diff --git a/content/quizzes/ar.yaml b/content/quizzes/ar.yaml index 39384ab6226..de99098cd78 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/ar.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/ar.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: هييدي feedback: حاول مرة اخرى! hint: سميت على اسم هيدي لامار. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: أي الخيارات التالية يجب ملؤها في الفراغ لجعل النص "مرحبا" يظهر؟ code: _ مرحبا! @@ -25,6 +27,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{إسأل}`' feedback: مع `{ask}`، يمكنك طرح سؤال. hint: _أهلا يا عالم! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: كيف تسأل ما هو اللون المفضل لشخص ما؟ mp_choice_options: @@ -49,6 +53,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{echo}` يكرر إجابة سؤالك.' hint: يمكنك أن تسأل شيئاً باستخدام الأمر `{ask}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: ما الخطأ في هذا الكود؟ code: |- @@ -65,6 +71,8 @@ levels: - option: لا شئ! إنه كود ممتاز! feedback: خطأ، حاول النظر بتمعن اكثر! hint: السطر الاول لا يبدو صحيحًا + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: ما هو الأمر المفقود في السطر 2؟ code: |- @@ -92,6 +100,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: أحسنت! hint: تريد أن ترى الإجابة في نهاية السطر 2 ... + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: ما الخطأ في هذا الكود؟ code: |- @@ -109,6 +119,8 @@ levels: - option: في السطر الرابع، تهجئة `{print}` ليست صحيحة. feedback: لا، يوجد خطأ في مكان أخر hint: تحقق من الأمر `{print}`. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: ما الخطأ في هذا الكود؟ code: |- @@ -126,6 +138,8 @@ levels: - option: لا شئ! الكود ممتاز! feedback: إجابة صحيحة! hint: تحقق من الرمز سطرا سطرا + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: كيف تستخدم الأمر `{echo}`؟ mp_choice_options: @@ -138,6 +152,8 @@ levels: - option: يمكن إستخدامه لجعل النص يختفي. feedback: هذا غير صحيح... hint: '`{echo}` يستخدم بعد الأمر `{ask}`.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: ما الخطأ في هذا الكود؟ code: |- @@ -154,6 +170,8 @@ levels: - option: لا شيء! الكود ممتاز! feedback: ابحث عن الخطأ... hint: '`{ask}` يمكنك من طرح سؤال' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: question_text: ما هو المخرج الذي سيكون على شاشة الإخراج بعد قيامك بتشغيل هذا الرمز؟ mp_choice_options: @@ -169,6 +187,10 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: هنالك أمرين لـ`{echo}` + correct_answer: B + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' 2: 1: question_text: اختر الجملة الصحيحة @@ -182,6 +204,8 @@ levels: - option: باستخدام الأمر `{sleep}` يمكنك إزالة النص عن الشاشة feedback: لا يعمل الأمر `{sleep}` بهذه الطريقة hint: الأمر `{print}` ما زال يعمل كما كان في المستوى الأول + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: اختر الكود الصحيح mp_choice_options: @@ -206,6 +230,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: الكلمات صحيحة، لكن ترتيبها خاطئ! hint: الأمر `{ask}` يعمل الآن بشكل مختلف عن المستوى الأول + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: ما النتيجة التي تظهر على الشاشة عند تنفيذ الكود التالي؟ code: |- @@ -221,6 +247,8 @@ levels: - option: مريم ذهبت إلى البقالة مريم اشترت تفاحة feedback: من المفترض أن يظهر اسم مريم مرة واحدة hint: يتم استبدال كلمة "الاسم" بـِ"مريم" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: ما النتيجة التي تظهر على الشاشة عند تنفيذ الكود التالي؟ code: |- @@ -236,6 +264,8 @@ levels: - option: مرحبًا، هيدي هو هيدي feedback: صحيح! سيتم تصحيح هذا الخطأ في المستور الرابع! hint: كلمة "اسمي" سيتم استبدالها بـِ"هيدي" مرتين + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: ماذا يحدث عند استخدام الأمر `{sleep}` ؟ mp_choice_options: @@ -248,6 +278,8 @@ levels: - option: يتم استخدام الأمر `{sleep}` في نهاية الكود عادةً لنخبر هيدي أن البرنامج انتهى feedback: لا طبعًا، لن تستفيد منه إذا وضعته في نهاية الكود hint: الحاسوب ينتظر لمدة ثانية عند استخدام الأمر `{sleep}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: ماذا يجب أن يكون في الأسطر الفارغة؟ code: |- @@ -276,6 +308,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: لا يوجد سؤال لاستخدام `{ask}` من أجله! hint: توقف للحظة من أجل هذا الحدث الرائع + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: ما هو الأمر الذي يجب استخدامه في السطر ٢؟ code: |- @@ -304,6 +338,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: استخدم الرقم ٣ لتسهل الأمر عليك hint: نريد من الحاسوب أن ينتظر لثلاثة ثوانٍ + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 8: question_text: كيف ستصلح السطر الأول من الكود؟ code: |- @@ -331,6 +367,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: أين الأمر `{ask}`؟ hint: اسم المتغير يجب أن ياتي أولًا + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: اكتشف الخطأ في الكود التالي code: |- @@ -346,6 +384,8 @@ levels: - option: 'السطر الثاني يجب أن يكون هكذا: `{sleep}` حيواني المفضل هو الكلب' feedback: '`{sleep}` لا يستخدم لطباعة الكلام' hint: أنت تريد أن تـ`{print}` "حيواني المفضل هو الكلب" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: question_text: ما الأمر الذي يجب ان نستخدمه في السطر الأول؟ code: |- @@ -375,6 +415,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: رائع! hint: أنت تريد أن تسأل سؤالًا + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: 1: question_text: أياً من الأوامر التالية يستخدم لجعل هيدي تختار شيئاً بطريقة تعسفية؟ @@ -400,6 +442,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: إجابة صحيحة! hint: تعسفي يعني بدون تخطيط أو بعشوائية. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: ما الخطأ في هذا الكود؟ mp_choice_options: @@ -412,6 +456,9 @@ levels: - option: '`{at} {random}`الأمر `{at} {random}` تهجئته غير صحيحة' feedback: الأمر `{at} {random}` تهجئته صحيحة hint: هناك شيء خاطيء في السطر ١ + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: كيف بمكنك تصحيح الخطأ في السطر٢ للكود؟ code: |- @@ -436,6 +483,8 @@ levels: - option: لا شيء، الكود صحيح! feedback: أبحث جيداً عن الخطأ hint: المتغير المستخدم (القائمة) تسمى الخيارات. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: ما الذي يجب تغييره في السطر٢ لطباعة سعر عشوائي؟ code: |- @@ -460,6 +509,8 @@ levels: - option: لا شيء، الكود صحيح. feedback: أنظر جيداً هناك خطأ لم تنتبه له! hint: المتغيير اسمه الأسعار + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: ما الخطأ في هذا الكود؟ code: |- @@ -477,6 +528,8 @@ levels: - option: لا شيء، الكود صحيح feedback: أجل هذا صحيح! hint: هل هذا الكود يحتوي على أي أخطاء من الأساس؟ + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: ما الخطأ في هذا الكود؟ code: |- @@ -493,6 +546,8 @@ levels: - option: لا شيء! الكود رائع! feedback: فالواقع، السطر٢ يوجد به خطأ. hint: هناك شيء خاطيء في السطر٢. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: ما الذي يفعله الأمر `{add}`؟ code: |- @@ -510,6 +565,8 @@ levels: - option: الأمر `{add}` يطبع اسم كتابك المفضل. feedback: لا، بل يضيف كتابك المفضل للقائمة hint: الأمر `{add}` يضيف كتاب للقائمة، ولكن أي كتاب؟ + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 8: question_text: ما خرج هذا الكود عند تشغيله؟ code: |- @@ -527,6 +584,8 @@ levels: - option: القشدة الحامضة feedback: هذا صحيح! hint: هناك ثلاث نكهات، تم حذف اثنين. ما المتبقي؟ + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: ما الخطأ في هذا الكود؟ code: "الألوان هي الأزرق، الأرجواني، الأخضر\nاللون_المختار {is} {ask} ما لون الشعر الذي لا ترغب في الحصول عليه؟\n{remove} اللون_المختار {from} الألوان \n{print} سوف أصبغ شعري اللون {at} {random}" @@ -540,6 +599,8 @@ levels: - option: لا شئ، هذا الكود صحيح! feedback: أوجد الخطأ! hint: تحقق من السطر٣ + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: ماذا يجب أن يوضع مكان _؟_؟ code: |- @@ -570,6 +631,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: معنى تلك الإضافة أن الذي قام بتمشية الكلب أمس عليه أن يفعل ذلك مرة أخرى اليوم، هذا معناه. hint: الشخص الذي قام بتمشية الكلب أمس يجب حذف اسمه من القائمة. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 4: 1: question_text: 'اختر الجملة الصحيحة مما يلي:' @@ -584,6 +647,7 @@ levels: feedback: لا, ولكن هناك أمران يجب استخدام علامات الاقتباس معهما. hint: في المستوى الرابع تحتاج لعلامات الاقتباس عند استخدام أمران من الأوامر. question_score: ١٠ + correct_answer: A 2: question_text: ما الكود الذي يستخدم علامات الاقتباس الصحيحة؟ mp_choice_options: @@ -609,6 +673,7 @@ levels: feedback: هذه فاصلة, أنت تريد علامات الاقتباس hint: اختر علامات الاقتباس الصحيحة. question_score: ١٠ + correct_answer: B 3: question_text: في أي كود تم استخدام علامات الاقتباس بالشكل الصحيح؟ mp_choice_options: @@ -634,6 +699,7 @@ levels: feedback: رائع! hint: يجب أن تكون علامات الاقتباس محيطة بالكلام الذي تريد طباعته (قبله وبعده) question_score: ١٠ + correct_answer: D 4: question_text: 'اختر العبارة الصحيحة مما يلي:' mp_choice_options: @@ -647,6 +713,7 @@ levels: feedback: للأسف, هيدي قوانينها صارمة بشأن علامات الاقتباس. hint: ابتداءً من المستوى الرابع عليك استخدام علامات الاقتباس. question_score: ١٠ + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: ما الذي يجب تغييره في الكود كي تعمل للعبة بالشكل الصحيح؟ code: |- @@ -671,6 +738,8 @@ levels: - option: لا شيء, اللعبة تعمل بالشكل الصحيح! feedback: انظر جيدًا. هناك خطأ في الكود. question_score: ١٠ + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + correct_answer: C 6: code: الجوائز {is} ١ دولار, ١٠٠ دولارات, مليون دولار mp_choice_options: @@ -696,6 +765,8 @@ levels: feedback: هيدي ستطبع حرفيًا عبارة "الجوائز {at}{random}" hint: فكّر جيدًا قبل الإجابة, فرّق بين المتغير الذي لا ينبغي وضعه داخل علامات اقتباس والكلمات العادية التي يجب وضعها داخل علامات اقتباس عند الطباعة question_score: ١٠ + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + correct_answer: A 7: question_text: ما الخطأ في هذا الكود؟ code: |- @@ -713,6 +784,7 @@ levels: feedback: انظر جيدًا, هناك خطأ في الكود! hint: تفقد كل سط إن كان بحاجة علامات الاقتباس أم لا. question_score: ١٠ + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: ما هو السطر المناسب ليكمل الكود التالي؟ code: |- @@ -742,6 +814,7 @@ levels: feedback: هيدي ستطبع حرفيًا عبارة "لقد اخترت الباب الباب" hint: المتغير "الباب" يجب أن تطبع قيمته كرقم... question_score: ١٠ + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: ما الخيار الذي لن يظهر على الشاشة أبدًا؟ code: |- @@ -758,6 +831,7 @@ levels: feedback: إجابة صحيحة, نادي برشلونة ليس من ضمن القائمة hint: ما هي الخيارات التي ستختار منها هيدي عشوائيًا؟ question_score: ١٠ + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: 'اختر الإجابة الصحيحة مما يلي:' code: |- @@ -775,6 +849,7 @@ levels: feedback: ركّز جيّدًا ستجد خطأ! hint: أحد السطور يحتاج إلى علامات اقتباس, لأننا نريد طباعته حرفيًا. question_score: ١٠ + correct_answer: B 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -792,8 +867,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - feedback: The password isn't password... + option: password + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is the right password? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -802,6 +892,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{else}\n```" + feedback: Great! + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -830,6 +932,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -857,11 +962,114 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: fun + feedback: That's right! + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - feedback: Fortunately not! + option: Error + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + correct_answer: A + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + option: Wrong! + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + 5: + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + feedback: Indeed! + - option: Because the password is alarm + feedback: No, this is not the password. + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '1' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + - option: '2' + feedback: Super! You escaped! + - option: '3' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + correct_answer: B + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 10: + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + feedback: Awesome! + - option: vampire + feedback: Not always... + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: 2: question_text: Which sign do you use for an addition? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`*`' + - feedback: Correct! + option: '`+`' + hint: It's the plus sign. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -875,6 +1083,115 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + option: 50% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + 5: + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - option: 10 dollars + feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 1: + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '20' + - option: '12' + feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 4: + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + - option: '10' + feedback: Please try again. + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + question_score: '10' 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -887,8 +1204,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + correct_answer: B + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + question_score: '10' 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + question_text: Which code is right? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -912,6 +1244,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + correct_answer: A 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -938,6 +1274,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: D 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -959,6 +1300,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? 8: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat mp_choice_options: @@ -994,6 +1340,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Dit is niet de juiste volgorde.. hint: '`{repeat}` kan alleen worden gebruikt als je dezelfde regel meerdere keren achter elkaar wil uitvoeren.' + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 9: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat ? code: |- @@ -1037,6 +1386,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfect hint: '''Help !'' wordt 3x herhaald.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -1068,6 +1419,36 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + question_score: '10' + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + 3: + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - feedback: Correct + option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + 5: + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: The code is correct! + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: That's not it + option: Wrong + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -1079,6 +1460,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + correct_answer: D 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1106,6 +1492,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -1138,6 +1528,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_text: Which output is correct? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -1148,6 +1542,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -1167,6 +1566,10 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1209,6 +1612,10 @@ levels: {print} You are wrong! ``` feedback: You are wrong! + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + correct_answer: C + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- 1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?' @@ -1216,11 +1623,67 @@ levels: 3 {print} '🤘' 4 {else} 5 {print} '👎' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 and 4 + feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + - option: Only line 3 + feedback: Not only 3... + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- 1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?" 2 {if} level {is} 8 3 {print} Great job! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: You are correct! + option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_text: Which statement is true? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Everything is printed twice. + option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Everything is printed twice + option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + correct_answer: C + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - feedback: Well done! + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? 9: 1: code: |- @@ -1243,6 +1706,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1262,6 +1728,11 @@ levels: Good job! You can use the computer! feedback: Correct! + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -1278,6 +1749,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 1, open + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -1298,6 +1782,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1333,6 +1821,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Watch the indentation + question_text: Which code produced this output? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -1343,6 +1836,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -1383,6 +1880,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -1400,6 +1900,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + correct_answer: B + hint: The indentation is done right this time + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -1415,6 +1918,23 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: Only 1 + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -1422,6 +1942,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + correct_answer: B + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -1430,6 +1962,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + option: players + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - option: choice + feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + - feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + option: dice + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -1444,6 +1988,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -1451,6 +2000,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + feedback: You are on fire! + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -1479,6 +2040,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables 9: question_text: What is the first question Hedy will `{ask}` you when you run the program? code: |- @@ -1488,6 +2052,18 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - feedback: Timon is first on the list! + option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + - feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -1503,6 +2079,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + question_text: What is true about this code? + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: I love pizza + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + question_text: Which output is correct? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: dogs are lovely pets + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + - feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + 4: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + feedback: Good job! + - option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + feedback: No it does not. + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + correct_answer: C + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1530,6 +2155,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1543,6 +2171,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: A + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1570,6 +2203,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1578,6 +2215,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + feedback: The variable is not named guests + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + feedback: Great! + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + feedback: That's one order too many! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Use the variable 'people' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1594,6 +2243,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1625,6 +2279,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + feedback: No it doesn't. + - option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: 1 time + - option: 2 times + feedback: No + - option: 3 times + feedback: That's right! + - option: Never + feedback: No + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + 9: + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - option: Never + feedback: Try again + - option: That depends on how old you are + feedback: That's right! + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + correct_answer: D + 3: + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + question_score: '10' + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + correct_answer: A 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1643,6 +2361,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: D + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1669,6 +2391,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1682,12 +2408,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + - option: All of the lines + feedback: Perfect! + correct_answer: D + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1701,6 +2444,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: You've cracked the code! + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + correct_answer: B + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1714,6 +2470,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1726,6 +2494,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - feedback: There's more options than just one + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1748,6 +2529,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + code: '3.5' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1774,6 +2560,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1794,6 +2583,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1826,6 +2618,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + correct_answer: C + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1841,6 +2637,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1859,6 +2659,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1870,10 +2673,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + hint: Paper beats rock + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: Fantastic! + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + hint: Both statements have to be true 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1887,6 +2707,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1901,6 +2734,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + question_text: Which statement is false? + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + feedback: Great job! + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1915,6 +2761,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1952,6 +2811,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_score: '10' + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1976,6 +2839,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + correct_answer: B 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1986,6 +2853,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + hint: The symbols are right + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + feedback: No that's not it + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1994,6 +2874,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`> 12`' + feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + correct_answer: B 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -2002,6 +2895,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 1 time + - option: 2 times + feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -2011,6 +2917,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 or more + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + correct_answer: D + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + feedback: There are. + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + correct_answer: A + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + 7: + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 1: + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + option: '`==`' + - feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=` and `>=`' + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + question_score: '10' 15: 1: code: |- @@ -2018,11 +3026,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + correct_answer: C + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{for}`' + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -2043,6 +3076,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + correct_answer: D 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -2062,6 +3099,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + hint: wetness should get less each time + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -2079,6 +3120,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -2090,8 +3134,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + question_score: '10' + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: False! + option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - option: The lights will always stay on. + feedback: That wouldn't be right. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -2110,6 +3171,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -2120,6 +3185,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + question_score: '10' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing 16: 2: code: |- @@ -2127,12 +3211,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + feedback: Mind the spacing. + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: No, it is not random. + option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + feedback: Poor Wesley! + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + hint: It's not random... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + correct_answer: A 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -2143,6 +3253,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -2153,3 +3268,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + feedback: This is the old way. + - feedback: The order is wrong. + option: '`[{random} snack]`' + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + 6: + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + - option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + feedback: Correct + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + feedback: That is not right. + - option: Line 3 should start with indentation + feedback: It should not! + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + 8: + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_score: '10' + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: It will be repeated twice + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + correct_answer: A + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 17: + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + feedback: Not true! + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + correct_answer: C + 6: + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + question_text: What is wrong with code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Try again! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + correct_answer: C + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. diff --git a/content/quizzes/bg.yaml b/content/quizzes/bg.yaml index bbfeedbeecb..843b86bafa4 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/bg.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/bg.yaml @@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ levels: feedback: Not this one! - option: Heidi feedback: Not this one! + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Which command makes text appear? code: ___ Hello! @@ -36,8 +39,22 @@ levels: ``` feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _?_ Hello world! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: hint: You can {ask} something with the {ask} command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: You only need one command, not two. + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -48,6 +65,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + question_score: '10' + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + correct_answer: A 5: code: |- {ask} What is your favorite pet? @@ -73,6 +95,10 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: Right on! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -83,6 +109,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -98,6 +128,55 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + 7: + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - feedback: Correct! + option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + correct_answer: D + hint: Check the code line by line + 9: + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + question_score: '10' + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + correct_answer: B 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -110,6 +189,9 @@ levels: - option: In level 2 all the level 1 commands still work feedback: No one command doesn't work anymore. hint: '`{print}` and `{ask}` still exist.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -136,17 +218,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + question_text: What should be on the lines? + correct_answer: A + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + question_text: Which code is correct? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + - feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + option: Marleen goes to the market. + - option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + feedback: Right on! + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + 4: + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is name + - option: Hi my name is Hedy + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: You get it! + option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + hint: The variable name should come first + correct_answer: C + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + question_score: '10' + 9: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + - feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + 5: + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -171,6 +371,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -181,8 +384,26 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" 3: question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2 of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" 9: code: |- colors {is} blue, purple, green @@ -190,6 +411,18 @@ levels: {remove} chosen_color {from} colors {print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random} hint: Look at line 3 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -220,6 +453,83 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + hint: The variable name is prices + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + correct_answer: B + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 6: + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + 8: + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + - option: sea salt + feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - feedback: That's right! + option: sour cream + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -232,6 +542,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -254,6 +567,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -276,6 +593,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + correct_answer: D + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -295,8 +616,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -307,6 +646,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + correct_answer: A + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + 4: + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + - feedback: Super! + option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + - option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + - option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -324,8 +727,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + question_text: What is the right password? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - option: ALARM INTRUDER + feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -334,6 +752,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -362,6 +792,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + question_score: '10' + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -389,11 +822,114 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + hint: What the variable name? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 2: + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: fun + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + option: less fun + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - feedback: Fortunately not! + option: Error + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + option: Wrong! + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + correct_answer: D + 5: + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - feedback: That's not how you spell secret + option: Because it's spelled wrong. + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + 10: + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + correct_answer: A + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '1' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + - option: '2' + feedback: Super! You escaped! + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - feedback: Luckily not! + option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + correct_answer: B + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" 6: 2: question_text: Which sign do you use for an addition? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -407,6 +943,115 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 3: + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + correct_answer: C + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + feedback: No, there should be! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + 5: + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + option: 5 dollars + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - option: '210' + feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -419,8 +1064,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + correct_answer: B + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + question_score: '10' 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + question_text: Which code is right? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -444,6 +1104,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -470,6 +1134,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -491,6 +1160,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" 8: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat mp_choice_options: @@ -526,6 +1200,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Dit is niet de juiste volgorde.. hint: '`{repeat}` kan alleen worden gebruikt als je dezelfde regel meerdere keren achter elkaar wil uitvoeren.' + question_score: '10' + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + correct_answer: A 9: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat ? code: |- @@ -569,6 +1246,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfect hint: '''Help !'' wordt 3x herhaald.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -600,6 +1279,36 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + correct_answer: B + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: Correct + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: The code is correct! + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + 3: + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -611,6 +1320,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Something is missing in the second line? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -638,6 +1352,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -670,6 +1388,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -680,6 +1402,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -699,6 +1426,10 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -741,6 +1472,10 @@ levels: {print} You are wrong! ``` feedback: You are wrong! + correct_answer: C + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + question_score: '10' + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? 9: code: |- 1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?' @@ -748,11 +1483,67 @@ levels: 3 {print} '🤘' 4 {else} 5 {print} '👎' + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + - option: Line 3 and 5 + feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + correct_answer: D 10: code: |- 1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?" 2 {if} level {is} 8 3 {print} Great job! + mp_choice_options: + - option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + 1: + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + - feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + correct_answer: D + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + question_score: '10' + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" 9: 1: code: |- @@ -775,6 +1566,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -794,6 +1588,11 @@ levels: Good job! You can use the computer! feedback: Correct! + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: D + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + question_score: '10' + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -810,6 +1609,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 1, open + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - feedback: Great job! You win! + option: case 2, open + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -830,6 +1642,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -865,6 +1681,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + correct_answer: C + hint: Watch the indentation + question_score: '10' + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_text: Which code produced this output? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -875,6 +1696,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -915,6 +1740,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -932,6 +1760,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The indentation is done right this time 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -947,6 +1778,23 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 9: + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + mp_choice_options: + - option: None, that is not allowed + feedback: You are allowed to + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: Only 1 + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - feedback: That is true + option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -954,6 +1802,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -962,6 +1822,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - option: choices + feedback: That's right! + - option: choice + feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + - feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + option: dice + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -976,6 +1848,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -983,6 +1860,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + feedback: You are on fire! + - option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + correct_answer: A + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -1011,6 +1900,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: What is the first question Hedy will `{ask}` you when you run the program? code: |- @@ -1020,6 +1912,18 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + - feedback: Timon is first on the list! + option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + question_score: '10' + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -1035,6 +1939,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is true about this code? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: dogs are lovely pets + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + feedback: No it does not. + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: I love pizza + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + question_score: '10' + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_text: Which output is correct? 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1062,6 +2015,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1075,6 +2031,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: A 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1102,6 +2063,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1110,6 +2075,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There's not always 3 people + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: Use the variable 'people' + correct_answer: C 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1126,6 +2103,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1157,6 +2139,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: 1 time + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - feedback: No + option: Never + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + correct_answer: C + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + question_score: '10' + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + correct_answer: A + 5: + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + feedback: Perfect! + correct_answer: D + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1175,6 +2221,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Both lines are printed! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1201,6 +2251,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1214,12 +2268,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1233,6 +2304,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1246,6 +2330,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1258,6 +2354,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1280,6 +2389,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + correct_answer: B + code: '3.5' 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1306,6 +2420,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1326,6 +2443,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1358,6 +2478,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1373,6 +2497,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1391,6 +2519,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1402,10 +2533,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Paper beats rock 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + correct_answer: C + hint: Both statements have to be true + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + question_score: '10' 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1419,6 +2567,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - feedback: Great job! + option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1433,6 +2594,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + question_text: Which statement is false? + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + correct_answer: C 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1447,6 +2621,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1484,6 +2671,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1508,6 +2699,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1518,6 +2713,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + hint: The symbols are right + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1526,6 +2734,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + hint: '> means greater than' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1534,6 +2755,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + hint: "!= means 'is not'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1543,6 +2777,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 2: + correct_answer: C + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 1: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=>`' + feedback: This is not a symbol. + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + correct_answer: D + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=` and `>=`' + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + feedback: There are. + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1550,11 +2886,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{in}`' + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + correct_answer: B 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1575,6 +2936,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + correct_answer: D 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1594,6 +2959,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + hint: wetness should get less each time + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1611,6 +2980,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1622,8 +2994,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + question_score: '10' + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: False! + option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + - feedback: Great job + option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1642,6 +3031,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1652,6 +3045,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1659,12 +3071,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + feedback: Poor Wesley! + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1675,6 +3113,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: B + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1685,6 +3128,101 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + 1: + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + 6: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - feedback: No, the code is correct. + option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not right + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + correct_answer: B + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + question_score: '10' + 9: + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + correct_answer: A 17: 10: mp_choice_options: @@ -1697,3 +3235,141 @@ levels: - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. feedback: Не. hint: Прочети кода внимателно. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C + 6: + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Loop through your list. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You cannot have so many variables. + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: D + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + feedback: Not correct. + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + 8: + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: C + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + correct_answer: C diff --git a/content/quizzes/bn.yaml b/content/quizzes/bn.yaml index e7c635d29e4..f49d7fefa41 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/bn.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/bn.yaml @@ -25,8 +25,22 @@ levels: ``` feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _?_ Hello world! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: hint: You can {ask} something with the {ask} command + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions।" + - feedback: You only need one command, not two। + option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you।' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -37,6 +51,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..।" + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- {ask} What is your favorite pet? @@ -62,6 +81,10 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: Right on! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2..। + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -72,6 +95,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command।' + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -87,6 +114,69 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + hint: Let's go! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - feedback: Correct! + option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + hint: Check the code line by line + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: Super! + - option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake..। + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..।" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 1: + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr। + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Good job! + option: Hedy + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heddy + - option: Haydie + feedback: Not this one! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heidi + question_text: What's this programming language called? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct।' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`। + - feedback: Great! You paid attention! + option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`। + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct।' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`। + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong। + hint: Check the `{print}` commands। + correct_answer: B + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + question_score: '10' 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -99,6 +189,9 @@ levels: - option: In level 2 all the level 1 commands still work feedback: No one command doesn't work anymore. hint: '`{print}` and `{ask}` still exist.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -125,17 +218,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + hint: Pause for dramatic effect..। + question_text: What should be on the lines? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line..। + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now। + - option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_score: '10' + 2: + question_text: Which code is correct? + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently। + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + correct_answer: B + 4: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + question_score: '10' + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + 8: + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - feedback: You get it! + option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + hint: The variable name should come first + correct_answer: C + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + question_score: '10' + 3: + correct_answer: C + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple। + - feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + option: Marleen goes to the market। + - option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple। + feedback: Right on! + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple। + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple।" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -160,6 +371,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly। + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -170,8 +384,26 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" 3: question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2 of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet। + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper। + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + option: Nothing, the code is correct! + correct_answer: C + hint: The variable (the list) is called options। + question_score: '10' + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" 9: code: |- colors {is} blue, purple, green @@ -179,6 +411,18 @@ levels: {remove} chosen_color {from} colors {print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random} hint: Look at line 3 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right। + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -209,6 +453,83 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + - feedback: Great! You've really paid attention। + option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable।' + - option: Nothing, this code is alright। + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + hint: The variable name is prices + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + 5: + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong। + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - feedback: No that's not wrong। + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - feedback: No, that's not wrong। + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + correct_answer: D + 6: + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No that's not right + option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + - feedback: Correct + option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake। + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong with line 2। + question_score: '10' + 7: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + feedback: Correct! + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book। + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - option: sea salt + feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + question_text: What is the output of this code? 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -221,6 +542,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands। + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -243,6 +567,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + question_score: '10' + hint: Pick the right quotation marks। 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -265,6 +593,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + correct_answer: D + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark। + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -284,8 +616,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + correct_answer: C + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + question_score: '10' + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'। 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + - feedback: You need some quotation marks! + option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -296,6 +646,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + correct_answer: D + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + question_score: '10' + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + 4: + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks। + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself। + option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`।" + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print। + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that। + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not। + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: B + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not। + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally। + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + feedback: Super! + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door..। + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -313,8 +727,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password..। + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_text: What is the right password? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -323,6 +752,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + option: "```\n{if}\n```" + - option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + feedback: No, you need `{else}`। + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + option: "```\n{print}\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -351,6 +792,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -378,11 +822,114 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time। + - feedback: Not always..। + option: vampire + - feedback: Not always..। + option: werewolf + - feedback: Not always..। + option: giant spider + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`..। + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one..। + - option: SECRET + feedback: That's not the right answer + - feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + option: Wrong! + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + option: '1' + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - option: '3' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten। + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.। + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 2: + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: fun + feedback: That's right! + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + 5: + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same। + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password। + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong। + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - feedback: No, Hedy is right + option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? 6: 2: question_text: Which sign do you use for an addition? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`-`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`*`' + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + hint: It's the plus sign। + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the fourth line। + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -396,6 +943,115 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total। + option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well। + - option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`। + feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right। + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total। + feedback: That's right! + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with। + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + correct_answer: C + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + 1: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '20' + - option: '12' + feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + - option: 2*10 + feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation। + option: '210' + code: '{print} 2*10' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + 5: + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap। + option: 5 dollars + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each। + option: 10 dollars + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: The * means multiplication। + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 3: + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks। + option: '30' + - feedback: Try again.। + option: '13' + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally। + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message। + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally। + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} '3*10'" + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + 4: + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - option: '10' + feedback: Please try again। + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age..। + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30।' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + correct_answer: C + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 10% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + option: 50% + - option: 100% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + correct_answer: C + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + 8: + hint: Inspect what the variables are called। + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - feedback: No, that's not true। + option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line। + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words..। + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer। + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -408,8 +1064,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code is right? + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -433,6 +1104,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -459,6 +1134,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times। + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + question_text: What will be the output from this code? 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -480,6 +1160,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command। + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + correct_answer: B + question_text: What will be the output from this code? 8: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat mp_choice_options: @@ -515,6 +1200,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Dit is niet de juiste volgorde.. hint: '`{repeat}` kan alleen worden gebruikt als je dezelfde regel meerdere keren achter elkaar wil uitvoeren.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" 9: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat ? code: |- @@ -558,6 +1246,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfect hint: '''Help !'' wordt 3x herhaald.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -589,6 +1279,36 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + hint: Mind the order of the sentences। + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + 5: + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + hint: The code is correct! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing। + option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + - feedback: Correct + option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -600,6 +1320,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -627,6 +1352,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -659,6 +1388,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice। + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -669,6 +1402,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -688,6 +1426,10 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation। + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -730,6 +1472,10 @@ levels: {print} You are wrong! ``` feedback: You are wrong! + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: code: |- 1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?' @@ -737,11 +1483,67 @@ levels: 3 {print} '🤘' 4 {else} 5 {print} '👎' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3..। + option: Only line 3 + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + question_score: '10' + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces। + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? 10: code: |- 1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?" 2 {if} level {is} 8 3 {print} Great job! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: You are correct! + option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + correct_answer: D + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice। + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well। + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + hint: Both lines are repeated twice। + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + feedback: There is no repetition in this answer। + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated। + - feedback: Well done! + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + correct_answer: D 9: 1: code: |- @@ -764,6 +1566,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -783,6 +1588,11 @@ levels: Good job! You can use the computer! feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice। + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -799,6 +1609,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + hint: Follow the right path + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 1, open + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -819,6 +1642,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: C + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'। + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -854,6 +1681,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + hint: Watch the indentation + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code produced this output? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -864,6 +1696,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -904,6 +1740,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + correct_answer: A + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -921,6 +1760,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + hint: The indentation is done right this time + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -936,6 +1778,23 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: Only 1 + - option: '3' + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command। 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -943,6 +1802,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments..।' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -951,6 +1822,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'। + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'..। + option: choice + - option: dice + feedback: Look at the names of the variables। + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -965,6 +1848,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first। 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -972,6 +1860,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + feedback: You are on fire! + - option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + - feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner। + option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner। + question_score: '10' + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner। + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -1000,6 +1900,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: What is the first question Hedy will `{ask}` you when you run the program? code: |- @@ -1009,6 +1912,18 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen। + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`। + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code..। + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -1024,6 +1939,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + correct_answer: D + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code। + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is true about this code? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: I love pizza + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed। + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed। + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed। + - option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + feedback: Great! + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed। + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: D + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + 3: + question_text: Which output is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - option: dogs are lovely pets + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed। + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output। + - feedback: Great! + option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}। + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed। + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has। + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent। + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not। + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1051,6 +2015,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: What did you learn in this level? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1064,6 +2031,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_text: What will be the output from this code? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1091,6 +2063,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1099,6 +2075,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There's not always 3 people + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: Use the variable 'people' + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1115,6 +2103,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1146,6 +2139,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 3: + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}। + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc। + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: 1 time + - option: 2 times + feedback: No + - option: 3 times + feedback: That's right! + - option: Never + feedback: No + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times। + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + 9: + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - option: That depends on how old you are + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + feedback: No it doesn't। + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention। + feedback: Not line 1..। + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + question_score: '10' 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1164,6 +2221,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1190,6 +2251,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1203,12 +2268,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1222,6 +2304,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + correct_answer: B + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1235,6 +2330,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + feedback: Excellent! + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + correct_answer: C 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1247,6 +2354,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1269,6 +2389,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + correct_answer: B + code: '3.5' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1295,6 +2420,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1315,6 +2443,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song। + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1347,6 +2478,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + correct_answer: C + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + question_score: '10' 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1362,6 +2497,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls। + correct_answer: B 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1380,6 +2519,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + correct_answer: A 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1391,10 +2533,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + hint: Paper beats rock + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: Fantastic! + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + hint: Both statements have to be true + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + correct_answer: C 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1408,6 +2567,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1422,6 +2594,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is true! + option: The grey cat is called Abby + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + feedback: Great job! + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + question_text: Which statement is false? + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + correct_answer: C 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1436,6 +2621,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: That's not enough money! + - feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1473,6 +2671,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1497,6 +2699,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 14: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -1509,6 +2715,10 @@ levels: - option: '`=`' feedback: Right! hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name। + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- price = 10 @@ -1518,6 +2728,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + hint: The symbols are right + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1526,6 +2749,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`> 12`' + feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + - option: '`>= 12`' + feedback: Great! + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + correct_answer: B 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1534,6 +2770,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? 7: mp_choice_options: - option: '`''Lower''` and `''Higher''` and `''You win!''`' @@ -1545,6 +2794,10 @@ levels: - option: '`''Lower!''` and `''You win!''` and `''Higher!''`' feedback: That's not quite right। hint: The last one should say you win। + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster @@ -1555,6 +2808,11 @@ levels: feedback: '> means greater than' - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster feedback: There are। + correct_answer: A + hint: '> means greater than' + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1564,6 +2822,63 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - feedback: No + option: '{if} age = 24' + - feedback: Yes! + option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + - option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + feedback: No + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_score: '10' + 3: + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? 15: 1: question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right।' @@ -1581,11 +2896,26 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: '`=`' feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + correct_answer: B 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1606,6 +2936,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1625,6 +2959,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + correct_answer: C + hint: wetness should get less each time + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1642,6 +2980,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1654,6 +2995,9 @@ levels: - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right। hint: The last one should say you win। + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: mp_choice_options: - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute @@ -1665,6 +3009,10 @@ levels: - option: The lights will always stay on। feedback: That wouldn't be right। hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied। + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1683,6 +3031,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead।' mp_choice_options: @@ -1694,6 +3046,24 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + correct_answer: A + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + question_score: '10' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 2: + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - feedback: A quotation mark is missing + option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == 16: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -1705,6 +3075,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? 2: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] @@ -1733,6 +3108,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Fantastic! hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc।' + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] @@ -1769,6 +3147,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's not it hint: It's not random..। + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1779,6 +3160,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text। - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1790,6 +3176,10 @@ levels: - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks। + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" 6: mp_choice_options: - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i। @@ -1801,6 +3191,10 @@ levels: - option: This code will not work. It will give and error। feedback: No, the code is correct। hint: There is nothing wrong with this code। + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: mp_choice_options: - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks @@ -1812,6 +3206,10 @@ levels: - option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks। feedback: Amazing! hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks। + question_score: '10' + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1847,6 +3245,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This is not going to work! hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct। + question_score: '10' + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + correct_answer: B 9: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1872,6 +3274,11 @@ levels: I will travel to New Zealand ``` feedback: It's only repeated twice + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1900,6 +3307,11 @@ levels: {remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers ``` feedback: Fantastic! + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 17: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -1928,6 +3340,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Do not loop through the letters। hint: Loop through your list। + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: You cannot have so many variables। @@ -1939,6 +3355,10 @@ levels: - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases। feedback: Correct! hint: Read the code carefully। + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1974,6 +3394,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That is not it। hint: Think about how many times you need repeating। + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command @@ -1985,6 +3409,10 @@ levels: - option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' feedback: Great! hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`। + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: D + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -2036,6 +3464,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That is not it। hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif। + question_score: '10' + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + correct_answer: A 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{elif}` is missing।' @@ -2047,6 +3479,10 @@ levels: - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line। feedback: Amazing! hint: There is a mistake somewhere..। + correct_answer: D + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -2082,6 +3518,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That is not it। hint: Think about mathematical symbols। + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`।' @@ -2093,6 +3532,10 @@ levels: - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line। feedback: Nope। hint: Read the code carefully। + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" 9: mp_choice_options: - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" @@ -2104,6 +3547,10 @@ levels: - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" feedback: That is not it। hint: Read the code carefully। + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" 10: mp_choice_options: - option: The word num needs quotation marks। @@ -2115,3 +3562,7 @@ levels: - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line। feedback: Nope। hint: Read the code carefully। + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" diff --git a/content/quizzes/ca.yaml b/content/quizzes/ca.yaml index af03d52505c..4de6ee01e3a 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/ca.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/ca.yaml @@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ levels: feedback: Aquest no! - option: Heidi feedback: Aquest no! + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: code: _ Hola! mp_choice_options: @@ -35,6 +38,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _ Hola món! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which need to be filled in on the blanks to make the text Hello! appear? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -57,6 +63,10 @@ levels: {echo} Quin és el teu color preferit? ``` feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? 4: question_text: Què falla en aquest codi? code: |- @@ -72,6 +82,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + correct_answer: A 5: code: |- {ask} Quin és el teu animal preferit? @@ -97,6 +110,10 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: Endavant! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? 6: question_text: Què falla en aquest codi? mp_choice_options: @@ -108,6 +125,10 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` és correcte.' - option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 7: question_text: Què falla en aquest codi? mp_choice_options: @@ -119,6 +140,10 @@ levels: feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? - option: Res! Aquest codi és perfecte! feedback: Correcte! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Check the code line by line + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -129,6 +154,10 @@ levels: feedback: Bona feina! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' 9: code: |- {print} Hola! @@ -143,6 +172,10 @@ levels: feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? - option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + correct_answer: B + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -158,6 +191,10 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + hint: Let's go! + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -169,6 +206,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good - option: With the {sleep} command, you can remove text from the screen. feedback: That's not how sleep works. + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{print}` still works the same way as in level 1' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -195,17 +236,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be on the lines? + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + correct_answer: B + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + 3: + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + feedback: Right on! + - option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + feedback: She is not replaced with the name + correct_answer: C + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + question_score: '10' + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + 4: + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + 2: + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code is correct? + 8: + hint: The variable name should come first + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - feedback: You get it! + option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + question_score: '10' + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + correct_answer: C + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + correct_answer: B 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -230,6 +389,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -240,8 +402,26 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" 9: hint: Look at line 3 + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + code: "colors {is} blue, purple, green\nchosen_color {is} {ask} Which hair color wouldn't you like to have?\n{remove} chosen_color {from} colors\n{print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -272,6 +452,98 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 3: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? + 4: + hint: The variable name is prices + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + 6: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No that's not right + option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + question_score: '10' + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 7: + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + question_score: '10' + 8: + question_text: What is the output of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + question_score: '10' 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -284,6 +556,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -306,6 +581,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + correct_answer: B + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -328,6 +607,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -347,8 +630,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + question_score: '10' + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + correct_answer: C + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + correct_answer: A 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -359,6 +660,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - feedback: Super! + option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 7: + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + feedback: We need quotation marks + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + question_score: '10' 5: 1: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the _?_? @@ -387,8 +752,24 @@ levels: {else} ``` feedback: That's right! + hint: Which one goes together with the `{if}` command? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_text: What is the right password? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -397,6 +778,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{else}\n```" + feedback: Great! + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -425,6 +818,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + correct_answer: D + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -452,9 +848,100 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: What the variable name? + 2: + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + mp_choice_options: + - option: fun + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + option: less fun + - feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + option: Hedy + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + 4: + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - option: Because the password is alarm + feedback: No, this is not the password. + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + 10: + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + feedback: Awesome! + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 9: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '1' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + correct_answer: B + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" 6: 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + option: 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the fourth line. + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -468,6 +955,129 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - option: '12' + feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - option: '210' + feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + 5: + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: The * means multiplication. + - feedback: Great! + option: 50 dollars + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 9: + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 10% + - option: 32% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - option: 100% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + correct_answer: C + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + 3: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + feedback: No, there should be! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + 2: + hint: It's the plus sign. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + - feedback: That's true, but not the reason + option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + correct_answer: C + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + question_score: '10' + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -480,8 +1090,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + correct_answer: B 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: That's right! + question_text: Which code is right? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -505,6 +1130,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? 6: code: |- {print} 'Les rodes de l'autobús van girant' @@ -534,6 +1163,10 @@ levels: van rodant van rodant feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -555,6 +1188,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" 9: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -589,6 +1227,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Please help me!' ``` feedback: Perfect + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + question_score: '10' + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -620,6 +1263,51 @@ levels: {print} 'pica de mans' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Right + feedback: No, a word is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 5: + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + hint: The code is correct! + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: Awesome, you can't use the `{repeat}` command here. + - feedback: Where did you leave 'Do do do do'? + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + - feedback: This is not the correct order.. + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + correct_answer: A + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -631,6 +1319,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -658,6 +1351,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + correct_answer: C + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -677,6 +1374,114 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + 1: + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Everything is printed twice. + option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Everything is printed twice + option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 4: + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: This order is incorrect. + - feedback: The last line is repeated too. + option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "{print} 'The children went:'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Yay!'\n {print} 'We are going on vacation!'" + 5: + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines and start with 4 spaces. + - option: '`{else}` is not a command!' + feedback: It is! + - feedback: That's not true + option: Lines that start with `{if}` should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 6: + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - feedback: Well done! + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + 8: + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are wrong! + - feedback: You are... right! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + question_score: '10' + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + correct_answer: C + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + 10: + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + question_score: '10' 9: 1: code: |- @@ -699,6 +1504,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -715,6 +1523,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: case 1, sell + feedback: You don't win a million! + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - option: case 2, sell + feedback: You don't win a million + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -735,6 +1556,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -770,6 +1595,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code produced this output? + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + hint: Watch the indentation + correct_answer: C 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -780,6 +1610,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYou'll get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -820,6 +1654,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -837,12 +1674,56 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + hint: The indentation is done right this time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} 2 {if} level {is} 9 3 {print} Great job! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Only line 2 and 3 start with spaces + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Line 3 should start with 8 + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 8 spaces + feedback: Line 2 should start with 4 + - feedback: You are correct! + option: line 2 should start with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + 2: + correct_answer: D + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\n```" + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nThe computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...\n```" + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + - option: "```\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: None, that is not allowed + feedback: You are allowed to + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: '3' + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -850,6 +1731,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -858,6 +1751,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - option: choices + feedback: That's right! + - option: choice + feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + - option: dice + feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -872,6 +1777,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + question_score: '10' + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -879,6 +1789,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -907,6 +1829,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables 9: code: |- courses = appetizer, main course, dessert @@ -915,6 +1840,19 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program? + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -930,6 +1868,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + correct_answer: D + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is true about this code? + 2: + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + 4: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + correct_answer: C + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -957,6 +1944,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -970,6 +1960,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + correct_answer: A + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -997,6 +1992,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1005,6 +2004,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Use the variable 'people' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1021,6 +2032,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1052,6 +2068,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + question_score: '10' + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 3: + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + correct_answer: A + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + correct_answer: D + 6: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - option: 3 times + feedback: That's right! + - option: Never + feedback: No + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - feedback: Not line 1... + option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + hint: There is something wrong with the indention 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1070,6 +2150,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1096,6 +2180,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1109,12 +2197,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 and 2 + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1128,6 +2233,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1141,6 +2259,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1153,6 +2283,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + correct_answer: A + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1175,6 +2318,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + question_score: '10' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1201,6 +2349,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + correct_answer: C + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1223,6 +2374,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1255,6 +2409,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1270,6 +2428,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + correct_answer: B 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1288,6 +2450,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + question_score: '10' 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1299,10 +2464,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + correct_answer: A + hint: Paper beats rock + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: Fantastic! + - option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + question_score: '10' 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1316,6 +2498,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1330,6 +2525,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + question_text: Which statement is false? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is true! + option: The grey cat is called Abby + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + feedback: Great job! + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + correct_answer: C + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + question_score: '10' 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1344,6 +2552,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have paid too much! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1381,6 +2602,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1405,6 +2630,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1415,6 +2644,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + feedback: No that's not it + correct_answer: B + hint: The symbols are right + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1423,6 +2665,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + correct_answer: B 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1431,6 +2686,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 1 time + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1440,6 +2708,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - feedback: Yes! + option: "'player 2 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + question_score: '10' + 8: + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: True! + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + feedback: There are. + correct_answer: A + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You are right + option: '`<` and `>=`' + - option: '`+` and `==`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + feedback: That's not it + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 1: + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=>`' + feedback: This is not a symbol. + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 7: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1447,11 +2817,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You are right + option: '`{while}`' + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{range}`' + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1472,6 +2867,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1491,6 +2890,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + hint: wetness should get less each time + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1508,6 +2911,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + hint: Look closely at the indentation + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1519,8 +2925,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + question_score: '10' + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: False! + option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1539,6 +2962,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1549,6 +2976,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + correct_answer: A + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1556,12 +3002,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + feedback: Poor Wesley! + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: It's not random... 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1572,6 +3044,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1582,3 +3059,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + 1: + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - option: Line 3 should start with indentation + feedback: It should not! + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + 8: + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + correct_answer: B + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_score: '10' + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + 9: + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + question_score: '10' + 17: + 7: + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Try again! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + correct_answer: C + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + 2: + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + correct_answer: D + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Loop through your list. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + 4: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + correct_answer: D + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + 3: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + - feedback: Try again. + option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C diff --git a/content/quizzes/cs.yaml b/content/quizzes/cs.yaml index f651d0795b2..d57b77991dc 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/cs.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/cs.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Heidi feedback: Tahle ne! hint: Je pojmenován po Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Který příkaz je třeba doplnit místo podtržítek, aby se zobrazil text Ahoj!? code: ___ Hello! @@ -37,6 +39,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Pomocí příkazu `{ask}` se můžete ptát na otázky. hint: _?_ Ahoj světe! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: question_text: Jak se někoho zeptáte na jeho oblíbenou barvu? mp_choice_options: @@ -61,6 +65,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Příkaz `{echo}` zopakuje odpověď. hint: Pomocí příkazu `{ask}` se můžete na něco zeptat. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Co je na tomto kódu špatně? code: |- @@ -77,6 +83,8 @@ levels: - option: Nic! Toto je perfektní kód! feedback: Špatně, zkontroluj si to ještě jednou! hint: Řádek 1 se nezdá být správně + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Který příkaz chybí na řádku 2? code: |- @@ -104,6 +112,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Přesně tak! hint: Chcete vidět odpověď na konci řádku 2... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: Co je špatně na tomto kódu? code: |- @@ -121,6 +131,8 @@ levels: - option: Na řádku 4 je `{print}` napsán špatně. feedback: Ne, chyba je někde jinde hint: Zkontroluj příkaz `{print}`. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 7: question_text: Co je špatně s tímto kódem? code: |- @@ -138,6 +150,8 @@ levels: - option: Nic! Toto je skvělý kód! feedback: Správně! hint: Zkontroluj kód řádek po řádku + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Jak byste použili příkaz `{echo}`? mp_choice_options: @@ -150,6 +164,8 @@ levels: - option: Můžete to použít pro zmizení textu. feedback: Toto není správně... hint: Příkaz `{echo}` se používá po příkazu `{ask}`. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Co je s tímto kódem špatně? code: |- @@ -166,6 +182,8 @@ levels: - option: Nic. Tento kód je správně! feedback: Podívej se pořádně na chyby... hint: Příkaz `{ask}` umožňuje pokládat otázky + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -181,6 +199,10 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + hint: Let's go! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" 2: 1: question_text: Která podmínka je pravdivá? @@ -194,6 +216,8 @@ levels: - option: Na úrovni 2 fungují všechny příkazy z úrovně 1 feedback: Žádný příkaz již nefunguje. hint: Příkazy `{print}` a `{ask}` stále existují. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 2: question_text: Který kód je správně? mp_choice_options: @@ -218,6 +242,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Slova jsou správně, pořadí nikoliv! hint: příkaz `{ask}` nefunguje stejně jako na úrovni 1 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: Co se zobrazí po spuštění tohoto kódu? code: |- @@ -233,6 +259,8 @@ levels: - option: Marleen jde na trh a kupuje jablko. feedback: Ona není nahrazena jménem hint: Slovo jméno je nahrazeno Marleen + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Co se zobrazí po spuštění tohoto kódu? code: |- @@ -247,6 +275,9 @@ levels: feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -273,17 +304,91 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + question_text: What should be on the lines? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + feedback: Perfect! + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 8: + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - feedback: You get it! + option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + - feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: The variable name should come first + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -308,6 +413,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -318,6 +426,11 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 3: question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2 of this code? code: |- @@ -341,6 +454,9 @@ levels: feedback: Very good! - option: Nothing, the code is correct! feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: code: |- colors {is} blue, purple, green @@ -348,6 +464,18 @@ levels: {remove} chosen_color {from} colors {print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random} hint: Look at line 3 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -378,6 +506,83 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 7: + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + feedback: Correct! + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + question_score: '10' + 4: + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + option: Nothing, this code is alright. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable name is prices + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + feedback: No that's not wrong. + - option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 8: + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - option: sea salt + feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + - option: paprika + feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the output of this code? + 6: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + question_score: '10' 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -390,6 +595,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -412,6 +620,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -434,6 +646,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + correct_answer: D + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- volba {is} kámen, nůžky, papír @@ -457,8 +673,24 @@ levels: - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. hint: Nechceme, aby Hedy doslova vypsala 'volba {at} {random}', ale aby vypsala 'kámen' nebo 'nůžky' nebo 'papír'. + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - feedback: You need some quotation marks! + option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + correct_answer: A + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + question_score: '10' 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -469,6 +701,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + 4: + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: B + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + feedback: We need quotation marks + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + question_score: '10' + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + correct_answer: C + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: Correct + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -486,8 +782,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - option: SECRET + feedback: That's right!' + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the right password? + correct_answer: B + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -496,6 +807,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -524,6 +847,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + question_score: '10' + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -551,11 +877,114 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: What the variable name? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: fun + - feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + option: less fun + - feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + option: Hedy + - feedback: Fortunately not! + option: Error + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + 9: + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + option: '1' + - option: '2' + feedback: Super! You escaped! + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - feedback: Not always... + option: werewolf + - option: giant spider + feedback: Not always... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 5: + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + correct_answer: A + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D 6: 2: question_text: Which sign do you use for an addition? + hint: It's the plus sign. + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`-`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`*`' + - feedback: Correct! + option: '`+`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + hint: Mind the fourth line. + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -569,6 +998,115 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 3: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - option: '13' + feedback: Try again.. + - option: 3*10 + feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + - feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 7: + correct_answer: C + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_score: '10' + 8: + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + feedback: Correct! + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + 9: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 10% + - option: 32% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + option: 50% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + question_score: '10' + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + 4: + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - option: '12' + feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + - option: 2*10 + feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + question_score: '10' + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -581,8 +1119,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code is right? + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -606,6 +1159,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -632,6 +1189,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -653,6 +1215,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat mp_choice_options: @@ -688,6 +1255,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Dit is niet de juiste volgorde.. hint: '`{repeat}` kan alleen worden gebruikt als je dezelfde regel meerdere keren achter elkaar wil uitvoeren.' + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat ? code: |- @@ -731,6 +1301,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfect hint: '''Help !'' wordt 3x herhaald.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -762,6 +1334,36 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + correct_answer: D + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 5: + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + hint: The code is correct! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -773,6 +1375,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -800,6 +1407,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + correct_answer: C + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -832,6 +1443,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: B 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -842,6 +1457,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -861,6 +1481,10 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -903,6 +1527,10 @@ levels: {print} You are wrong! ``` feedback: You are wrong! + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + question_score: '10' + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + correct_answer: C 9: code: |- 1 hudebni_styl = {ask} 'Jaký hudební styl máš nejradši?' @@ -910,11 +1538,67 @@ levels: 3 {print} '🤘' 4 {else} 5 {print} '👎' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - option: Only line 3 + feedback: Not only 3... + - feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + question_score: '10' + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + correct_answer: D + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? 10: code: |- 1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?" 2 {if} level {is} 8 3 {print} Great job! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_text: Which statement is true? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - feedback: Well done! + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + correct_answer: D + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + question_score: '10' + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated 9: 1: code: |- @@ -937,6 +1621,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -956,6 +1643,11 @@ levels: Good job! You can use the computer! feedback: Correct! + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -972,6 +1664,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 1, open + - option: case 2, sell + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: Great job! You win! + option: case 2, open + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -992,6 +1697,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: C 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1027,6 +1736,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which code produced this output? + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + hint: Watch the indentation + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -1037,6 +1751,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + correct_answer: C + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -1077,6 +1795,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + correct_answer: A + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -1094,6 +1815,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The indentation is done right this time 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -1109,6 +1833,23 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 9: + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: '3' + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -1116,6 +1857,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + feedback: Almost there! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -1133,6 +1886,9 @@ levels: feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... - option: dice feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + correct_answer: B + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + question_score: '10' 6: code: |- volba = kámen, nůžky, papír @@ -1152,6 +1908,10 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -1159,6 +1919,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + feedback: You are on fire! + - option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -1187,6 +1959,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: What is the first question Hedy will `{ask}` you when you run the program? code: |- @@ -1196,6 +1971,18 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + correct_answer: A + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -1211,6 +1998,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + question_text: What is true about this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pasta + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - feedback: Great! + option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + correct_answer: C + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1238,6 +2074,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1251,6 +2090,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + correct_answer: A + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1278,6 +2122,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1286,6 +2134,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + feedback: The variable is not named guests + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Use the variable 'people' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1302,6 +2162,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1333,6 +2198,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + correct_answer: B + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: Try again + - option: 2 times + feedback: Try again + - option: Never + feedback: Try again + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + 3: + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + correct_answer: A + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + feedback: No it doesn't. + - option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + feedback: Perfect! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + 6: + correct_answer: C + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: 1 time + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1351,6 +2280,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1377,6 +2310,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1390,12 +2327,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1409,6 +2363,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + question_score: '10' + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1422,6 +2389,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1434,6 +2413,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + correct_answer: A 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1456,6 +2448,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1482,6 +2479,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1502,6 +2502,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1534,6 +2537,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + correct_answer: C + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1549,6 +2556,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1567,6 +2578,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + question_score: '10' 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1578,10 +2592,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Paper beats rock + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: Fantastic! + - option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1595,6 +2626,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + feedback: Try again + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1609,6 +2653,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + question_text: Which statement is false? + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1623,6 +2680,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1660,6 +2730,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + correct_answer: A + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1684,6 +2758,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1694,6 +2772,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - feedback: You are correct + option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + question_score: '10' + hint: The symbols are right + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1702,6 +2793,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + hint: '> means greater than' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - option: '`<= 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1710,6 +2814,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + hint: "!= means 'is not'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1719,6 +2836,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: 1 or more + - feedback: No + option: 2 or more + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + question_score: '10' + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + correct_answer: D + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + question_score: '10' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + correct_answer: A + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "'player 1 wins'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + hint: You win the game by having the most points + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + 1: + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + option: '`==`' + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=` and `>=`' + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - feedback: You win! + option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1726,11 +2945,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - option: '`=`' + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1751,6 +2995,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1770,6 +3018,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: wetness should get less each time + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1787,6 +3039,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1798,8 +3053,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: False! + option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + correct_answer: B + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1818,6 +3090,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1828,6 +3104,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + question_score: '10' + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + correct_answer: C 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1835,12 +3130,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + correct_answer: D 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: No, it is not random. + option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + feedback: Poor Wesley! + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + correct_answer: A + hint: It's not random... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1851,6 +3172,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1861,3 +3187,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + correct_answer: D + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + 1: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + hint: We no longer use {at} + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - feedback: No, the code is correct. + option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_text: Which statement is true? + 8: + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - feedback: This is not going to work! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + question_score: '10' + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + correct_answer: B + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: It will be repeated twice + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + correct_answer: A + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + 10: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 17: + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Try again! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Amazing! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + 10: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + 1: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Loop through your list. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + feedback: Not correct. + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + question_score: '10' + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with code? + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + feedback: Not true! + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: Try again. + option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 8: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: Not true. + option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? diff --git a/content/quizzes/cy.yaml b/content/quizzes/cy.yaml index b7c7321ade8..9dd8ff1aa06 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/cy.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/cy.yaml @@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _?_ Hello world! + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which need to be filled in on the blanks to make the text Hello! appear? + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -34,6 +37,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: code: |- {ask} What is your favorite pet? @@ -59,6 +67,10 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: Right on! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -69,6 +81,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -84,6 +100,83 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + correct_answer: B + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + 1: + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's this programming language called? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy + feedback: Good job! + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - option: Haydie + feedback: Not this one! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heidi + 3: + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - feedback: You only need one command, not two. + option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + - feedback: Great! You paid attention! + option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + 7: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: Check the code line by line + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + 9: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -95,6 +188,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good - option: With the {sleep} command, you can remove text from the screen. feedback: That's not how sleep works. + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{print}` still works the same way as in level 1' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -121,17 +218,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + correct_answer: A + question_text: What should be on the lines? + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + correct_answer: B + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + question_text: Which code is correct? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 5: + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: It slows down your computer + feedback: fortunately not! + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + question_score: '10' + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + 4: + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + correct_answer: D + 8: + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + correct_answer: C + hint: The variable name should come first + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + 9: + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -156,6 +371,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -166,8 +384,26 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" 9: hint: Look at line 3 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "colors {is} blue, purple, green\nchosen_color {is} {ask} Which hair color wouldn't you like to have?\n{remove} chosen_color {from} colors\n{print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random}" 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -198,6 +434,98 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 3: + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + 5: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + feedback: No that's not wrong. + - option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 6: + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No that's not right + option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + correct_answer: C + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + question_score: '10' + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + option: Nothing, this code is alright. + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable name is prices + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + 8: + question_text: What is the output of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + question_score: '10' 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -210,6 +538,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -232,6 +563,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -254,6 +589,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + correct_answer: D + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -273,8 +612,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You get it! + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + question_score: '10' + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -285,6 +642,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + correct_answer: D + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + question_score: '10' + 4: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - feedback: Super! + option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + correct_answer: B + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -302,8 +723,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: What is the right password? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct! + feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + - option: SECRET + feedback: That's right!' + - feedback: The password isn't password... + option: password + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -312,6 +748,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + option: "```\n{if}\n```" + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{else}\n```" + feedback: Great! + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -340,6 +788,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -367,9 +818,100 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 2: + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + mp_choice_options: + - option: fun + feedback: That's right! + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + correct_answer: A + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_score: '10' + 4: + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - option: SECRET + feedback: That's not the right answer + - feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + option: Wrong! + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + feedback: Indeed! + - option: Because the password is alarm + feedback: No, this is not the password. + - feedback: That's not how you spell secret + option: Because it's spelled wrong. + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + option: '1' + - option: '2' + feedback: Super! You escaped! + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + correct_answer: B + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + 10: + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" 6: 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: Super! + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - option: 0 dollars + feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -383,6 +925,129 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - option: '12' + feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + question_score: '10' + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D + 3: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + - option: '13' + feedback: Try again.. + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + 4: + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + 5: + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: The * means multiplication. + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 7: + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: That's true, but not the reason + option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + correct_answer: C + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: No, that's not true. + option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - option: 32% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -395,8 +1060,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code is right? + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -420,6 +1100,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -446,6 +1130,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -467,6 +1156,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" 9: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -501,6 +1195,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Please help me!' ``` feedback: Perfect + correct_answer: D + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -532,6 +1231,51 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Right + feedback: No, a word is missing + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + - feedback: Correct + option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + correct_answer: D + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome, you can't use the `{repeat}` command here. + option: "```\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + - feedback: Where did you leave 'Do do do do'? + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + correct_answer: A + 5: + hint: The code is correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -543,6 +1287,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -570,6 +1319,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? 7: code: |- food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -589,6 +1342,114 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + correct_answer: D + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: This order is incorrect. + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'The children went:'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Yay!'\n {print} 'We are going on vacation!'" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines and start with 4 spaces. + feedback: That's right! + - option: '`{else}` is not a command!' + feedback: It is! + - option: Lines that start with `{if}` should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are... right! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + correct_answer: C + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + 6: + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - feedback: Well done! + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + question_score: '10' + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + correct_answer: D + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + 1: + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. 9: 1: code: |- @@ -611,6 +1472,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -627,6 +1491,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - option: case 2, sell + feedback: You don't win a million + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -647,6 +1524,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: C + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -682,6 +1563,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_text: Which code produced this output? + hint: Watch the indentation + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -692,6 +1578,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYou'll get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -732,6 +1622,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -749,12 +1642,56 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + correct_answer: B + hint: The indentation is done right this time + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} 2 {if} level {is} 9 3 {print} Great job! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Only line 2 and 3 start with spaces + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Line 3 should start with 8 + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 8 spaces + feedback: Line 2 should start with 4 + - feedback: You are correct! + option: line 2 should start with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - option: "```\nThe computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + correct_answer: D + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + question_score: '10' 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -762,6 +1699,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -770,6 +1719,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - option: choice + feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + - option: dice + feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -784,6 +1745,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + question_score: '10' + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -791,6 +1757,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + feedback: You are on fire! + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -819,6 +1797,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables 9: code: |- courses = appetizer, main course, dessert @@ -827,6 +1808,19 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program? + question_score: '10' + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -842,6 +1836,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + question_text: What is true about this code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + 2: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pasta + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_text: Which output is correct? + 3: + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + 4: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + correct_answer: C + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -869,6 +1912,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -882,6 +1928,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + correct_answer: A + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -909,6 +1960,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -917,6 +1972,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Use the variable 'people' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -933,6 +2000,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: C 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -964,6 +2036,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - feedback: Not line 1... + option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + correct_answer: C + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_score: '10' + 9: + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + correct_answer: D + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: Try again + - option: 2 times + feedback: Try again + - option: Never + feedback: Try again + - option: That depends on how old you are + feedback: That's right! + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + question_score: '10' 12: 1: code: |- @@ -982,6 +2118,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + hint: Both lines are printed! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1008,6 +2148,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1021,12 +2165,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + correct_answer: A + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 and 2 + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - option: All of the lines + feedback: Perfect! + correct_answer: D + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1040,6 +2201,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1053,6 +2227,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1065,6 +2251,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - feedback: There's more options than just one + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1087,6 +2286,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + correct_answer: B + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1113,6 +2317,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1133,6 +2340,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1165,6 +2375,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1180,6 +2394,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1198,6 +2416,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1209,10 +2430,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + hint: Paper beats rock + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: Fantastic! + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + question_score: '10' 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1226,6 +2464,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1240,6 +2491,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is true! + option: The grey cat is called Abby + - feedback: This is true + option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + - option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + feedback: Great job! + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + question_text: Which statement is false? + correct_answer: C + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + question_score: '10' 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1254,6 +2518,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1291,6 +2568,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1315,6 +2596,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1325,6 +2610,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + hint: The symbols are right + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + feedback: No that's not it + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1333,6 +2631,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - feedback: These kids are too young! + option: '`< 12`' + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + correct_answer: B 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1341,6 +2652,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + hint: "!= means 'is not'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1350,6 +2674,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "'player 1 wins'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + feedback: No + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + 7: + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 3: + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 8: + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + feedback: There are. + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1357,11 +2783,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: Correct + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + question_score: '10' + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + correct_answer: C + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You are right + option: '`{while}`' + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + correct_answer: B 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1382,6 +2833,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + correct_answer: D 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1401,6 +2856,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + hint: wetness should get less each time + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1418,6 +2877,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1429,8 +2891,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1449,6 +2928,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1459,6 +2942,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + correct_answer: A + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + question_score: '10' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + 2: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1466,12 +2968,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + hint: It's not random... + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1482,6 +3010,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1492,3 +3025,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + correct_answer: D + 6: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - feedback: No, the code is correct. + option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + correct_answer: B + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: It will be repeated twice + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + feedback: It's only repeated twice + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + - feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + hint: We no longer use {at} + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 7: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - option: Line 3 should start with indentation + feedback: It should not! + - option: Line 4 should start without indentation + feedback: It should not + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 10: + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + question_score: '10' + 17: + 2: + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 3: + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 4: + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The word num needs quotation marks. + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + correct_answer: B + hint: Loop through your list. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + 9: + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 8: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - feedback: Nope. + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: Try again! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C diff --git a/content/quizzes/da.yaml b/content/quizzes/da.yaml index 2b85a16b58f..fc0109206ee 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/da.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/da.yaml @@ -3,6 +3,18 @@ levels: 2: code: _ Hej! hint: _?_ Hello world! + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{echo}`' + feedback: '`{echo}` repeats a given answer.' + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: Correct! + - option: '`hello`' + feedback: Hello isn't a command. + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which need to be filled in on the blanks to make the text Hello! appear? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -25,6 +37,10 @@ levels: {echo} Hvad er din yndlingsfarve? ``` feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -35,10 +51,28 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- {ask} What is your favorite pet? _?_ So your favorite pet is... + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, you would like the answer to be repeated back to you. + option: '`{print}`' + - option: '`Hedy`' + feedback: Hedy isn't a command. + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: With `{ask}` you can ask a question. + - feedback: Right on! + option: '`{echo}`' + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -49,6 +83,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + correct_answer: C + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -64,6 +102,69 @@ levels: Er du klar til at gå videre til niveau 2? Ja! feedback: There are two echo commands + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Good job! + option: Hedy + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - option: Haydie + feedback: Not this one! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heidi + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's this programming language called? + 6: + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Check the code line by line + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: Super! + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + correct_answer: B + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + question_score: '10' 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -75,6 +176,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good - option: With the {sleep} command, you can remove text from the screen. feedback: That's not how sleep works. + hint: '`{print}` still works the same way as in level 1' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -97,16 +202,46 @@ levels: {ask} Hvad hedder du? {is} navn ``` feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which code is correct? + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... _?_ {print} Hedy! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: '`{sleep}`' + - feedback: There is nothing to repeat back here + option: '`{echo}`' + - feedback: There is no text there to `{print}` there + option: '`{print}`' + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: There is no question there to be asked + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + correct_answer: A + question_text: What should be on the lines? + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + correct_answer: B + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -129,6 +264,11 @@ levels: alder {is} Hvor gammel er du? ``` feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + hint: The variable name should come first + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ @@ -156,6 +296,69 @@ levels: {ask} What flavor icecream do you like? ``` feedback: That's right! + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + correct_answer: D + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + - feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + option: Marleen goes to the market. + - option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + feedback: Right on! + - option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + feedback: She is not replaced with the name + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + correct_answer: C + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my Hedy is name + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 5: + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + mp_choice_options: + - option: It slows down your computer + feedback: fortunately not! + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -174,6 +377,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -184,6 +390,11 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + correct_answer: A + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_score: '10' 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -203,6 +414,11 @@ levels: feedback: Very good! - option: Nothing, the code is correct! feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + correct_answer: C + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + question_score: '10' + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -222,8 +438,26 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' - option: Nothing, this code is alright. feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + hint: The variable name is prices + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" 9: hint: Look at line 3 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + feedback: Great job! + - option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + feedback: Find the mistake! + correct_answer: C + code: "colors {is} blue, purple, green\nchosen_color {is} {ask} Which hair color wouldn't you like to have?\n{remove} chosen_color {from} colors\n{print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -254,6 +488,68 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - option: Nothing, this code is perfect + feedback: That's right! + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + 7: + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + correct_answer: C + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + 8: + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - feedback: Correct + option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + correct_answer: B + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + question_score: '10' 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -266,6 +562,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + correct_answer: A + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -288,6 +587,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + question_score: '10' 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -310,6 +613,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + correct_answer: D + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -329,8 +636,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + question_score: '10' + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + correct_answer: C + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You get it! + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -341,6 +666,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + correct_answer: D + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 7: + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + mp_choice_options: + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + feedback: Correct! + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 8: + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + feedback: We need quotation marks + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + feedback: Super! + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: Correct + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" 5: 1: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the _?_? @@ -348,8 +737,33 @@ levels: number {is} {ask} 'What is your lucky number?' {if} number {is} 5 {print} 'Mine too!' _?_ {print} 'My lucky number is 5!' + hint: Which one goes together with the `{if}` command? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: There already is a `{print}` command. + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: The `{if}` command is used in the line above. + - option: '`{sleep}`' + feedback: That's not it! + - option: '`{else}`' + feedback: That's right! + question_score: '10' 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the right password? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -358,6 +772,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + - option: "```\n{else}\n```" + feedback: Great! + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -365,6 +791,18 @@ levels: name {is} {ask} 'Whats your name?' {if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'You will be a millionair!' {else} _?_ 'Unfortunately... No big money for you.' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: '`{if}` is in the line above.' + - feedback: No, you don't need `{at} {random}`. + option: '`{at}` `{random}`' + - feedback: There already is an `{else}` command + option: '`{else}`' + - feedback: Awesome! + option: '`{print}`' + question_score: '10' + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -388,9 +826,100 @@ levels: - option: |- `{print}` feedback: No, that's not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + 2: + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: fun + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + option: Hedy + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + 4: + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + 5: + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - option: Because the password is alarm + feedback: No, this is not the password. + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - feedback: No, Hedy is right + option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + 9: + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '1' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + 10: + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' 6: 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + hint: Mind the fourth line. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - option: 21 dollars + feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -404,6 +933,129 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + 1: + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - option: 2*10 + feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`-`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + hint: It's the plus sign. + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 5: + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - option: 10 dollars + feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: The * means multiplication. + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 7: + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + correct_answer: C + 8: + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + feedback: Correct! + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + 9: + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + correct_answer: C + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + - option: '10' + feedback: Please try again. + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + question_score: '10' + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + 3: + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -416,6 +1068,9 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -439,6 +1094,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code is right? + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -456,6 +1114,10 @@ levels: `{times}` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -482,6 +1144,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -503,8 +1170,82 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost! the first line needs an extra word + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n```" + feedback: This is not in the right order. + - feedback: This is not in the right order. + option: "```\n{repeat} 4 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'clap your hands'\n{print} 'and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'clap your hands'\n```" + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Right + feedback: No, a word is missing + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + correct_answer: D + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 5: + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: A + hint: The code is correct! + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome, you can't use the `{repeat}` command here. + option: "```\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'" + feedback: Where did you leave 'Do do do do'? + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + - feedback: This is not the correct order.. + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + 9: + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Your repeated line is incorrect. + option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham. '\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{print} 'Help!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + - feedback: The `{print}` command is missing on line 3. + option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + - feedback: You're missing the quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} Batman was flying through Gotham.\n{print} When suddenly he heard someone screaming!\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} Help!\n{print} Please help me!\n```" + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." 8: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -529,6 +1270,11 @@ levels: Jeg hedder Hedy! Jeg hedder Hedy! feedback: Everything is printed twice + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" 2: mp_choice_options: - option: This should be only one line, not 2. @@ -539,6 +1285,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + question_score: '10' 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -566,6 +1317,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -590,6 +1345,11 @@ levels: Pancakes Pancakes feedback: Godt klaret! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" 7: code: |- food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -609,6 +1369,84 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 4: + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "{print} 'The children went:'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Yay!'\n {print} 'We are going on vacation!'" + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: This order is incorrect. + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines and start with 4 spaces. + - option: '`{else}` is not a command!' + feedback: It is! + - feedback: That's not true + option: Lines that start with `{if}` should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are wrong! + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are wrong! + - feedback: You are... right! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are wrong! + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + correct_answer: C + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + question_score: '10' + 9: + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 10: + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 9: 1: code: |- @@ -631,6 +1469,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -647,6 +1488,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + question_score: '10' + hint: Follow the right path + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -667,6 +1521,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -677,6 +1535,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + correct_answer: C + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYou'll get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -717,6 +1579,9 @@ levels: price = price - 5 ``` feedback: Try again + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -734,12 +1599,71 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The indentation is done right this time 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} 2 {if} level {is} 9 3 {print} Great job! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + mp_choice_options: + - option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Only line 2 and 3 start with spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Line 3 should start with 8 + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 8 spaces + feedback: Line 2 should start with 4 + - option: line 2 should start with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 + feedback: You are correct! + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 2: + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\n```" + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nThe computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...\n```" + - option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - option: "```\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + feedback: Correct! + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + correct_answer: D + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - feedback: That is true + option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Don't forget the indentation after `{repeat}` commands. + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - feedback: Use indentation after an `{if}` command + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n dessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n {if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + question_text: Which code produced this output? + hint: Watch the indentation + correct_answer: C + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_score: '10' 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -747,6 +1671,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + - option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + feedback: Almost there! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -755,6 +1691,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - option: choices + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + option: dice + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -769,6 +1717,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + question_score: '10' + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -776,6 +1729,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + feedback: You are on fire! + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -783,6 +1748,18 @@ levels: colors = blue, red, purple {for} name {in} names {print} _?_ + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n'name gets a color shirt'\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - option: "```\nname 'gets a ' colors {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + feedback: Great job! This was a hard one! + - option: "```\nnames 'gets a ' color {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + feedback: You want each name printed. So the first word should not be names but... + - option: "```\npeople ' gets a colors shirt'\n```" + feedback: There is no variable named people.. + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- courses = appetizer, main course, dessert @@ -791,6 +1768,19 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - feedback: Timon is first on the list! + option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program? + correct_answer: A + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -806,6 +1796,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + question_text: What is true about this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + feedback: Great! + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: dogs are lovely pets + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + correct_answer: C + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + correct_answer: C + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -827,6 +1866,9 @@ levels: - option: |- `{for}` feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -840,6 +1882,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -867,6 +1914,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -875,6 +1926,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + feedback: That's one order too many! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Use the variable 'people' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -891,6 +1954,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -922,11 +1990,88 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 3: + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + question_score: '10' + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + correct_answer: A + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + feedback: Perfect! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + 6: + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - option: 2 times + feedback: No + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + correct_answer: D 12: 1: code: |- print 'three and a half plus one and a half is...' print 3.5 + 1.5 + question_text: Which output is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '5' + feedback: Don't forget the first line of code! + - feedback: This is not the one! + option: 3.5 + 1.5 + - option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\nfive" + feedback: Take a close look at the second line... + - option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\n5" + feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -953,10 +2098,27 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' print 'I like ' favoriteanimal ' too!' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: The name of the variable is different in line 1 than in line 2. + feedback: Correct! + - option: The quotation marks aren't used correctly in line 2 + feedback: That's not true + - option: You can't use the = sign when using an {ask} command + feedback: That's not true + - option: Nothing is wrong. + feedback: That's not true + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop @@ -972,6 +2134,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: All of the lines feedback: Perfect! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -985,6 +2151,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: You've cracked the code! + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? 6: code: |- print 'Welcome to McHedy!' @@ -997,6 +2176,19 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + feedback: Almost there! + question_text: Which line should be filled in at the `_`? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1009,6 +2201,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + correct_answer: A 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1031,6 +2236,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: '3.5' 9: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1053,6 +2263,11 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C + code: "_\n{print} 'You won ' prizes {at} {random} '!'" + question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the `_`? + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: for i in range 1 to 3 @@ -1063,6 +2278,11 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the `_` to complete the song ? + question_score: '10' + code: "actions = 'clap your hands', 'stomp your feet', 'shout Hurray!'\n_\n {for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n {print} action\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n {print} action" 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1095,6 +2315,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1110,6 +2334,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1128,6 +2356,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1139,6 +2370,10 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + correct_answer: A + hint: Paper beats rock + question_score: '10' 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1152,6 +2387,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1166,6 +2414,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is false? 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1180,6 +2441,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1192,6 +2466,19 @@ levels: 8 print 'Ice cream with sprinkles, coming up' 9 if chocolate = 'no' and sprinkles = 'no' 10 print 'Just plain icecream, coming up!' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Line 3 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "Line 3 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + - option: "Line 5 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + - feedback: This is not what I ordered! + option: "Line 7 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + correct_answer: A + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1216,6 +2503,25 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + question_score: '10' + 5: + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + correct_answer: C + code: "{if} name = 'Cinderella' {and} shoe_size = 38\n {print} 'You are my one true love!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Both statements have to be true 14: 3: mp_choice_options: @@ -1226,6 +2532,12 @@ levels: - option: '`<` and `>=`' feedback: You are right - option: '`+` og `==`' + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + feedback: That's not it + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + correct_answer: C 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster @@ -1237,9 +2549,145 @@ levels: - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster feedback: There are. hint: '> betyder større end' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - feedback: You are correct + option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + - option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + feedback: No that's not it + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + code: "price = 10\nmoney = {ask} How much money do you have?\nbuy = {ask} 'Would you like to buy this teddy bear?'\n{if} money >= price {and} buy == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can buy the bear!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!'" + hint: The symbols are right + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + hint: You win the game by having the most points + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + question_score: '10' + 1: + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + correct_answer: D + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 6: + code: "lives = 2\n{repeat} 10 {times}\n {if} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + 9: + code: "chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?'\n {if} chocolate <= 2\n {print} 'That is a healthy amount'\n {if} chocolate > 2 {and} chocolate =< 8\n {print} 'That is a bit much'\n {if} chocolate > 8\n {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 or more + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 5: + correct_answer: B + hint: '> means greater than' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`> 12`' + feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nticket = {ask} 'Do you have a ticket?'\n{if} age _ {and} ticket == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 15: 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? + code: "_ age < 18\n {print} 'you are not allowed in this bar'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{for}`' + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger 4: mp_choice_options: - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = @@ -1250,6 +2698,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + code: "options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{print} 'Throw 6 as fast as you can!'\nthrown = 0\ntries = 0\n{while} thrown == 6\n thrown = options {at} {random}\n {print} 'You threw ' thrown\n tries = tries + 1\n{print} 'Yes! You have thrown 6 in ' tries ' tries.'" + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: = wetness @@ -1260,6 +2713,11 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + code: "wetness = 10\n{while} wetness != 0\n {print} 'Your hair is still wet, hair dryer on!'\n {sleep} 1\n {clear}\n wetness _\n\n{print} 'All dry!'" + hint: wetness should get less each time + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -1271,6 +2729,10 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + code: "lives = 100\n {while} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1282,6 +2744,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + question_score: '10' + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: A 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Nothing. 1600 is not programmed into the app. @@ -1292,6 +2758,11 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + code: "calories = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?'\n {while} calories <= 1000\n {print} 'You could eat some more'\n {while} calories > 1000 {and} calories =< 2000\n {print} 'That is alright'\n {while} calories > 2000\n {print} 'You have had enough for today'" 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1302,6 +2773,55 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: False! + option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + - feedback: Great job + option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + - feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + correct_answer: B + hint: The block after the {while} command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + option: '`==`' + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + code: "answer = 0\n{while} answer _ 'Amsterdam'\n answer = {ask} 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?'\n{print} 'You have given the correct answer'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1309,12 +2829,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: No, it is not random. + option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + hint: It's not random... + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1325,6 +2871,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1335,6 +2886,101 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + 10: + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + 1: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - feedback: The order is wrong. + option: '`[{random} snack]`' + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - option: Line 3 should start with indentation + feedback: It should not! + - option: Line 4 should start without indentation + feedback: It should not + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - feedback: No, the code is correct. + option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_text: Which statement is true? + 8: + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + correct_answer: B + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_score: '10' 17: 3: mp_choice_options: @@ -1370,6 +3016,11 @@ levels: 🦔 ``` feedback: That is not it. + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1420,6 +3071,11 @@ levels: 97 ``` feedback: That is not it. + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + question_score: '10' + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" 8: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' @@ -1430,6 +3086,11 @@ levels: feedback: Godt klaret! - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. feedback: Nope. + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: The word num needs quotation marks. @@ -1440,3 +3101,97 @@ levels: feedback: Godt klaret! - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + 6: + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Amazing! + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 1: + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + 4: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" diff --git a/content/quizzes/de.yaml b/content/quizzes/de.yaml index 948bebc9e0d..c554da5b85b 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/de.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/de.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Heidi feedback: Nicht dieses! hint: Es ist nach Hedy Lamarr benannt. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Welche müssen in die Lücken gefüllt werden, um den Text Hello! erscheinen zu lassen? code: _ Hallo! @@ -25,6 +27,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: Mit `{ask}` kannst du eine Frage stellen. hint: _ Hallo Welt! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Wie fragst du, was jemandes Lieblingsfarbe ist? mp_choice_options: @@ -49,6 +53,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{echo}` gibt deine Antwort aus.' hint: Mit dem `{ask}`-Befehl kannst du etwas fragen + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Was ist falsch an diesem Code? code: |- @@ -65,6 +71,8 @@ levels: - option: Nichts! Der Code ist perfekt! feedback: Falsch, schau nochmal genau hin! hint: Zeile 1 sieht nicht ganz richtig aus + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: question_text: Welcher Befehl fehlt in Zeile 2? code: |- @@ -80,6 +88,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{echo}`' feedback: Richtig! hint: Du möchtest die Antwort am Ende von Zeile 2 sehen... + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Was stimmt mit diesem Code nicht? code: |- @@ -97,6 +107,8 @@ levels: - option: In Zeile 4, `{print}` ist falsch geschrieben. feedback: Nein, der Fehler liegt woanders hint: Prüfe die `{print}` Befehle. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Was stimmt mit diesem Code nicht? code: |- @@ -114,6 +126,8 @@ levels: - option: Nichts! Dies ist ein perfekter Code! feedback: Richtig! hint: Prüfe den Code Zeile für Zeile + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Wie wird der Befehl `{echo}` verwendet? mp_choice_options: @@ -126,6 +140,8 @@ levels: - option: Du kannst es verwenden, um Text verschwinden zu lassen. feedback: Das ist nicht richtig... hint: '`{echo}` wird nach einem `{ask}` Befehl benutzt.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Was ist an diesem Code falsch? code: |- @@ -142,6 +158,8 @@ levels: - option: Nichts. Dies ist einwandfreier Code! feedback: Suche sorgfältig nach dem Fehler... hint: '`{ask}` erlaubt es dir, eine Frage zu stellen' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Welche Ausgabe wird im Ausgabebereich erscheinen, wenn du diesen Code ausführst? mp_choice_options: @@ -157,6 +175,10 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: Es gibt zwei `{echo}` -Befehle + hint: Let's go! + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: 1: question_text: Welche Aussage ist wahr? @@ -170,6 +192,8 @@ levels: - option: Mit dem {sleep} Befehl kannst du Text vom Bildschirm entfernen. feedback: So funktioniert `{sleep}` nicht. hint: '`{print}` funktioniert genauso wie in Level 1' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Welcher Code ist korrekt? mp_choice_options: @@ -194,6 +218,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Die Worte sind richtig, die Reihenfolge nicht! hint: '`{ask}` funktioniert nicht wie in Level 1' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: Was erscheint in der Ausgabe, wenn du diesen Code ausführst? code: |- @@ -209,6 +235,8 @@ levels: - option: Marleen geht auf den Markt und Marleen kauft einen Apfel. feedback: Sie wird nicht durch name ersetzt hint: Das Wort name wird durch Marleen ersetzt + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Was wird auf dem Ausgabebildschirm angezeigt, wenn du diesen Code ausführst? code: |- @@ -224,6 +252,8 @@ levels: - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy feedback: Richtig, dieser Fehler wird in Level 4 behoben! hint: '''name'' wird an beiden Stellen durch ''Hedy'' ersetzt' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: Was passiert wenn du den `{sleep}` Befehl verwendest? mp_choice_options: @@ -236,6 +266,8 @@ levels: - option: Du fügst es am Ende ein, damit Hedy weiß, dass dein Programm fertig ist feedback: Nein, es wäre am Ende deines Codes nutzlos hint: Der Computer wartet eine Sekunde lang beim Befehl `{sleep}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: Was sollte in den Zeilen stehen? code: |- @@ -252,6 +284,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: Es gibt keine Frage, die gestellt wird hint: Pause für dramatischen Effekt... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Welcher Befehl sollte in Zeile 2 verwendet werden? code: |- @@ -280,6 +314,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Mach es dir leichter, indem du die Zahl 3 verwendest hint: Du willst, dass der Computer 3 Sekunden lang wartet + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Wie würdest du die erste Zeile des Codes korrigieren? code: |- @@ -307,6 +343,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Wo ist der `{ask}` Befehl? hint: Der Variablenname sollte an erster Stelle stehen + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Was läuft in diesem Code schief? mp_choice_options: @@ -319,6 +357,9 @@ levels: - option: 'Zeile 2 sollte lauten: `{sleep}` I love animals' feedback: Schlafe wird nicht benutzt, um Text zu `{print}` hint: Du willst mit `{print}` 'I love dogs' ausgeben + correct_answer: B + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Welcher Befehl muss in Zeile 1 verwendet werden? code: |- @@ -348,6 +389,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Das ist richtig! hint: Du willst mit `{ask}` eine Frage stellen + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: 1: question_text: Mit welchen Befehlen kann Hedy etwas Zufälliges auswählen? @@ -361,6 +404,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' feedback: Korrekt! hint: Zufällig bedeutet ohne Plan. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Welcher Fehler versteckt sich in diesem Code? code: |- @@ -376,6 +421,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at} {random}` ist nicht richtig geschrieben' feedback: '`{at} {random}` ist die richtige Schreibweise' hint: In Zeile 1 hat sich ein Fehler eingeschlichen + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Wie beseitigt man den Fehler in Zeile 2? code: |- @@ -400,6 +447,8 @@ levels: - option: Nichts, der Code ist korrekt! feedback: Such genau nach dem Fehler hint: Die Variable (die Liste) heißt optionen. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Was muss in Zeile 2 geändert werden, um einen Zufallspreis auszugeben? code: |- @@ -424,6 +473,8 @@ levels: - option: Nichts, dieser Code ist in Ordnung. feedback: Such aufmerksam nach dem Fehler den du übersehen hast! hint: Der Variablenname ist prices + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: Wo ist der Fehler in diesem Code? code: |- @@ -441,6 +492,8 @@ levels: - option: Nichts, dieser Code ist perfekt feedback: Das ist richtig! hint: Hat dieser Code überhaupt einen Fehler? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: Was stimmt mit diesem Code nicht? code: |- @@ -457,6 +510,8 @@ levels: - option: Nichts! Dieser Code ist großartig! feedback: Tatsächlich hat Zeile 2 einen Fehler. hint: Da stimmt etwas nicht mit Zeile 2. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Was macht der `{add}` Befehl? code: |- @@ -474,6 +529,8 @@ levels: - option: Der `{add}` Befehl gibt dein Lieblingsbuch aus. feedback: Nein, es fügt dein Lieblingsbuch zur Liste hinzu hint: Der `{add}` Befehl fügt ein Buch hinzu, aber welches? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Was ist die Ausgabe dieses Code? code: |- @@ -491,6 +548,8 @@ levels: - option: Saure Sahne feedback: Das ist richtig! hint: Es gibt 3 Geschmacksrichtungen, aber 2 werden entfernt. Welche bleibt übrig? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Was stimmt mit diesem Code nicht? code: |- @@ -508,6 +567,8 @@ levels: - option: Nichts, dies ist korrekter Code! feedback: Finde den Fehler! hint: Schau in Zeile 3 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Was sollte in den Lücken sein _? code: |- @@ -538,6 +599,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Dies hat die Wahrscheinlichkeit erhöht, dass die Person die gestern ging jetzt schon wieder gehen muss. Das ist gemein. hint: Die Person, die gestern ging, sollte von der Liste entfernt werden. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 4: 1: question_text: Welches dieser Programme ist korrekt? @@ -563,6 +626,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Vorsicht bei der Nutzung von Anführungszeichen und Apostrophen hint: In Level 4 benötigst du für 2 Befehle Anführungszeichen. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Welcher Code benutzt die richtigen Anführungszeichen? mp_choice_options: @@ -587,6 +652,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Dies ist ein Komma, du brauchst Anführungszeichen. hint: Wähle die richtigen Anführungszeichen. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: question_text: Wo werden die Anführungszeichen richtig benutzt? mp_choice_options: @@ -611,6 +678,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfekt! hint: Sowohl vor als auch hinter Wörtern, die du ausgeben möchtest, sollten Anführungszeichen stehen. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 4: question_text: Welche Aussage ist wahr? mp_choice_options: @@ -623,6 +692,8 @@ levels: - option: Du kannst selbst wählen, ob du Anführungszeichen benutzt oder nicht. feedback: Leider ist Hedy strenger. hint: Ab Level 4 musst du Anführungszeichen benutzen. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Was muss geändert werden, um das Spiel zum Laufen zu bringen? code: |- @@ -647,6 +718,8 @@ levels: - option: Nichts, das Spiel funktioniert bereits! feedback: Schau genau hin. Dort ist ein Fehler. hint: Du möchtest nicht das Hedy wortwörtlich 'auswahlmöglichkeiten {at} {random}' ausgibt, du möchtest 'Stein' oder 'Papier' oder 'Schere' ausgeben. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Was wäre eine gute nächste Zeile in diesem Code? code: preise {is} 1 Euro, 100 Euro, 1 Million Euro @@ -672,6 +745,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hedy wird wortwörtlich 'preise {at} {random}'' ausgeben hint: 'Denk scharf nach: was ist eine Variable und sollte außerhalb von Anführungszeichen stehen? Und was sind normale Wörter, die innerhalb stehen sollten?' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 7: question_text: Was stimmt mit diesem Code nicht? code: |- @@ -688,6 +763,8 @@ levels: - option: Nichts, dieser Code ist gut so wie er ist! feedback: Schau genau hin. Du hast einen Fehler übersehen! hint: Prüfe jede Zeile, ob sie Anführungszeichen benötigen könnte oder nicht. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Was wäre eine gute nächste Zeile in diesem Code? code: |- @@ -716,6 +793,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hedy wird wortwörtlich 'Also wählst du Tür Tür ausgeben hint: Das zweite Wort Tür sollte mit der Nummer ersetzt werden, das erste sollte weiterhin das Wort Tür sein... + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Was wird nie im Ausgabebereich erscheinen? code: |- @@ -731,6 +810,8 @@ levels: - option: FC Barcelona wird die Champions League gewinnen feedback: Das ist richtig. Es ist nicht in der Liste hint: Was sind Hedys Auswahlmöglichkeiten von denen zufällig gewählt wird? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Welche Aussage ist wahr? code: |- @@ -747,6 +828,8 @@ levels: - option: Nichts, dieser Code hat keine Fehler feedback: Du hast einen übersehen! hint: Eine Zeile benötigt Anführungszeichen, weil du sie wortwörtlich ausgeben möchtest. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: 1: question_text: Welcher Befehl sollte in die Lücken _? @@ -764,6 +847,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{else}`' feedback: Das ist richtig! hint: Welches passt zum `{if}` Befehl? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: question_text: Was erscheint im Ausgabebereich, wenn du den Namen Hedy eintippst? code: |- @@ -778,6 +863,9 @@ levels: feedback: Nein, es gibt den Namen nicht aus - option: Error feedback: Glücklicherweise nicht! + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: Was ist das richtige Passwort? code: |- @@ -794,6 +882,8 @@ levels: - option: ALARM INTRUDER feedback: Dies wird ausgegeben, wenn du das falsche Passwort eintippst! hint: '`{if}` passwort `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Richtig!''' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Was gibt Hedy aus, wenn du das falsche Passwort eintippst? code: |- @@ -810,6 +900,8 @@ levels: - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! feedback: Großartig gemacht! hint: Dein Computer wird bei Eindringlingen Alarm schlagen! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: Warum wird Hedy 'ALARM! EINDINGLING' ausgeben, wenn du 'geheimnis' eintippst? code: |- @@ -826,6 +918,8 @@ levels: - option: Weil Hedy Fehler macht feedback: Nein, Hedy hat recht hint: Die Rechtschreibung des Wortes muss genau gleich sein. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Welches Wort sollte anstelle des Leerzeichens in der letzten Zeile stehen? code: |- @@ -856,6 +950,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{print}` ist bereits dort, wir brauchen ein Wort davor!' hint: '`{if}` geht zusammen mit...?' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Welches Wort sollte anstelle des Leerzeichens stehen? code: |- @@ -873,6 +969,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: Toll! hint: Nach `{else}` folgt ein `{print}` Befehl + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Welches Wort sollte anstelle des Leerzeichens stehen? code: |- @@ -895,6 +993,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: Nein, das ist es nicht. hint: Was ist der Variablenname? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Welche Tür solltest du wählen um zu entkommen?? code: |- @@ -914,6 +1014,8 @@ levels: - option: Es ist eine Falle, du wirst immer gegessen werden! feedback: Glücklicherweise nicht! hint: Eine der Türen wird dich in Sicherheit bringen.. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: question_text: Welches Monster steht hinter Tür 1? code: |- @@ -933,6 +1035,8 @@ levels: - option: Riesenspinne feedback: Nicht immer... hint: Beachte die letzten 3 Wörter... Monster `{at} {random}`... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: 1: question_text: Was gibt Hedy aus, wenn du diesen Code laufen lässt? @@ -946,6 +1050,9 @@ levels: - option: '210' feedback: Beachte, dass es eine Berechnung ist. hint: Das `*` wird als Multiplikationszeichen benutzt + question_score: '10' + code: '{print} 2*10' + correct_answer: A 2: question_text: Was benutzt du wenn du zwei Zahlen addieren möchtest? mp_choice_options: @@ -958,6 +1065,8 @@ levels: - option: '`+`' feedback: Richtig! hint: Es ist das Pluszeichen. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: Was ist Hedys Ausgabe, wenn du diesen Code ausführst? mp_choice_options: @@ -970,6 +1079,9 @@ levels: - option: Nichts, Hedy wird eine Fehlermeldung ausgeben. feedback: Nein, Hedy wird es wortwörtlich ausgeben. hint: Beachte die Anführungszeichen!! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} '3*10'" 4: question_text: Kim ist 10 Jahre alt. Was wird Hedy für sie ausgeben? code: |- @@ -987,6 +1099,8 @@ levels: - option: Deine Glückszahl ist... 10 feedback: Ihre Glückszahl ist Name mal Alter... hint: 'Kim hat 3 Buchstaben, sie ist 10 Jahre alt, also: Buchstaben mal Alter = 3*10 = 30.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 5: question_text: Wenn 5 Leute im Restaurant essen, wie viel müssen sie insgesamt bezahlen? code: |- @@ -1004,6 +1118,8 @@ levels: - option: 50 Euro feedback: Großartig! hint: preis ist leute mal 10 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Wie viel kostet ein Hamburger in diesem virtuellen Restaurant? code: |- @@ -1022,6 +1138,8 @@ levels: - option: 21 Euro feedback: Das ist der Preis für einen Hamburger und Pommes! hint: Beachte die vierte Zeile. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Warum sagt Zeile 7 'preis ist preis + 3' anstelle von 'preis ist 3'? code: |- @@ -1044,6 +1162,8 @@ levels: - option: Weil der Preis 0 Euro ist. feedback: Das ist wahr, jedoch nicht der Grund hint: Der Preis sollte nicht 3 sein, aber 3 Euro mehr als es bereits war + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Warum ist dieser Code inkorrekt? code: |- @@ -1061,6 +1181,8 @@ levels: - option: Die Variable in Zeile 2 kann nicht antwort heißen, weil sie zu ähnlich zur Variable richtige antwort ist. feedback: Variablennamen können ähnlich sein, aber sie dürfen nicht aus 2 Wörtern bestehen... hint: Untersuche die Namen der Variablen. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Stell dir vor, du liebst Fußball eine 10, du hast 2 Bananen gegessen und hast heute 3 Mal deine Hände gewaschen. Wie schlau denkt die alberne Wahrsagerin, dass du bist? code: |- @@ -1082,6 +1204,8 @@ levels: - option: 100% feedback: (2 Bananen + 3 Hygiene) * 10 Fußball = 5*10 =? hint: (2 Bananen + 3 Hygiene) * 10 Fußball = 5*10 =? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Welche Aussage ist wahr? code: |- @@ -1097,6 +1221,8 @@ levels: - option: Du kannst nur das `=` Zeichen verwenden, wenn du mit Zahlen arbeitest, nicht mit Wörtern. feedback: Du kannst das `=` auch mit Wörtern benutzen. hint: '`{is}` und `=` sind beide erlaubt' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: 1: question_text: Wie viele Zeilen Code kannst du mit einem Mal mit dem wiederhole-Befehl in diesem Level wiederholen? @@ -1110,6 +1236,8 @@ levels: - option: unendlich feedback: In diesem Level kannst du nur eine Zeile wiederholen hint: Du kannst nur eine Zeile mit einem Mal wiederholen + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Welcher Code ist richtig? mp_choice_options: @@ -1134,6 +1262,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Das ist richtig! hint: Erst der `{repeat}` -Befehl, dann der `{print}` Befehl + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: Ist dieser Code richtig oder falsch? code: '{repeat} 100 {times} ''Hallo!''' @@ -1147,6 +1277,8 @@ levels: - option: Falsch, das Wort `{print}` fehlt feedback: Richtig hint: 'Es sollte so sein: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` ''Hallo''' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Welches Wort ist falsch im Code? mp_choice_options: @@ -1162,6 +1294,9 @@ levels: - option: '`{times}`' feedback: '`{times}` ist richtig geschrieben' hint: I'm ist falsch, du kannst keine Apostrophe in einem Satz verwenden + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Ist dieser Code richtig oder falsch? code: '{repeat} 100 {times} {print} ''Hedy ist toll!''' @@ -1171,6 +1306,8 @@ levels: - option: Falsch feedback: Das ist es nicht hint: Der Code ist richtig! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 6: question_text: Was wird die Ausgabe dieses Code sein? mp_choice_options: @@ -1199,6 +1336,9 @@ levels: round and round feedback: All through the town! Perfekt! hint: Nur 'round and round' wird 3 Mal wiederholt. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: question_text: Was wird die Ausgabe dieses Code sein? mp_choice_options: @@ -1222,6 +1362,9 @@ levels: ROCK YOU! feedback: Beachte den wiederhole-Befehl hint: Beachte den `{repeat}` Befehl. + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Welcher Hedy code gehört zu dieser Ausgabe? mp_choice_options: @@ -1257,6 +1400,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Dies ist nicht die richtige Reihenfolge.. hint: '`{repeat}` kann nur benutzt werden, wenn du die gleiche Zeile mehrfach in Folge ausführen möchtest.' + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 9: question_text: Welcher Hedy-Code gehört dieser Ausgabe? code: |- @@ -1300,6 +1446,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfekt hint: '''Help!'' wird 3 Mal wiederholt.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: Welcher Code gehört zu dieser Ausgabe? mp_choice_options: @@ -1332,6 +1480,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Dies ist nicht in der richtigen Reihenfolge. hint: Beachte die Reihenfolge der Sätze. + correct_answer: B + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + question_score: '10' 8: 1: question_text: Welche Ausgabe wird von diesem Code erzeugt? @@ -1362,6 +1513,8 @@ levels: Ich bin Hedy! feedback: Alles wird doppelt ausgegeben hint: Beide Zeilen werden zweimal wiederholt. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Was stimmt mit diesem Code nicht? code: |- @@ -1377,6 +1530,8 @@ levels: - option: Die zweite Zeile sollte mit 4 Leerzeichen als Einrückung beginnen. feedback: Richtig! hint: Etwas fehlt in der zweiten Zeile? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Welche Ausgabe wird erzeugt, wenn du dieses Programm ausführst? mp_choice_options: @@ -1405,6 +1560,9 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: Was wird wiederholt und was nicht. hint: Was wird wiederholt und was nicht? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" 4: question_text: Welche Ausgabe ist richtig? code: |- @@ -1439,6 +1597,8 @@ levels: Wir fahren in den Urlaub! feedback: Die letzte Zeile wird auch wiederholt. hint: Der Block unter dem `{repeat}` Befehl wird zwei Mal wiederholt. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Was stimmt mit diesem Code nicht? code: |- @@ -1455,6 +1615,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}` ist kein Befehl mehr' feedback: Das ist nicht wahr hint: Etwas stimmt mit der Einrückung nicht + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Which code was used to create this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -1490,6 +1652,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Awesome! hint: Pay attention to what sould be repeated and what should only be printed once. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" 7: question_text: Was stimmt mit diesem Code nicht? code: |- @@ -1511,6 +1676,8 @@ levels: - option: Die Einrückung ist im ersten `{if}` Befehl falsch. feedback: Das ist richtig. hint: Schau dir die Einrückung genau an. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: In welchem Programm wurde die Einrückung richtig gemacht? mp_choice_options: @@ -1555,6 +1722,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Du liegst falsch! hint: Was sollte passieren, wenn die Person richtig liegt? Und was sonst? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: Welche Zeilen sollten mit 4 Leerzeichen beginnen? code: |- @@ -1573,6 +1742,8 @@ levels: - option: Zeile 3 und 5 feedback: Gut gemacht! hint: Die Zeilen nach dem `{if}` oder `{else}` Befehl sollten mit 4 Leerzeichen beginnen. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Welche Aussage ist wahr? code: |- @@ -1589,6 +1760,8 @@ levels: - option: Zeile 3 sollte mit 4 Leerzeichen beginnen feedback: Du liegst richtig! hint: Nur eine Zeile sollte mit 4 Leerzeichen beginnen, aber welche...? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 9: 1: question_text: Was stimmt mit diesem Code nicht? @@ -1612,6 +1785,8 @@ levels: - option: Die Einrückung im letzten `{if}` Befehl ist falsch. feedback: Es ist nicht die Einrückung. hint: Alle Einrückungen wurden richtig gemacht. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: question_text: Was wird ausgegeben nachdem man das richtige Passwort eingegeben hat? code: |- @@ -1651,6 +1826,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Richtig! hint: Alles unter dem `{repeat}` Befehl wird zwei Mal wiederholt. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Welchen Fall solltest du wählen, um eine Million Euro zu gewinnen? code: |- @@ -1678,6 +1855,8 @@ levels: - option: Fall 2, offen feedback: Großartig gemacht! Du gewinnst! hint: Folge dem richtigen Pfad + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 4: question_text: Welche Aussage ist wahr? code: |- @@ -1700,6 +1879,8 @@ levels: - option: Aschenputtel mit Schuhgröße 38 bekommt den Ausgang "Ich suche weiter" feedback: Nein, sie bekommt "❤️❤️❤️" hint: Egal wie du heißt, wenn du Schuhgröße 40 hast, bekommst du die Nachricht "Ich suche weiter". + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Welcher Code hat diese Ausgabe erzeugt? output: |- @@ -1741,6 +1922,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Es gibt 2 `{repeat}` Befehle in diesem Code. hint: Beachte die Einrückung + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: Nach welchen/welchem Befehl/Befehlen solltest du Einrückung verwenden (die Zeile mit 4 Leerzeichen beginnen)? mp_choice_options: @@ -1753,6 +1936,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Nicht mit drucke hint: Einrückung passiert in der Zeile unter manchen Befehlen + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Du bekommst 5 Euro Rabatt, wenn du eine mittlere Pizza mit Cola bestellst.
Aber der Code hat einen Fehler! Wie kann man ihn debuggen? code: |- @@ -1794,6 +1979,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Du bist sehr gut, aber du musst dich an die letzte Regel halten. hint: Nach jedem `{if}` Befehl sollte die Zeile darunter eingerückt sein + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: Was stimmt mit diesem Code nicht? code: |- @@ -1812,6 +1999,8 @@ levels: - option: Code muss immer mit einem `{print}` Befehl in der ersten Zeile beginnen feedback: Das ist nicht wahr. hint: Die Einrückung wurde dieses Mal richtig gemacht + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Wie viele `{if}` Befehle können in einem anderen `{if}` Befehl platziert werden? mp_choice_options: @@ -1824,6 +2013,8 @@ levels: - option: Unendlich, solange du die Einrückung richtig benutzt feedback: Das ist wahr hint: Du kannst einen `{if}` Befehl in einen `{if}` Befehl schreiben. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: Welche Aussage ist wahr? code: |- @@ -1840,6 +2031,8 @@ levels: - option: Zeile 2 sollte mit 4 Leerzeichen beginnen und Zeile 3 mit 8 feedback: Du liegst richtig! hint: Die erste Zeile beginnt nicht mit Leerzeichen + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: 1: question_text: Was müssen wir in die Lücken `_` füllen, wenn wir jedes Kompliment ausgeben wollen? @@ -1869,6 +2062,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Fast richtig! hint: '`{for}` jedes kompliment in der Liste der komplimente...' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: question_text: Welche Ausgabe ist richtig? code: |- @@ -1888,6 +2083,8 @@ levels: Ich liebe Eierkuchen feedback: Großartig! hint: Zeile 2 sagt für jede mahlzeit in der Liste der mahlzeiten. Also wird jede mahlzeit ausgegeben. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Welche Ausgabe ist richtig? code: |- @@ -1908,6 +2105,8 @@ levels: - option: Das weißt du noch nicht. Weil es eines der Tiere {at} {random} auswählt. feedback: Zeile 2 sagt {for} jedes tier in der Liste der tiere. Also wird jedes tier ge{print}t. hint: Zeile 2 sagt {for} jedes tier in der Liste der tiere. Also wird jedes tier ausgegeben + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Was stimmt mit diesem Code nicht? code: |- @@ -1924,6 +2123,8 @@ levels: - option: 'In Zeile 2 muss es heißen: "einkäufe" anstelle von "artikel"' feedback: Nein, tut es nicht. hint: Zeile 2 lautet `{for}` jeden "artikel" in der Liste "einkäufe" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 5: question_text: Welches Wort sollte beim _ stehen? code: |- @@ -1942,6 +2143,8 @@ levels: - option: würfel feedback: Schau dir die Namen der Variablen an. hint: Hedy muss eine Zahl `{at} {random}` auswählen + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: Welche der Antworten unten ist ein mögliches Resultat, wenn du den Code ausführst? code: |- @@ -1963,6 +2166,8 @@ levels: Meredith wählt Schere feedback: Toll! hint: Jede Spielerin wird eine Auswahl treffen. Die Spielerin die zuvorderst in der Liste steht beginnt. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: Welche Ziele sollte in die Lücken _ in diesem Programm, die entscheidet, was diese Leute zu Abend essen werden? code: |- @@ -1992,6 +2197,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Jedem name sollte gesagt werden, was sie zum Abendessen haben werden. hint: Jedem name sollte gesagt werden, was sie zum Abendessen haben werden. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: Was sollte in den Lücken _ in diesem Programm stehen, was entscheidet, welche Farbe das Hemd hat, das du bekommst? code: |- @@ -2021,6 +2228,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Es gibt keine Variable mit dem Namen leute.. hint: Beachten Sie die Anführungszeichen und die Namen der Variablen + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Was ist die erste Frage, die Hedy stellt, wenn du das Programm ausführst? code: |- @@ -2040,6 +2249,8 @@ levels: - option: Das weißt du nicht. Hedy wird `{at} {random}` auswählen. feedback: Es gibt kein `{at} {random}` in diesem Code... hint: Die jeweils ersten Möglichkeiten von beiden Listen werden gewählt. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 10: question_text: Was ist wahr bezüglich dieses Code? code: |- @@ -2057,6 +2268,8 @@ levels: - option: Jemand könnte zwei Preise gewinnen feedback: Du kapierst es! hint: Versuche dir die Ausgabe dieses Code vorzustellen. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 11: 1: question_text: Welches Wort sollte anstelle des Fragezeichens stehen? @@ -2073,6 +2286,9 @@ levels: - option: '`{for}`' feedback: Nein hint: Was hast du in diesem Level gelernt? + code: "{for} i {in} _ 1 {to} 10\n {print} i" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Was wird die Ausgabe dieses Code sein? mp_choice_options: @@ -2088,6 +2304,9 @@ levels: - option: '123' feedback: Das ist es nicht hint: Wie erscheinen die Zahlen auf dem Bildschirm? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Welcher Code wurde benutzt um diese Ausgabe zu bekommen? mp_choice_options: @@ -2120,6 +2339,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: i ist eine Variable und sollte Anführungszeichen haben hint: Erst alle Zahlen und dann den Satz + correct_answer: A + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Welcher Code wurde benutzt um diese Ausgabe zu erzeugen? mp_choice_options: @@ -2148,6 +2370,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Das ist richtig! hint: Es muss eine Berechnung sein... + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Was stimmt mit diesem Code nicht? mp_choice_options: @@ -2160,6 +2385,9 @@ levels: - option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention feedback: Perfekt! hint: Da stimmt etwas mit der Einrückung nicht + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" 6: question_text: Wie oft erscheint das Wort Hallo in der Ausgabe, wenn du den Code ausführst? code: |- @@ -2175,6 +2403,8 @@ levels: - option: Nie feedback: Nein hint: 0 zählt auch. Also 0,1,2 ist 3 Mal. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Was sollte anstelle des Fragezeichens stehen? code: |- @@ -2205,6 +2435,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Das ist eine Bestellung zu viel! hint: Benutze die Variable 'personen' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 8: question_text: Was wird die Ausgabe dieses Code sein? mp_choice_options: @@ -2223,6 +2455,9 @@ levels: - option: Das Wort 'hi' wird 25 Mal in Folge erscheinen. feedback: Nein, es wird nur 3 Mal erscheinen. hint: Es fehlt `{print}` i + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: Wie oft sagt Hedy Hip Hip Hooray? code: |- @@ -2239,6 +2474,8 @@ levels: - option: Das hängt davon ab wie alt du bist feedback: Das ist richtig! hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` alter' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Welcher Code gehört zu dieser Ausgabe? mp_choice_options: @@ -2271,6 +2508,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 ist 4 Mal.' hint: Beachte die Einrückung + correct_answer: B + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_score: '10' 12: 1: question_text: Welche Ausgabe ist korrekt? @@ -2291,6 +2531,8 @@ levels: 5 feedback: Großartig gemacht! hint: Beide Zeilen werden ausgegeben! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: question_text: Welches dieser Programme ist korrekt? mp_choice_options: @@ -2319,6 +2561,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Alle unterschiedlichen Werte von aromen sollten in Anführungszeichen sein. hint: Die zweite Zeile ist gleich in beiden Programmen, achte auf die erste Zeile + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Was stimmt mit diesem Code nicht? code: |- @@ -2334,6 +2578,8 @@ levels: - option: Nichts ist falsch. feedback: Das stimmt nicht hint: Die Anführungszeichen werden richtig benutzt + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: In welchen Zeilen werden Anführungszeichen gebraucht, um den Code zum Laufen zu bringen? code: "{print} Willkommen im Online-Schuhgeschäft\nkategorie = {ask} Welche Art von Schuhen suchen Sie?\n{if} kategorie = High Heels\n\t{print} High Heels sind jetzt 50% reduziert!" @@ -2347,6 +2593,8 @@ levels: - option: Alle Zeilen feedback: Perfekt! hint: Braucht Zeile 3 auch Anführungszeichen? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: Welche Ausgabe erhält Agent007 wenn er oder sie das richtige Passwort eingibt? code: "name {is} {ask} 'Was ist dein Name?'\n{if} name {is} 'Agent007'\n\ta {is} 'Gehe zum Flughafen '\nelse\n\ta {is} 'Gehe zum Bahnhof '\npasswort {is} {ask} 'Was ist das Passwort?'\n{if} passwort {is} 'TOPSECRET'\n\tb {is} 'morgen um 02:00'\nelse\n\tb {is} 'heute um 10:00'\nprint a + b" @@ -2360,6 +2608,8 @@ levels: - option: Gehe zum Flughafen morgen um 10:00 feedback: Der Agent wird hier keine Bösewichte erwischen hint: Das richtige Passwort lautet TOPSECRET + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Welche Zeile soll bei ??? eingefügt werden? code: "{print} 'Willkommen bei McHedy!'\nbestellung = {ask} 'Möchtest du einen Hamburger oder Pommes?'\n{if} bestellung = 'Hamburger'\n\tpreis = 12\n{if} bestellung = 'Pommes'\n\tpreis = 4\ngetränk = {ask} 'Möchtest du einen Getränk dazu für 2 Euro?'\n{if} getränk = 'Ja'\n\t???\n{print} 'Das macht dann ' preis ' Euro bitte'" @@ -2385,6 +2635,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Fast richtig! hint: Was ist, wenn du nur Pommes und ein Getränk bestellst? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Welche Ausgabe erhält eine Veganerin? code: "menü = 'Kekse', 'Käse', 'Weintrauben'\n{print} \"Es ist mein Geburtstag! Ich habe ein paar Snacks mitgebracht!\"\ndiät = {ask} \"Haben Sie irgendwelche diätetischen Einschränkungen?\n{if} diät = 'glutenfrei'\n\t{remove} 'Kekse' {from} menü\n{if} diät = 'vegan'\n\t{remove} 'Käse' {from} menü\n{print} 'Für dich habe ich mitgebracht: '\n{for} snack {in} menü\n\t{print} snack" @@ -2413,6 +2665,8 @@ levels: Kekse feedback: Fast richtig, aber beachte die Reihenfolge der Snacks in der Liste hint: Welcher Eintrag wird aus der Liste gestrichen, wenn du "vegan" antwortest? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: Welcher Code wurde verwendet, um diese Ausgabe zu erzeugen? mp_choice_options: @@ -2437,6 +2691,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Nein hint: 7 geteilt durch 2 ist 3.5 + question_score: '10' + code: '3.5' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Welcher Code soll in Zeile 1 anstelle der ??? code: |- @@ -2464,6 +2721,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Du eine nichts hint: Die Elemente in der Liste sollten in Anführungszeichen stehen + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Welche Codezeile soll bei ??? ausgefüllt werden um das Lied zu vervollständigen? code: "aktionen = 'clap your hands', 'stomp your feet', 'shout Hurray!'\n???\n\t{for} i {in} range 0 {to} 1\n\t\t{print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n\t\t{print} aktion\n\t{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n\t{print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n\t{print} aktion" @@ -2489,6 +2748,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Das ist eine schwierige Aufgabe! Alle Aktionen aus der Liste müssen im Lied vorkommen. hint: Das ist eine schwierige Aufgabe! Alle Aktionen aus der Liste müssen im Lied vorkommen. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 13: 1: question_text: Welcher Code soll bei ??? eingefügt werden? @@ -2515,6 +2776,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hedy singt nur, wenn beide Antworten Ja lauten hint: Hedy singt, wenn du ein Lied hören willst und es dein Geburtstag ist + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Welcher Befehl fehlt an der Stelle der ??? ? code: |- @@ -2532,6 +2795,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: Nein hint: Weder Veganer noch Muslime können Wurstbrötchen essen. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Welche Ausgabe bekommt das Mitglied ohne Rabatt-Code? code: |- @@ -2551,6 +2816,8 @@ levels: - option: Es gibt keinen Weg es herauszufinden feedback: Gibt es! Lies die Frage genau hint: Beachte den Befehl `{or}` in Zeile 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Welche Zeile Code sollte dieser Zeile im Stein-Schere-Papier-Spiel folgen? code: '{if} computer_wahl {is} ''Stein'' {and} deine_wahl {is} ''Papier''' @@ -2576,6 +2843,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Versuche es nochmal! hint: Papier schlägt Stein + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Welche Aussage über diesen Code ist wahr? code: |- @@ -2591,6 +2860,8 @@ levels: - option: Jede Person nicht namens Cinderella mit Schuhgröße 38 ist dieses Prinzen wahre Liebe feedback: Der Prinz ist etwas wählerischer! hint: Beide Aussagen müssen wahr sein + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: Welche Aussage über diesen Code ist wahr? code: |- @@ -2615,6 +2886,8 @@ levels: - option: Sophie ist ein Mädchen mit Brille feedback: Großartig gemacht! hint: Schau es dir genau an! Oder brauchst du eine Brille? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Welche Aussage ist falsch? code: |- @@ -2640,6 +2913,8 @@ levels: - option: Der gelbe Vogel wurde heute morgen gefüttert feedback: Dies ist wahr hint: Lies die letzten 4 Zeilen genau + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Welche Ausgabe erhältst du, wenn du Popcorn bestellst, aber kein Getränk? code: |- @@ -2677,6 +2952,8 @@ levels: Viel Spaß beim Film feedback: Du musst für das Popcorn bezahlen! hint: popcorn = ja und getränk = nein + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Was stimmt mit diesem Code nicht? code: |- @@ -2700,6 +2977,8 @@ levels: - option: 'Zeile 7 sollte sein: {if} schokolade = ''ja'' {and} streusel = ''nein''' feedback: Dies ist nicht was ich bestellt habe! hint: Da ist ein Fehler in Zeile 3 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 10: question_text: Welcher Befehl muss in Zeile 8 anstelle der ??? stehen? code: |- @@ -2726,6 +3005,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{if}`' feedback: Nein hint: Das Produkt ist entweder in der Liste der Snacks oder in der Liste der Getränke + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 14: 4: code: |- @@ -2736,6 +3017,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + feedback: No that's not it + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The symbols are right + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -2744,6 +3038,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`> 12`' + feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + correct_answer: B 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -2752,6 +3059,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + hint: "!= means 'is not'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -2761,6 +3081,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 1: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + correct_answer: C + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 8: + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + feedback: There are. + hint: '> means greater than' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "'player 1 wins'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 2 loses'" + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? 15: 1: code: |- @@ -2768,11 +3190,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + option: '`==`' + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + question_score: '10' + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + correct_answer: B 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -2793,6 +3240,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -2812,6 +3263,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: wetness should get less each time + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -2829,6 +3284,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -2840,8 +3298,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + question_score: '10' + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: False! + option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -2860,6 +3335,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -2870,6 +3349,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 16: 2: code: |- @@ -2877,12 +3375,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + hint: It's not random... + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -2893,6 +3417,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -2903,3 +3432,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + correct_answer: D + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + 10: + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + feedback: Correct + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - feedback: This is not going to work! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: It will be repeated twice + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 1: + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + hint: We no longer use {at} + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 17: + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You cannot have so many variables. + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 4: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + 6: + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + option: Nothing! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: Try again. + option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + 3: + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + correct_answer: C + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: C + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C diff --git a/content/quizzes/el.yaml b/content/quizzes/el.yaml index 0ed35944321..0bd7ae89a87 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/el.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/el.yaml @@ -2,6 +2,18 @@ levels: 1: 1: question_text: Πώς λέγεται αυτή η γλώσσα προγραμματισμού; + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Good job! + option: Hedy + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - option: Haydie + feedback: Not this one! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heidi + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Which command makes text appear? code: ___ Hello! @@ -27,8 +39,22 @@ levels: ``` feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _?_ Hello world! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: hint: You can {ask} something with the {ask} command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - feedback: You only need one command, not two. + option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -39,6 +65,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + correct_answer: A + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- {ask} What is your favorite pet? @@ -64,6 +95,10 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: Right on! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -74,6 +109,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -89,6 +128,55 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + correct_answer: B + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + - feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - feedback: Correct! + option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + hint: Check the code line by line + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - feedback: Great! You paid attention! + option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + - option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -101,6 +189,9 @@ levels: - option: In level 2 all the level 1 commands still work feedback: No one command doesn't work anymore. hint: '`{print}` and `{ask}` still exist.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -127,17 +218,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What should be on the lines? + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + question_text: Which code is correct? + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is name + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my Hedy is name + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + hint: The variable name should come first + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + correct_answer: C + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 3: + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + question_score: '10' + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It closes down Hedy + - option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -162,6 +371,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -172,8 +384,26 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 3: question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2 of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" 9: code: |- colors {is} blue, purple, green @@ -181,6 +411,18 @@ levels: {remove} chosen_color {from} colors {print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random} hint: Look at line 3 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -211,6 +453,83 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - option: Nothing, this code is perfect + feedback: That's right! + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + question_score: '10' + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + correct_answer: B + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + 7: + correct_answer: C + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + question_score: '10' + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - option: paprika + feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + question_score: '10' + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + 4: + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + correct_answer: B + hint: The variable name is prices + question_score: '10' 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -223,6 +542,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + question_score: '10' + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + correct_answer: A 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -245,6 +567,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -267,6 +593,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -286,8 +616,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -298,6 +646,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + question_score: '10' + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + correct_answer: D + 10: + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: Correct + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + 4: + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 7: + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -315,8 +727,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the right password? + correct_answer: B + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -325,6 +752,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + option: "```\n{print}\n```" + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -353,6 +792,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -380,11 +822,114 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + feedback: Indeed! + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + correct_answer: A + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: fun + - feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + option: less fun + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - feedback: Fortunately not! + option: Error + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + correct_answer: D + 9: + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '1' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - feedback: Luckily not! + option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - option: vampire + feedback: Not always... + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... 6: 2: question_text: Which sign do you use for an addition? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: plus + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + hint: It's the plus sign. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: Super! + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - option: 0 dollars + feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + - option: 21 dollars + feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + hint: Mind the fourth line. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -398,6 +943,115 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - option: 3*10 + feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_score: '10' + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + correct_answer: C + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: The * means multiplication. + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_score: '10' + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + code: '{print} 2*10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - feedback: No, that's not true. + option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + correct_answer: B + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - option: 32% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + - feedback: That's true, but not the reason + option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -410,8 +1064,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code is right? + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -435,6 +1104,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -461,6 +1134,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + correct_answer: D 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -482,6 +1160,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" 8: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat mp_choice_options: @@ -517,6 +1200,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Dit is niet de juiste volgorde.. hint: '`{repeat}` kan alleen worden gebruikt als je dezelfde regel meerdere keren achter elkaar wil uitvoeren.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" 9: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat ? code: |- @@ -560,6 +1246,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfect hint: '''Help !'' wordt 3x herhaald.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -591,6 +1279,36 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + 5: + hint: The code is correct! + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + correct_answer: A 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -602,6 +1320,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -629,6 +1352,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -661,6 +1388,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + correct_answer: B + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -671,6 +1402,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + question_score: '10' + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + hint: Something is wrong with indentation 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -690,6 +1426,10 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -732,6 +1472,10 @@ levels: {print} You are wrong! ``` feedback: You are wrong! + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + question_score: '10' + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + correct_answer: C 9: code: |- 1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?' @@ -739,11 +1483,67 @@ levels: 3 {print} '🤘' 4 {else} 5 {print} '👎' + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 and 4 + feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. 10: code: |- 1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?" 2 {if} level {is} 8 3 {print} Great job! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_score: '10' + 1: + correct_answer: C + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Everything is printed twice. + option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + question_score: '10' + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" 9: 1: code: |- @@ -766,6 +1566,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -785,6 +1588,11 @@ levels: Good job! You can use the computer! feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + question_score: '10' + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -801,6 +1609,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: case 1, sell + feedback: You don't win a million! + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -821,6 +1642,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -856,6 +1681,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Watch the indentation + question_text: Which code produced this output? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -866,6 +1696,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -906,6 +1740,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -923,6 +1760,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + correct_answer: B + hint: The indentation is done right this time + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -938,6 +1778,23 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 9: + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: '3' + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: That is true + option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -945,6 +1802,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -953,6 +1822,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + correct_answer: B + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - option: choices + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - option: dice + feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -967,6 +1848,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -974,6 +1860,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -1002,6 +1900,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: What is the first question Hedy will `{ask}` you when you run the program? code: |- @@ -1011,6 +1912,18 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -1026,6 +1939,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_text: What is true about this code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 4: + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + feedback: Good job! + - option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + feedback: No it does not. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + 3: + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + question_score: '10' + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output is correct? + 2: + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + mp_choice_options: + - option: I love pizza + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1053,6 +2015,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1066,6 +2031,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_text: What will be the output from this code? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1093,6 +2063,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1101,6 +2075,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + feedback: The variable is not named guests + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + feedback: That's one order too many! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Use the variable 'people' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1117,6 +2103,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1148,6 +2139,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + correct_answer: B + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + feedback: Perfect! + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - option: 3 times + feedback: That's right! + - option: Never + feedback: No + correct_answer: C + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: Try again + - option: 2 times + feedback: Try again + - option: Never + feedback: Try again + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1166,6 +2221,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Both lines are printed! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1192,6 +2251,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1205,12 +2268,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + correct_answer: D + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1224,6 +2304,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + mp_choice_options: + - option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: You've cracked the code! + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1237,6 +2330,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + feedback: Excellent! + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1249,6 +2354,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + - feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + correct_answer: A + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1271,6 +2389,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + correct_answer: B + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1297,6 +2420,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + correct_answer: C + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1317,6 +2443,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1349,6 +2478,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + correct_answer: C + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + question_score: '10' 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1364,6 +2497,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1382,6 +2519,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1393,10 +2533,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + hint: Paper beats rock + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + hint: Both statements have to be true + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + question_score: '10' 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1410,6 +2567,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1424,6 +2594,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - feedback: This is true + option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + question_text: Which statement is false? 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1438,6 +2621,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1475,6 +2671,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1499,6 +2699,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1509,6 +2713,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: The symbols are right + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + feedback: No that's not it + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1517,6 +2734,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - feedback: These kids are too young! + option: '`< 12`' + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + correct_answer: B 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1525,6 +2755,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + hint: "!= means 'is not'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1534,6 +2777,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 or more + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + 8: + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: '> means greater than' + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + hint: '> means greater than' + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + question_score: '10' + 1: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + 7: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You are right + option: '`<` and `>=`' + - option: '`+` and `==`' + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1541,11 +2886,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You are right + option: '`{while}`' + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{range}`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1566,6 +2936,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + correct_answer: D 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1585,6 +2959,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + question_score: '10' + hint: wetness should get less each time + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1602,6 +2980,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + hint: Look closely at the indentation + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1613,8 +2994,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: False! + option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + - feedback: Great job + option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1633,6 +3031,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1643,6 +3045,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + 2: + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - feedback: A quotation mark is missing + option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1650,12 +3071,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + feedback: That's not it + hint: It's not random... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1666,6 +3113,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1676,3 +3128,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - feedback: No, the code is correct. + option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not right + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - feedback: This is not going to work! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + correct_answer: B + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + 17: + 1: + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + correct_answer: B + hint: Loop through your list. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + 10: + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 6: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + 7: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 3: + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? diff --git a/content/quizzes/eo.yaml b/content/quizzes/eo.yaml index 4571fd6d6ed..069a6d254c2 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/eo.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/eo.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Heidi feedback: Ne, ne estas tio! hint: Ĝi estas nomita laŭ Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Kion bezonas esti skribita en la spaco por aperigi la tekston «Hello!»? code: ___ Hello! @@ -34,6 +36,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Per `{ask}`, vi povas fari demandon. hint: _ Saluton mondo! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: question_text: Kiel vi demandas kio estas ies plej ŝatata koloro? mp_choice_options: @@ -58,6 +62,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{echo}` reskribas vian respondon al vi.' hint: Vi povas demandi ion per la komando `{ask}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Kiel la jena kodo estas erara? code: |- @@ -74,6 +80,8 @@ levels: - option: Nenio! Jen perfekta kodo! feedback: Malĝuste, rigardu atente! hint: La linio 1 ne ŝajnas korekta + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: question_text: Kiu komando mankas en la linio 2? code: |- @@ -101,6 +109,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Ĝuste! hint: Vi volas vidi la respondon je la fino de la linio 2… + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Kio estas malĝusta pri la jena kodo? code: |- @@ -118,6 +128,8 @@ levels: - option: En linio 4, `{print}` estas skribita malĝuste. feedback: Ne, estas eraro ie aliloke hint: Kontrolu la komandojn `{print}`. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Kio estas malĝusta pri la jena kodo? mp_choice_options: @@ -129,6 +141,10 @@ levels: feedback: Ĉu vi certas, ke io estas malĝusta? - option: Nenio! Jen perfekta kodo! feedback: Ĝuste! + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + hint: Check the code line by line + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Kial uzi la komandon `{echo}`? mp_choice_options: @@ -140,6 +156,9 @@ levels: feedback: Bonege! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: Kio estas malĝusta pri la jena kodo? code: |- @@ -155,6 +174,9 @@ levels: feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? - option: Nenio. Jen perfekta kodo! feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -170,6 +192,10 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" 2: 1: question_text: Kiu aserto estas vera? @@ -183,6 +209,8 @@ levels: - option: In level 2 all the level 1 commands still work feedback: No one command doesn't work anymore. hint: '`{print}` kaj `{ask}` ankoraŭ ekzistas.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -205,6 +233,10 @@ levels: {ask} Kio estas via nomo? {is} nomo ``` feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code is correct? 4: code: |- nomo {is} Hedy @@ -218,6 +250,10 @@ levels: feedback: La variablo `nomo` estas anstataŭigota per `Hedy` - option: Saluton mia Hedy estas Hedy feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? 5: question_text: Kio okazas, kiam oni uzas la komandon `{sleep}`? mp_choice_options: @@ -229,6 +265,9 @@ levels: feedback: Vi pravas! - option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command 6: question_text: Kio estu en la mankanta linio? code: |- @@ -256,6 +295,9 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! @@ -282,6 +324,10 @@ levels: {sleep} {sleep} {sleep} ``` feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Kiel korekti la unuan linion de la jena kodo? code: |- @@ -308,6 +354,9 @@ levels: aĝo {is} Kian aĝon vi havas? ``` feedback: Kie estas la komando `{ask}`? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable name should come first 9: mp_choice_options: - option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' @@ -318,6 +367,11 @@ levels: feedback: The variable name is animal - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ @@ -345,6 +399,25 @@ levels: {ask} What flavor icecream do you like? ``` feedback: Vi pravas! + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_score: '10' + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + correct_answer: D + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + feedback: She is not replaced with the name + correct_answer: C + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + question_score: '10' 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -369,6 +442,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Ĝuste! + correct_answer: D + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Kio estas malĝusta pri la jena kodo? mp_choice_options: @@ -380,8 +456,25 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + correct_answer: A + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_score: '10' + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" 3: question_text: Kio estas malĝusta en linio 2 de la jena kodo? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + correct_answer: C + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -401,6 +494,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' - option: Nothing, this code is alright. feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + correct_answer: B + hint: The variable name is prices + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + question_score: '10' + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" 5: mp_choice_options: - option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` @@ -411,6 +509,11 @@ levels: feedback: No, that's not wrong. - option: Nothing, this code is perfect feedback: Vi pravas! + question_score: '10' + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" 6: question_text: Kio estas malĝusta pri la jena kodo? mp_choice_options: @@ -422,6 +525,10 @@ levels: feedback: No the variable's called answers - option: Nothing! This code is great! feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list @@ -432,6 +539,11 @@ levels: feedback: Ĝuste! - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + question_score: '10' + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + correct_answer: C + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` @@ -442,6 +554,11 @@ levels: feedback: Paprika is removed from the list - option: sour cream feedback: Vi pravas! + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + question_score: '10' + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + correct_answer: D 9: question_text: Kio estas malĝusta pri la jena kodo? code: |- @@ -450,6 +567,17 @@ levels: {remove} chosen_color {from} colors {print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random} hint: Look at line 3 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -480,6 +608,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -492,6 +622,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -514,6 +647,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -536,6 +673,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfekte! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. 4: question_text: Kiu aserto estas vera? mp_choice_options: @@ -547,6 +688,9 @@ levels: feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks - option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -566,6 +710,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -589,6 +738,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Kio estas malĝusta pri la jena kodo? mp_choice_options: @@ -600,6 +753,10 @@ levels: feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -622,6 +779,11 @@ levels: {print} 'So you pick door door' ``` feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -632,6 +794,11 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + correct_answer: D + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Kiu aserto estas vera? mp_choice_options: @@ -643,6 +810,10 @@ levels: feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally - option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes feedback: You missed one! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -660,6 +831,8 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: fun @@ -670,6 +843,11 @@ levels: feedback: No, it doesn't print the name - option: Eraro feedback: Fortunately not! + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? 3: code: |- pasvorto {is} {ask} 'Kio estas la pasvorto?' @@ -685,6 +863,9 @@ levels: - option: ALARMO ENTRUDULO feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Ĝuste!''!''' + question_text: What is the right password? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 4: code: |- pasvorto {is} {ask} 'Kio estas la pasvorto?' @@ -699,6 +880,10 @@ levels: feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print - option: ALARMO! ENTRUDULO! feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: Kial Hedy diros «ALARMO! ENTRUDULO!», se vi tajpos «sekreto»? code: |- @@ -714,6 +899,9 @@ levels: feedback: That's not how you spell secret - option: Ĉar Hedy eraras feedback: Ne, Hedy pravas + question_score: '10' + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + correct_answer: A 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -743,6 +931,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -771,6 +962,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Bonege! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -798,6 +992,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. @@ -808,6 +1005,26 @@ levels: feedback: Not always... - option: giant spider feedback: Not always... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '1' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + correct_answer: B + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" 6: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -819,6 +1036,11 @@ levels: feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer - option: '210' feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + question_score: '10' + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + correct_answer: A 2: question_text: Which sign do you use for an addition? mp_choice_options: @@ -830,6 +1052,9 @@ levels: feedback: Vi malpravas - option: '`+`' feedback: Ĝuste! + question_score: '10' + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D 3: mp_choice_options: - option: '30' @@ -840,6 +1065,11 @@ levels: feedback: Ĝuste! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + code: "{print} '3*10'" + correct_answer: C + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? 4: question_text: Kim estas 10 jarojn aĝa. Kion Hedy presos por ŝi? mp_choice_options: @@ -851,6 +1081,10 @@ levels: feedback: Vi pravas! - option: Your lucky number is... 10 feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: 5 dollars @@ -861,8 +1095,26 @@ levels: feedback: The * means multiplication. - option: 50 dollars feedback: Bonege! + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: Super! + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - option: 21 dollars + feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + hint: Mind the fourth line. + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + correct_answer: A 7: mp_choice_options: - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. @@ -873,6 +1125,11 @@ levels: feedback: Vi pravas! - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. feedback: That's true, but not the reason + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + correct_answer: C + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 @@ -883,6 +1140,11 @@ levels: feedback: No, that's not true. - option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + correct_answer: B + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" 10: question_text: Kiu aserto estas vera? code: |- @@ -897,6 +1159,24 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 9: + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - option: 32% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -909,6 +1189,9 @@ levels: - option: senfine feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? 2: question_text: Kiu kodo estas ĝusta? mp_choice_options: @@ -933,6 +1216,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Vi pravas! hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: Ĉu la jena kodo estas ĝusta aŭ ne? code: '{repeat} 100 {times} ''Saluton!''' @@ -945,6 +1230,9 @@ levels: feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. - option: Vi malpravas, la vorto `{print}` mankas feedback: Ĝuste + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -968,6 +1256,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? 5: question_text: Ĉu la jena kodo estas ĝusta aŭ ne? mp_choice_options: @@ -975,6 +1267,10 @@ levels: feedback: Vi pravas! - option: Malĝuste feedback: Vi malpravas + correct_answer: A + hint: The code is correct! + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1001,6 +1297,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfekte! + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1022,6 +1323,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" 8: question_text: Kiu kodo presas la jenon? mp_choice_options: @@ -1057,6 +1363,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Tio ne estas la ĝusta ordo.. hint: '`{repeat}` kan alleen worden gebruikt als je dezelfde regel meerdere keren achter elkaar wil uitvoeren.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" 9: question_text: Kiu kodo presas la jenon? code: |- @@ -1100,6 +1409,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfekte hint: '''Help !'' wordt 3x herhaald.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Kiu kodo presas la jenon? mp_choice_options: @@ -1131,6 +1442,10 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -1142,6 +1457,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Ĝuste! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Something is missing in the second line? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1169,6 +1489,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -1201,6 +1525,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -1211,6 +1539,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -1230,6 +1563,10 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1272,6 +1609,10 @@ levels: {print} You are wrong! ``` feedback: You are wrong! + question_score: '10' + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + correct_answer: C 9: code: |- 1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?' @@ -1279,12 +1620,67 @@ levels: 3 {print} '🤘' 4 {else} 5 {print} '👎' + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - option: Only line 3 + feedback: Not only 3... + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + question_score: '10' + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: Kiu aserto estas vera? code: |- 1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?" 2 {if} level {is} 8 3 {print} Great job! + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + 1: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Everything is printed twice. + option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - feedback: Super! + option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + 6: + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - feedback: Well done! + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + correct_answer: D + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? 9: 1: code: |- @@ -1307,6 +1703,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1326,6 +1725,11 @@ levels: Good job! You can use the computer! feedback: Ĝuste! + correct_answer: D + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -1342,6 +1746,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 1, open + - option: case 2, sell + feedback: You don't win a million + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? 4: question_text: Kiu aserto estas vera? code: |- @@ -1363,6 +1780,9 @@ levels: feedback: Vi pravas! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + question_score: '10' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + correct_answer: C 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1398,6 +1818,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_text: Which code produced this output? + hint: Watch the indentation + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -1408,6 +1833,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -1448,6 +1877,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Reprovu + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -1465,6 +1897,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The indentation is done right this time 10: question_text: Kiu aserto estas vera? code: |- @@ -1481,6 +1916,22 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: Only 1 + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - feedback: That is true + option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -1509,6 +1960,9 @@ levels: {for} compliments {in} compliment ``` feedback: Almost there! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' 2: code: |- manĝaĵoj = pico, pastaĵoj, patkuko @@ -1526,6 +1980,10 @@ levels: pastaĵoj plaĉas al mi patkuko plaĉas al mi feedback: Bonege! + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: mp_choice_options: - option: dogs are lovely pets @@ -1540,8 +1998,26 @@ levels: feedback: Bonege! - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" 4: question_text: Kio estas malĝusta pri la jena kodo? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + correct_answer: C + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -1560,6 +2036,8 @@ levels: - option: dice feedback: Rigardu la nomojn de la variabloj. hint: Hedy bezonas elekti nombron `{at} {random}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -1574,6 +2052,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Mirinde! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -1602,6 +2085,9 @@ levels: {for} nomo {in} manĝaĵo ``` feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -1630,6 +2116,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: What is the first question Hedy will `{ask}` you when you run the program? code: |- @@ -1648,6 +2137,9 @@ levels: feedback: Appetizers are first in the list - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + correct_answer: A + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -1663,6 +2155,10 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + question_text: What is true about this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1690,6 +2186,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1703,6 +2202,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + correct_answer: A 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1730,6 +2234,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1738,6 +2246,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + hint: Use the variable 'people' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1754,6 +2274,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1785,6 +2310,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + 5: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + feedback: No it doesn't. + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - option: 2 times + feedback: Try again + - option: Never + feedback: Try again + - option: That depends on how old you are + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + 6: + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1803,6 +2392,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1829,6 +2422,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1842,12 +2439,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 and 2 + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - option: All of the lines + feedback: Perfect! + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1861,6 +2475,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1874,6 +2501,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + feedback: Almost there! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1886,6 +2525,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1908,6 +2560,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + question_score: '10' + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1934,6 +2591,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1954,6 +2614,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1986,6 +2649,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + correct_answer: C + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -2001,6 +2668,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -2019,6 +2690,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -2030,10 +2704,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + correct_answer: A + hint: Paper beats rock 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + correct_answer: C + hint: Both statements have to be true + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -2047,6 +2738,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + question_score: '10' + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -2061,6 +2765,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + question_text: Which statement is false? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is true! + option: The grey cat is called Abby + - feedback: This is true + option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - feedback: This is true + option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + correct_answer: C 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -2075,6 +2792,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -2112,6 +2842,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -2136,6 +2870,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks 14: 4: code: |- @@ -2146,6 +2884,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + hint: The symbols are right + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -2154,6 +2905,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - option: '`>= 12`' + feedback: Great! + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - option: '`<= 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young + correct_answer: B + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -2162,6 +2926,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 2 times + feedback: That is correct + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -2171,6 +2948,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 or more + - feedback: Almost + option: 8 or more + - option: 9 or more + feedback: Great! + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: True! + - option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + correct_answer: A + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' + 3: + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 1: + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=>`' + feedback: This is not a symbol. + - feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + option: '`==`' + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - option: '`=`' + feedback: Right! + correct_answer: D + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_score: '10' + 10: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + hint: You win the game by having the most points + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 2: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? 15: 1: code: |- @@ -2178,11 +3057,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=!`' + feedback: That is not right. + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - option: '`=`' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You are right + option: '`{while}`' + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -2203,6 +3107,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + correct_answer: D 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -2222,6 +3130,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + hint: wetness should get less each time + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -2239,6 +3151,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + correct_answer: D + hint: Look closely at the indentation + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -2250,8 +3165,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + question_score: '10' + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + correct_answer: B + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -2270,6 +3202,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + correct_answer: C 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -2280,6 +3216,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + question_score: '10' + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == 16: 2: code: |- @@ -2287,12 +3242,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: No, it is not random. + option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -2303,6 +3284,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -2313,6 +3299,101 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + feedback: Correct + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + correct_answer: C + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + feedback: That is not right. + - option: Line 3 should start with indentation + feedback: It should not! + - option: Line 4 should start without indentation + feedback: It should not + - option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + feedback: Amazing! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - feedback: This is not going to work! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + correct_answer: A + 10: + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + question_score: '10' 17: 9: code: |- @@ -2325,3 +3406,150 @@ levels: 1 is positiveLast nitpick from Kelly: 2 is positive 3 is positive + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 1: + question_text: What is the output of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + correct_answer: D + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: Try again. + option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + 3: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 2: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The word num needs quotation marks. + feedback: Try again. + - option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + feedback: Not true. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + 8: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C diff --git a/content/quizzes/es.yaml b/content/quizzes/es.yaml index e6c02a66dd4..a0c6347f7b0 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/es.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/es.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Heidi feedback: ¡Este no! hint: Es nombrado en honor de Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: ¿Qué debe introducirse en los huecos para que aparezca el texto "Hello!"? code: _ ¡Hola! @@ -25,6 +27,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: Con `{ask}`, puedes preguntar una pregunta. hint: _ ¡Hola mundo! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: ¿Cómo preguntas cuál el color favorito de alguien? mp_choice_options: @@ -49,6 +53,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{echo}` te repite tu respuesta.' hint: Puedes preguntar algo con el comando `{ask}` + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: ¿Qué está mal en este código? code: |- @@ -65,6 +71,8 @@ levels: - option: ¡Nada! ¡Este código está perfecto! feedback: Incorrecto, ¡presta atención! hint: La línea 1 no parece correcta + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: question_text: ¿Qué comando falta en la línea 2? code: |- @@ -80,6 +88,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{echo}`' feedback: ¡Exacto! hint: Quieres ver la respuesta al final de la línea 2... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: ¿Qué le pasa a este código? code: |- @@ -97,6 +107,8 @@ levels: - option: En la línea 4, `{print}` está mal escrito. feedback: No, hay un fallo en algún otro lugar hint: Comprueba los comandos `{print}`. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: ¿Qué le pasa a este código? code: |- @@ -114,6 +126,8 @@ levels: - option: ¡Nada! ¡El código está perfecto! feedback: ¡Correcto! hint: Chequea el código línea por línea + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: ¿Cómo usas el comando `{echo}`? mp_choice_options: @@ -126,6 +140,8 @@ levels: - option: Puedes utilizarlo para hacer que el texto desaparezca. feedback: Eso no es correcto.... hint: '`{echo}` de usa después de un comando para `{ask}`.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: ¿Qué le pasa a este código? code: |- @@ -142,6 +158,8 @@ levels: - option: Nada. ¡El código está perfecto! feedback: Busca con más cuidado por el error... hint: '`{ask}` te deja preguntar una pregunta' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: question_text: ¿Qué resultado habrá en tu pantalla de salida después de ejecutar este código? code: |- @@ -162,6 +180,8 @@ levels: Yes! feedback: Hay dos comandos `{echo}` hint: ¡Vamos! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: 1: question_text: ¿Qué sentencia es cierta? @@ -175,6 +195,8 @@ levels: - option: Con el comando `{sleep}`, puedes eliminar texto de tu pantalla. feedback: Así no es como funciona `{sleep}`. hint: '`{print}` todavía funciona de la misma manera que en el nivel 1' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 2: question_text: ¿Qué código es correcto? mp_choice_options: @@ -199,6 +221,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Las palabras son correctas, ¡el orden no! hint: '`{ask}` no funciona como en el nivel 1' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Que aparece en tu pantalla de producción cuando usas este código ? code: |- @@ -214,6 +238,8 @@ levels: - option: Marleen va al mercado y Marleen compra una manzana. feedback: No se le sustituye por el nombre hint: The palabra nombre es reemplazada com Marleen + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: ¿Qué verás en la pantalla de salida cuando ejecutes este código? code: |- @@ -229,6 +255,8 @@ levels: - option: Hola mi Hedy es Hedy feedback: ¡Correcto, este error se solucionará en el nivel 4! hint: '''nombre'' se está reemplazando con ''Hedy'' en los dos lugares' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: ¿Qué pasa cuando usas el comando `{sleep}`? mp_choice_options: @@ -241,6 +269,8 @@ levels: - option: Lo pones al final para que Hedy sepa que tu programa ha acabado feedback: No, sería inútil al final de tu código hint: El ordenador espera durante un segundo en el comando `{sleep}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: ¿Qué debería ir en las líneas? code: |- @@ -257,6 +287,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: No hay ninguna pregunta para hacer hint: Pausa para un efecto dramático... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 7: question_text: ¿Qué comando se debería usar en la línea 2? code: |- @@ -285,6 +317,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Póntelo más fácil usando el número 3 hint: Quieres que el ordenador espere durante 3 segundos + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 8: question_text: ¿Cómo corregirías la primera línea de código? code: |- @@ -312,6 +346,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: ¿Dónde está el comando `{ask}`? hint: El nombre de la variable debe ir primero + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: ¿Qué está fallando en este código? code: |- @@ -327,6 +363,8 @@ levels: - option: 'La línea 2 debería decir: `{sleep}` Amo los animales' feedback: Dormir no se usa para `{print}` texto hint: Quieres `{print}` 'Amo los perros' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: ¿Qué comando se debería usar en la línea 1? code: |- @@ -356,6 +394,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: ¡Eso es correcto! hint: Quieres `{ask}` una pregunta + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: 1: question_text: ¿Qué comando(s) usas para dejar que Hedy elija algo arbitrariamente? @@ -369,6 +409,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at} {random}`' feedback: ¡Correcto! hint: Arbitrariamente significa sin planificar o de manera aleatoria. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: ¿Qué le pasa a este código? code: |- @@ -384,6 +426,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at} {random}` está mal escrito' feedback: '`{at} {random}` está bien escrito' hint: Hay algo mal en la línea 1 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2 of this code? code: |- @@ -408,6 +452,8 @@ levels: - option: Nada, ¡el código es correcto! feedback: Busca cuidadosamente el error hint: La variable (la lista) se llama opciones. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: ¿Qué debería cambiar en la línea 2 para mostrar un precio aleatorio? code: |- @@ -432,6 +478,8 @@ levels: - option: Nada, tu código está bien. feedback: ¡Busca cuidadosamente el error que has pasado por alto! hint: El nombre de la variable es precios + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: ¿Qué falla en este código? code: |- @@ -449,6 +497,8 @@ levels: - option: Nada, el código está perfecto feedback: ¡Eso es! hint: ¿Tiene algún error este código? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: ¿Qué le pasa a este código? code: |- @@ -465,6 +515,8 @@ levels: - option: ¡Nada! ¡Este código está genial! feedback: En realidad, la línea 2 tiene un fallo. hint: Hay algo mal en la línea 2. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: ¿Qué hace el comando `{add}`? code: |- @@ -482,6 +534,8 @@ levels: - option: El comando `{add}` imprime tu libro favorito. feedback: No, añade tu libro favorito a la lista hint: El comando `{add}` añade un libro, ¿pero cuál? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: ¿Cuál es el resultado de este código? code: |- @@ -499,6 +553,8 @@ levels: - option: crema agria feedback: ¡Cierto! hint: Hay 3 sabores, pero 2 se han eliminado. ¿Cuál queda? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: ¿Qué le pasa a este código? code: |- @@ -516,6 +572,8 @@ levels: - option: Nada, ¡el código es correcto! feedback: ¡Encuentra el fallo! hint: Mira la línea 4 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: ¿Qué debería ser en el _? code: |- @@ -546,6 +604,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Esto aumenta la probabilidad de que la persona que andó ayer tenga que hacerlo otra vez. Eso es malo. hint: Se debería borrar de la lista a la persona que paseó a los perros ayer. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: 1: question_text: ¿Cuál de estos códigos es correcto? @@ -571,6 +631,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: cuidado al usar comillas y apóstrofe hint: En el nivel 4 necesitas comillas para 2 comandos. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: ¿Qué código utiliza las comillas adecuadas? mp_choice_options: @@ -595,6 +657,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Esto es una coma, necesitas comillas. hint: Elige las comillas correctas. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: question_text: ¿Dónde se utilizan correctamente las comillas? mp_choice_options: @@ -619,6 +683,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: ¡Perfecto! hint: Debe haber una comilla tanto antes como después de las palabras que quieras imprimir. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: ¿Qué sentencia es verdadera? mp_choice_options: @@ -631,6 +697,8 @@ levels: - option: Tú mismo puedes elegir si usar comillas o no. feedback: Por desgracia, Hedy es más estricto que eso. hint: Desde el nivel 4 en adelante necesitas usar comillas. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: ¿Qué hay que cambiar para que el juego funcione? code: |- @@ -655,6 +723,8 @@ levels: - option: Nada, ¡el juego ya funciona! feedback: Presta atención. Hay un error. hint: No quieres que Hedy imprima literalmente 'opciones {at} {random}', quieres que imprima 'piedra' o 'papel' o 'tijeras'. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: ¿Cuál sería una buena línea siguiente en este código? code: precios {is} 1 dólar, 100 dólares, 1 millón dólares @@ -680,6 +750,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hedy literalmente imprimirá 'precios {at} {random}'' hint: 'Piénsalo bien: ¿Qué es una variable y debería estar fuera de las comillas?¿Y cuáles son las palabras que deberían estar dentro?' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 7: question_text: ¿Qué le pasa a este código? code: |- @@ -696,6 +768,8 @@ levels: - option: Nada, ¡tu código está bien como está! feedback: Presta atención. Look carefully. ¡Te has saltado un error! hint: Comprueba en cada línea sí necesitan comillas o no. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: ¿Qué sería una buena siguiente línea para este código? code: |- @@ -724,6 +798,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hedy literalmente imprimirá 'Así que eliges la puerta puerta hint: La segunda palabra puerta se debe reemplazar con el número, la primera aun debe seguir siendo la palabra puerta... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: ¿Qué no aparecerá nunca en tu pantalla de salida? code: |- @@ -739,6 +815,8 @@ levels: - option: FC Barcelona va a ganar la Liga de Campeones feedback: Cierto. No está en la lista hint: ¿Cuáles son las opciones de Hedy para elegir al azar? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: ¿Qué sentencia es verdadera? code: |- @@ -755,6 +833,8 @@ levels: - option: Nada, este código no tiene fallos feedback: ¡Te dejaste una! hint: Una línea necesita comillas, porque quieres que se imprima literalmente. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: 1: question_text: ¿Qué comando debe rellenarse en el _? @@ -772,6 +852,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{else}`' feedback: ¡Correcto! hint: ¿Cuál va junto con el comando `{if}`? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: ¿Qué aparece en tu pantalla de salida cuando escribes Hedy en el nombre? code: |- @@ -786,6 +868,9 @@ levels: feedback: No, no imprime el nombre - option: Error feedback: ¡Afortunadamente no! + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: ¿Cuál es la contraseña correcta? code: |- @@ -802,6 +887,8 @@ levels: - option: ALARM INTRUDER feedback: ¡Esto se imprime cuando escribes la contraseña incorrecta! hint: '`{if}` contraseña `{is}` ... `{print}` ''¡Correcto!''' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: ¿Qué imprimirá Hedy cuando escribas la contraseña incorrecta? code: |- @@ -818,6 +905,8 @@ levels: - option: ¡ALERTA! ¡INTRUSO! feedback: ¡Gran trabajo! hint: ¡Tu ordenador hará sonar la alarma a los intrusos! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: ¿Por qué Hedy dirá '¡ALERTA! INTRUSO' cuando escribas 'secreta'? code: |- @@ -834,6 +923,8 @@ levels: - option: Porque Because Hedy cometió un fallo feedback: No, Hedy is right hint: La ortografía de la palabra tiene que ser exactamente la misma. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 6: question_text: ¿Qué palabra debe ir en el lugar del espacio en blanco en la última línea? code: |- @@ -864,6 +955,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{print}` ya está ahí, ¡necesitas una palabra antes de eso!' hint: '`{if}` va junto con...?' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: ¿Qué palabra debe ir en el lugar del espacio en blanco? code: |- @@ -881,6 +974,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: ¡Increible! hint: Tras `{else}` le sigue un comando `{print}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: ¿Qué palabra debe ir en el lugar del espacio en blanco? code: |- @@ -903,6 +998,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: No, no es eso. hint: ¿Cuál es el nombre de la variable? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: ¿Qué puerta debes elegir para escapar? code: |- @@ -922,6 +1019,8 @@ levels: - option: Es una trampa, ¡siempre se te comerán! feedback: ¡Afortunadamente no! hint: Una de las puertas te mantendrá a salvo.. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: ¿Qué monstruo se encuentra detrás de la puerta 1? code: |- @@ -941,6 +1040,8 @@ levels: - option: araña gigante feedback: No siempre... hint: Cuidado con las 3 últimas palabras... monstruos `{at} {random}`... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: 1: question_text: ¿Cuál es el resultado de Hedy cuando ejecutes este código? @@ -954,6 +1055,9 @@ levels: - option: '210' feedback: Cuidado, es un cálculo. hint: El `*` se usa como signo de multiplicación + code: '{print} 2*10' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: question_text: ¿Qué signo usas para una suma? mp_choice_options: @@ -966,6 +1070,8 @@ levels: - option: '`+`' feedback: ¡Correcto! hint: Es el signo de suma. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: ¿Cuál es el resultado de Hedy cuando ejecutes este código? mp_choice_options: @@ -978,6 +1084,9 @@ levels: - option: Nada, Hedy mostrará un mensaje de error. feedback: No, Hedy lo imprimirá literalmente. hint: ¡¡Cuidado con las comillas!! + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Kim tiene 10 años. ¿Qué imprimirá Hedy para ella? code: |- @@ -995,6 +1104,8 @@ levels: - option: Tu número de la suerte es... 10 feedback: Su número de la suerte es el nombre multiplicado por la edad... hint: 'Kim tiene 3 letras, ella tiene 10 años así que: letras por edad = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Si 5 personas comen en este restaurante, ¿cuánto tienen que pagar en total? code: |- @@ -1011,6 +1122,9 @@ levels: feedback: El * significa multiplicación. - option: 50 dólares feedback: ¡Genial! + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: ¿Cuánto cuesta una hamburguesa en este restaurante virtual? code: |- @@ -1029,6 +1143,8 @@ levels: - option: 21 dólares feedback: ¡Ese es el precio por una hamburguesa y patatas fritas! hint: Cuidado con la cuarta línea. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: ¿Por qué la línea 7 dice 'precio es precio + 3' en vez de 'precio es 3'? code: |- @@ -1051,6 +1167,8 @@ levels: - option: Para empezar, porque el precio es 0 dólares. feedback: Eso es verdad, pero no es la razón hint: El precio no debe ser 3 sino 3 dólares más de lo que ya es + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: ¿Por qué este código es incorrecto? code: |- @@ -1068,6 +1186,8 @@ levels: - option: La variable en la línea 2 no se puede llamar respuesta, porque es muy similar a la variable respuesta correcta. feedback: Los nombres de las variables pueden ser parecidos, pero no pueden ser 2 palabras... hint: Revisa como se llaman las variables. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Imagina que te gusta el fútbol un 10, te has comido 2 plátanos y te has lavado las manos 3 veces hoy. ¿Cómo de listo se cree que eres el necio adivino? code: |- @@ -1089,6 +1209,8 @@ levels: - option: 100% feedback: (2 plátanos + 3 higiene) * 10 fútbol = 5*10 =? hint: (2 plátanos + 3 higiene) * 10 fútbol = 5*10 =? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: ¿Qué afirmación es cierta? code: |- @@ -1104,6 +1226,8 @@ levels: - option: Sólo puedes usar el signo `=` cuando trabajas con números, no con palabras. feedback: También puedes usar `=` con palabras. hint: se permiten ambos `{is}` y `=` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 7: 1: question_text: ¿Cuántas líneas puedes repetir de una vez con el comando repeat en este nivel? @@ -1117,6 +1241,8 @@ levels: - option: infinito feedback: En este nivel sólo puedes repetir una línea cada vez hint: Sólo se puede repetir una línea a la vez + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: ¿Qué código es correcto? mp_choice_options: @@ -1141,6 +1267,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: ¡Eso es! hint: Primero el comando `{repeat}`, luego el comando `{print}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: ¿Este código está bien o mal? code: '{repeat} 100 {times} ''¡Hola!''' @@ -1154,6 +1282,8 @@ levels: - option: Incorrecto, falta la palabra `{print}` feedback: Correcto hint: 'Debería ser: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` ''Hola''' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: ¿Qué palabra es incorrecta en el código? code: |- @@ -1169,6 +1299,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{times}`' feedback: '`{times}` está mal escrito' hint: Estoy equivocado, no puedes usar apóstrofes en una oración + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: question_text: ¿Este código está bien o mal? code: '{repeat} 100 {times} {print} ''¡Hedy es increíble!''' @@ -1178,6 +1310,8 @@ levels: - option: Incorrecto feedback: No es eso hint: ¡El código es correcto! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 6: question_text: ¿Cuál será la salida de este código? code: |- @@ -1217,6 +1351,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: ¡Por toda la ciudad! ¡Perfecto! hint: Sólo 'giran y giran' se repite 3 veces. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: ¿Cuál será el resultado de este código? code: |- @@ -1250,6 +1386,8 @@ levels: ¡A SACUDIRTE! feedback: Cuidado con el comando `{repeat}` hint: Cuidado con el comando `{repeat}`. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 8: question_text: ¿Qué código de Hedy corresponde a esta salida? code: |- @@ -1291,6 +1429,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Este no es el orden correcto.. hint: '`{repeat}` sólo se puede usar si quieres ejecutar la misma línea varias veces seguidas.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 9: question_text: ¿Qué código de Hedy pertenece a este resultado? code: |- @@ -1334,6 +1474,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfecto hint: '''¡Ayuda!'' se repite 3 veces.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: ¿Qué código de Hedy corresponde a este resultado? code: |- @@ -1371,6 +1513,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Esto no está en el orden correcto. hint: Cuidado con el orden de las frases. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: 1: question_text: ¿Qué resultado producirá este código? @@ -1401,6 +1545,8 @@ levels: ¡Soy Hedy! feedback: Todo se imprime dos veces hint: Ambas líneas se repiten dos veces. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: ¿Qué le pasa a este código? code: |- @@ -1416,6 +1562,8 @@ levels: - option: La segunda línea tiene que empezar con 4 espacios de sangría. feedback: ¡Correcto! hint: ¿Falla algo en la segunda línea? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: ¿Qué resultado se producirá al ejecutar este programa? mp_choice_options: @@ -1444,6 +1592,9 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: ¿Qué se repite y qué no ? hint: ¿Qué se está repitiendo y qué no? + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: ¿Qué resultado es correcto? code: |- @@ -1478,6 +1629,8 @@ levels: ¡Estamos de vacaciones! feedback: La última línea también se repite. hint: El bloque debajo del comando `{repeat}` se repite dos veces. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: ¿Qué le pasa a este código? code: |- @@ -1494,6 +1647,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}` ya no es un comando' feedback: Eso no es cierto hint: Algo falla con la sangría + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: ¿Cuál será el resultado de este código cuando pongas tortitas? code: |- @@ -1525,6 +1680,8 @@ levels: Tortitas feedback: ¡Bien hecho! hint: La primera frase y la pregunta no se repetirán + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: ¿Qué le pasa a este código? code: |- @@ -1546,6 +1703,8 @@ levels: - option: La sangría está mal en el primer comando `{if}`. feedback: Eso es. hint: Presta mucha atención a la sangría. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: ¿En cuál de los códigos la sangría está bien hecha? mp_choice_options: @@ -1590,6 +1749,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: ¡Te equivocas! hint: ¿Qué debería ocurrir si la persona tiene razón? ¿Y qué más? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: ¿Qué línea(s) en este código deberían empezar con 4 espacios? code: |- @@ -1608,6 +1769,8 @@ levels: - option: Línea 3 y 5 feedback: ¡Gran trabajo! hint: Las líneas tras un comando `{if}` o `{else}` deberían empezar con 4 espacios. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: ¿Qué afirmación es cierta? code: |- @@ -1624,6 +1787,8 @@ levels: - option: La línea 3 debería empezar con 4 espacios feedback: ¡Tienes razón! hint: Sólo una linea empieza con 4 espacios, ¿pero cuál de ellas...? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 9: 1: question_text: ¿Qué le pasa a este código? @@ -1647,6 +1812,8 @@ levels: - option: La sangría está mal en el último comando `{if}`. feedback: No es la sangría. hint: Todá la sangría está hecha correctamente. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: question_text: ¿Qué se imprimirá tras introducir la contraseña correcta? code: |- @@ -1686,6 +1853,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: ¡Correcto! hint: Todo debajo del comando `{repeat}` se repite dos veces. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: ¿Qué caso deberías elegir para ganar un millón de dólares? code: |- @@ -1713,6 +1882,8 @@ levels: - option: caso 2, abrir feedback: ¡Gran trabajo! ¡Ganaste! hint: Sigue el camino correcto + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: ¿Qué afirmación es cierta? code: |- @@ -1735,6 +1906,8 @@ levels: - option: Cenicienta con talla 38 de calzado recibe el mensaje 'seguiré mirando' feedback: No, ella conseguirá '❤️❤️❤️' hint: No importa como se llama, si tiene una talla 40 de calzado recibe el mensaje 'seguiré mirando'. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 5: question_text: ¿Qué código produce este resultado? output: |- @@ -1776,6 +1949,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hay 2 comandos `{repeat}` en este código. hint: Revisa la sangría + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: ¿Tras qué comando(s) se debería usar sangría (Que empiece la siguiente línea con 4 espacios)? mp_choice_options: @@ -1788,6 +1963,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: No con `{print}` hint: La sangría ocurre en la línea inferior de algunos comandos + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Conseguirás un descuento de 5 dólares si pides una pizza mediana y un refresco.
¡Pero el código tiene un fallo! ¿Cómo depurarlo? code: |- @@ -1829,6 +2006,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Casi correcto. Echa otro vistazo a la última línea hint: Tras cada comando `{if}`, la línea de debajo debe tener sangría + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: ¿Qué es lo que falla en este código? code: |- @@ -1847,6 +2026,8 @@ levels: - option: Un código siempre debe empezar con un comando `{print}` en la primera línea feedback: Eso no es cierto. hint: Esta vez la sangría está bien hecha + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: ¿Cuántos comandos `{if}` se pueden poner dentro de otro comando `{if}`? mp_choice_options: @@ -1859,6 +2040,8 @@ levels: - option: Infinito, siempre y cuando utilices la sangría correctamente feedback: Eso es cierto hint: Puedes poner un comando `{if}` dentro de un comando `{if}`. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: ¿Qué afirmación es cierta? code: |- @@ -1875,6 +2058,8 @@ levels: - option: la línea 2 debería empezar con 4 espacios y la línea 3 con 8 feedback: ¡Tienes razón! hint: La primera línea no empieza con ningún espacio + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: 1: question_text: ¿Qué tenemos que rellenar en el `_` si queremos imprimir cada cumplido? @@ -1904,6 +2089,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: ¡Ya casi está! hint: '`{for}` cada cumplido en la lista de cumplidos...' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: ¿Qué resultado es correcto? code: |- @@ -1923,6 +2110,8 @@ levels: Me encanta las tortitas feedback: ¡Genial! hint: La línea 2 dice cada comida en la lista de comidas. Así que se imprime cada comida. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: ¿Qué resultado es correcto? code: |- @@ -1943,6 +2132,8 @@ levels: - option: Todavía no lo sabes. Porque elige uno de los animales {at} {random}. feedback: La línea 2 dice {for} cada animal en la lista de animales. Así que se {print} cada animal. hint: La línea 2 dice {for} cada animal en la lista de animales. Así que se imprime cada animal + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: ¿Qué le pasa a este código? code: |- @@ -1959,6 +2150,8 @@ levels: - option: La línea 2 debería decir comestibles en vez de artículo feedback: No, no es así. hint: La línea 2 dice `{for}` cada artículo en la lista de la compra + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 5: question_text: ¿Qué palabra debería ir en el `_` con estos dados digitales? code: |- @@ -1977,6 +2170,8 @@ levels: - option: dados feedback: Mira los nombres de las variables. hint: Hedy tiene que elegir un número `{at} {random}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: ¿Cuál de las respuestas de abajo es un posible resultado cuando ejecutes el código? code: |- @@ -2002,6 +2197,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: ¡Increíble! hint: Cada jugador elegirá una opción. El jugador que esté primero en la lista escogerá primero. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: ¿Qué línea debería ir en el `_` en este código que decide lo que cenarán estas personas? code: |- @@ -2031,6 +2228,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hay que decir a cada uno lo que va a cenar. hint: Hay que decir a cada uno lo que va a cenar. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: ¿Qué debería ir en el `_` en este código que decide qué color de camiseta recibes? code: |- @@ -2060,6 +2259,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: No hay una variable llamada gente.. hint: Cuidado con las comillas y los nombres de las variables + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: ¿Cuál será la primera pregunta que Hedy te preguntará cuando ejecutes el programa? code: |- @@ -2079,6 +2280,8 @@ levels: - option: No sabes eso. Hedy elegirá `{at} {random}`. feedback: No hay `{at} {random}` en este código... hint: Se eligen las primeras opciones de ambas listas. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 10: question_text: ¿Qué hay de cierto en este código? code: "premios = 1 millón dólares, coche, sandwich\nnombres = Bob, Patrick, Sandy, Larry\n{for} premio {in} premios\n {print} 'El ' premio 'lo gana ' nombres {at} {random}" @@ -2092,6 +2295,8 @@ levels: - option: Alguno podría ganar dos premios feedback: ¡Lo conseguiste! hint: Intenta imaginar el resultado de este código. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 11: 1: question_text: ¿Qué palabra debe ir en el lugar del espacio en blanco? @@ -2106,6 +2311,9 @@ levels: - option: '`{for}`' feedback: 'No' hint: ¿Qué aprendiste en este nivel? + code: "{for} i {in} _ 1 {to} 10\n {print} i" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: ¿Cuál será el resultado de este código? mp_choice_options: @@ -2127,6 +2335,9 @@ levels: ```' feedback: No es eso hint: ¿Cómo aparecen los números en la pantalla? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" 3: question_text: ¿Qué código se usó para conseguir este resultado? output: |- @@ -2166,6 +2377,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: i es una variable y no debería llevar comillas hint: Primero todos los números, después la frase + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: ¿Qué código se usó para conseguir este resultado? mp_choice_options: @@ -2194,6 +2407,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: ¡Eso es cierto! hint: Tiene que ser un cálculo… + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" 5: question_text: ¿Qué le pasa a este código? mp_choice_options: @@ -2206,6 +2422,9 @@ levels: - option: La línea 2 tiene que empezar con una sangría feedback: ¡Perfecto! hint: No hay nada mal con la sangría + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" 6: question_text: ¿Cuántas veces aparece la palabra Hola en tu pantalla cuando ejecutes el código? code: |- @@ -2221,6 +2440,8 @@ levels: - option: Nunca feedback: 'No' hint: 0 también cuenta. Así que 0,1,2 son 3 veces. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: ¿Qué debe haber en el lugar del espacio en blanco? code: |- @@ -2251,6 +2472,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: ¡Es un pedido de más! hint: Usa la variable 'gente' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: ¿Cuál será el resultado de este código? mp_choice_options: @@ -2273,6 +2496,9 @@ levels: - option: La palabra 'hola' aparecerá 25 veces seguidas. feedback: No, sólo aparecerá 3 veces. hint: No dice `{print}` i + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" 9: question_text: ¿Cuántas veces Hedy canta Hip Hip Hurra? code: |- @@ -2289,6 +2515,8 @@ levels: - option: Que depende de cuantos años tienes feedback: ¡Eso es! hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` edad' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: ¿Qué código pertenece a este resultado? mp_choice_options: @@ -2321,6 +2549,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 son 4 veces.' hint: Cuidado con la sangría + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" 12: 1: question_text: ¿Qué resultado es correcto? @@ -2341,6 +2572,8 @@ levels: 5 feedback: ¡Gran trabajo! hint: ¡Se imprimen ambas líneas! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: question_text: ¿Cuál de estos códigos es correcto? mp_choice_options: @@ -2369,6 +2602,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Todos los diferentes valores de sabores deberían estar entre comillas. hint: La segunda línea es la misma en cada código, presta atención a la primera línea + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 3: question_text: ¿Qué le pasa a este código? code: |- @@ -2384,6 +2619,8 @@ levels: - option: No ocurre nada. feedback: Eso no es cierto hint: Las comillas se han utilizado correctamente + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: ¿En qué líneas se necesitan comillas para conseguir que el código funcione? code: |- @@ -2401,6 +2638,8 @@ levels: - option: Todas las líneas feedback: ¡Perfecto! hint: ¿La línea 3 también necesita comillas? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: ¿Qué resultado tendrá el Agente007 cuando pongan la contraseña correcta? code: |- @@ -2425,6 +2664,8 @@ levels: - option: Ve al aeropuerto mañana a las 10.00 feedback: El agente no atrapará a ningún malo aquí hint: La contraseña correcta es TOPSECRET + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: ¿Qué línea debe rellenarse en `_`? code: |- @@ -2460,6 +2701,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: ¡Ya casi está! hint: ¿Qué ocurre si sólo pides patatas fritas y una bebida? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: ¿Qué resultado obtiene un vegano? code: |- @@ -2498,6 +2741,8 @@ levels: galletas feedback: Ya casi está, pero mira el orden de los aperitivos de la lista hint: ¿Qué elemento se elimina de la lista cuando respondes 'vegano'? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: ¿Qué código se ha utilizado para crear este resultado? mp_choice_options: @@ -2522,6 +2767,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 'No' hint: 7 dividido por 2 es 3.5 + code: '3.5' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: ¿Qué código debe rellenarse en la línea 1 en la `_`? code: |- @@ -2549,6 +2797,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: No ganaste nada hint: Los objetos de la lista deben ir entre comillas + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: ¿Qué línea de código debe rellenarse en la `_` para completar la canción? code: |- @@ -2582,6 +2832,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: ¡Esta es difícil! En la canción deben aparecer todas las acciones de la lista. hint: ¡Esta es difícil! En la canción deben aparecer todas las acciones de la lista. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 13: 1: question_text: ¿Qué código debe rellenarse en ??? ? @@ -2616,6 +2868,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hedy sólo canta si ambas respuestas son afirmativas hint: Hedy canta si quieres escuchar una canción y es tu cumpleaños + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 2: question_text: ¿Qué comando falta en el código en el lugar de ??? ? code: |- @@ -2633,6 +2887,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: 'No' hint: Ni los veganos ni los musulmanes pueden comer panecillos de salchichas. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: question_text: ¿Qué salida se le da a un miembro sin un código de descuento? code: |- @@ -2652,6 +2908,8 @@ levels: - option: No hay manera de saber feedback: ¡Ahí está! Lee la pregunta con cuidado hint: Atención al comando `{or}` en la línea 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: ¿Qué línea de código debe seguir a esta línea en el juego de piedra-papel-tijeras? code: '{if} opcion_ordenador {is} ''piedra'' {and} tu_opcion {is} ''papel''' @@ -2677,6 +2935,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: ¡Inténtalo de nuevo! hint: Papel vence a piedra + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: question_text: ¿Qué afirmación es cierta sobre este código? code: |- @@ -2692,6 +2952,8 @@ levels: - option: Toda persona que no se llama Cenicienta y no tiene una talla 38 de calzado es el amor verdadero del príncipe feedback: ¡El príncipe es un poco más exigente que eso! hint: Ambas afirmaciones tienen que ser ciertas + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: ¿Qué afirmación sobre este código es cierta? code: |- @@ -2716,6 +2978,8 @@ levels: - option: Sofía es una chica que lleva gafas feedback: ¡Gran trabajo! hint: ¡Mira bien! ¿O necesitas gafas? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: ¿Qué afirmación es falsa? code: |- @@ -2741,6 +3005,8 @@ levels: - option: El pájaro amarillo se alimentó esta mañana feedback: Esto es verdad hint: Lee con atención las 4 últimas líneas + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 8: question_text: ¿Qué salida recibes si pides palomitas sin bebida? code: |- @@ -2778,6 +3044,8 @@ levels: Disfruta de la película feedback: ¡Tienes que pagar tus palomitas! hint: palomitas = sí y bebida = no + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: ¿Qué le pasa a este código? code: |- @@ -2817,6 +3085,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: ¡Esto no es lo que he pedido! hint: Hay un fallo en la línea 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: ¿Qué comando se necesita en la línea 8 en el lugar de ??? ? code: |- @@ -2843,6 +3113,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{if}`' feedback: 'No' hint: El artículo o está en la lista de aperitivos, o en la lista de bebidas + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 14: 1: question_text: ¿Qué símbolo se debería usar en el espacio en blanco? @@ -2860,6 +3132,8 @@ levels: - option: '`=`' feedback: ¡Muy bien! hint: No comparamos nada, sólo estamos preguntando un nombre. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: question_text: ¿Cuál de estos códigos han usado el símbolo correcto = o ==? mp_choice_options: @@ -2872,6 +3146,8 @@ levels: - option: respuesta == {ask} '¿Qué tal estás?' feedback: 'No' hint: Cuando comparas dos respuestas debes usar == + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 3: question_text: ¿Qué símbolo debe rellenarse en los dos espacios en blanco? code: |- @@ -2891,6 +3167,8 @@ levels: - option: '`+` y `==`' hint: El club admite 130 personas feedback: No es eso + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: ¿Qué le pasa a este código? code: |- @@ -2911,6 +3189,8 @@ levels: - option: En la línea 4 se debería haber usado <= en vez de >= feedback: No es eso hint: Los símbolos son correctos + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: ¿Qué símbolo debe rellenarse en los espacios en blanco si la película es apta para niños a partir de 12 años? code: |- @@ -2930,6 +3210,8 @@ levels: - option: '`<= 12`' feedback: Estos niños son muy jóvenes hint: '> significa mayor que' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: ¿Cuántas veces tienes que decir que estás enfadado antes que este irritante juego pare? code: |- @@ -2949,6 +3231,8 @@ levels: - option: 2 veces feedback: Eso es correcto hint: '!= significa ''no es''' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: ¿Qué debe rellenarse en los tres espacios en blanco? code: |- @@ -2976,6 +3260,8 @@ levels: - option: '`''Lower!''` y `''You win!''` y `''Higher!''`' feedback: Eso no es del todo correcto. hint: La última debe decir que ganaste. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: ¿Qué sentencia es verdadera sobre esta montaña rusa? code: |- @@ -2994,6 +3280,8 @@ levels: - option: No hay restricciones de altura para montar en una montaña rusa feedback: Ahí está. hint: '> significa mayor que' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: ¿Cuántas porciones de chocolate harán que te duela el estómago de acuerdo a este fitbit? code: |- @@ -3014,6 +3302,8 @@ levels: - option: 9 o más feedback: ¡Genial! hint: '> 8 significa más de 8' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: ¿Qué debe rellenarse en los espacios en blanco? code: |- @@ -3030,6 +3320,8 @@ levels: - option: '''Es un empate''' feedback: No, no lo es, un jugador tiene una puntuación más alta hint: Ganas el juego por tener más puntos + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 15: 1: question_text: '¿Qué símbolo debería usarse en el espacio en blanco? Consejo: Debes seguir adivinando hasta que lo consigas.' @@ -3048,6 +3340,8 @@ levels: - option: '`=`' feedback: No es eso hint: Sigue adivinando hasta que digas Amsterdam + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: ¿Cuál de estos códigos ha usado el/los símbolo/s correcto/s? mp_choice_options: @@ -3072,6 +3366,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Falta una comilla hint: Cuando comparas dos respuestas debes usar == + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 3: question_text: ¿Qué comando debe completar los espacio en blanco? code: |- @@ -3087,6 +3383,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{range}`' feedback: Eso no es todo hint: No puedes entrar al bar si tienes 17 años o menos + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: ¿Qué le pasa a este código? code: |- @@ -3109,6 +3407,8 @@ levels: - option: En la línea 5 se debería haber usado `!=` en vez de `==` feedback: Tienes razón hint: Hay algo mal en la línea 5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: ¿Qué hay que poner en el espacio en blanco para hacer que este programa funcione correctamente? code: |- @@ -3130,6 +3430,8 @@ levels: - option: "```\n = humedad + 1\n```" feedback: El programa debe contar hacia abajo hint: la humedad debería ser menor cada vez + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: ¿Qué le pasa a este código? code: |- @@ -3148,6 +3450,8 @@ levels: - option: La línea 2 debe empezar con menos sangría feedback: Eso es correcto hint: Presta atención a la sangría + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: ¿Cómo debería modificarse este programa para que funcione? code: |- @@ -3174,6 +3478,8 @@ levels: - option: '... cambia el cuarto `{if}` por un `{while}`' feedback: Eso no es del todo correcto. hint: El último debe decir que ganaste. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: ¿Qué sentencia es cierta sobre este sistema de baño automático? code: |- @@ -3193,6 +3499,8 @@ levels: - option: Las luces siempre estarán encendidas. feedback: Eso no estaría bien. hint: El bloqueo después del comando {while} sigue ocurriendo mientras el baño está ocupado. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: ¿Qué dirá la aplicación de dieta si hoy te has comido 1600 calorías? code: |- @@ -3213,6 +3521,8 @@ levels: - option: Ya has comido suficiente por hoy feedback: 'No' hint: 1600 se encuentra entre 1000 y 2000 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: '¿Qué debería rellenarse en los espacios en blanco? Consejo: el jugador con más puntos está a la cabeza.' code: |- @@ -3230,6 +3540,8 @@ levels: - option: "```\n points_player_2\n```" feedback: Debes rellenar un nombre, no un número hint: Ganas el juego por tener más puntos. Tu nombe debe aparecer en la pantalla + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 16: 1: question_text: ¿Qué comando debería rellenar los espacios en blancos para imprimir un snack aleatorio? @@ -3246,6 +3558,8 @@ levels: - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' feedback: Ya no vamos a necesitar `at` más hint: Ya no vamos a usar {at} + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: ¿Qué debería rellenarse en los espacios en blanco si quieres una lista de qué tareas de casa son hechas por quien? code: |- @@ -3275,6 +3589,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: ¡Fantastico! hint: '`i` nos dice que objeto de la lista es. Así que amigo 1 hace tarea 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: ¿Cuál es un resultado posible para este programa? code: |- @@ -3312,6 +3628,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: No es así hint: No es aleatorio... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: ¿Qué está mal en este código? code: |- @@ -3330,6 +3648,8 @@ levels: - option: Se debería borrar {in} en la línea 3 feedback: No es eso hint: No hay ningún error en la línea 4 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: ¿Qué línea debería llenar el espacio en blanco? code: |- @@ -3347,6 +3667,8 @@ levels: - option: "```\n sonidos = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh']\n```" feedback: ¡Buen trabajo! hint: Mira la línea 1 para ver el uso apropiado de los corchetes y las comillas. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: ¿Qué sentencia es verdadera? code: |- @@ -3364,6 +3686,8 @@ levels: - option: Este código no funcionará. Dará y error. feedback: No, el código es correcto. hint: Este código no tiene nada de malo. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: ¿Qué le pasa a este código? code: |- @@ -3381,6 +3705,8 @@ levels: - option: La línea 4 necesita más comillas. feedback: ¡Genial! hint: Hay un error en el uso de las comillas. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: ¿Cuál de estos códigos pertenece a este resultado? code: |- @@ -3421,6 +3747,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: ¡Esto no va a funcionar! hint: Si prestas atención a la primera línea, verás que sólo las primeras dos respuestas probablemente sean correctas. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: ¿Qué resultado es probable para este código? code: |- @@ -3452,6 +3780,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Sólo se repite dos veces hint: Rango 0 a 1 es 2 veces + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: ¿Qué 3 línea completarán este código correctamente? code: |- @@ -3491,6 +3821,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: ¡Fantastico! hint: Tienes que usar el comando {remove} + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 17: 1: question_text: ¿Cuál es la salida de este código? @@ -3520,6 +3852,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: No hace bucle a través de las letras. hint: Bucle a través de tu lista. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: ¿Qué le pasa a este código? code: |- @@ -3543,6 +3878,8 @@ levels: - option: El `noleap_year` tiene que ser idéntico en ambos casos. feedback: ¡Correcto! hint: Lea cuidadosamente el código. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: ¿Cuántos erizos se imprimirán en este código? mp_choice_options: @@ -3579,6 +3916,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: No es eso. hint: Piensa en cuántas veces lo necesitas repetir. + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: ¿Dónde está el error en el código? code: |- @@ -3603,6 +3943,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{elif}` en la última línea debe ser reemplazado por `{else}`' feedback: ¡Genial! hint: Piensa en `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: ¿Cuál es el resultado de este código? code: |- @@ -3666,6 +4008,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: No es eso. hint: Piensa en cuántas veces necesitas repetir y los valores de if y elif. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 6: question_text: ¿Qué tiene de malo el código? code: |- @@ -3688,6 +4032,8 @@ levels: - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. feedback: Amazing! hint: Hay un error en alguna parte... + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: ¿Cuál de los siguientes códigos imprimirá cinco veces "el resultado es 3" en la pantalla? mp_choice_options: @@ -3724,6 +4070,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: No es eso. hint: Piensa en símbolos matemáticos. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: ¿Qué tiene de malo el código? code: |- @@ -3746,6 +4094,8 @@ levels: - option: Hay un error de sangría en la última línea. feedback: No. hint: Lee cuidadosamente el código. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: ¿Cuál de los códigos de abajo dio esta salida? code: |- @@ -3768,6 +4118,8 @@ levels: - option: "```\n {for} numero en rango -5 a 3:\n {if} numero < 0: \n {print} numero ' es positivo'\n {elif} numero <=0: \n {print} numero ' es negativo' \n {else}: \n {print} numero ' es cero'\n```" feedback: Eso no es. hint: Lee atentamente el código. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: ¿Qué le pasa a este código? code: |- @@ -3790,3 +4142,5 @@ levels: - option: Hay un error de sangría en la última línea. feedback: No. hint: Lee atentamente el código. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' diff --git a/content/quizzes/et.yaml b/content/quizzes/et.yaml index b248b1bd86e..7bfc190bafe 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/et.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/et.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Heidi feedback: See ei ole õige! hint: See sai nime Hedy Lamarr' järgi. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Mis on vaja lünkadesse kirjutada, et ilmuks tekst "Hello!" ? code: ___ Hello! @@ -37,6 +39,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{ask}` aitab sul midagi küsida.' hint: _ Tere maailm! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Kuidas sa kellegi lemmikvärvi küsid? mp_choice_options: @@ -61,6 +65,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{echo}` kordab mida sa kirjutanud oled, aga ei oota vastust.' hint: '`{ask}` käsk aitab sul midagi küsida' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Mis siin valesti on? code: |- @@ -77,6 +83,8 @@ levels: - option: Mitte midagi! Kood on õige! feedback: Ei ole, proovi uuesti! hint: Esimene rida ei tundu õige + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Milline käsk puudub teisel real? code: |- @@ -104,6 +112,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Tubli! hint: Sa tahad teisel real on vastust tagasi näha. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Mis on selles koodis valesti? code: |- @@ -111,6 +121,18 @@ levels: {print} Milline jalkameeskond sulle meeldib? {echo} Sulle meeldib... {print} Lahe! Mulle ka! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - feedback: Great! You paid attention! + option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -121,6 +143,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -136,6 +162,40 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + correct_answer: B + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + 7: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Check the code line by line + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + 9: + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -148,6 +208,9 @@ levels: - option: Käsuga `{sleep}` saad teksti ekraanilt eemaldada. feedback: No one command doesn't work anymore. hint: '`{print}` töötab jätkuvalt samal viisil kui tasemel 1' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -174,17 +237,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + question_text: What should be on the lines? + correct_answer: A + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + question_text: Which code is correct? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + feedback: Right on! + - option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + feedback: She is not replaced with the name + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + 4: + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is name + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It closes down Hedy + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + hint: The variable name should come first + correct_answer: C + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + correct_answer: B + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -209,6 +390,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -219,8 +403,26 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" 3: question_text: What's wrong in line 2 of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + correct_answer: C + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- colors {is} blue, purple, green @@ -228,6 +430,18 @@ levels: {remove} chosen_color {from} colors {print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random} hint: Look at line 3 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -258,6 +472,83 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + hint: The variable name is prices + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + question_score: '10' + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + correct_answer: D + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 6: + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No that's not right + option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + option: Nothing! This code is great! + correct_answer: B + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + question_score: '10' + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + correct_answer: C + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + 8: + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + question_score: '10' + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + correct_answer: D 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -270,6 +561,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: ettevaatlik, kui kasutad jutumärke (") või ülakoma (`) + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -292,6 +586,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -314,6 +612,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + correct_answer: D + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -333,8 +635,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" 6: hint: 'Mõtle hoolikalt: mis on muutuja mis peaks olema väljaspool jutumärke? Ja mis on tavalised sõnad, mis peaks olema jutumärkide sees?' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + question_score: '10' 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -345,6 +665,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + question_score: '10' + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: B + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + 8: + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + feedback: We need quotation marks + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + 10: + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: Correct + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -362,8 +746,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: Mis käib koos käsuga `{if}` ? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct! + feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + - option: SECRET + feedback: That's right!' + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_text: What is the right password? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -372,6 +771,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -400,6 +811,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -427,6 +841,84 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + hint: What the variable name? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: fun + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + option: Hedy + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + correct_answer: A + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - option: SECRET + feedback: That's not the right answer + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - feedback: Great job! + option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - feedback: That's not how you spell secret + option: Because it's spelled wrong. + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + 9: + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + option: '1' + - option: '2' + feedback: Super! You escaped! + - option: '3' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B + 10: + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" 6: 3: mp_choice_options: @@ -438,8 +930,26 @@ levels: feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: Super! + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -453,6 +963,114 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + option: 5 dollars + - option: 10 dollars + feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - option: '12' + feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + - option: 2*10 + feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + - option: '210' + feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + hint: It's the plus sign. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + correct_answer: D + 7: + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: That's true, but not the reason + option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + 8: + correct_answer: B + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + 9: + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + correct_answer: C + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - option: 32% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + option: 50% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -465,8 +1083,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + question_text: Which code is right? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -490,6 +1123,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -516,6 +1153,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -537,6 +1179,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -570,6 +1217,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Its alright'" ``` feedback: This is not the correct order.. + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" 9: code: |- Batman was flying through Gotham. @@ -611,6 +1263,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Please help me !' ``` feedback: Perfect + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + correct_answer: D + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -642,6 +1298,36 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + 3: + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + question_score: '10' + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + correct_answer: D + 5: + hint: The code is correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -653,6 +1339,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -680,6 +1371,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: Mida korratakse ja mida mitte? hint: Mida korratakse ja mida mitte? + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + correct_answer: C 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -712,6 +1407,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -722,6 +1421,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -741,6 +1445,10 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -783,6 +1491,10 @@ levels: {print} You are wrong! ``` feedback: You are wrong! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? 9: code: |- 1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?' @@ -790,11 +1502,67 @@ levels: 3 {print} '🤘' 4 {else} 5 {print} '👎' + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 and 4 + feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + - option: Only line 3 + feedback: Not only 3... + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: code: |- 1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?" 2 {if} level {is} 8 3 {print} Great job! + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + correct_answer: C + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + correct_answer: D + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + question_score: '10' 9: 1: code: |- @@ -817,6 +1585,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -839,6 +1610,11 @@ levels: Good job! You can use the computer! feedback: Correct! + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + correct_answer: D + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -855,6 +1631,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -875,6 +1664,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -910,6 +1703,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which code produced this output? + hint: Watch the indentation + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -920,6 +1718,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -960,6 +1762,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -977,6 +1782,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The indentation is done right this time 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -992,6 +1800,23 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: None, that is not allowed + feedback: You are allowed to + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -999,6 +1824,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -1007,6 +1844,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - option: choices + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + option: dice + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -1021,6 +1870,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + correct_answer: D + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -1028,6 +1882,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + feedback: You are on fire! + - option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + - feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -1056,6 +1922,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: What is the first question Hedy will `{ask}` you when you run the program? code: |- @@ -1065,6 +1934,18 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + correct_answer: A + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -1080,6 +1961,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + question_text: What is true about this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + 2: + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + question_text: Which output is correct? + 3: + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - feedback: Great! + option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + 4: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + feedback: No it does not. + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1107,6 +2037,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1120,6 +2053,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_text: What will be the output from this code? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1147,6 +2085,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1155,6 +2097,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + feedback: The variable is not named guests + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + feedback: That's one order too many! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Use the variable 'people' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1171,6 +2125,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1202,6 +2161,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + correct_answer: A + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + question_score: '10' + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + feedback: No it doesn't. + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + feedback: Perfect! + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - feedback: No + option: Never + correct_answer: C + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + 9: + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - option: 2 times + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - option: That depends on how old you are + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1220,6 +2243,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + hint: Both lines are printed! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1246,6 +2273,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1259,12 +2290,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1278,6 +2326,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: You've cracked the code! + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + correct_answer: B + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1291,6 +2352,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + feedback: Excellent! + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1303,6 +2376,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + feedback: Terrific! + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1325,6 +2411,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1351,6 +2442,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1371,6 +2465,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1403,6 +2500,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1418,6 +2519,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1436,6 +2541,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + question_score: '10' 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1447,10 +2555,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Paper beats rock 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + hint: Both statements have to be true + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1464,6 +2589,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1478,6 +2616,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + question_text: Which statement is false? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1492,6 +2643,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1529,6 +2693,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + correct_answer: A + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1553,6 +2721,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + question_score: '10' 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1563,6 +2735,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + hint: The symbols are right + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1571,6 +2756,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1579,6 +2777,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + hint: "!= means 'is not'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1588,6 +2799,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 2 loses'" + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + 1: + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - feedback: No + option: '{if} age = 24' + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + feedback: No + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + question_score: '10' + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + question_score: '10' + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1595,11 +2908,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=!`' + feedback: That is not right. + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1620,6 +2958,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1639,6 +2981,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + hint: wetness should get less each time + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1656,6 +3002,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + hint: Look closely at the indentation + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1667,8 +3016,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: The last one should say you win. + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: False! + option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1687,6 +3053,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1697,6 +3067,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1704,12 +3093,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + feedback: Mind the spacing. + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + correct_answer: A + hint: It's not random... + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1720,6 +3135,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1730,3 +3150,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 10: + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + question_score: '10' + 1: + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - feedback: The order is wrong. + option: '`[{random} snack]`' + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + hint: We no longer use {at} + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + - option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + 8: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + question_score: '10' + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: It will be repeated twice + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + correct_answer: A + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + feedback: That is not right. + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 17: + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + 7: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + correct_answer: C + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + feedback: Not correct. + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + hint: Loop through your list. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + 6: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - feedback: Nope. + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + question_text: What is wrong with code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + feedback: Not true. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: Nope. + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C diff --git a/content/quizzes/fa.yaml b/content/quizzes/fa.yaml index de901cca12d..880c14cd75c 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/fa.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/fa.yaml @@ -25,8 +25,22 @@ levels: ``` feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _?_ Hello world! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: hint: You can {ask} something with the {ask} command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - feedback: You only need one command, not two. + option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -37,6 +51,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right 5: code: |- {ask} What is your favorite pet? @@ -62,6 +81,10 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: Right on! + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -72,6 +95,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -87,6 +114,69 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + correct_answer: B + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - feedback: Great! You paid attention! + option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + correct_answer: B + 9: + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Good job! + option: Hedy + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heddy + - option: Haydie + feedback: Not this one! + - option: Heidi + feedback: Not this one! + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's this programming language called? + question_score: '10' + 7: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - feedback: Correct! + option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + hint: Check the code line by line + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -99,6 +189,9 @@ levels: - option: In level 2 all the level 1 commands still work feedback: No one command doesn't work anymore. hint: '`{print}` and `{ask}` still exist.' + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -125,17 +218,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be on the lines? + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + correct_answer: A 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + question_score: '10' + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + correct_answer: B 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It closes down Hedy + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + hint: The variable name should come first + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + 9: + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + 3: + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + option: Marleen goes to the market. + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + feedback: She is not replaced with the name + correct_answer: C + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + question_score: '10' + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + 2: + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which code is correct? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + 4: + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my Hedy is name + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -160,6 +371,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -170,8 +384,26 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" 3: question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2 of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + option: Nothing, the code is correct! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" 9: code: |- colors {is} blue, purple, green @@ -179,6 +411,18 @@ levels: {remove} chosen_color {from} colors {print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random} hint: Look at line 3 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -209,6 +453,83 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + option: Nothing, this code is alright. + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable name is prices + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + correct_answer: B + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - option: Nothing, this code is perfect + feedback: That's right! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + - feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + option: Nothing! This code is great! + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 8: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + question_score: '10' + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + question_text: What is the output of this code? 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -221,6 +542,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -243,6 +567,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + correct_answer: B + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + question_score: '10' 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -265,6 +593,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -284,8 +616,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You get it! + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + - feedback: You need some quotation marks! + option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -296,6 +646,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + question_score: '10' + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + correct_answer: D + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + - feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + correct_answer: A + 8: + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + feedback: You missed one! + correct_answer: B + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + question_text: Which statement is true? 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -313,8 +727,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - feedback: The password isn't password... + option: password + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_text: What is the right password? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -323,6 +752,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + option: "```\n{if}\n```" + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + option: "```\n{print}\n```" + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -351,6 +792,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -378,11 +822,114 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + correct_answer: B + hint: What the variable name? + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + option: Wrong! + - feedback: Great job! + option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + correct_answer: D + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - feedback: That's not how you spell secret + option: Because it's spelled wrong. + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + correct_answer: A + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + option: '1' + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - option: '3' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - option: giant spider + feedback: Not always... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: fun + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - feedback: Fortunately not! + option: Error + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' 6: 2: question_text: Which sign do you use for an addition? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`-`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + option: 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + hint: Mind the fourth line. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -396,6 +943,115 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + correct_answer: B + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + - option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + correct_answer: C + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '20' + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - option: 2*10 + feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + code: '{print} 2*10' + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + - option: '13' + feedback: Try again.. + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 10% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - option: 100% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -408,8 +1064,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code is right? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -433,6 +1104,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -459,6 +1134,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + question_score: '10' + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + correct_answer: D + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -480,6 +1160,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat mp_choice_options: @@ -515,6 +1200,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Dit is niet de juiste volgorde.. hint: '`{repeat}` kan alleen worden gebruikt als je dezelfde regel meerdere keren achter elkaar wil uitvoeren.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" 9: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat ? code: |- @@ -558,6 +1246,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfect hint: '''Help !'' wordt 3x herhaald.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -589,6 +1279,36 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + correct_answer: A + hint: The code is correct! + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -600,6 +1320,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + question_score: '10' 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -627,6 +1352,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -659,6 +1388,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -669,6 +1402,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Something is wrong with indentation 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -688,6 +1426,10 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -730,6 +1472,10 @@ levels: {print} You are wrong! ``` feedback: You are wrong! + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? 9: code: |- 1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?' @@ -737,11 +1483,67 @@ levels: 3 {print} '🤘' 4 {else} 5 {print} '👎' + question_score: '10' + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + correct_answer: D 10: code: |- 1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?" 2 {if} level {is} 8 3 {print} Great job! + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: You are correct! + option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + correct_answer: D + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + - feedback: Super! + option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" 9: 1: code: |- @@ -764,6 +1566,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -783,6 +1588,11 @@ levels: Good job! You can use the computer! feedback: Correct! + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -799,6 +1609,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 1, open + - option: case 2, sell + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: Great job! You win! + option: case 2, open + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -819,6 +1642,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -854,6 +1681,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + question_text: Which code produced this output? + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + correct_answer: C + hint: Watch the indentation + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -864,6 +1696,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -904,6 +1740,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -921,6 +1760,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + hint: The indentation is done right this time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -936,6 +1778,23 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: Only 1 + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - feedback: That is true + option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -943,6 +1802,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -951,6 +1822,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - option: dice + feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -965,6 +1848,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + question_score: '10' + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -972,6 +1860,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -1000,6 +1900,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: What is the first question Hedy will `{ask}` you when you run the program? code: |- @@ -1009,6 +1912,18 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - feedback: Timon is first on the list! + option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -1024,6 +1939,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is true about this code? + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - feedback: Great! + option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + 2: + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + mp_choice_options: + - option: I love pizza + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + feedback: Good job! + - option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + feedback: No it does not. + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1051,6 +2015,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + hint: What did you learn in this level? + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1064,6 +2031,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + correct_answer: A + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1091,6 +2063,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + correct_answer: D + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1099,6 +2075,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There's not always 3 people + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Use the variable 'people' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1115,6 +2103,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1146,6 +2139,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - feedback: Not line 1... + option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: 1 time + - option: 2 times + feedback: No + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + correct_answer: C + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - option: That depends on how old you are + feedback: That's right! + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1164,6 +2221,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_text: Which output is correct? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1190,6 +2251,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1203,12 +2268,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1222,6 +2304,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1235,6 +2330,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1247,6 +2354,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1269,6 +2389,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1295,6 +2420,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1315,6 +2443,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1347,6 +2478,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1362,6 +2497,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1380,6 +2519,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1391,10 +2533,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + correct_answer: A + hint: Paper beats rock + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + hint: Both statements have to be true 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1408,6 +2567,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1422,6 +2594,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is true! + option: The grey cat is called Abby + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - feedback: This is true + option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + question_text: Which statement is false? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1436,6 +2621,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1473,6 +2671,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1497,6 +2699,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + question_score: '10' 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1507,6 +2713,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: The symbols are right + correct_answer: B 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1515,6 +2734,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - feedback: These kids are too young! + option: '`< 12`' + - option: '`<= 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1523,6 +2755,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + hint: "!= means 'is not'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1532,6 +2777,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: '> means greater than' + - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + feedback: There are. + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + 7: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - feedback: Yes! + option: "'player 2 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + question_score: '10' + 1: + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + correct_answer: D + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + correct_answer: C + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1539,11 +2886,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=!`' + feedback: That is not right. + - feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + option: '`==`' + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`=`' + feedback: That's not it + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + question_score: '10' + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + correct_answer: C 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1564,6 +2936,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1583,6 +2959,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + question_score: '10' + hint: wetness should get less each time + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1600,6 +2980,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1611,8 +2994,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The last one should say you win. 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - feedback: Great job + option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1631,6 +3031,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1641,6 +3045,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + question_score: '10' + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - feedback: A quotation mark is missing + option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1648,12 +3071,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + - option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + question_score: '10' + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: Super! + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + feedback: Poor Wesley! + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1664,6 +3113,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1674,3 +3128,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + correct_answer: C + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_score: '10' + 8: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 9: + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: It will be repeated twice + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 10: + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + question_score: '10' + 7: + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + feedback: That is not right. + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - option: Line 4 should start without indentation + feedback: It should not + - option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + feedback: Amazing! + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 1: + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + - feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + hint: We no longer use {at} + 17: + 6: + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The word num needs quotation marks. + feedback: Try again. + - option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + feedback: Not true. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + hint: Loop through your list. + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 7: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: Try again! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: Not true. + option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - feedback: Nope. + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: C + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 9: + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + question_score: '10' diff --git a/content/quizzes/fi.yaml b/content/quizzes/fi.yaml index 868ec1e6dca..1000f2454eb 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/fi.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/fi.yaml @@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _?_ Hello world! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -35,6 +37,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 5: code: |- {ask} What is your favorite pet? @@ -60,6 +67,10 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: Right on! + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -70,6 +81,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -85,6 +100,83 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + hint: Let's go! + correct_answer: B + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: You only need one command, not two. + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + 6: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + correct_answer: B + 7: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - feedback: Correct! + option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + correct_answer: D + hint: Check the code line by line + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy + feedback: Good job! + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - option: Haydie + feedback: Not this one! + - option: Heidi + feedback: Not this one! + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's this programming language called? 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -96,6 +188,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good - option: With the {sleep} command, you can remove text from the screen. feedback: That's not how sleep works. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{print}` still works the same way as in level 1' + question_text: Which statement is true? 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -122,17 +218,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be on the lines? 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + - option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + question_score: '10' + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + correct_answer: D + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + 2: + question_text: Which code is correct? + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + option: Marleen goes to the market. + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + correct_answer: C + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + question_score: '10' + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + correct_answer: D + 5: + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It closes down Hedy + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - feedback: You get it! + option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable name should come first + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + correct_answer: C + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -157,6 +371,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -167,8 +384,26 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 9: hint: Look at line 3 + correct_answer: C + code: "colors {is} blue, purple, green\nchosen_color {is} {ask} Which hair color wouldn't you like to have?\n{remove} chosen_color {from} colors\n{print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -199,6 +434,98 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + 4: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + option: Nothing, this code is alright. + hint: The variable name is prices + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + correct_answer: B + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + 5: + question_score: '10' + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + correct_answer: D + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 7: + correct_answer: C + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + 8: + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + correct_answer: D + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the output of this code? + 6: + correct_answer: B + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - feedback: Correct + option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -211,6 +538,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -233,6 +563,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -255,6 +589,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -274,8 +612,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -286,6 +642,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + 8: + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + feedback: You missed one! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + 7: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + feedback: Correct! + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + correct_answer: A + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_score: '10' 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -303,8 +723,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - option: ALARM INTRUDER + feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the right password? + correct_answer: B + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -313,6 +748,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{else}\n```" + feedback: Great! + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -341,6 +788,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -368,9 +818,100 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + 5: + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + question_score: '10' + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + correct_answer: A + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + 9: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + option: '1' + - option: '2' + feedback: Super! You escaped! + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + question_score: '10' + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 10: + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - option: vampire + feedback: Not always... + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 2: + question_score: '10' + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: fun + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" 6: 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the fourth line. 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -384,6 +925,129 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + correct_answer: B + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - option: 3*10 + feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + 4: + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + 5: + question_score: '10' + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + correct_answer: D + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + 1: + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '20' + - option: '12' + feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 7: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + 9: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 10% + - option: 32% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - option: 100% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_score: '10' + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + 2: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`*`' + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -396,8 +1060,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code is right? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -421,6 +1100,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -447,6 +1130,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + correct_answer: D + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -468,6 +1156,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: B + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" 9: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -502,6 +1195,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Please help me!' ``` feedback: Perfect + question_score: '10' + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + correct_answer: D + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -533,6 +1231,51 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + correct_answer: B + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + question_score: '10' + 8: + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome, you can't use the `{repeat}` command here. + option: "```\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + - feedback: Where did you leave 'Do do do do'? + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'" + - feedback: This is not the correct order.. + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + - feedback: This is not the correct order.. + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Right + feedback: No, a word is missing + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - feedback: Correct + option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + correct_answer: D + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 5: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + hint: The code is correct! + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -544,6 +1287,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -571,6 +1319,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: code: |- food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -590,6 +1342,114 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 8: + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are... right! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: This order is incorrect. + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'The children went:'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Yay!'\n {print} 'We are going on vacation!'" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines and start with 4 spaces. + - option: '`{else}` is not a command!' + feedback: It is! + - feedback: That's not true + option: Lines that start with `{if}` should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 and 4 + feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + - option: Only line 3 + feedback: Not only 3... + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + question_score: '10' + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + correct_answer: D + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? 9: 1: code: |- @@ -612,6 +1472,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -628,6 +1491,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - feedback: Great job! You win! + option: case 2, open + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -648,6 +1524,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + correct_answer: C + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -683,6 +1563,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + correct_answer: C + hint: Watch the indentation + question_score: '10' + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_text: Which code produced this output? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -693,6 +1578,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + question_score: '10' + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + correct_answer: C + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYou'll get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -733,6 +1622,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + question_score: '10' + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -750,12 +1642,56 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The indentation is done right this time 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} 2 {if} level {is} 9 3 {print} Great job! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Only line 2 and 3 start with spaces + - feedback: Line 3 should start with 8 + option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 8 spaces + feedback: Line 2 should start with 4 + - feedback: You are correct! + option: line 2 should start with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: '3' + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + 2: + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\n```" + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nThe computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...\n```" + - option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - option: "```\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -763,6 +1699,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -771,6 +1719,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + correct_answer: B + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + option: dice 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -785,6 +1745,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + question_score: '10' + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -792,6 +1757,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -820,6 +1797,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- courses = appetizer, main course, dessert @@ -828,6 +1808,19 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + correct_answer: A + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program? 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -843,6 +1836,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + correct_answer: D + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is true about this code? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: I love pizza + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: dogs are lovely pets + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - feedback: Great! + option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -870,6 +1912,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -883,6 +1928,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_text: What will be the output from this code? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -910,6 +1960,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + question_score: '10' + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -918,6 +1972,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + correct_answer: C + hint: Use the variable 'people' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + feedback: The variable is not named guests + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -934,6 +2000,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -965,6 +2036,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + question_score: '10' + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + correct_answer: B + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + 6: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - option: That depends on how old you are + feedback: That's right! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 12: 1: code: |- @@ -983,6 +2118,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + hint: Both lines are printed! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1009,6 +2148,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1022,12 +2165,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + question_score: '10' + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 and 2 + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + - option: All of the lines + feedback: Perfect! + question_score: '10' + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + correct_answer: D + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1041,6 +2201,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1054,6 +2227,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1066,6 +2251,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1088,6 +2286,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: '3.5' 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1114,6 +2317,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1134,6 +2340,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1166,6 +2375,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + correct_answer: C + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + question_score: '10' 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1181,6 +2394,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1199,6 +2416,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + correct_answer: A 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1210,10 +2430,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Paper beats rock + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + hint: Both statements have to be true + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + correct_answer: C 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1227,6 +2464,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1241,6 +2491,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + question_text: Which statement is false? + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1255,6 +2518,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1292,6 +2568,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1316,6 +2596,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1326,6 +2610,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + correct_answer: B + hint: The symbols are right + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1334,6 +2631,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`> 12`' + feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + question_score: '10' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1342,6 +2652,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + hint: "!= means 'is not'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1351,6 +2674,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: 1 or more + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: '> means greater than' + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + feedback: No + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 3: + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1358,11 +2783,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{in}`' + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{range}`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1383,6 +2833,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + correct_answer: D + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1402,6 +2856,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: wetness should get less each time 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1419,6 +2877,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1430,8 +2891,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: A 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1450,6 +2928,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1460,6 +2942,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1467,12 +2968,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + feedback: Mind the spacing. + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + question_score: '10' + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: No, it is not random. + option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + feedback: That's not it + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1483,6 +3010,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + correct_answer: B + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1493,3 +3025,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + correct_answer: D + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + feedback: This is the old way. + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - feedback: No, the code is correct. + option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + correct_answer: C + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_score: '10' + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + feedback: That is not right. + - option: Line 3 should start with indentation + feedback: It should not! + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + 8: + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: This is not going to work! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + 9: + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: It will be repeated twice + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - feedback: There is no list called 'person' + option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + 17: + 5: + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is the output of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + 4: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + feedback: Great! + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The word num needs quotation marks. + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: Nope. + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C + 6: + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Amazing! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + feedback: Not true! + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: C + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Loop through your list. + 3: + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' diff --git a/content/quizzes/fr.yaml b/content/quizzes/fr.yaml index 9e9cdd8cb83..febccb9e9e6 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/fr.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/fr.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Heidi feedback: Non, ce n'est pas ça ! hint: Il a été nommé d'après Hedy Lamarr. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: question_text: Comment remplir ce code pour faire apparaître le texte « Bonjour ! » ? code: _ Bonjour ! @@ -25,6 +27,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: Avec `{ask}`, tu peux poser une question. hint: _ Bonjour le monde ! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: question_text: Comment demander à quelqu'un quelle est sa couleur préférée ? mp_choice_options: @@ -49,6 +53,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{echo}` te répète la réponse que tu as donnée.' hint: Tu peux demander quelque chose avec la commande `{ask}` + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Quel est le problème avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -65,6 +71,8 @@ levels: - option: Rien ! C'est un code parfait ! feedback: Faux. Regarde bien ! hint: La ligne 1 ne semble pas correcte + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Quelle commande manque à la ligne 2 ? code: |- @@ -80,6 +88,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{echo}`' feedback: C'est ça ! hint: Tu veux voir la réponse à la fin de la ligne 2... + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Quel est le problème avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -97,6 +107,8 @@ levels: - option: À la ligne 4, `{print}` est mal orthographié. feedback: Non, il y a une faute d'orthographe quelque part ailleurs hint: Vérifie les commandes `{print}`. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 7: question_text: Quel est le problème avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -114,6 +126,8 @@ levels: - option: Rien ! C'est un code parfait ! feedback: Exact ! hint: Vérifie le code ligne par ligne + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Comment utiliser la commande `{echo}` ? mp_choice_options: @@ -126,6 +140,8 @@ levels: - option: Tu peux l'utiliser pour faire disparaître du texte. feedback: Ce n'est pas correct... hint: '`{echo}` est utilisé après une commande `{ask}`.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Quel est le problème avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -142,6 +158,8 @@ levels: - option: Rien. C'est un code parfait ! feedback: Cherches bien l'erreur... hint: '`{ask}` te permet de poser une question' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Quelle sortie sera affichée par ce code ? code: |- @@ -162,6 +180,8 @@ levels: Oui ! feedback: Il y a deux commandes `{echo}` hint: Allons-y ! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: 1: question_text: Quelle affirmation est vraie ? @@ -175,6 +195,8 @@ levels: - option: Avec la commande `{sleep}`, tu peux supprimer du texte de l'écran. feedback: '`{sleep}` ne fonctionne pas comme ça.' hint: '`{print}` fonctionne toujours de la même manière qu''au niveau 1.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 2: question_text: Quel code est correct ? mp_choice_options: @@ -199,6 +221,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Les mots sont justes, l'ordre ne l'est pas ! hint: '`{ask}` ne fonctionne pas comme au niveau 1' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui apparaît sur ton écran de sortie lorsque tu exécutes ce code ? code: |- @@ -214,6 +238,8 @@ levels: - option: Marion va au marché et Marion achète une pomme. feedback: Le mot « elle » n'est pas remplacé par le nom hint: Le mot « nom » est remplacé par « Marion » + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Que verras-tu sur l'écran de sortie lorsque tu exécuteras ce code ? code: |- @@ -229,6 +255,8 @@ levels: - option: Salut mon Hedy est Hedy feedback: Correct, ce problème sera corrigé dans le niveau 4 ! hint: Le mot « nom » est remplacé par « Hedy » aux deux endroits + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: Que se passe-t-il lorsque tu utilises la commande `{sleep}` ? mp_choice_options: @@ -241,6 +269,8 @@ levels: - option: On le met à la fin pour qu'Hedy sache que ton programme est terminé feedback: Non, ce serait inutile à la fin de ton code hint: L'ordinateur attend une seconde quand il rencontre la commande `{sleep}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: Par quoi compléter l'espace vide ? code: |- @@ -257,6 +287,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: Il n'y a pas de question à poser ici hint: Une pause pour l'effet dramatique… + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 7: question_text: Quelle commande doit être utilisée sur la ligne 2 ? code: |- @@ -285,6 +317,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Il y a plus simple avec le chiffre 3 hint: Tu veux que l'ordinateur attende 3 secondes + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Comment corriger la première ligne de code ? code: |- @@ -312,6 +346,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Où est la commande `{ask}` ? hint: Le nom de la variable doit venir en premier + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas dans ce code ? code: |- @@ -327,6 +363,8 @@ levels: - option: 'La ligne 2 devrait dire : `{sleep}` Jaime les animal' feedback: '`{sleep}` ne sert pas à afficher du texte' hint: Tu veux afficher « J'aime les chiens » + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: question_text: Quelle commande doit être utilisée sur la ligne 1 ? code: |- @@ -356,6 +394,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: C'est juste ! hint: Tu veux poser une question avec la commande `{ask}` + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: 1: question_text: Quelle(s) commande(s) utiliser pour que Hedy choisisse quelque chose arbitrairement ? @@ -369,6 +409,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' feedback: C’est bien ça ! hint: Arbitrairement signifie aléatoirement ou au hasard. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Quel est le problème avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -384,6 +426,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at} {random}` est mal écrit' feedback: '`{at} {random}` est l''orthographe correcte' hint: Il y a un problème à la ligne 1 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Comment corriges-tu l'erreur de la ligne 2 ? code: |- @@ -408,6 +452,8 @@ levels: - option: Pas besoin, le code est correct ! feedback: Cherche bien l'erreur hint: La variable (la liste) est appelée « options ». + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Que faut-il changer dans la ligne 2 pour afficher un coût aléatoire ? code: |- @@ -432,6 +478,8 @@ levels: - option: Rien, ce code est correct. feedback: Cherche bien l'erreur que tu as manquée ! hint: Le nom de la variable est « coûts » + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas dans ce code ? code: |- @@ -449,6 +497,8 @@ levels: - option: Rien, ce code est parfait feedback: C'est bien ça ! hint: Ce code a-t-il une erreur ? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: Quel est le problème avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -465,6 +515,8 @@ levels: - option: Rien ! Ce code est génial ! feedback: Et non, la ligne 2 comporte une erreur. hint: Il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas à la ligne 2. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Que fait la commande `{add}` ? code: |- @@ -482,6 +534,8 @@ levels: - option: La commande `{add}` affiche ton livre préféré. feedback: Non, elle ajoute ton livre préféré à la liste hint: La commande `{add}` ajoute un livre, mais lequel ? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Qu'affiche ce code ? code: |- @@ -499,6 +553,8 @@ levels: - option: crème fraîche feedback: C'est bien ça ! hint: Il y a 3 condiments, 2 sont retirés. Lequel reste-t-il ? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Quel est le problème avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -516,6 +572,8 @@ levels: - option: Rien, ce code est correct ! feedback: Trouve l'erreur ! hint: Regarde à la ligne 4 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Que devrait-il y avoir sur le _ ? code: |- @@ -546,6 +604,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Cela augmente les chances que la personne qui a promené les chiens hier le face encore. C'est méchant. hint: La personne qui a promené les chiens hier devrait être retirée de la liste. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: 1: question_text: Lequel de ces codes est correct ? @@ -571,6 +631,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Il manque les guillemets à la fin hint: Au niveau 4, tu dois utiliser les guillemets pour 2 commandes. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: question_text: Quel code utilise les bons guillemets ? mp_choice_options: @@ -595,6 +657,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: C'est une virgule, tu as besoin de guillemets. hint: Choisis les bons guillemets. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Où est-ce que les guillemets sont correctement utilisés ? mp_choice_options: @@ -619,6 +683,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Parfait ! hint: Les mots que tu veux afficher doivent être précédés et suivis de guillemets. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Laquelle de ces réponses est vraie ? mp_choice_options: @@ -631,6 +697,8 @@ levels: - option: Tu peux choisir toi-même d'utiliser ou non des guillemets. feedback: Malheureusement, Hedy est plus exigeante que ça. hint: À partir du niveau 4, tu dois utiliser des guillemets. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui doit être changé pour que le code fonctionne ? code: |- @@ -655,6 +723,8 @@ levels: - option: Rien, le jeu fonctionne déjà ! feedback: Regardes bien. Il y a une erreur. hint: Tu ne veux pas qu'Hedy affiche littéralement « options {at} {random} », tu veux qu'elle affiche « pierre », « papier » ou « ciseaux ». + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: Quelle serait la prochaine ligne de ce code ? code: prix {is} 1 euro, 100 euros, 1 million d'euros @@ -680,6 +750,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hedy va afficher littéralement « Tu gagnes… prix {at} {random} » hint: 'Réfléchis bien : qu''est-ce qui est une variable et doit être en dehors des guillemets ? Et quels sont les mots normaux qui doivent être à l''intérieur ?' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Quel est le problème avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -696,6 +768,8 @@ levels: - option: Rien, le code est bien comme ça ! feedback: Regardes bien. Tu as loupé une erreur ! hint: Vérifies chaque ligne pour savoir si elle a besoin de guillemets ou pas. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Quelle serait la prochaine ligne à ajouter à ce code ? code: |- @@ -724,6 +798,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hedy affichera « Donc tu choisis la porte porte » hint: Le deuxième mot « porte » doit être remplacé par le numéro, le premier doit rester le mot « porte »… + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui ne pourra pas être affiché sur ton écran de sortie ? code: |- @@ -739,6 +815,8 @@ levels: - option: FC Barcelona va gagner la ligue des champions feedback: C'est vrai. Ce n'est pas dans la liste hint: Quelles sont les options parmi lesquelles Hedy peut choisir au hasard ? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Quelle affirmation est vraie ? code: |- @@ -755,6 +833,8 @@ levels: - option: Rien, ce code n'a pas d'erreurs feedback: Tu en as loupé une ! hint: Regarde bien les guillemets ! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: 1: question_text: Quelle commande devrait-on écrire à la place du _ ? @@ -772,6 +852,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{else}`' feedback: C'est exact ! hint: Laquelle fonctionne de paire avec la commande `{if}` ? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui s'affichera si tu réponds le nom Hedy ? code: |- @@ -787,6 +869,8 @@ levels: - option: Erreur feedback: Heureusement, non ! hint: '`{if}` nom `{is}` Hedy `{print}` … ?' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Quel est le bon mot de passe ? code: |- @@ -803,6 +887,8 @@ levels: - option: ALERTE INTRUSION feedback: Ceci est le texte qui sera affiché si tu ne donnes pas le bon mot de passe ! hint: '`{if}` mot-de-passe `{is}` … `{print}` "Correct !"' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 4: question_text: Qu'est-ce qu'Hedy affiche si tu tapes un mauvais mot de passe ? code: |- @@ -819,6 +905,8 @@ levels: - option: ALERTE ! INTRUSION ! feedback: Excellent travail ! hint: L'ordinateur déclenchera l'alarme pour les intrusions ! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Pourquoi Hedy dira 'ALARME ! INTRUSION !' si tu réponds « secret » ? code: |- @@ -835,6 +923,8 @@ levels: - option: Parce que Hedy fait une erreur feedback: Non, Hedy a raison hint: La réponse doit être exactement la même que le mot de passe. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Quel mot devrait être à la place de l'espace vide à la dernière ligne ? code: |- @@ -865,6 +955,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{print}` est déjà là, il nous faut un mot avant !' hint: '`{if}` va de pair avec… ?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Quel mot devrait être à la place de l'espace vide ? code: |- @@ -882,6 +974,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: Génial ! hint: Après `{else}` il faut la commande `{print}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Quel mot devrait être à la place de l'espace vide ? code: |- @@ -904,6 +998,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: Non, ce n'est pas ça. hint: Quel est le nom de la variable ? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Quelle porte dois-tu choisir pour t'échapper ? code: |- @@ -923,6 +1019,8 @@ levels: - option: C'est un piège, tu seras toujours mangé ! feedback: Heureusement, non ! hint: L'une des portes te mettra en sécurité. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Quel monstre se tient derrière la porte 1 ? code: |- @@ -942,6 +1040,8 @@ levels: - option: araignée géante feedback: Pas toujours… hint: Attention aux 3 derniers mots… monstres `{at} {random}`… + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: 1: question_text: Qu'affiche Hedy lorsque tu exécutes ce programme ? @@ -955,6 +1055,9 @@ levels: - option: '210' feedback: Attention, c'est un calcul. hint: Le caractère `*` est utilisé comme signe de multiplication + correct_answer: A + code: '{print} 2*10' + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Quel signe utilises-tu pour ajouter deux nombres ? mp_choice_options: @@ -967,6 +1070,8 @@ levels: - option: '`+`' feedback: Correct ! hint: C'est le signe « plus ». + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Qu'affiche Hedy lorsque tu exécutes ce code ? code: '{print} "3*10"' @@ -980,6 +1085,8 @@ levels: - option: Rien, Hedy donnera un message d'erreur. feedback: Non, il n'y aura pas d'erreurs hint: Attention aux guillemets ! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Eve a 10 ans. Que va afficher Hedy pour elle ? code: |- @@ -997,6 +1104,8 @@ levels: - option: Ton numéro porte-bonheur est… 10 feedback: Son numéro porte-bonheur est lettres multiplié par âge… hint: 'Son nom Eve a 3 lettres et elle a 10 ans donc : lettres fois âge = 3*10 = 30.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 5: question_text: Si 5 personnes mangent dans ce restaurant, combien doivent-elles payer au total ? code: |- @@ -1014,6 +1123,8 @@ levels: - option: 50 euros feedback: Génial ! hint: '`prix` = `personnes` fois `10`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: Combien coûte un hamburger dans ce restaurant virtuel ? code: |- @@ -1032,6 +1143,8 @@ levels: - option: 21 euros feedback: Ça c'est le prix d'un hamburger avec des frites ! hint: Regarde la ligne 4. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 7: question_text: Pourquoi n'a-t-on pas mis `prix = 3` à la place de `prix = prix + 3` à la ligne 7 ? code: |- @@ -1054,6 +1167,8 @@ levels: - option: Parce que le prix est de 0 euros pour commencer. feedback: C'est vrai, mais ce n'est pas la raison hint: Le prix ne doit pas être de 3 euros, mais de 3 euros… de plus ! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Pourquoi ce code est-il incorrect ? code: |- @@ -1071,6 +1186,8 @@ levels: - option: La variable de la ligne 2 ne peut pas être appelée `réponse`, car elle est trop similaire à la variable `réponse correcte`. feedback: Les noms des variables peuvent être similaires, mais ne peuvent pas être composés de deux mots séparés hint: Vérifie le nom des variables ! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Imagine que tu aimes le football à 10, que tu as mangé 2 bananes et que tu t'es lavé les mains 3 fois aujourd'hui. Quel est ton niveau d'intelligence selon la voyante folle ? code: |- @@ -1092,6 +1209,8 @@ levels: - option: '100' feedback: (2 bananes + 3 hygiène) * 10 foot = 5*10 = ? hint: (2 bananes + 3 hygiène) * 10 foot = 5*10 = ? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Quelle affirmation est vraie ? code: |- @@ -1107,6 +1226,8 @@ levels: - option: On ne peut utiliser le signe `=` qu'avec les nombres, pas avec les mots. feedback: Tu peux utiliser `=` avec les mots aussi. hint: '`{is}` et `=` sont tous les deux autorisés.' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: 1: question_text: Combien de lignes peut-on répéter à la fois avec la commande `{repeat}` à ce niveau ? @@ -1120,6 +1241,8 @@ levels: - option: Une infinité feedback: À ce niveau, tu peux seulement répéter une ligne à la fois hint: Tu ne peux répéter qu'une ligne à la fois ! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Quel est le bon code ? mp_choice_options: @@ -1144,6 +1267,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: C'est ça ! hint: D'abord la commande `{repeat}`, puis la commande `{print}` + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Ce code est-il bon ou mauvais ? code: '{repeat} 100 {times} "Salut !"' @@ -1157,6 +1282,8 @@ levels: - option: Mauvais, il manque le mot `{print}` feedback: Correct hint: 'Ce devrait être : `{repeat} 100 {times} {print} "Salut !"`' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Quel mot est incorrect dans ce code ? code: |- @@ -1172,6 +1299,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{times}`' feedback: '`{times}` est écrit correctement' hint: '`couleur` est incorrecte, La variable est inconnue' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: question_text: Ce code est-il bon ou mauvais ? code: '{repeat} 100 {times} {print} "Hedy est géniale !"' @@ -1181,6 +1310,8 @@ levels: - option: Mauvais feedback: Et non ! hint: Le code est correct ! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Que va écrire ce code ? code: |- @@ -1216,6 +1347,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Dans toute la ville ! Parfait ! hint: Seul « Tournent tournent » est répété 2 fois + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Que va écrire ce code ? code: |- @@ -1242,6 +1375,8 @@ levels: ROCK YOU! feedback: Attention à la commande `{repeat}` hint: Regarde où est la commande `{repeat}` + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Quel code faut-il pour écrire ça ? code: |- @@ -1284,6 +1419,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Il ne faut pas répéter « chocolat » hint: '`{repeat}` ne peut être utilisé que si l''on veut exécuter la même ligne plusieurs fois de suite.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 9: question_text: Quel code faut-il pour afficher ça ? code: |- @@ -1327,6 +1464,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Parfait hint: « Au secours ! » est répété 3 fois + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Quel code faut-il pour afficher ça ? code: |- @@ -1364,6 +1503,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Ce n'est pas le bon ordre. hint: Fais attention à l'ordre des phrases. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: 1: question_text: Que va écrire ce code ? @@ -1402,6 +1543,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: L'ensemble est écrit deux fois. hint: Les deux lignes sont répétées deux fois. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -1417,6 +1560,8 @@ levels: - option: La deuxième ligne doit démarrer avec une indentation de 4 espaces. feedback: Correct ! hint: Quelque chose manque à la deuxième ligne ? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Que va écrire ce programme si tu l'exécutes ? code: |- @@ -1457,6 +1602,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Qu'est-ce qui est répété et qu'est-ce qui ne l'est pas ? hint: Qu'est-ce qui est répété et qu'est-ce qui ne l'est pas ? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Quel sera le bon résultat ? code: |- @@ -1499,6 +1646,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: La dernière ligne est répétée aussi. hint: Le bloc sous la commande `{repeat}` est répété deux fois. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -1515,6 +1664,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}` n''est plus une commande' feedback: Ce n'est pas vrai hint: Il y a un problème d'indentation + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Que verra-t-on dans l'écran de sortie quand nous répondrons « Des crêpes » ? code: |- @@ -1554,6 +1705,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Bien joué ! hint: La première phrase n'est pas répétée et la question n'apparait pas dans l'écran de sortie + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -1575,6 +1728,8 @@ levels: - option: L'indentation n'est pas bonne pour la première commande `{if}`. feedback: C'est ça. hint: Regarde attentivement les indentations. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Dans lequel de ces codes les indentations sont-elles correctes ? mp_choice_options: @@ -1619,6 +1774,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Mauvaise réponse ! hint: Que devrait-il se passer si la personne a raison ? Et sinon ? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: Quelles ligne(s) de ce code devraient commencer par 4 espaces ? code: |- @@ -1637,6 +1794,8 @@ levels: - option: Lignes 3 et 5 feedback: Bon travail ! hint: Les lignes après un `{if}` ou un `{else}` doivent commencer par 4 espaces. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: Quelle affirmation est vraie ? code: |- @@ -1653,6 +1812,8 @@ levels: - option: La ligne 3 doit commencer par 4 espaces feedback: Tu as raison ! hint: Seule une ligne doit commencer par 4 espaces, mais laquelle… ? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 9: 1: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec ce code ? @@ -1676,6 +1837,8 @@ levels: - option: L'indentation n'est pas bonne pour la dernière commande `{if}`. feedback: Ce n'est pas un problème d'indentation. hint: Toutes les indentations sont bonnes. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui sera affiché après avoir entré le bon mot de passe ? code: |- @@ -1715,6 +1878,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Correct ! hint: Tout ce qui se trouve sous la commande `{repeat}` est répété deux fois. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Quelle valise choisis-tu pour gagner un million d'euros ? code: |- @@ -1742,6 +1907,8 @@ levels: - option: valise 2, ouvrir feedback: Excellent travail ! C'est gagné ! hint: Parcours le bon chemin + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Quelle affirmation est vraie ? code: |- @@ -1764,6 +1931,8 @@ levels: - option: Cendrillon avec une pointure 38 obtient « Je vais continuer à chercher » feedback: 'Non, elle aura : « ❤️❤️❤️ »' hint: Quel que soit ton nom, si tu chausses du 40, tu auras le message « Je vais continuer à chercher » + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 5: question_text: Quel code affiche ce résultat ? output: |- @@ -1805,6 +1974,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Il y a 2 commande `{repeat}` dans ce code. hint: Attention à l'indentation + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Après quelle commande(s) dois-tu utiliser une indentation (commencer la ligne suivante avec 4 espaces) ? mp_choice_options: @@ -1817,6 +1988,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Pas avec `{print}` hint: Il faut une indentation pour les lignes en dessous de certaines commandes + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Tu auras une réduction de 5 euros si tu commandes une pizza de taille moyenne avec un coca.
Mais ce code a une erreur ! Comment le débuggé ? code: |- @@ -1858,6 +2031,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Presque. Regarde de nouveau la dernière ligne. hint: Après chaque commande `{if}`, la ligne en dessous doit être indentée + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -1876,6 +2051,8 @@ levels: - option: Un code doit toujours commencer par une commande `{print}` en première ligne feedback: Ce n'est pas vrai. hint: L'indentation est bien faite cette fois. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Combien de commande `{if}` peut être placée à l'intérieur d'une autre commande `{if}` ? mp_choice_options: @@ -1888,6 +2065,8 @@ levels: - option: Infinie, tant que tu utilises bien l'indentation correctement feedback: C'est vrai hint: Tu peux mettre une commande `{if}` à l'intérieur d'une commande `{if}`. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: Quelle affirmation est vraie ? code: |- @@ -1904,6 +2083,8 @@ levels: - option: La ligne 2 doit démarrer par 4 espaces et la ligne 3 par 8 feedback: Tu as raison ! hint: La première ligne ne doit pas commencer par des espaces + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: 1: question_text: Par quoi devons-nous remplacer le `_` si nous voulons afficher chaque compliment ? @@ -1933,6 +2114,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Tu y es presque ! hint: '`{for}` chaque compliment dans la liste des compliments…' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: question_text: Que va-t-il s'afficher ? code: |- @@ -1963,6 +2146,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Super ! hint: La ligne 2 dit « pour chaque plat dans la liste des plats ». Donc chaque plat est affiché. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Que va-t-il s'afficher ? code: |- @@ -1991,6 +2176,8 @@ levels: - option: Tu ne sais pas encore. Car le code choisi un animal au hasard feedback: La ligne 2 dit « pour chaque animal dans la liste des animaux ». Donc chaque animal est affiché. hint: La ligne 2 dit « pour chaque animal dans la liste des animaux ». Donc chaque animal est affiché. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Quel est le problème avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -2007,6 +2194,8 @@ levels: - option: La ligne 2 doit dire « produit » à la place de « courses » feedback: Non, ce n'est pas le cas. hint: La ligne 2 dit « Pour chaque produit de la liste de courses » + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 5: question_text: Quel mot doit être écrit à la place de `_` ? code: |- @@ -2025,6 +2214,8 @@ levels: - option: dés feedback: Regarde le nom des variables. hint: Hedy doit choisir un nombre `{at} {random}` + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Laquelle des réponses ci-dessous est un affichage possible quand tu exécutes le code ? code: |- @@ -2056,6 +2247,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Génial ! hint: Chaque joueuse choisira un objet. La première joueuse dans la liste commence + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Quelle ligne doit être à la place de `_` dans ce code qui décide ce que les personnes vont manger pour dîner ? code: |- @@ -2085,6 +2278,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Il faut dire à chaque nom ce qu'il doit manger pour dîner. hint: Il faut dire à chaque nom ce qu'il doit manger pour dîner. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: Que doit-on écrire à la place du `_` dans ce code qui décide quelle couleur de T-shirt chacun recevra ? code: |- @@ -2114,6 +2309,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Il n'y a aucune variable qui s'appelle « chacun ». hint: Fais attention aux guillemets et aux noms des variables + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Quelle est la première question que Hedy te pose quand tu exécutes ce programme ? code: |- @@ -2133,6 +2330,8 @@ levels: - option: Tu ne sais pas. Hedy choisira `{at} {random}` feedback: Il n'y a pas de `{at} {random}` dans ce code… hint: Ce sera le premier élément de chaque liste. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 10: question_text: Quelle affirmation est vraie à propos de ce code ? code: |- @@ -2150,6 +2349,8 @@ levels: - option: Une personne peut gagner deux prix feedback: Tu as bien compris ! hint: Essaye d'imaginer ce qui sera écrit. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 11: 1: question_text: Qu'est-ce qu'il devrait y avoir à la place de l'espace vide ? @@ -2163,6 +2364,9 @@ levels: - option: '`{for}`' feedback: Non hint: Qu'as-tu appris à ce niveau ? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} _ 1 {to} 10\n {print} i" 2: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui va s'afficher ? mp_choice_options: @@ -2189,6 +2393,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Ce n'est pas ça hint: Comment les nombres vont-ils apparaitre à l'écran ? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" 3: question_text: Lequel de ces codes a été utilisé pour produire cet affichage ? output: |- @@ -2228,6 +2435,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`i` est une variable et ne doit donc pas avoir de guillemets' hint: D'abord, tous les nombres, puis la phrase + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Lequel de ces codes a été utilisé pour produire cet affichage ? mp_choice_options: @@ -2256,6 +2465,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: C'est ça ! hint: Il faut faire un calcule… + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec ce code ? mp_choice_options: @@ -2268,6 +2480,9 @@ levels: - option: La ligne 2 doit commencer par une indentation feedback: Parfait ! hint: Il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas avec l'indentation + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" 6: question_text: Combien de fois sera affiché le mot « Bonjour » si tu exécutes ce code ? code: |- @@ -2283,6 +2498,8 @@ levels: - option: Jamais feedback: Non hint: Le 0 conte aussi. Donc 0, 1, 2, ça fait 3 fois. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Qu'est-ce qu'il devrait y avoir à la place de l'espace vide ? code: |- @@ -2313,6 +2530,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Celle-là commandera trop de plat ! hint: Utilise la variable « nombre_de_personnes » + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 8: question_text: Qu'affichera ce code ? code: |- @@ -2341,6 +2560,8 @@ levels: - option: Le mot « Salut » apparaitra 25 fois à la suite. feedback: Non, il apparaitra seulement 3 fois. hint: Ça ne dit pas « `{print}` i » + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Combien de fois Hedy chantera-t-elle « Hip hip hip Hourra » ? code: |- @@ -2357,6 +2578,8 @@ levels: - option: Ça dépend de ton âge feedback: C'est ça ! hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` âge' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Quel code correspond à cet affichage ? mp_choice_options: @@ -2389,6 +2612,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3, ça fait 4 fois.' hint: Attention à l'indentation + question_score: '10' + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + correct_answer: B 12: 1: question_text: Que va-t-il s'afficher ? @@ -2409,6 +2635,8 @@ levels: 5 feedback: Excellent travail ! hint: Les deux lignes s'affichent ! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Lequel de ces codes est correct ? mp_choice_options: @@ -2437,6 +2665,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Les différents parfums doivent être entre guillemets. hint: La deuxième ligne est la même pour chaque code, regarde attentivement la première ligne + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -2452,6 +2682,8 @@ levels: - option: Il n'y a aucun problème. feedback: Ce n'est pas vrai hint: Les guillemets sont tous placés correctement + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 4: question_text: Quelles lignes ont besoins des guillemets ? code: |- @@ -2469,6 +2701,8 @@ levels: - option: Toutes les lignes feedback: Parfait ! hint: Est-ce que la ligne 3 a besoins de guillemets aussi ? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: Quel affichage Agent007 obtient quand il donne le bon mot de passe ? code: |- @@ -2493,6 +2727,8 @@ levels: - option: Rends-toi à l'aéroport demain à 10 h 00. feedback: L'agent ne va pas attraper de méchants ici hint: Le mot de passe est TOPSECRET + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: Quelle ligne écrire à la place de `_` ? code: |- @@ -2528,6 +2764,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Presque ! hint: Tu ne peux pas calculer le prix à l'avance ! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Que sera-t-il affiché pour une personne végane ? code: |- @@ -2566,6 +2804,8 @@ levels: cookies feedback: Presque, mais regarde bien l'ordre des éléments dans la liste hint: Quel élément est retiré de la liste quand tu réponds « végan » ? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: Quel code a été utilisé pour écrire ça ? mp_choice_options: @@ -2590,6 +2830,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 'Non' hint: 7 divisé par 2 fait 3.5 + code: '3.5' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Quel code devrait être écrit à la ligne 1 à la place de `_` ? code: |- @@ -2616,6 +2859,9 @@ levels: "prix" = "un million d'euro", "rien" ``` feedback: Il ne faut pas mettre de guillemets aux noms des variables + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Quelle ligne de code devrait remplacer le `_` pour terminer le code ? code: |- @@ -2637,6 +2883,8 @@ levels: - option: "```\n{print} actions {at} {random}\n```" feedback: C'est difficile ! Toutes les actions de la liste doivent être dans la chanson. hint: C'est difficile ! Toutes les actions de la liste doivent être dans la chanson. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 13: 1: code: |- @@ -2669,6 +2917,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -2684,6 +2936,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -2702,6 +2958,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -2713,10 +2972,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + hint: Paper beats rock + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + correct_answer: A 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + hint: Both statements have to be true + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -2739,6 +3015,10 @@ levels: feedback: Try again - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses feedback: Excellent travail ! + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -2762,6 +3042,10 @@ levels: feedback: Excellent travail ! - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning feedback: This is true + question_text: Which statement is false? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -2776,6 +3060,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -2813,6 +3110,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -2837,6 +3138,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks 14: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -2848,6 +3153,10 @@ levels: feedback: Oui ! - option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: C + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? 4: code: |- price = 10 @@ -2857,6 +3166,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + hint: The symbols are right + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -2865,6 +3187,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - option: '`>= 12`' + feedback: Great! + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -2873,6 +3208,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 2 times + feedback: That is correct + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + question_score: '10' + hint: "!= means 'is not'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -2882,6 +3230,19 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: code: |- {print} 'Celle qui marque le plus de points gagne !' @@ -2897,6 +3258,69 @@ levels: - option: '''C''est match nul''' feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score hint: Tu gagnes la partie en ayant le plus de points + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + - option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: '> means greater than' + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + option: '`==`' + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - option: '`=`' + feedback: Right! + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 15: 1: code: |- @@ -2904,6 +3328,19 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + option: '`==`' + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -2926,11 +3363,27 @@ levels: {while} answer == yes' ``` feedback: A quotation mark is missing + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + question_score: '10' + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{in}`' + - feedback: You are right + option: '`{while}`' + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: B 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -2951,6 +3404,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -2970,6 +3427,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: wetness should get less each time 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -2987,6 +3448,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Look closely at the indentation 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -2998,8 +3462,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The last one should say you win. + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: False! + option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + - feedback: Great job + option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + - feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -3018,6 +3499,10 @@ levels: feedback: Oui ! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -3028,6 +3513,11 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen 16: 2: code: |- @@ -3035,12 +3525,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: No, it is not random. + option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + feedback: Poor Wesley! + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -3051,6 +3567,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -3061,6 +3582,11 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Excellent travail ! + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + correct_answer: D 9: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -3086,3 +3612,233 @@ levels: I will travel to New Zealand ``` feedback: It's only repeated twice + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + 10: + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not right + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - feedback: This is not going to work! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + correct_answer: B + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + feedback: Correct + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + 17: + 8: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The word num needs quotation marks. + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: Nope. + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C + 1: + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Loop through your list. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + - option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + correct_answer: B + 3: + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 4: + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + correct_answer: C + 9: + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You cannot have so many variables. + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A diff --git a/content/quizzes/fr_CA.yaml b/content/quizzes/fr_CA.yaml index 9e9cdd8cb83..a8d0ca69f49 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/fr_CA.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/fr_CA.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Heidi feedback: Non, ce n'est pas ça ! hint: Il a été nommé d'après Hedy Lamarr. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: question_text: Comment remplir ce code pour faire apparaître le texte « Bonjour ! » ? code: _ Bonjour ! @@ -25,6 +27,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: Avec `{ask}`, tu peux poser une question. hint: _ Bonjour le monde ! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Comment demander à quelqu'un quelle est sa couleur préférée ? mp_choice_options: @@ -49,6 +53,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{echo}` te répète la réponse que tu as donnée.' hint: Tu peux demander quelque chose avec la commande `{ask}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Quel est le problème avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -65,6 +71,8 @@ levels: - option: Rien ! C'est un code parfait ! feedback: Faux. Regarde bien ! hint: La ligne 1 ne semble pas correcte + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: question_text: Quelle commande manque à la ligne 2 ? code: |- @@ -80,6 +88,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{echo}`' feedback: C'est ça ! hint: Tu veux voir la réponse à la fin de la ligne 2... + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Quel est le problème avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -97,6 +107,8 @@ levels: - option: À la ligne 4, `{print}` est mal orthographié. feedback: Non, il y a une faute d'orthographe quelque part ailleurs hint: Vérifie les commandes `{print}`. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 7: question_text: Quel est le problème avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -114,6 +126,8 @@ levels: - option: Rien ! C'est un code parfait ! feedback: Exact ! hint: Vérifie le code ligne par ligne + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Comment utiliser la commande `{echo}` ? mp_choice_options: @@ -126,6 +140,8 @@ levels: - option: Tu peux l'utiliser pour faire disparaître du texte. feedback: Ce n'est pas correct... hint: '`{echo}` est utilisé après une commande `{ask}`.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: Quel est le problème avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -142,6 +158,8 @@ levels: - option: Rien. C'est un code parfait ! feedback: Cherches bien l'erreur... hint: '`{ask}` te permet de poser une question' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Quelle sortie sera affichée par ce code ? code: |- @@ -162,6 +180,8 @@ levels: Oui ! feedback: Il y a deux commandes `{echo}` hint: Allons-y ! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: 1: question_text: Quelle affirmation est vraie ? @@ -175,6 +195,8 @@ levels: - option: Avec la commande `{sleep}`, tu peux supprimer du texte de l'écran. feedback: '`{sleep}` ne fonctionne pas comme ça.' hint: '`{print}` fonctionne toujours de la même manière qu''au niveau 1.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Quel code est correct ? mp_choice_options: @@ -199,6 +221,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Les mots sont justes, l'ordre ne l'est pas ! hint: '`{ask}` ne fonctionne pas comme au niveau 1' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui apparaît sur ton écran de sortie lorsque tu exécutes ce code ? code: |- @@ -214,6 +238,8 @@ levels: - option: Marion va au marché et Marion achète une pomme. feedback: Le mot « elle » n'est pas remplacé par le nom hint: Le mot « nom » est remplacé par « Marion » + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Que verras-tu sur l'écran de sortie lorsque tu exécuteras ce code ? code: |- @@ -229,6 +255,8 @@ levels: - option: Salut mon Hedy est Hedy feedback: Correct, ce problème sera corrigé dans le niveau 4 ! hint: Le mot « nom » est remplacé par « Hedy » aux deux endroits + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: Que se passe-t-il lorsque tu utilises la commande `{sleep}` ? mp_choice_options: @@ -241,6 +269,8 @@ levels: - option: On le met à la fin pour qu'Hedy sache que ton programme est terminé feedback: Non, ce serait inutile à la fin de ton code hint: L'ordinateur attend une seconde quand il rencontre la commande `{sleep}` + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Par quoi compléter l'espace vide ? code: |- @@ -257,6 +287,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: Il n'y a pas de question à poser ici hint: Une pause pour l'effet dramatique… + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Quelle commande doit être utilisée sur la ligne 2 ? code: |- @@ -285,6 +317,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Il y a plus simple avec le chiffre 3 hint: Tu veux que l'ordinateur attende 3 secondes + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Comment corriger la première ligne de code ? code: |- @@ -312,6 +346,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Où est la commande `{ask}` ? hint: Le nom de la variable doit venir en premier + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas dans ce code ? code: |- @@ -327,6 +363,8 @@ levels: - option: 'La ligne 2 devrait dire : `{sleep}` Jaime les animal' feedback: '`{sleep}` ne sert pas à afficher du texte' hint: Tu veux afficher « J'aime les chiens » + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: question_text: Quelle commande doit être utilisée sur la ligne 1 ? code: |- @@ -356,6 +394,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: C'est juste ! hint: Tu veux poser une question avec la commande `{ask}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: 1: question_text: Quelle(s) commande(s) utiliser pour que Hedy choisisse quelque chose arbitrairement ? @@ -369,6 +409,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' feedback: C’est bien ça ! hint: Arbitrairement signifie aléatoirement ou au hasard. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: question_text: Quel est le problème avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -384,6 +426,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at} {random}` est mal écrit' feedback: '`{at} {random}` est l''orthographe correcte' hint: Il y a un problème à la ligne 1 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: Comment corriges-tu l'erreur de la ligne 2 ? code: |- @@ -408,6 +452,8 @@ levels: - option: Pas besoin, le code est correct ! feedback: Cherche bien l'erreur hint: La variable (la liste) est appelée « options ». + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Que faut-il changer dans la ligne 2 pour afficher un coût aléatoire ? code: |- @@ -432,6 +478,8 @@ levels: - option: Rien, ce code est correct. feedback: Cherche bien l'erreur que tu as manquée ! hint: Le nom de la variable est « coûts » + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas dans ce code ? code: |- @@ -449,6 +497,8 @@ levels: - option: Rien, ce code est parfait feedback: C'est bien ça ! hint: Ce code a-t-il une erreur ? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: Quel est le problème avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -465,6 +515,8 @@ levels: - option: Rien ! Ce code est génial ! feedback: Et non, la ligne 2 comporte une erreur. hint: Il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas à la ligne 2. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 7: question_text: Que fait la commande `{add}` ? code: |- @@ -482,6 +534,8 @@ levels: - option: La commande `{add}` affiche ton livre préféré. feedback: Non, elle ajoute ton livre préféré à la liste hint: La commande `{add}` ajoute un livre, mais lequel ? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Qu'affiche ce code ? code: |- @@ -499,6 +553,8 @@ levels: - option: crème fraîche feedback: C'est bien ça ! hint: Il y a 3 condiments, 2 sont retirés. Lequel reste-t-il ? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Quel est le problème avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -516,6 +572,8 @@ levels: - option: Rien, ce code est correct ! feedback: Trouve l'erreur ! hint: Regarde à la ligne 4 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Que devrait-il y avoir sur le _ ? code: |- @@ -546,6 +604,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Cela augmente les chances que la personne qui a promené les chiens hier le face encore. C'est méchant. hint: La personne qui a promené les chiens hier devrait être retirée de la liste. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 4: 1: question_text: Lequel de ces codes est correct ? @@ -571,6 +631,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Il manque les guillemets à la fin hint: Au niveau 4, tu dois utiliser les guillemets pour 2 commandes. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Quel code utilise les bons guillemets ? mp_choice_options: @@ -595,6 +657,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: C'est une virgule, tu as besoin de guillemets. hint: Choisis les bons guillemets. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Où est-ce que les guillemets sont correctement utilisés ? mp_choice_options: @@ -619,6 +683,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Parfait ! hint: Les mots que tu veux afficher doivent être précédés et suivis de guillemets. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Laquelle de ces réponses est vraie ? mp_choice_options: @@ -631,6 +697,8 @@ levels: - option: Tu peux choisir toi-même d'utiliser ou non des guillemets. feedback: Malheureusement, Hedy est plus exigeante que ça. hint: À partir du niveau 4, tu dois utiliser des guillemets. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui doit être changé pour que le code fonctionne ? code: |- @@ -655,6 +723,8 @@ levels: - option: Rien, le jeu fonctionne déjà ! feedback: Regardes bien. Il y a une erreur. hint: Tu ne veux pas qu'Hedy affiche littéralement « options {at} {random} », tu veux qu'elle affiche « pierre », « papier » ou « ciseaux ». + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: Quelle serait la prochaine ligne de ce code ? code: prix {is} 1 euro, 100 euros, 1 million d'euros @@ -680,6 +750,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hedy va afficher littéralement « Tu gagnes… prix {at} {random} » hint: 'Réfléchis bien : qu''est-ce qui est une variable et doit être en dehors des guillemets ? Et quels sont les mots normaux qui doivent être à l''intérieur ?' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Quel est le problème avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -696,6 +768,8 @@ levels: - option: Rien, le code est bien comme ça ! feedback: Regardes bien. Tu as loupé une erreur ! hint: Vérifies chaque ligne pour savoir si elle a besoin de guillemets ou pas. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Quelle serait la prochaine ligne à ajouter à ce code ? code: |- @@ -724,6 +798,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hedy affichera « Donc tu choisis la porte porte » hint: Le deuxième mot « porte » doit être remplacé par le numéro, le premier doit rester le mot « porte »… + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui ne pourra pas être affiché sur ton écran de sortie ? code: |- @@ -739,6 +815,8 @@ levels: - option: FC Barcelona va gagner la ligue des champions feedback: C'est vrai. Ce n'est pas dans la liste hint: Quelles sont les options parmi lesquelles Hedy peut choisir au hasard ? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: Quelle affirmation est vraie ? code: |- @@ -755,6 +833,8 @@ levels: - option: Rien, ce code n'a pas d'erreurs feedback: Tu en as loupé une ! hint: Regarde bien les guillemets ! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: 1: question_text: Quelle commande devrait-on écrire à la place du _ ? @@ -772,6 +852,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{else}`' feedback: C'est exact ! hint: Laquelle fonctionne de paire avec la commande `{if}` ? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui s'affichera si tu réponds le nom Hedy ? code: |- @@ -787,6 +869,8 @@ levels: - option: Erreur feedback: Heureusement, non ! hint: '`{if}` nom `{is}` Hedy `{print}` … ?' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: Quel est le bon mot de passe ? code: |- @@ -803,6 +887,8 @@ levels: - option: ALERTE INTRUSION feedback: Ceci est le texte qui sera affiché si tu ne donnes pas le bon mot de passe ! hint: '`{if}` mot-de-passe `{is}` … `{print}` "Correct !"' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 4: question_text: Qu'est-ce qu'Hedy affiche si tu tapes un mauvais mot de passe ? code: |- @@ -819,6 +905,8 @@ levels: - option: ALERTE ! INTRUSION ! feedback: Excellent travail ! hint: L'ordinateur déclenchera l'alarme pour les intrusions ! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Pourquoi Hedy dira 'ALARME ! INTRUSION !' si tu réponds « secret » ? code: |- @@ -835,6 +923,8 @@ levels: - option: Parce que Hedy fait une erreur feedback: Non, Hedy a raison hint: La réponse doit être exactement la même que le mot de passe. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 6: question_text: Quel mot devrait être à la place de l'espace vide à la dernière ligne ? code: |- @@ -865,6 +955,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{print}` est déjà là, il nous faut un mot avant !' hint: '`{if}` va de pair avec… ?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Quel mot devrait être à la place de l'espace vide ? code: |- @@ -882,6 +974,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: Génial ! hint: Après `{else}` il faut la commande `{print}` + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Quel mot devrait être à la place de l'espace vide ? code: |- @@ -904,6 +998,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: Non, ce n'est pas ça. hint: Quel est le nom de la variable ? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Quelle porte dois-tu choisir pour t'échapper ? code: |- @@ -923,6 +1019,8 @@ levels: - option: C'est un piège, tu seras toujours mangé ! feedback: Heureusement, non ! hint: L'une des portes te mettra en sécurité. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Quel monstre se tient derrière la porte 1 ? code: |- @@ -942,6 +1040,8 @@ levels: - option: araignée géante feedback: Pas toujours… hint: Attention aux 3 derniers mots… monstres `{at} {random}`… + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 6: 1: question_text: Qu'affiche Hedy lorsque tu exécutes ce programme ? @@ -955,6 +1055,9 @@ levels: - option: '210' feedback: Attention, c'est un calcul. hint: Le caractère `*` est utilisé comme signe de multiplication + code: '{print} 2*10' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Quel signe utilises-tu pour ajouter deux nombres ? mp_choice_options: @@ -967,6 +1070,8 @@ levels: - option: '`+`' feedback: Correct ! hint: C'est le signe « plus ». + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Qu'affiche Hedy lorsque tu exécutes ce code ? code: '{print} "3*10"' @@ -980,6 +1085,8 @@ levels: - option: Rien, Hedy donnera un message d'erreur. feedback: Non, il n'y aura pas d'erreurs hint: Attention aux guillemets ! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Eve a 10 ans. Que va afficher Hedy pour elle ? code: |- @@ -997,6 +1104,8 @@ levels: - option: Ton numéro porte-bonheur est… 10 feedback: Son numéro porte-bonheur est lettres multiplié par âge… hint: 'Son nom Eve a 3 lettres et elle a 10 ans donc : lettres fois âge = 3*10 = 30.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 5: question_text: Si 5 personnes mangent dans ce restaurant, combien doivent-elles payer au total ? code: |- @@ -1014,6 +1123,8 @@ levels: - option: 50 euros feedback: Génial ! hint: '`prix` = `personnes` fois `10`' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Combien coûte un hamburger dans ce restaurant virtuel ? code: |- @@ -1032,6 +1143,8 @@ levels: - option: 21 euros feedback: Ça c'est le prix d'un hamburger avec des frites ! hint: Regarde la ligne 4. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 7: question_text: Pourquoi n'a-t-on pas mis `prix = 3` à la place de `prix = prix + 3` à la ligne 7 ? code: |- @@ -1054,6 +1167,8 @@ levels: - option: Parce que le prix est de 0 euros pour commencer. feedback: C'est vrai, mais ce n'est pas la raison hint: Le prix ne doit pas être de 3 euros, mais de 3 euros… de plus ! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 8: question_text: Pourquoi ce code est-il incorrect ? code: |- @@ -1071,6 +1186,8 @@ levels: - option: La variable de la ligne 2 ne peut pas être appelée `réponse`, car elle est trop similaire à la variable `réponse correcte`. feedback: Les noms des variables peuvent être similaires, mais ne peuvent pas être composés de deux mots séparés hint: Vérifie le nom des variables ! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Imagine que tu aimes le football à 10, que tu as mangé 2 bananes et que tu t'es lavé les mains 3 fois aujourd'hui. Quel est ton niveau d'intelligence selon la voyante folle ? code: |- @@ -1092,6 +1209,8 @@ levels: - option: '100' feedback: (2 bananes + 3 hygiène) * 10 foot = 5*10 = ? hint: (2 bananes + 3 hygiène) * 10 foot = 5*10 = ? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Quelle affirmation est vraie ? code: |- @@ -1107,6 +1226,8 @@ levels: - option: On ne peut utiliser le signe `=` qu'avec les nombres, pas avec les mots. feedback: Tu peux utiliser `=` avec les mots aussi. hint: '`{is}` et `=` sont tous les deux autorisés.' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: 1: question_text: Combien de lignes peut-on répéter à la fois avec la commande `{repeat}` à ce niveau ? @@ -1120,6 +1241,8 @@ levels: - option: Une infinité feedback: À ce niveau, tu peux seulement répéter une ligne à la fois hint: Tu ne peux répéter qu'une ligne à la fois ! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: question_text: Quel est le bon code ? mp_choice_options: @@ -1144,6 +1267,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: C'est ça ! hint: D'abord la commande `{repeat}`, puis la commande `{print}` + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Ce code est-il bon ou mauvais ? code: '{repeat} 100 {times} "Salut !"' @@ -1157,6 +1282,8 @@ levels: - option: Mauvais, il manque le mot `{print}` feedback: Correct hint: 'Ce devrait être : `{repeat} 100 {times} {print} "Salut !"`' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Quel mot est incorrect dans ce code ? code: |- @@ -1172,6 +1299,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{times}`' feedback: '`{times}` est écrit correctement' hint: '`couleur` est incorrecte, La variable est inconnue' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Ce code est-il bon ou mauvais ? code: '{repeat} 100 {times} {print} "Hedy est géniale !"' @@ -1181,6 +1310,8 @@ levels: - option: Mauvais feedback: Et non ! hint: Le code est correct ! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 6: question_text: Que va écrire ce code ? code: |- @@ -1216,6 +1347,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Dans toute la ville ! Parfait ! hint: Seul « Tournent tournent » est répété 2 fois + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Que va écrire ce code ? code: |- @@ -1242,6 +1375,8 @@ levels: ROCK YOU! feedback: Attention à la commande `{repeat}` hint: Regarde où est la commande `{repeat}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 8: question_text: Quel code faut-il pour écrire ça ? code: |- @@ -1284,6 +1419,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Il ne faut pas répéter « chocolat » hint: '`{repeat}` ne peut être utilisé que si l''on veut exécuter la même ligne plusieurs fois de suite.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 9: question_text: Quel code faut-il pour afficher ça ? code: |- @@ -1327,6 +1464,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Parfait hint: « Au secours ! » est répété 3 fois + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Quel code faut-il pour afficher ça ? code: |- @@ -1364,6 +1503,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Ce n'est pas le bon ordre. hint: Fais attention à l'ordre des phrases. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: 1: question_text: Que va écrire ce code ? @@ -1402,6 +1543,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: L'ensemble est écrit deux fois. hint: Les deux lignes sont répétées deux fois. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -1417,6 +1560,8 @@ levels: - option: La deuxième ligne doit démarrer avec une indentation de 4 espaces. feedback: Correct ! hint: Quelque chose manque à la deuxième ligne ? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Que va écrire ce programme si tu l'exécutes ? code: |- @@ -1457,6 +1602,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Qu'est-ce qui est répété et qu'est-ce qui ne l'est pas ? hint: Qu'est-ce qui est répété et qu'est-ce qui ne l'est pas ? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Quel sera le bon résultat ? code: |- @@ -1499,6 +1646,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: La dernière ligne est répétée aussi. hint: Le bloc sous la commande `{repeat}` est répété deux fois. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -1515,6 +1664,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}` n''est plus une commande' feedback: Ce n'est pas vrai hint: Il y a un problème d'indentation + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Que verra-t-on dans l'écran de sortie quand nous répondrons « Des crêpes » ? code: |- @@ -1554,6 +1705,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Bien joué ! hint: La première phrase n'est pas répétée et la question n'apparait pas dans l'écran de sortie + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -1575,6 +1728,8 @@ levels: - option: L'indentation n'est pas bonne pour la première commande `{if}`. feedback: C'est ça. hint: Regarde attentivement les indentations. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Dans lequel de ces codes les indentations sont-elles correctes ? mp_choice_options: @@ -1619,6 +1774,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Mauvaise réponse ! hint: Que devrait-il se passer si la personne a raison ? Et sinon ? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Quelles ligne(s) de ce code devraient commencer par 4 espaces ? code: |- @@ -1637,6 +1794,8 @@ levels: - option: Lignes 3 et 5 feedback: Bon travail ! hint: Les lignes après un `{if}` ou un `{else}` doivent commencer par 4 espaces. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: Quelle affirmation est vraie ? code: |- @@ -1653,6 +1812,8 @@ levels: - option: La ligne 3 doit commencer par 4 espaces feedback: Tu as raison ! hint: Seule une ligne doit commencer par 4 espaces, mais laquelle… ? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 9: 1: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec ce code ? @@ -1676,6 +1837,8 @@ levels: - option: L'indentation n'est pas bonne pour la dernière commande `{if}`. feedback: Ce n'est pas un problème d'indentation. hint: Toutes les indentations sont bonnes. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui sera affiché après avoir entré le bon mot de passe ? code: |- @@ -1715,6 +1878,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Correct ! hint: Tout ce qui se trouve sous la commande `{repeat}` est répété deux fois. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: Quelle valise choisis-tu pour gagner un million d'euros ? code: |- @@ -1742,6 +1907,8 @@ levels: - option: valise 2, ouvrir feedback: Excellent travail ! C'est gagné ! hint: Parcours le bon chemin + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Quelle affirmation est vraie ? code: |- @@ -1764,6 +1931,8 @@ levels: - option: Cendrillon avec une pointure 38 obtient « Je vais continuer à chercher » feedback: 'Non, elle aura : « ❤️❤️❤️ »' hint: Quel que soit ton nom, si tu chausses du 40, tu auras le message « Je vais continuer à chercher » + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Quel code affiche ce résultat ? output: |- @@ -1805,6 +1974,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Il y a 2 commande `{repeat}` dans ce code. hint: Attention à l'indentation + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: Après quelle commande(s) dois-tu utiliser une indentation (commencer la ligne suivante avec 4 espaces) ? mp_choice_options: @@ -1817,6 +1988,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Pas avec `{print}` hint: Il faut une indentation pour les lignes en dessous de certaines commandes + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Tu auras une réduction de 5 euros si tu commandes une pizza de taille moyenne avec un coca.
Mais ce code a une erreur ! Comment le débuggé ? code: |- @@ -1858,6 +2031,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Presque. Regarde de nouveau la dernière ligne. hint: Après chaque commande `{if}`, la ligne en dessous doit être indentée + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -1876,6 +2051,8 @@ levels: - option: Un code doit toujours commencer par une commande `{print}` en première ligne feedback: Ce n'est pas vrai. hint: L'indentation est bien faite cette fois. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Combien de commande `{if}` peut être placée à l'intérieur d'une autre commande `{if}` ? mp_choice_options: @@ -1888,6 +2065,8 @@ levels: - option: Infinie, tant que tu utilises bien l'indentation correctement feedback: C'est vrai hint: Tu peux mettre une commande `{if}` à l'intérieur d'une commande `{if}`. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: Quelle affirmation est vraie ? code: |- @@ -1904,6 +2083,8 @@ levels: - option: La ligne 2 doit démarrer par 4 espaces et la ligne 3 par 8 feedback: Tu as raison ! hint: La première ligne ne doit pas commencer par des espaces + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: 1: question_text: Par quoi devons-nous remplacer le `_` si nous voulons afficher chaque compliment ? @@ -1933,6 +2114,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Tu y es presque ! hint: '`{for}` chaque compliment dans la liste des compliments…' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: question_text: Que va-t-il s'afficher ? code: |- @@ -1963,6 +2146,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Super ! hint: La ligne 2 dit « pour chaque plat dans la liste des plats ». Donc chaque plat est affiché. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Que va-t-il s'afficher ? code: |- @@ -1991,6 +2176,8 @@ levels: - option: Tu ne sais pas encore. Car le code choisi un animal au hasard feedback: La ligne 2 dit « pour chaque animal dans la liste des animaux ». Donc chaque animal est affiché. hint: La ligne 2 dit « pour chaque animal dans la liste des animaux ». Donc chaque animal est affiché. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Quel est le problème avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -2007,6 +2194,8 @@ levels: - option: La ligne 2 doit dire « produit » à la place de « courses » feedback: Non, ce n'est pas le cas. hint: La ligne 2 dit « Pour chaque produit de la liste de courses » + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 5: question_text: Quel mot doit être écrit à la place de `_` ? code: |- @@ -2025,6 +2214,8 @@ levels: - option: dés feedback: Regarde le nom des variables. hint: Hedy doit choisir un nombre `{at} {random}` + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Laquelle des réponses ci-dessous est un affichage possible quand tu exécutes le code ? code: |- @@ -2056,6 +2247,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Génial ! hint: Chaque joueuse choisira un objet. La première joueuse dans la liste commence + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: Quelle ligne doit être à la place de `_` dans ce code qui décide ce que les personnes vont manger pour dîner ? code: |- @@ -2085,6 +2278,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Il faut dire à chaque nom ce qu'il doit manger pour dîner. hint: Il faut dire à chaque nom ce qu'il doit manger pour dîner. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Que doit-on écrire à la place du `_` dans ce code qui décide quelle couleur de T-shirt chacun recevra ? code: |- @@ -2114,6 +2309,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Il n'y a aucune variable qui s'appelle « chacun ». hint: Fais attention aux guillemets et aux noms des variables + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Quelle est la première question que Hedy te pose quand tu exécutes ce programme ? code: |- @@ -2133,6 +2330,8 @@ levels: - option: Tu ne sais pas. Hedy choisira `{at} {random}` feedback: Il n'y a pas de `{at} {random}` dans ce code… hint: Ce sera le premier élément de chaque liste. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Quelle affirmation est vraie à propos de ce code ? code: |- @@ -2150,6 +2349,8 @@ levels: - option: Une personne peut gagner deux prix feedback: Tu as bien compris ! hint: Essaye d'imaginer ce qui sera écrit. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 11: 1: question_text: Qu'est-ce qu'il devrait y avoir à la place de l'espace vide ? @@ -2163,6 +2364,9 @@ levels: - option: '`{for}`' feedback: Non hint: Qu'as-tu appris à ce niveau ? + code: "{for} i {in} _ 1 {to} 10\n {print} i" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui va s'afficher ? mp_choice_options: @@ -2189,6 +2393,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Ce n'est pas ça hint: Comment les nombres vont-ils apparaitre à l'écran ? + correct_answer: A + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Lequel de ces codes a été utilisé pour produire cet affichage ? output: |- @@ -2228,6 +2435,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`i` est une variable et ne doit donc pas avoir de guillemets' hint: D'abord, tous les nombres, puis la phrase + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Lequel de ces codes a été utilisé pour produire cet affichage ? mp_choice_options: @@ -2256,6 +2465,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: C'est ça ! hint: Il faut faire un calcule… + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec ce code ? mp_choice_options: @@ -2268,6 +2480,9 @@ levels: - option: La ligne 2 doit commencer par une indentation feedback: Parfait ! hint: Il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas avec l'indentation + correct_answer: D + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Combien de fois sera affiché le mot « Bonjour » si tu exécutes ce code ? code: |- @@ -2283,6 +2498,8 @@ levels: - option: Jamais feedback: Non hint: Le 0 conte aussi. Donc 0, 1, 2, ça fait 3 fois. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Qu'est-ce qu'il devrait y avoir à la place de l'espace vide ? code: |- @@ -2313,6 +2530,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Celle-là commandera trop de plat ! hint: Utilise la variable « nombre_de_personnes » + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 8: question_text: Qu'affichera ce code ? code: |- @@ -2341,6 +2560,8 @@ levels: - option: Le mot « Salut » apparaitra 25 fois à la suite. feedback: Non, il apparaitra seulement 3 fois. hint: Ça ne dit pas « `{print}` i » + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Combien de fois Hedy chantera-t-elle « Hip hip hip Hourra » ? code: |- @@ -2357,6 +2578,8 @@ levels: - option: Ça dépend de ton âge feedback: C'est ça ! hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` âge' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Quel code correspond à cet affichage ? mp_choice_options: @@ -2389,6 +2612,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3, ça fait 4 fois.' hint: Attention à l'indentation + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 12: 1: question_text: Que va-t-il s'afficher ? @@ -2409,6 +2635,8 @@ levels: 5 feedback: Excellent travail ! hint: Les deux lignes s'affichent ! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Lequel de ces codes est correct ? mp_choice_options: @@ -2437,6 +2665,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Les différents parfums doivent être entre guillemets. hint: La deuxième ligne est la même pour chaque code, regarde attentivement la première ligne + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec ce code ? code: |- @@ -2452,6 +2682,8 @@ levels: - option: Il n'y a aucun problème. feedback: Ce n'est pas vrai hint: Les guillemets sont tous placés correctement + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Quelles lignes ont besoins des guillemets ? code: |- @@ -2469,6 +2701,8 @@ levels: - option: Toutes les lignes feedback: Parfait ! hint: Est-ce que la ligne 3 a besoins de guillemets aussi ? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Quel affichage Agent007 obtient quand il donne le bon mot de passe ? code: |- @@ -2493,6 +2727,8 @@ levels: - option: Rends-toi à l'aéroport demain à 10 h 00. feedback: L'agent ne va pas attraper de méchants ici hint: Le mot de passe est TOPSECRET + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: Quelle ligne écrire à la place de `_` ? code: |- @@ -2528,6 +2764,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Presque ! hint: Tu ne peux pas calculer le prix à l'avance ! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Que sera-t-il affiché pour une personne végane ? code: |- @@ -2566,6 +2804,8 @@ levels: cookies feedback: Presque, mais regarde bien l'ordre des éléments dans la liste hint: Quel élément est retiré de la liste quand tu réponds « végan » ? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Quel code a été utilisé pour écrire ça ? mp_choice_options: @@ -2590,6 +2830,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 'Non' hint: 7 divisé par 2 fait 3.5 + code: '3.5' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Quel code devrait être écrit à la ligne 1 à la place de `_` ? code: |- @@ -2616,6 +2859,9 @@ levels: "prix" = "un million d'euro", "rien" ``` feedback: Il ne faut pas mettre de guillemets aux noms des variables + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Quelle ligne de code devrait remplacer le `_` pour terminer le code ? code: |- @@ -2637,6 +2883,8 @@ levels: - option: "```\n{print} actions {at} {random}\n```" feedback: C'est difficile ! Toutes les actions de la liste doivent être dans la chanson. hint: C'est difficile ! Toutes les actions de la liste doivent être dans la chanson. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 13: 1: code: |- @@ -2669,6 +2917,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + correct_answer: C + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -2684,6 +2936,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -2702,6 +2958,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -2713,10 +2972,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + question_score: '10' + hint: Paper beats rock 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + hint: Both statements have to be true 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -2739,6 +3015,10 @@ levels: feedback: Try again - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses feedback: Excellent travail ! + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -2762,6 +3042,10 @@ levels: feedback: Excellent travail ! - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning feedback: This is true + question_text: Which statement is false? + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -2776,6 +3060,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have paid too much! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -2813,6 +3110,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -2837,6 +3138,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + question_score: '10' 14: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -2848,6 +3153,10 @@ levels: feedback: Oui ! - option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + correct_answer: C + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- price = 10 @@ -2857,6 +3166,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + feedback: No that's not it + - option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + feedback: No that's not it + hint: The symbols are right + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -2865,6 +3187,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`> 12`' + feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + question_score: '10' + hint: '> means greater than' + correct_answer: B 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -2873,6 +3208,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: "!= means 'is not'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -2882,6 +3230,19 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- {print} 'Celle qui marque le plus de points gagne !' @@ -2897,6 +3258,69 @@ levels: - option: '''C''est match nul''' feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score hint: Tu gagnes la partie en ayant le plus de points + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 3: + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + feedback: There are. + correct_answer: A + hint: '> means greater than' + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' 15: 1: code: |- @@ -2904,6 +3328,19 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -2926,11 +3363,27 @@ levels: {while} answer == yes' ``` feedback: A quotation mark is missing + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{range}`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -2951,6 +3404,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -2970,6 +3427,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + hint: wetness should get less each time + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -2987,6 +3448,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -2998,8 +3462,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: False! + option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -3018,6 +3499,10 @@ levels: feedback: Oui ! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -3028,6 +3513,11 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 16: 2: code: |- @@ -3035,12 +3525,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + feedback: Poor Wesley! + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -3051,6 +3567,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -3061,6 +3582,11 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Excellent travail ! + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + question_score: '10' + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + correct_answer: D 9: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -3086,3 +3612,233 @@ levels: I will travel to New Zealand ``` feedback: It's only repeated twice + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + correct_answer: A + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + question_score: '10' + 6: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + question_score: '10' + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_text: Which statement is true? + 1: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + feedback: This is the old way. + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + question_score: '10' + hint: We no longer use {at} + 8: + question_score: '10' + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + correct_answer: B + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 7: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + feedback: That is not right. + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 17: + 7: + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: Try again! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The word num needs quotation marks. + feedback: Try again. + - option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + feedback: Not true. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: Nope. + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + - feedback: Not true. + option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 2: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 3: + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 4: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + 5: + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 6: + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" diff --git a/content/quizzes/fy.yaml b/content/quizzes/fy.yaml index de901cca12d..37a87334298 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/fy.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/fy.yaml @@ -25,8 +25,22 @@ levels: ``` feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _?_ Hello world! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: hint: You can {ask} something with the {ask} command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: You only need one command, not two. + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -37,6 +51,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: code: |- {ask} What is your favorite pet? @@ -62,6 +81,10 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: Right on! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -72,6 +95,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -87,6 +114,69 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + hint: Let's go! + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 1: + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Good job! + option: Hedy + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heddy + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Haydie + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heidi + question_text: What's this programming language called? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + - feedback: Great! You paid attention! + option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 7: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Check the code line by line + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + question_score: '10' 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -99,6 +189,9 @@ levels: - option: In level 2 all the level 1 commands still work feedback: No one command doesn't work anymore. hint: '`{print}` and `{ask}` still exist.' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -125,17 +218,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + question_score: '10' + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + question_text: What should be on the lines? + correct_answer: A 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + correct_answer: B + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + - feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + correct_answer: D + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + question_text: Which code is correct? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + option: Marleen goes to the market. + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + feedback: She is not replaced with the name + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_score: '10' + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + correct_answer: C + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is name + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my Hedy is name + - feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + correct_answer: D + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: It slows down your computer + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It closes down Hedy + - option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + 8: + hint: The variable name should come first + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - feedback: You get it! + option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + - feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -160,6 +371,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -170,8 +384,26 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2 of this code? + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: code: |- colors {is} blue, purple, green @@ -179,6 +411,18 @@ levels: {remove} chosen_color {from} colors {print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random} hint: Look at line 3 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -209,6 +453,83 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 7: + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + correct_answer: C + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + option: Nothing, this code is alright. + correct_answer: B + hint: The variable name is prices + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + question_score: '10' + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + 6: + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No that's not right + option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 5: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + feedback: No that's not wrong. + - option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - option: Nothing, this code is perfect + feedback: That's right! + question_score: '10' + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -221,6 +542,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -243,6 +567,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + question_score: '10' + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -265,6 +593,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -284,8 +616,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -296,6 +646,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + question_score: '10' + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + correct_answer: D + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - feedback: Super! + option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + mp_choice_options: + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + 8: + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + 10: + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: Correct + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + feedback: You missed one! + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -313,8 +727,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the right password? + correct_answer: B + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -323,6 +752,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + option: "```\n{if}\n```" + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -351,6 +792,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + correct_answer: D + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -378,11 +822,114 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: fun + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - feedback: Fortunately not! + option: Error + correct_answer: A + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + 9: + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + mp_choice_options: + - option: '1' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - feedback: Great job! + option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + 5: + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + feedback: Indeed! + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - feedback: No, Hedy is right + option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + 10: + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - feedback: Not always... + option: werewolf + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: 2: question_text: Which sign do you use for an addition? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`-`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: plus + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`*`' + - feedback: Correct! + option: '`+`' + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + option: 6 dollars + - option: 0 dollars + feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -396,6 +943,115 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your lucky number is... 30 + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - feedback: Great! + option: 50 dollars + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: That's true, but not the reason + option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 10% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - option: '12' + feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + - option: 2*10 + feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + - option: '210' + feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + 3: + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + code: "{print} '3*10'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + correct_answer: B + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -408,8 +1064,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + question_text: Which code is right? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -433,6 +1104,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -459,6 +1134,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -480,6 +1160,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + question_text: What will be the output from this code? 8: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat mp_choice_options: @@ -515,6 +1200,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Dit is niet de juiste volgorde.. hint: '`{repeat}` kan alleen worden gebruikt als je dezelfde regel meerdere keren achter elkaar wil uitvoeren.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" 9: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat ? code: |- @@ -558,6 +1246,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfect hint: '''Help !'' wordt 3x herhaald.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -589,6 +1279,36 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + question_score: '10' + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Right + feedback: No, a word is missing + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + - feedback: Correct + option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 5: + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: That's not it + option: Wrong + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + hint: The code is correct! 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -600,6 +1320,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_score: '10' 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -627,6 +1352,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -659,6 +1388,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -669,6 +1402,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + question_score: '10' + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -688,6 +1426,10 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -730,6 +1472,10 @@ levels: {print} You are wrong! ``` feedback: You are wrong! + correct_answer: C + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + question_score: '10' + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? 9: code: |- 1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?' @@ -737,11 +1483,67 @@ levels: 3 {print} '🤘' 4 {else} 5 {print} '👎' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? 10: code: |- 1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?" 2 {if} level {is} 8 3 {print} Great job! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - feedback: Well done! + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_score: '10' 9: 1: code: |- @@ -764,6 +1566,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -783,6 +1588,11 @@ levels: Good job! You can use the computer! feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -799,6 +1609,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - feedback: Great job! You win! + option: case 2, open + hint: Follow the right path + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -819,6 +1642,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_text: Which statement is true? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -854,6 +1681,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + hint: Watch the indentation + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which code produced this output? + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -864,6 +1696,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + correct_answer: C + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -904,6 +1740,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -921,6 +1760,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The indentation is done right this time 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -936,6 +1778,23 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: '3' + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -943,6 +1802,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + correct_answer: B + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -951,6 +1822,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + option: dice + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -965,6 +1848,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -972,6 +1860,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + feedback: You are on fire! + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + - feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -1000,6 +1900,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables 9: question_text: What is the first question Hedy will `{ask}` you when you run the program? code: |- @@ -1009,6 +1912,18 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + - feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + correct_answer: A + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -1024,6 +1939,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is true about this code? + 4: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + correct_answer: C + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pasta + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: D + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + 3: + question_text: Which output is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - feedback: Great! + option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1051,6 +2015,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1064,6 +2031,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1091,6 +2063,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1099,6 +2075,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + feedback: The variable is not named guests + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Use the variable 'people' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1115,6 +2103,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1146,6 +2139,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + correct_answer: C + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + 9: + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: Try again + - option: 2 times + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - feedback: Not line 1... + option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1164,6 +2221,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Both lines are printed! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1190,6 +2251,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1203,12 +2268,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + feedback: No + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - option: All of the lines + feedback: Perfect! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1222,6 +2304,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: You've cracked the code! + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1235,6 +2330,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + feedback: Almost there! + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + correct_answer: C 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1247,6 +2354,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + correct_answer: A 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1269,6 +2389,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1295,6 +2420,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1315,6 +2443,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1347,6 +2478,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1362,6 +2497,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1380,6 +2519,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1391,10 +2533,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + correct_answer: A + hint: Paper beats rock 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: Fantastic! + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + hint: Both statements have to be true + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1408,6 +2567,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1422,6 +2594,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - feedback: This is true + option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + question_text: Which statement is false? 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1436,6 +2621,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1473,6 +2671,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1497,6 +2699,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + question_score: '10' 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1507,6 +2713,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - feedback: You are correct + option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + - option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + feedback: No that's not it + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + hint: The symbols are right + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1515,6 +2734,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`> 12`' + feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + - option: '`>= 12`' + feedback: Great! + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1523,6 +2755,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 0 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 2 times + feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + hint: "!= means 'is not'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1532,6 +2777,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "'player 1 wins'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + hint: You win the game by having the most points + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + 3: + feedback: That's not it + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + 1: + correct_answer: D + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=>`' + feedback: This is not a symbol. + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '{if} name = Hedy' + feedback: No + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 7: + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1539,11 +2886,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + correct_answer: B 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1564,6 +2936,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1583,6 +2959,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + hint: wetness should get less each time + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1600,6 +2980,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + hint: Look closely at the indentation + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1611,8 +2994,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - feedback: Great job + option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + - feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1631,6 +3031,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1641,6 +3045,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + question_score: '10' + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - feedback: A quotation mark is missing + option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1648,12 +3071,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + correct_answer: D + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: Super! + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + feedback: Poor Wesley! + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1664,6 +3113,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1674,3 +3128,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + correct_answer: D + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + 10: + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + feedback: Correct + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + feedback: That is not right. + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not right + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + 9: + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + 17: + 10: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 1: + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + hint: Loop through your list. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 5: + question_text: What is the output of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 7: + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C + 6: + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: C + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Try again! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 2: + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' diff --git a/content/quizzes/he.yaml b/content/quizzes/he.yaml index 5075e1faa3a..e170506eb3e 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/he.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/he.yaml @@ -2,6 +2,18 @@ levels: 1: 1: question_text: כיצד נקראת שפת התכנות הזו? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy + feedback: Good job! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heddy + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Haydie + - option: Heidi + feedback: Not this one! + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Which command makes text appear? code: ___ Hello! @@ -27,6 +39,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _?_ Hello world! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -37,6 +51,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." 5: code: |- {ask} What is your favorite pet? @@ -62,6 +81,10 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: Right on! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -72,6 +95,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -87,6 +114,69 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Let's go! + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - feedback: Correct! + option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + hint: Check the code line by line + 9: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + 3: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - feedback: You only need one command, not two. + option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + question_score: '10' + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + correct_answer: B + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + question_score: '10' 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -99,6 +189,9 @@ levels: - option: In level 2 all the level 1 commands still work feedback: No one command doesn't work anymore. hint: '`{print}` and `{ask}` still exist.' + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -125,17 +218,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be on the lines? 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + feedback: Perfect! + - option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + - option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which code is correct? + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + 3: + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my name is Hedy + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my Hedy is name + - feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + correct_answer: D + 8: + hint: The variable name should come first + question_score: '10' + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + correct_answer: C + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - feedback: Great! + option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + correct_answer: B + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + 5: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It closes down Hedy + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + question_score: '10' + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -160,6 +371,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -170,8 +384,26 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + correct_answer: A + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: What's wrong in line 2 of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" 9: code: |- colors {is} blue, purple, green @@ -179,6 +411,18 @@ levels: {remove} chosen_color {from} colors {print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random} hint: Look at line 3 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -209,6 +453,83 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 5: + question_score: '10' + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + feedback: No that's not wrong. + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + correct_answer: D + 4: + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + option: Nothing, this code is alright. + hint: The variable name is prices + correct_answer: B + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + 7: + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + 8: + question_text: What is the output of this code? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - option: sea salt + feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + question_score: '10' + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + 6: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - feedback: Correct + option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + - feedback: No the variable's called answers + option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + correct_answer: B + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -221,6 +542,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -243,6 +567,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + correct_answer: B + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -265,6 +593,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -284,8 +616,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + question_score: '10' + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + correct_answer: C + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -296,6 +646,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + 4: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - feedback: Super! + option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 8: + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + correct_answer: C + 10: + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + - option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + feedback: You missed one! + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + feedback: Correct! + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -313,8 +727,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - feedback: The password isn't password... + option: password + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is the right password? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -323,6 +752,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -351,6 +792,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -378,9 +822,100 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + correct_answer: B + hint: What the variable name? + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + feedback: Awesome! + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: fun + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - feedback: That's not how you spell secret + option: Because it's spelled wrong. + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + 9: + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '1' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + - option: '2' + feedback: Super! You escaped! + - option: '3' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + correct_answer: B + 4: + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + - option: SECRET + feedback: That's not the right answer + - feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + option: Wrong! + - feedback: Great job! + option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + option: 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - option: 21 dollars + feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -394,6 +929,129 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + option: 5 dollars + - option: 10 dollars + feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + correct_answer: C + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_score: '10' + 9: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - option: 32% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - option: 100% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_score: '10' + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + 3: + code: "{print} '3*10'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - option: '13' + feedback: Try again.. + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '20' + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`-`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: plus + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: Correct! + option: '`+`' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + question_score: '10' + hint: It's the plus sign. + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + - option: '10' + feedback: Please try again. + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + 8: + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + question_score: '10' + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + correct_answer: B 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -406,8 +1064,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + correct_answer: B + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + question_score: '10' 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + question_text: Which code is right? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -431,6 +1104,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -457,6 +1134,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -478,6 +1160,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -511,6 +1198,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Its alright'" ``` feedback: This is not the correct order.. + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? 9: code: |- Batman was flying through Gotham. @@ -552,6 +1244,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Please help me !' ``` feedback: Perfect + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -583,6 +1279,36 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - feedback: Correct + option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 5: + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: A + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + hint: The code is correct! + question_score: '10' 8: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -607,6 +1333,11 @@ levels: Im Hedy! Im Hedy!" feedback: Everything is printed twice + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + correct_answer: C + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" 2: mp_choice_options: - option: This should be only one line, not 2. @@ -617,6 +1348,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -644,6 +1380,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -676,6 +1416,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: B + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -686,6 +1430,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -705,6 +1454,10 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -747,6 +1500,10 @@ levels: {print} You are wrong! ``` feedback: You are wrong! + correct_answer: C + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- 1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?' @@ -754,11 +1511,52 @@ levels: 3 {print} '🤘' 4 {else} 5 {print} '👎' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 and 4 + feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + - option: Only line 3 + feedback: Not only 3... + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + correct_answer: D + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. 10: code: |- 1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?" 2 {if} level {is} 8 3 {print} Great job! + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - feedback: Well done! + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? 9: 1: code: |- @@ -781,6 +1579,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -800,6 +1601,11 @@ levels: Good job! You can use the computer! feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -816,6 +1622,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - option: case 2, sell + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: Great job! You win! + option: case 2, open + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -836,6 +1655,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + correct_answer: C + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -871,6 +1694,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + question_text: Which code produced this output? + hint: Watch the indentation + correct_answer: C + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -881,6 +1709,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + correct_answer: C + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -921,6 +1753,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -938,6 +1773,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The indentation is done right this time 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -953,6 +1791,23 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: '3' + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: That is true + option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -960,6 +1815,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -968,6 +1835,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - option: choices + feedback: That's right! + - option: choice + feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + - option: dice + feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -982,6 +1861,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + correct_answer: D + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -989,6 +1873,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + - feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + - feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -1017,6 +1913,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables 9: question_text: What is the first question Hedy will `{ask}` you when you run the program? code: |- @@ -1026,6 +1925,18 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + correct_answer: A + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -1041,6 +1952,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + question_score: '10' + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_text: What is true about this code? + correct_answer: D + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + 4: + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + 3: + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + - feedback: Great! + option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + correct_answer: C 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1068,6 +2028,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + hint: What did you learn in this level? + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1081,6 +2044,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1108,6 +2076,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1116,6 +2088,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + hint: Use the variable 'people' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + feedback: That's one order too many! + correct_answer: C 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1132,6 +2116,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1163,6 +2152,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + 3: + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 5: + correct_answer: D + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + mp_choice_options: + - option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + feedback: No it doesn't. + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + feedback: Perfect! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: 1 time + - option: 2 times + feedback: No + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + correct_answer: C + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1181,6 +2234,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1207,6 +2264,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1220,12 +2281,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + correct_answer: D + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 and 2 + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - option: All of the lines + feedback: Perfect! + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1239,6 +2317,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1252,6 +2343,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1264,6 +2367,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + mp_choice_options: + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + feedback: Terrific! + - feedback: There's more options than just one + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1286,6 +2402,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + code: '3.5' + correct_answer: B + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1312,6 +2433,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1332,6 +2456,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1364,6 +2491,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1379,6 +2510,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1397,6 +2532,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1408,10 +2546,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Paper beats rock 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + hint: Both statements have to be true + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: Fantastic! + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1425,6 +2580,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + feedback: Try again + - option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + feedback: Try again + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1439,6 +2607,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is true! + option: The grey cat is called Abby + - feedback: This is true + option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + question_text: Which statement is false? + correct_answer: C + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + question_score: '10' 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1453,6 +2634,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1490,6 +2684,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + correct_answer: A + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1514,6 +2712,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1524,6 +2726,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + question_score: '10' + hint: The symbols are right + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1532,6 +2747,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`> 12`' + feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: '> means greater than' 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1540,6 +2768,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 1 time + - option: 2 times + feedback: That is correct + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1549,6 +2790,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: 1 or more + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - feedback: Almost + option: 8 or more + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + hint: '> means greater than' + correct_answer: A + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 2 loses'" + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + 3: + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`>` and `<`' + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - feedback: You win! + option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + 1: + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '{if} name = Hedy' + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: '{if} age = 24' + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + correct_answer: C 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1556,11 +2899,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{for}`' + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + correct_answer: B 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1581,6 +2949,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1600,6 +2972,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + hint: wetness should get less each time + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1617,6 +2993,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1628,8 +3007,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + question_score: '10' + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - feedback: Great job + option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + - feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1648,6 +3044,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1658,6 +3058,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - feedback: A quotation mark is missing + option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1665,12 +3084,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: No, it is not random. + option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + correct_answer: A + hint: It's not random... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1681,6 +3126,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1691,3 +3141,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + - feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_score: '10' + hint: We no longer use {at} + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + correct_answer: C + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + - option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + feedback: Correct + - feedback: No, the code is correct. + option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - option: Line 3 should start with indentation + feedback: It should not! + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + feedback: Amazing! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + question_score: '10' + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: It will be repeated twice + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + 17: + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + feedback: Try again. + - option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + correct_answer: D + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + correct_answer: B + hint: Loop through your list. + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: Try again! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + 8: + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 10: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C + 6: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Amazing! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... diff --git a/content/quizzes/hi.yaml b/content/quizzes/hi.yaml index dddcac4d04c..d2f27ccd5e9 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/hi.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/hi.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Heidi feedback: ये वाला नहीं! hint: इसका नाम हेडी लैमर के नाम पर रखा गया है। + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: हैलो! टेक्स्ट प्रदर्शित करने के लिए रिक्त स्थान पर किसे भरना आवश्यक है? code: ___ Hello! @@ -37,8 +39,22 @@ levels: ``` feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _?_ Hello world! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: hint: You can {ask} something with the {ask} command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions।" + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: You only need one command, not two। + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you।' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -49,6 +65,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..।" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: code: |- {ask} What is your favorite pet? @@ -74,6 +95,10 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: Right on! + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2..। + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -84,6 +109,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command।' + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -99,6 +128,55 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + hint: Let's go! + correct_answer: B + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - feedback: Correct! + option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: Check the code line by line + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct।' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`। + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`। + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct।' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`। + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong। + hint: Check the `{print}` commands। + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 9: + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..।" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake..। + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -111,6 +189,9 @@ levels: - option: In level 2 all the level 1 commands still work feedback: No one command doesn't work anymore. hint: '`{print}` and `{ask}` still exist.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true? 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -137,17 +218,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + question_text: What should be on the lines? + hint: Pause for dramatic effect..। + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + - option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + correct_answer: B 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line..। + option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now। + - option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + feedback: That's right! + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - feedback: You get it! + option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + hint: The variable name should come first + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + 9: + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 2: + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently। + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + question_text: Which code is correct? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple। + - option: Marleen goes to the market। + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple। + - option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple। + feedback: She is not replaced with the name + correct_answer: C + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple।" + question_score: '10' + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 5: + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + mp_choice_options: + - option: It slows down your computer + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It closes down Hedy + - option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + feedback: That's right! + - option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + question_score: '10' + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + correct_answer: C 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -172,6 +371,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly। + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -182,8 +384,26 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + correct_answer: A + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 3: question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2 of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet। + - feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper। + option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable (the list) is called options। + correct_answer: C + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" 9: code: |- colors {is} blue, purple, green @@ -191,6 +411,18 @@ levels: {remove} chosen_color {from} colors {print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random} hint: Look at line 3 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right। + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -221,6 +453,83 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + - feedback: Great! You've really paid attention। + option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable।' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright। + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable name is prices + correct_answer: B + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong। + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - feedback: No that's not wrong। + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - feedback: No, that's not wrong। + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + 7: + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book। + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + question_score: '10' + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is the output of this code? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No that's not right + option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake। + option: Nothing! This code is great! + correct_answer: B + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong with line 2। + question_score: '10' 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -233,6 +542,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands। + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -255,6 +567,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + hint: Pick the right quotation marks। + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -277,6 +593,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark। + correct_answer: D + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -296,8 +616,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + question_score: '10' + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'। + correct_answer: C + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You get it! + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + - feedback: You need some quotation marks! + option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + correct_answer: A 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -308,6 +646,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + correct_answer: D + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + question_score: '10' + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not। + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally। + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself। + option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`।" + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print। + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that। + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not। + question_score: '10' + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks। + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door..। + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -325,8 +727,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + correct_answer: B + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password..। + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_text: What is the right password? 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -335,6 +752,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + option: "```\n{if}\n```" + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`। + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -363,6 +792,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -390,11 +822,114 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + hint: What the variable name? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one..। + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - feedback: Great job! + option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time। + - feedback: Not always..। + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always..। + - feedback: Not always..। + option: giant spider + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`..। + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + 5: + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + feedback: Indeed! + - feedback: No, this is not the password। + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong। + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - feedback: No, Hedy is right + option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same। + question_score: '10' + 2: + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + mp_choice_options: + - option: fun + feedback: That's right! + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + option: Hedy + - feedback: Fortunately not! + option: Error + correct_answer: A + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '1' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + - option: '2' + feedback: Super! You escaped! + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten। + option: '3' + - feedback: Luckily not! + option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.। + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' 6: 2: question_text: Which sign do you use for an addition? + hint: It's the plus sign। + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`-`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`*`' + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + option: 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the fourth line। + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -408,6 +943,115 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again। + option: '10' + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your lucky number is... 30 + - feedback: Her lucky number is name times age..। + option: Your lucky number is... 10 + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30।' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + correct_answer: C + 9: + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 10% + - option: 32% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + option: 50% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - option: '12' + feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + - option: 2*10 + feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + - option: '210' + feedback: Mind it's a calculation। + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + correct_answer: A + code: '{print} 2*10' + question_score: '10' + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + 7: + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total। + option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well। + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right। + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`। + - feedback: That's right! + option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total। + - feedback: That's true, but not the reason + option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with। + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + feedback: No, there should be! + - option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: No, that's not true। + option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line। + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words..। + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer। + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + hint: Inspect what the variables are called। + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 3: + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks। + option: '30' + - feedback: Try again.। + option: '13' + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally। + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message। + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally। + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_score: '10' + 5: + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap। + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each। + option: 10 dollars + - feedback: The * means multiplication। + option: 15 dollars + - feedback: Great! + option: 50 dollars + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -420,8 +1064,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code is right? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -445,6 +1104,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -471,6 +1134,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times। + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -492,6 +1160,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command। + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat mp_choice_options: @@ -527,6 +1200,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Dit is niet de juiste volgorde.. hint: '`{repeat}` kan alleen worden gebruikt als je dezelfde regel meerdere keren achter elkaar wil uitvoeren.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" 9: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat ? code: |- @@ -570,6 +1246,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfect hint: '''Help !'' wordt 3x herhaald.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -601,6 +1279,36 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the order of the sentences। + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Right + feedback: No, a word is missing + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing। + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + correct_answer: D + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + hint: The code is correct! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -612,6 +1320,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + correct_answer: D + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + question_score: '10' 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -639,6 +1352,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -671,6 +1388,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice। + correct_answer: B 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -681,6 +1402,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + correct_answer: A + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -700,6 +1426,10 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation। + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -742,6 +1472,10 @@ levels: {print} You are wrong! ``` feedback: You are wrong! + question_score: '10' + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + correct_answer: C + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? 9: code: |- 1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?' @@ -749,11 +1483,67 @@ levels: 3 {print} '🤘' 4 {else} 5 {print} '👎' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3..। + option: Only line 3 + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces। + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? 10: code: |- 1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?" 2 {if} level {is} 8 3 {print} Great job! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + question_score: '10' + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: D + 6: + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer। + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated। + - feedback: Well done! + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + question_score: '10' + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + 1: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice। + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well। + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + hint: Both lines are repeated twice। + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" 9: 1: code: |- @@ -776,6 +1566,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -795,6 +1588,11 @@ levels: Good job! You can use the computer! feedback: Correct! + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice। + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -811,6 +1609,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + mp_choice_options: + - option: case 1, sell + feedback: You don't win a million! + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 1, open + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - feedback: Great job! You win! + option: case 2, open + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -831,6 +1642,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'। 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -866,6 +1681,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + question_text: Which code produced this output? + correct_answer: C + hint: Watch the indentation + question_score: '10' + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -876,6 +1696,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -916,6 +1740,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + correct_answer: A + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -933,6 +1760,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The indentation is done right this time 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -948,6 +1778,23 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command। 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -955,6 +1802,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + correct_answer: B + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments..।' + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -963,6 +1822,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'। + - option: choices + feedback: That's right! + - option: choice + feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'..। + - feedback: Look at the names of the variables। + option: dice + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -977,6 +1848,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first। + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -984,6 +1860,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + feedback: You are on fire! + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner। + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner। + question_score: '10' + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner। + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -1012,6 +1900,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: What is the first question Hedy will `{ask}` you when you run the program? code: |- @@ -1021,6 +1912,18 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`। + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code..। + question_score: '10' + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen। + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -1036,6 +1939,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code। + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is true about this code? + correct_answer: D + 4: + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has। + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent। + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + feedback: Good job! + - feedback: No it does not। + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed। + option: dogs are lovely pets + - feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output। + option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + - feedback: Great! + option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed। + option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}। + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: C + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + question_score: '10' + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: I love pizza + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed। + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed। + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed। + option: I love pancakes + - option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + feedback: Great! + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed। + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which output is correct? 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1063,6 +2015,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1076,6 +2031,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: A 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1103,6 +2063,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1111,6 +2075,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There's not always 3 people + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + feedback: The variable is not named guests + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: Use the variable 'people' + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1127,6 +2103,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + correct_answer: C 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1158,6 +2139,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't। + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention। + feedback: Not line 1..। + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + question_score: '10' + 9: + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - option: Never + feedback: Try again + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + 3: + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}। + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc। + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - option: 3 times + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: No + option: Never + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times। + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1176,6 +2221,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Both lines are printed! + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1202,6 +2251,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1215,12 +2268,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + question_score: '10' + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 and 2 + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + correct_answer: D + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1234,6 +2304,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: You've cracked the code! + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1247,6 +2330,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + feedback: Excellent! + - option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + feedback: Almost there! + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1259,6 +2354,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + correct_answer: A 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1281,6 +2389,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + correct_answer: B + code: '3.5' + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1307,6 +2420,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1327,6 +2443,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song। + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1359,6 +2478,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1374,6 +2497,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls। + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1392,6 +2519,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1403,10 +2533,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + hint: Paper beats rock 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1420,6 +2567,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1434,6 +2594,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is false? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - feedback: This is true + option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + correct_answer: C 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1448,6 +2621,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have paid too much! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: That's not enough money! + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1485,6 +2671,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1509,6 +2699,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + question_score: '10' 14: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -1521,6 +2715,10 @@ levels: - option: '`=`' feedback: Right! hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name। + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 4: code: |- price = 10 @@ -1530,6 +2728,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - feedback: You are correct + option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + - option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + feedback: No that's not it + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The symbols are right + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1538,6 +2749,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`> 12`' + feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1546,6 +2770,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 2 times + feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + hint: "!= means 'is not'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: '`''Lower''` and `''Higher''` and `''You win!''`' @@ -1557,6 +2794,10 @@ levels: - option: '`''Lower!''` and `''You win!''` and `''Higher!''`' feedback: That's not quite right। hint: The last one should say you win। + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster @@ -1567,6 +2808,11 @@ levels: feedback: '> means greater than' - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster feedback: There are। + hint: '> means greater than' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1576,6 +2822,63 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '{if} name = Hedy' + feedback: No + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + feedback: No + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C + 3: + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 10: + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + hint: You win the game by having the most points + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + question_score: '10' 15: 1: question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right।' @@ -1593,11 +2896,26 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: '`=`' feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + correct_answer: C 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{in}`' + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1618,6 +2936,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + correct_answer: D 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1637,6 +2959,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + hint: wetness should get less each time + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1654,6 +2980,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1666,6 +2995,9 @@ levels: - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right। hint: The last one should say you win। + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: mp_choice_options: - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute @@ -1677,6 +3009,10 @@ levels: - option: The lights will always stay on। feedback: That wouldn't be right। hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied। + question_score: '10' + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1695,6 +3031,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? 10: question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead।' mp_choice_options: @@ -1706,6 +3046,24 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + correct_answer: A + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + question_score: '10' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 16: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -1717,6 +3075,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + hint: We no longer use {at} 2: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] @@ -1745,6 +3108,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Fantastic! hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc।' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] @@ -1781,6 +3147,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's not it hint: It's not random..। + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1791,6 +3160,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text। - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1802,6 +3176,10 @@ levels: - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks। + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i। @@ -1813,6 +3191,10 @@ levels: - option: This code will not work. It will give and error। feedback: No, the code is correct। hint: There is nothing wrong with this code। + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true? 7: mp_choice_options: - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks @@ -1824,6 +3206,10 @@ levels: - option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks। feedback: Amazing! hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks। + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1859,6 +3245,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This is not going to work! hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct। + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + question_score: '10' + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" 9: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1884,6 +3274,11 @@ levels: I will travel to New Zealand ``` feedback: It's only repeated twice + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1912,6 +3307,11 @@ levels: {remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers ``` feedback: Fantastic! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" 17: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -1940,6 +3340,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Do not loop through the letters। hint: Loop through your list। + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" 2: mp_choice_options: - option: You cannot have so many variables। @@ -1951,6 +3355,10 @@ levels: - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases। feedback: Correct! hint: Read the code carefully। + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_score: '10' 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1986,6 +3394,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That is not it। hint: Think about how many times you need repeating। + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + correct_answer: C + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command @@ -1997,6 +3409,10 @@ levels: - option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' feedback: Great! hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`। + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -2048,6 +3464,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That is not it। hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif। + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{elif}` is missing।' @@ -2059,6 +3479,10 @@ levels: - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line। feedback: Amazing! hint: There is a mistake somewhere..। + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: D + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + question_score: '10' 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -2094,6 +3518,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That is not it। hint: Think about mathematical symbols। + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + correct_answer: C 8: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`।' @@ -2105,6 +3532,10 @@ levels: - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line। feedback: Nope। hint: Read the code carefully। + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: C + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" 9: mp_choice_options: - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" @@ -2116,6 +3547,10 @@ levels: - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" feedback: That is not it। hint: Read the code carefully। + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: The word num needs quotation marks। @@ -2127,3 +3562,7 @@ levels: - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line। feedback: Nope। hint: Read the code carefully। + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" diff --git a/content/quizzes/hr.yaml b/content/quizzes/hr.yaml index 0967ef424bc..9fd9fa3b68b 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/hr.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/hr.yaml @@ -1 +1,2543 @@ -{} +levels: + 8: + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines and start with 4 spaces. + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: It is! + option: '`{else}` is not a command!' + - feedback: That's not true + option: Lines that start with `{if}` should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + 10: + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_score: '10' + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + correct_answer: D + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - feedback: Super! + option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + 4: + question_text: Which output is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: This order is incorrect. + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: The last line is repeated too. + code: "{print} 'The children went:'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Yay!'\n {print} 'We are going on vacation!'" + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - feedback: The last line has no indentation, so it's not repeated. + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + - feedback: Right! + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + - feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't ? + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark\nBaby shark" + question_score: '10' + hint: What is being repeated and what is not? + correct_answer: C + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + 8: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are... right! + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + correct_answer: C + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Nothing. This code is correct! + feedback: Something is wrong! + - feedback: You are! + option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + - option: You don't have to use indentation twice. Only in the first `{if}` command. + feedback: You always have to use indentation. + - feedback: That's right. + option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. + code: "food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n{if} food {is} fries\nsauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n{if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' + 2: + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it should be 2 lines. + option: This should be only one line, not 2. + - option: This `{print}` command has to be removed. + feedback: No, you need it. + - option: There is a spelling mistake in the `{repeat}` command. + feedback: No, `{repeat}` is the correct spelling + - option: The second line needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation. + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + question_score: '10' + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + correct_answer: D + 9: + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nThe computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...\n```" + - option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - option: "```\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsize = {ask} 'What is your shoe size?'\n{if} size {is} 38\n {if} name {is} Cinderella\n {print} '❤️❤️❤️'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are not the one!'\n{else}\n {print} 'Ill keep looking'" + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + feedback: No, she gets 'You are not the one!' + - feedback: No, she gets 'Ill keep looking' + option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output '❤️❤️❤️' + - feedback: That's right! + option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 40 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + - feedback: No she gets '❤️❤️❤️' + option: Cinderella with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + correct_answer: C + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + code: "{print} 'Choose the right case and win!'\ncase = {ask} 'Which case will you pick? 1 or 2?'\n{if} case {is} 1\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell your case for 10 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win an apple pie'\n{if} case {is} 2\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!'" + 5: + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: Don't forget the indentation after `{repeat}` commands. + - feedback: Use indentation after an `{if}` command + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n dessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n {if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + hint: Watch the indentation + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code produced this output? + correct_answer: C + 6: + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Don't forget the others + option: '`{if}`' + - feedback: Don't forget `{else}`! + option: '`{if}` `{repeat}`' + - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}`' + feedback: Keep it up! + - feedback: Not with `{print}` + option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' + correct_answer: C + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + 7: + code: "{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\nprice = price - 5" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: The second `{if}` misses code! + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: Two consecutive `{if}`s is never correct. + - feedback: Almost right. Take another look at the last line + option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + question_text: You'll get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.
But the code has a mistake! How to debug it? + question_score: '10' + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + correct_answer: A + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Yes you can. + option: You can't put two questions in a row + - feedback: Keen eye! Good job! + option: The variable called 'age' is later on used as 'years' + - option: You're not allowed to start with 8 spaces, like line 5 does + feedback: You actually must start like that. + - feedback: That's not true. + option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + code: "age = {ask} 'Happy Birthday! How old are you?'\nsinging = {ask} 'Would you like us to sing?'\n{if} singing {is} yes\n {repeat} years {times}\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hooray'" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The indentation is done right this time + 10: + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "1 {repeat} 2 {times}\n2 {if} level {is} 9\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Only line 2 and 3 start with spaces + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Line 3 should start with 8 + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 8 spaces + feedback: Line 2 should start with 4 + - option: line 2 should start with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 + feedback: You are correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: The first line doesn't start with any spaces + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is correct! + - option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + feedback: You are! + - option: You don't have to use indentation twice. + feedback: You always have to use indentation. + - feedback: It is not the indentation. + option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: All the indentation is done correctly. + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n {if} food {is} fries\n sauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n {if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + correct_answer: A + 10: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "compliments = perfect, great job, amazing\n_\n {print} compliment" + question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_` if we want to print each compliment? + 3: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + 4: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + correct_answer: C + 5: + question_text: What word should be on the `_` with these digital dice? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the digital dice!'\nplayers = Ann, John, Jesse\nchoices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' throws ' _ {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + option: dice + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\n'name gets a color shirt'\n```" + - option: "```\nname 'gets a ' colors {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + feedback: Great job! This was a hard one! + - feedback: You want each name printed. So the first word should not be names but... + option: "```\nnames 'gets a ' color {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + - feedback: There is no variable named people.. + option: "```\npeople ' gets a colors shirt'\n```" + correct_answer: B + code: "names = Donna, Tommy, Ben\ncolors = blue, red, purple\n{for} name {in} names\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be on the `_` in this code that decides which color shirt you get? + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' + 9: + code: "courses = appetizer, main course, dessert\nnames = Timon, Onno\n{for} name {in} names\n {for} course {in} courses\n food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?'\n {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program? + correct_answer: A + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What line should be on the `_` in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? + correct_answer: A + code: "names = Ron, Leslie, April, Andy\nfood = pasta, fries, salad\n_\n {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner'" + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + 6: + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Meredith wants to play too! + option: "```\nKelly chooses rock\n```" + - option: "```\nMeredith chooses scissors\nKelly chooses rock\n```" + feedback: So close! But Kelly is first in the list, so she goes first + - feedback: Kelly wants to play too! + option: "```\nMeredith chooses paper\n```" + - option: "```\nKelly chooses paper\nMeredith chooses scissors\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + question_score: '10' + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + question_score: '10' + 10: + question_text: What is true about this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Everybody will always win a prize. + feedback: That is not true, you could end up without a prize. + - option: All the prizes always go to one single person. + feedback: That is not true. All the prizes are given away, but to random people + - feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others + option: Larry will never win a prize + - feedback: You get it! + option: Someone might win two prizes + correct_answer: D + code: "prizes = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich\nnames = Bob, Patrick, Sandy, Larry\n{for} prize {in} prizes\n {print} 'The ' prize ' is won by ' names {at} {random}" + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + 11: + 1: + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`counter`' + feedback: No + - feedback: Correct + option: '`{range}`' + - feedback: No + option: '`{if}`' + - feedback: No + option: '`{for}`' + code: "{for} i {in} _ 1 {to} 10\n {print} i" + question_text: What word should be at the place of the blank? + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n1\n2\n3\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "```\n1 2 3\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - option: "```\n1, 2, 3\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n123\n```" + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: A + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + correct_answer: A + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + 4: + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} i\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy prints the numbers from 0 to 10 instead of 10 to 0. + - feedback: Hedy would print negative numbers in this case. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} -1 * i\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 10 {to} 0\n {print} i\n```" + feedback: Unfortunately this does not exist. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} 10 - i\n```" + feedback: That's right! + hint: It has to be a calculation… + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + question_text: What should be on the place of the blank? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys diner'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people will be eating here tonight?'\n_\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to order?'\n {print} food" + hint: Use the variable 'people' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The numbers don't appear. It doesn't say `{print}` i. + option: "```\n23\n24\n25\n```" + - feedback: The numbers don't appear. It doesn't say `{print}` i + option: "```\n23 hi 24 hi 25 hi\n```" + - feedback: Correct + option: "```\nhi\nhi\nhi\n```" + - feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + question_score: '10' + 9: + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 6: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + feedback: Perfect! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + 10: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the indentation + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n {print} Baby shark\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n{print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n{print} Baby shark\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n {print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' + hint: Mind the indentation + correct_answer: B + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 12: + 2: + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + option: "```\nflavors {is} vanilla, strawberry, chocolate\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + - feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + option: "```\n'flavors = vanilla, strawberry, chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + - option: "```\nflavors = 'vanilla', 'strawberry', 'chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + feedback: Alright! + - feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + option: "```\nflavors = 'vanilla, strawberry, chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + 4: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + question_score: '10' + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + code: "{print} Welcome to the online shoe shop\ncategory = {ask} What kind of shoes are you looking for?\n{if} category = high heels\n {print} High heels are 50% off now!" + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} action {in} actions\n```" + feedback: You are amazing! + - feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n```" + - feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + option: "```\n{print} actions {at} {random}\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the `_` to complete the song ? + correct_answer: B + code: "actions = 'clap your hands', 'stomp your feet', 'shout Hurray!'\n_\n {for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n {print} action\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n {print} action" + 3: + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + mp_choice_options: + - option: The name of the variable is different in line 1 than in line 2. + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: That's not true + option: The quotation marks aren't used correctly in line 2 + - option: You can't use the = sign when using an {ask} command + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Nothing is wrong. + code: "favorite_animal = {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{print} 'I like ' favoriteanimal ' too!'" + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{print} '7 / 2'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 7 / 2\n```" + feedback: That is right! + - option: "```\n{print} 7 : 2\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{print} 7 * 2\n```" + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 9: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\nprizes = 'one' 'million' 'dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + - option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars, nothing'\n```" + feedback: You won nothing + - option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + feedback: Winner! + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\n'prizes' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C + code: "_\n{print} 'You won ' prizes {at} {random} '!'" + question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the `_`? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + code: "menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes'\n{print} \"It's my birthday! I`ve brought some snacks!\"\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'gluten free'\n {remove} 'cookies' {from} menu\n{if} diet = 'vegan'\n {remove} 'cheese' {from} menu\n{print} 'For you I have brought: '\n{for} snack {in} menu\n {print} snack" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 1: + code: "{print} 'three and a half plus one and a half is...'\n{print} 3.5 + 1.5" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Don't forget the first line of code! + option: '5' + - feedback: This is not the one! + option: 3.5 + 1.5 + - feedback: Take a close look at the second line... + option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\nfive" + - option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\n5" + feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Both lines are printed! + 6: + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which line should be filled in at the `_`? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + feedback: Excellent! + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to McHedy!'\norder = {ask} 'Would you like a hamburger or fries?'\n{if} order = 'hamburger'\n price = 12\n{if} order = 'fries'\n price = 4\ndrinks = {ask} 'Would you like a drink with that for 2 dollars?'\n{if} drinks = 'yes'\n _\n{print} 'That will be ' price ' dollar please'" + 5: + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} 'Agent007'\n a {is} 'Go to the airport '\nelse\n a {is} 'Go to the train station '\npassword {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} 'TOPSECRET'\n b {is} 'tomorrow at 02.00'\n{else}\n b {is} 'today at 10.00'\n{print} a + b" + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + 6: + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + correct_answer: C + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + correct_answer: B + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + question_score: '10' + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_score: '10' + 3: + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + question_text: How much does a hamburger cost in this virtual restaurant? + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 10% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + option: 50% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + question_score: '10' + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + correct_answer: C + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + correct_answer: C + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to use the `=` sign as well + option: You can only fill in the word is on the `_` + - option: You can fill in either the word is or the `=` sign on the `_` + feedback: Amazing! + - option: You have to fill in =is= on the `_` + feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough + - feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "name _ Hedy\n{print} name 'is walking trough the forrest'" + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 7: + 7: + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nWe will We will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + feedback: "'We will' won't appear twice in the same line" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\nWe will\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + - feedback: ROCK YOU! won't be repeated + option: "```\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + - feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command + option: "```\nWe will\nROCK YOU!" + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + 10: + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost! the first line needs an extra word + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: This is not in the right order. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 4 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'clap your hands'\n{print} 'and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'clap your hands'\n```" + feedback: This is not in the right order. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No you can repeat a line. + option: '0' + - option: '1' + feedback: Correct, one line at a time + - feedback: In this level only one line at a time + option: '3' + - feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time + option: infinite + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: You can only repeat one line at a time + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + 8: + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: Awesome, you can't use the `{repeat}` command here. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'" + feedback: Where did you leave 'Do do do do'? + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + correct_answer: A + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Your repeated line is incorrect. + option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham. '\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{print} 'Help!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + feedback: The `{print}` command is missing on line 3. + - feedback: You're missing the quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} Batman was flying through Gotham.\n{print} When suddenly he heard someone screaming!\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} Help!\n{print} Please help me!\n```" + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + correct_answer: D + 2: + question_text: Which code is right? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + hint: First the `{repeat}` command, then the `{print}` command + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + hint: The code is correct! + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + correct_answer: A + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "`I'm`" + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: '`{print}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{print}`' + - feedback: '`{repeat}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{repeat}`' + - feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{times}`' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + question_score: '10' + hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes in a sentence + correct_answer: A + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nthe wheels on the bus go\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - feedback: All through the town! Perfect! + option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nround and round\nround and round\n```" + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' + 3: + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Right + feedback: No, a word is missing + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + 2: + 9: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + correct_answer: B + 10: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + question_score: '10' + code: "flavor {is} _\n{print} Your favorite icecream is...\n{sleep}\n{print} flavor" + 5: + question_score: '10' + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + correct_answer: C + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + question_score: '10' + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + correct_answer: D + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + option: Marleen goes to the market. + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + correct_answer: C + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_score: '10' + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can use the `{print}` command to ask questions. + feedback: That is what `{ask}` is for + - option: You can use the `{ask}` command to echo answers. + feedback: That is not true + - option: With the `{print}` command you can make text appear + feedback: Good + - option: With the `{sleep}` command, you can remove text from the screen. + feedback: That's not how `{sleep}` works. + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{print}` still works the same way as in level 1' + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} I will explode in 3 seconds!\n_\n{print} BOOM!" + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + question_score: '10' + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + question_text: Which code is correct? + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 6: + question_text: What should be on the lines? + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: '`{sleep}`' + - feedback: There is nothing to repeat back here + option: '`{echo}`' + - feedback: There is no text there to `{print}` there + option: '`{print}`' + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: There is no question there to be asked + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} And the award for best programming language goes to...\n_\n{print} Hedy!" + 8: + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + hint: The variable name should come first + 3: + 3: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + correct_answer: C + 4: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + hint: The variable name is prices + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + question_score: '10' + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {from} walkers\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: '`{remove} {from}` or `{add} {to}`, not `{remove} {to}`' + option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + - option: "```\n{remove} walkers {from} yesterday\n```" + feedback: yesterday is not a variable + - feedback: This increased the chance that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. + option: "```\n{add} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + question_text: What should be on the _? + hint: The person who walked the dogs yesterday should be removed from the list. + code: "walkers {is} dad, mom, Sam, Petra\nwalked_yesterday {is} {ask} Who walked the dogs yesterday?\n{print} walked_yesterday shouldn't have to walk the dogs again today\n_\n{print} walkers {at} {random} , it's your turn to walk the dogs!" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 2: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Good job! + option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' + - feedback: No, you don't need `{print}` + option: Line 1 needs to start with `{print}`. + - feedback: animals is correct. + option: Line 2 needs to say 'animal' instead of 'animals' + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' + correct_answer: A + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: '`{print}` is used to print text' + - feedback: '`{ask}` is used to ask a question' + option: '`{ask}`' + - option: '`{is}`' + feedback: '`{is}` is used to make a list' + - option: '`{at} {random}`' + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What command(s) do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 8: + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + correct_answer: D + 9: + code: "colors {is} blue, purple, green\nchosen_color {is} {ask} Which hair color wouldn't you like to have?\n{remove} chosen_color {from} colors\n{print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + hint: Look at line 4 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + correct_answer: C + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + question_score: '10' + 6: + correct_answer: B + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + question_score: '10' + 4: + 5: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Never put the quotation mark in front of the `{print}` command. + option: "```\n'{print} options {at} {random}'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'options' {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: options is a variable. You don't literally want to print 'options {at} {random}'. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: That's right + - option: Nothing, the game already works! + feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + question_score: '10' + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This quotation mark is skewed, you need a straight one. + option: "```\n{print} `hello`\n```" + - feedback: Correct + option: "```\n{print} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} hello\n```" + feedback: There are no quotation marks here! + - option: "```\n{print} ,hello,\n```" + feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Add quotation marks please! + option: "```\n{print} Hi Im Hedy\n```" + - feedback: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + option: "```\n{print} 'Hi Im Hedy\n```" + - feedback: The first quotation mark should be behind the word `{print}` + option: "```\n'{print} Hi Im Hedy'\n```" + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{print} 'Hi Im Hedy'\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_score: '10' + 9: + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + option: Ajax is going to win the champions league + - feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + option: Real Madrid is going to win the champions league + - option: Bayern Munchen is going to win the champions league + feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league + feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right + option: "```\n{print} 'Im very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + - feedback: '{print} now needs quotation marks!' + option: "```\n{print} Im very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + feedback: do not use apostrophe or use backticks instead + - feedback: careful when using quotes and apostrophe + option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + correct_answer: A + 6: + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + question_text: Which statement is true? + 8: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + 5: + 7: + question_score: '10' + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{if}` is in the line above.' + option: '`{if}`' + - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' + feedback: No, you don't need `{at} {random}`. + - feedback: There already is an `{else}` command + option: '`{else}`' + - feedback: Awesome! + option: '`{print}`' + question_text: Which word should be in the place of the blank? + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'I can predict if you will be a millionair or not!'\nname {is} {ask} 'Whats your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'You will be a millionair!'\n{else} _ 'Unfortunately... No big money for you.'" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - feedback: That's not how you spell secret + option: Because it's spelled wrong. + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + question_score: '10' + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + correct_answer: A + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfavorite animal\n```" + feedback: That's not the variable name. + - option: "```\nanimal\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: '`{if}` is already there' + - feedback: No, that's not it. + option: '`{print}`' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank? + code: "animal {is} {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{if} _ {is} penguin {print} 'Thats my favorite animal too!'\n{else} {print} 'Cool! I like penguins.'" + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank in the last line? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the football fortune teller!'\n{print} 'I will predict what place your team will end up!'\nclub is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?'\n{if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!'\n_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...'" + 9: + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + option: '1' + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There already is a `{print}` command. + option: '`{print}`' + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: The `{if}` command is used in the line above. + - option: '`{sleep}`' + feedback: That's not it! + - option: '`{else}`' + feedback: That's right! + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the _? + hint: Which one goes together with the `{if}` command? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "number {is} {ask} 'What is your lucky number?'\n{if} number {is} 5 {print} 'Mine too!'\n_ {print} 'My lucky number is 5!'" + 4: + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + 2: + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: fun + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the right password? + hint: "`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` 'Correct!'" + correct_answer: B + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + 13: + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - feedback: This is true + option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + question_text: Which statement is false? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets'\n{print} 'Here is a program to help feed them'\nanimal = {ask} 'What kind of animal are they?'\ncolor = {ask} 'What colour are they?'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'grey'\n {print} 'That is Abby. She eats 3 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'orange'\n {print} 'That is Milo. He eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'bird' {or} color = 'black'\n {print} 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today'\n{if} animal = 'hamster' {and} color = 'brown'\n {print} 'You can feed them a piece of carrot'" + 8: + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the movie theater'\npopcorn = {ask} 'Would you like some popcorn?'\ndrink = {ask} 'Would you like a drink?'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 8 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 3 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'Ok'\n{print} 'Enjoy the movie'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: "Line 3 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + - option: "Line 3 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + - option: "Line 5 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + - option: "Line 7 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + correct_answer: A + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "1 chocolate = {ask} 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?'\n2 sprinkles = {ask} 'Would you like sprinkles on your ice cream?'\n3 {if} chocolate {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n4 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce and sprinkles, coming up!'\n5 {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n6 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce, coming up!'\n7 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n8 {print} 'Ice cream with sprinkles, coming up'\n9 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n10 {print} 'Just plain icecream, coming up!'" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} birthday {and} song = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Almost there + - feedback: Hedy only sings for you if you like to hear a song + option: "```\n{if} birthday = 'yes' {and} name = 'Hedy'\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {and} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {or} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsong = {ask} 'Whould you like to hear a song?'\nbirthday = {ask} 'Is today your birthday?'\n???\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday dear ' name\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + code: "{if} name = 'Cinderella' {and} shoe_size = 38\n {print} 'You are my one true love!'" + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You get a free apple pie! + feedback: Great job! + - option: That will be 5 dollars please + feedback: That is not true + - option: This code won't work, so there is no output + feedback: There is nothing wrong with the code + - feedback: There is! Read the question carefully + option: There is no way of knowing + code: "member = {ask} 'Do you have a membership card?'\ndiscount = {ask} 'Do you have a discount code?'\n{if} member = 'yes' {or} discount = 'yes'\n {print} 'You get a free apple pie!'\n{else}\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'" + hint: Mind the command `{or}` in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'you win'\n```" + feedback: You win! + - feedback: You lose! + option: "```\n{print} 'you lose'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'tie'\n```" + feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same + - option: "```\n{print} 'try again'\n```" + feedback: Try again! + code: "{if} computer_choice {is} 'rock' {and} your_choice {is} 'paper'" + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Paper beats rock + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{and}`' + feedback: You don't have to be vegan and muslim + - feedback: Great thinking! + option: '`{or}`' + - feedback: No + option: '`+`' + - feedback: No + option: '`{print}`' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + code: "menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies'\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'vegan' ??? diet = 'halal'\n {remove} 'sausage rolls' {from} menu" + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 10: + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There are no items that are both the list of snacks and the list of drinks + option: '`{and}`' + - feedback: Great job! + option: '`{or}`' + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: '`{if}`' + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt'\nitem = {ask} 'What product are you looking for?'\nbakery = 'bread', 'buns', 'muffins'\ndrinks = 'soda', 'water', 'lemonade'\nsnacks = 'chips', 'nuts', 'dips'\nfrozen = 'fries', 'icecream', 'pizza'\nfruit = 'bananas', 'apples', 'oranges'\n{if} item {in} snacks ??? item {in} drinks\n {print} 'This item is in aisle 3'\n{if} item {in} bakery {or} item {in} bakery\n {print} 'This item in in the back of the store'\n{if} item {in} fruit\n {print} 'The fruit is sold near the register'" + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + code: "{print} 'Let me guess which family member you are!'\nglasses = {ask} 'Do you wear glasses?'\nfemale = {ask} 'Are you female?'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Sophie!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Marleen!'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Wouter!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Michael!'" + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 14: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - option: '`=`' + feedback: Right! + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + correct_answer: D + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 4: + hint: The symbols are right + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + feedback: No that's not it + - option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + feedback: No that's not it + code: "price = 10\nmoney = {ask} How much money do you have?\nbuy = {ask} 'Would you like to buy this teddy bear?'\n{if} money >= price {and} buy == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can buy the bear!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!'" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nticket = {ask} 'Do you have a ticket?'\n{if} age _ {and} ticket == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!'" + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + correct_answer: B + 6: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + code: "lives = 2\n{repeat} 10 {times}\n {if} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + correct_answer: D + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + correct_answer: A + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 or more + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + code: "chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?'\n {if} chocolate <= 2\n {print} 'That is a healthy amount'\n {if} chocolate > 2 {and} chocolate =< 8\n {print} 'That is a bit much'\n {if} chocolate > 8\n {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!'" + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + question_score: '10' + 15: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_score: '10' + code: "answer = 0\n{while} answer _ 'Amsterdam'\n answer = {ask} 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?'\n{print} 'You have given the correct answer'" + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 3: + code: "_ age < 18\n {print} 'you are not allowed in this bar'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blank? + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 4: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `==` should be used instead of `=` + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: That's not right + - feedback: That's not it + option: In line 5 `{if}` should have been used instead of `{while}` + - feedback: You are correct + option: In line 5 `!=` should have been used instead of `==` + code: "options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{print} 'Throw 6 as fast as you can!'\nthrown = 0\ntries = 0\n{while} thrown == 6\n thrown = options {at} {random}\n {print} 'You threw ' thrown\n tries = tries + 1\n{print} 'Yes! You have thrown 6 in ' tries ' tries.'" + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{while}` should be`{if}`' + feedback: No that is not right + - feedback: No that is not right + option: '`{if}` should be `{while}`' + - option: Line 3 should start with more indentation + feedback: No that's not right + - feedback: That is correct + option: Line 2 should start with less indentation + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "lives = 100\n {while} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + 7: + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '... change the first `{if}` into a `{while}`' + feedback: Perfect! + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the second `{if}` into a `{while}`' + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the third `{if}` into a `{while}`' + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the fourth `{if}` into a `{while}`' + correct_answer: A + question_text: How should this program be changed so that it works? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + hint: The block after the {while} command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Nothing. 1600 is not programmed into the app. + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: You could eat some more + - option: That is alright + feedback: Yes! + - option: You have eaten enough for today + feedback: No + code: "calories = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?'\n {while} calories <= 1000\n {print} 'You could eat some more'\n {while} calories > 1000 {and} calories =< 2000\n {print} 'That is alright'\n {while} calories > 2000\n {print} 'You have had enough for today'" + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n name_player_1\n```" + feedback: You are right! + - feedback: No they are losing! + option: "```\n name_player_2\n```" + - feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + option: "```\n points_player_1\n```" + - feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + option: "```\n points_player_2\n```" + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n = wetness\n```" + feedback: That will not change anything + - feedback: You can't have two times = in one line + option: "```\n = wetness = 1\n```" + - option: "```\n = wetness - 1\n```" + feedback: You are correct! + - option: "```\n = wetness + 1\n```" + feedback: The program should count down + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + code: "wetness = 10\n{while} wetness != 0\n {print} 'Your hair is still wet, hair dryer on!'\n {sleep} 1\n {clear}\n wetness _\n\n{print} 'All dry!'" + hint: wetness should get less each time + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 16: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + feedback: Mind the spacing. + - feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + code: "friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee']\nchores = ['the cooking', 'the cleaning', 'nothing']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 3: + code: "friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee']\nchore = ['the cooking', 'the cleaning', 'nothing']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i]" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + feedback: Poor Wesley! + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + correct_answer: C + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_text: Which statement is true? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + question_score: '10' + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + correct_answer: B + 9: + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh']\n```" + feedback: Mind the variable name and the order of the sounds. + - feedback: Look at line one to see how brackets are supposed to be used. + option: "```\n sounds = '[woof], [moo], [neigh]'\n```" + - feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! + option: "```\n sounds = [woof, moo, neigh]\n```" + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\n sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh']\n```" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + correct_answer: D + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The variable in line 4 should be `friend[i]`, not `friends[i]` + feedback: That is not right. + - option: Line 3 should say `in range 1 to 3` not `in range 0 to 3` + feedback: Good catch! + - feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. + option: Line 4 should say 'lucky_number', not 'lucky number + - feedback: That's not it + option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + 17: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_score: '10' + 3: + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 4: + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 6: + correct_answer: D + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 7: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + 8: + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + 1: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy + feedback: Good job! + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - option: Haydie + feedback: Not this one! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heidi + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's this programming language called? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats a given answer.' + option: '`{echo}`' + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: Correct! + - option: '`hello`' + feedback: Hello isn't a command. + - feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. + option: '`{ask}`' + code: _ Hello! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: _ Hello world! + question_text: Which need to be filled in on the blanks to make the text Hello! appear? + 4: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' + - option: The command in line 2 is spelled wrong. + feedback: The command is spelled correctly. + - option: "`{echo}` isn't a command." + feedback: "`{echo}` is a command, there's another mistake." + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 8: + correct_answer: C + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. + feedback: That's what `{ask}` is for! + - feedback: That's what `{print}` is for! + option: You can use it exactly the same way as `{print}`. + - feedback: Good job! + option: You can use it to repeat an answer. + - feedback: That's not right... + option: You can use it to make text disappear. + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_score: '10' + 7: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + hint: Check the code line by line + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 5: + code: "{ask} What is your favorite pet?\n_ So your favorite pet is..." + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, you would like the answer to be repeated back to you. + option: '`{print}`' + - option: '`Hedy`' + feedback: Hedy isn't a command. + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: With `{ask}` you can ask a question. + - feedback: Right on! + option: '`{echo}`' + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: You only need one command, not two. + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + 10: + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Are you ready to go to level 2? + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + - feedback: Great job! + option: "Yes!\nYes!" + - option: Yes! + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + - option: "Are you ready to go to level 2?\nYes!" + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + question_text: Which output will be in your output screen after you've run this code? + correct_answer: B + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' diff --git a/content/quizzes/hu.yaml b/content/quizzes/hu.yaml index 57530aad910..af9a490508d 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/hu.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/hu.yaml @@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ levels: feedback: Not this one! - option: Heidi feedback: Not this one! + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Which command makes text appear? code: ___ Hello! @@ -36,8 +39,22 @@ levels: ``` feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _?_ Hello world! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: hint: You can {ask} something with the {ask} command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: You only need one command, not two. + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -48,6 +65,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + question_score: '10' + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + correct_answer: A 5: code: |- {ask} What is your favorite pet? @@ -73,6 +95,10 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: Right on! + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -83,6 +109,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -98,6 +128,55 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + correct_answer: B + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - feedback: Correct! + option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: Check the code line by line + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + question_score: '10' + 6: + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - feedback: Great! You paid attention! + option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 9: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + correct_answer: B + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + question_score: '10' 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -110,6 +189,9 @@ levels: - option: In level 2 all the level 1 commands still work feedback: No one command doesn't work anymore. hint: '`{print}` and `{ask}` still exist.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true? 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -136,17 +218,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be on the lines? 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + - option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code is correct? + correct_answer: A + 3: + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + 4: + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is name + - option: Hi my name is Hedy + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + question_score: '10' + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + correct_answer: D + 8: + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + hint: The variable name should come first + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -171,6 +371,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -181,8 +384,26 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2 of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" 9: code: |- colors {is} blue, purple, green @@ -190,6 +411,18 @@ levels: {remove} chosen_color {from} colors {print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random} hint: Look at line 3 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + - option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + feedback: Find the mistake! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -220,6 +453,83 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 4: + hint: The variable name is prices + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + option: Nothing! This code is great! + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 7: + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + - option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + correct_answer: C + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is the output of this code? + 5: + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + feedback: No that's not wrong. + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -232,6 +542,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -254,6 +567,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + correct_answer: B + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -276,6 +593,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -295,8 +616,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - feedback: You need some quotation marks! + option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + correct_answer: A + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + question_score: '10' 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -307,6 +646,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + question_score: '10' + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + correct_answer: D + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 10: + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: Correct + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + 7: + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + feedback: Correct! + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -324,8 +727,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - option: ALARM INTRUDER + feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the right password? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -334,6 +752,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + option: "```\n{if}\n```" + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -362,6 +792,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -389,11 +822,114 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: fun + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + option: less fun + - feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + option: Hedy + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + 5: + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + 9: + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + option: '1' + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - option: SECRET + feedback: That's not the right answer + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + 10: + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... 6: 2: question_text: Which sign do you use for an addition? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`-`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`*`' + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -407,6 +943,115 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '20' + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + code: '{print} 2*10' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + 4: + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_score: '10' + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 10% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + option: 50% + - option: 100% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - option: '13' + feedback: Try again.. + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + code: "{print} '3*10'" + 5: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + option: 5 dollars + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - feedback: Great! + option: 50 dollars + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + question_score: '10' + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + feedback: No, there should be! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -419,8 +1064,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + question_text: Which code is right? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -444,6 +1104,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -470,6 +1134,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -491,6 +1160,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat mp_choice_options: @@ -526,6 +1200,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Dit is niet de juiste volgorde.. hint: '`{repeat}` kan alleen worden gebruikt als je dezelfde regel meerdere keren achter elkaar wil uitvoeren.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" 9: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat ? code: |- @@ -569,6 +1246,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfect hint: '''Help !'' wordt 3x herhaald.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -600,6 +1279,36 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - feedback: Correct + option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + correct_answer: D + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 5: + question_score: '10' + hint: The code is correct! + correct_answer: A + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -611,6 +1320,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -638,6 +1352,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -670,6 +1388,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + correct_answer: B + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -680,6 +1402,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + correct_answer: A + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -699,6 +1426,10 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -741,6 +1472,10 @@ levels: {print} You are wrong! ``` feedback: You are wrong! + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- 1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?' @@ -748,11 +1483,67 @@ levels: 3 {print} '🤘' 4 {else} 5 {print} '👎' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 and 4 + feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? 10: code: |- 1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?" 2 {if} level {is} 8 3 {print} Great job! + mp_choice_options: + - option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - feedback: Super! + option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 6: + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - feedback: Well done! + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" 9: 1: code: |- @@ -775,6 +1566,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -794,6 +1588,11 @@ levels: Good job! You can use the computer! feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -810,6 +1609,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + hint: Follow the right path + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: case 1, sell + feedback: You don't win a million! + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 1, open + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -830,6 +1642,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: C 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -865,6 +1681,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + question_text: Which code produced this output? + question_score: '10' + hint: Watch the indentation + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + correct_answer: C 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -875,6 +1696,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -915,6 +1740,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -932,6 +1760,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + correct_answer: B + hint: The indentation is done right this time + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -947,6 +1778,23 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: None, that is not allowed + feedback: You are allowed to + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: Only 1 + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -954,6 +1802,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -962,6 +1822,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + option: dice + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -976,6 +1848,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -983,6 +1860,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -1011,6 +1900,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: What is the first question Hedy will `{ask}` you when you run the program? code: |- @@ -1020,6 +1912,18 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -1035,6 +1939,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + question_text: What is true about this code? + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C + 2: + question_text: Which output is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - option: I love pizza + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_score: '10' + 3: + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: dogs are lovely pets + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + - feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1062,6 +2015,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1075,6 +2031,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1102,6 +2063,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1110,6 +2075,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + hint: Use the variable 'people' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1126,6 +2103,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + correct_answer: C + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1157,6 +2139,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 6: + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: 1 time + - option: 2 times + feedback: No + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - feedback: No + option: Never + correct_answer: C + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + question_score: '10' + 9: + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - option: Never + feedback: Try again + - option: That depends on how old you are + feedback: That's right! + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + 3: + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + feedback: Perfect! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + correct_answer: D + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1175,6 +2221,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Both lines are printed! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1201,6 +2251,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1214,12 +2268,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1233,6 +2304,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + question_score: '10' + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1246,6 +2330,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + feedback: Excellent! + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1258,6 +2354,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1280,6 +2389,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1306,6 +2420,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1326,6 +2443,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1358,6 +2478,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + correct_answer: C + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1373,6 +2497,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1391,6 +2519,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1402,10 +2533,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + correct_answer: A + hint: Paper beats rock + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + question_score: '10' + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1419,6 +2567,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1433,6 +2594,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + question_text: Which statement is false? + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + feedback: Great job! + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1447,6 +2621,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1484,6 +2671,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1508,6 +2699,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + correct_answer: B 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1518,6 +2713,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + hint: The symbols are right + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1526,6 +2734,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`> 12`' + feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + correct_answer: B 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1534,6 +2755,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + hint: "!= means 'is not'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1543,6 +2777,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 or more + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "'player 1 wins'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + 7: + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1550,11 +2886,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{range}`' 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1575,6 +2936,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + correct_answer: D 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1594,6 +2959,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + correct_answer: C + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + question_score: '10' + hint: wetness should get less each time 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1611,6 +2980,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1622,8 +2994,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + question_score: '10' + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: False! + option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + - feedback: Great job + option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + - feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1642,6 +3031,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1652,6 +3045,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + question_score: '10' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1659,12 +3071,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + correct_answer: D + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: No, it is not random. + option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1675,6 +3113,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1685,3 +3128,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + correct_answer: D + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + feedback: This is the old way. + - feedback: The order is wrong. + option: '`[{random} snack]`' + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + question_score: '10' + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + hint: We no longer use {at} + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + correct_answer: C + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - feedback: No, the code is correct. + option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + feedback: That is not right. + - option: Line 3 should start with indentation + feedback: It should not! + - option: Line 4 should start without indentation + feedback: It should not + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not right + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: This is not going to work! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + correct_answer: B + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: It will be repeated twice + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + 17: + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + question_score: '10' + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + correct_answer: D + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + correct_answer: C + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: D + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Amazing! + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + 1: + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is the output of this code? + 7: + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: Try again! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C + 8: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - feedback: Nope. + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" diff --git a/content/quizzes/ia.yaml b/content/quizzes/ia.yaml index 19d7ca231d5..cee66cf2f25 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/ia.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/ia.yaml @@ -10,6 +10,145 @@ levels: feedback: '`{is}` is used to make a list' - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What command(s) do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + correct_answer: D + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - option: Nothing, this code is perfect + feedback: That's right! + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + correct_answer: D + 7: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + feedback: Correct! + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + hint: The variable name is prices + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No that's not right + option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + - feedback: Correct + option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + option: Nothing! This code is great! + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + - option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + code: "colors {is} blue, purple, green\nchosen_color {is} {ask} Which hair color wouldn't you like to have?\n{remove} chosen_color {from} colors\n{print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random}" + correct_answer: C + hint: Look at line 4 + 10: + correct_answer: A + code: "walkers {is} dad, mom, Sam, Petra\nwalked_yesterday {is} {ask} Who walked the dogs yesterday?\n{print} walked_yesterday shouldn't have to walk the dogs again today\n_\n{print} walkers {at} {random} , it's your turn to walk the dogs!" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {from} walkers\n```" + feedback: Super! + - option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + feedback: '`{remove} {from}` or `{add} {to}`, not `{remove} {to}`' + - option: "```\n{remove} walkers {from} yesterday\n```" + feedback: yesterday is not a variable + - feedback: This increased the chance that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. + option: "```\n{add} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + hint: The person who walked the dogs yesterday should be removed from the list. + question_text: What should be on the _? + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + correct_answer: C + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - option: sea salt + feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + - option: paprika + feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + - feedback: That's right! + option: sour cream + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + 2: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' + feedback: Good job! + - option: Line 1 needs to start with `{print}`. + feedback: No, you don't need `{print}` + - feedback: animals is correct. + option: Line 2 needs to say 'animal' instead of 'animals' + - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' + feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 11: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -24,6 +163,146 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: '`{for}`' feedback: 'No' + question_text: What word should be at the place of the blank? + code: "{for} i {in} _ 1 {to} 10\n {print} i" + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 4: + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} i\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy prints the numbers from 0 to 10 instead of 10 to 0. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} -1 * i\n```" + feedback: Hedy would print negative numbers in this case. + - feedback: Unfortunately this does not exist. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 10 {to} 0\n {print} i\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} 10 - i\n```" + feedback: That's right! + hint: It has to be a calculation… + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The numbers don't appear. It doesn't say `{print}` i. + option: "```\n23\n24\n25\n```" + - option: "```\n23 hi 24 hi 25 hi\n```" + feedback: The numbers don't appear. It doesn't say `{print}` i + - feedback: Correct + option: "```\nhi\nhi\nhi\n```" + - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. + feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + feedback: No it doesn't. + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + question_text: What should be on the place of the blank? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys diner'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people will be eating here tonight?'\n_\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to order?'\n {print} food" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Use the variable 'people' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n1\n2\n3\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n1 2 3\n```" + - option: "```\n1, 2, 3\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n123\n```" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + correct_answer: A + 6: + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - option: 2 times + feedback: No + - option: 3 times + feedback: That's right! + - option: Never + feedback: No + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + correct_answer: D + 10: + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n {print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: Mind the indentation + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n{print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n{print} Baby shark\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n {print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the indentation + correct_answer: B 12: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -51,6 +330,10 @@ levels: {print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -64,11 +347,35 @@ levels: {if} drinks = 'yes' ??? {print} 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + feedback: Excellent! + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- ??? {print} 'You won ' prizes {at} {random} '!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nprizes = 'one' 'million' 'dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + feedback: You won nothing + - option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars, nothing'\n```" + feedback: You won nothing + - option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + feedback: Winner! + - option: "```\n'prizes' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + feedback: You won nothing + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -80,6 +387,108 @@ levels: {print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it' {print} 'if youre happy and you know it' {print} action + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + - option: "```\n{for} action {in} actions\n```" + feedback: You are amazing! + - option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n```" + feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + - feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + option: "```\n{print} actions {at} {random}\n```" + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 5: + correct_answer: B + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} 'Agent007'\n a {is} 'Go to the airport '\nelse\n a {is} 'Go to the train station '\npassword {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} 'TOPSECRET'\n b {is} 'tomorrow at 02.00'\n{else}\n b {is} 'today at 10.00'\n{print} a + b" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + question_score: '10' + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + 1: + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "{print} 'three and a half plus one and a half is...'\n{print} 3.5 + 1.5" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Don't forget the first line of code! + option: '5' + - feedback: This is not the one! + option: 3.5 + 1.5 + - option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\nfive" + feedback: Take a close look at the second line... + - option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\n5" + feedback: Great job! + hint: Both lines are printed! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: The name of the variable is different in line 1 than in line 2. + - feedback: That's not true + option: The quotation marks aren't used correctly in line 2 + - option: You can't use the = sign when using an {ask} command + feedback: That's not true + - option: Nothing is wrong. + feedback: That's not true + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "favorite_animal = {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{print} 'I like ' favoriteanimal ' too!'" + 4: + code: "{print} Welcome to the online shoe shop\ncategory = {ask} What kind of shoes are you looking for?\n{if} category = high heels\n {print} High heels are 50% off now!" + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 and 2 + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - option: All of the lines + feedback: Perfect! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + 7: + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + code: "menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes'\n{print} \"It's my birthday! I`ve brought some snacks!\"\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'gluten free'\n {remove} 'cookies' {from} menu\n{if} diet = 'vegan'\n {remove} 'cheese' {from} menu\n{print} 'For you I have brought: '\n{for} snack {in} menu\n {print} snack" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 8: + code: '3.5' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{print} '7 / 2'\n```" + - feedback: That is right! + option: "```\n{print} 7 / 2\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 7 : 2\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{print} 7 * 2\n```" + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 15: 4: mp_choice_options: @@ -91,6 +500,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{print} 'Throw 6 as fast as you can!'\nthrown = 0\ntries = 0\n{while} thrown == 6\n thrown = options {at} {random}\n {print} 'You threw ' thrown\n tries = tries + 1\n{print} 'Yes! You have thrown 6 in ' tries ' tries.'" + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: = wetness @@ -101,6 +515,11 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + hint: wetness should get less each time + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + code: "wetness = 10\n{while} wetness != 0\n {print} 'Your hair is still wet, hair dryer on!'\n {sleep} 1\n {clear}\n wetness _\n\n{print} 'All dry!'" 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '{while} should be {if}' @@ -111,6 +530,11 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "lives = 100\n {while} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: mp_choice_options: - option: '... change the first {if} into a {while}' @@ -121,6 +545,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + question_text: How should this program be changed so that it works? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Nothing. 1600 is not programmed into the app. @@ -131,6 +560,11 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "calories = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?'\n {while} calories <= 1000\n {print} 'You could eat some more'\n {while} calories > 1000 {and} calories =< 2000\n {print} 'That is alright'\n {while} calories > 2000\n {print} 'You have had enough for today'" + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -141,6 +575,70 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + question_score: '10' + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blank? + code: "_ age < 18\n {print} 'you are not allowed in this bar'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + 1: + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + option: '`==`' + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: Correct + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_score: '10' + code: "answer = 0\n{while} answer _ 'Amsterdam'\n answer = {ask} 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?'\n{print} 'You have given the correct answer'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - feedback: A quotation mark is missing + option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + correct_answer: C + 8: + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + hint: The block after the {while} command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? 16: 2: code: |- @@ -148,12 +646,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + feedback: Mind the spacing. + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -164,6 +688,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -174,3 +703,1888 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + 8: + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not right + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + 7: + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + feedback: That is not right. + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 1: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - feedback: The order is wrong. + option: '`[{random} snack]`' + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + hint: We no longer use {at} + 6: + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_text: Which statement is true? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + 13: + 6: + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Let me guess which family member you are!'\nglasses = {ask} 'Do you wear glasses?'\nfemale = {ask} 'Are you female?'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Sophie!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Marleen!'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Wouter!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Michael!'" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} birthday {and} song = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Almost there + - option: "```\n{if} birthday = 'yes' {and} name = 'Hedy'\n```" + feedback: Hedy only sings for you if you like to hear a song + - option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {and} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Super! + - option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {or} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsong = {ask} 'Whould you like to hear a song?'\nbirthday = {ask} 'Is today your birthday?'\n???\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday dear ' name\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{and}`' + feedback: You don't have to be vegan and muslim + - feedback: Great thinking! + option: '`{or}`' + - option: '`+`' + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: '`{print}`' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies'\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'vegan' ??? diet = 'halal'\n {remove} 'sausage rolls' {from} menu" + 7: + question_text: Which statement is false? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - feedback: This is true + option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets'\n{print} 'Here is a program to help feed them'\nanimal = {ask} 'What kind of animal are they?'\ncolor = {ask} 'What colour are they?'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'grey'\n {print} 'That is Abby. She eats 3 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'orange'\n {print} 'That is Milo. He eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'bird' {or} color = 'black'\n {print} 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today'\n{if} animal = 'hamster' {and} color = 'brown'\n {print} 'You can feed them a piece of carrot'" + 10: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There are no items that are both the list of snacks and the list of drinks + option: '`{and}`' + - option: '`{or}`' + feedback: Great job! + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: '`{if}`' + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt'\nitem = {ask} 'What product are you looking for?'\nbakery = 'bread', 'buns', 'muffins'\ndrinks = 'soda', 'water', 'lemonade'\nsnacks = 'chips', 'nuts', 'dips'\nfrozen = 'fries', 'icecream', 'pizza'\nfruit = 'bananas', 'apples', 'oranges'\n{if} item {in} snacks ??? item {in} drinks\n {print} 'This item is in aisle 3'\n{if} item {in} bakery {or} item {in} bakery\n {print} 'This item in in the back of the store'\n{if} item {in} fruit\n {print} 'The fruit is sold near the register'" + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: "Line 3 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + - option: "Line 3 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + - option: "Line 5 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + - feedback: This is not what I ordered! + option: "Line 7 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "1 chocolate = {ask} 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?'\n2 sprinkles = {ask} 'Would you like sprinkles on your ice cream?'\n3 {if} chocolate {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n4 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce and sprinkles, coming up!'\n5 {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n6 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce, coming up!'\n7 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n8 {print} 'Ice cream with sprinkles, coming up'\n9 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n10 {print} 'Just plain icecream, coming up!'" + correct_answer: A + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You get a free apple pie! + feedback: Great job! + - option: That will be 5 dollars please + feedback: That is not true + - option: This code won't work, so there is no output + feedback: There is nothing wrong with the code + - feedback: There is! Read the question carefully + option: There is no way of knowing + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + code: "member = {ask} 'Do you have a membership card?'\ndiscount = {ask} 'Do you have a discount code?'\n{if} member = 'yes' {or} discount = 'yes'\n {print} 'You get a free apple pie!'\n{else}\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'" + hint: Mind the command `{or}` in line 3 + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'you win'\n```" + feedback: You win! + - feedback: You lose! + option: "```\n{print} 'you lose'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'tie'\n```" + feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same + - option: "```\n{print} 'try again'\n```" + feedback: Try again! + code: "{if} computer_choice {is} 'rock' {and} your_choice {is} 'paper'" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + hint: Paper beats rock + 5: + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + code: "{if} name = 'Cinderella' {and} shoe_size = 38\n {print} 'You are my one true love!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 8: + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have paid too much! + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the movie theater'\npopcorn = {ask} 'Would you like some popcorn?'\ndrink = {ask} 'Would you like a drink?'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 8 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 3 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'Ok'\n{print} 'Enjoy the movie'" + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + 2: + 8: + hint: The variable name should come first + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - feedback: You get it! + option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + question_score: '10' + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + correct_answer: C + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + feedback: Right on! + - option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + feedback: She is not replaced with the name + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + question_text: Which code is correct? + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - feedback: Great! + option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + correct_answer: B + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + 5: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: It slows down your computer + feedback: fortunately not! + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + question_score: '10' + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + correct_answer: D + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_score: '10' + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + feedback: That's right! + code: "flavor {is} _\n{print} Your favorite icecream is...\n{sleep}\n{print} flavor" + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + feedback: Perfect! + - option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + code: "{print} I will explode in 3 seconds!\n_\n{print} BOOM!" + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{sleep}`' + feedback: Perfect! + - option: '`{echo}`' + feedback: There is nothing to repeat back here + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: There is no text there to `{print}` there + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: There is no question there to be asked + question_text: What should be on the lines? + code: "{print} And the award for best programming language goes to...\n_\n{print} Hedy!" + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can use the `{print}` command to ask questions. + feedback: That is what `{ask}` is for + - option: You can use the `{ask}` command to echo answers. + feedback: That is not true + - option: With the `{print}` command you can make text appear + feedback: Good + - option: With the `{sleep}` command, you can remove text from the screen. + feedback: That's not how `{sleep}` works. + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: '`{print}` still works the same way as in level 1' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 8: + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - option: Only line 3 + feedback: Not only 3... + - feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + correct_answer: D + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + question_score: '10' + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - feedback: Super! + option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + correct_answer: C + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: You are correct! + option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines and start with 4 spaces. + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: It is! + option: '`{else}` is not a command!' + - feedback: That's not true + option: Lines that start with `{if}` should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + 8: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are... right! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + question_score: '10' + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + 2: + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it should be 2 lines. + option: This should be only one line, not 2. + - option: This `{print}` command has to be removed. + feedback: No, you need it. + - feedback: No, `{repeat}` is the correct spelling + option: There is a spelling mistake in the `{repeat}` command. + - option: The second line needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation. + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - feedback: The last line has no indentation, so it's not repeated. + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + - feedback: Right! + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + - option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark\nBaby shark" + feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't ? + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_score: '10' + hint: What is being repeated and what is not? + correct_answer: C + 4: + question_text: Which output is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: This order is incorrect. + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: The last line is repeated too. + code: "{print} 'The children went:'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Yay!'\n {print} 'We are going on vacation!'" + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 7: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n{if} food {is} fries\nsauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n{if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Something is wrong! + option: Nothing. This code is correct! + - feedback: You are! + option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + - feedback: You always have to use indentation. + option: You don't have to use indentation twice. Only in the first `{if}` command. + - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. + feedback: That's right. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + 9: + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: Don't forget the others + - feedback: Don't forget `{else}`! + option: '`{if}` `{repeat}`' + - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}`' + feedback: Keep it up! + - feedback: Not with `{print}` + option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + 4: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, she gets 'You are not the one!' + option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output '❤️❤️❤️' + feedback: No, she gets 'Ill keep looking' + - option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 40 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: No she gets '❤️❤️❤️' + option: Cinderella with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsize = {ask} 'What is your shoe size?'\n{if} size {is} 38\n {if} name {is} Cinderella\n {print} '❤️❤️❤️'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are not the one!'\n{else}\n {print} 'Ill keep looking'" + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + correct_answer: C + 1: + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Nothing, this code is correct! + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: You are! + option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + - feedback: You always have to use indentation. + option: You don't have to use indentation twice. + - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. + feedback: It is not the indentation. + hint: All the indentation is done correctly. + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n {if} food {is} fries\n sauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n {if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + 3: + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + code: "{print} 'Choose the right case and win!'\ncase = {ask} 'Which case will you pick? 1 or 2?'\n{if} case {is} 1\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell your case for 10 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win an apple pie'\n{if} case {is} 2\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Only line 2 and 3 start with spaces + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Line 3 should start with 8 + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 8 spaces + feedback: Line 2 should start with 4 + - option: line 2 should start with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 + feedback: You are correct! + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "1 {repeat} 2 {times}\n2 {if} level {is} 9\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + hint: The first line doesn't start with any spaces + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 2: + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - option: "```\nThe computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + - option: "```\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + 5: + question_text: Which code produced this output? + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: Don't forget the indentation after `{repeat}` commands. + - feedback: Use indentation after an `{if}` command + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n dessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n {if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + hint: Watch the indentation + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 7: + code: "{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\nprice = price - 5" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: The second `{if}` misses code! + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: Two consecutive `{if}`s is never correct. + - feedback: Almost right. Take another look at the last line + option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + question_text: You'll get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.
But the code has a mistake! How to debug it? + question_score: '10' + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + correct_answer: A + 8: + code: "age = {ask} 'Happy Birthday! How old are you?'\nsinging = {ask} 'Would you like us to sing?'\n{if} singing {is} yes\n {repeat} years {times}\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hooray'" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't put two questions in a row + feedback: Yes you can. + - option: The variable called 'age' is later on used as 'years' + feedback: Keen eye! Good job! + - option: You're not allowed to start with 8 spaces, like line 5 does + feedback: You actually must start like that. + - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line + feedback: That's not true. + correct_answer: B + hint: The indentation is done right this time + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + mp_choice_options: + - option: None, that is not allowed + feedback: You are allowed to + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: Only 1 + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + 7: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No you can repeat a line. + option: '0' + - option: '1' + feedback: Correct, one line at a time + - option: '3' + feedback: In this level only one line at a time + - option: infinite + feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + hint: You can only repeat one line at a time + correct_answer: B + 8: + question_score: '10' + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: Awesome, you can't use the `{repeat}` command here. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'" + feedback: Where did you leave 'Do do do do'? + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + correct_answer: A + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: That's right! + question_text: Which code is right? + hint: First the `{repeat}` command, then the `{print}` command + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Your repeated line is incorrect. + option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham. '\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{print} 'Help!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + feedback: The `{print}` command is missing on line 3. + - option: "```\n{print} Batman was flying through Gotham.\n{print} When suddenly he heard someone screaming!\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} Help!\n{print} Please help me!\n```" + feedback: You're missing the quotation marks + - option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + correct_answer: D + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + question_score: '10' + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nWe will We will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + feedback: "'We will' won't appear twice in the same line" + - option: "```\nWe will\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + feedback: Great! + - option: "```\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + feedback: ROCK YOU! won't be repeated + - option: "```\nWe will\nROCK YOU!" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + correct_answer: D + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nthe wheels on the bus go\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nround and round\nround and round\n```" + feedback: All through the town! Perfect! + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + 10: + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost! the first line needs an extra word + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: This is not in the right order. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 4 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'clap your hands'\n{print} 'and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'clap your hands'\n```" + feedback: This is not in the right order. + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + hint: The code is correct! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "`I'm`" + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: '`{print}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{print}`' + - option: '`{repeat}`' + feedback: '`{repeat}` is spelled correctly' + - feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{times}`' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes in a sentence + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 1: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy + feedback: Good job! + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - option: Haydie + feedback: Not this one! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heidi + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's this programming language called? + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + question_score: '10' + 6: + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 5: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, you would like the answer to be repeated back to you. + option: '`{print}`' + - option: '`Hedy`' + feedback: Hedy isn't a command. + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: With `{ask}` you can ask a question. + - feedback: Right on! + option: '`{echo}`' + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} What is your favorite pet?\n_ So your favorite pet is..." + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + 7: + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Correct! + hint: Check the code line by line + question_score: '10' + 2: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{echo}`' + feedback: '`{echo}` repeats a given answer.' + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: Correct! + - option: '`hello`' + feedback: Hello isn't a command. + - feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. + option: '`{ask}`' + code: _ Hello! + question_text: Which need to be filled in on the blanks to make the text Hello! appear? + correct_answer: B + hint: _ Hello world! + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's what `{ask}` is for! + option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. + - option: You can use it exactly the same way as `{print}`. + feedback: That's what `{print}` is for! + - option: You can use it to repeat an answer. + feedback: Good job! + - option: You can use it to make text disappear. + feedback: That's not right... + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' + - option: The command in line 2 is spelled wrong. + feedback: The command is spelled correctly. + - option: "`{echo}` isn't a command." + feedback: "`{echo}` is a command, there's another mistake." + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + 10: + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output will be in your output screen after you've run this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Are you ready to go to level 2? + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + - feedback: Great job! + option: "Yes!\nYes!" + - option: Yes! + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + - option: "Are you ready to go to level 2?\nYes!" + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + hint: Let's go! + correct_answer: B + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + 3: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: You only need one command, not two. + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + correct_answer: C + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + 9: + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: Super! + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 5: + 7: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: '`{if}` is in the line above.' + - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' + feedback: No, you don't need `{at} {random}`. + - feedback: There already is an `{else}` command + option: '`{else}`' + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: Awesome! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which word should be in the place of the blank? + code: "{print} 'I can predict if you will be a millionair or not!'\nname {is} {ask} 'Whats your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'You will be a millionair!'\n{else} _ 'Unfortunately... No big money for you.'" + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfavorite animal\n```" + feedback: That's not the variable name. + - option: "```\nanimal\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: '`{if}` is already there' + - feedback: No, that's not it. + option: '`{print}`' + hint: What the variable name? + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank? + code: "animal {is} {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{if} _ {is} penguin {print} 'Thats my favorite animal too!'\n{else} {print} 'Cool! I like penguins.'" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 2: + question_score: '10' + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + mp_choice_options: + - option: fun + feedback: That's right! + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A + 10: + correct_answer: A + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - option: vampire + feedback: Not always... + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - option: giant spider + feedback: Not always... + question_score: '10' + 1: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: There already is a `{print}` command. + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: The `{if}` command is used in the line above. + - option: '`{sleep}`' + feedback: That's not it! + - option: '`{else}`' + feedback: That's right! + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the _? + code: "number {is} {ask} 'What is your lucky number?'\n{if} number {is} 5 {print} 'Mine too!'\n_ {print} 'My lucky number is 5!'" + hint: Which one goes together with the `{if}` command? + correct_answer: D + 3: + question_text: What is the right password? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct! + feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + - option: SECRET + feedback: That's right!' + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - option: ALARM INTRUDER + feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + correct_answer: B + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: "`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` 'Correct!'" + 6: + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank in the last line? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{else}\n```" + feedback: Great! + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the football fortune teller!'\n{print} 'I will predict what place your team will end up!'\nclub is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?'\n{if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!'\n_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...'" + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '1' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + - option: '2' + feedback: Super! You escaped! + - option: '3' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + 5: + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + question_score: '10' + 4: + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 6: + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can only fill in the word is on the `_` + feedback: You are allowed to use the `=` sign as well + - option: You can fill in either the word is or the `=` sign on the `_` + feedback: Amazing! + - option: You have to fill in =is= on the `_` + feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough + - feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "name _ Hedy\n{print} name 'is walking trough the forrest'" + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + question_score: '10' + 3: + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - option: 3*10 + feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - option: 10 dollars + feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: The * means multiplication. + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_text: How much does a hamburger cost in this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: Super! + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - option: 21 dollars + feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`-`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + question_score: '10' + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '20' + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - option: 2*10 + feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + - option: '210' + feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + correct_answer: C + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_score: '10' + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - option: '10' + feedback: Please try again. + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + 8: + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + correct_answer: B + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + question_score: '10' + 9: + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - option: 32% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + 14: + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - option: '`>= 12`' + feedback: Great! + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + correct_answer: B + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nticket = {ask} 'Do you have a ticket?'\n{if} age _ {and} ticket == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!'" + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + 7: + hint: The last one should say you win. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + feedback: There are. + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + 3: + feedback: That's not it + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 0 times + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 1 time + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + code: "lives = 2\n{repeat} 10 {times}\n {if} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: 1 or more + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - option: 9 or more + feedback: Great! + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + code: "chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?'\n {if} chocolate <= 2\n {print} 'That is a healthy amount'\n {if} chocolate > 2 {and} chocolate =< 8\n {print} 'That is a bit much'\n {if} chocolate > 8\n {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!'" + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "'player 1 wins'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: Yes! + option: "'player 2 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - option: "'It is a tie'" + feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + hint: You win the game by having the most points + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + feedback: No that's not it + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The symbols are right + code: "price = 10\nmoney = {ask} How much money do you have?\nbuy = {ask} 'Would you like to buy this teddy bear?'\n{if} money >= price {and} buy == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can buy the bear!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!'" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 10: + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + correct_answer: C + 7: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + feedback: You are on fire! + - option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_text: What line should be on the `_` in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? + code: "names = Ron, Leslie, April, Andy\nfood = pasta, fries, salad\n_\n {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner'" + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + correct_answer: A + 3: + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - option: choice + feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + - feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + option: dice + question_text: What word should be on the `_` with these digital dice? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the digital dice!'\nplayers = Ann, John, Jesse\nchoices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' throws ' _ {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program? + code: "courses = appetizer, main course, dessert\nnames = Timon, Onno\n{for} name {in} names\n {for} course {in} courses\n food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?'\n {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course" + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 1: + correct_answer: B + question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_` if we want to print each compliment? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + code: "compliments = perfect, great job, amazing\n_\n {print} compliment" + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nKelly chooses rock\n```" + feedback: Meredith wants to play too! + - option: "```\nMeredith chooses scissors\nKelly chooses rock\n```" + feedback: So close! But Kelly is first in the list, so she goes first + - feedback: Kelly wants to play too! + option: "```\nMeredith chooses paper\n```" + - option: "```\nKelly chooses paper\nMeredith chooses scissors\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + question_score: '10' + 8: + code: "names = Donna, Tommy, Ben\ncolors = blue, red, purple\n{for} name {in} names\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be on the `_` in this code that decides which color shirt you get? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\n'name gets a color shirt'\n```" + - option: "```\nname 'gets a ' colors {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + feedback: Great job! This was a hard one! + - feedback: You want each name printed. So the first word should not be names but... + option: "```\nnames 'gets a ' color {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + - option: "```\npeople ' gets a colors shirt'\n```" + feedback: There is no variable named people.. + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' + 10: + question_text: What is true about this code? + code: "prizes = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich\nnames = Bob, Patrick, Sandy, Larry\n{for} prize {in} prizes\n {print} 'The ' prize ' is won by ' names {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Everybody will always win a prize. + feedback: That is not true, you could end up without a prize. + - option: All the prizes always go to one single person. + feedback: That is not true. All the prizes are given away, but to random people + - feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others + option: Larry will never win a prize + - option: Someone might win two prizes + feedback: You get it! + correct_answer: D + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + 17: + 7: + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + correct_answer: C + 1: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 10: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + 2: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + 3: + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 6: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Amazing! + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + 8: + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 4: + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n'{print} options {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Never put the quotation mark in front of the `{print}` command. + - option: "```\n{print} 'options' {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: options is a variable. You don't literally want to print 'options {at} {random}'. + - feedback: That's right + option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + - option: Nothing, the game already works! + feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + correct_answer: C + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + option: Ajax is going to win the champions league + - feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + option: Real Madrid is going to win the champions league + - option: Bayern Munchen is going to win the champions league + feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + - feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} Hi Im Hedy\n```" + feedback: Add quotation marks please! + - option: "```\n{print} 'Hi Im Hedy\n```" + feedback: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + - feedback: The first quotation mark should be behind the word `{print}` + option: "```\n'{print} Hi Im Hedy'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'Hi Im Hedy'\n```" + feedback: Perfect! + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + correct_answer: D + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_score: '10' + 8: + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + question_score: '10' + 10: + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + 6: + correct_answer: A + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You get it! + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + question_score: '10' + hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?' + 4: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right + option: "```\n{print} 'Im very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + - feedback: '{print} now needs quotation marks!' + option: "```\n{print} Im very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + feedback: do not use apostrophe or use backticks instead + - option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + feedback: careful when using quotes and apostrophe + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This quotation mark is skewed, you need a straight one. + option: "```\n{print} `hello`\n```" + - feedback: Correct + option: "```\n{print} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} hello\n```" + feedback: There are no quotation marks here! + - option: "```\n{print} ,hello,\n```" + feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + question_score: '10' + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + correct_answer: B + 7: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' diff --git a/content/quizzes/iba.yaml b/content/quizzes/iba.yaml index 7be8c4f2a2a..36bfc8c9311 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/iba.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/iba.yaml @@ -10,6 +10,145 @@ levels: feedback: '`{is}` is used to make a list' - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' feedback: Correct! + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What command(s) do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + hint: The variable name is prices + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + correct_answer: D + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + correct_answer: C + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + question_score: '10' + 8: + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the output of this code? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + code: "colors {is} blue, purple, green\nchosen_color {is} {ask} Which hair color wouldn't you like to have?\n{remove} chosen_color {from} colors\n{print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random}" + hint: Look at line 4 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {from} walkers\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: '`{remove} {from}` or `{add} {to}`, not `{remove} {to}`' + option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + - option: "```\n{remove} walkers {from} yesterday\n```" + feedback: yesterday is not a variable + - feedback: This increased the chance that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. + option: "```\n{add} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + question_text: What should be on the _? + hint: The person who walked the dogs yesterday should be removed from the list. + code: "walkers {is} dad, mom, Sam, Petra\nwalked_yesterday {is} {ask} Who walked the dogs yesterday?\n{print} walked_yesterday shouldn't have to walk the dogs again today\n_\n{print} walkers {at} {random} , it's your turn to walk the dogs!" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 2: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Good job! + option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' + - feedback: No, you don't need `{print}` + option: Line 1 needs to start with `{print}`. + - feedback: animals is correct. + option: Line 2 needs to say 'animal' instead of 'animals' + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' + correct_answer: A + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? 16: 10: code: |- @@ -21,6 +160,154 @@ levels: {for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people {add} i {to} list_of_raffle_numbers {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + 2: + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + code: "friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee']\nchores = ['the cooking', 'the cleaning', 'nothing']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} _" + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + hint: It's not random... + code: "friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee']\nchore = ['the cooking', 'the cleaning', 'nothing']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i]" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The variable in line 4 should be `friend[i]`, not `friends[i]` + feedback: That is not right. + - option: Line 3 should say `in range 1 to 3` not `in range 0 to 3` + feedback: Good catch! + - feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. + option: Line 4 should say 'lucky_number', not 'lucky number + - feedback: That's not it + option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 5: + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh']\n```" + feedback: Mind the variable name and the order of the sounds. + - feedback: Look at line one to see how brackets are supposed to be used. + option: "```\n sounds = '[woof], [moo], [neigh]'\n```" + - feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! + option: "```\n sounds = [woof, moo, neigh]\n```" + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\n sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh']\n```" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + 6: + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + correct_answer: B + 9: + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 17: 6: code: |- @@ -33,3 +320,2241 @@ levels: {print} 'Access denied' {else}: {print} 'Go fish' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 1: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + question_score: '10' + 3: + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 8: + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: C + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + question_score: '10' + 4: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 2: + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 7: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + correct_answer: C + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C + 1: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy + feedback: Good job! + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Haydie + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heidi + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's this programming language called? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats a given answer.' + option: '`{echo}`' + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: Correct! + - option: '`hello`' + feedback: Hello isn't a command. + - feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. + option: '`{ask}`' + code: _ Hello! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: _ Hello world! + question_text: Which need to be filled in on the blanks to make the text Hello! appear? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + - option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: You only need one command, not two. + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + 4: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' + - option: The command in line 2 is spelled wrong. + feedback: The command is spelled correctly. + - option: "`{echo}` isn't a command." + feedback: "`{echo}` is a command, there's another mistake." + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 6: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 5: + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} What is your favorite pet?\n_ So your favorite pet is..." + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, you would like the answer to be repeated back to you. + option: '`{print}`' + - option: '`Hedy`' + feedback: Hedy isn't a command. + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: With `{ask}` you can ask a question. + - feedback: Right on! + option: '`{echo}`' + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + 7: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + hint: Check the code line by line + 8: + correct_answer: C + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. + feedback: That's what `{ask}` is for! + - feedback: That's what `{print}` is for! + option: You can use it exactly the same way as `{print}`. + - feedback: Good job! + option: You can use it to repeat an answer. + - feedback: That's not right... + option: You can use it to make text disappear. + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 10: + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Are you ready to go to level 2? + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + - feedback: Great job! + option: "Yes!\nYes!" + - option: Yes! + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + - option: "Are you ready to go to level 2?\nYes!" + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + question_text: Which output will be in your output screen after you've run this code? + correct_answer: B + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' + 13: + 10: + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There are no items that are both the list of snacks and the list of drinks + option: '`{and}`' + - feedback: Great job! + option: '`{or}`' + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: '`{if}`' + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt'\nitem = {ask} 'What product are you looking for?'\nbakery = 'bread', 'buns', 'muffins'\ndrinks = 'soda', 'water', 'lemonade'\nsnacks = 'chips', 'nuts', 'dips'\nfrozen = 'fries', 'icecream', 'pizza'\nfruit = 'bananas', 'apples', 'oranges'\n{if} item {in} snacks ??? item {in} drinks\n {print} 'This item is in aisle 3'\n{if} item {in} bakery {or} item {in} bakery\n {print} 'This item in in the back of the store'\n{if} item {in} fruit\n {print} 'The fruit is sold near the register'" + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + 1: + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there + option: "```\n{if} birthday {and} song = 'yes'\n```" + - feedback: Hedy only sings for you if you like to hear a song + option: "```\n{if} birthday = 'yes' {and} name = 'Hedy'\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {and} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {or} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsong = {ask} 'Whould you like to hear a song?'\nbirthday = {ask} 'Is today your birthday?'\n???\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday dear ' name\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{and}`' + feedback: You don't have to be vegan and muslim + - feedback: Great thinking! + option: '`{or}`' + - feedback: No + option: '`+`' + - feedback: No + option: '`{print}`' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + question_score: '10' + code: "menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies'\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'vegan' ??? diet = 'halal'\n {remove} 'sausage rolls' {from} menu" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'you win'\n```" + feedback: You win! + - feedback: You lose! + option: "```\n{print} 'you lose'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'tie'\n```" + feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same + - option: "```\n{print} 'try again'\n```" + feedback: Try again! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Paper beats rock + code: "{if} computer_choice {is} 'rock' {and} your_choice {is} 'paper'" + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + 5: + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + code: "{if} name = 'Cinderella' {and} shoe_size = 38\n {print} 'You are my one true love!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: Michael is a boy with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + code: "{print} 'Let me guess which family member you are!'\nglasses = {ask} 'Do you wear glasses?'\nfemale = {ask} 'Are you female?'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Sophie!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Marleen!'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Wouter!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Michael!'" + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the movie theater'\npopcorn = {ask} 'Would you like some popcorn?'\ndrink = {ask} 'Would you like a drink?'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 8 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 3 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'Ok'\n{print} 'Enjoy the movie'" + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + question_text: Which statement is false? + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets'\n{print} 'Here is a program to help feed them'\nanimal = {ask} 'What kind of animal are they?'\ncolor = {ask} 'What colour are they?'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'grey'\n {print} 'That is Abby. She eats 3 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'orange'\n {print} 'That is Milo. He eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'bird' {or} color = 'black'\n {print} 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today'\n{if} animal = 'hamster' {and} color = 'brown'\n {print} 'You can feed them a piece of carrot'" + 3: + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You get a free apple pie! + feedback: Great job! + - option: That will be 5 dollars please + feedback: That is not true + - option: This code won't work, so there is no output + feedback: There is nothing wrong with the code + - feedback: There is! Read the question carefully + option: There is no way of knowing + code: "member = {ask} 'Do you have a membership card?'\ndiscount = {ask} 'Do you have a discount code?'\n{if} member = 'yes' {or} discount = 'yes'\n {print} 'You get a free apple pie!'\n{else}\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'" + hint: Mind the command `{or}` in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Line 3 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "Line 3 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + - option: "Line 5 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + - option: "Line 7 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "1 chocolate = {ask} 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?'\n2 sprinkles = {ask} 'Would you like sprinkles on your ice cream?'\n3 {if} chocolate {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n4 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce and sprinkles, coming up!'\n5 {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n6 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce, coming up!'\n7 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n8 {print} 'Ice cream with sprinkles, coming up'\n9 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n10 {print} 'Just plain icecream, coming up!'" + correct_answer: A + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + 2: + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + option: Marleen goes to the market. + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + correct_answer: C + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_score: '10' + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + 4: + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + correct_answer: D + 5: + question_score: '10' + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + correct_answer: C + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: '`{sleep}`' + - feedback: There is nothing to repeat back here + option: '`{echo}`' + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: There is no text there to `{print}` there + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: There is no question there to be asked + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + correct_answer: A + question_text: What should be on the lines? + code: "{print} And the award for best programming language goes to...\n_\n{print} Hedy!" + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} I will explode in 3 seconds!\n_\n{print} BOOM!" + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + question_score: '10' + 8: + hint: The variable name should come first + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + correct_answer: C + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + question_score: '10' + code: "flavor {is} _\n{print} Your favorite icecream is...\n{sleep}\n{print} flavor" + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + correct_answer: B + 1: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can use the `{print}` command to ask questions. + feedback: That is what `{ask}` is for + - option: You can use the `{ask}` command to echo answers. + feedback: That is not true + - option: With the `{print}` command you can make text appear + feedback: Good + - option: With the `{sleep}` command, you can remove text from the screen. + feedback: That's not how `{sleep}` works. + hint: '`{print}` still works the same way as in level 1' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + question_text: Which code is correct? + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 4: + 8: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This quotation mark is skewed, you need a straight one. + option: "```\n{print} `hello`\n```" + - feedback: Correct + option: "```\n{print} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} hello\n```" + feedback: There are no quotation marks here! + - option: "```\n{print} ,hello,\n```" + feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + 5: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Never put the quotation mark in front of the `{print}` command. + option: "```\n'{print} options {at} {random}'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'options' {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: options is a variable. You don't literally want to print 'options {at} {random}'. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: That's right + - option: Nothing, the game already works! + feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + question_score: '10' + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right + option: "```\n{print} 'Im very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} Im very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + feedback: '{print} now needs quotation marks!' + - option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + feedback: do not use apostrophe or use backticks instead + - feedback: careful when using quotes and apostrophe + option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} Hi Im Hedy\n```" + feedback: Add quotation marks please! + - feedback: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + option: "```\n{print} 'Hi Im Hedy\n```" + - feedback: The first quotation mark should be behind the word `{print}` + option: "```\n'{print} Hi Im Hedy'\n```" + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{print} 'Hi Im Hedy'\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_score: '10' + 9: + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + option: Ajax is going to win the champions league + - feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + option: Real Madrid is going to win the champions league + - option: Bayern Munchen is going to win the champions league + feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + - feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 5: + 2: + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: fun + feedback: That's right! + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + 3: + question_text: What is the right password? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_score: '10' + hint: "`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` 'Correct!'" + correct_answer: B + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{if}` is in the line above.' + option: '`{if}`' + - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' + feedback: No, you don't need `{at} {random}`. + - feedback: There already is an `{else}` command + option: '`{else}`' + - feedback: Awesome! + option: '`{print}`' + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which word should be in the place of the blank? + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'I can predict if you will be a millionair or not!'\nname {is} {ask} 'Whats your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'You will be a millionair!'\n{else} _ 'Unfortunately... No big money for you.'" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank in the last line? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the football fortune teller!'\n{print} 'I will predict what place your team will end up!'\nclub is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?'\n{if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!'\n_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...'" + 8: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfavorite animal\n```" + feedback: That's not the variable name. + - option: "```\nanimal\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: '`{if}` is already there' + - feedback: No, that's not it. + option: '`{print}`' + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank? + code: "animal {is} {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{if} _ {is} penguin {print} 'Thats my favorite animal too!'\n{else} {print} 'Cool! I like penguins.'" + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + 9: + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + option: '1' + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 10: + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There already is a `{print}` command. + option: '`{print}`' + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: The `{if}` command is used in the line above. + - option: '`{sleep}`' + feedback: That's not it! + - option: '`{else}`' + feedback: That's right! + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the _? + hint: Which one goes together with the `{if}` command? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "number {is} {ask} 'What is your lucky number?'\n{if} number {is} 5 {print} 'Mine too!'\n_ {print} 'My lucky number is 5!'" + 4: + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + 6: + 5: + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 10% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + correct_answer: C + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to use the `=` sign as well + option: You can only fill in the word is on the `_` + - option: You can fill in either the word is or the `=` sign on the `_` + feedback: Amazing! + - option: You have to fill in =is= on the `_` + feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough + - feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "name _ Hedy\n{print} name 'is walking trough the forrest'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + correct_answer: B + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + correct_answer: C + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + question_score: '10' + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D + 3: + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + question_text: How much does a hamburger cost in this virtual restaurant? + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + 7: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No you can repeat a line. + option: '0' + - option: '1' + feedback: Correct, one line at a time + - feedback: In this level only one line at a time + option: '3' + - option: infinite + feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + hint: You can only repeat one line at a time + 2: + question_text: Which code is right? + hint: First the `{repeat}` command, then the `{print}` command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: "`I'm`" + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: '`{print}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{print}`' + - feedback: '`{repeat}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{repeat}`' + - feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{times}`' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes in a sentence + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + hint: The code is correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nthe wheels on the bus go\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nround and round\nround and round\n```" + feedback: All through the town! Perfect! + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + 7: + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nWe will We will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + feedback: "'We will' won't appear twice in the same line" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\nWe will\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + - feedback: ROCK YOU! won't be repeated + option: "```\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + - feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command + option: "```\nWe will\nROCK YOU!" + correct_answer: B + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + question_score: '10' + 8: + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: Awesome, you can't use the `{repeat}` command here. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'" + feedback: Where did you leave 'Do do do do'? + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + correct_answer: A + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Your repeated line is incorrect. + option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham. '\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{print} 'Help!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + feedback: The `{print}` command is missing on line 3. + - feedback: You're missing the quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} Batman was flying through Gotham.\n{print} When suddenly he heard someone screaming!\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} Help!\n{print} Please help me!\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + 10: + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost! the first line needs an extra word + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: This is not in the right order. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 4 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'clap your hands'\n{print} 'and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'clap your hands'\n```" + feedback: This is not in the right order. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 8: + 2: + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it should be 2 lines. + option: This should be only one line, not 2. + - option: This `{print}` command has to be removed. + feedback: No, you need it. + - feedback: No, `{repeat}` is the correct spelling + option: There is a spelling mistake in the `{repeat}` command. + - option: The second line needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation. + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - feedback: The last line has no indentation, so it's not repeated. + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + - feedback: Right! + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + - feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't ? + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark\nBaby shark" + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + hint: What is being repeated and what is not? + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + correct_answer: C + 4: + question_text: Which output is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: This order is incorrect. + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: The last line is repeated too. + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'The children went:'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Yay!'\n {print} 'We are going on vacation!'" + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines and start with 4 spaces. + feedback: That's right! + - option: '`{else}` is not a command!' + feedback: It is! + - feedback: That's not true + option: Lines that start with `{if}` should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' + correct_answer: A + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + question_score: '10' + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + 7: + correct_answer: D + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Nothing. This code is correct! + feedback: Something is wrong! + - option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + feedback: You are! + - feedback: You always have to use indentation. + option: You don't have to use indentation twice. Only in the first `{if}` command. + - feedback: That's right. + option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. + code: "food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n{if} food {is} fries\nsauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n{if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are... right! + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + question_score: '10' + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + correct_answer: C + 9: + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + question_score: '10' + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + correct_answer: D + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + correct_answer: D + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + 9: + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nThe computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...\n```" + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + - option: "```\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + code: "{print} 'Choose the right case and win!'\ncase = {ask} 'Which case will you pick? 1 or 2?'\n{if} case {is} 1\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell your case for 10 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win an apple pie'\n{if} case {is} 2\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!'" + 4: + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + feedback: No, she gets 'You are not the one!' + - feedback: No, she gets 'Ill keep looking' + option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output '❤️❤️❤️' + - feedback: That's right! + option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 40 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + - feedback: No she gets '❤️❤️❤️' + option: Cinderella with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsize = {ask} 'What is your shoe size?'\n{if} size {is} 38\n {if} name {is} Cinderella\n {print} '❤️❤️❤️'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are not the one!'\n{else}\n {print} 'Ill keep looking'" + 5: + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_text: Which code produced this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: Don't forget the indentation after `{repeat}` commands. + - feedback: Use indentation after an `{if}` command + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n dessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n {if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + hint: Watch the indentation + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Don't forget the others + option: '`{if}`' + - feedback: Don't forget `{else}`! + option: '`{if}` `{repeat}`' + - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}`' + feedback: Keep it up! + - feedback: Not with `{print}` + option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + correct_answer: C + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: The second `{if}` misses code! + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: Two consecutive `{if}`s is never correct. + - feedback: Almost right. Take another look at the last line + option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + correct_answer: A + code: "{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\nprice = price - 5" + question_text: You'll get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.
But the code has a mistake! How to debug it? + 8: + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Yes you can. + option: You can't put two questions in a row + - feedback: Keen eye! Good job! + option: The variable called 'age' is later on used as 'years' + - option: You're not allowed to start with 8 spaces, like line 5 does + feedback: You actually must start like that. + - feedback: That's not true. + option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line + correct_answer: B + code: "age = {ask} 'Happy Birthday! How old are you?'\nsinging = {ask} 'Would you like us to sing?'\n{if} singing {is} yes\n {repeat} years {times}\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hooray'" + question_score: '10' + hint: The indentation is done right this time + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Only line 2 and 3 start with spaces + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Line 3 should start with 8 + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 8 spaces + feedback: Line 2 should start with 4 + - feedback: You are correct! + option: line 2 should start with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: The first line doesn't start with any spaces + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "1 {repeat} 2 {times}\n2 {if} level {is} 9\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is correct! + - feedback: You are! + option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + - feedback: You always have to use indentation. + option: You don't have to use indentation twice. + - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. + feedback: It is not the indentation. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n {if} food {is} fries\n sauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n {if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + hint: All the indentation is done correctly. + 9: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + 10: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_` if we want to print each compliment? + correct_answer: B + code: "compliments = perfect, great job, amazing\n_\n {print} compliment" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + 2: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + option: players + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - option: dice + feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What word should be on the `_` with these digital dice? + correct_answer: B + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the digital dice!'\nplayers = Ann, John, Jesse\nchoices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' throws ' _ {at} {random}" + 6: + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nKelly chooses rock\n```" + feedback: Meredith wants to play too! + - option: "```\nMeredith chooses scissors\nKelly chooses rock\n```" + feedback: So close! But Kelly is first in the list, so she goes first + - feedback: Kelly wants to play too! + option: "```\nMeredith chooses paper\n```" + - option: "```\nKelly chooses paper\nMeredith chooses scissors\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What line should be on the `_` in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? + correct_answer: A + code: "names = Ron, Leslie, April, Andy\nfood = pasta, fries, salad\n_\n {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner'" + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\n'name gets a color shirt'\n```" + - option: "```\nname 'gets a ' colors {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + feedback: Great job! This was a hard one! + - feedback: You want each name printed. So the first word should not be names but... + option: "```\nnames 'gets a ' color {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + - feedback: There is no variable named people.. + option: "```\npeople ' gets a colors shirt'\n```" + code: "names = Donna, Tommy, Ben\ncolors = blue, red, purple\n{for} name {in} names\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be on the `_` in this code that decides which color shirt you get? + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' + 9: + code: "courses = appetizer, main course, dessert\nnames = Timon, Onno\n{for} name {in} names\n {for} course {in} courses\n food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?'\n {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program? + correct_answer: A + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not true, you could end up without a prize. + option: Everybody will always win a prize. + - option: All the prizes always go to one single person. + feedback: That is not true. All the prizes are given away, but to random people + - feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others + option: Larry will never win a prize + - feedback: You get it! + option: Someone might win two prizes + question_text: What is true about this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "prizes = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich\nnames = Bob, Patrick, Sandy, Larry\n{for} prize {in} prizes\n {print} 'The ' prize ' is won by ' names {at} {random}" + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + 11: + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + feedback: No it doesn't. + - option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + 6: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + 7: + question_text: What should be on the place of the blank? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys diner'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people will be eating here tonight?'\n_\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to order?'\n {print} food" + hint: Use the variable 'people' + 8: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The numbers don't appear. It doesn't say `{print}` i. + option: "```\n23\n24\n25\n```" + - feedback: The numbers don't appear. It doesn't say `{print}` i + option: "```\n23 hi 24 hi 25 hi\n```" + - feedback: Correct + option: "```\nhi\nhi\nhi\n```" + - feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_score: '10' + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + correct_answer: D + 10: + question_score: '10' + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n {print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: Mind the indentation + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n{print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n{print} Baby shark\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n {print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' + hint: Mind the indentation + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 4: + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} i\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy prints the numbers from 0 to 10 instead of 10 to 0. + - feedback: Hedy would print negative numbers in this case. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} -1 * i\n```" + - feedback: Unfortunately this does not exist. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 10 {to} 0\n {print} i\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} 10 - i\n```" + feedback: That's right! + hint: It has to be a calculation… + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`counter`' + feedback: No + - feedback: Correct + option: '`{range}`' + - feedback: No + option: '`{if}`' + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: No + hint: What did you learn in this level? + code: "{for} i {in} _ 1 {to} 10\n {print} i" + correct_answer: B + question_text: What word should be at the place of the blank? + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + correct_answer: A + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n1\n2\n3\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "```\n1 2 3\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - option: "```\n1, 2, 3\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n123\n```" + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: A + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_score: '10' + 12: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Don't forget the first line of code! + option: '5' + - feedback: This is not the one! + option: 3.5 + 1.5 + - option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\nfive" + feedback: Take a close look at the second line... + - option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\n5" + feedback: Great job! + code: "{print} 'three and a half plus one and a half is...'\n{print} 3.5 + 1.5" + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 2: + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nflavors {is} vanilla, strawberry, chocolate\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + - feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + option: "```\n'flavors = vanilla, strawberry, chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + - option: "```\nflavors = 'vanilla', 'strawberry', 'chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + feedback: Alright! + - feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + option: "```\nflavors = 'vanilla, strawberry, chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The name of the variable is different in line 1 than in line 2. + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: That's not true + option: The quotation marks aren't used correctly in line 2 + - option: You can't use the = sign when using an {ask} command + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Nothing is wrong. + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + code: "favorite_animal = {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{print} 'I like ' favoriteanimal ' too!'" + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 5: + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} 'Agent007'\n a {is} 'Go to the airport '\nelse\n a {is} 'Go to the train station '\npassword {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} 'TOPSECRET'\n b {is} 'tomorrow at 02.00'\n{else}\n b {is} 'today at 10.00'\n{print} a + b" + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_text: Which line should be filled in at the `_`? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to McHedy!'\norder = {ask} 'Would you like a hamburger or fries?'\n{if} order = 'hamburger'\n price = 12\n{if} order = 'fries'\n price = 4\ndrinks = {ask} 'Would you like a drink with that for 2 dollars?'\n{if} drinks = 'yes'\n _\n{print} 'That will be ' price ' dollar please'" + question_score: '10' + 8: + code: '3.5' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{print} '7 / 2'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 7 / 2\n```" + feedback: That is right! + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{print} 7 : 2\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 7 * 2\n```" + feedback: No + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\nprizes = 'one' 'million' 'dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars, nothing'\n```" + - option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + feedback: Winner! + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\n'prizes' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + code: "_\n{print} 'You won ' prizes {at} {random} '!'" + question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the `_`? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + - feedback: You are amazing! + option: "```\n{for} action {in} actions\n```" + - feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} actions {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the `_` to complete the song ? + correct_answer: B + code: "actions = 'clap your hands', 'stomp your feet', 'shout Hurray!'\n_\n {for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n {print} action\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n {print} action" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + code: "{print} Welcome to the online shoe shop\ncategory = {ask} What kind of shoes are you looking for?\n{if} category = high heels\n {print} High heels are 50% off now!" + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + code: "menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes'\n{print} \"It's my birthday! I`ve brought some snacks!\"\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'gluten free'\n {remove} 'cookies' {from} menu\n{if} diet = 'vegan'\n {remove} 'cheese' {from} menu\n{print} 'For you I have brought: '\n{for} snack {in} menu\n {print} snack" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 14: + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + feedback: No that's not it + - option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + feedback: No that's not it + hint: The symbols are right + code: "price = 10\nmoney = {ask} How much money do you have?\nbuy = {ask} 'Would you like to buy this teddy bear?'\n{if} money >= price {and} buy == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can buy the bear!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!'" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nticket = {ask} 'Do you have a ticket?'\n{if} age _ {and} ticket == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + correct_answer: B + 6: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + code: "lives = 2\n{repeat} 10 {times}\n {if} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + 7: + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + feedback: There are. + correct_answer: A + hint: '> means greater than' + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' + 9: + code: "chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?'\n {if} chocolate <= 2\n {print} 'That is a healthy amount'\n {if} chocolate > 2 {and} chocolate =< 8\n {print} 'That is a bit much'\n {if} chocolate > 8\n {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 3: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 15: + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 4: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `==` should be used instead of `=` + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: That's not right + - feedback: That's not it + option: In line 5 `{if}` should have been used instead of `{while}` + - feedback: You are correct + option: In line 5 `!=` should have been used instead of `==` + code: "options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{print} 'Throw 6 as fast as you can!'\nthrown = 0\ntries = 0\n{while} thrown == 6\n thrown = options {at} {random}\n {print} 'You threw ' thrown\n tries = tries + 1\n{print} 'Yes! You have thrown 6 in ' tries ' tries.'" + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You are right + option: '`{while}`' + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + code: "_ age < 18\n {print} 'you are not allowed in this bar'" + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blank? + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + correct_answer: B + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n = wetness\n```" + feedback: That will not change anything + - feedback: You can't have two times = in one line + option: "```\n = wetness = 1\n```" + - option: "```\n = wetness - 1\n```" + feedback: You are correct! + - feedback: The program should count down + option: "```\n = wetness + 1\n```" + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + code: "wetness = 10\n{while} wetness != 0\n {print} 'Your hair is still wet, hair dryer on!'\n {sleep} 1\n {clear}\n wetness _\n\n{print} 'All dry!'" + hint: wetness should get less each time + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{while}` should be`{if}`' + feedback: No that is not right + - feedback: No that is not right + option: '`{if}` should be `{while}`' + - option: Line 3 should start with more indentation + feedback: No that's not right + - feedback: That is correct + option: Line 2 should start with less indentation + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "lives = 100\n {while} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + 7: + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: '... change the first `{if}` into a `{while}`' + feedback: Perfect! + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the second `{if}` into a `{while}`' + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the third `{if}` into a `{while}`' + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the fourth `{if}` into a `{while}`' + question_text: How should this program be changed so that it works? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + hint: The block after the {while} command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Nothing. 1600 is not programmed into the app. + - feedback: No + option: You could eat some more + - option: That is alright + feedback: Yes! + - option: You have eaten enough for today + feedback: No + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "calories = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?'\n {while} calories <= 1000\n {print} 'You could eat some more'\n {while} calories > 1000 {and} calories =< 2000\n {print} 'That is alright'\n {while} calories > 2000\n {print} 'You have had enough for today'" + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_score: '10' + code: "answer = 0\n{while} answer _ 'Amsterdam'\n answer = {ask} 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?'\n{print} 'You have given the correct answer'" + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + 10: + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n name_player_1\n```" + feedback: You are right! + - feedback: No they are losing! + option: "```\n name_player_2\n```" + - feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + option: "```\n points_player_1\n```" + - feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + option: "```\n points_player_2\n```" + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + question_score: '10' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" diff --git a/content/quizzes/id.yaml b/content/quizzes/id.yaml index 3660be44432..8d248b643ce 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/id.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/id.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Heidi feedback: Bukan yang ini! hint: Itu dinamai sesuai dengan Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Yang perlu diisi di tempat kosong agar teks Hello! muncul? code: ___ Hello! @@ -25,6 +27,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: Dengan `{ask}`, kamu bisa bertanya. hint: _ Halo dunia! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Bagaimana cara kamu bertanya warna favorit seseorang? mp_choice_options: @@ -49,6 +53,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{echo}` mengulangi jawaban Anda kembali.' hint: Anda dapat menanyakan sesuatu dengan perintah `{ask}` + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Apa yang salah dengan kode ini? code: |- @@ -65,6 +71,8 @@ levels: - option: Tidak ada apa-apa! Ini adalah kode yang sempurna! feedback: Salah, perhatikan baik-baik! hint: Baris 1 sepertinya tidak benar + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Perintah mana yang hilang di baris 2? code: |- @@ -80,6 +88,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{echo}`' feedback: Right on! hint: Anda ingin melihat jawabannya di akhir baris 2... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: Apa yang salah dengan kode ini? code: |- @@ -97,6 +107,8 @@ levels: - option: Pada baris 4, `{print}` salah dieja. feedback: Tidak, ada kesalahan di tempat lain hint: Periksa perintah `{print}`. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 7: question_text: Apa yang salah dengan kode ini? code: |- @@ -114,6 +126,8 @@ levels: - option: Tidak ada apa-apa! Ini adalah kode yang sempurna! feedback: Benar! hint: Periksa kode baris demi baris + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Bagaimana cara menggunakan perintah `{echo}`? mp_choice_options: @@ -125,6 +139,9 @@ levels: feedback: Kerja bagus! - option: Anda dapat menggunakannya untuk menghilangkan teks. feedback: Itu tidak benar... + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Apa yang salah dengan kode ini? code: |- @@ -141,6 +158,8 @@ levels: - option: Tidak ada apa-apa. Ini adalah kode yang sempurna! feedback: Perhatikan baik-baik kesalahannya... hint: '`{ask}` memungkinkan Anda mengajukan pertanyaan' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: question_text: Output mana yang akan ada di layar output Anda setelah Anda menjalankan kode ini? mp_choice_options: @@ -157,6 +176,9 @@ levels: Yes! feedback: Ada dua perintah `{echo}` hint: Ayo! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" 2: 1: question_text: Pernyataan mana yang benar? @@ -170,6 +192,8 @@ levels: - option: Dengan perintah `{sleep}`, Anda dapat menghapus teks dari layar. feedback: Itu bukan cara kerja `{sleep}`. hint: '`{print}` masih berfungsi dengan cara yang sama seperti di level 1' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Kode mana yang benar? mp_choice_options: @@ -194,6 +218,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Kata-katanya benar, urutannya tidak! hint: '`{ask}` tidak berfungsi seperti di level 1' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: Apa yang muncul di layar keluaran saat Anda menjalankan kode ini? code: |- @@ -209,6 +235,8 @@ levels: - option: Marleen pergi ke pasar dan Marleen membeli sebuah apel. feedback: Dia tidak diganti dengan nama hint: Kata nama diganti dengan Marleen + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Apa yang akan Anda lihat di layar keluaran saat Anda menjalankan kode ini? mp_choice_options: @@ -221,6 +249,9 @@ levels: - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy feedback: Benar, kesalahan ini akan diperbaiki di level 4! hint: '''nama'' diganti dengan ''Hedy'' di kedua tempat' + correct_answer: D + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Apa yang terjadi jika Anda menggunakan perintah `{sleep}`? mp_choice_options: @@ -233,6 +264,8 @@ levels: - option: Anda meletakkannya di akhir agar Hedy tahu program Anda sudah selesai feedback: Tidak, itu akan sia-sia di akhir kode Anda hint: Komputer menunggu beberapa detik pada perintah `{sleep}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: Apa yang harus dipertaruhkan? code: |- @@ -249,6 +282,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: Tidak ada pertanyaan yang perlu ditanyakan hint: Jeda untuk efek dramatis... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 7: question_text: Perintah apa yang harus digunakan pada baris 2? code: |- @@ -277,6 +312,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Permudah diri Anda dengan menggunakan angka 3 hint: Anda ingin komputer menunggu selama 3 detik + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Bagaimana cara Anda memperbaiki baris kode pertama? code: |- @@ -304,6 +341,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? hint: Nama variabel harus didahulukan + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Apa yang salah dalam kode ini? code: |- @@ -319,6 +358,8 @@ levels: - option: 'Baris 2 seharusnya berbunyi: `{sleep}` Saya suka binatang' feedback: Tidur tidak digunakan untuk `{print}` teks hint: Anda ingin `{print}` 'Saya suka anjing-anjing' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Perintah apa yang harus digunakan pada baris 1? code: |- @@ -348,6 +389,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Itu benar! hint: Anda ingin `{ask}` pertanyaan + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: 1: question_text: Perintah apa yang Anda gunakan agar Hedy memilih sesuatu secara sembarangan? @@ -361,6 +404,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' feedback: Benar! hint: Sewenang-wenang artinya tanpa rencana atau asal-asalan. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: question_text: Apa yang salah dengan kode ini? code: |- @@ -376,6 +421,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at} {random}` salah dieja' feedback: '`{at} {random}` adalah ejaan yang benar' hint: Ada yang salah di baris 1 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2 of this code? code: |- @@ -400,6 +447,8 @@ levels: - option: Tidak ada, kodenya benar! feedback: Perhatikan baik-baik kesalahannya hint: Variabel (daftar) disebut pilihan. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Apa yang harus diubah pada baris 2 untuk mencetak harga acak? code: |- @@ -424,6 +473,8 @@ levels: - option: Tidak ada, kode ini baik-baik saja. feedback: Perhatikan baik-baik kesalahan yang Anda lewatkan! hint: Nama variabelnya adalah harga + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Apa yang salah dalam kode ini? code: |- @@ -441,6 +492,8 @@ levels: - option: Tidak ada, kode ini sempurna feedback: Itu benar! hint: Apakah kode ini ada kesalahannya? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: Apa yang salah dengan kode ini? code: |- @@ -457,6 +510,8 @@ levels: - option: Tidak ada apa-apa! Kode ini bagus! feedback: Sebenarnya baris 2 ada kesalahan. hint: Ada yang salah dengan baris 2. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Apa fungsi perintah `{add}`? mp_choice_options: @@ -469,6 +524,9 @@ levels: - option: Perintah `{add}` mencetak buku favorit Anda. feedback: Tidak, itu menambahkan buku favorit Anda ke dalam daftar hint: Perintah `{add}` menambahkan buku, tapi yang mana? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" 8: question_text: Apa keluaran dari kode ini? code: |- @@ -486,6 +544,8 @@ levels: - option: krim asam feedback: Itu benar! hint: Ada 3 rasa, bit2nya dihilangkan. Yang mana yang tersisa? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Apa yang salah dengan kode ini? code: |- @@ -503,6 +563,8 @@ levels: - option: Tidak ada, ini kode yang benar! feedback: Temukan kesalahannya! hint: Lihatlah baris 4 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Apa yang harus ada di _? code: |- @@ -533,6 +595,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hal ini meningkatkan kemungkinan orang yang berjalan kemarin kini harus melakukannya lagi. Itu kejam. hint: Orang yang mengajak anjing-anjing jalan-jalan kemarin harus dikeluarkan dari daftar. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: 1: question_text: Manakah dari kode berikut yang benar? @@ -558,6 +622,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: hati-hati saat menggunakan tanda kutip dan apostrof hint: Di level 4 Anda memerlukan tanda kutip untuk 2 perintah. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Kode mana yang menggunakan tanda kutip yang tepat? mp_choice_options: @@ -582,6 +648,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Ini koma, Anda perlu tanda kutip. hint: Pilih tanda kutip yang tepat. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: question_text: Di mana tanda kutip digunakan dengan benar? mp_choice_options: @@ -606,6 +674,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Sempurna! hint: Baik sebelum maupun sesudah kata yang ingin dicetak harus diberi tanda kutip. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Pernyataan mana yang benar? mp_choice_options: @@ -618,6 +688,8 @@ levels: - option: Anda bisa memilih sendiri apakah akan menggunakan tanda petik atau tidak. feedback: Sayangnya, Hedy lebih tegas dari itu. hint: Mulai level 4 dan seterusnya Anda perlu menggunakan tanda kutip. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: Apa yang harus diubah agar permainan dapat berjalan? code: |- @@ -642,6 +714,8 @@ levels: - option: Tidak ada, gamenya sudah berfungsi! feedback: Perhatikan baik-baik. Terjadi kesalahan. hint: Anda tidak ingin Hedy mencetak 'pilihan {at} {random}' secara harfiah, Anda ingin Hedy mencetak 'rock' atau 'paper' atau 'scissors'. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Apa baris selanjutnya yang bagus dalam kode ini? code: harga {is} 1 dolar, 100 dolar, 1 juta dolar @@ -667,6 +741,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hedy secara harfiah akan mencetak 'harga {at} {random}'' hint: 'Pikirkan baik-baik: apa itu variabel dan harus berada di luar tanda kutip? Dan kata-kata normal apa yang seharusnya ada di dalamnya?' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Apa yang salah dengan kode ini? code: |- @@ -683,6 +759,8 @@ levels: - option: Tidak ada, kode ini bagus apa adanya! feedback: Perhatikan baik-baik. Anda melewatkan satu kesalahan! hint: Periksa setiap baris apakah mereka memerlukan tanda kutip atau tidak. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Apa baris selanjutnya yang bagus untuk kode ini? code: |- @@ -711,6 +789,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hedy secara harfiah akan mencetak 'Jadi, Anda memilih pintu' hint: Kata kedua pintu sebaiknya diganti dengan nomor, yang pertama tetap kata pintu... + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Apa yang tidak akan pernah muncul di layar keluaran Anda? code: |- @@ -726,6 +806,8 @@ levels: - option: FC Barcelona akan memenangkan liga champion feedback: Itu benar. Itu tidak ada dalam daftar hint: Apa saja pilihan Hedy yang dapat dipilih secara acak? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: Pernyataan mana yang benar? code: |- @@ -742,6 +824,8 @@ levels: - option: Tidak ada, kode ini tidak ada kesalahan feedback: Anda melewatkan satu! hint: Satu baris perlu tanda kutip, karena ingin dicetak secara harfiah. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: 1: question_text: Perintah mana yang harus diisi pada _? @@ -759,6 +843,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{else}`' feedback: Correct! hint: Manakah yang cocok dengan perintah `{if}`? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: question_text: Apa yang muncul di layar keluaran Anda saat Anda mengetikkan nama Hedy? code: |- @@ -773,6 +859,9 @@ levels: feedback: Tidak, itu tidak mencetak namanya - option: Error feedback: Untungnya tidak! + correct_answer: A + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Apa kata sandi yang benar? code: |- @@ -789,6 +878,8 @@ levels: - option: ALARM INTRUDER feedback: Ini dicetak ketika Anda mengetikkan kata sandi yang salah! hint: '`{if}` kata sandi `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Benar!''' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 4: question_text: Apa yang dicetak Hedy ketika Anda mengetikkan kata sandi yang salah? code: |- @@ -805,6 +896,8 @@ levels: - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! feedback: Kerja bagus! hint: Komputer Anda akan membunyikan alarm adanya penyusup! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: Kenapa Hedy bilang 'ALARM! PENYUSUN' saat Anda mengetik 'rahasia'? code: |- @@ -821,6 +914,8 @@ levels: - option: Karena Hedy melakukan kesalahan feedback: No, Hedy is right hint: Ejaan kata tersebut harus sama persis. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Kata manakah yang harus ditempatkan pada baris terakhir? code: |- @@ -851,6 +946,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{print}` sudah ada, kita memerlukan kata sebelum itu!' hint: '`{if}` cocok dengan...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Kata manakah yang harus menggantikan bagian yang kosong? code: |- @@ -868,6 +965,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: Luar biasa! hint: Setelah `{else}` perintah `{print}` mengikuti + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Kata manakah yang harus diletakkan di tempat yang kosong? code: |- @@ -890,6 +989,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: Tidak, bukan itu. hint: Apa nama variabelnya? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Pintu mana yang harus Anda pilih untuk melarikan diri?? code: |- @@ -909,6 +1010,8 @@ levels: - option: Ini jebakan, kamu akan selalu dimakan! feedback: Untungnya tidak! hint: Salah satu pintu akan membuat Anda tetap aman.. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: question_text: Monster manakah yang berdiri di balik pintu 1? code: |- @@ -928,6 +1031,8 @@ levels: - option: laba-laba raksasa feedback: Tidak selalu... hint: Ingat 3 kata terakhir... monster `{at} {random}`... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: 1: question_text: Apa keluaran Hedy saat Anda menjalankan kode ini? @@ -941,6 +1046,9 @@ levels: - option: '210' feedback: Ingat, ini perhitungan. hint: '`*` digunakan sebagai tanda perkalian' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: '{print} 2*10' 2: question_text: Apa yang Anda gunakan saat ingin menjumlahkan dua angka? mp_choice_options: @@ -952,6 +1060,9 @@ levels: feedback: Bukan itu - option: '`+`' feedback: Benar! + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Apa keluaran Hedy saat Anda menjalankan kode ini? mp_choice_options: @@ -964,6 +1075,9 @@ levels: - option: Tidak ada, Hedy akan memberikan pesan error. feedback: Tidak, Hedy akan mencetaknya secara harfiah. hint: Perhatikan tanda kutip!! + code: "{print} '3*10'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Kim berumur 10 tahun. Apa yang akan Hedy cetak untuknya? code: |- @@ -981,6 +1095,8 @@ levels: - option: Angka keberuntungan Anda adalah... 10 feedback: Angka keberuntungannya adalah nama dikali umur... hint: 'Kim mempunyai 3 huruf, umurnya 10 tahun jadi: huruf dikali umur = 3*10 = 30.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 5: question_text: Jika 5 orang makan di restoran ini, berapa total biaya yang harus mereka bayar? code: |- @@ -997,6 +1113,9 @@ levels: feedback: Tanda * berarti perkalian. - option: 50 dolar feedback: Great! + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Berapa harga hamburger di restoran virtual ini? code: |- @@ -1015,6 +1134,8 @@ levels: - option: 21 dolar feedback: Itulah harga hamburger dan kentang goreng! hint: Perhatikan baris keempat. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 7: question_text: Mengapa baris 7 mengatakan 'harga adalah harga + 3' dan bukannya 'harga adalah 3'? code: |- @@ -1037,6 +1158,8 @@ levels: - option: Karena awalnya harganya 0 dolar. feedback: Itu benar, tapi bukan alasannya hint: Harganya seharusnya bukan 3, tapi 3 dolar lebih mahal dari sebelumnya + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 8: question_text: Mengapa kode ini salah? code: |- @@ -1054,6 +1177,8 @@ levels: - option: Variabel pada baris 2 tidak bisa disebut jawaban, karena terlalu mirip dengan variabel jawaban benar. feedback: Nama variabel boleh mirip, tapi tidak boleh 2 kata... hint: Periksa apa nama variabelnya. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Bayangkan Anda menyukai sepak bola, Anda sudah makan 2 buah pisang dan mencuci tangan 3 kali hari ini. Seberapa pintarkah Anda menurut peramal konyol itu? code: |- @@ -1075,6 +1200,8 @@ levels: - option: 100% feedback: (2 pisang + 3 kebersihan) * 10 sepak bola = 5*10 =? hint: (2 pisang + 3 kebersihan) * 10 sepak bola = 5*10 =? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Pernyataan mana yang benar? code: |- @@ -1090,6 +1217,8 @@ levels: - option: Anda hanya dapat menggunakan tanda `=` saat bekerja dengan angka, bukan kata. feedback: Anda juga dapat menggunakan `=` dengan kata-kata. hint: '`{is}` dan `=` keduanya diperbolehkan' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 7: 1: question_text: Berapa banyak baris yang dapat Anda ulangi sekaligus dengan perintah `{repeat}` pada level ini? @@ -1103,6 +1232,8 @@ levels: - option: tak terbatas feedback: Pada level ini Anda hanya dapat mengulang satu baris dalam satu waktu hint: Anda hanya dapat mengulang satu baris dalam satu waktu + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Kode mana yang benar? mp_choice_options: @@ -1127,6 +1258,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Itu benar! hint: Pertama perintah `{repeat}`, lalu perintah `{print}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: Apakah kode ini benar atau salah? code: '{repeat} 100 {times} ''Halo!''' @@ -1140,6 +1273,8 @@ levels: - option: Salah, kata `{print}` tidak ada feedback: Benar hint: 'Seharusnya: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` ''Halo''' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Kata manakah yang salah dalam kode tersebut? code: |- @@ -1155,6 +1290,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{times}`' feedback: '`{times}` dieja dengan benar' hint: Saya salah, Anda tidak bisa menggunakan apostrof dalam sebuah kalimat + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Apakah kode ini benar atau salah? code: '{repeat} 100 {times} {print} ''Hedy luar biasa!''' @@ -1164,6 +1301,8 @@ levels: - option: Salah feedback: Bukan itu hint: Kodenya benar! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 6: question_text: Apa keluaran dari kode ini? code: |- @@ -1203,6 +1342,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Di seluruh kota! Sempurna! hint: Hanya 'berputar-putar' yang diulang sebanyak 3 kali. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: Apa keluaran dari kode ini? mp_choice_options: @@ -1234,6 +1375,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perhatikan perintah `{repeat}` hint: Perhatikan perintah `{repeat}`. + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Kode Hedy apa yang termasuk dalam keluaran ini? mp_choice_options: @@ -1270,6 +1414,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Ini bukan urutan yang benar. hint: '`{repeat}` hanya dapat digunakan jika Anda ingin mengeksekusi baris yang sama beberapa kali berturut-turut.' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" 9: question_text: Kode Hedy apa yang termasuk dalam keluaran ini? code: |- @@ -1313,6 +1460,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Sempurna hint: '''Tolong!'' diulang sebanyak 3 kali.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Kode manakah yang termasuk dalam keluaran ini? mp_choice_options: @@ -1345,6 +1494,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Ini tidak dalam urutan yang benar. hint: Perhatikan urutan kalimatnya. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" 8: 1: question_text: Output manakah yang akan dihasilkan oleh kode ini? @@ -1375,6 +1527,8 @@ levels: Aku Hedy! feedback: Semuanya dicetak dua kali hint: Kedua baris diulang dua kali. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 2: question_text: Apa yang salah dengan kode ini? code: |- @@ -1390,6 +1544,8 @@ levels: - option: Baris kedua harus dimulai dengan 4 spasi sebagai lekukan. feedback: Benar! hint: Ada yang hilang di baris kedua? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: Output apa yang akan dihasilkan ketika Anda menjalankan program ini? mp_choice_options: @@ -1418,6 +1574,9 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: Apa yang diulang dan apa yang tidak ? hint: Apa yang diulang dan apa yang tidak? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" 4: question_text: Keluaran mana yang benar? code: |- @@ -1452,6 +1611,8 @@ levels: Kami akan berlibur! feedback: Baris terakhir juga diulang. hint: Blok di bawah perintah `{repeat}` diulang dua kali. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: Apa yang salah dengan kode ini? code: |- @@ -1468,6 +1629,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}` bukan lagi sebuah perintah' feedback: Itu tidak benar hint: Ada yang salah dengan lekukan + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- makanan = {ask} 'Kamu mau makan apa?' @@ -1488,6 +1651,9 @@ levels: - option: Indentasi salah pada perintah `{if}` pertama. feedback: Itu benar. hint: Perhatikan baik-baik lekukannya. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Di kode manakah lekukan dilakukan dengan benar? mp_choice_options: @@ -1532,6 +1698,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Anda salah! hint: Apa yang harus terjadi jika orang tersebut benar? Lalu apa lagi? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Baris apa dalam kode ini yang harus dimulai dengan 4 spasi? code: |- @@ -1550,6 +1718,8 @@ levels: - option: Baris 3 dan 5 feedback: Kerja bagus! hint: Baris setelah perintah `{if}` atau `{else}` harus dimulai dengan 4 spasi. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Pernyataan mana yang benar? code: |- @@ -1566,6 +1736,23 @@ levels: - option: Baris 3 harus dimulai dengan 4 spasi feedback: Anda benar! hint: Hanya satu baris yang dimulai dengan 4 spasi, tapi yang mana...? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + question_score: '10' + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? 9: 1: question_text: Apa yang salah dengan kode ini? @@ -1589,6 +1776,8 @@ levels: - option: Indentasi salah pada perintah `{if}` terakhir. feedback: Itu bukan lekukannya. hint: Semua lekukan dilakukan dengan benar. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Apa yang akan dicetak setelah memasukkan kata sandi yang benar? code: |- @@ -1628,6 +1817,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Benar! hint: Segala sesuatu di bawah perintah `{repeat}` diulang dua kali. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Kasus mana yang harus Anda pilih untuk memenangkan satu juta dolar? code: |- @@ -1655,6 +1846,8 @@ levels: - option: kasus 2, buka feedback: Kerja bagus! Kamu menang! hint: Ikuti jalan yang benar + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 4: question_text: Pernyataan mana yang benar? code: |- @@ -1677,6 +1870,8 @@ levels: - option: Cinderella dengan ukuran sepatu 38 mendapat keluaran 'Saya akan terus mencari' feedback: Tidak, dia mendapat '❤️❤️❤️' hint: Apapun nama Anda, jika Anda memiliki sepatu ukuran 40 Anda akan mendapat pesan 'Saya akan terus mencari'. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 5: question_text: Kode mana yang menghasilkan keluaran ini? output: |- @@ -1718,6 +1913,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Ada 2 perintah `{repeat}` dalam kode ini. hint: Perhatikan lekukannya + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Setelah perintah manakah Anda harus menggunakan indentasi (memulai baris berikutnya dengan 4 spasi)? mp_choice_options: @@ -1730,6 +1927,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Tidak dengan {print} hint: Indentasi terjadi pada baris di bawah beberapa perintah + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Anda akan mendapat diskon 5 dolar jika memesan pizza ukuran sedang dengan minuman bersoda.
Tetapi kodenya salah! Bagaimana cara men-debugnya? code: |- @@ -1771,6 +1970,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hampir benar. Coba lihat lagi baris terakhir hint: Setelah setiap perintah `{if}`, baris di bawah ini harus menjorok ke dalam + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Apa yang salah dalam kode ini? code: |- @@ -1789,6 +1990,8 @@ levels: - option: Kode harus selalu dimulai dengan perintah `{print}` di baris pertama feedback: Itu tidak benar. hint: Indentasi dilakukan dengan benar kali ini + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Berapa banyak perintah `{if}` yang dapat ditempatkan di dalam perintah `{if}` lainnya? mp_choice_options: @@ -1801,6 +2004,8 @@ levels: - option: Tak terbatas, selama Anda tetap menggunakan indentasi dengan benar feedback: Itu benar hint: Anda dapat meletakkan perintah `{if}` di dalam perintah `{if}`. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: Pernyataan mana yang benar? code: |- @@ -1817,6 +2022,8 @@ levels: - option: baris 2 harus dimulai dengan 4 spasi dan baris 3 dengan 8 feedback: Anda benar! hint: Baris pertama tidak dimulai dengan spasi apa pun + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: 1: question_text: Apa yang perlu kita isi pada `_` jika kita ingin mencetak setiap pujian? @@ -1846,6 +2053,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hampir sampai! hint: '`{for}` setiap pujian dalam daftar pujian...' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Keluaran mana yang benar? code: |- @@ -1865,6 +2074,8 @@ levels: Aku suka pancake feedback: Great! hint: Baris 2 menyatakan untuk setiap makanan dalam daftar makanan. Jadi setiap makanan dicetak. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Keluaran mana yang benar? code: |- @@ -1885,6 +2096,8 @@ levels: - option: Anda belum tahu. Karena memilih salah satu hewan {at} {random}. feedback: Baris 2 menyatakan {for} setiap hewan dalam daftar hewan. Jadi setiap hewan {print}ed. hint: Baris 2 menyatakan {for} setiap hewan dalam daftar hewan. Jadi setiap hewan dicetak + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Apa yang salah dengan kode ini? code: |- @@ -1901,6 +2114,8 @@ levels: - option: Baris 2 seharusnya menyebutkan belanjaan, bukan item feedback: Tidak. hint: Baris 2 menyatakan `{for}` setiap item dalam daftar belanjaan + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 5: question_text: Kata apa yang harus ada di _ dengan dadu digital ini? code: |- @@ -1919,6 +2134,8 @@ levels: - option: dadu feedback: Perhatikan nama variabelnya. hint: Hedy perlu memilih nomor `{at} {random}` + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Manakah dari jawaban di bawah ini yang merupakan hasil yang mungkin terjadi saat Anda menjalankan kode? code: |- @@ -1940,6 +2157,8 @@ levels: Meredith memilih gunting feedback: Luar biasa! hint: Setiap pemain akan memilih satu opsi. Pemain yang pertama dalam daftar akan menjadi yang pertama. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: Baris apa yang harus ada pada _ dalam kode ini yang menentukan apa yang akan dimakan orang-orang ini untuk makan malam? code: |- @@ -1969,6 +2188,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Setiap nama harus diberi tahu apa yang akan mereka makan untuk makan malam. hint: Setiap nama harus diberi tahu apa yang akan mereka makan untuk makan malam. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: Apa yang harus ada pada _ dalam kode ini yang menentukan warna baju yang Anda dapatkan? code: |- @@ -1998,6 +2219,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Tidak ada variabel bernama orang.. hint: Perhatikan tanda kutip dan nama variabelnya + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Apa pertanyaan pertama yang akan ditanyakan Hedy ketika Anda menjalankan program ini? code: |- @@ -2017,6 +2240,8 @@ levels: - option: Anda tidak tahu itu. Hedy akan memilih `{at} {random}`. feedback: Tidak ada `{at} {random}` dalam kode ini... hint: Opsi pertama dari kedua daftar dipilih. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Apa yang benar tentang kode ini? code: |- @@ -2034,6 +2259,8 @@ levels: - option: Seseorang mungkin memenangkan dua hadiah feedback: Kau mengerti! hint: Coba bayangkan keluaran dari kode ini. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 11: 1: question_text: Kata apa yang harus ada di tempat yang kosong? @@ -2052,6 +2279,9 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: '`{for}`' feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: code: |- {for} saya {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 @@ -2068,8 +2298,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_text: What will be the output from this code? 3: question_text: Kode mana yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan keluaran ini? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + correct_answer: A + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + question_score: '10' + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -2097,6 +2344,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + correct_answer: D + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Berapa kali kata Halo muncul di layar Anda saat Anda menjalankan kode? code: |- @@ -2112,6 +2363,8 @@ levels: - option: Tidak pernah feedback: 'No' hint: 0 juga dihitung. Jadi 0,1,2 itu 3 kali. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Apa yang harus ada di tempat yang kosong? code: |- @@ -2142,6 +2395,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Itu satu pesanan terlalu banyak! hint: Gunakan variabel 'orang-orang' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Apa keluaran dari kode ini? mp_choice_options: @@ -2160,6 +2415,9 @@ levels: - option: Kata 'hai' akan muncul 25 kali berturut-turut. feedback: Tidak, itu hanya akan muncul 3 kali. hint: Tidak tertulis `{print}` saya + correct_answer: C + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Berapa kali Hedy menyanyikan Hip Hip Hooray? code: |- @@ -2176,6 +2434,8 @@ levels: - option: Itu tergantung pada berapa usia Anda feedback: Itu benar! hint: '`{for}` say `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` umur' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: Kode manakah yang termasuk dalam keluaran ini? mp_choice_options: @@ -2208,6 +2468,24 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 adalah 4 kali.' hint: Perhatikan lekukannya + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + feedback: Perfect! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 12: 1: question_text: Keluaran mana yang benar? @@ -2228,6 +2506,8 @@ levels: 5 feedback: Kerja bagus! hint: Kedua baris dicetak! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: question_text: Manakah dari kode berikut yang benar? mp_choice_options: @@ -2256,6 +2536,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Semua nilai rasa yang berbeda harus diberi tanda kutip. hint: Baris kedua sama pada setiap kodenya, perhatikan baris pertama + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 3: question_text: Apa yang salah dengan kode ini? code: |- @@ -2271,6 +2553,8 @@ levels: - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: Itu tidak benar hint: Tanda kutip digunakan dengan benar + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 4: question_text: Di baris manakah tanda kutip diperlukan agar kode berfungsi? code: |- @@ -2288,6 +2572,8 @@ levels: - option: All of the lines feedback: Sempurna! hint: Apakah baris 3 perlu tanda kutip juga? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Output apa yang didapat Agent007 ketika mereka memasukkan kata sandi yang benar? code: |- @@ -2312,6 +2598,8 @@ levels: - option: Besok berangkat ke bandara jam 10.00 feedback: Agen tidak akan menangkap orang jahat di sini hint: Kata sandi yang benar adalah TOPSECRET + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Baris manakah yang harus diisi pada ??? code: |- @@ -2347,6 +2635,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hampir sampai! hint: Bagaimana jika Anda hanya memesan kentang goreng dan minuman? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Hasil apa yang diperoleh seorang vegan? code: |- @@ -2385,6 +2675,8 @@ levels: kue feedback: Hampir sampai, tapi lihatlah urutan jajanan di daftarnya hint: Item apa yang dihapus dari daftar ketika Anda menjawab 'vegan'? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Kode mana yang digunakan untuk membuat keluaran ini? mp_choice_options: @@ -2409,6 +2701,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Tidak hint: 7 dibagi 2 adalah 3,5 + code: '3.5' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Kode manakah yang harus diisi pada baris 1 pada bagian ??? code: |- @@ -2436,6 +2731,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Anda tidak memenangkan apa pun hint: Item dalam daftar harus dalam tanda kutip + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Baris kode manakah yang harus diisi pada bagian ??? untuk menyelesaikan lagunya? code: |- @@ -2469,6 +2766,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Ini sulit! Semua tindakan dalam daftar harus ada dalam lagu. hint: Ini sulit! Semua tindakan dalam daftar harus ada dalam lagu. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 13: 1: question_text: Kode manakah yang harus diisi pada bagian ??? ? @@ -2503,6 +2802,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hedy hanya bernyanyi jika kedua jawabannya adalah ya hint: Hedy bernyanyi jika kamu ingin mendengarkan lagu dan ini hari ulang tahunmu + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Perintah mana yang hilang dalam kode menggantikan ??? ? code: |- @@ -2520,6 +2821,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: Tidak hint: Baik vegan maupun Muslim tidak boleh makan sosis gulung. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: question_text: Output manakah yang diberikan kepada member tanpa kode diskon? code: |- @@ -2539,6 +2842,8 @@ levels: - option: Tidak ada cara untuk mengetahuinya feedback: Ada! Baca pertanyaannya dengan cermat hint: Perhatikan perintah `{or}` di baris 3 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 4: question_text: Baris kode manakah yang harus mengikuti baris ini dalam permainan batu-kertas-gunting? code: '{if} pilihan_komputer {is} ''batu'' {and} pilihan_Anda {is} ''kertas''' @@ -2564,6 +2869,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Coba lagi! hint: Kertas mengalahkan batu + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Pernyataan manakah yang benar tentang kode ini? code: |- @@ -2579,6 +2886,8 @@ levels: - option: Setiap orang yang tidak bernama Cinderella dan tidak memiliki sepatu ukuran 38 adalah cinta sejati pangeran ini feedback: Pangeran sedikit lebih pilih-pilih dari itu! hint: Kedua pernyataan tersebut harus benar + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Pernyataan manakah yang benar tentang kode ini? code: |- @@ -2603,6 +2912,8 @@ levels: - option: Sophie adalah seorang gadis berkacamata feedback: Kerja bagus! hint: Perhatikan baik-baik! Atau apakah Anda membutuhkan kacamata? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Pernyataan mana yang salah? code: |- @@ -2628,6 +2939,8 @@ levels: - option: Burung kuning diberi makan pagi ini feedback: ini benar hint: Baca 4 baris terakhir dengan cermat + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Output apa yang Anda dapatkan jika Anda memesan popcorn tetapi tidak ada minuman? code: |- @@ -2665,6 +2978,8 @@ levels: Nikmati filmnya feedback: Anda harus membayar untuk popcorn Anda! hint: popcorn = ya dan minuman = tidak + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Apa yang salah dengan kode ini? code: |- @@ -2704,6 +3019,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Ini bukan yang saya pesan! hint: Ada kesalahan pada baris 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Perintah mana yang harus ada di baris 8 menggantikan ??? ? code: |- @@ -2730,6 +3047,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{if}`' feedback: Tidak hint: Item tersebut ada di daftar makanan ringan, atau di daftar minuman + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 14: 1: question_text: Simbol manakah yang harus digunakan pada bagian yang kosong? @@ -2743,6 +3062,9 @@ levels: - option: '`=`' feedback: Benar! hint: Kami tidak membandingkan apa pun, kami hanya menanyakan nama. + correct_answer: D + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Kode manakah yang menggunakan simbol = atau == yang benar? mp_choice_options: @@ -2755,6 +3077,8 @@ levels: - option: jawaban == {ask} 'Apa kabarmu?' feedback: Tidak hint: Saat Anda membandingkan dua jawaban, Anda harus menggunakan == + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Simbol manakah yang harus diisi pada kedua bagian yang kosong? mp_choice_options: @@ -2767,6 +3091,9 @@ levels: - option: '`+` and `==`' hint: Ada 130 orang yang diperbolehkan di klub feedback: Bukan itu + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" 4: question_text: Apa yang salah dengan kode ini? code: |- @@ -2787,6 +3114,8 @@ levels: - option: Pada baris 4 <= seharusnya digunakan, bukan >= feedback: Tidak, bukan itu hint: Simbolnya benar + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'Berapa umurmu?' @@ -2805,6 +3134,9 @@ levels: - option: '`<= 12`' feedback: Anak-anak ini masih terlalu muda hint: '> berarti lebih besar dari' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? 6: question_text: Berapa kali Anda harus mengatakan Anda kesal sebelum permainan menjengkelkan ini berhenti? code: |- @@ -2824,6 +3156,8 @@ levels: - option: 2 kali feedback: Itu betul hint: '!= berarti ''tidak''' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: Apa yang harus diisi pada ketiga titik kosong tersebut? mp_choice_options: @@ -2836,6 +3170,9 @@ levels: - option: '`''Lower!''` dan `''You win!''` dan `''Higher!''`' feedback: Itu kurang tepat. hint: Yang terakhir seharusnya mengatakan Anda menang. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: question_text: Pernyataan manakah yang benar tentang roller coaster ini? mp_choice_options: @@ -2847,6 +3184,10 @@ levels: feedback: '> means greater than' - option: Tidak ada batasan panjang untuk menaiki roller coaster feedback: Ada. + correct_answer: A + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Berapa potong coklat yang bikin sakit perut menurut fitbit ini? code: |- @@ -2867,6 +3208,8 @@ levels: - option: 9 atau lebih feedback: Hebat! hint: '> 8 berarti lebih dari 8' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Apa yang harus diisi pada bagian yang kosong? mp_choice_options: @@ -2879,6 +3222,9 @@ levels: - option: '''Itu seri''' feedback: Tidak, tidak, satu pemain memiliki skor lebih tinggi hint: Anda memenangkan permainan dengan mendapatkan poin terbanyak + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 15: 1: question_text: 'Simbol manakah yang harus digunakan pada bagian yang kosong? Tip: Anda harus terus menebak sampai Anda bisa menebaknya dengan benar.' @@ -2897,6 +3243,8 @@ levels: - option: '`=`' feedback: Bukan itu hint: Terus menebak sampai Anda mengatakan Amsterdam + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Manakah dari kode berikut yang menggunakan simbol yang benar? mp_choice_options: @@ -2921,6 +3269,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Tanda kutip tidak ada hint: Saat Anda membandingkan dua jawaban, Anda harus menggunakan == + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Perintah mana yang harus diisi pada bagian yang kosong? code: |- @@ -2936,6 +3286,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{range}`' feedback: Bukan itu hint: Anda tidak diperbolehkan berada di bar selama Anda berusia 17 tahun ke bawah + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 4: question_text: Apa yang salah dengan kode ini? code: |- @@ -2958,6 +3310,8 @@ levels: - option: Di baris 5 != seharusnya digunakan daripada == feedback: Anda benar hint: Ada yang salah di baris 5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: Apa yang harus ditempatkan pada bagian kosong agar program ini bekerja dengan benar? code: |- @@ -2979,6 +3333,8 @@ levels: - option: = basah + 1 feedback: Program ini harus menghitung mundur hint: kebasahan akan berkurang setiap saat + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: Apa yang salah dengan kode ini? code: |- @@ -2997,6 +3353,8 @@ levels: - option: Baris 2 harus dimulai dengan lekukan yang lebih sedikit feedback: Itu betul hint: Perhatikan baik-baik lekukannya + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: Bagaimana seharusnya program ini diubah agar dapat berfungsi? mp_choice_options: @@ -3009,6 +3367,9 @@ levels: - option: '... ubah {if} keempat menjadi {while}' feedback: Itu kurang tepat. hint: Yang terakhir seharusnya mengatakan Anda menang. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: question_text: Pernyataan manakah yang benar tentang sistem toilet otomatis ini? mp_choice_options: @@ -3021,6 +3382,9 @@ levels: - option: Lampu akan selalu menyala. feedback: Itu tidak benar. hint: Pemblokiran setelah perintah {while} terus terjadi saat toilet sedang ditempati. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" 9: question_text: Apa yang akan dikatakan aplikasi diet jika Anda sudah makan 1600 kalori hari ini? code: |- @@ -3041,6 +3405,8 @@ levels: - option: Anda sudah makan cukup untuk hari ini feedback: Tidak hint: 1600 adalah antara 1000 dan 2000 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: 'Apa yang harus diisi pada bagian yang kosong? Tip: pemain dengan poin terbanyak memimpin.' mp_choice_options: @@ -3053,6 +3419,9 @@ levels: - option: poin_pemain_2 feedback: Anda harus mengisi nama, bukan nomor hint: Anda memenangkan permainan dengan mendapatkan poin terbanyak. Nama Anda akan muncul di layar + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" 16: 1: question_text: Perintah mana yang harus diisi pada bagian yang kosong untuk mencetak camilan acak? @@ -3069,6 +3438,8 @@ levels: - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' feedback: Kita tidak memerlukan kata `at` lagi hint: Kita tidak lagi menggunakan {at} + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Apa yang harus diisi jika Anda ingin daftar tugas apa saja yang dikerjakan oleh siapa? code: |- @@ -3098,6 +3469,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Fantastis! hint: '`i` memberi tahu kita item apa yang ada dalam daftar itu. Jadi teman 1 mengerjakan tugas 1 dst.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Apa kemungkinan keluaran dari program ini? code: |- @@ -3135,6 +3508,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Bukan itu hint: Itu tidak acak... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 4: question_text: Apa yang salah dengan kode ini? code: |- @@ -3153,6 +3528,8 @@ levels: - option: '{in} pada baris 3 harus dihapus' feedback: Bukan itu hint: Tidak ada yang salah dengan baris 4 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Baris manakah yang harus diisi pada bagian yang kosong? code: |- @@ -3170,6 +3547,8 @@ levels: - option: suara = ['guk', 'moo', 'meringkik'] feedback: Kerja bagus! hint: Lihat baris 1 untuk melihat penggunaan tanda kurung dan tanda kutip yang tepat. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: Pernyataan mana yang benar? code: |- @@ -3187,6 +3566,8 @@ levels: - option: Kode ini tidak akan berfungsi. Ini akan memberi dan kesalahan. feedback: Tidak, kodenya benar. hint: Tidak ada yang salah dengan kode ini. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Apa yang salah dengan kode ini? code: |- @@ -3204,6 +3585,8 @@ levels: - option: Baris 4 membutuhkan lebih banyak tanda kutip. feedback: Luar biasa! hint: Terdapat kesalahan dalam penggunaan tanda petik. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Manakah dari kode berikut yang termasuk dalam keluaran ini? code: |- @@ -3244,6 +3627,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Ini tidak akan berhasil! hint: Jika Anda memperhatikan baris pertama dengan cermat, Anda akan melihat bahwa hanya dua jawaban pertama yang mungkin benar. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Apa kemungkinan keluaran untuk kode ini? code: |- @@ -3275,6 +3660,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Itu hanya diulang dua kali hint: Rentang 0 hingga 1 adalah 2 kali + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 10: question_text: 3 baris manakah yang akan melengkapi kode ini dengan benar? code: |- @@ -3314,3 +3701,155 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Fantastis! hint: Anda perlu menggunakan perintah {remove} + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 17: + 6: + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Amazing! + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: Nope. + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + 1: + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + hint: Loop through your list. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 4: + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with code? + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + 8: + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: C + 7: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + correct_answer: C + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You cannot have so many variables. + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' diff --git a/content/quizzes/it.yaml b/content/quizzes/it.yaml index 10023f23cab..c60999b33c5 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/it.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/it.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Heidi feedback: Not this one! hint: Prende il nome da Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Che devono essere riempiti negli spazi vuoti per creare il testo Hello! apparire? code: _Ciao! @@ -25,6 +27,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _Ciao mondo! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -48,6 +52,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' hint: Puoi chiedere qualcosa con il comando `{ask}` + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Cosa c'è di sbagliato in questo codice? code: |- @@ -63,6 +70,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` è un comando, c''è un altro errore.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: question_text: Che comando manca alla linea 2? code: |- @@ -90,8 +100,23 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Right on! hint: Vuoi vedere la risposta alla fine della linea 2... + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: hint: Controlla il codice linea per linea + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + - feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - feedback: Correct! + option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -102,8 +127,25 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: Non è corretto... + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Cosa c'è di sbagliato in questo codice? + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." 10: question_text: Quale output sarà nella schermata di output dopo aver eseguito questo codice? mp_choice_options: @@ -119,6 +161,25 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + correct_answer: B + 6: + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -131,6 +192,9 @@ levels: - option: In level 2 all the level 1 commands still work feedback: No uno dei comandi non funziona più. hint: '`{print}` and `{ask}` still exist.' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -157,17 +221,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What should be on the lines? 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + correct_answer: B + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - feedback: You get it! + option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + - feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + hint: The variable name should come first + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + correct_answer: C + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + question_text: Which code is correct? + question_score: '10' + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + correct_answer: A + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is name + - option: Hi my name is Hedy + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + - feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + 5: + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -192,6 +374,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -202,8 +387,26 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" 3: question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2 of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + correct_answer: C + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + question_score: '10' + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" 9: code: |- colors {is} blue, purple, green @@ -211,6 +414,18 @@ levels: {remove} chosen_color {from} colors {print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random} hint: Look at line 3 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -241,6 +456,83 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 4: + hint: The variable name is prices + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - feedback: Correct + option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + option: Nothing! This code is great! + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + feedback: No that's not wrong. + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 8: + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the output of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - feedback: That's right! + option: sour cream + correct_answer: D + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -253,6 +545,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + question_score: '10' + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + correct_answer: A 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -275,6 +570,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + correct_answer: B + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -297,6 +596,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -316,8 +619,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. 6: hint: 'Pensa attentamente: cos''è una variabile e dovrebbe essere fuori dalle virgolette? E quali sono le parole normali che dovrebbero esserci dentro?' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You get it! + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -328,6 +649,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 7: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 8: + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + correct_answer: B + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + - option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -345,8 +730,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: Quale va insieme al comando `{if}`? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + question_text: What is the right password? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + correct_answer: B + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -355,6 +755,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + option: "```\n{print}\n```" + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -383,6 +795,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -410,11 +825,114 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 2: + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: fun + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + option: '1' + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - feedback: Luckily not! + option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + correct_answer: D + 5: + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - feedback: That's not how you spell secret + option: Because it's spelled wrong. + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_score: '10' + 10: + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... 6: 2: question_text: Which sign do you use for an addition? + hint: It's the plus sign. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: plus + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: Correct! + option: '`+`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + option: 6 dollars + - option: 0 dollars + feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + - option: 21 dollars + feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -428,6 +946,115 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 5: + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - feedback: Great! + option: 50 dollars + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + option: Your lucky number is... 10 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + 9: + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - option: 32% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - option: 100% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + correct_answer: C + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + 1: + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '20' + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + 7: + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + correct_answer: C + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - feedback: No, that's not true. + option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -440,8 +1067,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code is right? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -465,8 +1107,21 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? 5: question_text: Questo codice è giusto o sbagliato? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + hint: The code is correct! + correct_answer: A 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -493,6 +1148,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -514,6 +1174,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + correct_answer: B + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Quale codice Hedy appartiene a questo output? mp_choice_options: @@ -549,6 +1214,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Questo non è l'ordine corretto.. hint: '`{repeat}` kan alleen worden gebruikt als je dezelfde regel meerdere keren achter elkaar wil uitvoeren.' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" 9: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat ? code: |- @@ -592,6 +1260,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfect hint: '''Aiuto!'' viene ripetuto 3 volte.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -624,6 +1294,24 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Questo non è nell'ordine giusto. hint: Attenzione all'ordine delle frasi. + correct_answer: B + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + question_score: '10' + 3: + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? 8: 1: question_text: Quale output sarà prodotto da questo codice? @@ -653,6 +1341,9 @@ levels: Im Hedy! Im Hedy! feedback: Everything is printed twice + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. 2: mp_choice_options: - option: This should be only one line, not 2. @@ -663,6 +1354,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Corretto! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -690,6 +1386,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -722,6 +1422,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: B 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -732,6 +1436,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -751,6 +1460,10 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -793,6 +1506,10 @@ levels: {print} You are wrong! ``` feedback: You are wrong! + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + question_score: '10' + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + correct_answer: C 9: code: |- 1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?' @@ -800,11 +1517,52 @@ levels: 3 {print} '🤘' 4 {else} 5 {print} '👎' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 and 4 + feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - option: Line 3 and 5 + feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. 10: code: |- 1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?" 2 {if} level {is} 8 3 {print} Great job! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: You are correct! + option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + correct_answer: D + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 6: + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated 9: 1: code: |- @@ -827,6 +1585,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -846,6 +1607,11 @@ levels: Good job! You can use the computer! feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + correct_answer: D + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -862,6 +1628,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + hint: Follow the right path + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - option: case 2, sell + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: Great job! You win! + option: case 2, open + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -882,6 +1661,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_text: Which statement is true? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -917,6 +1700,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + hint: Watch the indentation + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which code produced this output? + question_score: '10' + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -927,6 +1715,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -967,6 +1759,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -984,6 +1779,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The indentation is done right this time 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -999,6 +1797,23 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 9: + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + mp_choice_options: + - option: None, that is not allowed + feedback: You are allowed to + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -1006,6 +1821,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -1014,6 +1841,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - option: choices + feedback: That's right! + - option: choice + feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + - feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + option: dice 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -1028,6 +1867,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + question_score: '10' + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -1035,6 +1879,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -1063,6 +1919,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: What is the first question Hedy will `{ask}` you when you run the program? code: |- @@ -1072,6 +1931,18 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -1087,6 +1958,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + correct_answer: D + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_text: What is true about this code? + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: I love pizza + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_score: '10' + 3: + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: C + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1114,6 +2034,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1127,6 +2050,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + correct_answer: A + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1154,6 +2082,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + correct_answer: D + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1162,6 +2094,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + feedback: That's one order too many! + hint: Use the variable 'people' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1178,6 +2122,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1209,6 +2158,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - feedback: No + option: Never + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + 3: + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + correct_answer: A + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + feedback: Perfect! + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - option: Never + feedback: Try again + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + correct_answer: D 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1227,6 +2240,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1253,6 +2270,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1266,12 +2287,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + correct_answer: D + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1285,6 +2323,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + question_score: '10' + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1298,6 +2349,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1310,6 +2373,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1332,6 +2408,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + code: '3.5' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1358,6 +2439,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1378,6 +2462,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1410,6 +2497,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1425,6 +2516,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1443,6 +2538,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1454,10 +2552,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_score: '10' + hint: Paper beats rock + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1471,6 +2586,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + feedback: Try again + - option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + feedback: Try again + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1485,6 +2613,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - feedback: This is true + option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + question_text: Which statement is false? 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1499,6 +2640,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1536,6 +2690,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_score: '10' + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1560,6 +2718,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1570,6 +2732,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + hint: The symbols are right + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + feedback: No that's not it + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1578,6 +2753,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`> 12`' + feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + - option: '`>= 12`' + feedback: Great! + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - option: '`<= 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young + hint: '> means greater than' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1586,6 +2774,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1595,6 +2796,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - option: 9 or more + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + hint: '> means greater than' + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + 1: + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=>`' + feedback: This is not a symbol. + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + question_score: '10' + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + correct_answer: D + 3: + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`>` and `<`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=` and `>=`' + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - feedback: Yes! + option: "'player 2 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - feedback: You win! + option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1602,11 +2905,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + question_score: '10' + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + correct_answer: C 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You are right + option: '`{while}`' + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1627,6 +2955,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1646,6 +2978,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: wetness should get less each time 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1663,6 +2999,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1674,8 +3013,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + correct_answer: B + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1694,6 +3050,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1704,6 +3064,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1711,12 +3090,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + feedback: Mind the spacing. + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: No, it is not random. + option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + feedback: That's not it + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1727,6 +3132,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: B + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1737,3 +3147,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + correct_answer: D + 10: + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + correct_answer: D + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + 1: + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + feedback: This is the old way. + - feedback: The order is wrong. + option: '`[{random} snack]`' + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + question_score: '10' + hint: We no longer use {at} + 8: + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + correct_answer: B + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + feedback: It's only repeated twice + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + 7: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + feedback: That is not right. + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - option: Line 4 should start without indentation + feedback: It should not + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 6: + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + feedback: Correct + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_text: Which statement is true? + 17: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Loop through your list. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Amazing! + correct_answer: D + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + 2: + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + feedback: Not true! + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + 3: + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + feedback: Not correct. + - option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + correct_answer: C + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: Try again. + option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + 8: + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: C + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" diff --git a/content/quizzes/ja.yaml b/content/quizzes/ja.yaml index 95688c3d418..44f940adc99 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/ja.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/ja.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Heidi feedback: これじゃないよ! hint: Hedy Lamarrさんの名前からきています。 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: 文字を表示させるコマンドは? code: ___ Hello! @@ -37,6 +39,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{ask}` で質問することができます。' hint: _?_ Hello world! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: どうやって好きな色を訊きますか? mp_choice_options: @@ -60,6 +64,9 @@ levels: {echo} What is your favorite color? ``` feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -70,6 +77,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: 違うよ、よく見て! + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: 2行目に足りないコマンドは? code: |- @@ -96,6 +108,9 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: その通り! + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -106,6 +121,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -121,6 +140,55 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + question_score: '10' + hint: Let's go! + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + correct_answer: B + 6: + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - feedback: Great! You paid attention! + option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + hint: Check the code line by line + 9: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + correct_answer: B + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -133,6 +201,9 @@ levels: - option: In level 2 all the level 1 commands still work feedback: No one command doesn't work anymore. hint: '`{print}` and `{ask}` still exist.' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -159,17 +230,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + question_text: What should be on the lines? + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + question_score: '10' + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + correct_answer: B + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + - feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + 2: + question_text: Which code is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + correct_answer: A + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + 4: + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_score: '10' + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + 5: + question_score: '10' + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + mp_choice_options: + - option: It slows down your computer + feedback: fortunately not! + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + correct_answer: C + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable name should come first + correct_answer: C + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + 9: + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + question_score: '10' + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + correct_answer: B 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -194,6 +383,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -204,8 +396,26 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" 3: question_text: What's wrong in line 2 of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + correct_answer: C 9: code: |- colors {is} blue, purple, green @@ -213,6 +423,18 @@ levels: {remove} chosen_color {from} colors {print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random} hint: Look at line 3 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -243,6 +465,83 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 4: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + hint: The variable name is prices + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + correct_answer: B + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + correct_answer: D + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 6: + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + correct_answer: B + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 7: + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + 8: + question_text: What is the output of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - option: sea salt + feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + - option: paprika + feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + question_score: '10' + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + correct_answer: D 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -255,6 +554,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -277,6 +579,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -299,6 +605,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -318,8 +628,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + question_score: '10' + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + correct_answer: C + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You get it! + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + correct_answer: A 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -330,6 +658,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 8: + correct_answer: C + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + 7: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + feedback: Correct! + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: Correct + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: B + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -347,8 +739,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - feedback: The password isn't password... + option: password + - option: ALARM INTRUDER + feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is the right password? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -357,6 +764,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -385,6 +804,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -412,9 +834,100 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: fun + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + correct_answer: A + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + feedback: Indeed! + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + question_score: '10' + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + correct_answer: A + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '1' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 10: + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - option: giant spider + feedback: Not always... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" 6: 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -428,6 +941,129 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + correct_answer: B + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '20' + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - option: '210' + feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + question_score: '10' + 2: + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: plus + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + hint: It's the plus sign. + 3: + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + correct_answer: C + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + question_score: '10' + 4: + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 8: + correct_answer: B + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - feedback: No, that's not true. + option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_score: '10' + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + correct_answer: C + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + question_score: '10' 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -440,8 +1076,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + question_text: Which code is right? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -465,6 +1116,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -491,6 +1146,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -512,6 +1172,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -545,6 +1210,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Its alright'" ``` feedback: This is not the correct order.. + correct_answer: A + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? 9: code: |- Batman was flying through Gotham. @@ -586,6 +1256,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Please help me !' ``` feedback: Perfect + correct_answer: D + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + question_score: '10' + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -617,6 +1291,36 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: Correct + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + hint: The code is correct! + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + correct_answer: A + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Right + feedback: No, a word is missing + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - feedback: Correct + option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -628,6 +1332,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -655,6 +1364,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -687,6 +1400,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -697,6 +1414,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Something is wrong with indentation 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -716,6 +1438,10 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + question_score: '10' + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -758,6 +1484,10 @@ levels: {print} You are wrong! ``` feedback: You are wrong! + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: code: |- 1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?' @@ -765,11 +1495,67 @@ levels: 3 {print} '🤘' 4 {else} 5 {print} '👎' + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - option: Only line 3 + feedback: Not only 3... + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - option: Line 3 and 5 + feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. 10: code: |- 1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?" 2 {if} level {is} 8 3 {print} Great job! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + - feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - feedback: Well done! + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + correct_answer: D 9: 1: code: |- @@ -792,6 +1578,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -811,6 +1600,11 @@ levels: Good job! You can use the computer! feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -827,6 +1621,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -847,6 +1654,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + correct_answer: C 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -882,6 +1693,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + question_text: Which code produced this output? + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + correct_answer: C + hint: Watch the indentation + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -892,6 +1708,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -932,6 +1752,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -949,6 +1772,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The indentation is done right this time 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -964,6 +1790,23 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -971,6 +1814,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -979,6 +1834,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - option: choice + feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + - option: dice + feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -993,6 +1860,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + question_score: '10' + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -1000,6 +1872,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -1028,6 +1912,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: What is the first question Hedy will `{ask}` you when you run the program? code: |- @@ -1037,6 +1924,18 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - feedback: Timon is first on the list! + option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + question_score: '10' + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -1052,6 +1951,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + question_text: What is true about this code? + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - feedback: Great! + option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: I love pizza + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + question_score: '10' + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_text: Which output is correct? + 4: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + feedback: Good job! + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + correct_answer: C + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + question_score: '10' 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1079,6 +2027,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: What did you learn in this level? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1092,6 +2043,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1119,6 +2075,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1127,6 +2087,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + feedback: The variable is not named guests + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + feedback: That's one order too many! + hint: Use the variable 'people' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1143,6 +2115,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1174,6 +2151,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 9: + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - option: Never + feedback: Try again + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + correct_answer: C + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + 5: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + feedback: No it doesn't. + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + correct_answer: D + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + question_score: '10' 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1192,6 +2233,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_text: Which output is correct? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1218,6 +2263,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + correct_answer: C 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1231,12 +2280,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + question_score: '10' + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + correct_answer: D 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1250,6 +2316,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + question_score: '10' + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1263,6 +2342,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + feedback: Almost there! + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1275,6 +2366,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + feedback: Terrific! + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1297,6 +2401,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1323,6 +2432,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1343,6 +2455,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1375,6 +2490,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + correct_answer: C + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1390,6 +2509,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1408,6 +2531,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1419,10 +2545,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + hint: Paper beats rock + correct_answer: A 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + question_score: '10' 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1436,6 +2579,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + correct_answer: D + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1450,6 +2606,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + question_text: Which statement is false? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + correct_answer: C 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1464,6 +2633,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1501,6 +2683,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1525,6 +2711,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + correct_answer: B 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1535,6 +2725,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + hint: The symbols are right + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1543,6 +2746,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`> 12`' + feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - option: '`<= 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1551,6 +2767,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1560,6 +2789,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - feedback: Almost + option: 8 or more + - option: 9 or more + feedback: Great! + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + - option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: '> means greater than' + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + correct_answer: A + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "'player 1 wins'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + question_score: '10' + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + 1: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + correct_answer: D + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '{if} name = Hedy' + feedback: No + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1567,11 +2898,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=!`' + feedback: That is not right. + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1592,6 +2948,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + correct_answer: D 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1611,6 +2971,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + hint: wetness should get less each time + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1628,6 +2992,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + correct_answer: D + hint: Look closely at the indentation + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1639,8 +3006,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The last one should say you win. + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: False! + option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1659,6 +3043,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1669,6 +3057,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + correct_answer: A + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + question_score: '10' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + 2: + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1676,12 +3083,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + feedback: Mind the spacing. + - feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + question_score: '10' + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: No, it is not random. + option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + feedback: Poor Wesley! + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: It's not random... 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1692,6 +3125,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1702,3 +3140,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + correct_answer: D + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + 10: + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - feedback: There is no list called 'person' + option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + question_score: '10' + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + 1: + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + feedback: This is the old way. + - feedback: The order is wrong. + option: '`[{random} snack]`' + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + hint: We no longer use {at} + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 6: + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + - option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + - option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + feedback: Correct + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + correct_answer: C + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_score: '10' + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not right + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - feedback: This is not going to work! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - option: Line 3 should start with indentation + feedback: It should not! + - option: Line 4 should start without indentation + feedback: It should not + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + 17: + 6: + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + 2: + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + 8: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: Nope. + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + question_text: What is wrong with code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + correct_answer: C + 4: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + feedback: Try again. + - option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + feedback: Great! + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + correct_answer: D + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + hint: Loop through your list. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + 10: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + feedback: Not true. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C diff --git a/content/quizzes/kab.yaml b/content/quizzes/kab.yaml index 1d2d5882727..569a7037460 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/kab.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/kab.yaml @@ -10,6 +10,11 @@ levels: feedback: Hello isn't a command. - feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. option: '`{ask}`' + question_text: Which need to be filled in on the blanks to make the text Hello! appear? + code: _ Hello! + correct_answer: B + hint: _ Hello world! + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: Are you ready to go to level 2? @@ -20,3 +25,2519 @@ levels: feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands - option: "Are you ready to go to level 2?\nYes!" feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + question_text: Which output will be in your output screen after you've run this code? + correct_answer: B + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' + 1: + question_text: What's this programming language called? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy + feedback: Good job! + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - option: Haydie + feedback: Not this one! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heidi + correct_answer: A + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: You only need one command, not two. + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' + - option: The command in line 2 is spelled wrong. + feedback: The command is spelled correctly. + - option: "`{echo}` isn't a command." + feedback: "`{echo}` is a command, there's another mistake." + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, you would like the answer to be repeated back to you. + option: '`{print}`' + - option: '`Hedy`' + feedback: Hedy isn't a command. + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: With `{ask}` you can ask a question. + - feedback: Right on! + option: '`{echo}`' + code: "{ask} What is your favorite pet?\n_ So your favorite pet is..." + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + 6: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + hint: Check the code line by line + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 8: + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. + feedback: That's what `{ask}` is for! + - feedback: That's what `{print}` is for! + option: You can use it exactly the same way as `{print}`. + - feedback: Good job! + option: You can use it to repeat an answer. + - feedback: That's not right... + option: You can use it to make text disappear. + question_score: '10' + 8: + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines and start with 4 spaces. + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: It is! + option: '`{else}` is not a command!' + - feedback: That's not true + option: Lines that start with `{if}` should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + question_score: '10' + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + 7: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Nothing. This code is correct! + feedback: Something is wrong! + - feedback: You are! + option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + - feedback: You always have to use indentation. + option: You don't have to use indentation twice. Only in the first `{if}` command. + - feedback: That's right. + option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. + correct_answer: D + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + code: "food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n{if} food {is} fries\nsauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n{if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are... right! + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are wrong! + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 and 4 + feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + correct_answer: D + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + correct_answer: D + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_score: '10' + 2: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it should be 2 lines. + option: This should be only one line, not 2. + - option: This `{print}` command has to be removed. + feedback: No, you need it. + - option: There is a spelling mistake in the `{repeat}` command. + feedback: No, `{repeat}` is the correct spelling + - option: The second line needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation. + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + 3: + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - feedback: The last line has no indentation, so it's not repeated. + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + - feedback: Right! + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + - feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't ? + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark\nBaby shark" + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + hint: What is being repeated and what is not? + correct_answer: C + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: This order is incorrect. + option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nWe are going on vacation!" + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'The children went:'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Yay!'\n {print} 'We are going on vacation!'" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + 9: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is correct! + - feedback: You are! + option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + - feedback: You always have to use indentation. + option: You don't have to use indentation twice. + - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. + feedback: It is not the indentation. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n {if} food {is} fries\n sauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n {if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + hint: All the indentation is done correctly. + 2: + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\n```" + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nThe computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...\n```" + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + correct_answer: D + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - option: case 2, sell + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: Great job! You win! + option: case 2, open + hint: Follow the right path + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + code: "{print} 'Choose the right case and win!'\ncase = {ask} 'Which case will you pick? 1 or 2?'\n{if} case {is} 1\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell your case for 10 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win an apple pie'\n{if} case {is} 2\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!'" + 4: + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsize = {ask} 'What is your shoe size?'\n{if} size {is} 38\n {if} name {is} Cinderella\n {print} '❤️❤️❤️'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are not the one!'\n{else}\n {print} 'Ill keep looking'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + feedback: No, she gets 'You are not the one!' + - feedback: No, she gets 'Ill keep looking' + option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output '❤️❤️❤️' + - feedback: That's right! + option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 40 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + - feedback: No she gets '❤️❤️❤️' + option: Cinderella with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + question_score: '10' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + correct_answer: C + 5: + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_text: Which code produced this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: Don't forget the indentation after `{repeat}` commands. + - feedback: Use indentation after an `{if}` command + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n dessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n {if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Watch the indentation + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Don't forget the others + option: '`{if}`' + - feedback: Don't forget `{else}`! + option: '`{if}` `{repeat}`' + - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}`' + feedback: Keep it up! + - feedback: Not with `{print}` + option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' + question_score: '10' + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + correct_answer: C + 7: + code: "{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\nprice = price - 5" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: The second `{if}` misses code! + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: Two consecutive `{if}`s is never correct. + - feedback: Almost right. Take another look at the last line + option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + question_text: You'll get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.
But the code has a mistake! How to debug it? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Only line 2 and 3 start with spaces + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Line 3 should start with 8 + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 8 spaces + feedback: Line 2 should start with 4 + - feedback: You are correct! + option: line 2 should start with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 + hint: The first line doesn't start with any spaces + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "1 {repeat} 2 {times}\n2 {if} level {is} 9\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Yes you can. + option: You can't put two questions in a row + - feedback: Keen eye! Good job! + option: The variable called 'age' is later on used as 'years' + - option: You're not allowed to start with 8 spaces, like line 5 does + feedback: You actually must start like that. + - feedback: That's not true. + option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line + code: "age = {ask} 'Happy Birthday! How old are you?'\nsinging = {ask} 'Would you like us to sing?'\n{if} singing {is} yes\n {repeat} years {times}\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hooray'" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The indentation is done right this time + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 10: + 1: + code: "compliments = perfect, great job, amazing\n_\n {print} compliment" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + correct_answer: B + question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_` if we want to print each compliment? + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_score: '10' + 2: + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_text: Which output is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pancakes + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: dogs are lovely pets + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + - feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - option: choice + feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + - option: dice + feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What word should be on the `_` with these digital dice? + correct_answer: B + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the digital dice!'\nplayers = Ann, John, Jesse\nchoices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' throws ' _ {at} {random}" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nKelly chooses rock\n```" + feedback: Meredith wants to play too! + - option: "```\nMeredith chooses scissors\nKelly chooses rock\n```" + feedback: So close! But Kelly is first in the list, so she goes first + - option: "```\nMeredith chooses paper\n```" + feedback: Kelly wants to play too! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nKelly chooses paper\nMeredith chooses scissors\n```" + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + question_score: '10' + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D + 7: + code: "names = Ron, Leslie, April, Andy\nfood = pasta, fries, salad\n_\n {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + - feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What line should be on the `_` in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? + correct_answer: A + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + 8: + code: "names = Donna, Tommy, Ben\ncolors = blue, red, purple\n{for} name {in} names\n {print} _" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\n'name gets a color shirt'\n```" + - feedback: Great job! This was a hard one! + option: "```\nname 'gets a ' colors {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + - option: "```\nnames 'gets a ' color {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + feedback: You want each name printed. So the first word should not be names but... + - feedback: There is no variable named people.. + option: "```\npeople ' gets a colors shirt'\n```" + question_text: What should be on the `_` in this code that decides which color shirt you get? + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + question_score: '10' + code: "courses = appetizer, main course, dessert\nnames = Timon, Onno\n{for} name {in} names\n {for} course {in} courses\n food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?'\n {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course" + correct_answer: A + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + 10: + question_text: What is true about this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not true, you could end up without a prize. + option: Everybody will always win a prize. + - feedback: That is not true. All the prizes are given away, but to random people + option: All the prizes always go to one single person. + - option: Larry will never win a prize + feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others + - feedback: You get it! + option: Someone might win two prizes + correct_answer: D + code: "prizes = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich\nnames = Bob, Patrick, Sandy, Larry\n{for} prize {in} prizes\n {print} 'The ' prize ' is won by ' names {at} {random}" + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + 11: + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + 4: + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} i\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy prints the numbers from 0 to 10 instead of 10 to 0. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} -1 * i\n```" + feedback: Hedy would print negative numbers in this case. + - feedback: Unfortunately this does not exist. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 10 {to} 0\n {print} i\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} 10 - i\n```" + feedback: That's right! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: It has to be a calculation… + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + feedback: The variable is not named guests + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + feedback: That's one order too many! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be on the place of the blank? + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys diner'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people will be eating here tonight?'\n_\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to order?'\n {print} food" + hint: Use the variable 'people' + 8: + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The numbers don't appear. It doesn't say `{print}` i. + option: "```\n23\n24\n25\n```" + - feedback: The numbers don't appear. It doesn't say `{print}` i + option: "```\n23 hi 24 hi 25 hi\n```" + - feedback: Correct + option: "```\nhi\nhi\nhi\n```" + - feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + question_score: '10' + 9: + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + correct_answer: D + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n {print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: Mind the indentation + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n{print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n{print} Baby shark\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n {print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the indentation + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 2: + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n1\n2\n3\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "```\n1 2 3\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - option: "```\n1, 2, 3\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n123\n```" + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: A + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`counter`' + feedback: No + - feedback: Correct + option: '`{range}`' + - feedback: No + option: '`{if}`' + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: No + hint: What did you learn in this level? + code: "{for} i {in} _ 1 {to} 10\n {print} i" + correct_answer: B + question_text: What word should be at the place of the blank? + question_score: '10' + 12: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Don't forget the first line of code! + option: '5' + - feedback: This is not the one! + option: 3.5 + 1.5 + - option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\nfive" + feedback: Take a close look at the second line... + - option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\n5" + feedback: Great job! + code: "{print} 'three and a half plus one and a half is...'\n{print} 3.5 + 1.5" + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + correct_answer: C + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nflavors {is} vanilla, strawberry, chocolate\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + - feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + option: "```\n'flavors = vanilla, strawberry, chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + - option: "```\nflavors = 'vanilla', 'strawberry', 'chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + feedback: Alright! + - feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + option: "```\nflavors = 'vanilla, strawberry, chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The name of the variable is different in line 1 than in line 2. + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: That's not true + option: The quotation marks aren't used correctly in line 2 + - option: You can't use the = sign when using an {ask} command + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Nothing is wrong. + correct_answer: A + code: "favorite_animal = {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{print} 'I like ' favoriteanimal ' too!'" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + question_score: '10' + 5: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} 'Agent007'\n a {is} 'Go to the airport '\nelse\n a {is} 'Go to the train station '\npassword {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} 'TOPSECRET'\n b {is} 'tomorrow at 02.00'\n{else}\n b {is} 'today at 10.00'\n{print} a + b" + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + question_score: '10' + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which line should be filled in at the `_`? + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to McHedy!'\norder = {ask} 'Would you like a hamburger or fries?'\n{if} order = 'hamburger'\n price = 12\n{if} order = 'fries'\n price = 4\ndrinks = {ask} 'Would you like a drink with that for 2 dollars?'\n{if} drinks = 'yes'\n _\n{print} 'That will be ' price ' dollar please'" + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - feedback: There's more options than just one + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + code: "menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes'\n{print} \"It's my birthday! I`ve brought some snacks!\"\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'gluten free'\n {remove} 'cookies' {from} menu\n{if} diet = 'vegan'\n {remove} 'cheese' {from} menu\n{print} 'For you I have brought: '\n{for} snack {in} menu\n {print} snack" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 8: + code: '3.5' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} '7 / 2'\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{print} 7 / 2\n```" + feedback: That is right! + - option: "```\n{print} 7 : 2\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{print} 7 * 2\n```" + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\nprizes = 'one' 'million' 'dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars, nothing'\n```" + - option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + feedback: Winner! + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\n'prizes' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "_\n{print} 'You won ' prizes {at} {random} '!'" + question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the `_`? + 4: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + question_score: '10' + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + code: "{print} Welcome to the online shoe shop\ncategory = {ask} What kind of shoes are you looking for?\n{if} category = high heels\n {print} High heels are 50% off now!" + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + - option: "```\n{for} action {in} actions\n```" + feedback: You are amazing! + - feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n```" + - feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + option: "```\n{print} actions {at} {random}\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the `_` to complete the song ? + correct_answer: B + code: "actions = 'clap your hands', 'stomp your feet', 'shout Hurray!'\n_\n {for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n {print} action\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n {print} action" + 13: + 1: + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} birthday {and} song = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Almost there + - option: "```\n{if} birthday = 'yes' {and} name = 'Hedy'\n```" + feedback: Hedy only sings for you if you like to hear a song + - option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {and} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {or} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + correct_answer: C + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsong = {ask} 'Whould you like to hear a song?'\nbirthday = {ask} 'Is today your birthday?'\n???\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday dear ' name\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't have to be vegan and muslim + option: '`{and}`' + - feedback: Great thinking! + option: '`{or}`' + - option: '`+`' + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: '`{print}`' + question_score: '10' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + code: "menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies'\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'vegan' ??? diet = 'halal'\n {remove} 'sausage rolls' {from} menu" + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You get a free apple pie! + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: That is not true + option: That will be 5 dollars please + - option: This code won't work, so there is no output + feedback: There is nothing wrong with the code + - feedback: There is! Read the question carefully + option: There is no way of knowing + hint: Mind the command `{or}` in line 3 + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + code: "member = {ask} 'Do you have a membership card?'\ndiscount = {ask} 'Do you have a discount code?'\n{if} member = 'yes' {or} discount = 'yes'\n {print} 'You get a free apple pie!'\n{else}\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 4: + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'you win'\n```" + feedback: You win! + - feedback: You lose! + option: "```\n{print} 'you lose'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'tie'\n```" + feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same + - option: "```\n{print} 'try again'\n```" + feedback: Try again! + question_score: '10' + code: "{if} computer_choice {is} 'rock' {and} your_choice {is} 'paper'" + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + hint: Paper beats rock + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + code: "{if} name = 'Cinderella' {and} shoe_size = 38\n {print} 'You are my one true love!'" + hint: Both statements have to be true + 6: + code: "{print} 'Let me guess which family member you are!'\nglasses = {ask} 'Do you wear glasses?'\nfemale = {ask} 'Are you female?'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Sophie!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Marleen!'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Wouter!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Michael!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + feedback: Try again + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + question_score: '10' + 7: + code: "{print} 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets'\n{print} 'Here is a program to help feed them'\nanimal = {ask} 'What kind of animal are they?'\ncolor = {ask} 'What colour are they?'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'grey'\n {print} 'That is Abby. She eats 3 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'orange'\n {print} 'That is Milo. He eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'bird' {or} color = 'black'\n {print} 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today'\n{if} animal = 'hamster' {and} color = 'brown'\n {print} 'You can feed them a piece of carrot'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + feedback: Great job! + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is false? + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + 8: + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the movie theater'\npopcorn = {ask} 'Would you like some popcorn?'\ndrink = {ask} 'Would you like a drink?'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 8 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 3 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'Ok'\n{print} 'Enjoy the movie'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: That's not enough money! + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Line 3 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: This is not what I ordered! + option: "Line 3 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + - feedback: This is not what I ordered! + option: "Line 5 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + - option: "Line 7 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_score: '10' + code: "1 chocolate = {ask} 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?'\n2 sprinkles = {ask} 'Would you like sprinkles on your ice cream?'\n3 {if} chocolate {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n4 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce and sprinkles, coming up!'\n5 {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n6 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce, coming up!'\n7 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n8 {print} 'Ice cream with sprinkles, coming up'\n9 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n10 {print} 'Just plain icecream, coming up!'" + correct_answer: A + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There are no items that are both the list of snacks and the list of drinks + option: '`{and}`' + - feedback: Great job! + option: '`{or}`' + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: '`{if}`' + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt'\nitem = {ask} 'What product are you looking for?'\nbakery = 'bread', 'buns', 'muffins'\ndrinks = 'soda', 'water', 'lemonade'\nsnacks = 'chips', 'nuts', 'dips'\nfrozen = 'fries', 'icecream', 'pizza'\nfruit = 'bananas', 'apples', 'oranges'\n{if} item {in} snacks ??? item {in} drinks\n {print} 'This item is in aisle 3'\n{if} item {in} bakery {or} item {in} bakery\n {print} 'This item in in the back of the store'\n{if} item {in} fruit\n {print} 'The fruit is sold near the register'" + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + 14: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + question_score: '10' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + correct_answer: D + 2: + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 3: + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=` and `>=`' + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + 4: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "price = 10\nmoney = {ask} How much money do you have?\nbuy = {ask} 'Would you like to buy this teddy bear?'\n{if} money >= price {and} buy == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can buy the bear!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - feedback: You are correct + option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + feedback: No that's not it + hint: The symbols are right + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 5: + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nticket = {ask} 'Do you have a ticket?'\n{if} age _ {and} ticket == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + correct_answer: B + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + code: "lives = 2\n{repeat} 10 {times}\n {if} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + 7: + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - feedback: You win! + option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + question_score: '10' + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + 8: + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: True! + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + feedback: There are. + hint: '> means greater than' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + code: "chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?'\n {if} chocolate <= 2\n {print} 'That is a healthy amount'\n {if} chocolate > 2 {and} chocolate =< 8\n {print} 'That is a bit much'\n {if} chocolate > 8\n {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - option: "'It is a tie'" + feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: You win the game by having the most points + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + 15: + 1: + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + code: "answer = 0\n{while} answer _ 'Amsterdam'\n answer = {ask} 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?'\n{print} 'You have given the correct answer'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - option: '`=`' + feedback: That's not it + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You are right + option: '`{while}`' + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + code: "_ age < 18\n {print} 'you are not allowed in this bar'" + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blank? + 4: + code: "options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{print} 'Throw 6 as fast as you can!'\nthrown = 0\ntries = 0\n{while} thrown == 6\n thrown = options {at} {random}\n {print} 'You threw ' thrown\n tries = tries + 1\n{print} 'Yes! You have thrown 6 in ' tries ' tries.'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `==` should be used instead of `=` + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: That's not right + - feedback: That's not it + option: In line 5 `{if}` should have been used instead of `{while}` + - option: In line 5 `!=` should have been used instead of `==` + feedback: You are correct + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 5: + code: "wetness = 10\n{while} wetness != 0\n {print} 'Your hair is still wet, hair dryer on!'\n {sleep} 1\n {clear}\n wetness _\n\n{print} 'All dry!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n = wetness\n```" + feedback: That will not change anything + - feedback: You can't have two times = in one line + option: "```\n = wetness = 1\n```" + - feedback: You are correct! + option: "```\n = wetness - 1\n```" + - option: "```\n = wetness + 1\n```" + feedback: The program should count down + hint: wetness should get less each time + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + 6: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{while}` should be`{if}`' + feedback: No that is not right + - feedback: No that is not right + option: '`{if}` should be `{while}`' + - option: Line 3 should start with more indentation + feedback: No that's not right + - feedback: That is correct + option: Line 2 should start with less indentation + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D + code: "lives = 100\n {while} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + 7: + question_text: How should this program be changed so that it works? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: '... change the first `{if}` into a `{while}`' + - option: '... change the second `{if}` into a `{while}`' + feedback: That's not quite right. + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the third `{if}` into a `{while}`' + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the fourth `{if}` into a `{while}`' + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: False! + option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The block after the {while} command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + 9: + code: "calories = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?'\n {while} calories <= 1000\n {print} 'You could eat some more'\n {while} calories > 1000 {and} calories =< 2000\n {print} 'That is alright'\n {while} calories > 2000\n {print} 'You have had enough for today'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Nothing. 1600 is not programmed into the app. + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: You could eat some more + - option: That is alright + feedback: Yes! + - option: You have eaten enough for today + feedback: No + correct_answer: C + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n name_player_1\n```" + feedback: You are right! + - option: "```\n name_player_2\n```" + feedback: No they are losing! + - feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + option: "```\n points_player_1\n```" + - feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + option: "```\n points_player_2\n```" + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + question_score: '10' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 16: + 1: + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + hint: We no longer use {at} + 2: + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + code: "friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee']\nchores = ['the cooking', 'the cleaning', 'nothing']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} _" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + feedback: Mind the spacing. + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + hint: It's not random... + code: "friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee']\nchore = ['the cooking', 'the cleaning', 'nothing']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i]" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The variable in line 4 should be `friend[i]`, not `friends[i]` + feedback: That is not right. + - option: Line 3 should say `in range 1 to 3` not `in range 0 to 3` + feedback: Good catch! + - option: Line 4 should say 'lucky_number', not 'lucky number + feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. + - feedback: That's not it + option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 5: + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh']\n```" + feedback: Mind the variable name and the order of the sounds. + - option: "```\n sounds = '[woof], [moo], [neigh]'\n```" + feedback: Look at line one to see how brackets are supposed to be used. + - option: "```\n sounds = [woof, moo, neigh]\n```" + feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\n sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh']\n```" + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - option: Line 4 should start without indentation + feedback: It should not + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 8: + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not right + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + correct_answer: B + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 9: + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + correct_answer: A + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + question_score: '10' + 17: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: D + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + correct_answer: D + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + correct_answer: C + 8: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 9: + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The word num needs quotation marks. + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C + 3: + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 2: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can use the `{print}` command to ask questions. + feedback: That is what `{ask}` is for + - option: You can use the `{ask}` command to echo answers. + feedback: That is not true + - option: With the `{print}` command you can make text appear + feedback: Good + - feedback: That's not how `{sleep}` works. + option: With the `{sleep}` command, you can remove text from the screen. + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: '`{print}` still works the same way as in level 1' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + feedback: Right on! + - option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + feedback: She is not replaced with the name + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + 2: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + question_text: Which code is correct? + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + correct_answer: A + 4: + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + question_score: '10' + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + 5: + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + correct_answer: C + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_text: What should be on the lines? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: '`{sleep}`' + - feedback: There is nothing to repeat back here + option: '`{echo}`' + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: There is no text there to `{print}` there + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: There is no question there to be asked + code: "{print} And the award for best programming language goes to...\n_\n{print} Hedy!" + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} I will explode in 3 seconds!\n_\n{print} BOOM!" + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + hint: The variable name should come first + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + correct_answer: B + 10: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + question_score: '10' + code: "flavor {is} _\n{print} Your favorite icecream is...\n{sleep}\n{print} flavor" + 3: + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Good job! + option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' + - feedback: No, you don't need `{print}` + option: Line 1 needs to start with `{print}`. + - option: Line 2 needs to say 'animal' instead of 'animals' + feedback: animals is correct. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + hint: The variable name is prices + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + question_score: '10' + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - feedback: Correct + option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + correct_answer: B + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + 8: + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - option: sea salt + feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + - option: paprika + feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the output of this code? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + code: "colors {is} blue, purple, green\nchosen_color {is} {ask} Which hair color wouldn't you like to have?\n{remove} chosen_color {from} colors\n{print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random}" + hint: Look at line 4 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C + 10: + code: "walkers {is} dad, mom, Sam, Petra\nwalked_yesterday {is} {ask} Who walked the dogs yesterday?\n{print} walked_yesterday shouldn't have to walk the dogs again today\n_\n{print} walkers {at} {random} , it's your turn to walk the dogs!" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {from} walkers\n```" + feedback: Super! + - option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + feedback: '`{remove} {from}` or `{add} {to}`, not `{remove} {to}`' + - feedback: yesterday is not a variable + option: "```\n{remove} walkers {from} yesterday\n```" + - feedback: This increased the chance that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. + option: "```\n{add} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + question_text: What should be on the _? + hint: The person who walked the dogs yesterday should be removed from the list. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: '`{print}` is used to print text' + - feedback: '`{ask}` is used to ask a question' + option: '`{ask}`' + - option: '`{is}`' + feedback: '`{is}` is used to make a list' + - option: '`{at} {random}`' + feedback: Correct! + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What command(s) do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? + 4: + 2: + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} `hello`\n```" + feedback: This quotation mark is skewed, you need a straight one. + - feedback: Correct + option: "```\n{print} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} hello\n```" + feedback: There are no quotation marks here! + - option: "```\n{print} ,hello,\n```" + feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + 1: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right + option: "```\n{print} 'Im very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} Im very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + feedback: '{print} now needs quotation marks!' + - option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + feedback: do not use apostrophe or use backticks instead + - feedback: careful when using quotes and apostrophe + option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + 3: + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} Hi Im Hedy\n```" + feedback: Add quotation marks please! + - feedback: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + option: "```\n{print} 'Hi Im Hedy\n```" + - feedback: The first quotation mark should be behind the word `{print}` + option: "```\n'{print} Hi Im Hedy'\n```" + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{print} 'Hi Im Hedy'\n```" + correct_answer: D + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n'{print} options {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Never put the quotation mark in front of the `{print}` command. + - option: "```\n{print} 'options' {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: options is a variable. You don't literally want to print 'options {at} {random}'. + - feedback: That's right + option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + - option: Nothing, the game already works! + feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + 6: + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You get it! + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?' + 7: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 8: + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + feedback: We need quotation marks + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_score: '10' + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + correct_answer: C + 9: + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + correct_answer: D + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + option: Ajax is going to win the champions league + - feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + option: Real Madrid is going to win the champions league + - option: Bayern Munchen is going to win the champions league + feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + - feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + 5: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There already is a `{print}` command. + option: '`{print}`' + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: The `{if}` command is used in the line above. + - option: '`{sleep}`' + feedback: That's not it! + - option: '`{else}`' + feedback: That's right! + hint: Which one goes together with the `{if}` command? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the _? + code: "number {is} {ask} 'What is your lucky number?'\n{if} number {is} 5 {print} 'Mine too!'\n_ {print} 'My lucky number is 5!'" + 2: + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: fun + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 3: + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the right password? + hint: "`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` 'Correct!'" + correct_answer: B + 4: + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 5: + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + feedback: Indeed! + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank in the last line? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the football fortune teller!'\n{print} 'I will predict what place your team will end up!'\nclub is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?'\n{if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!'\n_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...'" + 7: + question_text: Which word should be in the place of the blank? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{if}` is in the line above.' + option: '`{if}`' + - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' + feedback: No, you don't need `{at} {random}`. + - option: '`{else}`' + feedback: There already is an `{else}` command + - feedback: Awesome! + option: '`{print}`' + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'I can predict if you will be a millionair or not!'\nname {is} {ask} 'Whats your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'You will be a millionair!'\n{else} _ 'Unfortunately... No big money for you.'" + 8: + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not the variable name. + option: "```\nfavorite animal\n```" + - option: "```\nanimal\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: '`{if}` is already there' + - feedback: No, that's not it. + option: '`{print}`' + hint: What the variable name? + question_score: '10' + code: "animal {is} {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{if} _ {is} penguin {print} 'Thats my favorite animal too!'\n{else} {print} 'Cool! I like penguins.'" + correct_answer: B + 9: + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + option: '1' + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 10: + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - option: vampire + feedback: Not always... + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 6: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '20' + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + question_score: '10' + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + question_score: '10' + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D + 3: + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - option: 3*10 + feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 4: + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + question_score: '10' + 7: + question_score: '10' + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + correct_answer: C + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + 8: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + correct_answer: B + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 10% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + 5: + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 6: + question_text: How much does a hamburger cost in this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to use the `=` sign as well + option: You can only fill in the word is on the `_` + - option: You can fill in either the word is or the `=` sign on the `_` + feedback: Amazing! + - option: You have to fill in =is= on the `_` + feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough + - feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "name _ Hedy\n{print} name 'is walking trough the forrest'" + 7: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No you can repeat a line. + option: '0' + - option: '1' + feedback: Correct, one line at a time + - feedback: In this level only one line at a time + option: '3' + - option: infinite + feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + hint: You can only repeat one line at a time + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Right + feedback: No, a word is missing + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "`I'm`" + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: '`{print}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{print}`' + - feedback: '`{repeat}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{repeat}`' + - option: '`{times}`' + feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes in a sentence + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nthe wheels on the bus go\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nround and round\nround and round\n```" + feedback: All through the town! Perfect! + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nWe will We will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + feedback: "'We will' won't appear twice in the same line" + - option: "```\nWe will\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: ROCK YOU! won't be repeated + option: "```\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + - feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command + option: "```\nWe will\nROCK YOU!" + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + 8: + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome, you can't use the `{repeat}` command here. + option: "```\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + - feedback: Where did you leave 'Do do do do'? + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + - feedback: This is not the correct order.. + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + 9: + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Your repeated line is incorrect. + option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham. '\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{print} 'Help!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + feedback: The `{print}` command is missing on line 3. + - feedback: You're missing the quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} Batman was flying through Gotham.\n{print} When suddenly he heard someone screaming!\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} Help!\n{print} Please help me!\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 10: + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost! the first line needs an extra word + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n```" + feedback: This is not in the right order. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 4 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'clap your hands'\n{print} 'and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'clap your hands'\n```" + feedback: This is not in the right order. + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + question_score: '10' + 2: + hint: First the `{repeat}` command, then the `{print}` command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code is right? + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + hint: The code is correct! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + correct_answer: A diff --git a/content/quizzes/kmr.yaml b/content/quizzes/kmr.yaml index f4460c44ca5..ddf545ff972 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/kmr.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/kmr.yaml @@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _?_ Hello world! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which need to be filled in on the blanks to make the text Hello! appear? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -34,6 +37,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + correct_answer: A + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- {ask} What is your favorite pet? @@ -59,6 +67,10 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: Right on! + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -69,6 +81,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + correct_answer: C + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -84,6 +100,83 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: You only need one command, not two. + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + - option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 7: + correct_answer: D + hint: Check the code line by line + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 1: + question_text: What's this programming language called? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy + feedback: Good job! + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Haydie + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heidi + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -95,6 +188,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good - option: With the {sleep} command, you can remove text from the screen. feedback: That's not how `{sleep}` works. + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{print}` still works the same way as in level 1' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -121,17 +218,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + question_text: What should be on the lines? + correct_answer: A + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + correct_answer: B + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my name is Hedy + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + question_score: '10' + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + correct_answer: D + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which code is correct? + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + 8: + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + hint: The variable name should come first + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - feedback: Great! + option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + correct_answer: B + 5: + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + correct_answer: C 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -156,6 +371,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -166,8 +384,26 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + correct_answer: A + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" 9: hint: Look at line 3 + mp_choice_options: + - option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + question_score: '10' + code: "colors {is} blue, purple, green\nchosen_color {is} {ask} Which hair color wouldn't you like to have?\n{remove} chosen_color {from} colors\n{print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -198,6 +434,98 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the chance that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? + 4: + hint: The variable name is prices + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + feedback: No that's not wrong. + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + correct_answer: D + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + question_score: '10' + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 6: + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No that's not right + option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + 7: + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + question_text: What is the output of this code? 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -210,6 +538,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -232,6 +563,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + question_score: '10' 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -254,6 +589,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -273,6 +612,100 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + 6: + correct_answer: A + hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + question_score: '10' + 7: + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + 8: + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + feedback: We need quotation marks + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + option: Ajax is going to win the champions league + - feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + option: Real Madrid is going to win the champions league + - option: Bayern Munchen is going to win the champions league + feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league + feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. 5: 1: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the _?_? @@ -301,8 +734,24 @@ levels: {else} ``` feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + hint: Which one goes together with the `{if}` command? + question_score: '10' 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - option: SECRET + feedback: That's right!' + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the right password? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -311,6 +760,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{else}\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + option: "```\n{print}\n```" + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -339,6 +800,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -366,6 +830,84 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 2: + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: fun + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + correct_answer: A + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + 9: + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: '1' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - option: giant spider + feedback: Not always... + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + 4: + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + option: Wrong! + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? 6: 10: code: |- @@ -380,6 +922,144 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - option: '210' + feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + code: '{print} 2*10' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + 2: + hint: It's the plus sign. + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`-`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + - option: '13' + feedback: Try again.. + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + option: 5 dollars + - option: 10 dollars + feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: How much does a hamburger cost in this virtual restaurant? + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + correct_answer: C + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + question_score: '10' + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + feedback: Correct! + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + 9: + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - option: 32% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - option: 100% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + correct_answer: C + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + 4: + question_score: '10' + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your lucky number is... 30 + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -392,8 +1072,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code is right? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -417,6 +1112,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -443,6 +1142,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -464,6 +1168,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" 9: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -498,6 +1207,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Please help me!' ``` feedback: Perfect + question_score: '10' + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + correct_answer: D + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -529,6 +1243,51 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + 3: + correct_answer: D + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - feedback: Correct + option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + 5: + hint: The code is correct! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + 8: + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + correct_answer: A + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: Awesome, you can't use the `{repeat}` command here. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'" + feedback: Where did you leave 'Do do do do'? + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -540,6 +1299,11 @@ levels: feedback: No, repeat is the correct spelling - option: The second line needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -567,6 +1331,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + correct_answer: C 7: code: |- food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -586,6 +1354,114 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + correct_answer: D + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 5: + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines and start with 4 spaces. + - option: '`{else}` is not a command!' + feedback: It is! + - feedback: That's not true + option: Lines that start with `{if}` should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + 6: + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are... right! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + question_score: '10' + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + correct_answer: C + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: This order is incorrect. + option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nWe are going on vacation!" + - feedback: The last line is repeated too. + option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'The children went:'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Yay!'\n {print} 'We are going on vacation!'" + 9: + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - option: Only line 3 + feedback: Not only 3... + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Everything is printed twice + option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -597,6 +1473,11 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It is not the indentation. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + hint: All the indentation is done correctly. + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n {if} food {is} fries\n sauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n {if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -613,6 +1494,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: case 1, sell + feedback: You don't win a million! + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -623,6 +1517,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -657,6 +1555,11 @@ levels: price = price - 5 ``` feedback: Almost right! Take another look at the last line. + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + question_score: '10' + code: "{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\nprice = price - 5" + question_text: You'll get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.
But the code has a mistake! How to debug it? + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -674,11 +1577,86 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + hint: The indentation is done right this time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} 2 {if} level {is} 9 3 {print} Great job! + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Only line 2 and 3 start with spaces + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: Line 3 should start with 8 + option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 8 spaces + feedback: Line 2 should start with 4 + - feedback: You are correct! + option: line 2 should start with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: The first line doesn't start with any spaces + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\n```" + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nThe computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...\n```" + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + correct_answer: D + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + 4: + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + feedback: No, she gets 'You are not the one!' + - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output '❤️❤️❤️' + feedback: No, she gets 'Ill keep looking' + - feedback: That's right! + option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 40 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + - feedback: No she gets '❤️❤️❤️' + option: Cinderella with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsize = {ask} 'What is your shoe size?'\n{if} size {is} 38\n {if} name {is} Cinderella\n {print} '❤️❤️❤️'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are not the one!'\n{else}\n {print} 'Ill keep looking'" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: Don't forget the indentation after `{repeat}` commands. + - feedback: Use indentation after an `{if}` command + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n dessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n {if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + hint: Watch the indentation + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code produced this output? + correct_answer: C + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: None, that is not allowed + feedback: You are allowed to + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: '3' + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + question_score: '10' + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -686,6 +1664,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -694,6 +1684,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - option: choice + feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + - feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + option: dice + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -708,6 +1710,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + question_score: '10' + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -715,6 +1722,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + feedback: You are on fire! + - option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -743,6 +1762,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- courses = appetizer, main course, dessert @@ -751,6 +1773,19 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + correct_answer: A + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program? 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -766,6 +1801,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + correct_answer: D + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is true about this code? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: dogs are lovely pets + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -793,6 +1877,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -806,6 +1893,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -833,6 +1925,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -841,6 +1937,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + correct_answer: C + hint: Use the variable 'people' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -857,6 +1965,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -888,6 +2001,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + question_score: '10' + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + 5: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + feedback: No it doesn't. + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: 1 time + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" 12: 1: code: |- @@ -906,6 +2083,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + hint: Both lines are printed! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -932,6 +2113,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -945,12 +2130,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -964,6 +2166,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -977,6 +2192,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -989,6 +2216,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + correct_answer: A 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1011,6 +2251,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + code: '3.5' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1037,6 +2282,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1057,6 +2305,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1089,6 +2340,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1104,6 +2359,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1122,6 +2381,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1133,10 +2395,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + correct_answer: A + hint: Paper beats rock + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1150,6 +2429,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: Michael is a boy with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1164,6 +2456,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + correct_answer: C + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + feedback: Great job! + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + question_text: Which statement is false? 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1178,6 +2483,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1211,6 +2529,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_score: '10' + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1235,6 +2557,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1245,6 +2571,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - feedback: You are correct + option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + hint: The symbols are right + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1253,6 +2592,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1261,6 +2613,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 2 times + feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + hint: "!= means 'is not'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1270,6 +2635,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "'player 1 wins'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + hint: You win the game by having the most points + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + correct_answer: C + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - feedback: You win! + option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 1: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - feedback: No + option: '{if} age = 24' + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1277,11 +2744,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: Correct + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_score: '10' + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You are right + option: '`{while}`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{for}`' + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1302,6 +2794,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1321,6 +2817,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + hint: wetness should get less each time + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1338,6 +2838,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1349,8 +2852,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + correct_answer: A + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: False! + option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1369,6 +2889,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1379,6 +2903,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1386,12 +2929,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + feedback: Mind the spacing. + - feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + question_score: '10' + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: No, it is not random. + option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: It's not random... + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1402,6 +2971,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1412,3 +2986,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + 10: + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - feedback: There is no list called 'person' + option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + correct_answer: D + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + question_score: '10' + 1: + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + feedback: This is the old way. + - feedback: The order is wrong. + option: '`[{random} snack]`' + - feedback: Correct + option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + question_score: '10' + hint: We no longer use {at} + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: C + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + feedback: That is not right. + - option: Line 3 should start with indentation + feedback: It should not! + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not right + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - feedback: This is not going to work! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: It will be repeated twice + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_score: '10' + 17: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + correct_answer: B + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You cannot have so many variables. + feedback: This is not it. + - option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + feedback: Not true! + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + correct_answer: C + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + - feedback: Try again. + option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + correct_answer: A + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + correct_answer: C + 4: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 6: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + 8: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Read the code carefully. + 9: + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + feedback: Not true. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C diff --git a/content/quizzes/ko.yaml b/content/quizzes/ko.yaml index d64f95da5e6..c830d204ce3 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/ko.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/ko.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Heidi feedback: 이건 틀렸네요! hint: Hedy Lamarr의 이름을 따서 지었어요. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: question_text: 안녕하세요!라는 글자가 출력되려면 빈칸에 어느 것을 채워야 하나요? code: ___ 안녕하세요! @@ -25,6 +27,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: '`{ask}`를 사용하면, 질문을 할 수 있습니다.' hint: _?_ 안녕하세요! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: 좋아하는 색이 무엇인지 물어보고 싶어요? mp_choice_options: @@ -49,6 +53,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{echo}` 당신의 답변 뒤에 반복 됩니다.' hint: '`{ask}` 명령을 사용하여 질문할 수 있습니다' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: 이 코드에 무슨 문제가 있나요? code: |- @@ -65,6 +71,8 @@ levels: - option: 문제 없어요! 이 코드는 완벽해요! feedback: 틀렸어요, 주의해서 보세요! hint: 1번 라인이 무언가 이상한 것 같아요 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: question_text: 2 라인에 어떤 명령이 누락되었습니까? code: |- @@ -80,6 +88,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{echo}`' feedback: 잘했어요! hint: 2번 줄 다음에 정답을 보고 싶으시군요... + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: 이 코드에 무슨 문제가 있을까요? code: |- @@ -97,6 +107,8 @@ levels: - option: 4 라인, `{print}` 명령어의 철자가 틀렸습니다. feedback: 아니요, 다른 곳에 실수가 있어요 hint: 질문 중에 `{print}` 명령어를 확인하세요. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: 이 코드에 무슨 문제가 있을까요? code: |- @@ -114,6 +126,8 @@ levels: - option: 없어요! 완벽한 코드에요! feedback: 맞아요! hint: 라인 별로 코드를 꼼꼼히 확인해 보세요 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: '`{echo}` 명령어는 어떻게 사용하나요?' mp_choice_options: @@ -126,6 +140,8 @@ levels: - option: 텍스트를 사라지게 할때 사용해요. feedback: 이건 아닌것 같네요... hint: '`{echo}` 는 `{ask}` 명령어를 쓴 이후 사용됩니다.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: 이 코드에 무슨 문제가 있을까요? code: |- @@ -142,6 +158,8 @@ levels: - option: 없어요. 이건 완벽한 코드에요! feedback: 실수를 잘 살펴보세요... hint: '`{ask}` 는 질문을 할 수 있게 해줘요' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: question_text: 이 코드를 실행하면 출력 화면에 어떤 내용이 출력 되나요? code: |- @@ -162,6 +180,8 @@ levels: 네! feedback: 두 개의 echo 명령어가 있습니다 hint: 가자! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: 1: question_text: 어떤 문장이 맞나요? @@ -175,6 +195,8 @@ levels: - option: '{sleep} 명령어를 사용하면 화면에서 텍스트를 제거할 수 있습니다.' feedback: '`{sleep}` 명령어 사용법이 잘못 되었습니다.' hint: '`{print}`는 여전히 레벨 1과 동일한 방식으로 작동합니다' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: 어떤 코드가 맞습니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -199,6 +221,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 단어는 맞았지만 순서는 달라요! hint: '`{ask}` 명령어는 레벨 1과 다르게 작동해요' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: 이 코드를 실행하면 출력 화면에 무엇이 표시됩니까? code: |- @@ -214,6 +238,8 @@ levels: - option: 영미 는 시장에 갔다 그리고 영미 는 사과를 샀다. feedback: 이름이 2번 반복 되지 않았어요 hint: name 이란 단어가 영미 로 대체되었어요 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: 이 코드를 실행하면 출력 화면에 어떻게 출력될까요? code: |- @@ -229,6 +255,8 @@ levels: - option: 안녕 나는 Hedy 는 Hedy 다 feedback: 맞아요, 이 실수는 레벨 4에서 고쳐질꺼에요! hint: '''name'' 이 두곳 모두에서 ''Hedy'' 로 변경되고 있어요' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: '`{sleep}` 명령을 사용하면 어떻게 됩니까?' mp_choice_options: @@ -241,6 +269,8 @@ levels: - option: 작성한 프로그램이 끝났다는 걸 Hedy가 알 수 있게 해준다 feedback: 아니에요 hint: '`{sleep}` 를 사용하면 프로그램이 잠시 쉬어요' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: 이 공백에 어떤게 있어야 할까요? code: |- @@ -257,6 +287,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: 의심할 여지가 없다 hint: 드라마틱한 효과를 위해 일시 중지... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: 2번 라인에서는 어떤 명령을 사용해야 합니까? code: |- @@ -285,6 +317,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 3 이라는 숫자를 사용함으로써 자신을 조금 더 천천히 실행되게 해보자 hint: 당신은 프로그램이 3초동안 기다리길 원한다 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: 코드의 첫번째 줄을 어떻게 수정하겠습니까? code: |- @@ -312,6 +346,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{ask}` 명령은 어디에 있습니까?' hint: 변수명은 앞 첫번째에 와야한다 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: 이 코드에서 무엇이 잘못되어 있나요? mp_choice_options: @@ -324,6 +360,9 @@ levels: - option: '2 라인은 다음과 같아야 한다: `{sleep}` I love animals' feedback: sleep 명령어가 `{print}` 명령어로 바뀌지 않았습니다 hint: 당신은 `{print}` 'I love dogs' 라고 출력되기 원할것이다 + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: 1번 라인에서는 어떤 명령을 사용해야 합니까? code: |- @@ -353,6 +392,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 그렇구나! hint: 당신은 `{ask}` 명령어로 질문해야 해요 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: 1: question_text: Hedy가 무작위로 선택하도록 하기 위해 어떤 명령어를 써야할까요? @@ -366,6 +407,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' feedback: 맞아요! hint: 무작위 뜻은 랜덤으로 선택한다는 뜻이에요. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: question_text: 이 코드에 무슨 문제가 있을까요? code: |- @@ -381,6 +424,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at} {random}` 철자가 틀렸어요' feedback: '`{at} {random}`가 올바른 철자입니다' hint: 1 라인에 문제가 있는것 같아요 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: 이 코드 2번 줄에 뭐가 문제일까요? code: |- @@ -405,6 +450,8 @@ levels: - option: 없어요, 이 코드는 정확해요! feedback: 실수를 주의 깊게 살펴보세요 hint: 변수명(the list)은 options 이에요. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: 랜덤 가격을 출력 하려면 2 라인에서 무엇을 변경해야 합니까? code: |- @@ -429,6 +476,8 @@ levels: - option: 없어요, 이 코드는 맞아요. feedback: 네가 놓친 실수를 잘 살펴봐! hint: 변수명은 prices 입니다 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: 이 코드에 무슨 문제가 있나요? code: |- @@ -446,6 +495,8 @@ levels: - option: 없어요, 이 코드는 완벽해요 feedback: 그렇구나! hint: 이 코드에 오류가 있는 건가요? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: 이 코드에 무슨 문제가 있을까요? code: |- @@ -462,6 +513,8 @@ levels: - option: 없어요! 이 코드는 굉장해요! feedback: 사실, 2 라인에 실수가 있어요. hint: 2 라인에 뭔가 문제가 있어요. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: '`{add}` 명령어의 기능은 무엇입니까?' code: |- @@ -479,6 +532,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{add}` 명령어는 당신이 좋아하는 책을 출력해요.' feedback: 아니오, 그 명령어는 당신이 가장 좋아하는 책을 목록에 추가해요 hint: '`{add}` 명령어는 book을 추가할 수 있어요, 어떤 것이 좋을까요?' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 8: question_text: 이 코드는 어떻게 출력될까요? code: |- @@ -496,6 +551,8 @@ levels: - option: 생크림 feedback: 그렇구나! hint: 3 가지 맛이 있었는데 2 개가 빠지면 어떤 맛이 남았을까요? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 9: question_text: 이 코드에 무슨 문제가 있을까요? code: |- @@ -513,6 +570,8 @@ levels: - option: 없어요, 이건 완벽한 코드에요! feedback: 실수를 찾아라! hint: 코드의 3 라인을 보세요 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: __에 무엇이 표시되어야 할까요? code: |- @@ -543,6 +602,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 어제 산책시켰던 사람이 오늘 또 해야 하는 상황이에요. 이건 아닌거 같아요. hint: 어제 개를 산책시킨 사람은 목록에서 삭제되어야 한다. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: 1: question_text: 이 중 맞는 코드는? @@ -568,6 +629,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 아니오, 따옴표의 위치를 잘 확인해보자. hint: 레벨 4에서는 명령어 2개에 따옴표가 필요합니다. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: 적절한 따옴표를 사용하는 코드는? mp_choice_options: @@ -592,6 +655,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 이건 쉼표,에요. 따옴표가 필요합니다. hint: 올바른 따옴표 사용법을 선택하세요. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: 따옴표는 어디에 정확하게 사용됩니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -616,6 +681,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 완벽해! hint: 출력하고 싶은 단어의 앞뒤는 모두 따옴표로 표시해야 합니다. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: 어떤 문장이 맞나요? mp_choice_options: @@ -628,6 +695,8 @@ levels: - option: 따옴표 사용 여부는 본인이 선택할 수 있습니다. feedback: 불행하게도, Hedy는 그것보다 더 엄격해요. hint: 레벨 4부터는 따옴표를 사용해야 합니다. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: 이 코드가 작동하기 위해서는 무엇이 바뀌어야 합니까? code: |- @@ -652,6 +721,8 @@ levels: - option: 없어요, 코드는 이미 정상적이에요! feedback: 잘 보세요. 오류가 있네요. hint: Hedy가 'options {at} {random}'을 글자 그대로 인쇄하는 것을 원하지 않고, '바위', '보' 또는 '가위'를 출력하는 것을 원할 것입니다. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: 이 코드의 다음 행은 나와야 할까요? code: prices {is} 1 달러, 100 달러, 1 백만달러 @@ -677,6 +748,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hedy는 말 그대로 '가격 {at} {random}'을 print할 것이다 hint: 신중하게 생각하라. 변수가 무엇이고 따옴표 밖에 있어야 하는가? 그리고 그 안에 들어가야 하는 정상적인 단어는 무엇인가? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: 이 코드에 무슨 문제가 있을까요? code: |- @@ -693,6 +766,8 @@ levels: - option: 없어요, 이 코드는 이미 좋아요! feedback: 잘 보세요. 실수를 놓쳤어요! hint: 따옴표가 필요한지 여부에 대해 각 줄을 확인합니다. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: 이 코드의 다음 행은 무엇이 좋을까요? mp_choice_options: @@ -717,6 +792,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hedy는 말 그대로 '문을 선택하라'고 출력할 것이다 hint: 두번째 단어의 door은 숫자로 대체되어야 하고 첫번째 door는 여전히 단어이어야 한다... + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: 출력 화면에 나타나지 않는 것은 무엇입니까? code: |- @@ -732,6 +810,8 @@ levels: - option: FC Barcelona 는 챔피언스 리그에서 승리할거야 feedback: 맞아요. 목록에 없어요 hint: Hedy가 랜덤으로 선택할 수 있는 옵션은 무엇인가요? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: 어떤 문장이 맞나요? code: |- @@ -748,6 +828,8 @@ levels: - option: 없어요, 이 코드는 실수가 없네요 feedback: 하나 놓쳤어요! hint: 한개 라인은 따옴표'가 필요해요, 왜냐면은 글자 그대로 출력 되어야해요. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: 1: question_text: 공백은 어떤 명령어로 채워야 할까요? @@ -765,6 +847,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{else}`' feedback: 맞아요! hint: '`{if}` 명령어와 함께 사용되는 것은 무엇입니까?' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Hedy라는 이름을 입력하면 출력 화면에 무엇이 표시됩니까? code: |- @@ -779,6 +863,9 @@ levels: feedback: 아니오, 이것은 이름을 출력하지 않습니다 - option: Error feedback: 천만다행이다! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' 3: question_text: 올바른 암호는 무엇입니까? code: |- @@ -795,6 +882,8 @@ levels: - option: 알람 침입자다 feedback: 비밀번호를 잘못 입력하면 출력됩니다! hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''맞아요!''!''' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 4: question_text: 당신이 비밀번호를 잘못 입력하면 Hedy는 무엇을 출력하나요? code: |- @@ -811,6 +900,8 @@ levels: - option: 알람! 침입자다! feedback: 정말 잘했어! hint: 당신의 컴퓨터가 침입자를 위한 알람을 울립니다! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: '''secret''이라고 입력하면 왜 Hedy는 ''알람! 침입자다''라고 말하는 걸까요?' code: |- @@ -827,6 +918,8 @@ levels: - option: 왜냐하면 Hedy 가 실수했기 때문이에요 feedback: 아니오, Hedy 는 맞아요 hint: 그 단어의 철자는 정확히 같아야 합니다. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: 마지막 줄의 물음표 자리에 어떤 단어가 있어야 하나요? code: |- @@ -857,6 +950,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{print}` 는 이미 있어요, 우리는 그전에 필요한 단어가 있어요!' hint: '`{if}` 와 함께 쓰려면...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: 물음표 대신에 어떤 단어가 있어야 할까요? code: |- @@ -874,6 +969,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: 아주 좋아요! hint: 음 `{else}` 뒤에 `{print}` 명령어가 따라와요 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: 물음표의 자리에 어떤 단어가 있어야 할까요? code: |- @@ -896,6 +993,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: 아니오, 이건 아니에요. hint: 변수명은 무엇일까요? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: 탈출하려면 어느 문을 선택해야 합니까?? code: |- @@ -915,6 +1014,8 @@ levels: - option: 함정입니다. 당신은 항상 잡아 먹힐 겁니다! feedback: 운이 좋진 않네요! hint: 그 문들 중 하나가 당신을 안전하게 지켜줄 겁니다.. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: question_text: 1번 문 뒤에 어떤 괴물이 서 있나요? code: |- @@ -934,6 +1035,8 @@ levels: - option: 거대한거미 feedback: 항상 그런 건 아닌데... hint: 마지막 세 단어를 조심하세요... 괴물출현 `{at} {random}`... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: 1: question_text: 이 코드를 실행하면 Hedy는 무엇을 출력 하나요? @@ -946,6 +1049,10 @@ levels: feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer - option: '210' feedback: 계산한 거라 생각해. + code: '{print} 2*10' + question_score: '10' + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + correct_answer: A 2: question_text: 두 개의 숫자를 더하고 싶을 때 당신은 무엇을 사용하나요? mp_choice_options: @@ -957,6 +1064,9 @@ levels: feedback: 그게 아니야 - option: '`+`' feedback: 맞아요! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: It's the plus sign. 3: question_text: 이 코드를 실행하면 Hedy는 무엇을 출력 하나요? mp_choice_options: @@ -968,6 +1078,10 @@ levels: feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! 4: question_text: Kim은 10살입니다. Hedy는 그녀를 위해 무엇을 print할까요? mp_choice_options: @@ -979,6 +1093,10 @@ levels: feedback: 그렇구나! - option: Your lucky number is... 10 feedback: 그녀의 행운의 숫자는 이름 나이... + correct_answer: C + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: 5 dollars @@ -989,6 +1107,11 @@ levels: feedback: '*는 곱셈을 의미한다.' - option: 50 dollars feedback: 좋았어! + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: 이 가상 레스토랑은 햄버거 가격이 얼마인가요? mp_choice_options: @@ -1000,6 +1123,10 @@ levels: feedback: 햄버거는 공짜가 아니에요! - option: 21 dollars feedback: 햄버거랑 감자튀김 가격이잖아! + correct_answer: A + hint: Mind the fourth line. + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: 왜 7호선은 '가격은 3'이 아니라 '가격은 가격+3'이라고 표기하는가? mp_choice_options: @@ -1011,6 +1138,10 @@ levels: feedback: 그렇구나! - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. feedback: That's true, but not the reason + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" 8: question_text: 왜 이 코드가 틀리지? mp_choice_options: @@ -1022,6 +1153,10 @@ levels: feedback: No, that's not true. - option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + correct_answer: B + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" 9: mp_choice_options: - option: 10% @@ -1032,6 +1167,11 @@ levels: feedback: 정말이지! 너는 100퍼센트 똑똑하구나! - option: 100% feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + correct_answer: C + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" 10: question_text: 어떤 진술이 사실입니까? code: |- @@ -1046,6 +1186,9 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: '`=`를 단어와 함께 사용할 수도 있습니다.' + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 7: 1: question_text: 이 레벨에서 repeat 명령으로 한 번에 몇 줄을 반복할 수 있습니까? @@ -1059,6 +1202,8 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: 이 레벨에서는 한 번에 한 줄만 반복할 수 있습니다 hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: 어떤 코드가 맞습니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -1083,6 +1228,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 그렇구나! hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: 이 코드가 맞나요 틀린가요? mp_choice_options: @@ -1094,6 +1241,10 @@ levels: feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing feedback: 맞아요 + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: 코드에서 틀린 단어는? mp_choice_options: @@ -1109,12 +1260,20 @@ levels: - option: '`{times}`' feedback: '`{times}`의 철자가 정확합니다' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: Correct feedback: 그렇구나! - option: Wrong feedback: 그게 아니야 + correct_answer: A + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + hint: The code is correct! + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: 이 코드의 출력은 어떻게 됩니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -1142,6 +1301,10 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: 마을 전체를 말이야! 완벽해! + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: 이 코드의 출력은 어떻게 됩니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -1164,6 +1327,10 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: 반복 명령에 주의하라 + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" 8: question_text: Hedy 코드가 이 출력물에 속하나요? mp_choice_options: @@ -1198,6 +1365,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Its alright'" ``` feedback: 이것은 정확한 순서가 아닙니다.. + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 9: question_text: Hedy 코드가 이 출력물에 속하나요? code: |- @@ -1240,6 +1411,9 @@ levels: {print} 'Please help me !' ``` feedback: 완벽하네요 + question_score: '10' + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: 어떤 코드가 이 출력물에 속하나요? mp_choice_options: @@ -1271,6 +1445,10 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: 이것은 순서가 맞지 않습니다. + correct_answer: B + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + question_score: '10' 8: 1: question_text: 이 코드에 의해 어떤 출력이 생산됩니까? @@ -1296,6 +1474,10 @@ levels: Im Hedy! Im Hedy!" feedback: 모든 것이 두 번 print된다 + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + correct_answer: C + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. 2: question_text: 이 코드에 무슨 문제가 있나요? mp_choice_options: @@ -1307,6 +1489,10 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: 맞아요! + correct_answer: D + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" 3: question_text: 이 프로그램을 실행하면 어떤 결과물이 나올까요? mp_choice_options: @@ -1335,6 +1521,9 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: 반복되는 것과 그렇지 않은 것. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" 4: question_text: 어떤 출력이 정확합니까? code: |- @@ -1368,6 +1557,9 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: 마지막 대사도 반복해서 나온다. + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: 이 코드에 무슨 문제가 있나요? mp_choice_options: @@ -1379,6 +1571,10 @@ levels: feedback: 그렇지 않아요 - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: 그렇지 않아요 + correct_answer: A + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: 팬케이크에 들어가면 이 코드의 출력은 어떻게 되나요? mp_choice_options: @@ -1404,6 +1600,10 @@ levels: Pancakes Pancakes feedback: 정말 잘하셨어요! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" 7: question_text: 이 코드에 무슨 문제가 있나요? code: |- @@ -1424,6 +1624,9 @@ levels: feedback: 항상 들여쓰기를 사용해야 합니다. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: 맞아요. + correct_answer: D + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: 그 코드들 중 어떤 것이 압입이 제대로 되어 있습니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -1467,6 +1670,9 @@ levels: {print} 'You are wrong!' ``` feedback: 당신이 틀렸어요! + correct_answer: C + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: 이 코드의 어떤 행이 4칸으로 시작해야 합니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -1478,6 +1684,10 @@ levels: feedback: 4호선은 안 돼요 - option: Line 3 and 5 feedback: 정말 잘했어! + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" 10: question_text: 어떤 진술이 사실입니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -1489,6 +1699,10 @@ levels: feedback: 그렇지 않아요 - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces feedback: 당신 말이 맞아요! + correct_answer: D + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + question_score: '10' 9: 1: question_text: 이 코드에 무슨 문제가 있나요? @@ -1512,6 +1726,8 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: 그건 아닌데요. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: 정확한 비밀번호를 입력하면 어떤 내용이 출력됩니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -1541,6 +1757,10 @@ levels: You can use the computer! ``` feedback: 맞아요! + correct_answer: D + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" 3: question_text: 백만 달러를 타려면 어떤 경우를 선택해야 할까요? code: |- @@ -1567,6 +1787,9 @@ levels: feedback: 100만원도 못받아 - option: case 2, open feedback: 수고했어! 네가 이겼다! + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 4: question_text: 어떤 진술이 사실입니까? code: |- @@ -1588,6 +1811,9 @@ levels: feedback: 그렇구나! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: '"아니요' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: 어떤 코드에서 이 출력이 나왔습니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -1624,6 +1850,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: 이 코드에는 2개의 `{repeat}`명령이 있습니다. + correct_answer: C + hint: Watch the indentation + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: 들여쓰기(다음 줄을 공백 4개로 시작)를 사용해야 하는 명령어는 무엇입니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -1635,6 +1865,9 @@ levels: feedback: 힘내세요! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: print 되지 않습니다 + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: 피자집에 있는 이 코드에서. 콜라와 함께 중간 크기의 피자를 주문하면 5달러를 할인해 준다. 이 코드를 디버깅하려면 어떻게 해야 하는가? code: |- @@ -1675,6 +1908,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: 다시 해보세요 + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: 이 코드가 뭐가 잘못된 거죠? mp_choice_options: @@ -1686,6 +1922,10 @@ levels: feedback: 사실 그렇게 시작해야 해요. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: 그렇지 않아요. + correct_answer: B + code: "age = {ask} 'Happy Birthday! How old are you?'\nsinging = {ask} 'Would you like us to sing?'\n{if} singing {is} yes\n {repeat} years {times}\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hooray'" + question_score: '10' + hint: The indentation is done right this time 9: question_text: 다른 '`{if}` 명령어 안에 넣을 수 있는 `{if}` 명령어는 몇 개인가? mp_choice_options: @@ -1697,6 +1937,9 @@ levels: feedback: 원하신다면 더 쓰셔도 됩니다 - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly feedback: 그것은 사실이에요 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. 10: question_text: 어떤 진술이 사실입니까? code: |- @@ -1713,6 +1956,8 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: 당신 말이 맞아요! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: 1: question_text: 각각의 칭찬을 print하려면 `_`에 무엇을 기입해야 할까요? @@ -1741,6 +1986,9 @@ levels: {for} compliments {in} compliment ``` feedback: 거의 다 왔어요! + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: question_text: 어떤 출력이 정확합니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -1755,6 +2003,10 @@ levels: I love pasta I love pancakes feedback: 좋았어! + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + question_score: '10' + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" 3: question_text: 어떤 출력이 정확합니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -1770,6 +2022,10 @@ levels: feedback: 좋았어! - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. feedback: 2행은 동물 목록에 있는 각각의 동물에 대해 {for}라고 표시합니다. 따라서 각각의 동물은 {print}됩니다. + question_score: '10' + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: 이 코드에 무슨 문제가 있는 거죠? mp_choice_options: @@ -1781,6 +2037,10 @@ levels: feedback: 수고했어! - option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item feedback: 아니오 그렇지 않아요. + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + correct_answer: C 5: question_text: 이 디지털 주사위로 _?_에 어떤 단어를 써야 할까요? code: |- @@ -1798,6 +2058,9 @@ levels: feedback: 정말 아깝네요. 하지만 Hedy는 'choices'이 아니라 'choice'이라는 목록에서 골라야 해요... - option: dice feedback: 변수 이름을 보세요. + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: 아래의 답변 중 코드를 실행할 때 가능한 결과는 무엇입니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -1813,6 +2076,10 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: 최고야! + correct_answer: D + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. 7: question_text: 이 사람들이 저녁 식사로 무엇을 먹을지를 결정하는 이 법전에서 _?_에는 어떤 줄이 있어야 할까요? code: |- @@ -1841,6 +2108,9 @@ levels: {for} name {in} food ``` feedback: 각각의 이름은 그들이 저녁으로 무엇을 먹을지 알려주어야 한다. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. 8: question_text: 어떤 색 셔츠를 입을지를 결정하는 이 코드의 _?_에 무엇이 있어야 할까요? code: |- @@ -1869,6 +2139,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: people이라는 변수가 없습니다.. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables 9: question_text: 프로그램을 실행할 때 Hedy가 당신에게 물어보겠다고 한 첫 번째 질문은 무엇인가요? mp_choice_options: @@ -1880,6 +2153,10 @@ levels: feedback: 애피타이저가 제일 먼저다 - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. feedback: 이 코드에 `{at} {random}`이(가) 없습니다... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "courses = appetizer, main course, dessert\nnames = Timon, Onno\n{for} name {in} names\n {for} course {in} courses\n food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?'\n {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course" + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. 10: question_text: 이 코드에 대한 설명으로 옳은 것은? code: |- @@ -1896,6 +2173,9 @@ levels: feedback: 그것은 true가 아니다. 래리도 다른 사람들과 같은 확률을 가지고 있다 - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: 알겠어요! + correct_answer: D + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' 11: 1: question_text: 물음표의 자리에는 어떤 단어가 있어야 할까요? @@ -1914,6 +2194,9 @@ levels: feedback: 아니오 - option: '`{for}`' feedback: 아니오 + correct_answer: B + hint: What did you learn in this level? + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: 이 코드의 출력은 어떻게 됩니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -1928,6 +2211,10 @@ levels: feedback: 그게 아니야 - option: '123' feedback: 그게 아니야 + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" 3: question_text: 이 출력을 얻기 위해 어떤 코드가 사용되었는가? mp_choice_options: @@ -1959,6 +2246,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!' ``` feedback: i는 변수이므로 따옴표를 가져서는 안됩니다 + correct_answer: A + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + question_score: '10' + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" 4: question_text: 이 출력을 얻기 위해 어떤 코드가 사용되었는가? mp_choice_options: @@ -1987,6 +2278,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 그렇구나! hint: It has to be a calculation... + correct_answer: D + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: 이 코드에 무슨 문제가 있는 거죠? mp_choice_options: @@ -1998,6 +2292,10 @@ levels: feedback: 1호선 말고... - option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention feedback: 완벽해! + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: 코드를 실행하면 화면에 Hello라는 단어가 몇 번 뜨나요? mp_choice_options: @@ -2009,6 +2307,10 @@ levels: feedback: 그렇구나! - option: Never feedback: 아니오 + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" 7: question_text: 물음표의 자리에 무엇이 있어야 하는가? code: |- @@ -2038,6 +2340,9 @@ levels: {for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people ``` feedback: 한 번 주문하면 너무 많아요! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Use the variable 'people' 8: question_text: 이 코드의 출력은 어떻게 됩니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -2055,6 +2360,10 @@ levels: feedback: 맞아요 - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: 아니요. 3번만 나옵니다. + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Hedy는 Hip Hip Hooray를 몇 번이나 부르나요? mp_choice_options: @@ -2066,6 +2375,10 @@ levels: feedback: 다시 해보세요 - option: That depends on how old you are feedback: 그렇구나! + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: 어떤 코드가 이 출력에 속합니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -2098,6 +2411,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3은 4배이다.' hint: Mind the indention + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" 12: 1: question_text: 어떤 출력이 정확합니까? @@ -2114,6 +2430,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: 정말 잘했어! + correct_answer: D + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'three and a half plus one and a half is...'\n{print} 3.5 + 1.5" 2: question_text: 이 코드들 중 어느 것이 정확합니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -2141,6 +2461,9 @@ levels: {print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.' ``` feedback: 맛의 모든 다른 값들은 따옴표로 표시되어야 한다. + correct_answer: C + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: 이 코드에 무슨 문제가 있는 거죠? mp_choice_options: @@ -2152,6 +2475,10 @@ levels: feedback: 그렇지 않아요 - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: 그렇지 않아요 + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + code: "favorite_animal = {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{print} 'I like ' favoriteanimal ' too!'" + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: 코드를 작동시키기 위해 따옴표가 필요한 줄은 어디입니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -2163,6 +2490,10 @@ levels: feedback: 아니오 - option: All of the lines feedback: 완벽해! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + code: "{print} Welcome to the online shoe shop\ncategory = {ask} What kind of shoes are you looking for?\n{if} category = high heels\n {print} High heels are 50% off now!" 5: question_text: Agent007이 올바른 암호를 입력하면 어떤 출력이 나오는가? code: |- @@ -2186,6 +2517,9 @@ levels: feedback: 요원은 여기서 나쁜 놈들을 잡지 않을 거야 - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 feedback: 요원은 여기서 나쁜 놈들을 잡지 않을 거야 + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: 어느 선을 채워야 할까요??? code: |- @@ -2220,6 +2554,9 @@ levels: price = + 2 ``` feedback: 거의 다 왔어요! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? 7: question_text: 비건은 어떤 생산량을 얻나요? mp_choice_options: @@ -2246,6 +2583,10 @@ levels: grapes cookies feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes'\n{print} \"It's my birthday! I`ve brought some snacks!\"\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'gluten free'\n {remove} 'cookies' {from} menu\n{if} diet = 'vegan'\n {remove} 'cheese' {from} menu\n{print} 'For you I have brought: '\n{for} snack {in} menu\n {print} snack" 8: question_text: 이 출력을 만드는 데 사용된 코드는 무엇입니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -2269,6 +2610,10 @@ levels: {print} 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 아니오 + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + code: '3.5' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: 어떤 코드를 1번 줄에 입력해야 하나요??? code: |- @@ -2295,6 +2640,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: 넌 아무것도 아니야 + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: 노래를 완성하려면 ???에 어떤 코드 줄을 입력해야 하나요? code: |- @@ -2327,6 +2675,9 @@ levels: {print} actions {at} {random} ``` feedback: 어려운 곡입니다. 리스트에 있는 모든 동작이 다 노래에 들어가 있을 거예요. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. 13: 1: question_text: ???에 어떤 코드를 입력해야 합니까? @@ -2351,6 +2702,10 @@ levels: {if} song = 'yes' {or} birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy는 두 대답이 모두 '예'일 경우에만 노래를 부른다 + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsong = {ask} 'Whould you like to hear a song?'\nbirthday = {ask} 'Is today your birthday?'\n???\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday dear ' name\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + correct_answer: C 2: question_text: 코드에 빠진 명령어는? mp_choice_options: @@ -2362,6 +2717,10 @@ levels: feedback: 아니오 - option: '`{print}`' feedback: 아니오 + correct_answer: B + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + code: "menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies'\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'vegan' ??? diet = 'halal'\n {remove} 'sausage rolls' {from} menu" + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: 할인 코드가 없는 회원에게 주어지는 출력은? mp_choice_options: @@ -2373,6 +2732,10 @@ levels: feedback: 코드에는 이상이 없습니다 - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: 있습니다! 문제를 잘 읽어보세요 + hint: Mind the command `{or}` in line 3 + correct_answer: A + code: "member = {ask} 'Do you have a membership card?'\ndiscount = {ask} 'Do you have a discount code?'\n{if} member = 'yes' {or} discount = 'yes'\n {print} 'You get a free apple pie!'\n{else}\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'" + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: 가위바위보 게임에서 이 줄을 따라야 하는 코드는 무엇인가요? mp_choice_options: @@ -2396,6 +2759,10 @@ levels: {print} 'try again' ``` feedback: 다시 해봐! + question_score: '10' + hint: Paper beats rock + code: "{if} computer_choice {is} 'rock' {and} your_choice {is} 'paper'" + correct_answer: A 5: question_text: 이 코드에 대한 설명으로 옳은 것은? mp_choice_options: @@ -2407,6 +2774,10 @@ levels: feedback: 훌륭하다! - option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love feedback: 왕자님은 그것보다 좀 더 까다롭군요! + correct_answer: C + code: "{if} name = 'Cinderella' {and} shoe_size = 38\n {print} 'You are my one true love!'" + hint: Both statements have to be true + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: 이 코드에 대한 설명 중 맞는 것은? mp_choice_options: @@ -2418,6 +2789,10 @@ levels: feedback: 다시 해보세요 - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses feedback: 정말 잘했어! + correct_answer: D + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + code: "{print} 'Let me guess which family member you are!'\nglasses = {ask} 'Do you wear glasses?'\nfemale = {ask} 'Are you female?'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Sophie!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Marleen!'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Wouter!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Michael!'" + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: 어떤 문장이 틀렸습니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -2429,6 +2804,10 @@ levels: feedback: 정말 잘했어! - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning feedback: 이것은 true입니다 + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets'\n{print} 'Here is a program to help feed them'\nanimal = {ask} 'What kind of animal are they?'\ncolor = {ask} 'What colour are they?'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'grey'\n {print} 'That is Abby. She eats 3 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'orange'\n {print} 'That is Milo. He eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'bird' {or} color = 'black'\n {print} 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today'\n{if} animal = 'hamster' {and} color = 'brown'\n {print} 'You can feed them a piece of carrot'" 8: question_text: 팝콘을 주문하고 음료수는 주문하지 않으면 생산량이 어떻게 되나요? mp_choice_options: @@ -2452,6 +2831,10 @@ levels: Ok Enjoy the movie feedback: 팝콘 값을 지불해야 해요! + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the movie theater'\npopcorn = {ask} 'Would you like some popcorn?'\ndrink = {ask} 'Would you like a drink?'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 8 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 3 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'Ok'\n{print} 'Enjoy the movie'" + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: 이 코드에 무슨 문제가 있나요? mp_choice_options: @@ -2479,6 +2862,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: 이건 제가 시킨 게 아니에요! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "1 chocolate = {ask} 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?'\n2 sprinkles = {ask} 'Would you like sprinkles on your ice cream?'\n3 {if} chocolate {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n4 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce and sprinkles, coming up!'\n5 {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n6 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce, coming up!'\n7 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n8 {print} 'Ice cream with sprinkles, coming up'\n9 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n10 {print} 'Just plain icecream, coming up!'" + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 10: question_text: 어떤 명령이 8번 줄에 있어야 할까요? mp_choice_options: @@ -2490,6 +2877,10 @@ levels: feedback: 아니오 - option: '`{if}`' feedback: 아니오 + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt'\nitem = {ask} 'What product are you looking for?'\nbakery = 'bread', 'buns', 'muffins'\ndrinks = 'soda', 'water', 'lemonade'\nsnacks = 'chips', 'nuts', 'dips'\nfrozen = 'fries', 'icecream', 'pizza'\nfruit = 'bananas', 'apples', 'oranges'\n{if} item {in} snacks ??? item {in} drinks\n {print} 'This item is in aisle 3'\n{if} item {in} bakery {or} item {in} bakery\n {print} 'This item in in the back of the store'\n{if} item {in} fruit\n {print} 'The fruit is sold near the register'" + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks 14: 1: question_text: 빈칸에 어떤 기호를 사용해야 합니까? @@ -2502,6 +2893,10 @@ levels: feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking - option: '`=`' feedback: 좋아! + correct_answer: D + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: 다음 중 올바른 = 또는 == 기호를 사용한 코드는 무엇입니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -2513,6 +2908,9 @@ levels: feedback: 네! - option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' feedback: 아니오 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == 3: question_text: 빈칸 두 개에 어떤 기호를 써야 할까요? mp_choice_options: @@ -2524,6 +2922,10 @@ levels: feedback: 맞아요 - option: '`+` 와 `==`' feedback: 그게 아니야 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club 4: question_text: 이 코드에 무슨 문제가 있는 거죠? code: |- @@ -2543,6 +2945,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not it - option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= feedback: No that's not it + correct_answer: B + hint: The symbols are right + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: 영화가 12세 이상의 아이들에게 적합하다면 빈칸에 어떤 기호를 써야 할까요? code: |- @@ -2561,6 +2966,9 @@ levels: feedback: 이 아이들은 너무 어리다! - option: '`<= 12`' feedback: 이 아이들은 너무 어리다 + correct_answer: B + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: 이 짜증나는 게임이 멈추기 전에 짜증난다고 몇 번이나 말해야 합니까? code: |- @@ -2579,6 +2987,9 @@ levels: feedback: 2번이면 멈춰요 - option: 2 times feedback: 그것이 맞아요 + correct_answer: D + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: 빈칸 세 개에 무엇을 기입해야 합니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -2590,6 +3001,10 @@ levels: feedback: 그건 완전히 옳지 않아요. - option: '`''Lower!''` and `''You win!''` and `''Higher!''`' feedback: 그건 완전히 옳지 않아요. + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + correct_answer: B 8: question_text: 이 롤러코스터에 대한 설명으로 옳은 것은? mp_choice_options: @@ -2601,6 +3016,10 @@ levels: feedback: '> 는 보다 큼을 의미한다' - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster feedback: 있다. + correct_answer: A + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: 이 핏비트에 따라 몇 조각의 초콜릿이 복통을 일으킬까요? code: |- @@ -2620,6 +3039,9 @@ levels: feedback: 거의 - option: 9 or more feedback: 좋았어! + question_score: '10' + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: 빈칸에 무엇을 채워 넣어야 합니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -2631,6 +3053,10 @@ levels: feedback: 누가 가장 높은 점수를 받았는지 보세요! - option: '''It is a tie''' feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_score: '10' 15: 1: question_text: '빈 칸에 어떤 기호를 써야 할까요? 팁: 정답을 맞힐 때까지 계속 추측해야 합니다.' @@ -2648,6 +3074,9 @@ levels: feedback: 맞아요 - option: '`=`' feedback: 그게 아니야 + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: 다음 중 올바른 기호를 사용한 코드는 무엇입니까? mp_choice_options: @@ -2671,6 +3100,9 @@ levels: {while} answer == yes' ``` feedback: 따옴표가 없습니다 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == 3: question_text: 빈칸 두 개에 어떤 명령어를 입력해야 합니까? code: |- @@ -2685,6 +3117,9 @@ levels: feedback: 그게 아니야 - option: '`{range}`' feedback: 그게 아니야 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger 4: question_text: 이 코드에 무슨 문제가 있는 거죠? code: |- @@ -2706,6 +3141,9 @@ levels: feedback: 그게 아니야 - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: 당신 말이 맞아요 + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: 이 프로그램이 올바르게 작동하려면 빈칸에 무엇을 놓아야 합니까? code: |- @@ -2726,6 +3164,9 @@ levels: feedback: 당신 말이 맞아요! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: 프로그램이 카운트다운 되어야 한다 + hint: wetness should get less each time + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: 이 코드에 무슨 문제가 있나요? code: |- @@ -2743,6 +3184,9 @@ levels: feedback: '"아니' - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: 그것이 맞아요 + correct_answer: D + hint: Look closely at the indentation + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: 이 프로그램을 어떻게 바꿔야 작동이 되나요? mp_choice_options: @@ -2754,6 +3198,10 @@ levels: feedback: 그건 완전히 옳지 않아요. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: 그건 완전히 옳지 않아요. + question_score: '10' + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: question_text: 이 자동 화장실 시스템에 대한 설명으로 옳은 것은? mp_choice_options: @@ -2766,6 +3214,9 @@ levels: - option: The lights will always stay on. feedback: 그건 옳지 않아요. hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" 9: question_text: 만약 당신이 오늘 1600 칼로리를 먹었다면 다이어트 앱은 뭐라고 말할 것인가? code: |- @@ -2785,6 +3236,9 @@ levels: feedback: 네! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 아니오 + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: '빈칸에 무엇을 채워야 할까? 팁: 가장 많은 점수를 얻은 선수가 선두에 있다.' mp_choice_options: @@ -2796,6 +3250,10 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 16: 2: code: |- @@ -2803,12 +3261,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + feedback: Mind the spacing. + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: No, it is not random. + option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + correct_answer: A + hint: It's not random... 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -2819,6 +3303,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -2829,3 +3318,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + correct_answer: D + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 10: + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + correct_answer: D + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + feedback: This is the old way. + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + hint: We no longer use {at} + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - feedback: No, the code is correct. + option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - feedback: This is not going to work! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: It will be repeated twice + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + feedback: It's only repeated twice + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + 17: + 6: + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + - feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + option: Nothing! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 1: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + 4: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + question_score: '10' + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + correct_answer: D + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + feedback: Not true. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: C + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + correct_answer: A + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. diff --git a/content/quizzes/mi.yaml b/content/quizzes/mi.yaml index 4e0621c4c56..e4e38b152d9 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/mi.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/mi.yaml @@ -10,6 +10,143 @@ levels: feedback: Good - option: With the `{sleep}` command, you can remove text from the screen. feedback: That's not how `{sleep}` works. + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{print}` still works the same way as in level 1' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 5: + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: '`{sleep}`' + - option: '`{echo}`' + feedback: There is nothing to repeat back here + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: There is no text there to `{print}` there + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: There is no question there to be asked + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be on the lines? + code: "{print} And the award for best programming language goes to...\n_\n{print} Hedy!" + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + correct_answer: A + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + feedback: Perfect! + - option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + - option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + code: "{print} I will explode in 3 seconds!\n_\n{print} BOOM!" + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 8: + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: You get it! + option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + hint: The variable name should come first + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - feedback: Great! + option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + correct_answer: B + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + code: "flavor {is} _\n{print} Your favorite icecream is...\n{sleep}\n{print} flavor" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is name + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + correct_answer: D + 2: + question_text: Which code is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 3: + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + feedback: Right on! + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen 3: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -21,6 +158,145 @@ levels: feedback: '`{is}` is used to make a list' - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + question_text: What command(s) do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? + 2: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Good job! + option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' + - feedback: No, you don't need `{print}` + option: Line 1 needs to start with `{print}`. + - option: Line 2 needs to say 'animal' instead of 'animals' + feedback: animals is correct. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' + question_score: '10' + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - option: Nothing, this code is perfect + feedback: That's right! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - feedback: Correct + option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + - feedback: No the variable's called answers + option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + question_score: '10' + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + correct_answer: C + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + question_score: '10' + 8: + question_text: What is the output of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - option: sea salt + feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - feedback: That's right! + option: sour cream + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + code: "colors {is} blue, purple, green\nchosen_color {is} {ask} Which hair color wouldn't you like to have?\n{remove} chosen_color {from} colors\n{print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random}" + hint: Look at line 4 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {from} walkers\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: '`{remove} {from}` or `{add} {to}`, not `{remove} {to}`' + option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + - option: "```\n{remove} walkers {from} yesterday\n```" + feedback: yesterday is not a variable + - feedback: This increased the chance that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. + option: "```\n{add} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be on the _? + hint: The person who walked the dogs yesterday should be removed from the list. + code: "walkers {is} dad, mom, Sam, Petra\nwalked_yesterday {is} {ask} Who walked the dogs yesterday?\n{print} walked_yesterday shouldn't have to walk the dogs again today\n_\n{print} walkers {at} {random} , it's your turn to walk the dogs!" + correct_answer: A + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable name is prices + 3: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? + correct_answer: C + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" 4: 8: mp_choice_options: @@ -44,6 +320,142 @@ levels: {print} 'So you pick door door' ``` feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right + option: "```\n{print} 'Im very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + - feedback: '{print} now needs quotation marks!' + option: "```\n{print} Im very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + feedback: do not use apostrophe or use backticks instead + - feedback: careful when using quotes and apostrophe + option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This quotation mark is skewed, you need a straight one. + option: "```\n{print} `hello`\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: Correct + - feedback: There are no quotation marks here! + option: "```\n{print} hello\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} ,hello,\n```" + feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + question_score: '10' + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} Hi Im Hedy\n```" + feedback: Add quotation marks please! + - feedback: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + option: "```\n{print} 'Hi Im Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n'{print} Hi Im Hedy'\n```" + feedback: The first quotation mark should be behind the word `{print}` + - option: "```\n{print} 'Hi Im Hedy'\n```" + feedback: Perfect! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + question_score: '10' + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - feedback: Super! + option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_text: Which statement is true? + 6: + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?' + 9: + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + option: Ajax is going to win the champions league + - feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + option: Real Madrid is going to win the champions league + - option: Bayern Munchen is going to win the champions league + feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + - feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: Correct + - feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + correct_answer: B + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Never put the quotation mark in front of the `{print}` command. + option: "```\n'{print} options {at} {random}'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'options' {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: options is a variable. You don't literally want to print 'options {at} {random}'. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: That's right + - option: Nothing, the game already works! + feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + 7: + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + feedback: Correct! + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 5: 3: mp_choice_options: @@ -55,6 +467,146 @@ levels: feedback: The password isn't password... - option: ALARM INTRUDER feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + question_text: What is the right password? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: "`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` 'Correct!'" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: There already is a `{print}` command. + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: The `{if}` command is used in the line above. + - option: '`{sleep}`' + feedback: That's not it! + - option: '`{else}`' + feedback: That's right! + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the _? + code: "number {is} {ask} 'What is your lucky number?'\n{if} number {is} 5 {print} 'Mine too!'\n_ {print} 'My lucky number is 5!'" + hint: Which one goes together with the `{if}` command? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: fun + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - feedback: Fortunately not! + option: Error + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + question_score: '10' + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + correct_answer: A + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + - option: "```\n{else}\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + option: "```\n{print}\n```" + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank in the last line? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the football fortune teller!'\n{print} 'I will predict what place your team will end up!'\nclub is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?'\n{if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!'\n_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...'" + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfavorite animal\n```" + feedback: That's not the variable name. + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\nanimal\n```" + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: '`{if}` is already there' + - feedback: No, that's not it. + option: '`{print}`' + code: "animal {is} {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{if} _ {is} penguin {print} 'Thats my favorite animal too!'\n{else} {print} 'Cool! I like penguins.'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank? + hint: What the variable name? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + feedback: Awesome! + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - option: giant spider + feedback: Not always... + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + correct_answer: A + 5: + question_score: '10' + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + feedback: Indeed! + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{if}` is in the line above.' + option: '`{if}`' + - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' + feedback: No, you don't need `{at} {random}`. + - feedback: There already is an `{else}` command + option: '`{else}`' + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: Awesome! + question_text: Which word should be in the place of the blank? + code: "{print} 'I can predict if you will be a millionair or not!'\nname {is} {ask} 'Whats your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'You will be a millionair!'\n{else} _ 'Unfortunately... No big money for you.'" + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 4: + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + option: Wrong! + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 9: + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '1' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + correct_answer: B + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + question_score: '10' 6: 3: mp_choice_options: @@ -66,6 +618,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- {print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner' @@ -77,9 +634,153 @@ levels: {if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3 {if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1 {print} price ' dollars please' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '20' + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`-`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - option: 10 dollars + feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - feedback: Great! + option: 50 dollars + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 6: + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + option: 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + question_text: How much does a hamburger cost in this virtual restaurant? + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + correct_answer: B + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + question_score: '10' + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + correct_answer: C + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + 10: + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "name _ Hedy\n{print} name 'is walking trough the forrest'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to use the `=` sign as well + option: You can only fill in the word is on the `_` + - option: You can fill in either the word is or the `=` sign on the `_` + feedback: Amazing! + - option: You have to fill in =is= on the `_` + feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough + - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. + feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + 4: + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" 7: 1: question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the `{repeat}` command at this level? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No you can repeat a line. + option: '0' + - option: '1' + feedback: Correct, one line at a time + - feedback: In this level only one line at a time + option: '3' + - option: infinite + feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You can only repeat one line at a time 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -93,6 +794,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{repeat}` is spelled correctly' - option: '`{times}`' feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes in a sentence + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -119,6 +825,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All through the town! Perfect! + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -140,6 +851,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -174,6 +890,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Its alright' ``` feedback: This is not the correct order. + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + correct_answer: A 9: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -208,6 +929,66 @@ levels: {print} 'Please help me!' ``` feedback: Perfect + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost! the first line needs an extra word + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + - feedback: This is not in the right order. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 4 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'clap your hands'\n{print} 'and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'clap your hands'\n```" + feedback: This is not in the right order. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 5: + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + hint: The code is correct! + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: A + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 2: + question_text: Which code is right? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + correct_answer: D + hint: First the `{repeat}` command, then the `{print}` command + question_score: '10' 8: 3: mp_choice_options: @@ -235,6 +1016,145 @@ levels: Baby shark Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + hint: What is being repeated and what is not? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it should be 2 lines. + option: This should be only one line, not 2. + - option: This `{print}` command has to be removed. + feedback: No, you need it. + - feedback: No, `{repeat}` is the correct spelling + option: There is a spelling mistake in the `{repeat}` command. + - feedback: Correct! + option: The second line needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation. + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - feedback: Correct! + option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: This order is incorrect. + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "{print} 'The children went:'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Yay!'\n {print} 'We are going on vacation!'" + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: B + 5: + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines and start with 4 spaces. + feedback: That's right! + - option: '`{else}` is not a command!' + feedback: It is! + - feedback: That's not true + option: Lines that start with `{if}` should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Something is wrong! + option: Nothing. This code is correct! + - feedback: You are! + option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + - feedback: You always have to use indentation. + option: You don't have to use indentation twice. Only in the first `{if}` command. + - feedback: That's right. + option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' + code: "food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n{if} food {is} fries\nsauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n{if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + 9: + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + - option: Line 3 and 5 + feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + 1: + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are wrong! + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are... right! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + question_score: '10' + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + correct_answer: C 9: 6: mp_choice_options: @@ -246,14 +1166,163 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with {print} + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} 2 {if} level {is} 9 3 {print} Great job! + mp_choice_options: + - option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Only line 2 and 3 start with spaces + - feedback: Line 3 should start with 8 + option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 8 spaces + feedback: Line 2 should start with 4 + - option: line 2 should start with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 + feedback: You are correct! + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: The first line doesn't start with any spaces + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is correct! + - feedback: You are! + option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + - feedback: You always have to use indentation. + option: You don't have to use indentation twice. + - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. + feedback: It is not the indentation. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n {if} food {is} fries\n sauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n {if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + hint: All the indentation is done correctly. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nThe computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...\n```" + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + 3: + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - option: case 2, sell + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: Great job! You win! + option: case 2, open + code: "{print} 'Choose the right case and win!'\ncase = {ask} 'Which case will you pick? 1 or 2?'\n{if} case {is} 1\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell your case for 10 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win an apple pie'\n{if} case {is} 2\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!'" + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + 4: + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsize = {ask} 'What is your shoe size?'\n{if} size {is} 38\n {if} name {is} Cinderella\n {print} '❤️❤️❤️'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are not the one!'\n{else}\n {print} 'Ill keep looking'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, she gets 'You are not the one!' + option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + - feedback: No, she gets 'Ill keep looking' + option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output '❤️❤️❤️' + - feedback: That's right! + option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 40 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + - feedback: No she gets '❤️❤️❤️' + option: Cinderella with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_score: '10' + 5: + question_text: Which code produced this output? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Don't forget the indentation after `{repeat}` commands. + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - feedback: Use indentation after an `{if}` command + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n dessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n {if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + hint: Watch the indentation + question_score: '10' + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + correct_answer: C + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't put two questions in a row + feedback: Yes you can. + - feedback: Keen eye! Good job! + option: The variable called 'age' is later on used as 'years' + - option: You're not allowed to start with 8 spaces, like line 5 does + feedback: You actually must start like that. + - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line + feedback: That's not true. + hint: The indentation is done right this time + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + code: "age = {ask} 'Happy Birthday! How old are you?'\nsinging = {ask} 'Would you like us to sing?'\n{if} singing {is} yes\n {repeat} years {times}\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hooray'" + correct_answer: B + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: None, that is not allowed + feedback: You are allowed to + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - feedback: That is true + option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + 7: + correct_answer: A + question_text: You'll get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.
But the code has a mistake! How to debug it? + code: "{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\nprice = price - 5" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: The second `{if}` misses code! + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: Two consecutive `{if}`s is never correct. + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: Almost right. Take another look at the last line + question_score: '10' + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent 10: 5: question_text: What word should be on the _ with these digital dice? + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - option: dice + feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the digital dice!'\nplayers = Ann, John, Jesse\nchoices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' throws ' _ {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -268,16 +1337,135 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. 7: question_text: What line should be on the _ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "names = Ron, Leslie, April, Andy\nfood = pasta, fries, salad\n_\n {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner'" 8: question_text: What should be on the _ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n'name gets a color shirt'\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - option: "```\nname 'gets a ' colors {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + feedback: Great job! This was a hard one! + - feedback: You want each name printed. So the first word should not be names but... + option: "```\nnames 'gets a ' color {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + - feedback: There is no variable named people.. + option: "```\npeople ' gets a colors shirt'\n```" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "names = Donna, Tommy, Ben\ncolors = blue, red, purple\n{for} name {in} names\n {print} _" + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables 10: code: |- prizes = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich names = Bob, Patrick, Sandy, Larry {for} prize {in} prizes {print} 'The ' prize 'is won by ' names {at} {random} + mp_choice_options: + - option: Everybody will always win a prize. + feedback: That is not true, you could end up without a prize. + - option: All the prizes always go to one single person. + feedback: That is not true. All the prizes are given away, but to random people + - feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others + option: Larry will never win a prize + - option: Someone might win two prizes + feedback: You get it! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is true about this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + - option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_` if we want to print each compliment? + question_score: '10' + code: "compliments = perfect, great job, amazing\n_\n {print} compliment" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pasta + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + 3: + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: dogs are lovely pets + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - feedback: Great! + option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + 4: + question_score: '10' + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + feedback: Good job! + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program? + code: "courses = appetizer, main course, dessert\nnames = Timon, Onno\n{for} name {in} names\n {for} course {in} courses\n food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?'\n {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course" + correct_answer: A + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. 11: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -292,6 +1480,11 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: '`{for}`' feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} _ 1 {to} 10\n {print} i" + correct_answer: B + question_text: What word should be at the place of the blank? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -305,6 +1498,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + correct_answer: A + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -332,6 +1530,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -348,6 +1550,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -379,6 +1586,85 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 3: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + - feedback: Not line 1... + option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + - option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + feedback: Perfect! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + 6: + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: 1 time + - option: 2 times + feedback: No + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + correct_answer: C + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - option: That depends on how old you are + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + 7: + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys diner'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people will be eating here tonight?'\n_\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to order?'\n {print} food" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + feedback: Great! + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + feedback: That's one order too many! + question_text: What should be on the place of the blank? + question_score: '10' + hint: Use the variable 'people' 12: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -406,6 +1692,10 @@ levels: {print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -419,11 +1709,35 @@ levels: {if} drinks = 'yes' ??? {print} 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- ??? {print} 'You won ' prizes {at} {random} '!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nprizes = 'one' 'million' 'dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + feedback: You won nothing + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars, nothing'\n```" + - feedback: Winner! + option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + - option: "```\n'prizes' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + feedback: You won nothing + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -435,6 +1749,108 @@ levels: {print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it' {print} 'if youre happy and you know it' {print} action + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + - feedback: You are amazing! + option: "```\n{for} action {in} actions\n```" + - feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} actions {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '5' + feedback: Don't forget the first line of code! + - feedback: This is not the one! + option: 3.5 + 1.5 + - feedback: Take a close look at the second line... + option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\nfive" + - option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\n5" + feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'three and a half plus one and a half is...'\n{print} 3.5 + 1.5" + 3: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The name of the variable is different in line 1 than in line 2. + feedback: Correct! + - option: The quotation marks aren't used correctly in line 2 + feedback: That's not true + - option: You can't use the = sign when using an {ask} command + feedback: That's not true + - option: Nothing is wrong. + feedback: That's not true + code: "favorite_animal = {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{print} 'I like ' favoriteanimal ' too!'" + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 and 2 + feedback: No + - option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + feedback: No + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + question_score: '10' + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + code: "{print} Welcome to the online shoe shop\ncategory = {ask} What kind of shoes are you looking for?\n{if} category = high heels\n {print} High heels are 50% off now!" + correct_answer: D + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + 7: + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + feedback: Terrific! + - feedback: There's more options than just one + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes'\n{print} \"It's my birthday! I`ve brought some snacks!\"\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'gluten free'\n {remove} 'cookies' {from} menu\n{if} diet = 'vegan'\n {remove} 'cheese' {from} menu\n{print} 'For you I have brought: '\n{for} snack {in} menu\n {print} snack" + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + 8: + code: '3.5' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} '7 / 2'\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{print} 7 / 2\n```" + feedback: That is right! + - option: "```\n{print} 7 : 2\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{print} 7 * 2\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} 'Agent007'\n a {is} 'Go to the airport '\nelse\n a {is} 'Go to the train station '\npassword {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} 'TOPSECRET'\n b {is} 'tomorrow at 02.00'\n{else}\n b {is} 'today at 10.00'\n{print} a + b" + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET 15: 4: mp_choice_options: @@ -446,6 +1862,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{print} 'Throw 6 as fast as you can!'\nthrown = 0\ntries = 0\n{while} thrown == 6\n thrown = options {at} {random}\n {print} 'You threw ' thrown\n tries = tries + 1\n{print} 'Yes! You have thrown 6 in ' tries ' tries.'" + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 5: mp_choice_options: - option: = wetness @@ -456,6 +1877,11 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + correct_answer: C + code: "wetness = 10\n{while} wetness != 0\n {print} 'Your hair is still wet, hair dryer on!'\n {sleep} 1\n {clear}\n wetness _\n\n{print} 'All dry!'" + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + question_score: '10' + hint: wetness should get less each time 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '{while} should be {if}' @@ -466,6 +1892,11 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D + code: "lives = 100\n {while} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: '... change the first {if} into a {while}' @@ -476,6 +1907,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + question_text: How should this program be changed so that it works? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Nothing. 1600 is not programmed into the app. @@ -486,6 +1922,11 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + correct_answer: C + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + question_score: '10' + code: "calories = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?'\n {while} calories <= 1000\n {print} 'You could eat some more'\n {while} calories > 1000 {and} calories =< 2000\n {print} 'That is alright'\n {while} calories > 2000\n {print} 'You have had enough for today'" 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -496,6 +1937,70 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 1: + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=!`' + feedback: That is not right. + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - option: '`=`' + feedback: That's not it + code: "answer = 0\n{while} answer _ 'Amsterdam'\n answer = {ask} 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?'\n{print} 'You have given the correct answer'" + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - feedback: A quotation mark is missing + option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You are right + option: '`{while}`' + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{range}`' + question_score: '10' + code: "_ age < 18\n {print} 'you are not allowed in this bar'" + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blank? + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - feedback: Great job + option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + - feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + - option: The lights will always stay on. + feedback: That wouldn't be right. + hint: The block after the {while} command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? 16: 2: code: |- @@ -503,12 +2008,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + feedback: Mind the spacing. + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + correct_answer: D + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + feedback: Poor Wesley! + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -519,6 +2050,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + correct_answer: B 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -529,3 +2065,697 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + question_score: '10' + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + correct_answer: D + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + correct_answer: C + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + hint: We no longer use {at} + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + feedback: That is not right. + - option: Line 3 should start with indentation + feedback: It should not! + - option: Line 4 should start without indentation + feedback: It should not + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not right + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_score: '10' + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + 13: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there + option: "```\n{if} birthday {and} song = 'yes'\n```" + - feedback: Hedy only sings for you if you like to hear a song + option: "```\n{if} birthday = 'yes' {and} name = 'Hedy'\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {and} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + - feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {or} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsong = {ask} 'Whould you like to hear a song?'\nbirthday = {ask} 'Is today your birthday?'\n???\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday dear ' name\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{and}`' + feedback: You don't have to be vegan and muslim + - feedback: Great thinking! + option: '`{or}`' + - option: '`+`' + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: '`{print}`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + code: "menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies'\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'vegan' ??? diet = 'halal'\n {remove} 'sausage rolls' {from} menu" + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You win! + option: "```\n{print} 'you win'\n```" + - feedback: You lose! + option: "```\n{print} 'you lose'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'tie'\n```" + feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same + - option: "```\n{print} 'try again'\n```" + feedback: Try again! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + code: "{if} computer_choice {is} 'rock' {and} your_choice {is} 'paper'" + hint: Paper beats rock + correct_answer: A + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: Fantastic! + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + correct_answer: C + code: "{if} name = 'Cinderella' {and} shoe_size = 38\n {print} 'You are my one true love!'" + hint: Both statements have to be true + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + code: "{print} 'Let me guess which family member you are!'\nglasses = {ask} 'Do you wear glasses?'\nfemale = {ask} 'Are you female?'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Sophie!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Marleen!'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Wouter!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Michael!'" + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the movie theater'\npopcorn = {ask} 'Would you like some popcorn?'\ndrink = {ask} 'Would you like a drink?'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 8 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 3 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'Ok'\n{print} 'Enjoy the movie'" + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + correct_answer: B + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Line 3 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "Line 3 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + - option: "Line 5 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + - feedback: This is not what I ordered! + option: "Line 7 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "1 chocolate = {ask} 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?'\n2 sprinkles = {ask} 'Would you like sprinkles on your ice cream?'\n3 {if} chocolate {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n4 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce and sprinkles, coming up!'\n5 {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n6 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce, coming up!'\n7 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n8 {print} 'Ice cream with sprinkles, coming up'\n9 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n10 {print} 'Just plain icecream, coming up!'" + 10: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There are no items that are both the list of snacks and the list of drinks + option: '`{and}`' + - feedback: Great job! + option: '`{or}`' + - feedback: No + option: '`{in}`' + - feedback: No + option: '`{if}`' + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt'\nitem = {ask} 'What product are you looking for?'\nbakery = 'bread', 'buns', 'muffins'\ndrinks = 'soda', 'water', 'lemonade'\nsnacks = 'chips', 'nuts', 'dips'\nfrozen = 'fries', 'icecream', 'pizza'\nfruit = 'bananas', 'apples', 'oranges'\n{if} item {in} snacks ??? item {in} drinks\n {print} 'This item is in aisle 3'\n{if} item {in} bakery {or} item {in} bakery\n {print} 'This item in in the back of the store'\n{if} item {in} fruit\n {print} 'The fruit is sold near the register'" + 3: + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + code: "member = {ask} 'Do you have a membership card?'\ndiscount = {ask} 'Do you have a discount code?'\n{if} member = 'yes' {or} discount = 'yes'\n {print} 'You get a free apple pie!'\n{else}\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: You get a free apple pie! + feedback: Great job! + - option: That will be 5 dollars please + feedback: That is not true + - option: This code won't work, so there is no output + feedback: There is nothing wrong with the code + - option: There is no way of knowing + feedback: There is! Read the question carefully + hint: Mind the command `{or}` in line 3 + correct_answer: A + 7: + question_text: Which statement is false? + code: "{print} 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets'\n{print} 'Here is a program to help feed them'\nanimal = {ask} 'What kind of animal are they?'\ncolor = {ask} 'What colour are they?'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'grey'\n {print} 'That is Abby. She eats 3 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'orange'\n {print} 'That is Milo. He eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'bird' {or} color = 'black'\n {print} 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today'\n{if} animal = 'hamster' {and} color = 'brown'\n {print} 'You can feed them a piece of carrot'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - feedback: This is true + option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 14: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + option: '`!=`' + - option: '`=`' + feedback: Right! + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_score: '10' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + correct_answer: D + 2: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + correct_answer: C + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + 3: + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You are right + option: '`<` and `>=`' + - option: '`+` and `==`' + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + correct_answer: C + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 4: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - feedback: You are correct + option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + correct_answer: B + hint: The symbols are right + code: "price = 10\nmoney = {ask} How much money do you have?\nbuy = {ask} 'Would you like to buy this teddy bear?'\n{if} money >= price {and} buy == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can buy the bear!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!'" + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`> 12`' + feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - option: '`<= 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nticket = {ask} 'Do you have a ticket?'\n{if} age _ {and} ticket == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!'" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 0 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + code: "lives = 2\n{repeat} 10 {times}\n {if} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + correct_answer: D + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - feedback: You win! + option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + question_score: '10' + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + feedback: There are. + hint: '> means greater than' + correct_answer: A + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 or more + - feedback: Almost + option: 8 or more + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + code: "chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?'\n {if} chocolate <= 2\n {print} 'That is a healthy amount'\n {if} chocolate > 2 {and} chocolate =< 8\n {print} 'That is a bit much'\n {if} chocolate > 8\n {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!'" + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "'player 1 wins'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 2 loses'" + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + 1: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy + feedback: Good job! + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - option: Haydie + feedback: Not this one! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heidi + question_text: What's this programming language called? + correct_answer: A + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + question_score: '10' + 7: + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + hint: Check the code line by line + 9: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: Super! + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 2: + code: _ Hello! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats a given answer.' + option: '`{echo}`' + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: Correct! + - option: '`hello`' + feedback: Hello isn't a command. + - feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. + option: '`{ask}`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: _ Hello world! + question_text: Which need to be filled in on the blanks to make the text Hello! appear? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' + - option: The command in line 2 is spelled wrong. + feedback: The command is spelled correctly. + - option: "`{echo}` isn't a command." + feedback: "`{echo}` is a command, there's another mistake." + - feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + question_score: '10' + 10: + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output will be in your output screen after you've run this code? + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Are you ready to go to level 2? + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + - feedback: Great job! + option: "Yes!\nYes!" + - option: Yes! + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + - option: "Are you ready to go to level 2?\nYes!" + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + correct_answer: B + hint: Let's go! + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: You only need one command, not two. + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + 5: + code: "{ask} What is your favorite pet?\n_ So your favorite pet is..." + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, you would like the answer to be repeated back to you. + option: '`{print}`' + - option: '`Hedy`' + feedback: Hedy isn't a command. + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: With `{ask}` you can ask a question. + - feedback: Right on! + option: '`{echo}`' + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + 6: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. + feedback: That's what `{ask}` is for! + - option: You can use it exactly the same way as `{print}`. + feedback: That's what `{print}` is for! + - feedback: Good job! + option: You can use it to repeat an answer. + - feedback: That's not right... + option: You can use it to make text disappear. + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + correct_answer: C + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + question_score: '10' + 17: + 6: + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + option: Nothing! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + question_score: '10' + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + feedback: Not true! + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + - feedback: Not true. + option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Try again! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The word num needs quotation marks. + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + correct_answer: C + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + question_score: '10' + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + 4: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + feedback: Not correct. + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. diff --git a/content/quizzes/ms.yaml b/content/quizzes/ms.yaml index fbe34acbaae..04f8e642d47 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/ms.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/ms.yaml @@ -10,9 +10,2534 @@ levels: feedback: '`{is}` is used to make a list' - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' feedback: Correct! + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What command(s) do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - option: Nothing, this code is perfect + feedback: That's right! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 4: + hint: The variable name is prices + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + correct_answer: B + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + correct_answer: C + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + question_score: '10' + 8: + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - option: sea salt + feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the output of this code? + correct_answer: D + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {from} walkers\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: '`{remove} {from}` or `{add} {to}`, not `{remove} {to}`' + option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + - feedback: yesterday is not a variable + option: "```\n{remove} walkers {from} yesterday\n```" + - feedback: This increased the chance that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. + option: "```\n{add} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + question_text: What should be on the _? + hint: The person who walked the dogs yesterday should be removed from the list. + code: "walkers {is} dad, mom, Sam, Petra\nwalked_yesterday {is} {ask} Who walked the dogs yesterday?\n{print} walked_yesterday shouldn't have to walk the dogs again today\n_\n{print} walkers {at} {random} , it's your turn to walk the dogs!" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 9: + code: "colors {is} blue, purple, green\nchosen_color {is} {ask} Which hair color wouldn't you like to have?\n{remove} chosen_color {from} colors\n{print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + hint: Look at line 4 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Good job! + option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' + - feedback: No, you don't need `{print}` + option: Line 1 needs to start with `{print}`. + - feedback: animals is correct. + option: Line 2 needs to say 'animal' instead of 'animals' + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' + correct_answer: A + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' 17: 6: code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\npassword = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + option: Nothing! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 3: + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 7: + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: Try again! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: C + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A 16: 10: code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\n{books} = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_raffle_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_raffle_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + code: "friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee']\nchores = ['the cooking', 'the cleaning', 'nothing']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + correct_answer: A + code: "friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee']\nchore = ['the cooking', 'the cleaning', 'nothing']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i]" + hint: It's not random... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_text: Which statement is true? + 9: + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + correct_answer: A + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + correct_answer: B + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh']\n```" + feedback: Mind the variable name and the order of the sounds. + - feedback: Look at line one to see how brackets are supposed to be used. + option: "```\n sounds = '[woof], [moo], [neigh]'\n```" + - feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! + option: "```\n sounds = [woof, moo, neigh]\n```" + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\n sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh']\n```" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + correct_answer: D + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The variable in line 4 should be `friend[i]`, not `friends[i]` + feedback: That is not right. + - option: Line 3 should say `in range 1 to 3` not `in range 0 to 3` + feedback: Good catch! + - feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. + option: Line 4 should say 'lucky_number', not 'lucky number + - feedback: That's not it + option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_score: '10' + hint: We no longer use {at} + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + correct_answer: C + 13: + 1: + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsong = {ask} 'Whould you like to hear a song?'\nbirthday = {ask} 'Is today your birthday?'\n???\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday dear ' name\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} birthday {and} song = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Almost there + - feedback: Hedy only sings for you if you like to hear a song + option: "```\n{if} birthday = 'yes' {and} name = 'Hedy'\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {and} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {or} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + 10: + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt'\nitem = {ask} 'What product are you looking for?'\nbakery = 'bread', 'buns', 'muffins'\ndrinks = 'soda', 'water', 'lemonade'\nsnacks = 'chips', 'nuts', 'dips'\nfrozen = 'fries', 'icecream', 'pizza'\nfruit = 'bananas', 'apples', 'oranges'\n{if} item {in} snacks ??? item {in} drinks\n {print} 'This item is in aisle 3'\n{if} item {in} bakery {or} item {in} bakery\n {print} 'This item in in the back of the store'\n{if} item {in} fruit\n {print} 'The fruit is sold near the register'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There are no items that are both the list of snacks and the list of drinks + option: '`{and}`' + - feedback: Great job! + option: '`{or}`' + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: '`{if}`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{and}`' + feedback: You don't have to be vegan and muslim + - feedback: Great thinking! + option: '`{or}`' + - feedback: No + option: '`+`' + - feedback: No + option: '`{print}`' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + code: "menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies'\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'vegan' ??? diet = 'halal'\n {remove} 'sausage rolls' {from} menu" + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You get a free apple pie! + feedback: Great job! + - option: That will be 5 dollars please + feedback: That is not true + - option: This code won't work, so there is no output + feedback: There is nothing wrong with the code + - feedback: There is! Read the question carefully + option: There is no way of knowing + hint: Mind the command `{or}` in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "member = {ask} 'Do you have a membership card?'\ndiscount = {ask} 'Do you have a discount code?'\n{if} member = 'yes' {or} discount = 'yes'\n {print} 'You get a free apple pie!'\n{else}\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'you win'\n```" + feedback: You win! + - feedback: You lose! + option: "```\n{print} 'you lose'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'tie'\n```" + feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same + - option: "```\n{print} 'try again'\n```" + feedback: Try again! + code: "{if} computer_choice {is} 'rock' {and} your_choice {is} 'paper'" + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Paper beats rock + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + code: "{if} name = 'Cinderella' {and} shoe_size = 38\n {print} 'You are my one true love!'" + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + code: "{print} 'Let me guess which family member you are!'\nglasses = {ask} 'Do you wear glasses?'\nfemale = {ask} 'Are you female?'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Sophie!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Marleen!'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Wouter!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Michael!'" + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Line 3 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "Line 3 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + - option: "Line 5 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + - option: "Line 7 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + code: "1 chocolate = {ask} 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?'\n2 sprinkles = {ask} 'Would you like sprinkles on your ice cream?'\n3 {if} chocolate {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n4 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce and sprinkles, coming up!'\n5 {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n6 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce, coming up!'\n7 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n8 {print} 'Ice cream with sprinkles, coming up'\n9 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n10 {print} 'Just plain icecream, coming up!'" + 8: + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the movie theater'\npopcorn = {ask} 'Would you like some popcorn?'\ndrink = {ask} 'Would you like a drink?'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 8 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 3 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'Ok'\n{print} 'Enjoy the movie'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + question_text: Which statement is false? + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets'\n{print} 'Here is a program to help feed them'\nanimal = {ask} 'What kind of animal are they?'\ncolor = {ask} 'What colour are they?'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'grey'\n {print} 'That is Abby. She eats 3 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'orange'\n {print} 'That is Milo. He eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'bird' {or} color = 'black'\n {print} 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today'\n{if} animal = 'hamster' {and} color = 'brown'\n {print} 'You can feed them a piece of carrot'" + 1: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Good job! + option: Hedy + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Haydie + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heidi + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's this programming language called? + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats a given answer.' + option: '`{echo}`' + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: Correct! + - option: '`hello`' + feedback: Hello isn't a command. + - feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. + option: '`{ask}`' + code: _ Hello! + correct_answer: B + hint: _ Hello world! + question_text: Which need to be filled in on the blanks to make the text Hello! appear? + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' + - feedback: The command is spelled correctly. + option: The command in line 2 is spelled wrong. + - feedback: "`{echo}` is a command, there's another mistake." + option: "`{echo}` isn't a command." + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 5: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, you would like the answer to be repeated back to you. + option: '`{print}`' + - option: '`Hedy`' + feedback: Hedy isn't a command. + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: With `{ask}` you can ask a question. + - feedback: Right on! + option: '`{echo}`' + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + code: "{ask} What is your favorite pet?\n_ So your favorite pet is..." + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + 7: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - feedback: Correct! + option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + hint: Check the code line by line + correct_answer: D + 8: + correct_answer: C + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. + feedback: That's what `{ask}` is for! + - feedback: That's what `{print}` is for! + option: You can use it exactly the same way as `{print}`. + - option: You can use it to repeat an answer. + feedback: Good job! + - feedback: That's not right... + option: You can use it to make text disappear. + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: You only need one command, not two. + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 10: + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Are you ready to go to level 2? + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + - feedback: Great job! + option: "Yes!\nYes!" + - option: Yes! + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + - option: "Are you ready to go to level 2?\nYes!" + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + question_text: Which output will be in your output screen after you've run this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Let's go! + 2: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can use the `{print}` command to ask questions. + feedback: That is what `{ask}` is for + - option: You can use the `{ask}` command to echo answers. + feedback: That is not true + - feedback: Good + option: With the `{print}` command you can make text appear + - option: With the `{sleep}` command, you can remove text from the screen. + feedback: That's not how `{sleep}` works. + hint: '`{print}` still works the same way as in level 1' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: C + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + question_text: Which code is correct? + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: '`{sleep}`' + - feedback: There is nothing to repeat back here + option: '`{echo}`' + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: There is no text there to `{print}` there + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: There is no question there to be asked + question_text: What should be on the lines? + code: "{print} And the award for best programming language goes to...\n_\n{print} Hedy!" + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} I will explode in 3 seconds!\n_\n{print} BOOM!" + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + question_score: '10' + code: "flavor {is} _\n{print} Your favorite icecream is...\n{sleep}\n{print} flavor" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + correct_answer: B + 8: + hint: The variable name should come first + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + correct_answer: C + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + question_score: '10' + 5: + question_score: '10' + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + correct_answer: C + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is name + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + question_score: '10' + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + correct_answer: D + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + option: Marleen goes to the market. + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + correct_answer: C + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + question_score: '10' + 4: + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This quotation mark is skewed, you need a straight one. + option: "```\n{print} `hello`\n```" + - feedback: Correct + option: "```\n{print} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} hello\n```" + feedback: There are no quotation marks here! + - option: "```\n{print} ,hello,\n```" + feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + 3: + correct_answer: D + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} Hi Im Hedy\n```" + feedback: Add quotation marks please! + - option: "```\n{print} 'Hi Im Hedy\n```" + feedback: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + - feedback: The first quotation mark should be behind the word `{print}` + option: "```\n'{print} Hi Im Hedy'\n```" + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{print} 'Hi Im Hedy'\n```" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + 4: + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Never put the quotation mark in front of the `{print}` command. + option: "```\n'{print} options {at} {random}'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'options' {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: options is a variable. You don't literally want to print 'options {at} {random}'. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: That's right + - option: Nothing, the game already works! + feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + correct_answer: C + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right + option: "```\n{print} 'Im very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} Im very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + feedback: '{print} now needs quotation marks!' + - option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + feedback: do not use apostrophe or use backticks instead + - feedback: careful when using quotes and apostrophe + option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + 9: + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + option: Ajax is going to win the champions league + - feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + option: Real Madrid is going to win the champions league + - option: Bayern Munchen is going to win the champions league + feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + - feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 5: + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfavorite animal\n```" + feedback: That's not the variable name. + - option: "```\nanimal\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: '`{if}` is already there' + - feedback: No, that's not it. + option: '`{print}`' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank? + code: "animal {is} {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{if} _ {is} penguin {print} 'Thats my favorite animal too!'\n{else} {print} 'Cool! I like penguins.'" + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + option: '1' + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + correct_answer: B + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + 7: + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{if}` is in the line above.' + option: '`{if}`' + - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' + feedback: No, you don't need `{at} {random}`. + - feedback: There already is an `{else}` command + option: '`{else}`' + - feedback: Awesome! + option: '`{print}`' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which word should be in the place of the blank? + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'I can predict if you will be a millionair or not!'\nname {is} {ask} 'Whats your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'You will be a millionair!'\n{else} _ 'Unfortunately... No big money for you.'" + 10: + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank in the last line? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the football fortune teller!'\n{print} 'I will predict what place your team will end up!'\nclub is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?'\n{if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!'\n_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...'" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There already is a `{print}` command. + option: '`{print}`' + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: The `{if}` command is used in the line above. + - option: '`{sleep}`' + feedback: That's not it! + - option: '`{else}`' + feedback: That's right! + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the _? + hint: Which one goes together with the `{if}` command? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "number {is} {ask} 'What is your lucky number?'\n{if} number {is} 5 {print} 'Mine too!'\n_ {print} 'My lucky number is 5!'" + 4: + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + 2: + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: fun + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + option: Hedy + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the right password? + hint: "`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` 'Correct!'" + correct_answer: B + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + 6: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + 2: + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: Correct! + option: '`+`' + question_score: '10' + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - option: 3*10 + feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: The * means multiplication. + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 6: + question_text: How much does a hamburger cost in this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: Super! + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + 7: + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + correct_answer: C + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + correct_answer: B + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to use the `=` sign as well + option: You can only fill in the word is on the `_` + - option: You can fill in either the word is or the `=` sign on the `_` + feedback: Amazing! + - option: You have to fill in =is= on the `_` + feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough + - feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "name _ Hedy\n{print} name 'is walking trough the forrest'" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 10% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + 7: + 4: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "`I'm`" + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: '`{print}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{print}`' + - feedback: '`{repeat}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{repeat}`' + - feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{times}`' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes in a sentence + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nWe will We will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + feedback: "'We will' won't appear twice in the same line" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\nWe will\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + - feedback: ROCK YOU! won't be repeated + option: "```\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + - feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command + option: "```\nWe will\nROCK YOU!" + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nthe wheels on the bus go\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nround and round\nround and round\n```" + feedback: All through the town! Perfect! + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + 8: + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: Awesome, you can't use the `{repeat}` command here. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'" + feedback: Where did you leave 'Do do do do'? + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + 9: + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Your repeated line is incorrect. + option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham. '\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{print} 'Help!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + feedback: The `{print}` command is missing on line 3. + - feedback: You're missing the quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} Batman was flying through Gotham.\n{print} When suddenly he heard someone screaming!\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} Help!\n{print} Please help me!\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + 10: + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost! the first line needs an extra word + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: This is not in the right order. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 4 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'clap your hands'\n{print} 'and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'clap your hands'\n```" + feedback: This is not in the right order. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 2: + hint: First the `{repeat}` command, then the `{print}` command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code is right? + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No you can repeat a line. + option: '0' + - option: '1' + feedback: Correct, one line at a time + - feedback: In this level only one line at a time + option: '3' + - feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time + option: infinite + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + hint: You can only repeat one line at a time + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + hint: The code is correct! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + correct_answer: A + 8: + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it should be 2 lines. + option: This should be only one line, not 2. + - option: This `{print}` command has to be removed. + feedback: No, you need it. + - feedback: No, `{repeat}` is the correct spelling + option: There is a spelling mistake in the `{repeat}` command. + - option: The second line needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation. + feedback: Correct! + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 4: + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - feedback: Correct! + option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: This order is incorrect. + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'The children went:'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Yay!'\n {print} 'We are going on vacation!'" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines and start with 4 spaces. + feedback: That's right! + - option: '`{else}` is not a command!' + feedback: It is! + - feedback: That's not true + option: Lines that start with `{if}` should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + question_score: '10' + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + correct_answer: D + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + question_score: '10' + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are... right! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + correct_answer: C + 7: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: Nothing. This code is correct! + feedback: Something is wrong! + - feedback: You are! + option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + - option: You don't have to use indentation twice. Only in the first `{if}` command. + feedback: You always have to use indentation. + - feedback: That's right. + option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. + code: "food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n{if} food {is} fries\nsauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n{if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - feedback: The last line has no indentation, so it's not repeated. + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + - feedback: Right! + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + - feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't ? + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark\nBaby shark" + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + hint: What is being repeated and what is not? + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + correct_answer: C + 10: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_score: '10' + 9: + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nThe computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...\n```" + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + - option: "```\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + feedback: No, she gets 'You are not the one!' + - feedback: No, she gets 'Ill keep looking' + option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output '❤️❤️❤️' + - feedback: That's right! + option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 40 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + - feedback: No she gets '❤️❤️❤️' + option: Cinderella with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsize = {ask} 'What is your shoe size?'\n{if} size {is} 38\n {if} name {is} Cinderella\n {print} '❤️❤️❤️'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are not the one!'\n{else}\n {print} 'Ill keep looking'" + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: Don't forget the others + - feedback: Don't forget `{else}`! + option: '`{if}` `{repeat}`' + - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}`' + feedback: Keep it up! + - feedback: Not with `{print}` + option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + correct_answer: C + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: Don't forget the indentation after `{repeat}` commands. + - feedback: Use indentation after an `{if}` command + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n dessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n {if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + hint: Watch the indentation + question_score: '10' + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_text: Which code produced this output? + correct_answer: C + 7: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\nprice = price - 5" + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: The second `{if}` misses code! + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: Two consecutive `{if}`s is never correct. + - feedback: Almost right. Take another look at the last line + option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + question_text: You'll get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.
But the code has a mistake! How to debug it? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Yes you can. + option: You can't put two questions in a row + - feedback: Keen eye! Good job! + option: The variable called 'age' is later on used as 'years' + - option: You're not allowed to start with 8 spaces, like line 5 does + feedback: You actually must start like that. + - feedback: That's not true. + option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line + code: "age = {ask} 'Happy Birthday! How old are you?'\nsinging = {ask} 'Would you like us to sing?'\n{if} singing {is} yes\n {repeat} years {times}\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hooray'" + correct_answer: B + hint: The indentation is done right this time + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Only line 2 and 3 start with spaces + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Line 3 should start with 8 + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 8 spaces + feedback: Line 2 should start with 4 + - feedback: You are correct! + option: line 2 should start with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 + hint: The first line doesn't start with any spaces + code: "1 {repeat} 2 {times}\n2 {if} level {is} 9\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is correct! + - feedback: You are! + option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + - feedback: You always have to use indentation. + option: You don't have to use indentation twice. + - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. + feedback: It is not the indentation. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n {if} food {is} fries\n sauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n {if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + hint: All the indentation is done correctly. + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + code: "{print} 'Choose the right case and win!'\ncase = {ask} 'Which case will you pick? 1 or 2?'\n{if} case {is} 1\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell your case for 10 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win an apple pie'\n{if} case {is} 2\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!'" + 10: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_` if we want to print each compliment? + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "compliments = perfect, great job, amazing\n_\n {print} compliment" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + 4: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + correct_answer: C + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\n'name gets a color shirt'\n```" + - option: "```\nname 'gets a ' colors {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + feedback: Great job! This was a hard one! + - feedback: You want each name printed. So the first word should not be names but... + option: "```\nnames 'gets a ' color {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + - feedback: There is no variable named people.. + option: "```\npeople ' gets a colors shirt'\n```" + code: "names = Donna, Tommy, Ben\ncolors = blue, red, purple\n{for} name {in} names\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be on the `_` in this code that decides which color shirt you get? + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "courses = appetizer, main course, dessert\nnames = Timon, Onno\n{for} name {in} names\n {for} course {in} courses\n food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?'\n {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course" + question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program? + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + 10: + question_text: What is true about this code? + code: "prizes = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich\nnames = Bob, Patrick, Sandy, Larry\n{for} prize {in} prizes\n {print} 'The ' prize ' is won by ' names {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not true, you could end up without a prize. + option: Everybody will always win a prize. + - option: All the prizes always go to one single person. + feedback: That is not true. All the prizes are given away, but to random people + - feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others + option: Larry will never win a prize + - feedback: You get it! + option: Someone might win two prizes + correct_answer: D + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + 5: + question_score: '10' + question_text: What word should be on the `_` with these digital dice? + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + option: dice + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the digital dice!'\nplayers = Ann, John, Jesse\nchoices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' throws ' _ {at} {random}" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What line should be on the `_` in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? + correct_answer: A + code: "names = Ron, Leslie, April, Andy\nfood = pasta, fries, salad\n_\n {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner'" + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + 6: + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nKelly chooses rock\n```" + feedback: Meredith wants to play too! + - option: "```\nMeredith chooses scissors\nKelly chooses rock\n```" + feedback: So close! But Kelly is first in the list, so she goes first + - feedback: Kelly wants to play too! + option: "```\nMeredith chooses paper\n```" + - option: "```\nKelly chooses paper\nMeredith chooses scissors\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + question_score: '10' + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + 11: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`counter`' + feedback: No + - feedback: Correct + option: '`{range}`' + - feedback: No + option: '`{if}`' + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: No + hint: What did you learn in this level? + code: "{for} i {in} _ 1 {to} 10\n {print} i" + correct_answer: B + question_text: What word should be at the place of the blank? + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} i\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy prints the numbers from 0 to 10 instead of 10 to 0. + - feedback: Hedy would print negative numbers in this case. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} -1 * i\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 10 {to} 0\n {print} i\n```" + feedback: Unfortunately this does not exist. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} 10 - i\n```" + feedback: That's right! + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + correct_answer: D + hint: It has to be a calculation… + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be on the place of the blank? + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys diner'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people will be eating here tonight?'\n_\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to order?'\n {print} food" + hint: Use the variable 'people' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The numbers don't appear. It doesn't say `{print}` i. + option: "```\n23\n24\n25\n```" + - feedback: The numbers don't appear. It doesn't say `{print}` i + option: "```\n23 hi 24 hi 25 hi\n```" + - feedback: Correct + option: "```\nhi\nhi\nhi\n```" + - feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + question_score: '10' + 9: + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + correct_answer: D + 10: + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n {print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: Mind the indentation + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n{print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n{print} Baby shark\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n {print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the indentation + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 6: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + correct_answer: A + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n1\n2\n3\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "```\n1 2 3\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - option: "```\n1, 2, 3\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n123\n```" + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: A + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_score: '10' + 12: + 2: + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + option: "```\nflavors {is} vanilla, strawberry, chocolate\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + - feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + option: "```\n'flavors = vanilla, strawberry, chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + - option: "```\nflavors = 'vanilla', 'strawberry', 'chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + feedback: Alright! + - feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + option: "```\nflavors = 'vanilla, strawberry, chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + 4: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + question_score: '10' + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + code: "{print} Welcome to the online shoe shop\ncategory = {ask} What kind of shoes are you looking for?\n{if} category = high heels\n {print} High heels are 50% off now!" + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\nprizes = 'one' 'million' 'dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars, nothing'\n```" + - option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + feedback: Winner! + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\n'prizes' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C + code: "_\n{print} 'You won ' prizes {at} {random} '!'" + question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the `_`? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + - option: "```\n{for} action {in} actions\n```" + feedback: You are amazing! + - feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n```" + - feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + option: "```\n{print} actions {at} {random}\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the `_` to complete the song ? + correct_answer: B + code: "actions = 'clap your hands', 'stomp your feet', 'shout Hurray!'\n_\n {for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n {print} action\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n {print} action" + 3: + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + mp_choice_options: + - option: The name of the variable is different in line 1 than in line 2. + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: That's not true + option: The quotation marks aren't used correctly in line 2 + - option: You can't use the = sign when using an {ask} command + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Nothing is wrong. + code: "favorite_animal = {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{print} 'I like ' favoriteanimal ' too!'" + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{print} '7 / 2'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 7 / 2\n```" + feedback: That is right! + - option: "```\n{print} 7 : 2\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{print} 7 * 2\n```" + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: '3.5' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + code: "menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes'\n{print} \"It's my birthday! I`ve brought some snacks!\"\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'gluten free'\n {remove} 'cookies' {from} menu\n{if} diet = 'vegan'\n {remove} 'cheese' {from} menu\n{print} 'For you I have brought: '\n{for} snack {in} menu\n {print} snack" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 1: + code: "{print} 'three and a half plus one and a half is...'\n{print} 3.5 + 1.5" + hint: Both lines are printed! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Don't forget the first line of code! + option: '5' + - feedback: This is not the one! + option: 3.5 + 1.5 + - option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\nfive" + feedback: Take a close look at the second line... + - option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\n5" + feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 6: + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which line should be filled in at the `_`? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to McHedy!'\norder = {ask} 'Would you like a hamburger or fries?'\n{if} order = 'hamburger'\n price = 12\n{if} order = 'fries'\n price = 4\ndrinks = {ask} 'Would you like a drink with that for 2 dollars?'\n{if} drinks = 'yes'\n _\n{print} 'That will be ' price ' dollar please'" + question_score: '10' + 5: + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} 'Agent007'\n a {is} 'Go to the airport '\nelse\n a {is} 'Go to the train station '\npassword {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} 'TOPSECRET'\n b {is} 'tomorrow at 02.00'\n{else}\n b {is} 'today at 10.00'\n{print} a + b" + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + 14: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - option: '`<= 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nticket = {ask} 'Do you have a ticket?'\n{if} age _ {and} ticket == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!'" + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 4: + question_score: '10' + hint: The symbols are right + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + feedback: No that's not it + code: "price = 10\nmoney = {ask} How much money do you have?\nbuy = {ask} 'Would you like to buy this teddy bear?'\n{if} money >= price {and} buy == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can buy the bear!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!'" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + feedback: There are. + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' + 7: + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 9: + code: "chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?'\n {if} chocolate <= 2\n {print} 'That is a healthy amount'\n {if} chocolate > 2 {and} chocolate =< 8\n {print} 'That is a bit much'\n {if} chocolate > 8\n {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + code: "lives = 2\n{repeat} 10 {times}\n {if} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + 10: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + hint: You win the game by having the most points + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`>` and `<`' + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 15: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_score: '10' + code: "answer = 0\n{while} answer _ 'Amsterdam'\n answer = {ask} 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?'\n{print} 'You have given the correct answer'" + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + 4: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `==` should be used instead of `=` + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: That's not right + - feedback: That's not it + option: In line 5 `{if}` should have been used instead of `{while}` + - feedback: You are correct + option: In line 5 `!=` should have been used instead of `==` + code: "options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{print} 'Throw 6 as fast as you can!'\nthrown = 0\ntries = 0\n{while} thrown == 6\n thrown = options {at} {random}\n {print} 'You threw ' thrown\n tries = tries + 1\n{print} 'Yes! You have thrown 6 in ' tries ' tries.'" + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 5: + hint: wetness should get less each time + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n = wetness\n```" + feedback: That will not change anything + - feedback: You can't have two times = in one line + option: "```\n = wetness = 1\n```" + - option: "```\n = wetness - 1\n```" + feedback: You are correct! + - feedback: The program should count down + option: "```\n = wetness + 1\n```" + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + question_score: '10' + code: "wetness = 10\n{while} wetness != 0\n {print} 'Your hair is still wet, hair dryer on!'\n {sleep} 1\n {clear}\n wetness _\n\n{print} 'All dry!'" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{while}` should be`{if}`' + feedback: No that is not right + - feedback: No that is not right + option: '`{if}` should be `{while}`' + - option: Line 3 should start with more indentation + feedback: No that's not right + - feedback: That is correct + option: Line 2 should start with less indentation + correct_answer: D + hint: Look closely at the indentation + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "lives = 100\n {while} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Nothing. 1600 is not programmed into the app. + - feedback: No + option: You could eat some more + - option: That is alright + feedback: Yes! + - option: You have eaten enough for today + feedback: No + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "calories = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?'\n {while} calories <= 1000\n {print} 'You could eat some more'\n {while} calories > 1000 {and} calories =< 2000\n {print} 'That is alright'\n {while} calories > 2000\n {print} 'You have had enough for today'" + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + 7: + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '... change the first `{if}` into a `{while}`' + feedback: Perfect! + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the second `{if}` into a `{while}`' + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the third `{if}` into a `{while}`' + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the fourth `{if}` into a `{while}`' + correct_answer: A + question_text: How should this program be changed so that it works? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + hint: The block after the {while} command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n name_player_1\n```" + feedback: You are right! + - feedback: No they are losing! + option: "```\n name_player_2\n```" + - option: "```\n points_player_1\n```" + feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + - feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + option: "```\n points_player_2\n```" + correct_answer: A + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + question_score: '10' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 3: + code: "_ age < 18\n {print} 'you are not allowed in this bar'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blank? + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C diff --git a/content/quizzes/nb_NO.yaml b/content/quizzes/nb_NO.yaml index 54f3dd155ef..1e9e3202a46 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/nb_NO.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/nb_NO.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Heidi feedback: Ikke denne ! hint: Det er oppkalt etter Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Hvilken kommando brukes til å vise tekst ? code: ___ Hello! @@ -37,6 +39,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Med `{ask}`, kan du spørre et spørsmål. hint: _?_ Hallo verden ! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Hvordan spør du hva noen sin favorittfarge er ? mp_choice_options: @@ -61,6 +65,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{echo}` gjentar svaret ditt.' hint: Du kan stille spørsmål med `{ask}` kommandoen + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Hva er feil i denne koden? code: |- @@ -77,6 +83,8 @@ levels: - option: Ingenting! Dette er perfekt kode! feedback: Det er feil, se nøye gjennom koden! hint: Det virker som at linje 1 ikke er helt riktig + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: question_text: Hvilken kommando mangler på linje 2? code: |- @@ -104,6 +112,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hurra! Riktig! hint: Du har lyst til å se svaret på slutten av linje 2... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: Hva er feil med denne koden? code: |- @@ -121,6 +131,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}` på linje 4 er feilstavet.' feedback: Det er en feil en annen plass... hint: Sjekk hvordan `{print}` kommandoene er stavet. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 7: question_text: Hva er feil med denne koden? code: |- @@ -138,6 +150,8 @@ levels: - option: Ingenting! Dette er perfekt kode! feedback: Korrekt! hint: Undersøk denne koden linje for linje + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Hvordan bruker du ekko kommandoen? mp_choice_options: @@ -150,6 +164,8 @@ levels: - option: Du kan bruke den til å få tekst til å forsvinne. feedback: Det er ikke riktig... hint: Kommandoen ekko brukes etter en spør kommando. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: Hva er feil med denne koden? code: |- @@ -166,6 +182,8 @@ levels: - option: Ingenting. Denne koden er perfekt! feedback: Se nøye gjennom koden for å finne feilen... hint: spør lar deg stille et spørsmål + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -181,6 +199,10 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + hint: Let's go! + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: 1: question_text: Hvilket påstand er sann? @@ -194,6 +216,8 @@ levels: - option: På nivå 2 fungerer fortsatt alle nivå 1 kommandoene feedback: Nei, en kommando er fjernet. hint: skriv- og spør-kommandoene eksisterer fortsatt. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 2: question_text: Hvilken kode er korrekt? mp_choice_options: @@ -206,6 +230,8 @@ levels: - option: spør Hva heter du? er navn feedback: Ordene er rett, men rekkefølgen er feil! hint: spør-kommandoen fungerer ikke helt som i nivå 1 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Hva vises i resultatfeltet når du kjører denne koden? code: |- @@ -221,6 +247,8 @@ levels: - option: Maria går på butikken og Maria kjøper et eple. feedback: '''hun'' blir ikke byttet ut med navnet' hint: Ordet 'navn' blir byttet ut med Maria + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Hva vil vises i resultatfeltet når du kjører denne koden? code: |- @@ -236,6 +264,8 @@ levels: - option: Hei mitt Hedy er Hedy! feedback: Riktig, denne feilen blir fikset i nivå 4! hint: '''navn'' blir byttet ut med ''Hedy'' begge plassene' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: Hva skjer når du bruker `sov` kommandoen? mp_choice_options: @@ -248,6 +278,8 @@ levels: - option: Du legger det til på slutten av koden din slik at Hedy vet at programmet ditt er ferdig feedback: Nei, det vil ikke være nyttig å legge sov til på slutten av koden hint: PCen din venter i et sekund når du bruker sov-kommandoen før den fortsetter å kjøre programmet ditt + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Hva skal være på linjene med spørsmålstegn? code: |- @@ -264,6 +296,8 @@ levels: - option: spør feedback: Det er ingen spørsmål som skal stilles der hint: Ta en pause for dramatisk effekt... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Hvilken kommando burde brukes på linje 2? code: |- @@ -280,6 +314,8 @@ levels: - option: sov sov sov feedback: Gjør det lettere for deg selv og skriv tallet 3 hint: Du vil at PCen skal vente i 3 sekunder + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Denne koden har en feil, hva må du gjøre på linje 1 for at det skal fungere? code: |- @@ -295,6 +331,8 @@ levels: - option: alder er Hvor gammel er du? feedback: Hvor er spør-kommandoen? hint: Variabelnavnet må skrives inn først + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: Hva er feil i denne koden? code: |- @@ -310,6 +348,8 @@ levels: - option: 'Linje 2 burde være: `sov Jeg elsker dyrene`' feedback: sov-kommandoen brukes ikke til å skrive ut tekst hint: Du har lyst til å skrive ut 'Jeg elsker hunder' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Hvilken kommando burde brukes på linje 1? code: |- @@ -327,6 +367,8 @@ levels: - option: spør Hvilken smak er din favorittiskrem? feedback: Det er riktig! hint: Du har lyst til å stille et spørsmål + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: 1: question_text: Hvilken kommando bruker du for å la Hedy velge noe vilkårlig? @@ -340,6 +382,8 @@ levels: - option: på tilfeldig feedback: Korrekt! hint: Vilkårlig betyr uten en plan eller tilfeldig. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: question_text: Hva er feil med denne koden? code: |- @@ -355,6 +399,8 @@ levels: - option: '''på tilfeldig'' er feilstavet, det burde vært ''på tifleldig''' feedback: '''på tilfeldig'' er riktig stavemåte' hint: Det er noe feil med linje 1 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: Hva er feil med linje 2 i denne koden? code: |- @@ -370,6 +416,8 @@ levels: - option: Ingenting, koden er korrekt! feedback: Se nøye etter for å oppdage feilen hint: Variabelen (listen) heter alternativer. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Hva må linje 2 endres til for å skrive ut en tilfeldig pris? code: |- @@ -385,6 +433,8 @@ levels: - option: Ingenting, koden er riktig. feedback: Se nøye igjennom koden for å oppdage feilen! hint: Variabelens navn er priser + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Hva er feil i denne koden? code: |- @@ -402,6 +452,8 @@ levels: - option: Ingenting, koden er perfekt feedback: Riktig! hint: Har denne koden i det hele tatt feil? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: Hva er feil med denne koden? code: |- @@ -418,6 +470,8 @@ levels: - option: Ingenting! Dette er flott kode! feedback: Linje 2 har faktisk en feil. hint: '''kan være'' er ikke en kommando.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 7: question_text: Hva gjør legg kommandoen? code: |- @@ -435,6 +489,8 @@ levels: - option: legg-kommandoen skriver ut din favorittbok. feedback: Nei, det legger til favorittboken din i listen hint: legg-kommandoen legger til en bok i listen, men hvilken? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Hva blir resultatet når du kjører denne koden? code: |- @@ -452,6 +508,8 @@ levels: - option: rømme feedback: Det er riktig! hint: Det er tre smaker, men to av dem er fjernet. Hvilken smak er igjen i listen? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 9: question_text: Hva er feil med denne koden? code: |- @@ -469,6 +527,8 @@ levels: - option: Ingenting, dette er korrekt kode! feedback: Det er en feil, se nøye etter og finn den! hint: Se på linje 4 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Hva burde være der istedenfor _?_ ? code: |- @@ -487,6 +547,8 @@ levels: - option: legg gikk_tur_igår til turgåere feedback: Dette vil øke sjansen for at personen som gikk tur igår må gå tur igjen i dag. Det er slemt. hint: Personen som gikk tur med hunden i går burde fjernes fra listen. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: 1: question_text: Hvilken av disse er sann? @@ -500,6 +562,8 @@ levels: - option: på tilfeldig krever fnutter feedback: Nei, men to andre kommandoer krever det. hint: På nivå 4 trenger du fnutter når du bruker to kommandoer. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Hvilken kode bruker riktige fnutter? mp_choice_options: @@ -512,6 +576,8 @@ levels: - option: skriv ,hallo, feedback: Dette er et komma, du trenger fnutter. hint: Velg riktige fnutter. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: question_text: Hvor er fnuttene brukt riktig? mp_choice_options: @@ -524,6 +590,8 @@ levels: - option: skriv 'Hei jeg er Hedy feedback: Perfekt! hint: Du må ha fnutter både før og etter ord du ønsker å skrive ut. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Hvilken påstand er sann? mp_choice_options: @@ -536,6 +604,8 @@ levels: - option: Du kan bestemme selv om du vil bruke fnutter eller ikke. feedback: Uheldigvis er Hedy strengere enn det. hint: Fra nivå 4 og videre må du bruke fnutter. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: Hva må endres for at spillet skal fungere? code: |- @@ -551,6 +621,8 @@ levels: - option: Ingenting, spillet fungerer allerede slik det skal! feedback: Se nøye etter, det er en feil i koden. hint: Du vil ikke at Hedy skal skrive ut teksten 'alternativer på tilfeldig', du vil at det skal skrive 'stein' eller 'saks' eller 'papir'. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: Hva hadde vært en god idé å legge inn på neste linje i denne koden? code: premier er 1 krone, 100 kroner, 1 million kroner @@ -564,6 +636,8 @@ levels: - option: skriv 'Du vinner.... premier på tilfeldig' feedback: Her vil Hedy skrive ut ordene 'Du vinner... premier på tilfeldig' hint: Tenk deg nøye om. Hva er en variabel og burde være utenfor fnuttene? Og hva er vanlige ord som må være inni fnuttene? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Hva er feil med denne koden? code: |- @@ -580,6 +654,8 @@ levels: - option: Ingenting, denne koden er flott som den er! feedback: Se nøye etter, du gikk glipp av en feil! hint: Sjekk hver linje om den trenger fnutter eller ikke. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: Hva hadde vært en god idé å legge inn på neste linje i denne koden? code: |- @@ -595,6 +671,9 @@ levels: feedback: Supert! - option: print 'So you pick door door' feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: What will never appear in your output screen ? code: |- @@ -610,6 +689,8 @@ levels: - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from ? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Hvilken påstand er sann? code: |- @@ -625,6 +706,9 @@ levels: feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally - option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes feedback: Du glemte en ! + correct_answer: B + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + question_score: '10' 5: 1: question_text: Hvilken påstand er sann? @@ -642,6 +726,8 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 neither print nor ask works differently than in level 3 feedback: Det stemmer !. hint: There are no changes in the existing commands. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy ? code: |- @@ -657,6 +743,8 @@ levels: - option: Feil feedback: Heldigvis ikke ! hint: if name is Hedy print ...? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: What is the right passord code: |- @@ -673,6 +761,8 @@ levels: - option: ALARM INNTRENGER feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect passord ! hint: if passord is ... print 'Correct !'!' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 4: question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong passord ? code: |- @@ -689,6 +779,8 @@ levels: - option: ALARM ! INNTRENGER ! feedback: Godt jobbet ! hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders ! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM ! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? code: |- @@ -704,6 +796,9 @@ levels: feedback: That's not how you spell secret - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake feedback: Nei, Hedy har rett + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line ? code: |- @@ -722,6 +817,8 @@ levels: - option: skriv feedback: Print is already there, we need a word before it ! hint: In level 5 you learn 2 new commands, if and ...? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark ? code: |- @@ -739,6 +836,8 @@ levels: - option: skriv feedback: Rått! hint: After else a print command follows + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark ? code: |- @@ -755,6 +854,8 @@ levels: - option: skriv feedback: Nei, det er det ikke. hint: What the variable name ? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Which door should you choose to escape ?? code: |- @@ -773,6 +874,9 @@ levels: feedback: Bad choice ! You're being eaten. - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten ! feedback: Heldigvis ikke ! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. 10: code: |- print 'Escape from the haunted house !' @@ -791,6 +895,9 @@ levels: - option: gigantisk edderkopp feedback: Ikke alltid... hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters at random... + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + correct_answer: A 6: 1: question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code ? @@ -805,6 +912,8 @@ levels: - option: '210' feedback: Husk at det er en beregning. hint: The * is used as a multiplication sign + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Which sign do you use for an addition ? mp_choice_options: @@ -817,6 +926,8 @@ levels: - option: '`+`' feedback: Korrekt ! hint: Det er plusstegnet. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code ? code: print '3*10' @@ -830,6 +941,8 @@ levels: - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. hint: Mind the quotation marks !! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her ? code: |- @@ -846,6 +959,9 @@ levels: feedback: Det stemmer ! - option: Your lucky number is... 10 feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + correct_answer: C + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total ? code: |- @@ -863,6 +979,8 @@ levels: - option: 50 kroner feedback: Flott ! hint: price is people times 10 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant ? code: |- @@ -881,6 +999,8 @@ levels: - option: 21 kroner feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries ! hint: Pass på den fjerde linjen. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 7: code: |- print 'Welcome at Hedys diner' @@ -901,6 +1021,10 @@ levels: feedback: Det stemmer ! - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. feedback: That's true, but not the reason + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was 8: question_text: Why is this code incorrect ? code: |- @@ -917,6 +1041,9 @@ levels: feedback: Nei, det er ikke sant. - option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are ? code: |- @@ -938,6 +1065,8 @@ levels: - option: 100% feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 = ? hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 = ? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Hvilken påstand er sann? code: |- @@ -953,6 +1082,8 @@ levels: - option: You can only use the = sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use = with words. hint: is and = are both allowed + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: 1: question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level ? @@ -966,6 +1097,8 @@ levels: - option: uendelig feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Which code is right ? mp_choice_options: @@ -978,6 +1111,8 @@ levels: - option: repeat 100 times print 'hello' feedback: Det stemmer ! hint: First the repeat command, then the print command + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: Is this code right or wrong ? code: repeat 100 times 'Hello !' @@ -991,6 +1126,8 @@ levels: - option: Wrong, the word print is missing feedback: Korrekt hint: 'It should be: repeat 100 times print ''Hello''' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Which word is wrong in the code ? code: |- @@ -1006,6 +1143,8 @@ levels: - option: ganger feedback: ganger er stavet korrekt hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Is this code right or wrong ? code: repeat 100 times print 'Hedy is awesome !' @@ -1015,6 +1154,8 @@ levels: - option: Feil feedback: Det er ikke det hint: The code is correct ! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: What will be the output from this code ? code: |- @@ -1045,6 +1186,9 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town ! Perfect ! + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: What will be the output from this code ? code: |- @@ -1071,6 +1215,8 @@ levels: ROCK YOU ! feedback: Pass på gjenta kommandoen hint: Pass på gjenta kommandoen. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 8: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output ? mp_choice_options: @@ -1099,6 +1245,9 @@ levels: print 'Its alright' feedback: This is not in the right order hint: Repeat can only be used if you want the exact same line 2 (or more) times in a row. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" 9: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output ? code: |- @@ -1126,6 +1275,8 @@ levels: - option: "print 'Batman was flying though Gotham.' \nprint 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming...'\nrepeat 3 times print 'Help !'\nprint 'Please help me !'" feedback: Perfekt hint: '''Help !'' is repeated 3 times.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output ? mp_choice_options: @@ -1149,6 +1300,10 @@ levels: print 'and you really want to show it' print 'clap your hands' feedback: This is not in the right order. + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + question_score: '10' + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" 8: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -1173,6 +1328,11 @@ levels: Im Hedy! Im Hedy! feedback: Helaas. Beide zinnen worden 2x herhaald + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + correct_answer: C + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: This should be only one line, not 2. @@ -1183,6 +1343,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1210,6 +1375,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -1243,6 +1412,9 @@ levels: Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. hint: The block unde the {repeat} command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The {print} commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -1253,6 +1425,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '{ask} is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -1273,6 +1450,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the first {if} command. feedback: That's right. hint: Take a carefull look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1307,6 +1487,10 @@ levels: {else} {print} You are wrong! feedback: You are wrong! + correct_answer: C + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + question_score: '10' + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? 9: code: |- 1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?' @@ -1324,11 +1508,42 @@ levels: - option: Line 3 and 5 feedback: Great job! hint: The lines after an {if} or {else} command should start with 4 spaces. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? 10: code: |- 1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?" 2 {if} level {is} 8 3 {print} Great job! + correct_answer: D + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + question_text: Which statement is true? + 6: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" 9: 1: code: |- @@ -1351,6 +1566,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last {if} command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1371,6 +1589,10 @@ levels: You can use the computer! feedback: Correct! hint: Everything under the {repeat} command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -1387,6 +1609,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -1407,6 +1642,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1435,6 +1674,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' feedback: There are 2 {repeat} commands in this code. hint: Whatch the indentation + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_text: Which code produced this output? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '{if}' @@ -1445,6 +1688,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '{if} {else} {repeat} {print}' feedback: Not with print + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -1478,6 +1725,8 @@ levels: price = price - 2 feedback: Try again hint: After each {if} command, the line below should indent + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -1495,9 +1744,23 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a {print} command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + hint: The indentation is done right this time + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: How many {if} commands can be placed inside another {if} command? hint: You can put an {if} command inside an {if} command. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -1513,6 +1776,9 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the _?_ ? @@ -1530,6 +1796,8 @@ levels: - option: for komplimenter i kompliment feedback: Nesten der ! hint: for each compliment in the lists of compliments... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: question_text: Which output is correct ? code: |- @@ -1548,6 +1816,9 @@ levels: I love pasta I love pancakes feedback: Flott ! + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: Which output is correct ? code: |- @@ -1568,6 +1839,8 @@ levels: - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals at random. feedback: Line 2 says for each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed. hint: Line 2 says for each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: What's wrong with this code ? code: |- @@ -1584,6 +1857,8 @@ levels: - option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item feedback: No it does not. hint: Line 2 says For each `item` in the list of groceries + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice ? code: |- @@ -1602,6 +1877,8 @@ levels: - option: terning feedback: Look at the names of the variables. hint: Hedy needs to pick a number at random + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code ? code: |- @@ -1622,6 +1899,9 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Fantastisk ! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decide what these people will have for dinner ? code: |- @@ -1638,6 +1918,9 @@ levels: feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. - option: for name in food feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get ? code: |- @@ -1654,6 +1937,9 @@ levels: feedback: You want each name printed. So the first word should not be names but... - option: '''people gets a colors shirt''' feedback: There is no variable named people.. + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program ? code: |- @@ -1672,6 +1958,9 @@ levels: feedback: Appetizers are first in the list - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose at random. feedback: There is no `at random` in this code... + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: What is true about this code ? code: |- @@ -1688,6 +1977,9 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it ! + correct_answer: D + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1715,6 +2007,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1728,6 +2023,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1755,6 +2055,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1763,6 +2067,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Use the variable 'people' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1779,6 +2095,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_text: What will be the output from this code? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1810,6 +2131,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 9: + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - option: 2 times + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + 3: + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + correct_answer: A + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + 6: + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: 1 time + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - feedback: No + option: Never + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + feedback: No it doesn't. + - option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + - feedback: Not line 1... + option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1828,6 +2213,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Both lines are printed! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1854,6 +2243,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1867,12 +2260,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + correct_answer: D + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + question_score: '10' + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1886,6 +2296,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1899,6 +2322,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + feedback: Excellent! + - option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + feedback: Almost there! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1911,6 +2346,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1933,6 +2381,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1959,6 +2412,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1979,6 +2435,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B 13: 1: code: |- @@ -2011,6 +2470,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -2026,6 +2489,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + correct_answer: B 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -2044,6 +2511,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -2055,10 +2525,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_score: '10' + hint: Paper beats rock + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: Fantastic! + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -2072,6 +2559,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + correct_answer: D 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -2086,6 +2586,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is false? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -2100,6 +2613,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -2137,6 +2663,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -2161,6 +2691,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks 14: 4: code: |- @@ -2171,6 +2705,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + - feedback: You are correct + option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + hint: The symbols are right + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -2179,6 +2726,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - option: '`>= 12`' + feedback: Great! + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + question_score: '10' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + correct_answer: B 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -2187,6 +2747,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + hint: "!= means 'is not'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -2196,6 +2769,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - feedback: Almost + option: 8 or more + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + correct_answer: D + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - feedback: Yes! + option: "'player 2 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + hint: You win the game by having the most points + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: True! + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: '> means greater than' + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + hint: '> means greater than' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 2: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 3: + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 15: 1: code: |- @@ -2203,11 +2878,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=!`' + feedback: That is not right. + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: Correct + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -2228,6 +2928,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -2247,6 +2951,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: wetness should get less each time 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -2264,6 +2972,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -2275,8 +2986,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The last one should say you win. + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: False! + option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + - feedback: Great job + option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -2295,6 +3023,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -2305,6 +3037,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + question_score: '10' + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == 16: 2: code: |- @@ -2312,12 +3063,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: Super! + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + feedback: Poor Wesley! + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + feedback: That's not it + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -2328,6 +3105,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -2338,3 +3120,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 1: + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + - feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + question_score: '10' + hint: We no longer use {at} + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + feedback: That is not right. + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - option: Line 4 should start without indentation + feedback: It should not + - option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + feedback: Amazing! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: This is not going to work! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + correct_answer: B + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + correct_answer: A + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + correct_answer: D + 17: + 1: + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is the output of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + hint: Loop through your list. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + question_score: '10' + 3: + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + correct_answer: C + 4: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + question_score: '10' + 5: + question_text: What is the output of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 6: + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Amazing! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: C + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 9: + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + 10: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + correct_answer: C + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" diff --git a/content/quizzes/ne.yaml b/content/quizzes/ne.yaml index 0967ef424bc..d05630c2e5b 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/ne.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/ne.yaml @@ -1 +1,2543 @@ -{} +levels: + 1: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy + feedback: Good job! + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Haydie + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heidi + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's this programming language called? + 4: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' + - option: The command in line 2 is spelled wrong. + feedback: The command is spelled correctly. + - option: "`{echo}` isn't a command." + feedback: "`{echo}` is a command, there's another mistake." + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + - option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: You only need one command, not two. + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats a given answer.' + option: '`{echo}`' + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: Correct! + - option: '`hello`' + feedback: Hello isn't a command. + - feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. + option: '`{ask}`' + code: _ Hello! + question_text: Which need to be filled in on the blanks to make the text Hello! appear? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: _ Hello world! + 6: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 8: + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's what `{ask}` is for! + option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. + - feedback: That's what `{print}` is for! + option: You can use it exactly the same way as `{print}`. + - feedback: Good job! + option: You can use it to repeat an answer. + - feedback: That's not right... + option: You can use it to make text disappear. + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 5: + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: No, you would like the answer to be repeated back to you. + - option: '`Hedy`' + feedback: Hedy isn't a command. + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: With `{ask}` you can ask a question. + - feedback: Right on! + option: '`{echo}`' + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + code: "{ask} What is your favorite pet?\n_ So your favorite pet is..." + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Check the code line by line + 10: + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Are you ready to go to level 2? + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + - feedback: Great job! + option: "Yes!\nYes!" + - option: Yes! + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + - option: "Are you ready to go to level 2?\nYes!" + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + question_text: Which output will be in your output screen after you've run this code? + correct_answer: B + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' + 2: + 1: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can use the `{print}` command to ask questions. + feedback: That is what `{ask}` is for + - option: You can use the `{ask}` command to echo answers. + feedback: That is not true + - option: With the `{print}` command you can make text appear + feedback: Good + - option: With the `{sleep}` command, you can remove text from the screen. + feedback: That's not how `{sleep}` works. + hint: '`{print}` still works the same way as in level 1' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 10: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + code: "flavor {is} _\n{print} Your favorite icecream is...\n{sleep}\n{print} flavor" + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my name is Hedy + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + question_score: '10' + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + correct_answer: D + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + 7: + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + correct_answer: B + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} I will explode in 3 seconds!\n_\n{print} BOOM!" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + question_text: Which code is correct? + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 6: + code: "{print} And the award for best programming language goes to...\n_\n{print} Hedy!" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be on the lines? + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: '`{sleep}`' + - feedback: There is nothing to repeat back here + option: '`{echo}`' + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: There is no text there to `{print}` there + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: There is no question there to be asked + 8: + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + correct_answer: C + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable name should come first + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + 9: + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + question_score: '10' + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + correct_answer: C + 4: + 3: + correct_answer: D + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} Hi Im Hedy\n```" + feedback: Add quotation marks please! + - feedback: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + option: "```\n{print} 'Hi Im Hedy\n```" + - feedback: The first quotation mark should be behind the word `{print}` + option: "```\n'{print} Hi Im Hedy'\n```" + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{print} 'Hi Im Hedy'\n```" + question_score: '10' + 2: + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} `hello`\n```" + feedback: This quotation mark is skewed, you need a straight one. + - feedback: Correct + option: "```\n{print} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} hello\n```" + feedback: There are no quotation marks here! + - option: "```\n{print} ,hello,\n```" + feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right + option: "```\n{print} 'Im very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + - feedback: '{print} now needs quotation marks!' + option: "```\n{print} Im very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + feedback: do not use apostrophe or use backticks instead + - feedback: careful when using quotes and apostrophe + option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + correct_answer: A + hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?' + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Never put the quotation mark in front of the `{print}` command. + option: "```\n'{print} options {at} {random}'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'options' {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: options is a variable. You don't literally want to print 'options {at} {random}'. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: That's right + - option: Nothing, the game already works! + feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + 9: + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + option: Ajax is going to win the champions league + - feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + option: Real Madrid is going to win the champions league + - option: Bayern Munchen is going to win the champions league + feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + - feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + 6: + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 6: + question_text: How much does a hamburger cost in this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: Super! + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + correct_answer: B + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + question_score: '10' + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + correct_answer: C + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - option: '12' + feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 10% + - option: 32% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - option: 100% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + 10: + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to use the `=` sign as well + option: You can only fill in the word is on the `_` + - option: You can fill in either the word is or the `=` sign on the `_` + feedback: Amazing! + - option: You have to fill in =is= on the `_` + feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough + - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. + feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + code: "name _ Hedy\n{print} name 'is walking trough the forrest'" + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 7: + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + question_text: Which code is right? + hint: First the `{repeat}` command, then the `{print}` command + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 8: + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: Awesome, you can't use the `{repeat}` command here. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'" + feedback: Where did you leave 'Do do do do'? + - feedback: This is not the correct order.. + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + correct_answer: A + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + 7: + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nWe will We will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + feedback: "'We will' won't appear twice in the same line" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\nWe will\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + - feedback: ROCK YOU! won't be repeated + option: "```\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + - feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command + option: "```\nWe will\nROCK YOU!" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost! the first line needs an extra word + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: This is not in the right order. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 4 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'clap your hands'\n{print} 'and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'clap your hands'\n```" + feedback: This is not in the right order. + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Your repeated line is incorrect. + option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham. '\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{print} 'Help!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + feedback: The `{print}` command is missing on line 3. + - feedback: You're missing the quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} Batman was flying through Gotham.\n{print} When suddenly he heard someone screaming!\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} Help!\n{print} Please help me!\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + 1: + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No you can repeat a line. + option: '0' + - option: '1' + feedback: Correct, one line at a time + - feedback: In this level only one line at a time + option: '3' + - feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time + option: infinite + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + hint: You can only repeat one line at a time + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nthe wheels on the bus go\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nround and round\nround and round\n```" + feedback: All through the town! Perfect! + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "`I'm`" + feedback: That's right! + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: '`{print}` is spelled correctly' + - feedback: '`{repeat}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{repeat}`' + - feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{times}`' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes in a sentence + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + hint: The code is correct! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + correct_answer: A + 8: + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it should be 2 lines. + option: This should be only one line, not 2. + - option: This `{print}` command has to be removed. + feedback: No, you need it. + - feedback: No, `{repeat}` is the correct spelling + option: There is a spelling mistake in the `{repeat}` command. + - option: The second line needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation. + feedback: Correct! + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - feedback: The last line has no indentation, so it's not repeated. + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + - feedback: Right! + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + - feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't ? + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark\nBaby shark" + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + question_score: '10' + hint: What is being repeated and what is not? + correct_answer: C + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + question_score: '10' + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + correct_answer: D + 10: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines and start with 4 spaces. + feedback: That's right! + - option: '`{else}` is not a command!' + feedback: It is! + - feedback: That's not true + option: Lines that start with `{if}` should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' + correct_answer: A + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + 4: + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: This order is incorrect. + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: The last line is repeated too. + code: "{print} 'The children went:'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Yay!'\n {print} 'We are going on vacation!'" + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: B + 6: + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + question_score: '10' + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + correct_answer: D + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + correct_answer: C + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are wrong! + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are... right! + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are wrong! + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + question_score: '10' + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + correct_answer: C + 7: + code: "food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n{if} food {is} fries\nsauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n{if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Nothing. This code is correct! + feedback: Something is wrong! + - feedback: You are! + option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + - option: You don't have to use indentation twice. Only in the first `{if}` command. + feedback: You always have to use indentation. + - feedback: That's right. + option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' + 9: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is correct! + - feedback: You are! + option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + - feedback: You always have to use indentation. + option: You don't have to use indentation twice. + - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. + feedback: It is not the indentation. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n {if} food {is} fries\n sauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n {if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: All the indentation is done correctly. + 4: + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsize = {ask} 'What is your shoe size?'\n{if} size {is} 38\n {if} name {is} Cinderella\n {print} '❤️❤️❤️'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are not the one!'\n{else}\n {print} 'Ill keep looking'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + feedback: No, she gets 'You are not the one!' + - feedback: No, she gets 'Ill keep looking' + option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output '❤️❤️❤️' + - feedback: That's right! + option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 40 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + - feedback: No she gets '❤️❤️❤️' + option: Cinderella with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 8: + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Yes you can. + option: You can't put two questions in a row + - feedback: Keen eye! Good job! + option: The variable called 'age' is later on used as 'years' + - option: You're not allowed to start with 8 spaces, like line 5 does + feedback: You actually must start like that. + - feedback: That's not true. + option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line + code: "age = {ask} 'Happy Birthday! How old are you?'\nsinging = {ask} 'Would you like us to sing?'\n{if} singing {is} yes\n {repeat} years {times}\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hooray'" + hint: The indentation is done right this time + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Only line 2 and 3 start with spaces + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Line 3 should start with 8 + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 8 spaces + feedback: Line 2 should start with 4 + - feedback: You are correct! + option: line 2 should start with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "1 {repeat} 2 {times}\n2 {if} level {is} 9\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + correct_answer: D + hint: The first line doesn't start with any spaces + question_score: '10' + 7: + code: "{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\nprice = price - 5" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: The second `{if}` misses code! + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: Two consecutive `{if}`s is never correct. + - feedback: Almost right. Take another look at the last line + option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + question_text: You'll get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.
But the code has a mistake! How to debug it? + question_score: '10' + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + correct_answer: A + 3: + code: "{print} 'Choose the right case and win!'\ncase = {ask} 'Which case will you pick? 1 or 2?'\n{if} case {is} 1\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell your case for 10 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win an apple pie'\n{if} case {is} 2\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!'" + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' + 2: + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nThe computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...\n```" + - option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - option: "```\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + feedback: Correct! + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + correct_answer: D + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + 5: + question_text: Which code produced this output? + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: Don't forget the indentation after `{repeat}` commands. + - feedback: Use indentation after an `{if}` command + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n dessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n {if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + hint: Watch the indentation + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Don't forget the others + option: '`{if}`' + - option: '`{if}` `{repeat}`' + feedback: Don't forget `{else}`! + - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}`' + feedback: Keep it up! + - feedback: Not with `{print}` + option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 10: + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nKelly chooses rock\n```" + feedback: Meredith wants to play too! + - option: "```\nMeredith chooses scissors\nKelly chooses rock\n```" + feedback: So close! But Kelly is first in the list, so she goes first + - feedback: Kelly wants to play too! + option: "```\nMeredith chooses paper\n```" + - option: "```\nKelly chooses paper\nMeredith chooses scissors\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + question_score: '10' + 9: + code: "courses = appetizer, main course, dessert\nnames = Timon, Onno\n{for} name {in} names\n {for} course {in} courses\n food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?'\n {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + 5: + question_text: What word should be on the `_` with these digital dice? + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - option: dice + feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the digital dice!'\nplayers = Ann, John, Jesse\nchoices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' throws ' _ {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n'name gets a color shirt'\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - option: "```\nname 'gets a ' colors {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + feedback: Great job! This was a hard one! + - option: "```\nnames 'gets a ' color {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + feedback: You want each name printed. So the first word should not be names but... + - feedback: There is no variable named people.. + option: "```\npeople ' gets a colors shirt'\n```" + code: "names = Donna, Tommy, Ben\ncolors = blue, red, purple\n{for} name {in} names\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be on the `_` in this code that decides which color shirt you get? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + 1: + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_` if we want to print each compliment? + code: "compliments = perfect, great job, amazing\n_\n {print} compliment" + 7: + question_text: What line should be on the `_` in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + code: "names = Ron, Leslie, April, Andy\nfood = pasta, fries, salad\n_\n {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not true, you could end up without a prize. + option: Everybody will always win a prize. + - option: All the prizes always go to one single person. + feedback: That is not true. All the prizes are given away, but to random people + - feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others + option: Larry will never win a prize + - option: Someone might win two prizes + feedback: You get it! + question_text: What is true about this code? + code: "prizes = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich\nnames = Bob, Patrick, Sandy, Larry\n{for} prize {in} prizes\n {print} 'The ' prize ' is won by ' names {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + 11: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '`counter`' + - feedback: Correct + option: '`{range}`' + - feedback: No + option: '`{if}`' + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: No + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What word should be at the place of the blank? + code: "{for} i {in} _ 1 {to} 10\n {print} i" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + question_score: '10' + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + correct_answer: A + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - feedback: Not line 1... + option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + correct_answer: D + 6: + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + correct_answer: C + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_score: '10' + 10: + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n {print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: Mind the indentation + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n{print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n{print} Baby shark\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n {print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the indentation + correct_answer: B + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - option: Never + feedback: Try again + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + correct_answer: D + 2: + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n1\n2\n3\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "```\n1 2 3\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - option: "```\n1, 2, 3\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n123\n```" + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + 8: + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The numbers don't appear. It doesn't say `{print}` i. + option: "```\n23\n24\n25\n```" + - feedback: The numbers don't appear. It doesn't say `{print}` i + option: "```\n23 hi 24 hi 25 hi\n```" + - feedback: Correct + option: "```\nhi\nhi\nhi\n```" + - feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} i\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy prints the numbers from 0 to 10 instead of 10 to 0. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} -1 * i\n```" + feedback: Hedy would print negative numbers in this case. + - feedback: Unfortunately this does not exist. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 10 {to} 0\n {print} i\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} 10 - i\n```" + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + hint: It has to be a calculation… + question_score: '10' + 7: + question_text: What should be on the place of the blank? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys diner'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people will be eating here tonight?'\n_\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to order?'\n {print} food" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Use the variable 'people' + 12: + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + code: "{print} Welcome to the online shoe shop\ncategory = {ask} What kind of shoes are you looking for?\n{if} category = high heels\n {print} High heels are 50% off now!" + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + 7: + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + code: "menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes'\n{print} \"It's my birthday! I`ve brought some snacks!\"\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'gluten free'\n {remove} 'cookies' {from} menu\n{if} diet = 'vegan'\n {remove} 'cheese' {from} menu\n{print} 'For you I have brought: '\n{for} snack {in} menu\n {print} snack" + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 10: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + - option: "```\n{for} action {in} actions\n```" + feedback: You are amazing! + - feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n```" + - feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + option: "```\n{print} actions {at} {random}\n```" + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the `_` to complete the song ? + code: "actions = 'clap your hands', 'stomp your feet', 'shout Hurray!'\n_\n {for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n {print} action\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n {print} action" + 2: + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + option: "```\nflavors {is} vanilla, strawberry, chocolate\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + - feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + option: "```\n'flavors = vanilla, strawberry, chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + - option: "```\nflavors = 'vanilla', 'strawberry', 'chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + feedback: Alright! + - feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + option: "```\nflavors = 'vanilla, strawberry, chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + 6: + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line should be filled in at the `_`? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to McHedy!'\norder = {ask} 'Would you like a hamburger or fries?'\n{if} order = 'hamburger'\n price = 12\n{if} order = 'fries'\n price = 4\ndrinks = {ask} 'Would you like a drink with that for 2 dollars?'\n{if} drinks = 'yes'\n _\n{print} 'That will be ' price ' dollar please'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The name of the variable is different in line 1 than in line 2. + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: That's not true + option: The quotation marks aren't used correctly in line 2 + - option: You can't use the = sign when using an {ask} command + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Nothing is wrong. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "favorite_animal = {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{print} 'I like ' favoriteanimal ' too!'" + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 5: + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} 'Agent007'\n a {is} 'Go to the airport '\nelse\n a {is} 'Go to the train station '\npassword {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} 'TOPSECRET'\n b {is} 'tomorrow at 02.00'\n{else}\n b {is} 'today at 10.00'\n{print} a + b" + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + 1: + hint: Both lines are printed! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Don't forget the first line of code! + option: '5' + - feedback: This is not the one! + option: 3.5 + 1.5 + - option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\nfive" + feedback: Take a close look at the second line... + - option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\n5" + feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'three and a half plus one and a half is...'\n{print} 3.5 + 1.5" + question_text: Which output is correct? + 8: + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{print} '7 / 2'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 7 / 2\n```" + feedback: That is right! + - option: "```\n{print} 7 : 2\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{print} 7 * 2\n```" + feedback: No + correct_answer: B + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + question_score: '10' + 9: + code: "_\n{print} 'You won ' prizes {at} {random} '!'" + question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the `_`? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\nprizes = 'one' 'million' 'dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars, nothing'\n```" + - option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + feedback: Winner! + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\n'prizes' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C + 14: + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + correct_answer: D + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + code: "lives = 2\n{repeat} 10 {times}\n {if} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + 5: + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nticket = {ask} 'Do you have a ticket?'\n{if} age _ {and} ticket == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!'" + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`> 12`' + feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + hint: You win the game by having the most points + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + feedback: No that's not it + code: "price = 10\nmoney = {ask} How much money do you have?\nbuy = {ask} 'Would you like to buy this teddy bear?'\n{if} money >= price {and} buy == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can buy the bear!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!'" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: The symbols are right + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + code: "chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?'\n {if} chocolate <= 2\n {print} 'That is a healthy amount'\n {if} chocolate > 2 {and} chocolate =< 8\n {print} 'That is a bit much'\n {if} chocolate > 8\n {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + correct_answer: D + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + 8: + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + feedback: There are. + correct_answer: A + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' + 15: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - option: '`=`' + feedback: That's not it + code: "answer = 0\n{while} answer _ 'Amsterdam'\n answer = {ask} 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?'\n{print} 'You have given the correct answer'" + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `==` should be used instead of `=` + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: That's not right + - feedback: That's not it + option: In line 5 `{if}` should have been used instead of `{while}` + - feedback: You are correct + option: In line 5 `!=` should have been used instead of `==` + code: "options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{print} 'Throw 6 as fast as you can!'\nthrown = 0\ntries = 0\n{while} thrown == 6\n thrown = options {at} {random}\n {print} 'You threw ' thrown\n tries = tries + 1\n{print} 'Yes! You have thrown 6 in ' tries ' tries.'" + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + code: "_ age < 18\n {print} 'you are not allowed in this bar'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blank? + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + 7: + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '... change the first `{if}` into a `{while}`' + feedback: Perfect! + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the second `{if}` into a `{while}`' + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the third `{if}` into a `{while}`' + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the fourth `{if}` into a `{while}`' + correct_answer: A + question_text: How should this program be changed so that it works? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{while}` should be`{if}`' + feedback: No that is not right + - feedback: No that is not right + option: '`{if}` should be `{while}`' + - option: Line 3 should start with more indentation + feedback: No that's not right + - feedback: That is correct + option: Line 2 should start with less indentation + hint: Look closely at the indentation + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "lives = 100\n {while} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + correct_answer: D + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Nothing. 1600 is not programmed into the app. + - feedback: No + option: You could eat some more + - option: That is alright + feedback: Yes! + - option: You have eaten enough for today + feedback: No + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "calories = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?'\n {while} calories <= 1000\n {print} 'You could eat some more'\n {while} calories > 1000 {and} calories =< 2000\n {print} 'That is alright'\n {while} calories > 2000\n {print} 'You have had enough for today'" + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + 8: + hint: The block after the {while} command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + 10: + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n name_player_1\n```" + feedback: You are right! + - feedback: No they are losing! + option: "```\n name_player_2\n```" + - feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + option: "```\n points_player_1\n```" + - feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + option: "```\n points_player_2\n```" + question_score: '10' + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n = wetness\n```" + feedback: That will not change anything + - feedback: You can't have two times = in one line + option: "```\n = wetness = 1\n```" + - feedback: You are correct! + option: "```\n = wetness - 1\n```" + - feedback: The program should count down + option: "```\n = wetness + 1\n```" + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + code: "wetness = 10\n{while} wetness != 0\n {print} 'Your hair is still wet, hair dryer on!'\n {sleep} 1\n {clear}\n wetness _\n\n{print} 'All dry!'" + hint: wetness should get less each time + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + 16: + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee']\nchores = ['the cooking', 'the cleaning', 'nothing']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + 3: + code: "friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee']\nchore = ['the cooking', 'the cleaning', 'nothing']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i]" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The variable in line 4 should be `friend[i]`, not `friends[i]` + feedback: That is not right. + - option: Line 3 should say `in range 1 to 3` not `in range 0 to 3` + feedback: Good catch! + - feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. + option: Line 4 should say 'lucky_number', not 'lucky number + - feedback: That's not it + option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh']\n```" + feedback: Mind the variable name and the order of the sounds. + - feedback: Look at line one to see how brackets are supposed to be used. + option: "```\n sounds = '[woof], [moo], [neigh]'\n```" + - feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! + option: "```\n sounds = [woof, moo, neigh]\n```" + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\n sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh']\n```" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + correct_answer: D + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + - option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + correct_answer: D + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + correct_answer: B + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + 17: + 4: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 8: + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: C + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 3: + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 6: + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + 2: + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 7: + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + correct_answer: C + 1: + question_text: What is the output of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + correct_answer: B + hint: Loop through your list. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + question_score: '10' + 5: + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not the variable name. + option: "```\nfavorite animal\n```" + - option: "```\nanimal\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: '`{if}` is already there' + - feedback: No, that's not it. + option: '`{print}`' + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank? + code: "animal {is} {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{if} _ {is} penguin {print} 'Thats my favorite animal too!'\n{else} {print} 'Cool! I like penguins.'" + question_score: '10' + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: fun + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{if}` is in the line above.' + option: '`{if}`' + - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' + feedback: No, you don't need `{at} {random}`. + - feedback: There already is an `{else}` command + option: '`{else}`' + - feedback: Awesome! + option: '`{print}`' + question_text: Which word should be in the place of the blank? + code: "{print} 'I can predict if you will be a millionair or not!'\nname {is} {ask} 'Whats your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'You will be a millionair!'\n{else} _ 'Unfortunately... No big money for you.'" + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 4: + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + 1: + hint: Which one goes together with the `{if}` command? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There already is a `{print}` command. + option: '`{print}`' + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: The `{if}` command is used in the line above. + - feedback: That's not it! + option: '`{sleep}`' + - option: '`{else}`' + feedback: That's right! + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the _? + code: "number {is} {ask} 'What is your lucky number?'\n{if} number {is} 5 {print} 'Mine too!'\n_ {print} 'My lucky number is 5!'" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + option: "```\n{print}\n```" + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the football fortune teller!'\n{print} 'I will predict what place your team will end up!'\nclub is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?'\n{if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!'\n_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...'" + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank in the last line? + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_text: What is the right password? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + hint: "`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` 'Correct!'" + correct_answer: B + 9: + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '1' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + 13: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} birthday {and} song = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Almost there + - feedback: Hedy only sings for you if you like to hear a song + option: "```\n{if} birthday = 'yes' {and} name = 'Hedy'\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {and} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {or} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsong = {ask} 'Whould you like to hear a song?'\nbirthday = {ask} 'Is today your birthday?'\n???\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday dear ' name\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + 3: + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You get a free apple pie! + feedback: Great job! + - option: That will be 5 dollars please + feedback: That is not true + - option: This code won't work, so there is no output + feedback: There is nothing wrong with the code + - feedback: There is! Read the question carefully + option: There is no way of knowing + code: "member = {ask} 'Do you have a membership card?'\ndiscount = {ask} 'Do you have a discount code?'\n{if} member = 'yes' {or} discount = 'yes'\n {print} 'You get a free apple pie!'\n{else}\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'" + hint: Mind the command `{or}` in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'you win'\n```" + feedback: You win! + - feedback: You lose! + option: "```\n{print} 'you lose'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'tie'\n```" + feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same + - option: "```\n{print} 'try again'\n```" + feedback: Try again! + code: "{if} computer_choice {is} 'rock' {and} your_choice {is} 'paper'" + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + correct_answer: A + hint: Paper beats rock + question_score: '10' + 10: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt'\nitem = {ask} 'What product are you looking for?'\nbakery = 'bread', 'buns', 'muffins'\ndrinks = 'soda', 'water', 'lemonade'\nsnacks = 'chips', 'nuts', 'dips'\nfrozen = 'fries', 'icecream', 'pizza'\nfruit = 'bananas', 'apples', 'oranges'\n{if} item {in} snacks ??? item {in} drinks\n {print} 'This item is in aisle 3'\n{if} item {in} bakery {or} item {in} bakery\n {print} 'This item in in the back of the store'\n{if} item {in} fruit\n {print} 'The fruit is sold near the register'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There are no items that are both the list of snacks and the list of drinks + option: '`{and}`' + - feedback: Great job! + option: '`{or}`' + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: '`{if}`' + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Line 3 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "Line 3 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + - option: "Line 5 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + - option: "Line 7 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "1 chocolate = {ask} 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?'\n2 sprinkles = {ask} 'Would you like sprinkles on your ice cream?'\n3 {if} chocolate {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n4 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce and sprinkles, coming up!'\n5 {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n6 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce, coming up!'\n7 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n8 {print} 'Ice cream with sprinkles, coming up'\n9 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n10 {print} 'Just plain icecream, coming up!'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + 2: + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{and}`' + feedback: You don't have to be vegan and muslim + - option: '`{or}`' + feedback: Great thinking! + - feedback: No + option: '`+`' + - feedback: No + option: '`{print}`' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies'\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'vegan' ??? diet = 'halal'\n {remove} 'sausage rolls' {from} menu" + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + 8: + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the movie theater'\npopcorn = {ask} 'Would you like some popcorn?'\ndrink = {ask} 'Would you like a drink?'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 8 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 3 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'Ok'\n{print} 'Enjoy the movie'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have paid too much! + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + 5: + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + code: "{if} name = 'Cinderella' {and} shoe_size = 38\n {print} 'You are my one true love!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + code: "{print} 'Let me guess which family member you are!'\nglasses = {ask} 'Do you wear glasses?'\nfemale = {ask} 'Are you female?'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Sophie!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Marleen!'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Wouter!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Michael!'" + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 7: + question_text: Which statement is false? + code: "{print} 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets'\n{print} 'Here is a program to help feed them'\nanimal = {ask} 'What kind of animal are they?'\ncolor = {ask} 'What colour are they?'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'grey'\n {print} 'That is Abby. She eats 3 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'orange'\n {print} 'That is Milo. He eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'bird' {or} color = 'black'\n {print} 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today'\n{if} animal = 'hamster' {and} color = 'brown'\n {print} 'You can feed them a piece of carrot'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + correct_answer: C + 3: + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {from} walkers\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: '`{remove} {from}` or `{add} {to}`, not `{remove} {to}`' + option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + - option: "```\n{remove} walkers {from} yesterday\n```" + feedback: yesterday is not a variable + - feedback: This increased the chance that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. + option: "```\n{add} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + hint: The person who walked the dogs yesterday should be removed from the list. + question_text: What should be on the _? + code: "walkers {is} dad, mom, Sam, Petra\nwalked_yesterday {is} {ask} Who walked the dogs yesterday?\n{print} walked_yesterday shouldn't have to walk the dogs again today\n_\n{print} walkers {at} {random} , it's your turn to walk the dogs!" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 1: + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: '`{print}` is used to print text' + - feedback: '`{ask}` is used to ask a question' + option: '`{ask}`' + - option: '`{is}`' + feedback: '`{is}` is used to make a list' + - option: '`{at} {random}`' + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_text: What command(s) do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + feedback: No that's not wrong. + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + 4: + hint: The variable name is prices + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? + correct_answer: C + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Good job! + option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' + - option: Line 1 needs to start with `{print}`. + feedback: No, you don't need `{print}` + - feedback: animals is correct. + option: Line 2 needs to say 'animal' instead of 'animals' + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + correct_answer: C + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + question_score: '10' + 8: + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 9: + code: "colors {is} blue, purple, green\nchosen_color {is} {ask} Which hair color wouldn't you like to have?\n{remove} chosen_color {from} colors\n{print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + hint: Look at line 4 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C diff --git a/content/quizzes/nl.yaml b/content/quizzes/nl.yaml index 06f6ec2f81b..5815f390190 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/nl.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/nl.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Henk feedback: Deze is het niet! hint: We beginnen met een simpele vraag. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Welk commando moet je invullen op het streepje om Hallo! te laten verschijnen in je uitvoerscherm? code: _ Hallo! @@ -28,6 +30,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: Met `{ask}` kun je een vraag stellen... hint: _ Hallo wereld! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: 'Hoe vraag je: Wat is je lievelingskleur?' mp_choice_options: @@ -52,6 +56,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{echo}` herhaalt het antwoord.' hint: Je kunt iets vragen met `{ask}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? code: |- @@ -68,6 +74,8 @@ levels: - option: Niets! De code is goed! feedback: Er zit een foutje in, kijk goed! hint: Er mist een commando aan het begin van de code + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: question_text: Welk commando mist in regel 2? code: |- @@ -86,6 +94,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{echo}`' feedback: Goedzo! hint: Met '{ask}' kun je iets vragen + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? code: |- @@ -103,6 +113,8 @@ levels: - option: In regel 4 is `{print}` verkeerd gespeld. feedback: Nee, er zit ergens anders een fout hint: Kijk goed naar de spelling van de `{print}` commando's. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 7: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? code: |- @@ -120,6 +132,8 @@ levels: - option: Niets! Deze code is goed! feedback: Correct! hint: Controleer de code regel voor regel. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Wat doet het commando {echo}? mp_choice_options: @@ -132,6 +146,8 @@ levels: - option: Met `{echo}` laat je tekst verdwijnen feedback: Dat klopt niet hint: '`{echo}` gebruik je nadat iemand een antwoord gegeven heeft bij `{ask}`.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? code: |- @@ -148,6 +164,8 @@ levels: - option: Niets, alles is goed! feedback: Kijk heel goed naar waar er een foutje in zit... hint: met `{ask}` kun je iets vragen + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Wat staat er in je uitvoerscherm nadat je deze code hebt uitgevoerd? code: |- @@ -168,6 +186,8 @@ levels: Ja! feedback: De vraag blijft niet staan en echo staat er 2x. hint: Op naar level 2! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: 1: question_text: Wat is waar? @@ -181,6 +201,8 @@ levels: - option: In level 2 bestaan alle commando's van level 1 nog feedback: Nee, een commando is weg. hint: '`{print}` en `{ask}` bestaan nog.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Welke code is goed? mp_choice_options: @@ -205,6 +227,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: De woorden zijn goed, maar de volgorde niet! hint: '`{ask}` werkt niet meer zoals in level 1' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Wat verschijnt er op het uitvoerscherm als je de code uitvoert? code: |- @@ -220,6 +244,8 @@ levels: - option: Marleen gaat naar de supermarkt en Marleen koopt een appel. feedback: Het woord 'ze' wordt niet vervangen hint: Het woord naam wordt vervangen door Marleen + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Wat verschijnt er op het uitvoerscherm? code: |- @@ -235,6 +261,8 @@ levels: - option: Hoi mijn Hedy is Hedy feedback: Juist! Dit probleem wordt opgelost in level 4! hint: '''naam'' wordt beide keren vervangen door ''Hedy''' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Wat doet het commando `{sleep}`? mp_choice_options: @@ -247,6 +275,8 @@ levels: - option: Het maakt je programma langzamer feedback: Gelukkig niet! hint: Als je `{sleep}` gebruikt, wacht de computer een (paar) seconden + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: Welk commando moet op de streepjes? code: |- @@ -275,6 +305,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Er staat geen vraag om te stellen hint: Er valt even een stilte voor een dramatisch effect + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Welke code moet er op het streepje staan? code: |- @@ -303,6 +335,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Je kunt het makkelijker maken door er gewoon een 3 achter te zetten! hint: Je wilt dat de code 3 seconden wacht! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Hoe verbeter je de eerste regel van deze code? code: |- @@ -330,6 +364,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Let op de spelling van {ask} hint: Leeftijd is...? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: Wat gaat er mis in deze code? code: |- @@ -345,6 +381,8 @@ levels: - option: 'regel 2 moet zijn: Ik hou van lievelingsdieren' feedback: Nee, de variabele heet lievelingsdier hint: Je wil printen 'Ik hou van honden' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Welk commando moet er op de lijntjes? code: |- @@ -374,6 +412,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Super! hint: Je wil een vraag stellen. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: 1: question_text: Wat is het commando om Hedy een willekeurig woord uit een rijtje te laten kiezen? @@ -399,6 +439,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Juist! hint: '`{random}` betekent ''zomaar eentje'' er wordt telkens een ander woord gekozen.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? code: |- @@ -414,6 +456,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at} {random}` is fout, het moet alleen {random} zijn' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is de goede spelling' hint: De fout zit in regel 1 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: Hoe los je de fout in regel 2 op? code: |- @@ -438,6 +482,8 @@ levels: - option: Niets, de code is goed! feedback: Kijk goed! Er zit wel een fout in! hint: De naam van de variabele (het lijstje) is opties. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Wat moet er veranderd worden aan regel 2 om een willekeurige prijs te printen? code: |- @@ -462,6 +508,8 @@ levels: - option: Niets, de code is goed! feedback: Kijk goed! Er zit wel een fout in! hint: Kijk goed de naam van de variabele 'prijzen' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? code: |- @@ -479,6 +527,7 @@ levels: feedback: In regel 2 zit een foutje.. hint: '`zijn` is geen commando.' correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? code: |- @@ -497,6 +546,7 @@ levels: feedback: Klopt! hint: Deze code was goed! correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Wat doet het `{add}` commando? code: |- @@ -514,6 +564,8 @@ levels: - option: Het `{add}` commando verwijdert jouw favoriete boek uit het lijstje. feedback: '`{add}` is Engels voor toevoegen' hint: '`{add}` is Engels voor toevoegen!' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Wat is het resultaat van deze code? code: |- @@ -531,6 +583,8 @@ levels: - option: cheese onion feedback: Klopt! hint: Er staan 3 chipssmaken in het rijtje, maar er worden er twee verwijderd. Welke blijft over? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? code: |- @@ -548,6 +602,8 @@ levels: - option: Niets, alles is goed! feedback: Er zit toch echt een foutje in! hint: Kijk goed naar regel 3! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Wat moet er op de streepjes komen te staan? code: |- @@ -578,6 +634,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hierdoor verhoog je de kans dat degene die gisteren de hond heeft uitgelaten het vandaag weer moet doen. Dat is oneerlijk! hint: De persoon die gisteren gekozen is moet verwijderd worden uit het rijtje + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: 1: question_text: Welke code is correct? @@ -607,6 +665,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Nee, een commando is anders. hint: Je hebt vanaf level 4 aanhalingstekens nodig bij een commando. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Waar worden op de juiste manier aanhalingstekens gebruikt? mp_choice_options: @@ -631,6 +691,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Dit is een komma, je hebt een aanhalingsteken nodig. hint: Kies het goede aanhalingsteken. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Waar zijn de aanhalingstekens goed gebruikt? mp_choice_options: @@ -655,6 +717,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfect! hint: Er moet een aanhalingsteken voor en een achter de tekst die je wil printen. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Welke stelling is waar? mp_choice_options: @@ -667,6 +731,8 @@ levels: - option: Je mag zelf kiezen of je aanhalingstekens gebruikt of niet. feedback: Helaas is Hedy strenger dan dat. hint: Je hebt vanaf level 4 aanhalingstekens nodig als je een tekst wil printen. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Wat moet er veranderd worden aan regel 2 om een willekeurige keuze te printen? code: |- @@ -691,6 +757,8 @@ levels: - option: Niets, de code is goed! feedback: Kijk goed! Er zit wel een fout in! hint: Je wil niet dat er letterlijk 'keuzes {at} {random}' geprint wordt, je wil dat Hedy 'steen' 'papier' of 'schaar' {print}. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: Wat zou een goede tweede regel zijn na deze eerste regel? code: prijzen {is} 1 euro, 100 euro, 1 miljoen euro @@ -716,6 +784,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Nu `{print}` Hedy letterlijk 'prijzen {at} {random}' hint: Bedenk goed wat je wil dat Hedy letterlijk `{print}`, en wat een variabele is. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? code: |- @@ -732,6 +802,8 @@ levels: - option: Niets! Deze code is goed! feedback: Kijk goed! Er zit wel een fout in! hint: Bekijk regel voor regel of er aanhalingstekens nodig zijn. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: Wat zou een goede volgende regel zijn voor deze code? code: |- @@ -760,6 +832,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 'Hedy `{print}` nu letterlijk: Dus jij kiest deur deur' hint: Je wil dat het tweede woord deur vervangen wordt door het nummertje dat de speler kiest. Dus het tweede woord deur moet buiten de aanhalingstekens + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: Wat zou er niet op het uitvoerscherm kunnen verschijnen? code: |- @@ -775,6 +849,8 @@ levels: - option: De beste club is... AZ feedback: Klopt! Die staat niet in het rijtje! hint: Kijk goed waar Hedy uit kan kiezen + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: Wat is waar? code: |- @@ -791,6 +867,8 @@ levels: - option: Niets deze code is goed! feedback: Helaas er missen toch ergens hint: Er missen aanhalingstekens bij een `{print}` commando. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: 1: question_text: Welk commando hoort op het lijntje? @@ -808,6 +886,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{else}`' feedback: Klopt! hint: Het moet alleen geprint als diegene niet zelf ook 5 hefet geantwoord. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Wat verschijnt er in het uitvoerscherm als je Hedy invult als naam? code: |- @@ -823,6 +903,8 @@ levels: - option: Error feedback: Gelukkig niet! hint: Als je naam Hedy is, wat wordt er dan geprint..? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: Wat is het goede wachtwoord? code: |- @@ -838,6 +920,8 @@ levels: - option: ALARM INDRINGER feedback: Dat wordt er geprint als je het foute antwoord intypt! hint: '`{if}` wachtwoord is... `{print}` ''Goed!''' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 4: question_text: Wat `{print}` Hedy als je een fout wachtwoord intypt? code: |- @@ -853,6 +937,8 @@ levels: - option: ALARM! INDRINGER! feedback: Juist! hint: Als je een fout wachtwoord intypt slaat je computer alarm! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Waarom zegt Hedy 'ALARM! INDRINGER!' als je 'geheim' antwoordt op de vraag? code: |- @@ -868,6 +954,8 @@ levels: - option: Omdat Hedy een fout maakt feedback: Nee hoor, dat is geen fout! hint: De spelling moet precies hetzelfde zijn. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Welk woord mist op de plek van het lage streepje? code: |- @@ -898,6 +986,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Er staat al `{print}`! hint: In level 5 leer je 2 nieuwe commando's `{if}` en...? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Welk woord mist op de plek van het lage streepje? code: |- @@ -927,6 +1017,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Top! hint: Na `{else}` hoort nog een `{print}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Welk woord mist op de plek van het lage streepje? code: |- @@ -943,6 +1035,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: Nee, dat is hem niet.. hint: Wat is de naam van de variabele? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Met welke deur ontsnap je uit dit spookhuis? code: |- @@ -962,6 +1056,8 @@ levels: - option: Het is een valstrik, je wordt altijd opgegeten! feedback: Gelukkig niet! hint: Bij een van de deuren kom je geen monsters tegen... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: question_text: Wat voor monster eet je op als je deur 1 kiest? code: |- @@ -981,6 +1077,8 @@ levels: - option: reuzespin feedback: Niet altijd... hint: 'kijk goed naar de laatste drie woorden: monsters `{at} {random}`' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: 1: question_text: Wat `{print}` Hedy bij deze code? @@ -995,6 +1093,8 @@ levels: feedback: Let op! Het is een som. hint: Het * gebruik je als keerteken question_score: '5' + correct_answer: A + code: '{print} 2*10' 2: question_text: Wat gebruik je voor plussommen? mp_choice_options: @@ -1007,6 +1107,8 @@ levels: - option: '`+`' feedback: Juist! hint: Het is het teken dat je gewoonlijk ook voor plus gebruikt + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Wat `{print}` Hedy bij deze code? mp_choice_options: @@ -1020,6 +1122,8 @@ levels: feedback: Nee hoor, Hedy `{print}` gewoon letterlijk wat er staat. hint: Let op de aanhalingstekens question_score: '5' + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} '3*10'" 4: question_text: Kim is 10. Wat `{print}` Hedy voor haar? code: |- @@ -1037,6 +1141,8 @@ levels: - option: Jouw geluksgetal is... 10 feedback: Helaas! Geluksgetal is naam * leeftijd, dus 3 * 10... hint: Kim heeft 3 letters en is 10 jaar oud, dus haar geluksgetal = 3*10 = 30. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Hoeveel moet je betalen als je met 5 mensen komt eten? code: |- @@ -1054,6 +1160,8 @@ levels: - option: '50' feedback: Goedzo! hint: prijs is mensen keer 10 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: Hoe duur is een hamburger in dit virtuele restaurant? code: |- @@ -1072,6 +1180,8 @@ levels: - option: 21 euro feedback: De hamburger is goedkoper! hint: Kijk goed op regel 4. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Waarom staat er in regel 7 'prijs {is} prijs + 3' en niet gewoon 'prijs {is} 3'? code: |- @@ -1094,6 +1204,8 @@ levels: - option: Omdat de prijs in het begin 0 is. feedback: De prijs is inderdaad 0 in het begin, maar dat is niet de reden. hint: De prijs moet niet 3 zijn, maar 3 meer dan het al was... + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Waarom klopt deze code niet? code: |- @@ -1111,6 +1223,8 @@ levels: - option: De variabele antwoord mag geen antwoord heten, want de andere variabele heet al goede antwoord en dat lijkt te veel op elkaar. feedback: Helaas. Variabelenamen mogen op elkaar lijken, zolang ze maar niet precies hetzelfde zijn. hint: Kijk goed naar de namen van de variabelen. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: 'Stel: Je houdt 10 van Ajax, je hebt 2 bananen gegeten deze week en je hebt 3 keer je handen gewassen vandaag. Hoe slim vindt de malle waarzegger je?' code: |- @@ -1132,6 +1246,8 @@ levels: - option: 100% feedback: (2 bananen + 3 hygiene) * 10 ajax = 5*10 =? hint: (2 bananen + 3 hygiene) * 10 ajax = 5*10 =? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Welke stelling is waar? code: |- @@ -1147,6 +1263,8 @@ levels: - option: Je mag alleen een = gebruiken bij getallen, niet bij woorden. feedback: = kun je ook gebruiken bij woorden hint: is en = mogen allebei + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: 1: question_text: Hoeveel regels kun je herhalen per `{repeat}` commando in dit level? @@ -1160,6 +1278,8 @@ levels: - option: Oneindig feedback: Je kunt een regel herhalen per commando hint: 'Let op: per commando!' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: question_text: Welke code klopt? mp_choice_options: @@ -1184,6 +1304,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: Eerst het `{repeat}` commando, dan het `{print}` commando + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Is deze code goed of fout code: '{repeat} 100 {times} ''Hoi!''' @@ -1197,6 +1319,8 @@ levels: - option: Fout, het commando `{print}` mist feedback: Correct hint: 'Het antwoord is: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` ''Hoi''' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Welk woord in de code is fout code: |- @@ -1224,6 +1348,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is goed gespeld' hint: I'm is fout, je mag geen aanhalingstekens gebruiken voor tekst + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: question_text: Is deze code goed of fout? code: '{repeat} 100 {print} ''Hedy is gaaf!''' @@ -1234,6 +1360,7 @@ levels: feedback: Correct! hint: Bij `{repeat}` hoort nog een ander commando correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? code: |- @@ -1250,6 +1377,8 @@ levels: - option: Niets! Deze code is goed! feedback: Juist! Alles is goed! hint: Bekijk regel voor regel of er aanhalingstekens nodig zijn. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Hieronder code voor het liedje 'potje met vet'. Stel je wil de code een paar keer herhalen door deze te kopiëren, welke zin moet je dan weglaten in de kopieën zodat de teller (1e couplet, 2e couplet etc) werkt? code: |- @@ -1285,6 +1414,7 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, dit werkt goed, zolang de variabele couplet maar niet steeds opnieuw op 1 wordt gezet. hint: De variabele couplet moet blijven doortellen, dat lukt niet als hij steeds op 1 wordt gezet. correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat mp_choice_options: @@ -1320,6 +1450,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Dit is niet de juiste volgorde.. hint: '`{repeat}` kan alleen worden gebruikt als je dezelfde regel meerdere keren achter elkaar wil uitvoeren.' + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 9: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat? code: |- @@ -1363,6 +1496,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfect hint: '''Help!'' wordt 3x herhaald.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: Welke resultaat hoort bij deze Hedy code? code: |- @@ -1379,6 +1514,7 @@ levels: feedback: hoi wordt niet geprint. hint: Let op wat er wordt herhaald. correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: 1: question_text: Welke uitvoer komt er uit Hedy als je deze code uitvoert? @@ -1408,6 +1544,8 @@ levels: Ik ben Hedy feedback: Helaas. Beide zinnen worden 2x herhaald hint: Beide zinnen onder het {repeat} commando worden 2x herhaald. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? code: |- @@ -1423,6 +1561,8 @@ levels: - option: De tweede regel moet inspringen met 4 spaties. feedback: Juist! hint: Kijk goed naar het begin van zin 2, wat mist er? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Welke uitvoer komt er uit deze code? mp_choice_options: @@ -1451,6 +1591,9 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: Helaas, kijk goed naar wat er wel en niet herhaald wordt. hint: Regel 2 springt in en wordt dus drie keer herhaald. Daarna komt regel 3 pas, die niet inspringt en dus ook niet herhaald wordt. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" 4: question_text: Welke uitvoer komt er uit Hedy als je deze code uitvoert? code: |- @@ -1485,6 +1628,8 @@ levels: We gaan op vakantie! feedback: Helaas. Ook de laatste zin wordt 2x herhaald. hint: Het blokje onder het {repeat} commando wordt 2x herhaald. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? code: |- @@ -1501,6 +1646,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}` is geen commando meer in level 8' feedback: helaas, `{ask}` blijft een commando in level 8. hint: Er is iets mis met het inspringen... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 6: question_text: Wat is de uitvoer van de volgende code als er pannenkoeken worden besteld? code: |- @@ -1532,6 +1679,8 @@ levels: Pannenkoeken feedback: Goed gezien! hint: Let goed op, de welkomstzin wordt niet herhaald, maar de bestelling wel. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? code: |- @@ -1553,6 +1702,8 @@ levels: - option: Er is niet goed ingesprongen na het eerste `{if}` commando. feedback: Goed gezien! hint: Let op het inspringen. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: In welke code wordt er goed ingesprongen? mp_choice_options: @@ -1597,6 +1748,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: You are wrong! hint: Wat moet er gebeuren als iemand een goed antwoord geeft? En wat als iemand een fout antwoord geeft? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Bij welke regel in deze code moet worden ingesprongen? code: |- @@ -1615,6 +1768,8 @@ levels: - option: Regel 3 en 5 feedback: Great job! hint: De regels na een `{if}` en `{else}` commando moeten beginnen met 4 spaties. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: Wat is waar? code: |- @@ -1631,6 +1786,8 @@ levels: - option: Regel 3 moet beginnen met 4 spaties feedback: Dat klopt! hint: Slechts één regel begint met 4 spaties. Maar welke...? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 9: 1: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? @@ -1654,6 +1811,8 @@ levels: - option: Het inspringen bij de tweede `{if}` klopt niet. feedback: It not, though. hint: Alles is goed ingesprongen. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: question_text: Wat wordt er geprint na het invoeren van het juiste wachtwoord? code: |- @@ -1684,6 +1843,8 @@ levels: Je kunt de computer gebruiken! feedback: Juist! hint: Alles onder het commando `{repeat}` wordt twee keer herhaald. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: Welke koffer moet je kiezen om een miljoen euro te winnen? code: |- @@ -1711,6 +1872,8 @@ levels: - option: Koffer 2, open feedback: Goed gedaan! Jij wint! hint: Volg het juiste pad. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Wat is waar? code: |- @@ -1733,6 +1896,8 @@ levels: - option: Assepoester met maat 38 krijgt als uitvoer 'Ik kijk nog even verder' feedback: No she gets '❤️❤️❤️' hint: Hoe je ook heet, met maat 40 krijg je altijd 'Ik kijk nog even verder'. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Welke code maakt deze output? output: |- @@ -1774,6 +1939,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Er zitten twee `{repeat}` commandos in deze code. hint: Let op het inspringen! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Bij welk commando('s) moet je inspringen? mp_choice_options: @@ -1786,6 +1953,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Niet bij `{print}`. hint: Bij sommige commando's horen spaties? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Als je een medium pizza met cola bestelt, krijg je 2 euro korting.
Maar er zit een fout in de code! Hoe moet je deze debuggen? code: |- @@ -1827,6 +1996,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Bijna goed, maar... kijk eens naar die laatste regel. hint: Onder een `{if}` commando moet de regel worden ingesprongen. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? code: |- @@ -1845,6 +2016,8 @@ levels: - option: Een code moet altijd op de eerste regel starten met een {print} commando. feedback: Dat is niet waar hint: Het inspringen is goed gegaan deze keer + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Hoeveel `{if}` commando's mag je met elkaar combineren? mp_choice_options: @@ -1857,6 +2030,8 @@ levels: - option: Zoveel als je maar wel, als je maar goed inspringt. feedback: Klopt! hint: Je mag een `{if}` in een `{if}` zetten. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Wat is waar? code: |- @@ -1873,6 +2048,8 @@ levels: - option: Regel 2 moet met 4 spaties beginnen en regel 3 met 8 spaties feedback: Klopt! hint: De eerste regel hoort niet met spaties te beginnen. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: 1: question_text: Welke uitvoer is correct? @@ -1894,6 +2071,7 @@ levels: feedback: Super! hint: Regel 2 zegt `{for}` maaltijd `{in}` maaltijden. Dus elke maaltijd in de lijst wordt geprint. correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Welke output klopt? code: |- @@ -1915,6 +2093,7 @@ levels: feedback: Regel 2 zegt dat elk dier in de lijst dieren geprint wordt. Dus elk dier komt aan bod. hint: Regel 2 zegt dat elk dier in de lijst dieren geprint wordt. Dus elk dier komt aan bod. correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Wat moet er op _ komen te staan? code: |- @@ -1944,6 +2123,7 @@ levels: feedback: Helaas! hint: Voor elk compliment in de lijst complimentjes correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? code: |- @@ -1960,6 +2140,8 @@ levels: - option: In regel 1 moet boodschap staan in plaats van boodschappen. feedback: Nee, dat hoeft niet. hint: Kijk goed naar regel 2 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 5: question_text: Welk woord moet je invullen op _ bij deze digitale dobbelsteen? code: |- @@ -1978,6 +2160,8 @@ levels: - option: dobbelsteen feedback: Kijk goed naar de namen van de variabelen. hint: Hedy moet een willekeurig nummer kiezen + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Welk antwoord is een mogelijke uitvoer als je de code afspeelt? code: |- @@ -1999,6 +2183,8 @@ levels: Meredith kiest schaar feedback: Geweldig! hint: Elke speler kiest een optie. De speler die als eerste op het lijstje staat, wordt als eerst geprint. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: Wat moet er op de _ staan in deze code die bepaalt wat je vanavond eet? code: |- @@ -2028,6 +2214,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Elke naam moet weten wat hij/zij vanavond eet. hint: Elke naam moet weten wat hij/zij vanavond eet. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: Wat moet er op _ staan bij deze code die bepaalt wat voor kleur shirt je draagt? code: |- @@ -2045,6 +2233,8 @@ levels: - option: '''mensen krijgt een kleuren shirt''' feedback: Er is geen variabele die 'mensen' heet hint: Let op de aanhalingstekens! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Wat is de eerste vraag die Hedy zal vragen als je dit programma uitvoert? code: |- @@ -2064,6 +2254,8 @@ levels: - option: Dat weet je nog niet. Hedy kiest iets `{at} {random}` feedback: Er is geen `{at} {random}` commando in deze code. hint: Van beide lijstjes wordt de eerste optie eerst gevraagd. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Wat is waar over deze code? code: |- @@ -2081,6 +2273,8 @@ levels: - option: Misschien wint iemand 2 prijzen. feedback: Jij snapt 'em! hint: Probeer mogelijke uitvoer te bedenken van de code. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 11: 1: question_text: Welk woord moet op de plek van het vraagteken? @@ -2094,6 +2288,9 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: Nee, helaas hint: Wat is de juiste spelling? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{for} i {in} _ 1 {to} 10\n {print} i" 2: question_text: Wat wordt de uitvoer van deze code? mp_choice_options: @@ -2109,6 +2306,9 @@ levels: - option: '123' feedback: Helaas hint: Hoe komen de nummers in beeld? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Welke code is gebruikt om deze uitvoer te krijgen? output: |- @@ -2147,6 +2347,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: i is een variabele en moet geen aanhalingstekens. hint: Eerst komen alle cijfers en dan pas het zinnetje + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Welke code is gebruikt om deze output te krijgen? mp_choice_options: @@ -2175,6 +2377,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Juist! hint: Het wordt een sommetje... + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? mp_choice_options: @@ -2187,6 +2392,9 @@ levels: - option: De tweede regel moet beginnen met een inspringing feedback: Klopt! hint: Er is iets mis met het inspringen + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" 6: question_text: Hoevaak verschijnt het woord Hallo als je deze code uitvoert? code: |- @@ -2202,6 +2410,8 @@ levels: - option: Nooit feedback: Helaas hint: 0 telt ook mee als getal. Dus 0,1,2 dat is dus 3x + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Wat hoort er op de plek van het vraagteken? code: |- @@ -2232,6 +2442,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Dat is een bestelling te veel hint: Gebruik de variabele 'mensen' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Wat wordt de uitvoer van deze code? code: |- @@ -2253,6 +2465,8 @@ levels: - option: Er verschijnt 25x het woord 'Hoi' onder elkaar. feedback: Nee maar 3x hint: Er staat nergens `{print}` i + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Hoevaak roept Hedy 'Hieperdepiep Hoera' voor je? code: |- @@ -2269,6 +2483,8 @@ levels: - option: Dat ligt eraan hoe oud je bent feedback: Dat is waar! hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` leeftijd' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Welke code hoort bij deze uitvoer? mp_choice_options: @@ -2301,6 +2517,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '{range} 0 {to} 3 is 4 keer.' hint: Pas op het inspringen + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 12: 1: question_text: Welke output klopt? @@ -2321,6 +2540,8 @@ levels: 5 feedback: Goed gedaan! hint: Beide regels hebben een print commando! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: question_text: Welk van deze codes is correct? mp_choice_options: @@ -2348,6 +2569,9 @@ levels: {print} 'Ik wil ' smaken {at} {random} 'ijs.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line 3: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? code: |- @@ -2363,6 +2587,8 @@ levels: - option: Er is niets verkeerd. feedback: Dat is niet waar hint: De aanhalingstekens zijn correct + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: In welke regels zijn aanhalingstekens nodig om de code te laten werken? code: "{print} Welkom in de schoenenwebshop\ncategorie = {ask} Wat voor schoenen zoek je?\n{if} categorie = hakken\n\t{print} Hakken hebben 50% korting!" @@ -2376,6 +2602,8 @@ levels: - option: Alle regels feedback: Perfect! hint: Heeft regel 3 aanhalingstekens nodig? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: Welke uitvoer krijgt Agent007 als hij het juiste wachtwoord invoert? code: "naam {is} {ask} 'Wat is je naam?'\n{if} naam {is} 'Agent007'\n\ta {is} 'Ga naar het vliegveld '\n{else}\n\ta {is} 'Ga naar het station '\nwachtwoord {is} {ask} 'Wat is het wachtwoord'\n{if} wachtwoord {is} 'GEHEIM'\n\tb {is} 'morgen om 02.00'\nelse\n\tb {is} 'vandaag om 10.00'\nprint a + b" @@ -2389,6 +2617,8 @@ levels: - option: Ga naar het vliegveld morgen om 10.00 feedback: Daar zal de agent geen schurken vangen hint: Het goede wachtwoord is GEHEIM + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Welke regel hoort op de _ ? code: "{print} 'Welkom bij McHedy!'\nbestelling = {ask} 'Wil je een hamburger of friet?'\n{if} bestelling = 'hamburger'\n\tprijs = 12\n{if} bestelling = 'friet'\n\tprijs = 4\ndrankje = {ask} 'Wil je daar een drankje bij voor 2 euro?'\n{if} drankje = 'ja'\n\t_\n{print} 'Dat is dan ' prijs ' euro, alstublieft'" @@ -2414,6 +2644,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Bijna! hint: Wat als je alleen frietjes en een drankje wil? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Welke uitvoer krijgt een vegan? code: "menu = 'koekjes', 'kaas', 'druiven'\n{print} \"Ik ben jarig! Ik trakteer!\"\ndieet = {ask} 'Heb je dieetwensen?'\n{if} dieet = 'glutenvrij'\n\t{remove} 'koekjes' {from} menu\n{if} dieet = 'vegan'\n\t{remove} 'kaas' {from} menu\n{print} 'Voor jou heb ik: '\n{for} snack {in} menu\n\t{print} snack" @@ -2442,6 +2674,8 @@ levels: koekjes feedback: Bijna, maar let op de volgorde hint: Welk item wordt verwijderd bij het antwoord 'vegan'? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Welke code zorgt voor deze uitvoer? mp_choice_options: @@ -2466,6 +2700,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Nee hint: 7 gedeeld door 2 is 3.5 + code: '3.5' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Welke code moet ingevuld worden op de _? code: |- @@ -2493,6 +2730,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Zo win je niets hint: De items op de lijst moeten tussen aanhalingstekens + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Welke regel code moet ingevuld worden op de _ ? code: "acties = 'clap your hands', 'stomp your feet', 'shout Hurray!'\n???\n\t{for} i {in} range 0 {to} 1\n\t\t{print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n\t\t{print} actie\n\t{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n\t{print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n\t{print} actie" @@ -2506,6 +2745,8 @@ levels: - option: '{print} acties {at} {random}' feedback: Deze is lastig! Alle acties op de lijst moeten worden ingevuld in het lied. hint: Deze is lastig! Alle acties op de lijst moeten worden ingevuld in het lied. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 13: 1: question_text: Wat moet worden ingevuld op de _ ? @@ -2540,6 +2781,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hedy zingt alleen als beide antwoorden ja zijn hint: Hedy zingt alleen als je jarig bent en een liedje wil horen + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Welk commando mist op de _ ? code: |- @@ -2557,6 +2800,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: Nee hint: Vegans en moslims eten allebei geen worstenbroodjes. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Welke uitvoer krijgt een lid zonder kortingcode? code: |- @@ -2576,6 +2821,8 @@ levels: - option: Dat kun je niet weten feedback: Zeker wel! Lees de code goed. hint: Let op het `{or}` commando in regel 3 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 4: question_text: Wat moet de volgende regel zijn in dit steen papier schaar spel? code: '{if} computer_keuze {is} ''steen'' {and} jouw_keuze {is} ''papier''' @@ -2601,6 +2848,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Probeer opnieuw! hint: Papier verslaat steen + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Welke stelling over deze code is waar? code: |- @@ -2616,6 +2865,8 @@ levels: - option: Iedereen die geen Assepoester heet en geen schoenmaat 38 heeft is de ware feedback: De prins is wel iets kieskeuriger! hint: Beide statemenst moeten waar zijn + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Welke stelling over deze code is waar? code: |- @@ -2640,6 +2891,8 @@ levels: - option: Sophie is een vrouw met een bril feedback: Goedzo! hint: Kijk goed! Of heb je een bril nodig? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Welke stelling is FOUT ? code: |- @@ -2665,6 +2918,8 @@ levels: - option: Het gele vogeltje heeft genoeg gehad feedback: Klopt wel! hint: Wat is NIET waar? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Welke output krijg je als je alleen popcorn bestelt? code: |- @@ -2702,6 +2957,8 @@ levels: Fijne voorstelling! feedback: Je moet wel betalen voor de popcorn! hint: popcorn = ja en drinken = nee + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? code: |- @@ -2725,6 +2982,8 @@ levels: - option: "Regel 7 moet zijn: \n```\n{if} chocolade = 'ja' {and} spikkels = 'nee'\n```" feedback: Dit heb ik niet besteld! hint: Er is iets mis met regel 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Wat moet er op de _ in regel 8 worden ingevuld? code: |- @@ -2751,6 +3010,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{if}`' feedback: Nee hint: Het item staat niet op meerdere lijsten, dus je kunt geen `{and}` gebruiken + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 14: 1: question_text: Welk symbool moet op het lijntje komen te staan? @@ -2768,6 +3029,8 @@ levels: - option: '`=`' feedback: Klopt! hint: Er wordt niets vergeleken. We vragen alleen wat je naam is. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: question_text: Welke van deze codes gebruikt = of == correct? mp_choice_options: @@ -2792,6 +3055,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 'No' hint: Je gebruikt == bij het vergelijken van twee antwoorden + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Welke symbolen moeten worden ingevuld op de lijntjes? code: |- @@ -2811,6 +3076,8 @@ levels: - option: '`+` en `==`' hint: Er mogen maximaal 130 mensen naar binnen. feedback: Dat klopt niet. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? code: |- @@ -2831,6 +3098,8 @@ levels: - option: In regel 4 moet <= worden gebruikt in plaats van >= feedback: Dat klopt niet hint: De symbolen kloppen + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Welk symbool moet op de lijntjes ingevuld worden als de film geschikt is voor kinderen van 12 jaar en ouder? code: |- @@ -2862,6 +3131,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Deze kinderen zijn te jong hint: '> betekent groter dan' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: Hoe vaak moet je aangeven dat je je ergert voordat dit irritante spel stopt? code: |- @@ -2881,6 +3152,8 @@ levels: - option: 2 keer feedback: Dat is correct hint: '!= betekent ''is niet''' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: Wat moet worden ingevuld op de 3 lijntjes? code: |- @@ -2908,6 +3181,8 @@ levels: - option: '''Lager!'' en ''Je wint!'' en ''Hoger!''' feedback: Die volgorde klopt niet hint: Bij de laatste optie win je het spel. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Wat klopt over deze achtbaan? code: |- @@ -2926,6 +3201,8 @@ levels: - option: Iedereen mag in deze achtbaan, ongeacht lengte feedback: Nee, hoor. hint: '> betekent groter dan' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Na hoeveel chocolaatjes krijg je buikpijn volgens deze fitbit? code: |- @@ -2946,6 +3223,8 @@ levels: - option: 9 of meer feedback: Goed! hint: '> 8 betekent meer dan 8' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: Wat moet er op de lijntjes staan? code: |- @@ -2962,6 +3241,8 @@ levels: - option: '''Gelijkspel!''' feedback: Nee, de ene speler heeft meer punten dan de ander. hint: Je wint het spel als je de meeste punten hebt + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 15: 1: question_text: 'Welk symbool moet worden gebruikt op het streepje? Tip: Je moet blijven raden tot het antwoord goed is.' @@ -2980,6 +3261,8 @@ levels: - option: '`=`' feedback: Dat klopt niet hint: Blijf raden tot de speler Amsterdam zegt. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 2: question_text: Welk van deze codes gebruikt het juiste symbool/symbolen? mp_choice_options: @@ -3004,6 +3287,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hier mist een aanhalingsteken hint: Je gebruikt == wanneer je twee dingen vergelijkt + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 3: question_text: Welk commando moet op het streepje? code: |- @@ -3019,6 +3304,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{range}`' feedback: Dat is hem niet. hint: Je mag de bar niet in als je 17 of jonger bent. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 4: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? code: |- @@ -3041,6 +3328,8 @@ levels: - option: In regel 5 moet != gebruikt worden in plaats van == feedback: Dat is juist! hint: Er is iets mis in regel 5 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Wat moet er op het streepje komen om dit programma goed te laten werken? code: |- @@ -3062,6 +3351,8 @@ levels: - option: = vochtgehalte + 1 feedback: Het programma moet aftellen hint: Het haar moet steeds minder vochtig zijn. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? code: |- @@ -3080,6 +3371,8 @@ levels: - option: Bij regel 2 moet minder worden ingesprongen feedback: That is correct hint: Er wordt verkeerd ingesprongen + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Wat moet er in deze code veranderen? code: |- @@ -3106,6 +3399,8 @@ levels: - option: De vierde {if} moet een {while} worden feedback: Helaas. hint: De laatste moet een {if} blijven. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: Wat is waar over dit automatische toilet systeem? code: |- @@ -3125,6 +3420,8 @@ levels: - option: Het licht blijft altijd aan. feedback: Dat klopt niet. hint: Het blok na het {while} commando blijft gebeuren zolang het toilet bezet is. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Wat zegt de dieetapp als je 1600 caloriëen hebt gegeten die dag? code: |- @@ -3145,6 +3442,8 @@ levels: - option: Je hebt genoeg gehad feedback: Nee hint: 1600 ligt tussen 1000 en 2000 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: 'Wat moet worden ingevuld op het streepje? Tip: de speler met de meeste punten staat voor.' code: |- @@ -3162,9 +3461,24 @@ levels: - option: punten_speler_2 feedback: Het moet een naam zijn, geen getal hint: Je wint het spel als je de meeste punten hebt. Je naam komt dan in beeld. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 16: 1: question_text: Welk commando moet je op de lege plekken invullen om een willekeurige snack te printen? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + hint: We no longer use {at} + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 2: question_text: Wat moet je op de lege plekken invullen als je wilt weten welke klusjes door wie worden uitgevoerd? code: |- @@ -3172,6 +3486,18 @@ levels: klusjes = ['koken', 'schoonmaken', 'niks doen'] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Wat is een mogelijk resultaat voor dit programma? code: |- @@ -3179,6 +3505,18 @@ levels: klusjes = ['koken', 'schoonmaken', 'niks doen'] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} vrienden[i] ' moet ' klusjes[i] + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? mp_choice_options: @@ -3190,6 +3528,10 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Welke regel moet er op de lege plek worden ingevuld? mp_choice_options: @@ -3201,29 +3543,176 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Welke stelling is waar? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" 7: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + feedback: That is not right. + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - option: Line 4 should start without indentation + feedback: It should not + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Welke code hoort bij dit resultaat? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - feedback: This is not going to work! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + correct_answer: B + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_score: '10' + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" 9: question_text: Wat is een mogelijk resultaat voor deze code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + feedback: It's only repeated twice + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 10: question_text: Welke 3 regels maken deze code compleet? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D 17: 1: question_text: Wat is het resultaat van deze code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + hint: Loop through your list. 2: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + feedback: Not true! + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. 3: question_text: Hoeveel egels worden er met deze code geprint? + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" 4: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. 5: question_text: Wat is het resultaat van deze code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. 6: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + correct_answer: D + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? code: |- @@ -3236,7 +3725,59 @@ levels: {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes' {else}: {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: Not true. + option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: Welke van de onderstaande codes geeft dit resultaat? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Wat is er mis met deze code? + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: Try again! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? diff --git a/content/quizzes/pa_PK.yaml b/content/quizzes/pa_PK.yaml index a3070f2d64f..ea83813c5e7 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/pa_PK.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/pa_PK.yaml @@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _?_ Hello world! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -35,6 +37,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 5: code: |- {ask} What is your favorite pet? @@ -60,6 +67,10 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: Right on! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -70,6 +81,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -85,6 +100,83 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + question_score: '10' + hint: Let's go! + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + correct_answer: B + 1: + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's this programming language called? + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy + feedback: Good job! + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - option: Haydie + feedback: Not this one! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heidi + 6: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: You only need one command, not two. + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + 7: + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - feedback: Correct! + option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Check the code line by line + correct_answer: D + 9: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -96,6 +188,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good - option: With the {sleep} command, you can remove text from the screen. feedback: That's not how sleep works. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{print}` still works the same way as in level 1' + correct_answer: C 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -122,17 +218,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + question_text: What should be on the lines? + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + - option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which code is correct? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + option: Marleen goes to the market. + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is name + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: It slows down your computer + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It closes down Hedy + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + 8: + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: You get it! + option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable name should come first + correct_answer: C + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + 9: + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -157,6 +371,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -167,8 +384,26 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 9: hint: Look at line 3 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "colors {is} blue, purple, green\nchosen_color {is} {ask} Which hair color wouldn't you like to have?\n{remove} chosen_color {from} colors\n{print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random}" 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -199,6 +434,98 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 7: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + - option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + question_score: '10' + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + 3: + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + option: Nothing, the code is correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? + 4: + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable name is prices + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + 5: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + feedback: No that's not wrong. + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 6: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No that's not right + option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - feedback: No the variable's called answers + option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - option: sea salt + feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - feedback: That's right! + option: sour cream + question_score: '10' + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + correct_answer: D + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + question_text: What is the output of this code? 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -211,6 +538,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + question_score: '10' + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + correct_answer: A 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -233,6 +563,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + correct_answer: B 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -255,6 +589,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + correct_answer: D + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -274,8 +612,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You get it! + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -286,6 +642,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + 10: + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + correct_answer: B + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + 4: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + - option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true? 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -303,8 +723,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - option: SECRET + feedback: That's right!' + - feedback: The password isn't password... + option: password + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the right password? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -313,6 +748,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -341,6 +788,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + question_score: '10' + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -368,9 +818,100 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + 2: + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: fun + feedback: That's right! + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + 4: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + option: Wrong! + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + 9: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + option: '1' + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + feedback: Awesome! + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" 6: 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - option: 0 dollars + feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -384,6 +925,129 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 2: + correct_answer: D + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`-`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: plus + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + hint: It's the plus sign. + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - option: '13' + feedback: Try again.. + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + code: "{print} '3*10'" + 1: + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '20' + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - option: '210' + feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: '{print} 2*10' + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + 4: + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + - option: '10' + feedback: Please try again. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your lucky number is... 30 + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + correct_answer: C + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + option: 5 dollars + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + question_score: '10' + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 7: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + 8: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + feedback: No, there should be! + - option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + feedback: Correct! + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + correct_answer: B + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + option: 50% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -396,8 +1060,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + question_text: Which code is right? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -421,6 +1100,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -447,6 +1130,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -468,6 +1156,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -502,6 +1195,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Please help me!' ``` feedback: Perfect + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -533,6 +1231,51 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome, you can't use the `{repeat}` command here. + option: "```\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + - feedback: Where did you leave 'Do do do do'? + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + 3: + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: A + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + hint: The code is correct! + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -544,6 +1287,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -571,6 +1319,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -603,6 +1355,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: B + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -613,6 +1369,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -632,6 +1393,84 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + correct_answer: C + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + - feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + 8: + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are... right! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are wrong! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 and 4 + feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - option: Line 3 and 5 + feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + correct_answer: D + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + question_score: '10' + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + correct_answer: D + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + question_text: Which statement is true? 9: 1: code: |- @@ -654,6 +1493,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -670,6 +1512,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - feedback: Great job! You win! + option: case 2, open + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -690,6 +1545,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -725,6 +1584,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_text: Which code produced this output? + question_score: '10' + hint: Watch the indentation + correct_answer: C 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -735,6 +1599,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYou'll get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -775,6 +1643,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + question_score: '10' + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -792,12 +1663,56 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The indentation is done right this time 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} 2 {if} level {is} 9 3 {print} Great job! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Only line 2 and 3 start with spaces + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Line 3 should start with 8 + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 8 spaces + feedback: Line 2 should start with 4 + - feedback: You are correct! + option: line 2 should start with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 2: + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - option: "```\nThe computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + - option: "```\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + feedback: Correct! + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: '3' + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -805,6 +1720,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + correct_answer: B + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -813,6 +1740,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + option: players + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - option: choice + feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + - option: dice + feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + correct_answer: B + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -827,6 +1766,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + question_score: '10' + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -834,6 +1778,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + correct_answer: A + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -862,6 +1818,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables 9: code: |- courses = appetizer, main course, dessert @@ -870,6 +1829,19 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program? 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -885,6 +1857,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + question_text: What is true about this code? + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 2: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + feedback: No it does not. + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: dogs are lovely pets + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + correct_answer: C + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -912,6 +1933,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -925,6 +1949,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + correct_answer: A + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -952,6 +1981,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -960,6 +1993,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Use the variable 'people' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -976,6 +2021,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_text: What will be the output from this code? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1007,6 +2057,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 5: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - feedback: Not line 1... + option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + question_score: '10' + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: 1 time + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + correct_answer: C + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + question_score: '10' + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + correct_answer: D 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1025,6 +2139,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: D + hint: Both lines are printed! 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1051,6 +2169,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + question_score: '10' + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1064,12 +2186,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + question_score: '10' + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 and 2 + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + correct_answer: D + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1083,6 +2222,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1096,6 +2248,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + feedback: Almost there! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1108,6 +2272,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - feedback: There's more options than just one + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + - feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1130,6 +2307,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + code: '3.5' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1156,6 +2338,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1176,6 +2361,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1208,6 +2396,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1223,6 +2415,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1241,6 +2437,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1252,10 +2451,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Paper beats rock + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: Fantastic! + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Both statements have to be true 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1269,6 +2485,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + correct_answer: D + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1283,6 +2512,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is false? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - feedback: This is true + option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + correct_answer: C 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1297,6 +2539,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have paid too much! + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: That's not enough money! + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1334,6 +2589,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1358,6 +2617,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1368,6 +2631,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + feedback: No that's not it + hint: The symbols are right + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1376,6 +2652,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - option: '`>= 12`' + feedback: Great! + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - option: '`<= 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + correct_answer: B 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1384,6 +2673,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + correct_answer: D + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1393,6 +2695,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - feedback: Almost + option: 8 or more + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "'player 1 wins'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + 8: + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: True! + - option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + 2: + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 3: + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=>`' + feedback: This is not a symbol. + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + question_score: '10' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + correct_answer: D + 7: + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - feedback: You win! + option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1400,11 +2804,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=!`' + feedback: That is not right. + - feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + option: '`==`' + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`=`' + feedback: That's not it + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{in}`' + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + correct_answer: B 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1425,6 +2854,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1444,6 +2877,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + hint: wetness should get less each time + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1461,6 +2898,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Look closely at the indentation 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1472,8 +2912,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + question_score: '10' + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - feedback: Great job + option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1492,6 +2949,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1502,6 +2963,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + question_score: '10' + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1509,12 +2989,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + feedback: Mind the spacing. + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: Super! + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + feedback: That's not it + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1525,6 +3031,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1535,3 +3046,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + correct_answer: D + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + hint: We no longer use {at} + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_text: Which statement is true? + 8: + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - feedback: This is not going to work! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + correct_answer: B + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + 10: + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + question_score: '10' + 17: + 8: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + - option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + correct_answer: D + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + 2: + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 5: + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + correct_answer: C + 9: + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + 10: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The word num needs quotation marks. + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Read the code carefully. + 6: + correct_answer: D + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? diff --git a/content/quizzes/pap.yaml b/content/quizzes/pap.yaml index 9d8b5552f52..edfb196d284 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/pap.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/pap.yaml @@ -10,6 +10,143 @@ levels: feedback: Good - option: With the `{sleep}` command, you can remove text from the screen. feedback: That's not how `{sleep}` works. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{print}` still works the same way as in level 1' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which code is correct? + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + correct_answer: C + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + correct_answer: D + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: It slows down your computer + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It closes down Hedy + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: '`{sleep}`' + - option: '`{echo}`' + feedback: There is nothing to repeat back here + - feedback: There is no text there to `{print}` there + option: '`{print}`' + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: There is no question there to be asked + correct_answer: A + question_text: What should be on the lines? + code: "{print} And the award for best programming language goes to...\n_\n{print} Hedy!" + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + code: "{print} I will explode in 3 seconds!\n_\n{print} BOOM!" + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + hint: The variable name should come first + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + code: "flavor {is} _\n{print} Your favorite icecream is...\n{sleep}\n{print} flavor" 3: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -21,6 +158,145 @@ levels: feedback: '`{is}` is used to make a list' - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' feedback: Correct! + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What command(s) do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' + feedback: Good job! + - option: Line 1 needs to start with `{print}`. + feedback: No, you don't need `{print}` + - feedback: animals is correct. + option: Line 2 needs to say 'animal' instead of 'animals' + - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' + feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + option: Nothing, the code is correct! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + hint: The variable name is prices + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - option: Nothing, this code is perfect + feedback: That's right! + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 6: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + 7: + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + correct_answer: C + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + 8: + question_text: What is the output of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - option: sea salt + feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + feedback: Find the mistake! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Look at line 4 + code: "colors {is} blue, purple, green\nchosen_color {is} {ask} Which hair color wouldn't you like to have?\n{remove} chosen_color {from} colors\n{print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {from} walkers\n```" + - feedback: '`{remove} {from}` or `{add} {to}`, not `{remove} {to}`' + option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + - option: "```\n{remove} walkers {from} yesterday\n```" + feedback: yesterday is not a variable + - feedback: This increased the chance that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. + option: "```\n{add} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + hint: The person who walked the dogs yesterday should be removed from the list. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What should be on the _? + code: "walkers {is} dad, mom, Sam, Petra\nwalked_yesterday {is} {ask} Who walked the dogs yesterday?\n{print} walked_yesterday shouldn't have to walk the dogs again today\n_\n{print} walkers {at} {random} , it's your turn to walk the dogs!" 7: 4: mp_choice_options: @@ -35,6 +311,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{repeat}` is spelled correctly' - option: '`{times}`' feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes in a sentence + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + correct_answer: A 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -61,6 +342,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All through the town! Perfect! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -82,6 +368,110 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No you can repeat a line. + option: '0' + - option: '1' + feedback: Correct, one line at a time + - feedback: In this level only one line at a time + option: '3' + - option: infinite + feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: You can only repeat one line at a time + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + question_text: Which code is right? + hint: First the `{repeat}` command, then the `{print}` command + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Right + feedback: No, a word is missing + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_score: '10' + 5: + hint: The code is correct! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + 8: + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: Awesome, you can't use the `{repeat}` command here. + - feedback: Where did you leave 'Do do do do'? + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Your repeated line is incorrect. + option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham. '\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{print} 'Help!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + - feedback: The `{print}` command is missing on line 3. + option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + - feedback: You're missing the quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} Batman was flying through Gotham.\n{print} When suddenly he heard someone screaming!\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} Help!\n{print} Please help me!\n```" + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost! the first line needs an extra word + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + - feedback: This is not in the right order. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n```" + - feedback: This is not in the right order. + option: "```\n{repeat} 4 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'clap your hands'\n{print} 'and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'clap your hands'\n```" + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: 3: mp_choice_options: @@ -109,6 +499,145 @@ levels: Baby shark Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: What is being repeated and what is not? + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + 1: + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - feedback: Super! + option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + correct_answer: C + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: This should be only one line, not 2. + feedback: No it should be 2 lines. + - option: This `{print}` command has to be removed. + feedback: No, you need it. + - feedback: No, `{repeat}` is the correct spelling + option: There is a spelling mistake in the `{repeat}` command. + - option: The second line needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation. + feedback: Correct! + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: This order is incorrect. + - feedback: The last line is repeated too. + option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The children went:'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Yay!'\n {print} 'We are going on vacation!'" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines and start with 4 spaces. + - option: '`{else}` is not a command!' + feedback: It is! + - feedback: That's not true + option: Lines that start with `{if}` should start with 4 spaces + - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' + feedback: That's not true + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - feedback: Well done! + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + question_score: '10' + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Nothing. This code is correct! + feedback: Something is wrong! + - feedback: You are! + option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + - option: You don't have to use indentation twice. Only in the first `{if}` command. + feedback: You always have to use indentation. + - feedback: That's right. + option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n{if} food {is} fries\nsauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n{if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are... right! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - option: Only line 3 + feedback: Not only 3... + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + correct_answer: D + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + question_score: '10' + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: D + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? 9: 6: mp_choice_options: @@ -120,14 +649,163 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with {print} + correct_answer: C + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} 2 {if} level {is} 9 3 {print} Great job! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Only line 2 and 3 start with spaces + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Line 3 should start with 8 + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 8 spaces + feedback: Line 2 should start with 4 + - option: line 2 should start with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 + feedback: You are correct! + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: The first line doesn't start with any spaces + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Nothing, this code is correct! + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: You are! + option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + - feedback: You always have to use indentation. + option: You don't have to use indentation twice. + - feedback: It is not the indentation. + option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: All the indentation is done correctly. + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n {if} food {is} fries\n sauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n {if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + 2: + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nThe computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...\n```" + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + 3: + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + code: "{print} 'Choose the right case and win!'\ncase = {ask} 'Which case will you pick? 1 or 2?'\n{if} case {is} 1\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell your case for 10 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win an apple pie'\n{if} case {is} 2\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!'" + 4: + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + feedback: No, she gets 'You are not the one!' + - feedback: No, she gets 'Ill keep looking' + option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output '❤️❤️❤️' + - option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 40 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: No she gets '❤️❤️❤️' + option: Cinderella with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + correct_answer: C + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsize = {ask} 'What is your shoe size?'\n{if} size {is} 38\n {if} name {is} Cinderella\n {print} '❤️❤️❤️'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are not the one!'\n{else}\n {print} 'Ill keep looking'" + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_score: '10' + 5: + question_text: Which code produced this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: Don't forget the indentation after `{repeat}` commands. + - feedback: Use indentation after an `{if}` command + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n dessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n {if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: Watch the indentation + question_score: '10' + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + - feedback: The second `{if}` misses code! + option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: Two consecutive `{if}`s is never correct. + - feedback: Almost right. Take another look at the last line + option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + question_text: You'll get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.
But the code has a mistake! How to debug it? + code: "{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\nprice = price - 5" + question_score: '10' + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + correct_answer: A + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Yes you can. + option: You can't put two questions in a row + - feedback: Keen eye! Good job! + option: The variable called 'age' is later on used as 'years' + - feedback: You actually must start like that. + option: You're not allowed to start with 8 spaces, like line 5 does + - feedback: That's not true. + option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + hint: The indentation is done right this time + code: "age = {ask} 'Happy Birthday! How old are you?'\nsinging = {ask} 'Would you like us to sing?'\n{if} singing {is} yes\n {repeat} years {times}\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hooray'" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: None, that is not allowed + feedback: You are allowed to + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - feedback: That is true + option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + correct_answer: D 10: 5: question_text: What word should be on the _ with these digital dice? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + option: players + - option: choices + feedback: That's right! + - option: choice + feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + - option: dice + feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the digital dice!'\nplayers = Ann, John, Jesse\nchoices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' throws ' _ {at} {random}" + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -142,16 +820,135 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + question_score: '10' + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? 7: question_text: What line should be on the _ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + correct_answer: A + code: "names = Ron, Leslie, April, Andy\nfood = pasta, fries, salad\n_\n {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. 8: question_text: What should be on the _ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n'name gets a color shirt'\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - feedback: Great job! This was a hard one! + option: "```\nname 'gets a ' colors {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + - feedback: You want each name printed. So the first word should not be names but... + option: "```\nnames 'gets a ' color {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + - feedback: There is no variable named people.. + option: "```\npeople ' gets a colors shirt'\n```" + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' + code: "names = Donna, Tommy, Ben\ncolors = blue, red, purple\n{for} name {in} names\n {print} _" 10: code: |- prizes = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich names = Bob, Patrick, Sandy, Larry {for} prize {in} prizes {print} 'The ' prize 'is won by ' names {at} {random} + mp_choice_options: + - option: Everybody will always win a prize. + feedback: That is not true, you could end up without a prize. + - option: All the prizes always go to one single person. + feedback: That is not true. All the prizes are given away, but to random people + - option: Larry will never win a prize + feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others + - feedback: You get it! + option: Someone might win two prizes + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is true about this code? + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_` if we want to print each compliment? + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + code: "compliments = perfect, great job, amazing\n_\n {print} compliment" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: I love pizza + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + question_score: '10' + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_text: Which output is correct? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: dogs are lovely pets + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - feedback: Great! + option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + 4: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + correct_answer: C + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + 9: + question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + - feedback: Timon is first on the list! + option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + question_score: '10' + code: "courses = appetizer, main course, dessert\nnames = Timon, Onno\n{for} name {in} names\n {for} course {in} courses\n food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?'\n {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course" + correct_answer: A 11: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -166,6 +963,11 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: '`{for}`' feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} _ 1 {to} 10\n {print} i" + question_text: What word should be at the place of the blank? + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -179,6 +981,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: A + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -206,6 +1013,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -222,6 +1033,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -253,6 +1069,85 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + question_score: '10' + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + correct_answer: A + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + feedback: No it doesn't. + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: 1 time + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - feedback: No + option: Never + correct_answer: C + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + question_text: What should be on the place of the blank? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys diner'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people will be eating here tonight?'\n_\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to order?'\n {print} food" + hint: Use the variable 'people' + 9: + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: Try again + - option: 2 times + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' 12: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -280,6 +1175,10 @@ levels: {print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + correct_answer: C + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -293,11 +1192,35 @@ levels: {if} drinks = 'yes' ??? {print} 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + feedback: Excellent! + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- ??? {print} 'You won ' prizes {at} {random} '!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\nprizes = 'one' 'million' 'dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars, nothing'\n```" + - option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + feedback: Winner! + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\n'prizes' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -309,6 +1232,108 @@ levels: {print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it' {print} 'if youre happy and you know it' {print} action + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + - option: "```\n{for} action {in} actions\n```" + feedback: You are amazing! + - feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n```" + - feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + option: "```\n{print} actions {at} {random}\n```" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + 1: + code: "{print} 'three and a half plus one and a half is...'\n{print} 3.5 + 1.5" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '5' + feedback: Don't forget the first line of code! + - feedback: This is not the one! + option: 3.5 + 1.5 + - option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\nfive" + feedback: Take a close look at the second line... + - option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\n5" + feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: The name of the variable is different in line 1 than in line 2. + - feedback: That's not true + option: The quotation marks aren't used correctly in line 2 + - option: You can't use the = sign when using an {ask} command + feedback: That's not true + - option: Nothing is wrong. + feedback: That's not true + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + code: "favorite_animal = {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{print} 'I like ' favoriteanimal ' too!'" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + code: "{print} Welcome to the online shoe shop\ncategory = {ask} What kind of shoes are you looking for?\n{if} category = high heels\n {print} High heels are 50% off now!" + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} 'Agent007'\n a {is} 'Go to the airport '\nelse\n a {is} 'Go to the train station '\npassword {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} 'TOPSECRET'\n b {is} 'tomorrow at 02.00'\n{else}\n b {is} 'today at 10.00'\n{print} a + b" + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + feedback: Terrific! + - feedback: There's more options than just one + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + code: "menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes'\n{print} \"It's my birthday! I`ve brought some snacks!\"\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'gluten free'\n {remove} 'cookies' {from} menu\n{if} diet = 'vegan'\n {remove} 'cheese' {from} menu\n{print} 'For you I have brought: '\n{for} snack {in} menu\n {print} snack" + question_score: '10' + 8: + code: '3.5' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{print} '7 / 2'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 7 / 2\n```" + feedback: That is right! + - option: "```\n{print} 7 : 2\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{print} 7 * 2\n```" + feedback: No + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 15: 4: mp_choice_options: @@ -320,6 +1345,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{print} 'Throw 6 as fast as you can!'\nthrown = 0\ntries = 0\n{while} thrown == 6\n thrown = options {at} {random}\n {print} 'You threw ' thrown\n tries = tries + 1\n{print} 'Yes! You have thrown 6 in ' tries ' tries.'" 5: mp_choice_options: - option: = wetness @@ -330,6 +1360,11 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + correct_answer: C + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + code: "wetness = 10\n{while} wetness != 0\n {print} 'Your hair is still wet, hair dryer on!'\n {sleep} 1\n {clear}\n wetness _\n\n{print} 'All dry!'" + hint: wetness should get less each time + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '{while} should be {if}' @@ -340,6 +1375,11 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "lives = 100\n {while} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: '... change the first {if} into a {while}' @@ -350,6 +1390,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + question_text: How should this program be changed so that it works? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Nothing. 1600 is not programmed into the app. @@ -360,6 +1405,11 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "calories = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?'\n {while} calories <= 1000\n {print} 'You could eat some more'\n {while} calories > 1000 {and} calories =< 2000\n {print} 'That is alright'\n {while} calories > 2000\n {print} 'You have had enough for today'" 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -370,6 +1420,70 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + code: "answer = 0\n{while} answer _ 'Amsterdam'\n answer = {ask} 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?'\n{print} 'You have given the correct answer'" + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{in}`' + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{range}`' + code: "_ age < 18\n {print} 'you are not allowed in this bar'" + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blank? + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + - option: The lights will always stay on. + feedback: That wouldn't be right. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + hint: The block after the {while} command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + question_score: '10' 16: 2: code: |- @@ -377,12 +1491,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + feedback: Mind the spacing. + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: Super! + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + feedback: Poor Wesley! + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + feedback: That's not it + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -393,6 +1533,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -403,3 +1548,1145 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 6: + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 7: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - option: Line 3 should start with indentation + feedback: It should not! + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + feedback: Amazing! + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 8: + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + 9: + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - feedback: There is no list called 'person' + option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + question_score: '10' + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + feedback: This is the old way. + - feedback: The order is wrong. + option: '`[{random} snack]`' + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + hint: We no longer use {at} + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 1: + 1: + question_text: What's this programming language called? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy + feedback: Good job! + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Haydie + - option: Heidi + feedback: Not this one! + question_score: '10' + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + 2: + code: _ Hello! + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{echo}`' + feedback: '`{echo}` repeats a given answer.' + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: Correct! + - option: '`hello`' + feedback: Hello isn't a command. + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. + correct_answer: B + hint: _ Hello world! + question_text: Which need to be filled in on the blanks to make the text Hello! appear? + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: You only need one command, not two. + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' + - option: The command in line 2 is spelled wrong. + feedback: The command is spelled correctly. + - option: "`{echo}` isn't a command." + feedback: "`{echo}` is a command, there's another mistake." + - feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + correct_answer: A + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + question_score: '10' + 5: + code: "{ask} What is your favorite pet?\n_ So your favorite pet is..." + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, you would like the answer to be repeated back to you. + option: '`{print}`' + - option: '`Hedy`' + feedback: Hedy isn't a command. + - feedback: With `{ask}` you can ask a question. + option: '`{ask}`' + - feedback: Right on! + option: '`{echo}`' + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + correct_answer: B + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + hint: Check the code line by line + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. + feedback: That's what `{ask}` is for! + - option: You can use it exactly the same way as `{print}`. + feedback: That's what `{print}` is for! + - feedback: Good job! + option: You can use it to repeat an answer. + - feedback: That's not right... + option: You can use it to make text disappear. + correct_answer: C + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Are you ready to go to level 2? + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + - feedback: Great job! + option: "Yes!\nYes!" + - option: Yes! + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + - option: "Are you ready to go to level 2?\nYes!" + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + question_text: Which output will be in your output screen after you've run this code? + hint: Let's go! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 4: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right + option: "```\n{print} 'Im very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + - feedback: '{print} now needs quotation marks!' + option: "```\n{print} Im very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + feedback: do not use apostrophe or use backticks instead + - option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + feedback: careful when using quotes and apostrophe + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} `hello`\n```" + feedback: This quotation mark is skewed, you need a straight one. + - feedback: Correct + option: "```\n{print} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} hello\n```" + feedback: There are no quotation marks here! + - option: "```\n{print} ,hello,\n```" + feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + correct_answer: B + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Add quotation marks please! + option: "```\n{print} Hi Im Hedy\n```" + - feedback: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + option: "```\n{print} 'Hi Im Hedy\n```" + - feedback: The first quotation mark should be behind the word `{print}` + option: "```\n'{print} Hi Im Hedy'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'Hi Im Hedy'\n```" + feedback: Perfect! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + 4: + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 5: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Never put the quotation mark in front of the `{print}` command. + option: "```\n'{print} options {at} {random}'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'options' {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: options is a variable. You don't literally want to print 'options {at} {random}'. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: That's right + - option: Nothing, the game already works! + feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You get it! + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + 7: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + question_score: '10' + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + 9: + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + option: Ajax is going to win the champions league + - feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + option: Real Madrid is going to win the champions league + - feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + option: Bayern Munchen is going to win the champions league + - feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league + correct_answer: D + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + feedback: You missed one! + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + 5: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: There already is a `{print}` command. + - feedback: The `{if}` command is used in the line above. + option: '`{if}`' + - feedback: That's not it! + option: '`{sleep}`' + - option: '`{else}`' + feedback: That's right! + hint: Which one goes together with the `{if}` command? + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the _? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "number {is} {ask} 'What is your lucky number?'\n{if} number {is} 5 {print} 'Mine too!'\n_ {print} 'My lucky number is 5!'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: fun + feedback: That's right! + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct! + feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - feedback: The password isn't password... + option: password + - option: ALARM INTRUDER + feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the right password? + hint: "`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` 'Correct!'" + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + - option: SECRET + feedback: That's not the right answer + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - feedback: Great job! + option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + question_score: '10' + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + feedback: Indeed! + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - feedback: No, Hedy is right + option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{else}\n```" + feedback: Great! + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank in the last line? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the football fortune teller!'\n{print} 'I will predict what place your team will end up!'\nclub is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?'\n{if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!'\n_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...'" + 7: + question_text: Which word should be in the place of the blank? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{if}` is in the line above.' + option: '`{if}`' + - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' + feedback: No, you don't need `{at} {random}`. + - feedback: There already is an `{else}` command + option: '`{else}`' + - feedback: Awesome! + option: '`{print}`' + correct_answer: D + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'I can predict if you will be a millionair or not!'\nname {is} {ask} 'Whats your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'You will be a millionair!'\n{else} _ 'Unfortunately... No big money for you.'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not the variable name. + option: "```\nfavorite animal\n```" + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\nanimal\n```" + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: '`{if}` is already there' + - feedback: No, that's not it. + option: '`{print}`' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank? + hint: What the variable name? + question_score: '10' + code: "animal {is} {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{if} _ {is} penguin {print} 'Thats my favorite animal too!'\n{else} {print} 'Cool! I like penguins.'" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '1' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + - option: '2' + feedback: Super! You escaped! + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - feedback: Luckily not! + option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + correct_answer: B + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 10: + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + feedback: Awesome! + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - option: giant spider + feedback: Not always... + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + 6: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '20' + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - option: '210' + feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`*`' + - feedback: Correct! + option: '`+`' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + hint: It's the plus sign. + 3: + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - option: '13' + feedback: Try again.. + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + - option: '10' + feedback: Please try again. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your lucky number is... 30 + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - option: 10 dollars + feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: Super! + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - option: 21 dollars + feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + hint: Mind the fourth line. + question_score: '10' + question_text: How much does a hamburger cost in this virtual restaurant? + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + correct_answer: C + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_score: '10' + 8: + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + correct_answer: B + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - option: 100% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to use the `=` sign as well + option: You can only fill in the word is on the `_` + - feedback: Amazing! + option: You can fill in either the word is or the `=` sign on the `_` + - feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough + option: You have to fill in =is= on the `_` + - feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. + correct_answer: B + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "name _ Hedy\n{print} name 'is walking trough the forrest'" + 13: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there + option: "```\n{if} birthday {and} song = 'yes'\n```" + - feedback: Hedy only sings for you if you like to hear a song + option: "```\n{if} birthday = 'yes' {and} name = 'Hedy'\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {and} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {or} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsong = {ask} 'Whould you like to hear a song?'\nbirthday = {ask} 'Is today your birthday?'\n???\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday dear ' name\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'" + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{and}`' + feedback: You don't have to be vegan and muslim + - option: '`{or}`' + feedback: Great thinking! + - option: '`+`' + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: '`{print}`' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies'\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'vegan' ??? diet = 'halal'\n {remove} 'sausage rolls' {from} menu" + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You get a free apple pie! + feedback: Great job! + - option: That will be 5 dollars please + feedback: That is not true + - option: This code won't work, so there is no output + feedback: There is nothing wrong with the code + - feedback: There is! Read the question carefully + option: There is no way of knowing + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + code: "member = {ask} 'Do you have a membership card?'\ndiscount = {ask} 'Do you have a discount code?'\n{if} member = 'yes' {or} discount = 'yes'\n {print} 'You get a free apple pie!'\n{else}\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'" + hint: Mind the command `{or}` in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'you win'\n```" + feedback: You win! + - feedback: You lose! + option: "```\n{print} 'you lose'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'tie'\n```" + feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same + - option: "```\n{print} 'try again'\n```" + feedback: Try again! + hint: Paper beats rock + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{if} computer_choice {is} 'rock' {and} your_choice {is} 'paper'" + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + hint: Both statements have to be true + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + code: "{if} name = 'Cinderella' {and} shoe_size = 38\n {print} 'You are my one true love!'" + correct_answer: C + 6: + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Let me guess which family member you are!'\nglasses = {ask} 'Do you wear glasses?'\nfemale = {ask} 'Are you female?'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Sophie!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Marleen!'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Wouter!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Michael!'" + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is false? + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets'\n{print} 'Here is a program to help feed them'\nanimal = {ask} 'What kind of animal are they?'\ncolor = {ask} 'What colour are they?'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'grey'\n {print} 'That is Abby. She eats 3 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'orange'\n {print} 'That is Milo. He eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'bird' {or} color = 'black'\n {print} 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today'\n{if} animal = 'hamster' {and} color = 'brown'\n {print} 'You can feed them a piece of carrot'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have paid too much! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the movie theater'\npopcorn = {ask} 'Would you like some popcorn?'\ndrink = {ask} 'Would you like a drink?'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 8 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 3 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'Ok'\n{print} 'Enjoy the movie'" + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Line 3 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: This is not what I ordered! + option: "Line 3 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + - option: "Line 5 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + - feedback: This is not what I ordered! + option: "Line 7 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + code: "1 chocolate = {ask} 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?'\n2 sprinkles = {ask} 'Would you like sprinkles on your ice cream?'\n3 {if} chocolate {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n4 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce and sprinkles, coming up!'\n5 {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n6 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce, coming up!'\n7 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n8 {print} 'Ice cream with sprinkles, coming up'\n9 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n10 {print} 'Just plain icecream, coming up!'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{and}`' + feedback: There are no items that are both the list of snacks and the list of drinks + - option: '`{or}`' + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: No + option: '`{in}`' + - feedback: No + option: '`{if}`' + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt'\nitem = {ask} 'What product are you looking for?'\nbakery = 'bread', 'buns', 'muffins'\ndrinks = 'soda', 'water', 'lemonade'\nsnacks = 'chips', 'nuts', 'dips'\nfrozen = 'fries', 'icecream', 'pizza'\nfruit = 'bananas', 'apples', 'oranges'\n{if} item {in} snacks ??? item {in} drinks\n {print} 'This item is in aisle 3'\n{if} item {in} bakery {or} item {in} bakery\n {print} 'This item in in the back of the store'\n{if} item {in} fruit\n {print} 'The fruit is sold near the register'" + 14: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=>`' + feedback: This is not a symbol. + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + correct_answer: C + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`>` and `<`' + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + correct_answer: C + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 4: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - feedback: You are correct + option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + feedback: No that's not it + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "price = 10\nmoney = {ask} How much money do you have?\nbuy = {ask} 'Would you like to buy this teddy bear?'\n{if} money >= price {and} buy == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can buy the bear!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!'" + hint: The symbols are right + 5: + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nticket = {ask} 'Do you have a ticket?'\n{if} age _ {and} ticket == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - option: '`>= 12`' + feedback: Great! + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - option: '`<= 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 2 times + feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + code: "lives = 2\n{repeat} 10 {times}\n {if} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + correct_answer: D + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + 7: + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + correct_answer: A + hint: '> means greater than' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + code: "chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?'\n {if} chocolate <= 2\n {print} 'That is a healthy amount'\n {if} chocolate > 2 {and} chocolate =< 8\n {print} 'That is a bit much'\n {if} chocolate > 8\n {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!'" + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "'player 1 wins'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + question_score: '10' + 17: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + hint: Loop through your list. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You cannot have so many variables. + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + correct_answer: D + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + question_score: '10' + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Amazing! + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 7: + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C + 8: + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + correct_answer: C + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + 10: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The word num needs quotation marks. + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: Nope. + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + correct_answer: A + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. diff --git a/content/quizzes/peo.yaml b/content/quizzes/peo.yaml index e3f58c079a9..18e6c18a6fc 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/peo.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/peo.yaml @@ -10,3 +10,2534 @@ levels: feedback: '`{is}` is used to make a list' - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' feedback: Correct! + question_text: What command(s) do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 6: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + correct_answer: B + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + question_score: '10' + 7: + correct_answer: C + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + question_score: '10' + 8: + question_text: What is the output of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - option: sea salt + feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + - option: paprika + feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 9: + code: "colors {is} blue, purple, green\nchosen_color {is} {ask} Which hair color wouldn't you like to have?\n{remove} chosen_color {from} colors\n{print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + - option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + - option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + hint: Look at line 4 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 10: + question_text: What should be on the _? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {from} walkers\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: '`{remove} {from}` or `{add} {to}`, not `{remove} {to}`' + option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + - feedback: yesterday is not a variable + option: "```\n{remove} walkers {from} yesterday\n```" + - feedback: This increased the chance that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. + option: "```\n{add} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + hint: The person who walked the dogs yesterday should be removed from the list. + code: "walkers {is} dad, mom, Sam, Petra\nwalked_yesterday {is} {ask} Who walked the dogs yesterday?\n{print} walked_yesterday shouldn't have to walk the dogs again today\n_\n{print} walkers {at} {random} , it's your turn to walk the dogs!" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 2: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Good job! + option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' + - feedback: No, you don't need `{print}` + option: Line 1 needs to start with `{print}`. + - feedback: animals is correct. + option: Line 2 needs to say 'animal' instead of 'animals' + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' + correct_answer: A + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + hint: The variable name is prices + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + 14: + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - feedback: No + option: '{if} age = 24' + - feedback: Yes! + option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + - option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + feedback: No + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 3: + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + 6: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + code: "lives = 2\n{repeat} 10 {times}\n {if} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - feedback: You win! + option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 8: + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + correct_answer: A + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - option: "'It is a tie'" + feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: You win the game by having the most points + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + 4: + hint: The symbols are right + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + feedback: No that's not it + code: "price = 10\nmoney = {ask} How much money do you have?\nbuy = {ask} 'Would you like to buy this teddy bear?'\n{if} money >= price {and} buy == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can buy the bear!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!'" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 9: + code: "chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?'\n {if} chocolate <= 2\n {print} 'That is a healthy amount'\n {if} chocolate > 2 {and} chocolate =< 8\n {print} 'That is a bit much'\n {if} chocolate > 8\n {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nticket = {ask} 'Do you have a ticket?'\n{if} age _ {and} ticket == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + correct_answer: B + 15: + 1: + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + question_score: '10' + code: "answer = 0\n{while} answer _ 'Amsterdam'\n answer = {ask} 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?'\n{print} 'You have given the correct answer'" + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{in}`' + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + code: "_ age < 18\n {print} 'you are not allowed in this bar'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blank? + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + 4: + code: "options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{print} 'Throw 6 as fast as you can!'\nthrown = 0\ntries = 0\n{while} thrown == 6\n thrown = options {at} {random}\n {print} 'You threw ' thrown\n tries = tries + 1\n{print} 'Yes! You have thrown 6 in ' tries ' tries.'" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `==` should be used instead of `=` + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: That's not right + - feedback: That's not it + option: In line 5 `{if}` should have been used instead of `{while}` + - feedback: You are correct + option: In line 5 `!=` should have been used instead of `==` + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 5: + code: "wetness = 10\n{while} wetness != 0\n {print} 'Your hair is still wet, hair dryer on!'\n {sleep} 1\n {clear}\n wetness _\n\n{print} 'All dry!'" + hint: wetness should get less each time + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n = wetness\n```" + feedback: That will not change anything + - feedback: You can't have two times = in one line + option: "```\n = wetness = 1\n```" + - option: "```\n = wetness - 1\n```" + feedback: You are correct! + - feedback: The program should count down + option: "```\n = wetness + 1\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + question_score: '10' + 6: + hint: Look closely at the indentation + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{while}` should be`{if}`' + feedback: No that is not right + - feedback: No that is not right + option: '`{if}` should be `{while}`' + - option: Line 3 should start with more indentation + feedback: No that's not right + - feedback: That is correct + option: Line 2 should start with less indentation + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "lives = 100\n {while} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '... change the first `{if}` into a `{while}`' + feedback: Perfect! + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the second `{if}` into a `{while}`' + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the third `{if}` into a `{while}`' + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the fourth `{if}` into a `{while}`' + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: How should this program be changed so that it works? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 9: + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Nothing. 1600 is not programmed into the app. + - feedback: No + option: You could eat some more + - option: That is alright + feedback: Yes! + - option: You have eaten enough for today + feedback: No + question_score: '10' + code: "calories = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?'\n {while} calories <= 1000\n {print} 'You could eat some more'\n {while} calories > 1000 {and} calories =< 2000\n {print} 'That is alright'\n {while} calories > 2000\n {print} 'You have had enough for today'" + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + 8: + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + hint: The block after the {while} command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 10: + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n name_player_1\n```" + feedback: You are right! + - feedback: No they are losing! + option: "```\n name_player_2\n```" + - feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + option: "```\n points_player_1\n```" + - feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + option: "```\n points_player_2\n```" + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + question_score: '10' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 16: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - feedback: The order is wrong. + option: '`[{random} snack]`' + - feedback: Correct + option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + question_score: '10' + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee']\nchore = ['the cooking', 'the cleaning', 'nothing']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i]" + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The variable in line 4 should be `friend[i]`, not `friends[i]` + feedback: That is not right. + - option: Line 3 should say `in range 1 to 3` not `in range 0 to 3` + feedback: Good catch! + - feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. + option: Line 4 should say 'lucky_number', not 'lucky number + - feedback: That's not it + option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the variable name and the order of the sounds. + option: "```\n noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh']\n```" + - feedback: Look at line one to see how brackets are supposed to be used. + option: "```\n sounds = '[woof], [moo], [neigh]'\n```" + - feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! + option: "```\n sounds = [woof, moo, neigh]\n```" + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\n sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh']\n```" + correct_answer: D + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + - option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 8: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not right + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + correct_answer: B + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + question_score: '10' + 2: + code: "friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee']\nchores = ['the cooking', 'the cleaning', 'nothing']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 9: + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + correct_answer: A + 17: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + 2: + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 4: + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 9: + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + 8: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + 3: + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 7: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + correct_answer: C + 1: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Good job! + option: Hedy + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - option: Haydie + feedback: Not this one! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heidi + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's this programming language called? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats a given answer.' + option: '`{echo}`' + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: Correct! + - option: '`hello`' + feedback: Hello isn't a command. + - feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. + option: '`{ask}`' + hint: _ Hello world! + code: _ Hello! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which need to be filled in on the blanks to make the text Hello! appear? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - feedback: You only need one command, not two. + option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + 4: + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' + - option: The command in line 2 is spelled wrong. + feedback: The command is spelled correctly. + - option: "`{echo}` isn't a command." + feedback: "`{echo}` is a command, there's another mistake." + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 7: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - feedback: Correct! + option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Check the code line by line + 9: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + 10: + question_text: Which output will be in your output screen after you've run this code? + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Are you ready to go to level 2? + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + - feedback: Great job! + option: "Yes!\nYes!" + - option: Yes! + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + - feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + option: "Are you ready to go to level 2?\nYes!" + hint: Let's go! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 5: + correct_answer: D + code: "{ask} What is your favorite pet?\n_ So your favorite pet is..." + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, you would like the answer to be repeated back to you. + option: '`{print}`' + - option: '`Hedy`' + feedback: Hedy isn't a command. + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: With `{ask}` you can ask a question. + - feedback: Right on! + option: '`{echo}`' + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + 8: + correct_answer: C + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. + feedback: That's what `{ask}` is for! + - feedback: That's what `{print}` is for! + option: You can use it exactly the same way as `{print}`. + - feedback: Good job! + option: You can use it to repeat an answer. + - feedback: That's not right... + option: You can use it to make text disappear. + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_score: '10' + 2: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can use the `{print}` command to ask questions. + feedback: That is what `{ask}` is for + - option: You can use the `{ask}` command to echo answers. + feedback: That is not true + - feedback: Good + option: With the `{print}` command you can make text appear + - option: With the `{sleep}` command, you can remove text from the screen. + feedback: That's not how `{sleep}` works. + hint: '`{print}` still works the same way as in level 1' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 2: + question_text: Which code is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 3: + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + question_score: '10' + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + correct_answer: D + 6: + question_text: What should be on the lines? + code: "{print} And the award for best programming language goes to...\n_\n{print} Hedy!" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{sleep}`' + feedback: Perfect! + - option: '`{echo}`' + feedback: There is nothing to repeat back here + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: There is no text there to `{print}` there + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: There is no question there to be asked + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} I will explode in 3 seconds!\n_\n{print} BOOM!" + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + hint: The variable name should come first + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + correct_answer: C + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + correct_answer: B + 5: + question_score: '10' + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + correct_answer: C + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + question_score: '10' + code: "flavor {is} _\n{print} Your favorite icecream is...\n{sleep}\n{print} flavor" + 4: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right + option: "```\n{print} 'Im very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} Im very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + feedback: '{print} now needs quotation marks!' + - option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + feedback: do not use apostrophe or use backticks instead + - feedback: careful when using quotes and apostrophe + option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + 2: + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} `hello`\n```" + feedback: This quotation mark is skewed, you need a straight one. + - feedback: Correct + option: "```\n{print} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} hello\n```" + feedback: There are no quotation marks here! + - option: "```\n{print} ,hello,\n```" + feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} Hi Im Hedy\n```" + feedback: Add quotation marks please! + - feedback: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + option: "```\n{print} 'Hi Im Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n'{print} Hi Im Hedy'\n```" + feedback: The first quotation mark should be behind the word `{print}` + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{print} 'Hi Im Hedy'\n```" + correct_answer: D + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 6: + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You get it! + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?' + 8: + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league + feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + - option: Real Madrid is going to win the champions league + feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + - option: Bayern Munchen is going to win the champions league + feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + - feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league + question_score: '10' + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + correct_answer: D + 10: + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + 5: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Never put the quotation mark in front of the `{print}` command. + option: "```\n'{print} options {at} {random}'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'options' {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: options is a variable. You don't literally want to print 'options {at} {random}'. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: That's right + - option: Nothing, the game already works! + feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + question_score: '10' + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 5: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There already is a `{print}` command. + option: '`{print}`' + - feedback: The `{if}` command is used in the line above. + option: '`{if}`' + - option: '`{sleep}`' + feedback: That's not it! + - option: '`{else}`' + feedback: That's right! + hint: Which one goes together with the `{if}` command? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the _? + code: "number {is} {ask} 'What is your lucky number?'\n{if} number {is} 5 {print} 'Mine too!'\n_ {print} 'My lucky number is 5!'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: fun + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + option: less fun + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - feedback: Fortunately not! + option: Error + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: What is the right password? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct! + feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - option: ALARM INTRUDER + feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + hint: "`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` 'Correct!'" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + 4: + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + - option: SECRET + feedback: That's not the right answer + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + 6: + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank in the last line? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the football fortune teller!'\n{print} 'I will predict what place your team will end up!'\nclub is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?'\n{if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!'\n_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...'" + 7: + question_text: Which word should be in the place of the blank? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{if}` is in the line above.' + option: '`{if}`' + - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' + feedback: No, you don't need `{at} {random}`. + - feedback: There already is an `{else}` command + option: '`{else}`' + - feedback: Awesome! + option: '`{print}`' + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'I can predict if you will be a millionair or not!'\nname {is} {ask} 'Whats your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'You will be a millionair!'\n{else} _ 'Unfortunately... No big money for you.'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfavorite animal\n```" + feedback: That's not the variable name. + - option: "```\nanimal\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: '`{if}` is already there' + - feedback: No, that's not it. + option: '`{print}`' + hint: What the variable name? + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank? + question_score: '10' + code: "animal {is} {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{if} _ {is} penguin {print} 'Thats my favorite animal too!'\n{else} {print} 'Cool! I like penguins.'" + correct_answer: B + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '1' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - feedback: Luckily not! + option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 10: + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - option: giant spider + feedback: Not always... + correct_answer: A + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + question_score: '10' + 6: + 1: + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - option: 2*10 + feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + question_score: '10' + 2: + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`-`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: plus + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: It's the plus sign. + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + code: "{print} '3*10'" + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + 4: + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 5: + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - feedback: Great! + option: 50 dollars + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_text: How much does a hamburger cost in this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: Super! + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + hint: Mind the fourth line. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 7: + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + correct_answer: C + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_score: '10' + 8: + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to use the `=` sign as well + option: You can only fill in the word is on the `_` + - option: You can fill in either the word is or the `=` sign on the `_` + feedback: Amazing! + - option: You have to fill in =is= on the `_` + feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough + - feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "name _ Hedy\n{print} name 'is walking trough the forrest'" + 7: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No you can repeat a line. + option: '0' + - option: '1' + feedback: Correct, one line at a time + - feedback: In this level only one line at a time + option: '3' + - option: infinite + feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: You can only repeat one line at a time + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + hint: First the `{repeat}` command, then the `{print}` command + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code is right? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + 4: + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "`I'm`" + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: '`{print}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{print}`' + - feedback: '`{repeat}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{repeat}`' + - feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{times}`' + question_score: '10' + hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes in a sentence + correct_answer: A + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + hint: The code is correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nthe wheels on the bus go\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nround and round\nround and round\n```" + feedback: All through the town! Perfect! + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 7: + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nWe will We will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + feedback: "'We will' won't appear twice in the same line" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\nWe will\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + - feedback: ROCK YOU! won't be repeated + option: "```\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + - feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command + option: "```\nWe will\nROCK YOU!" + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + question_score: '10' + 8: + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: Awesome, you can't use the `{repeat}` command here. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'" + feedback: Where did you leave 'Do do do do'? + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Your repeated line is incorrect. + option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham. '\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{print} 'Help!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + feedback: The `{print}` command is missing on line 3. + - feedback: You're missing the quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} Batman was flying through Gotham.\n{print} When suddenly he heard someone screaming!\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} Help!\n{print} Please help me!\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + 10: + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + feedback: Almost! the first line needs an extra word + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: This is not in the right order. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 4 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'clap your hands'\n{print} 'and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'clap your hands'\n```" + feedback: This is not in the right order. + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + 8: + 1: + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - feedback: Super! + option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it should be 2 lines. + option: This should be only one line, not 2. + - option: This `{print}` command has to be removed. + feedback: No, you need it. + - feedback: No, `{repeat}` is the correct spelling + option: There is a spelling mistake in the `{repeat}` command. + - option: The second line needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation. + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - feedback: The last line has no indentation, so it's not repeated. + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + - feedback: Right! + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + - option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark\nBaby shark" + feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't ? + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + hint: What is being repeated and what is not? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: This order is incorrect. + option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nWe are going on vacation!" + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'The children went:'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Yay!'\n {print} 'We are going on vacation!'" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines and start with 4 spaces. + feedback: That's right! + - option: '`{else}` is not a command!' + feedback: It is! + - feedback: That's not true + option: Lines that start with `{if}` should start with 4 spaces + - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' + feedback: That's not true + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + question_score: '10' + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + correct_answer: D + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + 7: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n{if} food {is} fries\nsauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n{if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Nothing. This code is correct! + feedback: Something is wrong! + - feedback: You are! + option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + - option: You don't have to use indentation twice. Only in the first `{if}` command. + feedback: You always have to use indentation. + - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. + feedback: That's right. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + 8: + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are wrong! + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are wrong! + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are... right! + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + 9: + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + correct_answer: D + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + 9: + 1: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Nothing, this code is correct! + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: You are! + option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + - option: You don't have to use indentation twice. + feedback: You always have to use indentation. + - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. + feedback: It is not the indentation. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n {if} food {is} fries\n sauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n {if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + hint: All the indentation is done correctly. + 2: + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nThe computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...\n```" + - option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - option: "```\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + feedback: Correct! + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + code: "{print} 'Choose the right case and win!'\ncase = {ask} 'Which case will you pick? 1 or 2?'\n{if} case {is} 1\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell your case for 10 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win an apple pie'\n{if} case {is} 2\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!'" + 4: + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsize = {ask} 'What is your shoe size?'\n{if} size {is} 38\n {if} name {is} Cinderella\n {print} '❤️❤️❤️'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are not the one!'\n{else}\n {print} 'Ill keep looking'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + feedback: No, she gets 'You are not the one!' + - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output '❤️❤️❤️' + feedback: No, she gets 'Ill keep looking' + - feedback: That's right! + option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 40 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + - feedback: No she gets '❤️❤️❤️' + option: Cinderella with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: Don't forget the indentation after `{repeat}` commands. + - feedback: Use indentation after an `{if}` command + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n dessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n {if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + hint: Watch the indentation + correct_answer: C + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code produced this output? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Don't forget the others + option: '`{if}`' + - feedback: Don't forget `{else}`! + option: '`{if}` `{repeat}`' + - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}`' + feedback: Keep it up! + - feedback: Not with `{print}` + option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + 7: + question_text: You'll get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.
But the code has a mistake! How to debug it? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: The second `{if}` misses code! + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: Two consecutive `{if}`s is never correct. + - feedback: Almost right. Take another look at the last line + option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + question_score: '10' + code: "{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\nprice = price - 5" + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + correct_answer: A + 8: + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + code: "age = {ask} 'Happy Birthday! How old are you?'\nsinging = {ask} 'Would you like us to sing?'\n{if} singing {is} yes\n {repeat} years {times}\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hooray'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't put two questions in a row + feedback: Yes you can. + - feedback: Keen eye! Good job! + option: The variable called 'age' is later on used as 'years' + - option: You're not allowed to start with 8 spaces, like line 5 does + feedback: You actually must start like that. + - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line + feedback: That's not true. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The indentation is done right this time + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: None, that is not allowed + feedback: You are allowed to + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: '3' + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + 10: + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Only line 2 and 3 start with spaces + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Line 3 should start with 8 + - feedback: Line 2 should start with 4 + option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 8 spaces + - feedback: You are correct! + option: line 2 should start with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: The first line doesn't start with any spaces + code: "1 {repeat} 2 {times}\n2 {if} level {is} 9\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + 10: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_` if we want to print each compliment? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "compliments = perfect, great job, amazing\n_\n {print} compliment" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_text: Which output is correct? + 3: + question_text: Which output is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - option: dogs are lovely pets + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - feedback: Great! + option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + 4: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + feedback: No it does not. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + 5: + question_text: What word should be on the `_` with these digital dice? + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + option: dice + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the digital dice!'\nplayers = Ann, John, Jesse\nchoices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' throws ' _ {at} {random}" + 6: + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nKelly chooses rock\n```" + feedback: Meredith wants to play too! + - option: "```\nMeredith chooses scissors\nKelly chooses rock\n```" + feedback: So close! But Kelly is first in the list, so she goes first + - feedback: Kelly wants to play too! + option: "```\nMeredith chooses paper\n```" + - option: "```\nKelly chooses paper\nMeredith chooses scissors\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + question_score: '10' + 7: + question_text: What line should be on the `_` in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? + code: "names = Ron, Leslie, April, Andy\nfood = pasta, fries, salad\n_\n {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\n'name gets a color shirt'\n```" + - option: "```\nname 'gets a ' colors {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + feedback: Great job! This was a hard one! + - feedback: You want each name printed. So the first word should not be names but... + option: "```\nnames 'gets a ' color {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + - option: "```\npeople ' gets a colors shirt'\n```" + feedback: There is no variable named people.. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "names = Donna, Tommy, Ben\ncolors = blue, red, purple\n{for} name {in} names\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be on the `_` in this code that decides which color shirt you get? + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + 9: + question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "courses = appetizer, main course, dessert\nnames = Timon, Onno\n{for} name {in} names\n {for} course {in} courses\n food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?'\n {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course" + 10: + question_text: What is true about this code? + code: "prizes = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich\nnames = Bob, Patrick, Sandy, Larry\n{for} prize {in} prizes\n {print} 'The ' prize ' is won by ' names {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not true, you could end up without a prize. + option: Everybody will always win a prize. + - option: All the prizes always go to one single person. + feedback: That is not true. All the prizes are given away, but to random people + - feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others + option: Larry will never win a prize + - option: Someone might win two prizes + feedback: You get it! + correct_answer: D + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + 11: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`counter`' + feedback: No + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: Correct + - feedback: No + option: '`{if}`' + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: No + code: "{for} i {in} _ 1 {to} 10\n {print} i" + question_text: What word should be at the place of the blank? + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + 2: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n1\n2\n3\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "```\n1 2 3\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - option: "```\n1, 2, 3\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n123\n```" + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: A + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} i\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy prints the numbers from 0 to 10 instead of 10 to 0. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} -1 * i\n```" + feedback: Hedy would print negative numbers in this case. + - feedback: Unfortunately this does not exist. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 10 {to} 0\n {print} i\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} 10 - i\n```" + feedback: That's right! + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + correct_answer: D + hint: It has to be a calculation… + question_score: '10' + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + - feedback: Not line 1... + option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + correct_answer: C + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + 7: + question_text: What should be on the place of the blank? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + hint: Use the variable 'people' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys diner'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people will be eating here tonight?'\n_\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to order?'\n {print} food" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The numbers don't appear. It doesn't say `{print}` i. + option: "```\n23\n24\n25\n```" + - option: "```\n23 hi 24 hi 25 hi\n```" + feedback: The numbers don't appear. It doesn't say `{print}` i + - feedback: Correct + option: "```\nhi\nhi\nhi\n```" + - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. + feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n {print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: Mind the indentation + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n{print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n{print} Baby shark\n```" + - feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n {print} Baby shark\n```" + hint: Mind the indentation + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 12: + 1: + code: "{print} 'three and a half plus one and a half is...'\n{print} 3.5 + 1.5" + question_text: Which output is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Don't forget the first line of code! + option: '5' + - feedback: This is not the one! + option: 3.5 + 1.5 + - option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\nfive" + feedback: Take a close look at the second line... + - feedback: Great job! + option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\n5" + hint: Both lines are printed! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + option: "```\nflavors {is} vanilla, strawberry, chocolate\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + - option: "```\n'flavors = vanilla, strawberry, chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + - option: "```\nflavors = 'vanilla', 'strawberry', 'chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + feedback: Alright! + - feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + option: "```\nflavors = 'vanilla, strawberry, chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "favorite_animal = {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{print} 'I like ' favoriteanimal ' too!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: The name of the variable is different in line 1 than in line 2. + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: That's not true + option: The quotation marks aren't used correctly in line 2 + - option: You can't use the = sign when using an {ask} command + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Nothing is wrong. + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 and 2 + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + code: "{print} Welcome to the online shoe shop\ncategory = {ask} What kind of shoes are you looking for?\n{if} category = high heels\n {print} High heels are 50% off now!" + 5: + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} 'Agent007'\n a {is} 'Go to the airport '\nelse\n a {is} 'Go to the train station '\npassword {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} 'TOPSECRET'\n b {is} 'tomorrow at 02.00'\n{else}\n b {is} 'today at 10.00'\n{print} a + b" + 6: + question_text: Which line should be filled in at the `_`? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to McHedy!'\norder = {ask} 'Would you like a hamburger or fries?'\n{if} order = 'hamburger'\n price = 12\n{if} order = 'fries'\n price = 4\ndrinks = {ask} 'Would you like a drink with that for 2 dollars?'\n{if} drinks = 'yes'\n _\n{print} 'That will be ' price ' dollar please'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + question_score: '10' + 7: + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + feedback: Terrific! + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + code: "menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes'\n{print} \"It's my birthday! I`ve brought some snacks!\"\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'gluten free'\n {remove} 'cookies' {from} menu\n{if} diet = 'vegan'\n {remove} 'cheese' {from} menu\n{print} 'For you I have brought: '\n{for} snack {in} menu\n {print} snack" + 8: + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} '7 / 2'\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{print} 7 / 2\n```" + feedback: That is right! + - option: "```\n{print} 7 : 2\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{print} 7 * 2\n```" + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: '3.5' + 9: + code: "_\n{print} 'You won ' prizes {at} {random} '!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nprizes = 'one' 'million' 'dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + feedback: You won nothing + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars, nothing'\n```" + - option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + feedback: Winner! + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\n'prizes' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the `_`? + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + - option: "```\n{for} action {in} actions\n```" + feedback: You are amazing! + - option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n```" + feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + - feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + option: "```\n{print} actions {at} {random}\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the `_` to complete the song ? + correct_answer: B + code: "actions = 'clap your hands', 'stomp your feet', 'shout Hurray!'\n_\n {for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n {print} action\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n {print} action" + 13: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} birthday {and} song = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Almost there + - feedback: Hedy only sings for you if you like to hear a song + option: "```\n{if} birthday = 'yes' {and} name = 'Hedy'\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {and} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + - feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {or} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsong = {ask} 'Whould you like to hear a song?'\nbirthday = {ask} 'Is today your birthday?'\n???\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday dear ' name\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{and}`' + feedback: You don't have to be vegan and muslim + - option: '`{or}`' + feedback: Great thinking! + - feedback: No + option: '`+`' + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: No + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + code: "menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies'\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'vegan' ??? diet = 'halal'\n {remove} 'sausage rolls' {from} menu" + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great job! + option: You get a free apple pie! + - option: That will be 5 dollars please + feedback: That is not true + - feedback: There is nothing wrong with the code + option: This code won't work, so there is no output + - feedback: There is! Read the question carefully + option: There is no way of knowing + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + code: "member = {ask} 'Do you have a membership card?'\ndiscount = {ask} 'Do you have a discount code?'\n{if} member = 'yes' {or} discount = 'yes'\n {print} 'You get a free apple pie!'\n{else}\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'" + hint: Mind the command `{or}` in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'you win'\n```" + feedback: You win! + - option: "```\n{print} 'you lose'\n```" + feedback: You lose! + - option: "```\n{print} 'tie'\n```" + feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same + - option: "```\n{print} 'try again'\n```" + feedback: Try again! + code: "{if} computer_choice {is} 'rock' {and} your_choice {is} 'paper'" + hint: Paper beats rock + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 5: + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + code: "{if} name = 'Cinderella' {and} shoe_size = 38\n {print} 'You are my one true love!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: Fantastic! + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - feedback: Great job! + option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + question_score: '10' + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'Let me guess which family member you are!'\nglasses = {ask} 'Do you wear glasses?'\nfemale = {ask} 'Are you female?'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Sophie!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Marleen!'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Wouter!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Michael!'" + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - feedback: This is true + option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is false? + code: "{print} 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets'\n{print} 'Here is a program to help feed them'\nanimal = {ask} 'What kind of animal are they?'\ncolor = {ask} 'What colour are they?'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'grey'\n {print} 'That is Abby. She eats 3 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'orange'\n {print} 'That is Milo. He eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'bird' {or} color = 'black'\n {print} 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today'\n{if} animal = 'hamster' {and} color = 'brown'\n {print} 'You can feed them a piece of carrot'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have paid too much! + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the movie theater'\npopcorn = {ask} 'Would you like some popcorn?'\ndrink = {ask} 'Would you like a drink?'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 8 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 3 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'Ok'\n{print} 'Enjoy the movie'" + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + 9: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Line 3 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "Line 3 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + - option: "Line 5 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + - option: "Line 7 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "1 chocolate = {ask} 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?'\n2 sprinkles = {ask} 'Would you like sprinkles on your ice cream?'\n3 {if} chocolate {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n4 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce and sprinkles, coming up!'\n5 {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n6 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce, coming up!'\n7 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n8 {print} 'Ice cream with sprinkles, coming up'\n9 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n10 {print} 'Just plain icecream, coming up!'" + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + 10: + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt'\nitem = {ask} 'What product are you looking for?'\nbakery = 'bread', 'buns', 'muffins'\ndrinks = 'soda', 'water', 'lemonade'\nsnacks = 'chips', 'nuts', 'dips'\nfrozen = 'fries', 'icecream', 'pizza'\nfruit = 'bananas', 'apples', 'oranges'\n{if} item {in} snacks ??? item {in} drinks\n {print} 'This item is in aisle 3'\n{if} item {in} bakery {or} item {in} bakery\n {print} 'This item in in the back of the store'\n{if} item {in} fruit\n {print} 'The fruit is sold near the register'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There are no items that are both the list of snacks and the list of drinks + option: '`{and}`' + - feedback: Great job! + option: '`{or}`' + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: '`{if}`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks diff --git a/content/quizzes/pl.yaml b/content/quizzes/pl.yaml index 1a16e9106be..5480e8d05f9 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/pl.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/pl.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Heidi feedback: Zła odpowiedź! hint: Jest nazwany po Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Którym z nich należy uzupełnić puste miejsca, aby pojawił się tekst Hello! code: _ Witaj! @@ -25,6 +27,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: Za pomocą `{ask}` możesz zadać pytanie. hint: _ Witaj świecie! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Jak zapytasz, jaki jest mój ulubiony kolor? mp_choice_options: @@ -49,6 +53,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{echo}` powtarza odpowiedź do wcześniej zadanego pytania.' hint: Możesz zapytać o coś za pomocą komendy `{ask}` + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Co jest nie tak z tym kodem? code: |- @@ -65,6 +71,8 @@ levels: - option: Nic! Ten kod jest bezbłędny! feedback: Nie do końca, przyjrzyj się jeszcze raz! hint: Na linii 1 czegoś brakuje + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Jakiej komendy brakuje na linii 2? code: |- @@ -80,6 +88,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{echo}`' feedback: W punkt! hint: Linia 2 powinna wyświetlać odpowiedź na wcześniejsze pytanie... + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Co jest nie tak z tym kodem? code: |- @@ -97,6 +107,8 @@ levels: - option: W wierszu 4, `{print}` jest źle napisane. feedback: Nie, błąd jest gdzieś indziej hint: Sprawdź polecenia `{print}`. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 7: question_text: Co jest nie tak z tym kodem? code: |- @@ -114,6 +126,8 @@ levels: - option: Nic! Ten kod jest bezbłędny! feedback: Dobrze! hint: Przyjrzyj się kodowi linia po linii + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Jak korzystać z polecenia `{echo}`? mp_choice_options: @@ -125,6 +139,9 @@ levels: feedback: Dobra robota! - option: Możesz go użyć, aby tekst zniknął. feedback: To nie tak... + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: Co jest nie tak z tym kodem? code: |- @@ -141,6 +158,8 @@ levels: - option: Nic. Ten kod jest idealny! feedback: Dokładnie poszukaj błędu... hint: '`{ask}` pozwala Ci zadać pytanie' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Co pojawi się na wyjściu po uruchomieniu tego programu? mp_choice_options: @@ -156,6 +175,10 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: Istnieją dwa polecenia `{echo}` + correct_answer: B + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' 2: 1: question_text: Które zdanie jest prawdziwe? @@ -169,6 +192,8 @@ levels: - option: Poleceniem `{sleep}`, możesz usunąć tekst z ekranu. feedback: Polecenie `{sleep}` tak nie działa. hint: '`{print}` dalej działa tak samo jak na poziomie 1' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Który kod jest poprawny? mp_choice_options: @@ -193,6 +218,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Komendy się zgadzają, ale są w złej kolejności! hint: '`{ask}` nie działa tak jak w poziomie 1' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: Co pojawi się na wyjściu po uruchomieniu tego programu? code: |- @@ -208,6 +235,8 @@ levels: - option: Marlena idzie na rynek i Marlena kupuje jabłko. feedback: Ona nie jest zastępowana przez imię hint: Wyraz imię jest zastępowany przez Marlena + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Co pojawi się na wyjściu po uruchomieniu tego programu? mp_choice_options: @@ -220,6 +249,9 @@ levels: - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy feedback: Zgadza się, ten błąd zostanie naprawiony w poziomie 4! hint: '''imię'' jest zamienione na ''Hedy'' w obu miejscach' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" 5: question_text: Co się stanie, gdy użyjesz komendy `{sleep}`? mp_choice_options: @@ -232,6 +264,8 @@ levels: - option: Nic, taka komenda nie istnieje feedback: Taka komenda istnieje i jest całkiem użyteczna hint: Komputer czeka przez sekundę przy poleceniu `{sleep}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: Co powinno być napisane w brakujących liniach? code: |- @@ -248,6 +282,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: Nie ma tu żadnego pytania do zadania hint: Pauza dla dramatycznego efektu... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Jakiej komendy brakuje na linii 2? code: |- @@ -276,6 +312,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Uprość sobie sprawę korzystając z liczby 3 hint: Chcesz by komputer czekał przez 3 sekundy + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Jak należy poprawić pierwszą linię kodu? code: |- @@ -303,6 +341,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? hint: Nazwa zmiennej powinna być najpierw + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: Co jest nie tak z tym kodem? code: |- @@ -318,6 +358,8 @@ levels: - option: 'W linii 2 powinno być: `{sleep}` Kocham zwierzęta' feedback: Polecenie sleep nie jest używane, aby `{print}` tekst hint: Chcesz `{print}`„Kocham psy” + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: question_text: Jakie polecenie powinno być użyte w linii 1? code: |- @@ -347,6 +389,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Zgadza się! hint: Chcesz `{ask}` pytanie + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: 1: question_text: Którego polecenia (bądź poleceń) możesz użyć by Hedy wybrała coś losowo? @@ -360,6 +404,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at} {random}`' feedback: Zgadza się! hint: Losowo znaczy bez uprzedniego planu, przypadkowo. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Co jest nie tak z tym kodem? code: |- @@ -375,6 +421,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at} {random}` jest napisane niepoprawnie' feedback: '`{at} {random}` to poprawna pisownia' hint: Coś nie zgadza się w linii 1 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2 of this code? code: |- @@ -399,6 +447,8 @@ levels: - option: Nic, kod jest poprawny! feedback: Dokładnie poszukaj błędu hint: Zmienna (lista) nazywa się opcje. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Co powinno zmienić się w linii 2 by program wypisywał losową cenę? code: |- @@ -423,6 +473,8 @@ levels: - option: Nic, kod jest poprawny. feedback: Przyjrzyj się dokładnie by znaleźć błąd! hint: Nazwa zmiennej to ceny + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: Co jest nie tak w tym kodzie? code: |- @@ -440,6 +492,8 @@ levels: - option: Nic, ten kod jest idealny feedback: Dokładnie tak! hint: Czy ten kod zawiera błąd? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: Co jest nie tak z tym kodem? code: |- @@ -456,6 +510,8 @@ levels: - option: Nic! Ten kod jest świetny! feedback: W rzeczywistości linia 2 zawiera błąd. hint: Coś jest nie tak z linią 2. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Co robi polecenie `{add}`? mp_choice_options: @@ -468,6 +524,9 @@ levels: - option: Polecenie `{add}` drukuje ulubioną książkę. feedback: Nie, to dodaje twoją ulubioną książkę do listy hint: Polecenie `{add}` dodaje książkę, ale którą? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" 8: question_text: Jakie jest dane wyjściowe tego kodu? code: |- @@ -485,6 +544,8 @@ levels: - option: kwaśna śmietana feedback: Dokładnie, tak! hint: Istnieją 3 smaki, 2 są usuwane. Który pozostanie? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 9: question_text: Co jest nie tak z tym kodem? code: |- @@ -502,6 +563,8 @@ levels: - option: Nic, to jest poprawny kod! feedback: Znajdź błąd! hint: Spójrz na linię 4 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Co powinno być na _? code: |- @@ -532,6 +595,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: Osoba, która wczoraj wyprowadziła psa, powinna zostać usunięta z listy. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 4: 1: question_text: Który z tych kodów jest poprawny? @@ -557,6 +622,8 @@ levels: ```' feedback: ostrożnie, używając cudzysłowów i apostrofu hint: Na poziomie 4 potrzebujesz cudzysłowu dla 2 poleceń. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: question_text: Który kod używa odpowiednich cudzysłowów? mp_choice_options: @@ -581,6 +648,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: To przecinek, potrzebujesz cudzysłowu. hint: Wybierz odpowiednie cudzysłowy. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: question_text: Gdzie znaki cudzysłowu zostały użyte poprawnie? mp_choice_options: @@ -605,6 +674,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfect! hint: Zarówno przed, jak i po słowach, które chcesz napisać (print), powinien być znakiem cudzysłowu. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 4: question_text: Które wyrażenie jest prawdziwe? mp_choice_options: @@ -617,6 +688,8 @@ levels: - option: Możesz sam wybrać, czy chcesz użyć cudzysłowu, czy nie. feedback: Niestety Hedy jest bardziej surowy. hint: Od poziomu 4 musisz używać cudzysłowów. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: Co należy zmienić, aby gra działała? code: |- @@ -641,6 +714,8 @@ levels: - option: Nic, gra już działa! feedback: Patrz uważnie. Wystąpił błąd. hint: Nie chcesz, aby Hedy dosłownie napisała (print) 'opcje {at}{random} chcesz, aby napisała (print) 'kamień' lub 'papier' lub 'nożyczki'. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: Jaki byłby dobry następny wiersz w tym kodzie? code: ceny {is} 1 dolar, 100 dolarów, 1 milion dolarów @@ -666,6 +741,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hedy dosłownie napisze (print) ceny {at}{random}'' hint: 'Zastanów się: jaka jest zmienna i czy powinna znajdować się poza cudzysłowami? A jakie normalne słowa powinny być w środku?' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Co jest nie tak z tym kodem? code: |- @@ -682,6 +759,8 @@ levels: - option: Nic, ten kod jest dobry, jaki jest! feedback: Patrz uważnie. Przegapiłeś błąd! hint: Sprawdź każdy wiersz, czy będą potrzebować cudzysłowu, czy nie. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Jaki byłby dobry następny wiersz dla tego kodu? mp_choice_options: @@ -705,6 +784,10 @@ levels: {print} 'So you pick door door' ``` feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_score: '10' + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + correct_answer: C 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -715,6 +798,26 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + correct_answer: D + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + feedback: You missed one! + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: B 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -732,8 +835,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: Który idzie w parze z poleceniem `{if}`? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_text: What is the right password? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -742,6 +860,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -762,17 +892,132 @@ levels: - option: |- `{print}` feedback: Awesome! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- animal {is} {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?' {if} _?_ {is} penguin {print} 'Thats my favorite animal too!' {else} {print} 'Cool! I like penguins.' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfavorite animal\n```" + feedback: That's not the variable name. + - option: "```\nanimal\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: '`{if}` is already there' + option: '`{if}`' + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: No, that's not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + 9: + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + option: '1' + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 10: + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - feedback: Not always... + option: werewolf + - option: giant spider + feedback: Not always... + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: fun + feedback: That's right! + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - feedback: Fortunately not! + option: Error + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? 6: 2: question_text: Which sign do you use for an addition? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: Correct! + option: '`+`' + correct_answer: D + hint: It's the plus sign. + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - option: 21 dollars + feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -786,6 +1031,115 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + - option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: That's true, but not the reason + option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + correct_answer: B + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - option: 32% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + option: 50% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + correct_answer: C + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_score: '10' + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + 1: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - option: '12' + feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + - option: 2*10 + feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + code: '{print} 2*10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - option: 3*10 + feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + - feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -798,8 +1152,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + question_text: Which code is right? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -817,6 +1186,10 @@ levels: `{times}` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + correct_answer: A 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -843,6 +1216,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -864,6 +1242,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat mp_choice_options: @@ -899,6 +1282,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Dit is niet de juiste volgorde.. hint: '`{repeat}` kan alleen worden gebruikt als je dezelfde regel meerdere keren achter elkaar wil uitvoeren.' + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 9: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat ? code: |- @@ -942,6 +1328,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfect hint: '''Help !'' wordt 3x herhaald.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -973,6 +1361,36 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + question_score: '10' + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + 5: + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + hint: The code is correct! + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + correct_answer: A 8: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -997,6 +1415,11 @@ levels: Jestem Hedy! Jestem Hedy! feedback: Everything is printed twice + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + correct_answer: C + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" 2: mp_choice_options: - option: This should be only one line, not 2. @@ -1007,6 +1430,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + question_score: '10' 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1034,6 +1462,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: Co się powtarza, a co nie? hint: Co się powtarza, a co nie? + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -1061,6 +1493,10 @@ levels: Yay! Jedziemy na wakacje! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -1071,6 +1507,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -1090,6 +1531,10 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1132,6 +1577,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Masz bład!' ``` feedback: You are wrong! + question_score: '10' + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + correct_answer: C + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? 9: code: |- 1 muzyka = {ask} 'Jaki jest twój ulubiony gatunek muzyki?' @@ -1139,11 +1588,52 @@ levels: 3 {print} '🤘' 4 {else} 5 {print} '👎' + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 and 4 + feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + - option: Only line 3 + feedback: Not only 3... + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - option: Line 3 and 5 + feedback: Great job! + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: code: |- 1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?" 2 {if} level {is} 8 3 {print} Great job! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + - feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + correct_answer: D 9: 1: code: |- @@ -1166,6 +1656,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1194,6 +1687,11 @@ levels: Możesz wykorzystać komputer! ``` feedback: Correct! + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -1210,6 +1708,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: case 1, sell + feedback: You don't win a million! + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -1230,6 +1741,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + correct_answer: C + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1265,6 +1780,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + question_text: Which code produced this output? + hint: Watch the indentation + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -1275,6 +1795,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + correct_answer: C + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -1315,6 +1839,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -1332,6 +1859,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + hint: The indentation is done right this time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -1347,6 +1877,23 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: '3' + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -1354,6 +1901,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -1362,6 +1921,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - option: choice + feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + - option: dice + feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -1376,6 +1947,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + question_score: '10' + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -1383,6 +1959,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -1411,6 +1999,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Jakie jest pierwsze pytanie, które zada Hedy po uruchomieniu programu? code: |- @@ -1420,6 +2011,18 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + - feedback: Timon is first on the list! + option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -1435,6 +2038,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is true about this code? + correct_answer: D + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: dogs are lovely pets + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + - feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + - feedback: Great! + option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + 4: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + feedback: No it does not. + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + correct_answer: C + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1456,6 +2108,9 @@ levels: - option: |- `{for}` feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: What did you learn in this level? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1469,6 +2124,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + correct_answer: A 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1496,6 +2156,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: To musi być obliczenie… + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1504,6 +2168,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There's not always 3 people + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Use the variable 'people' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1520,6 +2196,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1551,6 +2232,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 3: + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + feedback: No it doesn't. + - option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + - feedback: Not line 1... + option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + 6: + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - option: 2 times + feedback: No + - option: 3 times + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: No + option: Never + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + 9: + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - option: Never + feedback: Try again + - option: That depends on how old you are + feedback: That's right! + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + correct_answer: D 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1569,6 +2314,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: D + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1595,6 +2344,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1608,12 +2361,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1627,6 +2397,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + mp_choice_options: + - option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1640,6 +2423,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1652,6 +2447,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + mp_choice_options: + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + feedback: Terrific! + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + correct_answer: A + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1674,6 +2482,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + code: '3.5' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1700,6 +2513,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1720,6 +2536,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1752,6 +2571,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1767,6 +2590,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1785,6 +2612,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1796,10 +2626,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + correct_answer: A + hint: Paper beats rock 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + hint: Both statements have to be true + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1813,6 +2660,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1827,6 +2687,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is true! + option: The grey cat is called Abby + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + question_text: Which statement is false? + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + correct_answer: C 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1841,6 +2714,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1878,6 +2764,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1902,6 +2792,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1912,6 +2806,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - feedback: You are correct + option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + - option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + feedback: No that's not it + - option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + feedback: No that's not it + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: The symbols are right + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1920,6 +2827,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`> 12`' + feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + correct_answer: B + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1928,6 +2848,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + correct_answer: D + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 0 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 2 times + feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1937,6 +2870,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 or more + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You are right + option: '`<` and `>=`' + - option: '`+` and `==`' + question_score: '10' + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + correct_answer: A + hint: '> means greater than' + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - option: '`=`' + feedback: Right! + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + correct_answer: D + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + feedback: No + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1944,11 +2979,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - option: '`=`' + feedback: That's not it + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{for}`' + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1969,6 +3029,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1988,6 +3052,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + hint: wetness should get less each time + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -2005,6 +3073,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -2016,8 +3087,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + question_score: '10' + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - feedback: Great job + option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + - feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? 9: code: |- czekolada = {ask} 'Ile kalorii zjadłeś dzisiaj?' @@ -2036,6 +3124,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -2046,6 +3138,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + question_score: '10' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + 2: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? 16: 2: code: |- @@ -2053,12 +3164,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + feedback: Mind the spacing. + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + correct_answer: D 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + feedback: Poor Wesley! + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -2069,6 +3206,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -2079,3 +3221,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: "```\n dźwięki = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh']\n```" feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + 8: + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not right + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - feedback: This is not going to work! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + - feedback: There is no list called 'person' + option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + question_score: '10' + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + - feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_score: '10' + hint: We no longer use {at} + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - option: Line 3 should start with indentation + feedback: It should not! + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 6: + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + feedback: Correct + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_text: Which statement is true? + 9: + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 17: + 1: + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + hint: Loop through your list. + correct_answer: B + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + 2: + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + mp_choice_options: + - option: You cannot have so many variables. + feedback: This is not it. + - option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + feedback: Not true! + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 3: + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 5: + question_text: What is the output of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 6: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 8: + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: C + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C + 7: + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C diff --git a/content/quizzes/pt_BR.yaml b/content/quizzes/pt_BR.yaml index 50b19c70a71..6a14a0264b9 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/pt_BR.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/pt_BR.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Heidi feedback: Não é esta! hint: Ela é nomeada em homenagem a Hedy Lamarr. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: question_text: O que deve ser colocado na lacuna para que o texto Olá! apareça na tela? code: _ Olá! @@ -37,6 +39,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Com `{ask}`, você pode fazer uma pergunta. hint: _ Olá mundo! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Como você pergunta qual a cor favorita de uma pessoa ? mp_choice_options: @@ -61,6 +65,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{echo}` repete sua resposta para você.' hint: Você pode perguntar algo com o comando `{ask}` + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: O que está errado neste código? code: |- @@ -77,6 +83,8 @@ levels: - option: Nada! Este é um código perfeito! feedback: Errado, olhe com atenção! hint: A linha 1 não parece correta + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: question_text: Qual comando está faltando na linha 2? code: |- @@ -104,6 +112,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Isso! hint: Você quer ver a resposta no final da linha 2... + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: O que está errado com este código? code: |- @@ -121,6 +131,8 @@ levels: - option: Na linha 4, `{print}` está escrito errado. feedback: Não, há um erro em outro lugar hint: Verifique os comandos `{print}`. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: O que há de errado com este código? code: |- @@ -138,6 +150,8 @@ levels: - option: Nada! Este é um código perfeito! feedback: Correto! hint: Verifique o código linha por linha + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Como se usa o comando `{echo}`? mp_choice_options: @@ -150,6 +164,8 @@ levels: - option: Você pode usá-lo para fazer o texto desaparecer. feedback: Isso não está certo... hint: '`{echo}` é usado após um comando `{ask}`.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: O que há de errado com este código? code: |- @@ -166,6 +182,8 @@ levels: - option: Nada. Este é um código perfeito! feedback: Olhe atentamente para o erro... hint: '`{ask}` permite que você faça uma pergunta' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: O que vai aparecer na sua tela de saída depois de executar este código? code: |- @@ -186,6 +204,8 @@ levels: Sim! feedback: Há dois comandos `{echo}` hint: Vamos lá! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: 1: question_text: Qual das afirmações é verdadeira? @@ -199,6 +219,8 @@ levels: - option: Com o comando `{sleep}`, você pode remover texto da tela. feedback: Não é assim que o `{sleep}` funciona. hint: '`{print}` ainda funciona da mesma forma que no nível 1' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Qual código está correto? mp_choice_options: @@ -223,6 +245,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: As palavras estão certas, a ordem não! hint: '`{ask}` não funciona da mesma forma que no nível 1' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: O que aparece na tela de saída ao executar este código? code: |- @@ -238,6 +262,8 @@ levels: - option: Marlene vai ao supermercado e Marlene compra uma maçã. feedback: O nome dela não é repetido na segunda parte hint: A palavra nome é substituída por Marlene + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: O que você verá na tela de saída quando executar este código? code: |- @@ -253,6 +279,8 @@ levels: - option: Oi, meu Hedy é Hedy feedback: Correto, esse problema será resolvido no nível 4! hint: '''nome'' está sendo substituído por ''Hedy'' nos dois lugares' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: O que acontece quando você usa o comando `{sleep}`? mp_choice_options: @@ -265,6 +293,8 @@ levels: - option: Você o coloca no final para que Hedy saiba que seu programa terminou feedback: Não, ele seria inútil no fim do seu código hint: O computador espera um segundo no comando `{sleep}` + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: O que deve estar na linha? code: |- @@ -293,6 +323,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Não há nenhuma pergunta a ser feita hint: Pausa para efeito dramático... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Qual comando deve ser usado na linha 2? code: |- @@ -321,6 +353,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Torne as coisas mais fáceis para você usando o número 3 hint: Você quer que o computador espere 3 segundos + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Como você corrigiria a primeira linha do código? code: |- @@ -348,6 +382,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Cadê o comando `{ask}`? hint: O nome da variável deve vir primeiro + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: O que está errado neste código? code: |- @@ -363,6 +399,8 @@ levels: - option: 'Linha 2 deveria ser: `{sleep}` Eu amo animais' feedback: durma (sleep) não é usado para imprimir texto hint: Você quer imprimir 'Eu amo cachorros' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Qual comando deve ser usado na linha 1? code: |- @@ -392,6 +430,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Correto! hint: Você quer perguntar uma questão + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: 1: question_text: Que comando você usa para deixar Hedy escolher algo arbitrariamente? @@ -417,6 +457,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Correto! hint: Arbitrariamente significa sem um plano ou aleatoriamente. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: question_text: O que há de errado com esse código? code: |- @@ -432,6 +474,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at} {random}` está escrito incorretamente' feedback: '`{at} {random}` é a grafia correta' hint: Há algo errado na linha 1 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Como se conserta o erro na linha 2? code: |- @@ -456,6 +500,8 @@ levels: - option: Nada, o código está correto! feedback: Procure com atenção o erro hint: A variável (a lista) é chamada de opções. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: O que deve mudar na linha 2 para imprimir um preço aleatório? code: |- @@ -480,6 +526,8 @@ levels: - option: Nada, este código está certo. feedback: Procure com atenção o erro que você deixou passar! hint: O nome da variável é preços + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: O que há de errado neste código? code: |- @@ -497,6 +545,8 @@ levels: - option: Nada, esse código é perfeito feedback: Isso mesmo! hint: Esse código tem algum erro mesmo? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- colors {is} blue, purple, green @@ -504,6 +554,18 @@ levels: {remove} chosen_color {from} colors {print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random} hint: Look at line 3 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + feedback: Find the mistake! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -534,6 +596,53 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - feedback: Correct + option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + - feedback: No the variable's called answers + option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the output of this code? 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -546,6 +655,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -568,6 +680,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -590,6 +706,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -609,8 +729,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + correct_answer: C + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + question_score: '10' + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + correct_answer: A + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -621,6 +759,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + - option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + correct_answer: A + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: B + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + feedback: We need quotation marks + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -638,8 +840,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct! + feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_text: What is the right password? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -648,6 +865,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + option: "```\n{print}\n```" + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -676,6 +905,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -703,11 +935,114 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: fun + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + option: less fun + - feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + option: Hedy + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + 5: + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - feedback: That's not how you spell secret + option: Because it's spelled wrong. + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + 10: + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - option: vampire + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: werewolf + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + option: '1' + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" 6: 2: question_text: Which sign do you use for an addition? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + hint: It's the plus sign. 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -721,6 +1056,115 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 1: + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + code: '{print} 2*10' + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '20' + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + 4: + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your lucky number is... 30 + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 5: + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - option: 10 dollars + feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + correct_answer: B + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + question_score: '10' + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + correct_answer: C + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - option: 3*10 + feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_score: '10' + 9: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 10% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + question_score: '10' + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -733,8 +1177,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code is right? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -758,6 +1217,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -784,6 +1247,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -805,6 +1273,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" 8: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat mp_choice_options: @@ -840,6 +1313,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Dit is niet de juiste volgorde.. hint: '`{repeat}` kan alleen worden gebruikt als je dezelfde regel meerdere keren achter elkaar wil uitvoeren.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" 9: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat ? code: |- @@ -883,6 +1359,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfect hint: '''Help !'' wordt 3x herhaald.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -914,6 +1392,36 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - feedback: Correct + option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: Correct + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: The code is correct! + correct_answer: A 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -925,6 +1433,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Something is missing in the second line? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -952,6 +1465,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -984,6 +1501,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + correct_answer: B + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -994,6 +1515,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + correct_answer: A + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Something is wrong with indentation 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -1013,6 +1539,10 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1055,6 +1585,10 @@ levels: {print} You are wrong! ``` feedback: You are wrong! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? 9: code: |- 1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?' @@ -1062,11 +1596,67 @@ levels: 3 {print} '🤘' 4 {else} 5 {print} '👎' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 and 4 + feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + - option: Only line 3 + feedback: Not only 3... + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - option: Line 3 and 5 + feedback: Great job! + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? 10: code: |- 1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?" 2 {if} level {is} 8 3 {print} Great job! + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + 1: + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Everything is printed twice. + option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - feedback: Super! + option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + 6: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - feedback: Well done! + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? 9: 1: code: |- @@ -1089,6 +1679,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1108,6 +1701,11 @@ levels: Good job! You can use the computer! feedback: Correct! + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -1124,6 +1722,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: case 1, sell + feedback: You don't win a million! + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -1144,6 +1755,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1179,6 +1794,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_text: Which code produced this output? + hint: Watch the indentation + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -1189,6 +1809,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -1229,6 +1853,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -1246,6 +1873,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The indentation is done right this time 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -1261,6 +1891,23 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 9: + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + question_score: '10' 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -1268,6 +1915,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -1276,6 +1935,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + option: players + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - option: choice + feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + - option: dice + feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -1290,6 +1961,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -1297,6 +1973,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -1325,6 +2013,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: What is the first question Hedy will `{ask}` you when you run the program? code: |- @@ -1334,6 +2025,18 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + question_score: '10' + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -1349,6 +2052,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is true about this code? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1376,6 +2128,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1389,6 +2144,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1416,6 +2176,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1424,6 +2188,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + feedback: The variable is not named guests + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + feedback: Great! + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + feedback: That's one order too many! + hint: Use the variable 'people' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1440,6 +2216,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1471,6 +2252,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + feedback: No it doesn't. + - option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + - feedback: Not line 1... + option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: 1 time + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + correct_answer: C + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: Try again + - option: 2 times + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - option: That depends on how old you are + feedback: That's right! + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1489,6 +2334,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' + hint: Both lines are printed! + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1515,6 +2364,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1528,12 +2381,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + feedback: No + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - option: All of the lines + feedback: Perfect! + question_score: '10' + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + correct_answer: D + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1547,6 +2417,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1560,6 +2443,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1572,6 +2467,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1594,6 +2502,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + correct_answer: B + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1620,6 +2533,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1640,6 +2556,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1672,6 +2591,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1687,6 +2610,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + question_score: '10' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1705,6 +2632,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1716,10 +2646,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Paper beats rock + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + hint: Both statements have to be true + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + correct_answer: C 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1733,6 +2680,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1747,6 +2707,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + question_text: Which statement is false? + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - feedback: This is true + option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + - option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + feedback: Great job! + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1761,6 +2734,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have paid too much! + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1798,6 +2784,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1822,6 +2812,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1832,6 +2826,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + hint: The symbols are right + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + feedback: No that's not it + correct_answer: B + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1840,6 +2847,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`> 12`' + feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + - option: '`>= 12`' + feedback: Great! + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1848,6 +2868,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 0 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 2 times + feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1857,6 +2890,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 3: + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + 7: + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: '> means greater than' + - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + feedback: There are. + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + option: '`==`' + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 2 loses'" + - option: "'It is a tie'" + feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + hint: You win the game by having the most points + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1864,11 +2999,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=!`' + feedback: That is not right. + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1889,6 +3049,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1908,6 +3072,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + hint: wetness should get less each time 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1925,6 +3093,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1936,8 +3107,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The last one should say you win. + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + question_score: '10' + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - feedback: Great job + option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1956,6 +3144,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1966,6 +3158,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1973,12 +3184,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + feedback: Mind the spacing. + - feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + question_score: '10' + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: No, it is not random. + option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + feedback: Poor Wesley! + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + feedback: That's not it + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1989,6 +3226,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1999,3 +3241,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - feedback: No, the code is correct. + option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - option: Line 4 should start without indentation + feedback: It should not + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not right + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + question_score: '10' + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + correct_answer: B + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + feedback: It's only repeated twice + question_score: '10' + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + correct_answer: A + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + question_score: '10' + 17: + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + 10: + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - option: The word num needs quotation marks. + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C + 4: + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + question_text: What is wrong with code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + hint: Loop through your list. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 2: + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + feedback: Not true! + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 6: + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + correct_answer: C + 8: + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 9: + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Try again! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C diff --git a/content/quizzes/pt_PT.yaml b/content/quizzes/pt_PT.yaml index d51f1f898da..6dad767972f 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/pt_PT.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/pt_PT.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Heidi feedback: Não é esta! hint: Chama-se assim em homenagem a Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: O que tem que ser preenchido nos espaços em branco para fazer aparecer o texto Olá! ? code: _ Olá! @@ -29,6 +31,8 @@ levels: `{ask}` feedback: Com `{ask}`, podes fazer uma pergunta. hint: _ Olá mundo! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Como é que perguntas a alguém qual é a sua cor favorita? mp_choice_options: @@ -53,6 +57,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{echo}` repete a tua resposta de volta para ti.' hint: Podes perguntar alguma coisa com o comando `{ask}` + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: O que é que está errado neste código? code: |- @@ -69,6 +75,8 @@ levels: - option: Nada! Este é um código perfeito! feedback: Errado, olha com atenção! hint: A linha 1 não parece correcta + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: question_text: Que comando falta na linha 2? code: |- @@ -88,6 +96,8 @@ levels: `{echo}` feedback: Na mira! hint: Queres ver a resposta no final da linha 2... + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: O que está errado com este código? code: |- @@ -105,6 +115,8 @@ levels: - option: Na linha 4, `{print}` está escrito incorrectamente. feedback: Não, há um erro noutro lugar hint: Verifica os comandos de `{print}`. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 7: question_text: O que está errado com este código? code: |- @@ -122,6 +134,8 @@ levels: - option: Nada! Este código é perfeito! feedback: Correcto! hint: Verifica o código linha por linha + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Como se usa o comando `{echo}`? mp_choice_options: @@ -134,6 +148,8 @@ levels: - option: Podes usá-lo para fazer o texto desaparecer. feedback: Isso não está certo... hint: '`{echo}` é usado depois do comando `{ask}` .' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: O que está errado com este código? code: |- @@ -150,6 +166,8 @@ levels: - option: Nada. Este é um código perfeito! feedback: Olha atentamente para o erro... hint: '`{ask}` permite que faças uma pergunta' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Qual será o output no teu ecrã de output depois de correr o código? code: |- @@ -170,6 +188,8 @@ levels: Sim! feedback: Há dois comandos `{echo}` hint: Vamos lá! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: 1: question_text: Qual afirmação é verdadeira? @@ -183,6 +203,8 @@ levels: - option: Com o comando `{sleep}` podes fazer texto desaparecer do ecrã feedback: Assim não é como o comando `{sleep}` funciona. hint: '`{print}` continua a funcionar da mesma forma como no nível 1.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Qual é o código correcto? mp_choice_options: @@ -207,6 +229,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: As palavras estão correctas, a ordem é que não! hint: '`{ask}` não funciona como no nível 1' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: O que aparece no teu ecrã de output quando corres o código? code: |- @@ -222,6 +246,8 @@ levels: - option: Maria vai ao mercado e Maria compra uma maçã. feedback: Ela não é substituída pelo nome hint: A palavra nome é substituída por Maria + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: O que verás no ecrã de output quando correres este código? code: |- @@ -237,6 +263,8 @@ levels: - option: Olá o meu Hedy é Hedy feedback: Correcto, este erro vai ser corrigido no nível 4! hint: '''nome'' está a ser substituído por ''Hedy'' em ambos lugares' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: O que acontece quando usas o comando `{sleep}`? mp_choice_options: @@ -249,6 +277,8 @@ levels: - option: Coloca-lo no fim para que a Hedy saiba que o programa terminou feedback: Não, seria inútil no fim do código hint: O computador espera por um segundo no comando `{sleep}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: O que deveria estar nas linhas? code: |- @@ -269,6 +299,8 @@ levels: `{ask}` feedback: Não existe nenhuma pergunta para ser feita ali hint: Pausa para efeitos dramáticos... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 7: question_text: Que comando deve ser usado na linha 2? code: |- @@ -297,6 +329,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Usando o número 3 estás a facilitar a tua vida hint: Tu queres que o computador espere 3 segundos + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Como tornarias a primeira linha de código correcta? code: |- @@ -324,6 +358,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Onde está o comando `{ask}` ? hint: A variável nome deveria aparecer primeiro + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: O que está errado neste código? code: |- @@ -339,6 +375,8 @@ levels: - option: 'A linha 2 deveria dizer: `{sleep}`Eu amo animais' feedback: Sleep não é usado para `{print}` texto hint: Tu queres `{print}` 'Eu amo cães' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Qual comando deveria ser usado na linha 1? code: |- @@ -368,6 +406,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Está correcto! hint: Tu queres `{ask}` uma pergunta + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: 1: question_text: Que comando(s) usas para deixar a Hedy escolher alguma coisa arbitrariamente? @@ -385,6 +425,8 @@ levels: `{at} {random}` feedback: Correcto! hint: Arbitrário significa sem plano ou aleatório. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: question_text: O que é que está errado com este código? code: |- @@ -400,6 +442,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at} {random}` está escrito incorrectamente' feedback: '`{at} {random}` está escrito correctamente' hint: Há algo de errado com a linha 1 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2 of this code? code: |- @@ -424,6 +468,8 @@ levels: - option: Nada, o código está correcto! feedback: Olha com atenção para os erros hint: A variável (lista) é chamada de opções. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- colors {is} blue, purple, green @@ -431,6 +477,18 @@ levels: {remove} chosen_color {from} colors {print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random} hint: Look at line 3 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -461,6 +519,83 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + correct_answer: C + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + option: Nothing, this code is alright. + hint: The variable name is prices + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + - option: sea salt + feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + option: Nothing! This code is great! + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -473,6 +608,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -495,6 +633,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -517,6 +659,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + correct_answer: D + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -536,8 +682,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? 6: hint: 'Toma o teu tempo para pensar: o que é uma variável e deve estar fora das aspas? E que palavras deveriam estar dentro?' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + question_score: '10' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + correct_answer: A 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -548,6 +712,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + correct_answer: D + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - feedback: Super! + option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 10: + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: Correct + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + feedback: You missed one! + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + feedback: We need quotation marks + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + feedback: Super! + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + correct_answer: C + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + 7: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + - feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -565,6 +793,8 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: Qual vai junto com o comando `{if}` ? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: O que aparece no teu ecrã de output quando escreves o nome Hedy? code: |- @@ -580,6 +810,8 @@ levels: - option: Error feedback: Infelizmente não! hint: '`{if}` nome `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Qual é a password correcta? code: |- @@ -596,6 +828,8 @@ levels: - option: ALARME INTRUSO feedback: Isto é impresso quando escreves a password incorrecta! hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: Correcto @@ -606,6 +840,11 @@ levels: feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print - option: ALARME! INTRUSO! feedback: Great job! + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D 5: mp_choice_options: - option: Por precisa de ser em maiúsculas, SEGREDO @@ -616,6 +855,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not how you spell secret - option: Porque Hedy cometeu um erro feedback: No, Hedy is right + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -624,6 +868,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + option: "```\n{if}\n```" + - option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + - option: "```\n{else}\n```" + feedback: Great! + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -644,6 +900,9 @@ levels: - option: |- `{print}` feedback: Awesome! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -667,6 +926,9 @@ levels: - option: |- `{print}` feedback: No, that's not it. + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: mp_choice_options: - option: '1' @@ -677,6 +939,11 @@ levels: feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. - option: É uma armadilha, vais sempre ser comido! feedback: Luckily not! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" 10: mp_choice_options: - option: Hedy escolhe um monstro aleatório todas as vezes. @@ -687,6 +954,11 @@ levels: feedback: Not always... - option: aranha gigante feedback: Not always... + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + correct_answer: A + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... 6: 2: question_text: Which sign do you use for an addition? @@ -699,6 +971,9 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '`+`' feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: It's the plus sign. 3: mp_choice_options: - option: '30' @@ -709,6 +984,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. - option: Nada, Hedy mostrará uma mensagem de erro. feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '30' @@ -719,6 +999,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: O teu número da sorte é... 10 feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" 5: mp_choice_options: - option: 5 euros @@ -729,6 +1014,11 @@ levels: feedback: The * means multiplication. - option: 50 euros feedback: Great! + question_score: '10' + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? mp_choice_options: @@ -740,6 +1030,10 @@ levels: feedback: The hamburger isn't free! - option: 21 euros feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A 7: mp_choice_options: - option: Também poderia ter sido `price = 3` . @@ -750,6 +1044,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Porque o preço é de 0 euros para começar. feedback: That's true, but not the reason + question_score: '10' + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + correct_answer: C 8: mp_choice_options: - option: Não deveriam existir aspas na linha 2 @@ -760,6 +1059,11 @@ levels: feedback: No, that's not true. - option: A variável na linha 2 não pode ser chamada de resposta, porque é demasiado parecida com a variável resposta correcta. feedback: Os nomes das variáveis podem ser parecidos, mas não podem ser duas palavras... + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- {print} 'Eu sou a Hedy a cartomante tonta ' @@ -779,6 +1083,10 @@ levels: feedback: Íncrivel! Tu és 100 por cento esperto! - option: 100% feedback: (2 bananas + 3 higiene) * 10 fútebol = 5*10 =? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? 10: code: |- nome _ Hedy @@ -792,6 +1100,25 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: Só podes usar o sinal `=` quando estás a trabalhar com números, não com palavras. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '20' + - option: '12' + feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + - option: 2*10 + feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + question_score: '10' + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -804,8 +1131,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code is right? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -829,6 +1171,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -855,6 +1201,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -876,6 +1227,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? 8: question_text: Qual código em Hedy pertence a este output? mp_choice_options: @@ -911,6 +1267,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Dit is niet de juiste volgorde.. hint: '`{repeat}` kan alleen worden gebruikt als je dezelfde regel meerdere keren achter elkaar wil uitvoeren.' + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 9: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat ? code: |- @@ -954,6 +1313,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfect hint: '''Help !'' wordt 3x herhaald.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -985,6 +1346,36 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + - feedback: Correct + option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + correct_answer: D + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 5: + hint: The code is correct! + correct_answer: A + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: Correct + - feedback: That's not it + option: Wrong + question_score: '10' 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -996,6 +1387,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1023,6 +1419,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: O que é que está sendo repetido e o que não? hint: O que é que está sendo repetido e o que não? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -1055,6 +1455,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -1065,6 +1469,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + hint: Something is wrong with indentation 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -1084,6 +1493,10 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1126,6 +1539,10 @@ levels: {print} You are wrong! ``` feedback: You are wrong! + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? 9: code: |- 1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?' @@ -1133,11 +1550,67 @@ levels: 3 {print} '🤘' 4 {else} 5 {print} '👎' + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - option: Only line 3 + feedback: Not only 3... + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: code: |- 1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?" 2 {if} level {is} 8 3 {print} Great job! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + 6: + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + correct_answer: D 9: 1: code: |- @@ -1160,6 +1633,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1179,6 +1655,11 @@ levels: Good job! You can use the computer! feedback: Correct! + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + correct_answer: D + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -1195,6 +1676,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 1, open + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Follow the right path + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -1215,6 +1709,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + correct_answer: C + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1250,6 +1748,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + hint: Watch the indentation + question_score: '10' + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_text: Which code produced this output? + correct_answer: C 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -1260,6 +1763,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -1300,6 +1807,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + question_score: '10' + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -1317,6 +1827,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The indentation is done right this time 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -1332,6 +1845,23 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 9: + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + mp_choice_options: + - option: None, that is not allowed + feedback: You are allowed to + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - feedback: That is true + option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -1339,6 +1869,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -1347,6 +1889,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + option: dice + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -1361,6 +1915,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + question_score: '10' + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -1368,6 +1927,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + feedback: You are on fire! + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + - feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -1396,6 +1967,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: What is the first question Hedy will `{ask}` you when you run the program? code: |- @@ -1405,6 +1979,18 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - feedback: Timon is first on the list! + option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -1420,6 +2006,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + question_text: What is true about this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: I love pizza + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pancakes + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + 4: + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" 11: 1: question_text: What will be the output from this code? @@ -1443,6 +2078,7 @@ levels: feedback: Não hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Which code was used to get this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -1475,6 +2111,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks hint: Como é que os números aparecem no ecrã? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: output: |- 10 @@ -1515,6 +2154,8 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: What's wrong with this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -1527,6 +2168,9 @@ levels: - option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention feedback: Perfect! hint: There is something wrong with the indention + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" 5: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1555,6 +2199,7 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' hint: Há algo de errado com a indentação correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1563,6 +2208,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There's not always 3 people + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + feedback: The variable is not named guests + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + feedback: Great! + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + feedback: That's one order too many! + correct_answer: C + hint: Use the variable 'people' + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1579,6 +2236,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1610,6 +2272,40 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + correct_answer: B + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 6: + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - option: 2 times + feedback: No + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - feedback: No + option: Never + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 9: + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - option: 2 times + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + correct_answer: D 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1628,6 +2324,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1654,6 +2354,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1667,12 +2371,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + question_score: '10' + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 and 2 + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1686,6 +2407,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: You've cracked the code! + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1699,6 +2433,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1711,6 +2457,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - feedback: There's more options than just one + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + - feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1733,6 +2492,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1759,6 +2523,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1779,6 +2546,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1811,6 +2581,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1826,6 +2600,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + correct_answer: B + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1844,6 +2622,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + correct_answer: A 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1855,10 +2636,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + correct_answer: A + hint: Paper beats rock 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + hint: Both statements have to be true + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + correct_answer: C 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1872,6 +2670,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Great job! + option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + correct_answer: D + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1886,6 +2697,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + question_text: Which statement is false? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1900,6 +2724,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1937,6 +2774,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + correct_answer: A + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1961,6 +2802,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + correct_answer: B 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1971,6 +2816,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + hint: The symbols are right + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1979,6 +2837,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + question_score: '10' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1987,6 +2858,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 2 times + feedback: That is correct + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1996,6 +2880,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 or more + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - option: '`=`' + feedback: Right! + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 2: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 15: 1: code: |- @@ -2003,11 +2989,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + question_score: '10' + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + correct_answer: C 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _idade < 18 {print} 'tu não podes entrar neste bar' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{for}`' + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + correct_answer: B 4: code: |- opções = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -2029,6 +3040,9 @@ levels: - option: Na linha 5 `!=` deveria ser usado em vez de `==` feedback: Estás correcto(a)! hint: Há algo de errado na linha 5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 5: question_text: O que deve ser preenchido no espaço em branco para que este programa funcione? code: |- @@ -2050,6 +3064,8 @@ levels: - option: "```\n = humidade + 1\n```" feedback: O programa deve contar ao contrário hint: A humidade deve diminuir de cada vez + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -2067,6 +3083,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: O que deve ser alterado neste programa para que funcione? code: |- @@ -2092,8 +3111,24 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The last one should say you win. 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -2103,6 +3138,48 @@ levels: {print} 'That is alright' {while} calories > 2000 {print} 'You have had enough for today' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Nothing. 1600 is not programmed into the app. + - feedback: No + option: You could eat some more + - option: That is alright + feedback: Yes! + - option: You have eaten enough for today + feedback: No + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + correct_answer: C + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are right! + option: "```\n name_player_1\n```" + - feedback: No they are losing! + option: "```\n name_player_2\n```" + - option: "```\n points_player_1\n```" + feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + - feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + option: "```\n points_player_2\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" 16: 4: mp_choice_options: @@ -2114,3 +3191,293 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + correct_answer: B + 1: + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + hint: We no longer use {at} + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + feedback: This is the old way. + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + correct_answer: D + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + question_score: '10' + code: "friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee']\nchores = ['the cooking', 'the cleaning', 'nothing']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} _" + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: No, it is not random. + option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + feedback: Poor Wesley! + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + hint: It's not random... + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + code: "friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee']\nchore = ['the cooking', 'the cleaning', 'nothing']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i]" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the variable name and the order of the sounds. + option: "```\n noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh']\n```" + - feedback: Look at line one to see how brackets are supposed to be used. + option: "```\n sounds = '[woof], [moo], [neigh]'\n```" + - option: "```\n sounds = [woof, moo, neigh]\n```" + feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! + - option: "```\n sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh']\n```" + feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + feedback: That is not right. + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - option: Line 4 should start without indentation + feedback: It should not + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + correct_answer: D + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not right + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + correct_answer: B + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + feedback: It's only repeated twice + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + - feedback: There is no list called 'person' + option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + correct_answer: D + 17: + 1: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 7: + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C + 9: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C + 3: + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 6: + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + 8: + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: C + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" diff --git a/content/quizzes/ro.yaml b/content/quizzes/ro.yaml index 5e721016750..4d2f992c6c8 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/ro.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/ro.yaml @@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _?_ Hello world! + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which need to be filled in on the blanks to make the text Hello! appear? + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -34,6 +37,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." 5: code: |- {ask} What is your favorite pet? @@ -59,6 +67,10 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: Right on! + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -69,6 +81,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -84,6 +100,83 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + 3: + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: You only need one command, not two. + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + 6: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - feedback: Correct! + option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: Check the code line by line + 9: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy + feedback: Good job! + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - option: Haydie + feedback: Not this one! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heidi + question_text: What's this programming language called? + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -95,6 +188,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good - option: With the {sleep} command, you can remove text from the screen. feedback: That's not how sleep works. + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: '`{print}` still works the same way as in level 1' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -121,17 +218,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + question_text: What should be on the lines? + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + feedback: Perfect! + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + question_score: '10' + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + correct_answer: B 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + correct_answer: D + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + 3: + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + correct_answer: C + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + 4: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + question_score: '10' + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + 8: + hint: The variable name should come first + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + correct_answer: C + 2: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which code is correct? + 9: + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + question_score: '10' + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: It slows down your computer + feedback: fortunately not! + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + question_score: '10' + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + correct_answer: C 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -156,6 +371,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -166,8 +384,26 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 9: hint: Look at line 3 + code: "colors {is} blue, purple, green\nchosen_color {is} {ask} Which hair color wouldn't you like to have?\n{remove} chosen_color {from} colors\n{print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -198,6 +434,98 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - option: Nothing, this code is perfect + feedback: That's right! + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No that's not right + option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - feedback: No the variable's called answers + option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + feedback: Correct! + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + 4: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + hint: The variable name is prices + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + 8: + question_score: '10' + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is the output of this code? 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -210,6 +538,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -232,6 +563,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + correct_answer: B + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + question_score: '10' 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -254,6 +589,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -273,8 +612,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -285,6 +642,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + correct_answer: D + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + question_score: '10' + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + 4: + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - feedback: Super! + option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + - option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + feedback: We need quotation marks + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + 10: + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + feedback: You missed one! + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: 1: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the _?_? @@ -313,8 +734,24 @@ levels: {else} ``` feedback: That's right! + hint: Which one goes together with the `{if}` command? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - feedback: The password isn't password... + option: password + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_text: What is the right password? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -323,6 +760,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -351,6 +800,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -378,9 +830,100 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 2: + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: fun + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + 5: + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + 10: + correct_answer: A + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - option: giant spider + feedback: Not always... + 9: + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '1' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" 6: 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + mp_choice_options: + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: Super! + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - option: 0 dollars + feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -394,6 +937,129 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + correct_answer: B + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - option: 2*10 + feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`*`' + - feedback: Correct! + option: '`+`' + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + question_score: '10' + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + - option: '13' + feedback: Try again.. + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + question_score: '10' + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + option: 5 dollars + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: The * means multiplication. + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + feedback: Correct! + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: That's true, but not the reason + option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + question_score: '10' + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + 9: + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 10% + - option: 32% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + option: 50% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -406,8 +1072,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + correct_answer: B 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code is right? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: That's right! + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -431,6 +1112,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -457,6 +1142,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -478,6 +1168,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B 9: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -512,6 +1207,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Please help me!' ``` feedback: Perfect + correct_answer: D + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -543,6 +1243,51 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + 5: + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + hint: The code is correct! + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + 8: + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome, you can't use the `{repeat}` command here. + option: "```\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'" + feedback: Where did you leave 'Do do do do'? + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + 3: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -554,6 +1299,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -581,6 +1331,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" 7: code: |- food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -600,6 +1354,114 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + correct_answer: D + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - feedback: Super! + option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + 4: + question_text: Which output is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - feedback: Correct! + option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + - feedback: This order is incorrect. + option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nWe are going on vacation!" + - feedback: The last line is repeated too. + option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'The children went:'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Yay!'\n {print} 'We are going on vacation!'" + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines and start with 4 spaces. + - feedback: It is! + option: '`{else}` is not a command!' + - option: Lines that start with `{if}` should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are wrong! + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are wrong! + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are... right! + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are wrong! + question_score: '10' + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + correct_answer: C + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + question_score: '10' + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + correct_answer: D + 10: + correct_answer: D + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + question_score: '10' + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + question_text: Which statement is true? 9: 1: code: |- @@ -622,6 +1484,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -638,6 +1503,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: case 1, sell + feedback: You don't win a million! + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - feedback: Great job! You win! + option: case 2, open + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -658,6 +1536,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -693,6 +1575,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + hint: Watch the indentation + correct_answer: C + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code produced this output? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -703,6 +1590,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYou'll get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -743,6 +1634,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -760,12 +1654,56 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + correct_answer: B + hint: The indentation is done right this time + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} 2 {if} level {is} 9 3 {print} Great job! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + mp_choice_options: + - option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Only line 2 and 3 start with spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Line 3 should start with 8 + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 8 spaces + feedback: Line 2 should start with 4 + - option: line 2 should start with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 + feedback: You are correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + 2: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nThe computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...\n```" + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + - option: "```\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + feedback: Correct! + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + 9: + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + mp_choice_options: + - option: None, that is not allowed + feedback: You are allowed to + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: Only 1 + - option: '3' + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -773,6 +1711,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + feedback: Almost there! + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -781,6 +1731,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + correct_answer: B + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + option: players + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - option: choice + feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + - feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + option: dice + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -795,6 +1757,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + question_score: '10' + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -802,6 +1769,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + correct_answer: A + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -830,6 +1809,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- courses = appetizer, main course, dessert @@ -838,6 +1820,19 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -853,6 +1848,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + correct_answer: D + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is true about this code? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + feedback: Great! + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + question_score: '10' + 3: + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + mp_choice_options: + - option: dogs are lovely pets + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + question_text: Which output is correct? + 4: + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -880,6 +1924,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -893,6 +1940,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: A + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -920,6 +1972,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + correct_answer: D + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -928,6 +1984,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + feedback: That's one order too many! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Use the variable 'people' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -944,6 +2012,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -975,6 +2048,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + 5: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - option: 2 times + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - option: That depends on how old you are + feedback: That's right! + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 6: + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 12: 1: code: |- @@ -993,6 +2130,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Both lines are printed! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1019,6 +2160,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1032,12 +2177,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 and 2 + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + question_score: '10' + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + correct_answer: D 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1051,6 +2213,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + mp_choice_options: + - option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1064,6 +2239,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1076,6 +2263,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1098,6 +2298,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + question_score: '10' + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1124,6 +2329,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1144,6 +2352,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1176,6 +2387,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1191,6 +2406,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1209,6 +2428,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1220,10 +2442,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + hint: Paper beats rock + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: Fantastic! + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1237,6 +2476,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: Michael is a boy with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + feedback: Try again + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1251,6 +2503,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + question_text: Which statement is false? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + correct_answer: C + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + question_score: '10' 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1265,6 +2530,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1302,6 +2580,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1326,6 +2608,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1336,6 +2622,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + correct_answer: B + hint: The symbols are right + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1344,6 +2643,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1352,6 +2664,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: "!= means 'is not'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1361,6 +2686,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - option: 9 or more + feedback: Great! + question_score: '10' + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + correct_answer: D + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' + 3: + feedback: That's not it + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 2: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 1: + correct_answer: D + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_score: '10' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + question_score: '10' + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 2 loses'" + - option: "'It is a tie'" + feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + question_score: '10' 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1368,11 +2795,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=!`' + feedback: That is not right. + - feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + option: '`==`' + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You are right + option: '`{while}`' + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1393,6 +2845,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1412,6 +2868,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + hint: wetness should get less each time + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1429,6 +2889,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Look closely at the indentation 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1440,8 +2903,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: False! + option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - option: The lights will always stay on. + feedback: That wouldn't be right. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1460,6 +2940,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1470,6 +2954,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + question_score: '10' + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + correct_answer: A + 2: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + question_score: '10' 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1477,12 +2980,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + feedback: Mind the spacing. + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: No, it is not random. + option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + correct_answer: A + hint: It's not random... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1493,6 +3022,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + correct_answer: B + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1503,3 +3037,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + - option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - feedback: No, the code is correct. + option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + feedback: That is not right. + - option: Line 3 should start with indentation + feedback: It should not! + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - feedback: This is not going to work! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: It will be repeated twice + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + 17: + 4: + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: Not true. + option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: C + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 2: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + feedback: Not true. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + - option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + correct_answer: D + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 7: + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C diff --git a/content/quizzes/ru.yaml b/content/quizzes/ru.yaml index fccdf31ce98..9f01d3ba729 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/ru.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/ru.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Heidi feedback: Не этот вариант! hint: Он назван в честь Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Что нужно заполнить на пустых местах, чтобы появился текст "Привет!"? code: _ Привет! @@ -37,6 +39,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: На сайте `{ask}` вы можете задать вопрос. hint: _ Привет, мир! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Как спросить, какой у кого-то любимый цвет? mp_choice_options: @@ -61,6 +65,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{echo}` повторяет ваш ответ за вами.' hint: Вы можете спросить что-нибудь с помощью команды `{ask}` + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Что не так с этим кодом? code: |- @@ -77,6 +83,8 @@ levels: - option: Ничего! Это идеальный код! feedback: Неправильно, посмотрите внимательно! hint: Строка 1 кажется неправильной + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: question_text: Какая команда отсутствует в строке 2? code: |- @@ -104,6 +112,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Right on! hint: Вы хотите увидеть ответ в конце строки 2... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: Что не так с этим кодом? code: |- @@ -121,6 +131,8 @@ levels: - option: В строке 4 `{print}` пишется неправильно. feedback: Нет, ошибка где-то в другом месте hint: Проверьте `{print}` команды. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 7: question_text: Что не так с этим кодом? code: |- @@ -138,6 +150,8 @@ levels: - option: Ничего! Это идеальный код! feedback: Правильно! hint: Проверьте код построчно + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Как вы используете команду `{echo}`? mp_choice_options: @@ -149,6 +163,9 @@ levels: feedback: Хорошая работа! - option: С его помощью можно заставить текст исчезнуть. feedback: Это не правильно... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' 9: question_text: Что не так с этим кодом? mp_choice_options: @@ -160,6 +177,10 @@ levels: feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? - option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -175,6 +196,10 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + correct_answer: B + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -187,6 +212,9 @@ levels: - option: С помощью команды {sleep} можно удалить текст с экрана. feedback: Это не то, как работает `{sleep}`. hint: '`{print}` работает так же, как и на уровне 1' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -209,6 +237,10 @@ levels: {ask} What is your name? {is} name ``` feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + question_text: Which code is correct? + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -235,6 +267,10 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be on the lines? 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! @@ -261,12 +297,103 @@ levels: {sleep} {sleep} {sleep} ``` feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + question_score: '10' + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + correct_answer: B 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + correct_answer: D + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + - feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: You get it! + option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + - feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + hint: The variable name should come first + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + feedback: She is not replaced with the name + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + correct_answer: C + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_score: '10' + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + 4: + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is name + - option: Hi my name is Hedy + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + correct_answer: D + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_score: '10' + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -291,6 +418,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Правильно! + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: question_text: Что не так с этим кодом? mp_choice_options: @@ -302,8 +432,25 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + question_score: '10' + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + correct_answer: A + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" 3: question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2 of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + question_score: '10' + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: Что не так с этим кодом? mp_choice_options: @@ -315,6 +462,10 @@ levels: feedback: No the variable's called answers - option: Nothing! This code is great! feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` @@ -325,6 +476,11 @@ levels: feedback: Paprika is removed from the list - option: sour cream feedback: That's right! + question_score: '10' + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + correct_answer: D + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + question_text: What is the output of this code? 9: question_text: Что не так с этим кодом? code: |- @@ -333,6 +489,17 @@ levels: {remove} выбранный_цвет {from} цвета {print} Я буду красить волосы {at} {random} hint: Look at line 3 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + feedback: Find the mistake! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -363,6 +530,53 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 7: + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + 4: + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + - feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + correct_answer: B + hint: The variable name is prices + question_score: '10' + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + feedback: No that's not wrong. + - option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -387,6 +601,9 @@ levels: {print} 'Я очень хочу принять участие в этой викторине! ``` feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -409,6 +626,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -431,6 +652,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Идеально! + question_score: '10' + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + correct_answer: D 4: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `''{print}''`.' @@ -441,6 +666,10 @@ levels: feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks - option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -460,8 +689,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + correct_answer: A + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Что не так с этим кодом? mp_choice_options: @@ -473,6 +720,10 @@ levels: feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -495,6 +746,11 @@ levels: {print} 'So you pick door door' ``` feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -505,6 +761,11 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + correct_answer: D + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 @@ -515,6 +776,11 @@ levels: feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally - option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes feedback: You missed one! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + correct_answer: B 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -544,6 +810,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Correct! hint: Какой из них сочетается с командой `{if}`? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: веселье @@ -554,6 +822,11 @@ levels: feedback: No, it doesn't print the name - option: Error feedback: Fortunately not! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" 3: mp_choice_options: - option: Правильно! @@ -565,6 +838,10 @@ levels: - option: ALARM INTRUDER feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + question_text: What is the right password? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 4: mp_choice_options: - option: Правильно @@ -575,6 +852,11 @@ levels: feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! feedback: Great job! + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET @@ -585,6 +867,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not how you spell secret - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake feedback: No, Hedy is right + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -593,6 +880,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Какой клуб ваш любимый?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Аякс, конечно, выиграет!' _?_ {print} 'Извините, ваш клуб будет на последнем месте...' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + option: "```\n{if}\n```" + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{else}\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + option: "```\n{print}\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -621,6 +920,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Потрясающе! + correct_answer: D + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -648,6 +950,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + correct_answer: B + hint: What the variable name? + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- {print} 'Побег из дома с привидениями!' @@ -656,6 +961,19 @@ levels: монстры {is} вампир, оборотень, гигантский паук {if} дверь {is} 2 {print} 'Ура, вы можете сбежать!' {else} {print} 'Вас пожирает... ' монстры {at} {random} + correct_answer: B + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + option: '1' + - option: '2' + feedback: Super! You escaped! + - option: '3' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- {print} 'Побег из дома с привидениями!' @@ -673,6 +991,10 @@ levels: feedback: Not always... - option: giant spider feedback: Not always... + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -684,6 +1006,11 @@ levels: feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer - option: '210' feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + code: '{print} 2*10' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign 2: question_text: Which sign do you use for an addition? mp_choice_options: @@ -695,6 +1022,9 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '`+`' feedback: Правильно! + correct_answer: D + hint: It's the plus sign. + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? code: |- @@ -712,6 +1042,9 @@ levels: feedback: The hamburger isn't free! - option: 21 dollars feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + hint: Mind the fourth line. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 7: code: |- {print} 'Добро пожаловать в закусочную Hedys' @@ -723,6 +1056,19 @@ levels: {if} напитки {is} кола цена = цена + 3 {if} напитки {is} вода цена = цена + 1 {print} цена ' доллары пожалуйста' + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 @@ -733,6 +1079,11 @@ levels: feedback: No, that's not true. - option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" 9: code: |- {print} "Я Хеди - глупая гадалка". @@ -743,6 +1094,19 @@ levels: результат = бананы + гигиена результат = результат * футбол {print} 'Ты - ' результат 'процент умных'. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 10% + - option: 32% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + option: 50% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -756,6 +1120,55 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + 3: + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - option: '10' + feedback: Please try again. + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: The * means multiplication. + - feedback: Great! + option: 50 dollars + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -768,8 +1181,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + correct_answer: B 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code is right? + question_score: '10' 3: mp_choice_options: - option: Right @@ -780,6 +1208,11 @@ levels: feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing feedback: Правильный + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -803,6 +1236,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -829,6 +1266,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -850,6 +1292,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" 8: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat mp_choice_options: @@ -885,6 +1332,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Dit is niet de juiste volgorde.. hint: '`{repeat}` kan alleen worden gebruikt als je dezelfde regel meerdere keren achter elkaar wil uitvoeren.' + correct_answer: A + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat ? code: |- @@ -928,6 +1378,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfect hint: '''Help !'' wordt 3x herhaald.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? code: |- @@ -964,6 +1416,20 @@ levels: {print} 'хлопать в ладоши' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 5: + hint: The code is correct! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? 8: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -988,6 +1454,11 @@ levels: Im Hedy! Im Hedy! feedback: Everything is printed twice + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + correct_answer: C + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Что не так с этим кодом? mp_choice_options: @@ -999,6 +1470,10 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Правильно! + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1026,6 +1501,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -1058,6 +1537,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: Что не так с этим кодом? code: |- @@ -1073,6 +1556,9 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Something is wrong with indentation 7: question_text: Что не так с этим кодом? code: |- @@ -1093,6 +1579,9 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + question_score: '10' + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + correct_answer: D 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1135,6 +1624,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Вы ошибаетесь!' ``` feedback: You are wrong! + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? 9: code: |- 1 музыка = {ask} 'Какой ваш любимый жанр музыки?' @@ -1142,6 +1635,19 @@ levels: 3 {print} '🤘' 4 {else} 5 {print} '👎' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - option: Line 3 and 5 + feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? 10: code: |- 1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?" @@ -1156,6 +1662,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces feedback: Правильно! + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + 6: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - feedback: Well done! + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? 9: 1: question_text: Что не так с этим кодом? @@ -1179,6 +1704,8 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: code: |- пароль = {ask} 'Какой пароль?' @@ -1207,6 +1734,10 @@ levels: Good job! You can use the computer! feedback: Правильно! + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- {print} 'Выберите правильный случай и выиграйте! @@ -1223,6 +1754,19 @@ levels: {print} 'Вы продаете кейс за 500 долларов' {if} действие {is} открыть {print} 'Вы откроете кейс и выиграете миллион долларов!' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + hint: Follow the right path + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - option: case 2, sell + feedback: You don't win a million + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! 4: code: |- имя = {ask} 'Как вас зовут?' @@ -1243,6 +1787,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1278,6 +1826,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which code produced this output? + question_score: '10' + hint: Watch the indentation 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -1288,6 +1841,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + question_score: '10' + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + correct_answer: C + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? 7: question_text: "В этом коде от пиццерии. \nВы получите скидку в 5 долларов, если закажете среднюю пиццу с колой.\n Что вы должны сделать, чтобы отладить этот код?" code: |- @@ -1328,6 +1885,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + question_score: '10' + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -1345,6 +1905,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + correct_answer: B + hint: The indentation is done right this time + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -1360,6 +1923,23 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: Правильно! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -1367,8 +1947,33 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 4: question_text: Что не так с этим кодом? + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + feedback: Good job! + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -1377,6 +1982,18 @@ levels: выбор = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} игрок {in} игроки {print} игрок ' броски ' _?_ {at} {random} + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - option: choices + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + option: dice + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -1391,6 +2008,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Потрясающе! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + correct_answer: D + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -1398,6 +2020,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + feedback: You are on fire! + - option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -1426,6 +2060,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables 9: question_text: What is the first question Hedy will `{ask}` you when you run the program? code: |- @@ -1444,6 +2081,9 @@ levels: feedback: Appetizers are first in the list - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + correct_answer: A + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -1459,6 +2099,40 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is true about this code? + 3: + question_text: Which output is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - feedback: Great! + option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + correct_answer: C + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + question_score: '10' + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pancakes + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_text: Which output is correct? 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1486,6 +2160,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: What did you learn in this level? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1499,6 +2176,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What will be the output from this code? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1526,8 +2208,25 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Что не так с этим кодом? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + correct_answer: D + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1536,6 +2235,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + question_score: '10' + hint: Use the variable 'people' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + correct_answer: C 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1552,6 +2263,11 @@ levels: feedback: Правильно - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1583,6 +2299,55 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 3: + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 6: + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: 1 time + - option: 2 times + feedback: No + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: Try again + - option: 2 times + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + correct_answer: D + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1601,6 +2366,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1627,6 +2396,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Что не так с этим кодом? code: |- @@ -1641,19 +2414,73 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + correct_answer: A + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- печать Добро пожаловать в интернет-магазин обуви категория = спросить Какую обувь вы ищете? если категория = высокие каблуки print На туфли на высоком каблуке сейчас действует скидка 50%! + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 and 2 + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: code: "имя {is} {ask} 'Как вас зовут?'\n{if} имя {is} 'Агент007'\n\ta {is} 'Поехать в аэропорт'\nelse\n\ta {is} 'Поехать на вокзал'\nпароль {is} {ask} 'Какой пароль?'\n{if} пароль {is} 'TOPSECRET'\n\tb {is} 'завтра в 02.00'\nelse\n\tb {is} 'сегодня в 10.00'\nвывести a + b" + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + correct_answer: B + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: "{print} 'Добро пожаловать в МакХеди!'\norder = {ask} 'Вы хотите гамбургер или картофель фри?'\n{if} заказ = 'гамбургер'\n\tцена = 12\n{if} заказ = 'картофель фри'\n\tцена = 4\nнапитки = {ask} 'Хотите ли вы напиток с этим за 2 доллара?'\n{if} напитки = 'да'\n\t???\n{print} 'Это будет ' цена ' доллар, пожалуйста'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + feedback: Excellent! + - option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + feedback: Almost there! + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: code: "меню = 'печенье', 'сыр', 'виноград'\n{print} \"Сегодня мой день рождения! Я принесла немного закусок!\"\nдиета = {ask} 'Есть ли у вас какие-либо ограничения в питании?'\n{if} диета = 'без глютена'\n\t{remove} 'печенье' {from} меню\n{if} диета = 'веган'\n\t{remove} 'сыр' {from} меню\n{print} 'Для вас я принесла:'\n{for} закуска {in} меню\n\t{print} закуска" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1676,6 +2503,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1702,6 +2534,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: "действия = \"хлопайте в ладоши\", \"топайте ногами\", \"кричите Ура!\".\n???\n\t{for} i {in} диапазон 0 {to} 1\n\t\t{print} 'если вы счастливы и знаете это'\n\t\t{print} действие\n\t{print} 'если вы счастливы и знаете это, и вы действительно хотите показать это'\n\t{print} 'если вы счастливы и знаете это'\n\t{print} действие" @@ -1714,6 +2549,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1746,6 +2584,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1761,6 +2603,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? 3: code: |- member = спросить "Есть ли у вас членская карточка?". @@ -1779,6 +2625,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1790,10 +2639,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + correct_answer: A + hint: Paper beats rock 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: Fantastic! + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? 6: code: |- print 'Позвольте мне угадать, какой вы член семьи! @@ -1807,6 +2673,19 @@ levels: напечатать "Вы, должно быть, Ваутер!". если очки = 'нет' и женщина = 'нет' выведите 'Вы, должно быть, Майкл! + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- print 'Спасибо, что помогли мне позаботиться о моих питомцах' @@ -1821,6 +2700,19 @@ levels: print 'Я накормил их сегодня утром! Сегодня им не нужно больше еды если животное - "хомяк" и цвет - "коричневый print 'Вы можете покормить их кусочком моркови' + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is true! + option: The grey cat is called Abby + - feedback: This is true + option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - feedback: This is true + option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is false? 8: code: |- print 'Добро пожаловать в кинотеатр' @@ -1835,6 +2727,19 @@ levels: если попкорн = "нет" и напиток = "нет выведите 'Хорошо' print 'Приятного просмотра' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Что не так с этим кодом? code: |- @@ -1873,6 +2778,9 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- print 'Добро пожаловать в систему поиска товаров этого супермаркета' @@ -1897,6 +2805,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1907,6 +2819,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + correct_answer: B + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: The symbols are right + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1915,6 +2840,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - option: '`<= 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + correct_answer: B 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1923,6 +2861,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 1 time + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: "!= means 'is not'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1932,6 +2883,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "'player 1 wins'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + hint: You win the game by having the most points + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + hint: '> means greater than' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 1: + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '{if} name = Hedy' + feedback: No + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1939,11 +2992,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + option: '`==`' + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1964,6 +3042,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + correct_answer: D 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1983,6 +3065,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + hint: wetness should get less each time 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -2000,6 +3086,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -2011,8 +3100,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + correct_answer: A 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - feedback: Great job + option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -2031,6 +3137,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -2041,6 +3151,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - feedback: A quotation mark is missing + option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C 16: 2: code: |- @@ -2048,12 +3177,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + feedback: Poor Wesley! + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + feedback: That's not it + hint: It's not random... + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -2064,6 +3219,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + correct_answer: B + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -2074,3 +3234,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + correct_answer: D + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + feedback: This is the old way. + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + hint: We no longer use {at} + 6: + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + feedback: Correct + - feedback: No, the code is correct. + option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + feedback: That is not right. + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not right + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - feedback: This is not going to work! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + question_score: '10' + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + correct_answer: B + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 9: + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + correct_answer: A + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - feedback: There is no list called 'person' + option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + 17: + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 2: + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + 1: + correct_answer: B + hint: Loop through your list. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + question_score: '10' + 9: + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 5: + question_score: '10' + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 4: + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 6: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + 7: + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C diff --git a/content/quizzes/sl.yaml b/content/quizzes/sl.yaml index 02a6325ea05..5ca272485c6 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/sl.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/sl.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Heidi feedback: Ne tega! hint: Poimenovan je po igralki in inovatorki Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Kako je treba izpolniti na prazna polja, da se bo izpisalo besedilo "Pozdravljeni!"? mp_choice_options: @@ -24,6 +26,9 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: Z ukazom `{ask}`, lahko kaj vprašate. hint: _ Pozdravljen svet! + code: _ Hello! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Kako nekoga vprašate, katera je njegova najljubša barva? mp_choice_options: @@ -35,6 +40,9 @@ levels: feedback: Odlično! - option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + question_score: '10' + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + correct_answer: C 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -46,8 +54,25 @@ levels: - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! hint: Vrstica 1 se ne zdi v redu + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A 6: hint: Preveri `{print}` ukaze. + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + - feedback: Great! You paid attention! + option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 7: mp_choice_options: - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` @@ -58,6 +83,11 @@ levels: feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Pravilno! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Check the code line by line + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" 10: mp_choice_options: - option: Are you ready to go to level 2? @@ -69,6 +99,54 @@ levels: - option: "Are you ready to go to level 2?\nYes!" feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands hint: Pa pojdimo! + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which output will be in your output screen after you've run this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + 8: + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's what `{ask}` is for! + option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. + - option: You can use it exactly the same way as `{print}`. + feedback: That's what `{print}` is for! + - feedback: Good job! + option: You can use it to repeat an answer. + - feedback: That's not right... + option: You can use it to make text disappear. + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 9: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + - option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: Super! + - option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: No, you would like the answer to be repeated back to you. + - option: '`Hedy`' + feedback: Hedy isn't a command. + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: With `{ask}` you can ask a question. + - feedback: Right on! + option: '`{echo}`' + code: "{ask} What is your favorite pet?\n_ So your favorite pet is..." + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -80,6 +158,10 @@ levels: feedback: Dobro - option: With the `{sleep}` command, you can remove text from the screen. feedback: That's not how `{sleep}` works. + hint: '`{print}` still works the same way as in level 1' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{sleep}`' @@ -91,6 +173,10 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: There is no question there to be asked hint: Premor za dramatičen učinek... + question_text: What should be on the lines? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} And the award for best programming language goes to...\n_\n{print} Hedy!" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" @@ -101,6 +187,11 @@ levels: feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second - option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} I will explode in 3 seconds!\n_\n{print} BOOM!" + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + correct_answer: B 9: mp_choice_options: - option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' @@ -111,6 +202,99 @@ levels: feedback: The variable name is animal - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + 8: + hint: The variable name should come first + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is name + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + question_score: '10' + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + correct_answer: D + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: It slows down your computer + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It closes down Hedy + - option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + code: "flavor {is} _\n{print} Your favorite icecream is...\n{sleep}\n{print} flavor" + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + 2: + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which code is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + question_score: '10' + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + 3: + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + mp_choice_options: + - option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen 3: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -122,8 +306,25 @@ levels: feedback: '`{is}` is used to make a list' - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' feedback: Pravilno! + correct_answer: D + question_text: What command(s) do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + question_score: '10' 4: hint: Ime spremenljivke je cene + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers @@ -134,6 +335,11 @@ levels: feedback: No the variable's called answers - option: Nothing! This code is great! feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + question_score: '10' + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list @@ -144,8 +350,101 @@ levels: feedback: Pravilno! - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + correct_answer: C + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + question_score: '10' 9: hint: Poglejte vrstico 4 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + question_score: '10' + code: "colors {is} blue, purple, green\nchosen_color {is} {ask} Which hair color wouldn't you like to have?\n{remove} chosen_color {from} colors\n{print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C + 3: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {from} walkers\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: '`{remove} {from}` or `{add} {to}`, not `{remove} {to}`' + option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + - option: "```\n{remove} walkers {from} yesterday\n```" + feedback: yesterday is not a variable + - feedback: This increased the chance that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. + option: "```\n{add} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What should be on the _? + code: "walkers {is} dad, mom, Sam, Petra\nwalked_yesterday {is} {ask} Who walked the dogs yesterday?\n{print} walked_yesterday shouldn't have to walk the dogs again today\n_\n{print} walkers {at} {random} , it's your turn to walk the dogs!" + hint: The person who walked the dogs yesterday should be removed from the list. + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + correct_answer: D + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + - option: sea salt + feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Good job! + option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' + - feedback: No, you don't need `{print}` + option: Line 1 needs to start with `{print}`. + - feedback: animals is correct. + option: Line 2 needs to say 'animal' instead of 'animals' + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 4: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -158,6 +457,9 @@ levels: - option: "```\n{print} ,hello,\n```" feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. hint: Izberite prave znake za narekovaje. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: "```\n{print} Hi Im Hedy\n```" @@ -168,6 +470,10 @@ levels: feedback: The first quotation mark should be behind the word `{print}` - option: "```\n{print} 'Hi Im Hedy'\n```" feedback: Perfektno! + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: mp_choice_options: - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 @@ -178,6 +484,11 @@ levels: feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 @@ -188,6 +499,99 @@ levels: feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally - option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes feedback: You missed one! + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right + option: "```\n{print} 'Im very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} Im very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + feedback: '{print} now needs quotation marks!' + - option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + feedback: do not use apostrophe or use backticks instead + - feedback: careful when using quotes and apostrophe + option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + question_score: '10' + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?' + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + feedback: We need quotation marks + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Never put the quotation mark in front of the `{print}` command. + option: "```\n'{print} options {at} {random}'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'options' {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: options is a variable. You don't literally want to print 'options {at} {random}'. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: That's right + - option: Nothing, the game already works! + feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + correct_answer: C + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league + feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + - option: Real Madrid is going to win the champions league + feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + - option: Bayern Munchen is going to win the champions league + feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + - feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league + question_score: '10' + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + correct_answer: D + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - feedback: Super! + option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_score: '10' 5: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -199,6 +603,11 @@ levels: feedback: No, it doesn't print the name - option: Napaka feedback: Fortunately not! + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A 3: mp_choice_options: - option: Pravilno! @@ -209,6 +618,11 @@ levels: feedback: The password isn't password... - option: ALARM INTRUDER feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is the right password? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + hint: "`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` 'Correct!'" + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: Pravilno @@ -219,6 +633,11 @@ levels: feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! feedback: Great job! + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET @@ -229,6 +648,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not how you spell secret - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake feedback: No, Hedy is right + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 6: mp_choice_options: - option: "```\n{if}\n```" @@ -240,6 +664,10 @@ levels: - option: "```\n{print}\n```" feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' hint: '`{if}` gre skupaj z...?' + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank in the last line? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the football fortune teller!'\n{print} 'I will predict what place your team will end up!'\nclub is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?'\n{if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!'\n_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -250,8 +678,26 @@ levels: feedback: There already is an `{else}` command - option: '`{print}`' feedback: Izjemno! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which word should be in the place of the blank? + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'I can predict if you will be a millionair or not!'\nname {is} {ask} 'Whats your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'You will be a millionair!'\n{else} _ 'Unfortunately... No big money for you.'" 8: hint: Kakšno je ime spremenljivke? + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfavorite animal\n```" + feedback: That's not the variable name. + - option: "```\nanimal\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: '`{if}` is already there' + - feedback: No, that's not it. + option: '`{print}`' + code: "animal {is} {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{if} _ {is} penguin {print} 'Thats my favorite animal too!'\n{else} {print} 'Cool! I like penguins.'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: mp_choice_options: - option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. @@ -262,6 +708,41 @@ levels: feedback: Not always... - option: giant spider feedback: Not always... + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 1: + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the _? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There already is a `{print}` command. + option: '`{print}`' + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: The `{if}` command is used in the line above. + - option: '`{sleep}`' + feedback: That's not it! + - feedback: That's right! + option: '`{else}`' + hint: Which one goes together with the `{if}` command? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "number {is} {ask} 'What is your lucky number?'\n{if} number {is} 5 {print} 'Mine too!'\n_ {print} 'My lucky number is 5!'" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + option: '1' + - option: '2' + feedback: Super! You escaped! + - option: '3' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + - feedback: Luckily not! + option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -273,6 +754,11 @@ levels: feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer - option: '210' feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + code: '{print} 2*10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign 2: mp_choice_options: - option: '`-`' @@ -284,8 +770,24 @@ levels: - option: '`+`' feedback: Brez napake! hint: To je znak plus. + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: hint: Pazite na narekovaje! + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + correct_answer: C 5: mp_choice_options: - option: 5 dollars @@ -296,6 +798,11 @@ levels: feedback: The * means multiplication. - option: 50 dollars feedback: Sijajno! + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: 15 dollars @@ -307,6 +814,10 @@ levels: - option: 21 dollars feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! hint: Bodite pozorni na četrto vrstico. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: How much does a hamburger cost in this virtual restaurant? + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" 8: mp_choice_options: - option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 @@ -317,6 +828,11 @@ levels: feedback: No, that's not true. - option: Spremenljivka v vrstici 2 se ne more imenovati odgovor, ker je preveč podobna spremenljivki pravilen odgovor. feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + correct_answer: B + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. 10: mp_choice_options: - option: You can only fill in the word is on the `_` @@ -327,6 +843,56 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "name _ Hedy\n{print} name 'is walking trough the forrest'" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 10% + - option: 32% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + correct_answer: C + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + 4: + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 7: + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -338,6 +904,10 @@ levels: feedback: In this level only one line at a time - option: neskočno feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + question_score: '10' + hint: You can only repeat one line at a time + correct_answer: B 3: mp_choice_options: - option: Desno @@ -348,32 +918,592 @@ levels: feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing feedback: Pravilno + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: hint: Koda je pravilna! + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? 7: hint: Bodite pozorni na ukaz `{repeat}`. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nWe will We will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + feedback: "'We will' won't appear twice in the same line" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\nWe will\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + - feedback: ROCK YOU! won't be repeated + option: "```\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + - option: "```\nWe will\nROCK YOU!" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: hint: "'Na pomoč!' se ponovi 3-krat." + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Your repeated line is incorrect. + option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham. '\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{print} 'Help!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + feedback: The `{print}` command is missing on line 3. + - feedback: You're missing the quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} Batman was flying through Gotham.\n{print} When suddenly he heard someone screaming!\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} Help!\n{print} Please help me!\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost! the first line needs an extra word + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + - feedback: This is not in the right order. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 4 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'clap your hands'\n{print} 'and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'clap your hands'\n```" + feedback: This is not in the right order. + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 2: + question_text: Which code is right? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + hint: First the `{repeat}` command, then the `{print}` command + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 4: + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: "`I'm`" + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: '`{print}` is spelled correctly' + - feedback: '`{repeat}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{repeat}`' + - feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{times}`' + question_score: '10' + hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes in a sentence + correct_answer: A + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nthe wheels on the bus go\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nround and round\nround and round\n```" + feedback: All through the town! Perfect! + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' + 8: + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: Awesome, you can't use the `{repeat}` command here. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'" + feedback: Where did you leave 'Do do do do'? + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' 8: 1: hint: Obe vrstice se ponovita dvakrat. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 5: hint: Nekaj je narobe z zamikanjem + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines and start with 4 spaces. + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: It is! + option: '`{else}` is not a command!' + - feedback: That's not true + option: Lines that start with `{if}` should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + correct_answer: A + 8: + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are... right! + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are wrong! + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - feedback: The last line has no indentation, so it's not repeated. + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + - feedback: Right! + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + - feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't ? + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark\nBaby shark" + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + question_score: '10' + hint: What is being repeated and what is not? + correct_answer: C + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: D + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it should be 2 lines. + option: This should be only one line, not 2. + - option: This `{print}` command has to be removed. + feedback: No, you need it. + - option: There is a spelling mistake in the `{repeat}` command. + feedback: No, `{repeat}` is the correct spelling + - option: The second line needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation. + feedback: Correct! + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 4: + code: "{print} 'The children went:'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Yay!'\n {print} 'We are going on vacation!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: This order is incorrect. + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: The last line is repeated too. + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which output is correct? + 6: + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + question_score: '10' + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + correct_answer: D + 7: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Nothing. This code is correct! + feedback: Something is wrong! + - feedback: You are! + option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + - option: You don't have to use indentation twice. Only in the first `{if}` command. + feedback: You always have to use indentation. + - feedback: That's right. + option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. + correct_answer: D + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' + code: "food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n{if} food {is} fries\nsauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n{if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + 9: + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 and 4 + feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + question_score: '10' + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + correct_answer: D 9: 3: hint: Sledite pravi poti + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - feedback: Great job! You win! + option: case 2, open + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Choose the right case and win!'\ncase = {ask} 'Which case will you pick? 1 or 2?'\n{if} case {is} 1\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell your case for 10 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win an apple pie'\n{if} case {is} 2\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!'" 5: hint: Pazite na zamike + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: Don't forget the indentation after `{repeat}` commands. + - feedback: Use indentation after an `{if}` command + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n dessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n {if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_text: Which code produced this output? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Only line 2 and 3 start with spaces + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Line 3 should start with 8 + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 8 spaces + feedback: Line 2 should start with 4 + - feedback: You are correct! + option: line 2 should start with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 + hint: The first line doesn't start with any spaces + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "1 {repeat} 2 {times}\n2 {if} level {is} 9\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 1: + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n {if} food {is} fries\n sauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n {if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is correct! + - option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + feedback: You are! + - feedback: You always have to use indentation. + option: You don't have to use indentation twice. + - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. + feedback: It is not the indentation. + hint: All the indentation is done correctly. + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: '3' + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + 2: + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - option: "```\nThe computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + - option: "```\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + feedback: No, she gets 'You are not the one!' + - feedback: No, she gets 'Ill keep looking' + option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output '❤️❤️❤️' + - feedback: That's right! + option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 40 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + - feedback: No she gets '❤️❤️❤️' + option: Cinderella with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsize = {ask} 'What is your shoe size?'\n{if} size {is} 38\n {if} name {is} Cinderella\n {print} '❤️❤️❤️'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are not the one!'\n{else}\n {print} 'Ill keep looking'" + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Don't forget the others + option: '`{if}`' + - feedback: Don't forget `{else}`! + option: '`{if}` `{repeat}`' + - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}`' + feedback: Keep it up! + - feedback: Not with `{print}` + option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + 7: + code: "{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\nprice = price - 5" + question_text: You'll get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.
But the code has a mistake! How to debug it? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: The second `{if}` misses code! + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: Two consecutive `{if}`s is never correct. + - feedback: Almost right. Take another look at the last line + option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 8: + code: "age = {ask} 'Happy Birthday! How old are you?'\nsinging = {ask} 'Would you like us to sing?'\n{if} singing {is} yes\n {repeat} years {times}\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hooray'" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Yes you can. + option: You can't put two questions in a row + - feedback: Keen eye! Good job! + option: The variable called 'age' is later on used as 'years' + - option: You're not allowed to start with 8 spaces, like line 5 does + feedback: You actually must start like that. + - feedback: That's not true. + option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The indentation is done right this time 11: 7: hint: Uporabite spremenljivko 'ljudje' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + feedback: The variable is not named guests + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + feedback: That's one order too many! + question_text: What should be on the place of the blank? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys diner'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people will be eating here tonight?'\n_\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to order?'\n {print} food" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: hint: Ne pravi `{print}` i + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n23\n24\n25\n```" + feedback: The numbers don't appear. It doesn't say `{print}` i. + - feedback: The numbers don't appear. It doesn't say `{print}` i + option: "```\n23 hi 24 hi 25 hi\n```" + - feedback: Correct + option: "```\nhi\nhi\nhi\n```" + - feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: hint: Bodite pozorni na zamike + correct_answer: B + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n {print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: Mind the indentation + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n{print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n{print} Baby shark\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n {print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n1\n2\n3\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "```\n1 2 3\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - option: "```\n1, 2, 3\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n123\n```" + correct_answer: A + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_score: '10' + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - option: 2 times + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - option: 2 times + feedback: No + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + correct_answer: C + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_score: '10' + 1: + code: "{for} i {in} _ 1 {to} 10\n {print} i" + question_text: What word should be at the place of the blank? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`counter`' + feedback: No + - feedback: Correct + option: '`{range}`' + - feedback: No + option: '`{if}`' + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: No + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 4: + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} i\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy prints the numbers from 0 to 10 instead of 10 to 0. + - feedback: Hedy would print negative numbers in this case. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} -1 * i\n```" + - feedback: Unfortunately this does not exist. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 10 {to} 0\n {print} i\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} 10 - i\n```" + hint: It has to be a calculation… + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" 12: 1: hint: Obe vrstici sta izpisani! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Don't forget the first line of code! + option: '5' + - feedback: This is not the one! + option: 3.5 + 1.5 + - option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\nfive" + feedback: Take a close look at the second line... + - option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\n5" + feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'three and a half plus one and a half is...'\n{print} 3.5 + 1.5" + question_text: Which output is correct? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: "```\nflavors {is} vanilla, strawberry, chocolate\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" @@ -384,37 +1514,612 @@ levels: feedback: Alright! - option: "```\n flavors = 'vanilla, strawberry, chocolate'\n {print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n ```" feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + question_score: '10' 5: hint: Pravilno geslo je STROGO_ZAUPNO + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} 'Agent007'\n a {is} 'Go to the airport '\nelse\n a {is} 'Go to the train station '\npassword {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} 'TOPSECRET'\n b {is} 'tomorrow at 02.00'\n{else}\n b {is} 'today at 10.00'\n{print} a + b" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: You've cracked the code! + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: "{print} 'Welcome to McHedy!'\norder = {ask} 'Would you like a hamburger or fries?'\n{if} order = 'hamburger'\n price = 12\n{if} order = 'fries'\n price = 4\ndrinks = {ask} 'Would you like a drink with that for 2 dollars?'\n{if} drinks = 'yes'\n ???\n{print} 'That will be ' price ' dollar please'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + feedback: Excellent! + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: "???\n{print} 'You won ' prizes {at} {random} '!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\nprizes = 'one' 'million' 'dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + - option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars, nothing'\n```" + feedback: You won nothing + - option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + feedback: Winner! + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\n'prizes' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: "actions = 'clap your hands', 'stomp your feet', 'shout Hurray!'\n???\n {for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n {print} action\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n {print} action" + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + - option: "```\n{for} action {in} actions\n```" + feedback: You are amazing! + - feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n```" + - feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + option: "```\n{print} actions {at} {random}\n```" + correct_answer: B + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The name of the variable is different in line 1 than in line 2. + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: That's not true + option: The quotation marks aren't used correctly in line 2 + - option: You can't use the = sign when using an {ask} command + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Nothing is wrong. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "favorite_animal = {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{print} 'I like ' favoriteanimal ' too!'" + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + 8: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} '7 / 2'\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{print} 7 / 2\n```" + feedback: That is right! + - option: "```\n{print} 7 : 2\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{print} 7 * 2\n```" + feedback: No + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + question_score: '10' + 7: + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + code: "menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes'\n{print} \"It's my birthday! I`ve brought some snacks!\"\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'gluten free'\n {remove} 'cookies' {from} menu\n{if} diet = 'vegan'\n {remove} 'cheese' {from} menu\n{print} 'For you I have brought: '\n{for} snack {in} menu\n {print} snack" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + feedback: Terrific! + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - option: All of the lines + feedback: Perfect! + code: "{print} Welcome to the online shoe shop\ncategory = {ask} What kind of shoes are you looking for?\n{if} category = high heels\n {print} High heels are 50% off now!" + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? 13: 4: hint: Papir premaga kamen + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'you win'\n```" + feedback: You win! + - option: "```\n{print} 'you lose'\n```" + feedback: You lose! + - option: "```\n{print} 'tie'\n```" + feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n{print} 'try again'\n```" + code: "{if} computer_choice {is} 'rock' {and} your_choice {is} 'paper'" + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} birthday {and} song = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Almost there + - feedback: Hedy only sings for you if you like to hear a song + option: "```\n{if} birthday = 'yes' {and} name = 'Hedy'\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {and} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {or} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsong = {ask} 'Whould you like to hear a song?'\nbirthday = {ask} 'Is today your birthday?'\n???\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday dear ' name\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + 9: + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Line 3 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "Line 3 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + - option: "Line 5 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + - option: "Line 7 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + correct_answer: A + code: "1 chocolate = {ask} 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?'\n2 sprinkles = {ask} 'Would you like sprinkles on your ice cream?'\n3 {if} chocolate {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n4 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce and sprinkles, coming up!'\n5 {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n6 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce, coming up!'\n7 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n8 {print} 'Ice cream with sprinkles, coming up'\n9 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n10 {print} 'Just plain icecream, coming up!'" + 2: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{and}`' + feedback: You don't have to be vegan and muslim + - feedback: Great thinking! + option: '`{or}`' + - feedback: No + option: '`+`' + - feedback: No + option: '`{print}`' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + code: "menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies'\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'vegan' ??? diet = 'halal'\n {remove} 'sausage rolls' {from} menu" + 3: + code: "member = {ask} 'Do you have a membership card?'\ndiscount = {ask} 'Do you have a discount code?'\n{if} member = 'yes' {or} discount = 'yes'\n {print} 'You get a free apple pie!'\n{else}\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You get a free apple pie! + feedback: Great job! + - option: That will be 5 dollars please + feedback: That is not true + - option: This code won't work, so there is no output + feedback: There is nothing wrong with the code + - option: There is no way of knowing + feedback: There is! Read the question carefully + hint: Mind the command `{or}` in line 3 + 5: + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{if} name = 'Cinderella' {and} shoe_size = 38\n {print} 'You are my one true love!'" + 6: + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + code: "{print} 'Let me guess which family member you are!'\nglasses = {ask} 'Do you wear glasses?'\nfemale = {ask} 'Are you female?'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Sophie!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Marleen!'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Wouter!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Michael!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: Michael is a boy with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 7: + question_text: Which statement is false? + code: "{print} 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets'\n{print} 'Here is a program to help feed them'\nanimal = {ask} 'What kind of animal are they?'\ncolor = {ask} 'What colour are they?'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'grey'\n {print} 'That is Abby. She eats 3 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'orange'\n {print} 'That is Milo. He eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'bird' {or} color = 'black'\n {print} 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today'\n{if} animal = 'hamster' {and} color = 'brown'\n {print} 'You can feed them a piece of carrot'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: This is true + option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + 8: + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have paid too much! + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the movie theater'\npopcorn = {ask} 'Would you like some popcorn?'\ndrink = {ask} 'Would you like a drink?'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 8 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 3 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'Ok'\n{print} 'Enjoy the movie'" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 10: + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{and}`' + feedback: There are no items that are both the list of snacks and the list of drinks + - option: '`{or}`' + feedback: Great job! + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: '`{if}`' + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt'\nitem = {ask} 'What product are you looking for?'\nbakery = 'bread', 'buns', 'muffins'\ndrinks = 'soda', 'water', 'lemonade'\nsnacks = 'chips', 'nuts', 'dips'\nfrozen = 'fries', 'icecream', 'pizza'\nfruit = 'bananas', 'apples', 'oranges'\n{if} item {in} snacks ??? item {in} drinks\n {print} 'This item is in aisle 3'\n{if} item {in} bakery {or} item {in} bakery\n {print} 'This item in in the back of the store'\n{if} item {in} fruit\n {print} 'The fruit is sold near the register'" + correct_answer: B 14: 4: hint: Simboli so pravilni + code: "price = 10\nmoney = {ask} How much money do you have?\nbuy = {ask} 'Would you like to buy this teddy bear?'\n{if} money >= price {and} buy == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can buy the bear!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!'" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + feedback: No that's not it + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: hint: '> pomeni je več kot' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`> 12`' + feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nticket = {ask} 'Do you have a ticket?'\n{if} age _ {and} ticket == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!'" + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? 6: hint: "!= pomeni 'ni enako'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 2 times + feedback: That is correct + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + code: "lives = 2\n{repeat} 10 {times}\n {if} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: hint: '> pomeni je več kot' + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: True! + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + feedback: There are. + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The last one should say you win. + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + correct_answer: D + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '{if} name = Hedy' + feedback: No + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 or more + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + correct_answer: D + code: "chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?'\n {if} chocolate <= 2\n {print} 'That is a healthy amount'\n {if} chocolate > 2 {and} chocolate =< 8\n {print} 'That is a bit much'\n {if} chocolate > 8\n {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!'" + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' 15: 6: hint: Pozorno poglejte na zamike + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{while}` should be`{if}`' + feedback: No that is not right + - feedback: No that is not right + option: '`{if}` should be `{while}`' + - option: Line 3 should start with more indentation + feedback: No that's not right + - feedback: That is correct + option: Line 2 should start with less indentation + correct_answer: D + code: "lives = 100\n {while} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + 1: + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=!`' + feedback: That is not right. + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + code: "answer = 0\n{while} answer _ 'Amsterdam'\n answer = {ask} 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?'\n{print} 'You have given the correct answer'" + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + code: "_ age < 18\n {print} 'you are not allowed in this bar'" + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blank? + 4: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `==` should be used instead of `=` + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: That's not right + - feedback: That's not it + option: In line 5 `{if}` should have been used instead of `{while}` + - feedback: You are correct + option: In line 5 `!=` should have been used instead of `==` + code: "options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{print} 'Throw 6 as fast as you can!'\nthrown = 0\ntries = 0\n{while} thrown == 6\n thrown = options {at} {random}\n {print} 'You threw ' thrown\n tries = tries + 1\n{print} 'Yes! You have thrown 6 in ' tries ' tries.'" + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 5: + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n = wetness\n```" + feedback: That will not change anything + - feedback: You can't have two times = in one line + option: "```\n = wetness = 1\n```" + - option: "```\n = wetness - 1\n```" + feedback: You are correct! + - feedback: The program should count down + option: "```\n = wetness + 1\n```" + code: "wetness = 10\n{while} wetness != 0\n {print} 'Your hair is still wet, hair dryer on!'\n {sleep} 1\n {clear}\n wetness _\n\n{print} 'All dry!'" + correct_answer: C + hint: wetness should get less each time + question_score: '10' + 7: + question_text: How should this program be changed so that it works? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '... change the first `{if}` into a `{while}`' + feedback: Perfect! + - option: '... change the second `{if}` into a `{while}`' + feedback: That's not quite right. + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the third `{if}` into a `{while}`' + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the fourth `{if}` into a `{while}`' + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 8: + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + hint: The block after the {while} command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + code: "calories = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?'\n {while} calories <= 1000\n {print} 'You could eat some more'\n {while} calories > 1000 {and} calories =< 2000\n {print} 'That is alright'\n {while} calories > 2000\n {print} 'You have had enough for today'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Nothing. 1600 is not programmed into the app. + - option: You could eat some more + feedback: No + - option: That is alright + feedback: Yes! + - option: You have eaten enough for today + feedback: No + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 10: + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n name_player_1\n```" + feedback: You are right! + - feedback: No they are losing! + option: "```\n name_player_2\n```" + - option: "```\n points_player_1\n```" + feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + - feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + option: "```\n points_player_2\n```" + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 16: 1: hint: Ne uporabljamo več {at} + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - feedback: The order is wrong. + option: '`[{random} snack]`' + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? 3: hint: Ni naključno... + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + code: "friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee']\nchore = ['the cooking', 'the cleaning', 'nothing']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i]" 10: code: |- {print} 'The book raffle will start soon' @@ -425,13 +2130,170 @@ levels: {for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people {add} i {to} list_of_numbers {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5 + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 2: + code: "friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee']\nchores = ['the cooking', 'the cleaning', 'nothing']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The variable in line 4 should be `friend[i]`, not `friends[i]` + feedback: That is not right. + - option: Line 3 should say `in range 1 to 3` not `in range 0 to 3` + feedback: Good catch! + - feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. + option: Line 4 should say 'lucky_number', not 'lucky number + - feedback: That's not it + option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' + 5: + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh']\n```" + feedback: Mind the variable name and the order of the sounds. + - feedback: Look at line one to see how brackets are supposed to be used. + option: "```\n sounds = '[woof], [moo], [neigh]'\n```" + - feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! + option: "```\n sounds = [woof, moo, neigh]\n```" + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\n sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh']\n```" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 6: + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + correct_answer: C + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + 8: + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not right + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + correct_answer: B + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_score: '10' + 9: + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 17: 1: hint: Naredite zanko skozi vaš seznam. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" 2: hint: Pozorno preberite kodo. + correct_answer: D + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' 4: hint: Pomislite na `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + correct_answer: D + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + question_score: '10' 6: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -443,11 +2305,256 @@ levels: {print} 'Access denied' {else}: {print} 'Go fish'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? 7: hint: Razmišljajte o matematičnih znakih. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? 8: hint: Pozorno preberite kodo. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: hint: Pozorno preberite kodo. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: hint: Pozorno preberite kodo. + mp_choice_options: + - option: The word num needs quotation marks. + feedback: Try again. + - option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + feedback: Not true. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: Nope. + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 3: + correct_answer: C + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is the output of this code? + 10: + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + question_score: '10' + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_text: Which output is correct? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: dogs are lovely pets + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + - feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + question_text: Which output is correct? + 4: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + feedback: No it does not. + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + 1: + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_` if we want to print each compliment? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "compliments = perfect, great job, amazing\n_\n {print} compliment" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - option: choices + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - option: dice + feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the digital dice!'\nplayers = Ann, John, Jesse\nchoices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' throws ' _ {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + question_text: What word should be on the `_` with these digital dice? + 6: + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nKelly chooses rock\n```" + feedback: Meredith wants to play too! + - option: "```\nMeredith chooses scissors\nKelly chooses rock\n```" + feedback: So close! But Kelly is first in the list, so she goes first + - feedback: Kelly wants to play too! + option: "```\nMeredith chooses paper\n```" + - option: "```\nKelly chooses paper\nMeredith chooses scissors\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + feedback: You are on fire! + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_text: What line should be on the `_` in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? + code: "names = Ron, Leslie, April, Andy\nfood = pasta, fries, salad\n_\n {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner'" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\n'name gets a color shirt'\n```" + - feedback: Great job! This was a hard one! + option: "```\nname 'gets a ' colors {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + - feedback: You want each name printed. So the first word should not be names but... + option: "```\nnames 'gets a ' color {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + - option: "```\npeople ' gets a colors shirt'\n```" + feedback: There is no variable named people.. + code: "names = Donna, Tommy, Ben\ncolors = blue, red, purple\n{for} name {in} names\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be on the `_` in this code that decides which color shirt you get? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + 9: + code: "courses = appetizer, main course, dessert\nnames = Timon, Onno\n{for} name {in} names\n {for} course {in} courses\n food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?'\n {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not true, you could end up without a prize. + option: Everybody will always win a prize. + - feedback: That is not true. All the prizes are given away, but to random people + option: All the prizes always go to one single person. + - feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others + option: Larry will never win a prize + - feedback: You get it! + option: Someone might win two prizes + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is true about this code? + code: "prizes = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich\nnames = Bob, Patrick, Sandy, Larry\n{for} prize {in} prizes\n {print} 'The ' prize ' is won by ' names {at} {random}" diff --git a/content/quizzes/sq.yaml b/content/quizzes/sq.yaml index 8a7449c1b66..f6c4d2d2aa6 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/sq.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/sq.yaml @@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _?_ Hello world! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -35,6 +37,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + correct_answer: A 5: code: |- {ask} What is your favorite pet? @@ -60,6 +67,10 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: Right on! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -70,6 +81,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -85,6 +100,83 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + correct_answer: B + 1: + question_text: What's this programming language called? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy + feedback: Good job! + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - option: Haydie + feedback: Not this one! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heidi + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + 7: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - feedback: Correct! + option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + hint: Check the code line by line + 6: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + 9: + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - feedback: You only need one command, not two. + option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + correct_answer: C 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -97,6 +189,9 @@ levels: - option: In level 2 all the level 1 commands still work feedback: No one command doesn't work anymore. hint: '`{print}` and `{ask}` still exist.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true? 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -123,17 +218,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + question_text: What should be on the lines? + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + question_text: Which code is correct? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + 3: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my Hedy is name + - feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + 5: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable name should come first + correct_answer: C + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + 9: + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -158,6 +371,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -168,14 +384,45 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + correct_answer: A + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" 3: question_text: What's wrong in line 2 of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + correct_answer: C + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + question_score: '10' + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" 7: code: |- books {is} Harry Potter, de Hobbit, Green eggs and Ham your_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book? {add} your_book {to} books {print} books {at} {random} + question_score: '10' + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + - feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + correct_answer: C 9: code: |- colors {is} blue, purple, green @@ -183,6 +430,18 @@ levels: {remove} chosen_color {from} colors {print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random} hint: Look at line 3 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + - option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -213,6 +472,68 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + correct_answer: D + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + feedback: No that's not wrong. + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - option: Nothing, this code is perfect + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + question_score: '10' + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 6: + question_score: '10' + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + 4: + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + hint: The variable name is prices + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -225,6 +546,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -247,6 +571,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + correct_answer: B + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + question_score: '10' 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -269,6 +597,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + correct_answer: D + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -288,8 +620,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - feedback: You need some quotation marks! + option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -300,6 +650,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + correct_answer: D + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + 8: + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + feedback: We need quotation marks + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + 10: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: Correct + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + feedback: You missed one! + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - feedback: Super! + option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + 7: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -317,8 +731,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is the right password? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -327,6 +756,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{else}\n```" + feedback: Great! + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -355,6 +796,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + question_score: '10' + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -382,9 +826,100 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: fun + feedback: That's right! + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - option: Because the password is alarm + feedback: No, this is not the password. + - feedback: That's not how you spell secret + option: Because it's spelled wrong. + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '1' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - feedback: Luckily not! + option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + 10: + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - option: giant spider + feedback: Not always... + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + - option: SECRET + feedback: That's not the right answer + - feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + option: Wrong! + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? 6: 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: Super! + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -398,6 +933,129 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 7: + question_score: '10' + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + correct_answer: C + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - option: 100% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + question_score: '10' + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D + 3: + code: "{print} '3*10'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + 4: + question_score: '10' + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - option: '10' + feedback: Please try again. + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + 1: + code: '{print} 2*10' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - option: '12' + feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - option: '210' + feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -410,8 +1068,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code is right? + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -435,6 +1108,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -461,6 +1138,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -482,6 +1164,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -515,6 +1202,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Its alright'" ``` feedback: This is not the correct order.. + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' 9: code: |- Batman was flying through Gotham. @@ -556,6 +1248,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Please help me!' ``` feedback: Perfect + correct_answer: D + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + question_score: '10' + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -587,6 +1283,36 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + question_score: '10' + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + 3: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 5: + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: That's not it + option: Wrong + question_score: '10' + hint: The code is correct! + correct_answer: A + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" 8: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -611,6 +1337,11 @@ levels: Im Hedy! Im Hedy!" feedback: Everything is printed twice + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" 2: mp_choice_options: - option: This should be only one line, not 2. @@ -621,6 +1352,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -648,6 +1384,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + correct_answer: C + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -680,6 +1420,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -690,6 +1434,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -709,6 +1458,69 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' + 10: + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + correct_answer: D + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + 8: + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are... right! + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + correct_answer: C + 9: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + correct_answer: D + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? 9: 1: code: |- @@ -731,6 +1543,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -750,6 +1565,11 @@ levels: Good job! You can use the computer! feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -766,6 +1586,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + mp_choice_options: + - option: case 1, sell + feedback: You don't win a million! + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -786,6 +1619,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_text: Which statement is true? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -821,6 +1658,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + question_text: Which code produced this output? + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + hint: Watch the indentation + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -831,6 +1673,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + correct_answer: C + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -871,6 +1717,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -888,6 +1737,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The indentation is done right this time 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -903,6 +1755,23 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: None, that is not allowed + feedback: You are allowed to + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: Only 1 + - option: '3' + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + question_score: '10' + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + correct_answer: D 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -910,6 +1779,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -918,6 +1799,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + option: players + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + option: dice + correct_answer: B + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -932,6 +1825,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + question_score: '10' + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -939,6 +1837,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + feedback: You are on fire! + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -967,6 +1877,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: What is the first question Hedy will `{ask}` you when you run the program? code: |- @@ -976,6 +1889,18 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + question_score: '10' + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -991,6 +1916,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_text: What is true about this code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + question_score: '10' + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_text: Which output is correct? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1018,6 +1992,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1031,6 +2008,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_text: What will be the output from this code? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1058,6 +2040,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + question_score: '10' + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1066,6 +2052,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + feedback: That's one order too many! + hint: Use the variable 'people' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1082,6 +2080,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1113,6 +2116,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + question_score: '10' + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + 5: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - option: 2 times + feedback: No + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + 3: + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - option: That depends on how old you are + feedback: That's right! + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + correct_answer: D + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_score: '10' 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1131,6 +2198,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1157,6 +2228,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + correct_answer: C + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1170,12 +2245,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + question_score: '10' + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 and 2 + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1189,6 +2281,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: You've cracked the code! + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1202,6 +2307,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + feedback: Almost there! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1214,6 +2331,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1236,6 +2366,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1262,6 +2397,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1282,6 +2420,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1314,6 +2455,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + correct_answer: C + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1329,6 +2474,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1347,6 +2496,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + question_score: '10' 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1358,10 +2510,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + correct_answer: A + hint: Paper beats rock + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + hint: Both statements have to be true + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: Fantastic! + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1375,6 +2544,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1389,6 +2571,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is true! + option: The grey cat is called Abby + - feedback: This is true + option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is false? + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + correct_answer: C 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1403,6 +2598,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1440,6 +2648,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_score: '10' + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1464,6 +2676,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1474,6 +2690,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + hint: The symbols are right + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1482,6 +2711,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + hint: '> means greater than' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1490,6 +2732,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + hint: "!= means 'is not'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1499,6 +2754,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - option: 9 or more + feedback: Great! + question_score: '10' + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + correct_answer: D + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - feedback: Yes! + option: "'player 2 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + hint: You win the game by having the most points + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + 1: + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 3: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`>` and `<`' + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1506,11 +2863,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`=`' + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + correct_answer: C + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You are right + option: '`{while}`' + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + correct_answer: B 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1531,6 +2913,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1550,6 +2936,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + hint: wetness should get less each time + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1567,6 +2957,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1578,8 +2971,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + question_score: '10' + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - option: The lights will always stay on. + feedback: That wouldn't be right. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1598,6 +3008,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1608,6 +3022,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1615,12 +3048,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + feedback: Mind the spacing. + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: No, it is not random. + option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + correct_answer: A + hint: It's not random... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1631,6 +3090,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1641,3 +3105,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + correct_answer: D + 1: + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + feedback: This is the old way. + - feedback: The order is wrong. + option: '`[{random} snack]`' + - feedback: Correct + option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + - feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + hint: We no longer use {at} + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + feedback: Correct + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: C + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - option: Line 3 should start with indentation + feedback: It should not! + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not right + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - feedback: This is not going to work! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 10: + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 17: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: Try again. + option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + 10: + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + 7: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: C + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 4: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. diff --git a/content/quizzes/sr.yaml b/content/quizzes/sr.yaml index 3a3dca144ef..b24ba4a6e87 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/sr.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/sr.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Хајди feedback: Није овај! hint: Име је добио по Хеди Ламар. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: question_text: Шта треба попунити у празнине да би се текст Здраво! појавио? code: _ Здраво! @@ -29,6 +31,8 @@ levels: `{ask}` feedback: Са `{ask}`, можете поставити питање. hint: _ Здраво свете! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Како питате која је нечија омиљена боја? mp_choice_options: @@ -53,6 +57,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{echo}` понавља ваш одговор назад вама.' hint: Можете поставити нешто са командом `{ask}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Шта није у реду са овим кодом? code: |- @@ -69,6 +75,8 @@ levels: - option: Ништа! Ово је савршен код! feedback: Погрешно, погледајте пажљиво! hint: Линија 1 не изгледа исправно + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Која команда недостаје у реду 2? code: |- @@ -88,6 +96,8 @@ levels: `{echo}` feedback: Тачно! hint: Желиш да видиш одговор на крају реда 2... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: Шта није у реду са овим кодом? code: |- @@ -105,6 +115,8 @@ levels: - option: У реду 4, `{print}` је погрешно написан. feedback: Не, постоји грешка негде другде hint: Провери `{print}` команде. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Шта није у реду са овим кодом? code: |- @@ -122,6 +134,8 @@ levels: - option: Ништа! Ово је савршен код! feedback: Тачно! hint: Провери код ред по ред + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Како користиш команду `{echo}`? mp_choice_options: @@ -134,6 +148,8 @@ levels: - option: Можеш је користити да текст нестане. feedback: То није тачно... hint: '`{echo}` се користи након команде `{ask}`.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Шта није у реду са овим кодом? code: |- @@ -150,6 +166,8 @@ levels: - option: Ништа. Ово је савршен код! feedback: Пажљиво потражи грешку... hint: '`{ask}` ти омогућава да поставиш питање' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Који излаз ће бити на твом екрану након што покренеш овај код? code: |- @@ -170,6 +188,8 @@ levels: Да! feedback: Постоје две `{echo}`команде hint: Идемо! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: 1: question_text: Која изјава је тачна? @@ -183,6 +203,8 @@ levels: - option: Са наредбом `{sleep}`, можеш уклонити текст са екрана. feedback: То није начин на који `{sleep}` ради. hint: '`{print}` и даље ради на исти начин као на нивоу 1' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Који код је исправан? mp_choice_options: @@ -207,6 +229,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Речи су исправне, редослед није! hint: '`{ask}` не ради као на нивоу 1' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Шта се појављује на твом екрану када покренеш овај код? code: |- @@ -222,6 +246,8 @@ levels: - option: Марлин иде на пијацу и Марлин купује јабуку. feedback: Она није замењена именом hint: Реч име је замењена са Марлин + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Шта ћете видети на излазном екрану када покренете овај код? code: |- @@ -237,6 +263,8 @@ levels: - option: Ћао, моје Хеди је Хеди feedback: Тачно, ова грешка ће бити исправљена на нивоу 4! hint: '''име'' се замењује са ''Хеди'' на оба места' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: Шта се дешава када користите команду `{sleep}`? mp_choice_options: @@ -249,6 +277,8 @@ levels: - option: Стављате је на крај да би Хеди знала да је ваш програм завршен feedback: Не, била би бескорисна на крају вашег кода hint: Рачунар чека на секунду на команди `{sleep}` + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Шта треба да буде на линијама? code: |- @@ -269,6 +299,8 @@ levels: `{ask}` feedback: Нема питања тамо да се постави hint: Пауза за драматичан ефекат... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Која команда треба да се користи на линији 2? code: |- @@ -297,6 +329,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Олакшај себи користећи број 3 hint: Желиш да рачунар чека 3 секунде + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Како би исправио прву линију кода? code: |- @@ -324,6 +358,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Где је команда `{ask}`? hint: Име променљиве треба да буде прво + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Шта не ваља у овом коду? code: |- @@ -339,6 +375,8 @@ levels: - option: 'Друга линија треба да гласи: `{sleep}` Волим животиње' feedback: Sleep се не користи за `{print}` текст hint: Желиш да `{print}` 'Волим псе' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: question_text: Која команда треба да се користи на линији 1? code: |- @@ -368,6 +406,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Тачно! hint: Желиш да `{ask}` поставиш питање + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: 1: question_text: Коју команду(е) користите да бисте дозволили Хеди да изабере нешто произвољно? @@ -385,6 +425,8 @@ levels: `{at} {random}` feedback: Тачно! hint: Произвољно значи без плана или насумично. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: question_text: Шта није у реду са овим кодом? code: |- @@ -400,6 +442,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at} {random}` је погрешно написано' feedback: '`{at} {random}` је тачно написано' hint: Нешто није у реду у линији 1 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Како поправити грешку у линији 2? code: |- @@ -424,6 +468,8 @@ levels: - option: Ништа, код је исправан! feedback: Пажљиво потражите грешку hint: Променљива (листа) се зове опције. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Шта треба променити у линији 2 да би се исписала насумична цена? code: |- @@ -448,6 +494,8 @@ levels: - option: Ништа, овај код је у реду. feedback: Пажљиво погледај грешку коју си пропустио! hint: Назив променљиве је prices + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Шта није у реду у овом коду? code: |- @@ -465,6 +513,8 @@ levels: - option: Ништа, овај код је савршен feedback: Тачно! hint: Да ли овај код уопште има грешку? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Шта није у реду са овим кодом? code: |- @@ -481,6 +531,8 @@ levels: - option: Ништа! Овај код је одличан! feedback: У ствари, линија 2 има грешку. hint: Нешто није у реду са линијом 2. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Шта ради команда `{add}`? code: |- @@ -498,6 +550,8 @@ levels: - option: Команда `{add}` штампа твоју омиљену књигу. feedback: Не, она додаје твоју омиљену књигу на листу hint: Команда `{add}` додаје књигу, али коју? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Шта је излаз овог кода? code: |- @@ -515,6 +569,8 @@ levels: - option: павлака feedback: Тачно! hint: Постоје 3 укуса, али су 2 уклоњена. Који остаје? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 9: question_text: Шта није у реду са овим кодом? code: |- @@ -532,6 +588,8 @@ levels: - option: Ништа, ово је исправан код! feedback: Пронађи грешку! hint: Погледај линију 4 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Шта треба да буде на _? code: |- @@ -562,6 +620,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Ово повећава шансу да особа која је шетала јуче сада мора то поново да уради. То је нефер. hint: Особа која је шетала псе јуче треба да буде уклоњена са листе. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: 1: question_text: Који од ових кодова је исправан? @@ -587,6 +647,8 @@ levels: ```' feedback: пажљиво кад користиш наводнике и апострофе hint: На нивоу 4 ти требају наводници за 2 команде. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Који код користи исправне наводнике? mp_choice_options: @@ -611,6 +673,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Ово је зарез, потребни су ти наводници. hint: Изабери праве наводнике. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: question_text: Где су наводници коришћени исправно? mp_choice_options: @@ -635,6 +699,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Савршено! hint: И пре и после речи које желите да штампате треба да буде наводник. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Која изјава је тачна? mp_choice_options: @@ -647,6 +713,8 @@ levels: - option: Можеш сам да изабереш да ли ћеш користити наводнике или не. feedback: Нажалост, Хеди је строжа од тога. hint: Од нивоа 4 мораш да користиш наводнике. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Шта треба променити да би игра радила? code: |- @@ -671,6 +739,8 @@ levels: - option: Ништа, игра већ ради! feedback: Пажљиво погледај. Постоји грешка. hint: Не желиш да Хеди буквално испише 'опције {at} {random}', желиш да испише 'камен' или 'папир' или 'маказе'. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Шта би била добра следећа линија у овом коду? code: цене {is} 1 долар, 100 долара, 1 милион долара @@ -696,6 +766,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Хеди ће буквално исписати 'цене {at} {random}'' hint: 'Размисли пажљиво: шта је променљива и треба да буде ван наводника? А шта су обичне речи које треба да буду унутар?' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Шта није у реду са овим кодом? code: |- @@ -712,6 +784,8 @@ levels: - option: Ништа, овај код је добар како јесте! feedback: Пажљиво погледај. Пропустио си грешку! hint: Провери сваку линију да ли им требају наводници или не. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Шта би била добра следећа линија за овај код? code: |- @@ -740,6 +814,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Хеди ће буквално исписати 'Дакле, бирате врата врата hint: Друга реч врата треба да буде замењена бројем, прва треба и даље да буде реч врата... + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Шта се никада неће појавити на вашем излазном екрану? code: |- @@ -755,6 +831,8 @@ levels: - option: ФК Барселона ће освојити Лигу шампиона feedback: Тачно. Није на листи hint: Које су Хедине опције за случајни избор? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Која изјава је тачна? code: |- @@ -771,6 +849,8 @@ levels: - option: Ништа, овај код нема грешака feedback: Пропустили сте једну! hint: Једна линија треба наводнике, јер желите да се буквално штампа. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: 1: question_text: Која команда треба да се попуни на _? @@ -792,6 +872,8 @@ levels: `{else}` feedback: Тачно! hint: Која иде заједно са командом `{if}`? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Шта се појављује на вашем излазном екрану када укуцате име Хеди? code: |- @@ -807,6 +889,8 @@ levels: - option: Грешка feedback: На срећу, не! hint: '`{if}` име `{is}` Хеди `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Која је исправна лозинка? code: |- @@ -823,6 +907,8 @@ levels: - option: АЛАРМ УПАДАЧ feedback: Ово се исписује када унесете погрешну лозинку! hint: '`{if}` лозинка `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Тачно!''' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Шта Хеди исписује када унесете погрешну лозинку? code: |- @@ -839,6 +925,8 @@ levels: - option: АЛАРМ! УПАДАЧ! feedback: Одличан посао! hint: Ваш рачунар ће активирати аларм за упадаче! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Зашто ће Хеди рећи 'АЛАРМ! УПАДАЧ' када унесете 'тајна'? code: |- @@ -855,6 +943,8 @@ levels: - option: Зато што Хеди прави грешку feedback: Не, Хеди је у праву hint: Правопис речи мора бити тачно исти. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Која реч треба да буде на месту празнине у последњем реду? code: |- @@ -885,6 +975,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{print}` је већ ту, потребна нам је реч пре тога!' hint: '`{if}` иде заједно са...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Која реч треба да буде на месту празнине? code: |- @@ -906,6 +998,8 @@ levels: `{print}` feedback: Феноменално! hint: После `{else}` следи команда `{print}` + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Која реч треба да буде на месту празнине? code: |- @@ -930,6 +1024,8 @@ levels: `{print}` feedback: Не, то није то. hint: Како се зове променљива? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Која врата треба да изабереш да побегнеш?? code: |- @@ -949,6 +1045,8 @@ levels: - option: То је замка, увек ћеш бити поједен! feedback: Срећом, не! hint: Једна од врата ће те заштитити.. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Које чудовиште стоји иза врата 1? code: |- @@ -968,6 +1066,8 @@ levels: - option: џиновски паук feedback: Не увек... hint: Обрати пажњу на последње 3 речи... чудовишта `{at} {random}`... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: 1: question_text: Шта је Хедин излаз када покренеш овај код? @@ -981,6 +1081,9 @@ levels: - option: '210' feedback: Обрати пажњу, то је израчунавање. hint: '`*` се користи као знак за множење' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: '{print} 2*10' 2: question_text: Шта користиш када желиш да сабереш два броја? mp_choice_options: @@ -993,6 +1096,8 @@ levels: - option: '`+`' feedback: Тачно! hint: То је знак плус. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Шта је Хедин излаз када покренеш овај код? mp_choice_options: @@ -1005,6 +1110,9 @@ levels: - option: Ништа, Хеди ће дати поруку о грешци. feedback: Не, Хеди ће то исписати дословно. hint: Пази на наводнике!! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} '3*10'" 4: question_text: Ким има 10 година. Шта ће Хеди исписати за њу? code: |- @@ -1022,6 +1130,8 @@ levels: - option: Твој срећан број је... 10 feedback: Њен срећан број је име пута године... hint: 'Ким има 3 слова, она има 10 година тако да: слова пута године = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Ако 5 људи једе у овом ресторану, колико морају да плате укупно? code: |- @@ -1038,6 +1148,9 @@ levels: feedback: '* значи множење.' - option: 50 долара feedback: Сјајно! + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Колико кошта хамбургер у овом виртуелном ресторану? code: |- @@ -1056,6 +1169,8 @@ levels: - option: 21 долар feedback: То је цена за хамбургер и помфрит! hint: Обратите пажњу на четврти ред. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Зашто у реду 7 пише 'цена је цена + 3' уместо 'цена је 3'? code: |- @@ -1078,6 +1193,8 @@ levels: - option: Зато што је цена на почетку 0 долара. feedback: То је тачно, али није разлог hint: Цена не би требало да буде 3, већ 3 долара више него што је већ била + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Зашто је овај код нетачан? code: |- @@ -1095,6 +1212,8 @@ levels: - option: Променљива у реду 2 не може се звати одговор, јер је превише слична променљивој тачан одговор. feedback: Имена променљивих могу бити слична, али не могу бити 2 речи... hint: Испитај како се зову променљиве. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Замисли да волиш фудбал 10, појео си 2 банане и опрао си руке 3 пута данас. Колико паметним те сматра глупи пророк? code: |- @@ -1116,6 +1235,8 @@ levels: - option: 100% feedback: (2 банане + 3 хигијена) * 10 фудбал = 5*10 =? hint: (2 банане + 3 хигијена) * 10 фудбал = 5*10 =? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Која изјава је тачна? code: |- @@ -1131,6 +1252,8 @@ levels: - option: Можеш користити знак `=` само када радиш са бројевима, не са речима. feedback: Можеш користити `=` и са речима. hint: '`{is}` и `=` су оба дозвољена' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 7: 1: question_text: Колико линија можеш поновити одједном са командом repeat на овом нивоу? @@ -1144,6 +1267,8 @@ levels: - option: бесконачно feedback: На овом нивоу можеш поновити само једну линију одједном hint: Можеш поновити само једну линију одједном + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Који код је исправан? mp_choice_options: @@ -1168,6 +1293,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Тачно! hint: Прво команда `{repeat}`, затим команда `{print}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: Да ли је овај код исправан или погрешан? mp_choice_options: @@ -1180,6 +1307,9 @@ levels: - option: Погрешно, реч `{print}` недостаје feedback: Тачно hint: 'Требало би да буде: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` ''Здраво''' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" 4: question_text: Која реч је погрешна у коду? code: |- @@ -1199,6 +1329,8 @@ levels: `{times}` feedback: '`{times}` је правилно написано' hint: Ја сам је погрешно, не можете користити апострофе у реченици + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: question_text: Да ли је овај код исправан или погрешан? code: '{repeat} 100 {times} {print} ''Хеди је сјајна!''' @@ -1208,6 +1340,8 @@ levels: - option: Погрешно feedback: То није то hint: Код је исправан! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 6: question_text: Шта ће бити излаз из овог кода? code: |- @@ -1247,6 +1381,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Кроз цео град! Савршено! hint: Само 'у круг и у круг' се понавља 3 пута. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Шта ће бити излаз из овог кода? code: |- @@ -1280,6 +1416,8 @@ levels: ЗАТРЕСТИ ТЕ! feedback: Обратите пажњу на команду `{repeat}` hint: Обратите пажњу на команду `{repeat}`. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Који Хеди код припада овом излазу? code: |- @@ -1321,6 +1459,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Ово није исправан редослед.. hint: '`{repeat}` се може користити само ако желите да извршите исти ред више пута заредом.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 9: question_text: Који Хеди код припада овом излазу? code: |- @@ -1364,6 +1504,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Савршено hint: '''Упомоћ!'' се понавља 3 пута.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: Који код припада овом излазу? code: |- @@ -1401,6 +1543,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Ово није у правом редоследу. hint: Обратите пажњу на редослед реченица. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: 1: question_text: Који излаз ће бити произведен овим кодом? @@ -1431,6 +1575,8 @@ levels: Ја сам Хеди! feedback: Све је одштампано двапут hint: Оба реда су поновљена двапут. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Шта није у реду са овим кодом? code: |- @@ -1446,6 +1592,8 @@ levels: - option: Други ред треба да почне са 4 размака као увлачење. feedback: Тачно! hint: Нешто недостаје у другом реду? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: Какав излаз ће бити произведен када покренеш овај програм? code: |- @@ -1478,6 +1626,8 @@ levels: Бејби шарк feedback: Шта се понавља, а шта не ? hint: Шта се понавља, а шта не? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Који излаз је тачан? code: |- @@ -1512,6 +1662,8 @@ levels: Идемо на одмор! feedback: Последњи ред се такође понавља. hint: Блок испод команде `{repeat}` се понавља два пута. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Шта није у реду са овим кодом? code: |- @@ -1528,6 +1680,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}` више није команда' feedback: То није тачно hint: Нешто није у реду са увлачењем + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Какав ће бити излаз овог кода када унесемо палачинке? code: |- @@ -1559,6 +1713,8 @@ levels: Палачинке feedback: Браво! hint: Прва реченица и питање неће бити поновљени + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: Шта није у реду са овим кодом? code: |- @@ -1580,6 +1736,8 @@ levels: - option: Увлачење је погрешно у првој команди `{if}`. feedback: Тачно. hint: Пажљиво погледајте увлачење. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: У ком коду је увлачење исправно урађено? mp_choice_options: @@ -1624,6 +1782,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Грешите! hint: Шта би требало да се деси ако је особа у праву? А шта још? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: Која линија(е) у овом коду би требало да почне са 4 размака? code: |- @@ -1642,6 +1802,8 @@ levels: - option: Линија 3 и 5 feedback: Одличан посао! hint: Линије након команде `{if}` или `{else}` треба да почну са 4 размака. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Која изјава је тачна? code: |- @@ -1658,6 +1820,8 @@ levels: - option: Линија 3 треба да почне са 4 размака feedback: У праву си! hint: Само једна линија почиње са 4 размака, али која...? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 9: 1: question_text: Шта није у реду са овим кодом? @@ -1681,6 +1845,8 @@ levels: - option: Увлачење је погрешно у последњој команди `{if}`. feedback: Није у питању увлачење. hint: Сва увлачења су урађена исправно. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: question_text: Шта ће бити исписано након уноса исправне лозинке? code: |- @@ -1720,6 +1886,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Тачно! hint: Све под командом `{repeat}` се понавља два пута. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Који случај треба да изаберете да бисте освојили милион долара? code: |- @@ -1747,6 +1915,8 @@ levels: - option: случај 2, отворити feedback: Одличан посао! Освајате! hint: Пратите прави пут + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Која изјава је тачна? code: |- @@ -1769,6 +1939,8 @@ levels: - option: Пепељуга са бројем ципела 38 добија излаз 'Наставићу да тражим' feedback: Не, она добија '❤️❤️❤️' hint: Без обзира на то како се зовеш, ако имаш број ципела 40 добићеш поруку 'Наставићу да тражим'. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Који код је произвео овај излаз? output: |- @@ -1810,6 +1982,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Постоје 2 `{repeat}` команде у овом коду. hint: Пази на увлачење + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: Након које(их) команде(и) треба да користиш увлачење (почевши следећи ред са 4 размака)? mp_choice_options: @@ -1822,6 +1996,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Не са `{print}` hint: Увлачење се дешава на линији испод неких команди + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Добићеш попуст од 5 долара ако наручиш средњу пицу са кока-колом.
Али код има грешку! Како да је отклониш? code: |- @@ -1863,6 +2039,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Скоро тачно. Погледај још једном последњи ред hint: После сваке `{if}` команде, линија испод треба да буде увучена + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Шта није у реду у овом коду? code: |- @@ -1881,6 +2059,8 @@ levels: - option: Код увек мора почети са `{print}` командом у првој линији feedback: То није тачно. hint: Увлачење је овог пута урађено исправно + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Колико `{if}` команди може бити постављено унутар друге `{if}` команде? mp_choice_options: @@ -1893,6 +2073,8 @@ levels: - option: Бесконачно, све док правилно користиш увлачење feedback: То је тачно hint: Можеш ставити `{if}` команду унутар `{if}` команде. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Која изјава је тачна? code: |- @@ -1909,6 +2091,8 @@ levels: - option: линија 2 треба да почне са 4 размака, а линија 3 са 8 feedback: У праву си! hint: Прва линија не почиње са размацима + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: 1: question_text: Шта треба да попунимо на `_` ако желимо да испишемо сваки комплимент? @@ -1938,6 +2122,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Скоро си стигао! hint: '`{for}` сваки комплимент у листама комплимената...' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Који излаз је тачан? code: |- @@ -1957,6 +2143,8 @@ levels: Волим палачинке feedback: Одлично! hint: Ред 2 каже за сваки оброк у листи оброка. Тако да се сваки оброк штампа. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Који излаз је тачан? code: |- @@ -1977,6 +2165,8 @@ levels: - option: Ти још не знаш. Јер бира једну од животиња {at}{random}. feedback: Ред 2 каже {for} сваку животињу у листи животиња. Тако да се свака животиња {print}а. hint: Линија 2 каже {for} сваку животињу у листи животиња. Тако да је свака животиња одштампана + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Шта није у реду са овим кодом? code: |- @@ -1993,6 +2183,8 @@ levels: - option: Линија 2 треба да каже намирнице уместо ставка feedback: Не, није тако. hint: Линија 2 каже `{for}` сваку ставку у листи намирница + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Која реч треба да буде на `_` са овим дигиталним коцкама? code: |- @@ -2011,6 +2203,8 @@ levels: - option: коцке feedback: Погледај имена променљивих. hint: Хеди треба да изабере број `{at} {random}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: Који од одговора испод је могући исход када покренеш код? code: |- @@ -2036,6 +2230,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Невероватно! hint: Сваки играч ће изабрати опцију. Играчу који је први на листи припада први потез. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: Која линија треба да буде на `_` у овом коду који одлучује шта ће ови људи имати за вечеру? code: |- @@ -2065,6 +2261,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Свако име треба да буде обавештено шта ће имати за вечеру. hint: Свако име треба да буде обавештено шта ће имати за вечеру. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Шта треба да буде на `_` у овом коду који одлучује коју боју мајице добијате? code: |- @@ -2094,6 +2292,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Не постоји променљива по имену people.. hint: Обрати пажњу на наводнике и имена променљивих + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Које је прво питање које ће ти Хеди поставити када покренеш програм? code: |- @@ -2113,6 +2313,8 @@ levels: - option: Ти то не знаш. Хеди ће изабрати `{at} {random}`. feedback: Нема `{at} {random}` у овом коду... hint: Прве опције из обе листе су изабране. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Шта је тачно у вези са овим кодом? code: |- @@ -2130,6 +2332,8 @@ levels: - option: Неко би могао освојити две награде feedback: Схватио си! hint: Покушај да замислиш излаз овог кода. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 11: 1: question_text: Која реч треба да буде на месту празнине? @@ -2147,6 +2351,9 @@ levels: `{for}` feedback: 'Не' hint: Шта си научио на овом нивоу? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} _ 1 {to} 10\n {print} i" 2: question_text: Шта ће бити излаз из овог кода? mp_choice_options: @@ -2168,6 +2375,9 @@ levels: ```' feedback: То није то hint: Како се бројеви појављују на екрану? + correct_answer: A + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Који код је коришћен да се добије овај излаз? output: |- @@ -2207,6 +2417,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: i је променљива и не треба да има наводнике hint: Прво сви бројеви, па онда реченица + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 4: question_text: Који код је коришћен да се добије овај излаз? mp_choice_options: @@ -2235,6 +2447,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Тачно! hint: Мора бити израчунавање… + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Шта није у реду са овим кодом? mp_choice_options: @@ -2247,6 +2462,9 @@ levels: - option: Линија 2 треба да почне са увлачењем feedback: Савршено! hint: Нешто није у реду са увлачењем + correct_answer: D + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Колико пута се реч Hello појављује на твом екрану када покренеш код? mp_choice_options: @@ -2259,6 +2477,9 @@ levels: - option: Никада feedback: 'Не' hint: 0 такође рачуна. Дакле 0,1,2 то је 3 пута. + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Шта би требало да буде на месту празнине? code: |- @@ -2289,6 +2510,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: То је једна наруџбина превише! hint: Користите променљиву 'people' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 8: question_text: Шта ће бити излаз из овог кода? code: |- @@ -2314,6 +2537,8 @@ levels: - option: Реч 'hi' ће се појавити 25 пута заредом. feedback: Не, појавиће се само 3 пута. hint: Не каже `{print}` i + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: Колико пута Хеди узвикује Хип Хип Ура? code: |- @@ -2330,6 +2555,8 @@ levels: - option: То зависи од тога колико имаш година feedback: Тачно! hint: '`{for}` и `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` године' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: Који код припада овом излазу? output: |- @@ -2367,6 +2594,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 је 4 пута.' hint: Пази на увлачење + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 12: 1: question_text: Који излаз је тачан? @@ -2387,6 +2616,8 @@ levels: 5 feedback: Одличан посао! hint: Обе линије су одштампане! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Који од ових кодова је исправан? mp_choice_options: @@ -2415,6 +2646,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Све различите вредности укуса треба да буду у наводницима. hint: Друга линија је иста у сваком коду, обрати пажњу на прву линију + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Шта није у реду са овим кодом? code: |- @@ -2430,6 +2663,8 @@ levels: - option: Ништа није погрешно. feedback: То није тачно hint: Наводници су правилно коришћени + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 4: question_text: У којим линијама су потребни наводници да би код радио? code: |- @@ -2447,6 +2682,8 @@ levels: - option: Све линије feedback: Савршено! hint: Да ли је и линији 3 потребан наводник? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: Какав излаз добија Agent007 када унесе исправну лозинку? code: |- @@ -2471,6 +2708,8 @@ levels: - option: Иди на аеродром сутра у 10.00 feedback: Агент овде неће ухватити никакве лоше момке hint: Исправна лозинка је TOPSECRET + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Коју линију треба попунити на месту `_`? code: |- @@ -2506,6 +2745,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Скоро си стигао! hint: Шта ако наручиш само помфрит и пиће? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Који излаз добија веган? code: |- @@ -2544,6 +2785,8 @@ levels: колачиће feedback: Скоро си успео, али погледај редослед грицкалица на листи hint: Која ставка се уклања са листе када одговориш 'веган'? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Који код је коришћен да се направи овај излаз? mp_choice_options: @@ -2568,6 +2811,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 'Не' hint: 7 подељено са 2 је 3.5 + correct_answer: B + code: '3.5' + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Који код треба попунити у линији 1 на месту `_`? mp_choice_options: @@ -2592,6 +2838,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Ништа ниси освојио hint: Ставке на листи треба да буду у наводницима + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "_\n{print} 'You won ' prizes {at} {random} '!'" 10: question_text: Коју линију кода треба попунити на месту `_` да би се песма завршила? mp_choice_options: @@ -2604,6 +2853,9 @@ levels: - option: "```\n{print} actions {at} {random}\n```" feedback: Ово је тешко! Све акције на листи морају бити у песми. hint: Ово је тешко! Све акције на листи морају бити у песми. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "actions = 'clap your hands', 'stomp your feet', 'shout Hurray!'\n_\n {for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n {print} action\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n {print} action" 13: 1: question_text: Који код треба попунити на месту ??? ? @@ -2629,6 +2881,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Хеди пева само ако су оба одговора да hint: Хеди пева ако желиш да чујеш песму и ако ти је рођендан + question_score: '10' + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsong = {ask} 'Whould you like to hear a song?'\nbirthday = {ask} 'Is today your birthday?'\n???\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday dear ' name\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'" + correct_answer: C 2: question_text: Која команда недостаје у коду на месту ??? ? mp_choice_options: @@ -2641,6 +2896,9 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: 'Не' hint: Ни вегани ни муслимани не могу јести кобасице. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies'\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'vegan' ??? diet = 'halal'\n {remove} 'sausage rolls' {from} menu" 3: question_text: Који излаз се даје члану без кода за попуст? code: |- @@ -2660,6 +2918,8 @@ levels: - option: Нема начина да се зна feedback: Има! Прочитајте питање пажљиво hint: Обратите пажњу на команду `{or}` у линији 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Која линија кода треба да следи ову линију у игри камен-папир-маказе? code: "{if} избор_рачунара {is} 'камен' {and} ваш_избор {is} 'папир'" @@ -2673,6 +2933,8 @@ levels: - option: "```\n{print} 'покушајте поново'\n```" feedback: Покушајте поново! hint: Папир побеђује камен + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Која изјава је тачна о овом коду? code: |- @@ -2688,6 +2950,8 @@ levels: - option: Свака особа која се не зове Пепељуга и нема величину ципела 38 је права љубав овог принца feedback: Принц је мало избирљивији од тога! hint: Обе изјаве морају бити тачне + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Која изјава о овом коду је тачна? code: |- @@ -2712,6 +2976,8 @@ levels: - option: Софи је девојка са наочарима feedback: Одличан посао! hint: Добро погледај! Или ти требају наочаре? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Која изјава је нетачна? code: |- @@ -2737,6 +3003,8 @@ levels: - option: Жута птица је нахрањена јутрос feedback: Ово је тачно hint: Прочитај последње 4 реда пажљиво + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Какав излаз добијаш ако наручиш кокице, али не и пиће? code: |- @@ -2774,6 +3042,8 @@ levels: Уживајте у филму feedback: Морате платити за ваше кокице! hint: кокице = да и пиће = не + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Шта није у реду са овим кодом? code: |- @@ -2815,6 +3085,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Ово није оно што сам наручио! hint: Постоји грешка у реду 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Која команда треба да буде у реду 8 на месту ??? ? code: |- @@ -2841,6 +3113,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{if}`' feedback: 'Не' hint: Производ је или на листи грицкалица, или на листи пића + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 14: 1: question_text: Који симбол треба користити на празном месту? @@ -2858,6 +3132,8 @@ levels: - option: '`=`' feedback: Тачно! hint: Ми не поредимо ништа, само питамо за име. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Који од ових кодова је користио исправан = или == симбол? mp_choice_options: @@ -2870,6 +3146,8 @@ levels: - option: одговор == {ask} 'Како сте?' feedback: 'Не' hint: Када поредите два одговора требало би да користите == + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Које симболе треба попунити на два празна места? code: |- @@ -2889,6 +3167,8 @@ levels: - option: '`+` и `==`' hint: У клубу је дозвољено 130 људи feedback: То није то + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Шта није у реду са овим кодом? code: |- @@ -2909,6 +3189,8 @@ levels: - option: У линији 4 треба користити <= уместо >= feedback: Не, то није то hint: Симболи су исправни + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Који симбол треба попунити на празна места ако је филм погодан за децу узраста од 12 и више година? code: |- @@ -2928,6 +3210,8 @@ levels: - option: '`<= 12`' feedback: Ова деца су превише млада hint: '> значи веће од' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: Колико пута мораш да кажеш да си изнервиран пре него што ова досадна игра престане? code: |- @@ -2947,6 +3231,8 @@ levels: - option: 2 пута feedback: То је тачно hint: '!= значи ''није''' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Шта треба попунити на три празна места? code: |- @@ -2974,6 +3260,8 @@ levels: - option: '`''Lower!''` и `''You win!''` и `''Higher!''`' feedback: То није сасвим тачно. hint: Последњи треба да каже да си победио. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Која изјава је тачна о овом ролеркостеру? code: |- @@ -2992,6 +3280,8 @@ levels: - option: Нема ограничења у дужини за вожњу на ролеркостеру feedback: Постоје. hint: '> значи веће од' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Колико комада чоколаде ће вам изазвати бол у стомаку према овом фитбиту? code: |- @@ -3012,6 +3302,8 @@ levels: - option: 9 или више feedback: Одлично! hint: '> 8 значи више од 8' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: Шта треба попунити у празнине? code: |- @@ -3028,6 +3320,8 @@ levels: - option: '''Нерешено је''' feedback: Не, није, један играч има већи резултат hint: Побеђујеш у игри тако што имаш највише поена + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 15: 1: question_text: 'Који симбол треба користити на празном месту? Савет: Мораш наставити да погађаш док не погодиш.' @@ -3046,6 +3340,8 @@ levels: - option: '`=`' feedback: То није то hint: Настави да погађаш док не кажеш Амстердам + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 2: question_text: Који од ових кодова је користио тачан(е) симбол(е)? mp_choice_options: @@ -3070,6 +3366,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Недостаје наводник hint: Када поредите два одговора требало би да користите == + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 3: question_text: Коју команду треба попунити на празном месту? code: |- @@ -3085,6 +3383,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{range}`' feedback: То није то hint: Није вам дозвољен улазак у бар све док имате 17 година или мање + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 4: question_text: Шта није у реду са овим кодом? code: |- @@ -3107,6 +3407,8 @@ levels: - option: У реду 5 `!=` је требало користити уместо `==` feedback: У праву сте hint: Нешто није у реду у реду 5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: Шта треба ставити на празно место да би овај програм радио исправно? code: |- @@ -3128,6 +3430,8 @@ levels: - option: "```\n = влажност + 1\n```" feedback: Програм треба да одбројава hint: влажност би требало да се смањује сваки пут + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: Шта није у реду са овим кодом? code: |- @@ -3146,6 +3450,8 @@ levels: - option: Линија 2 би требало да почне са мање увлачења feedback: То је тачно hint: Пажљиво погледај увлачење + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: Како би овај програм требало променити да би радио? code: |- @@ -3172,6 +3478,8 @@ levels: - option: '... промени четврти `{if}` у `{while}`' feedback: То није сасвим тачно. hint: Последњи треба да каже да си победио. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: Која изјава је тачна о овом аутоматизованом систему тоалета? code: |- @@ -3191,6 +3499,8 @@ levels: - option: Светла ће увек остати укључена. feedback: То не би било тачно. hint: Блок након команде {while} се понавља док је тоалет заузет. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Шта ће апликација за дијету рећи ако сте данас појели 1600 калорија? code: |- @@ -3211,6 +3521,8 @@ levels: - option: Доста сте јели за данас feedback: 'Не' hint: 1600 је између 1000 и 2000 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: 'Шта би требало попунити у празнине? Савет: играч са највише поена је у вођству.' code: |- @@ -3228,6 +3540,8 @@ levels: - option: "```\n поени_играча_2\n```" feedback: Требало би да попуните име, а не број hint: Побеђујете у игри тако што имате највише поена. Ваше име би требало да се појави на екрану + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 16: 1: question_text: Која команда би требало да се попуни у празнине да би се одштампала насумична ужина? @@ -3244,6 +3558,8 @@ levels: - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' feedback: Не треба нам `at` више hint: Више не користимо {at} + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 2: question_text: Шта би требало попунити у празнине ако желите листу ко ради које послове? code: |- @@ -3273,6 +3589,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Фантастично! hint: '`i` нам говори који је предмет на листи. Дакле, пријатељ 1 ради посао 1 итд.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: Који је могући излаз за овај програм? code: |- @@ -3310,6 +3628,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: То није то hint: Није насумично... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Шта није у реду са овим кодом? code: |- @@ -3328,6 +3648,8 @@ levels: - option: '{in} у линији 3 би требало уклонити' feedback: То није то hint: Нема ништа погрешно са линијом 4 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Која линија би требало да се попуни у празнину? code: |- @@ -3345,6 +3667,8 @@ levels: - option: "```\n звуци = ['ав', 'му', 'њи']\n```" feedback: Одличан посао! hint: Погледај линију 1 да видиш правилну употребу заграда и наводника. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: Која изјава је тачна? code: |- @@ -3362,6 +3686,8 @@ levels: - option: Овај код неће радити. Даће грешку. feedback: Не, код је исправан. hint: Нема ништа погрешно са овим кодом. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Шта није у реду са овим кодом? code: |- @@ -3379,6 +3705,8 @@ levels: - option: Линија 4 треба више наводника. feedback: Невероватно! hint: Постоји грешка у употреби наводника. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Који од ових кодова припада овом излазу? code: |- @@ -3419,6 +3747,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Ово неће радити! hint: Ако пажљиво погледате прву линију, видећете да су само прва два одговора могуће тачна. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Који је могући излаз овог кода? code: |- @@ -3450,6 +3780,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Понавља се само два пута hint: Опсег од 0 до 1 је 2 пута + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 10: question_text: Које 3 линије ће исправно завршити овај код? code: |- @@ -3489,6 +3821,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Фантастично! hint: Морате користити команду {remove} + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 17: 1: question_text: Који је излаз овог кода? @@ -3522,6 +3856,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Немојте пролазити кроз слова. hint: Пролазите кроз вашу листу. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Шта није у реду са овим кодом? code: |- @@ -3545,6 +3881,8 @@ levels: - option: '`noleap_year` мора бити идентичан у оба случаја.' feedback: Тачно! hint: Прочитајте код пажљиво. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: Колико јежева ће овај код исписати? mp_choice_options: @@ -3581,6 +3919,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: То није то. hint: Размислите колико пута треба да се понавља. + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Шта није у реду са кодом? code: |- @@ -3605,6 +3946,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{elif}` у последњој линији треба заменити са `{else}`' feedback: Одлично! hint: Размислите о `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: Који је излаз овог кода? code: |- @@ -3668,6 +4011,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: То није то. hint: Размисли колико пута треба да поновиш и вредности if и elif. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 6: question_text: Шта није у реду са кодом? code: |- @@ -3690,6 +4035,8 @@ levels: - option: Постоји грешка у увлачењу у последњој линији. feedback: Невероватно! hint: Негде постоји грешка... + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Који од следећих кодова ће исписати пет пута 'резултат је 3' на екрану? mp_choice_options: @@ -3726,6 +4073,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: То није то. hint: Размисли о математичким симболима. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Шта није у реду са кодом? code: |- @@ -3748,6 +4097,8 @@ levels: - option: Постоји грешка у увлачењу у последњој линији. feedback: Не. hint: Прочитајте код пажљиво. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: Који од следећих кодова је дао овај излаз? code: |- @@ -3770,6 +4121,8 @@ levels: - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' је позитиван'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' је негативан' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' је нула'\n```" feedback: То није то. hint: Прочитајте код пажљиво. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Шта није у реду са овим кодом? code: |- @@ -3792,3 +4145,5 @@ levels: - option: Постоји грешка у увлачењу у последњој линији. feedback: Не. hint: Прочитајте код пажљиво. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' diff --git a/content/quizzes/sv.yaml b/content/quizzes/sv.yaml index ba1b63b3b91..e753fb405a3 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/sv.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/sv.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Heidi feedback: Inte den här! hint: Det har fått sitt namn efter Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Vad behöver fyllas i för att visa texten Hej!? code: _ Hej! @@ -25,6 +27,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: Med `{ask}` kan du ställa en fråga. hint: _ Hej världen! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Hur frågar man vad någons favoritfärg är? mp_choice_options: @@ -49,6 +53,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{echo}` upprepar ditt svar tillbaka till dig.' hint: Du kan fråga något med kommandot `{ask}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Vad är fel med den här koden? code: |- @@ -65,6 +71,8 @@ levels: - option: Ingenting! Koden är perfekt! feedback: Fel – kolla noga! hint: Rad 1 verkar inte stämma + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Vilket kommando saknas på rad 2? code: |- @@ -80,6 +88,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{echo}`' feedback: Just det! hint: Du vill ha svaret i slutet på rad 2 … + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Vad är det för fel på den här koden? code: |- @@ -97,6 +107,8 @@ levels: - option: På rad 4 är `{print}` felstavat. feedback: Nej, felet är någon annanstans hint: Kolla `{print}`-kommandona. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Vad är det för fel på den här koden? code: |- @@ -114,6 +126,8 @@ levels: - option: Ingenting! Koden är perfekt! feedback: Rätt! hint: Kolla koden rad för rad + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Hur används kommandot `{echo}`? mp_choice_options: @@ -126,6 +140,8 @@ levels: - option: Du kan använda det för att få text att försvinna. feedback: Det stämmer inte … hint: '`{echo}` används efter ett `{ask}`-kommando.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: Vad är fel med den här koden? code: |- @@ -142,6 +158,8 @@ levels: - option: Ingenting. Koden är perfekt! feedback: Leta noga efter misstaget … hint: '`{ask}` låter dig ställa en fråga' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Vad kommer att visas på utdataskärmen när du har kört den här koden? mp_choice_options: @@ -158,6 +176,9 @@ levels: Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands hint: Nu kör vi! + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + correct_answer: B 2: 1: question_text: Vilket påstående stämmer? @@ -171,6 +192,8 @@ levels: - option: Med kommandot {sleep} kan du ta bort text från skärmen. feedback: Det är inte så `{sleep}` fungerar. hint: '`{print}` fungerar fortfarande på samma sätt som på nivå 1' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Vilken kod är rätt? mp_choice_options: @@ -195,6 +218,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Orden är rätt, men inte ordningen! hint: '`{ask}` fungerar inte som på nivå 1' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: Vad visas på skärmen när du kör den här koden? code: |- @@ -210,6 +235,8 @@ levels: - option: Marleen går till marknaden och Marleen köper ett äpple. feedback: '"hon" ersätts inte med namnet' hint: Ordet namn ersätts med Marleen + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Vad ser du på skärmen när du kör den här koden? code: |- @@ -225,6 +252,8 @@ levels: - option: Hej mitt Hedy är Hedy feedback: Stämmer – det misstaget kommer att rättas till på nivå 4! hint: '''namn'' ersätts med ''Hedy'' på båda ställena' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Vad händer när du använder kommandot `{sleep}`? mp_choice_options: @@ -237,6 +266,8 @@ levels: - option: Du lägger det i slutet så Hedy vet att ditt program är slut feedback: Nej, det skulle vara poänglöst i slutet av koden hint: Datorn väntar en sekund under kommandot `{sleep}` + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Vad ska stå på raderna? code: |- @@ -253,6 +284,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: Det finns ingen fråga att ställa hint: Pausa för dramatisk effekt … + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Vilket kommando ska användas på rad 2? code: |- @@ -281,6 +314,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Gör det lättare för dig genom att använda talet 3 hint: Du vill att datorn ska vänta tre sekunder + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 8: question_text: Hur skulle du rätta till den första kodraden? code: |- @@ -308,6 +343,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Var är kommandot `{ask}`? hint: Variabelnamnet ska komma först + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: Vad är det som går fel i den här koden? code: |- @@ -323,6 +360,8 @@ levels: - option: 'Rad 2 ska vara: `{sleep}` Jag älskar djur' feedback: Sov används inte för att `{print}` text hint: Du vill `{print}` 'Jag älskar hundar' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: question_text: Vilket kommando ska användas på rad 1? code: |- @@ -352,6 +391,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Det stämmer! hint: Du vill `{ask}` en fråga + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: 1: question_text: Vilka kommandon använder du för att låta Hedy välja något slumpmässigt? @@ -365,6 +406,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' feedback: Rätt! hint: Godtyckligt betyder utan plan eller slumpmässigt. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: question_text: Vad är det för fel på den här koden? code: |- @@ -380,6 +423,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at} {random}` är felstavat' feedback: '`{at} {random}` är rättstavat' hint: Det är något fel på rad 1 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: Hur fixar man på rad 2? code: |- @@ -404,6 +449,8 @@ levels: - option: Ingenting, koden är rätt! feedback: Leta noga efter felet hint: Variabeln (listan) heter alternativ. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Vad ska ändras på rad 2 för att skriva ut ett slumpmässigt pris? code: |- @@ -428,6 +475,8 @@ levels: - option: Inget, den här koden är okej. feedback: Leta noga efter misstaget som du missade! hint: Variabelnamnet är priser + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: Vad är fel med den här koden? code: |- @@ -445,6 +494,8 @@ levels: - option: Inget, den här koden är perfekt feedback: Det är rätt! hint: Har den här koden ens ett fel? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: Vad är fel med den här koden? code: |- @@ -461,6 +512,8 @@ levels: - option: Inget! Den här koden är perfekt! feedback: Det är faktiskt ett fel på rad 2. hint: Det är något fel på rad 2. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Vad gör kommandot `{add}`? code: |- @@ -478,6 +531,8 @@ levels: - option: Kommandot `{add}` skriver ut din favoritbok. feedback: Nej, det lägger till din favoritbok i listan hint: Kommandot `{add}` lägger till en bok, men vilken? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Vad blir resultatet av denna kod? code: |- @@ -495,6 +550,8 @@ levels: - option: gräddfil feedback: Det stämmer! hint: Det finns tre smaker men två tas bort. Vilken blir kvar? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 9: question_text: Vad är det för fel på den här koden? code: |- @@ -512,6 +569,8 @@ levels: - option: Inget – koden är rätt! feedback: Hitta felet! hint: Titta på rad 3 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Vad ska stå på _? code: |- @@ -542,6 +601,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Det ökade chansen att personen som gick igår nu måste göra det igen. Det är oschysst. hint: Personen som rastade hunden igår ska strykas från listan. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: 1: question_text: Vilken kod är rätt? @@ -567,6 +628,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Nej, men två andra kommandon fungerar. hint: På nivå 4 behöver du citattecken för två kommandon. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Vilken kod använder rätt citattecken? mp_choice_options: @@ -591,6 +654,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Detta är kommatecken men du behöver citattecken. hint: Välj rätt citattecken. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: question_text: Var används citattecken rätt? mp_choice_options: @@ -615,6 +680,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfekt! hint: Både före och efter de ord du vill skriva ut ska det finnas citattecken. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Vilket påstående stämmer? mp_choice_options: @@ -627,6 +694,8 @@ levels: - option: Du kan själv välja om du vill använda citattecken eller inte. feedback: Tyvärr är Hedy strängare än så. hint: Från och med nivå 4 måste du använda citattecken. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Vad måste ändras för att spelet ska fungera? code: |- @@ -651,6 +720,8 @@ levels: - option: Inget, spelet fungerar redan! feedback: Titta noga. Det finns ett fel. hint: Du vill inte att Hedy bokstavligen ska skriva ut 'alternativ {at} {random}' – du vill att Hedy ska skriva ut 'sten' eller 'påse' eller 'sax'. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Vad skulle vara en bra nästa rad i den här koden? code: priser {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 miljon dollar @@ -676,6 +747,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hedy kommer bokstavligen att skriva ut 'priser {at} {random}'' hint: 'Tänk efter: vad är en variabel och bör stå utanför citattecknen? Och vilka är normala ord som ska vara innanför?' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Vad är det för fel på den här koden? code: |- @@ -692,6 +765,8 @@ levels: - option: Ingenting, den här koden är bra som den är! feedback: Titta noga. Du missade ett fel! hint: Kontrollera varje rad för att se om det behövs citattecken eller inte. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Vad skulle vara en bra nästa rad för den här koden? code: |- @@ -720,6 +795,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hedy kommer bokstavligen att skriva ut 'Så du väljer dörr dörr hint: Det andra ordet dörr bör ersättas med siffran, det första bör fortfarande vara ordet dörr … + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: Vad kommer aldrig att visas i utskriften? code: |- @@ -735,6 +812,8 @@ levels: - option: FC Barcelona kommer att vinna champions league feedback: Det är rätt. Det finns inte i listan hint: Vilka alternativ har Hedy att slumpmässigt välja mellan? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Vilket påstående stämmer? code: |- @@ -751,6 +830,8 @@ levels: - option: Inget, den här koden har inga fel feedback: Du missade en sak! hint: En rad behöver citattecken eftersom den ska skrivas ut bokstavligt. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: 1: question_text: Vilket kommando ska fyllas i på _? @@ -768,6 +849,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{else}`' feedback: Det är rätt! hint: Vilket hör ihop med kommandot `{if}`? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: question_text: Vad visas på utdataskärmen när du matar in namnet Hedy? code: |- @@ -783,6 +866,8 @@ levels: - option: Fel feedback: Lyckligtvis inte! hint: '`{if}` namn `{is}` Hedy `{print}` …?' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Vad är rätt lösenord? code: |- @@ -799,6 +884,8 @@ levels: - option: ALARM INKRÄKTARE feedback: Detta skrivs ut när du matar in fel lösenord! hint: '`{if}` lösenord `{is}` … `{print}` ''Rätt!''!''' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Vad skriver Hedy ut när du matar in fel lösenord? code: |- @@ -815,6 +902,8 @@ levels: - option: ALARM! INKRÄKTARE! feedback: Bra jobbat! hint: Din dator larmar om det kommer inkräktare! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Varför kommer Hedy att säga 'ALARM! INKRÄKTARE' när du matar in 'hemligt'? code: |- @@ -831,6 +920,8 @@ levels: - option: För att Hedy gör fel feedback: Nej, Hedy gör rätt hint: Stavningen av ordet måste vara exakt samma. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 6: question_text: Vilket ord ska stå på frågetecknets plats på sista raden? code: |- @@ -861,6 +952,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{print}` är redan där, vi behöver ett ord innan det!' hint: '`{if}` passar ihop med …?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Vilket ord ska det vara istället för frågetecknet? code: |- @@ -878,6 +971,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: Toppen! hint: Efter `{else}` kommer ett `{print}` -kommando + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Vilket ord ska stå på frågetecknets plats? code: |- @@ -900,6 +995,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: Nej, det är inte det. hint: Vad heter variabeln? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Vilken dörr ska du välja för att fly? code: |- @@ -919,6 +1016,8 @@ levels: - option: Det är en fälla, du kommer alltid att bli uppäten! feedback: Lyckligtvis inte! hint: En av dörrarna är säker. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: question_text: Vilket monster står bakom dörr 1? code: |- @@ -938,6 +1037,8 @@ levels: - option: jättespindel feedback: Inte alltid … hint: Tänk på de tre sista orden … monster `{at} {random}`… + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: 1: question_text: Vad skriver Hedy ut när du kör den här koden? @@ -951,6 +1052,9 @@ levels: - option: '210' feedback: Tänk på att det är en uträkning. hint: '`*` används som gångertecken' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: '{print} 2*10' 2: question_text: Vad använder du när du vill addera två tal? mp_choice_options: @@ -963,6 +1067,8 @@ levels: - option: '`+`' feedback: Rätt! hint: Det är plustecknet. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: Vad skriver Hedy ut när du kör den här koden? mp_choice_options: @@ -975,6 +1081,9 @@ levels: - option: Inget, Hedy kommer att ge ett felmeddelande. feedback: Nej, Hedy kommer att skriva ut det bokstavligen. hint: Tänk på citattecknen!! + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Kim är 10 år gammal. Vad kommer Hedy att skriva ut för henne? code: |- @@ -992,6 +1101,8 @@ levels: - option: Ditt lyckotal är … 10 feedback: Hennes lyckotal är namn gånger ålder … hint: 'Kim har 3 bokstäver, hon är 10 år gammal så: bokstäver gånger ålder = 3*10 = 30.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 5: question_text: Om 5 personer äter på denna restaurang, hur mycket måste de betala sammanlagt? code: |- @@ -1008,6 +1119,9 @@ levels: feedback: '* betyder multiplikation.' - option: 50 dollar feedback: Bra! + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Vad kostar en hamburgare i den här virtuella restaurangen? code: |- @@ -1026,6 +1140,8 @@ levels: - option: 21 dollar feedback: Det är priset för en hamburgare och fries! hint: Tänk på den fjärde raden. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 7: question_text: Varför står det på rad 7 'pris är pris + 3' i stället för 'pris är 3'? code: |- @@ -1048,6 +1164,8 @@ levels: - option: Eftersom priset är 0 dollar till att börja med. feedback: Det är sant, men det är inte anledningen hint: Priset ska inte vara 3, utan 3 dollar mer än det redan var + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 8: question_text: Varför är den här koden fel? code: |- @@ -1065,6 +1183,8 @@ levels: - option: Variabeln på rad 2 kan inte heta svar, eftersom den är för lik variabeln rätt svar. feedback: Variabelnamn kan likna varann men kan inte bestå av två ord … hint: Kontrollera variabelnamnen. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Tänk dig att du älskar fotboll 10 av 10, har ätit 2 bananer och har tvättat händerna 3 gånger idag. Hur smart tror den fåniga spådamen att du är? code: |- @@ -1086,6 +1206,8 @@ levels: - option: 100% feedback: (2 bananer + 3 hygien) * 10 fotboll = 5*10 =? hint: (2 bananer + 3 hygien) * 10 fotboll = 5*10 =? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Vilket påstående stämmer? code: |- @@ -1101,6 +1223,8 @@ levels: - option: Du kan bara använda `=`-tecknet när du arbetar med siffror, inte med ord. feedback: Du kan också använda `=` med ord. hint: '`{is}` och `=` är båda tillåtna' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: 1: question_text: Hur många rader kan du upprepa samtidigt med repetera-kommandot på den här nivån? @@ -1114,6 +1238,8 @@ levels: - option: oändligt feedback: På den här nivån kan du bara upprepa en rad i taget hint: Du kan bara upprepa en rad åt gången + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Vilken kod är rätt? mp_choice_options: @@ -1138,6 +1264,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Det är rätt! hint: Först kommandot upprepa, sedan kommandot `{print}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: Är den här koden rätt eller fel? code: '{repeat} 100 {times} ''Hej!''' @@ -1151,6 +1279,8 @@ levels: - option: Fel; ordet `{print}` saknas feedback: Rätt hint: 'Det ska vara: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` ''Hej''' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 4: question_text: Vilket ord är fel i koden? mp_choice_options: @@ -1166,6 +1296,9 @@ levels: - option: '`{times}`' feedback: '`{times}` är rättstavat' hint: Jag har fel; du kan inte använda apostrofer + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" 5: question_text: Är den här koden rätt eller fel? code: '{repeat} 100 {times} {print} ''Hedy är fantastiskt!''' @@ -1175,6 +1308,8 @@ levels: - option: Fel feedback: Det är fel hint: Koden är rätt! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 6: question_text: Vad skriver den här koden ut? code: |- @@ -1206,6 +1341,8 @@ levels: runt runt runt feedback: Genom hela staden! Perfekt! hint: Bara 'runt och runt' upprepas tre gånger. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Vad kommer den här koden att skriva ut? mp_choice_options: @@ -1229,6 +1366,9 @@ levels: ROCK YOU! feedback: Tänk på kommandot upprepa hint: Tänk på kommandot `{repeat}`. + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 8: question_text: Vilken Hedy-kod ger den här utskriften? mp_choice_options: @@ -1264,6 +1404,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Detta är inte rätt ordning … hint: '`{repeat}` kan bara användas om du vill köra samma rad flera gånger.' + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 9: question_text: Vilken Hedy-kod ger den här utskriften? mp_choice_options: @@ -1300,6 +1443,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfekt hint: '''Help!'' upprepas 3 gånger.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" 10: question_text: Vilken Hedy-kod ger den här utskriften? mp_choice_options: @@ -1332,6 +1478,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Detta är inte i rätt ordning. hint: Tänk på ordningen på meningarna. + question_score: '10' + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + correct_answer: B 8: 1: question_text: Vad skriver den här koden ut? @@ -1362,6 +1511,8 @@ levels: Jag heter Hedy! feedback: Allt skrivs ut två gånger hint: Båda raderna upprepas två gånger. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Vad är fel med den här koden? code: |- @@ -1377,6 +1528,8 @@ levels: - option: Den andra raden ska börja med fyra mellanslag som indrag. feedback: Rätt! hint: Saknas det något på andra raden? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: Vad skrivs ut när du kör det här programmet? mp_choice_options: @@ -1405,6 +1558,9 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: Vad som upprepas och vad som inte upprepas. hint: Vad är det som upprepas och vad är det som inte upprepas? + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Vilken utskrift är korrekt? code: |- @@ -1439,6 +1595,8 @@ levels: Vi ska åka på semester! feedback: Sista raden upprepas också. hint: Blocket under kommandot `{repeat}` upprepas två gånger. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: Vad är fel med den här koden? code: |- @@ -1455,6 +1613,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}` är inte längre ett kommando' feedback: Det stämmer inte hint: Något är fel med indragningen + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Vad blir utskriften från koden när vi matar in pannkakor? mp_choice_options: @@ -1481,6 +1641,9 @@ levels: Pannkakor feedback: Bra jobbat! hint: Den första meningen och frågan kommer inte att upprepas + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: Vad är fel med den här koden? code: |- @@ -1502,6 +1665,8 @@ levels: - option: Indraget är fel i det första `{if}`-kommandot. feedback: Det stämmer. hint: Titta noga på indragningen. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Vilken kod har rätt indragning? mp_choice_options: @@ -1546,6 +1711,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Du har fel! hint: Vad ska hända om personen har rätt? Och vad mer? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Vilken rad i denna kod ska börja med fyra mellanslag? code: |- @@ -1564,6 +1731,8 @@ levels: - option: Rad 3 och 5 feedback: Bra jobbat! hint: Raderna efter ett `{if}`- eller `{else}`-kommando ska börja med fyra mellanslag. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Vilket påstående stämmer? code: |- @@ -1580,6 +1749,8 @@ levels: - option: Rad 3 ska börja med fyra mellanslag feedback: Du har rätt! hint: Bara en rad börjar med fyra mellanslag, men vilken …? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 9: 1: question_text: Vad är fel med den här koden? @@ -1603,6 +1774,8 @@ levels: - option: Indraget är fel i det sista `{if}`-kommandot. feedback: Det är inte indragningen. hint: Alla indragningar är rätt. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Vad skrivs ut när du matar in rätt lösenord? code: |- @@ -1642,6 +1815,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Rätt! hint: Allt under kommandot `{repeat}` upprepas två gånger. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Vilken låda ska du välja för att vinna en miljon dollar? code: |- @@ -1669,6 +1844,8 @@ levels: - option: låda 2, öppna feedback: Bra jobbat! Du vinner! hint: Följ rätt väg + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Vilket påstående stämmer? code: |- @@ -1691,6 +1868,8 @@ levels: - option: Askungen med skostorlek 38 får svaret 'Jag fortsätter att leta' feedback: Nej, hon får '❤️❤️❤️' hint: Oavsett vad du heter, om du har skostorlek 40 kommer du att få meddelandet 'Jag fortsätter att leta'. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 5: question_text: Vilken kod gav det här resultatet? output: |- @@ -1732,6 +1911,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Det finns två `{repeat}`-kommandon i den här koden. hint: Titta på indraget + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Efter vilket/vilka kommandon ska du använda indrag (börja nästa rad med 4 mellanslag)? mp_choice_options: @@ -1744,6 +1925,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Inte med skriv hint: Indrag sker på raden under vissa kommandon + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Du får 5 dollar i rabatt om du beställer en mediumpizza med cola.
Men koden har ett fel! Hur kan man felsöka den? code: |- @@ -1785,6 +1968,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Nästan rätt, men titta på den sista raden. hint: Efter varje `{if}`-kommando ska raden nedanför dras in + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: Vad är det för fel på den här koden? code: |- @@ -1803,6 +1988,8 @@ levels: - option: Koden måste alltid börja med ett `{print}`-kommando på första raden feedback: Det stämmer inte. hint: Indragningen är rätt den här gången + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Hur många `{if}`-kommandon kan man ha inuti ett annat `{if}`-kommando? mp_choice_options: @@ -1815,6 +2002,8 @@ levels: - option: Oändligt, så länge du fortsätter att använda indrag på rätt sätt feedback: Det är sant hint: Du kan ha ett `{if}`-kommando inuti ett `{if}`-kommando. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Vilket påstående stämmer? code: |- @@ -1831,6 +2020,8 @@ levels: - option: rad 2 ska börja med fyra mellanslag och rad 3 med åtta feedback: Du har rätt! hint: Den första raden börjar inte med några mellanslag + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: 1: question_text: Vad måste vi fylla i på `_` om vi vill skriva ut varje komplimang? @@ -1860,6 +2051,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Nästan framme! hint: '`{for}` varje komplimang i listan av komplimanger …' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Vilken utskrift är korrekt? code: |- @@ -1879,6 +2072,8 @@ levels: Jag älskar pannkakor feedback: Bra! hint: Rad 2 säger för varje mat i listan över maträtter. Så varje maträtt skrivs ut. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Vilken utskrift är korrekt? code: |- @@ -1899,6 +2094,8 @@ levels: - option: Du vet inte än, eftersom den väljer ett av djuren {at} {random}. feedback: Rad 2 säger {for} varje djur i listan över djuren. Så varje djur {print}s ut. hint: Rad 2 säger {for} varje djur i listan över djuren. Så varje djur skrivs ut + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Vad är det för fel på den här koden? code: |- @@ -1915,6 +2112,8 @@ levels: - option: På rad 2 ska det stå matvaror istället för mat feedback: Nej, det ska det inte. hint: Rad 2 säger `{for}` varje mat i listan över matvaror + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 5: question_text: Vilket ord ska stå på _ med dessa digitala tärningar? code: |- @@ -1933,6 +2132,8 @@ levels: - option: tärning feedback: Titta på variablernas namn. hint: Hedy behöver välja ett tal `{at} {random}` + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Vilket av svaren nedan är möjligt när du kör koden? code: |- @@ -1954,6 +2155,8 @@ levels: Meredith väljer sax feedback: Fantastiskt! hint: Varje spelare väljer ett alternativ. Den spelare som är först i listan börjar. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: Vilken rad skall finnas på _ i den här koden som bestämmer vad personerna skall äta till middag? code: |- @@ -1983,6 +2186,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Varje namn ska få veta vad de får till middag. hint: Varje namn ska få veta vad de får till middag. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Vad ska stå på _ i den här koden som avgör vilken tröjfärg du får? code: |- @@ -2012,6 +2217,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Det finns ingen variabel som heter personer … hint: Tänk på citattecknen och namnen på variablerna + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Vad är det första Hedy kommer att fråga dig när du kör programmet? code: |- @@ -2031,6 +2238,8 @@ levels: - option: Det vet man inte. Hedy kommer att välja `{at} {random}`. feedback: Det finns ingen `{at} {random}` i koden … hint: De första alternativen från båda listorna väljs. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Vilket stämmer om den här koden? code: |- @@ -2048,6 +2257,8 @@ levels: - option: Någon kan vinna två priser feedback: Du fattar! hint: Försök att tänka dig vad den här koden skriver ut. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 11: 1: question_text: Vilket ord ska stå i stället för frågetecknet? @@ -2064,6 +2275,9 @@ levels: - option: '`{for}`' feedback: Nej hint: Vad lärde du dig på den här nivån? + code: "{for} i {in} _ 1 {to} 10\n {print} i" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Vad blir utskriften från denna kod? mp_choice_options: @@ -2078,6 +2292,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: A + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -2105,6 +2323,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -2113,6 +2335,18 @@ levels: _ mat = {ask} 'Vad skulle du vilja beställa?' {print} mat + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + feedback: Great! + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + feedback: That's one order too many! + correct_answer: C + hint: Use the variable 'people' + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -2129,6 +2363,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- ålder = {ask} 'Hur gammal är du?' @@ -2144,6 +2383,9 @@ levels: - option: Det beror på hur gammal du är feedback: Det stämmer! hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` ålder' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Vilken Hedy-kod ger den här utskriften? mp_choice_options: @@ -2176,6 +2418,54 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 är fyra gånger.' hint: Tänk på indragningen + question_score: '10' + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + correct_answer: B + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + 5: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - feedback: Not line 1... + option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + - option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + feedback: Perfect! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + question_score: '10' + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + correct_answer: A + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" 12: 1: question_text: Vilken utskrift är rätt? @@ -2196,6 +2486,8 @@ levels: 5 feedback: Bra jobbat! hint: Båda raderna skrivs ut! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Vilken kod är rätt? mp_choice_options: @@ -2224,6 +2516,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Alla olika värden på smaker ska skrivas inom citattecken. hint: Den andra kodraden är samma i varje kod – var uppmärksam på den första raden + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Vad är fel med den här koden? code: |- @@ -2239,6 +2533,8 @@ levels: - option: Inget är fel. feedback: Det stämmer inte hint: Citattecknen används korrekt + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: På vilka rader behövs citattecken för att få koden att fungera? code: |- @@ -2256,6 +2552,8 @@ levels: - option: Alla rader feedback: Perfekt! hint: Behöver rad 3 också citattecken? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Vad får Agent007 för resultat när den anger rätt lösenord? code: |- @@ -2279,6 +2577,9 @@ levels: feedback: Agenten kommer inte att fånga några skurkar här - option: Åk till flygplatsen i morgon kl. 10.00 feedback: Agenten kommer inte att fånga några skurkar här + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Vilken rad ska fyllas i vid ??? code: |- @@ -2314,6 +2615,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Nästan framme! hint: Vad händer om du bara beställer pommes frites och en dricka? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Vilken utskrift får en vegan? code: |- @@ -2352,6 +2655,8 @@ levels: kakor feedback: Nästan klart, men titta på ordningen på snacksen i listan hint: Vilket element tas bort från listan när du svarar 'vegan'? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Vilken kod användes för att skapa det här resultatet? mp_choice_options: @@ -2376,6 +2681,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Nej hint: 7 dividerat med 2 är 3.5 + code: '3.5' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Vilken kod ska fyllas i på rad 1 vid ??? code: |- @@ -2403,6 +2711,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Du vann ingenting hint: Elementen i listan ska stå inom citattecken + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Vilken kodrad ska fyllas i vid ??? för att slutföra sången? code: |- @@ -2436,6 +2746,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Det här är en svår uppgift! Alla handlingar i listan måste finnas med i låten. hint: Det här är en svår uppgift! Alla handlingar på listan måste finnas med i låten. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 13: 1: question_text: Vilken kod ska fyllas i vid ??? @@ -2470,6 +2782,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hedy sjunger bara om båda svaren är ja hint: Hedy sjunger om du vill höra en sång och det är din födelsedag + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 2: question_text: Vilket kommando saknas i koden istället för ??? ? code: |- @@ -2487,6 +2801,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: Nej hint: Varken veganer eller muslimer kan äta korv. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: question_text: Vilken utskrift får en medlem utan rabattkod? code: |- @@ -2506,6 +2822,8 @@ levels: - option: Det kan man inte veta feedback: Det finns det! Läs frågan noggrant hint: Tänk på `{or}`-kommandot på rad 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Vilken kodrad ska följa den här raden i sten-sax-påse-spelet? code: '{if} datorns_val {is} ''sten'' {and} ditt_val {is} ''påse''' @@ -2531,6 +2849,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Försök igen! hint: Påse slår sten + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Vad stämmer om den här koden? code: |- @@ -2546,6 +2866,8 @@ levels: - option: Varje person som inte heter Askungen och inte har skostorlek 38 är den här prinsens enda sanna kärlek feedback: Prinsen är lite mer kräsen än så! hint: Båda påståendena måste vara sanna + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: Vilket påstående om den här koden är sant? code: |- @@ -2570,6 +2892,8 @@ levels: - option: Sophie är en tjej med glasögon feedback: Bra jobbat! hint: Titta noga! Eller behöver du glasögon? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Vilket påstående är falskt? code: |- @@ -2595,6 +2919,8 @@ levels: - option: Den gula fågeln fick mat i morse feedback: Det stämmer hint: Läs de sista fyra raderna noga + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Vilken utskrift får man om man beställer popcorn men ingen dricka? code: |- @@ -2632,6 +2958,8 @@ levels: Njut av filmen feedback: Du måste betala för dina popcorn! hint: popcorn = ja och dricka = nej + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Vad är fel med den här koden? code: |- @@ -2671,6 +2999,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Det här är inte vad jag beställde! hint: Det finns ett misstag på rad 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Vilket kommando ska finnas på rad 8 istället för ??? ? code: |- @@ -2697,6 +3027,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{if}`' feedback: Nej hint: Elementet är antingen i listan med snacks eller i listan med drycker + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 14: 1: question_text: Vilken symbol ska användas på den tomma platsen? @@ -2714,6 +3046,8 @@ levels: - option: '`=`' feedback: Rätt! hint: Vi jämför ingenting, vi frågar bara efter ett namn. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Vilken kod använder symbolen = eller == på rätt sätt? mp_choice_options: @@ -2726,6 +3060,8 @@ levels: - option: svar == {ask} 'Hur mår du?' feedback: Nej hint: När du jämför två svar ska du använda == + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Vilka symboler ska fyllas i på de två tomma platserna? code: |- @@ -2745,6 +3081,8 @@ levels: - option: '`+` och `==`' hint: 130 personer får vistas i klubben feedback: Det är fel + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Vad är fel med den här koden? code: |- @@ -2765,6 +3103,8 @@ levels: - option: På rad 4 ska <= användas istället för >= feedback: No that's not it hint: Symbolerna är rätt + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: Vilken symbol ska det vara på den tomma platsen om filmen är tillåten för barn från 12 år och uppåt? code: |- @@ -2784,6 +3124,8 @@ levels: - option: '`<= 12`' feedback: De här barnen är för unga hint: '> betyder större än' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: Hur många gånger måste du säga att du är irriterad innan det här störiga spelet slutar? code: |- @@ -2803,6 +3145,8 @@ levels: - option: Två gånger feedback: Det stämmer hint: '!= betyder ''är inte''' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Vad ska det stå på de tre tomma platserna? code: |- @@ -2830,6 +3174,8 @@ levels: - option: '`''Lägre!''` och `''Du vann!''` och `''Högre!''`' feedback: Det är inte riktigt rätt. hint: Den sista ska säga att du vann. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Vilket påstående stämmer om den här berg- och dalbanan? code: |- @@ -2848,6 +3194,8 @@ levels: - option: Det finns inga längdbegränsningar för att åka berg- och dalbana feedback: There are. hint: '> betyder större än' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 9: question_text: Hur många chokladbitar ger dig ont i magen enligt denna fitbit? code: |- @@ -2868,6 +3216,8 @@ levels: - option: Nio eller fler feedback: Bra! hint: '> 8 betyder fler än 8' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: Vad ska det stå i de tomma rutorna? code: |- @@ -2884,6 +3234,8 @@ levels: - option: '''Det är oavgjort''' feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score hint: Du vinner spelet genom att ha flest poäng + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 15: 1: code: |- @@ -2891,11 +3243,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + question_score: '10' + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{range}`' 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -2916,6 +3293,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + correct_answer: D 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -2935,6 +3316,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_score: '10' + hint: wetness should get less each time + correct_answer: C + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -2952,6 +3337,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -2963,8 +3351,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + question_score: '10' + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: False! + option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -2983,6 +3388,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -2993,6 +3402,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 2: + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C 16: 2: code: |- @@ -3000,12 +3428,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + feedback: That's not it + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -3016,6 +3470,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + correct_answer: B + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -3026,3 +3485,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + 10: + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + - feedback: There is no list called 'person' + option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - feedback: The order is wrong. + option: '`[{random} snack]`' + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + 6: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_score: '10' + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - option: Line 4 should start without indentation + feedback: It should not + - option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + feedback: Amazing! + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 8: + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - feedback: This is not going to work! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + feedback: It's only repeated twice + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + correct_answer: A + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + 17: + 4: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + feedback: Not correct. + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + correct_answer: B + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Try again! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: Nope. + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: C + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You cannot have so many variables. + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + 7: + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C diff --git a/content/quizzes/sw.yaml b/content/quizzes/sw.yaml index de901cca12d..62d7b36ed51 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/sw.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/sw.yaml @@ -25,8 +25,22 @@ levels: ``` feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _?_ Hello world! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: hint: You can {ask} something with the {ask} command + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + - option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: You only need one command, not two. + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -37,6 +51,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." 5: code: |- {ask} What is your favorite pet? @@ -62,6 +81,10 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: Right on! + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -72,6 +95,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -87,6 +114,69 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Let's go! + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - feedback: Correct! + option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + hint: Check the code line by line + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - feedback: Great! You paid attention! + option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy + feedback: Good job! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heddy + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Haydie + - option: Heidi + feedback: Not this one! + correct_answer: A + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's this programming language called? 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -99,6 +189,9 @@ levels: - option: In level 2 all the level 1 commands still work feedback: No one command doesn't work anymore. hint: '`{print}` and `{ask}` still exist.' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -125,17 +218,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be on the lines? + correct_answer: A 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + option: Marleen goes to the market. + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + correct_answer: C + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_score: '10' + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + - feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + question_score: '10' + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + correct_answer: B + 8: + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + hint: The variable name should come first + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 2: + question_text: Which code is correct? + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is name + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + question_score: '10' + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + correct_answer: D + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + 5: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: It slows down your computer + feedback: fortunately not! + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + question_score: '10' + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -160,6 +371,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -170,8 +384,26 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" 3: question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2 of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + - feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + option: Nothing, the code is correct! + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- colors {is} blue, purple, green @@ -179,6 +411,18 @@ levels: {remove} chosen_color {from} colors {print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random} hint: Look at line 3 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -209,6 +453,83 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 6: + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - feedback: Correct + option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 7: + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + question_score: '10' + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + correct_answer: C + 5: + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + question_score: '10' + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 8: + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - option: sea salt + feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the output of this code? + 4: + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + hint: The variable name is prices + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -221,6 +542,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -243,6 +567,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -265,6 +593,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -284,8 +616,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -296,6 +646,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + correct_answer: D + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: Correct + - feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + - option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + feedback: You missed one! + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + 4: + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 8: + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -313,8 +727,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + question_text: What is the right password? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct! + feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + - option: SECRET + feedback: That's right!' + - feedback: The password isn't password... + option: password + - option: ALARM INTRUDER + feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -323,6 +752,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -351,6 +792,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -378,11 +822,114 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: What the variable name? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + option: Wrong! + - feedback: Great job! + option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + 5: + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: fun + feedback: That's right! + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + question_score: '10' + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + correct_answer: A + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + feedback: Awesome! + - option: vampire + feedback: Not always... + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '1' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - feedback: Luckily not! + option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + correct_answer: B + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" 6: 2: question_text: Which sign do you use for an addition? + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + option: 6 dollars + - option: 0 dollars + feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the fourth line. + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -396,6 +943,115 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - option: 10 dollars + feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - feedback: Great! + option: 50 dollars + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + option: Your lucky number is... 10 + correct_answer: C + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + question_score: '10' + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + feedback: No, there should be! + - option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: No, that's not true. + option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + correct_answer: B + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_score: '10' + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 10% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + option: 50% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - option: 3*10 + feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - option: 2*10 + feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + code: '{print} 2*10' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -408,8 +1064,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + question_text: Which code is right? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -433,6 +1104,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -459,6 +1134,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -480,6 +1160,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 8: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat mp_choice_options: @@ -515,6 +1200,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Dit is niet de juiste volgorde.. hint: '`{repeat}` kan alleen worden gebruikt als je dezelfde regel meerdere keren achter elkaar wil uitvoeren.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" 9: question_text: Welke Hedy code hoort bij dit resultaat ? code: |- @@ -558,6 +1246,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Perfect hint: '''Help !'' wordt 3x herhaald.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -589,6 +1279,36 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + 3: + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - feedback: Correct + option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 5: + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + hint: The code is correct! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -600,6 +1320,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -627,6 +1352,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + correct_answer: C + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -659,6 +1388,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -669,6 +1402,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -688,6 +1426,10 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -730,6 +1472,10 @@ levels: {print} You are wrong! ``` feedback: You are wrong! + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? 9: code: |- 1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?' @@ -737,11 +1483,67 @@ levels: 3 {print} '🤘' 4 {else} 5 {print} '👎' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 and 4 + feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + correct_answer: D + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. 10: code: |- 1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?" 2 {if} level {is} 8 3 {print} Great job! + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + question_score: '10' + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + correct_answer: D + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Everything is printed twice. + option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + - feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Everything is printed twice + option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + correct_answer: C + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" 9: 1: code: |- @@ -764,6 +1566,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -783,6 +1588,11 @@ levels: Good job! You can use the computer! feedback: Correct! + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -799,6 +1609,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - option: case 2, sell + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: Great job! You win! + option: case 2, open + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -819,6 +1642,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + correct_answer: C + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -854,6 +1681,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + hint: Watch the indentation + question_text: Which code produced this output? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -864,6 +1696,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -904,6 +1740,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -921,6 +1760,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + hint: The indentation is done right this time + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -936,6 +1778,23 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + question_score: '10' + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + correct_answer: D 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -943,6 +1802,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + correct_answer: B + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -951,6 +1822,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + option: players + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - option: dice + feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -965,6 +1848,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + question_score: '10' + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -972,6 +1860,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -1000,6 +1900,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: What is the first question Hedy will `{ask}` you when you run the program? code: |- @@ -1009,6 +1912,18 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + question_score: '10' + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -1024,6 +1939,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + question_text: What is true about this code? + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 2: + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + question_text: Which output is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pancakes + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + 4: + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1051,6 +2015,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + hint: What did you learn in this level? + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1064,6 +2031,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_text: What will be the output from this code? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1091,6 +2063,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1099,6 +2075,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: Use the variable 'people' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1115,6 +2103,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1146,6 +2139,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + feedback: Perfect! + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: 1 time + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - option: 3 times + feedback: That's right! + - option: Never + feedback: No + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + correct_answer: C + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1164,6 +2221,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Both lines are printed! + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1190,6 +2251,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1203,12 +2268,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + feedback: No + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + question_score: '10' + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + correct_answer: D 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1222,6 +2304,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1235,6 +2330,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + feedback: Almost there! + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1247,6 +2354,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + mp_choice_options: + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + feedback: Terrific! + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1269,6 +2389,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1295,6 +2420,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1315,6 +2443,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1347,6 +2478,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + correct_answer: C + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1362,6 +2497,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1380,6 +2519,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1391,10 +2533,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_score: '10' + hint: Paper beats rock + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + correct_answer: A 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1408,6 +2567,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + feedback: Try again + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1422,6 +2594,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + question_text: Which statement is false? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1436,6 +2621,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: That's not enough money! + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1473,6 +2671,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1497,6 +2699,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1507,6 +2713,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + - feedback: You are correct + option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + feedback: No that's not it + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: The symbols are right + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1515,6 +2734,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`> 12`' + feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1523,6 +2755,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1532,6 +2777,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: 1 or more + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - option: 9 or more + feedback: Great! + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + question_score: '10' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + correct_answer: A + hint: '> means greater than' + 3: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`>` and `<`' + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 1: + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=>`' + feedback: This is not a symbol. + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + option: '`!=`' + - option: '`=`' + feedback: Right! + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + 10: + hint: You win the game by having the most points + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1539,11 +2886,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + option: '`==`' + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: Correct + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{in}`' + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1564,6 +2936,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1583,6 +2959,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_score: '10' + hint: wetness should get less each time + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1600,6 +2980,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1611,8 +2994,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - feedback: Great job + option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + - feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + correct_answer: B + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1631,6 +3031,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1641,6 +3045,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + question_score: '10' + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1648,12 +3071,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: Super! + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1664,6 +3113,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1674,3 +3128,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 1: + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - feedback: The order is wrong. + option: '`[{random} snack]`' + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + hint: We no longer use {at} + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + feedback: Correct + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + feedback: That is not right. + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not right + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + - feedback: There is no list called 'person' + option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + 17: + 1: + question_text: What is the output of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + correct_answer: B + hint: Loop through your list. + question_score: '10' + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You cannot have so many variables. + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + correct_answer: C + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 4: + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 5: + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 7: + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C + 8: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + 9: + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + hint: Read the code carefully. + 10: + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: The word num needs quotation marks. + feedback: Try again. + - option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C diff --git a/content/quizzes/ta.yaml b/content/quizzes/ta.yaml index 0967ef424bc..b34f66b9724 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/ta.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/ta.yaml @@ -1 +1,2543 @@ -{} +levels: + 7: + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nthe wheels on the bus go\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nround and round\nround and round\n```" + feedback: All through the town! Perfect! + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 7: + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nWe will We will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + feedback: "'We will' won't appear twice in the same line" + - option: "```\nWe will\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: ROCK YOU! won't be repeated + option: "```\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + - feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command + option: "```\nWe will\nROCK YOU!" + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + question_score: '10' + 8: + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome, you can't use the `{repeat}` command here. + option: "```\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'" + feedback: Where did you leave 'Do do do do'? + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + correct_answer: A + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + 9: + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Your repeated line is incorrect. + option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham. '\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{print} 'Help!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + feedback: The `{print}` command is missing on line 3. + - option: "```\n{print} Batman was flying through Gotham.\n{print} When suddenly he heard someone screaming!\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} Help!\n{print} Please help me!\n```" + feedback: You're missing the quotation marks + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" + 1: + hint: You can only repeat one line at a time + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No you can repeat a line. + option: '0' + - option: '1' + feedback: Correct, one line at a time + - feedback: In this level only one line at a time + option: '3' + - feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time + option: infinite + correct_answer: B + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + 2: + question_text: Which code is right? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + hint: First the `{repeat}` command, then the `{print}` command + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "`I'm`" + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: '`{print}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{print}`' + - option: '`{repeat}`' + feedback: '`{repeat}` is spelled correctly' + - option: '`{times}`' + feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes in a sentence + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 5: + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + hint: The code is correct! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 10: + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost! the first line needs an extra word + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: This is not in the right order. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 4 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'clap your hands'\n{print} 'and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'clap your hands'\n```" + feedback: This is not in the right order. + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + question_score: '10' + 3: + 7: + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + correct_answer: D + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the output of this code? + 9: + code: "colors {is} blue, purple, green\nchosen_color {is} {ask} Which hair color wouldn't you like to have?\n{remove} chosen_color {from} colors\n{print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Look at line 4 + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: '`{print}` is used to print text' + - feedback: '`{ask}` is used to ask a question' + option: '`{ask}`' + - option: '`{is}`' + feedback: '`{is}` is used to make a list' + - option: '`{at} {random}`' + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What command(s) do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 2: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Good job! + option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' + - option: Line 1 needs to start with `{print}`. + feedback: No, you don't need `{print}` + - feedback: animals is correct. + option: Line 2 needs to say 'animal' instead of 'animals' + - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' + feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + 3: + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? + 4: + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + hint: The variable name is prices + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + feedback: No that's not wrong. + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - option: Nothing, this code is perfect + feedback: That's right! + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 6: + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 10: + question_text: What should be on the _? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {from} walkers\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: '`{remove} {from}` or `{add} {to}`, not `{remove} {to}`' + option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + - option: "```\n{remove} walkers {from} yesterday\n```" + feedback: yesterday is not a variable + - feedback: This increased the chance that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. + option: "```\n{add} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + hint: The person who walked the dogs yesterday should be removed from the list. + code: "walkers {is} dad, mom, Sam, Petra\nwalked_yesterday {is} {ask} Who walked the dogs yesterday?\n{print} walked_yesterday shouldn't have to walk the dogs again today\n_\n{print} walkers {at} {random} , it's your turn to walk the dogs!" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 4: + 2: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This quotation mark is skewed, you need a straight one. + option: "```\n{print} `hello`\n```" + - feedback: Correct + option: "```\n{print} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} hello\n```" + feedback: There are no quotation marks here! + - option: "```\n{print} ,hello,\n```" + feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Add quotation marks please! + option: "```\n{print} Hi Im Hedy\n```" + - feedback: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + option: "```\n{print} 'Hi Im Hedy\n```" + - feedback: The first quotation mark should be behind the word `{print}` + option: "```\n'{print} Hi Im Hedy'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'Hi Im Hedy'\n```" + feedback: Perfect! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + 5: + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Never put the quotation mark in front of the `{print}` command. + option: "```\n'{print} options {at} {random}'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'options' {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: options is a variable. You don't literally want to print 'options {at} {random}'. + - feedback: That's right + option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + - option: Nothing, the game already works! + feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + 6: + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + - feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + feedback: We need quotation marks + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league + feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + - feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + option: Real Madrid is going to win the champions league + - option: Bayern Munchen is going to win the champions league + feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league + feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + correct_answer: D + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: Correct + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right + option: "```\n{print} 'Im very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} Im very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + feedback: '{print} now needs quotation marks!' + - option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + feedback: do not use apostrophe or use backticks instead + - feedback: careful when using quotes and apostrophe + option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + 5: + 1: + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the _? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: There already is a `{print}` command. + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: The `{if}` command is used in the line above. + - option: '`{sleep}`' + feedback: That's not it! + - option: '`{else}`' + feedback: That's right! + hint: Which one goes together with the `{if}` command? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "number {is} {ask} 'What is your lucky number?'\n{if} number {is} 5 {print} 'Mine too!'\n_ {print} 'My lucky number is 5!'" + 2: + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: fun + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + option: Hedy + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + 3: + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct! + feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + - option: SECRET + feedback: That's right!' + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - option: ALARM INTRUDER + feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + hint: "`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` 'Correct!'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is the right password? + 4: + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 5: + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + feedback: Indeed! + - option: Because the password is alarm + feedback: No, this is not the password. + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + 6: + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank in the last line? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + option: "```\n{if}\n```" + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the football fortune teller!'\n{print} 'I will predict what place your team will end up!'\nclub is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?'\n{if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!'\n_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfavorite animal\n```" + feedback: That's not the variable name. + - option: "```\nanimal\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: '`{if}` is already there' + - feedback: No, that's not it. + option: '`{print}`' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank? + code: "animal {is} {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{if} _ {is} penguin {print} 'Thats my favorite animal too!'\n{else} {print} 'Cool! I like penguins.'" + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + 9: + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + option: '1' + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{if}` is in the line above.' + option: '`{if}`' + - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' + feedback: No, you don't need `{at} {random}`. + - feedback: There already is an `{else}` command + option: '`{else}`' + - feedback: Awesome! + option: '`{print}`' + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which word should be in the place of the blank? + code: "{print} 'I can predict if you will be a millionair or not!'\nname {is} {ask} 'Whats your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'You will be a millionair!'\n{else} _ 'Unfortunately... No big money for you.'" + 10: + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + 6: + 3: + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + 4: + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your lucky number is... 30 + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 5: + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: The * means multiplication. + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 6: + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - option: 21 dollars + feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A + question_text: How much does a hamburger cost in this virtual restaurant? + 7: + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: That's true, but not the reason + option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + feedback: Correct! + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + 9: + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 10% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + correct_answer: C + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`*`' + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to use the `=` sign as well + option: You can only fill in the word is on the `_` + - option: You can fill in either the word is or the `=` sign on the `_` + feedback: Amazing! + - option: You have to fill in =is= on the `_` + feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough + - feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "name _ Hedy\n{print} name 'is walking trough the forrest'" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + 1: + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats a given answer.' + option: '`{echo}`' + - feedback: Correct! + option: '`{print}`' + - feedback: Hello isn't a command. + option: '`hello`' + - feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. + option: '`{ask}`' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: _ Hello world! + code: _ Hello! + question_text: Which need to be filled in on the blanks to make the text Hello! appear? + 3: + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + - option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: You only need one command, not two. + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' + feedback: Correct! + - option: The command in line 2 is spelled wrong. + feedback: The command is spelled correctly. + - feedback: "`{echo}` is a command, there's another mistake." + option: "`{echo}` isn't a command." + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + correct_answer: A + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, you would like the answer to be repeated back to you. + option: '`{print}`' + - option: '`Hedy`' + feedback: Hedy isn't a command. + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: With `{ask}` you can ask a question. + - feedback: Right on! + option: '`{echo}`' + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} What is your favorite pet?\n_ So your favorite pet is..." + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + 6: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 7: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Check the code line by line + question_score: '10' + 8: + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. + feedback: That's what `{ask}` is for! + - feedback: That's what `{print}` is for! + option: You can use it exactly the same way as `{print}`. + - feedback: Good job! + option: You can use it to repeat an answer. + - feedback: That's not right... + option: You can use it to make text disappear. + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: Super! + - option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 10: + question_text: Which output will be in your output screen after you've run this code? + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Are you ready to go to level 2? + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + - feedback: Great job! + option: "Yes!\nYes!" + - option: Yes! + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + - option: "Are you ready to go to level 2?\nYes!" + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + correct_answer: B + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy + feedback: Good job! + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - option: Haydie + feedback: Not this one! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heidi + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's this programming language called? + 2: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can use the `{print}` command to ask questions. + feedback: That is what `{ask}` is for + - option: You can use the `{ask}` command to echo answers. + feedback: That is not true + - option: With the `{print}` command you can make text appear + feedback: Good + - option: With the `{sleep}` command, you can remove text from the screen. + feedback: That's not how `{sleep}` works. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{print}` still works the same way as in level 1' + 2: + question_text: Which code is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + mp_choice_options: + - option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + 4: + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my name is Hedy + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + question_score: '10' + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + correct_answer: D + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: It slows down your computer + feedback: fortunately not! + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + question_score: '10' + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + correct_answer: C + 6: + question_text: What should be on the lines? + code: "{print} And the award for best programming language goes to...\n_\n{print} Hedy!" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: '`{sleep}`' + - option: '`{echo}`' + feedback: There is nothing to repeat back here + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: There is no text there to `{print}` there + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: There is no question there to be asked + question_score: '10' + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + correct_answer: A + 7: + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + code: "{print} I will explode in 3 seconds!\n_\n{print} BOOM!" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + hint: The variable name should come first + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + 9: + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + correct_answer: B + 10: + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + code: "flavor {is} _\n{print} Your favorite icecream is...\n{sleep}\n{print} flavor" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + - feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 8: + 3: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - feedback: The last line has no indentation, so it's not repeated. + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + - feedback: Right! + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + - feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't ? + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark\nBaby shark" + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + hint: What is being repeated and what is not? + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines and start with 4 spaces. + feedback: That's right! + - option: '`{else}` is not a command!' + feedback: It is! + - feedback: That's not true + option: Lines that start with `{if}` should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' + correct_answer: A + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + 6: + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - feedback: Well done! + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + question_score: '10' + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + 10: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it should be 2 lines. + option: This should be only one line, not 2. + - feedback: No, you need it. + option: This `{print}` command has to be removed. + - feedback: No, `{repeat}` is the correct spelling + option: There is a spelling mistake in the `{repeat}` command. + - option: The second line needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation. + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + question_score: '10' + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + correct_answer: D + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + 4: + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: This order is incorrect. + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'The children went:'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Yay!'\n {print} 'We are going on vacation!'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are... right! + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + correct_answer: C + 7: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: Nothing. This code is correct! + feedback: Something is wrong! + - option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + feedback: You are! + - option: You don't have to use indentation twice. Only in the first `{if}` command. + feedback: You always have to use indentation. + - feedback: That's right. + option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. + code: "food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n{if} food {is} fries\nsauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n{if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + 9: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is correct! + - feedback: You are! + option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + - feedback: You always have to use indentation. + option: You don't have to use indentation twice. + - feedback: It is not the indentation. + option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: All the indentation is done correctly. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n {if} food {is} fries\n sauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n {if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + 2: + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nThe computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...\n```" + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + - option: "```\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + feedback: Correct! + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + feedback: No, she gets 'You are not the one!' + - feedback: No, she gets 'Ill keep looking' + option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output '❤️❤️❤️' + - feedback: That's right! + option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 40 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + - feedback: No she gets '❤️❤️❤️' + option: Cinderella with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsize = {ask} 'What is your shoe size?'\n{if} size {is} 38\n {if} name {is} Cinderella\n {print} '❤️❤️❤️'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are not the one!'\n{else}\n {print} 'Ill keep looking'" + question_text: Which statement is true? + 5: + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_text: Which code produced this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: Don't forget the indentation after `{repeat}` commands. + - feedback: Use indentation after an `{if}` command + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n dessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n {if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + hint: Watch the indentation + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't put two questions in a row + feedback: Yes you can. + - feedback: Keen eye! Good job! + option: The variable called 'age' is later on used as 'years' + - option: You're not allowed to start with 8 spaces, like line 5 does + feedback: You actually must start like that. + - feedback: That's not true. + option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line + correct_answer: B + hint: The indentation is done right this time + code: "age = {ask} 'Happy Birthday! How old are you?'\nsinging = {ask} 'Would you like us to sing?'\n{if} singing {is} yes\n {repeat} years {times}\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hooray'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - feedback: That is true + option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + correct_answer: D + 10: + hint: The first line doesn't start with any spaces + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Only line 2 and 3 start with spaces + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Line 3 should start with 8 + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 8 spaces + feedback: Line 2 should start with 4 + - feedback: You are correct! + option: line 2 should start with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "1 {repeat} 2 {times}\n2 {if} level {is} 9\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + 7: + question_score: '10' + code: "{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\nprice = price - 5" + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: The second `{if}` misses code! + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: Two consecutive `{if}`s is never correct. + - feedback: Almost right. Take another look at the last line + option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + correct_answer: A + question_text: You'll get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.
But the code has a mistake! How to debug it? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Don't forget the others + option: '`{if}`' + - feedback: Don't forget `{else}`! + option: '`{if}` `{repeat}`' + - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}`' + feedback: Keep it up! + - feedback: Not with `{print}` + option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + correct_answer: C + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + code: "{print} 'Choose the right case and win!'\ncase = {ask} 'Which case will you pick? 1 or 2?'\n{if} case {is} 1\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell your case for 10 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win an apple pie'\n{if} case {is} 2\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!'" + 10: + 1: + question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_` if we want to print each compliment? + code: "compliments = perfect, great job, amazing\n_\n {print} compliment" + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + correct_answer: B + 2: + question_text: Which output is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + correct_answer: C + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + 5: + question_text: What word should be on the `_` with these digital dice? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the digital dice!'\nplayers = Ann, John, Jesse\nchoices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' throws ' _ {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - option: dice + feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nKelly chooses rock\n```" + feedback: Meredith wants to play too! + - option: "```\nMeredith chooses scissors\nKelly chooses rock\n```" + feedback: So close! But Kelly is first in the list, so she goes first + - feedback: Kelly wants to play too! + option: "```\nMeredith chooses paper\n```" + - option: "```\nKelly chooses paper\nMeredith chooses scissors\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + feedback: You are on fire! + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_text: What line should be on the `_` in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + code: "names = Ron, Leslie, April, Andy\nfood = pasta, fries, salad\n_\n {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\n'name gets a color shirt'\n```" + - option: "```\nname 'gets a ' colors {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + feedback: Great job! This was a hard one! + - feedback: You want each name printed. So the first word should not be names but... + option: "```\nnames 'gets a ' color {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + - feedback: There is no variable named people.. + option: "```\npeople ' gets a colors shirt'\n```" + code: "names = Donna, Tommy, Ben\ncolors = blue, red, purple\n{for} name {in} names\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be on the `_` in this code that decides which color shirt you get? + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not true, you could end up without a prize. + option: Everybody will always win a prize. + - option: All the prizes always go to one single person. + feedback: That is not true. All the prizes are given away, but to random people + - option: Larry will never win a prize + feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others + - option: Someone might win two prizes + feedback: You get it! + question_text: What is true about this code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "prizes = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich\nnames = Bob, Patrick, Sandy, Larry\n{for} prize {in} prizes\n {print} 'The ' prize ' is won by ' names {at} {random}" + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + question_score: '10' + code: "courses = appetizer, main course, dessert\nnames = Timon, Onno\n{for} name {in} names\n {for} course {in} courses\n food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?'\n {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course" + question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program? + correct_answer: A + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + 11: + 1: + question_text: What word should be at the place of the blank? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`counter`' + feedback: No + - feedback: Correct + option: '`{range}`' + - feedback: No + option: '`{if}`' + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: No + code: "{for} i {in} _ 1 {to} 10\n {print} i" + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 2: + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n1\n2\n3\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "```\n1 2 3\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - option: "```\n1, 2, 3\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n123\n```" + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + question_score: '10' + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + correct_answer: A + 4: + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} i\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy prints the numbers from 0 to 10 instead of 10 to 0. + - feedback: Hedy would print negative numbers in this case. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} -1 * i\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 10 {to} 0\n {print} i\n```" + feedback: Unfortunately this does not exist. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} 10 - i\n```" + feedback: That's right! + hint: It has to be a calculation… + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 5: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + correct_answer: C + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + 7: + question_text: What should be on the place of the blank? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys diner'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people will be eating here tonight?'\n_\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to order?'\n {print} food" + correct_answer: C + hint: Use the variable 'people' + question_score: '10' + 8: + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The numbers don't appear. It doesn't say `{print}` i. + option: "```\n23\n24\n25\n```" + - feedback: The numbers don't appear. It doesn't say `{print}` i + option: "```\n23 hi 24 hi 25 hi\n```" + - feedback: Correct + option: "```\nhi\nhi\nhi\n```" + - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. + feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - option: Never + feedback: Try again + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 10: + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n {print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: Mind the indentation + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n{print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n{print} Baby shark\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n {print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + hint: Mind the indentation + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 12: + 1: + code: "{print} 'three and a half plus one and a half is...'\n{print} 3.5 + 1.5" + question_text: Which output is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Don't forget the first line of code! + option: '5' + - option: 3.5 + 1.5 + feedback: This is not the one! + - option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\nfive" + feedback: Take a close look at the second line... + - option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\n5" + feedback: Great job! + hint: Both lines are printed! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + option: "```\nflavors {is} vanilla, strawberry, chocolate\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + - feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + option: "```\n'flavors = vanilla, strawberry, chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + - option: "```\nflavors = 'vanilla', 'strawberry', 'chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + feedback: Alright! + - option: "```\nflavors = 'vanilla, strawberry, chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + 3: + code: "favorite_animal = {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{print} 'I like ' favoriteanimal ' too!'" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The name of the variable is different in line 1 than in line 2. + feedback: Correct! + - option: The quotation marks aren't used correctly in line 2 + feedback: That's not true + - option: You can't use the = sign when using an {ask} command + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Nothing is wrong. + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 4: + code: "{print} Welcome to the online shoe shop\ncategory = {ask} What kind of shoes are you looking for?\n{if} category = high heels\n {print} High heels are 50% off now!" + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 and 2 + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} 'Agent007'\n a {is} 'Go to the airport '\nelse\n a {is} 'Go to the train station '\npassword {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} 'TOPSECRET'\n b {is} 'tomorrow at 02.00'\n{else}\n b {is} 'today at 10.00'\n{print} a + b" + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + 6: + question_text: Which line should be filled in at the `_`? + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to McHedy!'\norder = {ask} 'Would you like a hamburger or fries?'\n{if} order = 'hamburger'\n price = 12\n{if} order = 'fries'\n price = 4\ndrinks = {ask} 'Would you like a drink with that for 2 dollars?'\n{if} drinks = 'yes'\n _\n{print} 'That will be ' price ' dollar please'" + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{print} '7 / 2'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 7 / 2\n```" + feedback: That is right! + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{print} 7 : 2\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 7 * 2\n```" + feedback: No + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\nprizes = 'one' 'million' 'dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars, nothing'\n```" + - option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + feedback: Winner! + - option: "```\n'prizes' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + feedback: You won nothing + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C + code: "_\n{print} 'You won ' prizes {at} {random} '!'" + question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the `_`? + 10: + question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the `_` to complete the song ? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + - option: "```\n{for} action {in} actions\n```" + feedback: You are amazing! + - feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n```" + - feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + option: "```\n{print} actions {at} {random}\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B + code: "actions = 'clap your hands', 'stomp your feet', 'shout Hurray!'\n_\n {for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n {print} action\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n {print} action" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + code: "menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes'\n{print} \"It's my birthday! I`ve brought some snacks!\"\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'gluten free'\n {remove} 'cookies' {from} menu\n{if} diet = 'vegan'\n {remove} 'cheese' {from} menu\n{print} 'For you I have brought: '\n{for} snack {in} menu\n {print} snack" + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 13: + 4: + code: "{if} computer_choice {is} 'rock' {and} your_choice {is} 'paper'" + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'you win'\n```" + feedback: You win! + - feedback: You lose! + option: "```\n{print} 'you lose'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'tie'\n```" + feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same + - option: "```\n{print} 'try again'\n```" + feedback: Try again! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Paper beats rock + 3: + hint: Mind the command `{or}` in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You get a free apple pie! + feedback: Great job! + - option: That will be 5 dollars please + feedback: That is not true + - option: This code won't work, so there is no output + feedback: There is nothing wrong with the code + - feedback: There is! Read the question carefully + option: There is no way of knowing + code: "member = {ask} 'Do you have a membership card?'\ndiscount = {ask} 'Do you have a discount code?'\n{if} member = 'yes' {or} discount = 'yes'\n {print} 'You get a free apple pie!'\n{else}\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'" + 5: + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + code: "{if} name = 'Cinderella' {and} shoe_size = 38\n {print} 'You are my one true love!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + code: "{print} 'Let me guess which family member you are!'\nglasses = {ask} 'Do you wear glasses?'\nfemale = {ask} 'Are you female?'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Sophie!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Marleen!'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Wouter!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Michael!'" + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} birthday {and} song = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Almost there + - feedback: Hedy only sings for you if you like to hear a song + option: "```\n{if} birthday = 'yes' {and} name = 'Hedy'\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {and} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {or} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsong = {ask} 'Whould you like to hear a song?'\nbirthday = {ask} 'Is today your birthday?'\n???\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday dear ' name\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{and}`' + feedback: You don't have to be vegan and muslim + - option: '`{or}`' + feedback: Great thinking! + - feedback: No + option: '`+`' + - feedback: No + option: '`{print}`' + code: "menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies'\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'vegan' ??? diet = 'halal'\n {remove} 'sausage rolls' {from} menu" + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + question_text: Which statement is false? + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets'\n{print} 'Here is a program to help feed them'\nanimal = {ask} 'What kind of animal are they?'\ncolor = {ask} 'What colour are they?'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'grey'\n {print} 'That is Abby. She eats 3 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'orange'\n {print} 'That is Milo. He eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'bird' {or} color = 'black'\n {print} 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today'\n{if} animal = 'hamster' {and} color = 'brown'\n {print} 'You can feed them a piece of carrot'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the movie theater'\npopcorn = {ask} 'Would you like some popcorn?'\ndrink = {ask} 'Would you like a drink?'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 8 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 3 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'Ok'\n{print} 'Enjoy the movie'" + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + 9: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "1 chocolate = {ask} 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?'\n2 sprinkles = {ask} 'Would you like sprinkles on your ice cream?'\n3 {if} chocolate {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n4 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce and sprinkles, coming up!'\n5 {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n6 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce, coming up!'\n7 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n8 {print} 'Ice cream with sprinkles, coming up'\n9 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n10 {print} 'Just plain icecream, coming up!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Line 3 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "Line 3 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + - option: "Line 5 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + - option: "Line 7 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + 10: + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There are no items that are both the list of snacks and the list of drinks + option: '`{and}`' + - feedback: Great job! + option: '`{or}`' + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: '`{if}`' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt'\nitem = {ask} 'What product are you looking for?'\nbakery = 'bread', 'buns', 'muffins'\ndrinks = 'soda', 'water', 'lemonade'\nsnacks = 'chips', 'nuts', 'dips'\nfrozen = 'fries', 'icecream', 'pizza'\nfruit = 'bananas', 'apples', 'oranges'\n{if} item {in} snacks ??? item {in} drinks\n {print} 'This item is in aisle 3'\n{if} item {in} bakery {or} item {in} bakery\n {print} 'This item in in the back of the store'\n{if} item {in} fruit\n {print} 'The fruit is sold near the register'" + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + 14: + 9: + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + code: "chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?'\n {if} chocolate <= 2\n {print} 'That is a healthy amount'\n {if} chocolate > 2 {and} chocolate =< 8\n {print} 'That is a bit much'\n {if} chocolate > 8\n {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!'" + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + 10: + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "'player 1 wins'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nticket = {ask} 'Do you have a ticket?'\n{if} age _ {and} ticket == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + correct_answer: B + 4: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + feedback: No that's not it + code: "price = 10\nmoney = {ask} How much money do you have?\nbuy = {ask} 'Would you like to buy this teddy bear?'\n{if} money >= price {and} buy == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can buy the bear!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!'" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: The symbols are right + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 8: + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + feedback: There are. + correct_answer: A + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 6: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + code: "lives = 2\n{repeat} 10 {times}\n {if} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + 3: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 15: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=!`' + feedback: That is not right. + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: Correct + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + code: "answer = 0\n{while} answer _ 'Amsterdam'\n answer = {ask} 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?'\n{print} 'You have given the correct answer'" + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_score: '10' + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C + 3: + code: "_ age < 18\n {print} 'you are not allowed in this bar'" + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blank? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You are right + option: '`{while}`' + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + 4: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `==` should be used instead of `=` + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: That's not right + - feedback: That's not it + option: In line 5 `{if}` should have been used instead of `{while}` + - option: In line 5 `!=` should have been used instead of `==` + feedback: You are correct + code: "options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{print} 'Throw 6 as fast as you can!'\nthrown = 0\ntries = 0\n{while} thrown == 6\n thrown = options {at} {random}\n {print} 'You threw ' thrown\n tries = tries + 1\n{print} 'Yes! You have thrown 6 in ' tries ' tries.'" + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 5: + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n = wetness\n```" + feedback: That will not change anything + - feedback: You can't have two times = in one line + option: "```\n = wetness = 1\n```" + - option: "```\n = wetness - 1\n```" + feedback: You are correct! + - feedback: The program should count down + option: "```\n = wetness + 1\n```" + code: "wetness = 10\n{while} wetness != 0\n {print} 'Your hair is still wet, hair dryer on!'\n {sleep} 1\n {clear}\n wetness _\n\n{print} 'All dry!'" + hint: wetness should get less each time + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{while}` should be`{if}`' + feedback: No that is not right + - feedback: No that is not right + option: '`{if}` should be `{while}`' + - option: Line 3 should start with more indentation + feedback: No that's not right + - feedback: That is correct + option: Line 2 should start with less indentation + code: "lives = 100\n {while} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Nothing. 1600 is not programmed into the app. + - feedback: No + option: You could eat some more + - option: That is alright + feedback: Yes! + - option: You have eaten enough for today + feedback: No + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "calories = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?'\n {while} calories <= 1000\n {print} 'You could eat some more'\n {while} calories > 1000 {and} calories =< 2000\n {print} 'That is alright'\n {while} calories > 2000\n {print} 'You have had enough for today'" + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n name_player_1\n```" + feedback: You are right! + - feedback: No they are losing! + option: "```\n name_player_2\n```" + - feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + option: "```\n points_player_1\n```" + - option: "```\n points_player_2\n```" + feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + question_score: '10' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '... change the first `{if}` into a `{while}`' + feedback: Perfect! + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the second `{if}` into a `{while}`' + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the third `{if}` into a `{while}`' + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the fourth `{if}` into a `{while}`' + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: How should this program be changed so that it works? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: False! + option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + hint: The block after the {while} command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + 16: + 1: + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + feedback: This is the old way. + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + hint: We no longer use {at} + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 2: + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + code: "friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee']\nchores = ['the cooking', 'the cleaning', 'nothing']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} _" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee']\nchore = ['the cooking', 'the cleaning', 'nothing']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i]" + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + 4: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + mp_choice_options: + - option: The variable in line 4 should be `friend[i]`, not `friends[i]` + feedback: That is not right. + - option: Line 3 should say `in range 1 to 3` not `in range 0 to 3` + feedback: Good catch! + - option: Line 4 should say 'lucky_number', not 'lucky number + feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. + - feedback: That's not it + option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' + 5: + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh']\n```" + feedback: Mind the variable name and the order of the sounds. + - option: "```\n sounds = '[woof], [moo], [neigh]'\n```" + feedback: Look at line one to see how brackets are supposed to be used. + - feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! + option: "```\n sounds = [woof, moo, neigh]\n```" + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\n sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh']\n```" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + 7: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + feedback: That is not right. + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 8: + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + correct_answer: A + 17: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + correct_answer: B + hint: Loop through your list. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the output of this code? + 2: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_score: '10' + 4: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + question_score: '10' + 5: + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: Try again. + option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 9: + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 3: + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 6: + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 7: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + correct_answer: C + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C diff --git a/content/quizzes/te.yaml b/content/quizzes/te.yaml index b7c7321ade8..066f23a2c4b 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/te.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/te.yaml @@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _?_ Hello world! + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which need to be filled in on the blanks to make the text Hello! appear? + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -34,6 +37,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." 5: code: |- {ask} What is your favorite pet? @@ -59,6 +67,10 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: Right on! + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -69,6 +81,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -84,6 +100,83 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + correct_answer: B + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + question_score: '10' + hint: Let's go! + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy + feedback: Good job! + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - option: Haydie + feedback: Not this one! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heidi + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's this programming language called? + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: You only need one command, not two. + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + correct_answer: C + 6: + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 7: + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + hint: Check the code line by line 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -95,6 +188,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good - option: With the {sleep} command, you can remove text from the screen. feedback: That's not how sleep works. + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{print}` still works the same way as in level 1' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -121,17 +218,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be on the lines? + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + correct_answer: A 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + - feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + feedback: That's right! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which code is correct? + question_score: '10' + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + 8: + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable name should come first + correct_answer: C + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + 4: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + correct_answer: D + 3: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + option: Marleen goes to the market. + - option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + feedback: Right on! + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + question_score: '10' + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -156,6 +371,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -166,8 +384,26 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 9: hint: Look at line 3 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "colors {is} blue, purple, green\nchosen_color {is} {ask} Which hair color wouldn't you like to have?\n{remove} chosen_color {from} colors\n{print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -198,6 +434,98 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + hint: The variable name is prices + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + 5: + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - option: Nothing, this code is perfect + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + 6: + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No that's not right + option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + - feedback: Correct + option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + option: Nothing! This code is great! + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + feedback: Correct! + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - option: sea salt + feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -210,6 +538,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -232,6 +563,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + question_score: '10' + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -254,6 +589,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -273,8 +612,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -285,6 +642,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + 7: + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 8: + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + 10: + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: B 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -302,8 +723,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_text: What is the right password? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -312,6 +748,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + option: "```\n{print}\n```" + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -340,6 +788,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -367,9 +818,100 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + correct_answer: D + 5: + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - option: Because the password is alarm + feedback: No, this is not the password. + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + correct_answer: A + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - option: vampire + feedback: Not always... + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - option: giant spider + feedback: Not always... + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + 9: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + mp_choice_options: + - option: '1' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - feedback: Luckily not! + option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 2: + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: fun + feedback: That's right! + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? 6: 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: Super! + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + hint: Mind the fourth line. 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -383,6 +925,129 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - option: '12' + feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + - option: 2*10 + feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + - option: '210' + feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + question_score: '10' + code: '{print} 2*10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - option: 3*10 + feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + 4: + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - option: '10' + feedback: Please try again. + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + correct_answer: C + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + question_score: '10' + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + 5: + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 8: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - option: 100% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_score: '10' + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + correct_answer: C + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + 2: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`-`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + hint: It's the plus sign. + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + correct_answer: D + 7: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -395,8 +1060,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code is right? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -420,6 +1100,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -446,6 +1130,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -467,6 +1156,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + question_score: '10' 9: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -501,6 +1195,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Please help me!' ``` feedback: Perfect + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + correct_answer: D + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -532,6 +1231,51 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + 3: + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Right + feedback: No, a word is missing + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + hint: The code is correct! + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + correct_answer: A + 8: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: Awesome, you can't use the `{repeat}` command here. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'" + feedback: Where did you leave 'Do do do do'? + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -543,6 +1287,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -570,6 +1319,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + correct_answer: C + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" 7: code: |- food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -589,6 +1342,114 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 4: + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - feedback: Correct! + option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + - feedback: This order is incorrect. + option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nWe are going on vacation!" + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: The last line is repeated too. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The children went:'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Yay!'\n {print} 'We are going on vacation!'" + 5: + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + question_score: '10' + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines and start with 4 spaces. + feedback: That's right! + - option: '`{else}` is not a command!' + feedback: It is! + - feedback: That's not true + option: Lines that start with `{if}` should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + question_score: '10' + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + correct_answer: D + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + 6: + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + question_score: '10' + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + 1: + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + - feedback: Super! + option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + 8: + question_score: '10' + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are... right! + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + correct_answer: C + 10: + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? 9: 1: code: |- @@ -611,6 +1472,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -627,6 +1491,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 1, open + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + question_score: '10' + hint: Follow the right path + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -647,6 +1524,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: C 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -682,6 +1563,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code produced this output? + hint: Watch the indentation + correct_answer: C 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -692,6 +1578,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + correct_answer: C + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYou'll get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -732,6 +1622,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -749,12 +1642,56 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The indentation is done right this time 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} 2 {if} level {is} 9 3 {print} Great job! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Only line 2 and 3 start with spaces + - feedback: Line 3 should start with 8 + option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 8 spaces + feedback: Line 2 should start with 4 + - feedback: You are correct! + option: line 2 should start with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: '3' + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nThe computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...\n```" + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + correct_answer: D + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -762,6 +1699,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -770,6 +1719,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + option: players + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - option: dice + feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -784,6 +1745,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -791,6 +1757,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -819,6 +1797,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- courses = appetizer, main course, dessert @@ -827,6 +1808,19 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program? + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + question_score: '10' + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -842,6 +1836,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_text: What is true about this code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 2: + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + question_score: '10' + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + question_text: Which output is correct? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + feedback: No it does not. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - feedback: Great! + option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -869,6 +1912,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -882,6 +1928,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_score: '10' + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + correct_answer: A 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -909,6 +1960,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + correct_answer: D + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -917,6 +1972,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Use the variable 'people' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -933,6 +2000,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -964,6 +2036,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 3: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + 6: + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + correct_answer: C + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - feedback: No + option: Never + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + 9: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + correct_answer: D 12: 1: code: |- @@ -982,6 +2118,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: D + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1008,6 +2148,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1021,12 +2165,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + correct_answer: D + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1040,6 +2201,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + mp_choice_options: + - option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: You've cracked the code! + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1053,6 +2227,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1065,6 +2251,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - feedback: There's more options than just one + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + - feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + question_score: '10' + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1087,6 +2286,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + code: '3.5' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1113,6 +2317,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1133,6 +2340,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1165,6 +2375,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + correct_answer: C + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1180,6 +2394,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1198,6 +2416,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1209,10 +2430,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Paper beats rock 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1226,6 +2464,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + feedback: Try again + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1240,6 +2491,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + question_text: Which statement is false? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + correct_answer: C 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1254,6 +2518,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1291,6 +2568,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1315,6 +2596,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + question_score: '10' 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1325,6 +2610,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + hint: The symbols are right + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1333,6 +2631,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - option: '`>= 12`' + feedback: Great! + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + correct_answer: B 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1341,6 +2652,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + hint: "!= means 'is not'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1350,6 +2674,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 or more + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + question_score: '10' + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + correct_answer: D + 8: + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: '> means greater than' + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + hint: '> means greater than' + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + question_score: '10' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "'player 1 wins'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 1: + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=>`' + feedback: This is not a symbol. + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1357,11 +2783,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + question_score: '10' + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + correct_answer: C + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + question_score: '10' + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: B 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1382,6 +2833,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + correct_answer: D 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1401,6 +2856,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_score: '10' + hint: wetness should get less each time + correct_answer: C + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1418,6 +2877,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Look closely at the indentation 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1429,8 +2891,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - feedback: Great job + option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1449,6 +2928,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1459,6 +2942,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1466,12 +2968,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: No, it is not random. + option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + correct_answer: A + hint: It's not random... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1482,6 +3010,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1492,3 +3025,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not right + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - feedback: This is not going to work! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + correct_answer: B + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: It will be repeated twice + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 6: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + feedback: Correct + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + question_score: '10' + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + 17: + 6: + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + 5: + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You cannot have so many variables. + feedback: This is not it. + - option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + feedback: Not true! + - option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + feedback: Not true. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: Nope. + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + 4: + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + feedback: Not correct. + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + correct_answer: D + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 8: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + correct_answer: C + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 3: + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 7: + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C + 9: + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + question_score: '10' diff --git a/content/quizzes/th.yaml b/content/quizzes/th.yaml index 8a7449c1b66..4fd6fa69a23 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/th.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/th.yaml @@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _?_ Hello world! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -35,6 +37,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- {ask} What is your favorite pet? @@ -60,6 +67,10 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: Right on! + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -70,6 +81,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -85,6 +100,83 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + hint: Let's go! + 7: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - feedback: Correct! + option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + correct_answer: D + hint: Check the code line by line + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy + feedback: Good job! + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - option: Haydie + feedback: Not this one! + - option: Heidi + feedback: Not this one! + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + question_text: What's this programming language called? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 3: + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + - option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: You only need one command, not two. + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -97,6 +189,9 @@ levels: - option: In level 2 all the level 1 commands still work feedback: No one command doesn't work anymore. hint: '`{print}` and `{ask}` still exist.' + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -123,17 +218,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What should be on the lines? 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + feedback: Perfect! + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + correct_answer: B + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + - feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is name + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + question_score: '10' + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + correct_answer: D + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code is correct? + correct_answer: A + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + 9: + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + - feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + correct_answer: B + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + 8: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + hint: The variable name should come first + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + correct_answer: C + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -158,6 +371,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -168,14 +384,45 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: What's wrong in line 2 of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" 7: code: |- books {is} Harry Potter, de Hobbit, Green eggs and Ham your_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book? {add} your_book {to} books {print} books {at} {random} + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + - feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + correct_answer: C 9: code: |- colors {is} blue, purple, green @@ -183,6 +430,18 @@ levels: {remove} chosen_color {from} colors {print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random} hint: Look at line 3 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -213,6 +472,68 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 5: + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - option: Nothing, this code is perfect + feedback: That's right! + question_score: '10' + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + correct_answer: D + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + 6: + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + 8: + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + 4: + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + hint: The variable name is prices + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -225,6 +546,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -247,6 +571,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + correct_answer: B + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + question_score: '10' 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -269,6 +597,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -288,8 +620,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + question_score: '10' 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -300,6 +650,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + correct_answer: D + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + question_score: '10' + 8: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + feedback: Super! + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + feedback: You missed one! + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -317,8 +731,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - option: SECRET + feedback: That's right!' + - feedback: The password isn't password... + option: password + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_text: What is the right password? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -327,6 +756,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -355,6 +796,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -382,9 +826,100 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_score: '10' + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - option: Because the password is alarm + feedback: No, this is not the password. + - feedback: That's not how you spell secret + option: Because it's spelled wrong. + - feedback: No, Hedy is right + option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + 2: + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + question_score: '10' + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + mp_choice_options: + - option: fun + feedback: That's right! + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + correct_answer: A + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + option: '1' + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - option: '3' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + correct_answer: B + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 10: + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - option: vampire + feedback: Not always... + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... 6: 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + hint: Mind the fourth line. + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - option: 0 dollars + feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -398,6 +933,129 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + feedback: No, there should be! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - option: '12' + feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + - option: 2*10 + feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + 2: + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`*`' + - feedback: Correct! + option: '`+`' + question_score: '10' + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D + 3: + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + question_score: '10' + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + question_score: '10' + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 9: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 10% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + question_score: '10' + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -410,8 +1068,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code is right? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + correct_answer: D 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -435,6 +1108,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -461,6 +1138,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -482,6 +1164,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -515,6 +1202,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Its alright'" ``` feedback: This is not the correct order.. + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + correct_answer: A + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" 9: code: |- Batman was flying through Gotham. @@ -556,6 +1248,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Please help me!' ``` feedback: Perfect + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -587,6 +1283,36 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: That's not it + option: Wrong + hint: The code is correct! + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + correct_answer: A 8: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -611,6 +1337,11 @@ levels: Im Hedy! Im Hedy!" feedback: Everything is printed twice + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + correct_answer: C + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: This should be only one line, not 2. @@ -621,6 +1352,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -648,6 +1384,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -680,6 +1420,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: B 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -690,6 +1434,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -709,6 +1458,69 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are wrong! + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are... right! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + correct_answer: C + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + question_score: '10' + 9: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + question_score: '10' + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_score: '10' + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + question_text: Which statement is true? + 6: + correct_answer: D + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + question_score: '10' + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated 9: 1: code: |- @@ -731,6 +1543,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -750,6 +1565,11 @@ levels: Good job! You can use the computer! feedback: Correct! + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + correct_answer: D + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -766,6 +1586,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + mp_choice_options: + - option: case 1, sell + feedback: You don't win a million! + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -786,6 +1619,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -821,6 +1658,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + hint: Watch the indentation + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_text: Which code produced this output? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -831,6 +1673,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -871,6 +1717,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -888,6 +1737,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + hint: The indentation is done right this time + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -903,6 +1755,23 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: D + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - feedback: That is true + option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + question_score: '10' + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -910,6 +1779,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + correct_answer: B + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -918,6 +1799,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + option: dice + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -932,6 +1825,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -939,6 +1837,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -967,6 +1877,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: What is the first question Hedy will `{ask}` you when you run the program? code: |- @@ -976,6 +1889,18 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -991,6 +1916,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is true about this code? + correct_answer: D + 2: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pancakes + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_text: Which output is correct? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1018,6 +1992,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1031,6 +2008,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: A + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1058,6 +2040,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1066,6 +2052,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There's not always 3 people + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + feedback: The variable is not named guests + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: Use the variable 'people' + correct_answer: C 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1082,6 +2080,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1113,6 +2116,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 3: + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + question_score: '10' + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - feedback: Not line 1... + option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + 6: + correct_answer: C + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - option: 3 times + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: No + option: Never + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + 9: + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + correct_answer: D + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + question_score: '10' 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1131,6 +2198,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1157,6 +2228,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1170,12 +2245,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + correct_answer: D + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1189,6 +2281,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + mp_choice_options: + - option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1202,6 +2307,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1214,6 +2331,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + feedback: Terrific! + - feedback: There's more options than just one + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + - feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + - feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + correct_answer: A 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1236,6 +2366,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1262,6 +2397,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1282,6 +2420,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1314,6 +2455,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + correct_answer: C + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1329,6 +2474,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1347,6 +2496,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1358,10 +2510,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + correct_answer: A + hint: Paper beats rock + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: Fantastic! + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1375,6 +2544,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + feedback: Try again + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1389,6 +2571,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + question_text: Which statement is false? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - feedback: This is true + option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1403,6 +2598,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1440,6 +2648,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1464,6 +2676,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1474,6 +2690,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - feedback: You are correct + option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + hint: The symbols are right + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1482,6 +2711,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`> 12`' + feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1490,6 +2732,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1499,6 +2754,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: 1 or more + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + correct_answer: D + 8: + hint: '> means greater than' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + 1: + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + 3: + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + feedback: That's not it + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1506,11 +2863,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=!`' + feedback: That is not right. + - feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + option: '`==`' + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: Correct + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_score: '10' + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + correct_answer: C 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{in}`' + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{range}`' + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1531,6 +2913,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1550,6 +2936,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + hint: wetness should get less each time + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1567,6 +2957,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1578,8 +2971,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + question_score: '10' + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - feedback: Great job + option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + - feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1598,6 +3008,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1608,6 +3022,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + question_score: '10' + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1615,12 +3048,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: Super! + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: It's not random... 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1631,6 +3090,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1641,3 +3105,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 6: + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + feedback: Amazing! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: This is not going to work! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + question_score: '10' + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + correct_answer: B + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + 10: + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + 1: + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + - feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + 17: + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: C + 9: + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + 7: + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C + 2: + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C + 1: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + correct_answer: B + hint: Loop through your list. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 5: + question_text: What is the output of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + question_text: What is wrong with code? diff --git a/content/quizzes/tl.yaml b/content/quizzes/tl.yaml index 868ec1e6dca..1d4490f006a 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/tl.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/tl.yaml @@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _?_ Hello world! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -35,6 +37,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- {ask} What is your favorite pet? @@ -60,6 +67,10 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: Right on! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -70,6 +81,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -85,6 +100,83 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + correct_answer: B + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + - feedback: You only need one command, not two. + option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + correct_answer: C + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + 9: + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: Super! + - option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + correct_answer: B + 7: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + - feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - feedback: Correct! + option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + question_score: '10' + hint: Check the code line by line + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy + feedback: Good job! + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - option: Haydie + feedback: Not this one! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heidi + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's this programming language called? 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -96,6 +188,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good - option: With the {sleep} command, you can remove text from the screen. feedback: That's not how sleep works. + hint: '`{print}` still works the same way as in level 1' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -122,17 +218,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What should be on the lines? 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_score: '10' + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + 5: + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + correct_answer: C + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: You get it! + option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + - feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + hint: The variable name should come first + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 2: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + question_text: Which code is correct? + correct_answer: A + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + question_score: '10' + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + correct_answer: C + 4: + question_score: '10' + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my Hedy is name + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + correct_answer: D + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + correct_answer: B 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -157,6 +371,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -167,8 +384,26 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" 9: hint: Look at line 3 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "colors {is} blue, purple, green\nchosen_color {is} {ask} Which hair color wouldn't you like to have?\n{remove} chosen_color {from} colors\n{print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random}" 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -199,6 +434,98 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + - feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + - option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + feedback: Correct! + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - feedback: That's right! + option: sour cream + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the output of this code? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + option: Nothing, the code is correct! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + option: Nothing, this code is alright. + hint: The variable name is prices + correct_answer: B + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + 5: + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + feedback: No that's not wrong. + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + correct_answer: D + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -211,6 +538,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -233,6 +563,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -255,6 +589,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + correct_answer: D 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -274,8 +612,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You get it! + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -286,6 +642,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + question_score: '10' + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + correct_answer: D + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - feedback: Super! + option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + feedback: You missed one! + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + 8: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + feedback: We need quotation marks + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + question_score: '10' + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -303,8 +723,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - option: SECRET + feedback: That's right!' + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - option: ALARM INTRUDER + feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is the right password? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -313,6 +748,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -341,6 +788,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -368,9 +818,100 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - option: SECRET + feedback: That's not the right answer + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - option: Because the password is alarm + feedback: No, this is not the password. + - feedback: That's not how you spell secret + option: Because it's spelled wrong. + - feedback: No, Hedy is right + option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + 2: + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: fun + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + correct_answer: A + 9: + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + option: '1' + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - option: '3' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + 10: + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + feedback: Awesome! + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - option: giant spider + feedback: Not always... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... 6: 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -384,6 +925,129 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + 1: + code: '{print} 2*10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - option: '12' + feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + - option: 2*10 + feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + 2: + hint: It's the plus sign. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`*`' + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + - option: '13' + feedback: Try again.. + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: The * means multiplication. + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + feedback: No, there should be! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + 9: + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - option: 100% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + 7: + correct_answer: C + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_score: '10' + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - option: '10' + feedback: Please try again. + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + option: Your lucky number is... 10 + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -396,8 +1060,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + question_text: Which code is right? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -421,6 +1100,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -447,6 +1130,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -468,6 +1156,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" 9: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -502,6 +1195,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Please help me!' ``` feedback: Perfect + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -533,6 +1231,51 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + 3: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 5: + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: That's not it + option: Wrong + correct_answer: A + hint: The code is correct! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome, you can't use the `{repeat}` command here. + option: "```\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'" + feedback: Where did you leave 'Do do do do'? + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + correct_answer: A + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -544,6 +1287,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Something is missing in the second line? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -571,6 +1319,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? 7: code: |- food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -590,6 +1342,114 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' + 1: + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Everything is printed twice + option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + correct_answer: C + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: This order is incorrect. + - feedback: The last line is repeated too. + option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + code: "{print} 'The children went:'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Yay!'\n {print} 'We are going on vacation!'" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are wrong! + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are wrong! + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are... right! + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are wrong! + question_score: '10' + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + correct_answer: C + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: You are correct! + option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + correct_answer: D + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 and 4 + feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + question_score: '10' + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + correct_answer: D + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines and start with 4 spaces. + feedback: That's right! + - option: '`{else}` is not a command!' + feedback: It is! + - feedback: That's not true + option: Lines that start with `{if}` should start with 4 spaces + - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' + feedback: That's not true + correct_answer: A + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + question_score: '10' + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 6: + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - feedback: Well done! + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? 9: 1: code: |- @@ -612,6 +1472,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -628,6 +1491,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + hint: Follow the right path + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - option: case 2, sell + feedback: You don't win a million + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -648,6 +1524,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -683,6 +1563,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + hint: Watch the indentation + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_text: Which code produced this output? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -693,6 +1578,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + correct_answer: C + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYou'll get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -733,6 +1622,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + correct_answer: A + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -750,12 +1642,56 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + hint: The indentation is done right this time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} 2 {if} level {is} 9 3 {print} Great job! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Only line 2 and 3 start with spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Line 3 should start with 8 + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 8 spaces + feedback: Line 2 should start with 4 + - feedback: You are correct! + option: line 2 should start with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nThe computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...\n```" + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -763,6 +1699,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -771,6 +1719,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + option: players + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - option: choice + feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + - feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + option: dice + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + correct_answer: B 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -785,6 +1745,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -792,6 +1757,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + feedback: You are on fire! + - option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + - feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -820,6 +1797,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- courses = appetizer, main course, dessert @@ -828,6 +1808,19 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + - feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program? + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -843,6 +1836,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_text: What is true about this code? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: I love pizza + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + correct_answer: C + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -870,6 +1912,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -883,6 +1928,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: A 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -910,6 +1960,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -918,6 +1972,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: Use the variable 'people' + correct_answer: C 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -934,6 +2000,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_score: '10' 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -965,6 +2036,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + correct_answer: B + 3: + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + 5: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + feedback: Perfect! + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - option: 2 times + feedback: No + - option: 3 times + feedback: That's right! + - option: Never + feedback: No + correct_answer: C + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + question_score: '10' + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + 9: + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - option: Never + feedback: Try again + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + correct_answer: D + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + question_score: '10' 12: 1: code: |- @@ -983,6 +2118,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which output is correct? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1009,6 +2148,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1022,12 +2165,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 and 2 + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + correct_answer: D + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + question_score: '10' + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1041,6 +2201,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + correct_answer: B + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + question_score: '10' + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1054,6 +2227,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + correct_answer: C 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1066,6 +2251,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1088,6 +2286,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + question_score: '10' + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1114,6 +2317,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + correct_answer: C + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1134,6 +2340,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1166,6 +2375,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + correct_answer: C 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1181,6 +2394,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1199,6 +2416,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + correct_answer: A 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1210,10 +2430,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + hint: Paper beats rock + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + question_score: '10' + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1227,6 +2464,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: Michael is a boy with glasses + - option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + feedback: Try again + - option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + feedback: Try again + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + question_score: '10' + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1241,6 +2491,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + question_text: Which statement is false? + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1255,6 +2518,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: That's not enough money! + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1292,6 +2568,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1316,6 +2596,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1326,6 +2610,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + hint: The symbols are right + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1334,6 +2631,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`> 12`' + feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + correct_answer: B 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1342,6 +2652,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1351,6 +2674,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + hint: '> means greater than' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - feedback: Yes! + option: "'player 2 wins'" + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 2 loses'" + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + hint: You win the game by having the most points + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + correct_answer: B + 2: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: '{if} name = Hedy' + feedback: No + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 7: + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=>`' + feedback: This is not a symbol. + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You are right + option: '`<` and `>=`' + - option: '`+` and `==`' + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1358,11 +2783,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - option: '`=`' + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{for}`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{range}`' + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1383,6 +2833,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1402,6 +2856,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: wetness should get less each time + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1419,6 +2877,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1430,8 +2891,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: The last one should say you win. + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1450,6 +2928,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1460,6 +2942,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1467,12 +2968,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + hint: It's not random... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1483,6 +3010,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1493,3 +3025,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + 1: + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + 6: + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + feedback: That is not right. + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - option: Line 4 should start without indentation + feedback: It should not + - option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + feedback: Amazing! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + question_score: '10' + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + correct_answer: B + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - feedback: There is no list called 'person' + option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + 9: + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + feedback: It's only repeated twice + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 17: + 6: + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + correct_answer: B + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You cannot have so many variables. + feedback: This is not it. + - option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + feedback: Not true! + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 4: + question_score: '10' + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + feedback: Great! + correct_answer: D + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 3: + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 5: + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 7: + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: Try again! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 9: + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C diff --git a/content/quizzes/tn.yaml b/content/quizzes/tn.yaml index dee61b2c9f7..d03f5829b01 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/tn.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/tn.yaml @@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _?_ Hello world! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -35,6 +37,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: code: |- {ask} What is your favorite pet? @@ -60,6 +67,10 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: Right on! + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -70,6 +81,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -85,6 +100,83 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + correct_answer: B + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: You only need one command, not two. + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + correct_answer: C + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + 7: + question_score: '10' + hint: Check the code line by line + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + 9: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 6: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy + feedback: Good job! + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - option: Haydie + feedback: Not this one! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heidi + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's this programming language called? 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -97,6 +189,9 @@ levels: - option: In level 2 all the level 1 commands still work feedback: No one command doesn't work anymore. hint: '`{print}` and `{ask}` still exist.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -123,17 +218,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + question_text: What should be on the lines? + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + - option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + correct_answer: B + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + 5: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + correct_answer: B + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + question_text: Which code is correct? + question_score: '10' + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + correct_answer: A + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + correct_answer: C + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_score: '10' + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + 4: + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable name should come first + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + correct_answer: C + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -158,6 +371,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -168,8 +384,26 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + correct_answer: A + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" 3: question_text: What's wrong in line 2 of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" 9: code: |- colors {is} blue, purple, green @@ -177,6 +411,18 @@ levels: {remove} chosen_color {from} colors {print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random} hint: Look at line 3 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -207,6 +453,83 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + 6: + correct_answer: B + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + question_score: '10' + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + 7: + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + correct_answer: C + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - option: sea salt + feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + - option: paprika + feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the output of this code? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + option: Nothing, this code is alright. + hint: The variable name is prices + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -219,6 +542,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -241,6 +567,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -263,6 +593,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -282,8 +616,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + question_score: '10' + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + correct_answer: C + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - feedback: You need some quotation marks! + option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -294,6 +646,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + 8: + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + 4: + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_score: '10' 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -311,8 +727,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct! + feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + - option: SECRET + feedback: That's right!' + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - option: ALARM INTRUDER + feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + question_text: What is the right password? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -321,6 +752,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -349,6 +792,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -376,9 +822,100 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: fun + feedback: That's right! + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + correct_answer: A + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + question_score: '10' + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - feedback: Great job! + option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '1' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + - option: '2' + feedback: Super! You escaped! + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + correct_answer: A + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + feedback: Indeed! + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? 6: 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - option: 21 dollars + feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + hint: Mind the fourth line. + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + correct_answer: A 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -392,6 +929,129 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 1: + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + code: '{print} 2*10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`*`' + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + hint: It's the plus sign. + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + correct_answer: D + 3: + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + 4: + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + question_score: '10' + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + option: 5 dollars + - option: 10 dollars + feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: The * means multiplication. + - feedback: Great! + option: 50 dollars + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + correct_answer: C + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + 8: + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - feedback: No, that's not true. + option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + - option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + 9: + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 10% + - option: 32% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - option: 100% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -404,8 +1064,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code is right? + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -429,6 +1104,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + correct_answer: A 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -455,6 +1134,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -476,6 +1160,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -509,6 +1198,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Its alright'" ``` feedback: This is not the correct order.. + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + correct_answer: A 9: code: |- Batman was flying through Gotham. @@ -550,6 +1244,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Please help me !' ``` feedback: Perfect + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -581,6 +1279,36 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The code is correct! + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" 8: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -605,6 +1333,11 @@ levels: Im Hedy! Im Hedy!" feedback: Everything is printed twice + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" 2: mp_choice_options: - option: This should be only one line, not 2. @@ -615,6 +1348,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -642,6 +1380,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -674,6 +1416,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: B 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -684,6 +1430,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -703,6 +1454,10 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -745,6 +1500,10 @@ levels: {print} You are wrong! ``` feedback: You are wrong! + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? 9: code: |- 1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?' @@ -752,11 +1511,52 @@ levels: 3 {print} '🤘' 4 {else} 5 {print} '👎' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + correct_answer: D + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. 10: code: |- 1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?" 2 {if} level {is} 8 3 {print} Great job! + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: You are correct! + option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + correct_answer: D + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + - feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated 9: 1: code: |- @@ -779,6 +1579,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -798,6 +1601,11 @@ levels: Good job! You can use the computer! feedback: Correct! + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + correct_answer: D + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -814,6 +1622,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + hint: Follow the right path + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - option: case 2, sell + feedback: You don't win a million + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -834,6 +1655,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -869,6 +1694,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + hint: Watch the indentation + correct_answer: C + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code produced this output? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -879,6 +1709,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + correct_answer: C + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -919,6 +1753,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -936,6 +1773,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + hint: The indentation is done right this time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -951,6 +1791,23 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: None, that is not allowed + feedback: You are allowed to + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: '3' + feedback: You could use more if you like + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -958,6 +1815,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -966,6 +1835,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - option: choices + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + option: dice + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -980,6 +1861,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + question_score: '10' + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -987,6 +1873,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -1015,6 +1913,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: What is the first question Hedy will `{ask}` you when you run the program? code: |- @@ -1024,6 +1925,18 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + correct_answer: A + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -1039,6 +1952,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is true about this code? + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + 2: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + correct_answer: D + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_text: Which output is correct? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - feedback: Great! + option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + 4: + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + feedback: Good job! + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1066,6 +2028,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: What did you learn in this level? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1079,6 +2044,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_text: What will be the output from this code? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1106,6 +2076,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1114,6 +2088,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There's not always 3 people + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + feedback: The variable is not named guests + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Use the variable 'people' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1130,6 +2116,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1161,6 +2152,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + correct_answer: B + 5: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + - feedback: Not line 1... + option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - option: That depends on how old you are + feedback: That's right! + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + correct_answer: D + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + 3: + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + 6: + correct_answer: C + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1179,6 +2234,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1205,6 +2264,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1218,12 +2281,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + correct_answer: A + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + question_score: '10' + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + correct_answer: D 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1237,6 +2317,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1250,6 +2343,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + feedback: Excellent! + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1262,6 +2367,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1284,6 +2402,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + code: '3.5' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1310,6 +2433,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1330,6 +2456,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1362,6 +2491,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1377,6 +2510,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1395,6 +2532,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1406,10 +2546,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + correct_answer: A + hint: Paper beats rock + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: Fantastic! + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1423,6 +2580,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + feedback: Try again + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1437,6 +2607,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is false? 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1451,6 +2634,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: That's not enough money! + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1488,6 +2684,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + correct_answer: A + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1512,6 +2712,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + question_score: '10' 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1522,6 +2726,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: The symbols are right + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1530,6 +2747,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1538,6 +2768,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 2 times + feedback: That is correct + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1547,6 +2790,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "'player 1 wins'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + question_score: '10' + 1: + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + 3: + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: True! + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + feedback: There are. + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - feedback: No + option: '{if} age = 24' + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1554,11 +2899,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1579,6 +2949,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1598,6 +2972,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: wetness should get less each time + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1615,6 +2993,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + hint: Look closely at the indentation + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1626,8 +3007,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + hint: The last one should say you win. 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - feedback: Great job + option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1646,6 +3044,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1656,6 +3058,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + question_score: '10' + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + correct_answer: C 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1663,12 +3084,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + feedback: Mind the spacing. + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: No, it is not random. + option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1679,6 +3126,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1689,3 +3141,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + 10: + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + correct_answer: D + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + 1: + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + 6: + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + feedback: Correct + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_score: '10' + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + feedback: That is not right. + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - feedback: This is not going to work! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + correct_answer: B + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + 17: + 2: + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: Try again. + option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + 1: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + correct_answer: C + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 9: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + 6: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C diff --git a/content/quizzes/tr.yaml b/content/quizzes/tr.yaml index cdf29a4a1c5..7ba2a1adcaa 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/tr.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/tr.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Heidi feedback: Bu değil! hint: Hedy Lamarr'ın adı verilmiştir. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: question_text: '"Merhaba!" yazısının görünmesi için boşluklara hangilerinin doldurulması gerekir?' code: _ Merhaba! @@ -25,6 +27,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: '`{ask}` ile bir soru sorarsınız.' hint: _ Merhaba Dünya! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Birinin en sevdiği rengin ne olduğunu nasıl sorarsınız? mp_choice_options: @@ -49,6 +53,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{echo}` verdiğiniz cevabı size tekrarlar.' hint: '`{ask}` komutu ile bir şeyi sorabilirsiniz' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Bu kodun ne sorunu var? code: |- @@ -65,6 +71,8 @@ levels: - option: Hiçbir sorun yok! Bu mükemmel bir kod! feedback: Yanlış, lütfen dikkatli bak! hint: 1. satır doğru görünmüyor + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Satır 2'de hangi komut eksik? code: |- @@ -80,6 +88,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{echo}`' feedback: Tam isabet! hint: Cevabı 2. satırın sonunda görmek istiyorsunuz... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: Bu kodun ne sorunu var? code: |- @@ -97,6 +107,8 @@ levels: - option: 4. satırda `{print}` kelimesi yanlış yazılmıştır. feedback: Hayır, hata başka bir yerde hint: '`{print}` komutlarını kontrol edin.' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Bu kodun ne sorunu var? code: |- @@ -114,6 +126,8 @@ levels: - option: Hiçbir sorunu yok! Bu mükemmel bir kod! feedback: Doğru! hint: Kodu satır satır kontrol edin + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: '`{echo}` komutunu nasıl kullanırsınız?' mp_choice_options: @@ -126,6 +140,8 @@ levels: - option: Metni yok etmek için kullanırsınız. feedback: Bu doğru değil. hint: Bir `{echo}` komutu, bir `{ask}` komutundan sonra kullanılır. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: Bu kodun ne sorunu var? code: |- @@ -142,6 +158,8 @@ levels: - option: Hiçbir sorun yok. Bu mükemmel bir kod! feedback: Lütfen hatayı dikkatlice arayın... hint: '`{ask}` komutu bir soru sormanızı sağlar' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: question_text: Bu kodu çalıştırdıktan sonra çıktı ekranınızda hangi yazı olacak? code: |- @@ -162,6 +180,8 @@ levels: Evet! feedback: İki tane `{echo}` komutu vardır hint: Hadi gidelim! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: 1: question_text: Bu ifadelerden hangisi doğrudur? @@ -175,6 +195,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{sleep} komutu ile ekrandan metinleri kaldırırsın.' feedback: '`{sleep}` komutu böyle çalışmaz.' hint: '`{print}` komutu, 1. seviyedeki gibi çalışmaya devam eder' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Bu kodlardan hangisi doğrudur? mp_choice_options: @@ -199,6 +221,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Kelimeler doğru, ama sıraları değil! hint: '`{ask}` , artık 1. seviyedeki gibi çalışmıyor' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Bu kodu çalıştırdığınızda çıktı ekranınızda ne görünür? code: |- @@ -214,6 +238,8 @@ levels: - option: Ali markete gider ve Ali bir elma satın alır. feedback: İkinci Ali kelimesi ile değişen ikinci bir "isim" kelimesi yok hint: '"isim" kelimesi Ali ile değiştirilir' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Bu kodu çalıştırdığınızda çıktı ekranında ne göreceksiniz? code: |- @@ -229,6 +255,8 @@ levels: - option: Merhaba benim Hedy Hedy! feedback: Doğru, ve bu hatayı düzeltmeyi 4. seviyede göreceksin! hint: '''adım'' kelimesi her iki yerde de ''Hedy'' ile değiştirilir' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: '`{sleep}` komutunu kullandığınızda ne olur?' mp_choice_options: @@ -241,6 +269,8 @@ levels: - option: Hedy'nin programınızın bittiğini anlaması için programın sonuna koyarsınız feedback: Hayır, bunun kodunuzun sonunda olması kullanışsız olurdu hint: Bilgisayar `{sleep}` komutunda bir saniye bekler + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: Boş olan satıra hangisi gelir? code: |- @@ -257,6 +287,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: Burada sorulacak bir soru yok hint: Dramatik bir etki için kısa bir süre duraklayın. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 7: question_text: Satır 2'de hangi komut kullanılmalıdır? code: |- @@ -285,6 +317,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Üç rakamını kullanarak işinizi kolaylaştırın hint: Bilgisayarın 3 saniye beklemesini istiyorsunuz + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Bu kodun ilk satırındaki sorunu nasıl düzeltirsiniz? code: |- @@ -312,6 +346,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{ask}` komutu nerede?' hint: Değişken adı ilk önce gelmelidir + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Bu kodda yanlış olan nedir? code: |- @@ -327,6 +363,8 @@ levels: - option: 'Satır 2 şöyle olmalıdır: `{sleep}` Benim sevdiğim hayvanlar' feedback: Uyku, bir metni `{print}` etmek için kullanılmaz hint: '''Benim sevdiğim köpekler'' ifadesini `{print}` etmek istiyorsunuz' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Satır 1'de boşlukta hangi komut kullanılmalıdır? code: |- @@ -356,6 +394,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Bu doğru! hint: '`{ask}` kullanıp bir soru sormak istiyorsunuz' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: 1: question_text: Hedy'nin keyfi olarak bir şey seçmesine izin vermek için hangi komut(lar)ı kullanıyorsunuz? @@ -369,6 +409,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' feedback: Doğru! hint: Keyfi olarak demek, plansız veya rastgele anlamına gelir. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: question_text: Bu kodun ne sorunu var? code: |- @@ -384,6 +426,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at} {random}` yanlış yazılmış' feedback: '`{at} {random}` doğru yazımdır' hint: Satır 1'de bir sorun var + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: Satır 2'deki hatayı nasıl düzeltirsiniz? code: |- @@ -408,6 +452,8 @@ levels: - option: Hiçbir sorun yok, bu kod doğru! feedback: Hatayı görmek için biraz daha dikkatlice bakın hint: Değişkene (listeye) seçenekler adı verilmiş. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Rastgele bir fiyat yazdırmak için satır 2'de ne değişmelidir? code: |- @@ -432,6 +478,8 @@ levels: - option: Hiçbir sorun yok, bu kod tamam. feedback: Gözden kaçırdığınız hata için dikkatlice bakın! hint: Değişkenin adı fiyatlar + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Bu kodda yanlış olan nedir? code: |- @@ -449,6 +497,8 @@ levels: - option: Hiçbir sorun yok, bu kod mükemmel feedback: Bu doğru! hint: Bu kodda bir hata var mı ki? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: Bu kodun ne sorunu var? code: |- @@ -465,6 +515,8 @@ levels: - option: Hiçbir sorun yok! Bu kod harika! feedback: Aslında 2. satırda bir hata var. hint: Satır 2'de bir sorun var. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: '`{add}` komutu ne yapıyor?' code: |- @@ -482,6 +534,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{add}` komutu en sevdiğiniz kitabı yazdırır.' feedback: Hayır, en sevdiğiniz kitabı listeye ekler hint: '`{add}` komutu bir kitap ekler, ama hangisini?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Bu kodun çıktısı ne olur? code: |- @@ -499,6 +553,8 @@ levels: - option: ekşi krema feedback: Bu doğru! hint: 3 çeşni var, ve 2 tanesi kaldırıldı. Geriye hangisi kalır? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 9: question_text: Bu kodun ne sorunu var? code: |- @@ -516,6 +572,8 @@ levels: - option: Hiçbir sorun yok, bu doğru bir kod! feedback: Dikkatli bakıp hatayı bulun! hint: 4. satıra bir bakın + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: İşaretli _ içine ne gelmeli? code: |- @@ -546,6 +604,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Bunu yapınca, dün gezdiren kişinin şimdi bunu tekrar yapma olasılığı arttı. Bu çok kötü. hint: Dün köpeği kim gezdirdiyse, bugün o kişi listeden çıkarılmalıdır. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: 1: question_text: Bu kodlardan hangisi doğrudur? @@ -571,6 +631,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Tırnak işaretlerine ve üstten kesme işaretine dikkat et hint: 4. seviyede, 2 komut için tırnak işaretine ihtiyacınız vardır. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: question_text: Hangi kod uygun tırnak işaretlerini kullanır? mp_choice_options: @@ -595,6 +657,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Bu bir virgül, tırnak işaretine ihtiyacın var. hint: Doğru tırnak işaretlerini seçin. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Tırnak işaretleri hangisinde doğru kullanılmış? mp_choice_options: @@ -619,6 +683,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Mükemmel! hint: Yazdırmak istediğiniz sözcüklerin hem öncesinde hem de sonrasında tırnak işareti bulunmalıdır. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Bu ifadelerden hangisi doğrudur? mp_choice_options: @@ -631,6 +697,8 @@ levels: - option: Tırnak işareti kullanıp kullanmayacağınıza kendiniz karar verirsiniz. feedback: Ne yazık ki, Hedy'nin kuralları bundan daha katıdır. hint: 4. seviyeden itibaren tırnak işareti kullanmanız gerekir. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Bu oyunun çalışması için nelerin değiştirilmesi gerekiyor? code: |- @@ -655,6 +723,8 @@ levels: - option: Hiçbir sorunu yok, bu oyun zaten çalışıyor! feedback: Dikkatli bak. Bir hata var. hint: Hedy'nin kelimenin tam anlamıyla 'seçenekler {at} {random}' yazdırmasını istemezsiniz, 'taş' veya 'kağıt' veya 'makas' yazdırmasını istersiniz. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Bu kodda bir sonraki satır hangisi olurdu? code: fiyatlar {is} 1 lira, 100 lira, 1 milyon lira @@ -680,6 +750,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hedy kelimenin tam anlamıyla 'fiyatlar {at} {random}'' yazdıracaktır hint: 'Dikkatlice düşünün: bir değişken nedir, tırnak işaretlerinin dışında neler olmalıdır, ve içinde olması gereken normal kelimeler nelerdir?' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Bu kodun ne sorunu var? code: |- @@ -696,6 +768,8 @@ levels: - option: Hiçbir sorun yok, bu kod olduğu gibi iyi! feedback: Dikkatli bak. Bir hatayı gözden kaçırdın! hint: Her satırın tırnak işaretine ihtiyacı olup olmadığını kontrol edin. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: Bu kod için bir sonraki satır ne olurdu? code: |- @@ -724,6 +798,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Böyle olursa Hedy kelimenin tam anlamıyla 'Demek seçtiğin kapı kapı' yazar hint: İkinci kapı kelimesi sayı ile değiştirilmeli, birincisi hala kapı kelimesi olmalıdır... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: Çıktı ekranınızda hangisini asla görmezsiniz? code: |- @@ -739,6 +815,8 @@ levels: - option: FC Barcelona şampiyonlar ligini kazanacak feedback: Bu doğru. Çünkü listede yok hint: Hedy'nin rastgele seçebileceği seçenekler nelerdir? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: Bu ifadelerden hangisi doğrudur? code: |- @@ -755,6 +833,8 @@ levels: - option: Hiçbir sorun yok, bu kodda hata yok feedback: Birini kaçırdın! hint: Bir satırın tırnak işaretine ihtiyacı var, çünkü kelimesi kelimesine basılmasını istiyorsunuz. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: 1: question_text: _ ile gösterilen yere hangi komut gelmelidir? @@ -772,6 +852,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{else}`' feedback: Bu doğru! hint: Hangisi `{if}` komutu ile birlikte kullanılır? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: question_text: Soruya Hedy adını girerseniz çıktı ekranınızda ne görünür? code: |- @@ -787,6 +869,8 @@ levels: - option: Hata feedback: Neyse ki değil! hint: '`{if}` isim `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Doğru şifre nedir? code: |- @@ -803,6 +887,8 @@ levels: - option: ALARM DAVETSİZ MİSAFİR feedback: Bu, yanlış şifre girdiğinizde yazdırılır! hint: '`{if}` şifre `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Doğru!''' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 4: question_text: Yanlış şifre girerseniz Hedy ne yazdırır? code: |- @@ -819,6 +905,8 @@ levels: - option: ALARM! DAVETSİZ MİSAFİR! feedback: İyi işti! hint: Bilgisayarınız davetsiz misafirler için alarm çalacak! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Hedy 'gizli' yazınca 'ALARM! DAVETSİZ MİSAFİR!' diyor, ama neden? code: |- @@ -835,6 +923,8 @@ levels: - option: Çünkü Hedy bir hata yaptı feedback: Hayır, Hedy haklı hint: Kelimenin yazılışı tamamen aynı olmak zorundadır. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 6: question_text: Son satırda boş bırakılan yere hangi kelime gelmelidir? code: |- @@ -865,6 +955,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{print}` zaten orada, ondan önce bir kelimeye ihtiyacımız var!' hint: '`{if}` ile birlikte ... kullanılır?' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Boşluğun yerine hangi kelime gelmelidir? code: |- @@ -882,6 +974,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: Harika! hint: Bir `{else}` komutundan sonra bir `{print}` komutu gelir + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Boşluğun yerine hangi kelime gelmelidir? code: |- @@ -904,6 +998,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: Hayır, bu değil. hint: Değişken adı ne? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Kaçmak için hangi kapıyı seçmelisin? code: |- @@ -923,6 +1019,8 @@ levels: - option: Bu bir tuzak, her zaman yenileceksiniz! feedback: Neyse ki değil! hint: Kapılardan biri seni güvende tutacak. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: question_text: 1 numaralı kapının arkasında hangi canavar duruyor? code: |- @@ -942,6 +1040,8 @@ levels: - option: dev örümcek feedback: Her zaman değil... hint: Son 3 kelimeye dikkat edin... canavarlar `{at} {random}`... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: 1: question_text: Bu kodu çalıştırdığınızda Hedy'nin çıktısı ne olur? @@ -955,6 +1055,9 @@ levels: - option: '210' feedback: Bunun bir hesaplama olduğunu unutmayın. hint: '`*` işareti, çarpma işlemi işareti olarak kullanılır' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: '{print} 2*10' 2: question_text: İki sayıyı toplamak istediğinizde ne kullanırsınız? mp_choice_options: @@ -967,6 +1070,8 @@ levels: - option: '`+`' feedback: Doğru! hint: Artı işareti. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: Bu kodu çalıştırdığınızda Hedy'nin çıktısı ne olur? mp_choice_options: @@ -979,6 +1084,9 @@ levels: - option: Hiçbir şey olmaz, Hedy bir hata mesajı verecektir. feedback: Hayır, Hedy kelimesi kelimesine basacak. hint: Tırnak işaretlerine dikkat et!! + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Ali 10 yaşında. Hedy onun için ne yazacak? code: |- @@ -996,6 +1104,8 @@ levels: - option: Senin şanslı numaran... 10 feedback: Şanslı numarası isim çarpı yaş... hint: 'Alin''in 3 harfi var, 10 yaşında, yani: harfleri çarpı yaşı = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Bu restoranda 5 kişi yemek yerse, toplamda ne kadar ödemeleri gerekir? code: |- @@ -1013,6 +1123,8 @@ levels: - option: 50 lira feedback: Harika! hint: '`ücret` `eşit` `kişiler` `çarpı` 10' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: Bu sanal restoranda bir hamburgerin fiyatı ne kadar? code: |- @@ -1031,6 +1143,8 @@ levels: - option: 21 dolar feedback: Bir hamburger ve patates kızartmasının toplam fiyatı bu! hint: Dördüncü satıra dikkat et. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 7: question_text: 7. satırda neden 'ücret eşittir 3' yerine 'ücret eşittir ücret + 3' deniyor? code: |- @@ -1053,6 +1167,8 @@ levels: - option: Çünkü ücret en başta 0 lira. feedback: Bu doğru bir bilgi, ama nedeni bu değil hint: Ücret toplam 3 değil, öncekinden 3 lira daha fazla olmalı + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Bu kod neden yanlış? code: |- @@ -1070,6 +1186,8 @@ levels: - option: Satır 2'deki değişkene "cevap" ismi verilemez, çünkü bu isim "doğru cevap" değişkenine çok benziyor. feedback: Değişken isimleri benzer olabilir (aynı değil), ancak 2 kelime olamazlar... hint: Değişkenlere ne isim verildiğini inceleyin. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Futbol sevginizin 10 puan olduğunu, 2 tane muz yediğinizi ve bugün ellerinizi 3 kez yıkadığınızı düşünün. Bu aptal falcı sizin ne kadar zeki olduğunuzu düşünür? code: |- @@ -1091,6 +1209,8 @@ levels: - option: 100% feedback: (2 muzlar + 3 sağlık) * 10 futbol = 5*10 =? hint: (2 muzlar + 3 sağlık) * 10 futbol = 5*10 =? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Bu ifadelerden hangisi doğrudur? code: |- @@ -1106,6 +1226,8 @@ levels: - option: '`=` işaretini sadece sayılarla çalışırken kullanabilirsiniz, kelimelerle değil.' feedback: '`=` işaretini kelimelerle birlikte de kullanabilirsiniz.' hint: '`{is}` ve `=` seçeneklerinin her ikisine de izin verilir' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 7: 1: question_text: Bu seviyede tekrarla komutu ile aynı anda kaç satırı tekrarlayabilirsiniz? @@ -1119,6 +1241,8 @@ levels: - option: Sonsuz feedback: Bu seviyede her seferinde sadece bir satırı tekrarlayabilirsiniz hint: Her seferinde yalnızca bir satırı tekrarlayabilirsiniz + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Hangi kod doğrudur? mp_choice_options: @@ -1143,6 +1267,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Bu doğru! hint: Önce `{repeat}` komutu, ardından `{print}` komutu + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Bu kod doğru mu yoksa yanlış mı? code: '{repeat} 100 {times} ''Merhaba!''' @@ -1156,6 +1282,8 @@ levels: - option: Yanlış, `{print}` kelimesi eksik feedback: Doğru hint: 'Şöyle olmalı: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` ''Merhaba''' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Kodda hangi kelime yanlıştır? code: |- @@ -1174,6 +1302,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{times}`' feedback: '`{times}` doğru yazılmıştır' hint: mavi'yim hatalıdır, cümle içinde kesme işareti kullanamazsın + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: question_text: Bu kod doğru mu yanlış mı? code: '{repeat} 100 {times} {print} ''Hedy harika!''' @@ -1183,6 +1313,8 @@ levels: - option: Yanlış feedback: Bu değil hint: Bu kod doğrudur! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Bu kodun çıktısı ne olacaktır? code: |- @@ -1214,6 +1346,8 @@ levels: dönüyor ve dönüyor feedback: Tüm şehir boyunca! Mükemmel! hint: Sadece ' dönüyor ve dönüyor' 3 kez tekrarlanır. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Bu kodun çıktısı ne olacaktır? mp_choice_options: @@ -1237,6 +1371,9 @@ levels: ROCK YOU! feedback: Tekrarla komutuna dikkat edin hint: '`{repeat}` komutuna dikkat edin.' + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Bu çıktı hangi Hedy koduna aittir? mp_choice_options: @@ -1272,6 +1409,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Bu doğru sıra değil. hint: '`{repeat}` yalnızca aynı satırı arka arkaya birden çok kez çalıştırmak istediğinizde kullanılabilir.' + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 9: question_text: Bu çıktı hangi Hedy koduna aittir? code: |- @@ -1315,6 +1455,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Mükemmel hint: '"Yardım edin!" 3 kez tekrarlanıyor.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Bu çıktı hangi koda aittir? code: |- @@ -1352,6 +1494,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Bu doğru sırada değil. hint: Cümlelerin sırasına dikkat edin. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: 1: question_text: Bu kod hangi çıktıyı üretecektir? @@ -1382,6 +1526,8 @@ levels: Ben Hedy! feedback: Her şey iki kez basılır hint: Her iki satır da iki kez tekrarlanır. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Bu kodun nesi var? code: |- @@ -1397,6 +1543,8 @@ levels: - option: İkinci satırın girinti olarak 4 boşlukla başlaması gerekir. feedback: Doğru! hint: İkinci satırda eksik bir şey mi var? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: Bu programı çalıştırdığınızda hangi çıktı üretilecek? code: |- @@ -1429,6 +1577,8 @@ levels: Bebek köpekbalığı feedback: Neler tekrarlanıyor ve neler tekrarlanmıyor. hint: Neler tekrarlanıyor ve neler tekrarlanmıyor? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Hangi çıktı doğru? code: |- @@ -1463,6 +1613,8 @@ levels: Tatile çıkıyoruz! feedback: Son satır da tekrarlanmaktadır. hint: '`{repeat}` komutunun altındaki blok iki kez tekrarlanır.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: Bu kodun ne sorunu var? code: |- @@ -1479,6 +1631,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}` artık bir komut değil' feedback: Bu doğru değil hint: Girintilemede bir sorun var + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 6: question_text: Cevabı "Krep" girdiğimizde bu kodun çıktısı ne olacaktır? code: |- @@ -1510,6 +1664,8 @@ levels: Krep feedback: Aferin sana! hint: İlk cümle ve soru tekrar edilmeyecektir + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Bu kodun ne sorunu var? code: |- @@ -1531,6 +1687,8 @@ levels: - option: İlk `{if}` komutundan sonra girinti yanlış. feedback: Bu doğru. hint: Girintilere dikkatlice bakın. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Kodlardan hangisinde girintileme doğru yapılmıştır? mp_choice_options: @@ -1575,6 +1733,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Yanılıyorsun! hint: Kişi haklıysa ne olmalıdır? Peki değilse ne olacak? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Bu koddaki hangi satır(lar) 4 boşlukla başlamalıdır? code: |- @@ -1593,6 +1753,8 @@ levels: - option: Satır 3 ve 5 feedback: İyi işti! hint: Bir `{if}` veya `{else}` komutundan sonraki satırlar 4 boşlukla başlamalıdır. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Bu ifadelerden hangisi doğrudur? code: |- @@ -1609,6 +1771,8 @@ levels: - option: Satır 3'ün 4 boşlukla başlaması gerekir feedback: Haklısın! hint: Sadece bir satır 4 boşlukla başlıyor, ama hangisi...? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 9: 1: question_text: Bu kodun ne sorunu var? @@ -1632,6 +1796,8 @@ levels: - option: Son `{if}` komutunda girinti yanlış. feedback: Girinti sorunu yok. hint: Tüm girintiler doğru şekilde yapılmıştır. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Doğru şifre girilince ne yazdırılacak? code: |- @@ -1671,6 +1837,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Doğru! hint: '`{repeat}` komutu altındaki her şey iki kez tekrarlanır.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Bir milyon dolar kazanmak için hangi kasayı seçmelisiniz? code: |- @@ -1698,6 +1866,8 @@ levels: - option: kasa 2, aç feedback: İyi iş çıkardın! Sen kazandın! hint: Doğru yolu takip edin + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Bu ifadelerden hangisi doğrudur? code: |- @@ -1720,6 +1890,8 @@ levels: - option: Ayakkabı numarası 38 olan Külkedisi Sindirella 'Aramaya devam edeceğim' yanıtını aldı feedback: Hayır, o '❤️❤️❤️' yanıtını aldı hint: Adınız ne olursa olsun, 40 numara ayakkabınız varsa 'Aramaya devam edeceğim' mesajını alacaksınız. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Bu çıktıyı hangi kod üretir? output: |- @@ -1761,6 +1933,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Bu kodda 2 adet `{repeat}` komutu bulunmaktadır. hint: Girintiye dikkat edin + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Hangi komut(lar)dan sonra girinti (bir sonraki satıra 4 boşlukla başlama) kullanmalısınız? mp_choice_options: @@ -1773,6 +1947,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: '{print} ile değil' hint: Girinti bazı komutların altındaki satırda gerçekleşir + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Orta boy pizza ve yanında kola sipariş ederseniz 5 dolar indirim alırsınız.
Ama kodda bir hata var! Bu hata nasıl ayıklanır? code: |- @@ -1814,6 +1990,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Neredeyse doğru. Son satıra bir kez daha bakın hint: Her `{if}` komutundan sonra aşağıdaki satır girintilenmelidir + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: Bu kodun ne sorunu var? code: |- @@ -1832,6 +2010,8 @@ levels: - option: Bir kod her zaman ilk satırda bir `{print}` komutu ile başlamalıdır feedback: Bu doğru değil. hint: Girintiler bu sefer doğru yapılmış + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Bir `{if}` komutunun içine başka kaç tane `{if}` komutu yerleştirilebilir? mp_choice_options: @@ -1844,6 +2024,8 @@ levels: - option: Sonsuz, girintiyi doğru kullanmaya devam ettiğiniz sürece feedback: Bu doğru hint: Bir `{if}` komutunu başka bir `{if}` komutunun içine koyabilirsiniz. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Bu ifadelerden hangisi doğrudur? code: |- @@ -1860,6 +2042,8 @@ levels: - option: 2 numaralı satır 4 boşlukla ve 3 numaralı satır 8 boşlukla başlamalıdır feedback: Haklısın! hint: İlk satır herhangi bir boşlukla başlamaz + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: 1: question_text: Her bir iltifatı yazdırmak istiyorsak `_` kısmına ne yazmamız gerekiyor? @@ -1889,6 +2073,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Neredeyse oluyordu! hint: '`{for}` iltifatlar listesindeki her bir iltifat için...' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: question_text: Hangi çıktı doğrudur? code: |- @@ -1908,6 +2094,8 @@ levels: En çok krep seviyorum feedback: Harika! hint: Satır 2, öğün listesindeki her öğün için diyor. Yani her öğün yazdırılır. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Hangi çıktı doğrudur? code: |- @@ -1928,6 +2116,8 @@ levels: - option: Henüz bilmiyoruz. Çünkü hayvanlardan birini {at}{random} seçiyor. feedback: Satır 2, hayvan listesindeki her hayvan için {for} diyor. Yani her hayvan için {print} yapılır. hint: Satır 2, hayvan listesindeki her bir hayvan için {for} diyor. Yani her hayvan yazdırılır + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Bu kodun ne sorunu var? code: |- @@ -1944,6 +2134,8 @@ levels: - option: Satır 2'de ürün yerine alışveriş yazmalıdır feedback: Hayır, değil. hint: Satır 2, alışveriş listesindeki her bir ürün için `{for}` diyor + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Bu dijital zarlar ile _ üzerinde hangi kelime olmalı? code: |- @@ -1962,6 +2154,8 @@ levels: - option: zar feedback: Değişkenlerin adlarına bakın. hint: Hedy'nin `{at} {random}` bir sayı seçmesi gerekiyor + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Kodu çalıştırdığınızda aşağıdaki cevaplardan hangisi olası bir sonuçtur? code: |- @@ -1983,6 +2177,8 @@ levels: Meredith şunu seçiyor: kağıt feedback: İnanılmaz! hint: Her oyuncu bir seçenek seçecek. Listede ilk sırada olan oyuncu ilk başlayacak. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Bu insanların akşam yemeğinde ne yiyeceğine karar veren bu koddaki _ yerine hangi satır gelmeli? code: |- @@ -2012,6 +2208,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Her isme akşam yemeğinde ne yiyeceği söylenmelidir. hint: Her isme akşam yemeğinde ne yiyeceği söylenmelidir. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: Hangi renk gömlek alacağınıza karar veren bu kodda _ yerinde ne olmalıdır? code: |- @@ -2041,6 +2239,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: kişiler adında bir değişken yok... hint: Tırnak işaretlerine ve değişkenlerin adlarına dikkat edin + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Programı çalıştırdığınızda Hedy'nin size soracağı ilk soru ne olur? code: |- @@ -2060,6 +2260,8 @@ levels: - option: Bunu bilemezsin. Hedy `{at} {random}` seçecek. feedback: Bu kodda `{at} {random}` yok... hint: Her iki listeden de ilk seçenekler seçilir. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Bu kod hakkında doğru olan hangisidir? code: |- @@ -2077,6 +2279,8 @@ levels: - option: Bazıları iki ödül de kazanabilir feedback: Anladın sen onu! hint: Bu kodun çıktısını hayal etmeye çalışın. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 11: 1: question_text: Boşluğun yerine hangi kelime gelmelidir? @@ -2093,6 +2297,9 @@ levels: - option: '`{for}`' feedback: Hayır hint: Bu seviyede ne öğrendiniz? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{for} i {in} _ 1 {to} 10\n {print} i" 2: question_text: Bu kodun çıktısı ne olacaktır? mp_choice_options: @@ -2108,6 +2315,9 @@ levels: - option: '123' feedback: Bu değil hint: Bu sayılar ekranda nasıl görünür? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Bu çıktıyı almak için hangi kod kullanılmıştır? output: |- @@ -2147,6 +2357,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: i bir değişkendir ve tırnak işareti içinde olmamalıdır hint: Önce tüm sayılar, sonra cümle + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 4: question_text: Bu çıktıyı almak için hangi kod kullanılmıştır? mp_choice_options: @@ -2175,6 +2387,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Bu doğru! hint: Bu bir hesaplama olmalı... + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Bu kodun ne sorunu var? mp_choice_options: @@ -2187,6 +2402,9 @@ levels: - option: Satır 2'nin bir girinti ile başlaması gerekir feedback: Mükemmel! hint: Girinti ile ilgili bir sorun var + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" 6: question_text: Kodu çalıştırdığınızda ekranınızda kaç kez Merhaba kelimesi belirecek? code: |- @@ -2202,6 +2420,8 @@ levels: - option: Hiç görünmez feedback: Hayır hint: 0 da sayılır, 0,1,2. Yani 3 defa. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Boşluğun yerinde ne olmalı? code: |- @@ -2232,6 +2452,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Bu sipariş bir kişi fazla! hint: '''kişiler'' değişkenini kullanın' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 8: question_text: Bu kodun çıktısı ne olacaktır? code: |- @@ -2253,6 +2475,8 @@ levels: - option: '''Merhaba'' kelimesi arka arkaya 25 kez görünecektir.' feedback: Hayır, sadece 3 kez görünecektir. hint: Burada `{print}` i yazmıyor + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Hedy kaç kere Hip Hip Hooray diye bağırıyor? code: |- @@ -2269,6 +2493,8 @@ levels: - option: Bu kaç yaşında olduğunuza bağlı feedback: Bu doğru! hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` yaş' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: Bu çıktı hangi koda aittir? output: |- @@ -2306,6 +2532,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 ifadesi 4 kez demektir.' hint: Girintiye dikkat edin + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 12: 1: question_text: Hangi çıktı doğrudur? @@ -2326,6 +2554,8 @@ levels: 5 feedback: İyi işti! hint: Her iki satır da yazılıyor! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Bu kodlardan hangisi doğrudur? mp_choice_options: @@ -2354,6 +2584,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Tüm farklı aroma çeşitleri tırnak işareti içinde olmalıdır. hint: İkinci satır her kodda aynıdır, ilk satıra dikkat edin + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 3: question_text: Bu kodun ne sorunu var? code: |- @@ -2369,6 +2601,8 @@ levels: - option: Hiçbir sorun yok. feedback: Bu doğru değil hint: Tırnak işaretleri doğru kullanılmış + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Kodun çalışması için hangi satırlarda tırnak işareti gerekiyor? code: |- @@ -2386,6 +2620,8 @@ levels: - option: Tüm satırlarda feedback: Mükemmel! hint: 3. satırın da tırnak işaretine ihtiyacı var mı? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Ajan007 doğru şifreyi girdiğinde hangi gizli bilgiyi alır? code: |- @@ -2410,6 +2646,8 @@ levels: - option: Yarın saat 10.00 da, Havaalanına git feedback: Ajan burada kötü adamları yakalayamayacak hint: Doğru şifre ÇOKGİZLİ'dir + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: ??? ile gösterilen yere hangi satır doldurulmalıdır code: |- @@ -2445,6 +2683,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Neredeyse olacaktı! hint: Ya sadece patates kızartması ve içecek sipariş ederseniz? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Bir vegan hangi çıktıyı alır? code: |- @@ -2483,6 +2723,8 @@ levels: kurabiye feedback: Neredeyse oldu, ama listedeki atıştırmalıkların sırasına bakın hint: '''vegan'' cevabını verdiğinizde listeden hangi madde çıkarılır?' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Bu çıktıyı oluşturmak için hangi kod kullanılmıştır? mp_choice_options: @@ -2507,6 +2749,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hayır hint: 7 bölü 2, 3,5 eder + code: '3.5' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Satır 1'de ??? ile gösterilen yere hangi kod doldurulmalıdır? code: |- @@ -2534,6 +2779,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hiçbir şey kazanamadın hint: Listedeki maddeler tırnak içinde olmalıdır + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Şarkıyı tamamlamak için ??? ile gösterilen yere hangi kod satırı doldurulmalıdır? code: |- @@ -2567,6 +2814,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Bu zor bir soru! Listedeki tüm eylemler şarkıda yer almalıdır. hint: Bu zor bir soru! Listedeki tüm eylemler şarkıda yer almalıdır. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 13: 1: question_text: ??? ile gösterilen yere hangi kod doldurulmalıdır? @@ -2601,6 +2850,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Hedy sadece her iki cevap da evet ise şarkı söyler hint: Hedy, eğer bir şarkı duymak istiyorsanız ve bugün doğum gününüzse size şarkı söylüyor + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 2: question_text: Kodda ??? ile gösterilen yerde hangi komut eksik? code: |- @@ -2618,6 +2869,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: Hayır hint: Ne veganlar ne de müslümanlar domuz sosisi yiyebilir. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: İndirim kodu olmayan bir üyeye hangi çıktı verilir? code: |- @@ -2637,6 +2890,8 @@ levels: - option: Bunu bilmenin hiçbir yolu yok feedback: Evet var! Soruyu dikkatlice okuyun hint: Satır 3'teki `{or}` komutuna dikkat edin + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 4: question_text: Taş-kağıt-makas oyununda bu satırı hangi kod satırı takip etmelidir? code: '{if} bilgisayarın_seçimi {is} ''taş'' {and} senin_seçimin {is} ''kağıt''' @@ -2662,6 +2917,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Tekrar deneyin! hint: Kağıt taşı yener + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Bu kodla ilgili hangi ifade doğrudur? code: |- @@ -2677,6 +2934,8 @@ levels: - option: Adı Sindirella olmayan ve ayakkabı numarası 38 olmayan herkes bu prensin tek gerçek aşkıdır feedback: Prens bundan biraz daha seçicidir! hint: Her iki ifade de doğru olmalıdır + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Bu kodla ilgili ifadelerden hangisi doğrudur? code: |- @@ -2701,6 +2960,8 @@ levels: - option: Sophie gözlüklü bir kız feedback: İyi işti! hint: İyi bakın! Yoksa gözlüğe mi ihtiyacınız var? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: Hangi ifade yanlıştır? code: |- @@ -2726,6 +2987,8 @@ levels: - option: Sarı kuş bu sabah beslendi feedback: Bu doğru hint: Son 4 satırı dikkatlice okuyun + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Patlamış mısır sipariş edip içecek almazsanız hangi çıktıyı alırsınız? code: |- @@ -2763,6 +3026,8 @@ levels: Filmin tadını çıkarın feedback: Patlamış mısırın parasını ödemek zorundasın! hint: mısır = evet ve içecek = hayır + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Bu kodun ne sorunu var? code: |- @@ -2798,6 +3063,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Sipariş ettiğim şey bu değildi! hint: Satır 3'te bir hata var + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: 8. satırda ???'nin yerinde hangi komutun olması gerekir? code: |- @@ -2824,6 +3091,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{if}`' feedback: Hayır hint: Ürün ya atıştırmalıklar listesindedir ya da içecekler listesindedir + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 14: 1: question_text: Boşlukta hangi sembol kullanılmalıdır? @@ -2841,6 +3110,8 @@ levels: - option: '`=`' feedback: Doğru! hint: Hiçbir şeyi karşılaştırmıyoruz, sadece bir isim soruyoruz. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: Bu kodlardan hangisi = veya == sembolünü doğru şekilde kullanmıştır? mp_choice_options: @@ -2853,6 +3124,8 @@ levels: - option: cevap == {ask} 'Nasılsınız?' feedback: Hayır hint: İki yanıtı karşılaştırırken == kullanmalısınız + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Gösterilen iki boşluğa hangi semboller doldurulmalıdır? code: |- @@ -2872,6 +3145,8 @@ levels: - option: '`+` ve `==`' hint: Kulübe 130 kişinin girmesine izin verilmektedir feedback: Bu doğru değil + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: Bu kodun ne sorunu var? code: |- @@ -2892,6 +3167,8 @@ levels: - option: 4. satırda >= yerine <= kullanılmalıydı feedback: Hayır, öyle olmaz hint: Semboller doğru + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: Film 12 yaş ve üzeri çocuklar için uygunsa boşluklara hangi semboller doldurulmalıdır? code: |- @@ -2911,6 +3188,8 @@ levels: - option: '`<= 12`' feedback: Bu çocuklar çok küçük hint: '> simgesi büyüktür anlamına gelir' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: Bu sinir bozucu oyunun durması için daha kaç kez rahatsız olduğunuzu söylemeniz gerekiyor? code: |- @@ -2930,6 +3209,8 @@ levels: - option: 2 kere feedback: Bu doğru hint: '!= simgesi ''eşit değildir'' anlamına gelir' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: Üç boşluğa neler doldurulmalıdır? code: |- @@ -2957,6 +3238,8 @@ levels: - option: '`''Aşağı!''` ve `''Kazandın!''` ve `''Yukarı!''`' feedback: Bu tam olarak doğru değil. hint: Sonuncusu senin kazandığını söylemeli. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Bu hız treni hakkında hangi ifade doğrudur? code: |- @@ -2975,6 +3258,8 @@ levels: - option: Hız trenine binmek için herhangi bir boy sınırlaması yoktur feedback: Hayır, var. hint: '> simgesi büyüktür anlamına gelir' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Bu fitbit'e göre kaç parça çikolata midenizi ağrıtacak? code: |- @@ -2995,6 +3280,8 @@ levels: - option: 9 veya daha fazla feedback: Harika! hint: '> 8, 8''den fazla anlamına gelir' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: Boşluklara ne doldurulmalıdır? code: |- @@ -3011,6 +3298,8 @@ levels: - option: '''Bu bir beraberlik''' feedback: Hayır değil, bir oyuncunun puanı daha yüksek hint: En çok puana sahip olunca oyunu kazanırsınız + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 15: 1: question_text: 'Boşlukta hangi sembol kullanılmalıdır? İpucu: Doğruyu bulana kadar tahmin etmeye devam etmelisiniz.' @@ -3029,6 +3318,8 @@ levels: - option: '`=`' feedback: Bu doğru değil hint: Sen Ankara diyene kadar tahmin etmeye devam edersin + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 2: question_text: Bu kodlardan hangisinde doğru sembol(ler) kullanılmıştır? mp_choice_options: @@ -3053,6 +3344,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: Bir tırnak işareti eksik hint: İki yanıtı karşılaştırırken == kullanmalısınız + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 3: question_text: Boşluğa hangi komut doldurulmalıdır? code: |- @@ -3068,6 +3361,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{range}`' feedback: Bu doğru değil hint: Yaşınız 17 veya daha küçük olduğu sürece bara giremezsiniz + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 4: question_text: Bu kodun ne sorunu var? code: |- @@ -3090,6 +3385,8 @@ levels: - option: 5. satırda == yerine != kullanılmalıydı feedback: Haklısın hint: Satır 5'te yanlış bir şey var + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: Bu programın doğru çalışması için boşluğa ne yerleştirilmelidir? code: |- @@ -3111,6 +3408,8 @@ levels: - option: = ıslaklık + 1 feedback: Program geri doğru saymalıdır hint: ıslaklık her seferinde azalmalıdır + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: Bu kodun ne sorunu var? code: |- @@ -3129,6 +3428,8 @@ levels: - option: Satır 2 daha az girintiyle başlamalıdır feedback: Bu doğru hint: Girintilere yakından bakın + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: Bu programın çalışması için nasıl değiştirilmelidir? code: |- @@ -3155,6 +3456,8 @@ levels: - option: '... dördüncü {if}''i {while} olarak değiştirin' feedback: Bu tam olarak doğru değil. hint: Sonuncusu senin kazandığını söylemeli. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Bu otomatik tuvalet sistemi hakkında hangi ifade doğrudur? code: |- @@ -3174,6 +3477,8 @@ levels: - option: Işıklar her zaman açık kalacaktır. feedback: Bu doğru olmazdı. hint: '{while} komutundan sonraki blok, tuvalet dolu olduğu sürece devam eder.' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Bugün 1600 kalori yediyseniz diyet uygulaması ne söyleyecek? code: |- @@ -3194,6 +3499,8 @@ levels: - option: Bugünlük bu kadar yeter feedback: Hayır hint: 1600, 1000 ile 2000 arasındadır + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: 'Boşluğa ne gelmelidir? İpucu: En çok puan alan oyuncu liderdir.' code: |- @@ -3211,6 +3518,8 @@ levels: - option: puan_oyuncu_2 feedback: Bir sayı değil, bir isim girmelisiniz hint: En çok puana sahip olarak oyunu kazanırsınız. Adınız ekranda görünmelidir + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 16: 2: code: |- @@ -3218,12 +3527,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + feedback: Mind the spacing. + - feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: No, it is not random. + option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: A + hint: It's not random... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -3234,6 +3569,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -3244,3 +3584,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 1: + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + feedback: This is the old way. + - feedback: The order is wrong. + option: '`[{random} snack]`' + - feedback: Correct + option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + - option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + feedback: Correct + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + correct_answer: C + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_score: '10' + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not right + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - feedback: This is not going to work! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: It will be repeated twice + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + 17: + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + correct_answer: C + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + feedback: Not true! + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Loop through your list. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + 8: + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - feedback: Nope. + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 9: + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' diff --git a/content/quizzes/uk.yaml b/content/quizzes/uk.yaml index 6d4c0cc451b..21614873f7d 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/uk.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/uk.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Heidi feedback: Невірно! hint: Він названий на честь Хеді Ламарр. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: question_text: Що потрібно поставити замість прочерку, щоб з'явився текст "Привіт!"? code: ___ Hello! @@ -37,6 +39,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: За допомогою `{ask}` ви можете поставити запитання. hint: _?_ Hello world! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: question_text: Як запитати, який у людини улюблений колір? mp_choice_options: @@ -61,6 +65,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' hint: Запитати щось можна за допомогою команди `{ask}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: Що не так з цим кодом? code: |- @@ -77,6 +83,8 @@ levels: - option: Нічого! Це ідеальний код! feedback: Не так, дивись уважно! hint: Рядок 1 виглядає неправильним + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: Яку команду пропущено в рядку 2? code: |- @@ -103,6 +111,9 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: Так! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -113,6 +124,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -128,6 +143,55 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + correct_answer: B + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + 6: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - feedback: Great! You paid attention! + option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: Check the code line by line + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -140,6 +204,9 @@ levels: - option: За допомогою команди {sleep} можна прибрати текст з екрану. feedback: No one command doesn't work anymore. hint: '`{print}` працює так само, як і на рівні 1' + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -166,17 +233,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + correct_answer: A + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be on the lines? 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + correct_answer: B + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_score: '10' + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + 8: + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + question_score: '10' + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + hint: The variable name should come first + correct_answer: C + 9: + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + correct_answer: B + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + 2: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which code is correct? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + option: Marleen goes to the market. + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + question_score: '10' + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + correct_answer: C + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + 5: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: It slows down your computer + feedback: fortunately not! + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + question_score: '10' + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -201,6 +386,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -211,6 +399,11 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + question_score: '10' + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" 9: code: |- colors {is} blue, purple, green @@ -218,6 +411,18 @@ levels: {remove} chosen_color {from} colors {print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random} hint: Look at line 3 + mp_choice_options: + - option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + feedback: Find the mistake! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -248,6 +453,98 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 3: + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + option: Nothing, the code is correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + option: Nothing, this code is alright. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + hint: The variable name is prices + correct_answer: B + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - option: Nothing, this code is perfect + feedback: That's right! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - option: paprika + feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -260,6 +557,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + question_score: '10' + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + correct_answer: A 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -282,6 +582,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + question_score: '10' 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -304,6 +608,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -323,8 +631,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + question_score: '10' 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -335,6 +661,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + 7: + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + - feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + question_score: '10' + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 8: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + 10: + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: B + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - feedback: Super! + option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + - option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true? 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -352,8 +742,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct! + feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - option: ALARM INTRUDER + feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is the right password? + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -362,6 +767,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + - option: "```\n{else}\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + option: "```\n{print}\n```" + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -390,6 +807,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -417,9 +837,100 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + hint: What the variable name? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 5: + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + feedback: Indeed! + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - feedback: No, Hedy is right + option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '1' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - option: vampire + feedback: Not always... + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: fun + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + option: less fun + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - feedback: Great job! + option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - option: 0 dollars + feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the fourth line. 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -433,6 +944,129 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 2: + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`-`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: Correct! + option: '`+`' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: It's the plus sign. + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - option: '13' + feedback: Try again.. + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + 5: + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + option: 5 dollars + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + question_score: '10' + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + - option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + feedback: That's right! + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + 8: + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + mp_choice_options: + - option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + feedback: No, there should be! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - feedback: No, that's not true. + option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + correct_answer: B + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - option: '12' + feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + - option: 2*10 + feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + - option: '210' + feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + code: '{print} 2*10' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + correct_answer: A + 4: + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + - option: '10' + feedback: Please try again. + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + question_score: '10' + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + question_score: '10' + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -445,8 +1079,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + question_text: Which code is right? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -470,6 +1119,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -496,6 +1149,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -517,6 +1175,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: What will be the output from this code? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -550,6 +1213,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Its alright'" ``` feedback: This is not the correct order.. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? 9: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -584,6 +1252,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Please help me!' ``` feedback: Perfect + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + question_score: '10' + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" + correct_answer: D + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -615,6 +1288,36 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Right + feedback: No, a word is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - feedback: Correct + option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + 5: + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + hint: The code is correct! + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: That's not it + option: Wrong + correct_answer: A 8: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -639,6 +1342,11 @@ levels: Im Hedy! Im Hedy!" feedback: Everything is printed twice + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + correct_answer: C + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" 2: mp_choice_options: - option: This should be only one line, not 2. @@ -649,6 +1357,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -676,6 +1389,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -708,6 +1425,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + correct_answer: B 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -718,6 +1439,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -737,6 +1463,69 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + question_score: '10' + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 8: + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are wrong! + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are... right! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: D + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - option: Only line 3 + feedback: Not only 3... + - feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + 6: + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - feedback: Well done! + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? 9: 1: code: |- @@ -759,6 +1548,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -787,6 +1579,11 @@ levels: Ти можеш користуватися комп'ютером! ``` feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + question_score: '10' + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -803,6 +1600,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - option: case 2, sell + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: Great job! You win! + option: case 2, open + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -823,6 +1633,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_text: Which statement is true? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -858,6 +1672,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + correct_answer: C + hint: Watch the indentation + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code produced this output? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -868,6 +1687,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + correct_answer: C + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -908,6 +1731,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + question_score: '10' + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -925,6 +1751,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The indentation is done right this time 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -940,6 +1769,23 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: D + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: Only 1 + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - feedback: That is true + option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + question_score: '10' + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -947,6 +1793,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + feedback: Almost there! + correct_answer: B + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -955,6 +1813,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + option: players + - option: choices + feedback: That's right! + - option: choice + feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + - option: dice + feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -969,6 +1839,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -976,6 +1851,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + feedback: You are on fire! + - option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -1004,6 +1891,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Яке перше питання задасть вам Hedy, коли ви запустите програму? code: |- @@ -1013,6 +1903,18 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -1028,6 +1930,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + question_text: What is true about this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + feedback: Great! + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_text: Which output is correct? + 3: + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + 4: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + feedback: No it does not. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1055,6 +2006,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: What did you learn in this level? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1068,6 +2022,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: A + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1095,6 +2054,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1103,6 +2066,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There's not always 3 people + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Use the variable 'people' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1119,6 +2094,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1150,6 +2130,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + correct_answer: B + 3: + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + correct_answer: A + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + feedback: No it doesn't. + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - feedback: Not line 1... + option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + correct_answer: D + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + 6: + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: 1 time + - option: 2 times + feedback: No + - option: 3 times + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: No + option: Never + correct_answer: C + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + 9: + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - option: 2 times + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1168,6 +2212,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1194,6 +2242,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + correct_answer: C + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1207,12 +2259,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + correct_answer: A + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1226,6 +2295,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1239,6 +2321,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + feedback: Excellent! + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1251,6 +2345,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - feedback: There's more options than just one + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + correct_answer: A 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1273,6 +2380,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1299,6 +2411,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1319,6 +2434,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1351,6 +2469,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + correct_answer: C + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1366,6 +2488,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1384,6 +2510,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1395,10 +2524,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + hint: Paper beats rock + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + hint: Both statements have to be true 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1412,6 +2558,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: Michael is a boy with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1426,6 +2585,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: This is true + option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is false? + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1440,6 +2612,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1477,6 +2662,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1501,6 +2690,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1511,6 +2704,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + correct_answer: B + hint: The symbols are right + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1519,6 +2725,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + hint: '> means greater than' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - option: '`<= 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1527,6 +2746,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + hint: "!= means 'is not'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1536,6 +2768,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: 1 or more + - feedback: No + option: 2 or more + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + question_score: '10' + 1: + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=>`' + feedback: This is not a symbol. + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + question_score: '10' + 7: + hint: The last one should say you win. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - feedback: You win! + option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 8: + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: True! + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1543,11 +2877,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=!`' + feedback: That is not right. + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{in}`' + - feedback: You are right + option: '`{while}`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{for}`' + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1568,6 +2927,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + correct_answer: D + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1587,6 +2950,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: wetness should get less each time + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1604,6 +2971,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1615,8 +2985,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1635,6 +3022,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1645,6 +3036,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1652,12 +3062,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + feedback: Mind the spacing. + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: No, it is not random. + option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + hint: It's not random... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1668,6 +3104,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1678,3 +3119,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 1: + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - feedback: The order is wrong. + option: '`[{random} snack]`' + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + 6: + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + feedback: That is not right. + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + feedback: Amazing! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + correct_answer: D + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not right + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + correct_answer: B + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + 17: + 8: + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 7: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + correct_answer: C + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + feedback: Great! + question_score: '10' + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with code? + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Loop through your list. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + 5: + correct_answer: A + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The word num needs quotation marks. + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You cannot have so many variables. + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_score: '10' + 6: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? diff --git a/content/quizzes/ur.yaml b/content/quizzes/ur.yaml index ce508e9d150..e1229bc2297 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/ur.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/ur.yaml @@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ levels: feedback: Not this one! - option: Heidi feedback: Not this one! + question_score: '10' + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A 2: question_text: Which command makes text appear? code: ___ Hello! @@ -36,6 +39,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _?_ Hello world! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -46,6 +51,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A 5: code: |- {ask} What is your favorite pet? @@ -71,6 +81,10 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: Right on! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -81,6 +95,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -96,6 +114,69 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + hint: Let's go! + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + correct_answer: B + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + 3: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: You only need one command, not two. + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - feedback: Correct! + option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Check the code line by line + 6: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -108,6 +189,9 @@ levels: - option: In level 2 all the level 1 commands still work feedback: No one command doesn't work anymore. hint: '`{print}` and `{ask}` still exist.' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -134,17 +218,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + correct_answer: A + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be on the lines? 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + correct_answer: D + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + - feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + 8: + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + hint: The variable name should come first + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + 9: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - feedback: Great! + option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + feedback: She is not replaced with the name + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + 5: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: It slows down your computer + feedback: fortunately not! + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + question_score: '10' + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + question_text: Which code is correct? + question_score: '10' + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + correct_answer: A 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -169,6 +371,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -179,8 +384,26 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 3: question_text: What's wrong in line 2 of this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" 9: code: |- colors {is} blue, purple, green @@ -188,6 +411,18 @@ levels: {remove} chosen_color {from} colors {print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random} hint: Look at line 3 + mp_choice_options: + - option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + - option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + feedback: Find the mistake! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -218,6 +453,83 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No that's not right + option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + correct_answer: B + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + question_score: '10' + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + feedback: Correct! + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + question_score: '10' + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + correct_answer: C + 8: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - option: paprika + feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + correct_answer: D + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + 4: + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + hint: The variable name is prices + correct_answer: B + 5: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + question_score: '10' + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -230,6 +542,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + question_score: '10' + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + correct_answer: A 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -252,6 +567,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + correct_answer: B + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + question_score: '10' 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -274,6 +593,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -293,8 +616,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - feedback: You need some quotation marks! + option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + question_score: '10' 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -305,6 +646,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + correct_answer: D + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + question_score: '10' + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + correct_answer: A + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + correct_answer: C + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -322,8 +727,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + question_text: What is the right password? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct! + feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + - option: SECRET + feedback: That's right!' + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - option: ALARM INTRUDER + feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -332,6 +752,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + option: "```\n{if}\n```" + - option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -360,6 +792,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -387,9 +822,100 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: fun + feedback: That's right! + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + correct_answer: A + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + 4: + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - feedback: Great job! + option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + 9: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + option: '1' + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - option: '3' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + - feedback: Luckily not! + option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 10: + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - option: vampire + feedback: Not always... + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" 6: 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + option: 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the fourth line. + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -403,6 +929,129 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: B + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + - option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + - feedback: That's true, but not the reason + option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + 1: + code: '{print} 2*10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - option: 3*10 + feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + - feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + code: "{print} '3*10'" + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + - option: '10' + feedback: Please try again. + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: plus + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + question_score: '10' + 5: + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + question_score: '10' + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - feedback: No, that's not true. + option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - option: 100% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + correct_answer: C + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_score: '10' + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -415,8 +1064,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + question_text: Which code is right? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -440,6 +1104,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -466,6 +1134,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -487,6 +1160,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: B + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -520,6 +1198,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Its alright'" ``` feedback: This is not the correct order.. + correct_answer: A + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' 9: code: |- Batman was flying through Gotham. @@ -561,6 +1244,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Please help me!' ``` feedback: Perfect + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -592,6 +1279,36 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + 3: + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Right + feedback: No, a word is missing + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - feedback: Correct + option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + correct_answer: D + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: That's not it + option: Wrong + correct_answer: A + hint: The code is correct! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" 8: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -616,6 +1333,11 @@ levels: Im Hedy! Im Hedy!" feedback: Everything is printed twice + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. 2: mp_choice_options: - option: This should be only one line, not 2. @@ -626,6 +1348,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -653,6 +1380,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + correct_answer: C 4: code: |- {print} 'The children went:' @@ -685,6 +1416,10 @@ levels: Yay! Were going on holiday! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + correct_answer: B + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines en start with 4 spaces. @@ -695,6 +1430,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' feedback: That's not true + correct_answer: A + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" 7: code: |- eten = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -714,6 +1454,10 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + correct_answer: D 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -756,6 +1500,10 @@ levels: {print} You are wrong! ``` feedback: You are wrong! + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? 9: code: |- 1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?' @@ -763,11 +1511,52 @@ levels: 3 {print} '🤘' 4 {else} 5 {print} '👎' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 and 4 + feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + - option: Line 3 and 5 + feedback: Great job! + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? 10: code: |- 1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?" 2 {if} level {is} 8 3 {print} Great job! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? 9: 1: code: |- @@ -790,6 +1579,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -809,6 +1601,11 @@ levels: Good job! You can use the computer! feedback: Correct! + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: D + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -825,6 +1622,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -845,6 +1655,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -880,6 +1694,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + correct_answer: C + hint: Watch the indentation + question_score: '10' + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_text: Which code produced this output? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -890,6 +1709,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + correct_answer: C + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYoull get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -930,6 +1753,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -947,6 +1773,9 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + correct_answer: B + hint: The indentation is done right this time + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} @@ -962,6 +1791,23 @@ levels: - option: line 2 should atart with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 feedback: You are correct! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: None, that is not allowed + feedback: You are allowed to + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -969,6 +1815,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -977,6 +1835,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - option: choices + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + option: dice + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + correct_answer: B 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -991,6 +1861,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -998,6 +1873,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + feedback: You are on fire! + - option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -1026,6 +1913,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables 9: question_text: What is the first question Hedy will `{ask}` you when you run the program? code: |- @@ -1035,6 +1925,18 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - feedback: Timon is first on the list! + option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -1050,6 +1952,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + question_text: What is true about this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + correct_answer: D + 2: + question_text: Which output is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - option: I love pizza + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pancakes + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + question_score: '10' + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + correct_answer: D + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: dogs are lovely pets + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + - feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + correct_answer: C + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -1077,6 +2028,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1090,6 +2044,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + correct_answer: A + question_text: What will be the output from this code? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1117,6 +2076,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + correct_answer: D + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -1125,6 +2088,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There's not always 3 people + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + feedback: The variable is not named guests + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + correct_answer: C + hint: Use the variable 'people' + question_score: '10' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1141,6 +2116,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: C 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1172,6 +2152,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: Try again + - option: 2 times + feedback: Try again + - option: Never + feedback: Try again + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + feedback: No it doesn't. + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + correct_answer: D + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - option: 2 times + feedback: No + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - feedback: No + option: Never + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + question_score: '10' + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + correct_answer: C 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1190,6 +2234,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + hint: Both lines are printed! + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1216,6 +2264,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1229,12 +2281,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1248,6 +2317,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + mp_choice_options: + - option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: You've cracked the code! + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1261,6 +2343,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1273,6 +2367,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + correct_answer: A 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1295,6 +2402,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + code: '3.5' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1321,6 +2433,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1341,6 +2456,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1373,6 +2491,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1388,6 +2510,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1406,6 +2532,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1417,10 +2546,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: Paper beats rock + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: Fantastic! + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + correct_answer: C + hint: Both statements have to be true + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1434,6 +2580,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: Michael is a boy with glasses + - option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1448,6 +2607,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + question_text: Which statement is false? + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1462,6 +2634,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have paid too much! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: That's not enough money! + - feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1499,6 +2684,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1523,6 +2712,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + correct_answer: B 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1533,6 +2726,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + question_score: '10' + hint: The symbols are right + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1541,6 +2747,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - option: '`<= 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young + hint: '> means greater than' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1549,6 +2768,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 2 times + feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1558,6 +2790,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 or more + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 1: + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`=>`' + feedback: This is not a symbol. + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 10: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + hint: You win the game by having the most points + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - feedback: You win! + option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You are right + option: '`<` and `>=`' + - option: '`+` and `==`' + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 8: + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + feedback: There are. + correct_answer: A + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1565,11 +2899,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1590,6 +2949,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + correct_answer: D 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1609,6 +2972,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + correct_answer: C + hint: wetness should get less each time 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1626,6 +2993,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Look closely at the indentation 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1637,8 +3007,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + question_score: '10' + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - feedback: Great job + option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + - feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1657,6 +3044,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1667,6 +3058,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + correct_answer: A + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + question_score: '10' + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - feedback: A quotation mark is missing + option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1674,12 +3084,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + feedback: Mind the spacing. + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - feedback: No, it is not random. + option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + feedback: Poor Wesley! + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + hint: It's not random... + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1690,6 +3126,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1700,3 +3141,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + - feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + question_score: '10' + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + 6: + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + - option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + feedback: Correct + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + correct_answer: C + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + 8: + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: This is not going to work! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + question_score: '10' + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: It will be repeated twice + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + correct_answer: A + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + 17: + 6: + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 4: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 2: + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + correct_answer: C + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C + 8: + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: C + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" diff --git a/content/quizzes/uz.yaml b/content/quizzes/uz.yaml index 0967ef424bc..ee5e59aba81 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/uz.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/uz.yaml @@ -1 +1,2543 @@ -{} +levels: + 15: + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{while}` should be`{if}`' + feedback: No that is not right + - feedback: No that is not right + option: '`{if}` should be `{while}`' + - option: Line 3 should start with more indentation + feedback: No that's not right + - feedback: That is correct + option: Line 2 should start with less indentation + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "lives = 100\n {while} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 7: + question_text: How should this program be changed so that it works? + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '... change the first `{if}` into a `{while}`' + feedback: Perfect! + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the second `{if}` into a `{while}`' + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: '... change the third `{if}` into a `{while}`' + - option: '... change the fourth `{if}` into a `{while}`' + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + hint: The block after the {while} command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + 9: + code: "calories = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?'\n {while} calories <= 1000\n {print} 'You could eat some more'\n {while} calories > 1000 {and} calories =< 2000\n {print} 'That is alright'\n {while} calories > 2000\n {print} 'You have had enough for today'" + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Nothing. 1600 is not programmed into the app. + - feedback: No + option: You could eat some more + - option: That is alright + feedback: Yes! + - option: You have eaten enough for today + feedback: No + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 10: + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n name_player_1\n```" + feedback: You are right! + - feedback: No they are losing! + option: "```\n name_player_2\n```" + - feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + option: "```\n points_player_1\n```" + - feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + option: "```\n points_player_2\n```" + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 1: + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + question_score: '10' + code: "answer = 0\n{while} answer _ 'Amsterdam'\n answer = {ask} 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?'\n{print} 'You have given the correct answer'" + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{in}`' + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + code: "_ age < 18\n {print} 'you are not allowed in this bar'" + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blank? + 4: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{print} 'Throw 6 as fast as you can!'\nthrown = 0\ntries = 0\n{while} thrown == 6\n thrown = options {at} {random}\n {print} 'You threw ' thrown\n tries = tries + 1\n{print} 'Yes! You have thrown 6 in ' tries ' tries.'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `==` should be used instead of `=` + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: That's not right + - feedback: That's not it + option: In line 5 `{if}` should have been used instead of `{while}` + - option: In line 5 `!=` should have been used instead of `==` + feedback: You are correct + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n = wetness\n```" + feedback: That will not change anything + - option: "```\n = wetness = 1\n```" + feedback: You can't have two times = in one line + - option: "```\n = wetness - 1\n```" + feedback: You are correct! + - feedback: The program should count down + option: "```\n = wetness + 1\n```" + code: "wetness = 10\n{while} wetness != 0\n {print} 'Your hair is still wet, hair dryer on!'\n {sleep} 1\n {clear}\n wetness _\n\n{print} 'All dry!'" + hint: wetness should get less each time + correct_answer: C + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + question_score: '10' + 16: + 1: + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + 2: + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee']\nchores = ['the cooking', 'the cleaning', 'nothing']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} _" + 3: + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? + code: "friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee']\nchore = ['the cooking', 'the cleaning', 'nothing']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i]" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + feedback: That's not it + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The variable in line 4 should be `friend[i]`, not `friends[i]` + feedback: That is not right. + - option: Line 3 should say `in range 1 to 3` not `in range 0 to 3` + feedback: Good catch! + - feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. + option: Line 4 should say 'lucky_number', not 'lucky number + - feedback: That's not it + option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh']\n```" + feedback: Mind the variable name and the order of the sounds. + - feedback: Look at line one to see how brackets are supposed to be used. + option: "```\n sounds = '[woof], [moo], [neigh]'\n```" + - feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! + option: "```\n sounds = [woof, moo, neigh]\n```" + - option: "```\n sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh']\n```" + feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + correct_answer: C + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_score: '10' + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + correct_answer: D + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 8: + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + correct_answer: B + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 10: + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + question_score: '10' + 17: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + hint: Loop through your list. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 2: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + 3: + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - feedback: Well done! + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 4: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 6: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + correct_answer: D + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + 8: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Read the code carefully. + 9: + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 10: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: The word num needs quotation marks. + feedback: Try again. + - option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + 1: + 1: + question_text: What's this programming language called? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy + feedback: Good job! + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - option: Haydie + feedback: Not this one! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heidi + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 2: + hint: _ Hello world! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats a given answer.' + option: '`{echo}`' + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: Correct! + - option: '`hello`' + feedback: Hello isn't a command. + - feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. + option: '`{ask}`' + code: _ Hello! + question_text: Which need to be filled in on the blanks to make the text Hello! appear? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' + - feedback: The command is spelled correctly. + option: The command in line 2 is spelled wrong. + - option: "`{echo}` isn't a command." + feedback: "`{echo}` is a command, there's another mistake." + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 6: + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + correct_answer: B + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - feedback: Correct! + option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + correct_answer: D + hint: Check the code line by line + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + 8: + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. + feedback: That's what `{ask}` is for! + - feedback: That's what `{print}` is for! + option: You can use it exactly the same way as `{print}`. + - feedback: Good job! + option: You can use it to repeat an answer. + - feedback: That's not right... + option: You can use it to make text disappear. + correct_answer: C + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + question_score: '10' + 9: + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Are you ready to go to level 2? + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + - feedback: Great job! + option: "Yes!\nYes!" + - option: Yes! + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + - option: "Are you ready to go to level 2?\nYes!" + feedback: There are two `{echo}` commands + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + question_text: Which output will be in your output screen after you've run this code? + hint: Let's go! + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - feedback: You only need one command, not two. + option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + 5: + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + code: "{ask} What is your favorite pet?\n_ So your favorite pet is..." + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, you would like the answer to be repeated back to you. + option: '`{print}`' + - option: '`Hedy`' + feedback: Hedy isn't a command. + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: With `{ask}` you can ask a question. + - feedback: Right on! + option: '`{echo}`' + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + 2: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can use the `{print}` command to ask questions. + feedback: That is what `{ask}` is for + - option: You can use the `{ask}` command to echo answers. + feedback: That is not true + - feedback: Good + option: With the `{print}` command you can make text appear + - option: With the `{sleep}` command, you can remove text from the screen. + feedback: That's not how `{sleep}` works. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{print}` still works the same way as in level 1' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It closes down Hedy + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: '`{sleep}`' + - option: '`{echo}`' + feedback: There is nothing to repeat back here + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: There is no text there to `{print}` there + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: There is no question there to be asked + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + correct_answer: A + question_text: What should be on the lines? + code: "{print} And the award for best programming language goes to...\n_\n{print} Hedy!" + question_score: '10' + 7: + correct_answer: B + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + code: "{print} I will explode in 3 seconds!\n_\n{print} BOOM!" + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + feedback: Great! + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + correct_answer: B + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_score: '10' + code: "flavor {is} _\n{print} Your favorite icecream is...\n{sleep}\n{print} flavor" + 2: + question_text: Which code is correct? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + question_score: '10' + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + correct_answer: D + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + correct_answer: C + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_score: '10' + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + 8: + hint: The variable name should come first + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + correct_answer: C + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + question_score: '10' + 3: + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Good job! + option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' + - feedback: No, you don't need `{print}` + option: Line 1 needs to start with `{print}`. + - feedback: animals is correct. + option: Line 2 needs to say 'animal' instead of 'animals' + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + hint: The variable name is prices + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 6: + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + correct_answer: B + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + - feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + - option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + code: "colors {is} blue, purple, green\nchosen_color {is} {ask} Which hair color wouldn't you like to have?\n{remove} chosen_color {from} colors\n{print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random}" + hint: Look at line 4 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 8: + question_score: '10' + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is the output of this code? + 1: + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: '`{print}` is used to print text' + - feedback: '`{ask}` is used to ask a question' + option: '`{ask}`' + - option: '`{is}`' + feedback: '`{is}` is used to make a list' + - option: '`{at} {random}`' + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What command(s) do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? + 3: + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {from} walkers\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: '`{remove} {from}` or `{add} {to}`, not `{remove} {to}`' + option: "```\n{remove} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + - option: "```\n{remove} walkers {from} yesterday\n```" + feedback: yesterday is not a variable + - feedback: This increased the chance that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. + option: "```\n{add} walked_yesterday {to} walkers\n```" + question_text: What should be on the _? + hint: The person who walked the dogs yesterday should be removed from the list. + code: "walkers {is} dad, mom, Sam, Petra\nwalked_yesterday {is} {ask} Who walked the dogs yesterday?\n{print} walked_yesterday shouldn't have to walk the dogs again today\n_\n{print} walkers {at} {random} , it's your turn to walk the dogs!" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + correct_answer: C + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + question_score: '10' + 4: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right + option: "```\n{print} 'Im very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} Im very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + feedback: '{print} now needs quotation marks!' + - option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!'\n```" + feedback: do not use apostrophe or use backticks instead + - feedback: careful when using quotes and apostrophe + option: "```\n{print} 'I'm very excited to take this quiz!\n```" + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This quotation mark is skewed, you need a straight one. + option: "```\n{print} `hello`\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: Correct + - option: "```\n{print} hello\n```" + feedback: There are no quotation marks here! + - option: "```\n{print} ,hello,\n```" + feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + 3: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} Hi Im Hedy\n```" + feedback: Add quotation marks please! + - feedback: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + option: "```\n{print} 'Hi Im Hedy\n```" + - feedback: The first quotation mark should be behind the word `{print}` + option: "```\n'{print} Hi Im Hedy'\n```" + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{print} 'Hi Im Hedy'\n```" + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Never put the quotation mark in front of the `{print}` command. + option: "```\n'{print} options {at} {random}'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'options' {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: options is a variable. You don't literally want to print 'options {at} {random}'. + - feedback: That's right + option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + - option: Nothing, the game already works! + feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + question_score: '10' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars + correct_answer: A + hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + option: Ajax is going to win the champions league + - feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + option: Real Madrid is going to win the champions league + - option: Bayern Munchen is going to win the champions league + feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that + - feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + 5: + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: fun + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + option: Correct + - option: SECRET + feedback: That's not the right answer + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank in the last line? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the football fortune teller!'\n{print} 'I will predict what place your team will end up!'\nclub is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?'\n{if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!'\n_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfavorite animal\n```" + feedback: That's not the variable name. + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\nanimal\n```" + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: '`{if}` is already there' + - feedback: No, that's not it. + option: '`{print}`' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which word should be on the place of the blank? + code: "animal {is} {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{if} _ {is} penguin {print} 'Thats my favorite animal too!'\n{else} {print} 'Cool! I like penguins.'" + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{if}` is in the line above.' + option: '`{if}`' + - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' + feedback: No, you don't need `{at} {random}`. + - feedback: There already is an `{else}` command + option: '`{else}`' + - feedback: Awesome! + option: '`{print}`' + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which word should be in the place of the blank? + code: "{print} 'I can predict if you will be a millionair or not!'\nname {is} {ask} 'Whats your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'You will be a millionair!'\n{else} _ 'Unfortunately... No big money for you.'" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + option: '1' + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 10: + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There already is a `{print}` command. + option: '`{print}`' + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: The `{if}` command is used in the line above. + - option: '`{sleep}`' + feedback: That's not it! + - option: '`{else}`' + feedback: That's right! + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the _? + hint: Which one goes together with the `{if}` command? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "number {is} {ask} 'What is your lucky number?'\n{if} number {is} 5 {print} 'Mine too!'\n_ {print} 'My lucky number is 5!'" + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - feedback: That's right!' + option: SECRET + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the right password? + hint: "`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` 'Correct!'" + correct_answer: B + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + 6: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - option: '210' + feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + 4: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + correct_answer: C + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + question_score: '10' + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + 8: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + question_score: '10' + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - option: '13' + feedback: Try again.. + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: "{print} '3*10'" + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: The * means multiplication. + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 6: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A + question_text: How much does a hamburger cost in this virtual restaurant? + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to use the `=` sign as well + option: You can only fill in the word is on the `_` + - option: You can fill in either the word is or the `=` sign on the `_` + feedback: Amazing! + - option: You have to fill in =is= on the `_` + feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough + - feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "name _ Hedy\n{print} name 'is walking trough the forrest'" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 10% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + 7: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No you can repeat a line. + option: '0' + - option: '1' + feedback: Correct, one line at a time + - option: '3' + feedback: In this level only one line at a time + - option: infinite + feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + hint: You can only repeat one line at a time + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + hint: First the `{repeat}` command, then the `{print}` command + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code is right? + question_score: '10' + 8: + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: Awesome, you can't use the `{repeat}` command here. + - feedback: Where did you leave 'Do do do do'? + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Your repeated line is incorrect. + option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham. '\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{print} 'Help!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + feedback: The `{print}` command is missing on line 3. + - feedback: You're missing the quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} Batman was flying through Gotham.\n{print} When suddenly he heard someone screaming!\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} Help!\n{print} Please help me!\n```" + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\n{print} 'Batman was flying through Gotham.'\n{print} 'When suddenly he heard someone screaming!'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'Help!'\n{print} 'Please help me!'\n```" + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "`I'm`" + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: '`{print}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{print}`' + - feedback: '`{repeat}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{repeat}`' + - feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' + option: '`{times}`' + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes in a sentence + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nthe wheels on the bus go\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\n```" + feedback: Only the second line is repeated 3 times + - option: "```\nthe wheels on the bus go\nround and round\nround and round\nround and round\n```" + feedback: All through the town! Perfect! + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + 5: + hint: The code is correct! + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + correct_answer: A + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost! the first line needs an extra word + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: This is not in the right order. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} 'if youre happy and you know it clap your hands'\n{print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 4 {times} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n{repeat} 2 {times} 'clap your hands'\n{print} 'and you really want to show it'\n{print} 'clap your hands'\n```" + feedback: This is not in the right order. + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nWe will We will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + feedback: "'We will' won't appear twice in the same line" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\nWe will\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + - feedback: ROCK YOU! won't be repeated + option: "```\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\nWe will\nROCK YOU!\n```" + - feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command + option: "```\nWe will\nROCK YOU!" + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + question_score: '10' + 8: + 3: + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - feedback: The last line has no indentation, so it's not repeated. + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + - feedback: Right! + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + - feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't ? + option: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark\nBaby shark\nBaby shark" + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + hint: What is being repeated and what is not? + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Nothing. This code is correct! + feedback: Something is wrong! + - feedback: You are! + option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + - option: You don't have to use indentation twice. Only in the first `{if}` command. + feedback: You always have to use indentation. + - feedback: That's right. + option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n{if} food {is} fries\nsauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n{if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are... right! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + correct_answer: C + 9: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + question_score: '10' + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + 10: + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + question_score: '10' + 2: + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it should be 2 lines. + option: This should be only one line, not 2. + - feedback: No, you need it. + option: This `{print}` command has to be removed. + - feedback: No, `{repeat}` is the correct spelling + option: There is a spelling mistake in the `{repeat}` command. + - option: The second line needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation. + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: This order is incorrect. + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'The children went:'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Yay!'\n {print} 'We are going on vacation!'" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines and start with 4 spaces. + feedback: That's right! + - option: '`{else}` is not a command!' + feedback: It is! + - feedback: That's not true + option: Lines that start with `{if}` should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + 6: + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + 9: + 1: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is correct! + - feedback: You are! + option: You're not allowed to use an `{if}` command after an `{ask}` command. + - feedback: You always have to use indentation. + option: You don't have to use indentation twice. + - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. + feedback: It is not the indentation. + hint: All the indentation is done correctly. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\n {if} food {is} fries\n sauce = {ask} 'What sauce would you like?'\n {print} 'One fries with ' sauce\n {if} food {is} pizza\n topping = {ask} 'What topping would you like?'\n {print} 'One pizza with ' topping\n{print} 'Thank you for your order'" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nThe computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...\n```" + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + - option: "```\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + 3: + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + code: "{print} 'Choose the right case and win!'\ncase = {ask} 'Which case will you pick? 1 or 2?'\n{if} case {is} 1\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell your case for 10 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win an apple pie'\n{if} case {is} 2\n action = {ask} 'Open it or sell it?'\n {if} action {is} sell\n {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars'\n {if} action {is} open\n {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - option: case 2, sell + feedback: You don't win a million + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + 4: + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsize = {ask} 'What is your shoe size?'\n{if} size {is} 38\n {if} name {is} Cinderella\n {print} '❤️❤️❤️'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are not the one!'\n{else}\n {print} 'Ill keep looking'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + feedback: No, she gets 'You are not the one!' + - feedback: No, she gets 'Ill keep looking' + option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output '❤️❤️❤️' + - option: Sleeping Beauty with shoe size 40 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: No she gets '❤️❤️❤️' + option: Cinderella with shoe size 38 gets the output 'Ill keep looking' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 5: + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_text: Which code produced this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: Don't forget the indentation after `{repeat}` commands. + - option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: Use indentation after an `{if}` command + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\ndessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n{if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n dessert = {ask} 'What is your favorite type of dessert?'\n {if} dessert {is} icecream\n {repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Icecream is the best!'\n```" + feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + correct_answer: C + hint: Watch the indentation + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: Don't forget the others + - feedback: Don't forget `{else}`! + option: '`{if}` `{repeat}`' + - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}`' + feedback: Keep it up! + - feedback: Not with `{print}` + option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + correct_answer: C + 7: + code: "{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\nprice = price - 5" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: Amazing! + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: The second `{if}` misses code! + - option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n{if} size {is} medium\n{if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + feedback: Two consecutive `{if}`s is never correct. + - feedback: Almost right. Take another look at the last line + option: "```\n{if} food {is} pizza\n {if} size {is} medium\n {if} drink {is} coke\n price = price - 5\n```" + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: You'll get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.
But the code has a mistake! How to debug it? + 8: + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + code: "age = {ask} 'Happy Birthday! How old are you?'\nsinging = {ask} 'Would you like us to sing?'\n{if} singing {is} yes\n {repeat} years {times}\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hooray'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't put two questions in a row + feedback: Yes you can. + - feedback: Keen eye! Good job! + option: The variable called 'age' is later on used as 'years' + - feedback: You actually must start like that. + option: You're not allowed to start with 8 spaces, like line 5 does + - feedback: That's not true. + option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The indentation is done right this time + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: None, that is not allowed + feedback: You are allowed to + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - feedback: That is true + option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Only line 2 and 3 start with spaces + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Line 3 should start with 8 + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 8 spaces + feedback: Line 2 should start with 4 + - option: line 2 should start with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 + feedback: You are correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: The first line doesn't start with any spaces + question_text: Which statement is true? + code: "1 {repeat} 2 {times}\n2 {if} level {is} 9\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + 10: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_` if we want to print each compliment? + code: "compliments = perfect, great job, amazing\n_\n {print} compliment" + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pancakes + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - feedback: Great! + option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + feedback: No it does not. + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + 5: + correct_answer: B + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + question_text: What word should be on the `_` with these digital dice? + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + option: dice + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the digital dice!'\nplayers = Ann, John, Jesse\nchoices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' throws ' _ {at} {random}" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nKelly chooses rock\n```" + feedback: Meredith wants to play too! + - option: "```\nMeredith chooses scissors\nKelly chooses rock\n```" + feedback: So close! But Kelly is first in the list, so she goes first + - feedback: Kelly wants to play too! + option: "```\nMeredith chooses paper\n```" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nKelly chooses paper\nMeredith chooses scissors\n```" + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + question_score: '10' + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + feedback: You are on fire! + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + code: "names = Ron, Leslie, April, Andy\nfood = pasta, fries, salad\n_\n {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What line should be on the `_` in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? + correct_answer: A + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\n'name gets a color shirt'\n```" + - option: "```\nname 'gets a ' colors {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + feedback: Great job! This was a hard one! + - option: "```\nnames 'gets a ' color {at} {random} ' shirt'\n```" + feedback: You want each name printed. So the first word should not be names but... + - feedback: There is no variable named people.. + option: "```\npeople ' gets a colors shirt'\n```" + code: "names = Donna, Tommy, Ben\ncolors = blue, red, purple\n{for} name {in} names\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be on the `_` in this code that decides which color shirt you get? + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + question_score: '10' + code: "courses = appetizer, main course, dessert\nnames = Timon, Onno\n{for} name {in} names\n {for} course {in} courses\n food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?'\n {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course" + question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program? + correct_answer: A + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. + 10: + question_text: What is true about this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not true, you could end up without a prize. + option: Everybody will always win a prize. + - option: All the prizes always go to one single person. + feedback: That is not true. All the prizes are given away, but to random people + - feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others + option: Larry will never win a prize + - feedback: You get it! + option: Someone might win two prizes + correct_answer: D + code: "prizes = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich\nnames = Bob, Patrick, Sandy, Larry\n{for} prize {in} prizes\n {print} 'The ' prize ' is won by ' names {at} {random}" + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + 11: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`counter`' + feedback: No + - feedback: Correct + option: '`{range}`' + - feedback: No + option: '`{if}`' + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: No + code: "{for} i {in} _ 1 {to} 10\n {print} i" + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What word should be at the place of the blank? + 2: + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n1\n2\n3\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "```\n1 2 3\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - option: "```\n1, 2, 3\n```" + feedback: That's not it + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n123\n```" + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Perfect + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + question_score: '10' + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} i\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy prints the numbers from 0 to 10 instead of 10 to 0. + - feedback: Hedy would print negative numbers in this case. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} -1 * i\n```" + - feedback: Unfortunately this does not exist. + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 10 {to} 0\n {print} i\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 10\n {print} 10 - i\n```" + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + hint: It has to be a calculation… + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + 6: + correct_answer: C + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + 7: + question_text: What should be on the place of the blank? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys diner'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people will be eating here tonight?'\n_\n food = {ask} 'What would you like to order?'\n {print} food" + hint: Use the variable 'people' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The numbers don't appear. It doesn't say `{print}` i. + option: "```\n23\n24\n25\n```" + - feedback: The numbers don't appear. It doesn't say `{print}` i + option: "```\n23 hi 24 hi 25 hi\n```" + - feedback: Correct + option: "```\nhi\nhi\nhi\n```" + - feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + question_score: '10' + 9: + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 10: + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n {print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: Mind the indentation + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n{print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n{print} Baby shark\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} Baby shark tututudutudu\n {print} Baby shark\n```" + feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' + hint: Mind the indentation + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + 12: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Don't forget the first line of code! + option: '5' + - feedback: This is not the one! + option: 3.5 + 1.5 + - option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\nfive" + feedback: Take a close look at the second line... + - option: "three and a half plus one and a half is...\n5" + feedback: Great job! + hint: Both lines are printed! + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} 'three and a half plus one and a half is...'\n{print} 3.5 + 1.5" + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + option: "```\nflavors {is} vanilla, strawberry, chocolate\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + - feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + option: "```\n'flavors = vanilla, strawberry, chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + - option: "```\nflavors = 'vanilla', 'strawberry', 'chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + feedback: Alright! + - feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + option: "```\nflavors = 'vanilla, strawberry, chocolate'\n{print} 'I would like a ' flavors {at} {random} ' cake.'\n```" + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The name of the variable is different in line 1 than in line 2. + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: That's not true + option: The quotation marks aren't used correctly in line 2 + - option: You can't use the = sign when using an {ask} command + feedback: That's not true + - option: Nothing is wrong. + feedback: That's not true + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + correct_answer: A + code: "favorite_animal = {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?'\n{print} 'I like ' favoriteanimal ' too!'" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + 4: + code: "{print} Welcome to the online shoe shop\ncategory = {ask} What kind of shoes are you looking for?\n{if} category = high heels\n {print} High heels are 50% off now!" + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + 5: + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} 'Agent007'\n a {is} 'Go to the airport '\nelse\n a {is} 'Go to the train station '\npassword {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} 'TOPSECRET'\n b {is} 'tomorrow at 02.00'\n{else}\n b {is} 'today at 10.00'\n{print} a + b" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + 6: + code: "{print} 'Welcome to McHedy!'\norder = {ask} 'Would you like a hamburger or fries?'\n{if} order = 'hamburger'\n price = 12\n{if} order = 'fries'\n price = 4\ndrinks = {ask} 'Would you like a drink with that for 2 dollars?'\n{if} drinks = 'yes'\n _\n{print} 'That will be ' price ' dollar please'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + feedback: Excellent! + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which line should be filled in at the `_`? + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes'\n{print} \"It's my birthday! I`ve brought some snacks!\"\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'gluten free'\n {remove} 'cookies' {from} menu\n{if} diet = 'vegan'\n {remove} 'cheese' {from} menu\n{print} 'For you I have brought: '\n{for} snack {in} menu\n {print} snack" + 8: + code: '3.5' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{print} '7 / 2'\n```" + - feedback: That is right! + option: "```\n{print} 7 / 2\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 7 : 2\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{print} 7 * 2\n```" + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\nprizes = 'one' 'million' 'dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars, nothing'\n```" + - option: "```\nprizes = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + feedback: Winner! + - feedback: You won nothing + option: "```\n'prizes' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing'\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C + code: "_\n{print} 'You won ' prizes {at} {random} '!'" + question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the `_`? + 10: + code: "actions = 'clap your hands', 'stomp your feet', 'shout Hurray!'\n_\n {for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n {print} action\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it'\n {print} 'if youre happy and you know it'\n {print} action" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + - option: "```\n{for} action {in} actions\n```" + feedback: You are amazing! + - feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + option: "```\n{repeat} 3 {times}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} actions {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the `_` to complete the song ? + correct_answer: B + 13: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there + option: "```\n{if} birthday {and} song = 'yes'\n```" + - feedback: Hedy only sings for you if you like to hear a song + option: "```\n{if} birthday = 'yes' {and} name = 'Hedy'\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {and} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + option: "```\n{if} song = 'yes' {or} birthday = 'yes'\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\nsong = {ask} 'Whould you like to hear a song?'\nbirthday = {ask} 'Is today your birthday?'\n???\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'\n {print} 'Happy Birthday dear ' name\n {print} 'Happy Birthday to you!'" + 2: + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{and}`' + feedback: You don't have to be vegan and muslim + - feedback: Great thinking! + option: '`{or}`' + - feedback: No + option: '`+`' + - feedback: No + option: '`{print}`' + code: "menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies'\ndiet = {ask} 'Do you have any dietary restrictions?'\n{if} diet = 'vegan' ??? diet = 'halal'\n {remove} 'sausage rolls' {from} menu" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: You get a free apple pie! + feedback: Great job! + - option: That will be 5 dollars please + feedback: That is not true + - option: This code won't work, so there is no output + feedback: There is nothing wrong with the code + - feedback: There is! Read the question carefully + option: There is no way of knowing + code: "member = {ask} 'Do you have a membership card?'\ndiscount = {ask} 'Do you have a discount code?'\n{if} member = 'yes' {or} discount = 'yes'\n {print} 'You get a free apple pie!'\n{else}\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'" + hint: Mind the command `{or}` in line 3 + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'you win'\n```" + feedback: You win! + - feedback: You lose! + option: "```\n{print} 'you lose'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'tie'\n```" + feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same + - option: "```\n{print} 'try again'\n```" + feedback: Try again! + correct_answer: A + hint: Paper beats rock + code: "{if} computer_choice {is} 'rock' {and} your_choice {is} 'paper'" + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + question_score: '10' + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + code: "{if} name = 'Cinderella' {and} shoe_size = 38\n {print} 'You are my one true love!'" + 6: + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + code: "{print} 'Let me guess which family member you are!'\nglasses = {ask} 'Do you wear glasses?'\nfemale = {ask} 'Are you female?'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Sophie!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'yes'\n {print} 'You must be Marleen!'\n{if} glasses = 'yes' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Wouter!'\n{if} glasses = 'no' {and} female = 'no'\n {print} 'You must be Michael!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + 7: + code: "{print} 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets'\n{print} 'Here is a program to help feed them'\nanimal = {ask} 'What kind of animal are they?'\ncolor = {ask} 'What colour are they?'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'grey'\n {print} 'That is Abby. She eats 3 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'cat' {and} color = 'orange'\n {print} 'That is Milo. He eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles'\n{if} animal = 'bird' {or} color = 'black'\n {print} 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today'\n{if} animal = 'hamster' {and} color = 'brown'\n {print} 'You can feed them a piece of carrot'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is false? + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + 8: + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the movie theater'\npopcorn = {ask} 'Would you like some popcorn?'\ndrink = {ask} 'Would you like a drink?'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 8 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'yes'\n {print} 'That will be 3 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'yes' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'That will be 5 dollars please'\n{if} popcorn = 'no' {and} drink = 'no'\n {print} 'Ok'\n{print} 'Enjoy the movie'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Line 3 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "Line 3 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + - option: "Line 5 should be: \n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + - option: "Line 7 should be:\n```\n{if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n```" + feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "1 chocolate = {ask} 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?'\n2 sprinkles = {ask} 'Would you like sprinkles on your ice cream?'\n3 {if} chocolate {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n4 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce and sprinkles, coming up!'\n5 {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n6 {print} 'Ice cream with chocolate sauce, coming up!'\n7 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'yes'\n8 {print} 'Ice cream with sprinkles, coming up'\n9 {if} chocolate = 'no' {and} sprinkles = 'no'\n10 {print} 'Just plain icecream, coming up!'" + 10: + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{and}`' + feedback: There are no items that are both the list of snacks and the list of drinks + - feedback: Great job! + option: '`{or}`' + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: '`{if}`' + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt'\nitem = {ask} 'What product are you looking for?'\nbakery = 'bread', 'buns', 'muffins'\ndrinks = 'soda', 'water', 'lemonade'\nsnacks = 'chips', 'nuts', 'dips'\nfrozen = 'fries', 'icecream', 'pizza'\nfruit = 'bananas', 'apples', 'oranges'\n{if} item {in} snacks ??? item {in} drinks\n {print} 'This item is in aisle 3'\n{if} item {in} bakery {or} item {in} bakery\n {print} 'This item in in the back of the store'\n{if} item {in} fruit\n {print} 'The fruit is sold near the register'" + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + 14: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '{if} name = Hedy' + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: '{if} age = 24' + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + 3: + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + correct_answer: C + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + 4: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + feedback: No that's not it + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The symbols are right + code: "price = 10\nmoney = {ask} How much money do you have?\nbuy = {ask} 'Would you like to buy this teddy bear?'\n{if} money >= price {and} buy == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can buy the bear!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!'" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + correct_answer: B + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nticket = {ask} 'Do you have a ticket?'\n{if} age _ {and} ticket == 'yes'\n {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!'" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + 6: + code: "lives = 2\n{repeat} 10 {times}\n {if} lives != 0\n answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?'\n {if} answer == 'yes'\n lives = lives - 1" + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + correct_answer: D + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: '> means greater than' + - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + feedback: There are. + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' + 9: + code: "chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?'\n {if} chocolate <= 2\n {print} 'That is a healthy amount'\n {if} chocolate > 2 {and} chocolate =< 8\n {print} 'That is a bit much'\n {if} chocolate > 8\n {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 or more + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + 10: + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - feedback: Yes! + option: "'player 2 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + correct_answer: B + hint: You win the game by having the most points + question_score: '10' diff --git a/content/quizzes/vi.yaml b/content/quizzes/vi.yaml index d4363a47b22..7801d496ab9 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/vi.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/vi.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: Heidi feedback: Không phải rồi! hint: Nó được đặt tên theo Hedy Lamarr. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: question_text: Which command makes text appear? code: ___ Hello! @@ -37,6 +39,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _?_ Hello world! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -47,6 +51,11 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- {ask} What is your favorite pet? @@ -72,6 +81,10 @@ levels: {echo} ``` feedback: Right on! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -82,6 +95,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' + correct_answer: C + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -97,6 +114,69 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + question_score: '10' + hint: Let's go! + correct_answer: B + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + - feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + 7: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` + feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{echo}` + feedback: Are you sure something's wrong? + - feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? + option: In line 3 `{echo}` needs to be replaced with `{print}` + - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! + feedback: Correct! + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" + hint: Check the code line by line + 9: + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + 3: + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{print}` prints text, but it doesn't ask questions." + option: "```\n{print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + - option: "```\n{ask} {print} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: You only need one command, not two. + - option: "```\n{ask} What is your favorite color?\n```" + feedback: Great! + - feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + option: "```\n{echo} What is your favorite color?\n```" + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -108,6 +188,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good - option: With the {sleep} command, you can remove text from the screen. feedback: That's not how sleep works. + hint: '`{print}` still works the same way as in level 1' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... @@ -134,17 +218,135 @@ levels: {ask} ``` feedback: There is no question there to be asked + correct_answer: A + question_text: What should be on the lines? + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + correct_answer: B + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - feedback: Perfect! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + question_score: '10' + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code is correct? + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + correct_answer: A + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is name + - option: Hi my name is Hedy + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + question_score: '10' + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + correct_answer: D + 5: + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - option: It closes down Hedy + feedback: fortunately not! + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - feedback: That is the wrong order + option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + - feedback: You get it! + option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + - feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + hint: The variable name should come first + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + correct_answer: C + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - feedback: She is not replaced with the name + option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + correct_answer: C + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - feedback: Great! + option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + correct_answer: B 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -169,6 +371,9 @@ levels: {at} {random} ``` feedback: Correct! + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -179,8 +384,26 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" 9: hint: Look at line 3 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + - option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + correct_answer: C + code: "colors {is} blue, purple, green\nchosen_color {is} {ask} Which hair color wouldn't you like to have?\n{remove} chosen_color {from} colors\n{print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random}" 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -211,6 +434,98 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 3: + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + option: Nothing, the code is correct! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + hint: The variable name is prices + correct_answer: B + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + feedback: No, that's not wrong. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? + 6: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers + feedback: No that's not right + - option: Line 2 needs the `{is}` command + feedback: Correct + - option: Line 3 needs to say answer instead of answers + feedback: No the variable's called answers + - option: Nothing! This code is great! + feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The remove command removes, the add command adds + option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list + - option: The `{add}` command adds a random book to a list + feedback: It doesn't. It adds your answer to the list! + - feedback: Correct! + option: The `{add}` command adds your favorite book to the list + - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. + feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + correct_answer: C + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + option: sea salt + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the output of this code? 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -223,6 +538,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + question_score: '10' + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + correct_answer: A 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -245,6 +563,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -267,6 +589,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + correct_answer: D + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -286,8 +612,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + correct_answer: C + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + question_score: '10' + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - feedback: You need some quotation marks! + option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -298,6 +642,70 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + question_score: '10' + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Correct! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + feedback: A variable doesn't need quotes + - feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 3 + - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! + feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + 10: + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 + feedback: A list doesn't need quotation marks + - feedback: Correct + option: Quotation marks are missing in line 2 + - option: Quotation marks are missing in both line 2 and 3 + feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally + - feedback: You missed one! + option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + 4: + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + feedback: Super! + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + question_text: Which statement is true? 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -315,8 +723,23 @@ levels: - option: In level 5 `{ask}` and `{print}` work the same as in level 4 feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the correct password + option: Correct! + - option: SECRET + feedback: That's right!' + - option: password + feedback: The password isn't password... + - feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! + option: ALARM INTRUDER + question_text: What is the right password? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -325,6 +748,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{else}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -353,6 +788,9 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: Awesome! + question_score: '10' + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -380,9 +818,100 @@ levels: {print} ``` feedback: No, that's not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: What the variable name? + correct_answer: B + 2: + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's right! + option: fun + - option: less fun + feedback: If the name is Hedy, it will say 'fun'' + - option: Hedy + feedback: No, it doesn't print the name + - option: Error + feedback: Fortunately not! + question_score: '10' + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + correct_answer: A + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's printed if the correct answer is given, not the wrong one... + - feedback: That's not the right answer + option: SECRET + - option: Wrong! + feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print + - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! + feedback: Great job! + correct_answer: D + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + question_score: '10' + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + 9: + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + option: '1' + - feedback: Super! You escaped! + option: '2' + - feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + option: '3' + - option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + feedback: Luckily not! + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + 10: + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Awesome! + option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + - feedback: Not always... + option: vampire + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - feedback: Not always... + option: giant spider + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + correct_answer: A + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - feedback: No, this is not the password. + option: Because the password is alarm + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + correct_answer: A + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? 6: 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + option: 21 dollars + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -396,6 +925,129 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is true? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 10% + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + 1: + code: '{print} 2*10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '20' + feedback: Correct! + - feedback: No, the plus sign is used in addition + option: '12' + - feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer + option: 2*10 + - feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + option: '210' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_score: '10' + 8: + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, there should be! + option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 + - feedback: Correct! + option: The variable is called correct answer, but a variable's name can only be 1 word. So it should be correct_answer + - option: The `{if}` and `{else}` commands should be in the same line. + feedback: No, that's not true. + - option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. + feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + question_score: '10' + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`-`' + - option: plus + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`*`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`+`' + feedback: Correct! + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + question_score: '10' + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + option: '30' + - option: '10' + feedback: Please try again. + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 5: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - feedback: The * means multiplication. + option: 15 dollars + - option: 50 dollars + feedback: Great! + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + 7: + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + correct_answer: C 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -408,8 +1060,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? + correct_answer: B 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code is right? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -433,6 +1100,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -459,6 +1130,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + correct_answer: D + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -480,6 +1156,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B 9: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -514,6 +1195,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Please help me!' ``` feedback: Perfect + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -545,6 +1231,51 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + correct_answer: B + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - feedback: Correct + option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + hint: The code is correct! + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" + correct_answer: A + 8: + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: Awesome, you can't use the `{repeat}` command here. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'" + feedback: Where did you leave 'Do do do do'? + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -556,6 +1287,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: Correct! + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + hint: Something is missing in the second line? + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -583,6 +1319,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? + correct_answer: C 7: code: |- food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -602,6 +1342,114 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + question_score: '10' + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 1: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Well done! + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + correct_answer: D + 8: + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are... right! + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + question_score: '10' + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Mind the `{repeat}` command! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: Correct! + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: This order is incorrect. + - option: "The children went:\nYay!\nYay!\nWe are going on vacation!" + feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_text: Which output is correct? + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'The children went:'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Yay!'\n {print} 'We are going on vacation!'" + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines and start with 4 spaces. + feedback: That's right! + - option: '`{else}` is not a command!' + feedback: It is! + - feedback: That's not true + option: Lines that start with `{if}` should start with 4 spaces + - feedback: That's not true + option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' + correct_answer: A + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + question_score: '10' + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + correct_answer: D + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + 10: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - feedback: That's not true + option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + question_score: '10' 9: 1: code: |- @@ -624,6 +1472,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -640,6 +1491,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - option: case 1, open + feedback: You don't win a million + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? + correct_answer: D + hint: Follow the right path + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -660,6 +1524,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -695,6 +1563,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + question_score: '10' + hint: Watch the indentation + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + question_text: Which code produced this output? + correct_answer: C 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -705,6 +1578,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYou'll get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -745,6 +1622,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -762,12 +1642,56 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The indentation is done right this time 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} 2 {if} level {is} 9 3 {print} Great job! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Only line 2 and 3 start with spaces + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Line 3 should start with 8 + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 8 spaces + feedback: Line 2 should start with 4 + - feedback: You are correct! + option: line 2 should start with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 + question_text: Which statement is true? + 2: + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\n```" + feedback: That's not it! + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nThe computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...\n```" + - feedback: That's not it! + option: "```\nGood job!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + - option: "```\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\nGood job!\nYou can use the computer!\n```" + feedback: Correct! + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + question_score: '10' + 9: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are allowed to + option: None, that is not allowed + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + correct_answer: D + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -775,6 +1699,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -783,6 +1719,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + mp_choice_options: + - option: players + feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + - feedback: That's right! + option: choices + - feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + option: choice + - option: dice + feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + correct_answer: B 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -797,6 +1745,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + question_score: '10' + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -804,6 +1757,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -832,6 +1797,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + correct_answer: B + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- courses = appetizer, main course, dessert @@ -840,6 +1808,19 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program? + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -855,6 +1836,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is true about this code? + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + option: dogs are lovely pets + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + feedback: Great! + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output is correct? + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + - option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + feedback: Good job! + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - option: I love pasta + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - option: I love pancakes + feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + correct_answer: D + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -882,6 +1912,9 @@ levels: {for} ``` feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + hint: What did you learn in this level? + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -895,6 +1928,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + correct_answer: A + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -922,6 +1960,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + correct_answer: D + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -930,6 +1972,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + feedback: There's not always 3 people + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - feedback: That's one order too many! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Use the variable 'people' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -946,6 +2000,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + question_score: '10' + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_text: What will be the output from this code? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -977,6 +2036,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + correct_answer: B + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - feedback: Try again + option: Never + - feedback: That's right! + option: That depends on how old you are + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + question_score: '10' + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + correct_answer: A + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + feedback: Not line 1... + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? 12: 1: code: |- @@ -995,6 +2118,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + hint: Both lines are printed! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is correct? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1021,6 +2148,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1034,12 +2165,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + feedback: No + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1053,6 +2201,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + question_score: '10' + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + correct_answer: B + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1087,6 +2248,9 @@ levels: price = + 2 ``` feedback: Almost there! + correct_answer: C + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1099,6 +2263,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + feedback: There's more options than just one + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1121,6 +2298,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? + correct_answer: B + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + code: '3.5' + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1147,6 +2329,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1167,6 +2352,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1199,6 +2387,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + question_score: '10' + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1214,6 +2406,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. + correct_answer: B 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1232,6 +2428,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1243,10 +2442,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Paper beats rock 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: Fantastic! + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + question_score: '10' 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1260,6 +2476,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: Michael is a boy with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - feedback: Try again + option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1274,6 +2503,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + mp_choice_options: + - option: The grey cat is called Abby + feedback: This is true! + - option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + feedback: This is true + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - feedback: This is true + option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement is false? + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1288,6 +2530,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + correct_answer: B + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1325,6 +2580,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: A + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 + question_score: '10' 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1349,6 +2608,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1359,6 +2622,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + feedback: No that's not it + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: The symbols are right + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1367,6 +2643,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + option: '`> 12`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`>= 12`' + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + correct_answer: B 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1375,6 +2664,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - feedback: That is correct + option: 2 times + correct_answer: D + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? + hint: "!= means 'is not'" 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1384,6 +2686,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: True! + option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: '> means greater than' + option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + - feedback: There are. + option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + hint: You win the game by having the most points + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - feedback: Yes! + option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + - option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + feedback: No + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 3: + feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not quite right. + option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1391,11 +2795,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`{in}`' + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1416,6 +2845,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1435,6 +2868,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? + hint: wetness should get less each time 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1452,6 +2889,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + hint: Look closely at the indentation + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1463,8 +2903,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + question_score: '10' + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: False! + option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + - option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + feedback: Great job + - option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1483,6 +2940,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + correct_answer: C + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1493,6 +2954,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + 2: + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + feedback: No + - option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1500,12 +2980,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Mind the spacing. + option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + question_score: '10' + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + correct_answer: D 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + feedback: That's not it + hint: It's not random... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1516,6 +3022,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + correct_answer: B + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1526,3 +3037,248 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + correct_answer: D + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + feedback: This is the old way. + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + hint: We no longer use {at} + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + 9: + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - feedback: It will be repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + 8: + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not right + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + correct_answer: B + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + feedback: There is no list called 'person' + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + question_score: '10' + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - feedback: Correct + option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + - option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + feedback: No, the code is correct. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + 17: + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nm i n i o n s\n```" + feedback: This is not it. + - feedback: Correct! + option: "```\nBob\nKevin\nStuart\n```" + - option: "```\nminions\nminions\nminions\n```" + feedback: Take a look at the content of your list. + - option: "```\nB o b K e v i n S t u a r t\n```" + feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Loop through your list. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" + 2: + hint: Read the code carefully. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not it. + option: You cannot have so many variables. + - feedback: Not true! + option: The way the variables are multiplied is incorrect. + - feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. + option: One of the variables `noleap_year` does not belong with the `{if}` statement. + - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. + feedback: Correct! + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + question_score: '10' + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 6: + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: D + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - option: Nothing! + feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + correct_answer: C + 8: + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + feedback: Not true. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + correct_answer: C + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: Very good! + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' diff --git a/content/quizzes/zh_Hans.yaml b/content/quizzes/zh_Hans.yaml index d814a2087e7..7a2d03dcebf 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/zh_Hans.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/zh_Hans.yaml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ levels: - option: 海蒂 feedback: 不是这个! hint: 它是以海蒂-拉玛的名字命名的。 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: 哪些需要在空白处填写才能使文字你好!出现? code: ___ 你好! @@ -25,6 +27,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: 你可以使用 `{ask}` 来提问。 hint: _你好世界! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: 如何询问某个人最喜欢的颜色是什么? mp_choice_options: @@ -49,6 +53,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{echo}` 会对你复述你的回答。' hint: 你可以用`{ask}`命令提问 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: 这段代码哪里错了? code: |- @@ -65,6 +71,8 @@ levels: - option: 没有错!这代码很完美! feedback: 错了,仔细看! hint: 第一行看上去不对 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 5: question_text: 第二行缺少了哪个命令? code: |- @@ -80,6 +88,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{echo}`' feedback: 马上! hint: 你想要在第二行的最后看到回答…… + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: 这段代码哪里错了? code: |- @@ -97,6 +107,8 @@ levels: - option: 第四行的`{print}`写错了。 feedback: 不,其他地方有错误 hint: 检查`{print}`命令。 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: 这段代码哪里错了? code: |- @@ -114,6 +126,8 @@ levels: - option: 没有!这代码很完美! feedback: 正确! hint: 逐行检查代码 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: 如何使用`{echo}`命令? mp_choice_options: @@ -126,6 +140,8 @@ levels: - option: 你可以用它让文本消失。 feedback: 不对…… hint: '`{echo}`必须在`{ask}`命令之后使用。' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: 这段代码有什么错误? code: |- @@ -142,6 +158,8 @@ levels: - option: 没有。这代码很完美! feedback: 仔细观察错误的地方…… hint: '`{ask}`让你能提出一个问题' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: 运行此代码后,输出屏幕中将显示哪个输出? mp_choice_options: @@ -157,6 +175,10 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: 这里有两个`{echo}`命令 + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + hint: Let's go! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: 1: question_text: 哪一句话是对的? @@ -170,6 +192,8 @@ levels: - option: 你可以用 `{sleep}` 命令清除屏幕上的文本。 feedback: 这不是`{sleep}`的作用。 hint: '`{print}`的作用仍然和第1关中一样' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: 哪段代码是正确的? mp_choice_options: @@ -194,6 +218,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 用词对了,但是顺序不对! hint: '`{ask}`和第一关里用法不一样了' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: 如果你运行这段代码,它会输出什么? code: |- @@ -209,6 +235,8 @@ levels: - option: 马琳 去了市场,马琳 买了一个苹果。 feedback: “她”不会被替换成名字 hint: “名字”会被替换成马琳 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: 如果你运行这段代码,它会输出什么? code: |- @@ -224,6 +252,8 @@ levels: - option: 你好,我的 海蒂 是 海蒂 feedback: 正确,这个问题会在第四关解决! hint: 两个“名字”都会被替换成“海蒂” + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: 当你使用 `{sleep}` 命令时会发生什么? mp_choice_options: @@ -236,6 +266,8 @@ levels: - option: 它用在程序结尾,让海蒂知道程序结束了 feedback: 不,它在代码结尾不会有任何用处 hint: 电脑会在`{sleep}`命令处等待一秒 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: 空白的一行应该填什么? code: |- @@ -252,6 +284,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}`' feedback: 这里没有问题需要问 hint: 通过停顿制造紧张感…… + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 7: question_text: 第2行应该用什么命令? code: |- @@ -280,6 +314,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 可以简单点,直接写数字3 hint: 你需要让电脑等待3秒 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: 如何改正第一行的代码? code: |- @@ -307,6 +343,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{ask}`命令呢?' hint: 变量名需要放在最前面 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 9: question_text: 这段代码有什么错误? code: |- @@ -322,6 +360,8 @@ levels: - option: 第2行应该是:`{sleep}` 我 喜欢 动物 feedback: 睡眠并非用来 `{print}` 文字 hint: 你需要`{print}`“我 喜欢 狗” + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: 第1行应该用什么命令? code: |- @@ -351,6 +391,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 对! hint: 你需要`{ask}`一个问题 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: 1: question_text: 你需要使用哪一个指令才能让海蒂随机选择东西呢? @@ -364,6 +406,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at} {random}`' feedback: 正确! hint: 任意表示没有计划的,随机性的。 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: 这个程序有什么问题呢? code: |- @@ -379,6 +423,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{at} {random}` 的拼法不正确' feedback: '`{at} {random}` 是正确的拼法' hint: 第一行似乎有什么问题 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: 你该如何修复第二行的问题呢? code: |- @@ -403,6 +449,8 @@ levels: - option: 没事,这个代码是正确的! feedback: 小心注意任何失误 hint: 变数 (the list) 称作选项. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: 为了打印一个随机价格,第2行应该怎么改? code: |- @@ -427,6 +475,8 @@ levels: - option: 没事, 这代码没问题. feedback: 注意任何你错过的失误! hint: 变数的名字是价格 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: 这代码有什么问题呢? code: |- @@ -444,6 +494,8 @@ levels: - option: 没事, 这个代码很完美 feedback: 没错! hint: 这段代码甚至有错误吗? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: 这段代码有什么错误? code: |- @@ -460,6 +512,8 @@ levels: - option: 没什么!这个代码很好! feedback: 事实上,第二行有一个错误。 hint: 第二行有一些问题。 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 7: question_text: '`{add}`命令有什么作用?' mp_choice_options: @@ -472,6 +526,9 @@ levels: - option: '`{add}` 命令打印你最喜欢的书。' feedback: 不,它会将您最喜欢的书添加到列表中 hint: '`{add}` 命令添加一本书,但哪一本书?' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" 8: question_text: 这段代码的输出是什么? code: |- @@ -489,6 +546,8 @@ levels: - option: 酸奶油 feedback: 这是正确的! hint: 有 3 种口味,第 2 位被删除。 还剩下哪一个? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: 这段代码有什么问题? code: |- @@ -506,6 +565,8 @@ levels: - option: 没什么,这是正确的代码! feedback: 找出错误! hint: 看第4行 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: _ 上应该写什么? code: |- @@ -536,6 +597,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 这意味着增加了昨天走路的人现在必须再走一次的变化。 hint: 昨天遛狗的人应该从名单中删除。 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: 1: question_text: 这些代码中哪一个是正确的? @@ -561,6 +624,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 使用引号和撇号时要小心 hint: 在第 4 级中,你需要用引号来表示 2 个命令。 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: 哪个代码使用了正确的引号? mp_choice_options: @@ -585,6 +650,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 这是一个逗号,你需要引号。 hint: 选择正确的引号。 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: 引号在哪儿使用正确? mp_choice_options: @@ -609,6 +676,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 完美! hint: 要打印的单词之前和之后都应该加引号。 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: 哪个论述是对的? mp_choice_options: @@ -621,6 +690,8 @@ levels: - option: 你可以自行选择是否使用引号。 feedback: 不幸的是,海蒂 比这更严格。 hint: 从第 4 级开始,需要使用引号。 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: 为了让游戏正常运行,必须改变什么? code: |- @@ -645,6 +716,8 @@ levels: - option: 没什么,游戏已经可以玩了! feedback: 仔细看。 还有错误。 hint: 不希望 海蒂 按字面意思打印'选项 {at} {random}',你是想它打印'rock'或'paper'或'scissors'。 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: 这段代码中的下一行应该是什么? code: 价格 {is} 1 美元、100 美元、100 万美元 @@ -670,6 +743,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 海蒂 会逐字打印 "prices {at} {random}" hint: 仔细想想:什么是变量?我们应该把它放在引号外吗?放在引号里面的普通的词汇有哪些? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 7: question_text: 这段代码有什么问题? code: |- @@ -686,6 +761,8 @@ levels: - option: 没什么,这段代码本来就很好! feedback: 仔细地看。 你错过了一个错误! hint: 检查每一行是否需要引号。 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: 这段代码的下一行应该是什么? code: |- @@ -714,6 +791,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 海蒂 会直接打印 '所以你选择门' hint: 第二个“门”字应该换成数字,第一个应该还是“门”字…… + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: 什么永远不会出现在你的输出屏幕上? code: |- @@ -729,6 +808,8 @@ levels: - option: 巴塞罗那足球俱乐部将赢得冠军联赛 feedback: 这是正确的。 它不在列表中 hint: 海蒂 可以随机选择哪些选项? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: 哪个论述是对的? code: |- @@ -745,6 +826,8 @@ levels: - option: 没什么,这段代码没有错误 feedback: 你错过了一个! hint: 有一行需要引号,因为您希望它按字面意思打印。 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: 1: question_text: 应该在_上填写哪个命令? @@ -762,6 +845,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{else}`' feedback: 这就对了! hint: 哪一个可以与`{if}`命令一起使用? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: 当您输入 海蒂 名字时,输出屏幕上会出现什么? code: |- @@ -776,6 +861,9 @@ levels: feedback: 不,它不打印名字 - option: Error feedback: 幸好没有! + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: 正确的密码是什么? code: |- @@ -792,6 +880,8 @@ levels: - option: ALARM INTRUDER feedback: 当输入错误的密码时会打印此信息! hint: '`{if}` 密码 `{is}` ... `{print}` ''正确!''!''' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: 输入错误密码时 海蒂 会打印什么? code: |- @@ -808,6 +898,8 @@ levels: - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! feedback: 干的好! hint: 你计算机将对入侵者发出警报! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: 为什么当你输入'secret' 时,海蒂会说 '警报!入侵者'? code: |- @@ -824,6 +916,8 @@ levels: - option: 因为海蒂犯了一个错误 feedback: No, Hedy is right hint: 该单词的拼写必须完全相同。 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: 最后一行问号处应该用哪个词? code: |- @@ -854,6 +948,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{print}` 已经存在,我们需要在它之前添加一个单词!' hint: '`{if}` 与...一起使用?' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: 问号的位置应该用哪个词? code: |- @@ -871,6 +967,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: 超赞! hint: 在`{else}`之后是`{print}`命令 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 8: question_text: 问号处应该填哪个词? code: |- @@ -893,6 +991,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: 不,不是这样。 hint: 变量名是什么? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: 你应该选择哪扇门逃生? code: |- @@ -912,6 +1012,8 @@ levels: - option: 这是一个陷阱,你永远都会被吃掉! feedback: 幸运的是没有! hint: 其中一扇门将保证您的安全。 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 10: question_text: 哪个怪物站在 1 号门后面? code: |- @@ -931,6 +1033,8 @@ levels: - option: 巨型蜘蛛 feedback: 不总是... hint: 注意最后 3 个词...怪物`{at} {random}`... + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: 1: question_text: 运行这段代码时 海蒂 的输出是什么? @@ -944,6 +1048,9 @@ levels: - option: '210' feedback: 请注意,这是一个计算。 hint: '`*` 用作乘号' + correct_answer: A + code: '{print} 2*10' + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: 使用哪个符号进行添加? mp_choice_options: @@ -955,6 +1062,9 @@ levels: feedback: 不是这个 - option: '`+`' feedback: 正确! + hint: It's the plus sign. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: 运行这段代码时 海蒂 的输出是什么? mp_choice_options: @@ -967,6 +1077,9 @@ levels: - option: 没什么,海蒂 会给出错误信息。 feedback: 不,海蒂 会逐字打印。 hint: 注意引号!! + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: 金今年10岁了。 海蒂会为她打印什么? code: |- @@ -984,6 +1097,8 @@ levels: - option: 你的幸运数字是... 10 feedback: 她的幸运数字是名字乘年龄…… hint: Kim 有 3 个字母,她今年 10 岁,所以:字母乘以年龄 = 3*10 = 30。 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: 如果5个人在这家餐厅吃饭,总共要付多少钱? code: |- @@ -1000,6 +1115,9 @@ levels: feedback: '* 表示乘法。' - option: 50 美元 feedback: Great! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' 6: question_text: 这家虚拟餐厅一个汉堡要多少钱? code: |- @@ -1018,6 +1136,8 @@ levels: - option: 21 美元 feedback: 这是一个汉堡和薯条的价格! hint: 注意第四行。 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: 为什么第 7 行显示“价格是价格 + 3”而不是“价格是 3”? code: |- @@ -1040,6 +1160,8 @@ levels: - option: 因为一开始的价格是0美元。 feedback: 确实如此,但不是原因 hint: 价格不应该是3,而是比原来多了3美元 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 8: question_text: 为什么这段代码不正确? code: |- @@ -1057,6 +1179,8 @@ levels: - option: 第2行中的变量不能称为答案,因为它与变量正确答案太相似。 feedback: 变量名可以相似,但不能是两个单词...... hint: 检查变量的名称。 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: 想象一下,你10分热爱足球,今天吃了 2 根香蕉并且洗手了 3 次。 那个愚蠢的算命先生认为你有多聪明? code: |- @@ -1077,6 +1201,9 @@ levels: feedback: 极好! 你是百分百聪明的! - option: 100% feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? 10: question_text: 哪个论述是对的? code: |- @@ -1092,6 +1219,8 @@ levels: - option: 在处理数字时只能使用 `=` 符号,而不能在处理单词时使用。 feedback: 还可以将 `=` 与单词一起使用。 hint: '`{is}` 和 `=` 都是允许的' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 7: 1: question_text: 使用这一关的repeat命令可以一次重复多少行? @@ -1105,6 +1234,8 @@ levels: - option: 无穷 feedback: 在此级别中,一次只能重复一行 hint: 一次只能重复 1 行 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: 哪个代码是正确的? mp_choice_options: @@ -1129,6 +1260,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 这是正确的! hint: 首先是`{repeat}`命令,然后是`{print}`命令 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 3: question_text: 这段代码是对还是错? mp_choice_options: @@ -1141,6 +1274,9 @@ levels: - option: 错误,缺少`{print}`一词 feedback: 对了 hint: 应该是: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello' + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: 代码中哪个单词是错误的? code: |- @@ -1156,6 +1292,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{times}`' feedback: '`{times}` 拼写正确' hint: 我错了,你不能在句子中使用撇号 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: 这段代码是对还是错? code: '{repeat} 100 {times} {print} ''海蒂太棒了!''' @@ -1165,6 +1303,8 @@ levels: - option: 警告 feedback: 不是这个 hint: 代码是正确的! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: 这段代码的输出是什么? code: |- @@ -1204,6 +1344,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 遍布整个城镇! 完美的! hint: 只‘round and round'重复了3次。 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: 这段代码的输出是什么? mp_choice_options: @@ -1234,6 +1376,9 @@ levels: 摇滚你! feedback: 注意 `{repeat}`命令 hint: 注意`{repeat}`命令。 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" 8: question_text: 哪个海蒂代码会输出这个? mp_choice_options: @@ -1269,6 +1414,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 这不是正确的顺序. hint: 仅当您想连续多次执行同一行时才可以使用`{repeat}`。 + correct_answer: A + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: 该输出属于什么 海蒂 代码? code: |- @@ -1312,6 +1460,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 完美 hint: '''Help!'' 重复3次。' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: 哪个代码属于这个输出? mp_choice_options: @@ -1344,6 +1494,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 这顺序不正确。 hint: 注意句子的顺序。 + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 8: 1: question_text: 这段代码会产生什么输出? @@ -1370,6 +1523,8 @@ levels: - option: "你好 \n你好 \n我是海蒂!\n我是海蒂!" feedback: 所有内容都打印两次 hint: 这两行都重复两次。 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: 这段代码有什么问题? code: |- @@ -1385,6 +1540,8 @@ levels: - option: 第二行开头需要缩进四个空格。 feedback: 正确! hint: 第二行缺了什么? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: 运行该程序时会产生什么输出? code: |- @@ -1417,6 +1574,8 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: 什么是重复的,什么不是? hint: 什么是重复的,什么不是? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: 哪个输出是正确的? code: |- @@ -1434,6 +1593,8 @@ levels: - option: "孩子们去了:\n耶! \n耶! \n我们要去度假了!" feedback: 最后一行也重复。 hint: '`{repeat}`命令下的块重复两次。' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: 这段代码有什么问题? code: |- @@ -1450,6 +1611,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{ask}` 不再是一个命令' feedback: 这不是真的 hint: 缩进有问题 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: 这段代码哪里错了? code: |- @@ -1471,6 +1634,8 @@ levels: - option: 第一个`{if}`命令的缩进错了。 feedback: 是的。 hint: 注意观察缩进。 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: 哪段代码中的缩进正确嘛? mp_choice_options: @@ -1515,6 +1680,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 您错了! hint: 如果这个人是对的,会发生什么? 还有什么? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: 此代码中的哪一行应以 4 个空格开头? code: |- @@ -1533,6 +1700,8 @@ levels: - option: 第 3 和 第5行 feedback: 干的好! hint: '`{if}` 或 `{else}` 命令后面的行应以 4 个空格开头。' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: 哪个论述是对的? code: |- @@ -1549,6 +1718,23 @@ levels: - option: 第 3行应以 4 个空格开头 feedback: 你是对的! hint: 只有一行以 4 个空格开头,但是哪一行...? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 6: + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - feedback: Well done! + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated 9: 1: question_text: 这段代码有什么问题? @@ -1572,6 +1758,8 @@ levels: - option: 最后一个`{if}`命令中的缩进是错误的。 feedback: 这不是缩进。 hint: 所有缩进均正确完成。 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 2: question_text: 输入正确的密码后会显示什么? code: |- @@ -1611,6 +1799,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 正确! hint: '`{repeat}`命令下的所有东西都会重复两次。' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: 您应该选择哪个案例来赢得百万美元? code: |- @@ -1638,6 +1828,8 @@ levels: - option: 情况2,打开 feedback: 干得好! 你赢了! hint: 遵循正确的道路 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: 哪个论述是对的? code: |- @@ -1660,6 +1852,8 @@ levels: - option: 鞋号为 38 的灰姑娘得到的输出是“我会继续寻找” feedback: 不,她得到了“❤️❤️❤️” hint: 无论你名字是什么,如果你的鞋码为 40,你都会收到“我会继续寻找”的消息。 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: 哪个代码产生了这个输出? output: |- @@ -1701,6 +1895,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 此代码中有 2 个`{repeat}`命令。 hint: 观察缩进 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: 在哪些命令之后应该使用缩进(下一行以 4 个空格开始)? mp_choice_options: @@ -1713,6 +1909,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: 不使用`{print}` hint: 缩进发生在某些命令下方的行上 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: 如果你点了一个中等大小的比萨和一杯可乐,你会得到5元的折扣。
但这段代码中存在一个错误!如何调试这段代码? code: |- @@ -1754,6 +1952,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 几乎正确。再看最后一行 hint: 在每个`{if}`命令之后,下面的行应该缩进 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: 这段代码有什么问题? code: "年龄={ask} ‘生日快乐!你多大了?’\n唱歌={ask}‘你想让我们唱歌吗?’\n\t{if} 唱歌{is} 是\n\t\t{repeat}岁{times}\n\t\t\t{print}‘加油’" @@ -1767,6 +1967,8 @@ levels: - option: 代码必须始终以第一行中的`{print}`命令开头 feedback: 那不是真的。 hint: 这次缩进是正确的 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: 在另一个`{if}`命令中可以放置多少个`{if}`命令? mp_choice_options: @@ -1779,6 +1981,8 @@ levels: - option: 无限,只要你继续正确使用缩进 feedback: 这是真的 hint: 您可以将`{if}`命令放在`{if}`命令中。 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: 哪种说法是正确的? code: |- @@ -1795,6 +1999,8 @@ levels: - option: 第 2 行应以 4 个空格开头,第 3 行应以 8 开头 feedback: 你是对的! hint: 第一行不以任何空格开头 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: 1: question_text: 如果我们想打印每份贺词,我们需要在 `_` 上填写什么? @@ -1820,6 +2026,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 差不多了! hint: 恭维列表中的每条恭维都是`{for}`... + code: "compliments = perfect, great job, amazing\n_\n {print} compliment" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: question_text: 哪个输出是正确的? code: |- @@ -1839,6 +2048,8 @@ levels: 我喜欢煎饼 feedback: Great! hint: 第 2 行表示餐食列表中的每餐。 所以每顿饭都会被打印出来。 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: 哪个输出是正确的? code: |- @@ -1859,6 +2070,8 @@ levels: - option: 你还不知道。 因为{at}{random}选择其中一种动物。 feedback: 第 2 行{for}表示动物列表中的每个动物。 所以每只动物都被{print}了。 hint: 第 2 行{for}表示动物列表中的每个动物。 所以每只动物都被打印了 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: 这段代码有什么问题? code: |- @@ -1875,6 +2088,8 @@ levels: - option: 第 2 行应显示杂货而不是商品 feedback: 不,不是的。 hint: 第 2 行显示杂货列表中的每一项 `{for}` + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: 这些数字骰子的 `_` 上应该写什么字? mp_choice_options: @@ -1887,6 +2102,9 @@ levels: - option: 骰子 feedback: 查看变量的名称。 hint: 海蒂需要选择一个数字 `{at} {random}` + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to the digital dice!'\nplayers = Ann, John, Jesse\nchoices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' throws ' _ {at} {random}" + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: 当您运行代码时,以下哪个答案是可能的结果? code: |- @@ -1918,6 +2136,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 惊人! hint: 每个玩家都会选择一个选项。 列表中第一个的玩家将先进行。 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: 代码中的`_`应该是哪一行来决定这些人晚餐吃什么? code: |- @@ -1947,6 +2167,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 每个name都应该被告知他们晚餐吃什么。 hint: 每个name都应该被告知他们晚餐吃什么。 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: 这段代码中的`_`应该写什么,来决定你得到哪种颜色的衬衫? mp_choice_options: @@ -1971,6 +2193,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 没有名为 people 的变量.. hint: 注意引号和变量名称 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "names = Donna, Tommy, Ben\ncolors = blue, red, purple\n{for} name {in} names\n {print} _" 9: question_text: 当你运行程序时海蒂会问你的第一个问题是什么? code: |- @@ -1990,6 +2215,8 @@ levels: - option: 你不知道这一点。 海蒂 将选择`{at} {random}`. feedback: 此代码中没有`{at} {random}`... hint: 从两个列表中选择第一个选项。 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 10: question_text: 这段代码的真实情况是什么? code: |- @@ -2007,6 +2234,8 @@ levels: - option: 有人可能赢得两个奖品 feedback: 你懂了! hint: 尝试想象这段代码的输出。 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 11: 1: question_text: 空格处应该填什么? @@ -2020,6 +2249,9 @@ levels: - option: '`{for}`' feedback: 不是 hint: 你学了什么? + code: "{for} i {in} _ 1 {to} 10\n {print} i" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: 这段代码会输出什么? mp_choice_options: @@ -2046,6 +2278,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 不是这个 hint: 这些数字会如何显示在屏幕上? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: question_text: 哪段代码可以输出这个? output: |- @@ -2085,6 +2320,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: i 是一个变量,不应该加引号 hint: 先输出所有数字,再输出那句话 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 4: question_text: 哪段代码可以输出这个? mp_choice_options: @@ -2113,6 +2350,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 对! hint: 这里需要用到计算… + question_score: '10' + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: 这段代码哪里错了? mp_choice_options: @@ -2125,6 +2365,9 @@ levels: - option: 第二行开头需要缩进 feedback: 太棒了! hint: 缩进有地方不对 + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: 当运行代码时,“Hello”一词在屏幕上出现了多少次? mp_choice_options: @@ -2137,6 +2380,9 @@ levels: - option: 永不 feedback: 'No' hint: 0也算。 所以 0,1,2 是 3 倍。 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" 7: question_text: 空白处应该填什么? code: "{print} '欢迎来到海蒂快餐店'\npeople= {ask}'今晚有多少人会在这里吃饭?'\n_\n\tfood= {ask}'你想点些什么?'\n\t{print}food" @@ -2162,6 +2408,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 这一份订单太多了! hint: 使用变量 'people' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 8: question_text: 这段代码的输出是什么? mp_choice_options: @@ -2187,6 +2435,9 @@ levels: - option: '''hi''这个词会连续出现 25 次。' feedback: 不,它只会出现 3 次。 hint: 它并没说 `{print}` i + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: 海蒂 唱了多少遍 Hip Hip Hooray? code: |- @@ -2203,6 +2454,8 @@ levels: - option: 这取决于你的年龄 feedback: 这是正确的! hint: '`{for}` 我 `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` 年龄' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: 哪个代码属于这个输出? output: |- @@ -2240,6 +2493,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 是 4 倍.' hint: 注意缩进 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 12: 1: question_text: 哪个输出是正确的? @@ -2260,6 +2515,8 @@ levels: 5 feedback: 干的好! hint: 两行都打印出来了! + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: 这些代码中哪一个是正确的? mp_choice_options: @@ -2288,6 +2545,8 @@ levels: ```` feedback: 所有不同的口味值都应该用引号引起来。 hint: 每个代码中第二行都是一样的,注意第一行 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 3: question_text: 这段代码有什么问题? code: |- @@ -2303,6 +2562,8 @@ levels: - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: 这不是真的 hint: 引号使用正确 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: 哪些行需要引号才能使代码正常工作? code: |- @@ -2320,6 +2581,8 @@ levels: - option: All of the lines feedback: 完美! hint: 第3行也需要引号吗? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: 当 007 输入正确的密码时,他们会得到什么输出? code: |- @@ -2344,6 +2607,8 @@ levels: - option: 明天10点去机场 feedback: 特工不会在这里抓到任何坏人 hint: 正确的密码是 TOPSECRET + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: 应该填写哪一行,在`_`? code: "{print}‘欢迎来到麦克海蒂!’\norder={ask}‘你想吃汉堡包还是薯条?’\n {if}订单=‘汉堡包’\n\t价格=12\n{if} 订单=‘薯条’\n\t价格=4\n饮料={ask}‘你想用2美元买一杯饮料吗?’\n{if}饮料=‘是的’\n...._\n{print}‘请付’price‘元, 谢谢!’" @@ -2369,6 +2634,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 差不多了! hint: 如果你只点薯条和饮料怎么办? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: 素食主义者会得到什么输出? code: |- @@ -2407,6 +2674,8 @@ levels: 饼干 feedback: 差不多了,不过看一下列表中零食的顺序 hint: 当您回答“素食主义者”时,哪些项目将从列表中删除? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: 哪些代码用于创建这个输出? mp_choice_options: @@ -2431,6 +2700,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 不 hint: 7 被2除是 3.5 + code: '3.5' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: 第1行`_`?处应该填写哪个代码? code: |- @@ -2458,6 +2730,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 你什么都没有得到 hint: 列表中的项目应该用引号括起来 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: 在`_`处填上哪一行代码,可以来完成这首歌? code: "动作们=‘拍手’, ‘跺脚’,‘喊万岁!’ \n_\n\t{for} i{in} {range}0{to} 1\n\t\t{print} ‘如果你很高兴,你也知道’\n\t\t{print} 动作\n\t{print} ‘如果你很高兴,你也知道,而且你真的想表现出来’\n\t{print} ‘如果你很高兴,你也知道’\n\t{print} 动作" @@ -2483,6 +2757,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 这是一个困难的问题! 列表上的所有动作都必须出现在歌曲里。 hint: 这是一个困难的问题! 列表上的所有动作都必须出现在歌曲里。 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 13: 1: question_text: 在???处应该填上什么代码 ? @@ -2509,6 +2785,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 海蒂旨在两个答案都是 是 的时候唱歌 hint: 海蒂只在你想听歌且是你生日那天的时候为你歌唱 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 2: question_text: 在???的地方你遗漏掉了什么命令? code: |- @@ -2526,6 +2804,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{print}`' feedback: 不 hint: 素食主义者和穆斯林都不能吃香肠卷。 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 3: question_text: 哪个输出是给没有折扣码的成员? code: |- @@ -2545,6 +2825,8 @@ levels: - option: 这里没有办法知道 feedback: 来! 仔细阅读这个问题 hint: 注意第·3行的 `{or}` 命令 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: 在石头剪刀布游戏中,哪一行代码应该紧随这一行? code: '{if} 电脑的选择 {is} ''石头'' {and} 你的选择 {is} ''布''' @@ -2570,6 +2852,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 再试一次! hint: 布包住石头 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: 关于代码的说那,哪个是对的? code: |- @@ -2585,6 +2869,8 @@ levels: - option: 所有不叫灰姑娘,没有38号鞋的人都是王子的真爱 feedback: 王子比这更挑剔一点! hint: 两个表述必须都为真 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: 关于这段代码的哪个陈述是正确的? code: |- @@ -2609,6 +2895,8 @@ levels: - option: Sophie是个戴眼镜的女孩 feedback: 干得漂亮! hint: 好好看看!或者你需要眼镜? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: 哪个说法是错的? code: |- @@ -2634,6 +2922,8 @@ levels: - option: 黄色的鸟今早喂过了 feedback: 这是真的 hint: 仔细阅读最后4行 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 8: question_text: 如果你点了爆米花但没有饮料,你会怎样? code: |- @@ -2671,6 +2961,8 @@ levels: 享受电影吧 feedback: 你需要为你的爆米花付钱! hint: 爆米花 = 是 并且 饮料 = 不 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: 这个代码哪里出问题了? code: |- @@ -2710,6 +3002,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 这不是我点的! hint: 第3行有一个错误 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 10: question_text: 哪个命令需要出现在第8行???的地方? code: "{print} '欢迎来到本超市的商品查找机'\n项目 = {ask} '你来找什么商品?'\n烘焙 = 'bread', 'buns', 'muffins'\n饮料= 'soda', 'water', 'lemonade'\n零食= 'chips', 'nuts', 'dips'\n冷冻= 'fries', 'icecream', 'pizza'\n水果= 'bananas', 'apples', 'oranges'\n{if} 项目 {in} 零食??? 项目 {in} 饮料\n {print} '在第三通道'\n{if} 项目 {in} 烘焙 {or} 项目 {in} 烘焙 \n {print} '这件东西放在商店的后面'\n{if} 项目 {in} 水果\n {print} '水果在收银台附近出售'" @@ -2723,6 +3017,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{if}`' feedback: 不 hint: 这个东西要么在零食清单上,要么在饮料清单上 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 14: 1: question_text: 空白处应该用哪个符号? @@ -2736,6 +3032,9 @@ levels: - option: '`=`' feedback: 对! hint: 我们没有比较任何东西,只是询问一个姓名。 + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: question_text: 下面哪个代码使用了正确的 = 或 == 符号? mp_choice_options: @@ -2748,6 +3047,8 @@ levels: - option: 答案 == {ask} '你做得怎么样?' feedback: 不 hint: 当你比较两个回答时,你应该使用== + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: 这两个空格上应该填哪些符号? mp_choice_options: @@ -2760,6 +3061,9 @@ levels: - option: '`+` and `==`' hint: 这个俱乐部可容纳130人 feedback: 不是这样的 + question_score: '10' + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + correct_answer: C 4: question_text: 这段代码有什么问题? code: |- @@ -2780,6 +3084,8 @@ levels: - option: 在第4行 <= 应该被替换为 >= feedback: 不是这样的 hint: 符号是正确的 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} '你多大了?' @@ -2798,6 +3104,9 @@ levels: - option: '`<= 12`' feedback: 这些孩子年龄太小 hint: '> 意思是大于' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: 在这个烦人的游戏停止之前,你要说多少次你很烦? code: |- @@ -2817,6 +3126,8 @@ levels: - option: 2 次 feedback: 对了 hint: '!= 意思是 ''不等于''' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: 这三个空格应该填什么? mp_choice_options: @@ -2829,6 +3140,9 @@ levels: - option: '`''Lower!''` 和 `''You win!''` 和 `''Higher!''`' feedback: 这不太对。 hint: 最后应该说你赢了。 + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + correct_answer: B 8: question_text: 关于过山车,哪个说法是正确的? mp_choice_options: @@ -2840,6 +3154,10 @@ levels: feedback: '> means greater than' - option: 坐过山车没有长度限制 feedback: 这儿。 + correct_answer: A + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: 根据这个手环,吃多少块巧克力会让你胃痛? code: |- @@ -2860,6 +3178,8 @@ levels: - option: 9或更多 feedback: 棒! hint: '> 8 意味着大于8' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: question_text: 空格里应该填什么? mp_choice_options: @@ -2872,6 +3192,9 @@ levels: - option: '''这是个平局''' feedback: 不,不是的,一个玩家的分数更高 hint: 你得最多的分数就能赢得比赛 + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_score: '10' 15: 1: question_text: 空格上应该用哪个符号?提示:你必须一直猜,直到猜对为止。 @@ -2890,6 +3213,8 @@ levels: - option: '`=`' feedback: 不是这样的 hint: 继续猜,直到你说阿姆斯特丹 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 2: question_text: 这些代码中哪一个使用了正确的符号? mp_choice_options: @@ -2914,6 +3239,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 缺少一个引号 hint: 当你比较两个答案时,你应该使用== + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 3: question_text: 这两个空白处应该填哪个命令? code: |- @@ -2929,6 +3256,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{range}`' feedback: 不是这样的 hint: 只要你不满17岁,你就不能进酒吧 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 4: question_text: 这段代码有什么问题? code: |- @@ -2951,6 +3280,8 @@ levels: - option: 在第5行中应该使用`==`而不是`!=` feedback: 你是正确的 hint: 第5行有问题 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 5: question_text: 什么应该放在空白处,使这个程序正确工作? code: |- @@ -2984,6 +3315,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 程序将开始倒计时 hint: 每次湿润应该少一些 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 6: question_text: 这段代码有什么问题? code: |- @@ -3002,6 +3335,8 @@ levels: - option: 第2行应该以较少的缩进开始 feedback: 这是正确的 hint: 仔细察看这些缩进 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: 这个程序应该如何改变才能正常工作? mp_choice_options: @@ -3014,6 +3349,9 @@ levels: - option: '... 将第4个 `{if}` 换成 `{while}`' feedback: 这不是很正确。 hint: 最后的时候应该说你赢了。 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" 8: question_text: 关于这个自动厕所系统,哪个说法是正确的? mp_choice_options: @@ -3026,6 +3364,9 @@ levels: - option: 灯会一直亮着。 feedback: 这是不对的。 hint: 当厕所被占用时,{while}命令之后的块继续运行。 + question_score: '10' + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + correct_answer: B 9: question_text: 如果你今天摄入了1600卡路里,节食应用程序会怎么说? code: |- @@ -3046,6 +3387,8 @@ levels: - option: 你今天吃得够多了 feedback: 不 hint: 1600在1000和2000之间 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: 空格里应该填什么?提示:得分最多的玩家处于领先地位。 mp_choice_options: @@ -3070,6 +3413,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 你应该填写名字,而不是数字 hint: 你得最多的分数就能赢得比赛。你的名字应该出现在屏幕上 + question_score: '10' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + correct_answer: A 16: 1: question_text: 在打印随机零食的空白处应该填写哪个命令? @@ -3086,6 +3432,8 @@ levels: - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' feedback: 我们不再需要 `at` hint: 我们不再使用 {at} + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 2: question_text: 如果你想列一个列表,哪些家务,是由谁做的,你应该在空白处填什么? mp_choice_options: @@ -3110,6 +3458,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 太棒了! hint: '`i`告诉我们是列表中的哪一项。所以有朋友1做家务1等等。' + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee']\nchores = ['the cooking', 'the cleaning', 'nothing']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} _" 3: question_text: 这个程序可能的输出是什么? mp_choice_options: @@ -3142,6 +3493,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 不是这样的 hint: 这不是随机的... + correct_answer: A + code: "friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee']\nchore = ['the cooking', 'the cleaning', 'nothing']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i]" + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: 这段代码有什么问题? code: |- @@ -3160,6 +3514,8 @@ levels: - option: 第3行的 {in} 应该去掉 feedback: 不是这样的 hint: 第4行没有问题 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: 空格里应该填哪一行? code: |- @@ -3189,6 +3545,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 干得漂亮! hint: 查看第1行,了解括号和引号的正确使用。 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: 哪个说法是正确的? code: |- @@ -3206,6 +3564,8 @@ levels: - option: 这段代码不能工作。它会报错。 feedback: 代码是正确的。 hint: 代码没有错误。 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: 这段代码有什么问题? code: |- @@ -3223,6 +3583,8 @@ levels: - option: 第4行需要更多的引号。 feedback: 太棒了! hint: 在使用引号时犯了一个错误。 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: 哪些代码属于这个输出? code: |- @@ -3263,6 +3625,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 这无法工作! hint: 如果你仔细看第一行,你会发现只有前两个答案可能是正确的。 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: 这段代码的可能输出是什么? code: |- @@ -3294,6 +3658,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 它仅仅重复2次 hint: Range 0 to 1 是2次 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 10: question_text: 哪3行可以正确地完成这段代码? code: |- @@ -3333,6 +3699,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 太妙了! hint: 你需要使用 {remove} 命令 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 17: 1: question_text: 这段代码的输出是什么? @@ -3366,6 +3734,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 不要让字母循环。 hint: 循环你的列表. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 2: question_text: 这段代码有什么问题? mp_choice_options: @@ -3378,6 +3748,9 @@ levels: - option: '`noleap_year`在两种情况下必须相同。' feedback: 对! hint: 仔细阅读代码。 + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" 3: question_text: 这段代码将打印多少只刺猬? mp_choice_options: @@ -3414,6 +3787,9 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 不是这样的。 hint: 想想你需要重复多少次。 + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 4: question_text: 这段代码有什么问题? code: |- @@ -3438,6 +3814,8 @@ levels: - option: 在最后一行的`{elif}` 应该被替换为 `{else}` feedback: 棒! hint: 想想 `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: 这段代码的输出是什么? code: |- @@ -3501,6 +3879,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 不是这样的。 hint: 考虑你需要重复多少次,以及if和elif的值。 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: 这段代码有什么问题? code: |- @@ -3523,6 +3903,8 @@ levels: - option: 最后一行有一个缩进错误。 feedback: 了不起! hint: 这里有个错误…… + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: 下面哪个代码会在屏幕上打印五次“结果是3”? mp_choice_options: @@ -3559,6 +3941,8 @@ levels: ``` feedback: 不是这样的。 hint: 想想数学符号。 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: 代码有什么问题? code: |- @@ -3581,6 +3965,8 @@ levels: - option: 最后一行有一个缩进错误。 feedback: 不. hint: 仔细阅读代码. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 9: question_text: 下面哪个代码给出了这个输出? code: |- @@ -3603,6 +3989,8 @@ levels: - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' 是正数'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' 是负数' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' 是0'\n```" feedback: 不是这样的。 hint: 仔细阅读代码。 + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 10: question_text: 这段代码有什么问题? code: |- @@ -3625,3 +4013,5 @@ levels: - option: 最后一行有一个缩进错误。 feedback: 不. hint: 仔细阅读代码. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C diff --git a/content/quizzes/zh_Hant.yaml b/content/quizzes/zh_Hant.yaml index de933c7c3f0..bb1ad00953e 100644 --- a/content/quizzes/zh_Hant.yaml +++ b/content/quizzes/zh_Hant.yaml @@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ levels: `{ask}` feedback: With `{ask}`, you can ask a question. hint: _?_ Hello world! + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which need to be filled in on the blanks to make the text Hello! appear? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -38,6 +41,10 @@ levels: {echo} What is your favorite color? ``` feedback: '`{echo}` repeats your answer back to you.' + question_score: '10' + hint: You can ask something with the `{ask}` command + correct_answer: C + question_text: How do you ask what someone's favorite color is? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{print}` in line 1 is missing.' @@ -48,10 +55,28 @@ levels: feedback: '`{echo}` is a command, there''s another mistake.' - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: Wrong, look carefully! + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 1 doesn't seem right + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + code: "Hi Im Hedy!\n{ask} Who are you?\n{echo} Hi..." 5: code: |- {ask} What is your favorite pet? _?_ So your favorite pet is... + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: No, you would like the answer to be repeated back to you. + - option: '`Hedy`' + feedback: Hedy isn't a command. + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: With `{ask}` you can ask a question. + - option: '`{echo}`' + feedback: Right on! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: You want to see the answer at the end of line 2... + question_text: Which command is missing in line 2? 7: mp_choice_options: - option: In line 1 `{print}` needs to be replaced with `{ask}` @@ -62,6 +87,11 @@ levels: feedback: Are you sure something is wrong? - option: Nothing! This is a perfect code! feedback: 正確! + question_score: '10' + hint: Check the code line by line + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + code: "{print} Welcome at Hedys restaurant!\n{ask} What would you like to eat?\n{echo} So you want to order ...\n{print} Coming right up! Enjoy!" 8: mp_choice_options: - option: You can use it to `{ask}` a question. @@ -72,6 +102,10 @@ levels: feedback: Good job! - option: You can use it to make text disappear. feedback: That's not right... + question_text: How do you use the `{echo}` command? + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{echo}` is used after an `{ask}` command.' 10: question_text: Which output will be in your outputscreen after you've run this code? mp_choice_options: @@ -87,6 +121,54 @@ levels: Are you ready to go to level 2? Yes! feedback: There are two echo commands + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Let's go! + code: "{ask} Are you ready to go to level 2?\n{echo}\n{echo}" + 6: + question_score: '10' + hint: Check the `{print}` commands. + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{print} Hi im Hedy!\n{print} Which football team do you support?\n{echo} You support...\n{print} Cool! Me too!" + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: '`{print}` in line 1 is correct.' + - option: In line 2, `{print}` should be replaced with `{ask}`. + feedback: Great! You paid attention! + - option: Line 3 has to begin with `{print}` instead of `{echo}`. + feedback: '`{echo}` is correct.' + - option: In line 4, `{print}` is spelled wrong. + feedback: No, there is a mistake somewhere else + correct_answer: B + 1: + question_text: What's this programming language called? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy + feedback: Good job! + - option: Heddy + feedback: Not this one! + - option: Haydie + feedback: Not this one! + - feedback: Not this one! + option: Heidi + hint: It's named after Hedy Lamarr. + correct_answer: A + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{print}` in line 1 should be `{ask}`' + feedback: No, `{print}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + - feedback: Super! + option: '`{print}` in line 2 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: No, `{echo}` is right. Where is the question being asked? + option: '`{echo}` in line 3 should be `{ask}`' + - feedback: Look carefully for the mistake... + option: Nothing. This is a perfect code! + hint: '`{ask}` allows you to ask a question' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} Hello!\n{print} How are you doing?\n{echo} So you are doing..." + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 2: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -98,22 +180,153 @@ levels: feedback: Good - option: With the {sleep} command, you can remove text from the screen. feedback: That's not how sleep works. + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true? + hint: '`{print}` still works the same way as in level 1' + question_score: '10' 6: code: |- {print} And the award for best programming language goes to... _?_ {print} Hedy! + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect! + option: '`{sleep}`' + - option: '`{echo}`' + feedback: There is nothing to repeat back here + - option: '`{print}`' + feedback: There is no text there to `{print}` there + - option: '`{ask}`' + feedback: There is no question there to be asked + question_text: What should be on the lines? + correct_answer: A + hint: Pause for dramatic effect... + question_score: '10' 7: code: |- {print} I will explode in 3 seconds! _?_ {print} BOOM! + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 3\n```" + feedback: You don't need to `{print}` + - option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + feedback: Perfect! + - feedback: This way the bomb will explode in 1 second + option: "```\n{sleep}\n```" + - feedback: Make it easier on yourself by using the number 3 + option: "```\n{sleep} {sleep} {sleep}\n```" + hint: You want the computer to wait for 3 seconds + question_score: '10' + question_text: What command should be used on line 2? 10: code: |- flavor {is} _?_ {print} Your favorite icecream is... {sleep} {print} flavor + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You want to know the favorite flavor! + option: "```\n{sleep} 3\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} strawberries\n```" + feedback: You do not want a `{print}` command at the middle of the line... + - option: "```\nstrawberries, chocolate, vanilla\n```" + feedback: This way you are making a list. You don't want that now. + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{ask} What flavor icecream do you like?\n```" + hint: You want to `{ask}` a question + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What command should be used on the line 1? + 3: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The word name is replaced with Marleen + option: name goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market. + feedback: The second part of the sentence isn't left out! + - feedback: Right on! + option: Marleen goes to the market and she buys an apple. + - option: Marleen goes to the market and Marleen buys an apple. + feedback: She is not replaced with the name + hint: The word name is replaced with Marleen + correct_answer: C + code: "name {is} Marleen\n{print} name goes to the market and she buys an apple." + question_text: What appears on your output screen when you run this code? + 5: + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It slows down your computer + - feedback: fortunately not! + option: It closes down Hedy + - feedback: That's right! + option: Your program pauses for a second and then continues + - option: You put it at the end so Hedy knows your program is finished + feedback: No it would be useless at the end of your code + question_text: What happens when you use the `{sleep}` command? + hint: The computer waits for a second at the `{sleep}` command + 2: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is your name?\n```" + feedback: Super! + - feedback: The words are right, the order is not! + option: "```\n{ask} {is} name What is your name\n```" + - feedback: This worked in level 1, but in level 2 and up it works differently. + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name?\n```" + - feedback: The words are right, the order isn't! + option: "```\n{ask} What is your name? {is} name\n```" + correct_answer: A + hint: "`{ask}` doesn't work like in level 1" + question_text: Which code is correct? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hi my name is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + option: Hi my name is Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is name + feedback: The variable name is replaced with Hedy + - option: Hi my Hedy is Hedy + feedback: Correct, this mistake will be fixed in level 4! + hint: "'name' is being replaced with 'Hedy' in both places" + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "name {is} Hedy\n{print} Hi my name is name" + question_text: What will you see on the output screen when you run this code? + 8: + question_text: How would you correct the first line of code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nage {ask} {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - option: "```\n{ask} {is} age How old are you?\n```" + feedback: That is the wrong order + - option: "```\nage {is} {ask} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: You get it! + - option: "```\nage {is} How old are you?\n```" + feedback: Where is the `{ask}` command? + hint: The variable name should come first + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{ask} {is} How old are you?\n{print} age" + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The variable name is animal + option: 'Line 1 should say: dogs `{is}` animals' + - feedback: Great! + option: 'Line 1 should say: animal `{is}` dogs' + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{print}` I love animals' + feedback: The variable name is animal + - option: 'Line 2 should say: `{sleep}` I love animals' + feedback: Sleep is not used to `{print}` text + question_score: '10' + hint: You want to `{print}` 'I love dogs' + question_text: What is going wrong in this code? + code: "dogs {is} animal\n{print} I love animal" + correct_answer: B 3: 1: question_text: What command do you use to let Hedy pick something arbitrarily? @@ -130,6 +343,9 @@ levels: - option: |- `{at}` `{random}` feedback: 正確! + question_score: '10' + hint: Arbitrarily means without a plan or randomly. + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: 'You need commas in line 1: dog, cat, cow.' @@ -140,6 +356,11 @@ levels: feedback: animals is correct. - option: '`{at} {random}` is spelled incorrectly' feedback: '`{at} {random}` is the correct spelling' + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "animals {is} dog cat cow\n{print} animals {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + hint: There's something wrong in line 1 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Line 2 needs to say question instead of answers @@ -150,6 +371,11 @@ levels: feedback: No the variable's called answers - option: Nothing! This code is great! feedback: Actually, line 2 has a mistake. + correct_answer: B + hint: There is something wrong with line 2. + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 7: mp_choice_options: - option: The `{add}` command removes a random book from the list @@ -160,8 +386,26 @@ levels: feedback: 正確! - option: The `{add}` command prints your favorite book. feedback: No, it adds your favorite book to the list + question_score: '10' + code: "books {is} Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham\nyour_book {is} {ask} What is your favorite book?\n{add} your_book {to} books\n{print} books {at} {random}" + question_text: What does the `{add}` command do? + hint: The `{add}` command adds a book, but which one? + correct_answer: C 9: hint: Look at line 3 + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Maybe you want blue hair though! + option: 'Line 3 should say: `{remove}` blue `{from}` colors' + - option: Line 3 should have an `{add}` command instead of a `{remove}` command + feedback: You want to remove the chosen color so `{remove}` is right. + - feedback: Great job! + option: In line 4 the variable should be called colors instead of color + - feedback: Find the mistake! + option: Nothing, this is a correct code! + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + correct_answer: C + code: "colors {is} blue, purple, green\nchosen_color {is} {ask} Which hair color wouldn't you like to have?\n{remove} chosen_color {from} colors\n{print} I will dye my hair color {at} {random}" 10: question_text: What should be on the _?_? code: |- @@ -192,6 +436,68 @@ levels: ``` feedback: This increased the change that the person who walked yesterday now has to do it again. That's mean. hint: The person who walked the dog yesterday should be removed from the list. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + 3: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{at} {random} {print} options\n```" + feedback: You're almost there. The order of the words isn't right yet. + - option: "```\n{print} rock {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: you don't always want the Hedy to {print} rock, sometimes you want scissors or paper. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n{print} options {at} {random}\n```" + - option: Nothing, the code is correct! + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake + correct_answer: C + hint: The variable (the list) is called options. + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} rock, paper, scissors {at} {random}" + question_text: How do you fix the mistake in line 2? + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You can't tell, because Hedy will `{print}` one of the 3 flavors `{at} {random}` + feedback: Take a look at the `{remove}` commands + - option: sea salt + feedback: sea salt is removed from the list + - feedback: Paprika is removed from the list + option: paprika + - option: sour cream + feedback: That's right! + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: There are 3 flavors, bit 2 are removed. Which one remains? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "crisps {is} sea salt, paprika, sour cream\n{remove} sea salt {from} crisps\n{remove} paprika {from} crisps\n{print} crisps {at} {random}" + 4: + code: "prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollar, 1 million dollar\n{print} price {at} {random}" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't want to `{print}` the word price, but you want to `{print}` one price out of your list `{at} {random}` + option: "```\n{print} price\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: Great! You've really paid attention. + - feedback: '`{at} {random}` is placed behind the variable.' + option: "```\n{print} {at} {random} price\n```" + - option: Nothing, this code is alright. + feedback: Look carefully for the mistake you missed! + question_score: '10' + hint: The variable name is prices + question_text: What should change in line 2 to print a random price? + correct_answer: B + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 1 needs to say `{print}` instead of `{ask}` + - feedback: No that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say `{ask}` instead of `{print}` + - feedback: No, that's not wrong. + option: Line 2 needs to say answers `{at} {random}` `{is}` yes, no, maybe + - feedback: That's right! + option: Nothing, this code is perfect + hint: Does this code even have a mistake? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\n{print} question\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + question_text: What is wrong in this code? 4: 1: question_text: Which of these is true? @@ -204,6 +510,9 @@ levels: feedback: '`{at} {random}` still works' - option: '`{at} {random}` now needs quotation marks' feedback: No, but 2 other commands do. + correct_answer: A + hint: In level 4 you need quotation marks for 2 commands. + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -226,6 +535,10 @@ levels: {print} ,hello, ``` feedback: This is a comma, you need quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Pick the right quotation marks. + question_text: Which code uses the proper quotation marks? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -248,6 +561,10 @@ levels: {print} 'Hi Im Hedy' ``` feedback: Perfect! + question_text: Where are the quotation marks used correctly? + question_score: '10' + hint: Both before and after the words you want to print should be a quotation mark. + correct_answer: D 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -267,8 +584,26 @@ levels: feedback: That's right - option: Nothing, the game already works! feedback: Look carefully. There is an error. + correct_answer: C + question_text: What has to be changed in order for the game to work? + code: "options {is} rock, paper, scissors\n{print} 'options {at} {random}'" + hint: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'options {at} {random}', you want it to print 'rock' or 'paper' or 'scissors'. + question_score: '10' 6: hint: 'Think carefully: what is a variable and should be outside of the quotation marks? And what are normal words that should be inside?.' + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What would be a good next line in this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Great! You get it! + option: "```\n{print} 'You win...' prices {at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{print} You win... 'prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}' + - option: "```\n{print} You win... prices {at} {random}\n```" + feedback: You need some quotation marks! + - option: "```\n{print} 'You win... prices {at} {random}'\n```" + feedback: Hedy will literally print 'prices {at} {random}'' + code: prices {is} 1 dollar, 100 dollars, 1 million dollars 7: mp_choice_options: - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 @@ -279,6 +614,11 @@ levels: feedback: You don't want Hedy to literally print 'answers {at} {random}' so no quotation marks needed here! - option: Nothing, this code is good as is! feedback: Look carefully. You missed a mistake! + question_score: '10' + code: "question {is} {ask} What do you want to know?\nanswers {is} yes, no, maybe\n{print} answers {at} {random}" + hint: Check each line on whether they'd need quotation marks or not. + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 9: mp_choice_options: - option: Ajax is going to win the champions league @@ -289,6 +629,11 @@ levels: feedback: Hedy could `{print}` that - option: FC Barcelona is going to win the champions league feedback: That's right. It's not in the list + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: What are Hedy's options to randomly pick from? + code: "clubs {is} Real Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Ajax\n{print} clubs {at} {random} ' is going the win the champions league'" + question_text: What will never appear in your output screen? 10: mp_choice_options: - option: Quotation marks are missing in line 1 @@ -299,6 +644,40 @@ levels: feedback: Line 3 doesn't need quotation marks because it's not printed literally - option: Nothing, this code has no mistakes feedback: You missed one! + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true? + question_score: '10' + code: "people {is} mom, dad, Emma, Sophie\n{print} The dishes are done by...\n{print} people {at} {random}" + hint: One line needs quotation marks, because you want it to be printed literally. + 4: + question_text: Which statement is true? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "You need quotation marks around the word `{print}`, like this: `'{print}'`." + feedback: The quotation marks shouldn't be around the command itself. + - feedback: Super! + option: You need quotation marks around the words you want to print. + - feedback: Both `{print}` and `{ask}` require quotation marks + option: You do not need quotation marks when using the `{ask}` command + - feedback: Unfortunately, Hedy is stricter than that. + option: You can choose yourself whether to use quotation marks or not. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: From level 4 on you need to use quotation marks. + 8: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: We need quotation marks + option: "```\n{print} So you pick door door\n```" + - feedback: If the player chooses door 3, Hedy will say 'So you pick 3 3 + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick ' door door\n```" + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door ' door\n```" + - feedback: Hedy will literally print 'So you pick door door + option: "```\n{print} 'So you pick door door'\n```" + hint: The second word door should be replaced with the number, the first should still be the word door... + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at the money show!'\n{print} 'In front of you are 3 doors'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'" + question_text: What would be a good next line for this code? 5: 1: question_text: What is true? @@ -316,6 +695,8 @@ levels: - option: '`{else}`' feedback: Correct! hint: We have only learned a new command in level 5. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 2: mp_choice_options: - option: fun @@ -326,6 +707,11 @@ levels: feedback: No, it doesn't print the name - option: 錯誤 feedback: Fortunately not! + hint: '`{if}` name `{is}` Hedy `{print}` ...?' + code: "name {is} {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'fun' {else} {print} 'less fun'" + question_text: What appears in your output screen when you type in the name Hedy? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 3: mp_choice_options: - option: 正確! @@ -337,6 +723,10 @@ levels: - option: ALARM INTRUDER feedback: This is printed when you type in the incorrect password! hint: '`{if}` password `{is}` ... `{print}` ''Correct!''!''' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is the right password? + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" 4: mp_choice_options: - option: 正確 @@ -347,6 +737,11 @@ levels: feedback: No, this is not what Hedy will print - option: ALARM! INTRUDER! feedback: Great job! + question_text: What does Hedy print when you type in the wrong password? + correct_answer: D + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + hint: Your computer will sound the alarm for intruders! + question_score: '10' 6: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark in the last line? code: |- @@ -355,6 +750,18 @@ levels: club is {ask} 'Which club is your favorite?' {if} club {is} ajax {print} 'Ajax is going to win of course!' _?_ {print} 'Sorry, your club is gonna be in last place...' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{if}\n```" + feedback: '`{if}` is already in the line above' + - feedback: No, you need `{else}`. + option: "```\n{at} {random}\n```" + - option: "```\n{else}\n```" + feedback: Great! + - option: "```\n{print}\n```" + feedback: '`{print}` is already there, we need a word before it!' + hint: '`{if}` goes together with...?' + correct_answer: C 7: question_text: Which word should be in the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -362,12 +769,81 @@ levels: name {is} {ask} 'Whats your name?' {if} name {is} Hedy {print} 'You will be a millionair!' {else} _?_ 'Unfortunately... No big money for you.' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: '`{if}` is in the line above.' + - option: '`{at}` `{random}`' + feedback: No, you don't need `{at} {random}`. + - feedback: There already is an `{else}` command + option: '`{else}`' + - feedback: Awesome! + option: '`{print}`' + correct_answer: D + hint: After `{else}` a `{print}` command follows 8: question_text: Which word should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- animal {is} {ask} 'What is your favorite animal?' {if} _?_ {is} penguin {print} 'Thats my favorite animal too!' {else} {print} 'Cool! I like penguins.' + correct_answer: B + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfavorite animal\n```" + feedback: That's not the variable name. + - feedback: Great job! + option: "```\nanimal\n```" + - option: '`{if}`' + feedback: '`{if}` is already there' + - feedback: No, that's not it. + option: '`{print}`' + question_score: '10' + hint: What the variable name? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '1' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten + - option: '2' + feedback: Super! You escaped! + - option: '3' + feedback: Bad choice! You're being eaten. + - feedback: Luckily not! + option: It's a trap, you will always be eaten! + hint: One of the doors will keep you safe.. + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which door should you choose to escape?? + 5: + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Indeed! + option: Because it needs to be in capitals, so SECRET + - option: Because the password is alarm + feedback: No, this is not the password. + - option: Because it's spelled wrong. + feedback: That's not how you spell secret + - option: Because Hedy makes a mistake + feedback: No, Hedy is right + question_score: '10' + code: "password {is} {ask} 'What is the password?'\n{if} password {is} SECRET {print} 'Correct!'\n{else} {print} 'ALARM! INTRUDER!'" + hint: The spelling of the word has to be exactly the same. + question_text: Why will Hedy say 'ALARM! INTRUDER' when you type in 'secret'? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Hedy picks a random monster each time. + feedback: Awesome! + - option: vampire + feedback: Not always... + - option: werewolf + feedback: Not always... + - option: giant spider + feedback: Not always... + question_text: Which monster is standing behind door 1? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the last 3 words... monsters `{at} {random}`... + code: "{print} 'Escape from the haunted house!'\n{print} 'There are 3 doors in front of you'\ndoor {is} {ask} 'Which door do you choose?'\nmonsters {is} vampire, werewolf, giant spider\n{if} door {is} 2 {print} 'Yay, you can escape!'\n{else} {print} 'You are being devoured by a... ' monsters {at} {random}" 6: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -379,6 +855,11 @@ levels: feedback: No, Hedy will calculate the answer - option: '210' feedback: Mind it's a calculation. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + code: '{print} 2*10' + hint: The `*` is used as a multiplication sign + correct_answer: A 2: mp_choice_options: - option: '`-`' @@ -389,8 +870,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '`+`' feedback: 正確! + question_score: '10' + hint: It's the plus sign. + question_text: What do you use when you want to add two numbers? + correct_answer: D 6: question_text: How much does a hamburger cost is this virtual restaurant? + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: 15 dollars + - option: 6 dollars + feedback: The fries are 6 dollars + - feedback: The hamburger isn't free! + option: 0 dollars + - option: 21 dollars + feedback: That's the price for a hamburger and fries! + hint: Mind the fourth line. + correct_answer: A + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = 6" 8: mp_choice_options: - option: There shouldn't be quotation marks in line 2 @@ -401,6 +899,11 @@ levels: feedback: No, that's not true. - option: The variable in line 2 can't be called answer, because it is too similar to the variable correct answer. feedback: Variable names can be similar, but they can't be 2 words... + code: "correct answer = 3*12\nanswer = {ask} 'What is 3 times 12?'\n{if} answer {is} correct answer {print} 'Good job!'\n{else} {print} 'No... It was ' correct answer" + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Inspect what the variables are called. + question_text: Why is this code incorrect? 10: code: |- name _?_ Hedy @@ -414,6 +917,85 @@ levels: feedback: No, one `=` sign is enough - option: You can only use the `=` sign when working with numbers, not with words. feedback: You can also use `=` with words. + hint: '`{is}` and `=` are both allowed' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 10% + feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 32% + - option: 50% + feedback: Super! You are 100 percent smart! + - feedback: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + option: 100% + hint: (2 bananas + 3 hygiene) * 10 football = 5*10 =? + question_text: Imagine you love football a 10, you've eaten 2 bananas and have washed your hands 3 times today. How smart does the silly fortune teller think you are? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Im Hedy the silly fortune teller'\n{print} 'I will predict how smart you are!'\nfootball = {ask} 'On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do you love football?'\nbananas = {ask} 'How many bananas have you eaten this week?'\nhygiene = {ask} 'How many times did you wash your hands today??'\nresult = bananas + hygiene\nresult = result * football\n{print} 'You are ' result 'percent smart.'" + 3: + code: "{print} '3*10'" + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This would be the right answer if there were no quotation marks. + option: '30' + - feedback: Try again.. + option: '13' + - feedback: Correct! There are quotation marks, so Hedy will print it literally. + option: 3*10 + - option: Nothing, Hedy will give an error message. + feedback: No, Hedy will print it literally. + correct_answer: C + hint: Mind the quotation marks!! + question_text: What's Hedy's output when you run this code? + 4: + question_score: '10' + code: "name = {ask} 'How many letters are in your name?'\nage = {ask} 'How old are you?'\nluckynumber = name*age\n{print} 'Your lucky number is...' luckynumber" + question_text: Kim is 10 years old. What will Hedy print for her? + mp_choice_options: + - option: '30' + feedback: Mind, Hedy also prints 'Your lucky number is...' + - feedback: Please try again. + option: '10' + - option: Your lucky number is... 30 + feedback: That's right! + - option: Your lucky number is... 10 + feedback: Her lucky number is name times age... + hint: 'Kim has 3 letters, she is 10 years old so: letters times age = 3*10 = 30.' + correct_answer: C + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: 5 dollars + feedback: Unfortunately, it's not that cheap. + - feedback: No, it's 10 dollars each. + option: 10 dollars + - option: 15 dollars + feedback: The * means multiplication. + - feedback: Great! + option: 50 dollars + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to Hedys!'\npeople = {ask} 'How many people are eating with us tonight?'\nprice = people * 10\n{print} 'That will be ' price 'dollar please'" + question_text: If 5 people eat at this restaurant, how much do they have to pay in total? + correct_answer: D + hint: '`price` `is` `people` `times` 10' + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: It could have been `price = 3` just as well. + feedback: No, that's not true. Hedy needs to add 3 dollars to the total. + - feedback: Hedy would understand, but it wouldn't be right. + option: Because Hedy doesn't understand `price = 3`. + - feedback: That's right! + option: Because Hedy would otherwise forget about the previous order. The price would be 3 dollars in total. + - option: Because the price is 0 dollars to begin with. + feedback: That's true, but not the reason + question_text: Why does line 7 say 'price is price + 3' instead of 'price is 3'? + hint: The price shouldn't be 3, but 3 dollars more than it already was + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "{print} 'Welcome at Hedys diner'\nfood = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?'\nprice = 0\n{if} food {is} hamburger price = price + 15\n{if} food {is} fries price = price + 6\ndrinks is {ask} 'What would you like to drink?'\n{if} drinks {is} coke price = price + 3\n{if} drinks {is} water price = price + 1\n{print} price ' dollars please'" 7: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -426,8 +1008,23 @@ levels: - option: infinite feedback: In this level you can only repeat one line at a time hint: You can only repeat 1 line at a time + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many lines can you repeat at once with the repeat command at this level? 2: hint: First the repeat command, then the `{print}` command + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + feedback: "`{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'hello'" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{print} {repeat} 100 {times} 'hello'\n```" + - feedback: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'" + option: "```\n{repeat} 'hello' 100 {times}\n```" + - feedback: That's right! + option: "```\n{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'hello'\n```" + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code is right? + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -445,6 +1042,10 @@ levels: `{times}` feedback: '`{times}` is spelled correctly' hint: I'm is wrong, you can't use apostrophes + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which word is wrong in the code? + code: "{print} 'I'm blue'\n{repeat} 7 {times} {print} 'da ba dee, da ba da'" + correct_answer: A 6: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -471,6 +1072,11 @@ levels: round and round round and round feedback: All though the town! Perfect! + code: "{print} 'The wheels on the bus go'\n{repeat} 3 {times} {print} ' round and round'" + hint: Only 'round and round' is repeated 3 times. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: What will be the output from this code? 7: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -492,6 +1098,11 @@ levels: We will ROCK YOU! feedback: Mind the repeat command + hint: Mind the `{repeat}` command. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'We will'\n{print} 'ROCK YOU!'" + question_score: '10' 9: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -526,6 +1137,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Please help me!' ``` feedback: Perfect + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: "'Help!' is repeated 3 times." + code: "Batman was flying through Gotham.\nWhen suddenly he heard someone screaming...\nHelp!\nHelp!\nHelp!\nPlease help me!" 10: question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? mp_choice_options: @@ -557,6 +1173,51 @@ levels: {print} 'clap your hands' ``` feedback: This is not in the right order. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: Mind the order of the sentences. + code: "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands\nif youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it\nif youre happy and you know it clap your hands" + 3: + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} 'Hello!'" + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No, a word is missing + option: Right + - option: Wrong, the word `{repeat}` is missing + feedback: The word `{repeat}` is there, another word is missing + - option: Wrong, the word `{times}` is missing + feedback: The word `{times}` is there, another word is missing. + - option: Wrong, the word `{print}` is missing + feedback: Correct + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + question_score: '10' + hint: "It should be: `{repeat}` 100 `{times}` `{print}` 'Hello'" + 8: + code: "Here comes the sun\nDo do do do\nHere comes the sun\nAnd I say\nIts alright" + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: Awesome, you can't use the `{repeat}` command here. + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'" + feedback: Where did you leave 'Do do do do'? + - feedback: This is not the correct order.. + option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{print} 'Do do do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + - option: "```\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Here comes the sun'\n{repeat} 2 {times} {print} 'Do do'\n{print} 'And I say'\n{print} 'Its alright'\n```" + feedback: This is not the correct order.. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: '`{repeat}` can only be used if you want to execute the same line multiple times in a row.' + question_text: What Hedy code belongs to this output? + 5: + hint: The code is correct! + correct_answer: A + question_text: Is this code right or wrong? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Correct + feedback: That's right! + - option: Wrong + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 100 {times} {print} 'Hedy is awesome!'" 8: 2: mp_choice_options: @@ -568,6 +1229,11 @@ levels: feedback: Nee, repeat is de goede spelling - option: The second line need to start with 4 spaces as indentation. feedback: 正確! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "{repeat} 5 {times}\n{print} 'Hedy is cool!'" + hint: Something is missing in the second line? 3: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -595,6 +1261,10 @@ levels: Baby shark feedback: What is being repeated and what isn't. hint: What is being repeated and what is not?. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + code: "{repeat} 3 {times}\n {print} 'Baby shark tututudutudu'\n{print} 'Baby shark'" + question_text: What output will be produced when you run this program? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -622,6 +1292,11 @@ levels: Yay! We are going on vacation! feedback: The last line is repeated too. + question_text: Which output is correct? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The children went:'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Yay!'\n {print} 'We are going on vacation!'" + hint: The block under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: B 7: code: |- food = {ask} 'What would you like to eat?' @@ -641,6 +1316,99 @@ levels: feedback: You always have to use indentation. - option: The indentation is wrong in the first `{if}` command. feedback: That's right. + correct_answer: D + hint: Take a careful look at the indentation. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + 9: + correct_answer: D + question_text: What line(s) in this code should start with 4 spaces? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The lines after the `{if}` and `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces + option: Line 2 and 4 + - feedback: Not only 3... + option: Only line 3 + - option: Line 3, 4 and 5 + feedback: Line 4 shouldn't + - feedback: Great job! + option: Line 3 and 5 + code: "1 music = {ask} 'What is your favorite music genre?'\n2 {if} music {is} rock\n3 {print} '🤘'\n4 {else}\n5 {print} '👎'" + question_score: '10' + hint: The lines after an `{if}` or `{else}` command should start with 4 spaces. + 10: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not true + option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 2 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: That's not true + - option: Line 3 should start with 4 spaces + feedback: You are correct! + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: D + code: "1 level = {ask} 'What level are you on?'\n2 {if} level {is} 8\n3 {print} 'Great job!'" + hint: Only one line starts with 4 spaces, but which one...? + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - option: The `{print}` commands on the last two lines should start on new lines and start with 4 spaces. + feedback: That's right! + - feedback: It is! + option: '`{else}` is not a command!' + - feedback: That's not true + option: Lines that start with `{if}` should start with 4 spaces + - option: '`{ask}` is no longer a command' + feedback: That's not true + correct_answer: A + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' + code: "end = {ask} 'Do you want a happy or a sad ending?'\n{if} end {is} happy {print} 'They lived happily ever after'\n{else} {print} 'The world exploded. The end.'" + hint: Something is wrong with indentation + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There is no repetition in this answer. + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes" + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWelcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: This answer also repeats the welcome message + - option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nWhat do you want to eat?\nWhat do you want to eat?\nPancakes\nPancakes" + feedback: Almost! But look at the question, it is not repeated. + - feedback: Well done! + option: "Welcome to restaurant Hedy\nPancakes\nPancakes" + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Welcome to restaurant Hedy'\n{repeat} 2 {times}\n food {is} {ask} 'What do you want to eat?'\n {print} food" + hint: The first sentence and question will not be repeated + question_text: What will be the output of this code when we enter pancakes? + correct_answer: D + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n {else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n{print} 'You are...'\n{sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n{print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n {print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + feedback: You are... right! + - feedback: You are wrong! + option: "```\n{if} answer {is} 32\n {print} 'You are...'\n {sleep}\n{print} 'right!'\n{else}\n {print} 'You are wrong!'\n```" + correct_answer: C + question_text: In which of the codes is the indentation done right? + question_score: '10' + hint: What should happen if the person is right? And what else? + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice. + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy" + feedback: The second line is repeated twice as well. + - option: "Hello\nIm Hedy!\nHello\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Super! + - option: "Hello\nHello\nIm Hedy!\nIm Hedy!" + feedback: Everything is printed twice + question_text: Which output will be produced by this code? + code: "{repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Hello'\n {print} 'Im Hedy!'" + correct_answer: C + hint: Both lines are repeated twice. + question_score: '10' 9: 1: code: |- @@ -663,6 +1431,9 @@ levels: - option: The indentation is wrong in the last `{if}` command. feedback: It not, though. hint: all the indentation is done correctly. + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -691,6 +1462,11 @@ levels: You can use the computer! ``` feedback: 正確! + code: "password = {ask} 'What is the password?'\ncorrect_password = Hedy\n{if} password {is} correct_password\n {repeat} 2 {times}\n {print} 'Good job!'\n {print} 'You can use the computer!'\n{else}\n {print} 'The computer will explode in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'" + hint: Everything under the `{repeat}` command is repeated twice. + correct_answer: D + question_text: What will be printed after entering the correct password? + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- {print} 'Choose the right case and win!' @@ -707,6 +1483,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You sell the case for 500 dollars' {if} action {is} open {print} 'You open the case and win a million dollars!' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You don't win a million! + option: case 1, sell + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 1, open + - feedback: You don't win a million + option: case 2, sell + - option: case 2, open + feedback: Great job! You win! + hint: Follow the right path + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which case should you choose to win a million dollars? 4: code: |- name = {ask} 'What is your name?' @@ -727,6 +1516,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's right! - option: Cinderella with shoe size 40 gets the output 'I was looking for you!' feedback: No she gets 'Ill keep looking' + question_score: '10' + hint: No matter what your name is, if you have shoe size 40 you will get the message 'Ill keep looking'. + question_text: Which statement is true? + correct_answer: C 5: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -762,6 +1555,11 @@ levels: {print} 'Icecream is the best!' ``` feedback: There are 2 `{repeat}` commands in this code. + output: "Icecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!\nIcecream is the best!" + correct_answer: C + hint: Watch the indentation + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code produced this output? 6: mp_choice_options: - option: '`{if}`' @@ -772,6 +1570,10 @@ levels: feedback: Keep it up! - option: '`{if}` `{else}` `{repeat}` `{print}`' feedback: Not with print + question_text: After which command(s) should you use indentation (starting the next line with 4 spaces)? + correct_answer: C + hint: Indentation happens on the line below some commands + question_score: '10' 7: question_text: "In this code from a pizza restaurant. \nYou'll get a 5 dollar discount if you order a medium pizza with coke.\n What should you do to debug this code?" code: |- @@ -812,6 +1614,9 @@ levels: price = price - 2 ``` feedback: Try again + correct_answer: A + hint: After each `{if}` command, the line below should indent + question_score: '10' 8: question_text: What is wrong is this code? code: |- @@ -829,12 +1634,41 @@ levels: feedback: You actually must start like that. - option: A code must always start with a `{print}` command in the first line feedback: That's not true. + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + hint: The indentation is done right this time 10: code: |- 1 {repeat} 2 {times} 2 {if} level {is} 9 3 {print} Great job! hint: The first line doens't start with any spaces + mp_choice_options: + - option: All lines should start with 4 spaces + feedback: Only line 2 and 3 start with spaces + - feedback: Line 3 should start with 8 + option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 4 spaces + - option: Line 2 and 3 should start with 8 spaces + feedback: Line 2 should start with 4 + - feedback: You are correct! + option: line 2 should start with 4 spaces and line 3 with 8 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which statement is true? + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - option: None, that is not allowed + feedback: You are allowed to + - option: Only 1 + feedback: You could use more if you like + - feedback: You could use more if you like + option: '3' + - option: Infinite, as long as you keep using indentation correctly + feedback: That is true + hint: You can put an `{if}` command inside an `{if}` command. + question_text: How many `{if}` commands can be placed inside another `{if}` command? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 10: 1: question_text: What do we need to fill in on the `_?_` if we want to print each compliment? @@ -842,6 +1676,18 @@ levels: compliments = perfect, great job, amazing _?_ {print} compliment + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{for} each compliment\n```" + - feedback: You deserve all those compliments! + option: "```\n{for} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\n{if} compliment {in} compliments\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} compliments {in} compliment\n```" + feedback: Almost there! + hint: '`{for}` each compliment in the lists of compliments...' + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 5: question_text: What word should be on the _?_ with these digital dice? code: |- @@ -850,6 +1696,18 @@ levels: choices = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {for} player {in} players {print} player ' throws ' _?_ {at} {random} + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It would say 'Ann throws Jesse', instead of 'Ann throws 6'. + option: players + - option: choices + feedback: That's right! + - option: choice + feedback: You are very close. But you need Hedy to pick from the list called 'choices' not 'choice'... + - option: dice + feedback: Look at the names of the variables. + hint: Hedy needs to pick a number `{at} {random}` + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: mp_choice_options: - option: Kelly chooses rock @@ -864,6 +1722,11 @@ levels: Kelly chooses paper Meredith chooses scissors feedback: Amazing! + question_text: Which of the answers below is a possible outcome when you run the code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Each player will pick an option. The player that's first on the list will go first. + question_score: '10' + code: "choices = rock, paper, scissors\nplayers = Kelly, Meredith\n{for} player {in} players\n {print} player ' chooses ' choices {at} {random}" 7: question_text: What line should be on the _?_ in this code that decides what these people will have for dinner? code: |- @@ -871,6 +1734,18 @@ levels: food = pasta, fries, salad _?_ {print} name ' has to eat ' food {at} {random} ' for dinner' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You are on fire! + option: "```\n{for} name {in} names\n```" + - feedback: No it should be for each name in the list nameS, so the other way around + option: "```\n{for} names {in} name\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} food {in} food\n```" + feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + - feedback: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + option: "```\n{for} name {in} food\n```" + hint: Each name should be told what they will have for dinner. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: question_text: What should be on the _?_ in this code that decides which color shirt you get? code: |- @@ -899,6 +1774,9 @@ levels: 'people gets a colors shirt' ``` feedback: There is no variable named people.. + hint: Mind the quotation marks and the names of the variables + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- courses = appetizer, main course, dessert @@ -907,6 +1785,19 @@ levels: {for} course {in} courses food = {ask} name ', what would you like to eat as your ' course '?' {print} name ' orders ' food ' as their ' course + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Perfect! + - option: Onno, what would you like to eat as your appetizer? + feedback: Timon is first on the list! + - feedback: Appetizers are first in the list + option: Timon, what would you like to eat as your dessert? + - feedback: There is no `{at} {random}` in this code... + option: You don't know that. Hedy will choose `{at} {random}`. + question_text: What is the first question Hedy will ask you when you run the program? + hint: The first options from both lists are chosen. 10: code: |- prices = 1 million dollars, car, sandwich @@ -922,6 +1813,55 @@ levels: feedback: That is not true. Larry has the same odds as the others - option: Someone might win with two prices feedback: You get it! + correct_answer: D + hint: Try to imagine the output of this code. + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is true about this code? + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pizza + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pasta + - feedback: Line 2 says `{for}` each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + option: I love pancakes + - feedback: Great! + option: "I love pizza\nI love pasta\nI love pancakes" + question_score: '10' + code: "meals = pizza, pasta, pancakes\n{for} meal {in} meals\n {print} 'I love ' meal" + hint: Line 2 says for each meal in the list of meals. So each meal is printed. + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which output is correct? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: dogs are lovely pets + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + - option: dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens are lovely pets + feedback: Each animal gets their own line in the output. + - feedback: Great! + option: "dogs are lovely pets\ncats are lovely pets\nhamsters are lovely pets\nchickens are lovely pets" + - option: You don't know yet. Because it chooses one of the animals {at} {random}. + feedback: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is {print}ed. + question_score: '10' + code: "animals = dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens\n{for} animal {in} animals\n {print} animal ' are lovely pets'" + hint: Line 2 says {for} each animal in the list of animals. So each animal is printed + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which output is correct? + 4: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 2 needs to start with 4 spaces as indentation + feedback: No it doesn't. Only line 3 needs indentation, which it has. + - feedback: Line 2 is a `{for}`command so line 3 does need to start with an indent. + option: Line 3 does not need to start with 4 spaces as indentation + - feedback: Good job! + option: Line 3 should say item instead of groceries + - feedback: No it does not. + option: Line 2 should say groceries instead of item + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "groceries = apples, bread, milk\n{for} item {in} groceries\n {print} 'We need ' groceries" + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Line 2 says `{for}` each item in the list of groceries 11: 1: question_text: What word should be at the place of the question mark? @@ -943,6 +1883,9 @@ levels: - option: |- `{for}` feedback: 'No' + hint: What did you learn in this level? + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -956,6 +1899,11 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: '123' feedback: That's not it + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} i" + hint: How do the numbers appear in the screen? + correct_answer: A + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + question_score: '10' 4: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -983,6 +1931,10 @@ levels: ``` feedback: That's right! hint: It has to be a calculation... + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + output: "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\n0" 7: question_text: What should be on the place of the question mark? code: |- @@ -991,6 +1943,18 @@ levels: _?_ food is {ask} 'What would you like to order?' {print} food + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: There's not always 3 people + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n```" + - feedback: The variable is not named guests + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} guests\n```" + - feedback: Great! + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} people\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} people\n```" + feedback: That's one order too many! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: Use the variable 'people' 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1007,6 +1971,11 @@ levels: feedback: Correct - option: The word 'hi' will appear 25 times in a row. feedback: No it will only appear 3 times. + correct_answer: C + hint: It doesn't say `{print}` i + question_score: '10' + question_text: What will be the output from this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 23 {to} 25\n {print} 'hi'" 10: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1038,6 +2007,70 @@ levels: ``` feedback: '`{range}` 0 `{to}` 3 is 4 times.' hint: Mind the indention + question_score: '10' + output: "Baby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark tututudutudu\nBaby shark" + question_text: Which code belongs to this output? + correct_answer: B + 3: + output: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nOnce I caught a fish alive!" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Perfect + option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n{print} i\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: This code won't work. You need an indent after {for}. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} i\n {print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: Now Hedy will count '1 Once I caught a fish alive!, 2 Once I caught a fish alive! etc. + - option: "```\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5\n {print} 'i'\n{print} 'Once I caught a fish alive!'\n```" + feedback: i is a variable and shouldn't have quotation marks + question_score: '10' + hint: First all the numbers, then the sentence + question_text: Which code was used to get this output? + correct_answer: A + 5: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No it doesn't. + option: The i in the last line need quotation marks + - feedback: You could use 1 to 5 just as well! + option: You can't use `{range}` 1 `{to}` 5 only `{range}` 1 `{to}` 10 + - feedback: Not line 1... + option: Line 1 needs to start with an indention. + - feedback: Perfect! + option: Line 2 needs to start with an indention + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n{print} i" + hint: There is something wrong with the indention + 6: + question_text: How many times does the word Hello appear on your screen when you run the code? + hint: 0 also counts. So 0,1,2 that's 3 times. + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 time + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: 2 times + - feedback: That's right! + option: 3 times + - option: Never + feedback: No + correct_answer: C + code: "{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 2\n {print} 'Hello'" + question_score: '10' + 9: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again + option: 1 time + - feedback: Try again + option: 2 times + - option: Never + feedback: Try again + - option: That depends on how old you are + feedback: That's right! + correct_answer: D + code: "age = {ask} 'How old are you?'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} age\n {print} 'Hip Hip Hoorray!'" + question_text: How many times does Hedy chant Hip Hip Hooray? + question_score: '10' + hint: '`{for}` i `{in}` `{range}` 1 `{to}` age' 12: 1: code: |- @@ -1056,6 +2089,10 @@ levels: three and a half plus one and a half is... 5 feedback: Great job! + question_score: '10' + hint: Both lines are printed! + correct_answer: D + question_text: Which output is correct? 2: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1082,6 +2119,10 @@ levels: print 'I would like a ' flavors at random ' cake.' ``` feedback: All the different values of flavors should be in quotation marks. + question_text: Which of these codes is correct? + hint: The second line is the same in each code, pay attention to the first line + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 3: code: |- favorite_animal = ask 'What is your favorite animal?' @@ -1095,12 +2136,29 @@ levels: feedback: That's not true - option: Nothing is wrong. feedback: That's not true + correct_answer: A + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + hint: The quotation marks are used correctly + question_score: '10' 4: code: |- print Welcome to the online shoe shop category = ask What kind of shoes are you looking for? if category = high heels print High heels are 50% off now! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: Line 1 and 2 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 3 + - feedback: No + option: Line 1, 2 and 4 + - feedback: Perfect! + option: All of the lines + hint: Does line 3 need quotation marks too? + question_text: In which lines are quotation marks needed to get the code to work? 5: code: |- name is ask 'What is your name?' @@ -1114,6 +2172,19 @@ levels: else b is 'today at 10.00' print a + b + question_text: What output does Agent007 get when they put in the correct password? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + option: Go to the train station today at 10.00 + - feedback: You've cracked the code! + option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 02.00 + - option: Go to the train station tomorrow at 02.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + - option: Go to the airport tomorrow at 10.00 + feedback: The agent won't be catching any bad guys here + hint: The correct password is TOPSECRET + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B 6: question_text: Which line should be filled in at the ??? code: |- @@ -1127,6 +2198,18 @@ levels: if drinks = 'yes' ??? print 'That will be ' price ' dollar please' + hint: What if you only order fries and a drink? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + option: "```\nprice = 14\n```" + - option: "```\nprice = '14'\n```" + feedback: What if you only order fries and a drink? + - feedback: Excellent! + option: "```\nprice = price + 2\n```" + - feedback: Almost there! + option: "```\nprice = + 2\n```" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 7: code: |- menu = 'cookies', 'cheese', 'grapes' @@ -1139,6 +2222,19 @@ levels: print 'For you I have brought: ' for snack in menu print snack + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Terrific! + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncookies\ngrapes" + - feedback: There's more options than just one + option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes" + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ncheese\ngrapes" + feedback: A vegan person can't have cheese + - option: "It's my birthday! I've brought some snacks!\nFor you I have brought:\ngrapes\ncookies" + feedback: Almost there, but look at the order of snacks in the list + question_text: Which output does a vegan get? + hint: What item is removed from the list when you answer 'vegan'? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A 8: mp_choice_options: - option: |- @@ -1161,6 +2257,11 @@ levels: print 7 * 2 ``` feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + hint: 7 devided by 2 is 3.5 + correct_answer: B + code: '3.5' + question_text: Which code was used to create this output? 9: question_text: Which code should be filled in in line 1 at the ??? code: |- @@ -1187,6 +2288,9 @@ levels: 'prices' = 'one million dollars', 'nothing' ``` feedback: You one nothing + question_score: '10' + hint: The items on the list should be in quotation marks + correct_answer: C 10: question_text: Which line of code should be filled in at the ??? to complete the song ? code: |- @@ -1207,6 +2311,9 @@ levels: feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. - option: print actions at random feedback: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + question_score: '10' + hint: This is a hard one! All the actions on the list must be in the song. + correct_answer: B 13: 1: code: |- @@ -1239,6 +2346,10 @@ levels: if song = 'yes' or birthday = 'yes' ``` feedback: Hedy only sings if both answers are yes + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which code should be filled in at the ??? ? + hint: Hedy sings if you want to hear a song and it's you birthday + correct_answer: C 2: code: |- menu = 'cheese', 'sausage rolls', 'cookies' @@ -1254,6 +2365,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: print feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which command is missing in the code at the place of the ??? ? + hint: Neither vegans nor muslims can eat sausage rolls. 3: code: |- member = ask 'Do you have a membership card?' @@ -1272,6 +2387,9 @@ levels: - option: There is no way of knowing feedback: There is! Read the question carefully hint: Mind the command 'or' in line 3 + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which output is given to a member without a discount code? 4: code: if computer_choice is 'rock' and your_choice is 'paper' mp_choice_options: @@ -1283,10 +2401,27 @@ levels: feedback: It's only a tie if both choices are the same - option: print 'try again' feedback: Try again! + question_text: Which line of code should follow this line in rock-paper-scissors game? + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + hint: Paper beats rock 5: code: |- if name = 'Cinderella' and shoe_size = 38 print 'You are my one true love!' + hint: Both statements have to be true + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which statement is true about this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: Every person with shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person named Cinderella is this prince's one true love + - option: Every person that is named Cinderella and has shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + feedback: Fantastic! + - feedback: The prince is a little more picky than that! + option: Every person that's not named Cinderella and does not have shoe size 38 is this prince's one true love + question_score: '10' 6: code: |- print 'Let me guess which family member you are!' @@ -1300,6 +2435,19 @@ levels: print 'You must be Wouter!' if glasses = 'no' and female = 'no' print 'You must be Michael!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: Michael is a boy with glasses + feedback: Try again + - feedback: Try again + option: Marleen is a girl with glasses + - option: Wouter is a boy without glasses + feedback: Try again + - option: Sophie is a girl with glasses + feedback: Great job! + hint: Take a good look! Or do you need glasses? + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which statement about this code is true? 7: code: |- print 'Thank you for helping me take care of my pets' @@ -1314,6 +2462,19 @@ levels: print 'I fed them this moring! They do not need more food today' if animal is 'hamster' and color is 'brown' print 'You can feed them a piece of carrot' + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is true! + option: The grey cat is called Abby + - feedback: This is true + option: Milo the orange cat eats 4 scoops of cat nibbles + - feedback: Great job! + option: The black hamster needs to be fed a piece of carrot + - option: The yellow bird was fed this morning + feedback: This is true + question_text: Which statement is false? + hint: Read the last 4 lines carefully + correct_answer: C 8: code: |- print 'Welcome to the movie theater' @@ -1328,6 +2489,19 @@ levels: if popcorn = 'no' and drink = 'no' print 'Ok' print 'Enjoy the movie' + correct_answer: B + hint: popcorn = yes and drink = no + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: You have paid too much! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 8 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 5 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: Amazing! + - feedback: That's not enough money! + option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nThat will be 3 dollars please\nEnjoy the movie" + - option: "Welcome to the movie theater\nOk\nEnjoy the movie" + feedback: You have to pay for your popcorn! + question_text: What output do you get if you order popcorn but no drink? + question_score: '10' 9: code: |- 1 chocolate = ask 'Would you like chocolate sauce on your ice cream?' @@ -1365,6 +2539,10 @@ levels: {if} chocolate = 'yes' {and} sprinkles = 'no' ``` feedback: This is not what I ordered! + correct_answer: A + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + hint: There is a mistake in line 3 10: code: |- print 'Welcome to the product finder of this supermarkt' @@ -1389,6 +2567,10 @@ levels: feedback: 'No' - option: if feedback: 'No' + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: The item is either in the list of snacks, or in the list of drinks + question_text: Which command needs to be in line 8 at the place of the ??? ? 14: 4: code: |- @@ -1399,6 +2581,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can buy the bear!' {else} {print} 'You cannot buy this bear!' + correct_answer: B + hint: The symbols are right + mp_choice_options: + - option: In line 1 == should be used instead of = + feedback: No that's not it + - option: Line 2 misses quotation marks + feedback: You are correct + - feedback: No that's not it + option: In line 4 = should have been used instead of == + - option: In line 4 <= should have been used instead of >= + feedback: No that's not it + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + question_score: '10' 5: code: |- age = {ask} 'How old are you?' @@ -1407,6 +2602,19 @@ levels: {print} 'You can enter the movie theater.' {else} {print} 'You are not allowed to come in!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`> 12`' + feedback: 12 year olds are allowed too + - option: '`>= 12`' + feedback: Great! + - option: '`< 12`' + feedback: These kids are too young! + - feedback: These kids are too young + option: '`<= 12`' + hint: '> means greater than' + question_score: '10' + question_text: Which symbol should be filled in on the blanks if the movie is suitable for kids for the age of 12 and up? + correct_answer: B 6: code: |- lives = 2 @@ -1415,6 +2623,19 @@ levels: answer = {ask} 'Are you annoyed yet?' {if} answer == 'yes' lives = lives - 1 + correct_answer: D + hint: "!= means 'is not'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: It stops after 2 times + option: 10 times + - option: 0 times + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 1 time + feedback: It stops after 2 times + - option: 2 times + feedback: That is correct + question_score: '10' + question_text: How many times do you have to say you are annoyed before this annoying game stops? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many pieces of chocolate have you eaten?' @@ -1424,6 +2645,108 @@ levels: {print} 'That is a bit much' {if} chocolate > 8 {print} 'You will get a stomach ache!' + mp_choice_options: + - option: 1 or more + feedback: No + - option: 2 or more + feedback: No + - option: 8 or more + feedback: Almost + - feedback: Great! + option: 9 or more + hint: '> 8 means more than 8' + question_text: How many pieces of chocolate will give you a stomach ache according to this fitbit? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 2: + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: No + option: '{if} name = Hedy' + - option: '{if} age = 24' + feedback: No + - option: answer = {ask} 'What is your answer' + feedback: Yes! + - feedback: No + option: answer == {ask} 'How are you doing?' + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct = or == symbol? + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`>` and `<`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`=` and `>=`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`<` and `>=`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`+` and `==`' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + feedback: That's not it + code: "guests = {ask} 'How many people are at the party?'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'You can come in!'\n{if} guests _ 130\n {print} 'Im sorry, the club is full. '\n {print} 'You have to wait for a guest to leave'" + hint: There are 130 people allowed in the club + question_text: Which symbols should be filled in on the two blanks? + 10: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + option: "'player 1 wins'" + - option: "'player 2 wins'" + feedback: Yes! + - option: "'player 2 loses'" + feedback: Look at who has the highest score! + - feedback: No it's not, one player has a higher score + option: "'It is a tie'" + hint: You win the game by having the most points + correct_answer: B + code: "{print} 'Whoever gets the most points wins!'\n{if} points_player_1 < points_player_2\n {print} _" + question_text: What should be filled in in the blanks? + question_score: '10' + 1: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not a symbol. + option: '`=>`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking. + - option: '`!=`' + feedback: We are not comparing anything, just asking + - feedback: Right! + option: '`=`' + code: "name _ {ask} 'Who are you?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy'\n {print} 'Me too!'" + hint: We are not comparing anything, we are just asking a name. + question_text: Which symbol should be used on the blank? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "`'Lower'` and `'Higher'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Higher'` and `'Lower'` and `'You win!'`" + feedback: You win! + - option: "`'You win!'` and `'Lower!'` and `'Higher'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + - option: "`'Lower!'` and `'You win!'` and `'Higher!'`" + feedback: That's not quite right. + hint: The last one should say you win. + correct_answer: B + question_text: What should be filled in on the three blanks? + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 10\n {if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - option: You must be taller than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: True! + - option: You must be taller than 119 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: If you are 120 cm you won't get in + - option: You must be shorter than 120 cm to go on the roller coaster + feedback: '> means greater than' + - option: There are no length restrictions to go on the roller coaster + feedback: There are. + correct_answer: A + question_text: Which statement is true about this roller coaster? + hint: '> means greater than' + code: "length = {ask} 'Please fill in your length in cm'\n{if} length < 120\n {print} 'Sorry, you cannot go on this roller coaster.'\n{else}\n {print} 'Enjoy the ride'" + question_score: '10' 15: 1: code: |- @@ -1431,11 +2754,36 @@ levels: while answer _ 'Amsterdam' answer = ask 'What is the capital city of the Netherlands?' print 'You have given the correct answer' + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: That is not right. + option: '`=!`' + - option: '`==`' + feedback: You don't have to keep guessing if you've given the right answer. + - feedback: Correct + option: '`!=`' + - feedback: That's not it + option: '`=`' + hint: Keep guessing until you say Amsterdam + question_text: 'Which symbol should be used on the blank? Tip: You must keep guessing until you get it right.' + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' 3: question_text: Which command should be filled in on the two blanks? code: |- _ age >= 18 print 'you are not allowed in this bar' + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{in}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{while}`' + feedback: You are right + - option: '`{for}`' + feedback: That's not it + - option: '`{range}`' + feedback: That's not it + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: You are not allowed in the bar as long as you are 17 or younger 4: code: |- options = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 @@ -1456,6 +2804,10 @@ levels: feedback: That's not it - option: In line 5 != should have been used instead of == feedback: You are correct + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + hint: There is something wrong in line 5 + question_text: What's wrong with this code? 5: code: |- wetness = 10 @@ -1475,6 +2827,10 @@ levels: feedback: You are correct! - option: = wetness + 1 feedback: The program should count down + hint: wetness should get less each time + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + question_text: What should be placed on the blank to make this program work correctly? 6: question_text: what is wrong with this code? code: |- @@ -1492,6 +2848,9 @@ levels: feedback: No that's not right - option: Line 2 should start with less indentation feedback: That is correct + hint: Look closely at the indentation + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D 7: question_text: How should this program be changed to that it works? mp_choice_options: @@ -1503,8 +2862,25 @@ levels: feedback: That's not quite right. - option: '... change the fourth {if} into a {while}' feedback: That's not quite right. + code: "{print} 'Guess which number'\nnumbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\nnumber = numbers {at} {random}\ngame = 'on'\n{if} game == 'on'\n guess = {ask} 'Which number do you think it is?'\n {if} guess < number\n {print} _\n {if} guess > number\n {print} _\n {if} guess == number\n {print} _\n game = 'over'" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + hint: The last one should say you win. 8: hint: The block after the while command keeps happening while the toilet is occupied. + code: "{while} toilet == 'occupied'\n lights = 'on'\n air_freshener_sprays = 'yes'\n {sleep} 60\nlights = 'off'\nair_freshener_sprays = 'no'" + mp_choice_options: + - option: The lights and air freshener will turn off after 1 minute + feedback: False! + - feedback: Great job + option: The air freshener sprays once every minute and the lights stay on the whole time while you are on the toilet + - feedback: It only sprays when you're in there. + option: The air freshener sprays once you leave the toilet. + - feedback: That wouldn't be right. + option: The lights will always stay on. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + question_text: Which statement is true about this automated toilet system? 9: code: |- chocolate = {ask} 'How many calories have you eaten today?' @@ -1523,6 +2899,10 @@ levels: feedback: Yes! - option: You have eaten enough for today feedback: 'No' + question_text: What will the diet app say if you have eaten 1600 calories today? + hint: 1600 is between 1000 and 2000 + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C 10: mp_choice_options: - option: name_player_1 @@ -1533,6 +2913,25 @@ levels: feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number - option: points_player_2 feedback: You should fill in a name, not a number + correct_answer: A + question_text: 'What should be filled in in the blanks? Tip: the player with the most points is in the lead.' + code: "name_player_1 = {ask} 'Name player 1:'\nname_player_2 = {ask} 'Name player 2:'\n{while} points_player_1 > points_player_2\n {print} _ ' is in the lead right now!'" + question_score: '10' + hint: You win the game by having the most points. Your name should appear on the screen + 2: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n{while} name = Hedy\n```" + feedback: No + - feedback: No + option: "```\n{while} age = 24\n```" + - feedback: Yes! + option: "```\n{while} time > 0\n```" + - option: "```\n{while} answer == yes'\n```" + feedback: A quotation mark is missing + hint: When you are comparing two answers you should use == + correct_answer: C + question_text: Which of these codes has used the correct symbol(s)? + question_score: '10' 16: 2: code: |- @@ -1540,12 +2939,38 @@ levels: chores = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} _ + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nfriends[i] has to do chores [i]\n```" + feedback: Mind the spacing. + - option: "```\nfriends[1] has to do chores[1]\n```" + feedback: It will print 3 times that Wesley has to do the cooking + - feedback: The person has to do the chore, not the other way around + option: "```\nchores[i] ' has to do ' friends[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nfriends[i] ' has to do ' chores[i]\n```" + feedback: Fantastic! + question_text: What should be filled in on the blanks if you want a list of what chores are done by whom? + hint: '`i` tells us what item in the list it is. So friend 1 does chore 1 etc.' 3: code: |- friends = ['Wesley', 'Eric', 'Kaylee'] chore = [the cooking, the cleaning, nothing] {for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3 {print} friends[i] has to do chores[i] + correct_answer: A + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Super! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nEric has to do the cleaning\nKaylee has to do nothing\n```" + - option: "```\nKaylee has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nEric has to do nothing\n```" + feedback: No, it is not random. + - feedback: Poor Wesley! + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cleaning\nWesley has to do the nothing\n```" + - feedback: That's not it + option: "```\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\nWesley has to do the cooking\n```" + hint: It's not random... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is a possible output for this program? 4: mp_choice_options: - option: The variable in line 4 should be 'friend[i]', not 'friends[i]' @@ -1556,6 +2981,11 @@ levels: feedback: It's not a variable, it's just text. - option: '{in} in line 3 should be removed' feedback: That's not it + hint: There's nothing wrong with line 4 + correct_answer: B + question_score: '10' + code: "friends = ['Jaylee', 'Erin', 'Fay']\nlucky_numbers = [15, 18, 6]\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n print 'the lucky number of ' friends[i]\n print 'is ' lucky_numbers[i]" + question_text: What is wrong with this code? 5: mp_choice_options: - option: noises = ['moo', 'woof', 'neigh'] @@ -1566,6 +2996,101 @@ levels: feedback: Don't forget the quotation marks! - option: sounds = ['woof', 'moo', 'neigh'] feedback: Great job! + question_text: Which line should be filled in in the blank? + hint: Look at line 1 to see proper use of brackets and quotation marks. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: D + code: "animals = ['dog', 'cow', 'horse']\n_\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} 'the ' animals[i] ' says ' sounds[i]" + 1: + question_text: Which command should be filled in on the blanks to print a random snack? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is the old way. + option: '`snacks {at} {random}`' + - option: '`[{random} snack]`' + feedback: The order is wrong. + - option: '`snacks[{random}]`' + feedback: Correct + - option: '`snacks[{at} {random}]`' + feedback: We do not need `at`anymore + code: "snacks = nachos, chips, cucumber, sweets\n{print} _" + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + hint: We no longer use {at} + 6: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: i is the most commonly used variable name in this case, but it's not mandatory to use i. + option: You are not allowed to use the variable o. It should be named i. + - feedback: No, he likes minecraft. + option: The output will say that Jaylino likes fortnite. + - option: The output will say that Ryan likes fifa + feedback: Correct + - feedback: No, the code is correct. + option: This code will not work. It will give and error. + hint: There is nothing wrong with this code. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + code: "people = ['Chris', 'Jaylino', 'Ryan']\ngames = ['fortnite', 'minecraft', 'fifa']\n{for} o {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[o] ' likes ' games[o]" + question_text: Which statement is true? + 7: + mp_choice_options: + - option: Line 1 needs less quotation marks + feedback: That is not right. + - feedback: It should not! + option: Line 3 should start with indentation + - feedback: It should not + option: Line 4 should start without indentation + - feedback: Amazing! + option: Line 4 needs more quotation marks. + hint: There is a mistake made in the usage of quotation marks. + correct_answer: D + question_text: What's wrong with this code? + code: "people = ['Savi', 'Senna', 'Fayenne']\ntransportation = ['bike', 'train', 'car']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} people[i] goes to school by transportation[i]" + question_score: '10' + 8: + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: This is not right + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n{print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: Amazing! + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate', 'Lionell and Raj', 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nteams = ['Macy', 'Kate', 'Lionell', 'Raj', 'Kim', 'Leroy']\nposition = ['first', 'second', 'third']\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 6\n {print} teams[random] ' get to go ' position[random]\n```" + - option: "```\nteams = ['Macy and Kate' 'Lionell and Raj' 'Kim and Leroy']\nposition = ['first' 'second' 'third']\n{for} teams {in} {range} 0 {to} 3\n {print} teams[i] ' get to go ' position[i]\n```" + feedback: This is not going to work! + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: If you look carefully at the first line, you'll see that only the first two answers are possibly correct. + code: "Macy and Kate get to go first\nLionell and Raj get to go second\nKim and Leroy get to go third" + question_text: Which of these codes belongs to this output? + 9: + question_text: What is a possible output for this code? + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: Great job! + - option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\n```" + feedback: It will be repeated twice + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada, Zimbabwe and New Zealand\n```" + - feedback: It's only repeated twice + option: "```\nI will travel to Canada\nI will travel to Zimbabwe\nI will travel to New Zealand\n```" + hint: Range 0 to 1 is 2 times + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: A + code: "countries = ['Canada', 'Zimbabwe', 'New Zealand']\n{for} i {in} {range} 0 {to} 1\n {print} 'I will travel to ' countries[random]" + 10: + question_text: Which 3 lines will complete this code correctly? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Almost there... but adding the winner to the list makes this raffle unfair + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers at random\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{add} chosen_number {to} list_of_numbers\n```" + - feedback: There is no list called 'person' + option: "```\nprint person[i] ' wins ' book[i]\n```" + - feedback: This is not it. + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[people]\nprint books[people] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + - feedback: Fantastic! + option: "```\nchosen_number = list_of_numbers[random]\nprint books[i] ' will go to person number ' chosen_number\n{remove} chosen_number {from} list_of_numbers\n```" + hint: You need to use the {remove} command + correct_answer: D + question_score: '10' + code: "{print} 'The book raffle will start soon'\n{print} 'Get your tickets now!'\nbooks = ['Narnia', 'The Hobbit', 'Oliver Twist', 'Harry Potter', 'Green eggs and ham']\npeople = {ask} 'How many raffle tickets are sold?'\nlist_of_numbers = [1, 2]\n{for} i {in} {range} 3 {to} people\n {add} i {to} list_of_numbers\n{for} i {in} {range} 1 {to} 5" 17: 1: mp_choice_options: @@ -1593,6 +3118,11 @@ levels: B o b K e v i n S t u a r t ``` feedback: Do not loop through the letters. + question_text: What is the output of this code? + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: B + hint: Loop through your list. + code: "minions = ['Bob', 'Kevin', 'Stuart']\n{for} x in minions:\n {print} x" 2: mp_choice_options: - option: You cannot have so many variables. @@ -1603,3 +3133,127 @@ levels: feedback: Keep looking for the mistake. - option: The `noleap_year` has to be identical in both cases. feedback: 正確! + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + correct_answer: D + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "seconds_minute = 60\nminute_hour = 60\nhour_day = 24\nleap_year = 366\nno_leap_year = 365\nyears = ask 'what year is it?'\n{if} years = 2024:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * leap_year\n{else}:\n print seconds_minute * minute_hour * hour_day * noleap_year" + question_score: '10' + 6: + code: "name = {ask} 'What is your name?'\n{if} name == 'Hedy':\n password = {ask} 'What is your password?'\n {if} password =='turtle123':\n {print} 'Yey'\n {else}:\n {print} 'Access denied'\n{else}:\n {print} 'Go fish'" + correct_answer: D + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: '`{elif}` is missing.' + - option: '`{else}` can only be used once.' + feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + - feedback: There is a mistake. Look carefully! + option: Nothing! + - feedback: Amazing! + option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + hint: There is a mistake somewhere... + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + 5: + question_score: '10' + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n7\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\nanother number\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\nanother number\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: One more try. + option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\nanother number\n```" + - option: "```\n7\n19\n29\n41\n53\n71\n79\n97\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + code: "numbers = [7, 19, 29, 41, 53, 71, 79, 97]\n{for} prime in numbers:\n {if} prime <= 10:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 60:\n {print} prime\n {elif} prime >= 90:\n {print} prime\n {else}:\n {print} 'another number'" + question_text: What is the output of this code? + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating and the values of if and elif. + correct_answer: A + 3: + mp_choice_options: + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Try again. + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: One more try. + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: Well done! + - option: "```\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n🦔\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about how many times you need repeating. + code: "{for} x in range 1 to 3:\n {for} y in range 1 to 2:\n {print} 🦔" + question_text: How many hedgehogs will this code print? + 4: + question_score: '10' + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "name_color = {ask} 'What is your favorite color?'\n{if} name_color == 'red':\n {print} 'the color of a tomato'\n{elif} name_color == 'green':\n {print} 'the color of an apple'\n{elif} name_color == 'blue':\n {print} 'the color of a blueberry'\n{elif} name_color == 'yellow':\n {print} 'the color of a banana'\n{elif}:\n {print} 'this fruit-color does not exist'" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The first `{elif}` should be used before the `print` command + - feedback: From now on we can use elif multiple times. + option: '`{elif}` can only be used once' + - feedback: Not correct. + option: '`==` used with `{elif}` should be replaced by `=`' + - feedback: Great! + option: '`{elif}` in the last line should be replaced by `{else}`' + correct_answer: D + hint: Think about `{if}`, `{elif}`, `{else}`. + 7: + question_text: Which of the following codes will print five times 'the result is 3' on the screen? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n numbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n result = n * 1\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} u in numbers:\n number = u\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n {for} number in numbers:\n number = 3\n {print} 'The result is ' number\n```" + - option: "```\nnumbers = [1, 2 , 3, 4, 5]\n {for} n in numbers:\n n = result\n {print} 'The result is ' result\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + question_score: '10' + hint: Think about mathematical symbols. + correct_answer: C + 8: + hint: Read the code carefully. + mp_choice_options: + - option: '`{or}` cannot be used with `{if}`.' + feedback: Try again. + - feedback: Not true. + option: In the `{for}` command `insect` should be `insects`. + - feedback: Well done! + option: Nothing! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + correct_answer: C + question_text: What is wrong with code? + code: "insects = ['🐝', '🦋', '🕷', '🐞']\nyour_favorite = {ask} 'what is your favorite insect?'\n{for} insect in insects:\n {if} your_favorite == '🐝' {or} your_favorite == '🐞':\n {print} 'very useful'\n {elif} your_favorite == '🕷':\n {print} 'it can catch mosquitoes'\n {else}:\n {print} 'almost all insects can be useful one way or another'" + 9: + question_text: Which one of the codes below gave this output? + code: "-5 is negative\n-4 is negative\n-3 is negative\n-2 is negative\n-1 is negative\n0 is positive\n1 is positive\n2 is positive\n3 is positive" + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: That is not it. + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number > 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <= 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - feedback: Very good! + option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number >= 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + - option: "```\n {for} number in range -5 to 3:\n {if} number < 0: \n {print} number ' is positive'\n {elif} number <=0: \n {print} number ' is negative' \n {else}: \n {print} number ' is zero'\n```" + feedback: That is not it. + hint: Read the code carefully. + correct_answer: C + question_score: '10' + 10: + question_text: What is wrong with this code? + mp_choice_options: + - feedback: Try again. + option: The word num needs quotation marks. + - feedback: Not true. + option: The `{if}` command is not used correctly. + - option: Line 3 should be `volume_room = number * number * number`. + feedback: Well done! + - option: There is an indentation mistake in the last line. + feedback: Nope. + question_score: '10' + hint: Read the code carefully. + code: "{for} number in range 1 to 5:\n volume_room = num * num * num\n {print} volume_room ' cubic meters'\n {if} volume_room > 100:\n {print} 'this is a large room'\n {elif} volume_room < 100:\n {print} 'small room but cosy'\n {else}:\n {print} 'i will look for something else'" + correct_answer: C diff --git a/content/tutorials/ar.yaml b/content/tutorials/ar.yaml index 0826b2921ac..ec12cd3ed43 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/ar.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/ar.yaml @@ -12,7 +12,59 @@ intro: 14: title: The end! text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 15: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! teacher: steps: 6: text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the class room. + title: Hedy documentation + 3: + title: Customize classes + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/bg.yaml b/content/tutorials/bg.yaml index 555ae441551..db6a3af5146 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/bg.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/bg.yaml @@ -15,7 +15,56 @@ intro: 15: title: Край! text: Кликнете върху "следваща стъпка", за да започнете да програмирате с Хеди! + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? teacher: steps: 6: text: Тук ще намерите по-обширна документация със съвети и трикове как да използвате Hedy в класната стая. + title: Hedy documentation + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/bn.yaml b/content/tutorials/bn.yaml index 0826b2921ac..c639f011b47 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/bn.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/bn.yaml @@ -12,7 +12,59 @@ intro: 14: title: The end! text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step। + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! + 15: + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + title: The end! + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud। + title: Run & listen + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard। + title: Adventures + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud। + title: Read aloud your program + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here। + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done। + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back। + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? teacher: steps: 6: text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the class room. + title: Hedy documentation + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes। + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step। + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students। + title: Class management + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date। + title: Customize classes + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section। + title: Creating adventures + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! diff --git a/content/tutorials/ca.yaml b/content/tutorials/ca.yaml index b50bba0567a..e0535247596 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/ca.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/ca.yaml @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ intro: text: Creus que entens prou bé el nivell? Prova els puzles! Obteniu línies de codi en un ordre incorrecte, arregleu l'ordre perquè el programa s'executi. 12: text: Al final de cada nivell pots fer el qüestionari. D'aquesta manera podeu comprovar si ho enteneu tot. + title: Quiz 13: title: Guardar i compartir text: Podeu desar i compartir tots els vostres programes creats amb altres usuaris de Hedy. diff --git a/content/tutorials/cs.yaml b/content/tutorials/cs.yaml index bb87d5b089b..9d8bddd1647 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/cs.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/cs.yaml @@ -15,7 +15,56 @@ intro: 14: title: The end! text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 15: + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + title: The end! + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! teacher: steps: 6: text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the class room. + title: Hedy documentation + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/cy.yaml b/content/tutorials/cy.yaml index 0967ef424bc..d2d441d4156 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/cy.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/cy.yaml @@ -1 +1,70 @@ -{} +intro: + steps: + 2: + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! + title: The code editor + 10: + title: Adventures + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 12: + title: Quiz + text: At the end of each level you can make the quiz. This way you can verify if you understand everything. + 11: + text: Do you think you understand the level quite well? Try the puzzles! You get lines of code in the wrong order, fix the order to get the program running. + title: Puzzles + 6: + title: Read aloud your program + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 13: + title: Saving & sharing + text: You can save and share all your created programs with other Hedy users. + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 15: + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + title: The end! + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 14: + title: Cheatsheet + text: If you forgot a command you can always use the cheatsheet. It shows a list of all commands you can use in the current level. You can find the cheatsheet at the 🤔 button +teacher: + steps: + 2: + title: Class management + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + 3: + title: Customize classes + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 6: + title: Hedy documentation + text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the classroom. + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! diff --git a/content/tutorials/da.yaml b/content/tutorials/da.yaml index 0967ef424bc..ac1cd2e35ba 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/da.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/da.yaml @@ -1 +1,70 @@ -{} +intro: + steps: + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! + 13: + title: Saving & sharing + text: You can save and share all your created programs with other Hedy users. + 14: + title: Cheatsheet + text: If you forgot a command you can always use the cheatsheet. It shows a list of all commands you can use in the current level. You can find the cheatsheet at the 🤔 button + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 12: + title: Quiz + text: At the end of each level you can make the quiz. This way you can verify if you understand everything. + 11: + title: Puzzles + text: Do you think you understand the level quite well? Try the puzzles! You get lines of code in the wrong order, fix the order to get the program running. + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 15: + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + title: The end! + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? +teacher: + steps: + 6: + title: Hedy documentation + text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the classroom. + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/de.yaml b/content/tutorials/de.yaml index 6fc15329984..25d4e7c07ab 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/de.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/de.yaml @@ -15,7 +15,56 @@ intro: 15: title: Ende! text: Klicke auf "nächster Schritt" um anzufangen mit Hedy zu programmieren! + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 4: + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + title: The run button + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 6: + title: Read aloud your program + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! teacher: steps: 6: text: Hier findest du eine ausführlichere Dokumentation mit Tipps und Tricks wie du Hedy im Unterricht nutzen kannst. + title: Hedy documentation + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 3: + title: Customize classes + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + 4: + title: Creating adventures + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/el.yaml b/content/tutorials/el.yaml index 0826b2921ac..2a7d5127a42 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/el.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/el.yaml @@ -12,7 +12,59 @@ intro: 14: title: The end! text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 10: + title: Adventures + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 15: + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + title: The end! + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! teacher: steps: 6: text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the class room. + title: Hedy documentation + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures diff --git a/content/tutorials/eo.yaml b/content/tutorials/eo.yaml index 0826b2921ac..9ce2669b24f 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/eo.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/eo.yaml @@ -12,7 +12,59 @@ intro: 14: title: The end! text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 15: + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + title: The end! + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! teacher: steps: 6: text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the class room. + title: Hedy documentation + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/es.yaml b/content/tutorials/es.yaml index e8df7063bd4..013c0acb907 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/es.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/es.yaml @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ intro: text: ¿Crees que entienden el nivel bastante bien? ¡Intenta los puzles! Tendrás las líneas de código en el orden equivocado, arregla el orden del programa para hacer que se pueda ejecutar. 12: text: Al final de cada nivel puedes tomar el quiz. De esta forma puedes verificar si entiendes todo. + title: Quiz 13: title: Guardar y compartir text: Puedes guardar y compartir todos los programas que crees con otros usuarios de Hedy. diff --git a/content/tutorials/et.yaml b/content/tutorials/et.yaml index 0826b2921ac..31377f3989f 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/et.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/et.yaml @@ -12,7 +12,59 @@ intro: 14: title: The end! text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 8: + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + title: To the next level + 2: + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! + title: The code editor + 4: + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + title: The run button + 7: + title: Run & listen + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + 5: + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + title: Try it out! + 6: + title: Read aloud your program + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 10: + title: Adventures + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 15: + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + title: The end! teacher: steps: 6: text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the class room. + title: Hedy documentation + 5: + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. + title: Creating accounts + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! diff --git a/content/tutorials/fa.yaml b/content/tutorials/fa.yaml index 0826b2921ac..f7c2c2712d3 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/fa.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/fa.yaml @@ -12,7 +12,59 @@ intro: 14: title: The end! text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 2: + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! + title: The code editor + 8: + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + title: To the next level + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 6: + title: Read aloud your program + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 4: + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + title: The run button + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 15: + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + title: The end! + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! teacher: steps: 6: text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the class room. + title: Hedy documentation + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 2: + title: Class management + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/fr.yaml b/content/tutorials/fr.yaml index 0d19e5fcb5a..d173ae01d60 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/fr.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/fr.yaml @@ -20,10 +20,13 @@ intro: text: Choisis une voix en dessous du bouton 'exécuter' pour que ton programme soit lu à voix haute. 7: text: Sélectionne une voix depuis le menu déroulant et exécute ton programme à nouveau pour l'entendre lu à voix haute. + title: Run & listen 8: title: Vers le niveau suivant + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. 11: text: Penses-tu avoir assez bien compris ce niveau ? Essaye les puzzles ! Tu reçois les lignes de codes dans le désordre. Corrige l'ordre en déplaçant les lignes dans la zone de programmation avec ta souris pour que le programme fonctionne. + title: Puzzles 12: title: Quizz text: You can save and share all your created programs with other Hedy users. @@ -36,12 +39,32 @@ intro: 15: title: Fin ! text: Clique sur 'étape suivante' pour vraiment commencer à coder avec Hedy ! + 9: + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + title: Level explanation + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures teacher: steps: 1: title: Bienvenu à Hedy ! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. 6: text: Ici, tu peux trouver une plus grande documentation avec des astuces et conseils sur comment utiliser Hedy dans ta classe. + title: Hedy documentation 7: title: Fin ! text: Clique sur 'étape suivante' pour commencer en tant que professeur Hedy ! + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. + 2: + title: Class management + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures diff --git a/content/tutorials/fr_CA.yaml b/content/tutorials/fr_CA.yaml index 0d19e5fcb5a..28a41c2c506 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/fr_CA.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/fr_CA.yaml @@ -20,10 +20,13 @@ intro: text: Choisis une voix en dessous du bouton 'exécuter' pour que ton programme soit lu à voix haute. 7: text: Sélectionne une voix depuis le menu déroulant et exécute ton programme à nouveau pour l'entendre lu à voix haute. + title: Run & listen 8: title: Vers le niveau suivant + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. 11: text: Penses-tu avoir assez bien compris ce niveau ? Essaye les puzzles ! Tu reçois les lignes de codes dans le désordre. Corrige l'ordre en déplaçant les lignes dans la zone de programmation avec ta souris pour que le programme fonctionne. + title: Puzzles 12: title: Quizz text: You can save and share all your created programs with other Hedy users. @@ -36,12 +39,32 @@ intro: 15: title: Fin ! text: Clique sur 'étape suivante' pour vraiment commencer à coder avec Hedy ! + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. teacher: steps: 1: title: Bienvenu à Hedy ! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. 6: text: Ici, tu peux trouver une plus grande documentation avec des astuces et conseils sur comment utiliser Hedy dans ta classe. + title: Hedy documentation 7: title: Fin ! text: Clique sur 'étape suivante' pour commencer en tant que professeur Hedy ! + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/fy.yaml b/content/tutorials/fy.yaml index 0826b2921ac..c9de733fbd4 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/fy.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/fy.yaml @@ -12,7 +12,59 @@ intro: 14: title: The end! text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 2: + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! + title: The code editor + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 4: + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + title: The run button + 5: + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + title: Try it out! + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 15: + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + title: The end! + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. teacher: steps: 6: text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the class room. + title: Hedy documentation + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 2: + title: Class management + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + 3: + title: Customize classes + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/he.yaml b/content/tutorials/he.yaml index e549239c83d..b6bc473edb9 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/he.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/he.yaml @@ -15,7 +15,56 @@ intro: 15: title: הסוף! text: לחץ על ה'שלב הבא' כדי להתחיל לכתוב קוד עם הידי! + 2: + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! + title: The code editor + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 10: + title: Adventures + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 6: + title: Read aloud your program + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. teacher: steps: 6: text: כאן תוכל למצוא עוד מידע מפורט עם טיפים וטריקים לשימוש בהידי בכיתות. + title: Hedy documentation + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 3: + title: Customize classes + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/hi.yaml b/content/tutorials/hi.yaml index 0826b2921ac..626a9b799ce 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/hi.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/hi.yaml @@ -12,7 +12,59 @@ intro: 14: title: The end! text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 6: + title: Read aloud your program + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud। + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step। + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard। + title: Adventures + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud। + title: Run & listen + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here। + 15: + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + title: The end! + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done। + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back। + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! teacher: steps: 6: text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the class room. + title: Hedy documentation + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step। + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students। + title: Class management + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date। + title: Customize classes + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section। + title: Creating adventures + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes। diff --git a/content/tutorials/hr.yaml b/content/tutorials/hr.yaml index 0967ef424bc..36ce495da64 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/hr.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/hr.yaml @@ -1 +1,70 @@ -{} +intro: + steps: + 13: + title: Saving & sharing + text: You can save and share all your created programs with other Hedy users. + 11: + title: Puzzles + text: Do you think you understand the level quite well? Try the puzzles! You get lines of code in the wrong order, fix the order to get the program running. + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 12: + title: Quiz + text: At the end of each level you can make the quiz. This way you can verify if you understand everything. + 15: + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + title: The end! + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 14: + title: Cheatsheet + text: If you forgot a command you can always use the cheatsheet. It shows a list of all commands you can use in the current level. You can find the cheatsheet at the 🤔 button + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! +teacher: + steps: + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 6: + title: Hedy documentation + text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the classroom. + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/ia.yaml b/content/tutorials/ia.yaml index 0967ef424bc..fa49f3a16ce 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/ia.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/ia.yaml @@ -1 +1,70 @@ -{} +intro: + steps: + 2: + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! + title: The code editor + 14: + title: Cheatsheet + text: If you forgot a command you can always use the cheatsheet. It shows a list of all commands you can use in the current level. You can find the cheatsheet at the 🤔 button + 13: + title: Saving & sharing + text: You can save and share all your created programs with other Hedy users. + 11: + title: Puzzles + text: Do you think you understand the level quite well? Try the puzzles! You get lines of code in the wrong order, fix the order to get the program running. + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 12: + title: Quiz + text: At the end of each level you can make the quiz. This way you can verify if you understand everything. + 15: + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + title: The end! + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? +teacher: + steps: + 7: + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + title: The end! + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 6: + title: Hedy documentation + text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the classroom. + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/iba.yaml b/content/tutorials/iba.yaml index 0967ef424bc..1affd80bd60 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/iba.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/iba.yaml @@ -1 +1,70 @@ -{} +intro: + steps: + 11: + title: Puzzles + text: Do you think you understand the level quite well? Try the puzzles! You get lines of code in the wrong order, fix the order to get the program running. + 13: + title: Saving & sharing + text: You can save and share all your created programs with other Hedy users. + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 12: + title: Quiz + text: At the end of each level you can make the quiz. This way you can verify if you understand everything. + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 15: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 3: + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + title: The output window + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 14: + title: Cheatsheet + text: If you forgot a command you can always use the cheatsheet. It shows a list of all commands you can use in the current level. You can find the cheatsheet at the 🤔 button + 2: + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! + title: The code editor + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program +teacher: + steps: + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. + 6: + title: Hedy documentation + text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the classroom. + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! diff --git a/content/tutorials/id.yaml b/content/tutorials/id.yaml index efb57e29e06..f2b8273cbe3 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/id.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/id.yaml @@ -15,7 +15,56 @@ intro: 15: title: Tamat! text: Klik 'langkah berikutnya' untuk benar-benar memulai coding dengan Hedy! + 10: + title: Adventures + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! teacher: steps: 6: text: Di sini Anda menemukan dokumentasi yang lebih lengkap berisi tip dan trik tentang cara menggunakan Hedy di kelas. + title: Hedy documentation + 5: + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. + title: Creating accounts + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 2: + title: Class management + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! diff --git a/content/tutorials/it.yaml b/content/tutorials/it.yaml index 0826b2921ac..cb7ac405bae 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/it.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/it.yaml @@ -12,7 +12,59 @@ intro: 14: title: The end! text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! + 15: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 6: + title: Read aloud your program + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. teacher: steps: 6: text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the class room. + title: Hedy documentation + 4: + title: Creating adventures + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 3: + title: Customize classes + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/ja.yaml b/content/tutorials/ja.yaml index 0826b2921ac..1329e7d3174 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/ja.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/ja.yaml @@ -12,7 +12,59 @@ intro: 14: title: The end! text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 10: + title: Adventures + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 15: + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + title: The end! + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? teacher: steps: 6: text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the class room. + title: Hedy documentation + 4: + title: Creating adventures + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 3: + title: Customize classes + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/kab.yaml b/content/tutorials/kab.yaml index 0967ef424bc..3e2e3c49989 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/kab.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/kab.yaml @@ -1 +1,70 @@ -{} +intro: + steps: + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 11: + title: Puzzles + text: Do you think you understand the level quite well? Try the puzzles! You get lines of code in the wrong order, fix the order to get the program running. + 13: + title: Saving & sharing + text: You can save and share all your created programs with other Hedy users. + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 12: + title: Quiz + text: At the end of each level you can make the quiz. This way you can verify if you understand everything. + 15: + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + title: The end! + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 14: + title: Cheatsheet + text: If you forgot a command you can always use the cheatsheet. It shows a list of all commands you can use in the current level. You can find the cheatsheet at the 🤔 button + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! +teacher: + steps: + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 6: + title: Hedy documentation + text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the classroom. + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/kmr.yaml b/content/tutorials/kmr.yaml index 0967ef424bc..659f9d88b03 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/kmr.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/kmr.yaml @@ -1 +1,70 @@ -{} +intro: + steps: + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 10: + title: Adventures + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + 13: + title: Saving & sharing + text: You can save and share all your created programs with other Hedy users. + 12: + text: At the end of each level you can make the quiz. This way you can verify if you understand everything. + title: Quiz + 15: + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + title: The end! + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 11: + title: Puzzles + text: Do you think you understand the level quite well? Try the puzzles! You get lines of code in the wrong order, fix the order to get the program running. + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 14: + title: Cheatsheet + text: If you forgot a command you can always use the cheatsheet. It shows a list of all commands you can use in the current level. You can find the cheatsheet at the 🤔 button + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! +teacher: + steps: + 3: + title: Customize classes + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 6: + title: Hedy documentation + text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the classroom. + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! diff --git a/content/tutorials/mi.yaml b/content/tutorials/mi.yaml index 0967ef424bc..578d8c9477d 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/mi.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/mi.yaml @@ -1 +1,70 @@ -{} +intro: + steps: + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 7: + title: Run & listen + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + 15: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 6: + title: Read aloud your program + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 14: + title: Cheatsheet + text: If you forgot a command you can always use the cheatsheet. It shows a list of all commands you can use in the current level. You can find the cheatsheet at the 🤔 button + 11: + title: Puzzles + text: Do you think you understand the level quite well? Try the puzzles! You get lines of code in the wrong order, fix the order to get the program running. + 13: + title: Saving & sharing + text: You can save and share all your created programs with other Hedy users. + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 12: + title: Quiz + text: At the end of each level you can make the quiz. This way you can verify if you understand everything. + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. +teacher: + steps: + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 6: + title: Hedy documentation + text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the classroom. + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! diff --git a/content/tutorials/ms.yaml b/content/tutorials/ms.yaml index 0967ef424bc..5f4403d34dc 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/ms.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/ms.yaml @@ -1 +1,70 @@ -{} +teacher: + steps: + 6: + title: Hedy documentation + text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the classroom. + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! +intro: + steps: + 11: + title: Puzzles + text: Do you think you understand the level quite well? Try the puzzles! You get lines of code in the wrong order, fix the order to get the program running. + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 13: + title: Saving & sharing + text: You can save and share all your created programs with other Hedy users. + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 12: + title: Quiz + text: At the end of each level you can make the quiz. This way you can verify if you understand everything. + 15: + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + title: The end! + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 14: + text: If you forgot a command you can always use the cheatsheet. It shows a list of all commands you can use in the current level. You can find the cheatsheet at the 🤔 button + title: Cheatsheet + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! diff --git a/content/tutorials/nb_NO.yaml b/content/tutorials/nb_NO.yaml index 84aaeb088b2..bf3b14519f6 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/nb_NO.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/nb_NO.yaml @@ -15,7 +15,56 @@ intro: 14: title: The end! text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! + 10: + title: Adventures + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 15: + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + title: The end! + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? teacher: steps: 6: text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the class room. + title: Hedy documentation + 4: + title: Creating adventures + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/ne.yaml b/content/tutorials/ne.yaml index 0967ef424bc..96e28754747 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/ne.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/ne.yaml @@ -1 +1,70 @@ -{} +intro: + steps: + 13: + title: Saving & sharing + text: You can save and share all your created programs with other Hedy users. + 12: + text: At the end of each level you can make the quiz. This way you can verify if you understand everything. + title: Quiz + 7: + title: Run & listen + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + 11: + title: Puzzles + text: Do you think you understand the level quite well? Try the puzzles! You get lines of code in the wrong order, fix the order to get the program running. + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 15: + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + title: The end! + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 14: + title: Cheatsheet + text: If you forgot a command you can always use the cheatsheet. It shows a list of all commands you can use in the current level. You can find the cheatsheet at the 🤔 button + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! +teacher: + steps: + 6: + title: Hedy documentation + text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the classroom. + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/nl.yaml b/content/tutorials/nl.yaml index 7c7e2ed0d08..85e86eaffbd 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/nl.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/nl.yaml @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ intro: text: Denk je dat je het level goed snapt? Probeer dan de puzzels! Hier krijg je regels code die door elkaar staan, zet ze zelf in de juiste volgorde. 12: text: Aan het einde van elk level kun je een quiz maken, zo kun je goed testen of je alles snapt. + title: Quiz 13: title: Opslaan en delen text: Je kunt al jouw gemaakt programma's opslaan en delen met andere Hedy gebruikers. diff --git a/content/tutorials/pa_PK.yaml b/content/tutorials/pa_PK.yaml index 0967ef424bc..a5423033296 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/pa_PK.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/pa_PK.yaml @@ -1 +1,70 @@ -{} +intro: + steps: + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 6: + title: Read aloud your program + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 13: + title: Saving & sharing + text: You can save and share all your created programs with other Hedy users. + 15: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 14: + title: Cheatsheet + text: If you forgot a command you can always use the cheatsheet. It shows a list of all commands you can use in the current level. You can find the cheatsheet at the 🤔 button + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 12: + title: Quiz + text: At the end of each level you can make the quiz. This way you can verify if you understand everything. + 11: + title: Puzzles + text: Do you think you understand the level quite well? Try the puzzles! You get lines of code in the wrong order, fix the order to get the program running. + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! +teacher: + steps: + 2: + title: Class management + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 4: + title: Creating adventures + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + 6: + title: Hedy documentation + text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the classroom. + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/pap.yaml b/content/tutorials/pap.yaml index 0967ef424bc..b9e9ee923e6 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/pap.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/pap.yaml @@ -1 +1,70 @@ -{} +intro: + steps: + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 10: + title: Adventures + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 8: + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + title: To the next level + 12: + text: At the end of each level you can make the quiz. This way you can verify if you understand everything. + title: Quiz + 13: + title: Saving & sharing + text: You can save and share all your created programs with other Hedy users. + 14: + text: If you forgot a command you can always use the cheatsheet. It shows a list of all commands you can use in the current level. You can find the cheatsheet at the 🤔 button + title: Cheatsheet + 15: + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + title: The end! + 11: + title: Puzzles + text: Do you think you understand the level quite well? Try the puzzles! You get lines of code in the wrong order, fix the order to get the program running. +teacher: + steps: + 4: + title: Creating adventures + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 2: + title: Class management + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. + 6: + title: Hedy documentation + text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the classroom. + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! diff --git a/content/tutorials/peo.yaml b/content/tutorials/peo.yaml index 0967ef424bc..50dd785d251 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/peo.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/peo.yaml @@ -1 +1,70 @@ -{} +intro: + steps: + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 12: + title: Quiz + text: At the end of each level you can make the quiz. This way you can verify if you understand everything. + 13: + title: Saving & sharing + text: You can save and share all your created programs with other Hedy users. + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 11: + title: Puzzles + text: Do you think you understand the level quite well? Try the puzzles! You get lines of code in the wrong order, fix the order to get the program running. + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 15: + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + title: The end! + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 14: + title: Cheatsheet + text: If you forgot a command you can always use the cheatsheet. It shows a list of all commands you can use in the current level. You can find the cheatsheet at the 🤔 button + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! +teacher: + steps: + 3: + title: Customize classes + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + 4: + title: Creating adventures + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 6: + title: Hedy documentation + text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the classroom. + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/pl.yaml b/content/tutorials/pl.yaml index f61808b09c8..f21020c2327 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/pl.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/pl.yaml @@ -23,16 +23,19 @@ intro: text: Wybierz głos z listy i uruchom twój program jeszcze raz. 8: title: Do następnego poziomu + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. 9: title: Wyjaśnienie poziomu text: Pierwsza karta zawsze zawiera wyjaśnienie poziomu. Na każdym w tym miejscu poziomie zostaną wyjaśnione nowe polecenia. 10: text: Pozostałe zakładki zawierają przygody, które można zakodować dla każdego poziomu. Przechodzą od łatwych do trudnych. + title: Adventures 11: title: Zagadki text: Myślisz, że dobrze rozumiesz poziom? Spróbuj łamigłówek! Otrzymujesz wiersze kodu w niewłaściwej kolejności, popraw kolejność, aby uruchomić program poprawnie. 12: text: Na końcu każdego poziomu możesz zrobić quiz. W ten sposób możesz sprawdzić, czy wszystko rozumiesz. + title: Quiz 13: title: Zapisywanie i udostępnianie text: Możesz zapisywać i udostępniać wszystkie utworzone programy innym użytkownikom Hedy. @@ -41,6 +44,7 @@ intro: text: Jeśli nie pamiętasz polecenia, zawsze możesz użyć ściągawki. Pokazuje ona listę wszystkich poleceń, których można używać na danym poziomie. Ściągawkę znajdziesz pod przyciskiem 🤔 15: title: Koniec! + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! teacher: steps: 1: diff --git a/content/tutorials/pt_BR.yaml b/content/tutorials/pt_BR.yaml index a17f6e01412..4b029cfb713 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/pt_BR.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/pt_BR.yaml @@ -15,7 +15,56 @@ intro: 15: title: O fim! text: Clique em 'próximo passo' para começar a programar com Hedy! + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! + 9: + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + title: Level explanation + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? teacher: steps: 6: text: Aqui você pode achar uma documentação mais extensiva sobre dicas e truques sobre usar Hedy na sala de aula. + title: Hedy documentation + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! diff --git a/content/tutorials/pt_PT.yaml b/content/tutorials/pt_PT.yaml index 1c23aee11a5..464007d321c 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/pt_PT.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/pt_PT.yaml @@ -15,7 +15,56 @@ intro: 15: title: O fim! text: Clique no 'próximo passo' para começar a programar com a Hedy! + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! + 9: + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + title: Level explanation + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? teacher: steps: 6: text: Aqui encontra uma documentação mais extensa com dicas e truques sobre como utilizar a Hedy na sala de aula. + title: Hedy documentation + 3: + title: Customize classes + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/sq.yaml b/content/tutorials/sq.yaml index 9789b19890f..89efe00ec42 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/sq.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/sq.yaml @@ -23,11 +23,13 @@ intro: text: Zgjidhni një zë nga menyja rënëse dhe ekzekutoni përsëri programin tuaj për ta dëgjuar atë duke u lexuar me zë të lartë. 8: text: Kur mendoni se kuptoni gjithçka dhe keni praktikuar mjaftueshëm, mund të vazhdoni në nivelin tjetër. Kur ka edhe një nivel të mëparshëm, pranë tij do të ketë një buton për t'u kthyer prapa. + title: To the next level 9: title: Shpjegimi i nivelit text: Skeda e parë përmban gjithmonë shpjegimin e nivelit. Në çdo nivel komandat e reja do të shpjegohen këtu. 10: text: Skedat e tjera përmbajnë aventura, të cilat mund t'i kodoni për çdo nivel. Ata shkojnë nga e lehtë në të vështirë. + title: Adventures 11: title: Enigma text: Mendoni se e kuptoni mjaft mirë nivelin? Provoni enigmat! Ju merrni linjat e kodit në rendin e gabuar, rregulloni rendin për të ekzekutuar programin. diff --git a/content/tutorials/sv.yaml b/content/tutorials/sv.yaml index 8d077902176..fae368bbaca 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/sv.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/sv.yaml @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ intro: text: Tycker du att du förstår nivån ganska bra? Prova pusslen! Du får kodrader i fel ordning – fixa ordningen för att få igång programmet. 12: text: I slutet av varje nivå kan du göra ett quiz. På så sätt kan du kolla om du har förstått allt. + title: Quiz 13: title: Att spara och dela text: Du kan spara och dela alla program du gjort med andra Hedy-användare. diff --git a/content/tutorials/sw.yaml b/content/tutorials/sw.yaml index 0826b2921ac..e1857641867 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/sw.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/sw.yaml @@ -12,7 +12,59 @@ intro: 14: title: The end! text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 2: + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! + title: The code editor + 6: + title: Read aloud your program + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + 15: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 9: + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + title: Level explanation + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? teacher: steps: 6: text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the class room. + title: Hedy documentation + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 3: + title: Customize classes + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + 4: + title: Creating adventures + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/ta.yaml b/content/tutorials/ta.yaml index 0967ef424bc..d25ba3e4398 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/ta.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/ta.yaml @@ -1 +1,70 @@ -{} +intro: + steps: + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 11: + title: Puzzles + text: Do you think you understand the level quite well? Try the puzzles! You get lines of code in the wrong order, fix the order to get the program running. + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 14: + text: If you forgot a command you can always use the cheatsheet. It shows a list of all commands you can use in the current level. You can find the cheatsheet at the 🤔 button + title: Cheatsheet + 15: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 13: + title: Saving & sharing + text: You can save and share all your created programs with other Hedy users. + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 12: + title: Quiz + text: At the end of each level you can make the quiz. This way you can verify if you understand everything. + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! +teacher: + steps: + 2: + title: Class management + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + 3: + title: Customize classes + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. + 6: + title: Hedy documentation + text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the classroom. + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures diff --git a/content/tutorials/te.yaml b/content/tutorials/te.yaml index 0967ef424bc..97c3cc8eba2 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/te.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/te.yaml @@ -1 +1,70 @@ -{} +intro: + steps: + 2: + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! + title: The code editor + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 10: + title: Adventures + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + 11: + title: Puzzles + text: Do you think you understand the level quite well? Try the puzzles! You get lines of code in the wrong order, fix the order to get the program running. + 13: + title: Saving & sharing + text: You can save and share all your created programs with other Hedy users. + 12: + title: Quiz + text: At the end of each level you can make the quiz. This way you can verify if you understand everything. + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 6: + title: Read aloud your program + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + 8: + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + title: To the next level + 15: + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + title: The end! + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 14: + title: Cheatsheet + text: If you forgot a command you can always use the cheatsheet. It shows a list of all commands you can use in the current level. You can find the cheatsheet at the 🤔 button +teacher: + steps: + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 6: + title: Hedy documentation + text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the classroom. + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/tl.yaml b/content/tutorials/tl.yaml index 0967ef424bc..4e5d49e6b38 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/tl.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/tl.yaml @@ -1 +1,70 @@ -{} +teacher: + steps: + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 6: + title: Hedy documentation + text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the classroom. + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. +intro: + steps: + 11: + title: Puzzles + text: Do you think you understand the level quite well? Try the puzzles! You get lines of code in the wrong order, fix the order to get the program running. + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 13: + title: Saving & sharing + text: You can save and share all your created programs with other Hedy users. + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 12: + title: Quiz + text: At the end of each level you can make the quiz. This way you can verify if you understand everything. + 15: + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + title: The end! + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 14: + title: Cheatsheet + text: If you forgot a command you can always use the cheatsheet. It shows a list of all commands you can use in the current level. You can find the cheatsheet at the 🤔 button + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! diff --git a/content/tutorials/tn.yaml b/content/tutorials/tn.yaml index 0826b2921ac..b41c539bb4a 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/tn.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/tn.yaml @@ -12,7 +12,59 @@ intro: 14: title: The end! text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 2: + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! + title: The code editor + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 15: + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + title: The end! + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. teacher: steps: 6: text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the class room. + title: Hedy documentation + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/ur.yaml b/content/tutorials/ur.yaml index b3b51c24394..fcc73c3009a 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/ur.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/ur.yaml @@ -6,3 +6,65 @@ intro: 2: title: کوڈ ایڈیٹر text: اس ونڈو میں آپ تمام کوڈ لکھتے ہیں، انڈر سکور کی جگہ پر کچھ لکھنے کی کوشش کریں! + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 7: + title: Run & listen + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + 12: + title: Quiz + text: At the end of each level you can make the quiz. This way you can verify if you understand everything. + 11: + text: Do you think you understand the level quite well? Try the puzzles! You get lines of code in the wrong order, fix the order to get the program running. + title: Puzzles + 14: + title: Cheatsheet + text: If you forgot a command you can always use the cheatsheet. It shows a list of all commands you can use in the current level. You can find the cheatsheet at the 🤔 button + 15: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 13: + title: Saving & sharing + text: You can save and share all your created programs with other Hedy users. + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. +teacher: + steps: + 4: + title: Creating adventures + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + 6: + text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the classroom. + title: Hedy documentation + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 2: + title: Class management + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/uz.yaml b/content/tutorials/uz.yaml index 0967ef424bc..d464838ecbc 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/uz.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/uz.yaml @@ -1 +1,70 @@ -{} +intro: + steps: + 15: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 11: + title: Puzzles + text: Do you think you understand the level quite well? Try the puzzles! You get lines of code in the wrong order, fix the order to get the program running. + 13: + title: Saving & sharing + text: You can save and share all your created programs with other Hedy users. + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 12: + title: Quiz + text: At the end of each level you can make the quiz. This way you can verify if you understand everything. + 1: + title: Welcome to Hedy! + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 14: + title: Cheatsheet + text: If you forgot a command you can always use the cheatsheet. It shows a list of all commands you can use in the current level. You can find the cheatsheet at the 🤔 button + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! +teacher: + steps: + 3: + title: Customize classes + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 6: + title: Hedy documentation + text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the classroom. + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes. diff --git a/content/tutorials/zh_Hant.yaml b/content/tutorials/zh_Hant.yaml index 0967ef424bc..866261f25eb 100644 --- a/content/tutorials/zh_Hant.yaml +++ b/content/tutorials/zh_Hant.yaml @@ -1 +1,70 @@ -{} +intro: + steps: + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 13: + title: Saving & sharing + text: You can save and share all your created programs with other Hedy users. + 12: + title: Quiz + text: At the end of each level you can make the quiz. This way you can verify if you understand everything. + 3: + title: The output window + text: The result of the code you execute will be shown here, you just created this! + 15: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to really start coding with Hedy! + 14: + title: Cheatsheet + text: If you forgot a command you can always use the cheatsheet. It shows a list of all commands you can use in the current level. You can find the cheatsheet at the 🤔 button + 11: + title: Puzzles + text: Do you think you understand the level quite well? Try the puzzles! You get lines of code in the wrong order, fix the order to get the program running. + 10: + text: The other tabs contain adventures, which you can code for each level. They go from easy to hard. + title: Adventures + 6: + text: Choose a voice below the run button to let your program be read aloud. + title: Read aloud your program + 7: + text: Select a voice from the dropdown menu and run your program again to hear it being read aloud. + title: Run & listen + 9: + title: Level explanation + text: The first tab always contains the level explanation. In each level new commands will be explained here. + 5: + title: Try it out! + text: Run the program, click 'next step' when you're done. + 8: + title: To the next level + text: When you think you understand everything and have practiced enough you can continue with the next level. When there is also a previous level there will be a button next to it to go back. + 4: + title: The run button + text: With this button you can run your program! Shall we give it a try in the next step? + 2: + title: The code editor + text: In this window you write all the code, try typing something on the place of the underscores! +teacher: + steps: + 6: + title: Hedy documentation + text: Here you find a more extensive documentation with tips and tricks on how to use Hedy in the classroom. + 1: + text: In this tutorial we will explain all the Hedy features step-by-step. + title: Welcome to Hedy! + 2: + text: As a teacher you can created classes and invite student or let them join through a link. You can view the programs and statistics of all your students. + title: Class management + 3: + text: You can customize classes by hiding specific levels and/or adventures as well as making them available on a specific date. + title: Customize classes + 4: + text: You can create your own adventures and use them as assignments for your students. Create them here and add them to your classes in the class customization section. + title: Creating adventures + 7: + title: The end! + text: Click on 'next step' to get started as a Hedy teacher! + 5: + title: Creating accounts + text: You can create multiple accounts at once, only needing to provide an username and password. You can also directly add these accounts to one of your classes.