点击「查看原文」跳转到 GitHub 上对应文件,链接就可以点击了。
[PATCH v3 0/3] Libatomic: Add LSE128 atomics support for AArch64 https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2024-January/641708.html
[PATCH 0/5] RISC-V: Relax the -march string for accept any order https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2024-January/642151.html
[PATCH v5 0/1] RISC-V: Support CORE-V XCVBI extension https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2024-January/642146.html
[PATCH] Clarify -mmovbe documentation https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2024-January/642121.html
[PATCH 0/8] OpenMP: Implement metadirective support https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2024-January/642005.html
Repost [PATCH 0/6] PowerPC Future patches https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2024-January/641960.html
[PATCH v2 0/2] arm: Add support for MVE Tail-Predicated Low Overhead Loops https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2024-January/641952.html
[PATCH] LoongArch: Implement option save/restore https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2024-January/641930.html
[PATCH v2 0/2] When cmodel=extreme, add macro support and only support macros https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2024-January/641865.html
Add -falign-all-functions https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2024-January/641820.html
[PATCH 00/12] aarch64: Add Armv9.4-A support for the d128 extension https://sourceware.org/pipermail/binutils/2024-January/131508.html
[PATCH,V4 00/14] Synthesize CFI for hand-written asm https://sourceware.org/pipermail/binutils/2024-January/131521.html
[PATCH] Add AMD znver5 processor support https://sourceware.org/pipermail/binutils/2024-January/131543.html
[PATCH 0/2] Improve -z mark-plt https://sourceware.org/pipermail/binutils/2024-January/131609.html
[PATCH v3 0/3] RISC-V: Support CORE-V XCVELW, XCVBI, and XCVMEM extensions https://sourceware.org/pipermail/binutils/2024-January/131669.html
[ PATCH 0/3] Fix GDB reverse execution behavior https://sourceware.org/pipermail/gdb-patches/2024-January/205626.html
[RFC PATCH 00/23] aarch64-gnu port,运行在GNU Hurd操作系统 https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2024-January/153675.html
[PATCH v3 0/3] x86: Move CET infrastructure to x86_64 https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2024-January/153810.html
[PATCH v2 0/4] i386: Remove remaining CET bits https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2024-January/153887.html
[PATCH v2 00/10] Improve fortify support with clang https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2024-January/153833.html
[PATCH v10 0/7] RISC-V: ifunced memcpy using new kernel hwprobe interface https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2024-January/153822.html
本节内容来自 LLVM Weekly 第 523 期, Alex Bradbury 大哥持续稳定输出。
2月4日截止: The call for proposals for EuroLLVM 2024 is now open and closes on Feb 4th (the conference will take place in Vienna April 10th-11th). Student travel grant applications are also open.
MaskRay的年度总结: https://maskray.me/blog/2023-12-31-summary
Nikita的年度总结: Nikita Popov blogged about their contributions to LLVM over the past year. Thank you Nikita for all of your contributions, especially the absolutely astounding number of reviews.
比较好的入门文章: Geoff Wozniak blogged about GCC spec files.
出了一点小小的意外: Phabricator remains down and seems like it won't be coming back. A partial read-only mirror is up at reviews.llvm.org but there are active discussions about missing reviews. MaskRay clarified the challenges in expanding the mirror and linked to some more extracted information that may be helpful to readers.
讨论仍在进行: There was further discussion on the llvm-project/offload roadmap thread, with Jon Chesterfield restating his objection to starting the library by modifying libomptarget rather than starting a new library and then porting OpenMP to using it. Johannes Doerfert responded to these concerns. Jon ultimately made a new RFC on introducing a GPU builtins runtime as a subdirectory under compiler-rt.
各位的 infra 可能要升级了: Ilya Biryukov provided an update on the suggestion to make Clang 17.0.6 the minimum version to build LLVM with C++20, reporting that the C++20 buildbot has been updated and is working fine.
Adam Szilagyi started a discussion about suboptimal code generation for bitfield accesses through a pointer.
呼唤志愿者: Piotr Zegar is seeking reviewers to help with open clang-tidy reviews and provided a categorisation of open reviews.
MLIR 真是火热的不得了: MLIR News issue 60 is now out.
- 风平浪静。招募志愿者小编。
- 1月13日在厦门举办CRVA年会。
- 风平浪静。招募志愿者小编。
- 风平浪静。招募志愿者小编。
- 商汤科技研究院招聘LLVM编译器开发工程师
- PLCT Lab 新开放100名开源实习岗位,面向 RISC-V 移植操作系统、数据库、网络基础库
- PLCT 实习: BJ100 RISC-V nettle 开发实习生
- PLCT 实习: BJ99 RISC-V OpenSSL 开发实习生
- PLCT 实习: BJ98 Flutter RISC-V 开发实习生
- 开源实习:算能科技招募AI开源工具链开发(TPU-MLIR项目)
- DynamoRIO RISC-V 移植开发实习生招聘(PLCT实验室)
- PLCT实验室开始招募 Mono 系统开发实习生,负责 RISC-V 移植及优化
- PLCT实验室长期招募安卓系统(AOSP)开发实习生,升级和维护 AOSP for RISC-V 开源项目
作者: 大卫·格雷伯 译者: 董子云、孙碳 推荐: 小编1号
确实是很有意思的一本书,作者从一个我们从小就被教育成为常识的一个经济学概念 —— 以物易物过程很不方便所以出现了货币 —— 出发,提出质疑,从全球不同的文化部落中给出有意思的实证例子,提出了一个强有力并且很有意思的观点:从最早开始有以物易物开始,债务(有时候是人情)的概念就已经开始在不同的文化中存在。这让读者一下子有了另一个视角,去看待不仅是历史,而切看待自己当下的生活也多了更多的角度。