diff --git a/_ark/char/char_objects.dta b/_ark/char/char_objects.dta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca7815db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_ark/char/char_objects.dta
@@ -0,0 +1,3373 @@
+#include ..\config\macros.dta
+#include char_face_exp.dta
+ (editor
+ (flags
+ bitfield
+ (list
+ {if_else
+ {==
+ {{$this dir}
+ get_type}
+ ''}
+ ()
+ {{$this dir}
+ clip_flags}})
+ (help
+ "Band Clip Flags"))))
+ (editor
+ (flags
+ bitfield
+ (list
+ (help
+ "generated flags concerning the clips inside")
+ (read_only TRUE))))
+#define IK_BLEND_TIME
+ (init
+ {if
+ {$this dir}
+ {switch
+ {{$this dir}
+ get_type}
+ (musician
+ {$this set_type musician}
+ {$this set blend_width 1}
+ {$this set beat_align kPlayBeatAlign1}
+ {do
+ ($flags
+ {'|' kH2hLookingLeft kH2hLookingRight kUseInCoop})
+ {if
+ {find_elem
+ ("male_guitar"
+ "female_guitar")
+ {{$this dir}
+ name}}
+ {'|='
+ $flags
+ {'|' kValidBass kValidGuitar}}}
+ {set
+ [flags]
+ $flags}})
+ (guitarist_strum
+ {$this set flags kPlayAndAttitudeFlags})
+ (crowd
+ {$this set_type crowd}
+ {$this set blend_width 1}
+ {$this set beat_align kPlayBeatAlign1})
+ (viseme
+ {$this
+ set
+ relative
+ {{$this dir}
+ find
+ Base}}
+ {$this set blend_width 0.1}
+ {$this set beat_align kPlayRealTime}
+ {$this set default_loop kPlayLoop}
+ {$this set flags 0})
+ (shell
+ {$this set_type shell}
+ {$this set beat_align kPlayRealTime}
+ {$this set blend_width 1}
+ {$this
+ set
+ flags
+ {'|' kLeftArm kRightArm kLeftLeg kRightLeg kDisableLipSync kIgnoreAccent kValidBass kValidGuitar kLookAtCam}})
+ (drummer_play
+ {$this set flags kPlayAttitudeTempoFlags})
+ (snake
+ {$this set_type snake}
+ {$this set beat_align kPlayRealTime}
+ {$this set blend_width 1})}})
+ (allow_null_type
+ {if_else
+ {$this dir}
+ {!=
+ {{$this dir}
+ get_type}
+ musician}
+ 1})
+ (types
+ (shell
+ (editor
+ (viseme_group
+ symbol
+ (list
+ (help
+ "facial mood group for this animation"))
+ (drum_singlestick
+ bool
+ (help
+ "if drummer shows the separate sticks")))
+ (viseme_group normal)
+ (drum_singlestick FALSE)
+ (enter
+ {if
+ [viseme_group]
+ {$clip.dude
+ change_face_group
+ [viseme_group]}}
+ {do
+ ($ss
+ [drum_singlestick])
+ {with
+ $clip.dude
+ {if
+ {$this exists sticks.grp}
+ {sticks.grp
+ set
+ draw_only
+ {if_else $ss singlestick.grp doublestick.grp}}}}})
+ (event_handlers
+ (musician
+ (editor
+ (viseme_group
+ symbol
+ (list
+ (help
+ "facial mood group for this animation")))
+ (viseme_group normal)
+ (enter
+ {if
+ [viseme_group]
+ {$clip.dude
+ change_face_group
+ [viseme_group]}}
+ {if
+ {==
+ {$clip.dude get_type}
+ vocal}
+ {$clip.dude
+ set_instrument
+ {cond
+ ({has_substr
+ {$this name}
+ tambourine}
+ tambourine)
+ ({has_substr
+ {$this name}
+ cowbell}
+ cowbell)
+ ({has_substr
+ {$this name}
+ clap}
+ clap)
+ ({&
+ [flags]
+ kMicStandAll}
+ mic_stand)
+ mic}}})
+ (exit
+ {with
+ $clip.dude
+ {if
+ {exists left_hand.weight}
+ {left_hand.weight set beats_per_weight 0}}
+ {if
+ {exists right_hand.weight}
+ {right_hand.weight set beats_per_weight 0}}
+ {if
+ {exists look_at_camera.weight}
+ {look_at_camera.weight set beats_per_weight 0}}
+ {if
+ {exists mic.ikhand}
+ {if
+ {<
+ {mic.ikhand
+ size
+ (targets)}
+ 2}
+ {while
+ {mic.ikhand
+ size
+ (targets)}
+ {mic.ikhand
+ remove
+ (targets 0)}}
+ {set
+ $rhand
+ {find_obj $this bone_mic_R-hand.mesh}}
+ {if
+ $rhand
+ {mic.ikhand
+ insert
+ (targets 0)
+ $rhand}}
+ {set
+ $lhand
+ {find_obj $this bone_mic_L-hand.mesh}}
+ {if
+ $lhand
+ {mic.ikhand
+ insert
+ (targets 1)
+ $lhand}}}}})
+ (event_handlers
+ ('' freeze set_leftarm_true set_rightarm_true set_leftarm_false set_rightarm_false sfx_gtr_smash sfx_mic_drop anim_mic_drop lookat_cam_start lookat_cam_stop CHARVISEMEGROUPS))
+ (freeze)
+ (lookat_cam_start
+ {'|='
+ [flags]
+ kLookAtCam}
+ {$this set_beats_per_weight look_at_camera.weight})
+ (lookat_cam_stop
+ {&=
+ [flags]
+ {'~' kLookAtCam}}
+ {$this set_beats_per_weight look_at_camera.weight})
+ (set_leftarm_true
+ {'|='
+ [flags]
+ kLeftArm}
+ {$this set_beats_per_weight left_hand.weight})
+ (set_rightarm_true
+ {'|='
+ [flags]
+ kRightArm}
+ {$this set_beats_per_weight right_hand.weight})
+ (set_leftarm_false
+ {&=
+ [flags]
+ {'~' kLeftArm}}
+ {$this set_beats_per_weight left_hand.weight})
+ (set_rightarm_false
+ {&=
+ [flags]
+ {'~' kRightArm}}
+ {$this set_beats_per_weight right_hand.weight})
+ (set_beats_per_weight
+ ($setter)
+ {do
+ ($weight
+ {find_obj $clip.dude $setter})
+ {if
+ $weight
+ {$weight set beats_per_weight IK_BLEND_TIME}}})
+ (sfx_gtr_smash
+ {synth play gtr_smash.cue})
+ (sfx_mic_drop
+ {synth play mic_drop.cue})
+ (anim_mic_drop
+ {if
+ {exists mic.ikhand}
+ {while
+ {>
+ {mic.ikhand
+ size
+ (targets)}
+ 1}
+ {mic.ikhand
+ remove
+ (targets 1)}}}))
+ (drummer_play
+ (exit
+ {with
+ $clip.dude
+ {if
+ {exists left_hand.weight}
+ {left_hand.weight set beats_per_weight 0}}
+ {if
+ {exists right_hand.weight}
+ {right_hand.weight set beats_per_weight 0}}})
+ (event_handlers
+ ('' set_leftarm_true set_rightarm_true set_leftarm_false set_rightarm_false))
+ (set_leftarm_true
+ {'|='
+ [flags]
+ kLeftArm}
+ {$this set_beats_per_weight left_hand.weight})
+ (set_rightarm_true
+ {'|='
+ [flags]
+ kRightArm}
+ {$this set_beats_per_weight right_hand.weight})
+ (set_leftarm_false
+ {&=
+ [flags]
+ {'~' kLeftArm}}
+ {$this set_beats_per_weight left_hand.weight})
+ (set_rightarm_false
+ {&=
+ [flags]
+ {'~' kRightArm}}
+ {$this set_beats_per_weight right_hand.weight})
+ (set_beats_per_weight
+ ($setter)
+ {do
+ ($weight
+ {find_obj $clip.dude $setter})
+ {if
+ $weight
+ {$weight set beats_per_weight IK_BLEND_TIME}}}))
+ (snake)
+ (crowd
+ (hand clap)
+ (editor
+ (hand
+ symbol
+ (list
+ (clap fist horns lighters))
+ (help
+ "what the hands should look like")))
+ (enter
+ {do
+ ($hand
+ [hand])
+ {with
+ $clip.dude
+ {hands.grp
+ set
+ draw_only
+ {switch
+ $hand
+ (clap clap.grp)
+ (fist fist.grp)
+ (horns horns.grp)
+ (lighters lighter.grp)}}}}))))
+ (editor
+ (filter_flags
+ bitfield
+ (list
+ {if_else
+ {==
+ {$this get_type}
+ ''}
+ ()
+ {$this clip_flags}})
+ (help
+ "Flags for filtering preview clip")))
+ (types
+ (viseme
+ (version 2)
+ (clip_flags
+ ("kExpressionFirst"))
+ (compression
+ (tolerance 5.0e-2)
+ (bones
+ (bone_L-brow1.mesh)
+ (bone_L-brow2.mesh)
+ (bone_L-brow3.mesh)
+ (bone_L-cheek.mesh)
+ (bone_L-cheek2.mesh)
+ (bone_L-crease.mesh)
+ (bone_L-eyelid-low.mesh)
+ (bone_L-lid.mesh
+ (offset 1 0 0))
+ (bone_L-lipcorner.mesh)
+ (bone_L-nose.mesh)
+ (bone_R-brow1.mesh)
+ (bone_R-brow2.mesh)
+ (bone_R-brow3.mesh)
+ (bone_R-cheek.mesh)
+ (bone_R-cheek2.mesh)
+ (bone_R-crease.mesh)
+ (bone_R-eyelid-low.mesh)
+ (bone_R-lid.mesh
+ (offset 1 0 0))
+ (bone_R-lipcorner.mesh)
+ (bone_R-nose.mesh)
+ (bone_brow-low.mesh)
+ (bone_brow-mid.mesh)
+ (bone_chin.mesh)
+ (bone_forehead.mesh)
+ (bone_head.mesh)
+ (bone_jaw.mesh)
+ (bone_liptop_left.mesh)
+ (bone_liptop_mid.mesh)
+ (bone_liptop_right.mesh)
+ (bone_lowlip_left.mesh)
+ (bone_lowlip_mid.mesh)
+ (bone_lowlip_right.mesh)
+ (bone_neck.mesh)
+ (bone_nose.mesh)
+ (bone_tongue1.mesh)
+ (bone_tongue2.mesh)
+ (bone_tongue3.mesh)
+ (bone_tongue4.mesh
+ (offset 1 0 0))
+ (bone_lowlip_left.mesh)
+ (bone_lowlip_right.mesh)
+ (bone_lowlip_mid.mesh))))
+ (musician
+ (version 6)
+ (clip_flags
+ ("kLeftArm"
+ "kRightArm"
+ "kLeftLeg"
+ "kRightLeg"
+ "kAnimateEyes"
+ "kDisableLipSync"
+ "kMicStandLeftHand"
+ "kMicStandRightHand"
+ "kTempoSlow"
+ "kTempoMedium"
+ "kTempoFast"
+ "kGenreRocker"
+ "kGenreDramatic"
+ "kGenreBanger"
+ "kGenreSpazz"
+ "kPlayIdleRealtime"
+ "kPlayIdle"
+ "kPlayIdleIntense"
+ "kPlayMellow"
+ "kPlayNormal"
+ "kPlayIntense"
+ "kPlaySolo"
+ "kPlayDirectedCut"
+ "kValidGuitar"
+ "kValidBass"
+ "kIgnoreAccent"
+ "kLookAtCam"
+ "kH2hLookingLeft"
+ "kH2hLookingRight"
+ "kUseInCoop"))
+ (bone_weights
+ (bone_pos_guitar.mesh 0))
+ (compression
+ (tolerance 0.4)
+ (bones
+ (bone_R-ankle.mesh
+ (weight 0.85))
+ (bone_L-ankle.mesh
+ (weight 0.85))
+ (bone_R-hand.mesh)
+ (bone_L-hand.mesh)
+ (bone_R-hand_R-hip.mesh)
+ (bone_L-hand_L-hip.mesh)
+ (bone_R-hand_mouth.mesh)
+ (bone_L-hand_mouth.mesh)
+ (bone_L-index03.mesh)
+ (bone_L-middlefinger03.mesh)
+ (bone_L-ringfinger03.mesh)
+ (bone_L-pinky03.mesh)
+ (bone_L-thumb03.mesh)
+ (bone_R-index03.mesh)
+ (bone_R-middlefinger03.mesh)
+ (bone_R-ringfinger03.mesh)
+ (bone_R-pinky03.mesh)
+ (bone_R-thumb03.mesh)
+ (bone_head.mesh
+ (weight 1.5)
+ (offset 3 6 0))
+ (bone_head.mesh
+ (weight 1.5)
+ (offset -2 6 0))))
+ (criteria
+ ((match
+ {'||'
+ {==
+ {$a_clip get beat_align}
+ kPlayRealTime}
+ {==
+ {$b_clip get beat_align}
+ kPlayRealTime}})
+ (cancel))
+ ((match
+ {do
+ ($shared_flags
+ {&
+ {$a_clip get flags}
+ {$b_clip get flags}})
+ {&&
+ {& $shared_flags kTempoAll}
+ {& $shared_flags kPlayDirectedCut}
+ {& $shared_flags kGenreAll}
+ {$a_clip shares_groups $b_clip}}})
+ (restrict
+ {&&
+ {< $b_start 1}
+ {< $a_end 2}})
+ (beat_align 1))
+ ((cancel))))
+ (guitarist_strum
+ (version 1)
+ (clip_flags
+ ("kGenreRocker"
+ "kGenreDramatic"
+ "kGenreBanger"
+ "kGenreSpazz"
+ "kPlayIdleRealtime"
+ "kPlayIdle"
+ "kPlayIdleIntense"
+ "kPlayMellow"
+ "kPlayNormal"
+ "kPlayIntense"
+ "kPlaySolo")))
+ (drummer_play
+ (version 1)
+ (clip_flags
+ ("kLeftArm"
+ "kRightArm"
+ "kGenreRocker"
+ "kGenreDramatic"
+ "kGenreBanger"
+ "kGenreSpazz"
+ "kPlayIdleRealtime"
+ "kPlayIdle"
+ "kPlayIdleIntense"
+ "kPlayMellow"
+ "kPlayNormal"
+ "kPlayIntense"
+ "kPlaySolo"
+ "kTempoSlow"
+ "kTempoMedium"
+ "kTempoFast")))
+ (snake
+ (version 1)
+ (clip_flags
+ ()))
+ (crowd
+ (version 2)
+ (clip_flags
+ ("kTempoSlow"
+ "kTempoMedium"
+ "kTempoFast"))
+ (compression
+ (tolerance 0.4)
+ (bones
+ (bone_R-ankle.mesh
+ (weight 0.85))
+ (bone_L-ankle.mesh
+ (weight 0.85))
+ (bone_R-hand.mesh)
+ (bone_L-hand.mesh)
+ (bone_head.mesh
+ (weight 1.5)
+ (offset 3 6 0))
+ (bone_head.mesh
+ (weight 1.5)
+ (offset -2 6 0))))
+ (criteria
+ ((match
+ {do
+ ($shared_flags
+ {&
+ {$a_clip get flags}
+ {$b_clip get flags}})
+ {&&
+ {& $shared_flags kTempoAll}
+ {$a_clip shares_groups $b_clip}}})
+ (beat_align 1)
+ (restrict
+ {&&
+ {< $b_start 1}
+ {< $a_end 2}}))
+ ((cancel)))
+ (load_tempo
+ ($tempo)
+ {clips.outfit load_tempo $tempo}))
+ (shell
+ (version 2)
+ (clip_flags
+ ("kLeftArm"
+ "kRightArm"
+ "kLeftLeg"
+ "kRightLeg"
+ "kAnimateEyes"
+ "kDisableLipSync"
+ "kGenreRocker"
+ "kGenreDramatic"
+ "kGenreBanger"
+ "kGenreSpazz"
+ "kValidGuitar"
+ "kValidBass"
+ "kIgnoreAccent"
+ "kLookAtCam"))
+ (bone_weights
+ (bone_pos_guitar.mesh 0))
+ (compression
+ (tolerance 0.24)
+ (bones
+ (bone_R-ankle.mesh
+ (weight 0.85))
+ (bone_L-ankle.mesh
+ (weight 0.85))
+ (bone_R-knee.mesh
+ (weight 0.85))
+ (bone_L-knee.mesh
+ (weight 0.85))
+ (bone_R-hand.mesh)
+ (bone_L-hand.mesh)
+ (bone_R-hand_R-hip.mesh)
+ (bone_L-hand_L-hip.mesh)
+ (bone_R-hand_mouth.mesh)
+ (bone_L-hand_mouth.mesh)
+ (bone_L-index03.mesh)
+ (bone_L-middlefinger03.mesh)
+ (bone_L-ringfinger03.mesh)
+ (bone_L-pinky03.mesh)
+ (bone_L-thumb03.mesh)
+ (bone_R-index03.mesh)
+ (bone_R-middlefinger03.mesh)
+ (bone_R-ringfinger03.mesh)
+ (bone_R-pinky03.mesh)
+ (bone_R-thumb03.mesh)
+ (bone_head.mesh
+ (weight 1.5)
+ (offset 3 6 0))
+ (bone_head.mesh
+ (weight 1.5)
+ (offset -2 6 0))))
+ (criteria
+ ((match
+ {'||'
+ {==
+ {$a_clip get beat_align}
+ kPlayRealTime}
+ {==
+ {$b_clip get beat_align}
+ kPlayRealTime}})
+ (cancel))
+ ((match
+ {do
+ ($shared_flags
+ {&
+ {$a_clip get flags}
+ {$b_clip get flags}})
+ {&&
+ {& $shared_flags kGenreAll}
+ {$a_clip shares_groups $b_clip}}})
+ (restrict
+ {&&
+ {< $b_start 1}
+ {< $a_end 2}})
+ (beat_align 1))
+ ((cancel))))))
+ (editor
+ (flags
+ bitfield
+ (list
+ (help
+ "Which collision volumes to hook up to this strand for collision"))))
+ (editor
+ (flags
+ bitfield
+ (list
+ (help
+ "Which flags this CharMeshHide has"))
+ (hides
+ (array
+ (struct
+ (draw
+ object
+ (class Draw)
+ (help
+ "object to hide"))
+ (flags
+ bitfield
+ (list
+ (help
+ "If any flags match, hides draw")))))))
+ (editor
+ (category
+ symbol
+ (list
+ (feet legs torso wrist glasses))
+ (help
+ "The outfit category to cuff against"))))
+ (types
+ (open_strums
+ (parser guitar_string_open)
+ (enter
+ {if
+ [parser]
+ {handle
+ ([parser]
+ add_sink
+ $this)}})
+ (exit
+ {if
+ [parser]
+ {handle
+ ([parser]
+ remove_sink
+ $this)}})
+ (open
+ {$this set_open TRUE})
+ (closed
+ {$this set_open FALSE}))))
+ (types
+ (drum_head
+ (enter
+ {set
+ [weight]
+ {switch
+ {{$this dir}
+ get
+ clip_mode}
+ ((kClipModeMeta kClipModeLoadingScreen)
+ 0)
+ 0.8}}))))
+ (editor
+ (flags
+ bitfield
+ (list
+ ("kLeftArm"
+ "kRightArm"
+ "kLeftLeg"
+ "kRightLeg"
+ "kMicStandLeftHand"
+ "kMicStandRightHand"
+ "kAnimateEyes"
+ "kIgnoreAccent"
+ "kDisableLipSync"
+ "kLookAtCam"))
+ (help
+ "Which Band clip flags to look for")))
+ (types
+ (singalong
+ (parser guitar_singalong_parser)
+ (editor
+ (parser
+ string
+ (help
+ "name of singalong parser")))
+ (enter
+ {set
+ [base_weight]
+ 0}
+ {handle
+ ([parser]
+ add_sink
+ $this)})
+ (exit
+ {set
+ [base_weight]
+ 0}
+ {handle
+ ([parser]
+ remove_sink
+ $this)}))
+ (guitar_lookat
+ (parser guitar_streak_parser)
+ (parser2 guitar_singalong_streak_parser)
+ (singalong FALSE)
+ (enter
+ {if
+ [parser]
+ {handle
+ ([parser]
+ add_sink
+ $this)}
+ {set
+ [base_weight]
+ 0}}
+ {if
+ [parser2]
+ {handle
+ ([parser2]
+ add_sink
+ $this)}})
+ (exit
+ {if
+ [parser]
+ {handle
+ ([parser]
+ remove_sink
+ $this)}}
+ {if
+ [parser2]
+ {handle
+ ([parser2]
+ remove_sink
+ $this)}})
+ (lookat_in
+ {if_else
+ [singalong]
+ {set
+ [base_weight]
+ 0}
+ {set
+ [base_weight]
+ 1}})
+ (lookat_out
+ {set
+ [base_weight]
+ 0}))
+ (drummer_play
+ (lhand_weight 1)
+ (rhand_weight 1)
+ (enter
+ {set
+ [base_weight]
+ 1}
+ {handle
+ (drums_left_hand add_sink $this)}
+ {handle
+ (drums_right_hand add_sink $this)})
+ (exit
+ {set
+ [base_weight]
+ 1}
+ {handle
+ (drums_left_hand remove_sink $this)}
+ {handle
+ (drums_right_hand remove_sink $this)})
+ (get_hand_weight
+ ($group)
+ {switch
+ $group
+ (hihat_fast 0.8)
+ (snare_fast 0.5)
+ (cymbal_r_grab 0.0)
+ (cymbal_l_grab 0.0)
+ (cymbal_l_crash 0.5)
+ (cymbal_l_crash_big 0.2)
+ (cymbal_r_crash 0.5)
+ (cymbal_l_crash_fast 0.5)
+ (floortom 0.5)
+ (floortom_fast 0.5)
+ (cymbal_l_side 0.2)
+ (cymbal_l_side_fast 0.1)
+ (cymbal_r_side 0.2)
+ (cymbal_r_side_fast 0.1)
+ (ride 0.65)
+ (ride_fast 0.45)
+ (ride_side_l 0.25)
+ (ride_side_r 0.25)
+ (cymbal_l 0.5)
+ (cymbal_r 0.5)
+ (tom_l 0.75)
+ (tom_r 0.75)
+ (tom_r_fast 0.5)
+ (tom_l_fast 0.5)
+ 1})
+ (drum_lhand
+ ($group $length)
+ {set
+ [lhand_weight]
+ {$this get_hand_weight $group}}
+ {set
+ [base_weight]
+ {'*'
+ [lhand_weight]
+ [rhand_weight]}})
+ (drum_rhand
+ ($group $length)
+ {set
+ [rhand_weight]
+ {$this get_hand_weight $group}}
+ {set
+ [base_weight]
+ {'*'
+ [lhand_weight]
+ [rhand_weight]}}))))
+ {with_file_path_root
+ "."
+ {$this set_blink_song}})
+ (set_blink_song
+ {$this
+ load_song
+ "char/blinktrack.milo"
+ {set
+ [loop]
+ {set
+ [song_offset]
+ {random_float 0 1000}}))
+ (types
+ (guitar_left_hand
+ (enter
+ {if
+ {==
+ {{$this dir}
+ get
+ clip_mode}
+ kClipModeLoadingScreen}
+ {do
+ {while
+ {$this
+ size
+ (targets)}
+ {$this
+ remove
+ (targets 0)}}
+ {$this
+ insert
+ (targets 0)
+ {find_obj
+ {$this dir}
+ bone_L-hand_L-hip.mesh}}
+ {$this
+ insert
+ (targets 1)
+ {find_obj
+ {$this dir}
+ bone_L-hand_mouth.mesh}}}}))))
+ (types
+ (nonvocal
+ (enter
+ {set
+ [song_owner]
+ {if_else
+ {&&
+ {exists game}
+ {game is_up}}
+ {find_obj $world player_vocals0 song.lipdrv}
+ ''}})
+ (exit
+ {set
+ [song_owner]
+ ''}))))
+#include instruments.dta
+ ($async $loading)
+ {if
+ $loading
+ {cond
+ #ifndef _SHIP
+ ($char.no_clothes
+ {$this select_all -1})
+ #endif
+ ({exists char_cache}
+ {do
+ ($char_data
+ {char_cache
+ find_char_data
+ {$this dir}})
+ ($instrument
+ {char_cache
+ find_controller_sym
+ {$this dir}})
+ #ifndef _SHIP
+ {unless
+ $char_data
+ {fail
+ "no char_data"}}
+ #endif
+ {$this
+ set_prefab
+ {find
+ {$char_data get_char_data}
+ outfit}}
+ {$this select_instrument $char_data $instrument}})
+ ($venue_test
+ {$this select_all -1})
+ ($edit_mode
+ {do
+ ($pd
+ {{$this dir}
+ proxy_dir})
+ {if
+ {&&
+ $pd
+ {==
+ {$pd get_type}
+ chars}}
+ {$this select_all -1}}})}})
+ (create_path
+ ($outfit $cat)
+ {cond
+ ({&&
+ {== $cat drum}
+ {!
+ {has_substr
+ $outfit
+ "drums_"}}}
+ {sprint
+ $outfit
+ "_"
+ {cond
+ ({&&
+ {exists meta}
+ {meta is_up}}
+ small_club)
+ ({exists game}
+ {do
+ ($venue
+ {game get_venue_dir})
+ {cond
+ ({'||'
+ {== $venue blank}
+ {&&
+ {gamemode get is_h2h_arrangement}
+ {==
+ {{session_mgr get_leader_user}
+ get_track_sym}
+ drum}}}
+ small_club)
+ ({== $venue video}
+ big_club)
+ $venue}})
+ ($world
+ {do
+ ($wp
+ {path_name $world})
+ {cond
+ ({has_substr $wp arena}
+ arena)
+ ({has_substr $wp big_club}
+ big_club)
+ ({has_substr $wp small_club}
+ small_club)
+ ({has_substr $wp theater}
+ theater)
+ ({has_substr $wp video}
+ big_club)
+ small_club}})
+ small_club}})
+ ({&&
+ {'||'
+ {== $cat guitar}
+ {== $cat bass}}
+ {!
+ {has_substr
+ $outfit
+ "_"}}}
+ {sprint
+ $outfit
+ "_"
+ {if_else
+ {exists game}
+ {{char_cache
+ find_char_data
+ {$this dir}}
+ selected_variant
+ $cat
+ $outfit}
+ {elem
+ {find $syscfg objects OutfitLoader types male category $cat outfits $outfit default_variant}
+ 1}}})
+ (TRUE kDataUnhandled)})
+ (select_instrument
+ ($char_data $instrument)
+ {switch
+ $instrument
+ (vocals
+ {$this
+ select
+ mic
+ {$char_data selected_outfit mic}}
+ {$this select drum none}
+ {$this select guitar none}
+ {$this select bass none})
+ (drum
+ {$this wipe_instruments})
+ (guitar
+ {$this select mic none}
+ {$this select drum none}
+ {$this
+ select
+ guitar
+ {$char_data selected_outfit guitar}}
+ {$this select bass none})})
+ (wipe_instruments
+ {foreach
+ $inst
+ {$this
+ select
+ {elem $inst 0}
+ none}}))
+ #include outfitloader.dta)
+ {!=
+ {$this get_type}
+ vocal}))
+#define CHAR_COMMON
+((playing TRUE)
+ (cur_play 0)
+ (editor
+ (toggle_gender
+ script
+ (script
+ {$this do_toggle_gender})
+ (help
+ "toggles the genre of the character"))
+ (neutral
+ script
+ (help
+ "Sets h=.5 w=.5")
+ (script
+ {set
+ [height]
+ 0.5}
+ {set
+ [weight]
+ 0.5}
+ {$this deform})
+ (refresh height weight))
+ (tall_and_fat
+ script
+ (help
+ "Sets h=1 w=1")
+ (script
+ {set
+ [height]
+ 1}
+ {set
+ [weight]
+ 1}
+ {$this deform})
+ (refresh height weight))
+ (short_and_fat
+ script
+ (help
+ "Sets h=0 w=1")
+ (script
+ {set
+ [height]
+ 0}
+ {set
+ [weight]
+ 1}
+ {$this deform})
+ (refresh height weight))
+ (tall_and_skinny
+ script
+ (help
+ "Sets h=1 w=0")
+ (script
+ {set
+ [height]
+ 1}
+ {set
+ [weight]
+ 0}
+ {$this deform})
+ (refresh height weight))
+ (short_and_skinny
+ script
+ (help
+ "Sets h=0 w=0")
+ (script
+ {set
+ [height]
+ 0}
+ {set
+ [weight]
+ 0}
+ {$this deform})
+ (refresh height weight))
+ (face_expression_test_group
+ symbol
+ (list
+ (help
+ "test group"))
+ (face_expression_test
+ script
+ (script
+ {set
+ $clipset
+ {expression.drv get clips_ptr}}
+ {set
+ $grp
+ {$clipset
+ find
+ [face_expression_test_group]}}
+ {expression.drv
+ play_group
+ {$grp name}}))
+ (sit_and_play
+ script
+ (help
+ "Makes the drummer sit down by changing group to sit")
+ (script
+ {$this set_play kPlayIdleRealtime}
+ {$this change_group sit})
+ (hide
+ {!=
+ {$this get_type}
+ drum}))
+ (strum_and_fret
+ script
+ (help
+ "Makes the character strum and fret so the arms aren't all wacky")
+ (script
+ {if
+ {exists strum.dmidi}
+ {strum.dmidi play 0 kPlayGraphLoop}}
+ {if
+ {exists fret.dmidi}
+ {fret.dmidi play 0 kPlayGraphLoop}})
+ (hide
+ {!=
+ {$this get_type}
+ guitar}))
+ (become_bass
+ script
+ (script
+ {$this exit}
+ {$this world_configure bass}
+ {$this enter}
+ {if
+ {exists strum.dmidi}
+ {strum.dmidi play 0 kPlayGraphLoop}}
+ {if
+ {exists fret.dmidi}
+ {fret.dmidi play 0 kPlayGraphLoop}})
+ (help
+ "become a bassist")
+ (hide
+ {!=
+ {$this get_type}
+ guitar}))
+ (become_guitar
+ script
+ (script
+ {$this exit}
+ {$this world_configure guitar}
+ {$this enter}
+ {if
+ {exists strum.dmidi}
+ {strum.dmidi play 0 kPlayGraphLoop}}
+ {if
+ {exists fret.dmidi}
+ {fret.dmidi play 0 kPlayGraphLoop}})
+ (help
+ "become a guitarist")
+ (hide
+ {!=
+ {$this get_type}
+ guitar}))
+ (fret_hi
+ script
+ (script
+ {handle
+ (fret.ikmidi set cur_spot spot_neck_fret20.mesh)})
+ (hide
+ {!=
+ {$this get_type}
+ guitar})
+ (help
+ "set the fret hand high on the neck"))
+ (fret_med_hi
+ script
+ (script
+ {handle
+ (fret.ikmidi set cur_spot spot_neck_fret15.mesh)})
+ (hide
+ {!=
+ {$this get_type}
+ guitar})
+ (help
+ "set the fret hand med-high on the neck"))
+ (fret_med
+ script
+ (script
+ {handle
+ (fret.ikmidi set cur_spot spot_neck_fret10.mesh)})
+ (hide
+ {!=
+ {$this get_type}
+ guitar})
+ (help
+ "set the fret hand med on the neck"))
+ (fret_med_low
+ script
+ (script
+ {handle
+ (fret.ikmidi set cur_spot spot_neck_fret05.mesh)})
+ (hide
+ {!=
+ {$this get_type}
+ guitar})
+ (help
+ "set the fret hand med-low on the neck"))
+ (fret_low
+ script
+ (script
+ {handle
+ (fret.ikmidi set cur_spot spot_neck_fret01.mesh)})
+ (hide
+ {!=
+ {$this get_type}
+ guitar})
+ (help
+ "set the fret hand low on the neck"))
+ (clap
+ script
+ (script
+ {$this set_instrument clap})
+ (help
+ "vocalists holds nothing to clap")
+ (cowbell
+ script
+ (script
+ {$this set_instrument cowbell})
+ (help
+ "vocalists holds the cowbell")
+ (mic
+ script
+ (script
+ {$this set_instrument mic})
+ (help
+ "vocalists holds the mic")
+ (mic_stand
+ script
+ (script
+ {$this set_instrument mic_stand})
+ (help
+ "vocalists holds the mic stand")
+ (tambourine
+ script
+ (script
+ {$this set_instrument tambourine})
+ (help
+ "vocalists holds the tambourine")
+ (face_expression_test_group normal)
+ (change_char_config
+ {if
+ {exists char_cache}
+ {do
+ ($char_data
+ {char_cache find_char_data $this})
+ #ifndef _SHIP
+ {unless
+ $char_data
+ {notify
+ "no char_data"}}
+ #endif
+ {if
+ $char_data
+ {$char_data configure_char $this}}
+ {handle
+ (ui change_char_config)}}})
+ (idle_realtime
+ {$this change_play kPlayIdleRealtime})
+ (idle
+ {$this change_play kPlayIdle})
+ (idle_intense
+ {$this change_play kPlayIdleIntense})
+ (mellow
+ {$this change_play kPlayMellow})
+ (play
+ {$this change_play kPlayNormal})
+ (intense
+ {$this change_play kPlayIntense})
+ (play_solo
+ {$this change_play kPlaySolo})
+ (change_play
+ ($mode)
+ {set
+ [cur_play]
+ $mode}
+ {unless
+ [playing]
+ {switch
+ $mode
+ ((kPlayIntense kPlaySolo)
+ {set $mode kPlayIdleIntense})
+ ((kPlayMellow kPlayNormal)
+ {set $mode kPlayIdle})}}
+ {$this set_play $mode})
+ (tambourine_start
+ {$this group_override tambourine})
+ (tambourine_end
+ {$this group_override ''})
+ (cowbell_start
+ {$this group_override cowbell})
+ (cowbell_end
+ {$this group_override ''})
+ (clap_start
+ {$this group_override clap})
+ (clap_end
+ {$this group_override ''})
+ (game_over
+ {handle
+ ([parser]
+ remove_sink
+ $this)}
+ {$this group_override ''}
+ {$this
+ iterate
+ CharIKMidi
+ $midi
+ {handle
+ ($midi game_over)}}
+ {$this
+ iterate
+ CharDriverMidi
+ $midi
+ {handle
+ ($midi game_over)}})
+ (game_won_finale
+ {set
+ [clip_mode]
+ kClipModeFinale}
+ {$this load_clips TRUE})
+ (playing_final_cam
+ {$this idle_realtime})
+ (game_outro
+ {if
+ {exists game}
+ {{$this dir}
+ remove_sink
+ $this}})
+ (load_song_clips
+ {set
+ [tempo]
+ {song_mgr
+ anim_tempo
+ {meta_performer song}}}
+ {set
+ [clip_mode]
+ kClipModeWorld}
+ {$this load_lip_sync}
+ {$this load_clips TRUE})
+ (sync_objects
+ {char_mesh_hide $this}
+ {do
+ ($visemes
+ {if_else
+ {$this exists visemes}
+ {$this find visemes}
+ {do
+ ($vis '')
+ {with_file_path_root
+ "."
+ {set
+ $vis
+ {load_objects
+ "char/male/anim/male_viseme_head_1.milo"}}}
+ {$vis delete_loader}
+ $vis}})
+ {handle
+ (song.lipdrv set clips $visemes)}
+ {handle
+ (face.faceservo set clips $visemes)}
+ {handle
+ (expression.drv set_clips $visemes)}
+ {handle
+ (face_accent.dmidi set_clips $visemes)}})
+ (pre_meta_configure
+ {song.lipdrv
+ set
+ song
+ ""}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit wipe_instruments}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit start_load TRUE}
+ {$this clear_group}
+ {$this clear_dircuts}
+ {set
+ [clip_mode]
+ kClipModeNone}
+ {$this load_clips TRUE})
+ (meta_configure
+ {song.lipdrv set_blink_song}
+ {do
+ ($char_data
+ {char_cache find_char_data $this})
+ ($instrument
+ {char_cache find_controller_sym $this})
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select_instrument $char_data $instrument}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit start_load TRUE}}
+ {set
+ [clip_mode]
+ kClipModeMeta}
+ {$this load_clips TRUE})
+ (load_realtime_clips
+ {$this clear_group}
+ {set
+ [clip_mode]
+ kClipModeRealtime}
+ {$this load_clips TRUE})
+ (loading_screen_configure
+ {song.lipdrv
+ set
+ song
+ ""}
+ {set
+ [clip_mode]
+ kClipModeLoadingScreen}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select mic none}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select guitar none}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select bass none}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select drum none}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit start_load TRUE})
+ (do_toggle_gender
+ {do
+ ($g
+ {if_else
+ {==
+ [gender]
+ female}
+ male
+ female})
+ {$this clear_dircuts}
+ {$this
+ set
+ proxy_file
+ {sprint
+ "char/"
+ $g
+ "/"
+ $g
+ "_"
+ {$this get_type}
+ ".milo"}}
+ {if
+ $world
+ {$world clothe_character $this}}
+ {$this enter}})
+ (get_matching_dude
+ {if_else
+ {exists char_cache}
+ {char_cache get_matching_dude $this}
+ ''}))
+ $is_proxy
+ {&&
+ {!
+ {exists game}}
+ {$this is_proxy}}}
+ {set
+ [playing]
+ {set
+ [cur_play]
+ 0}
+ {if_else
+ {exists game}
+ {if
+ {game is_up}
+ {handle
+ ([parser]
+ add_sink
+ $this)}
+ {{$this dir}
+ add_sink
+ $this
+ (game_over game_outro game_won_finale playing_final_cam)}
+ {if
+ {exists char_cache}
+ {do
+ ($player
+ {game
+ get_player
+ {char_cache find_index $this}})
+ {if
+ $player
+ {do
+ {$player
+ add_sink
+ $this
+ (hit miss pass disable_player enable_player)}
+ {if
+ {gamemode get is_h2h_arrangement}
+ {$this
+ set_h2h_location
+ {gamecfg
+ get_slot_num_from_player_num
+ {char_cache find_index $this}}}}}}}}
+ {$this
+ set_h2h_mode
+ {gamemode get is_h2h_arrangement}}
+ {if
+ {gamemode get separate_parts}
+ {do
+ ($desired_name
+ {switch
+ $game.play_mode
+ (h2h_drum drum)
+ (h2h_guitar guitar)
+ (h2h_bass bass)
+ (h2h_vocals vocal)
+ ''})
+ {if
+ {&&
+ $desired_name
+ {has_substr
+ {$this name}
+ $desired_name}}
+ {if_else
+ {==
+ {game get_player_num_from_slot_num 0}
+ {char_cache find_index $this}}
+ {slot0_enable add_sink $this}
+ {slot1_enable add_sink $this}}
+ {$this disable_player}}}}
+ {$this set_play kPlayIdleRealtime}
+ {$this
+ change_group
+ [start_group]}}
+ {do
+ {cond
+ ({'||' $char_test $venue_test $is_proxy}
+ {set
+ [weight]
+ 0.5}
+ {set
+ [height]
+ 0.5}
+ {$this deform})
+ {$this
+ iterate
+ CharIKScale
+ $s
+ {$s set scale 1}}
+ {$this
+ iterate
+ CharForeTwist
+ $s
+ {$s set length_scale 0.38}}}}})
+ (types
+ (main)
+ (expression)
+ (drum_add)
+ (snake
+ (enter
+ {$this play_group default kPlayGraphLoop}))))
+ (types
+ (musician
+ (editor
+ (parser
+ symbol
+ (help
+ "Name of the midi parser to hook into")))
+ (enter
+ {if
+ {!
+ {exists
+ [parser]}}
+ {do
+ ($scene
+ {{$this dir}
+ dir})
+ {unless
+ {==
+ {$scene get_type}
+ shell}
+ {if
+ {'||'
+ $venue_test
+ $char_test
+ {&&
+ $edit_mode
+ {!=
+ $scene
+ {$this dir}}}}
+ {$this play 0 kPlayGraphLoop}}}}})
+ (game_over
+ {handle
+ ([parser]
+ remove_sink
+ $this)})
+ (drum_lhand
+ ($group $length)
+ {$this drum_hit $group $length})
+ (drum_rhand
+ ($group $length)
+ {$this drum_hit $group $length})
+ (strum
+ ($group $length)
+ {do
+ ($flags
+ {&
+ {{$this dir}
+ get_play_flags}
+ kPlayAndAttitudeFlags})
+ ($group
+ {[clips_ptr]
+ find
+ $group})
+ ($clip
+ {$group find_clip $flags})
+ {unless
+ $clip
+ {print
+ "NOTIFY: "
+ {path_name $group}
+ " could not find clip with flags "
+ $flags
+ ", trying 0\n"}
+ {set
+ $clip
+ {$group get_clip}}}
+ {if_else
+ $clip
+ {do
+ {if
+ {==
+ {$clip get beat_align}
+ kPlayRealTime}
+ {set
+ $length
+ {$mp.parser beat_to_sec_length $length}}}
+ {$this midi_parser $clip $length}}
+ {print
+ "NOTIFY: "
+ {path_name $group}
+ " could find no clip\n"}}})
+ (drum_hit
+ ($group $length)
+ {do
+ ($flags
+ {&
+ {{$this dir}
+ get_play_flags}
+ kPlayAttitudeTempoFlags})
+ ($group
+ {[clips_ptr]
+ find
+ $group})
+ ($clip
+ {$group find_clip $flags})
+ {unless
+ $clip
+ {print
+ "NOTIFY: "
+ {path_name $group}
+ " could not find clip with flags "
+ $flags
+ ", trying 0\n"}
+ {set
+ $clip
+ {$group get_clip}}}
+ {if_else
+ $clip
+ {do
+ {if
+ {==
+ {$clip get beat_align}
+ kPlayRealTime}
+ {set
+ $length
+ {$mp.parser beat_to_sec_length $length}}}
+ {$this midi_parser $clip $length}}
+ {print
+ "NOTIFY: "
+ {path_name $group}
+ " could find no clip\n"}}}))))
+ (editor
+ (strands
+ (array
+ (struct
+ (hookup_flags
+ bitfield
+ (list
+ (help
+ "Which collision volumes to hook up to this strand for collision")))))))
+ (types
+ (musician
+ (parser guitar_fret_pos)
+ (editor
+ (parser
+ symbol
+ (help
+ "Name of the midi parser to hook into")))
+ (enter
+ {if
+ {exists
+ [parser]}
+ {[parser]
+ add_sink
+ $this}})
+ (exit
+ {handle
+ ([parser]
+ remove_sink
+ $this)})
+ (game_over
+ {handle
+ ([parser]
+ remove_sink
+ $this)}))))
+((face_accent.dmidi fret.dmidi strum.dmidi fret.ikmidi string_hi.dmidi string_low.dmidi guitar.lookat))
+#define DRUM_THINGS
+((hihat.dmidi kick.dmidi left_crash.dmidi left_foot.dmidi left_hand.dmidi ride.dmidi right_crash.dmidi right_foot.dmidi right_hand.dmidi))
+ (editor
+ (prefab_name
+ symbol
+ (help
+ "Prefab to load")
+ (list
+ {$this list_prefabs})
+ (no_test))
+ (load_prefab
+ script
+ (script
+ {do
+ ($inst
+ {$this load_prefab})
+ {if_else
+ {==
+ [clip_mode]
+ kClipModeLoadingScreen}
+ {$this hide_all_instruments}
+ {do
+ {if
+ {== $inst drum}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select mic none}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select guitar none}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select bass none}}
+ {if
+ {== $inst guitar}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select mic none}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select drum none}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select bass none}}
+ {if
+ {== $inst vocals}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select drum none}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select guitar none}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select bass none}}}}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit start_load FALSE}
+ {if
+ {exists milo}
+ {milo update_open_editor $this}}})
+ (help
+ "Loads prefab character specified by prefab_name")))
+ (tattoos
+ (patch_chest chest torso_skin_proxy)
+ (patch_left_arm arm torso_skin_proxy)
+ (patch_right_arm arm torso_skin_proxy)
+ (patch_facepaint general head_skin_proxy))
+ (patch
+ (sets
+ (general 10)
+ (chest 5)
+ (arm 5))
+ (stickers
+ (patch_sailor
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_sailor_jerry.milo
+ preview_sailor_jerry.tex
+ (sets chest arm))
+ (patch_newyork
+ ../patchcreator/tattoos_york_adorned.milo
+ preview_york_adorned.tex
+ (sets chest arm))
+ (patch_corbins
+ ../patchcreator/tattoos_temple_tattoo.milo
+ preview_temple_tattoo.tex
+ (sets chest arm))
+ (patch_slifers
+ ../patchcreator/tattoos_paul_slifer.milo
+ preview_paul_slifer.tex
+ (sets chest arm))
+ (patch_suerte
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_adam_suerte.milo
+ preview_adam_suerte.tex
+ (sets chest arm))
+ (patch_anchor
+ ../patchcreator/tattoos_anchor_steam_tattoo_gallery.milo
+ preview_Anchor_Steam_Tattoo_Gallery.tex
+ (sets chest arm))
+ (patch_flyrite
+ ../patchcreator/tattoos_flyrite_studios.milo
+ preview_flyrite_studios.tex
+ (sets chest arm))
+ (patch_demuth
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_aaron_demuth.milo
+ preview_aaron_demuth.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_carriuolo
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_adam_carriuolo.milo
+ preview_adam_carriuolo.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_matheson
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_dare_matheson.milo
+ preview_dare_matheson.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_battilana
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_david_battilana.milo
+ preview_david_battilana.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_bogdhan
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_david_bogdhan.milo
+ preview_david_bogdhan.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_goodrich
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_david_goodrich.milo
+ preview_david_goodrich.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_min
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_eliot_min.milo
+ preview_eliot_min.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_clapp
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_elliot_clapp.milo
+ preview_elliot_clapp.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_young
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_erin_young.milo
+ preview_erin_young.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_mcgill
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_fish_mcgill.milo
+ preview_fish_mcgill.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_dee
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_john_dee.milo
+ preview_john_dee.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_roan
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_kerry_roan.milo
+ preview_kerry_roan.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_davis
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_kurt_davis.milo
+ preview_kurt_davis.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_sundaramurthy
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_mallika_sundaramurthy.milo
+ preview_mallika_sundaramurthy.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_gilpin
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_matt_gilpin.milo
+ preview_matt_gilpin.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_perlot
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_matt_perlot.milo
+ preview_matt_perlot.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_georgeson
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_michael_georgeson.milo
+ preview_michael_georgeson.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_fletcher
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_mitch_fletcher.milo
+ preview_mitch_fletcher.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_berkley
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_noah_berkley.milo
+ preview_noah_berkley.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_macdonald
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_peter_macdonald.milo
+ preview_peter_macdonald.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_murakami
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_reiko_murakami.milo
+ preview_reiko_murakami.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_lesser
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_ryan_lesser.milo
+ preview_ryan_lesser.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_sinclair
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_scott_sinclair.milo
+ preview_scott_sinclair.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_witt
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_shawn_witt.milo
+ preview_shawn_witt.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_kimura
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_steven_kimura.milo
+ preview_steven_kimura.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_zylicz
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_tim_zylicz.milo
+ preview_tim_zylicz.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_gradient
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_shapes_gradient.milo
+ preview_stickers_generic_shapes_gradient.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_outlines
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_shapes_outlines.milo
+ preview_stickers_generic_shapes_outlines.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_solids
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_shapes_solid.milo
+ preview_stickers_generic_shapes_solid.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_animals
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_stickers_animals.milo
+ preview_generic_stickers_animals.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_decorative
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_stickers_decorative.milo
+ preview_generic_stickers_decorative.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_luckycharms
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_stickers_lucky_charms.milo
+ preview_generic_stickers_lucky_charms.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_plants
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_stickers_plants.milo
+ preview_generic_stickers_plants.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_skineffects
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_skineffects.milo
+ preview_skin_effects.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_specialeffects
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_stickers_special_effects.milo
+ preview_generic_stickers_special_effects.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_avant
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_letters_avant_garde.milo
+ preview_letters_avant_garde.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_bodoni
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_letters_bodoni.milo
+ preview_letters_bodoni.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_sailor_gothic
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_letters_sailor.milo
+ preview_letters_sailor.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ ;dx - rb1 patches not in rb2
+ (patch_talbot
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_eric_talbot.milo
+ preview_letters_sailor.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_reusch
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_mister_reusch.milo
+ preview_letters_sailor.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_lyons
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_paul_lyons.milo
+ preview_letters_sailor.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_painterly
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_shapes_painterly.milo
+ preview_letters_sailor.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_thinlines
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_shapes_thin_line.milo
+ preview_letters_sailor.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_thicklines
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_shapes_thick_line.milo
+ preview_letters_sailor.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_sketchy
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_shapes_sketchy.milo
+ preview_letters_sailor.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_chalet
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_letters_chalet.milo
+ preview_letters_sailor.tex
+ (sets general chest arm))
+ (patch_fakir
+ ../patchcreator/stickers_letters_fakir_01.milo
+ preview_letters_sailor.tex
+ (sets general chest arm)))
+ (patch_layer ../patchcreator/og/patch_warpmesh.milo))
+ (types
+ (guitar
+ (start_group stand)
+ (parser guitarist_parser)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (enable_player
+ {foreach
+ $thing
+ {handle
+ ({$thing get parser}
+ add_sink
+ $thing)}}
+ {set
+ [playing]
+ {$this
+ change_play
+ [cur_play]})
+ (disable_player
+ {foreach
+ $thing
+ {handle
+ ({$thing get parser}
+ remove_sink
+ $thing)}}
+ {set
+ [playing]
+ {$this
+ change_play
+ [cur_play]})
+ (enter
+ {$this
+ set_guitar_flags
+ {if_else
+ {has_substr
+ {$this name}
+ "bass"}
+ kValidBass
+ kValidGuitar}}
+ {left_hand.weight set beats_per_weight 0}
+ {right_hand.weight set beats_per_weight 0}
+ {left_hand.weight set weight 0}
+ {right_hand.weight set weight 0}
+ {if
+ {exists fret_add.drv}
+ {fret_add.drv play open}}
+ {if_else
+ {==
+ [clip_mode]
+ kClipModeMeta}
+ {do
+ {string01.string set target spot_nut01.mesh}
+ {string02.string set target spot_nut02.mesh}
+ {string03.string set target spot_nut03.mesh}
+ {string04.string set target spot_nut04.mesh}
+ {string05.string set target spot_nut05.mesh}
+ {string06.string set target spot_nut06.mesh}}
+ {do
+ {string01.string set target bone_tip_fret.mesh}
+ {string02.string set target bone_tip_fret.mesh}
+ {string03.string set target bone_tip_fret.mesh}
+ {string04.string set target bone_tip_fret.mesh}
+ {string05.string set target bone_tip_fret.mesh}
+ {string06.string set target bone_tip_fret.mesh}}})
+ (world_configure
+ ($t)
+ {do
+ ($char_data
+ {if_else
+ {exists char_cache}
+ {char_cache find_char_data $this}
+ 0})
+ {if_else
+ {== $t guitar}
+ {do
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit
+ select
+ guitar
+ {if_else
+ $char_data
+ {$char_data selected_outfit $t}
+ {$this valid_instrument $t}}}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select bass none}
+ {string01.string set parser guitar_string_open}
+ {string02.string set parser guitar_string_open}
+ {string03.string set parser guitar_string_open}
+ {string04.string set parser guitar_string_open}
+ {string05.string set parser guitar_string_open}
+ {string06.string set parser guitar_string_open}
+ {guitar.lookat set parser guitar_streak_parser}
+ {$this set_guitar_flags kValidGuitar}
+ {set
+ [parser]
+ guitarist_parser}
+ {fret.dmidi set parser guitar_fret}
+ {fret.dmidi set_inactive_clip_name open}
+ {strum.dmidi set parser guitar_strum}
+ {strum.dmidi set_inactive_clip_name strum_open}
+ {face_accent.dmidi set parser guitar_face_accent}
+ {fret.ikmidi set parser guitar_fret_pos}
+ {singalong.weight set parser guitar_singalong_parser}
+ {string_hi.dmidi set parser guitar_string_hi}
+ {string_low.dmidi set parser guitar_string_low}
+ {handle
+ (zBassOffset.drv enter)}}
+ {do
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit
+ select
+ bass
+ {if_else
+ $char_data
+ {$char_data selected_outfit $t}
+ {$this valid_instrument $t}}}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select guitar none}
+ {string01.string set parser ''}
+ {string02.string set parser ''}
+ {string03.string set parser ''}
+ {string04.string set parser ''}
+ {string05.string set parser ''}
+ {string06.string set parser ''}
+ {guitar.lookat set parser ''}
+ {$this set_guitar_flags kValidBass}
+ {set
+ [parser]
+ bassist_parser}
+ {fret.dmidi set parser bass_fret}
+ {fret.dmidi set_inactive_clip_name open}
+ {strum.dmidi set parser bass_strum}
+ {strum.dmidi set_inactive_clip_name strum_open}
+ {face_accent.dmidi set parser bass_face_accent}
+ {fret.ikmidi set parser bass_fret_pos}
+ {singalong.weight set parser bass_singalong_parser}
+ {handle
+ (zBassOffset.drv play offset)}
+ {string_hi.dmidi set parser bass_string_hi}
+ {string_low.dmidi set parser bass_string_low}}}}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select mic none}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select drum none}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit start_load TRUE})
+ (load_lip_sync
+ {song.lipdrv set_blink_song})
+ (drum
+ (clip_flags 0)
+ (start_group sit)
+ (parser drummer_parser)
+ (enter
+ {if
+ {$this exists drumset.grp}
+ {if
+ $world
+ {if
+ {$world exists drumset.env}
+ {drumset.grp
+ set
+ environ
+ {$world find drumset.env}}}
+ {right_hand.dmidi play ready}
+ {left_hand.dmidi play ready}}
+ {drumset.grp
+ set_showing
+ {!
+ {'||'
+ {==
+ [clip_mode]
+ kClipModeMeta}
+ {==
+ [clip_mode]
+ kClipModeLoadingScreen}}}}
+ {if
+ {$this exists drum_translucent.grp}
+ {drum_translucent.grp
+ set_showing
+ {!
+ {'||'
+ {==
+ [clip_mode]
+ kClipModeMeta}
+ {==
+ [clip_mode]
+ kClipModeLoadingScreen}}}}}}
+ {if
+ {$this exists sticks.grp}
+ {sticks.grp
+ set
+ draw_only
+ {if_else
+ {==
+ [clip_mode]
+ kClipModeMeta}
+ doublestick.grp
+ singlestick.grp}}
+ {if
+ {==
+ [clip_mode]
+ kClipModeLoadingScreen}
+ {sticks.grp set_showing 0}}})
+ (prep_win_sequence
+ {if
+ {$this exists sticks.grp}
+ {sticks.grp set draw_only mallet.grp}})
+ (enable_player
+ {foreach
+ $thing
+ {{$thing get parser}
+ add_sink
+ $thing}}
+ {set
+ [playing]
+ {$this
+ change_play
+ [cur_play]})
+ (disable_player
+ {foreach
+ $thing
+ {{$thing get parser}
+ remove_sink
+ $thing}}
+ {set
+ [playing]
+ {$this
+ change_play
+ [cur_play]})
+ (world_configure
+ ($t)
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit
+ select
+ drum
+ {{char_cache find_char_data $this}
+ selected_outfit
+ drum}}
+ {if
+ {$this exists sticks.grp}
+ {sticks.grp set_showing 1}}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select mic none}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select guitar none}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select bass none}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit start_load TRUE})
+ (load_lip_sync
+ {song.lipdrv set_blink_song})
+ (vocal
+ (clip_flags 0)
+ (start_group stand)
+ (parser vocal_parser)
+ (enable_player
+ {set
+ [playing]
+ {$this
+ change_play
+ [cur_play]})
+ (disable_player
+ {set
+ [playing]
+ {$this
+ change_play
+ [cur_play]})
+ (set_instrument
+ ($inst)
+ {hands.grp
+ set
+ draw_only
+ {switch
+ $inst
+ (cowbell cowbell.grp)
+ (tambourine tambourine.grp)
+ ((mic mic_stand)
+ mic.grp)
+ (clap empty.grp)}}
+ {mic_trans.grp
+ set_showing
+ {find_elem
+ (mic mic_stand)
+ $inst}}
+ {mic_stand.grp
+ set_showing
+ {== $inst mic_stand}})
+ (enter
+ {unless
+ {&& $edit_mode $cache_mode}
+ {$this set_instrument mic}})
+ (load_lip_sync
+ {do
+ ($song
+ {meta_performer song})
+ ($songpath
+ {if_else
+ $song
+ {sprint
+ {song_mgr
+ song_file_path
+ $song
+ ".milo"}}
+ ""})
+ {song.lipdrv load_song $songpath TRUE}
+ {song.lipdrv
+ set
+ song_offset
+ (world_configure
+ ($t)
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit
+ select
+ mic
+ {{char_cache find_char_data $this}
+ selected_outfit
+ mic}}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select guitar none}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select bass none}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit select drum none}
+ {OutfitLoader.outfit start_load TRUE})
+#define CharPart_None
+#define CharPart_FullBody
+#define CharPart_Hair
+#define CharPart_Head
+#define CharPart_Torso
+#define CharPart_Hands
+#define CharPart_Pants
+#define CharPart_Shoes
+#define CharPart_LeftLowerArm
+#define CharPart_RightLowerArm
+#define CharPart_Neck
+ (types
+ (eq
+ (enter
+ {if
+ {exists main.drv}
+ {main.drv play still}}))
+ (light_target
+ (editor
+ (base_anim
+ symbol
+ (list
+ {$this get_clip_names}))
+ (base_amplitude
+ float
+ (range 0 1)
+ (help
+ "physical scale of animation loop"))
+ (base_speed
+ float
+ (help
+ "speed multiplier"))
+ (base_phase
+ float
+ (range 0 1)
+ (help
+ "0 to 1, 0.5 would start the loop half way through"))
+ (add_anim
+ symbol
+ (list
+ {$this get_clip_names}))
+ (add_amplitude
+ float
+ (range 0 1)
+ (help
+ "physical scale of animation loop"))
+ (add_speed
+ float
+ (help
+ "speed multiplier"))
+ (add_phase
+ float
+ (range 0 1)
+ (help
+ "0 to 1, 0.5 would start the loop half way through"))
+ (test
+ script
+ (script
+ {$this test_anim})))
+ (base_anim '')
+ (base_amplitude 1)
+ (base_speed 1)
+ (base_phase 0)
+ (add_anim '')
+ (add_amplitude 0.5)
+ (add_speed 1)
+ (add_phase 0)
+ (get_clip_names
+ {set
+ $clips
+ {main.drv get clips_ptr}}
+ {set
+ $clipnames
+ {array 0}}
+ {$clips
+ iterate
+ CharClip
+ $i
+ {insert_elem
+ $clipnames
+ 0
+ {$i name}}}
+ $clipnames)
+ (test_anim
+ {$this
+ play_anim
+ [base_anim]
+ [base_amplitude]
+ [base_speed]
+ [base_phase]
+ [add_anim]
+ [add_amplitude]
+ [add_speed]
+ [add_phase]})
+ (play_anim
+ ($base_anim $base_amp $base_speed $base_phase $add_anim $add_amp $add_speed $add_phase)
+ {base_pos.drv set weight $base_amp}
+ {target_pos.drv set weight $add_amp}
+ {main.drv set beat_scale $base_speed}
+ {base_pos.drv set beat_scale $base_speed}
+ {base_rot.drv set beat_scale $add_speed}
+ {target_pos.drv set beat_scale $add_speed}
+ {base_pos_still.drv
+ play
+ still
+ {'|' kPlayNoBlend kPlayGraphLoop}}
+ {target_pos_still.drv
+ play
+ still
+ {'|' kPlayNoBlend kPlayGraphLoop}}
+ {main.drv
+ play
+ $base_anim
+ {'|' kPlayNoBlend kPlayGraphLoop}}
+ {base_pos.drv
+ play
+ $base_anim
+ {'|' kPlayNoBlend kPlayGraphLoop}}
+ {base_rot.drv
+ play
+ $add_anim
+ {'|' kPlayNoBlend kPlayGraphLoop}}
+ {target_pos.drv
+ play
+ $add_anim
+ {'|' kPlayNoBlend kPlayGraphLoop}}
+ {set
+ $clip
+ {main.drv first_clip}}
+ {set
+ $offset
+ {'*'
+ {$clip get length}
+ $base_phase}}
+ {main.drv offset $offset $offset}
+ {set
+ $clip
+ {base_pos.drv first_clip}}
+ {set
+ $offset
+ {'*'
+ {$clip get length}
+ $base_phase}}
+ {base_pos.drv offset $offset $offset}
+ {set
+ $clip
+ {base_rot.drv first_clip}}
+ {set
+ $offset
+ {'*'
+ {$clip get length}
+ $add_phase}}
+ {base_rot.drv offset $offset $offset}
+ {set
+ $clip
+ {target_pos.drv first_clip}}
+ {set
+ $offset
+ {'*'
+ {$clip get length}
+ $add_phase}}
+ {target_pos.drv offset $offset $offset}))
+ (clothing_obj
+ (editor
+ (mat1
+ (indent
+ (target
+ object
+ (class Mat)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (diffuse_tex
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (two_color
+ bool
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (two_color_mask
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (custom_diffuse_tex
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (emissive_map
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (environ_map
+ object
+ (class CubeTex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (normal_map
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (specular_map
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update})
+ (refresh specular_rgb))
+ (specular_power
+ float
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (specular_rgb
+ color
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (fleck_shaded
+ bool
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (substrate_depth
+ float
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (substrate_color
+ color
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (fleck_shaded_mask
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (norm_detail_map
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (norm_detail_strength
+ float
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (norm_detail_tiling
+ float
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))))
+ (mat2
+ (indent
+ (target2
+ object
+ (class Mat)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (diffuse_tex2
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (two_color2
+ bool
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (two_color_mask2
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (custom_diffuse_tex2
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (emissive_map2
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (environ_map2
+ object
+ (class CubeTex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (normal_map2
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (specular_map2
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update})
+ (refresh specular_rgb2))
+ (specular_power2
+ float
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (specular_rgb2
+ color
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (fleck_shaded2
+ bool
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (substrate_depth2
+ float
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (substrate_color2
+ color
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (fleck_shaded_mask2
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (norm_detail_map2
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (norm_detail_strength2
+ float
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (norm_detail_tiling2
+ float
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))))
+ (mat3
+ (indent
+ (target3
+ object
+ (class Mat)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (diffuse_tex3
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (two_color3
+ bool
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (two_color_mask3
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (custom_diffuse_tex3
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (emissive_map3
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (environ_map3
+ object
+ (class CubeTex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (normal_map3
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (specular_map3
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update})
+ (refresh specular_rgb2))
+ (specular_power3
+ float
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (specular_rgb3
+ color
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (fleck_shaded3
+ bool
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (substrate_depth3
+ float
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (substrate_color3
+ color
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (fleck_shaded_mask3
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))))
+ (mat4
+ (indent
+ (target4
+ object
+ (class Mat)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (diffuse_tex4
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (two_color4
+ bool
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (two_color_mask4
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (custom_diffuse_tex4
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (emissive_map4
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (environ_map4
+ object
+ (class CubeTex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (normal_map4
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (specular_map4
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update})
+ (refresh specular_rgb2))
+ (specular_power4
+ float
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (specular_rgb4
+ color
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (fleck_shaded4
+ bool
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (substrate_depth4
+ float
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (substrate_color4
+ color
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))
+ (fleck_shaded_mask4
+ object
+ (class Tex)
+ (post_sync
+ {$this update}))))
+ (init_anim
+ object
+ (class Anim)
+ (help
+ "Animation to run on initialization.")))
+ (target
+ "")
+ (diffuse_tex
+ "")
+ (custom_diffuse_tex
+ "")
+ (emissive_map
+ "")
+ (environ_map
+ "")
+ (normal_map
+ "")
+ (specular_map
+ "")
+ (specular_power 30)
+ (specular_rgb 0)
+ (two_color 1)
+ (target2
+ "")
+ (diffuse_tex2
+ "")
+ (custom_diffuse_tex2
+ "")
+ (emissive_map2
+ "")
+ (environ_map2
+ "")
+ (normal_map2
+ "")
+ (specular_map2
+ "")
+ (specular_power2 30)
+ (target3
+ "")
+ (diffuse_tex3
+ "")
+ (custom_diffuse_tex3
+ "")
+ (emissive_map3
+ "")
+ (environ_map3
+ "")
+ (normal_map3
+ "")
+ (specular_map3
+ "")
+ (specular_power3 30)
+ (specular_rgb2 0)
+ (specular_rgb3 0)
+ (two_color2 1)
+ (two_color3 1)
+ (two_color_mask
+ "")
+ (two_color_mask2
+ "")
+ (two_color_mask3
+ "")
+ (spec_map_cache
+ "")
+ (spec_map_cache2
+ "")
+ (spec_map_cache3
+ "")
+ (fleck_shaded 0)
+ (fleck_shaded2 0)
+ (fleck_shaded3 0)
+ (target4
+ "")
+ (diffuse_tex4
+ "")
+ (custom_diffuse_tex4
+ "")
+ (emissive_map4
+ "")
+ (environ_map4
+ "")
+ (normal_map4
+ "")
+ (specular_map4
+ "")
+ (specular_power4 30)
+ (specular_rgb4 0)
+ (two_color4 1)
+ (two_color_mask4
+ "")
+ (spec_map_cache4
+ "")
+ (fleck_shaded4 0)
+ (substrate_depth 1)
+ (substrate_color 1)
+ (fleck_shaded_mask
+ "")
+ (substrate_depth2 1)
+ (substrate_color2 1)
+ (fleck_shaded_mask2
+ "")
+ (substrate_depth3 1)
+ (substrate_color3 1)
+ (fleck_shaded_mask3
+ "")
+ (substrate_depth4 1)
+ (substrate_color4 1)
+ (fleck_shaded_mask4
+ "")
+ (norm_detail_map
+ "")
+ (norm_detail_strength 10.0)
+ (norm_detail_tiling 10.0)
+ (norm_detail_map2
+ "")
+ (norm_detail_strength2 10.0)
+ (norm_detail_tiling2 10.0)
+ (init_anim
+ "")
+ (enter
+ {if
+ $edit_mode
+ {set
+ [spec_map_cache]
+ [specular_map]}
+ {set
+ [spec_map_cache2]
+ [specular_map2]}
+ {set
+ [spec_map_cache3]
+ [specular_map3]}
+ {set
+ [spec_map_cache4]
+ [specular_map4]}}
+ {$this update})
+ (update
+ {if
+ $edit_mode
+ {if
+ {&&
+ {!
+ [spec_map_cache]}
+ [specular_map]}
+ {set
+ [specular_rgb]
+ {pack_color 1 1 1}}}
+ {if
+ {&&
+ {!
+ [spec_map_cache2]}
+ [specular_map2]}
+ {set
+ [specular_rgb2]
+ {pack_color 1 1 1}}}
+ {if
+ {&&
+ {!
+ [spec_map_cache3]}
+ [specular_map3]}
+ {set
+ [specular_rgb3]
+ {pack_color 1 1 1}}}
+ {if
+ {&&
+ {!
+ [spec_map_cache4]}
+ [specular_map4]}
+ {set
+ [specular_rgb4]
+ {pack_color 1 1 1}}}
+ {set
+ [spec_map_cache]
+ [specular_map]}
+ {set
+ [spec_map_cache2]
+ [specular_map2]}
+ {set
+ [spec_map_cache3]
+ [specular_map3]}
+ {set
+ [spec_map_cache4]
+ [specular_map4]}}
+ {if
+ [target]
+ {[target]
+ set
+ diffuse_tex
+ [diffuse_tex]}
+ {[target]
+ set
+ custom_diffuse_tex
+ [custom_diffuse_tex]}
+ {[target]
+ set
+ emissive_map
+ [emissive_map]}
+ {[target]
+ set
+ environ_map
+ [environ_map]}
+ {[target]
+ set
+ normal_map
+ [normal_map]}
+ {[target]
+ set
+ specular_map
+ [specular_map]}
+ {[target]
+ set
+ two_color_mask
+ [two_color_mask]}
+ {[target]
+ set
+ specular_power
+ [specular_power]}
+ {[target]
+ set
+ specular_rgb
+ [specular_rgb]}
+ {[target]
+ set
+ two_color
+ [two_color]}
+ {[target]
+ set
+ fleck_shaded
+ [fleck_shaded]}
+ {[target]
+ set
+ substrate_depth
+ [substrate_depth]}
+ {[target]
+ set
+ substrate_color
+ [substrate_color]}
+ {[target]
+ set
+ fleck_shaded_mask
+ [fleck_shaded_mask]}
+ {[target]
+ set
+ norm_detail_map
+ [norm_detail_map]}
+ {[target]
+ set
+ norm_detail_strength
+ [norm_detail_strength]}
+ {[target]
+ set
+ norm_detail_tiling
+ [norm_detail_tiling]}}
+ {if
+ [target2]
+ {[target2]
+ set
+ diffuse_tex
+ [diffuse_tex2]}
+ {[target2]
+ set
+ custom_diffuse_tex
+ [custom_diffuse_tex2]}
+ {[target2]
+ set
+ emissive_map
+ [emissive_map2]}
+ {[target2]
+ set
+ environ_map
+ [environ_map2]}
+ {[target2]
+ set
+ normal_map
+ [normal_map2]}
+ {[target2]
+ set
+ specular_map
+ [specular_map2]}
+ {[target2]
+ set
+ two_color_mask
+ [two_color_mask2]}
+ {[target2]
+ set
+ specular_power
+ [specular_power2]}
+ {[target2]
+ set
+ specular_rgb
+ [specular_rgb2]}
+ {[target2]
+ set
+ two_color
+ [two_color2]}
+ {[target2]
+ set
+ fleck_shaded
+ [fleck_shaded2]}
+ {[target2]
+ set
+ substrate_depth
+ [substrate_depth2]}
+ {[target2]
+ set
+ substrate_color
+ [substrate_color2]}
+ {[target2]
+ set
+ fleck_shaded_mask
+ [fleck_shaded_mask2]}
+ {[target2]
+ set
+ norm_detail_map
+ [norm_detail_map2]}
+ {[target2]
+ set
+ norm_detail_strength
+ [norm_detail_strength2]}
+ {[target2]
+ set
+ norm_detail_tiling
+ [norm_detail_tiling2]}}
+ {if
+ [target3]
+ {[target3]
+ set
+ diffuse_tex
+ [diffuse_tex3]}
+ {[target3]
+ set
+ custom_diffuse_tex
+ [custom_diffuse_tex3]}
+ {[target3]
+ set
+ emissive_map
+ [emissive_map3]}
+ {[target3]
+ set
+ environ_map
+ [environ_map3]}
+ {[target3]
+ set
+ normal_map
+ [normal_map3]}
+ {[target3]
+ set
+ specular_map
+ [specular_map3]}
+ {[target3]
+ set
+ two_color_mask
+ [two_color_mask3]}
+ {[target3]
+ set
+ specular_power
+ [specular_power3]}
+ {[target3]
+ set
+ specular_rgb
+ [specular_rgb3]}
+ {[target3]
+ set
+ two_color
+ [two_color3]}
+ {[target3]
+ set
+ fleck_shaded
+ [fleck_shaded3]}
+ {[target3]
+ set
+ substrate_depth
+ [substrate_depth3]}
+ {[target3]
+ set
+ substrate_color
+ [substrate_color3]}
+ {[target3]
+ set
+ fleck_shaded_mask
+ [fleck_shaded_mask3]}}
+ {if
+ [target4]
+ {[target4]
+ set
+ diffuse_tex
+ [diffuse_tex4]}
+ {[target4]
+ set
+ custom_diffuse_tex
+ [custom_diffuse_tex4]}
+ {[target4]
+ set
+ emissive_map
+ [emissive_map4]}
+ {[target4]
+ set
+ environ_map
+ [environ_map4]}
+ {[target4]
+ set
+ normal_map
+ [normal_map4]}
+ {[target4]
+ set
+ specular_map
+ [specular_map4]}
+ {[target4]
+ set
+ two_color_mask
+ [two_color_mask4]}
+ {[target4]
+ set
+ specular_power
+ [specular_power4]}
+ {[target4]
+ set
+ specular_rgb
+ [specular_rgb4]}
+ {[target4]
+ set
+ two_color
+ [two_color4]}
+ {[target4]
+ set
+ fleck_shaded
+ [fleck_shaded4]}
+ {[target4]
+ set
+ substrate_depth
+ [substrate_depth4]}
+ {[target4]
+ set
+ substrate_color
+ [substrate_color4]}
+ {[target4]
+ set
+ fleck_shaded_mask
+ [fleck_shaded_mask4]}}
+ {if
+ {!=
+ [init_anim]
+ ""}
+ {[init_anim]
+ animate}}))
+ (crowd
+ (editor
+ (load_slow
+ script
+ (script
+ {$this load_tempo kTempoSlow})
+ (help
+ "load slow clips"))
+ (load_medium
+ script
+ (script
+ {$this load_tempo kTempoMedium})
+ (help
+ "load medium clips"))
+ (load_fast
+ script
+ (script
+ {$this load_tempo kTempoFast})
+ (help
+ "load fast clips")))
+ (load_song_clips
+ {$this
+ load_tempo
+ {song_mgr
+ anim_tempo
+ {meta_performer song}}})
+ (load_tempo
+ ($tempo)
+ {male_base load_tempo $tempo}
+ {female_base load_tempo $tempo}))))
+ (allowed_dirs RndDir)
+ (test_patch
+ "test_patch.milo"))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_ark/config/band.dta b/_ark/config/band.dta
index cc0d917c..eb7947f2 100644
--- a/_ark/config/band.dta
+++ b/_ark/config/band.dta
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include xlast_macros_update.dta
#include ../dx/config/dx_macros.dta
+#include ../dx/countdown/dx_countdown.dta
#ifdef HX_WII
diff --git a/_ark/config/beatmatcher.dta b/_ark/config/beatmatcher.dta
index 53e1cb52..b41b5a68 100644
--- a/_ark/config/beatmatcher.dta
+++ b/_ark/config/beatmatcher.dta
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
($world halfbeat)})
{unless {> {gamecfg get practice_speed} 0} {if {is_leader_local} {session send_msg_to_all {` (beatmatch set_music_speed {, $speedmod}) kNetReliable}}}}
{unless {> {gamecfg get practice_speed} 0} {beatmatch set_music_speed $speedmod}}
diff --git a/_ark/config/midi_parsers.dta b/_ark/config/midi_parsers.dta
index ff3be30b..9114817f 100644
--- a/_ark/config/midi_parsers.dta
+++ b/_ark/config/midi_parsers.dta
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
{game get_venue}
+#include ../dx/countdown/dx_countdown_midi_parsers.dta
diff --git a/_ark/config/modes.dta b/_ark/config/modes.dta
index 55e15795..13de7b18 100644
--- a/_ark/config/modes.dta
+++ b/_ark/config/modes.dta
@@ -168,7 +168,16 @@
(unlock_song_initial_num 20)
(enable_streak TRUE)
(enable_star_power TRUE)
- (cannot_connect_warning community_no_server_warning)
+ (cannot_connect_warning
+ {switch $dx_connected_server
+ (none
+ community_no_server_warning
+ )
+ (ashcentral
+ ash_community_no_server_warning
+ )
+ }
+ )
(missing_part_type kMissingSelectCoop)
(has_track TRUE)
(update_leaderboards TRUE)
@@ -190,7 +199,17 @@
(lb_song_select_screen lb_song_select_screen)
(leaderboards_screen leaderboards_screen)
(leaderboards_band_profile_screen leaderboards_band_profile_screen)
- (cannot_connect_warning community_no_server_warning))
+ (cannot_connect_warning
+ {switch $dx_connected_server
+ (none
+ community_no_server_warning
+ )
+ (ashcentral
+ ash_community_no_server_warning
+ )
+ }
+ )
((game_screen h2h_game_screen)
(track_panel h2h_track_panel)
@@ -489,7 +508,16 @@
(show_pause_quit FALSE)
- (cannot_connect_warning tour_no_server_warning)
+ (cannot_connect_warning
+ {switch $dx_connected_server
+ (none
+ tour_no_server_warning
+ )
+ (ashcentral
+ ash_tour_no_server_warning
+ )
+ }
+ )
#ifdef HX_EE
(main_mode_screen tour_band_sel_screen)
@@ -679,7 +707,16 @@
(lb_song_select_screen lb_song_select_screen)
(leaderboards_screen leaderboards_screen)
(leaderboards_band_profile_screen leaderboards_band_profile_screen)
- (cannot_connect_warning community_no_server_warning)
+ (cannot_connect_warning
+ {switch $dx_connected_server
+ (none
+ community_no_server_warning
+ )
+ (ashcentral
+ ash_community_no_server_warning
+ )
+ }
+ )
(uisink_lost_connection_screen main_community_screen)
(uisink_default_screen main_community_screen)
(uisink_signout_screen main_community_screen)
@@ -688,7 +725,16 @@
#ifndef HX_PC
(local_network FALSE)
- (cannot_connect_warning community_no_server_warning)
+ (cannot_connect_warning
+ {switch $dx_connected_server
+ (none
+ community_no_server_warning
+ )
+ (ashcentral
+ ash_community_no_server_warning
+ )
+ }
+ )
(login_status kProhibited)
(uisink_lost_connection_screen store_unload_screen)
(uisink_default_screen store_unload_screen)
@@ -704,7 +750,16 @@
(player_arrangement kArrangeBand)
(intro_category INTRO_VENUE)
- (cannot_connect_warning solo_no_server_warning)
+ (cannot_connect_warning
+ {switch $dx_connected_server
+ (none
+ solo_no_server_warning
+ )
+ (ashcentral
+ ash_solo_no_server_warning
+ )
+ }
+ )
(game_screen jukebox_screen)
(is_jukebox TRUE)
(has_track FALSE)
diff --git a/_ark/config/prefab_groups.dta b/_ark/config/prefab_groups.dta
index 8fa9e827..34b85ffe 100644
--- a/_ark/config/prefab_groups.dta
+++ b/_ark/config/prefab_groups.dta
@@ -1,43 +1,55 @@
(keywords rock poprock the 60s the70s the80s the90s the00s)
- (characters rb2drum6 rb2drum8 rb2drum9 drum1 drum2 drum3 drum4 drum5 drum7 drum11 drum14 guitar3 guitar4 guitar14 guitar22 guitar23 guitar37 guitar38 vocals0 vocals1 vocals3 vocals5 rb2drum14 vocals2 vocals4 vocals22))
+ (characters rb2drum6 rb2drum8 rb2drum9 drum1 drum2 drum3 drum4 drum5 drum7 drum11 drum14 guitar3 guitar4 guitar14 guitar22 guitar23 vocals0 vocals1 vocals3 vocals5 rb2drum14 vocals2 vocals4
+ kimberley_monroe dawson_blake penelope chill anth annai_renae))
(keywords metal rock poprock the70s the80s the90s)
- (characters rb2drum10 drum10 guitar16 vocals11 rb2guitar4 guitar17 guitar37))
+ (characters rb2drum10 drum10 guitar16 vocals11 rb2guitar4 guitar17
+ kimberley_monroe))
(keywords alternative the90s the00s)
- (characters rb2drum9 guitar0 guitar6 vocals5 vocals9 vocals13 rb2guitar5 drum6 drum13 drum16 guitar7 guitar37 vocals20))
+ (characters rb2drum9 guitar0 guitar6 vocals5 vocals9 vocals13 rb2guitar5 drum6 drum13 drum16 guitar7 vocals20
+ kimberley_monroe luna u628 chill anth annai_renae))
(keywords southernrock the60s the70s the80s the90s the00s)
- (characters rb2drum6 rb2drum11 drum4 drum11 drum12 guitar9 vocals6 vocals12 rb2drum14 rb2guitar2 drum8 guitar8 guitar15 guitar37))
+ (characters rb2drum6 rb2drum11 drum4 drum11 drum12 guitar9 vocals6 vocals12 rb2drum14 rb2guitar2 drum8 guitar8 guitar15
+ kimberley_monroe))
(keywords metal the70s the80s the90s the00s)
- (characters rb2drum0 drum10 guitar30 guitar34 rb2drum12 rb2drum13 rb2guitar1 guitar1 guitar5 vocals4))
+ (characters rb2drum0 drum10 guitar30 guitar34 rb2drum12 rb2drum13 rb2guitar1 guitar1 guitar5 vocals4
+ vocals16 luna u628 chill anth annai_renae))
(keywords glam the70s the80s the90s)
(characters rb2drum1 guitar25 vocals8 vocals21 rb2guitar2 guitar1 vocals20))
(keywords glam metal poprock the80s the90s)
- (characters rb2drum1 guitar24 guitar25 vocals8 vocals21 guitar1))
+ (characters rb2drum1 guitar24 guitar25 vocals8 vocals21 guitar1
+ anth annai_renae))
(keywords prog the60s the70s the80s)
- (characters rb2drum2 guitar20 vocals7 drum8 guitar21))
+ (characters rb2drum2 guitar20 vocals7 drum8 guitar21
+ luna chill))
(keywords punk metal the70s the80s the90s)
- (characters rb2drum3 rb2guitar8 drum9 guitar18 guitar19 guitar26 guitar37 guitar38 vocals10 rb2drum13 rb2drum17 vocals22))
+ (characters rb2drum3 rb2guitar8 drum9 guitar18 guitar19 guitar26 vocals10 rb2drum13 rb2drum17
+ vocals16 kimberley_monroe dawson_blake penelope u628 chill anth annai_renae))
(keywords punk the70s the80s the90s)
- (characters rb2drum4 rb2drum5 drum0 drum9 drum12 drum15 vocals10 vocals17 rb2drum15 rb2drum16 drum16 guitar33 guitar37 guitar38 vocals18))
+ (characters rb2drum4 rb2drum5 drum0 drum9 drum12 drum15 vocals10 vocals17 rb2drum15 rb2drum16 drum16 guitar33
+ vocals16 kimberley_monroe dawson_blake vocals18 chill anth annai_renae))
(keywords grunge other the70s the80s the90s the00s)
- (characters rb2drum5 rb2drum8 rb2drum9 drum0 drum1 drum5 drum11 drum12 guitar12 vocals14 rb2guitar1 drum6 drum13 guitar38 guitar13 vocals18))
+ (characters rb2drum5 rb2drum8 rb2drum9 drum0 drum1 drum5 drum11 drum12 guitar12 vocals14 rb2guitar1 drum6 drum13 guitar13 vocals18
+ dawson_blake chill anth annai_renae))
(keywords classicrock rock prog the60s the70s the80s the90s the00s)
(characters rb2drum6 rb2drum7 rb2drum11 guitar9 guitar20 vocals1 vocals7 vocals9 rb2guitar0 rb2guitar4 rb2guitar5 drum8 guitar8 guitar21))
(keywords numetal emo the60s the70s the80s the90s the00s)
- (characters drum17 guitar0 guitar6 guitar26 guitar30 guitar32 guitar34 vocals13 vocals15 vocals17 vocals19 rb2guitar0 rb2guitar3 guitar2 guitar7 guitar29 guitar31 vocals20))
+ (characters drum17 guitar0 guitar6 guitar26 guitar30 guitar32 guitar34 vocals13 vocals15 vocals17 vocals19 rb2guitar0 rb2guitar3 guitar2 guitar7 guitar29 guitar31 vocals20
+ luna u628 chill anth annai_renae))
(keywords alternative fusion novelty poprock the60s the70s the80s the90s the00s)
- (characters rb2drum10 guitar10 guitar32 vocals19 rb2drum15 rb2guitar3 guitar11 guitar28 guitar37 guitar39)))
+ (characters rb2drum10 guitar10 guitar32 vocals19 rb2drum15 rb2guitar3 guitar11 guitar28
+ kimberley_monroe u628 anth annai_renae)))
diff --git a/_ark/config/prefabs.dta b/_ark/config/prefabs.dta
index 47d5730b..0c2b877b 100644
--- a/_ark/config/prefabs.dta
+++ b/_ark/config/prefabs.dta
@@ -1,8306 +1,6200 @@
- (rb2drum0
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreBanger)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 4)
- (eyebrow_color_index 16)
- (height 1.00)
- (weight 0.75)
- (outfit
- (hair
- hair_long
- (colors
- 16
- 0))
- (heads
- head_3
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (facehair
- head_3_ggallin
- (colors
- 16
- 0))
- (glasses
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- halfshirtbracers_cotton
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (hands
- naked
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- camopants_canvas
- (colors
- 34
- 32))
- (feet
- malespikydocs_solid
- (colors
- 0
- 16))
- (wrist
- malewrist_studdedgauntlet
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (rings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (earrings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- kelly02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- c20bass_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0)))
- (tattoo))
- (rb2drum1
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreSpazz)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 6)
- (eyebrow_color_index 18)
- (height 0.75)
- (weight 0.25)
- (outfit
- (hair
- hanoi2_resource
- (colors
- 18
- 0))
- (heads
- head_5
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes
- head_5_eyes_13
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- head_5_lips_8
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (facehair
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (glasses
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- suspenders_studded
- (colors
- 4
- 23))
- (hands
- malegloves_fingerlessdriving
- (colors
- 34
- 0))
- (legs
- buttlesschaps_leather
- (colors
- 23
- 4))
- (feet
- malehighheels_snakeskin
- (colors
- 20
- 19))
- (wrist
- malewrist_barbedwire
- (colors
- 2
- 0))
- (rings
- malerings_coatofarms
- (colors
- 2
- 0))
- (earrings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- doublejet_paint
- (colors
- 38
- 1))
- (bass
- telebass_paint
- (colors
- 38
- 1))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 7
- 0)))
- (tattoo
- (patch_left_arm ((patch_flyrite
- 1
- 0
- 5.00
- 0.00
- -98.00
- 0.00
- -1.11
- 0.59
- 0.00)))
- (patch_right_arm ((patch_flyrite
- 10
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- -181.00
- 0.00
- 1.00
- 0.30
- 0.00)
- (patch_flyrite
- 10
- 0
- -46.00
- 0.00
- -128.00
- 0.00
- 1.00
- 0.30
- 0.00)
- (patch_flyrite
- 10
- 0
- 128.00
- 0.00
- -152.00
- 0.00
- 1.00
- 0.30
- 0.00)
- (patch_flyrite
- 10
- 0
- 47.00
- 0.00
- -85.00
- 0.00
- 1.00
- 0.30
- 0.00)
- (patch_flyrite
- 10
- 0
- -71.00
- 0.00
- -85.00
- 11.98
- 1.00
- 0.30
- 0.00)
- (patch_flyrite
- 10
- 0
- 117.00
- 0.00
- -187.00
- 0.00
- 1.00
- 0.30
- 0.00)
- (patch_flyrite
- 10
- 0
- -84.00
- 0.00
- -166.00
- 0.00
- 1.00
- 0.30
- 0.00)))))
- (rb2drum2
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (attitude kGenreDramatic)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 2)
- (eyebrow_color_index 50)
- (height 1.00)
- (weight 0.00)
- (outfit
- (hair
- baldeagle_resource
- (colors
- 50
- 0))
- (heads
- head_14
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (facehair
- head_14_scottian
- (colors
- 50
- 0))
- (glasses
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- glamitardtop_wizard
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (hands
- naked
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- glamitardpants_wizard
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (feet
- glamitardslippers_wizard
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (wrist
- malewrist_watchleatherstrap
- (colors
- 29
- 0))
- (rings
- malerings_demonclaw
- (colors
- 2
- 0))
- (earrings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- kelly02_sparkle
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (bass
- kelly04_sparkle
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 1
- 0)))
- (tattoo))
- (rb2drum3
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreSpazz)
- (skin_color_index 5)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 2)
- (height 1.00)
- (weight 0.75)
- (outfit
- (hair
- younghr_resource
- (colors
- 2
- 0))
- (heads
- head_9
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes
- head_9_eyes_6
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (facehair
- head_9_bushybeard
- (colors
- 2
- 0))
- (glasses
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- buzzsawpads_wrecked
- (colors
- 3
- 2))
- (hands
- naked
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- harajukubelt_camo
- (colors
- 24
- 16))
- (feet
- maledocsductape_leather
- (colors
- 26
- 4))
- (wrist
- malewrist_studdedwatchcombo
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (rings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (earrings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- kingv02_sparkle
- (colors
- 45
- 0))
- (bass
- jazz02_sparkle
- (colors
- 45
- 33))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0)))
- (tattoo))
- (rb2drum4
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreSpazz)
- (skin_color_index 3)
- (eye_color_index 1)
- (eyebrow_color_index 44)
- (height 0.75)
- (weight 0.25)
- (outfit
- (hair
- mohawk_resource
- (colors
- 44
- 42))
- (heads
- head_14
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (facehair
- head_14_chingoatee
- (colors
- 42
- 0))
- (glasses
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- tuxedo_sloppy
- (colors
- 23
- 25))
- (hands
- naked
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- tuxpants_sloppy
- (colors
- 23
- 4))
- (feet
- maleslipons_skully
- (colors
- 16
- 6))
- (wrist
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (rings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (earrings
- maleearrings_safetypins
- (colors
- 2
- 0))
- (piercings
- head_14_piercings_combo4
- (colors
- 2
- 0))
- (guitar
- kingv02_paint
- (colors
- 20
- 0))
- (bass
- g6073_paint
- (colors
- 20
- 0))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 20
- 0)))
- (tattoo))
- (rb2drum5
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreSpazz)
- (skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 5)
- (eyebrow_color_index 29)
- (height 1.00)
- (weight 0.25)
- (outfit
- (hair
- libertyspikes_resource
- (colors
- 29
- 27))
- (heads
- head_13
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (facehair
- head_13_chinstrap
- (colors
- 29
- 0))
- (glasses
- malemask_eyebandage
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (torso
- sweatervest_patched
- (colors
- 21
- 28))
- (hands
- naked
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- tighterpants_plaidpunx
- (colors
- 44
- 17))
- (feet
- tatteredshoe_homeless
- (colors
- 24
- 4))
- (wrist
- malewrist_sweatbandcombo
- (colors
- 15
- 16))
- (rings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (earrings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision01_woodash
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0)))
- (tattoo))
- (rb2drum6
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 5)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (height 0.00)
- (weight 0.75)
- (outfit
- (hair
- greaserslick_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (heads
- head_11
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes
- head_11_eyes_9
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (facehair
- head_11_bushymoustache
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (glasses
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- uniformshirt_cotton
- (colors
- 26
- 0))
- (hands
- naked
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- leatherpants_basicleather
- (colors
- 29
- 30))
- (feet
- sambas_leather
- (colors
- 33
- 3))
- (wrist
- malewrist_hercules
- (colors
- 2
- 0))
- (rings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (earrings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- synchromatic_triburstblack
- (colors
- 29
- 31))
- (bass
- falconbass_triburst
- (colors
- 23
- 32))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 3
- 0)))
- (tattoo
- (patch_left_arm ((patch_flyrite
- 8
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- 139.00
- 0.00
- -1.51
- 0.74
- 0.00)))
- (patch_right_arm ((patch_anchor
- 4
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- 119.00
- 0.00
- 0.91
- 0.60
- 0.00)))))
- (rb2drum7
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 7)
- (eyebrow_color_index 19)
- (height 0.75)
- (weight 0.25)
- (outfit
- (hair
- prettyboy_resource
- (colors
- 19
- 0))
- (heads
- head_12
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes
- head_12_eyes_11
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (facehair
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (glasses
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- openshirthippy_silk
- (colors
- 21
- 0))
- (hands
- naked
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- strippedpants_ornate
- (colors
- 12
- 27))
- (feet
- dappershoes_solidshiny
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (wrist
- malewrist_hercules
- (colors
- 33
- 0))
- (rings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (earrings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- projet_triburstpearl
- (colors
- 17
- 20))
- (bass
- precision04_paint
- (colors
- 9
- 1))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 1
- 0)))
- (tattoo))
- (rb2drum8
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 4)
- (eyebrow_color_index 25)
- (height 0.00)
- (weight 1.00)
- (outfit
- (hair
- longmop_resource
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (heads
- head_4
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (facehair
- head_4_bushymoustache
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (glasses
- maleglasses_business
- (colors
- 4
- 1))
- (torso
- roadiejacket_satin
- (colors
- 41
- 4))
- (hands
- naked
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- corduroypants_worn
- (colors
- 12
- 1))
- (feet
- basketballsneaks_custom
- (colors
- 14
- 4))
- (wrist
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (rings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (earrings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 45
- 1))
- (bass
- precision04_paint
- (colors
- 36
- 1))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0)))
- (tattoo))
- (rb2drum9
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreBanger)
- (skin_color_index 3)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 2)
- (height 0.00)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- ramones_resource
- (colors
- 2
- 0))
- (heads
- head_10
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (facehair
- head_10_handlebar
- (colors
- 5
- 0))
- (glasses
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- workjacket_grimey
- (colors
- 26
- 4))
- (hands
- naked
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- workpants_grimey
- (colors
- 12
- 12))
- (feet
- timberlandboots_muddy
- (colors
- 6
- 0))
- (wrist
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (rings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (earrings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster01_paint
- (colors
- 14
- 1))
- (bass
- jaguarbass_paint
- (colors
- 1
- 1))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0)))
- (tattoo))
- (rb2drum10
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreDramatic)
- (skin_color_index 6)
- (eye_color_index 9)
- (eyebrow_color_index 1)
- (height 1.00)
- (weight 0.25)
- (outfit
- (hair
- maleladyfropick_resource
- (colors
- 1
- 11))
- (heads
- head_13
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes
- head_13_eyes_6
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (facehair
- head_13_chops
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (glasses
- maleglasses_cataracts
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- kissarmor_sparkles
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (hands
- naked
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- kissflares_sparkles
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (feet
- kissboots_sparkles
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (wrist
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (rings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (earrings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- warrior02_sparkle
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (bass
- kelly04_sparkle
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0)))
- (tattoo))
- (rb2drum11
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 1)
- (eye_color_index 2)
- (eyebrow_color_index 2)
- (height 1.00)
- (weight 0.75)
- (outfit
- (hair
- mandana_resource
- (colors
- 2
- 15))
- (heads
- head_11
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (facehair
- head_11_bushybeard
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (glasses
- maleglasses_bugeyes
- (colors
- 5
- 0))
- (torso
- indianchest_bone
- (colors
- 10
- 33))
- (hands
- naked
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- wornleatherpants_worn
- (colors
- 5
- 8))
- (feet
- malebarefeet_fleshy
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (wrist
- malewrist_wristbandterrycloth
- (colors
- 11
- 0))
- (rings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (earrings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- telecaster01_sunburstpearl
- (colors
- 31
- 0))
- (bass
- precision01_sunburstblack
- (colors
- 31
- 37))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0)))
- (tattoo (patch_right_arm ((patch_newyork
- 10
- 0
- -11.00
- 0.00
- 182.00
- 16.91
- 0.50
- 0.39
- 0.00)))))
- (rb2drum12
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreDramatic)
- (skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 8)
- (eyebrow_color_index 24)
- (height 1.00)
- (weight 0.75)
- (outfit
- (hair
- japanhair1_resource
- (colors
- 24
- 0))
- (heads
- head_5
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (eyes
- head_5_eyes_25
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- head_5_lips_3
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- maidenstraps_studded
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (hands
- naked
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- bondagepants_plaidknees
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (feet
- midcalfspikes_leather
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (glasses
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (wrist
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (rings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (earrings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- warrior02_paint
- (colors
- 36
- 0))
- (bass
- kelly04_paint
- (colors
- 36
- 0))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0)))
- (tattoo))
- (rb2drum13
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreBanger)
- (skin_color_index 1)
- (eye_color_index 1)
- (eyebrow_color_index 18)
- (height 0.00)
- (weight 0.00)
- (outfit
- (hair
- ladypunk_resource
- (colors
- 18
- 19))
- (heads
- head_4
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (eyes
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- choppedtee_chopped
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (hands
- femalegloves_skeleton
- (colors
- 0
- 22))
- (legs
- barbedwirepants_denim
- (colors
- 8
- 0))
- (feet
- chucktaylors_folded
- (colors
- 26
- 3))
- (glasses
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (wrist
- femalewrist_sweatband
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (rings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (earrings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- kingv02_paint
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (bass
- doublebass_paint
- (colors
- 3
- 1))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 1
- 0)))
- (tattoo
- (patch_chest ())
- (patch_left_arm ((patch_suerte
- 3
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- 88.00
- 0.00
- 3.82
- 0.98
- 0.00)
- (patch_suerte
- 3
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- 22.00
- 0.00
- 3.78
- 0.93
- 0.00)
- (patch_suerte
- 3
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- -61.00
- 0.00
- 3.67
- 1.18
- 0.00)
- (patch_suerte
- 3
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- -139.00
- 0.00
- 3.88
- 1.18
- 0.00)
- (patch_flyrite
- 12
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- -200.00
- 0.00
- 4.20
- 0.76
- 0.00)))
- (patch_right_arm ((patch_suerte
- 3
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- 88.00
- 0.00
- 3.82
- 0.98
- 0.00)
- (patch_suerte
- 3
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- 22.00
- 0.00
- 3.78
- 0.93
- 0.00)
- (patch_suerte
- 3
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- -61.00
- 0.00
- 3.67
- 1.18
- 0.00)
- (patch_suerte
- 3
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- -139.00
- 0.00
- 3.88
- 1.18
- 0.00)
- (patch_flyrite
- 12
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- -200.00
- 0.00
- 4.20
- 0.76
- 0.00)))))
- (rb2drum14
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreBanger)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 6)
- (eyebrow_color_index 25)
- (height 0.00)
- (weight 0.25)
- (outfit
- (hair
- farrah_resource
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (heads
- head_3
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (eyes
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- denimjacket_clean
- (colors
- 5
- 0))
- (hands
- naked
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- layeredpants_shredded
- (colors
- 27
- 2))
- (feet
- femalesportysneaks_pleather
- (colors
- 36
- 10))
- (glasses
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (wrist
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (rings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (earrings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 41
- 1))
- (bass
- jazz01_paint
- (colors
- 41
- 3))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 5
- 0)))
- (tattoo))
- (rb2drum15
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreSpazz)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 31)
- (height 0.00)
- (weight 1.00)
- (outfit
- (hair
- cutepigtails_resource
- (colors
- 31
- 0))
- (heads
- head_2
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (eyes
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- furbikini_cheetah
- (colors
- 8
- 8))
- (hands
- naked
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- hotpants_camo
- (colors
- 27
- 23))
- (feet
- femalelowchucks_skullsprint
- (colors
- 19
- 24))
- (glasses
- femaleglasses_catseye
- (colors
- 18
- 0))
- (wrist
- femalewrist_sweatbandcharmscombo
- (colors
- 0
- 20))
- (rings
- femalerings_bandaid
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (earrings
- femaleearrings_tribal
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- jaguar02_sunburstpearl
- (colors
- 38
- 43))
- (bass
- jaguarbass_sunburstpearl
- (colors
- 45
- 49))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 3
- 0)))
- (tattoo))
- (rb2drum16
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreSpazz)
- (skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 2)
- (eyebrow_color_index 16)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- 50sbandana_resource
- (colors
- 16
- 27))
- (heads
- head_10
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (eyes
- head_10_eyes_16
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- head_10_lips_16
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- hoodie_patchy
- (colors
- 5
- 2))
- (hands
- femalegloves_fingerlessdriving
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (legs
- miniskirt_leatherpunky
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (feet
- skates_dirty
- (colors
- 0
- 5))
- (glasses
- femaleglasses_smashed
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (wrist
- femalewrist_jelly
- (colors
- 6
- 6))
- (rings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (earrings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- supersonic_paint
- (colors
- 19
- 2))
- (bass
- jaguarbass_paint
- (colors
- 20
- 1))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 19
- 0)))
- (tattoo))
- (rb2drum17
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreSpazz)
- (skin_color_index 5)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 50)
- (height 1.00)
- (weight 0.75)
- (outfit
- (hair
- trihawk_resource
- (colors
- 50
- 27))
- (heads
- head_8
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (eyes
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- spikepads_distressed
- (colors
- 31
- 28))
- (hands
- femalegloves_bandaged
- (colors
- 30
- 0))
- (legs
- buttflappants_khaki
- (colors
- 4
- 5))
- (feet
- spikedplatformboots_solid
- (colors
- 27
- 28))
- (glasses
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (wrist
- femalewrist_studdedbracer
- (colors
- 14
- 0))
- (rings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (earrings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- kelly02_sparkle
- (colors
- 33
- 0))
- (bass
- kelly04_sparkle
- (colors
- 33
- 0))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 2
- 0)))
- (tattoo
- (patch_chest ((patch_suerte
- 3
- 0
- -5.00
- 0.00
- -200.00
- 0.00
- 2.07
- 1.19
- 0.00)))
- (patch_left_arm ((patch_suerte
- 3
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- -106.00
- 0.00
- 2.66
- 0.69
- 0.00)))
- (patch_right_arm ((patch_suerte
- 3
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- -106.00
- 0.00
- 2.66
- 0.69
- 0.00)))))
- (rb2guitar0
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreDramatic)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 7)
- (eyebrow_color_index 19)
- (height 1.00)
- (weight 0.00)
- (outfit
- (hair
- pixie_resource
- (colors
- 19
- 0))
- (heads
- head_4
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (eyes
- head_4_eyes_26
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- head_4_lips_6
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- turtleneck_occult
- (colors
- 27
- 3))
- (hands
- naked
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- dresspants_solid
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (feet
- flatslips_stripe
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (glasses
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (wrist
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (rings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (earrings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- telecaster02_sunburstpearl
- (colors
- 11
- 15))
- (bass
- jazz01_sunburstpearl
- (colors
- 11
- 14))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 2
- 0)))
- (tattoo))
- (rb2guitar1
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 5)
- (height 0.00)
- (weight 0.25)
- (outfit
- (hair
- femaleyoungozzy_resource
- (colors
- 5
- 0))
- (heads
- head_7
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (eyes
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- bulkyjacket_camo
- (colors
- 28
- 32))
- (hands
- naked
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- wreckedjeans_worn
- (colors
- 23
- 0))
- (feet
- femalecombatboots_leather
- (colors
- 3
- 2))
- (glasses
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (wrist
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (rings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (earrings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- telecaster01_paint
- (colors
- 33
- 4))
- (bass
- jazz01_paint
- (colors
- 11
- 3))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0)))
- (tattoo))
- (rb2guitar2
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreBanger)
- (skin_color_index 5)
- (eye_color_index 9)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (height 0.75)
- (weight 0.25)
- (outfit
- (hair
- ladylayered_cowboyhat
- (colors
- 0
- 1))
- (heads
- head_8
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (eyes
- head_8_eyes_20
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- head_8_lips_4
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- tiedshirt_plain
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (hands
- naked
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- bellbottoms_jeans
- (colors
- 27
- 0))
- (feet
- femalecowboyboots_western
- (colors
- 3
- 4))
- (glasses
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (wrist
- femalewrist_sweatbandcharmscombo
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (rings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (earrings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- synchromatic_triburstpearl
- (colors
- 2
- 23))
- (bass
- falconbass_triburst
- (colors
- 17
- 33))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0)))
- (tattoo))
- (rb2guitar3
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreBanger)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 7)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (height 1.00)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- shortbangs_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (heads
- head_4
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (eyes
- head_4_eyes_7
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- head_4_lips_9
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- blazer_newwave
- (colors
- 14
- 1))
- (hands
- naked
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- pantsspandex_spandex
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (feet
- slouchyboots_solid
- (colors
- 14
- 0))
- (glasses
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (wrist
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (rings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (earrings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 1
- 1))
- (bass
- precision01_woodash
- (colors
- 1
- 1))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 1
- 0)))
- (tattoo))
- (rb2guitar4
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 4)
- (eye_color_index 2)
- (eyebrow_color_index 4)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.75)
- (outfit
- (hair
- hilldreads_resource
- (colors
- 1
- 31))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (eyes
- head_1_eyes_24
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- head_1_lips_6
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- jumpsuittop_nylon
- (colors
- 14
- 4))
- (hands
- naked
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- jumpsuitpants_nylon
- (colors
- 14
- 2))
- (feet
- femalesambas_leather
- (colors
- 4
- 2))
- (glasses
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (wrist
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (rings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (earrings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- kingv01_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- mustang01_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 1))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0)))
- (tattoo))
- (rb2guitar5
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreDramatic)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 2)
- (eyebrow_color_index 49)
- (height 0.00)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- hippybangs_resource
- (colors
- 18
- 9))
- (heads
- head_10
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (eyes
- head_10_eyes_24
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- head_10_lips_6
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- moddress_dottree
- (colors
- 7
- 0))
- (hands
- naked
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- hotpantsplain_barelegs
- (colors
- 3
- 0))
- (feet
- modavengerboots_leather
- (colors
- 17
- 6))
- (glasses
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (wrist
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (rings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (earrings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision01_woodash
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0)))
- (tattoo))
- (rb2guitar8
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreSpazz)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 4)
- (eyebrow_color_index 1)
- (height 0.75)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- parkinglot_aviatorcap
- (colors
- 1
- 12))
- (heads
- head_2
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes
- head_2_eyes_9
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (facehair
- head_2_sideburns
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (glasses
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- militaryjacketmask_canvas
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (hands
- naked
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- bondagepants_zippered
- (colors
- 0
- 3))
- (feet
- tallboots_solid
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (wrist
- malewrist_sweatbandcombo
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (rings
- malerings_bandaid
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (earrings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings
- none
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- chainsaw_resource
- (colors
- 20
- 0))
- (bass
- chainsawbass_resource
- (colors
- 20
- 0))
- (mic
- brokenmic_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- rust
- (colors
- 0
- 0)))
- (tattoo))
- (drum0
- (gender male)
- (instrument drum)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreSpazz)
- (weight 0.60)
- (height 0.15)
- (skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 3)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (outfit
- (hair
- fauxhawk_resource
- (colors
- 42
- 18))
- (heads head_5)
- (eyes head_5_eyes_10)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- militaryjacket_canvas
- (colors
- 3
- 4))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- bondagepants_zippered
- (colors 1))
- (feet
- highchucks_solid
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (wrist
- gauntlet_resource
- (colors 0))
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (drum1
- (gender male)
- (instrument drum)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreBanger)
- (weight 0.80)
- (height 0.50)
- (skin_color_index 4)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (outfit
- (hair
- bandanna
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- buttonedshirtpatchy_veteran
- (colors
- 30
- 15))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- flightsuitpants_canvas
- (colors 0))
- (feet
- tallboots_solid
- (colors 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (drum2
- (gender male)
- (attitude kGenreSpazz)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (instrument drum)
- (weight 0.25)
- (height 0.65)
- (skin_color_index 4)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (outfit
- (hair
- lazyhawk_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 1))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (torso
- worntshirt_vintage
- (colors 0))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- tightdistressedpants_jeans
- (colors 1))
- (feet
- dappershoes_solidshiny
- (colors 0))
- (wrist
- gauntlet_resource
- (colors 0))
- (glasses none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (drum3
- (gender male)
- (instrument drum)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (height 0.25)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- egyptian_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (heads
- head_5
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- worntshirt_vintage
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- loosepants_stripe
- (colors
- 0
- 14))
- (feet
- dappershoes_solidshiny
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (drum4
- (gender male)
- (instrument drum)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 1)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 12)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.80)
- (outfit
- (hair
- billyidol_cowboyhat
- (colors
- 13
- 0))
- (heads
- head_6
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair
- head_6_chops
- (colors
- 12
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (torso naked)
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- jeansripped_denim
- (colors
- 7
- 0))
- (feet
- combatboots_var1
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (drum5
- (gender male)
- (instrument drum)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 9)
- (eyebrow_color_index 1)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.75)
- (outfit
- (hair
- ziggymullet_truckercap
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (heads
- head_2
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- downvest_stripe
- (colors
- 33
- 32))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- wornleatherpants_worn
- (colors
- 3
- 4))
- (feet
- sneakersstripes_nylon
- (colors
- 34
- 33))
- (wrist
- malewrist_sweatband
- (colors
- 8
- 6))
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (drum6
- (gender female)
- (instrument drum)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 5)
- (eye_color_index 2)
- (eyebrow_color_index 16)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- femalebillyidol_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (heads
- head_3
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair none)
- (eyes
- head_3_eyes_5
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- head_3_lips_1
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- flightjacket_solid
- (colors
- 19
- 14))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- tightjeans_faded
- (colors
- 0
- 5))
- (feet
- semispats_solid
- (colors
- 37
- 0))
- (glasses
- femaleglasses_goggles
- (colors
- 13
- 1))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings
- femaleearrings_safetypins
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (piercings none)
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (drum7
- (gender male)
- (instrument drum)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 5)
- (eyebrow_color_index 4)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- none
- (colors
- 4
- 4))
- (heads
- head_5
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses none)
- (torso naked)
- (hands
- malegloves_fingerlessdriving
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (legs
- jeansripped_denim
- (colors
- 7
- 0))
- (feet
- combatboots_var1
- (colors
- 7
- 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (drum8
- (gender female)
- (instrument drum)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreDramatic)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 4)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.75)
- (outfit
- (hair
- lolita
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (heads
- head_4
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair none)
- (eyes
- head_4_eyes_16
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- head_4_lips_6
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- scarftanktop_threelayers
- (colors
- 19
- 18))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- nauticaltrousers_canvas
- (colors
- 11
- 6))
- (feet
- tiedtallboots_suede
- (colors
- 15
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (drum9
- (gender male)
- (instrument drum)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreSpazz)
- (skin_color_index 3)
- (eye_color_index 9)
- (eyebrow_color_index 4)
- (height 0.80)
- (weight 0.25)
- (outfit
- (hair
- squeebpunk_resource
- (colors
- 4
- 42))
- (heads
- head_5
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- militaryjacketmask_canvas
- (colors
- 23
- 0))
- (hands
- malegloves_lacefishnet
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- camopants_canvas
- (colors
- 33
- 7))
- (feet
- malesaggydocs_var2
- (colors
- 0
- 1))
- (wrist
- malewrist_barbedwire
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (drum10
- (gender male)
- (instrument drum)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreSpazz)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 9)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (height 0.75)
- (weight 0.25)
- (outfit
- (hair none)
- (heads
- head_3
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair
- head_3_scottian
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (torso naked)
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- fittedpants_gator
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (feet
- summonershoes_burlap
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (drum11
- (gender male)
- (instrument drum)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 13)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.75)
- (outfit
- (hair
- parkinglot_resource
- (colors
- 13
- 0))
- (heads
- head_4
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair
- head_4_flavorsaver
- (colors
- 13
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- wifebeater_worn
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- basictightpants_jeans
- (colors
- 15
- 28))
- (feet
- sneakersstripes_nylon
- (colors
- 0
- 13))
- (wrist
- malewrist_sweatband
- (colors
- 8
- 8))
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (drum12
- (gender male)
- (instrument drum)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 7)
- (eyebrow_color_index 8)
- (height 0.25)
- (weight 0.25)
- (outfit
- (hair
- featheredshort_resource
- (colors
- 6
- 0))
- (heads
- head_6
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair
- head_6_chops
- (colors
- 6
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- armyjacket_dirty
- (colors
- 28
- 32))
- (hands
- malegloves_bandaged
- (colors
- 3
- 0))
- (legs
- zipperpants_panels
- (colors
- 12
- 0))
- (feet
- bootswithinboots_leather
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (drum13
- (gender female)
- (instrument drum)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreSpazz)
- (skin_color_index 5)
- (eye_color_index 9)
- (eyebrow_color_index 2)
- (height 0.15)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- ladyfro_resource
- (colors
- 2
- 0))
- (heads
- head_2
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair none)
- (eyes
- head_2_eyes_16
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips none)
- (torso
- frankensteintee_commie
- (colors
- 16
- 5))
- (hands
- femalegloves_fingerlessdriving
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- microskirt_bondage
- (colors
- 6
- 16))
- (feet
- gogoboot_tiger
- (colors
- 16
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (wrist
- femalewrist_longspikes
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (drum14
- (gender male)
- (instrument drum)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreBanger)
- (skin_color_index 6)
- (eye_color_index 2)
- (eyebrow_color_index 11)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair none)
- (heads
- head_6
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- tshirtdeath_cotton
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (hands
- malegloves_fingerlessdriving
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- carhartts_heavy
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (feet
- fatlaceskatersneakers_solid
- (colors
- 0
- 1))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (drum15
- (gender male)
- (instrument drum)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 7)
- (eyebrow_color_index 47)
- (height 0.25)
- (weight 0.25)
- (outfit
- (hair
- squeebpunk_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 26))
- (heads
- head_6
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes
- head_6_eyes_12
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses none)
- (torso naked)
- (hands
- malegloves_fingerlessdriving
- (colors
- 20
- 0))
- (legs
- suspendedpants_plaid
- (colors
- 16
- 0))
- (feet
- destroyedchucks_starsandstripes
- (colors
- 16
- 21))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource))
- (tattoo (patch_chest ((patch_corbins
- 3
- 9
- 93.00
- 0.00
- 150.00
- 0.00
- 0.53
- 0.30
- 0.00)))))
- (drum16
- (gender female)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (instrument drum)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 5)
- (eye_color_index 2)
- (eyebrow_color_index 47)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- 60spony_resource
- (colors
- 18
- 0))
- (heads
- head_3
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair none)
- (eyes
- head_3_eyes_5
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- head_3_lips_8
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- schoolgirlshirt_dishevelled
- (colors
- 4
- 18))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- shortskirt_skullbarelegs
- (colors
- 18
- 28))
- (feet
- chunkyboots_plaid
- (colors
- 18
- 10))
- (glasses none)
- (wrist none)
- (rings
- femalerings_jem
- (colors
- 18
- 0))
- (earrings
- femaleearrings_safetypins
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (piercings none)
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (drum17
- (gender male)
- (instrument drum)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 2)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (height 0.10)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- emover_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 26))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes
- head_1_eyes_9
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- oringhoodie_cotton
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (hands
- malegloves_bandaged
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- lamepants_basicshiny
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (feet
- namboots_jungle
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (wrist none)
- (rings
- malerings_ebony
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (drum18
- (gender female)
- (instrument drum)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 5)
- (eye_color_index 2)
- (eyebrow_color_index 47)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.50)
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (drum19
- (gender male)
- (instrument drum)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 2)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (height 0.10)
- (weight 0.50)
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar0
- (gender male)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (instrument guitar)
- (attitude kGenreDramatic)
- (weight 0.40)
- (height 0.85)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 3)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (outfit
- (hair
- mop_resource
- (colors 2))
- (heads head_3)
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- loosedapperjacket_vintage
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- darkriderpants_cotton
- (colors 0))
- (feet
- dressshoes_leather
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (mic sm58_resource)
- (bass
- precision01_triburstwhite
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- kelly01_sunburst
- (colors
- 0
- 0))))
- (guitar1
- (gender female)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (instrument guitar)
- (attitude kGenreBanger)
- (weight 0.50)
- (height 0.50)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (outfit
- (hair
- ladylayered_resource
- (colors 4))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors))
- (facehair none)
- (eyes none)
- (lips head_1_lips_1)
- (torso
- zebrachoptop_silk
- (colors
- 0
- 3))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- leggings_shiny
- (colors
- 0
- 1))
- (feet
- midcalfspikes_leather
- (colors 0))
- (glasses none)
- (wrist
- gauntlet_resource
- (colors 0))
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (bass
- precision01_triburstwhite
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster01_triburstwhite
- (colors
- 5
- 7))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar2
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- lolita
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (facehair none)
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (torso
- corset_camo
- (colors
- 1
- 2))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- armymini_denim
- (colors
- 0
- 1))
- (feet
- femaledestroyedchucks_solid
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (mic sm58_resource)
- (bass
- precision01_triburstwhite
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- kelly01_sunburst
- (colors
- 0
- 0))))
- (guitar3
- (gender male)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (instrument guitar)
- (weight 0.80)
- (height 0.85)
- (skin_color_index 3)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (outfit
- (hair
- featheredshort_resource
- (colors 1))
- (heads
- head_4
- (colors 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (torso
- hoodieandjacket_leather
- (colors
- 3
- 4))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- wornleatherpants_worn
- (colors
- 3
- 3))
- (feet
- dappershoes_solidshiny
- (colors 0))
- (wrist none)
- (glasses none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (bass jazz01_woodash)
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar jaguar01_paint)
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar4
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreBanger)
- (weight 0.40)
- (height 0.75)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (outfit
- (hair
- shaggy
- (colors 6))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses
- maleglasses_aviators
- (colors 0))
- (torso
- tshirtdeath_wolf
- (colors 1))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- basictightpants_jeans
- (colors 1))
- (feet
- westernslipons_embroidered
- (colors 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (bass precision01_triburstblack)
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- telecaster01_woodash
- (colors
- 3
- 5))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar5
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreSpazz)
- (weight 0.35)
- (height 0.65)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (outfit
- (hair
- bettybangs_resource
- (colors 0))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors))
- (facehair none)
- (eyes none)
- (lips head_1_lips_1)
- (torso
- vest_studded
- (colors
- 0
- 1))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- hotpants_camo
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (feet
- superhightops_leopard
- (colors 0))
- (glasses none)
- (wrist
- gauntlet_resource
- (colors 0))
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (bass jazz01_sunburstwhite)
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- kelly01_triburst
- (colors
- 3
- 5))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar6
- (selectable TRUE)
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 3)
- (height 0.75)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- youngozzy_resource
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (heads
- head_3
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses
- maleglasses_wayfarers
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (torso
- oringhoodie_cotton
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- bigzipperpants_denim
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (feet
- lowchucks_skullprint
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (bass
- precision01_woodash
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar7
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 1)
- (height 0.75)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- sideflip_resource
- (colors
- 1
- 1))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair none)
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (torso
- tuxjacket_silk
- (colors
- 0
- 14))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- leggings_shiny
- (colors
- 0
- 30))
- (feet
- semispats_solid
- (colors
- 30
- 0))
- (glasses
- femaleglasses_catseye
- (colors
- 5
- 1))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (bass
- jazz01_sparkle
- (colors
- 1
- 31))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar8
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreDramatic)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 13)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- sidepony_resource
- (colors
- 13
- 0))
- (heads
- head_3
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair none)
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (torso
- layeredtanktop_threelayers
- (colors
- 4
- 5))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- frillyskirt_solid
- (colors
- 12
- 5))
- (feet
- flatslips_stripe
- (colors
- 21
- 2))
- (glasses none)
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- doublejet_sunburstpearl
- (colors
- 24
- 0))
- (bass
- jazz01_sparkle
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar9
- (selectable TRUE)
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 1)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 49)
- (height 0.80)
- (weight 0.00)
- (outfit
- (hair
- bandanna
- (colors
- 49
- 10))
- (heads
- head_3
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair
- head_3_handlebar
- (colors
- 49
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- fringeshirt_denim
- (colors
- 11
- 4))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- tightdistressedpants_jeans
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (feet
- cowboyboots_western
- (colors
- 3
- 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (bass
- g6073_sparkle
- (colors
- 31
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar10
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 9)
- (eyebrow_color_index 10)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- featheredshort_resource
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (heads
- head_3
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses
- maleglasses_catseye
- (colors
- 5
- 1))
- (torso
- polo_coatofarms
- (colors
- 6
- 0))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- rolledpants_jeans
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (feet
- highchucks_solid
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (bass
- precision01_woodash
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar11
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 20)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- loosepony_resource
- (colors
- 20
- 0))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair none)
- (eyes
- head_1_eyes_20
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- head_1_lips_6
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- tubetop_solid
- (colors
- 14
- 0))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- cleanminiskirt_solid
- (colors
- 22
- 0))
- (feet
- rubberboots_solid
- (colors
- 14
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (bass
- jazz01_sparkle
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar12
- (gender male)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (instrument guitar)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 2)
- (eyebrow_color_index 17)
- (height 0.75)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- shaggy
- (colors
- 17
- 0))
- (heads
- head_2
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair
- head_2_flavorsaver
- (colors
- 10
- 0))
- (glasses
- maleglasses_jackieos
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (torso
- wornlongsleeveshirt_striped
- (colors
- 10
- 5))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- shreddedjeans_solid
- (colors
- 0
- 2))
- (feet
- malelowtopsneaks_skater
- (colors
- 34
- 32))
- (wrist
- malewrist_hercules
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (rings
- malerings_chief
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (bass
- g6073_paint
- (colors
- 37
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar13
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 47)
- (height 0.00)
- (weight 0.00)
- (outfit
- (hair
- sidepony_resource
- (colors
- 47
- 0))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair none)
- (eyes
- head_1_eyes_6
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- head_1_lips_2
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- baseballteetorn_stitched
- (colors
- 4
- 29))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- highwaterjeans_ripped
- (colors
- 21
- 28))
- (feet
- flatslips_stripe
- (colors
- 39
- 28))
- (glasses none)
- (wrist
- femalewrist_barbedwire
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (bass
- jazz01_sparkle
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar14
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 3)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 4)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.75)
- (outfit
- (hair
- shaggy_dockcap
- (colors
- 2
- 0))
- (heads
- head_2
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- worntshirt_vintage
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- tightdistressedpants_jeans
- (colors
- 13
- 0))
- (feet
- westernslipons_embroidered
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (bass
- precision01_woodash
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar15
- (selectable TRUE)
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 7)
- (height 0.25)
- (weight 0.75)
- (outfit
- (hair
- farrah_resource
- (colors
- 7
- 0))
- (heads
- head_6
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair none)
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (torso
- dishevelledshirt_southern
- (colors
- 13
- 30))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- flarejeans_worn
- (colors
- 16
- 13))
- (feet
- tallbuttonboots_embroidered
- (colors
- 0
- 3))
- (glasses none)
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (bass
- jazz01_triburstwhite
- (colors
- 22
- 30))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar16
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreBanger)
- (skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 9)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (height 0.15)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- ziggymullet_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (heads
- head_5
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- summonerrobe_burlap
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- summonerleggings_burlap
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (feet
- summonershoes_burlap
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (bass
- skullbass_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar17
- (gender female)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (instrument guitar)
- (attitude kGenreBanger)
- (skin_color_index 3)
- (eye_color_index 9)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- 70sbisset_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (heads
- head_4
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair none)
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (torso
- oilspillarmor_latex
- (colors
- 3
- 2))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- oilspillleggings_latex
- (colors
- 3
- 0))
- (feet
- oilspillboots_latex
- (colors
- 3
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- warrior01_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- jazz01_sparkle
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar18
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreSpazz)
- (skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 9)
- (eyebrow_color_index 1)
- (height 0.15)
- (weight 0.75)
- (outfit
- (hair
- mohawk_resource
- (colors
- 1
- 1))
- (heads
- head_4
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair
- head_4_lemmy
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- spikedarmor_leather
- (colors
- 20
- 20))
- (hands
- malegloves_bandaged
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- cutoffshorts_denim
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (feet
- roadwarriorboots_leather
- (colors
- 0
- 20))
- (wrist
- malewrist_laceduparm
- (colors
- 0
- 8))
- (rings none)
- (earrings
- maleearrings_dangles
- (colors
- 2
- 0))
- (piercings
- head_4_piercings_combo11
- none)
- (guitar
- mace_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision01_woodash
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar19
- (gender female)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (instrument guitar)
- (attitude kGenreSpazz)
- (skin_color_index 5)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 19)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- visor_resource
- (colors
- 19
- 1))
- (heads
- head_2
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair none)
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (torso
- gearheadarmor_leather
- (colors
- 15
- 34))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- gearheadleggings_leather
- (colors
- 14
- 15))
- (feet
- gearheadboots_leather
- (colors
- 15
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar20
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 1)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 8)
- (height 0.80)
- (weight 0.25)
- (outfit
- (hair
- malelongwavy_resource
- (colors
- 8
- 0))
- (heads
- head_3
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair
- head_3_bushybeard
- (colors
- 9
- 0))
- (glasses
- maleglasses_circles
- (colors
- 1
- 3))
- (torso
- frillyshirt_solid
- (colors
- 30
- 0))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- strippedpants_ornate
- (colors
- 10
- 10))
- (feet
- cowboyboots_western
- (colors
- 15
- 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings
- malerings_coatofarms
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- doublejet_triburstpearl
- (colors
- 18
- 35))
- (bass
- precision01_woodash
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar21
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreDramatic)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 16)
- (height 0.80)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- hippybangs_resource
- (colors
- 16
- 1))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair none)
- (eyes
- head_1_eyes_11
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- head_1_lips_6
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- tunicoverlap_paisley
- (colors
- 13
- 0))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- linenskirt_twotone
- (colors
- 32
- 13))
- (feet
- tallfoldedboots_solid
- (colors
- 13
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (wrist
- femalewrist_hercules
- (colors
- 2
- 0))
- (rings none)
- (earrings
- femaleearrings_dangles
- (colors
- 8
- 0))
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (bass
- jazz02_sunburstpearl
- (colors
- 22
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar22
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 4)
- (eyebrow_color_index 1)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- parkinglot_resource
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses
- maleglasses_aviators
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- tshirtdeath_cotton
- (colors 0))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- basictightpants_jeans
- (colors
- 1
- 6))
- (feet
- creepers_vintage
- (colors
- 13
- 12))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- 5120_sunburst
- (colors
- 29
- 0))
- (bass
- precision01_woodash
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar23
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 2)
- (eyebrow_color_index 4)
- (height 0.75)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- featheredshort_resource
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (heads
- head_2
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair
- head_2_flavorsaver
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- jeanjacket_denim
- (colors
- 12
- 0))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- bootcutpants_distressedjeans
- (colors
- 0
- 31))
- (feet
- westernslipons_embroidered
- (colors
- 15
- 0))
- (wrist
- malewrist_hercules
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (rings
- malerings_chief
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (bass
- g6073_paint
- (colors
- 37
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar24
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 3)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 3)
- (height 0.75)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- longlayered_resource
- (colors
- 3
- 0))
- (heads
- head_6
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses
- maleglasses_badass
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- studdedjacket_leather
- (colors
- 0
- 7))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- jeansstudded_denim
- (colors
- 7
- 0))
- (feet
- gladiatorboots_leather
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 32
- 4))
- (bass
- precision01_woodash
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar25
- (selectable TRUE)
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 4)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 4)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- nightcat_resource
- (colors
- 4
- 3))
- (heads
- head_3
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- jeanjacket_denim
- (colors
- 8
- 4))
- (hands
- malegloves_fingerlessdriving
- (colors
- 33
- 0))
- (legs
- jeansbleached_denim
- (colors
- 8
- 14))
- (feet
- studdedcowboyboots_leather
- (colors
- 33
- 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (bass
- precision01_sunburstblack
- (colors
- 22
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar26
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreSpazz)
- (skin_color_index 3)
- (eye_color_index 6)
- (eyebrow_color_index 1)
- (height 0.80)
- (weight 0.25)
- (outfit
- (hair
- maledreads_resource
- (colors
- 1
- 4))
- (heads
- head_2
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- leathervest_studded
- (colors
- 0
- 34))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- bondagepants_zippered
- (colors
- 20
- 3))
- (feet
- maledocsductape_leather
- (colors
- 13
- 0))
- (wrist
- malewrist_studdedwatchcombo
- (colors
- 28
- 0))
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- jaguar03_paint
- (colors
- 36
- 3))
- (bass
- g6073_paint
- (colors
- 14
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar27
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreDramatic)
- (skin_color_index 3)
- (eye_color_index 9)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (height 0.75)
- (weight 0.75)
- (outfit
- (hair
- longwavy_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (heads
- head_4
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair none)
- (eyes
- head_4_eyes_10
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- head_4_lips_4
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- mummyjacket_cotton
- (colors
- 2
- 2))
- (hands
- femalegloves_bandaged
- (colors
- 3
- 0))
- (legs
- mummyleggings_cotton
- (colors
- 2
- 2))
- (feet
- midcalfspikes_leather
- (colors
- 30
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- jaguar03_sunburstpearl
- (colors
- 25
- 28))
- (bass
- precision02_paint
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar28
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreDramatic)
- (skin_color_index 3)
- (eye_color_index 1)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (height 0.15)
- (weight 0.80)
- (outfit
- (hair
- 50sbandana_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 19))
- (heads
- head_3
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair none)
- (eyes
- head_3_eyes_2
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- head_3_lips_7
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- batvneck_cotton
- (colors
- 0
- 41))
- (hands
- femalegloves_lacefishnet
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (legs
- gothmicrosand_stripedtights
- (colors
- 0
- 19))
- (feet
- femalegothstompers_leather
- (colors
- 0
- 41))
- (glasses none)
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings
- femaleearrings_hoops
- (colors
- 2
- 0))
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- kelly02_sparkle
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- batwingbass_resource
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource))
- (tattoo
- (patch_left_arm ((patch_sailor
- 8
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- 89.00
- 0.00
- 1.97
- 0.48
- 0.00)
- (patch_sailor
- 2
- 0
- -22.00
- 0.00
- -155.00
- 271.94
- 0.56
- 2.03
- 0.00)))
- (patch_right_arm ((patch_flyrite
- 1
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- 130.00
- 0.00
- 1.12
- 0.38
- 0.00)
- (patch_newyork
- 2
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- -153.00
- 0.00
- 2.27
- 0.40
- 0.00)))))
- (guitar29
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 5)
- (eyebrow_color_index 1)
- (height 0.75)
- (weight 0.75)
- (outfit
- (hair
- femover_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 24))
- (heads
- head_4
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair none)
- (eyes
- head_4_eyes_3
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- head_4_lips_11
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- halfsleeveschooltop_cotton
- (colors
- 0
- 16))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- zigzagleggings_nylon
- (colors
- 30
- 0))
- (feet
- kneehighheel_leather
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- kingv03_paint
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (bass
- kelly04_paint
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar30
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreBanger)
- (skin_color_index 3)
- (eye_color_index 9)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.80)
- (outfit
- (hair
- malelongwavy_resource
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair
- head_1_longgoatee
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- spikedvest_leather
- (colors
- 0
- 14)
- (patch ((patch_clapp
- 10
- 1
- -9.00
- 0.00
- 0.00
- 0.00
- 1.39
- 1.27
- 0.00))))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- bondagepants_zippered
- (colors
- 24
- 0))
- (feet
- studdedcowboyboots_leather
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (wrist
- malewrist_studdedgauntlet
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (rings
- malerings_skull
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- warrior01_sunburst
- (colors
- 34
- 0))
- (bass
- kelly04_sunburst
- (colors
- 36
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource))
- (tattoo
- (patch_left_arm ((patch_slifers
- 0
- 0
- 2.00
- 0.00
- -132.00
- 0.00
- 1.83
- 0.47
- 0.00)
- (patch_corbins
- 1
- 13
- 22.00
- 0.00
- 173.00
- 0.00
- 0.75
- 0.34
- 0.00)
- (patch_newyork
- 1
- 0
- 55.00
- 0.00
- 45.00
- 0.00
- 1.84
- 0.86
- 0.00)
- (patch_slifers
- 0
- 0
- 2.00
- 0.00
- -132.00
- 0.00
- 1.83
- 0.47
- 0.00)))
- (patch_right_arm ((patch_slifers
- 9
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- 163.00
- 0.00
- 0.84
- 0.47
- 0.00)
- (patch_newyork
- 5
- 0
- -7.00
- 0.00
- -136.00
- 0.00
- 2.19
- 0.69
- 0.00)
- (patch_suerte
- 0
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- 30.00
- 0.00
- 1.47
- 0.56
- 0.00)))))
- (guitar31
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 4)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 2)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- gothdreads_resource
- (colors
- 27
- 36))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair none)
- (eyes
- head_1_eyes_7
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- head_1_lips_11
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- bigstraps_rubber
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- bondagepants_plaidknees
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (feet
- kneehighplatform_pvc
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (wrist none)
- (rings
- femalerings_demonclaw
- (colors
- 2
- 0))
- (earrings
- femaleearrings_safetypins
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- corvette_sparkle
- (colors
- 6
- 2))
- (bass
- jazz01_sparkle
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar32
- (selectable TRUE)
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 1)
- (eye_color_index 2)
- (eyebrow_color_index 47)
- (height 0.75)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- crazyhawk_resource
- (colors
- 38
- 28))
- (heads
- head_2
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair
- head_2_chops
- (colors
- 28
- 0))
- (glasses
- maleglasses_goggles
- (colors
- 14
- 3))
- (torso
- strapjacket_pleather
- (colors
- 45
- 12))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- codpiecepants_robotic
- (colors
- 12
- 45))
- (feet
- malebarefeet_fleshy
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (wrist
- malewrist_hercules
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (rings
- malerings_chief
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (bass
- g6073_paint
- (colors
- 37
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar33
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 6)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 2)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- trihawk_resource
- (colors
- 47
- 24))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair none)
- (eyes
- head_1_eyes_2
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- head_1_lips_3
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- tanktop_solid
- (colors
- 8
- 0))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- capripants_tigerstripe
- (colors
- 9
- 17))
- (feet
- kneehighplatform_pvc
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (wrist none)
- (rings
- femalerings_demonclaw
- (colors
- 2
- 0))
- (earrings
- femaleearrings_safetypins
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- stratocaster01_sparkle
- (colors
- 20
- 28))
- (bass
- jazz01_sparkle
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar34
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 2)
- (eyebrow_color_index 1)
- (height 0.75)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair none)
- (heads
- head_2
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes
- head_2_eyes_2
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips none)
- (facehair
- head_2_chingoatee
- (colors
- 44
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (torso naked)
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- bootcutpants_distressedjeans
- (colors
- 0
- 31))
- (feet
- rinoboots_leather
- (colors
- 0
- 2))
- (wrist
- malewrist_hercules
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (rings
- malerings_chief
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (earrings
- maleearrings_spikeloop
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (piercings none)
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (bass
- g6073_paint
- (colors
- 37
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource))
- (tattoo
- (patch_left_arm ((patch_sailor
- 13
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- 111.00
- 0.00
- 1.95
- 0.77
- 0.00)))
- (patch_right_arm ((patch_newyork
- 1
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- 74.00
- 0.00
- 1.90
- 1.05
- 0.00)))))
- (guitar37
- (gender female)
+ #include prefabs_dx.dta
+ (rb2drum0
+ (gender male)
(instrument guitar)
(selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (weight 0.75)
- (height 0.25)
+ (attitude kGenreBanger)
(skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 3)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 4)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 16)
+ (height 1.0)
+ (weight 0.75)
- ladylayered_cowboyhat
+ hair_long
+ (colors 16 0))
+ (heads
+ head_3
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_3_ggallin
+ (colors 16 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ halfshirtbracers_cotton
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ camopants_canvas
+ (colors 34 32))
+ (feet
+ malespikydocs_solid
+ (colors 0 16))
+ (wrist
+ malewrist_studdedgauntlet
(colors 1 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ kelly02_paint
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ c20bass_paint
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (rb2drum1
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreSpazz)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 6)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 18)
+ (height 0.75)
+ (weight 0.25)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ hanoi2_resource
+ (colors 18 0))
- head_1)
+ head_5
+ (colors 4 0))
- head_1_eyes_0
+ head_5_eyes_13
(colors 0 0))
- head_1_lips_0
+ head_5_lips_8
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
(colors 0 0))
- (facehair none)
- femaleglasses_aviators
- (colors 0 4))
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
- openshirtbandana_print
- (colors 0 20))
+ suspenders_studded
+ (colors 4 23))
- femalegloves_fingerlessdriving
+ malegloves_fingerlessdriving
+ (colors 34 0))
+ (legs
+ buttlesschaps_leather
+ (colors 23 4))
+ (feet
+ malehighheels_snakeskin
+ (colors 20 19))
+ (wrist
+ malewrist_barbedwire
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (rings
+ malerings_coatofarms
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ doublejet_paint
+ (colors 38 1))
+ (bass
+ telebass_paint
+ (colors 38 1))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 7 0)))
+ (tattoo
+ (patch_left_arm
+ ((patch_flyrite 1 0 5.0 0.0 -98.0 0.0 -1.11 0.59 0.0)))
+ (patch_right_arm
+ ((patch_flyrite 10 0 0.0 0.0 -181.0 0.0 1.0 0.3 0.0)
+ (patch_flyrite 10 0 -46.0 0.0 -128.0 0.0 1.0 0.3 0.0)
+ (patch_flyrite 10 0 128.0 0.0 -152.0 0.0 1.0 0.3 0.0)
+ (patch_flyrite 10 0 47.0 0.0 -85.0 0.0 1.0 0.3 0.0)
+ (patch_flyrite 10 0 -71.0 0.0 -85.0 11.98 1.0 0.3 0.0)
+ (patch_flyrite 10 0 117.0 0.0 -187.0 0.0 1.0 0.3 0.0)
+ (patch_flyrite 10 0 -84.0 0.0 -166.0 0.0 1.0 0.3 0.0)))))
+ (rb2drum2
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreDramatic)
+ (skin_color_index 2)
+ (eye_color_index 2)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 50)
+ (height 1.0)
+ (weight 0.0)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ baldeagle_resource
+ (colors 50 0))
+ (heads
+ head_14
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_14_scottian
+ (colors 50 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ glamitardtop_wizard
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (hands
+ naked
(colors 0 0))
- wreckedjeans_worn
- (colors 27 43))
+ glamitardpants_wizard
+ (colors 0 4))
- femalecowboyboots_embroidered
- (colors 0 1))
+ glamitardslippers_wizard
+ (colors 0 4))
- femalewrist_sweatband
- (colors 26 0))
- (rings none)
- (earrings
- femaleearrings_hoops
+ malewrist_watchleatherstrap
+ (colors 29 0))
+ (rings
+ malerings_demonclaw
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
(colors 0 0))
- (piercings
- femalepiercings_combo5
+ (guitar
+ kelly02_sparkle
(colors 1 0))
- falconbass_paint
+ kelly04_sparkle
(colors 1 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
- ludclassic_fade
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 1 0)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (rb2drum3
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreSpazz)
+ (skin_color_index 5)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 2)
+ (height 1.0)
+ (weight 0.75)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ younghr_resource
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (heads
+ head_9
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_9_eyes_6
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_9_bushybeard
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ buzzsawpads_wrecked
+ (colors 3 2))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ harajukubelt_camo
+ (colors 24 16))
+ (feet
+ maledocsductape_leather
+ (colors 26 4))
+ (wrist
+ malewrist_studdedwatchcombo
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
(colors 0 0))
- penguin_paint
- (colors 1 0))
+ kingv02_sparkle
+ (colors 45 0))
+ (bass
+ jazz02_sparkle
+ (colors 45 33))
- (colors 0 0))))
- (guitar38
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (rb2drum4
(gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
(selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreSpazz)
+ (skin_color_index 3)
+ (eye_color_index 1)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 44)
+ (height 0.75)
+ (weight 0.25)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ mohawk_resource
+ (colors 44 42))
+ (heads
+ head_14
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_14_chingoatee
+ (colors 42 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ tuxedo_sloppy
+ (colors 23 25))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ tuxpants_sloppy
+ (colors 23 4))
+ (feet
+ maleslipons_skully
+ (colors 16 6))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ maleearrings_safetypins
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (piercings
+ head_14_piercings_combo4
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (guitar
+ kingv02_paint
+ (colors 20 0))
+ (bass
+ g6073_paint
+ (colors 20 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 20 0)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (rb2drum5
+ (gender male)
(instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
(attitude kGenreSpazz)
(skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 9)
- (eyebrow_color_index 4)
+ (eye_color_index 5)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 29)
(height 1.0)
(weight 0.25)
- longlayered_resource
- (colors 4 0))
+ libertyspikes_resource
+ (colors 29 27))
- head_12
+ head_13
(colors 4 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
- head_12_flavorsaver
+ head_13_chinstrap
+ (colors 29 0))
+ (glasses
+ malemask_eyebandage
(colors 4 0))
- (glasses naked)
- flannelcoat_checked
- (colors 14 5))
- (hands naked)
+ sweatervest_patched
+ (colors 21 28))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
- flaredistressedjeans_bleachedjeans
- (colors 5))
+ tighterpants_plaidpunx
+ (colors 44 17))
- highchucks_solid
- (colors 15 4))
- (wrist naked)
+ tatteredshoe_homeless
+ (colors 24 4))
+ (wrist
+ malewrist_sweatbandcombo
+ (colors 15 16))
- malerings_rubberbands
- (colors 3 0))
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
- corvette_sunbursttortoise
- (colors 20 20))
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 0))
- jazz03_paint
- (colors 36 0))
+ precision01_woodash
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
- ludvista_clear
- (colors 14 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar39
- (gender female)
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (rb2drum6
+ (gender male)
(instrument guitar)
(selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreDramatic)
- (weight 0.50)
- (height 0.50)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
(skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 9)
- (eyebrow_color_index 3)
+ (eye_color_index 5)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (height 0.0)
+ (weight 0.75)
- femalehair_long
- (colors 3 0))
+ greaserslick_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
- head_1)
+ head_11
+ (colors 4 0))
- head_1_eyes_3
+ head_11_eyes_9
(colors 0 0))
- head_1_lips_3
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_11_bushymoustache
(colors 0 0))
- (facehair none)
- none)
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
- busselcoat_lace
- (colors 1 20))
+ uniformshirt_cotton
+ (colors 26 0))
- naked)
- (legs
- gothminiflare_barelegs
+ naked
(colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ leatherpants_basicleather
+ (colors 29 30))
- femalesambas_leather
- (colors 0 0))
+ sambas_leather
+ (colors 33 3))
- none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings
- none)
- (piercings
- none)
+ malewrist_hercules
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ synchromatic_triburstblack
+ (colors 29 31))
- neonbass_resource
- (colors 18 7))
+ falconbass_triburst
+ (colors 23 32))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
- electronic
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 3 0)))
+ (tattoo
+ (patch_left_arm
+ ((patch_flyrite 8 0 0.0 0.0 139.0 0.0 -1.51 0.74 0.0)))
+ (patch_right_arm
+ ((patch_anchor 4 0 0.0 0.0 119.0 0.0 0.91 0.6 0.0)))))
+ (rb2drum7
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 7)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 19)
+ (height 0.75)
+ (weight 0.25)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ prettyboy_resource
+ (colors 19 0))
+ (heads
+ head_12
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_12_eyes_11
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ openshirthippy_silk
+ (colors 21 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ strippedpants_ornate
+ (colors 12 27))
+ (feet
+ dappershoes_solidshiny
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (wrist
+ malewrist_hercules
+ (colors 33 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
(colors 0 0))
- neon_resource
- (colors 18 7))
+ projet_triburstpearl
+ (colors 17 20))
+ (bass
+ precision04_paint
+ (colors 9 1))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 1 0)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (rb2drum8
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 2)
+ (eye_color_index 4)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 25)
+ (height 0.0)
+ (weight 1.0)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ longmop_resource
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (heads
+ head_4
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_4_bushymoustache
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (glasses
+ maleglasses_business
+ (colors 4 1))
+ (torso
+ roadiejacket_satin
+ (colors 41 4))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ corduroypants_worn
+ (colors 12 1))
+ (feet
+ basketballsneaks_custom
+ (colors 14 4))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 45 1))
+ (bass
+ precision04_paint
+ (colors 36 1))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (rb2drum9
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreBanger)
+ (skin_color_index 3)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 2)
+ (height 0.0)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ ramones_resource
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (heads
+ head_10
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_10_handlebar
+ (colors 5 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ workjacket_grimey
+ (colors 26 4))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ workpants_grimey
+ (colors 12 12))
+ (feet
+ timberlandboots_muddy
+ (colors 6 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster01_paint
+ (colors 14 1))
+ (bass
+ jaguarbass_paint
+ (colors 1 1))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (rb2drum10
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreDramatic)
+ (skin_color_index 6)
+ (eye_color_index 9)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 1)
+ (height 1.0)
+ (weight 0.25)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ maleladyfropick_resource
+ (colors 1 11))
+ (heads
+ head_13
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_13_eyes_6
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_13_chops
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (glasses
+ maleglasses_cataracts
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ kissarmor_sparkles
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ kissflares_sparkles
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (feet
+ kissboots_sparkles
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ warrior02_sparkle
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (bass
+ kelly04_sparkle
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (rb2drum11
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 1)
+ (eye_color_index 2)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 2)
+ (height 1.0)
+ (weight 0.75)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ mandana_resource
+ (colors 2 15))
+ (heads
+ head_11
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_11_bushybeard
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (glasses
+ maleglasses_bugeyes
+ (colors 5 0))
+ (torso
+ indianchest_bone
+ (colors 10 33))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ wornleatherpants_worn
+ (colors 5 8))
+ (feet
+ malebarefeet_fleshy
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ malewrist_wristbandterrycloth
+ (colors 11 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ telecaster01_sunburstpearl
+ (colors 31 0))
+ (bass
+ precision01_sunburstblack
+ (colors 31 37))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0)))
+ (tattoo
+ (patch_right_arm
+ ((patch_newyork 10 0 -11.0 0.0 182.0 16.91 0.5 0.39 0.0)))))
+ (rb2drum12
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreDramatic)
+ (skin_color_index 2)
+ (eye_color_index 8)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 24)
+ (height 1.0)
+ (weight 0.75)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ japanhair1_resource
+ (colors 24 0))
+ (heads
+ head_5
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_5_eyes_25
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_5_lips_3
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ maidenstraps_studded
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ bondagepants_plaidknees
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (feet
+ midcalfspikes_leather
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ warrior02_paint
+ (colors 36 0))
+ (bass
+ kelly04_paint
+ (colors 36 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (rb2drum13
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreBanger)
+ (skin_color_index 1)
+ (eye_color_index 1)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 18)
+ (height 0.0)
+ (weight 0.0)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ ladypunk_resource
+ (colors 18 19))
+ (heads
+ head_4
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ choppedtee_chopped
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (hands
+ femalegloves_skeleton
+ (colors 0 22))
+ (legs
+ barbedwirepants_denim
+ (colors 8 0))
+ (feet
+ chucktaylors_folded
+ (colors 26 3))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ femalewrist_sweatband
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ kingv02_paint
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (bass
+ doublebass_paint
+ (colors 3 1))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 1 0)))
+ (tattoo
+ (patch_chest
+ ())
+ (patch_left_arm
+ ((patch_suerte 3 0 0.0 0.0 88.0 0.0 3.82 0.98 0.0)
+ (patch_suerte 3 0 0.0 0.0 22.0 0.0 3.78 0.93 0.0)
+ (patch_suerte 3 0 0.0 0.0 -61.0 0.0 3.67 1.18 0.0)
+ (patch_suerte 3 0 0.0 0.0 -139.0 0.0 3.88 1.18 0.0)
+ (patch_flyrite 12 0 0.0 0.0 -200.0 0.0 4.2 0.76 0.0)))
+ (patch_right_arm
+ ((patch_suerte 3 0 0.0 0.0 88.0 0.0 3.82 0.98 0.0)
+ (patch_suerte 3 0 0.0 0.0 22.0 0.0 3.78 0.93 0.0)
+ (patch_suerte 3 0 0.0 0.0 -61.0 0.0 3.67 1.18 0.0)
+ (patch_suerte 3 0 0.0 0.0 -139.0 0.0 3.88 1.18 0.0)
+ (patch_flyrite 12 0 0.0 0.0 -200.0 0.0 4.2 0.76 0.0)))))
+ (rb2drum14
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreBanger)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 6)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 25)
+ (height 0.0)
+ (weight 0.25)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ farrah_resource
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (heads
+ head_3
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ denimjacket_clean
+ (colors 5 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ layeredpants_shredded
+ (colors 27 2))
+ (feet
+ femalesportysneaks_pleather
+ (colors 36 10))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 41 1))
+ (bass
+ jazz01_paint
+ (colors 41 3))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 5 0)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (rb2drum15
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreSpazz)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 31)
+ (height 0.0)
+ (weight 1.0)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ cutepigtails_resource
+ (colors 31 0))
+ (heads
+ head_2
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ furbikini_cheetah
+ (colors 8 8))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ hotpants_camo
+ (colors 27 23))
+ (feet
+ femalelowchucks_skullsprint
+ (colors 19 24))
+ (glasses
+ femaleglasses_catseye
+ (colors 18 0))
+ (wrist
+ femalewrist_sweatbandcharmscombo
+ (colors 0 20))
+ (rings
+ femalerings_bandaid
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (earrings
+ femaleearrings_tribal
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ jaguar02_sunburstpearl
+ (colors 38 43))
+ (bass
+ jaguarbass_sunburstpearl
+ (colors 45 49))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 3 0)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (rb2drum16
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreSpazz)
+ (skin_color_index 2)
+ (eye_color_index 2)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 16)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ 50sbandana_resource
+ (colors 16 27))
+ (heads
+ head_10
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_10_eyes_16
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_10_lips_16
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ hoodie_patchy
+ (colors 5 2))
+ (hands
+ femalegloves_fingerlessdriving
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (legs
+ miniskirt_leatherpunky
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (feet
+ skates_dirty
+ (colors 0 5))
+ (glasses
+ femaleglasses_smashed
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (wrist
+ femalewrist_jelly
+ (colors 6 6))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ supersonic_paint
+ (colors 19 2))
+ (bass
+ jaguarbass_paint
+ (colors 20 1))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 19 0)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (rb2drum17
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreSpazz)
+ (skin_color_index 5)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 50)
+ (height 1.0)
+ (weight 0.75)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ trihawk_resource
+ (colors 50 27))
+ (heads
+ head_8
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ spikepads_distressed
+ (colors 31 28))
+ (hands
+ femalegloves_bandaged
+ (colors 30 0))
+ (legs
+ buttflappants_khaki
+ (colors 4 5))
+ (feet
+ spikedplatformboots_solid
+ (colors 27 28))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ femalewrist_studdedbracer
+ (colors 14 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ kelly02_sparkle
+ (colors 33 0))
+ (bass
+ kelly04_sparkle
+ (colors 33 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 2 0)))
+ (tattoo
+ (patch_chest
+ ((patch_suerte 3 0 -5.0 0.0 -200.0 0.0 2.07 1.19 0.0)))
+ (patch_left_arm
+ ((patch_suerte 3 0 0.0 0.0 -106.0 0.0 2.66 0.69 0.0)))
+ (patch_right_arm
+ ((patch_suerte 3 0 0.0 0.0 -106.0 0.0 2.66 0.69 0.0)))))
+ (rb2guitar0
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreDramatic)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 7)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 19)
+ (height 1.0)
+ (weight 0.0)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ pixie_resource
+ (colors 19 0))
+ (heads
+ head_4
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_4_eyes_26
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_4_lips_6
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ turtleneck_occult
+ (colors 27 3))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ dresspants_solid
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (feet
+ flatslips_stripe
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ telecaster02_sunburstpearl
+ (colors 11 15))
+ (bass
+ jazz01_sunburstpearl
+ (colors 11 14))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 2 0)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (rb2guitar1
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 2)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 5)
+ (height 0.0)
+ (weight 0.25)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ femaleyoungozzy_resource
+ (colors 5 0))
+ (heads
+ head_7
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ bulkyjacket_camo
+ (colors 28 32))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ wreckedjeans_worn
+ (colors 23 0))
+ (feet
+ femalecombatboots_leather
+ (colors 3 2))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ telecaster01_paint
+ (colors 33 4))
+ (bass
+ jazz01_paint
+ (colors 11 3))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (rb2guitar2
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreBanger)
+ (skin_color_index 5)
+ (eye_color_index 9)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (height 0.75)
+ (weight 0.25)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ ladylayered_cowboyhat
+ (colors 0 1))
+ (heads
+ head_8
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_8_eyes_20
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_8_lips_4
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ tiedshirt_plain
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ bellbottoms_jeans
+ (colors 27 0))
+ (feet
+ femalecowboyboots_western
+ (colors 3 4))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ femalewrist_sweatbandcharmscombo
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ synchromatic_triburstpearl
+ (colors 2 23))
+ (bass
+ falconbass_triburst
+ (colors 17 33))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (rb2guitar3
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreBanger)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 7)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (height 1.0)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ shortbangs_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (heads
+ head_4
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_4_eyes_7
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_4_lips_9
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ blazer_newwave
+ (colors 14 1))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ pantsspandex_spandex
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (feet
+ slouchyboots_solid
+ (colors 14 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 1 1))
+ (bass
+ precision01_woodash
+ (colors 1 1))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 1 0)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (rb2guitar4
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 4)
+ (eye_color_index 2)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 4)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.75)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ hilldreads_resource
+ (colors 1 31))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_1_eyes_24
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_1_lips_6
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ jumpsuittop_nylon
+ (colors 14 4))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ jumpsuitpants_nylon
+ (colors 14 2))
+ (feet
+ femalesambas_leather
+ (colors 4 2))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ kingv01_paint
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ mustang01_paint
+ (colors 0 1))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (rb2guitar5
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreDramatic)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 2)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 49)
+ (height 0.0)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ hippybangs_resource
+ (colors 18 9))
+ (heads
+ head_10
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_10_eyes_24
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_10_lips_6
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ moddress_dottree
+ (colors 7 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ hotpantsplain_barelegs
+ (colors 3 0))
+ (feet
+ modavengerboots_leather
+ (colors 17 6))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision01_woodash
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (rb2guitar8
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreSpazz)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 4)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 1)
+ (height 0.75)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ parkinglot_aviatorcap
+ (colors 1 12))
+ (heads
+ head_2
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_2_eyes_9
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_2_sideburns
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ militaryjacketmask_canvas
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ bondagepants_zippered
+ (colors 0 3))
+ (feet
+ tallboots_solid
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ malewrist_sweatbandcombo
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ malerings_bandaid
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ chainsaw_resource
+ (colors 20 0))
+ (bass
+ chainsawbass_resource
+ (colors 20 0))
+ (mic
+ brokenmic_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ rust
+ (colors 0 0)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (drum0
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument drum)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreSpazz)
+ (weight 0.6)
+ (height 0.15)
+ (skin_color_index 2)
+ (eye_color_index 3)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ fauxhawk_resource
+ (colors 42 18))
+ (heads head_5)
+ (eyes head_5_eyes_10)
+ (lips none)
+ (facehair none)
+ (glasses none)
+ (torso
+ militaryjacket_canvas
+ (colors 3 4))
+ (hands naked)
+ (legs
+ bondagepants_zippered
+ (colors 1))
+ (feet
+ highchucks_solid
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (wrist
+ gauntlet_resource
+ (colors 0))
+ (rings none)
+ (earrings none)
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource)))
+ (drum1
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument drum)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreBanger)
+ (weight 0.8)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (skin_color_index 4)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ bandanna
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors))
+ (eyes none)
+ (lips none)
+ (facehair none)
+ (glasses
+ maleglasses_aviators
+ (colors 0))
+ (torso
+ buttonedshirtpatchy_veteran
+ (colors 30 15))
+ (hands naked)
+ (legs
+ carhartts_heavy
+ (colors 0))
+ (feet
+ tallboots_solid
+ (colors 0))
+ (wrist none)
+ (rings none)
+ (earrings none)
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource)))
+ (drum2
+ (gender male)
+ (attitude kGenreSpazz)
+ (instrument drum)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (weight 0.25)
+ (height 0.65)
+ (skin_color_index 4)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ lazyhawk_resource
+ (colors 0 1))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors 0))
+ (eyes none)
+ (lips none)
+ (facehair none)
+ (torso
+ worntshirt_vintage
+ (colors 0))
+ (hands naked)
+ (legs
+ tightdistressedpants_jeans
+ (colors 1))
+ (feet
+ dappershoes_solidshiny
+ (colors 0))
+ (wrist
+ gauntlet_resource
+ (colors 0))
+ (glasses none)
+ (rings none)
+ (earrings none)
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource)))
+ (drum3
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument drum)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 2)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (height 0.25)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ egyptian_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (heads
+ head_5
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ worntshirt_vintage
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ loosepants_stripe
+ (colors 0 14))
+ (feet
+ dappershoes_solidshiny
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (drum4
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument drum)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 1)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 12)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.8)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ billyidol_cowboyhat
+ (colors 13 0))
+ (heads
+ head_6
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_6_chops
+ (colors 12 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ jeansripped_denim
+ (colors 7 0))
+ (feet
+ combatboots_var1
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (drum5
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument drum)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 2)
+ (eye_color_index 9)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 1)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.75)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ ziggymullet_truckercap
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (heads
+ head_2
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ downvest_stripe
+ (colors 33 32))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ wornleatherpants_worn
+ (colors 3 4))
+ (feet
+ sneakersstripes_nylon
+ (colors 34 33))
+ (wrist
+ malewrist_sweatband
+ (colors 8 6))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (drum6
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument drum)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 5)
+ (eye_color_index 2)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 16)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ femalebillyidol_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (heads
+ head_3
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_3_eyes_5
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_3_lips_1
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ flightjacket_solid
+ (colors 19 14))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ tightjeans_faded
+ (colors 0 5))
+ (feet
+ semispats_solid
+ (colors 37 0))
+ (glasses
+ femaleglasses_goggles
+ (colors 13 1))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ femaleearrings_safetypins
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (drum7
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument drum)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 2)
+ (eye_color_index 5)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 4)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ hanoi_resource
+ (colors 4 4))
+ (heads
+ head_5
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ cutoffjeanjacket_denim
+ (colors 7 3)
+ (patch
+ ((patch_painterly 25 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.03 4.03 0.0)
+ (patch_perlot 13 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.34 1.34 0.0))))
+ (hands
+ malegloves_fingerlessdriving
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (legs
+ jeansripped_denim
+ (colors 7 0))
+ (feet
+ combatboots_var1
+ (colors 7 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo
+ (patch_right_arm
+ ((patch_perlot 15 0 36.0 0.0 -72.0 330.41 1.45 0.62 0.0)))
+ (patch_facepaint
+ ((patch_thicklines 25 5 0.0 0.0 128.0 0.0 4.04 0.93 20.97)))))
+ (drum8
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument drum)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreDramatic)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 4)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.75)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ lolita
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (heads
+ head_4
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_4_eyes_16
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_4_lips_6
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ scarftanktop_threelayers
+ (colors 19 18))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ nauticaltrousers_canvas
+ (colors 11 6))
+ (feet
+ tiedtallboots_suede
+ (colors 15 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (drum9
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument drum)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreSpazz)
+ (skin_color_index 3)
+ (eye_color_index 9)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 4)
+ (height 0.8)
+ (weight 0.25)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ squeebpunk_resource
+ (colors 4 42))
+ (heads
+ head_5
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ militaryjacketmask_canvas
+ (colors 23 0))
+ (hands
+ malegloves_lacefishnet
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ camopants_canvas
+ (colors 33 7))
+ (feet
+ malesaggydocs_var2
+ (colors 0 1))
+ (wrist
+ malewrist_barbedwire
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (drum10
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument drum)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreSpazz)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 9)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (height 0.75)
+ (weight 0.25)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (heads
+ head_3
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_3_scottian
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ fittedpants_gator
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (feet
+ summonershoes_burlap
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo
+ (patch_facepaint
+ ((patch_thicklines 6 0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 3.7 4.53 0.73)
+ (patch_perlot 16 2 69.0 0.0 36.0 83.84 1.17 0.3 0.0)
+ (patch_perlot 16 2 -67.0 0.0 -4.0 140.9 0.88 0.7 0.0)
+ (patch_perlot 19 2 10.0 0.0 -89.0 0.0 0.57 0.34 0.0)))))
+ (drum11
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument drum)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 2)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 13)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.75)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ parkinglot_resource
+ (colors 13 0))
+ (heads
+ head_4
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_4_flavorsaver
+ (colors 13 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ wifebeater_worn
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ basictightpants_jeans
+ (colors 15 28))
+ (feet
+ sneakersstripes_nylon
+ (colors 0 13))
+ (wrist
+ malewrist_sweatband
+ (colors 8 8))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (drum12
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument drum)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 7)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 8)
+ (height 0.25)
+ (weight 0.25)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ featheredshort_resource
+ (colors 6 0))
+ (heads
+ head_6
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_6_chops
+ (colors 6 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ armyjacket_dirty
+ (colors 28 32))
+ (hands
+ malegloves_bandaged
+ (colors 3 0))
+ (legs
+ zipperpants_panels
+ (colors 12 0))
+ (feet
+ bootswithinboots_leather
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (drum13
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument drum)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreSpazz)
+ (skin_color_index 5)
+ (eye_color_index 9)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 2)
+ (height 0.15)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ ladyfro_resource
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (heads
+ head_2
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_2_eyes_16
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ frankensteintee_commie
+ (colors 16 5)
+ (patch
+ ((patch_perlot 25 11 0.0 0.0 69.0 348.73 1.37 1.0 0.0))))
+ (hands
+ femalegloves_fingerlessdriving
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ microskirt_bondage
+ (colors 6 16))
+ (feet
+ gogoboot_tiger
+ (colors 16 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ femalewrist_longspikes
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (drum14
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument drum)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreBanger)
+ (skin_color_index 6)
+ (eye_color_index 2)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 11)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (heads
+ head_6
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ tshirtdeath_cotton
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (hands
+ malegloves_fingerlessdriving
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ carhartts_heavy
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (feet
+ fatlaceskatersneakers_solid
+ (colors 0 1))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (drum15
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument drum)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 7)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 47)
+ (height 0.25)
+ (weight 0.25)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ squeebpunk_resource
+ (colors 0 26))
+ (heads
+ head_6
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_6_eyes_12
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (hands
+ malegloves_fingerlessdriving
+ (colors 20 0))
+ (legs
+ suspendedpants_plaid
+ (colors 16 0))
+ (feet
+ destroyedchucks_starsandstripes
+ (colors 16 21))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo
+ (patch_chest
+ ((patch_corbins 3 9 93.0 0.0 150.0 0.0 0.53 0.3 0.0)))))
+ (drum16
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument drum)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 5)
+ (eye_color_index 2)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 47)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ 60spony_resource
+ (colors 18 0))
+ (heads
+ head_3
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_3_eyes_5
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_3_lips_8
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ schoolgirlshirt_dishevelled
+ (colors 4 18))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ shortskirt_skullbarelegs
+ (colors 18 28))
+ (feet
+ chunkyboots_plaid
+ (colors 18 10))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ femalerings_jem
+ (colors 18 0))
+ (earrings
+ femaleearrings_safetypins
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (drum17
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument drum)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 2)
+ (eye_color_index 2)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (height 0.1)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ emover_resource
+ (colors 0 26))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_1_eyes_9
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ oringhoodie_cotton
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (hands
+ malegloves_bandaged
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ lamepants_basicshiny
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (feet
+ namboots_jungle
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ malerings_ebony
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ #ifdef RAM_PREFABS
+ (drum18
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument drum)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 5)
+ (eye_color_index 2)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 47)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (drum19
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument drum)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 2)
+ (eye_color_index 2)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (height 0.1)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ #endif
+ (guitar0
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreDramatic)
+ (weight 0.4)
+ (height 0.85)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 3)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ mop_resource
+ (colors 2))
+ (heads head_3)
+ (eyes none)
+ (lips none)
+ (facehair none)
+ (glasses none)
+ (torso
+ loosedapperjacket_vintage
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (hands naked)
+ (legs
+ darkriderpants_cotton
+ (colors 0))
+ (feet
+ dressshoes_leather
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist none)
+ (rings none)
+ (earrings none)
+ (mic sm58_resource)
+ (bass
+ precision01_triburstwhite
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ kelly01_sunburst
+ (colors 0 0))))
+ (guitar1
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreBanger)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ ladylayered_resource
+ (colors 4))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors))
+ (eyes none)
+ (lips head_1_lips_1)
+ (torso
+ zebrachoptop_silk
+ (colors 0 3))
+ (hands naked)
+ (legs
+ leggings_shiny
+ (colors 0 1))
+ (feet
+ midcalfspikes_leather
+ (colors 0))
+ (glasses none)
+ (wrist
+ gauntlet_resource
+ (colors 0))
+ (rings none)
+ (earrings none)
+ (bass
+ precision01_triburstwhite
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster01_triburstwhite
+ (colors 5 7))
+ (mic sm58_resource)))
+ (guitar2
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ lolita
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ corset_camo
+ (colors 1 2))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ armymini_denim
+ (colors 0 1))
+ (feet
+ femaledestroyedchucks_solid
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource)
+ (bass
+ precision01_triburstwhite
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ kelly01_sunburst
+ (colors 0 0)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (guitar3
+ (gender male)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (weight 0.8)
+ (height 0.85)
+ (skin_color_index 3)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ featheredshort_resource
+ (colors 1))
+ (heads
+ head_4
+ (colors 0))
+ (eyes none)
+ (lips none)
+ (facehair none)
+ (torso
+ hoodieandjacket_leather
+ (colors 3 4))
+ (hands naked)
+ (legs
+ wornleatherpants_worn
+ (colors 3 3))
+ (feet
+ dappershoes_solidshiny
+ (colors 0))
+ (wrist none)
+ (glasses none)
+ (rings none)
+ (earrings none)
+ (bass jazz01_woodash)
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar jaguar01_paint)
+ (mic sm58_resource)))
+ (guitar4
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreBanger)
+ (weight 0.4)
+ (height 0.75)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ shaggy
+ (colors 6))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors))
+ (eyes none)
+ (lips none)
+ (facehair none)
+ (glasses
+ maleglasses_aviators
+ (colors 0))
+ (torso
+ tshirtdeath_wolf
+ (colors 1))
+ (hands naked)
+ (legs
+ basictightpants_jeans
+ (colors 1))
+ (feet
+ westernslipons_embroidered
+ (colors 0))
+ (wrist none)
+ (rings none)
+ (earrings none)
+ (bass precision01_triburstblack)
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ telecaster01_woodash
+ (colors 3 5))
+ (mic sm58_resource)))
+ (guitar5
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreSpazz)
+ (weight 0.35)
+ (height 0.65)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ bettybangs_resource
+ (colors 0))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors))
+ (eyes none)
+ (lips head_1_lips_1)
+ (torso
+ vest_studded
+ (colors 0 1))
+ (hands naked)
+ (legs
+ hotpants_camo
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (feet
+ superhightops_leopard
+ (colors 0))
+ (glasses none)
+ (wrist
+ gauntlet_resource
+ (colors 0))
+ (rings none)
+ (earrings none)
+ (bass jazz01_sunburstwhite)
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ kelly01_triburst
+ (colors 3 5))
+ (mic sm58_resource)))
+ (guitar6
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 2)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 3)
+ (height 0.75)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ youngozzy_resource
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (heads
+ head_3
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ maleglasses_wayfarers
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (torso
+ oringhoodie_cotton
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ bigzipperpants_denim
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (feet
+ lowchucks_skullprint
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (bass
+ precision01_woodash
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (guitar7
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 1)
+ (height 0.75)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ sideflip_resource
+ (colors 1 1))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ tuxjacket_silk
+ (colors 0 14))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ leggings_shiny
+ (colors 0 30))
+ (feet
+ semispats_solid
+ (colors 30 0))
+ (glasses
+ femaleglasses_catseye
+ (colors 5 1))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (bass
+ jazz01_sparkle
+ (colors 1 31))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (guitar8
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreDramatic)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 13)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ sidepony_resource
+ (colors 13 0))
+ (heads
+ head_3
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ layeredtanktop_threelayers
+ (colors 4 5))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ frillyskirt_solid
+ (colors 12 5))
+ (feet
+ flatslips_stripe
+ (colors 21 2))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ doublejet_sunburstpearl
+ (colors 24 0))
+ (bass
+ jazz01_sparkle
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (guitar9
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 1)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 49)
+ (height 0.8)
+ (weight 0.0)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ bandanna
+ (colors 49 10))
+ (heads
+ head_3
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_3_bushymoustache
+ (colors 49 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ buttonedshirt_hippie
+ (colors 11 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ tightdistressedpants_jeans
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (feet
+ cowboyboots_western
+ (colors 3 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (bass
+ g6073_sparkle
+ (colors 31 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (guitar10
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 2)
+ (eye_color_index 9)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 10)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ featheredshort_resource
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (heads
+ head_3
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ maleglasses_catseye
+ (colors 5 1))
+ (torso
+ polo_coatofarms
+ (colors 6 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ rolledpants_jeans
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (feet
+ highchucks_solid
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (bass
+ precision01_woodash
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (guitar11
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 20)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ pixie_resource
+ (colors 20 0))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_1_eyes_20
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_1_lips_6
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ tubetop_solid
+ (colors 14 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ cleanminiskirt_solid
+ (colors 22 0))
+ (feet
+ rubberboots_solid
+ (colors 14 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (bass
+ jazz01_sparkle
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (guitar12
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 2)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 17)
+ (height 0.75)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ shaggy
+ (colors 17 0))
+ (heads
+ head_2
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_2_flavorsaver
+ (colors 10 0))
+ (glasses
+ maleglasses_jackieos
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (torso
+ wornlongsleeveshirt_striped
+ (colors 10 5))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ shreddedjeans_solid
+ (colors 0 2))
+ (feet
+ malelowtopsneaks_skater
+ (colors 34 32))
+ (wrist
+ malewrist_hercules
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ malerings_chief
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (bass
+ g6073_paint
+ (colors 37 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (guitar13
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 2)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 47)
+ (height 0.0)
+ (weight 0.0)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ sidepony_resource
+ (colors 47 0))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_1_eyes_6
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_1_lips_2
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ baseballteetorn_stitched
+ (colors 4 29))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ highwaterjeans_ripped
+ (colors 21 28))
+ (feet
+ flatslips_stripe
+ (colors 39 28))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ femalewrist_barbedwire
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (bass
+ jazz01_sparkle
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (guitar14
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 3)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 4)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.75)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ shaggy_dockcap
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (heads
+ head_2
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ worntshirt_vintage
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ tightdistressedpants_jeans
+ (colors 13 0))
+ (feet
+ westernslipons_embroidered
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (bass
+ precision01_woodash
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (guitar15
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 2)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 7)
+ (height 0.25)
+ (weight 0.75)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ longwavy_resource
+ (colors 7 0))
+ (heads
+ head_6
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ dishevelledshirt_southern
+ (colors 13 30))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ flarejeans_worn
+ (colors 16 13))
+ (feet
+ tallbuttonboots_embroidered
+ (colors 0 3))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (bass
+ jazz01_triburstwhite
+ (colors 22 30))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (guitar16
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreBanger)
+ (skin_color_index 2)
+ (eye_color_index 9)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (height 0.15)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ ziggymullet_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (heads
+ head_5
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ summonerrobe_burlap
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ summonerleggings_burlap
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (feet
+ summonershoes_burlap
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (bass
+ skullbass_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo
+ (patch_facepaint
+ ((patch_thicklines 6 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.16 4.98 0.64)
+ (patch_perlot 22 2 15.0 0.0 -131.0 17.61 0.85 0.63 0.0)
+ (patch_perlot 19 2 -78.0 0.0 29.0 121.88 -0.48 0.47 0.0)
+ (patch_perlot 19 2 70.0 0.0 17.0 15.5 0.38 0.38 0.0)))))
+ (guitar17
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreBanger)
+ (skin_color_index 3)
+ (eye_color_index 9)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ 70sbisset_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (heads
+ head_4
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ oilspillarmor_latex
+ (colors 3 2))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ oilspillleggings_latex
+ (colors 3 0))
+ (feet
+ oilspillboots_latex
+ (colors 3 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ warrior01_paint
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ jazz01_sparkle
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo
+ (patch_facepaint
+ ((patch_thicklines 6 0 0.0 0.0 -5.0 0.0 4.36 5.0 0.0)
+ (patch_perlot 16 2 0.0 0.0 -146.0 52.84 0.68 0.61 0.0)
+ (patch_perlot 21 2 -88.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 -0.44 0.83 0.0)
+ (patch_perlot 21 2 85.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 0.44 0.64 0.0)))))
+ (guitar18
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreSpazz)
+ (skin_color_index 2)
+ (eye_color_index 9)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 1)
+ (height 0.15)
+ (weight 0.75)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ mohawk_resource
+ (colors 1 1))
+ (heads
+ head_4
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_4_lemmy
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ spikedarmor_leather
+ (colors 20 20))
+ (hands
+ malegloves_bandaged
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ cutoffshorts_denim
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (feet
+ roadwarriorboots_leather
+ (colors 0 20))
+ (wrist
+ malewrist_laceduparm
+ (colors 0 8))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ maleearrings_dangles
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (guitar
+ mace_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision01_woodash
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (guitar19
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreSpazz)
+ (skin_color_index 5)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 19)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ visor_resource
+ (colors 19 1))
+ (heads
+ head_2
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ gearheadarmor_leather
+ (colors 15 34))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ gearheadleggings_leather
+ (colors 14 15))
+ (feet
+ gearheadboots_leather
+ (colors 15 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (guitar20
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 1)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 8)
+ (height 0.8)
+ (weight 0.25)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ malelongwavy_resource
+ (colors 8 0))
+ (heads
+ head_3
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_3_bushybeard
+ (colors 9 0))
+ (glasses
+ maleglasses_circles
+ (colors 1 3))
+ (torso
+ frillyshirt_solid
+ (colors 30 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ strippedpants_ornate
+ (colors 10 10))
+ (feet
+ cowboyboots_western
+ (colors 15 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ malerings_coatofarms
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ doublejet_triburstpearl
+ (colors 18 35))
+ (bass
+ precision01_woodash
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (guitar21
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreDramatic)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 16)
+ (height 0.8)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ hippybangs_resource
+ (colors 16 1))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_1_eyes_11
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_1_lips_6
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ tunicoverlap_paisley
+ (colors 13 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ linenskirt_twotone
+ (colors 32 13))
+ (feet
+ tallfoldedboots_solid
+ (colors 13 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ femalewrist_hercules
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ femaleearrings_dangles
+ (colors 8 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (bass
+ jazz02_sunburstpearl
+ (colors 22 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (guitar22
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 4)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 1)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ parkinglot_resource
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ maleglasses_aviators
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ tshirtdeath_cotton
+ (colors 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ basictightpants_jeans
+ (colors 1 6))
+ (feet
+ creepers_vintage
+ (colors 13 12))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ 5120_sunburst
+ (colors 29 0))
+ (bass
+ precision01_woodash
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (guitar23
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 2)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 4)
+ (height 0.75)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ featheredshort_resource
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (heads
+ head_2
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_2_flavorsaver
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ jeanjacket_denim
+ (colors 12 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ bootcutpants_distressedjeans
+ (colors 0 31))
+ (feet
+ westernslipons_embroidered
+ (colors 15 0))
+ (wrist
+ malewrist_hercules
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ malerings_chief
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (bass
+ g6073_paint
+ (colors 37 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (guitar24
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 3)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 3)
+ (height 0.75)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ longlayered_resource
+ (colors 3 0))
+ (heads
+ head_6
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ maleglasses_badass
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ studdedjacket_leather
+ (colors 0 7)
+ (patch
+ ((patch_perlot 1 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.67 1.69 0.0))))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ jeansstudded_denim
+ (colors 7 0))
+ (feet
+ gladiatorboots_leather
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 32 4))
+ (bass
+ precision01_woodash
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (guitar25
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 4)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 4)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ nightcat_resource
+ (colors 4 3))
+ (heads
+ head_3
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ jeanjacket_denim
+ (colors 8 4))
+ (hands
+ malegloves_fingerlessdriving
+ (colors 33 0))
+ (legs
+ jeansbleached_denim
+ (colors 8 14))
+ (feet
+ studdedcowboyboots_leather
+ (colors 33 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (bass
+ precision01_sunburstblack
+ (colors 22 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (guitar26
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreSpazz)
+ (skin_color_index 3)
+ (eye_color_index 6)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 1)
+ (height 0.8)
+ (weight 0.25)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ maledreads_resource
+ (colors 1 4))
+ (heads
+ head_2
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ leathervest_studded
+ (colors 0 34))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ bondagepants_zippered
+ (colors 20 3))
+ (feet
+ maledocsductape_leather
+ (colors 13 0))
+ (wrist
+ malewrist_studdedwatchcombo
+ (colors 28 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ jaguar03_paint
+ (colors 36 3)
+ (patch
+ ((patch_gilpin 8 20 -38.0 0.0 28.0 9.16 -0.93 0.66 0.0)
+ (patch_gilpin 5 3 -139.0 0.0 -111.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0)
+ (patch_berkley 13 11 152.0 0.0 87.0 0.0 0.92 0.65 0.0))))
+ (bass
+ g6073_paint
+ (colors 14 0)
+ (patch
+ ((patch_gilpin 8 20 -38.0 0.0 28.0 9.16 -0.93 0.66 0.0)
+ (patch_gilpin 5 3 -139.0 0.0 -111.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0)
+ (patch_berkley 13 11 152.0 0.0 87.0 0.0 0.92 0.65 0.0))))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (guitar27
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreDramatic)
+ (skin_color_index 3)
+ (eye_color_index 9)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (height 0.75)
+ (weight 0.75)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ longwavy_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (heads
+ head_4
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_4_eyes_10
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_4_lips_4
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ mummyjacket_cotton
+ (colors 2 2))
+ (hands
+ femalegloves_bandaged
+ (colors 3 0))
+ (legs
+ mummyleggings_cotton
+ (colors 2 2))
+ (feet
+ midcalfspikes_leather
+ (colors 30 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ jaguar03_sunburstpearl
+ (colors 25 28))
+ (bass
+ precision02_paint
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo
+ (patch_facepaint
+ ((patch_thinlines 22 1 0.0 0.0 -139.0 306.46 5.0 5.0 0.0)
+ (patch_thinlines 22 1 0.0 0.0 105.0 0.0 5.0 5.0 0.0)
+ (patch_thinlines 22 1 0.0 0.0 78.0 321.96 5.0 5.0 0.0)
+ (patch_thinlines 22 1 -114.0 0.0 -125.0 4.23 5.0 4.69 0.0)
+ (patch_thinlines 22 1 0.0 0.0 -79.0 330.41 5.0 5.0 0.0)))))
+ ;(guitar28
+ ; (gender female)
+ ; (instrument guitar)
+ ; (selectable TRUE)
+ ; (attitude kGenreDramatic)
+ ; (skin_color_index 3)
+ ; (eye_color_index 1)
+ ; (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ ; (height 0.15)
+ ; (weight 0.8)
+ ; (outfit
+ ; (hair
+ ; 50sbandana_resource
+ ; (colors 0 19))
+ ; (heads
+ ; head_3
+ ; (colors 4 0))
+ ; (eyes
+ ; head_3_eyes_2
+ ; (colors 0 0))
+ ; (lips
+ ; head_3_lips_7
+ ; (colors 0 0))
+ ; (torso
+ ; batvneck_cotton
+ ; (colors 0 41))
+ ; (hands
+ ; femalegloves_lacefishnet
+ ; (colors 4 0))
+ ; (legs
+ ; gothmicrosand_stripedtights
+ ; (colors 0 19))
+ ; (feet
+ ; femalegothstompers_leather
+ ; (colors 0 41))
+ ; (glasses
+ ; none
+ ; (colors 0 0))
+ ; (wrist
+ ; none
+ ; (colors 0 0))
+ ; (rings
+ ; none
+ ; (colors 0 0))
+ ; (earrings
+ ; femaleearrings_hoops
+ ; (colors 2 0))
+ ; (guitar
+ ; kelly02_sparkle
+ ; (colors 0 0)
+ ; (patch
+ ; ((patch_dee 19 0 -19.0 0.0 -73.0 354.36 1.16 0.82 0.0))))
+ ; (bass
+ ; batwingbass_resource
+ ; (colors 4 0))
+ ; (drum
+ ; ludclassic_diamond
+ ; (colors 0 0))
+ ; (mic sm58_resource)
+ ; (tattoo
+ ; (patch_chest
+ ; ((patch_corbins 0 0 0.0 0.0 138.0 0.0 0.62 0.66 0.0)))
+ ; (patch_left_arm
+ ; ((patch_sailor 8 0 0.0 0.0 89.0 0.0 1.97 0.48 0.0)
+ ; (patch_sailor 2 0 -22.0 0.0 -155.0 271.94 0.56 2.03 0.0)))
+ ; (patch_right_arm
+ ; ((patch_flyrite 1 0 0.0 0.0 130.0 0.0 1.12 0.38 0.0)
+ ; (patch_newyork 2 0 0.0 0.0 -153.0 0.0 2.27 0.4 0.0))))))
+ (guitar28
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreDramatic)
+ (skin_color_index 3)
+ (eye_color_index 1)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (height 0.15)
+ (weight 0.8)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ 50sbandana_resource
+ (colors 0 19))
+ (heads
+ head_3
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (facehair none)
+ (eyes
+ head_3_eyes_2
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_3_lips_7
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ batvneck_cotton
+ (colors 0 41))
+ (hands
+ femalegloves_lacefishnet
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (legs
+ gothmicrosand_stripedtights
+ (colors 0 19))
+ (feet
+ femalegothstompers_leather
+ (colors 0 41))
+ (glasses none)
+ (wrist none)
+ (rings none)
+ (earrings
+ femaleearrings_hoops
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (piercings none)
+ (guitar
+ kelly02_sparkle
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ batwingbass_resource
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo
+ (patch_left_arm
+ ((patch_sailor 8 0 0.0 0.0 89.0 0.0 1.97 0.48 0.0)
+ (patch_sailor 2 0 -22.0 0.0 -155.0 271.94 0.56 2.03 0.0)))
+ (patch_right_arm
+ ((patch_flyrite 1 0 0.0 0.0 130.0 0.0 1.12 0.38 0.0)
+ (patch_newyork 2 0 0.0 0.0 -153.0 0.0 2.27 0.4 0.0)))))
+ (guitar29
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 5)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 1)
+ (height 0.75)
+ (weight 0.75)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ femover_resource
+ (colors 0 24))
+ (heads
+ head_4
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_4_eyes_3
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_4_lips_11
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ halfsleeveschooltop_cotton
+ (colors 0 16))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ zigzagleggings_nylon
+ (colors 30 0))
+ (feet
+ kneehighheel_leather
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ kingv03_paint
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (bass
+ kelly04_paint
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo
+ (patch_facepaint
+ ((patch_matheson 0 3 -56.0 0.0 -123.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0)))))
+ (guitar30
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreBanger)
+ (skin_color_index 3)
+ (eye_color_index 9)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.8)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ malelongwavy_resource
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_1_longgoatee
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ spikedvest_leather
+ (colors 0 14)
+ (patch
+ ((patch_clapp 10 1 -9.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.39 1.27 0.0))))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ bondagepants_zippered
+ (colors 24 0))
+ (feet
+ studdedcowboyboots_leather
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ malewrist_studdedgauntlet
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ malerings_skull
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ warrior01_sunburst
+ (colors 34 0))
+ (bass
+ kelly04_sunburst
+ (colors 36 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo
+ (patch_left_arm
+ ((patch_slifers 0 0 2.0 0.0 -132.0 0.0 1.83 0.47 0.0)
+ (patch_corbins 1 13 22.0 0.0 173.0 0.0 0.75 0.34 0.0)
+ (patch_newyork 1 0 55.0 0.0 45.0 0.0 1.84 0.86 0.0)
+ (patch_slifers 0 0 2.0 0.0 -132.0 0.0 1.83 0.47 0.0)))
+ (patch_right_arm
+ ((patch_slifers 9 0 0.0 0.0 163.0 0.0 0.84 0.47 0.0)
+ (patch_newyork 5 0 -7.0 0.0 -136.0 0.0 2.19 0.69 0.0)
+ (patch_suerte 0 0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 1.47 0.56 0.0)))))
+ (guitar31
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 4)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 2)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ gothdreads_resource
+ (colors 27 36))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_1_eyes_7
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_1_lips_11
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ bigstraps_rubber
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ bondagepants_plaidknees
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (feet
+ kneehighplatform_pvc
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ femalerings_demonclaw
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (earrings
+ femaleearrings_safetypins
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ corvette_sparkle
+ (colors 6 2))
+ (bass
+ jazz01_sparkle
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (guitar32
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 1)
+ (eye_color_index 2)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 47)
+ (height 0.75)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ crazyhawk_resource
+ (colors 38 28))
+ (heads
+ head_2
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes none)
+ (lips none)
+ (facehair
+ head_2_chops
+ (colors 28 0))
+ (glasses
+ maleglasses_goggles
+ (colors 14 3))
+ (torso
+ strapjacket_pleather
+ (colors 45 12))
+ (hands naked)
+ (legs
+ codpiecepants_robotic
+ (colors 12 45))
+ (feet
+ malebarefeet_fleshy
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ malewrist_hercules
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ malerings_chief
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (earrings none)
+ (piercings none)
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (bass
+ g6073_paint
+ (colors 37 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo))
+ (guitar33
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 6)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 2)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ trihawk_resource
+ (colors 47 24))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_1_eyes_2
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_1_lips_3
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ tanktop_solid
+ (colors 8 0)
+ (patch
+ ((patch_perlot 5 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0))))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ capripants_tigerstripe
+ (colors 9 17))
+ (feet
+ kneehighplatform_pvc
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ femalerings_demonclaw
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (earrings
+ femaleearrings_safetypins
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster01_sparkle
+ (colors 20 28))
+ (bass
+ jazz01_sparkle
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo
+ (patch_left_arm
+ ((patch_dee 14 0 0.0 0.0 103.0 0.0 1.0 0.3 0.0)))
+ (patch_right_arm
+ ((patch_dee 14 0 0.0 0.0 103.0 0.0 1.0 0.3 0.0)))))
+ (guitar34
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 2)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 1)
+ (height 0.75)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (heads
+ head_2
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_2_eyes_2
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_2_chingoatee
+ (colors 44 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ bootcutpants_distressedjeans
+ (colors 0 31))
+ (feet
+ rinoboots_leather
+ (colors 0 2))
+ (wrist
+ malewrist_hercules
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ malerings_chief
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (earrings
+ maleearrings_spikeloop
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (bass
+ g6073_paint
+ (colors 37 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource))
+ (tattoo
+ (patch_chest
+ ((patch_clapp 4 1 2.0 0.0 83.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 8.5)))
+ (patch_left_arm
+ ((patch_sailor 13 0 0.0 0.0 111.0 0.0 1.95 0.77 0.0)))
+ (patch_right_arm
+ ((patch_newyork 1 0 0.0 0.0 74.0 0.0 1.9 1.05 0.0)))))
+ #ifdef RAM_PREFABS
+ (guitar35
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 6)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 2)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster01_sparkle
+ (colors 20 28))
+ (bass
+ jazz01_sparkle
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource)))
+ (guitar36
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 2)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 1)
+ (height 0.75)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (bass
+ g6073_paint
+ (colors 37 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource)))
+ #endif
+ (vocals0
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (skin_color_index 3)
+ (eye_color_index 3)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ parkinglot_resource
+ (colors 3))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors))
+ (eyes none)
+ (lips none)
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0))
+ (glasses none)
+ (torso
+ paradejacket_ornate
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (hands naked)
+ (legs
+ tightdistressedpants_jeans
+ (colors 6))
+ (feet
+ motorcycleboots_solid
+ (colors 0))
+ (wrist none)
+ (rings none)
+ (earrings none)
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource)))
+ (vocals1
+ (gender male)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (weight 0.6)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (skin_color_index 1)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ hair_long
+ (colors 1))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors 0))
+ (eyes none)
+ (lips none)
+ (facehair none)
+ (torso
+ wifebeater_worn
+ (colors 4))
+ (hands naked)
+ (legs
+ leatherpants_basicleather
+ (colors 0))
+ (feet
+ dappershoes_solidshiny
+ (colors 0))
+ (wrist
+ gauntlet_resource
+ (colors 0))
+ (glasses none)
+ (rings none)
+ (earrings none)
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource)))
+ (vocals2
+ (gender female)
+ (attitude kGenreSpazz)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (weight 0.25)
+ (height 0.85)
+ (skin_color_index 4)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ longwavy_resource
+ (colors 6))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors))
+ (torso
+ tanktop_prismaticcheetah
+ (colors 4))
+ (eyes none)
+ (lips none)
+ (hands naked)
+ (legs
+ highwaterjeans_ripped
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (feet
+ chucktaylors_folded
+ (colors 0))
+ (wrist none)
+ (glasses none)
+ (rings none)
+ (earrings none)
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource)))
+ (vocals3
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (skin_color_index 3)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ mop_resource
+ (colors 1))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors))
+ (eyes none)
+ (lips none)
+ (facehair none)
+ (glasses
+ maleglasses_aviators
+ (colors 0))
+ (torso
+ militaryjacket_canvas
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (hands naked)
+ (legs
+ flaredistressedjeans_bleachedjeans
+ (colors 0))
+ (feet
+ sportysneaks_pleather
+ (colors 0))
+ (wrist none)
+ (rings none)
+ (earrings none)
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource)))
+ (vocals4
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreBanger)
+ (weight 0.35)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (skin_color_index 4)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ ladylayered_resource
+ (colors 0))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors))
+ (eyes none)
+ (lips none)
+ (torso
+ thermalundertee_thermal
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (hands naked)
+ (legs
+ highwaterjeans_ripped
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (feet
+ femaledestroyedchucks_solid
+ (colors 0))
+ (glasses none)
+ (wrist none)
+ (rings none)
+ (earrings none)
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (mic sm58_resource)))
+ (vocals5
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 4)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ parkinglot_resource
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ hoodieandjacket_leather
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ tightdistressedpants_jeans
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (feet
+ sneakersstripes_nylon
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ malerings_twistedband
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (vocals6
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 9)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 4)
+ (height 0.15)
+ (weight 0.75)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ ziggymullet_resource
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (heads
+ head_4
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_4_dwarvenbeard
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ flannelcoat_checked
+ (colors 16 5))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ rolledjeans_cowspot
+ (colors 9 15))
+ (feet
+ combatboots_var1
+ (colors 7 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (vocals7
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 3)
+ (height 0.75)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ hair_long
+ (colors 3 0))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_1_handlebar
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (glasses
+ maleglasses_circles
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (torso
+ bedazzledversaillesjacket_sparkly
+ (colors 5 3))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ sashandpants_jeans
+ (colors 21 3))
+ (feet
+ cowboyboots_embroidered
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (vocals8
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 14)
+ (height 0.25)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ glampoof_resource
+ (colors 14 0))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_1_eyes_4
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ militaryjacket_canvas
+ (colors 0 25))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ chaps_leather
+ (colors 0 9))
+ (feet
+ combatboots_leather
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4)))
+ (tattoo
+ (patch_left_arm
+ ((patch_newyork 15 0 0.0 0.0 -57.0 0.0 1.7 1.0 0.0)))
+ (patch_right_arm
+ ((patch_newyork 13 3 55.0 0.0 64.0 0.0 1.44 1.27 0.0)))))
+ (vocals9
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 15)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ short_resource
+ (colors 17 0))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ openshirt_classicfloral
+ (colors 21 21))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ corduroypants_worn
+ (colors 15 27))
+ (feet
+ dappershoes_solidshiny
+ (colors 28 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4)))
+ (tattoo
+ (patch_right_arm
+ ((patch_anchor 2 0 0.0 0.0 -127.0 0.0 1.0 0.62 0.0)))))
+ (vocals10
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreSpazz)
+ (skin_color_index 1)
+ (eye_color_index 9)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 18)
+ (height 0.75)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ billyidol_resource
+ (colors 18 0))
+ (heads
+ head_6
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ onesleevejacket_roadwarrior
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (hands
+ malegloves_fingerlessdriving
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (legs
+ leatherslacks_roadwarrior
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (feet
+ combatboots_var1
+ (colors 0 13))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ maleearrings_nail
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (vocals11
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreBanger)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 9)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (height 0.8)
+ (weight 0.8)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ hair_long
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (heads
+ head_4
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_4_longgoatee
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ boneharness_leather
+ (colors 0 30))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ boneleggings_leather
+ (colors 0 31))
+ (feet
+ boneboots_leather
+ (colors 0 29))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4)))
+ (tattoo
+ (patch_facepaint
+ ((patch_thicklines 6 0 0.0 0.0 41.0 0.0 2.66 5.0 6.7)
+ (patch_perlot 23 2 -5.0 0.0 -189.0 350.14 0.64 0.75 0.0)
+ (patch_perlot 19 2 -88.0 0.0 40.0 0.0 -0.57 0.61 0.0)
+ (patch_perlot 19 2 92.0 0.0 42.0 0.0 0.57 0.68 0.0)))))
+ (vocals12
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 6)
+ (height 0.75)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ fauxhawk_resource
+ (colors 3 8))
+ (heads
+ head_3
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_3_sideburns
+ (colors 3 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ buttonedshirt_southern
+ (colors 12 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ loosepants_stripe
+ (colors 1 9))
+ (feet
+ creepers_vintage
+ (colors 13 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ malerings_coatofarms
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (vocals13
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 5)
+ (eye_color_index 9)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 1)
+ (height 0.75)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ maleladyfro_resource
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (heads
+ head_6
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_6_flavorsaver
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ loosedapperjacket_vintage
+ (colors 14 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ cottondresspants_pinstripe
+ (colors 1 3))
+ (feet
+ dappershoes_solidshiny
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ malerings_twistedband
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (vocals14
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 2)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 4)
+ (height 0.8)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ malelongwavy_resource
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (heads
+ head_3
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ worntshirt_vintage
+ (colors 3 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ flaredistressedjeans_bleachedjeans
+ (colors 0 15))
+ (feet
+ maledocsductape_leather
+ (colors 12 29))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (vocals15
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreDramatic)
+ (skin_color_index 2)
+ (eye_color_index 9)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 4)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.8)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ lazyhawk_resource
+ (colors 4 2))
+ (heads
+ head_4
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ leathershoulderstraps_twotone
+ (colors 0 29))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ bootcutpants_distressedjeans
+ (colors 0 20))
+ (feet
+ nailboots_rusty
+ (colors 0 34))
+ (wrist
+ malewrist_sweatbandstuddedcombo
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ malerings_ebony
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (vocals17
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 1)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 47)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ libertyspikes_resource
+ (colors 0 24))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_1_eyes_4
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ head_1_flavorsaver
+ (colors 46 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ wifebeaterplain_biohazard
+ (colors 0 30))
+ (hands
+ malegloves_skeleton
+ (colors 0 30))
+ (legs
+ harajukubelt_camo
+ (colors 0 3))
+ (feet
+ malelowtopsneaks_skater
+ (colors 0 33))
+ (wrist
+ malewrist_sweatband
+ (colors 16 27))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4)))
+ (tattoo
+ (patch_left_arm
+ ((patch_murakami 22 3 89.0 0.0 38.0 179.65 -0.52 0.3 0.0)
+ (patch_murakami 22 3 90.0 0.0 -14.0 0.0 0.52 0.3 0.0)
+ (patch_murakami 8 8 39.0 0.0 187.0 0.0 1.0 0.3 0.0)))
+ (patch_right_arm
+ ((patch_newyork 15 0 31.0 0.0 -200.0 263.48 0.53 0.91 0.0)))))
+ (vocals18
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ shortspikes_resource
+ (colors 24 0))
+ (heads
+ head_3
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_3_eyes_27
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_3_lips_9
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ tanktop_nyhc
+ (colors 0 30))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ cargopants_camo
+ (colors 28 14))
+ (feet
+ saggydocs_var1
+ (colors 14 14))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ femalewrist_jelly
+ (colors 14 28))
+ (rings
+ femalerings_bandaid
+ (colors 7 0))
+ (earrings
+ femaleearrings_plug
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (vocals19
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 2)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 47)
+ (height 0.8)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ libertyspikes_resource
+ (colors 0 50))
+ (heads
+ head_3
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_3_eyes_7
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_3_lips_1
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ militantstrappedcoat_whiteandblack
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ darkriderpants_cotton
+ (colors 0 2))
+ (feet
+ kneehighdocs_leather
+ (colors 0 3))
+ (wrist
+ malewrist_nailgauntlet
+ (colors 34 0))
+ (rings
+ malerings_eyeball
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (earrings
+ maleearrings_safetypins
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (vocals20
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreSpazz)
+ (skin_color_index 1)
+ (eye_color_index 8)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 47)
+ (height 0.25)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ hippybangs_maohat
+ (colors 19 2))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_1_eyes_7
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_1_lips_3
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ puffedsleeves_leather
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ puffyskirt_barelegs
+ (colors 0 1))
+ (feet
+ thighhighheel_pvc
+ (colors 34 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4)))
+ (tattoo))
+ (vocals21
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 2)
+ (eye_color_index 5)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 4)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ hanoi_resource
+ (colors 4 4))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes none)
+ (lips none)
+ (facehair none)
+ (glasses none)
+ (torso
+ cutoffjeanjacket_denim
+ (colors 7 3))
+ (hands
+ malegloves_fingerlessdriving
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (legs
+ jeansripped_denim
+ (colors 7 0))
+ (feet
+ combatboots_var1
+ (colors 7 0))
+ (wrist none)
+ (rings none)
+ (earrings none)
+ (piercings none)
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4))
- knife_resource
- (colors 3 0))))
- (guitar35
- (gender female)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 6)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 2)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.50)
- (guitar
- stratocaster01_sparkle
- (colors
- 20
- 28))
- (bass
- jazz01_sparkle
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (guitar36
- (gender male)
- (instrument guitar)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 2)
- (eyebrow_color_index 1)
- (height 0.75)
- (weight 0.50)
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (bass
- g6073_paint
- (colors
- 37
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (vocals0
- (gender male)
- (instrument vocals)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (weight 0.50)
- (height 0.50)
- (skin_color_index 3)
- (eye_color_index 3)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (outfit
- (hair
- parkinglot_resource
- (colors 3))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair
- none
- (colors 0))
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- paradejacket_ornate
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- tightdistressedpants_jeans
- (colors 6))
- (feet
- motorcycleboots_solid
- (colors 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (vocals1
- (gender male)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (instrument vocals)
- (weight 0.60)
- (height 0.50)
- (skin_color_index 1)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (outfit
- (hair
- hair_long
- (colors 1))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (torso
- wifebeater_worn
- (colors 4))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- leatherpants_basicleather
- (colors 0))
- (feet
- dappershoes_solidshiny
- (colors 0))
- (wrist
- gauntlet_resource
- (colors 0))
- (glasses none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (vocals2
- (gender female)
- (attitude kGenreSpazz)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (instrument vocals)
- (weight 0.25)
- (height 0.85)
- (skin_color_index 4)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (outfit
- (hair
- longwavy_resource
- (colors 6))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors))
- (facehair none)
- (torso
- tanktop_prismaticcheetah
- (colors 4))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- highwaterjeans_ripped
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (feet
- chucktaylors_folded
- (colors 0))
- (wrist none)
- (glasses none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (vocals3
- (gender male)
- (instrument vocals)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (weight 0.50)
- (height 0.50)
- (skin_color_index 3)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (outfit
- (hair
- mop_resource
- (colors 1))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses
- maleglasses_aviators
- (colors 0))
- (torso
- militaryjacket_canvas
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- flaredistressedjeans_bleachedjeans
- (colors 0))
- (feet
- sportysneaks_pleather
- (colors 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (vocals4
- (gender female)
- (instrument vocals)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreBanger)
- (weight 0.35)
- (height 0.50)
- (skin_color_index 4)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (outfit
- (hair
- ladylayered_resource
- (colors 0))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors))
- (facehair none)
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (torso
- thermalundertee_thermal
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- highwaterjeans_ripped
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (feet
- femaledestroyedchucks_solid
- (colors 0))
- (glasses none)
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic sm58_resource)))
- (vocals5
- (gender male)
- (instrument vocals)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 4)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- parkinglot_resource
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- hoodieandjacket_leather
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- tightdistressedpants_jeans
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (feet
- sneakersstripes_nylon
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings
- malerings_twistedband
- (colors
- 2
- 0))
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))))
- (vocals6
- (selectable TRUE)
- (gender male)
- (instrument vocals)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 9)
- (eyebrow_color_index 4)
- (height 0.15)
- (weight 0.75)
- (outfit
- (hair
- ziggymullet_resource
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (heads
- head_4
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair
- head_4_dwarvenbeard
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- flannelcoat_checked
- (colors
- 16
- 5))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- rolledjeans_cowspot
- (colors
- 9
- 15))
- (feet
- combatboots_var1
- (colors
- 7
- 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))))
- (vocals7
- (selectable TRUE)
- (gender male)
- (instrument vocals)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 3)
- (height 0.75)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- hair_long
- (colors
- 3
- 0))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair
- head_1_handlebar
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (glasses
- maleglasses_circles
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (torso
- ornatecoat_bejewelled
- (colors
- 5
- 3))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- sashandpants_jeans
- (colors
- 21
- 3))
- (feet
- cowboyboots_embroidered
- (colors
- 2
- 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))))
- (vocals8
- (gender male)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (instrument vocals)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 14)
- (height 0.25)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- glampoof_resource
- (colors
- 14
- 0))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes
- head_1_eyes_4
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- militaryjacket_canvas
- (colors
- 0
- 25))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- chaps_leather
- (colors
- 0
- 9))
- (feet
- combatboots_leather
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4)))
- (tattoo
- (patch_left_arm ((patch_newyork
- 15
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- -57.00
- 0.00
- 1.70
- 1.00
- 0.00)))
- (patch_right_arm ((patch_newyork
- 13
- 3
- 55.00
- 0.00
- 64.00
- 0.00
- 1.44
- 1.27
- 0.00)))))
- (vocals9
- (gender male)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (instrument vocals)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 15)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- short_resource
- (colors
- 17
- 0))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- openshirt_classicfloral
- (colors
- 21
- 21))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- corduroypants_worn
- (colors
- 15
- 27))
- (feet
- dappershoes_solidshiny
- (colors
- 28
- 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4)))
- (tattoo (patch_right_arm ((patch_anchor
- 2
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- -127.00
- 0.00
- 1.00
- 0.62
- 0.00)))))
- (vocals10
- (gender male)
- (instrument vocals)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreSpazz)
- (skin_color_index 1)
- (eye_color_index 9)
- (eyebrow_color_index 18)
- (height 0.75)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- billyidol_resource
- (colors
- 18
- 0))
- (heads
- head_6
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- onesleevejacket_roadwarrior
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (hands
- malegloves_fingerlessdriving
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (legs
- leatherslacks_roadwarrior
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (feet
- combatboots_var1
- (colors
- 0
- 13))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings
- maleearrings_nail
- (colors
- 2
- 0))
- (piercings none)
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))))
- (vocals11
- (selectable TRUE)
- (gender male)
- (instrument vocals)
- (attitude kGenreBanger)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 9)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (height 0.80)
- (weight 0.80)
- (outfit
- (hair
- hair_long
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (heads
- head_4
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair
- head_4_longgoatee
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- boneharness_leather
- (colors
- 0
- 30))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- boneleggings_leather
- (colors
- 0
- 31))
- (feet
- boneboots_leather
- (colors
- 0
- 29))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))))
- (vocals12
- (gender male)
- (instrument vocals)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 6)
- (height 0.75)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- fauxhawk_resource
- (colors
- 3
- 8))
- (heads
- head_3
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair
- head_3_sideburns
- (colors
- 3
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- buttonedshirt_southern
- (colors
- 12
- 0))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- loosepants_stripe
- (colors
- 1
- 9))
- (feet
- creepers_vintage
- (colors
- 13
- 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings
- malerings_coatofarms
- (colors
- 2
- 0))
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))))
- (vocals13
- (selectable TRUE)
- (gender male)
- (instrument vocals)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 5)
- (eye_color_index 9)
- (eyebrow_color_index 1)
- (height 0.75)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- maleladyfrosmall_resource
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (heads
- head_6
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair
- head_6_flavorsaver
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- casualmodjacket_tweed
- (colors
- 14
- 0))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- cottondresspants_pinstripe
- (colors
- 1
- 3))
- (feet
- dappershoes_solidshiny
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings
- malerings_twistedband
- (colors
- 2
- 0))
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))))
- (vocals14
- (gender male)
- (instrument vocals)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 2)
- (eyebrow_color_index 4)
- (height 0.80)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- malelongwavy_resource
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (heads
- head_3
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- worntshirt_vintage
- (colors
- 3
- 0))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- flaredistressedjeans_bleachedjeans
- (colors
- 0
- 15))
- (feet
- maledocsductape_leather
- (colors
- 12
- 29))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))))
- (vocals15
- (gender male)
- (instrument vocals)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreDramatic)
- (skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 9)
- (eyebrow_color_index 4)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.80)
- (outfit
- (hair
- lazyhawk_resource
- (colors
- 4
- 2))
- (heads
- head_4
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- leathershoulderstraps_twotone
- (colors
- 0
- 29))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- bootcutpants_distressedjeans
- (colors
- 0
- 20))
- (feet
- nailboots_rusty
- (colors
- 0
- 34))
- (wrist
- malewrist_sweatbandstuddedcombo
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (rings
- malerings_ebony
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))))
- (vocals17
- (gender male)
- (instrument vocals)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 1)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 47)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- libertyspikes_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 24))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (eyes
- head_1_eyes_4
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips none)
- (facehair
- head_1_flavorsaver
- (colors
- 46
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- wifebeaterplain_biohazard
- (colors
- 0
- 30))
- (hands
- malegloves_skeleton
- (colors
- 0
- 30))
- (legs
- harajukubelt_camo
- (colors
- 0
- 3))
- (feet
- malelowtopsneaks_skater
- (colors
- 0
- 33))
- (wrist
- malewrist_sweatband
- (colors
- 16
- 27))
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))))
- (vocals18
- (gender female)
- (instrument vocals)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 0)
- (eyebrow_color_index 0)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- shortspikes_resource
- (colors
- 24
- 0))
- (heads
- head_3
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair none)
- (eyes
- head_3_eyes_27
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- head_3_lips_9
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- tanktop_nyhc
- (colors
- 0
- 30))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- cargopants_camo
- (colors
- 28
- 14))
- (feet
- saggydocs_var1
- (colors
- 14
- 14))
- (glasses none)
- (wrist
- femalewrist_jelly
- (colors
- 14
- 28))
- (rings
- femalerings_bandaid
- (colors
- 7
- 0))
- (earrings
- femaleearrings_plug
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (piercings none)
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))))
- (vocals19
- (gender male)
- (instrument vocals)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 2)
- (eyebrow_color_index 47)
- (height 0.80)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- libertyspikes_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 50))
- (heads
- head_3
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes
- head_3_eyes_7
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- head_3_lips_1
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (facehair none)
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- militantstrappedcoat_whiteandblack
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- darkriderpants_cotton
- (colors
- 0
- 2))
- (feet
- kneehighdocs_leather
- (colors
- 0
- 3))
- (wrist
- malewrist_nailgauntlet
- (colors
- 34
- 0))
- (rings
- malerings_eyeball
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (earrings
- maleearrings_safetypins
- (colors
- 2
- 0))
- (piercings none)
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))))
- (vocals20
- (selectable TRUE)
- (gender female)
- (instrument vocals)
- (attitude kGenreSpazz)
- (skin_color_index 1)
- (eye_color_index 8)
- (eyebrow_color_index 47)
- (height 0.25)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- hippybangs_maohat
- (colors
- 19
- 2))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (facehair none)
- (eyes
- head_1_eyes_7
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (lips
- head_1_lips_3
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (torso
- puffedsleeves_leather
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (hands naked)
- (legs
- puffyskirt_barelegs
- (colors
- 0
- 1))
- (feet
- thighhighheel_pvc
- (colors
- 34
- 0))
- (glasses none)
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))))
- (vocals21
- (gender male)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (instrument vocals)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 2)
- (eye_color_index 5)
- (eyebrow_color_index 4)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- hanoi_resource
- (colors
- 4
- 4))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes none)
- (lips none)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- cutoffjeanjacket_denim
- (colors
- 7
- 3))
- (hands
- malegloves_fingerlessdriving
- (colors
- 1
- 0))
- (legs
- jeansripped_denim
- (colors
- 7
- 0))
- (feet
- combatboots_var1
- (colors
- 7
- 0))
- (wrist none)
- (rings none)
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (bass
- precision05_sparkle
- (colors
- 25
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 4))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))))
- (vocals22
- (gender female)
- (selectable TRUE)
- (instrument vocals)
- (attitude kGenreRocker)
- (skin_color_index 0)
- (eye_color_index 9)
- (eyebrow_color_index 50)
- (height 0.50)
- (weight 0.50)
- (outfit
- (hair
- femalehair_long
- (colors
- 50
- 0))
- (heads
- head_1
- (colors
- 4
- 0))
- (eyes
- head_1_eyes_7)
- (lips
- head_1_lips_3)
- (facehair none)
- (glasses none)
- (torso
- thermalundertee_moped
- (colors
- 0
- 3))
- (hands
- femalegloves_fingerlessdriving
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (legs
- cargopants_camo
- (colors
- 31
- 14))
- (feet
- lowtopsneaks_skater
- (colors
- 0
- 31))
- (wrist
- femalewrist_studdedgauntlet_right
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (rings
- femalerings_chief
- (colors
- 11
- 0))
- (earrings none)
- (piercings none)
- (drum
- ludclassic_diamond
- (colors
- 23
- 0))
- (bass
- precision01_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (guitar
- stratocaster02_paint
- (colors
- 0
- 0))
- (mic
- sm58_resource
- (colors
- 0
- 0))))
-#ifndef _SHIP
-#include ../ui/framerate/chars/budget_chars.dta
-#ifdef HX_XBOX
-#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_male_xbox.dta
-#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_female_xbox.dta
-#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_male_xbox.dta
-#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_female_xbox.dta
-#ifdef HX_PS3
-#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_male_ps3.dta
-#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_female_ps3.dta
-#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_male_ps3.dta
-#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_female_ps3.dta
-#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_male_xbox.dta
-#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_female_xbox.dta
-#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_male_xbox.dta
-#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_female_xbox.dta
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))))
+ #ifndef _SHIP
+ #include ../ui/framerate/chars/budget_chars.dta
+ #ifdef HX_XBOX
+ #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_male_xbox.dta
+ #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_female_xbox.dta
+ #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_male_xbox.dta
+ #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_female_xbox.dta
+ #else
+ #ifdef HX_PS3
+ #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_male_ps3.dta
+ #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_female_ps3.dta
+ #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_male_ps3.dta
+ #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_female_ps3.dta
+ #else
+ #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_male_xbox.dta
+ #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_female_xbox.dta
+ #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_male_xbox.dta
+ #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_female_xbox.dta
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #endif)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_ark/config/prefabs_dx.dta b/_ark/config/prefabs_dx.dta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e83d9f35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_ark/config/prefabs_dx.dta
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+(vocals16 ;Emily of Byron, rb1 character cut from rb2
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreDramatic)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 2)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 11)
+ (height 0.8)
+ (weight 0.5)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ 70sbisset_resource
+ (colors 11 0))
+ (heads
+ head_5
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_5_eyes_22
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_5_lips_14
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ ironmaidenarmor_metal
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (hands
+ naked
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ ironmaidenleggings_metal
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (feet
+ ironmaidenboots_metal
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (glasses
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (earrings
+ none
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic
+ mic1_silver
+ (colors 0 0)
+ (patch
+ ((patch_dee 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.26 0.81 0.0))))
+ (bass
+ precision05_sparkle
+ (colors 25 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 4)))
+ (tattoo
+ (patch_facepaint
+ ((patch_solids 2 0 0.0 0.0 -67.0 309.98 5.0 5.0 0.0)
+ (patch_roan 2 0 -74.0 0.0 1.0 357.18 3.15 0.3 0.0)))))
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (weight 0.75)
+ (height 0.25)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 3)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ ladylayered_cowboyhat
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (heads
+ head_1)
+ (eyes
+ head_1_eyes_0
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_1_lips_0
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair none)
+ (glasses
+ femaleglasses_aviators
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (torso
+ openshirtbandana_print
+ (colors 0 20))
+ (hands
+ femalegloves_fingerlessdriving
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ wreckedjeans_worn
+ (colors 27 43))
+ (feet
+ femalecowboyboots_embroidered
+ (colors 0 1))
+ (wrist
+ femalewrist_sweatband
+ (colors 26 0))
+ (rings none)
+ (earrings
+ femaleearrings_hoops
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings
+ femalepiercings_combo5
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (bass
+ falconbass_paint
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_fade
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ penguin_paint
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))))
+ (gender male)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (attitude kGenreSpazz)
+ (skin_color_index 2)
+ (eye_color_index 9)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 4)
+ (height 1.0)
+ (weight 0.25)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ longlayered_resource
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (heads
+ head_12
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes none)
+ (lips none)
+ (facehair
+ head_12_flavorsaver
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (glasses naked)
+ (torso
+ flannelcoat_checked
+ (colors 14 5))
+ (hands naked)
+ (legs
+ flaredistressedjeans_bleachedjeans
+ (colors 5))
+ (feet
+ highchucks_solid
+ (colors 15 4))
+ (wrist naked)
+ (rings
+ malerings_rubberbands
+ (colors 3 0))
+ (earrings none)
+ (piercings none)
+ (guitar
+ corvette_sunbursttortoise
+ (colors 20 20))
+ (bass
+ jazz03_paint
+ (colors 36 0))
+ (drum
+ ludvista_clear
+ (colors 14 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource)))
+ (gender female)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreDramatic)
+ (weight 0.50)
+ (height 0.50)
+ (skin_color_index 2)
+ (eye_color_index 9)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 2)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ femalehair_long
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (heads
+ head_1)
+ (eyes
+ head_1_eyes_3
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_1_lips_3
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair none)
+ (glasses
+ none)
+ (torso
+ spikedleatherjacket_spiked
+ (colors 36 0))
+ (hands
+ femalegloves_fingerlessdriving
+ (colors 14 0))
+ (legs
+ cargopants_camo
+ (colors 26 14))
+ (feet
+ femalemotorcycleboots_solid
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (wrist
+ wrist_barbedwire
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (rings none)
+ (earrings
+ earrings_hoops
+ (colors 2 0))
+ (piercings
+ none)
+ (bass
+ neonbass_resource
+ (colors 18 7))
+ (drum
+ electronic
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ neon_resource
+ (colors 18 7))
+ (mic
+ knife_resource
+ (colors 3 0))))
+ (gender female)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 9)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 50)
+ (height 0.50)
+ (weight 0.50)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ femalehair_long
+ (colors 50 0))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_1_eyes_7)
+ (lips
+ head_1_lips_3)
+ (facehair none)
+ (glasses none)
+ (torso
+ thermalundertee_moped
+ (colors 0 3))
+ (hands
+ femalegloves_fingerlessdriving
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ cargopants_camo
+ (colors 31 14))
+ (feet
+ lowtopsneaks_skater
+ (colors 0 31))
+ (wrist
+ femalewrist_studdedgauntlet_right
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings
+ femalerings_chief
+ (colors 11 0))
+ (earrings none)
+ (piercings none)
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 23 0))
+ (bass
+ precision01_paint
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster02_paint
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))))
+ (gender male)
+ (instrument drum)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (attitude kGenreRocker)
+ (skin_color_index 3)
+ (eye_color_index 0)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (height 0.25)
+ (weight 0.25)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ emover_resource
+ (colors 15 15))
+ (heads
+ head_5
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes none)
+ (lips none)
+ (facehair none)
+ (glasses
+ maleglasses_wayfarers
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (torso
+ wornlongsleeveshirt_striped
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (hands
+ malegloves_materialgirl
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ relaxedpants_skatepunx
+ (colors 0 20))
+ (feet
+ highchucks_solid
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (wrist
+ malewrist_sweatbandstuddedcombo
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (rings none)
+ (earrings
+ maleearrings_plug
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (piercings none)
+ (drum
+ pearl_pearl
+ (colors 34 0))
+ (bass
+ precision01_paint
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (guitar
+ chainsaw_resource
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 1 0))))
+ (gender male)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (instrument guitar)
+ (attitude kGenreSpazz)
+ (skin_color_index 3)
+ (eye_color_index 9)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 0)
+ (height 0.50)
+ (weight 0.75)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ gentleman_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (heads
+ head_6
+ (colors 4 0))
+ (eyes none)
+ (lips none)
+ (facehair
+ head_6_bandana_cotton
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (glasses
+ maleglasses_circles
+ (colors 3 0))
+ (torso
+ modjacketturtleneck_woolen
+ (colors 0 3))
+ (hands
+ malegloves_fullleather
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ leatherpants_basicleather
+ (colors 0))
+ (feet
+ dressshoes_leather
+ (colors 0 3))
+ (wrist naked)
+ (rings none)
+ (earrings
+ maleearrings_plug
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ hbomb_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ gravebass_resource
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ generic_zebra
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (mic sm58_resource)))
+ (gender male)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (attitude kGenreBanger)
+ (skin_color_index 3)
+ (eye_color_index 1)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 1)
+ (height 0.5)
+ (weight 0.25)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ ramones_resource
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (heads
+ head_13
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (eyes none)
+ (lips none)
+ (facehair
+ head_13_dirtstaches
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (glasses none)
+ (torso
+ blankhoodie_solid
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (hands
+ malegloves_fingerlessdriving
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ loosepants_stripe
+ (colors 0 20))
+ (feet
+ highchucks_solid
+ (colors 13 3))
+ (wrist none)
+ (rings
+ rings_rubberbands
+ (colors 7 0))
+ (earrings none)
+ (piercings none)
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_diamond
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (bass
+ c20bass_paint
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (guitar
+ stratocaster03_paint
+ (colors 31 0))
+ (mic
+ sm58_resource
+ (colors 0 0))))
+ (gender female)
+ (selectable TRUE)
+ (instrument vocals)
+ (attitude kGenreSpazz)
+ (skin_color_index 0)
+ (eye_color_index 6)
+ (eyebrow_color_index 30)
+ (height 0.25)
+ (weight 0.75)
+ (outfit
+ (hair
+ chunli_resource
+ (colors 31 0))
+ (heads
+ head_1
+ (colors 30 0))
+ (eyes
+ head_1_eyes_19
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (lips
+ head_1_lips_4
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (facehair none)
+ (glasses none)
+ (torso
+ thermalundertee_thermal
+ (colors 0 4))
+ (hands
+ femalegloves_materialgirl
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (legs
+ shortskirt_plaidpunky
+ (colors 20 50))
+ (feet
+ thighhighheel_pvc
+ (colors 0 20))
+ (wrist
+ wrist_laceduparm
+ (colors 0 20))
+ (rings
+ femalerings_demonclaw
+ (colors 1 0))
+ (earrings none)
+ (piercings
+ femalepiercings_combo10
+ (colors 0 0))
+ (drum
+ ludclassic_fade
+ (colors 16 0))
+ (bass
+ kelly04_paint
+ (colors 16 0))
+ (guitar
+ dinky01_paint
+ (colors 16 0))
+ (mic
+ e935_resource
+ (colors 8 0))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown.dta b/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown.dta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf826a13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown.dta
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+ {if
+ #ifdef RB3DX
+ {&&
+ {! {gamemode in_mode practice}} {! {gamemode in_mode trainer}}
+ }
+ #else
+ $dx_countdown_enabled
+ #endif
+ {beatmatch foreach_active_player $player ;dx - add our custom fc checking callbacks to the currently loaded player
+ #ifdef RB3DX
+ {set $dx_current_checked_slot {{$player get_user} get_slot_num}}
+ #else
+ {switch {$player instrument}
+ (guitar
+ {switch {$player track}
+ (track0 {set $dx_current_checked_slot 0})
+ (track1 {set $dx_current_checked_slot 1})
+ (track2 {set $dx_current_checked_slot 2})
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ )
+ (bass
+ {switch {$player track}
+ (track0 {set $dx_current_checked_slot 0})
+ (track1 {set $dx_current_checked_slot 1})
+ (track2 {set $dx_current_checked_slot 2})
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ )
+ (drum
+ {switch {$player track}
+ (track0 {set $dx_current_checked_slot 0})
+ (track1 {set $dx_current_checked_slot 1})
+ (track2 {set $dx_current_checked_slot 2})
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ )
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ #endif
+ {set $dx_current_checked_instrument {$player instrument}}
+ #ifdef RB3DX
+ {if {== $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals}
+ {if $dx_countdown_enabled
+ {unless $delay_tracked_vocals
+ {foreach $entry $vocals_note_tracker
+ {if {== {elem $entry 0} {sprint "delay_" $current_tracked_beat_vocals}}
+ {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_vocals {elem {find $entry {sprint "delay_" $current_tracked_beat_vocals}} 1}}
+ {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_vocals {elem {find $entry {sprint "delay_" $current_tracked_beat_vocals}} 2}}
+ {set $delay_tracked_vocals TRUE}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {if $delay_tracked_vocals
+ {if {>= {dx_get_current_beat} $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_vocals}
+ {dx_check_beat {- $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_vocals {dx_get_current_beat}}}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ {if {&& $dx_countdown_enabled {! {== $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals}}}
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_slot
+ (0 {set $dx_current_search_tracker {sprint "delay_" $current_tracked_beat_0}})
+ (1 {set $dx_current_search_tracker {sprint "delay_" $current_tracked_beat_1}})
+ (2 {set $dx_current_search_tracker {sprint "delay_" $current_tracked_beat_2}})
+ (3 {set $dx_current_search_tracker {sprint "delay_" $current_tracked_beat_3}})
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ {unless
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_slot
+ (0 $delay_tracked_0)
+ (1 $delay_tracked_1)
+ (2 $delay_tracked_2)
+ (3 $delay_tracked_3)
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_instrument
+ ((guitar real_guitar)
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint $dx_current_checked_instrument $dx_current_search_tracker " found, " $dx_current_checked_instrument " Start: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_guitar ", " $dx_current_checked_instrument " End: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_guitar ", Current Beat: " {dx_get_current_beat}}}
+ )
+ ((bass real_bass)
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint $dx_current_checked_instrument $dx_current_search_tracker " found, " $dx_current_checked_instrument " Start: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_bass ", " $dx_current_checked_instrument " End: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_bass ", Current Beat: " {dx_get_current_beat}}}
+ )
+ ((keys real_keys)
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint $dx_current_checked_instrument $dx_current_search_tracker " found, " $dx_current_checked_instrument " Start: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_keys ", " $dx_current_checked_instrument " End: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_keys ", Current Beat: " {dx_get_current_beat}}}
+ )
+ ((drum real_drum)
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint $dx_current_checked_instrument $dx_current_search_tracker " found, " $dx_current_checked_instrument " Start: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_drum ", " $dx_current_checked_instrument " End: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_drum ", Current Beat: " {dx_get_current_beat}}}
+ )
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ {foreach $entry
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_instrument
+ ((guitar real_guitar) $guitar_note_tracker)
+ ((bass real_bass) $bass_note_tracker)
+ ((keys real_keys) $keys_note_tracker)
+ ((drum real_drum) $drum_note_tracker)
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ {if {== {elem $entry 0}
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_slot
+ (0 {sprint "delay_" $current_tracked_beat_0})
+ (1 {sprint "delay_" $current_tracked_beat_1})
+ (2 {sprint "delay_" $current_tracked_beat_2})
+ (3 {sprint "delay_" $current_tracked_beat_3})
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ }
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_instrument
+ ((guitar real_guitar)
+ {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_guitar {elem {find $entry $dx_current_search_tracker} 1}}
+ {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_guitar {elem {find $entry $dx_current_search_tracker} 2}}
+ )
+ ((bass real_bass)
+ {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_bass {elem {find $entry $dx_current_search_tracker} 1}}
+ {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_bass {elem {find $entry $dx_current_search_tracker} 2}}
+ )
+ ((keys real_keys)
+ {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_keys {elem {find $entry $dx_current_search_tracker} 1}}
+ {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_keys {elem {find $entry $dx_current_search_tracker} 2}}
+ )
+ ((drum real_drum)
+ {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_drum {elem {find $entry $dx_current_search_tracker} 1}}
+ {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_drum {elem {find $entry $dx_current_search_tracker} 2}}
+ )
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_slot
+ (0 {set $delay_tracked_0 TRUE})
+ (1 {set $delay_tracked_1 TRUE})
+ (2 {set $delay_tracked_2 TRUE})
+ (3 {set $delay_tracked_3 TRUE})
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {if
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_slot
+ (0 $delay_tracked_0)
+ (1 $delay_tracked_1)
+ (2 $delay_tracked_2)
+ (3 $delay_tracked_3)
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_instrument
+ ((guitar real_guitar)
+ {if {>= {dx_get_current_beat} $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_guitar}
+ {unless $dx_log_stopper
+ {set $dx_log_stopper TRUE}
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "Current Beat: " {dx_get_current_beat} " matches " $dx_current_checked_instrument " break start: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_guitar ", counting down to end of " $dx_current_checked_instrument " break at: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_guitar}}
+ }
+ {dx_check_beat {- $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_guitar {dx_get_current_beat}}}
+ }
+ )
+ ((bass real_bass)
+ {if {>= {dx_get_current_beat} $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_bass}
+ {unless $dx_log_stopper
+ {set $dx_log_stopper TRUE}
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "Current Beat: " {dx_get_current_beat} " matches " $dx_current_checked_instrument " break start: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_bass ", counting down to end of " $dx_current_checked_instrument " break at: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_bass}}
+ }
+ {dx_check_beat {- $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_bass {dx_get_current_beat}}}
+ }
+ )
+ ((keys real_keys)
+ {if {>= {dx_get_current_beat} $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_keys}
+ {unless $dx_log_stopper
+ {set $dx_log_stopper TRUE}
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "Current Beat: " {dx_get_current_beat} " matches " $dx_current_checked_instrument " break start: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_keys ", counting down to end of " $dx_current_checked_instrument " break at: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_keys}}
+ }
+ {dx_check_beat {- $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_keys {dx_get_current_beat}}}
+ }
+ )
+ ((drum real_drum)
+ {if {>= {dx_get_current_beat} $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_drum}
+ {unless $dx_log_stopper
+ {set $dx_log_stopper TRUE}
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "Current Beat: " {dx_get_current_beat} " matches " $dx_current_checked_instrument " break start: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_drum ", counting down to end of " $dx_current_checked_instrument " break at: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_drum}}
+ }
+ {dx_check_beat {- $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_drum {dx_get_current_beat}}}
+ }
+ )
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #ifdef RB3DX
+ {if $dx_end_song_feedback
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_instrument
+ ((guitar real_guitar)
+ {if {== {dx_get_current_beat} {+ $dx_final_note_guitar 1}} {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_final_note_report}}
+ {if {== {dx_get_current_beat} {+ $dx_final_note_guitar 7}} {dx_final_percent_report}}
+ )
+ ((bass real_bass)
+ {if {== {dx_get_current_beat} {+ $dx_final_note_bass 1}} {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_final_note_report}}
+ {if {== {dx_get_current_beat} {+ $dx_final_note_bass 7}} {dx_final_percent_report}}
+ )
+ ((keys real_keys)
+ {if {== {dx_get_current_beat} {+ $dx_final_note_keys 1}} {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_final_note_report}}
+ {if {== {dx_get_current_beat} {+ $dx_final_note_keys 7}} {dx_final_percent_report}}
+ )
+ ((drum real_drum)
+ {if {== {dx_get_current_beat} {+ $dx_final_note_drum 1}} {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_final_note_report}}
+ {if {== {dx_get_current_beat} {+ $dx_final_note_drum 7}} {dx_final_percent_report}}
+ )
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "Current Beat: " {dx_get_current_beat}}}
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_funcs.dta b/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_funcs.dta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b248f92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_funcs.dta
@@ -0,0 +1,902 @@
+({{get_track_panel} find player_feedback_01})
+({{get_track_panel} find player_feedback_02})
+({{get_track_panel} find player_feedback_03})
+#ifdef RB3DX
+#ifdef RB3DX
+#define SCORE_LABEL
+#define SCORE_LABEL
+({int {/ {- $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_guitar {dx_get_current_beat}} 4}})
+({int {/ {- $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_bass {dx_get_current_beat}} 4}})
+({int {/ {- $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_drum {dx_get_current_beat}} 4}})
+({int {/ {- $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_vocals {dx_get_current_beat}} 4}})
+({int {/ {- $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_keys {dx_get_current_beat}} 4}})
+#ifdef RB3DX
+({{find_obj {{get_track_panel} loaded_dir} track_0} find player_feedback})
+({{get_track_panel} find player_feedback_01})
+#ifdef RB3DX
+({{find_obj {{get_track_panel} loaded_dir} track_1} find player_feedback})
+({{get_track_panel} find player_feedback_02})
+#ifdef RB3DX
+({{find_obj {{get_track_panel} loaded_dir} track_2} find player_feedback})
+({{get_track_panel} find player_feedback_03})
+#ifdef RB3DX
+({{find_obj {{get_track_panel} loaded_dir} track_3} find player_feedback})
+#ifdef RB3DX
+({{find_obj {{get_track_panel} loaded_dir} vocals} find player_feedback})
+({{{get_track_panel} find vocals} get player_feedback})
+ dx_countdown_var_reset
+ {dx_log_writer info {sprint "func: dx_countdown_var_reset"}}
+ {dx_log_writer info
+ {sprintf "Executed dx_countdown_var_reset - time: %.4fms"
+ {time
+ {set $current_beat FALSE} {set $startingbpm FALSE}
+ {set $dx_bpm_counter_for_countdown FALSE} {set $solo_box_up_0 FALSE} {set $solo_box_up_1 FALSE} {set $solo_box_up_2 FALSE} {set $solo_box_up_3 FALSE} {set $solo_box_up_vocals FALSE}
+ {set $delay_tracked_0 FALSE} {set $delay_tracked_1 FALSE} {set $delay_tracked_2 FALSE} {set $delay_tracked_3 FALSE} {set $delay_tracked_vocals FALSE}
+ {set $current_tracked_beat_0 FALSE} {set $current_tracked_beat_1 FALSE} {set $current_tracked_beat_2 FALSE} {set $current_tracked_beat_3 FALSE} {set $current_tracked_beat_vocals FALSE}
+ {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_guitar FALSE} {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_guitar FALSE} {set $first_guitar_gem_tracked FALSE}
+ {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_bass FALSE} {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_bass FALSE} {set $first_bass_gem_tracked FALSE}
+ {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_drum FALSE} {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_drum FALSE} {set $first_drum_gem_tracked FALSE}
+ {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_keys FALSE} {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_keys FALSE} {set $first_keys_gem_tracked FALSE}
+ {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_vocals FALSE} {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_vocals FALSE} {set $first_vocals_gem_tracked FALSE}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dx_midi_parser_var_reset
+ {dx_log_writer info {sprint "func: dx_midi_parser_var_reset"}}
+ {dx_log_writer info
+ {sprintf "Executed dx_midi_parser_var_reset - time: %.4fms"
+ {time
+ {resize $guitar_note_tracker 0} ;resize the array
+ {push_back $guitar_note_tracker (none none)} ;push_back a new state into the array
+ {resize $drum_note_tracker 0} ;resize the array
+ {push_back $drum_note_tracker (none none)} ;push_back a new state into the array
+ {resize $bass_note_tracker 0} ;resize the array
+ {push_back $bass_note_tracker (none none)} ;push_back a new state into the array
+ {resize $keys_note_tracker 0} ;resize the array
+ {push_back $keys_note_tracker (none none)} ;push_back a new state into the array
+ {resize $vocals_note_tracker 0} ;resize the array
+ {push_back $vocals_note_tracker (none none)} ;push_back a new state into the array
+ {set $dx_final_note 0}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dx_get_current_beat
+ {int {+ 0.5 {seconds_to_beat {/ {beatmatch get_song_ms} 1000}}}}
+ dx_show_solo_box
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "func: dx_show_solo_box"}}
+ {dx_log_writer countdown
+ {sprintf "Executed dx_show_solo_box - time: %.4fms"
+ {time
+ #ifdef RB3DX
+ {if {== $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals}
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX start_solo}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX find solo_start.trig} trigger}
+ {set $solo_box_up_vocals TRUE}
+ }
+ #endif
+ {if {!= $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals}
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_slot
+ (0
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 start_solo}
+ ;{{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find solo_start.trig} trigger}
+ {set $solo_box_up_0 TRUE}
+ )
+ (1
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 start_solo}
+ ;{{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find solo_start.trig} trigger}
+ {set $solo_box_up_1 TRUE}
+ )
+ (2
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 start_solo}
+ ;{{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find solo_start.trig} trigger}
+ {set $solo_box_up_2 TRUE}
+ )
+ (3
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 start_solo}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find solo_start.trig} trigger}
+ {set $solo_box_up_3 TRUE}
+ )
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dx_restore_solo_box
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "func: dx_restore_solo_box"}}
+ {dx_log_writer countdown
+ {sprintf "Executed dx_restore_solo_box - time: %.4fms"
+ {time
+ #ifdef RB3DX
+ {if {== $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals}
+ {set $solo_box_up_vocals FALSE}
+ {set $delay_tracked_vocals FALSE}
+ {set $current_tracked_beat_vocals {+ $current_tracked_beat_vocals 1}}
+ }
+ #endif
+ {if {!= $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals}
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_slot
+ (0
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 set_showing TRUE}
+ {set $solo_box_up_0 FALSE}
+ {set $delay_tracked_0 FALSE}
+ {set $current_tracked_beat_0 {+ $current_tracked_beat_0 1}}
+ )
+ (1
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 set_showing TRUE}
+ {set $solo_box_up_1 FALSE}
+ {set $delay_tracked_1 FALSE}
+ {set $current_tracked_beat_1 {+ $current_tracked_beat_1 1}}
+ )
+ (2
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 set_showing TRUE}
+ {set $solo_box_up_2 FALSE}
+ {set $delay_tracked_2 FALSE}
+ {set $current_tracked_beat_2 {+ $current_tracked_beat_2 1}}
+ )
+ (3
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 set_showing TRUE}
+ {set $solo_box_up_3 FALSE}
+ {set $delay_tracked_3 FALSE}
+ {set $current_tracked_beat_3 {+ $current_tracked_beat_3 1}}
+ )
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dx_clean_solo_box
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "func: dx_clean_solo_box"}}
+ {dx_log_writer countdown
+ {sprintf "Executed dx_clean_solo_box - time: %.4fms"
+ {time
+ #ifdef RB3DX
+ {if {== $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX find points.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt dx_points #else set_localized dx_points #endif}
+ }
+ #endif
+ {if {!= $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals}
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_slot
+ (0
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 set_showing FALSE}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find points.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt dx_points #else set_localized dx_points #endif}
+ )
+ (1
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 set_showing FALSE}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find points.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt dx_points #else set_localized dx_points #endif}
+ )
+ (2
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 set_showing FALSE}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find points.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt dx_points #else set_localized dx_points #endif}
+ )
+ (3
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 set_showing FALSE}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find points.lbl} set_token_fmt dx_points}
+ )
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dx_hide_solo_box ;not used anymore
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "func: dx_hide_solo_box"}}
+ {dx_log_writer countdown
+ {sprintf "Executed dx_hide_solo_box - time: %.4fms"
+ {time
+ #ifdef RB3DX
+ {if {== $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX find solo_end.trig} trigger}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int 2} #else set_text "2" #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX find solo_rating.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt get_ready #else set_localized {localize get_ready} #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX find SCORE_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_text " " #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX find points.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_localized {localize os_blnk} #endif}
+ }
+ #endif
+ {if {!= $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals}
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_slot
+ (0
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 set_showing TRUE}
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 end_solo}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find solo_end.trig} trigger}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int 2} #else set_text "2" #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find solo_rating.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt get_ready #else set_localized {localize get_ready} #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SCORE_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_text " " #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find points.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_localized {localize os_blnk} #endif}
+ )
+ (1
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 set_showing TRUE}
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 end_solo}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find solo_end.trig} trigger}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int 2} #else set_text "2" #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find solo_rating.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt get_ready #else set_localized {localize get_ready} #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SCORE_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_text " " #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find points.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_localized {localize os_blnk} #endif}
+ )
+ (2
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 set_showing TRUE}
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 end_solo}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find solo_end.trig} trigger}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int 2} #else set_text "2" #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find solo_rating.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt get_ready #else set_localized {localize get_ready} #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SCORE_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_text " " #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find points.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_localized {localize os_blnk} #endif}
+ )
+ (3
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 set_showing TRUE}
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 end_solo}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find solo_end.trig} trigger}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int 2} #else set_text "2" #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find solo_rating.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt get_ready #else set_localized {localize get_ready} #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SCORE_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_text " " #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find points.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_localized {localize os_blnk} #endif}
+ )
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dx_final_percent_report
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "func: dx_final_percent_report"}}
+ {dx_log_writer countdown
+ {sprintf "Executed dx_final_percent_report - time: %.4fms"
+ {time
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_slot
+ (0
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 set_showing FALSE}
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 end_solo}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find solo_end.trig} trigger}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_text " " #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find solo_rating.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_localized {localize os_blnk} #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SCORE_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_text " " #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find points.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_localized {localize os_blnk} #endif}
+ {set $solo_box_up_0 FALSE}
+ )
+ (1
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 set_showing FALSE}
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 end_solo}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find solo_end.trig} trigger}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_text " " #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find solo_rating.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_localized {localize os_blnk} #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SCORE_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_text " " #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find points.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_localized {localize os_blnk} #endif}
+ {set $solo_box_up_1 FALSE}
+ )
+ (2
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 set_showing FALSE}
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 end_solo}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find solo_end.trig} trigger}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_text " " #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find solo_rating.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_localized {localize os_blnk} #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SCORE_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_text " " #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find points.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_localized {localize os_blnk} #endif}
+ {set $solo_box_up_2 FALSE}
+ )
+ (3
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 set_showing FALSE}
+ {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 end_solo}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find solo_end.trig} trigger}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_text " " #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find solo_rating.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_localized {localize os_blnk} #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SCORE_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_text " " #endif}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find points.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_localized {localize os_blnk} #endif}
+ {set $solo_box_up_3 FALSE}
+ )
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dx_final_note_report
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "func: dx_final_note_report"}}
+ {dx_log_writer countdown
+ {sprintf "Executed dx_final_note_report - time: %.4fms"
+ {time
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_slot
+ (0
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_instrument
+ (guitar
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_guitar $num_gems_miss_guitar} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_guitar 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_guitar}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_guitar}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $guitar_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (real_guitar
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_guitar $num_gems_miss_real_guitar} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_guitar 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_guitar}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_guitar}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $real_guitar_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (bass
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_bass $num_gems_miss_bass} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_bass 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_bass}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_bass}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $bass_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (real_bass
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_bass $num_gems_miss_real_bass} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_bass 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_bass}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_bass}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $real_bass_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (keys
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_keys $num_gems_miss_keys} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_keys 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_keys}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_keys}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $keys_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (real_keys
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_keys $num_gems_miss_real_keys} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_keys 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_keys}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_keys}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $real_keys_final_note TRUE}
+ )
+ (drum
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_drum $num_gems_miss_drum} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_drum 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_drum}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_drum}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $drum_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (real_drum
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_drum $num_gems_miss_real_drum} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_drum 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_drum}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_drum}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $real_drum_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ )
+ (1
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_instrument
+ (guitar
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_guitar $num_gems_miss_guitar} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_guitar 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_guitar}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_guitar}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $guitar_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (real_guitar
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_guitar $num_gems_miss_real_guitar} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_guitar 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_guitar}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_guitar}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $real_guitar_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (bass
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_bass $num_gems_miss_bass} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_bass 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_bass}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_bass}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $bass_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (real_bass
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_bass $num_gems_miss_real_bass} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_bass 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_bass}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_bass}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $real_bass_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (keys
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_keys $num_gems_miss_keys} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_keys 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_keys}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_keys}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $keys_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (real_keys
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_keys $num_gems_miss_real_keys} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_keys 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_keys}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_keys}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $real_keys_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (drum
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_drum $num_gems_miss_drum} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_drum 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_drum}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_drum}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $drum_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (real_drum
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_drum $num_gems_miss_real_drum} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_drum 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_drum}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_drum}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $real_drum_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ )
+ (2
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_instrument
+ (guitar
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_guitar $num_gems_miss_guitar} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_guitar 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_guitar}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_guitar}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $guitar_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (real_guitar
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_guitar $num_gems_miss_real_guitar} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_guitar 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_guitar}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_guitar}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $real_guitar_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (bass
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_bass $num_gems_miss_bass} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_bass 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_bass}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_bass}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $bass_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (real_bass
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_bass $num_gems_miss_real_bass} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_bass 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_bass}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_bass}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $real_bass_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (keys
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_keys $num_gems_miss_keys} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_keys 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_keys}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_keys}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $keys_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (real_keys
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_keys $num_gems_miss_real_keys} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_keys 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_keys}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_keys}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $real_keys_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (drum
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_drum $num_gems_miss_drum} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_drum 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_drum}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_drum}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $drum_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (real_drum
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_drum $num_gems_miss_real_drum} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_drum 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_drum}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_drum}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $real_drum_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ )
+ (3
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_instrument
+ (guitar
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_guitar $num_gems_miss_guitar} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_guitar 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_guitar}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_guitar}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $guitar_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (real_guitar
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_guitar $num_gems_miss_real_guitar} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_guitar 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_guitar}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_guitar}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $real_guitar_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (bass
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_bass $num_gems_miss_bass} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_bass 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_bass}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_bass}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $bass_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (real_bass
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_bass $num_gems_miss_real_bass} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_bass 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_bass}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_bass}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $real_bass_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (keys
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_keys $num_gems_miss_keys} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_keys 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_keys}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_keys}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $keys_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (real_keys
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_keys $num_gems_miss_real_keys} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_keys 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_keys}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_keys}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $real_keys_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (drum
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_drum $num_gems_miss_drum} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_drum 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_drum}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_drum}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $drum_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ (real_drum
+ {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_drum $num_gems_miss_real_drum} 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short}
+ {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_drum 0}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_drum}}}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_drum}}}}
+ }
+ }
+ {set $real_drum_finalnote TRUE}
+ )
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dx_solo_set_label
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "func: dx_solo_set_label"}}
+ {dx_log_writer countdown
+ {sprintf "Executed dx_solo_set_label - time: %.4fms"
+ {time
+ #ifdef RB3DX
+ {if {== $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals}
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_VOX_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_VOX_INT} #endif}
+ }
+ #endif
+ {if {!= $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals}
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_slot
+ (0
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_instrument
+ ((guitar real_guitar)
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_GUITAR_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_GUITAR_INT} #endif}
+ )
+ ((bass real_bass)
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_BASS_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_BASS_INT} #endif}
+ )
+ ((keys real_keys)
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_KEYS_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_KEYS_INT} #endif}
+ )
+ ((drum real_drum)
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_DRUM_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_DRUM_INT} #endif}
+ )
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ )
+ (1
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_instrument
+ ((guitar real_guitar)
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_GUITAR_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_GUITAR_INT} #endif}
+ )
+ ((bass real_bass)
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_BASS_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_BASS_INT} #endif}
+ )
+ ((keys real_keys)
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_KEYS_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_KEYS_INT} #endif}
+ )
+ ((drum real_drum)
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_DRUM_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_DRUM_INT} #endif}
+ )
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ )
+ (2
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_instrument
+ ((guitar real_guitar)
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_GUITAR_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_GUITAR_INT} #endif}
+ )
+ ((bass real_bass)
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_BASS_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_BASS_INT} #endif}
+ )
+ ((keys real_keys)
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_KEYS_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_KEYS_INT} #endif}
+ )
+ ((drum real_drum)
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_DRUM_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_DRUM_INT} #endif}
+ )
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ )
+ (3
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_instrument
+ ((guitar real_guitar)
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_GUITAR_INT}}
+ )
+ ((bass real_bass)
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_BASS_INT}}
+ )
+ ((keys real_keys)
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_KEYS_INT}}
+ )
+ ((drum real_drum)
+ {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_DRUM_INT}}
+ )
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dx_check_beat
+ ($input)
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "func: dx_check_beat" " - Args: " $input}}
+ {dx_log_writer countdown
+ {sprintf "Executed dx_check_beat - time: %.4fms"
+ {time
+ {switch $input
+ (1.0
+ {set $dx_log_stopper FALSE}
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "restoring defaults for score box" {dx_get_current_beat}}}
+ #ifdef RB3DX
+ {if {== $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals}
+ {if $solo_box_up_vocals {dx_restore_solo_box}}
+ }
+ #endif
+ {if {!= $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals}
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_slot
+ (0
+ {if $solo_box_up_0 {dx_restore_solo_box}}
+ )
+ (1
+ {if $solo_box_up_1 {dx_restore_solo_box}}
+ )
+ (2
+ {if $solo_box_up_2 {dx_restore_solo_box}}
+ )
+ (3
+ {if $solo_box_up_3 {dx_restore_solo_box}}
+ )
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ ;(5.0
+ ; {set $dx_log_stopper FALSE}
+ ; {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "cleaning up score box" {dx_get_current_beat}}}
+ ; {if {== $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals}
+ ; {if $solo_box_up_vocals {dx_clean_solo_box}}
+ ; }
+ ; {switch $dx_current_checked_slot
+ ; (0
+ ; {if $solo_box_up_0 {dx_clean_solo_box}}
+ ; )
+ ; (1
+ ; {if $solo_box_up_1 {dx_clean_solo_box}}
+ ; )
+ ; (2
+ ; {if $solo_box_up_2 {dx_clean_solo_box}}
+ ; )
+ ; (3
+ ; {if $solo_box_up_3 {dx_clean_solo_box}}
+ ; )
+ ; }
+ ;)
+ (8.0
+ {set $dx_log_stopper FALSE}
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "Countdown successfully complete. Current beat: " {dx_get_current_beat}}}
+ #ifdef RB3DX
+ {if {== $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals}
+ {if $solo_box_up_vocals {dx_hide_solo_box}}
+ }
+ #endif
+ {if {!= $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals}
+ {switch $dx_current_checked_slot
+ (0
+ {if $solo_box_up_0 {dx_hide_solo_box}}
+ )
+ (1
+ {if $solo_box_up_1 {dx_hide_solo_box}}
+ )
+ (2
+ {if $solo_box_up_2 {dx_hide_solo_box}}
+ )
+ (3
+ {if $solo_box_up_3 {dx_hide_solo_box}}
+ )
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ ((104.0 204.0 304.0 404.0 504.0 604.0 704.0 804.0 904.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((108.0 208.0 308.0 408.0 508.0 608.0 708.0 808.0 908.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((12.0 112.0 212.0 312.0 412.0 512.0 612.0 712.0 812.0 912.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((16.0 116.0 216.0 316.0 416.0 516.0 616.0 716.0 816.0 916.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((20.0 120.0 220.0 320.0 420.0 520.0 620.0 720.0 820.0 920.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((24.0 124.0 224.0 324.0 424.0 524.0 624.0 724.0 824.0 924.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((28.0 128.0 228.0 328.0 428.0 528.0 628.0 728.0 828.0 928.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((32.0 132.0 232.0 332.0 432.0 532.0 632.0 732.0 832.0 932.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((36.0 136.0 236.0 336.0 436.0 536.0 636.0 736.0 836.0 936.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((40.0 140.0 240.0 340.0 440.0 540.0 640.0 740.0 840.0 940.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((44.0 144.0 244.0 344.0 444.0 544.0 644.0 744.0 844.0 944.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((48.0 148.0 248.0 348.0 448.0 548.0 648.0 748.0 848.0 948.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((52.0 152.0 252.0 352.0 452.0 552.0 652.0 752.0 852.0 952.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((56.0 156.0 256.0 356.0 456.0 556.0 656.0 756.0 856.0 956.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((60.0 160.0 260.0 360.0 460.0 560.0 660.0 760.0 860.0 960.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((64.0 164.0 264.0 364.0 464.0 564.0 664.0 764.0 864.0 964.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((68.0 168.0 268.0 368.0 468.0 568.0 668.0 768.0 868.0 968.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((72.0 172.0 272.0 372.0 472.0 572.0 672.0 772.0 872.0 972.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((76.0 176.0 276.0 376.0 476.0 576.0 676.0 776.0 876.0 976.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((80.0 180.0 280.0 380.0 480.0 580.0 680.0 780.0 880.0 980.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((84.0 184.0 284.0 384.0 484.0 584.0 684.0 784.0 884.0 984.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((88.0 188.0 288.0 388.0 488.0 588.0 688.0 788.0 888.0 988.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((92.0 192.0 292.0 392.0 492.0 592.0 692.0 792.0 892.0 992.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((96.0 196.0 296.0 396.0 496.0 596.0 696.0 796.0 896.0 996.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ ((100.0 200.0 300.0 400.0 500.0 600.0 700.0 800.0 900.0 1000.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label})
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_locale.dta b/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_locale.dta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9fecfe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_locale.dta
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "Get\nReady!")
+ "%s")
+ "+%s")
+ "%s%")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_midi_parsers.dta b/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_midi_parsers.dta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b78533e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_midi_parsers.dta
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+ MidiParser
+ guitar_timer
+ (track_name 'PART GUITAR')
+ (inverted FALSE)
+ (up FALSE)
+ (append_length TRUE)
+ (compress TRUE)
+ (message_type midi_parser)
+ (mp.up FALSE)
+ (idle)
+ (allowed_notes
+ (96 97 98 99 100))
+ (gem
+ {unless $first_guitar_gem_tracked
+ {set $first_guitar_gem_tracked TRUE}
+ {set $tracked_break_num_guitar 0}
+ {set $first_guitar_gem_beat {int $mp.start}}
+ {if {> $first_guitar_gem_beat 10}
+ {push_back $guitar_note_tracker ("delay_0" 0 $first_guitar_gem_beat)}
+ {set $guitar_note_tracker {array $guitar_note_tracker}}
+ {set $tracked_break_num_guitar 1}
+ }
+ }
+ {if {&& {>= $mp.prev_start 16} {< $mp.prev_start 10000}}
+ {set $guitar_tracked_start {int $mp.start}}
+ {set $guitar_tracked_prev_end {int {- $guitar_tracked_start $mp.prev_start}}}
+ {push_back $guitar_note_tracker ({sprint "delay_" $tracked_break_num_guitar} $guitar_tracked_prev_end $guitar_tracked_start)}
+ {set $guitar_note_tracker {array $guitar_note_tracker}}
+ {set $tracked_break_num_guitar {+ $tracked_break_num_guitar 1}}
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "Guitar Tracker array: " $guitar_note_tracker}}
+ }
+ {set $dx_final_note_guitar {int $mp.start}}
+ {if {> $dx_final_note_guitar $dx_final_note} {set $dx_final_note $dx_final_note_guitar}}
+ )
+ MidiParser
+ drum_timer
+ (track_name 'PART DRUMS')
+ (inverted FALSE)
+ (up FALSE)
+ (append_length TRUE)
+ (compress TRUE)
+ (message_type midi_parser)
+ (mp.up FALSE)
+ (idle)
+ (allowed_notes
+ (96 97 98 99 100))
+ (gem
+ {unless $first_drum_gem_tracked
+ {set $first_drum_gem_tracked TRUE}
+ {set $tracked_break_num_drum 0}
+ {set $first_drum_gem_beat {int $mp.start}}
+ {if {> $first_drum_gem_beat 10}
+ {push_back $drum_note_tracker ("delay_0" 0 $first_drum_gem_beat)}
+ {set $drum_note_tracker {array $drum_note_tracker}}
+ {set $tracked_break_num_drum 1}
+ }
+ }
+ {if {&& {>= $mp.prev_start 16} {< $mp.prev_start 10000}}
+ {set $drum_tracked_start {int $mp.start}}
+ {set $drum_tracked_prev_end {int {- $drum_tracked_start $mp.prev_start}}}
+ {push_back $drum_note_tracker ({sprint "delay_" $tracked_break_num_drum} $drum_tracked_prev_end $drum_tracked_start)}
+ {set $drum_note_tracker {array $drum_note_tracker}}
+ {set $tracked_break_num_drum {+ $tracked_break_num_drum 1}}
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "Drum Tracker array: " $drum_note_tracker}}
+ }
+ {set $dx_final_note_drum {int $mp.start}}
+ {if {> $dx_final_note_drum $dx_final_note} {set $dx_final_note $dx_final_note_drum}}
+ )
+ MidiParser
+ bass_timer
+ (track_name 'PART BASS')
+ (inverted FALSE)
+ (up FALSE)
+ (append_length TRUE)
+ (compress TRUE)
+ (message_type midi_parser)
+ (mp.up FALSE)
+ (idle)
+ (allowed_notes
+ (96 97 98 99 100))
+ (gem
+ {unless $first_bass_gem_tracked
+ {set $first_bass_gem_tracked TRUE}
+ {set $tracked_break_num_bass 0}
+ {set $first_bass_gem_beat {int $mp.start}}
+ {if {> $first_bass_gem_beat 10}
+ {push_back $bass_note_tracker ("delay_0" 0 $first_bass_gem_beat)}
+ {set $bass_note_tracker {array $bass_note_tracker}}
+ {set $tracked_break_num_bass 1}
+ }
+ }
+ {if {&& {>= $mp.prev_start 16} {< $mp.prev_start 10000}}
+ {set $bass_tracked_start {int $mp.start}}
+ {set $bass_tracked_prev_end {int {- $bass_tracked_start $mp.prev_start}}}
+ {push_back $bass_note_tracker ({sprint "delay_" $tracked_break_num_bass} $bass_tracked_prev_end $bass_tracked_start)}
+ {set $bass_note_tracker {array $bass_note_tracker}}
+ {set $tracked_break_num_bass {+ $tracked_break_num_bass 1}}
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "Bass Tracker array: " $bass_note_tracker}}
+ }
+ {set $dx_final_note_bass {int $mp.start}}
+ {if {> $dx_final_note_bass $dx_final_note} {set $dx_final_note $dx_final_note_bass}}
+ )
+ MidiParser
+ keys_timer
+ (track_name 'PART KEYS')
+ (inverted FALSE)
+ (up FALSE)
+ (append_length TRUE)
+ (compress TRUE)
+ (message_type midi_parser)
+ (mp.up FALSE)
+ (idle)
+ (allowed_notes
+ (96 97 98 99 100))
+ (gem
+ {$this rt_compute_space}
+ {unless $first_keys_gem_tracked
+ {set $first_keys_gem_tracked TRUE}
+ {set $tracked_break_num_keys 0}
+ {set $first_keys_gem_beat {int $mp.start}}
+ {if {> $first_keys_gem_beat 10}
+ {push_back $keys_note_tracker ("delay_0" 0 $first_keys_gem_beat)}
+ {set $keys_note_tracker {array $keys_note_tracker}}
+ {set $tracked_break_num_keys 1}
+ }
+ }
+ {if {&& {>= $mp.prev_start 16} {< $mp.prev_start 10000}}
+ {set $keys_tracked_start {int $mp.start}}
+ {set $keys_tracked_prev_end {int {- $keys_tracked_start $mp.prev_start}}}
+ {push_back $keys_note_tracker ({sprint "delay_" $tracked_break_num_keys} $keys_tracked_prev_end $keys_tracked_start)}
+ {set $keys_note_tracker {array $keys_note_tracker}}
+ {set $tracked_break_num_keys {+ $tracked_break_num_keys 1}}
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "Keys Tracker array: " $keys_note_tracker}}
+ }
+ {set $dx_final_note_keys {int $mp.start}}
+ {if {> $dx_final_note_keys $dx_final_note} {set $dx_final_note $dx_final_note_keys}}
+ )
+#ifdef RB3DX
+ MidiParser
+ vocals_timer
+ (track_name 'PART VOCALS')
+ (inverted FALSE)
+ (up FALSE)
+ (append_length TRUE)
+ (compress TRUE)
+ (message_type midi_parser)
+ (mp.up FALSE)
+ (idle)
+ (allowed_notes
+ {if_else {== $dx_vocal_type solo}
+ (36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 96)
+ (36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84)
+ }
+ )
+ (midi
+ {$this rt_compute_space}
+ {unless $first_vocals_gem_tracked
+ {set $first_vocals_gem_tracked TRUE}
+ {set $tracked_break_num_vocals 0}
+ {set $first_vocals_gem_beat {int $mp.start}}
+ {if {> $first_vocals_gem_beat 10}
+ {push_back $vocals_note_tracker ("delay_0" 0 $first_vocals_gem_beat)}
+ {set $vocals_note_tracker {array $vocals_note_tracker}}
+ {set $tracked_break_num_vocals 1}
+ }
+ }
+ {if {&& {>= $mp.prev_start 16} {< $mp.prev_start 10000}}
+ {set $vocals_tracked_start {int $mp.start}}
+ {set $vocals_tracked_prev_end {int {- $vocals_tracked_start $mp.prev_start}}}
+ {push_back $vocals_note_tracker ({sprint "delay_" $tracked_break_num_vocals} $vocals_tracked_prev_end $vocals_tracked_start)}
+ {set $vocals_note_tracker {array $vocals_note_tracker}}
+ {set $tracked_break_num_vocals {+ $tracked_break_num_vocals 1}}
+ {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "Vocal Tracker array: " $vocals_note_tracker}}
+ }
+ {set $dx_final_note_vocals {int $mp.start}}
+ {if {> $dx_final_note_vocals $dx_final_note} {set $dx_final_note $dx_final_note_vocals}}
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_ui_init.dta b/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_ui_init.dta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0fc205a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_ui_init.dta
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+{set $dx_countdown_enabled TRUE}
+{set $dx_end_song_feedback FALSE}
+#ifndef RB3DX
+{set $dx_vocal_type solo}
+{unless $dx_only_populate_once_notes
+ {set $dx_only_populate_once_notes TRUE}
+ {set $guitar_note_tracker {array ()}}
+ {resize $guitar_note_tracker 0} ;resize the array
+ {push_back $guitar_note_tracker (none none)} ;don't start with an empty array or it doesnt work lol
+ {set $drum_note_tracker {array ()}}
+ {resize $drum_note_tracker 0}
+ {push_back $drum_note_tracker (none none)}
+ {set $bass_note_tracker {array ()}}
+ {resize $bass_note_tracker 0}
+ {push_back $bass_note_tracker (none none)}
+ {set $keys_note_tracker {array ()}}
+ {resize $keys_note_tracker 0}
+ {push_back $keys_note_tracker (none none)}
+ {set $vocals_note_tracker {array ()}}
+ {resize $vocals_note_tracker 0}
+ {push_back $vocals_note_tracker (none none)}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_ark/dx/locale/dx_locale_updates.dta b/_ark/dx/locale/dx_locale_updates.dta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aaaf0fd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_ark/dx/locale/dx_locale_updates.dta
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+#include ../countdown/dx_countdown_locale.dta
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_ark/dx/ui/dx_funcs.dta b/_ark/dx/ui/dx_funcs.dta
index 8a924e47..98aba712 100644
--- a/_ark/dx/ui/dx_funcs.dta
+++ b/_ark/dx/ui/dx_funcs.dta
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+#include ../countdown/dx_countdown_funcs.dta
; funcs for finding instrument objects in track panel
{func get_guitar_panel
{{get_track_panel} find guitar}
@@ -14,7 +15,14 @@
{func get_track_1_panel
{{get_track_panel} find track_1}
+;fake log writer so rb3 ported script doesnt crash
+ dx_log_writer
+ ($loglevel $dx_log_writer)
+ {if {|| $dx_logging_essential $dx_logging_default $dx_logging_info $dx_logging_insane $dx_logging_beatmatch $dx_logging_countdown}
+ {set $dx_log_counter 0}
+ }
;overshell change screen functions
{func os_change_screen ($next) ;for moving forward, flip from right to left
{set $os_next_screen {sprint $next "_screen"}}
diff --git a/_ark/dx/ui/dx_init.dta b/_ark/dx/ui/dx_init.dta
index 0ca31b69..1b5bbdcf 100644
--- a/_ark/dx/ui/dx_init.dta
+++ b/_ark/dx/ui/dx_init.dta
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
#include ../../ui/overshell.dta ; having overshell.dta in ./dx crashes the game for some reason
#include ../track/dx_track_callback.dta
#include dx_funcs.dta
+#include ../countdown/dx_countdown_ui_init.dta
+{set $dx_connected_server none}
;sets default track speed. 1.15 is 115%, 1.30 is 130% and so on.
{set $trackspeed 1.0}
diff --git a/_ark/dx/ui/dx_overshell_macros.dta b/_ark/dx/ui/dx_overshell_macros.dta
index f501d0a0..54ff668d 100644
--- a/_ark/dx/ui/dx_overshell_macros.dta
+++ b/_ark/dx/ui/dx_overshell_macros.dta
@@ -729,4 +729,546 @@
{{$os_next_panel find all.grp} set_local_rot $osxrot $osyrot {- $oszrot 9}}
{$task sleep 0.005}
{{$os_next_panel find all.grp} set_local_rot $osxrot $osyrot $oszrot}
+ {set $modpos_add 450}
+ {thread_task kTaskUISeconds
+ (script
+ {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_01.mesh} set_showing FALSE}
+ {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_05.mesh} set_showing FALSE}
+ {modifiers_panel set_local_pos $modx $mody {+ $modz $modpos_add}}
+ {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} set_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y {+ $opl3z $modpos_add}}
+ {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} set_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy {+ $opgcz $modpos_add}}
+ {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} set_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy {+ $opbgz $modpos_add}}
+ {$task sleep 0.005}
+ {cond
+ ({== $modpos_add 450}
+ {set $modpos_add 404}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 404}
+ {set $modpos_add 360}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 360}
+ {set $modpos_add 319}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 319}
+ {set $modpos_add 280}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 280}
+ {set $modpos_add 244}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 244}
+ {set $modpos_add 211}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 211}
+ {set $modpos_add 180}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 180}
+ {set $modpos_add 151}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 151}
+ {set $modpos_add 125}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 125}
+ {set $modpos_add 101}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 101}
+ {set $modpos_add 80}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 80}
+ {set $modpos_add 61}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 61}
+ {set $modpos_add 45}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 45}
+ {set $modpos_add 31}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 31}
+ {set $modpos_add 20}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 20}
+ {set $modpos_add 11}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 11}
+ {set $modpos_add 5}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 5}
+ {set $modpos_add 0}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ }
+) ; close anim doesnt work for system menus
+ {set $modpos_add 450}
+ {thread_task kTaskUISeconds
+ (script
+ {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_01.mesh} set_showing FALSE}
+ {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_05.mesh} set_showing FALSE}
+ {options_console_panel set_local_pos $conx $cony {+ $conz $modpos_add}}
+ {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} set_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y {+ $opl3z $modpos_add}}
+ {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} set_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy {+ $opgcz $modpos_add}}
+ {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} set_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy {+ $opbgz $modpos_add}}
+ {$task sleep 0.005}
+ {cond
+ ({== $modpos_add 450}
+ {set $modpos_add 404}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 404}
+ {set $modpos_add 360}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 360}
+ {set $modpos_add 319}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 319}
+ {set $modpos_add 280}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 280}
+ {set $modpos_add 244}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 244}
+ {set $modpos_add 211}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 211}
+ {set $modpos_add 180}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 180}
+ {set $modpos_add 151}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 151}
+ {set $modpos_add 125}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 125}
+ {set $modpos_add 101}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 101}
+ {set $modpos_add 80}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 80}
+ {set $modpos_add 61}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 61}
+ {set $modpos_add 45}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 45}
+ {set $modpos_add 31}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 31}
+ {set $modpos_add 20}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 20}
+ {set $modpos_add 11}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 11}
+ {set $modpos_add 5}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 5}
+ {set $modpos_add 0}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ }
+) ; close anim doesnt work for system menus
+#define OS_SD_OPEN_ANIM
+ {set $modpos_add 450}
+ {thread_task kTaskUISeconds
+ (script
+ {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_01.mesh} set_showing FALSE}
+ {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_05.mesh} set_showing FALSE}
+ {options_savedata_panel set_local_pos $sdx $sdy {+ $sdz $modpos_add}}
+ {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} set_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y {+ $opl3z $modpos_add}}
+ {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} set_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy {+ $opgcz $modpos_add}}
+ {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} set_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy {+ $opbgz $modpos_add}}
+ {$task sleep 0.005}
+ {cond
+ ({== $modpos_add 450}
+ {set $modpos_add 404}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 404}
+ {set $modpos_add 360}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 360}
+ {set $modpos_add 319}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 319}
+ {set $modpos_add 280}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 280}
+ {set $modpos_add 244}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 244}
+ {set $modpos_add 211}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 211}
+ {set $modpos_add 180}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 180}
+ {set $modpos_add 151}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 151}
+ {set $modpos_add 125}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 125}
+ {set $modpos_add 101}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 101}
+ {set $modpos_add 80}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 80}
+ {set $modpos_add 61}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 61}
+ {set $modpos_add 45}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 45}
+ {set $modpos_add 31}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 31}
+ {set $modpos_add 20}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 20}
+ {set $modpos_add 11}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 11}
+ {set $modpos_add 5}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 5}
+ {set $modpos_add 0}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ }
+) ; close anim doesnt work for system menus
+#define OS_GP_OPEN_ANIM
+ {set $modpos_add 450}
+ {thread_task kTaskUISeconds
+ (script
+ {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_01.mesh} set_showing FALSE}
+ {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_05.mesh} set_showing FALSE}
+ {options_gameplay_panel set_local_pos $gpx $gpy {+ $gpz $modpos_add}}
+ {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} set_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y {+ $opl3z $modpos_add}}
+ {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} set_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy {+ $opgcz $modpos_add}}
+ {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} set_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy {+ $opbgz $modpos_add}}
+ {$task sleep 0.005}
+ {cond
+ ({== $modpos_add 450}
+ {set $modpos_add 404}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 404}
+ {set $modpos_add 360}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 360}
+ {set $modpos_add 319}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 319}
+ {set $modpos_add 280}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 280}
+ {set $modpos_add 244}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 244}
+ {set $modpos_add 211}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 211}
+ {set $modpos_add 180}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 180}
+ {set $modpos_add 151}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 151}
+ {set $modpos_add 125}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 125}
+ {set $modpos_add 101}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 101}
+ {set $modpos_add 80}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 80}
+ {set $modpos_add 61}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 61}
+ {set $modpos_add 45}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 45}
+ {set $modpos_add 31}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 31}
+ {set $modpos_add 20}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 20}
+ {set $modpos_add 11}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 11}
+ {set $modpos_add 5}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 5}
+ {set $modpos_add 0}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ }
+) ; close anim doesnt work for system menus
+ {set $modpos_add 450}
+ {thread_task kTaskUISeconds
+ (script
+ {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_01.mesh} set_showing FALSE}
+ {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_05.mesh} set_showing FALSE}
+ {options_milo_panel set_local_pos $sldx $sldy {+ $sldz $modpos_add}}
+ {options_color_panel set_local_pos $sldx $sldy {+ $sldz $modpos_add}}
+ {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} set_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y {+ $opl3z $modpos_add}}
+ {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} set_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy {+ $opgcz $modpos_add}}
+ {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} set_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy {+ $opbgz $modpos_add}}
+ {$task sleep 0.005}
+ {cond
+ ({== $modpos_add 450}
+ {set $modpos_add 404}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 404}
+ {set $modpos_add 360}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 360}
+ {set $modpos_add 319}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 319}
+ {set $modpos_add 280}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 280}
+ {set $modpos_add 244}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 244}
+ {set $modpos_add 211}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 211}
+ {set $modpos_add 180}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 180}
+ {set $modpos_add 151}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 151}
+ {set $modpos_add 125}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 125}
+ {set $modpos_add 101}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 101}
+ {set $modpos_add 80}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 80}
+ {set $modpos_add 61}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 61}
+ {set $modpos_add 45}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 45}
+ {set $modpos_add 31}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 31}
+ {set $modpos_add 20}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 20}
+ {set $modpos_add 11}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 11}
+ {set $modpos_add 5}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 5}
+ {set $modpos_add 0}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ {set $modpos_add 5}
+ {thread_task kTaskUISeconds
+ (script
+ {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_01.mesh} set_showing FALSE}
+ {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_05.mesh} set_showing FALSE}
+ {options_milo_panel set_local_pos $sldx $sldy {+ $sldz $modpos_add}}
+ {options_color_panel set_local_pos $sldx $sldy {+ $sldz $modpos_add}}
+ {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} set_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y {+ $opl3z $modpos_add}}
+ {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} set_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy {+ $opgcz $modpos_add}}
+ {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} set_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy {+ $opbgz $modpos_add}}
+ {$task sleep 0.005}
+ {cond
+ ({== $modpos_add 450}
+ {synth play button_toggle}
+ {ui pop_screen}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 404}
+ {set $modpos_add 450}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 360}
+ {set $modpos_add 404}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 319}
+ {set $modpos_add 360}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 280}
+ {set $modpos_add 319}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 244}
+ {set $modpos_add 280}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 211}
+ {set $modpos_add 244}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 180}
+ {set $modpos_add 211}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 151}
+ {set $modpos_add 180}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 125}
+ {set $modpos_add 151}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 101}
+ {set $modpos_add 125}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 80}
+ {set $modpos_add 101}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 61}
+ {set $modpos_add 80}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 45}
+ {set $modpos_add 61}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 31}
+ {set $modpos_add 45}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 20}
+ {set $modpos_add 31}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 11}
+ {set $modpos_add 20}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ ({== $modpos_add 5}
+ {set $modpos_add 11}
+ {$task loop}
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_eric_talbot.milo_ps3 b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_eric_talbot.milo_ps3
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..54944236
Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_eric_talbot.milo_ps3 differ
diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_eric_talbot.milo_xbox b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_eric_talbot.milo_xbox
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..224b0cfb
Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_eric_talbot.milo_xbox differ
diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_painterly.milo_ps3 b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_painterly.milo_ps3
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1305d49c
Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_painterly.milo_ps3 differ
diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_painterly.milo_xbox b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_painterly.milo_xbox
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d16ae675
Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_painterly.milo_xbox differ
diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_sketchy.milo_ps3 b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_sketchy.milo_ps3
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80528ed3
Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_sketchy.milo_ps3 differ
diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_sketchy.milo_xbox b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_sketchy.milo_xbox
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cb66cc6c
Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_sketchy.milo_xbox differ
diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thick_line.milo_ps3 b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thick_line.milo_ps3
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..232ddfce
Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thick_line.milo_ps3 differ
diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thick_line.milo_xbox b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thick_line.milo_xbox
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..734da4e8
Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thick_line.milo_xbox differ
diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thin_line.milo_ps3 b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thin_line.milo_ps3
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3788341e
Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thin_line.milo_ps3 differ
diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thin_line.milo_xbox b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thin_line.milo_xbox
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..276f76fb
Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thin_line.milo_xbox differ
diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_chalet.milo_ps3 b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_chalet.milo_ps3
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0864476c
Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_chalet.milo_ps3 differ
diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_chalet.milo_xbox b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_chalet.milo_xbox
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5264e8f5
Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_chalet.milo_xbox differ
diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_fakir_01.milo_ps3 b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_fakir_01.milo_ps3
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5501544e
Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_fakir_01.milo_ps3 differ
diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_fakir_01.milo_xbox b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_fakir_01.milo_xbox
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1821db67
Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_fakir_01.milo_xbox differ
diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_mister_reusch.milo_ps3 b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_mister_reusch.milo_ps3
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62ca92a7
Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_mister_reusch.milo_ps3 differ
diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_mister_reusch.milo_xbox b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_mister_reusch.milo_xbox
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6a37a08f
Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_mister_reusch.milo_xbox differ
diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_paul_lyons.milo_ps3 b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_paul_lyons.milo_ps3
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4a10ef0
Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_paul_lyons.milo_ps3 differ
diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_paul_lyons.milo_xbox b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_paul_lyons.milo_xbox
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b934bb56
Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_paul_lyons.milo_xbox differ
diff --git a/_ark/ui/band_ui.dta b/_ark/ui/band_ui.dta
index 8f848651..08f4a718 100644
--- a/_ark/ui/band_ui.dta
+++ b/_ark/ui/band_ui.dta
@@ -116,12 +116,25 @@
- {localize
- {switch
- $reason
- (kLostConnection error_lost_connection)
- (kLostServer error_lost_server)
- (kEthernetUnplugged error_ethernet_unplugged)}}}
+ {switch $dx_connected_server
+ (none
+ {localize
+ {switch
+ $reason
+ (kLostConnection error_lost_connection)
+ (kLostServer error_lost_server)
+ (kEthernetUnplugged error_ethernet_unplugged)}}
+ )
+ (ashcentral
+ {localize
+ {switch
+ $reason
+ (kLostConnection error_lost_connection)
+ (kLostServer ash_error_lost_server)
+ (kEthernetUnplugged error_ethernet_unplugged)}}
+ )
+ }
+ }
{net_sync disable_and_goto meta_loading_uisink_lost_connection_screen})
{band_ui dismiss_event}))
@@ -131,7 +144,15 @@
- {localize error_lost_server}}
+ {switch $dx_connected_server
+ (none
+ {localize error_lost_server}
+ )
+ (ashcentral
+ {localize ash_error_lost_server}
+ )
+ }
+ }
{session is_local}
{net_sync disable_and_goto meta_loading_return_to_tour_hub_screen}
diff --git a/_ark/ui/endgame/endgame.dta b/_ark/ui/endgame/endgame.dta
index 67caa1a1..12daef52 100644
--- a/_ark/ui/endgame/endgame.dta
+++ b/_ark/ui/endgame/endgame.dta
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
+ {dx_countdown_var_reset}
{set $already_restarted FALSE} ;ensure the next time the track loads, it restarts once to be safe
{gamemode is_audition}
diff --git a/_ark/ui/eng/locale_updates.dta b/_ark/ui/eng/locale_updates.dta
index c8cf74af..b8dfd625 100644
--- a/_ark/ui/eng/locale_updates.dta
+++ b/_ark/ui/eng/locale_updates.dta
@@ -217,6 +217,48 @@
(leader_hb_choosesong240 "Choose Song at 240%")
(leader_hb_choosesong245 "Choose Song at 245%")
(leader_hb_choosesong250 "Choose Song at 250%")
+;server stuff
+(shell_network_busy "Communicating with the game servers...")
+(upload_uploading "Communicating with the game servers...")
+(upload_error_start_single "There was an error during the upload to the game servers.")
+(upload_error_start_fmt "There were %d errors during the upload to the game servers.")
+(upload_error_server_down "The game servers appear to be unavailable. Rock Band 2 will attempt to upload again automatically during a later autosave.")
+(error_lost_server "You have lost contact with the game servers.")
+(leaderboards_not_available_rock_central "You will only be able to see local leaderboards while logged out of the game servers.")
+(connecting_server "Connecting to the game servers...")
+(solo_no_server_warning "Couldn't connect to the game servers.\n\nYou won't be able to send your scores to the leaderboards. Continue anyway?")
+(tour_no_server_warning "Couldn't connect to the game servers.\n\nYou won't be able to send your scores to the leaderboards or update your band to the website. Continue anyway?")
+#ifdef HX_PS3
+(community_no_server_warning "Couldn't connect to the game servers.\n\nYou won't be able to access the online leaderboards. Continue anyway?")
+(community_no_server_warning "Couldn't connect to the game servers.\n\nYou won't be able to access the Xbox LIVE leaderboards. Continue anyway?")
+(motd_no_rock_central "Attempting to connect to the game servers...")
+(motd_online_disabled "Cannot connect to the game servers while modifiers are enabled.")
+(privileges_restricted_strict "Connecting to the game server is disabled on your PLAYSTATION®Network account due to parental control restrictions.\n\nYou are not allowed to access this mode.")
+(privileges_restricted_lenient "Connecting to the game server is disabled on your PLAYSTATION®Network account due to parental control restrictions.\n\nYou will be unable to view leaderboards or post your scores.")
+(leaderboard_connection_error "Failed to connect to the game servers.")
+(botb_net_failed "The game servers are unable to send battle information at this time. Please try again in a few minutes.")
+(tour_no_botb_connecting "Sorry, but you're unable to play Battle of the Bands at the moment. You are currently attempting to connect to the game servers.")
+(ash_qp_online "AshCentral Quickplay")
+(ash_tour_online "AshCentral Tour")
+(ash_player_match "AshCentral Match")
+(ash_shell_network_busy "Communicating with the AshCentral server...")
+(ash_upload_uploading "Uploading data to the AshCentral server...")
+(ash_upload_error_start_single "There was an error during the upload to the AshCentral server.")
+(ash_upload_error_start_fmt "There were %d errors during the upload to the AshCentral server.")
+(ash_error_lost_server "You have lost contact with the AshCentral server.")
+(ash_leaderboards_not_available_rock_central "You will only be able to see local leaderboards while logged out of AshCentral.")
+(ash_connecting_server "Connecting to the AshCentral server...")
+(ash_solo_no_server_warning "Couldn't connect to the AshCentral server.\n\nYou won't be able to send your scores to the leaderboards. Continue anyway?")
+(ash_tour_no_server_warning "Couldn't connect to the AshCentral server.\n\nYou won't be able to send your scores to the leaderboards or update your band to the website. Continue anyway?")
+(ash_community_no_server_warning "Couldn't connect to the AshCentral server.\n\nYou won't be able to access the online leaderboards. Continue anyway?")
+(ash_privileges_restricted_strict "Connecting to the AshCentral server is disabled on your PLAYSTATION®Network account due to parental control restrictions.\n\nYou are not allowed to access this mode.")
+(ash_privileges_restricted_lenient "Connecting to the AshCentral server is disabled on your PLAYSTATION®Network account due to parental control restrictions.\n\nYou will be unable to view leaderboards or post your scores.")
#ifdef HX_PS3
"Sorry, you have a modifier activated that disables online play. You cannot access any online features until the modifier is disabled.")
@@ -289,8 +331,6 @@
"You already own the maximum of %d characters. If you want to make a new character, you'll have to delete an old one first.")
- "Sorry, but you're unable to play Battle of the Bands at the moment. You are currently attempting to connect to Rock Central.")
#ifdef HX_PS3
"This test determines the amount of Video Latency in your system. When you see the needle hit either side of the meter, press the circle button.")
@@ -1477,9 +1517,6 @@
"The Duke of Gravity")
(prefab_guitar33 "Raquelle Jihiman")
(prefab_guitar34 "Dan LaMona")
-(prefab_guitar37 "Kimberley Monroe")
-(prefab_guitar38 "Dawson Blake")
-(prefab_guitar39 "Luna")
(prefab_vocals0 "Jeremy Kitty")
@@ -1511,7 +1548,36 @@
"Penelope McQueen")
(prefab_vocals21 "Josh Price")
-(prefab_vocals22 "Penelope")
+;dx prefabs
+(prefab_kimberley_monroe "Kimberley Monroe")
+(prefab_dawson_blake "Dawson Blake")
+(prefab_luna "Luna")
+(prefab_penelope "Penelope")
+(prefab_u628 "U628")
+(prefab_chill "Chill2Music")
+(prefab_anth "Anth")
+(prefab_annai_renae "Annai Renae")
+;rb1 patches
+ "Eric Talbot")
+ "Mister Reusch")
+ "Paul Lyons")
+ "Painterly")
+ "Thin Lines")
+ "Thick Lines")
+ "Sketchy")
+ "Chalet Typeface")
+ "Fakir Typeface")
;; Lego Trivia
;; (Tokens 900-1044)
@@ -1792,7 +1858,7 @@
"Korn Guitarist James 'Munky' Schaffer acquired his nickname from his feet, which his bandmates say look like monkey hands.")
- "\qWord Up\q was originally a hit for funk/hip-hop band Cameo, and was their first U.S. Top 40 hit. The song has since been covered many times, most notably by Finnish humppa band Eläkeläiset, but was also a modest hit for Melanie B of The Spice Girls.")
+ "\qWord Up\q was originally a hit for funk/hip-hop band Cameo, and was their first U.S. Top 40 hit. The song has since been covered many times, most notably by Finnish humppa band El�kel�iset, but was also a modest hit for Melanie B of The Spice Girls.")
"Before joining Bon Jovi, guitarist Richie Sambora was slated to audition for KISS.")
@@ -2001,7 +2067,7 @@
(loading_trivia1106 "Tyler's impressive 6 octave high 'whistle' note near the end of this song is said to be heavily inspired by the ending of \qSince I Don't Have You\q by The Skyliners.")
;;ACDC Track Pack Trivia
-(loading_trivia1200 "There are streets named for AC/DC in both Melbourne, Australia and Leganés, Spain.")
+(loading_trivia1200 "There are streets named for AC/DC in both Melbourne, Australia and Legan�s, Spain.")
(loading_trivia1201 "Though known throughout the world as Australia's foremost rock & roll band, the roots of AC/DC lie in post-war Scotland: guitar-playing brothers Angus and Malcolm Young were born in Glasgow (in 1958 & 1953, respectively) while the band's iconic first frontman Bon Scott was born in the highland town of Kirriemuir in 1946.")
(loading_trivia1202 "The Youngs moved from Scotland to Australia in 1963, when Angus was 6.")
(loading_trivia1203 "As a member of the Easybeats, Angus and Malcolm's older sibling, George Young, created one of Australia's first international hits, \qFriday On My Mind,\q in 1966.")
@@ -2015,7 +2081,7 @@
(loading_trivia1211 "The beloved AC/DC trademark logo -- raised metallic Gothic lettering separated by Zeus's lightning bolt -- made its first appearance on the cover of the \qLet There Be Rock\q album in 1977.")
(loading_trivia1212 "Produced by Mutt Lange, \qBack In Black,\q Brian Johnson's first album with AC/DC, is a deeply felt tribute to Bon Scott.")
(loading_trivia1213 "AC/DC's top-selling album ever, \qBack In Black\q is one of the world's best-selling albums of all-time, selling over 45 million since its release.")
-(loading_trivia1214 "There are streets named for AC/DC in both Melbourne, Australia and Leganés, Spain.")
+(loading_trivia1214 "There are streets named for AC/DC in both Melbourne, Australia and Legan�s, Spain.")
(loading_trivia1215 "Though known throughout the world as Australia's foremost rock & roll band, the roots of AC/DC lie in post-war Scotland: guitar-playing brothers Angus and Malcolm Young were born in Glasgow (in 1958 & 1953, respectively) while the band's iconic first frontman Bon Scott was born in the highland town of Kirriemuir in 1946.")
(loading_trivia1216 "The Youngs moved from Scotland to Australia in 1963, when Angus was 6.")
(loading_trivia1217 "As a member of the Easybeats, Angus and Malcolm's older sibling, George Young, created one of Australia's first international hits, \qFriday On My Mind,\q in 1966.")
@@ -2029,7 +2095,7 @@
(loading_trivia1225 "The beloved AC/DC trademark logo -- raised metallic Gothic lettering separated by Zeus's lightning bolt -- made its first appearance on the cover of the \qLet There Be Rock\q album in 1977.")
(loading_trivia1226 "Produced by Mutt Lange, \qBack In Black,\q Brian Johnson's first album with AC/DC, is a deeply felt tribute to Bon Scott.")
(loading_trivia1227 "AC/DC's top-selling album ever, \qBack In Black\q is one of the world's best-selling albums of all-time, selling over 45 million since its release.")
-(loading_trivia1228 "There are streets named for AC/DC in both Melbourne, Australia and Leganés, Spain.")
+(loading_trivia1228 "There are streets named for AC/DC in both Melbourne, Australia and Legan�s, Spain.")
(loading_trivia1229 "Though known throughout the world as Australia's foremost rock & roll band, the roots of AC/DC lie in post-war Scotland: guitar-playing brothers Angus and Malcolm Young were born in Glasgow (in 1958 & 1953, respectively) while the band's iconic first frontman Bon Scott was born in the highland town of Kirriemuir in 1946.")
(loading_trivia1230 "The Youngs moved from Scotland to Australia in 1963, when Angus was 6.")
(loading_trivia1231 "As a member of the Easybeats, Angus and Malcolm's older sibling, George Young, created one of Australia's first international hits, \qFriday On My Mind,\q in 1966.")
@@ -2043,7 +2109,7 @@
(loading_trivia1239 "The beloved AC/DC trademark logo -- raised metallic Gothic lettering separated by Zeus's lightning bolt -- made its first appearance on the cover of the \qLet There Be Rock\q album in 1977.")
(loading_trivia1240 "Produced by Mutt Lange, \qBack In Black,\q Brian Johnson's first album with AC/DC, is a deeply felt tribute to Bon Scott.")
(loading_trivia1241 "AC/DC's top-selling album ever, \qBack In Black\q is one of the world's best-selling albums of all-time, selling over 45 million since its release.")
-(loading_trivia1242 "There are streets named for AC/DC in both Melbourne, Australia and Leganés, Spain.")
+(loading_trivia1242 "There are streets named for AC/DC in both Melbourne, Australia and Legan�s, Spain.")
(loading_trivia1243 "Though known throughout the world as Australia's foremost rock & roll band, the roots of AC/DC lie in post-war Scotland: guitar-playing brothers Angus and Malcolm Young were born in Glasgow (in 1958 & 1953, respectively) while the band's iconic first frontman Bon Scott was born in the highland town of Kirriemuir in 1946.")
(loading_trivia1244 "The Youngs moved from Scotland to Australia in 1963, when Angus was 6.")
(loading_trivia1245 "As a member of the Easybeats, Angus and Malcolm's older sibling, George Young, created one of Australia's first international hits, \qFriday On My Mind,\q in 1966.")
@@ -2112,15 +2178,15 @@
;Metal Track Pack
(loading_phrase1305 "Lacuna Coil frontwoman Cristina Scabbia says she enjoys being miserable and writes her best songs when she's not happy.")
(loading_phrase1306 "Lacuna Coil's name is a half-Italian, half-English phrase meaning \qempty spiral.\q This has something to do with their outlook on life.")
-(loading_phrase1307 "Who coined the unforgettable phrase \qKilled By Death\q? According to Motörhead's Lemmy, the credit goes to English comedian Spike Milligan.")
-(loading_phrase1308 "Singer/bassist Lemmy has claimed that if Motörhead moved next door to you, your lawn would die. ")
-(loading_phrase1309 "\qKilled By Death\q marked the debut of Motörhead's short-lived two-guitar lineup. Singer/bassist Lemmy was still louder than both combined.")
+(loading_phrase1307 "Who coined the unforgettable phrase \qKilled By Death\q? According to Mot�rhead's Lemmy, the credit goes to English comedian Spike Milligan.")
+(loading_phrase1308 "Singer/bassist Lemmy has claimed that if Mot�rhead moved next door to you, your lawn would die. ")
+(loading_phrase1309 "\qKilled By Death\q marked the debut of Mot�rhead's short-lived two-guitar lineup. Singer/bassist Lemmy was still louder than both combined.")
(loading_phrase1310 "\qRed Devil\q is about three of Yngwie Malmsteen's most prized possessions: his three Ferraris.")
(loading_phrase1311 "Singer Tim \qRipper\q Owens is the guy who temporarily replaced Rob Halford in Judas Priest, before hooking up with Yngwie Malmsteen and singing on \qRed Devil.\q ")
-(loading_phrase1312 "Hawkwind were on their third bassist when they recorded \qMaster of the Universe.\q Future Motörhead leader Lemmy would be the fourth.")
+(loading_phrase1312 "Hawkwind were on their third bassist when they recorded \qMaster of the Universe.\q Future Mot�rhead leader Lemmy would be the fourth.")
(loading_phrase1313 "The sci-fi novelist Michael Moorcock has not only written lyrics for Hawkwind, he has also toured as one of their singers. ")
-(loading_phrase1314 "Record producer Sandy Pearlman dreamed up the name Blue Öyster Cult, but it was guitarist Allen Lanier who added the all-important umlaut.")
-(loading_phrase1315 "If Blue Öyster Cult sounds like a weird name, how about Soft White Underbelly? That was the psychedelic band that included some future Cult members in 1967.")
+(loading_phrase1314 "Record producer Sandy Pearlman dreamed up the name Blue �yster Cult, but it was guitarist Allen Lanier who added the all-important umlaut.")
+(loading_phrase1315 "If Blue �yster Cult sounds like a weird name, how about Soft White Underbelly? That was the psychedelic band that included some future Cult members in 1967.")
(loading_phrase1316 "As a teenager, Children of Bodom guitarist Alexi Laiho was told by his music teacher that you couldn't make a living playing heavy metal. ")
(loading_phrase1317 "Children of Bodom's name refers to an unsolved murder in their hometown of Espoo, Finland.")
(loading_phrase1318 "Children of Bodom's bandmembers, its road crew and its fans are collectively known as the \qHate Crew.\q ")
@@ -2157,14 +2223,16 @@
(loading_phrase1349 "Rage Against the Machine's first performance was in a friend's living room in Orange County, California.")
(loading_phrase1350 "How does Rob Halford recommend getting into the mindset for this song? Three words: chains and leather.")
(loading_phrase1351 "Lacuna Coil originally went by the band name Ethereal, before finding that a Greek band had already claimed it.")
-(loading_phrase1352 "Long before forming Motörhead, singer/bassist Lemmy was a guitar roadie for Jimi Hendrix.")
-(loading_phrase1353 "Singer/bassist Lemmy formed Motörhead shortly after getting kicked out of the band Hawkwind.")
-(loading_phrase1354 "Motörhead frontman Lemmy is an avid collector of World War II memorabilia.")
+(loading_phrase1352 "Long before forming Mot�rhead, singer/bassist Lemmy was a guitar roadie for Jimi Hendrix.")
+(loading_phrase1353 "Singer/bassist Lemmy formed Mot�rhead shortly after getting kicked out of the band Hawkwind.")
+(loading_phrase1354 "Mot�rhead frontman Lemmy is an avid collector of World War II memorabilia.")
(loading_phrase1355 "At last count, over twenty-five different musicians have performed in Queens of the Stone Age.")
(loading_phrase1356 "In 2001, former Queens of the Stone Age member Nick Oliveri was arrested in Rio for performing onstage wearing only his bass.")
(loading_phrase1357 "Queens of the Stone Age were originally called \qGamma Ray\q but another band had already claimed the name.")
(loading_phrase1358 "Queens of the Stone Age reportedly opted not to be called \qKings of the Stone Age\q because they thought it would sound overly masculine.")
+ " ")
+#include ../../dx/locale/dx_locale_updates.dta
;user added locale strings
-#include locale_extras.dta
+#include locale_extras.dta
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_ark/ui/leaderboards/leaderboards.dta b/_ark/ui/leaderboards/leaderboards.dta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c93b5fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_ark/ui/leaderboards/leaderboards.dta
@@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
+ HeldButtonPanel
+ leaderboards_panel
+ (file
+ "leaderboards.milo")
+ (focus leaderboard.lst)
+ (held_buttons
+ (kAction_Option 0.2))
+ (shortcut_mode none)
+ (read_done TRUE)
+ (limits_array
+ ())
+ (set_limits
+ ($a)
+ {set
+ [limits_array]
+ $a})
+ (enter
+ {leaderboards
+ set_page_size
+ {leaderboard.lst num_display}}
+ {$this
+ update_warning
+ ""}
+ {$this
+ update_unranked
+ ""}
+ {leaderboards
+ set_limits
+ [limits_array]}
+ {set
+ [read_done]
+ {leaderboards enumerate}
+ {$this update_titles}
+ {$this
+ update_filter
+ {leaderboards get_filter}}
+ {champ_name.lbl set_showing FALSE}
+ {champ_score.lbl set_showing FALSE}
+ {leaderboard.lst set_showing FALSE}
+ {$this shortcut_exit}
+ {rank_number_1.lbl set_showing FALSE}
+ {number_one.mesh set_showing FALSE})
+ (update_titles
+ {event.lbl
+ set_localized
+ ""}
+ {song.lbl
+ set_localized
+ ""}
+ {type.lbl
+ set_localized
+ ""}
+ {switch
+ {leaderboards get_type}
+ (kPlayerSong
+ {if_else
+ {==
+ {leaderboards get_song_sym}
+ career}
+ {song.lbl
+ set_localized
+ {localize career}}
+ {song.lbl
+ set_localized
+ {song_mgr
+ song_name
+ {leaderboards get_song_sym}}}}
+ {event.lbl
+ set_localized
+ {localize player_song}}
+ {type.lbl
+ set_localized
+ {leaderboards get_track_type_char}}
+ {instrument_type.grp set_showing TRUE}
+ {band_logo.grp set_showing FALSE})
+ (kScoreDuel
+ {event.lbl
+ set_localized
+ {localize h2h_pro}}
+ {type.lbl
+ set_localized
+ {leaderboards get_track_type_char}}
+ {instrument_type.grp set_showing TRUE}
+ {band_logo.grp set_showing FALSE})
+ (kTugOfWar
+ {event.lbl
+ set_localized
+ {localize h2h_normal}}
+ {type.lbl
+ set_localized
+ {leaderboards get_track_type_char}}
+ {instrument_type.grp set_showing TRUE}
+ {band_logo.grp set_showing FALSE})
+ (kBandSong
+ {if_else
+ {==
+ {leaderboards get_song_sym}
+ career}
+ {song.lbl
+ set_localized
+ {localize career}}
+ {song.lbl
+ set_localized
+ {song_mgr
+ song_name
+ {leaderboards get_song_sym}}}}
+ {event.lbl
+ set_localized
+ {localize band_song}}
+ {instrument_type.grp set_showing FALSE}
+ {band_logo.grp set_showing TRUE}
+ {band_logo.pic
+ set
+ tex_file
+ "ui/textures/generic_band_logo_keep.png"})
+ (kBandFans
+ {event.lbl
+ set_localized
+ {localize band_fans}}
+ {instrument_type.grp set_showing FALSE}
+ {band_logo.grp set_showing TRUE}
+ {band_logo.pic
+ set
+ tex_file
+ "ui/textures/generic_band_logo_keep.png"})})
+ (update_filter
+ ($type)
+ {switch
+ $type
+ (kByAll
+ {filter_title.lbl
+ set_localized
+ {localize filter_gamer}})
+ (kByFriends
+ {filter_title.lbl
+ set_localized
+ {localize filter_friends}})
+ (kByLocal
+ {filter_title.lbl
+ set_localized
+ {localize filter_local}})})
+ (update_leaderboard
+ {do
+ ($num_data
+ {{leaderboards get_provider}
+ num_data})
+ {leaderboard.lst
+ set_provider
+ {leaderboards get_provider}}
+ {$this enable leaderboard.lst}
+ {leaderboard.lst set_showing $num_data}
+ {do
+ ($user_pos
+ {leaderboards get_user_pos})
+ {if
+ {> $user_pos 0}
+ {leaderboard.lst set_selected $user_pos}}}
+ {champ_name.lbl
+ set_localized
+ {leaderboards get_champ_text name}}
+ {champ_name.lbl set_showing TRUE}
+ {champ_score.lbl
+ set_localized
+ {leaderboards get_champ_text score}}
+ {champ_score.lbl set_showing TRUE}
+ {rank_number_1.lbl set_showing $num_data}
+ {number_one.mesh set_showing $num_data}
+ {$this update_helpbar}})
+ (update_warning
+ ($msg)
+ {warning.lbl set_localized $msg}
+ {warning.lbl set_showing TRUE})
+ (update_unranked
+ ($msg)
+ {unranked.lbl set_localized $msg}
+ {unranked.lbl set_showing TRUE})
+ (exit
+ {$this shortcut_exit}
+ {network_busy_panel set_busy FALSE}
+ {leaderboards cancel_enumerate}
+ {leaderboard.lst set_showing FALSE}
+ {leaderboard.lst set_provider leaderboard.lst}
+ {shortcut.lst set_showing FALSE}
+ {shortcut.lst set_provider shortcut.lst}
+ {leaderboards destroy}
+ {set
+ [read_done]
+ {if
+ {== $component leaderboard.lst}
+ {leaderboards
+ set_user_pos
+ {leaderboard.lst selected_pos}}})
+ {if_else
+ {&&
+ [read_done]
+ {==
+ [shortcut_mode]
+ none}}
+ {cond
+ ({== $action kAction_ViewModify}
+ {leaderboards rotate_filter})
+ ({&&
+ {== $action kAction_Down}
+ {==
+ {leaderboard.lst selected_pos}
+ {-
+ {leaderboard.lst num_display}
+ 1}}}
+ {leaderboards request_new_page TRUE}
+ {$this poll})
+ ({&&
+ {== $action kAction_Up}
+ {==
+ {leaderboard.lst selected_pos}
+ 0}}
+ {leaderboards request_new_page FALSE}
+ {$this poll})
+ ({&&
+ {== $action kAction_Option}
+ {leaderboards enum_complete}}
+ {leaderboards
+ next_landmark
+ {leaderboard.lst selected_pos}}
+ {$this poll})
+ ({== $action kAction_Confirm}
+ {if_else
+ {leaderboards can_rows_be_selected}
+ kDataUnhandled
+ TRUE})
+ ({== $action kAction_Cancel}
+ {leaderboard.lst set_showing FALSE}
+ kDataUnhandled)
+ (TRUE kDataUnhandled)}
+ {if_else
+ {&&
+ {!=
+ [shortcut_mode]
+ none}
+ {== $action kAction_Cancel}}
+ {$this shortcut_exit}
+ kDataUnhandled}})
+ {switch
+ [shortcut_mode]
+ (none kDataUnhandled)
+ (friends
+ {if
+ {&&
+ [read_done]
+ {== $action kAction_Option}}
+ {$this on_select shortcut.lst}})})
+ {if
+ [read_done]
+ {$this on_select $component}})
+ (on_select
+ ($component)
+ {switch
+ $component
+ (shortcut.lst
+ {leaderboards
+ enumerate_landmark
+ {shortcut.lst selected_pos}}
+ {$this shortcut_exit})
+ (leaderboard.lst
+ {do
+ ($result
+ {leaderboards
+ select_row
+ {leaderboard.lst selected_pos}
+ $player_num})
+ {if
+ {!= $result ''}
+ {lb_signin_screen set error_msg $result}
+ {ui push_screen lb_signin_screen}}})}
+ {$this poll})
+ (poll
+ {if
+ {&&
+ [read_done]
+ {!
+ {leaderboards enum_complete}}}
+ {$this show_async_read}}
+ {if
+ {&&
+ {!
+ [read_done]}
+ {leaderboards enum_complete}}
+ {$this hide_async_read}
+ {leaderboard.lst set_dirty}})
+ (on_button_held
+ ($user_num $user $raw_button $action $pad_num)
+ {$this
+ shortcut_enter
+ {if_else
+ {== $action kAction_Option}
+ friends
+ filters}})
+ (show_async_read
+ {set
+ [read_done]
+ {network_busy_panel set_busy TRUE})
+ (hide_async_read
+ {set
+ [read_done]
+ {network_busy_panel set_busy FALSE})
+ (shortcut_enter
+ ($mode)
+ {if
+ {&&
+ {==
+ none
+ [shortcut_mode]}
+ {!
+ {input_mgr network_busy}}
+ {{leaderboards get_shortcut_provider}
+ num_data}}
+ {set
+ [shortcut_mode]
+ $mode}
+ {shortcut.lst
+ set_provider
+ {leaderboards get_shortcut_provider}}
+ {shortcut.lst
+ set_selected
+ {leaderboards
+ get_current_shortcut
+ {leaderboard.lst selected_pos}}}
+ {shortcut.mesh set_showing TRUE}
+ {$this set_focus shortcut.lst}
+ {$this disable leaderboard.lst}})
+ (shortcut_exit
+ {$this enable leaderboard.lst}
+ {shortcut.mesh set_showing FALSE}
+ {$this set_focus leaderboard.lst}
+ {set
+ [shortcut_mode]
+ none})
+ (update_helpbar
+ {helpbar
+ set_config
+ {switch
+ {leaderboards get_type}
+ #ifdef HX_PS3
+ (kPlayerSong
+ ((cancel helpbar_back)
+ (view_modify leaderboard_changefilter)))
+ (kScoreDuel
+ ((cancel helpbar_back)
+ (view_modify leaderboard_changefilter)))
+ (kTugOfWar
+ ((cancel helpbar_back)
+ (view_modify leaderboard_changefilter)
+ (option leaderboard_next_friend leaderboard_friend_hold)))
+ #else
+ (kPlayerSong
+ ((cancel helpbar_back)
+ (view_modify leaderboard_changefilter)
+ (confirm leader_hb_viewgamercard)))
+ (kScoreDuel
+ ((cancel helpbar_back)
+ (view_modify leaderboard_changefilter)
+ (confirm leader_hb_viewgamercard)))
+ (kTugOfWar
+ ((cancel helpbar_back)
+ (view_modify leaderboard_changefilter)
+ (confirm leader_hb_viewgamercard)))
+ #endif
+ (kBandSong
+ ((cancel helpbar_back)
+ (view_modify leaderboard_changefilter)
+ (confirm
+ {if_else
+ {&&
+ {!=
+ career
+ {leaderboards get_song_sym}}
+ {==
+ kByLocal
+ {leaderboards get_filter}}}
+ leader_hb_viewgamercard
+ leader_hb_viewband})))
+ (kBandFans
+ ((cancel helpbar_back)
+ (view_modify leaderboard_changefilter)
+ (confirm leader_hb_viewband)))}}
+ {if_else
+ {==
+ 0
+ {leaderboards num_data}}
+ {do
+ {helpbar confirm ''}
+ {helpbar option ''}}
+ {helpbar option leaderboard_next_friend leaderboard_friend_hold}}
+ {if
+ {leaderboards get_offline}
+ {helpbar view_modify ''}})
+ {if
+ {! $connected}
+ {$this shortcut_exit}})}
+ UIPanel
+ leaderboards_netwatcher_panel
+ (file
+ "")
+ (return_screen main_community_screen)
+ (return_screen_in_progress main_community_screen)
+ (block_event
+ ($event)
+ {'||'
+ {== $event disband}
+ {&&
+ {== $event lost_connection}
+ {$this deal_with_lost_connection}}})
+ (enter
+ {platform_mgr
+ add_sink
+ $this
+ (connection_status_changed)}
+ {server
+ add_sink
+ $this
+ (server_status_changed)})
+ (exit
+ {platform_mgr remove_sink $this connection_status_changed}
+ {server remove_sink $this server_status_changed})
+ (deal_with_lost_connection
+ {&&
+ {gamemode get local_network}
+ {!
+ {gamemode get leave_if_connection_lost}}})
+ (connection_status_changed
+ ($connected)
+ {if
+ {&&
+ {$this deal_with_lost_connection}
+ {!
+ {leaderboards get_offline}}
+ {! $connected}}
+ {set
+ [return_screen_in_progress]
+ [return_screen]}
+ {band_ui trigger_event leaderboard_error}})
+ (server_status_changed
+ ($connected)
+ {if
+ {&&
+ {!
+ {leaderboards get_offline}}
+ {! $connected}}
+ {set
+ [return_screen_in_progress]
+ [return_screen]}
+ {band_ui trigger_event leaderboard_error}})}
+((focus leaderboards_panel)
+ (back
+ {do
+ {switch
+ {leaderboards get_type}
+ (kPlayerSong
+ {song_offer_provider set is_leaderboards TRUE}
+ {gamemode get lb_song_select_screen})
+ (kBandSong
+ {song_offer_provider set is_leaderboards TRUE}
+ {gamemode get lb_song_select_screen})
+ (kScoreDuel
+ {gamemode get leaderboards_seltrack_screen})
+ (kTugOfWar
+ {gamemode get leaderboards_seltrack_screen})
+ {gamemode get community_screen}}})
+ (update_filter
+ ($type)
+ {leaderboards_panel update_filter $type})
+ {leaderboards_panel update_helpbar})
+ {do
+ ($list
+ {leaderboards_panel find leaderboard.lst})
+ {if_else
+ {&&
+ {$list is_scrolling}
+ {'||'
+ {== $action kAction_Down}
+ {== $action kAction_Up}}}
+ kDataUnhandled}}))
+ BandScreen
+ leaderboards_screen
+ (panels meta postsong_sfx_panel movie_panel leaderboards_panel tour_lower3rd_panel leaderboards_netwatcher_panel)
+ BandScreen
+ tour_leaderboards_screen
+ (panels meta practice_space_panel leaderboards_panel tour_lower3rd_panel leaderboards_netwatcher_panel)
+ BandScreen
+ lb_signin_screen
+ (panels dialog_panel)
+ (focus dialog_panel)
+ (error_msg '')
+ (enter
+ {dialog_panel
+ set_ok
+ {localize
+ [error_msg]}})
+ {ui pop_screen})}
+ BandScreen
+ lb_song_select_screen
+ (panels meta lb_song_select_content_loading_panel postsong_sfx_panel leaderboards_netwatcher_panel movie_panel song_select_details_panel song_select_panel tour_lower3rd_panel)
+ BandScreen
+ tour_lb_song_select_screen
+ (panels meta practice_space_panel leaderboards_netwatcher_panel song_select_details_panel song_select_panel tour_lower3rd_panel)
+ UIPanel
+ leaderboards_seltrack_panel
+ (file
+ "leaderboards_seltrack.milo")
+ (focus guitar.btn)
+ {leaderboards
+ set_track_type
+ {switch
+ $component
+ (guitar.btn kTrackGuitar)
+ (bass.btn kTrackBass)
+ (drums.btn kTrackDrum)
+ (vocals.btn kTrackVocals)}}
+ {if_else
+ {==
+ {leaderboards get_type}
+ kPlayerSong}
+ {do
+ {song_offer_provider set is_leaderboards TRUE}
+ {ui
+ goto_screen
+ {gamemode get lb_song_select_screen}}}
+ {ui
+ goto_screen
+ {gamemode get leaderboards_screen}}})}
+((focus leaderboards_seltrack_panel)
+ (helpbar
+ ((cancel helpbar_back)
+ (confirm helpbar_select)))
+ (back
+ {gamemode get community_screen}))
+ BandScreen
+ leaderboards_seltrack_screen
+ (panels meta postsong_sfx_panel movie_panel leaderboards_seltrack_panel tour_lower3rd_panel leaderboards_netwatcher_panel)
+ BandScreen
+ tour_leaderboards_seltrack_screen
+ (panels meta practice_space_panel leaderboards_seltrack_panel tour_lower3rd_panel leaderboards_netwatcher_panel)
+ UIPanel
+ community_leaderboard_panel
+ #ifdef HX_PS3
+ (file
+ "leaderboard_menu_ps3.milo")
+ #else
+ (file
+ "leaderboard_menu.milo")
+ #endif
+ (focus solo.btn)
+ (enter
+ #ifdef HX_XBOX
+ {if_else
+ {leaderboards get_offline}
+ {do
+ {$this disable h2h_ranked.btn}
+ {$this disable h2h_pro_ranked.btn}}
+ {do
+ {$this enable h2h_ranked.btn}
+ {$this enable h2h_pro_ranked.btn}}}
+ #endif
+ {leaderboards clear_type})
+ {leaderboards set_player_num $player_num}
+ {switch
+ $component
+ (solo.btn
+ {leaderboards set_type kPlayerSong}
+ {ui
+ goto_screen
+ {gamemode get leaderboards_seltrack_screen}})
+ (band_fans.btn
+ {leaderboards set_type kBandFans}
+ {leaderboards set_band_from_tour}
+ {ui
+ goto_screen
+ {gamemode get leaderboards_screen}})
+ (band_song.btn
+ {leaderboards set_type kBandSong}
+ {leaderboards set_band_from_tour}
+ {song_offer_provider set is_leaderboards TRUE}
+ {ui
+ goto_screen
+ {gamemode get lb_song_select_screen}})
+ (h2h_ranked.btn
+ {leaderboards set_type kTugOfWar}
+ {ui
+ goto_screen
+ {gamemode get leaderboards_seltrack_screen}})
+ (h2h_pro_ranked.btn
+ {leaderboards set_type kScoreDuel}
+ {ui
+ goto_screen
+ {gamemode get leaderboards_seltrack_screen}})})}
+ BandScreen
+ community_leaderboard_screen
+ (panels meta community_leaderboard_panel leaderboards_netwatcher_panel)
+ (focus community_leaderboard_panel)
+ (back main_community_screen)
+ (helpbar
+ ((cancel helpbar_back)
+ (confirm helpbar_select)))}
+ UIPanel
+ main_leaderboard_panel
+ (enter
+ {main_panel update_leaderboard_buttons}
+ {leaderboards clear_type})
+ {leaderboards set_player_num $player_num}
+ {switch
+ $component
+ (lb_solo.btn
+ {leaderboards set_type kPlayerSong}
+ {main_panel push_focus}
+ {ui
+ goto_screen
+ {gamemode get leaderboards_seltrack_screen}})
+ (lb_fans.btn
+ {leaderboards set_type kBandFans}
+ {leaderboards set_band_from_tour}
+ {main_panel push_focus}
+ {ui
+ goto_screen
+ {gamemode get leaderboards_screen}})
+ (lb_songs.btn
+ {leaderboards set_type kBandSong}
+ {leaderboards set_band_from_tour}
+ {song_offer_provider set is_leaderboards TRUE}
+ {main_panel push_focus}
+ {ui
+ goto_screen
+ {gamemode get lb_song_select_screen}})
+ (lb_tow.btn
+ {leaderboards set_type kTugOfWar}
+ {main_panel push_focus}
+ {ui
+ goto_screen
+ {gamemode get leaderboards_seltrack_screen}})
+ (lb_scoreduel.btn
+ {leaderboards set_type kScoreDuel}
+ {main_panel push_focus}
+ {ui
+ goto_screen
+ {gamemode get leaderboards_seltrack_screen}})})}
+ BandScreen
+ main_leaderboard_screen
+ (panels meta main_panel main_leaderboard_panel leaderboards_netwatcher_panel)
+ (focus main_leaderboard_panel)
+ (back main_community_screen)
+ BandScreen
+ tour_hub_community_screen
+ (panels meta practice_space_panel community_leaderboard_panel leaderboards_netwatcher_panel tour_lower3rd_panel)
+ (show_char
+ ($player_num)
+ (focus community_leaderboard_panel)
+ (back tour_hub_screen)
+ (helpbar
+ ((cancel helpbar_back)
+ (confirm helpbar_select)))
+ (enter
+ {practice_space_panel
+ select_cam
+ "leaderboards"})
+ (exit
+ {if
+ {gamemode get is_tour}
+ {tour_profile_panel
+ set_band_data
+ {tour band}}})}
+ BandScreen
+ tour_leaderboard_offline_screen
+ (panels dialog_panel)
+ (enter
+ {dialog_panel
+ set_ok
+ {cond
+ ({platform_mgr is_connected}
+ {switch $dx_connected_server
+ (none
+ {localize leaderboards_not_available_rock_central}
+ )
+ (ashcentral
+ {localize ash_leaderboards_not_available_rock_central}
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ {localize leaderboards_not_available_connection})}})
+ {ui pop_screen tour_hub_community_screen})}
+((focus tour_profile_panel)
+ (back
+ {gamemode get leaderboards_screen})
+ (enter
+ {with
+ tour_profile_panel
+ {enter.grp
+ set_frame
+ {enter.grp end_frame}}}
+ {leaderboards_panel set_showing FALSE})
+ (exit
+ {leaderboards_panel set_showing TRUE}))
+ BandScreen
+ leaderboards_band_profile_screen
+ (panels meta postsong_sfx_panel movie_panel leaderboards_panel tour_profile_panel tour_lower3rd_panel leaderboards_netwatcher_panel)
+ BandScreen
+ tour_leaderboards_band_profile_screen
+ (panels meta practice_space_panel leaderboards_panel tour_profile_panel tour_lower3rd_panel leaderboards_netwatcher_panel)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_ark/ui/loading.dta b/_ark/ui/loading.dta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40081f2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_ark/ui/loading.dta
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+#ifndef _SHIP
+ BandScreen
+ loading_multi_screen
+ (helpbar
+ ((min_height 0)))
+ (enter
+ {ui goto_screen loading_multi_content_screen})}
+ UIPanel
+ loading_multi_content_panel
+ (load
+ {content_mgr start_refresh})
+ (is_loaded
+ {content_mgr refresh_done})}
+ BandScreen
+ loading_multi_content_screen
+ (panels loading_multi_content_panel)
+ (helpbar
+ ((min_height 0)))
+ (enter
+ {tour create_test_event}
+ {ui goto_screen loading_screen})}
+ UIPanel
+ loading_mem_chars
+ (load
+ {game
+ load_all_chars
+ (world TRUE)})
+ (is_loaded
+ {char_cache loaded})}
+ BandScreen
+ loading_mem_screen
+ (panels loading_mem_chars)
+ (helpbar
+ ((min_height 0)))
+ (enter
+ {heap_report}
+ {ui goto_screen loading_screen})}
+ UIPanel
+ loading_panel
+ (file
+ "loading.milo")
+ (next_screen '')
+ (load
+ {gamecfg set_active_roster TRUE}
+ {if
+ {== $first_screen loading_screen}
+ {content_mgr start_refresh}})
+ (is_loaded
+ {content_mgr refresh_done})
+ (enter
+ {botb_details_panel invalidate_cache}
+ {song_offer_provider set_setlist_mode FALSE}
+ {if
+ {tour band}
+ {{tour band}
+ reset_iron_bladder}}
+ {seed_random_context
+ {gamecfg get net_random_seed}}
+ {set
+ [next_screen]
+ {cond
+ ($force_loading_tip loading_tip_screen)
+ ($force_loading_image loading_image_screen)
+ ({!=
+ {tour loading_screen}
+ ''}
+ loading_image_screen)
+ ({&&
+ {gamemode get show_loading_images}
+ {==
+ {mod
+ {gamecfg get net_random_seed}
+ 2}
+ 0}}
+ loading_image_screen)
+ (TRUE loading_tip_screen)}}
+ {if_else
+ {==
+ [next_screen]
+ loading_tip_screen}
+ {do
+ {Plane01.mesh set_showing TRUE}
+ {tip.lbl set_showing TRUE}
+ {tip.lbl
+ set_localized
+ {localize
+ {if_else
+ $force_loading_tip
+ $force_loading_tip
+ {if_else
+ {gamemode get use_static_tip}
+ {gamemode get the_static_tip}
+ {random_context
+ {elem
+ {find $syscfg tips}
+ 1}}}}}}}
+ {do
+ {Plane01.mesh set_showing FALSE}
+ {tip.lbl set_showing FALSE}}}
+ {if
+ {'||'
+ {==
+ {band_ui current_event}
+ pad_lost}
+ {==
+ {band_ui current_event}
+ remote_exit}}
+ {band_ui dismiss_event}}
+ {do
+ ($first_guitar
+ "")
+ ($first_bass
+ "")
+ ($first_drum
+ "")
+ ($first_vocals
+ "")
+ {foreach_int
+ $i
+ 0
+ {user_mgr get_max_users}
+ {do
+ ($user
+ {user_mgr get_user_from_slot $i})
+ ($track
+ {if_else
+ $user
+ {$user get_track_sym}
+ none})
+ ($object
+ {sprintf
+ "load_icon_%i"
+ $i})
+ ($var
+ {sprintf
+ "first_%s"
+ $track})
+ ($flip FALSE)
+ ($object_to_flip $object)
+ {cond
+ ({== $track guitar}
+ {if_else
+ {==
+ $first_guitar
+ ""}
+ {set $first_guitar $object}
+ {set $flip TRUE}})
+ ({== $track bass}
+ {if_else
+ {==
+ $first_bass
+ ""}
+ {set $first_bass $object}
+ {do
+ {set $flip TRUE}
+ {set $object_to_flip $first_bass}}})
+ ({== $track drum}
+ {if_else
+ {==
+ $first_drum
+ ""}
+ {set $first_drum $object}
+ {set $flip TRUE}})
+ ({== $track vocals}
+ {if_else
+ {==
+ $first_vocals
+ ""}
+ {set $first_vocals $object}
+ {do
+ {set $flip TRUE}
+ {set $object_to_flip $first_vocals}}})}
+ {if
+ $flip
+ {do
+ ($sx 1.0)
+ ($sy 1.0)
+ ($sz 1.0)
+ ($anim
+ {sprintf
+ "%s.anim"
+ $track})
+ {$object_to_flip get_local_scale $sx $sy $sz}
+ {$object_to_flip
+ set_local_scale
+ {'*' $sx -1.0}
+ $sy
+ $sz}
+ {{$object_to_flip find $anim}
+ animate
+ (delay 0.4)
+ (loop)}}}}}})
+ (block_event
+ ($event)
+ {!= $event content_file_read_failed})}
+ BandScreen
+ loading_screen
+ (panels loading_panel)
+ (helpbar
+ ((min_height 0)))
+ (enter
+ {net_sync set_ui_state kNetUI_Loading}
+ {input_mgr set_limit kLimitSession}
+ {ui goto_screen preloading_screen}
+ {helpbar
+ set_config
+ ((min_height 0))})}
+ PreloadPanel
+ preload_panel
+ (content_name
+ "")
+ (corrupt FALSE)
+ (enter
+ {dx_countdown_var_reset}
+ {dx_midi_parser_var_reset}
+ {ui goto_screen real_loading_screen}
+ #else
+ {if_else
+ [preload_ok]
+ {ui goto_screen real_loading_screen}
+ {band_ui
+ content_file_read_failed
+ [content_name]
+ [corrupt]}}
+ #endif)}
+ BandScreen
+ preloading_screen
+ (panels loading_panel preload_panel)
+ (focus preload_panel)
+ (helpbar
+ ((min_height 0)))}
+ BandScreen
+ real_loading_screen
+ (panels loading_panel)
+ (helpbar
+ ((min_height 0)))
+ (enter
+ {song_mgr
+ add_recent_song
+ {meta_performer song}}
+ {if
+ {meta_performer has_sync_permission}
+ {meta_performer advance_song_select_user}}
+ {ui
+ goto_screen
+ {loading_panel get next_screen}})}
+ UIPanel
+ char_loading_panel
+ (load
+ {if
+ {gamemode get load_chars}
+ {game
+ load_all_chars
+ (world TRUE)}})
+ (is_loaded
+ {if_else
+ {gamemode get load_chars}
+ {char_cache loaded}
+ TRUE})}
+ UIPanel
+ char_loaded_panel
+ (load
+ {if
+ {gamemode get load_chars}
+ {char_cache set_loading_screen_mode}})
+ (is_loaded
+ {if_else
+ {gamemode get load_chars}
+ {char_cache loading_screen_configure_done}
+ TRUE})}
+ BandScreen
+ loading_tip_screen
+ (panels loading_panel char_loading_panel)
+ (helpbar
+ ((min_height 0)))
+ (enter
+ {synth stop_all_sfx}
+ {ui goto_screen loading_tip_screen_2})}
+ BandScreen
+ loading_tip_screen_2
+ (panels loading_panel char_loaded_panel)
+ (helpbar
+ ((min_height 0)))
+ (enter
+ {ui
+ goto_screen
+ {gamemode get game_screen}})}
+ BandScreen
+ loading_image_screen
+ (panels loading_panel char_loading_panel)
+ (helpbar
+ ((min_height 0)))
+ (enter
+ {synth stop_all_sfx}
+ {ui goto_screen loading_photo_screen})}
+ LoadingPanel
+ loading_photo
+ (file
+ {cond
+ ({&&
+ $force_loading_image
+ {! $force_loading_image_random}}
+ $force_loading_image)
+ ({!=
+ {tour loading_screen}
+ ''}
+ {tour loading_screen})
+ ({gamemode get load_chars}
+ {if_else
+ {gamemode is_band_arrangement}
+ {random_context
+ {elem
+ {find $syscfg loading_screens}
+ 1}}
+ {switch
+ {{session_mgr get_leader_user}
+ get_track_sym}
+ (guitar loading/ls_h2h_guitar.milo)
+ (bass loading/ls_h2h_bass.milo)
+ (drum loading/ls_h2h_drum.milo)
+ (vocals loading/ls_h2h_vocals.milo)}})
+ ""}
+ kLoadStayBack)
+ (enter
+ {cond
+ ({gamemode is_h2h_arrangement}
+ {do
+ ($mode
+ {if_else
+ {gamemode get separate_parts}
+ tug_of_war
+ score_duel})
+ {mode0.lbl set text_token $mode}
+ {mode1.lbl set text_token $mode}}
+ {foreach_int
+ $slot
+ kGameH2hSlot0
+ kGameH2hNumSlots
+ {do
+ ($user
+ {user_mgr get_user_from_slot $slot})
+ {{sprintf
+ "char%i.lbl"
+ $slot}
+ set_localized
+ {$user intro_name}}}})
+ ({&&
+ {tour band}
+ {tour event}
+ {{tour event}
+ is_battle}}
+ {do
+ ($band
+ {tour band})
+ {band_name.lbl
+ set_localized
+ {$band band_name}}
+ {band_logo.rndtex
+ set
+ draw
+ {$band logo_patch}}
+ {if_else
+ {meta_performer is_battle_brand_new}
+ {do
+ {rival_name.lbl
+ set_localized
+ "-"}
+ {rival_logo.mesh set_showing FALSE}}
+ {do
+ {rival_name.lbl
+ set_localized
+ {$band get_botb_rival_band_name}}
+ {rival_logo.rndtex
+ set
+ draw
+ {$band get_botb_rival_band_icon}}
+ {rival_logo.mesh set_showing TRUE}}}})})}
+ BandScreen
+ loading_photo_screen
+ (panels loading_photo char_loaded_panel loading_panel)
+ (helpbar
+ ((min_height 0)))
+ (delay_frames -1)
+ (show_event FALSE)
+ (enter
+ {set
+ [delay_frames]
+ 3})
+ (poll
+ {--
+ [delay_frames]}
+ {if
+ {==
+ [delay_frames]
+ 0}
+ {set
+ [delay_frames]
+ -1}
+ {game
+ load_all_chars
+ (world TRUE)}
+ {do
+ ($ld
+ {loading_photo loaded_dir})
+ {if
+ $ld
+ {handle
+ ($ld restore_clips)}}}
+ {ui
+ goto_screen
+ {gamemode get game_screen}}})}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_ark/ui/main/main.dta b/_ark/ui/main/main.dta
index 057c0035..525c9a60 100644
--- a/_ark/ui/main/main.dta
+++ b/_ark/ui/main/main.dta
@@ -193,6 +193,21 @@
{store.btn set_state kComponentDisabled} ;disable music store button, we don't need it rn
{store.btn set_showing FALSE} ;hide it too
+ #ifndef HX_EE
+ {switch $dx_connected_server
+ (ashcentral
+ {do
+ {online_bandcoop.btn set_localized {localize ash_qp_online}}
+ {online.btn set_localized {localize ash_tour_online}}
+ #ifndef HX_XBOX
+ {player_match_scoreduel.btn set_localized {localize ash_player_match}}
+ {player_match_tow.btn set_localized {localize ash_player_match}}
+ #endif
+ }
+ )
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ #endif
{if {exists logo_task_populate} ;check if the above task is running
@@ -952,7 +967,15 @@
{platform_mgr has_online_privilege 0}}
{platform_mgr is_connected}}
- {localize leaderboards_not_available_rock_central})
+ {switch $dx_connected_server
+ (none
+ {localize leaderboards_not_available_rock_central}
+ )
+ (ashcentral
+ {localize ash_leaderboards_not_available_rock_central}
+ )
+ }
+ )
{localize leaderboards_not_available_connection})}})
diff --git a/_ark/ui/modifiers_screen.dta b/_ark/ui/modifiers_screen.dta
index 2a510db1..72e91f34 100644
--- a/_ark/ui/modifiers_screen.dta
+++ b/_ark/ui/modifiers_screen.dta
@@ -17,7 +17,18 @@
- (save_load_all_complete_msg)})
+ (save_load_all_complete_msg)}
+ {unless $mod_first_entry
+ {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} get_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y $opl3z}
+ {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} get_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy $opgcz}
+ {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} get_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy $opbgz}
+ {modifiers_panel get_local_pos $modx $mody $modz}
+ {set $mod_first_entry TRUE}
+ }
+ {if $mod_os_entered
+ }
+ )
{profile_mgr remove_sink $this profile_changed_msg}
{memcardmgr remove_sink $this save_load_all_complete_msg})
@@ -59,15 +70,26 @@
{$this set is_autoloading TRUE}
{modifiers.lst set_dirty}}}
- {do
- {if_else
- {modifier_mgr does_disable_features $modifier}
- {do
- {modifier_confirm_screen set modifier $modifier}
- {ui push_screen modifier_confirm_screen}}
- {do
- {modifier_mgr activate_modifier $modifier}
- {modifiers.lst set_dirty}}}}}}}}}})
+ {do
+ {if_else {modifier_mgr does_disable_features $modifier}
+ {do
+ {if_else $iamingamenow
+ {do
+ kDataUnhandled
+ }
+ {do
+ {modifier_confirm_screen set modifier $modifier}
+ {ui push_screen modifier_confirm_screen}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {do
+ {modifier_mgr activate_modifier $modifier}
+ {modifiers.lst set_dirty}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }}}}}})
diff --git a/_ark/ui/options/options.dta b/_ark/ui/options/options.dta
index 5ae2865e..8e65aa27 100644
--- a/_ark/ui/options/options.dta
+++ b/_ark/ui/options/options.dta
@@ -1168,7 +1168,18 @@
{modifier_mgr is_feature_enabled modifier_saving_feature}}
{profile_mgr get_all_unlocked}}
{$this disable save.btn}
- {$this enable save.btn}})
+ {$this enable save.btn}}
+ {unless $sd_first_entry
+ {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} get_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y $opl3z}
+ {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} get_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy $opgcz}
+ {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} get_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy $opbgz}
+ {options_savedata_panel get_local_pos $sdx $sdy $sdz}
+ {set $sd_first_entry TRUE}
+ }
+ {if $mod_os_entered
+ }
+ )
diff --git a/_ark/ui/options/options_console.dta b/_ark/ui/options/options_console.dta
index bf59fb84..6cfa08f7 100644
--- a/_ark/ui/options/options_console.dta
+++ b/_ark/ui/options/options_console.dta
@@ -14,7 +14,18 @@
- {$this update_all})
+ {$this update_all}
+ {unless $console_first_entry
+ {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} get_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y $opl3z}
+ {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} get_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy $opgcz}
+ {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} get_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy $opbgz}
+ {options_console_panel get_local_pos $conx $cony $conz}
+ {set $console_first_entry TRUE}
+ }
+ {if $mod_os_entered
+ }
+ )
{memcardmgr remove_sink $this save_load_all_complete_msg})
diff --git a/_ark/ui/options/options_gameplay.dta b/_ark/ui/options/options_gameplay.dta
index ec523702..eabce5de 100644
--- a/_ark/ui/options/options_gameplay.dta
+++ b/_ark/ui/options/options_gameplay.dta
@@ -11,7 +11,18 @@
- {$this update_lefty_check})
+ {$this update_lefty_check}
+ {unless $gp_first_entry
+ {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} get_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y $opl3z}
+ {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} get_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy $opgcz}
+ {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} get_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy $opbgz}
+ {options_gameplay_panel get_local_pos $gpx $gpy $gpz}
+ {set $gp_first_entry TRUE}
+ }
+ {if $mod_os_entered
+ }
+ )
{platform_mgr remove_sink $this signin_changed})
diff --git a/_ark/ui/overshell_sliders.dta b/_ark/ui/overshell_sliders.dta
index 019f95cb..40995cd1 100644
--- a/_ark/ui/overshell_sliders.dta
+++ b/_ark/ui/overshell_sliders.dta
@@ -36,6 +36,14 @@
{$this disable background_music.btn}
{$this update_all_from_profile}
+ {unless $sld_first_entry
+ {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} get_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y $opl3z}
+ {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} get_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy $opgcz}
+ {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} get_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy $opbgz}
+ {options_milo_panel get_local_pos $sldx $sldy $sldz}
+ {set $sld_first_entry TRUE}
+ }
@@ -133,9 +141,8 @@
{== $action kAction_Cancel}
- {ui goto_screen overshell_main_screen}
- {synth play button_toggle}
- {ui pop_screen}}
+ }
@@ -224,7 +231,7 @@
; {profile_mgr get_vocal_cue_volume}})
- AutoloadScreen
+ BandScreen
(panels options_background_panel options_milo_panel)
(focus options_milo_panel)
@@ -266,6 +273,14 @@
{vocal_track.btn set_localized {localize {sprintf "gemcolor_%i" $slot3_color}}} ;update text for button 3
{crowd.btn set_localized {localize {sprintf "gemcolor_%i" $slot4_color}}} ;update text for button 4
{sfx.btn set_localized {localize {sprintf "gemcolor_%i" $slot5_color}}} ;update text for button 5
+ {unless $sld_first_entry
+ {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} get_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y $opl3z}
+ {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} get_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy $opgcz}
+ {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} get_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy $opbgz}
+ {options_color_panel get_local_pos $sldx $sldy $sldz}
+ {set $sld_first_entry TRUE}
+ }
@@ -354,9 +369,8 @@
{== $action kAction_Cancel}
- {ui goto_screen overshell_track_screen}
- {synth play button_toggle}
- {ui pop_screen}}
+ }
@@ -416,7 +430,7 @@
- AutoloadScreen
+ BandScreen
(panels options_background_panel options_color_panel)
(focus options_color_panel)
diff --git a/_ark/ui/saveload.dta b/_ark/ui/saveload.dta
index 7b6490da..f38264cc 100644
--- a/_ark/ui/saveload.dta
+++ b/_ark/ui/saveload.dta
@@ -377,16 +377,40 @@
{saveload_dialog_panel setup_continue mc_autosave_disabled})
- {saveload_dialog_panel setup_msg_waiting upload_uploading})
+ {saveload_dialog_panel setup_msg_waiting
+ {switch $dx_connected_server
+ (none
+ upload_uploading
+ )
+ (ashcentral
+ ash_upload_uploading
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ )
{== $count 1}
- {localize upload_error_start_single}
+ {switch $dx_connected_server
+ (none
+ {localize upload_error_start_single}
+ )
+ (ashcentral
+ {localize ash_upload_error_start_single}
+ )
+ }
- {localize upload_error_start_fmt}
+ {switch $dx_connected_server
+ (none
+ {localize upload_error_start_fmt}
+ )
+ (ashcentral
+ {localize ash_upload_error_start_fmt}
+ )
+ }