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Lisp: Variations and Implementations

A brief history of Lisp implementations:

  • The original Lisp (late 1950s) at MIT
  • LISP 1.5 in the early 1960s as the first standard
  • MacLISP late 60s, an MIT upgrade (see Pitman, 1983)
  • InterLISP early 70s, a West Coast variant (see Teitelman, 1978)
  • ZetaLISP and LISP Machine LISP late 70s, commercial variants of MacLISP
  • SCHEME mid 70s, a majo LISP variant much closer to lambda calculus (see Spring and Friedman, 1990)
  • Portable Standard LISP (PSL) early 80s, an efficient version of Lisp from the University of Utah that was largely written in itself and is easily transported to new computers (Griss, 1983)
  • Franz LISP early 80s, another variant of MacLISP optimized to run in UNIX (AT&T) environments (see Wilensky 1984)
  • Common LISP early 80s, standardized combination of many of the previous variants (see Steele, 1984)
  • MultiLISP mid 80s, Scheme with explicit support for parallelism (see Halstead, 1985, 1986)

For the reader interested in trying his or her hand at actually implemting a Lisp system, we recommend Allen (1978), Henderson (1980), and Henderson et al. (1983).

The Original Lisp

The original Lisp was created by John McCarthy with λ - Calculus in mind. The basic computational model is that of expressions build by applying functions to other expressions. Functions are themselves expressible in the same format as any other data objects. Functions can be passed to and returned by other functions.

Lisp is not a pure functional language. Operations that are integral to the language permit different values to be bound to the same variable at different times. The same symbol can have many different values at the same time, each of which is accessed in a different way.

Functions are also not quite first class citizens in Lisp. While they can be passed as arguments, doing so requires somewhat special coding and care must be taken to avoid strange funarg problems.

Expression evaluation is not in total agreement with our previous functional model. Many Lisp forms include variants where a sequence of expressions are evaluated ina a very specific sequential fashion. All but the last of these are executed for their side effects.

Major Language Components

Lisp has a variety of atomic data types: integers, floating-point numbers, literals, character strings, booleans, big-nums. Major data structures supported by Lisp are s-expressions. But arrays are supported as well.

Variable Scopes and the Property List

So far we were working with statically scoped variables. The expressions that give them values can be determiined by a review of the static program code.

In List, a programmer can define certain identifiers to be dynamically scoped. The expression that bind values to them cannot be determined until runtime. Such variables come in two forms. Global variables or special variables, which are visible to all expressions whenever they are executed in the program (unless they are masked by a local variable of the same name). Program variables are dynamically allocated at the beginning of execution of certain special forms and then act like global variables until that form completes.

There are two standard ways of implementing binding for such variables. First is via an association list (called deep binding), which is quite slow. The second approach is called shalow binding and the main idea is to associate some unique global storage with the variable. Today, deep binding predominates.

Built-in Pure Functions

There are many of them, interesting are:

  • (QUOTE E) returns its argument as unevaluated s-expression
  • (SPECIAL (V1 ...Vn)) make V1 ... Vn special variables
  • (UNSPECIAL (V1 ... Vn) releases associated storage

Modifying Values

All these functions have form of:

(<keyword> <address-expr> <value-expr>)
  • SET sets a value into program variable
  • SETQ the same as SET, but address-expr is not evaluated
  • CSET sets a value into a global variable
  • rplaca
  • rplacd
  • nconc non copying concatenate

Special Forms

A special form is an expression whose function is a special keyword known to the system, but unlike the built-ins, order of argument evaluation is special.

  • (LAMBDA (<id>*) <body) a function expression
  • (DEFINE ((<id> <expr>)*)) global function definition
  • (LABEL <id> <expr>) global recursive function
  • (AND <expr>+) evaluate expressions until first F
  • (OR <expr>+) evaluate expressions until first T
  • (COND (<test expr> <body>)*) nested conditionals
  • (PROG (<id>*) <progbody>) sequential form execution
  • (GO <id>) branch inside of PROG
  • (RETURN <expression>) exit <body>

System Functions

LISP has visible to the programmer a variety of direct hooks into its internal operation. EVAL and EVALQUOTE both accept one argument which should be an s-expression and return the result of evaluating the expression. EVALQUOTE does not evaluate its argument before it evaluates it.

A Lisp compiler can be invoked using (COMPILE (<id> <expr>)*). Now whenever such an identifier is found in the function position of an application, the compiled code will be invoked with its arguments evaluated.

Macros are functions which, when they appear as a function in an expression passed to the compiler, are executed by the compiler before the code is executed. Arguments to the macros are not evaluated. The s-expression resulting from executing macro is passed back to the compiler for the compilation.

Scheme - a Pure Lisp

Functions are truly first class citizens, identifiers are statically scoped, tail recursive expressions are truly optimizable, and a great deal of attention has been given to a clean continuation mechanism.

Scheme Syntax

<basic-form> := <constant>
				| <identifier>
				| <LAMBDA <arg-list> <body>
				| (<basic-form> <basic-form>*)
				| (QUOTE <expression>)
				| (IF < basic-form> <basic-form> <basic-form>)
				| (begin <body>)
				| (SET! <identifier> <basic-form>)

<body> := <basic-form>+
<arg-list> := (<identifier>*)
				| <identifier>
				| (<identifier>+.<identifier>)

Extended Syntax

The basic evaluator understands only the above syntax. To extend the spectrum of special forms seen by the programmer, Scheme employs a very elegant mechanism that is an outgrowth of the macro mechanism of the original LISP, but that is more fully integrated into both compilation and interpretation.

This mechanism has two parts, one records how a new special form should be translated into an expression and a function that does the actual translation into something the standard eval can handle.

The latter is called system syntax expander and consists of a database of pattern/expansion pairs and a function to search and use them. This function, expand, takes a single unevaluated expression as an argument and looks recursively at any keywords found in the fnuction position of the expression itself or any nested subexpression. After the successfull expansion, the interpreter/compiler would be recalled on the expanded expression.


As with the original LISP, identifiers in Scheme appear in two kinds, lambda arguments and others. Lambda arguments are statically scoped. The other mechanism is the DEFINE form. When executed at the top level, the form defines global variables. When executed inside of LAMBDA expression, it auguments the current environment defined by lambda to include space for the new variable and initializes it. After return from lambda, the binding is discarted.

The approach taken to handle global variables is to define a specially globally accessible fluid environment for fluid variables:

(FLUID-LET ((<identifier> <expression>)*) <body>)

Any function executed in this body, even one wohose definition is not withing the FLUID-LET's scope, can refer to a fluid variable and get the current value.

Suspending Evaluation

Clean treatment of function objects in Scheme permits inclusion of three different mechanisms for suspending and resuming evaluation: delay and force functions for supporting futures, and enhanced continuation implementation that permits sophisticated co-routining, and an engine mechanism that permits specification and control of multitasking of individual Scheme evaluations.

Engine is a device that contains a continuation for some expression which, when activated, runs that continuation for some specified period of time. The Programmer has total control over how long and what to do if the computation does not complete in that time. This permits elegant multiprogramming executives to be built directly in Scheme without resorting to any lower level programming languages.


Identification of a small core language and an integrated way of extending the language from that code means that optimization techniques can focus on a relatively small set of forms. For the most part the compiler can determine at compile time exactly what binding is associated with most symbols in the body of an expression. This permits a compiler to know exactly when a set of bindings is no longer useful. In turn, this means that much of a function's environment can be kep in an easily managed stack. Tail recursion can be implemented optimally by branches back to the beginning of a routine and by reusing the same set of memory cells for each set of argumentsin the sequence of calls.

One of the first Scheme compilers was Rabbit (Steele, 1978). A good compiler for the core set of forms was written in MacLISP, which generated LISP code that could be compiled by the MacLISP compiler. This was then rewritten in Scheme with optimization features added to it. Entire compiler came to about 50 pages of code.

Common Lisp - a Modern Standard

The multiplicity of LISP dialects was a healthy aspect of its first 25 years of existence, as its primary users were academics. By the early 80s it had become apparent that an industrial strength LISP was needed. Common Lisp is the result.

It includes 7 types of numbers, with at least 7 more of complex numbers. Two types of characters, bits, symbols, random states, unreadable data objects, common round out the atomic types, structures, types and subtypes, keyword arguments, multiple results from functions, exceptions:

(CATCH <tag> <body>)
(THROW <tag> <expression>)

It inherits static scoping, and special variables with scope similar to Scheme's fluid variables. It supports streams.

Evaluation is supported by eval, which evaluates the form in the current special environment and a nil static environment. A variation of this (EVAL-WHEN {compile | load | eval} <form>) specifies when the form should be evaluated.

MultiLisp - a Parralel Lisp

MultiLisp is a Scheme extension designed with parallelism in mind. It adds several new forms. PCALL (Parallel CALL) has n + 1 arguments all of which the programmer is willing to have evaluated in any order. When all of them are computed, they are recombined as a normal MultiLisp expression and evaluated. The next form is DELAY, which takes its argument, packs it in a closurelike structure, which can be passed around. When the value of the argument is needed, it is forced and resulting value is substitued for the closure.

FUTURE is a form similar to DELAY, but after its creation, processor can evaluate it in its free time.


The first implementation was on the Concert machine at MIT. The MultiLisp programs were compiled into a SECD-like abstract machine ISA called MCODE, which was then interpreted by an interpreter written as 3000 lines of C.

MCODE programs manage data structures called tasks that are accessed by 3 pointers: a program pointer, stack pointer, and environment pointer.

The FUTURE function creates a new task and leaves it accessible for any free processor. Deciding which task to run is done using an unfair scheduling policy.

Garbage collection is distributed across all processors. Each has its own set of semispaces and employs a variant of Baker's algorithm. All processors synchronize their flip, and a lock bit is associated with cell to prevent it to be evacuated into multiple tospaces.

A later version of MultiLisp called Butterfly LISP has been implemented for the Butterfly parralel processor (Steinberg 1986, Allen 1987).

The CADR Machine

The first machine build for Lisp specifically was CONS Machine at MIT 1975 running MacLisp. CONS machine, althrough operational, had a variety of weaknesses. In 1978 a new version, CADR Machine replaced it at MIT. It represented an important point in computer architecture for specific languages history and drove the design of many sytems, both academic and commercial.

Some of the specific characteristics of the CADR:

  • Optimization for high-performance, single user interaction
  • LISP as the primary language for applications, interpreters, compilers, operating system functions.
  • Data type checking support in hardware
  • Large memories (for the time)
  • Built-in memory allocation and garbage collection

CADR Machine organization

Major hardware support was included for a push-down list, or PDL buffer, which would keep up to the top 1K entries of a stack very close to the main dataflow. This stack served many of the functions of the S, E and D stacks in the SECD Machine. Invoking new functions involved constructing frames ot control information on it that contained:

  • a pointer backwards in the stack to the previous frame
  • cells for argument values
  • cells for local variables and constants
  • cells for special variable access

Operands for built-in functions invoked insie a function's body were push/popped from the stack space in front of the current frame.

Memory Structure

Memory in the CADR machine consists of a single 16-million word virtual address space, with up to 1 million words of real memory. Thus, data and instruction addresses in their complete form take 24 bits.

The format of an individual memory cell reflects SECD influences. Each 32 bit long cell contains a tag, a cdr code, and a value field.

a CADR memory word Sample CDR coding and symbol object

Different types of objects are kep in different areas of the memory, not for BIBOP like tagging, but for symplifying garbage collection. Garbage collector is incremental Baker's algorithm. With every CONS some few cells are copied to another region.

Program Forms

Programs for this machine can be represented in three forms - MacLISP, microcode, and macrocode. Microcode provides most of the major system functions (virtual memory management, GC etc.). The middle level

  • macrocode - supports stacks much as the SECD Machine did, but in a format more resembling conventional instruction set. The general form of such instruction is

    , ,

where the operation is usually a very generic one (add, cons ...). Individual macroinstructions include a variety of wrinkles that improve performance (for example when creating a list of known length etc.).

CADR Derivatives

Althrough the CADR Machine was designed as a one-of-a-kind research machine, it spawned a series of commercial derivatives that were oprimized for LISP execution in a high performance, single-user workstation environment.

The LMI Lambda LISP Processor

Lambda LISP Processors by Lambda Machines, Inc., were some of the first commercially available machines tailored for Lisp. They were fairly close to CADR based designs with following additions:

  • a richer set of tag values
  • two memory word sizes, 32bit size that supports a 25 bit virtual address space, and a 40 bit size that supports 32 bit address space.
  • larger PDL stack buffers up to 2K words
  • an internal 4K word A memory, which can be used by microcode for internal and temporary results
  • a sectored 4K word cache in front of memory
  • a standardized bus, the Nubus, to connect the back of the cache to memory and I/O cards
  • larger (64bit) microinstruction word length
  • virtual microstore mechanism that permits up to 8K words of microprograms to be pages ina as needed from a larger 64K word space on disk
  • Direct HW support for many arithmetic functions
  • a faster, 100ns clock speed
  • a motorola 68000-series microprocessor as a coprocessor for many operating system and console functions

The Texas Instrucments Compact LISP Machine

The overall architecture of the machine resembles that of the Lambda machine, with the major difference being in the cache (a more modern, two-way set associative design), in support for garbage collection (8 status bits for each 8K-word region of memory), and in the use of page bits to extend the real memory address space to the full capacity of the Nubus, namely, 1 gigaword.

Compact LISP Machine

The processor is also pipelined, with the capability of initiating a new microinstruction each microcycle. A goal of 25ns per clock cycle offers performance substantially in excess of earlier machines.

The Symbolics 3600

These machines range from cabinet-sized machines with multiple cards to support the basic CPU to modern custom VLSI designs that capture most of the same logic in a single chip (the Ivory Processor).

Althrough built for ZetaLISP, it also adapts well to Common Lisp, and to supporting both traditional languages like Fortran and Prolog.

Both the architecture of the machine and ZetaLISP permit separate processes to be created. The current state of each process is foverned by a stack group consisting of three stack pointers and their associated areas in memory. The Control Stack represents a combination of all four of SECD Machine registers. It contains a frame for each nontrivial function application that is still pending. There are two pointers - Stack Pointer and Frame Pointer.

Function calls are handled similarly to modern standards, a frame is created, arguments evaluated one at a time, and return instruciton discards the frame and passes execution to the parent frame. The return values replace the arguments on the stack. The overhead for just the CALL and RETURN instructions was as little as 20 machine cycles.

The second stack is the binding stack which supports shallow binding. When required, the current bindings of such variables are pushed onto this stack in 2-word pairs. The first of these is a pointer to the special variable's value cell, and the second is the value at the time of the push. The cdr-code field of these cells is used to designate such things as use of the variables in a closure. Completion of an expression that releases a set of special bindings causes this stack to be popped an appropriate number of times, with each pair of words giving an address of a cell to change and the value that it should resume. Information in the stack frame indicates how much of the binding stack should be unwound at each function return.

The final stack is the data stack, which is akin to a heap in a conventional machine.

3600 had a sophisticated descendant of Baker's algorithm. Given the potential size of the memory space, 256M words, and its structure as a virtual store where perhaps one-thirtieth of all memory is in fast RAM and the rest is on the disk, it is impossible to conceive a mark-sweep type of algorithm. The space is simply too big.

Several solutions are employed. First is to separate memory into areas. The ephemeral area contains object whose lifetime is likely short. This area is scavenged and compacted frequently. Next is dynamic area with object living longer, but not for the indefinite time. Globals and special variables fall into this category. Collection occurs only when it has exceeded some predetermined capacity. Finally there is static area, whose objects are assumed to exist forever. System code and tables for example. Garbage collection usually occurs only when user commands.

To prevent accidental collection of ephemeral objects requires knowing when any reference to such object is stored elsewhere. This was done by the hardware by monitoring each store into memory. If the value being stored is address and it points to the ephemeral area, a bit associated with the page containing the location being modified is set. Conceptually, collecting the ephemeral area requires scavenging all pages whose bit is set for references to that area.

The actual process of scavenging and copying is also done to minimize future work. Tospace is incrementally increased as needed.


One of the strongest trends in current computer architecture is towards Reduced Instruction Set Computers (RISC). In general RISCs have following characteristics:

  • a small number of simple instructions
  • a large number of registers
  • most, if not all, access to memory is through just load and store (i.e. no memory to register adds, etc.)
  • almost all operations like add, compare, etc., are register to register, with the result going back into a register
  • in most cases new instructions can be started at a rate of one per machine cycle
  • an overall architecture which made generating optimized machine code from a high-level language easy

One of the first such RISCc was the Berkeley RISC-I, shortly followed by RISC-II, which included:

  • register windows where registers accessible to the program are just part of a larger stach of registers, and at each call to or return from a subprogram, all or part of this set slides down and up.
  • delayed branches where one or more instructions immediately following a branch will be executed even if the branch is taken.
  • an efficient trap mechanism that will suspend execution of a program when certain circumstances have been detected, and start up some prespecified routine in its place.

Register windows in the RISC-II

The SPUR is a variant of RISC-II optimized for handling languages such as Lisp, Prolog, or Smalltalk. Each register and memory cell is 40 bits, with 6 bits for tags, and 2 holding generation number used by the GC.

Partial SPUR instruction set

The trap facilities are used to advantage by streamlining many instructions to work only for the expected cases, and trap to predefined routines to handle the atypical ones. The net effect of this is that most LISP functions compile very easily into very short sequences of SPUR code that execute ina very few machine cycles (CONS for example, compiles into 4 instruction sequence). Again, special conditions such as stack overflow are handled by setting up inaccessible pages at the ends of the allocated stack and letting a memory management trap handle the cases where something must be done.

Projected LSIP benchmark performance for 150-ns SPUR indicates that with the exception of heavy floating-point benchmarks, it is as much as 4.9 times faster than a Symbolics 3600 (with a slightly slower cycle time) and more than 10 times faster than a DEC VAX 8600 (which issues instruction twice as fast as the SPUR).


Actual comparisons of these machines was written by Gabriel (1984): Performance and Evaluation of Lisp Systems.