The primary kind of statement with which logic computing deals is a fact. A fact is an expression that some object or set of objects satisfies some specific relationship.
The sytax of a logic model revolves around logical expressions built up from a set of more basic symbols. A subset of symbol strings representing valid expressions is called well-formed formulas (or wffs). Individually, they are called statement, proposition, or sentence.
Typisal syntaxes include allowances for:
- constants (specific objects)
- functions applied to such objects to yield other objects
- predicates to test membership of tuples of objects in relations
- identifiers or logic variables stand for unknown objects
- other operations which combine these or place constraints on values that various variables may take on.
The ultimate purpose of a system of logic is to divide the universe of wffs into pieces; those to be considered true, those that are false, and those about which no absolute statement can be made.
In most real logic programming languages the user provides axioms, rules that are considered true.
Axiom specification provides only part of the information needed. In a properly written program, other parts of the language's semantics extend these statements to cover other statemenets which fully define the true and false sides of the wff set. This extension is done via inferencing, which uses specific patterns of known sets of wffs to predict or deduce the veracity of other wffs. Each such pattern is called an interence rule.
The actual process of inferencing involves finding some inference rule R
some subset X
of wffs already in the true set, and some other wff a
such that X + a = R
. Given our definition of R
as a set of wffs, this means
that the wff a
should also be considered true. We say that a
is an
inference, logical consequence, conclusion or direct consequence
from the set X
using the inference rule R
Common inference rule is modus ponens. This rule takes some wff A
some other wff of the form if A then B
, and infers that the wff B
is also
modus-ponens={(A, 'if A then B', B)|A and B any valid wffs}
A proof is sequence of wffs
such taht eack ak
is either an
axiom or direct consequence of some subset of the prior aj
A theorem is a wff a
which is a member of some proof sequence, usually
as the last wff. The notation Γ⊢ a
indicates that a
is a theorem in the
system of logic under discussion (with Γ standing for the input set of axioms
specified by the logic program).
A set of inference rules which does not infer a theorem which is not in the overall true set, is called sound. On the other hand, we want the inference rules to permit proofs for all true wffs that are derivable from te axioms - such set is called complete.
Slight variations of the theorem concept will also be of interest, for example
to find out if some wff would be true if we added some set of wffs. These are
called hypothesis, premissses. If a proof sequence exists which includes
members of hypotheses as axioms, then this sequence is called deduction
and is noted Γ, Y⊢ a
. It is roughly equivalent to Γ⊢ (if Y then a)
A consistent set of wffs does not permit derivation of contradiction. In most cases this is important property of an axiom set and one the logic programmer must strive to achieve.
Finding inferences and proof sequences is an important part of logic-based computing. The programmer specifies a set of axioms and then asks questions about other wffs and their validity. The system will then try various combinations of inference rules in an attempt to find a proof sequence. We would like some guarantees that the questions we ask are answerable in finite time. We also expect that the search will be more efficient than trying all possible combinations technique, which is called exhaustive search or British Museum search.
There are systems which are undecidable, there is no algorithmic approach for determining whether a particular wff is true or false.
Another key part of the semantics of a logic expression is the specification of an interpretation that maps a meaning to each symbol. This starts with a domain that defines the set of possible values or objects to be dealt with. Functions are assigned definitions (mappings) from some domains to others. Symbols used as predicates map into tests on relations over these domains.
The key point here is that there is often an infinite number of interpretations and combinations of interpretations which can be given the symbols used in wff or set of wffs. The prime definition is that a wff is true under an interpretation if the result of evaluating the wff under the interpretation is true. The specified interpretation satisfies the wff.
We say that two wffs are equivalent if they evaluate to the same true/false values for every possible interpretations.
The above definitions lead to a very important result called the deductioin theorem, which will drive many of the inference engines.
The wff G
is a logical consequence of the wffs A1...An
if and only if the
if (A1 ∧ A2 ... ∧ An) then G
is valid (i.e. a tautology).
The second form of the theorem states that the wff G
is a logical
consequence of the wffs A1...An
if and only if the wff
A1 ∧ A2 ... ∧ An ∧ ¬ G
is unsatisfiable.
Perhaps the simplest system of logic that demonstrates most of the syntactic and semantic features mentioned is propositional logic. In the syntax for this logic, a proposition, propositional letter or atom corresponds to a declarative sentence that may take on interpretations of true or false. There are no functions or nonboolean constants.
A = The car has gas.
B = I can go to the store.
C = I have money.
Construction of wffs from these letters involves combinations using logical connectives - functions over `{T,F}x{T,F}->{T,F}.
<proposition> := A|B|C...
<binary-connective> := ⇒ | ∧ | ∨ | ≡
<unary-connective> := ¬
<wff> := <proposition>
| (<unary-connective><wff>)
| (<wff> <binary-connective> <wff>)
All real propositional logic programs have more than one axiom.
We can outline a simple truth table-driven inference engine for propositional logic.
Given set of axioms X
and some new wff G
(goal), we want to determine that
it is a theorem in our system, namely, does X⊢ G
. Since this is propositional
logc, G
is an expression involving propositional letters and connectives. The
operation of the inference engine is:
- Pick an interpretation (assignment of T and F to letters) that has not been tried before.
- If all interpretations have been tried, we are done and G is a theorem
- If the interpretation does not satisfy the original axiom set
, ignore it and go back to 1. - Try the interpretation an
using the standard definitions of all connectives. - If the result is F, quit,
is not a theorem. - If the result is T, go back to 1.
For large problems, the above is not usable (for 30 letters, full table would
require over 1 billion interpretations). The use of inference rules in the
engine drastically decreases this combiinatorial explosion by handling with one
symbolic operation many common parts of the truth table. For proposition
calculus, only one such rule is needed - modus ponens. This rule states,
that if one is given as valid the pair of wffs x
and x ⇒ y
(where x
are arbitrary wffs), then the wff y
is also valid. This engine requires
that all wffs are written in form using only not ¬
and implies ⇒
Inference engine:
- (Decision Procedure) Pick two wffs from the axiom set, where one of these wffs has ⇒ as its outermost connective.
- (Application of Inference Rule) Verify that the antecedent part of the axiom with the outermost ⇒ exactly matches the other axiom.
- If no match occurs, go back to 1.
- If a match occurs, compare the consequent with
- If the same, quit with answer yes.
- If different, add the consequent to the axiom set, and go to 1.
Eventually, this process will generate all wffs which can be deduced from the original set. If one of them matches, the goal is theorem.
There are other inference rules with the same logical power. Modus
tollens and resolution and a myrid of variations. Modus tollens
is like running modus ponnens backwards. Given a wff ¬y
and another wff x ⇒ y
, we can infer the wff ¬x
. This is the same as stating ¬y,(x ⇒ y) ⊢ ¬x
Again, modus tollens requires wffs expressed only with ⇒
and ¬
Resolution is a little different, since it is normally used when
individual wffs are expressed in conjunctive normal form, which is the
and ∧
of terms built only from not ¬
and or ∨
. It can be viewed as
a chaining rule, which takes two wffs of the form x ⇒ y
and y ⇒ z
infers x ⇒ z
. In their conjunctive form, these wffs look like (¬x ∨ y)
(¬ y ∨ z), with the resolution simply *combining* the two wffs and *cancelling out* the
yfrom one and the matching
¬y` from the other.
A = The car has gas.
B = I can go to the store.
C = I have money.
D = I have food.
E = The sun is shining.
F = I have an umbrella.
G = Today I can go on a picnic.
Initial set of axioms:
A ⇒ B
#If the car has gas, then I can go to the store(B ∧ C) ⇒ D
#If I can go to the store and I have manoy, then I can buy food.Note: when we translate this wff into a form using only ⇒ and ¬, there are several possibilities e.g.
B ⇒ (C ⇒ D)
orC ⇒ (B ⇒ D)
(D ∧ (E ∨ F)) ⇒ G
#If I have food and either the sun is shining or I have an umbrella, then today I can go on a picnic.A
#The car has gasC
#I have money¬E
#The sun is not shining
Stating that all these wffs are axioms is equivalent to assuming they are
always evaluated to true. Since they are not tautologies in themselves, this is
equivalent to anding them all together into one big wff, and constraining the
interpretations which we use to solve problems using them to ones that make
this single wff evaluate to tru. For example, the fourth axiom constrains all
interpretations to ones there the A
is assigned true. Likewise, the axiom
1 excludes any interpretation in which A
is true and B
is false. Note that
modus ponens would deduce from these two that B
is also true.
In structure, the first three of these program wffs are axioms that define if-then rules, while the next three correspond to facts. It is important to emhasize that this later set represents inherent tautologies, the truth of the others is due totally to the wishes of the programmer of the system.
Examples of the kind of wff questions that one might ask are:
#Is it true that I can buy food?- `F ⇒ G #Is it true that if I have an umbrella, then I can go on a picnic?
Again, asking a question in this system is equivalent to identifying a wff and asking if it is in the set of true wffs deducible from the axioms and inference rules. It is up to the decision procedure to mechanically find the proof sequence, if it exists.
For propositional logic, the simplest possible proof procedure is to simply do a truth table analysis, i.e. look at all possible assignments of true/false to all the propositions used in the axiom set and gual and see if there is at least one interpretation (one row) that makes all the original axioms and the goal true at the same time.
Of the 128 possible interpretations only 4 satisfy all the axioms.
Another possible decision procedure involves beating these wffs (using an
inference rule) against each other and any new wffs as long as new wffs are
inferred. As each is inferred, it can be compared to the desired question.
A match ends the computation. As an example, a proof sequence for D
only modus ponens:
- From
and(A ⇒ B)
- From
and(B ⇒ (C ⇒ D))
infer(C ⇒ D)
- From
and(C ⇒ D) infer
The general term for this kind of inference is forward chaining, or antecedent reasoning since the system is expanding forward from known wffs to new ones.
There is an alternative decision procedure that involves picking a wff whose truth value is desired and working backwards.At each step, one tries to find a wff which, if one used modus ponens between it and some other wff, would infer the desired wff. This other wff then becomes the new question. This is backward chaining or consequence reasoning.