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Today I Learned


Shell: Get the status code of any command in a pipeline

Tags: shell bash zsh

When you run commands in a pipeline, $? only tells you the exit status of the last command in the pipeline.

If you need the exit code of a command earlier in a pipeline, you can use the $PIPESTATUS array:

grep /etc/hosts 2>&1 | tee /tmp/hosts-results.txt
if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0" ]; then
  # The grep command failed to find "" in /etc/hosts file
  echo "I don't know the IP address of"
  exit 2


Git: If a subrepo breaks due to rebasing in the upstream subrepo, force re-cloning it is the simplest resolution

Tags: git subrepo

With git subrepo, you can force reclone a subrepo with -f, if you hit issues with rebases breaking subrepo's tracking of parentage.


Shell: Include comments in multi-line commands

Tags: shell bash zsh

Backtick command substitution can be abused in order to include comments in multi-line commands, where the continuation slash needing to be the last character, and lines needing to be adjacent, would otherwise preclude adding comments:

echo CommandName InputFiles `#1st comment` \
             --option1 arg1 `#2nd comment` \
             --option2 arg2 `#3rd comment`


OS X: Copy HTML to the clipboard as HTML

Tags: osx clipboard

It can be useful to copy HTML to the clipboard with a HTML data type, so that applications that accept HTML clipboard content accept it correctly (rather than as the HTML as text).

It's possible to add a HTML string to the clipboard as a HTML copy type by using a hexdumped version with AppleScript:

hex=`echo -n "your html code here" | hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2x"'`
osascript -e "set the clipboard to «data HTML${hex}»"

Loop until a command is successful

Tags: shell bash

until can be used to run commands until a given command no longer fails.

until docker-compose exec app bash -c 'cat /app/webpack-stats/webpack-stats.json.invalid' | grep '\"status\":\"done\"' ; do echo "*** No webpack-stats.json found, waiting..." ; sleep 10 ; done


Jira Wiki markup for new-style panels

Tags: jira

Jira panels are really nice for organising issue descriptions.

In older versions of Jira, these panels could be custom styled with Wiki markup.

In the newer versions of Jira rich text editors, the panel styles are more limited.

The follow Wiki markup panels map to the new-style panels.

This error panel

This info panel

This success panel

This warning panel

This note panel



Debugging faulty extensions in VSCode

Tags: vscode

From the ... context menu in the extensions pane, there's an option to "Start Extension Bisect".

VSCode will run a git bisect-like halving of enabled extensions (by disabling half), and you to perform any actions to identify undesired behaviour, then report whether the set of enabled extensions is good or bad. This is repeated until the offending extension(s) are identified.



Debugging a hanging Terraform plan

Tags: terraform


Stop endless attempted connections to AWS APIs that are exhibiting issues (permissions or otherwise):

provider "aws" {
  # other settings
  max_retries = 1

The behaviour of retrying with max_retries can cause very long hangs where API(s) are not accessible:

The delay between the subsequent API calls increases exponentially. If omitted, the default value is 25.


Efficiently clear all Terraform state

Tags: terraform

The following snippet removes all items from Terraform state, and does so efficiently even if there is remote state locking (i.e. it doesn't acquire the lock for removing each individual state item.

terraform state list | cut -f 1 -d '[' | xargs -L 0 terraform state rm


Package Python apps in a single executable bundle

Tags: python


Language sensitive number formatting

Tags: javascript i18n

JS has a built-in object for formatting numbers with internationalisation:


Building the RDKit minimal JS library

Tags: rdkit docker wasm javascript

The minimal RDKit JS build (emscripten compiled to WASM) allows a lot of cheminformatics work (including 2D depictions, fingerprint generation and similarity searching) to be done in the browser.

Building the library

Using Docker it's easy to build the library using a single Dockerfile.

If the Dockerfile is placed on it's own in a folder, build with:

docker build -t rdkitjs . 

The build will take some time... ☕️

The built JS and WASM file can then be copied out of a running instance of the container:

CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run -d rdkitjs sleep 20)
docker cp $CONTAINER_ID:/src/rdkit/build/Code/MinimalLib/RDKit_minimal.js .
docker cp $CONTAINER_ID:/src/rdkit/build/Code/MinimalLib/RDKit_minimal.wasm .
docker stop $CONTAINER_ID
docker rm $CONTAINER_ID

Using the library

Use in your web app with

<script src="<path/to>/RDKit_minimal.js"></script>

It may be a good idea to add cache-buster to the filename, so that the large-ish (~4.3 MB without gzip) RDKit WASM can be cached with a long lifetime.

If you do, you'll need to rename both the JS and WASM file, and in the JS file, find:


and replace the filename with your altered name.

When loaded, an initRDKitModule function is added to window. window.initRDKitModule returns a Promise, which resolves to a handler object for RDKit functionality.

Example Typescript wrapper around initRDKitModule:

const setupRDKit = async () => {
  let rdkit

  try {
    rdkit = await (window as any).initRDKitModule()
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
      console.log('RDKit initialized')
    (window as any).rdkit = rdkit
    return rdkit
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error initializing RDKit', error)

export default setupRDKit

Using the above, check out window.rdkit in browser development tools to see the functionality available. window.rdkit.get_mol allows you to get a molecule from e.g. SMILES; that Mol object provides further methods such as get_svg.


Pi-hole Caddy config with SSL / TLS with Cloudflare

Tags: caddy dns cloudflare pihole

Hosting sites on a local network with SSL (using the Cloudflare DNS validation module for ACME / Let'sEncrypt validation) on a Pi-hole DHCP / DNS managed network with Caddy: can be tricky as making a local DNS record can throw Caddy's DNS validation off.

In this very specific case, rather than giving a limited config:

tls {env.ACME_EMAIL} { 
  dns cloudflare {env.CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN}

A full config can be provided giving resolvers to use for DNS validation: {
    root * /var/caddy/
    tls {
        issuer acme {
            dns cloudflare <api_token>

caddy-dns/cloudflare#13 (comment)


Site-wide Python install customisations

Tags: python administration

You can customise a Python install as a system administrator by creating a sitecustomize module in the install's site-packages directory, and including code to be applied on every Python run there.

You can use this to do things like globally opt out of SSL verification (not that you should in the vast majority of cases!)


Quick SSL certificates in a pinch

Tags: ssl letsencrypt certbot docker

If you need a certificate quickly (and free) and you're not able to set up automated Let'sEncrypt renewal, you can grab a three month valid certificate by running Certbot manually in Docker, e.g.

docker run -it --rm --name certbot \
            -v "$(pwd)/etc:/etc/letsencrypt" \
            -v "$(pwd)/lib:/var/lib/letsencrypt" \
            certbot/certbot -d '*' --manual --preferred-challenges dns certonly

Certbot will interactively take you through validating via setting a DNS TXT record manually. The certificates live in etc/live/ on your host system (from the pwd bind mount), will last for three months. fullchain.pem is the full certificate chain used for web servers, privkey.pem is the private key.


Postgres template databases

Tags: postgres database

You can update the default template database, template1, by running commands against it (e.g. CREATE EXTENSION). Subsequent created databases will be based off of the updated template1, which is handy for setting defaults for all creating databases to inherit.

If you mess up template1 somehow, it can be restored to it's original setup from the uneditable template0 database.


Dynamically import from folders with Webpack

Tags: javascript typescript webpack frontend

If you have a folder of files you want to import at build-time, Webpack can traverse the folder structure for you and import them. For example, to import every Vue file (assuming you're using a Vue Webpack loader):

const cache = {}

function importAll (r) {
  r.keys().forEach(key => { cache[key] = r(key) })

importAll(require.context('./plugins', true, /\.vue$/))

cache has key:value pairs of filename: Module.

In Vue for example, this can be used to import a large set of components without importing them all individually or maintaining a manifest:

const plugins = Object.fromEntries(
  Object.entries(cache).map(([filename, esModule]) => [, esModule.default

export default Vue.extend({
  name: 'Plugins',
  components: {

More info at


Grab a file from another git branch

Tags: git

Avoid a lot of messy merge commits by rebasing on pull by default:

git config --global pull.rebase true


Grab a file from another git branch

Tags: git

While cherry-pick is great for copying over specific commits, if you want to grab a whole file onto your current branch from another, it's a simple as a checkout:

git checkout my-awesome-source-branch the/path/to/yourfile.rad


Easily log output of userdata scripts for debugging

Tags: aws cloud bash shell *nix

Log userdata scripts for cloud instances in detail, to allow easier debugging of any issues when the script is run when the instance is initialised.


Checking TCP connectivity with telnet

Tags: networking bash shell *nix


Dynamic configuration of Dockerised nginx

Tags: nginx docker bash shell *nix

If you want to bake an nginx config into a Docker image, and/or dynamically set configuration in a volume mounted config, you can have the COMMAND for the container use envsubst to substitute in environment variable values in the config before the nginx process is started, for example in a docker-compose.yml:

  image: nginx
   - ./mysite.template:/etc/nginx/conf.d/mysite.template
   - "8080:80"
   - NGINX_PORT=80
  command: /bin/bash -c "envsubst < /etc/nginx/conf.d/mysite.template > /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf && exec nginx -g 'daemon off;'"



Use a custom GraphQLView for better traceback handling

Tags: python django graphql graphene graphene-django

When using Graphene-Django to use GraphQL with Django, GraphQL swallows your error messages and tracebacks, making it more difficult to debug exceptions in resolvers.

There is a GitHub issue discussing the problem, a number of solutions are suggested including using middleware, however middleware has the caveat that it has to be applied individually on each request.

A generally applicable solution is subclassing GraphQLView and adding back the traceback there (adapted from Martin Samami on Medium adding Sentry logging):

import traceback
from pprint import pprint
from graphene_django.views import GraphQLView

class ErrorLoggingGraphQLView(GraphQLView):
    GraphQL view that logs errors better for easier debugging.

    def execute_graphql_request(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Extract any exceptions and log them better than the default"""
        result = super().execute_graphql_request(*args, **kwargs)
        if result.errors:
            for error in result.errors:
                    raise error.original_error
                except Exception as original_error:
        return result

Then in your

from django.urls import include, path
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from your_schema_location import schema
from your_module import ErrorLoggingGraphQLView

urlpatterns = [
        "graphql/", csrf_exempt(ErrorLoggingGraphQLView.as_view(schema=schema, graphiql=True))


Get an alert when terminal commands finish

Tags: bash zsh

When running a long terminal command, it would be nice to be able to do something else while it runs, but be notified when it's finished.

The following bash/zsh function rings the terminal bell when the command passed to it either finishes or fails:

function ring () {
	($@ && tput bel) || tput bel

ring could also be adapted to send a notification with a custom message, using e.g. Applescript osascript.

Alternatively, there are richer solutions, such as NotiFyre.


F-strings are the fastest string interpolation method

Tags: python python3.8

F-strings outperform every other method. Interestingly, concatenation outperforms .format.


Default override configuration

Tags: docker docker-compose

docker-compose.override.yml is read by docker-compose by default, laid on top of docker-compose.yml.

Using docker-compose.override.yml allows for use cases where, for example, an image is built locally for development, but pulled in production: the build (placed in docker-compose.override.yml) can be avoided entirely with docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.production.yml to exclude the override entirely.

More in the compose documentation.


Quickly jump through changes

Tags: vim neovim

Use g; and g, to quickly jump backwards and forwards through the history of cursor positions of changes.

See :h g;


Browser-native toggles, modals, and progress bars

Tags: html

HTML 5.2 includes <summary>, <details>, <dialog>, <meter>, and <progress> tags, providing native alternatives to many components usually supplied by libraries or frameworks.

Via AppsFlyer


Flatten nested arrays natively

Tags: javascript ES2019

ES2019 adds Array.prototype.flat, which you can use to flatten arrays to a supplied depth.

The proposal is Stage 4 along with flatMap.


Use new typing features in older versions of Python

Tags: python python3.5 python3.6 python3.7 python3.8 typing

New accepted or experimental typing PEPs are backported to older versions of Python that already included typing in the standard library on a provisional basis, via the typing_extensions PyPI package.

pip install typing-extensions


from typing_extensions import Literal

typing_extensions allows you to use e.g. types added in Python 3.8 in Python 3.7 or 3.6, for example typing.Literal.

For versions older than 3.5 (before typing was added to the standard library), there is also the typing module on PyPI to backport typing to those versions.

Typed dictionaries

Tags: python python3.8 typing

PEP-589 adds support for typing dictionaries requiring a fixed set of string keys with specific value types.

Example from the Python docs:

class Point2D(TypedDict):
    x: int
    y: int
    label: str

a: Point2D = {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'label': 'good'}  # OK
b: Point2D = {'z': 3, 'label': 'bad'}           # Fails type check

Literal typing

Tags: python python3.8 typing

PEP-586 adds support for type annotations where literal values are expected.

Example from the PEP:

from typing import Literal

def accepts_only_four(x: Literal[4]) -> None:

accepts_only_four(4)   # OK
accepts_only_four(19)  # Rejected

See also the Python docs.


Safely parse Python literals from untrusted input strings

Tags: python

ast.literal_eval can be used to safely parse strings as a limited set of Python literals.


Profile Python with multithreading support

Tags: python

Yappi can profile Python across multiple threads:


Docker images on different architectures

Tags: docker raspberrypi

Feels a little obvious: Docker images (for example on DockerHub) that were built for one processing architecture may throw errors on another one; for example on Raspberry Pis using Arm processors for x86 built images.

The solution is to build the image locally on the Pi, wherein the build will be specific to the correct architecture.


Nicer async in Python

Tags: python python3.8 async, a much nicer interface to managing an async event loop, is stable in Python 3.8.

async def main():
    await asyncio.sleep(1)

Via @redraw

Create a URL for a File or Blob

Tags: javascript frontend

You can turn a Blob or similar into a URL for download with createObjectURL.


Performance-orientated timing

Tags: python performance

time.perf_counter is an equivalent to time.time that has the highest possible resolution for performance measuring purposes.


Edit files on a remote server locally using Vim

Tags: vim remote

vim scp://server/file

PyClean: Quickly remove Python cache files from a project

Tags: python

Remove cache files for all sub-directories in the current directory:

pyclean .


Built-in statistics functions

Tags: python statistics

Python has a built-in statistics module containing basic statistical functions: