site Config](/site-config/guides/setting-site-config).
-- The config `autoAlternativeLangPrefixes` has been removed. If you'd like to set up automatic alternative language prefixes use `__i18nTransform`.
-## Support my work
-This release took over 40 hours.
-If technical SEO developer experience in Nuxt is important to you, consider [supporting my work](https://github.com/sponsors/harlan-zw) on [Nuxt SEO](https://nuxtseo.com).
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- title: v5.0.0
-title: Nuxt Sitemap v5.0.0
-description: Release notes for v5.0.0 of Nuxt Sitemap.
-## 🚨 Breaking Changes
-### Package Renamed to `@nuxtjs/sitemap`
-This module is now the official Sitemap module for Nuxt. To properly
-reflect this, the package has been renamed to `@nuxtjs/sitemap` from `nuxt-simple-sitemap` and
-the GitHub repository has been moved to [nuxt-modules/sitemap](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap).
-1. Update the dependency
- "dependencies": {
-- "nuxt-simple-sitemap": "*"
-+ "@nuxtjs/sitemap": "^5.0.0"
- }
-2. Update your `nuxt.config`.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- modules: [
-- 'nuxt-simple-sitemap'
-+ '@nuxtjs/sitemap'
- ]
-## Features :rocket:
-## 🐞 Bug Fixes
-### Improved Cache Debugging
-- Set browser cache time to match `cacheMaxAgeSeconds` - by @harlan-zw [(00d17)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/00d176e)
-- Iso timestamp for debugging cache - by @harlan-zw [(db3f3)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/db3f337)
-- Cache headers for prerendered sitemap - by @harlan-zw [(57bef)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/57bef21)
-- More explicit caching - by @harlan-zw [(328b7)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/328b737)
-### More Consistent DevTools UI
-The DevTools has been updated to match the branding of the other Nuxt SEO module DevTools. [(bc4ae)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/bc4aebc)
-### Others
-- Redirect multi sitemap `sitemap.xml` using route rules - by @harlan-zw [(e1bee)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/e1bee81)
-##### [View changes on GitHub](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/compare/v4.4.1...v5.0.0)
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deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
- title: v6.0.0
-title: Nuxt Sitemap v6.0.0
-description: Release notes for v6.0.0 of Nuxt Sitemap.
-## Introduction
-The v6 represents hopefully the last major that the module will undergo. It brings many underlying
-logic improvements which aim to solve stability and performance issues and set up the module to support
-chunked multi-sitemaps in the future.
-## 🚨 Breaking Change
-### Google Search Console
-If you're using multi-sitemaps it's important to check Google Search Console after the update and verify you haven't submitted the old multi-sitemap paths. If so, you should update them
-### Sitemap Output
-Please verify your sitemap output after the update. Many changes have been made to the underlying logic and it's important to verify that your sitemap is still being generated correctly.
-## Changelog
-### 🚨 Breaking Changes
-- Rewrite i18n resolving and url normalizing - by @harlan-zw in https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/issues/319 [(fab7e)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/fab7e9e)
-- New multi sitemaps paths - by @harlan-zw in https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/issues/320 [(bb7d9)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/bb7d9c7)
-### 🚀 Features
-- `sitemapsPathPrefix` config - by @harlan-zw in https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/issues/325 [(4b94c)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/4b94c3d)
-- Add minify xml option - by @Henvy-Mango in https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/issues/336 [(f9197)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/f919726)
-- **i18n**: Support Nuxt I18n v9 - by @harlan-zw in https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/issues/351 [(92d96)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/92d9610)
-### 🐞 Bug Fixes
-- Better filtering of file URLs - by @harlan-zw [(27a95)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/27a95be)
-- Check for `robots` route rules - by @harlan-zw in https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/issues/321 [(ae455)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/ae455da)
-- Map `include`, `exclude` to i18n pages - by @harlan-zw in https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/issues/322 [(a7c04)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/a7c04bc)
-- Fallback to prerender sitemap on vercel edge - by @harlan-zw [(33598)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/33598c8)
-- Support `SERVER_PRESET` to detect env - by @harlan-zw [(295c9)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/295c98f)
-- Handle null `loc`'s - by @harlan-zw [(c0666)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/c066610)
-- `useNitroApp` import warning - by @harlan-zw [(f5ab8)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/f5ab878)
-- Preset not being resolved when using `--target` - by @harlan-zw [(2f6bc)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/2f6bca8)
-- Broken regex for `` components - by @harlan-zw [(469e7)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/469e7bd)
-- Ensure `loc` is always a string - by @harlan-zw [(de9ec)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/de9ecc2)
-- Improve entry `loc` normalizing - by @harlan-zw in https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/issues/354 [(6ef8d)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/6ef8dcd)
-- **i18n**:
- - Support excluded locales - by @Xenossolitarius and **ipesic** in https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/issues/331 [(f9ba0)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/f9ba056)
- - Reverse only locales logic - by @Xenossolitarius and **ipesic** in https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/issues/346 [(cc86a)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/cc86a0c)
- - Broken trailing slashes config when using `differentDomains` - by @harlan-zw [(e8799)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/e879913)
- - Broken dedupe of loc and alternatives - by @harlan-zw in https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/issues/352 [(2b164)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/2b16423)
-- **module**:
- - Prevent false positive warning about ignored root keys - by @madebyfabian in https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/issues/338 [(e4543)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/e45432b)
-- **prerendering**:
- - Prefer runtime site url validation - by @harlan-zw [(779d1)](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/commit/779d100)
-##### [View changes on GitHub](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/sitemap/compare/v5.3.5...v6.0.0)
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-title: OG Image
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-title: 'Install Nuxt OG Image'
-description: 'Get started with Nuxt OG Image by installing the dependency to your project.'
- title: 'Installation'
-Using [Nuxt SEO](/nuxt-seo/getting-started/installation)? This module is already installed for you.
-1. Install the `nuxt-og-image` dependency to your project:
-npx nuxi@latest module add og-image
-2. Set a Site URL
-To prerender pages that use OG Image, the module needs to know your site URL.
-The easiest way to set a site URL is to provide it in your `nuxt.config`:
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- site: {
- // production URL
- url: 'https://example.com',
- },
-Otherwise, you can use an `.env` file or environment variables.
-```bash [.env]
-For more complex applications, learn more at the [Nuxt Site Config docs](/site-config/getting-started/how-it-works).
-3. Enable Nuxt DevTools
-Nuxt OG Image uses [Nuxt DevTools](https://devtools.nuxt.com/) to provide a live preview of your OG Images.
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- devtools: { enabled: true },
-4. Create your first image
-Setup complete! Now get started with [your first image](/og-image/getting-started/getting-familar-with-nuxt-og-image).
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-title: "Reproductions: Stackblitz"
-description: Create minimal reproductions for Nuxt OG Image or just experiment with the module.
-You can use the following Stackblitz playgrounds to experiment with Nuxt OG Image.
-If you run into any issues with Nuxt OG Image, it's recommended to clone of these playgrounds Stackblitz
-to reproduce the issue.
-## Stackblitz Playgrounds
-- [StackBlitz - Minimal Playground Example](https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-pxs3wk?file=pages/index.vue)
-- [StackBlitz - Alpine Theme](https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-hgunsf?file=package.json)
-## Stackblitz Compatibility
-StackBlitz runs Nuxt within a webcontainer, so it has fairly limited compatibility.
-- You can't use anything that will require a fetch request to a different server (e.g. Google Fonts, custom Emojis, images, etc).
-- The `chromium` renderer is not supported
-- `sharp` is not supported, so you can't use JPEGs
-- `inline-css` is not supported, so you can't `
-For this to work, it will inline any styles, so they can be supported by the Satori parser.
-### Custom Font Support
-You can now use any font that you want in your images with a simple config.
-export default defineOgImage({
- ogImage: {
- fonts: [
- 'Inter:400', // loads from google
- {
- name: 'optieinstein',
- weight: 800,
- path: '/OPTIEinstein-Black.otf', // loads locally
- }
- ],
- }
-You can learn more on the [Custom Fonts](/og-image/guides/custom-fonts) page.
-### Playground: Editable Props
-The playground now supports editing the props of the image. This is useful for testing out different configurations.
-### Nuxt Icon Support
-You can now use [Nuxt Icons](https://github.com/nuxt-modules/icon) in your images.
-### New Component Folder
-The new recommendation for components is to put them inside the `OgImage` folder.
-Any components in this folder will be configured to be a Nuxt Island. You can extend the folders by using the `componentDirs` option if you prefer your own convention. Setting up components in this dir will also allow you to reference the component using a shorthand instead of the full path.
-For example, a component at `./components/OgImage/Foo.vue` can be referenced as:
- component: 'Foo' // foo, OgImageFoo and og-image-foo will also work
-Otherwise, any island components set up with the previous convention will still work.
-### New composable / component API
-A cleaner, simpler API for defining your og images.
-The old API is deprecated but will still work.
-### Runtime Cache
-Server-Side rendered images will now be cached by default. This will speed up the time to first byte for your images
-and reduce the load on your server.
-See the [Cache](/og-image/guides/cache) page for more details.
-### Nuxt Site Config
-The `siteUrl` config was required for prerendering the og:image to an absolute path, this is now deprecated.
-Instead, [nuxt-site-config](https://github.com/harlan-zw/nuxt-site-config) is used which automatically sets the URL
-for some environments.
-See the [Prerendering Images](/og-image/guides/prerendering-images) page for more details.
-## Deprecations and Breaking Changes
-### API Changes
-The following options have been removed from nuxt.config:
-- `host`, `siteUrl` - see [prerendering-images](/og-image/guides/prerendering-images) for details.
-- `forcePrerender` - removed, not needed
-- `satoriProvider` - removed use `runtimeSatori`
-- `browserProvider` - removed use `runtimeBrowser`
-- `experimentalInlineWasm` - removed, this is now automatic based on environment
-- `experimentalRuntimeBrowser` - removed, this is now automatic based on environment
-The following options have been deprecated from the `defineOgImage` options:
-- `static` - use `cache` instead
-If you were referencing the old default template, you will need to update it.
-- `OgImageBasic` - remove the property, allow the fallback to be selected automatically
-Composables & Components:
-- `defineOgImageStatic()` is deprecated, use `defineOgImage()` (default behaviour is to cache), if you want to be verbose you can use `defineOgImageCached()` or ``
-- `` is deprecated, use ``
-- `defineOgImageDynamic()` is deprecated, use `defineOgImageWithoutCache()`
-- `` is deprecated, use ``
-### Behaviour Changes
-If you were using the runtime browser previously, you will need to manually opt-in for it to work in production.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- ogImage: {
- runtimeBrowser: true
- }
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-title: v3.0.0
-description: Release notes for Nuxt OG Image v3.
-path: /og-image/releases/v3
-publishedOn: 2023-12-11
- component: Release
- props:
- colorScheme: dark
- title: The v3 Release is here!
- description: Nuxt OG Image v3 is here, and it's a complete rewrite of the module to improve stability and DX. I think you're going to love it!
-## Background
-I'm excited to share the v3 of Nuxt OG Image is here, featuring a complete rewrite of the module to improve stability and developer
-Nuxt OG Image was and remains to be possible due to many experimental Nuxt / Nitro features as
-well as bespoke hacks:
-- Nuxt Islands
-- Nitro WASM support
-- Binary data with Unstorage and serving it with H3
-- Customising Nitro prerenderer
-In rewriting the module, I wanted to opt-in to newer more stable ways of doing things, or send upstream PRs so
-I wouldn't need to rely on hacks.
-I couldn't help myself improving the developer experience as I went.
-## 💚 Support my work
-This has taken me 90 hours to complete.
-If amazing SEO DX for Nuxt is important to you, consider [supporting my work](https://github.com/sponsors/harlan-zw) on [Nuxt SEO](/).
-Thank you to all my existing sponsors.
-## 🚀 Features
-### ⛹️ Play Time: New Playground
-The playground has been redesigned with a focus on giving you more ways to preview and debug your templates. It introduces
-a number of tabs:
-- **Design**
-The default design view, this is the similar to v2 playground. It gives you HMR of the template, the ability
-to change the options used to render the template.
-New features include a social media previews (Twitter, Slack), changing
-the rendering (Chromium, Satori) and more.
-:Image{class="m-0" loading="lazy" src="https://github.com/harlan-zw/nuxt-og-image/assets/5326365/e337b490-dccb-4e58-972a-5e6e63f30986" label="v3" alt="v3 preview of OG Image"}
-:Image{class="m-0" loading="lazy" src="https://repository-images.githubusercontent.com/578125755/90f77ca8-95be-4e06-9600-332afe1ba24f" label="v2" alt="v2 preview of OG Image"}
-- **Templates**
-See and preview all the OG templates available to you. You can select a template
-to switch to it.
-This also introduces "Community Templates", which are templates designed by the community, accessible to you. There are
-7 community templates so far and more to come. Feel free to submit your own!
-:Image{loading="lazy" src="https://github.com/harlan-zw/nuxt-og-image/assets/5326365/ab0f8d86-3167-4369-af2b-dfa4153a08ea" alt="v3 gallery tab"}
-- **Debug**
-See the raw input and output of the template. This is useful for debugging your templates. Will be expanded in the future.
-- **Docs**
-An iframe of the module documentation.
-### 🇹 Type Safety with `defineOgImageComponent`
-In v2, you had to define your config using `defineOgImage`. This was okay but the API provided minimal type safety.
-In v3, you can now define your config using `defineOgImageComponent` which provides type safety by reading the type definitions from the
-component you're using.
- // component name
- 'NuxtSeo',
- // component props
- { title: 'Hello!' },
- // image options
- { alt: 'A welcome message' }
-### 🍃 UnoCSS and Theming Support
-Satori itself provides a subset of Tailwind CSS classes that you can use to style your templates. This is great but also
-With v3, the module now runs UnoCSS's [preset-wind](https://unocss.dev/presets/wind), loaded with your Tailwind / UnoCSS theme config, before Satori.
-export default defineConfig({
- theme: {
- fontSize: {
- 'mega-big': '100px',
- },
- colors: {
- base: colors.white,
- primary: colors.green,
- },
- },
-UnoCSS will convert any classes you use into inlined CSS for the `style` attribute. While this won't provide complete
-compatibility with Tailwind, it gives you access to a lot more classes than Satori alone.
- Custom Theme Classes!
-### 😁 More Emojis
-In v2 we were limited to only `twemoji` emojis (Twitter Emojis).
-In v3 we switch to using the [Iconify API](https://iconify.design/docs/api/) which gives us access to the following emoji families:
-`twemoji`, `noto`, `fluent-emoji`, `fluent-emoji-flat`, `fluent-emoji-high-contrast`, `noto-v1`, `emojione`, `emojione-monotone`, `emojione-v1`, `streamline-emojis`, `openmoji`
-The default emoji family has been switched to `noto`, providing a more complete set of emojis and
-looks better generally.
-### 🖼️ JPEG OG Images
-PNGs are great for most use cases, but they come at the cost of a larger file size.
-For Chromium based rendering, `jpeg` images will now be rendered by default.
-For Satori, you can now opt-in by adding a `sharp` dependency and switching the extension to `jpeg`.
-See the [JPEGs](/og-image/guides/jpegs) guide for more information.
-### 📝 Nuxt Content integration
-Using a component or composable with within your markdown content is a bit awkward.
-With v3 the module now supports the `ogImage` frontmatter key that can be used to configure your OG Image.
-This will only work when you're using Document Driven mode, or you have set a `path`.
-```md [content/blog/3-months-of-europe.md]
-path: /blog/3-months-of-europe
- component: BlogOgImage
- props:
- image: /blog/3-months-of-europe.png
- readingMins: 5
-### 🔄 OG Image Route Rule
-In some cases, you'll want to apply OG Image settings for a subset of pages.
-With the new route rule support, you can now handle this even easier.
-This lets you provide a `ogImage` key that will be either used or merged into the existing OG Image options.
-For example, this documentation website uses it to set the `icon` depending on your path.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- routeRules: {
- '/og-image/**': {
- ogImage: {
- props: { icon: 'carbon:image-search' }
- }
- }
- }
-### Improved `css-inline` Compatibility
-Whenever you add a template has a `
-## ✨ Improvements
-### New OG Image URL
-The old pattern for OG images was `//__og_image__/og.png`, this has been changed to `/__og-image__/image//og.`.
-With this change, the route is no longer added as a middleware, meaning you can hook into the route yourself.
-It also means it's easier to target using route rules if you want to make adjustments.
-### New OG Image Size
-In v2 we render OG Images at 1200x630 (1:19), this was the recommended resolution from Facebook.
-For better compatibility with other Social platforms, we now use 1200x600 (1:2). This particular will render OG Images better on WhatsApp.
-### Per-Template Custom Fonts
-Sometimes you'll be rendering a custom template that you want to use a custom font with, without
-having to load that font for all templates.
-Now you can using `fonts` prop on the `defineOgImage` component.
- fonts: [
- 'Noto+Sans:400'
- ]
-See the [Custom Fonts](/og-image/guides/custom-fonts) guide for more details.
-### Updated Default Template
-The default template is now called `NuxtSeo`.
-It now uses a more modern design, with a focus on readability.
-It introduces a number of new props:
-- `colorMode` - `light`, `dark`
-Changes from a light or dark background / text color. Integrates with `@nuxtjs/color-mode`, selecting your
-default color mode.
-- `theme` - `#${string}`
-Change the hex color of the flare and the Nuxt SEO logo.
-:Image{src="/__og-image__/image/og-image/releases/v3/og.png?component=NuxtSeo&colorMode=light" label="Light mode" alt="v3 light mode"}
-:Image{src="/__og-image__/image/og-image/releases/v3/og.png?component=NuxtSeo&colorMode=dark" label="Dark mode" alt="v3 dark mode"}
-:Image{src="/__og-image__/image/og-image/releases/v3/og.png?component=NuxtSeo&theme=%23d946ef&siteName=Purple&icon=carbon%3Afire" label="Theming" alt="v3 dark mode"}
-Learn more on the [NuxtSeo Template](/og-image/api/nuxt-seo-template) docs.
-### Stale-While-Revalidate Caching
-When generating images at runtime, it's important that we cache them to reduce the load on your server.
-While caching for v2 worked, it was a bit of a mess with many configuration options.
-In v3, the caching has been simplified to a single prop called `cacheMaxAgeSeconds` that by default, is set to
-`259200` (72 hours).
-While not recommended, you can disable the caching by providing `cacheMaxAgeSeconds: 0`. You should instead opt
-for a lower cache time `cacheMaxAgeSeconds: 300` (5 minutes).
-Additionally, Stale-While-Revalidate is now enabled by default, it also will correctly respond with 304 Not Modified
-codes, avoiding extra bills for your hosting.
-### Prerendering Improvements
-With the introduction of the Nitro `prerender:config` hook ([#1519](https://github.com/unjs/nitro/pull/1519)), the module
-can now natively handle the prerendering of screenshots, allowing you to make use of concurrency.
-This also means that if you're generating your app with `nuxi generate`, that the module will no longer bundle
-any Satori or Playwright dependencies.
-### Pre-existing OG Images
-In some cases, you'll have a page that you already have a designed OG Image for that you want to use
-instead of the dynamically generated one.
-In those cases you can now provide a `url` to `defineOgImage` and all the tags will be set up properly for you.
-defineOgImage({ url: 'https://example.com/og.png' })
-### Simple HTML OG Images
-If you want to simplify your integration, you can provide raw HTML to the `defineOgImage` composable instead
-of creating a new component.
- html: `
hello world
-### Opt-ing out of OG Images
-On some pages, you may want to disable the OG Image generation, you can now do this with by providing a false
-value for the options.
-// removes all of the og image tags
-## ⚠️ Breaking Changes
-Trying to migrate? Check the [v2 to v3 migration guide](/og-image/migration-guide/v3).
-### Nuxt Config
-- `playground` has been removed, if you have Nuxt DevTools enabled then the playground will always be enabled
-- `runtimeBrowser` has been removed
-- `runtimeSatori` has been removed
-### Nuxt Hooks
-- `og-image:prerenderScreenshots` is no longer supported
-- `og-image:config` has been removed
-### OG Image Options
-- `provider` renamed to `renderer`, the `browser` provider is now `chromium`
-- `cacheTtl` renamed to `cacheMaxAgeSeconds`
-- `cache`, `cacheKey`, `static` are removed
-- You can no longer pass non-typed keys, you should provide props to the `props` key or use `defineOgImageComponent`.
-The default template is now called `NuxtSeo`, previously it was called `Fallback`.
-### Composables
-The following composables have been removed:
-- `defineOgImageStatic`
-- `defineOgImageDynamic`
-- `defineOgImageCached`
-- `defineOgImageWithoutCache`
-### Components
-The following components have been removed:
-- `OgImageStatic`
-- `OgImageDynamic`
-- `OgImageCached`
-- `OgImageWithoutCache`
-The remaining components `OgImage` and `OgImageScreenshot` are no longer global. If you need
-to use them with Nuxt Content, set `componentOptions`.
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- ogImage: {
- componentOptions: {
- global: true,
- },
- },
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-title: OG Image
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similarity index 100%
rename from docs/content/0.nuxt-seo/4.releases/_dir.yml
rename to docs/content/4.releases/_dir.yml
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-title: 'Install Nuxt Schema.org'
-description: 'Get started with Nuxt Schema.org by installing the dependency to your project.'
- title: 'Installation'
-## Recommendations
-SSR is highly recommended for Nuxt Schema.org.
-Ensure you haven't disabled SSR using `ssr: false` in your `nuxt.config`.
-## Setup
-1. Install `nuxt-schema-org` dependency to your project:
-npx nuxi@latest module add schema-org
-2. Configure your site details.
-It's recommended to set a canonical site URL to avoid duplicate content issues, as well as a site name
-for better default configuration.
-The easiest way to add it in your `nuxt.config`:
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- site: {
- url: 'https://example.com',
- name: 'My Website',
- }
-To learn about other ways to configure your site config, head over to the [Nuxt Site Config docs](/site-config/getting-started/how-it-works).
-## Next steps
-That's it!
-By default, the module will insert default Schema.org nodes for you, learn more about the [Default Schema.org](/schema-org/guides/default-schema-org) setup.
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-title: Stackblitz
-description: "Nuxt Schema.org StackBlitz playgrounds let you experiment and make reproductions."
-You can use the Nuxt Schema.org Stackblitz playgrounds for either:
-- Playing around with the module in a sandbox environment
-- Making reproductions for issues (Learn more about [Why Reproductions are Required](https://antfu.me/posts/why-reproductions-are-required))
-## Stackblitz Playgrounds
-- [Basic](https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-z9np1t?file=app.vue)
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-title: Getting Started
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-title: How It Works
-description: Learn more about how Nuxt Schema.org works.
-Nuxt Schema.org will generate structured data for your site based on the input you provide and the content of your pages.
-This is used to help search engines understand your content better and provide more relevant search results.
-For a more technical details on how schema.org is generated, you can read the [official documentation](https://unhead.unjs.io/schema-org/getting-started/how-it-works).
-## LD+JSON tag
-The schema is injected within a `
-## Opt-out
-If you don't want to use the default setup, you can opt-out by setting `defaults: false` in your `nuxt.config`:
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- schemaOrg: {
- defaults: false
- }
-## Configuring Identity
-Please see the [Setup Identity](/schema-org/guides/quick-setup) guide for more information on configuring your identity.
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-title: Setup Identity
-description: Set up Schema.org on your Nuxt app quickly.
-By default, a Nuxt plugin is registered in your app that will register the root nodes for a
-`WebSite` and `WebPage` for you.
-These are configured using [Nuxt Site Config](/site-config/getting-started/how-it-works),
-The only configuration you may need to provide is the identity of your site.
-## Selecting An Identity
-Beforehand you'll need to decide on what type of identity you want to use.
-You can use either [Organisation](https://unhead.unjs.io/schema-org/recipes/identity#organization) or [Person](https://unhead.unjs.io/schema-org/recipes/identity#person), learn
-more about their differences on the [Choosing an identity](https://unhead.unjs.io/schema-org/recipes/identity) docs.
-## Setup
-The simplest way to set up your identity is to set it in your `nuxt.config` using a string:
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- schemaOrg: {
- identity: 'Organization' // or 'Person'
- }
-For more complex configurations, you can provide an object with the `type`:
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
-export default defineNuxtConfig({
- schemaOrg: {
- identity: {
- type: 'Organization',
- name: 'My Company',
- url: 'https://example.com',
- logo: 'https://example.com/logo.png'
- }
- }
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-title: Supported Nodes
-description: The nodes available for Nuxt Schema.org.
-The module exposes the officially supported nodes from [Unhead Schema.org](https://unhead.unjs.io/schema-org/schema). Official nodes
-are ones that have a direct impact on Google Rich Results.
-## Custom Nodes
-If you need to add a node that isn't implemented, then you can provide it yourself.
-Custom nodes are just plain objects that follow the [Schema.org specification](https://schema.org/docs/full.html).
-If you'd like to add types, you can use [schema-dts](https://github.com/google/schema-dts).
-```vue [Untyped]
-```vue [schema-dts]
-## Official nodes
-The scope for officially supported nodes is those that provide Rich Results within Google.
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-title: Full Documentation
-The Nuxt Schema.org package is a simple wrapper around [Unhead Schema.org](https://unhead.unjs.io/schema-org/recipes/identity), you should consult
-the official documentation for full details.
-## Popular Nodes
-- [Organization](https://unhead.unjs.io/schema-org/schema/organization)
-- [Person](https://unhead.unjs.io/schema-org/schema/person)
-- [WebSite](https://unhead.unjs.io/schema-org/schema/website)
-- [WebPage](https://unhead.unjs.io/schema-org/schema/webpage)
-- [Article](https://unhead.unjs.io/schema-org/schema/article)
-## Popular Recipes
-- [Identity](https://unhead.unjs.io/schema-org/recipes/identity)
-- [Blog](https://unhead.unjs.io/schema-org/recipes/blog)
-- [Breadcrumb](https://unhead.unjs.io/schema-org/recipes/breadcrumb)
-- [FAQ](https://unhead.unjs.io/schema-org/recipes/faq)
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-title: Debugging
-description: How to debug the Schema.org generated from Nuxt Schema.org.
-It's recommended test your Schema.org output whenever your deploying any Schema.org updates.
-To do so, you can make use of the debugging features.
-## Nuxt DevTools
-The best tool for debugging is the Nuxt DevTools integration with Nuxt Schema.org.
-This will give you your Schema.org graph and handy links to test it.
-This is enabled by default in development, simply navigate to the Schema.org tab.
-## Debug Endpoint
-A debug endpoint is available when `debug` is on at `/__schema-org__/debug.json`. This provides
-basic runtime data used to generate the Schema.org graph.
-## External Debugging Tools
-You can test your Schema.org using the following tools:
-- [Google Rich Results Test](https://search.google.com/test/rich-results)
-- [Schema.org Validator](https://validator.schema.org/)
diff --git a/docs/content/4.schema-org/2.guides/_dir.yml b/docs/content/4.schema-org/2.guides/_dir.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e9454921..00000000
--- a/docs/content/4.schema-org/2.guides/_dir.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-title: Guides
diff --git a/docs/content/4.schema-org/4.api/0.config.md b/docs/content/4.schema-org/4.api/0.config.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d256fe0..00000000
--- a/docs/content/4.schema-org/4.api/0.config.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-title: Nuxt Config
-description: Configure the sitemap module.
-## `identity`
-- Type: `'Person' | 'Organization' | Person | Organization`
-- Default: `undefined`
-The identity of your site. This will only have an effect when using `defaults`.
-## `defaults`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `true`
-Whether the default Schema.org setup should be enabled or not.
-## `minify`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'`
-Whether the Schema.org output should be minified or not. Will slightly reduce your bundle size.
-## `reactive`
-- Type: `boolean`
-- Default: `nuxt.options.dev || !nuxt.options.ssr`
-Whether client-side reactivity should be enabled or not. This is not needed for SEO reasons when SSR but may be useful for debugging.
-## `scriptAttributes`
-- Type: `(ScriptBase & TagUserProperties) | false`
-- Default: `{ id: 'schema-org-graph' }`
-The attributes to add to the `