diff --git a/src/components/bookmarked-stop/StopRouteList.tsx b/src/components/bookmarked-stop/StopRouteList.tsx
index 6f0f0957fd10..5441dd42bec8 100644
--- a/src/components/bookmarked-stop/StopRouteList.tsx
+++ b/src/components/bookmarked-stop/StopRouteList.tsx
@@ -1,15 +1,24 @@
import { Box, CircularProgress, List, SxProps, Theme } from "@mui/material";
import SuccinctTimeReport from "../home/SuccinctTimeReport";
+import { getStopGroup } from "../../stopGroup";
import { useStopEtas } from "../../hooks/useStopEtas";
import { Company } from "hk-bus-eta";
+import DbContext from "../../context/DbContext";
+import { useContext, useMemo } from "react";
interface StopRouteListProps {
stops: Array<[Company, string]>; // [[co, stopId]]
+ routeId : string | undefined;
isFocus: boolean;
-const StopRouteList = ({ stops, isFocus }: StopRouteListProps) => {
- const stopEtas = useStopEtas({ stopKeys: stops, disabled: !isFocus });
+const StopRouteList = ({ stops, routeId = undefined, isFocus }: StopRouteListProps) => {
+ const { db: { routeList, stopList } } = useContext(DbContext);
+ const stopGroup = useMemo(
+ () => getStopGroup({ routeList, stopList, stopKeys: stops, routeId }),
+ [routeList, stopList, stops, routeId]
+ );
+ const stopEtas = useStopEtas({ stopKeys: stopGroup, disabled: !isFocus });
if (stopEtas.length === 0) {
return (
diff --git a/src/components/bookmarked-stop/SwipeableStopList.tsx b/src/components/bookmarked-stop/SwipeableStopList.tsx
index d40bd8298c2e..6d82abc54ac0 100644
--- a/src/components/bookmarked-stop/SwipeableStopList.tsx
+++ b/src/components/bookmarked-stop/SwipeableStopList.tsx
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ const SwipeableStopList = React.forwardRef<
diff --git a/src/components/route-eta/StopDialog.tsx b/src/components/route-eta/StopDialog.tsx
index 5ac165c7d6cf..37efd40aa293 100644
--- a/src/components/route-eta/StopDialog.tsx
+++ b/src/components/route-eta/StopDialog.tsx
@@ -23,11 +23,12 @@ import CollectionContext from "../../CollectionContext";
interface StopDialogProps {
open: boolean;
+ routeId : string;
stops: Array<[Company, string]>;
onClose: () => void;
-const StopDialog = ({ open, stops, onClose }: StopDialogProps) => {
+const StopDialog = ({ open, routeId, stops, onClose }: StopDialogProps) => {
const {
db: { stopList },
} = useContext(DbContext);
@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ const StopDialog = ({ open, stops, onClose }: StopDialogProps) => {
diff --git a/src/pages/RouteEta.tsx b/src/pages/RouteEta.tsx
index 71ce826999f4..63ecffe6e47f 100644
--- a/src/pages/RouteEta.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/RouteEta.tsx
@@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ const RouteEta = () => {
diff --git a/src/stopGroup.ts b/src/stopGroup.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fc4f5f85464e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/stopGroup.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+import { Company } from "hk-bus-eta";
+import type { RouteList, StopList, StopListEntry } from "hk-bus-eta";
+import { getDistance, getBearing } from "./utils";
+interface useStopGroupProps {
+ routeList : RouteList;
+ stopList : StopList;
+ stopKeys: Array<[Company, string]>;
+ routeId : string | undefined;
+interface StopListEntryExtended extends StopListEntry {
+ id : string;
+ distance : number;
+ routeStops : RouteStopCoSeq[];
+interface RouteStopCoSeq {
+ routeKey : string;
+ co : Company;
+ seq : number;
+// stopKey in format "|", e.g., "lightRail|LR140"
+export const getStopGroup = ({
+ routeList, stopList, stopKeys, routeId
+}: useStopGroupProps) => {
+ // TODO: put these constants in AppContext user preference
+ const DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = 50; // in metres, will recursively find stops within this number of metres, so keep it as small as possible. Never choose larger than 300m.
+ const BEARING_THRESHOLD = 45; // in degrees (°), acceptable deviation to the left or right of current bearing
+ const STOP_LIST_LIMIT = 50; // max number of stops in a group, if more than that, the ETA list will be too long and meaningless
+ const getDistanceStops = (a : StopListEntry, b : StopListEntry) => {
+ return getDistance(a.location, b.location);
+ };
+ const getBearingStops = (a : StopListEntry, b : StopListEntry) => {
+ return getBearing(a.location, b.location);
+ };
+ const getAllRouteStopsBearings = (routeStops : RouteStopCoSeq[]) => {
+ // routeStop example: {"routeKey":"101+1+KENNEDY TOWN+KWUN TONG (YUE MAN SQUARE)","co":"ctb","seq":12}
+ return routeStops.map(routeStop => {
+ const { routeKey, co, seq } = routeStop;
+ const stopLength = routeList[routeKey].stops[co].length;
+ if(seq == stopLength - 1) { // last stop
+ // no next stop, hence no forward bearing, just use -1 as dummy value then discard it later
+ return -1;
+ }
+ const stopA = stopList[routeList[routeKey].stops[co][seq]];
+ const stopB = stopList[routeList[routeKey].stops[co][seq + 1]];
+ return getBearingStops(stopA, stopB);
+ }).filter(brng => brng !== -1);
+ };
+ const routeStops : RouteStopCoSeq[] = [];
+ if(routeId !== undefined) {
+ // StopDialog
+ let targetRouteStops = routeList[routeId].stops;
+ stopKeys.forEach(([co, stopId]) => {
+ let seq = targetRouteStops[co]?.indexOf(stopId) ?? -1;
+ if(seq != -1) {
+ routeStops.push({
+ routeKey : routeId,
+ co : co,
+ seq : seq
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ // SwipableStopList (saved stop list)
+ stopKeys.forEach(([co, stopId]) => {
+ Object.keys(routeList).forEach(routeKey => {
+ let seq = routeList[routeKey]?.stops[co]?.indexOf(stopId) ?? -1;
+ if(seq != -1) {
+ routeStops.push({
+ routeKey : routeKey,
+ co : co,
+ seq : seq
+ });
+ }
+ })
+ });
+ }
+ const bearingTargets = getAllRouteStopsBearings(routeStops);
+ const isBearingInRange = (bearing : number) => {
+ if(BEARING_THRESHOLD >= 180 || bearingTargets.length == 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for(let i = 0; i < bearingTargets.length; ++i) {
+ let bearingMin = bearingTargets[i] - BEARING_THRESHOLD;
+ let bearingMax = bearingTargets[i] + BEARING_THRESHOLD;
+ if(bearingMin < 0)
+ bearingMin += 360;
+ if(bearingMax > 360)
+ bearingMax -= 360;
+ if((bearingMin <= bearingMax && bearingMin <= bearing && bearing <= bearingMax)
+ || (bearingMin > bearingMax && (bearingMin <= bearing || bearing <= bearingMax))) // crossing 0/360° mark, eg min=340°,max=020°
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ const searchNearbyStops = (targetStopId : string, excludedStopIdList : string[]) => {
+ const targetStop = stopList[targetStopId];
+ return Object.keys(stopList).filter((stopId) => {
+ // find stops that are within DISTANCE_THRESHOLD metres of target stop and along similar direction
+ return getDistanceStops(targetStop, stopList[stopId]) <= DISTANCE_THRESHOLD &&
+ // filter out stops that have not been added into excludeList before
+ !excludedStopIdList.includes(stopId);
+ })
+ .reduce( (acc, stopId) => {
+ // get all the routes that has stop with this stopId
+ const _routeStops = Object.entries(routeList).map(([routeKey, routeListEntry]) => {
+ const stops = routeListEntry.stops ?? {};
+ const companies = Object.keys(stops) as Company[];
+ for(let co of companies) {
+ let stopPos = stops[co]?.indexOf(stopId) ?? -1;
+ if(stopPos > -1)
+ return { routeKey : routeKey, co : co, seq : stopPos } as RouteStopCoSeq;
+ }
+ return { routeKey : routeKey, co : 'ctb', seq : -1 } as RouteStopCoSeq; // use ctb as dummy value and seq = -1, will be discarded in next filter
+ })
+ .filter((_rs) => _rs.seq != -1);
+ // if any of the routes passing this stop is facing same direction (+/- BEARING_THRESHOLD), add the stop to the list
+ // Note: once the stop is added, other routes not facing same direction but passing this stop will also be shown in ETA (most commonly seen in railway lines)
+ const bearings = getAllRouteStopsBearings(_routeStops);
+ if(bearings.find(b => isBearingInRange(b)) !== undefined) {
+ const thisStop : StopListEntryExtended = {
+ ...stopList[stopId],
+ id : stopId,
+ routeStops : _routeStops, // _routeStops.length must be > 0 here, as bearings.length must be > 0 to reach into this if-condition
+ distance : 0 // dummy value
+ };
+ acc.push(thisStop);
+ }
+ return acc
+ }, [] as Array);
+ };
+ const stopGroup : Array<[Company, string]> = [];
+ let stopListEntries : StopListEntryExtended[] = [];
+ // recursively search for nearby stops within thresholds (distance and bearing)
+ // stop searching when no new stops are found within range, or when stop list is getting too large
+ stopKeys.forEach((stopKey) => {
+ const [, stopId] = stopKey; // [co, stopId]
+ stopListEntries = stopListEntries.concat(searchNearbyStops(stopId, stopListEntries.map((stop) => stop.id)));
+ for(let i = 0; i < stopListEntries.length; ++i) { // use traditional for-loop as the length keeps expanding
+ stopListEntries = stopListEntries.concat(searchNearbyStops(stopListEntries[i].id, stopListEntries.map((stop) => stop.id)));
+ if(stopListEntries.length >= STOP_LIST_LIMIT)
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ // sort by distance from first stop in stopMap (stopKeys[0])
+ if(stopKeys.length > 0) {
+ let [, stopId] = stopKeys[0]; // [co, stopId] but don't use this co
+ stopListEntries = stopListEntries.map(stop => {
+ return {
+ ... stop,
+ distance : getDistanceStops(stopList[stopId], stop)
+ };
+ }).sort((stopA, stopB) => {
+ return stopA.distance - stopB.distance
+ });
+ stopListEntries.forEach((stopListEntry) => {
+ if(stopListEntry.routeStops.length > 0)
+ stopGroup.push([stopListEntry.routeStops[0].co, stopListEntry.id]);
+ });
+ }
+ return stopGroup;
diff --git a/src/utils.ts b/src/utils.ts
index 3ac44629645c..f2a519c342ee 100644
--- a/src/utils.ts
+++ b/src/utils.ts
@@ -34,6 +34,19 @@ export const getDistanceWithUnit = (distanceInMetre: number) => {
+export const getBearing = (a: GeoLocation, b: GeoLocation) => {
+ // Reference: https://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html
+ const φ1 = a.lat * Math.PI / 180; // φ, λ = lat, lon in radians
+ const φ2 = b.lat * Math.PI / 180;
+ const λ1 = a.lng * Math.PI / 180; // φ, λ = lat, lon in radians
+ const λ2 = b.lng * Math.PI / 180;
+ const y = Math.sin(λ2 - λ1) * Math.cos(φ2);
+ const x = Math.cos(φ1) * Math.sin(φ2) - Math.sin(φ1) * Math.cos(φ2) * Math.cos(λ2-λ1);
+ const θ = Math.atan2(y, x);
+ const brng = (θ * 180 / Math.PI + 360) % 360; // in degrees
+ return brng;
export const DEFAULT_GEOLOCATION: GeoLocation = {
lat: 22.302711,
lng: 114.177216,