order by created_at for our reviews for recent activity
work on the rest of relationships / foreign keys
pipenv install --python "$PYENV_ROOT/versions/3.9.4/bin/python"
pipenv install click gunicorn itsdangerous python-dotenv six Flask Flask-Cors Flask-SQLAlchemy Flask-WTF Jinja2 MarkupSafe SQLAlchemy Werkzeug WTForms Flask-Migrate Flask-Login alembic python-dateutil python-editor greenlet Mako pycodestyle pylint psycopg2-binary email_validator
pipenv shell
#delete migration folder and instance folder before running the below commands pipenv run flask db init pipenv run flask db migrate pipenv run flask db upgrade flask seed all
flask run
#for mac users make sure to change port to 5005 in react-app/package.json and when running flask run -p 5005
when we deployed, we were told not to delete the migration folder and instance folder. We were told to run the following commands:
optionally, delete the instance folder
pipenv shell flask db init flask db migrate flask db upgrade flask seed all
#review in bizPage.js needs to be put in a card, placeholder atm
#need to fix selector in bizPage because we hard coded the biz
#when you delete SoupKitchen, it also deletes both categories (vegan and soup) from the database
#changed the HTML for fontawesome to use a new account code so that we can pull fontawesome icons
#change homepage slice to 0, 8