- Game Panel HUD v3.0.0: https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/files/download/9209/
- EFTApi v1.2.0: https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/files/download/9208/
- The GPHUD-SIT-PATCH.zip file found below
- Delete any existing EFTApi and Game Panel HUD files
- Proceed to patch as if it's a new install
- Install Game Panel HUD into the BepInEx plugin folder like normal
- Extract or copy the contents of GPHUD-SIT-PATCH.zip into the BepInEx plugins folder
- Locate the apply patch.bat file copied into your plugins folder and double click to run it
- Once the patch completes, GPHUD has been patched as long as you do not see any errors in any of the output
- You may now delete the Patches folder, the xdelta3.exe file, and the apply patch.bat file