- Create a directory of your name.
- Add a file name 'Your_name.md'.
- Add a line similar to the one given.
The template is
| <img src="https://github.com/<username>.png" width=50px> | <Your Name> | https://github.com/<username>
Replace username with your Github Account Username.
Example my username is himanshubalani
So it'll look like this 👇🏻
| <img src="https://github.com/himanshubalani.png" width=50px> | Himanshu Balani | https://github.com/himanshubalani
Alert! Make sure to commit directly to the main branch. As this is YOUR fork, you don't need to create another branch and start a pull request.
Tip! Make sure to fetch all changes from upstream before Contributing
When you click on Open Pull request it'll open the main repository and a field to make a pull request.
Leave a comment that you've added your name.