The rise of popular mobile education applications produced data where a large number of students answers a small subset of items in a large question bank. Traditional linking approaches from the education measurement literature cannot scale to this context.
We propose and evaluate a set of models designed to overcome traditional limitations. The models take advantage of factorization techniques and Bayesian variational inference to meet the needs of this context.
Zhaolei (Henry) Shi -- [email protected]
Our code base leverage Pyro's infrastructure for Bayesian stochastic variational inference.
We implement the following models, Y_ij = 1 denotes that student i responded correctly to question j:
- 2param model: p( Y_ij = 1 | theta_i, alpha_i, beta_j) = 1 / (1 + exp(- alpha_j * (theta_i - beta_j))
- Factorization model: p(Y_ij = 1 | theta_i, delta_j, beta_j) = 1 / (1 + exp(- (inner_prod(theta_i, delta_j) - beta_j))
- Hierarchical model: similar to the factorization model, but now delta_j is replaced with the concatenation of 1) a vector of trainable parameters, 2) one or more matmul(H, X_j), the matrix transformations of observed question characteristics. H is a matrix of trainable parameters.
implements the models and the likelihood
wraps models in Model classes to allow for easy training and prediction, also contains classes for data
implements functions to parse the dataset and return the appropriate data
implements the experiment classes to automate training, auto-stop after convergence, and
implements customized ways to divide the dataset into training, validation, and test sets (e.g. ensuring any question will show up in all three sets)
creates predictions for learning curve
creates models and data loaders and runs training and prediction.
You can run the model on a small dataset using the following line in a terminal:
Reading through
will give you a good sense of how the different pieces fit together.
To get a better sense of how Pyro works, you can follow the examples in pyro_tutorial
(copied from Pyro's documentation). Also, consider reading through a minimal implementation of Pyro. This was instrumental for my own understanding of Pyro.