- NPM updated
- NPM updated
- NPM updated
- README.md updated
- README.md updated
- NPM updated
- NPM updated
- NPM updated
- NPM updated
- ENHANCEMENT: Refresh token endpoint now works as GET instead of POST
- BREAKING CHANGE: Token payload and expiration have changed
- BREAKING CHANGE: Constant in .env changed from
- FEATURE: Refresh token
- NPM update
- Big refactor
- FIX: send emails with mailgun
- Removed unused code
- FIX: remark
- FIX: Convert an email in request to lowercase
- README.md updated
- README.md updated
- README.md updated
- Removed normalizeEmail() function from validator.js. It was removing dots from email addresses. New function in utils to convert an email in request to lowercase. Fixes #11
- Travis CI changes
- CHANGELOG updated
- Fix itemAlreadyExists refactor
- itemAlreadyExists refactor
- itemAlreadyExists refactor
- itemNotFound refactor
- Refactor emailer
- Big refactor
- NPM update
- Bumped to v3.0.4
- Use of remark to format markdown files
- Use of remark to format markdown files
- Fix: use of parseInt now provides a base
- NPM updated
- README.md updated
- Demo added
- Enable Redis based on env variable
- API '/' route now renders an html view
- Test for npm publish
- Migrated to travis.com
- Added verification in response in test and development env
- Added verification for default admin user in seeding
- Added tests for cities and users with filters
- All functions documentated with JSDoc
- base.js renamed to utils.js
- Only builds in travis when tag is present
- Verification code is showed on development and testing environments
- NPM updated
- Use of travis ci to automate deploy to npm
- Added badge for tags in README.md
- Use of travis ci to automate build and deploy
- Added badge for travis build in README.md
- Added badge for npm downloads in README.md
- Filtering from multiple fields redesigned
- NPM updated
- FIX: creation of users were not saving data that validator was asking
- NPM run lint added
- New implementation for query on cities and users
- More data on seeding
- NPM updated
- More tests added
- Better testing
- Istambul nyc code coverage added
- Verification added only in tests responses at registration and forgot password
- NPM updated
- FIXED: User creation locale param was missing
- Verification removed from responses at registration and forgot password (They were being used for testing and somehow made it here)
- FEATURE: Install nodemon in devDependencies #9
- Typos
- README.md updated
- README.md updated
- i18n added for registration email and forgot password email
- Typos
- Error response regression
- NPM updated
- Breaking changes for success and error responses
- Added new endpoint in /profile/changePassword
- Fixes in tests
- Fixes in validations
- NPM updated
- NPM updated
- Typos
- NPM updated
- Removed pm2 from start script in package.json
- server.js now inits redis stuff only in production
- package.json updated
- CHANGELOG updated
- NPM updated
- FIXED: Error message standarization #6
- Role property is returned in profile
- FIXED: Password length validation in profile #5
- Role property is returned in profile
- Comments
- FIXED: Not standardized response on error #4
- NPM updated
- FIXED: Password not encrypted when updating in profile #3
- NPM updated
- NPM updated
- Cache API responses only in production mode
- Use of REDIS to cache API responses
- NPM updated
- Seeding Fix due to changes on new mongo-seeding package
- NPM updated
- Clean and Seed with async/await
- Fixes
- Added keywords to package.json
- First stable release