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“Linux 中国” 开源社区,停止运营 感谢硬核老王带给国内的1263期《硬核观察》视频以及这么多年对开源的无私贡献。一天不落的准备素材、剪辑视频是非常辛苦的事情,作为同行深有体会。祝愿老王能够在接下来的一段时间里如愿放松一段时间,如他在文章所言,爬山、摩托、散步、放松。
Core Toolchain and Developer Tools at FOSDEM https://sourceware.org/pipermail/binutils/2024-January/132202.html
[PATCHSET] Update Rust frontend January 2024 https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2024-January/644314.html
LoongArch代码空间调优继续进行 [PATCH v5 0/5] When cmodel=extreme, add macro implementation and fix problems with explicit relos implementation. https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2024-January/644159.html
[PATCH] Handle function symbol reference in readonly data section https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2024-January/644121.html
[PATCH] Avoid registering unsupported OMP offload devices https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2024-January/644059.html
[PATCH 0/2] aarch64, bitint: Add support for
for AArch64 Little Endian https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2024-January/643967.html -
[PATCH v3 0/1] RISC-V: Support CORE-V XCVMEM extension https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2024-January/643944.html
[PATCH] aarch64: -mstrict-align vs
[PR113657] https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2024-January/644464.html
[PATCH v2] RISC-V: Add --march=help https://sourceware.org/pipermail/binutils/2024-January/132230.html
[PATCH v5 1/2] RISC-V: Support Zcmp push/pop instructions. https://sourceware.org/pipermail/binutils/2024-January/132237.html
[PATCH] aarch64: move SHA512 instructions to +sha3 https://sourceware.org/pipermail/binutils/2024-January/132132.html
RFC: Document unexpected behaviour of --fatal-warnings https://sourceware.org/pipermail/binutils/2024-January/132067.html
[PATCH] qsort: Fix a typo causing unnecessary malloc/free https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2024-January/154205.html
Monday Patch Queue Review update (2024-01-29) https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2024-January/154301.html
[PATCH v3] RISC-V: Implement TLS Descriptors. https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2024-January/154290.html
本节内容来自 LLVM Weekly 第 427 期, Alex Bradbury 大哥持续稳定输出。
国内有小伙伴打算去么? The EuroLLVM 2024 event site is now live, along with ticket pricing details and precise dates for the event. Don't forget the upcoming talk proposals deadline on Feb 4th and the student travel grant deadline on Feb 5th.
时间过的太快了,18 要来了: The LLVM 18.x branch has been created, though note that 18.1.0-rc1 is delayed due to some issues moving the release process to PRs.
社区正在积极的适应新的 infra / GitHub:New 'requirements' were added for committing to the main branch. As later explained the intent is that an extra check box is needed when merging a PR from the web UI if any of the pre-commit checks are failing or nobody approved the patch. A warning message is also printed when pushing directly via git. As there was confusion about the change and whether it had received consensus.
社区正在积极的适应新的 infra / GitHub:Aiden Grossman started an RFC discussion on using GitHub Actions rather than Buildkite for precommit CI.
MLIR 当之无愧是 LLVM 社区最火的项目: MLIR News #61 is now out, featuring some really detailed descriptions of some recent commits.
收藏: Bruno Cardoso Lopes initiated an RFC on upstreaming ClangIR, detailing the state of ClangIR today and changes made since it was previously discussed.
来自国内的小伙伴? Mingming Liu provided an update on dynamic type profiling and optimisation in LLVM, pointing to a downstream end-to-end implementation and an initial pull request.
收藏: Michael Adams shared a new version of lecture slides covering Clang libraries.
做 Flang 的伙伴关注: Krzysztof Parzyszek posted a Flang RFC for splitting composite OpenMP directives when lowering.
Reid Tatge is seeking land the previously discussed Machine Description Language in LLVM.
好耶! The RISC-V backend gained support for the new relocation types needed by TLSDESC. 03a61d3.
什么,已经有C++26了? The C++26 pack indexing feature (providing syntax for indexing packs of types of expressions) was implemented. ad1a65f.
- 风平浪静。招募志愿者小编。
- RV双周报:中欧RISC-V研讨会顺利举行,RV生态亮相中移产业链大会(第75期-20240201)
- “一生一芯”,走向国际: “一生一芯”计划开始走向国际。哈萨克斯坦纳扎尔巴耶夫大学 (Nazarbayev University) 是第一个将 “一生一芯” 计划进入课堂的国外大学。今天是第一趟课(图1-2),几十位同学踊跃参加。(上周刚结束的)中欧RISC-V合作研讨会,余子濠博士详细地介绍了“一生一芯”计划。很多欧洲大学的学者们都对该计划非常感兴趣,甚至在研讨环节讨论最多的话题是“如何在欧洲复制一生一芯计划”。也许在不久的将来,“一生一芯”会进入欧洲大学课堂。(节选摘录自包云岗老师朋友圈,感谢小编1号提供)
- 风平浪静。招募志愿者小编。
- 风平浪静。招募志愿者小编。
- 商汤科技研究院招聘LLVM编译器开发工程师
- PLCT Lab 新开放100名开源实习岗位,面向 RISC-V 移植操作系统、数据库、网络基础库
- PLCT 实习: BJ100 RISC-V nettle 开发实习生
- PLCT 实习: BJ99 RISC-V OpenSSL 开发实习生
- PLCT 实习: BJ98 Flutter RISC-V 开发实习生
- 开源实习:算能科技招募AI开源工具链开发(TPU-MLIR项目)
- DynamoRIO RISC-V 移植开发实习生招聘(PLCT实验室)
- PLCT实验室开始招募 Mono 系统开发实习生,负责 RISC-V 移植及优化
- PLCT实验室长期招募安卓系统(AOSP)开发实习生,升级和维护 AOSP for RISC-V 开源项目
作者: [美] 理查德·普雷斯顿
译者: 姚向辉