Thanks for reading this far! I’d really like your input on this too: What do you think of the book so far, and what do you think about the topics I’m proposing to cover in the list below? Email me at [email protected]!
NB - when I say "book" below, they’re all going to be parts of this book. I guess I should say "part" instead, but for some reason I’ve decided book sounds cooler. Like Lord of the Rings.
Preface (Chapter 0) - intro + pre-requisites
Chapter 1 - Getting Django set up using a Functional Test
Chapter 2 - Extending our FT using the unittest module
Chapter 3 - Testing a simple home page with unit tests
Chapter 4 - What are we doing with all these tests?
Chapter 5 - Saving form submissions to the database
Chapter 6 - Getting to the minimum viable site
Chapter 7 - Prettification
Chapter 8 - Deploy!
Chapter 9 - Input validation and test organisation
Chapter 10 - A simple form
Chapter 11 - More advanced Forms
Chapter 12 - Database migrations
Chapter 13 - Dipping our toes, very tentatively, into JavaScript
Chapter 14 - User authentication, integrating 3rd party plugins, and Mocking with JavaScript
Chapter 15 - Mocking 3rd party web services with Python mock
Chapter 16 - Server-side test database management
Chapter 17 - Continuous Integration (CI) with Jenkins
email notifications
django notifications (?)
"claim" an existing list (?)
URLs would need to be less guessable
Django stuff:
switch database to eg postgres
uploading files?
Testing topics to work in
more how to read a traceback (ref step 4 in chapter 3)
simplify the model test down to minimal/best practice.
talk about the "purist" approach to unit testing vs the django test client.
AKA "Functional core imperative shell"
selenium page pattern
alternative test runners — py.test, nose (lots of ppl mentioned latter)
PhantomJS for faster Fts?
fixtures (factory boy?)
JS: mocking external web service to simulate errors
difference between unittest.TestCase, django.test.TestCase, LiveServerTestCase
general troubleshooting tips (appendix, collecting all notes etc?)
LiveServerTestCase does not flush staging server DB. fix in CI chapter?
How to stop and start (expand on bit in ch4. refer to stop+start book)
some kind of indicator of where in the tdd cycle we are, in the margin?
Deployment stuff
FT for 404 and 500 pages?
email integration
MVC tool (backbone / angular)
single page website (?) or bottomless web page?
switching to a full REST API
HTML5, eg LocalStorage
Encryption - client-side decrypt lists, for privacy?
tornado/gevent (or sthing based on Python 3 async??)
how to get django to talk to tornado: redis? (just for fun?)
for collaborative lists??
BDD (+2 from reddit)
Mobile (use selenium, link to using bootstrap?)
Payments… Some kind of shopping cart?
unit testing fabric scripts
testing tools pros & cons, eg django test client vs mocks, liverservertestcase vs roll-your-own
NoSQL / Redis / MongoDB?
Running Firefox Selenium sessions with pyVirtualDisplay
Setting up Django as a PythonAnywhere web app
Cleaning up /tmp