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eaxelson edited this page Aug 29, 2017 · 18 revisions

class AttReader

A class for reading input in AT&T text format and converting it into transducer(s).

An example that reads AT&T input from file 'testfile.att' where epsilon is represented as "" and creates the corresponding transducers and prints them. If the input cannot be parsed, a message showing the invalid line in AT&T input is printed and reading is stopped.

with open('testfile.att', 'r') as f:
        r = hfst.AttReader(f, "<eps>")
        for tr in r:
    except hfst.exceptions.NotValidAttFormatException as e:

__init__(self, f, epsilonstr=EPSILON)

Create an AttReader that reads input from file f where the epsilon is represented as epsilonstr.

  • f A python file.
  • epsilonstr How epsilon is represented in the file. By default, "@EPSILON_SYMBOL@" and "@0@" are both recognized.


Read next transducer.

Read next transducer description in AT&T format and return a corresponding transducer.

Throws: hfst.exceptions.NotValidAttFormatException, hfst.exceptions.EndOfStreamException


An iterator to the reader.

Needed for 'for ... in' statement:

for transducer in att_reader:


Return next element (for python version 2). Needed for 'for ... in' statement.

for transducer in att_reader:

Throws: StopIteration


Return next element (for python version 3). Needed for 'for ... in' statement.

for transducer in att_reader:

Throws: StopIteration


Read next transducer from prolog file pointed by f.

  • f A python file.

If the file contains several transducers, they must be separated by empty lines.