diff --git a/_ark/char/char_objects.dta b/_ark/char/char_objects.dta new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ca7815db --- /dev/null +++ b/_ark/char/char_objects.dta @@ -0,0 +1,3373 @@ +#include ..\config\macros.dta +#include char_face_exp.dta +(CharClip + (editor + (flags + bitfield + (list + {if_else + {== + {{$this dir} + get_type} + ''} + () + {{$this dir} + clip_flags}}) + (help + "Band Clip Flags")))) +(CharClipGroup + (editor + (flags + bitfield + (list + (CHAR_CLIP_GROUP_FLAGS)) + (help + "generated flags concerning the clips inside") + (read_only TRUE)))) +#define IK_BLEND_TIME +(0.5) +(CharClipSamples + (init + {if + {$this dir} + {switch + {{$this dir} + get_type} + (musician + {$this set_type musician} + {$this set blend_width 1} + {$this set beat_align kPlayBeatAlign1} + {do + ($flags + {'|' kH2hLookingLeft kH2hLookingRight kUseInCoop}) + {if + {find_elem + ("male_guitar" + "female_guitar") + {{$this dir} + name}} + {'|=' + $flags + {'|' kValidBass kValidGuitar}}} + {set + [flags] + $flags}}) + (guitarist_strum + {$this set flags kPlayAndAttitudeFlags}) + (crowd + {$this set_type crowd} + {$this set blend_width 1} + {$this set beat_align kPlayBeatAlign1}) + (viseme + {$this + set + relative + {{$this dir} + find + Base}} + {$this set blend_width 0.1} + {$this set beat_align kPlayRealTime} + {$this set default_loop kPlayLoop} + {$this set flags 0}) + (shell + {$this set_type shell} + {$this set beat_align kPlayRealTime} + {$this set blend_width 1} + {$this + set + flags + {'|' kLeftArm kRightArm kLeftLeg kRightLeg kDisableLipSync kIgnoreAccent kValidBass kValidGuitar kLookAtCam}}) + (drummer_play + {$this set flags kPlayAttitudeTempoFlags}) + (snake + {$this set_type snake} + {$this set beat_align kPlayRealTime} + {$this set blend_width 1})}}) + (allow_null_type + {if_else + {$this dir} + {!= + {{$this dir} + get_type} + musician} + 1}) + (types + (shell + (editor + (viseme_group + symbol + (list + (CHARVISEMEGROUPS)) + (help + "facial mood group for this animation")) + (drum_singlestick + bool + (help + "if drummer shows the separate sticks"))) + (viseme_group normal) + (drum_singlestick FALSE) + (enter + {if + [viseme_group] + {$clip.dude + change_face_group + [viseme_group]}} + {do + ($ss + [drum_singlestick]) + {with + $clip.dude + {if + {$this exists sticks.grp} + {sticks.grp + set + draw_only + {if_else $ss singlestick.grp doublestick.grp}}}}}) + (event_handlers + (CHARVISEMEGROUPS))) + (musician + (editor + (viseme_group + symbol + (list + (CHARVISEMEGROUPS)) + (help + "facial mood group for this animation"))) + (viseme_group normal) + (enter + {if + [viseme_group] + {$clip.dude + change_face_group + [viseme_group]}} + {if + {== + {$clip.dude get_type} + vocal} + {$clip.dude + set_instrument + {cond + ({has_substr + {$this name} + tambourine} + tambourine) + ({has_substr + {$this name} + cowbell} + cowbell) + ({has_substr + {$this name} + clap} + clap) + ({& + [flags] + kMicStandAll} + mic_stand) + mic}}}) + (exit + {with + $clip.dude + {if + {exists left_hand.weight} + {left_hand.weight set beats_per_weight 0}} + {if + {exists right_hand.weight} + {right_hand.weight set beats_per_weight 0}} + {if + {exists look_at_camera.weight} + {look_at_camera.weight set beats_per_weight 0}} + {if + {exists mic.ikhand} + {if + {< + {mic.ikhand + size + (targets)} + 2} + {while + {mic.ikhand + size + (targets)} + {mic.ikhand + remove + (targets 0)}} + {set + $rhand + {find_obj $this bone_mic_R-hand.mesh}} + {if + $rhand + {mic.ikhand + insert + (targets 0) + $rhand}} + {set + $lhand + {find_obj $this bone_mic_L-hand.mesh}} + {if + $lhand + {mic.ikhand + insert + (targets 1) + $lhand}}}}}) + (event_handlers + ('' freeze set_leftarm_true set_rightarm_true set_leftarm_false set_rightarm_false sfx_gtr_smash sfx_mic_drop anim_mic_drop lookat_cam_start lookat_cam_stop CHARVISEMEGROUPS)) + CHAR_FACE_FUNCTIONS + (freeze) + (lookat_cam_start + {'|=' + [flags] + kLookAtCam} + {$this set_beats_per_weight look_at_camera.weight}) + (lookat_cam_stop + {&= + [flags] + {'~' kLookAtCam}} + {$this set_beats_per_weight look_at_camera.weight}) + (set_leftarm_true + {'|=' + [flags] + kLeftArm} + {$this set_beats_per_weight left_hand.weight}) + (set_rightarm_true + {'|=' + [flags] + kRightArm} + {$this set_beats_per_weight right_hand.weight}) + (set_leftarm_false + {&= + [flags] + {'~' kLeftArm}} + {$this set_beats_per_weight left_hand.weight}) + (set_rightarm_false + {&= + [flags] + {'~' kRightArm}} + {$this set_beats_per_weight right_hand.weight}) + (set_beats_per_weight + ($setter) + {do + ($weight + {find_obj $clip.dude $setter}) + {if + $weight + {$weight set beats_per_weight IK_BLEND_TIME}}}) + (sfx_gtr_smash + {synth play gtr_smash.cue}) + (sfx_mic_drop + {synth play mic_drop.cue}) + (anim_mic_drop + {if + {exists mic.ikhand} + {while + {> + {mic.ikhand + size + (targets)} + 1} + {mic.ikhand + remove + (targets 1)}}})) + (drummer_play + (exit + {with + $clip.dude + {if + {exists left_hand.weight} + {left_hand.weight set beats_per_weight 0}} + {if + {exists right_hand.weight} + {right_hand.weight set beats_per_weight 0}}}) + (event_handlers + ('' set_leftarm_true set_rightarm_true set_leftarm_false set_rightarm_false)) + (set_leftarm_true + {'|=' + [flags] + kLeftArm} + {$this set_beats_per_weight left_hand.weight}) + (set_rightarm_true + {'|=' + [flags] + kRightArm} + {$this set_beats_per_weight right_hand.weight}) + (set_leftarm_false + {&= + [flags] + {'~' kLeftArm}} + {$this set_beats_per_weight left_hand.weight}) + (set_rightarm_false + {&= + [flags] + {'~' kRightArm}} + {$this set_beats_per_weight right_hand.weight}) + (set_beats_per_weight + ($setter) + {do + ($weight + {find_obj $clip.dude $setter}) + {if + $weight + {$weight set beats_per_weight IK_BLEND_TIME}}})) + (snake) + (crowd + (hand clap) + (editor + (hand + symbol + (list + (clap fist horns lighters)) + (help + "what the hands should look like"))) + (enter + {do + ($hand + [hand]) + {with + $clip.dude + {hands.grp + set + draw_only + {switch + $hand + (clap clap.grp) + (fist fist.grp) + (horns horns.grp) + (lighters lighter.grp)}}}})))) +(CharClipSet + (editor + (filter_flags + bitfield + (list + {if_else + {== + {$this get_type} + ''} + () + {$this clip_flags}}) + (help + "Flags for filtering preview clip"))) + (types + (viseme + (version 2) + (clip_flags + ("kExpressionFirst")) + (compression + (tolerance 5.0e-2) + (bones + (bone_L-brow1.mesh) + (bone_L-brow2.mesh) + (bone_L-brow3.mesh) + (bone_L-cheek.mesh) + (bone_L-cheek2.mesh) + (bone_L-crease.mesh) + (bone_L-eyelid-low.mesh) + (bone_L-lid.mesh + (offset 1 0 0)) + (bone_L-lipcorner.mesh) + (bone_L-nose.mesh) + (bone_R-brow1.mesh) + (bone_R-brow2.mesh) + (bone_R-brow3.mesh) + (bone_R-cheek.mesh) + (bone_R-cheek2.mesh) + (bone_R-crease.mesh) + (bone_R-eyelid-low.mesh) + (bone_R-lid.mesh + (offset 1 0 0)) + (bone_R-lipcorner.mesh) + (bone_R-nose.mesh) + (bone_brow-low.mesh) + (bone_brow-mid.mesh) + (bone_chin.mesh) + (bone_forehead.mesh) + (bone_head.mesh) + (bone_jaw.mesh) + (bone_liptop_left.mesh) + (bone_liptop_mid.mesh) + (bone_liptop_right.mesh) + (bone_lowlip_left.mesh) + (bone_lowlip_mid.mesh) + (bone_lowlip_right.mesh) + (bone_neck.mesh) + (bone_nose.mesh) + (bone_tongue1.mesh) + (bone_tongue2.mesh) + (bone_tongue3.mesh) + (bone_tongue4.mesh + (offset 1 0 0)) + (bone_lowlip_left.mesh) + (bone_lowlip_right.mesh) + (bone_lowlip_mid.mesh)))) + (musician + (version 6) + (clip_flags + ("kLeftArm" + "kRightArm" + "kLeftLeg" + "kRightLeg" + "kAnimateEyes" + "kDisableLipSync" + "kMicStandLeftHand" + "kMicStandRightHand" + "kTempoSlow" + "kTempoMedium" + "kTempoFast" + "kGenreRocker" + "kGenreDramatic" + "kGenreBanger" + "kGenreSpazz" + "kPlayIdleRealtime" + "kPlayIdle" + "kPlayIdleIntense" + "kPlayMellow" + "kPlayNormal" + "kPlayIntense" + "kPlaySolo" + "kPlayDirectedCut" + "kValidGuitar" + "kValidBass" + "kIgnoreAccent" + "kLookAtCam" + "kH2hLookingLeft" + "kH2hLookingRight" + "kUseInCoop")) + (bone_weights + (bone_pos_guitar.mesh 0)) + (compression + (tolerance 0.4) + (bones + (bone_R-ankle.mesh + (weight 0.85)) + (bone_L-ankle.mesh + (weight 0.85)) + (bone_R-hand.mesh) + (bone_L-hand.mesh) + (bone_R-hand_R-hip.mesh) + (bone_L-hand_L-hip.mesh) + (bone_R-hand_mouth.mesh) + (bone_L-hand_mouth.mesh) + (bone_L-index03.mesh) + (bone_L-middlefinger03.mesh) + (bone_L-ringfinger03.mesh) + (bone_L-pinky03.mesh) + (bone_L-thumb03.mesh) + (bone_R-index03.mesh) + (bone_R-middlefinger03.mesh) + (bone_R-ringfinger03.mesh) + (bone_R-pinky03.mesh) + (bone_R-thumb03.mesh) + (bone_head.mesh + (weight 1.5) + (offset 3 6 0)) + (bone_head.mesh + (weight 1.5) + (offset -2 6 0)))) + (criteria + ((match + {'||' + {== + {$a_clip get beat_align} + kPlayRealTime} + {== + {$b_clip get beat_align} + kPlayRealTime}}) + (cancel)) + ((match + {do + ($shared_flags + {& + {$a_clip get flags} + {$b_clip get flags}}) + {&& + {& $shared_flags kTempoAll} + {& $shared_flags kPlayDirectedCut} + {& $shared_flags kGenreAll} + {$a_clip shares_groups $b_clip}}}) + (restrict + {&& + {< $b_start 1} + {< $a_end 2}}) + (beat_align 1)) + ((cancel)))) + (guitarist_strum + (version 1) + (clip_flags + ("kGenreRocker" + "kGenreDramatic" + "kGenreBanger" + "kGenreSpazz" + "kPlayIdleRealtime" + "kPlayIdle" + "kPlayIdleIntense" + "kPlayMellow" + "kPlayNormal" + "kPlayIntense" + "kPlaySolo"))) + (drummer_play + (version 1) + (clip_flags + ("kLeftArm" + "kRightArm" + "kGenreRocker" + "kGenreDramatic" + "kGenreBanger" + "kGenreSpazz" + "kPlayIdleRealtime" + "kPlayIdle" + "kPlayIdleIntense" + "kPlayMellow" + "kPlayNormal" + "kPlayIntense" + "kPlaySolo" + "kTempoSlow" + "kTempoMedium" + "kTempoFast"))) + (snake + (version 1) + (clip_flags + ())) + (crowd + (version 2) + (clip_flags + ("kTempoSlow" + "kTempoMedium" + "kTempoFast")) + (compression + (tolerance 0.4) + (bones + (bone_R-ankle.mesh + (weight 0.85)) + (bone_L-ankle.mesh + (weight 0.85)) + (bone_R-hand.mesh) + (bone_L-hand.mesh) + (bone_head.mesh + (weight 1.5) + (offset 3 6 0)) + (bone_head.mesh + (weight 1.5) + (offset -2 6 0)))) + (criteria + ((match + {do + ($shared_flags + {& + {$a_clip get flags} + {$b_clip get flags}}) + {&& + {& $shared_flags kTempoAll} + {$a_clip shares_groups $b_clip}}}) + (beat_align 1) + (restrict + {&& + {< $b_start 1} + {< $a_end 2}})) + ((cancel))) + (load_tempo + ($tempo) + {clips.outfit load_tempo $tempo})) + (shell + (version 2) + (clip_flags + ("kLeftArm" + "kRightArm" + "kLeftLeg" + "kRightLeg" + "kAnimateEyes" + "kDisableLipSync" + "kGenreRocker" + "kGenreDramatic" + "kGenreBanger" + "kGenreSpazz" + "kValidGuitar" + "kValidBass" + "kIgnoreAccent" + "kLookAtCam")) + (bone_weights + (bone_pos_guitar.mesh 0)) + (compression + (tolerance 0.24) + (bones + (bone_R-ankle.mesh + (weight 0.85)) + (bone_L-ankle.mesh + (weight 0.85)) + (bone_R-knee.mesh + (weight 0.85)) + (bone_L-knee.mesh + (weight 0.85)) + (bone_R-hand.mesh) + (bone_L-hand.mesh) + (bone_R-hand_R-hip.mesh) + (bone_L-hand_L-hip.mesh) + (bone_R-hand_mouth.mesh) + (bone_L-hand_mouth.mesh) + (bone_L-index03.mesh) + (bone_L-middlefinger03.mesh) + (bone_L-ringfinger03.mesh) + (bone_L-pinky03.mesh) + (bone_L-thumb03.mesh) + (bone_R-index03.mesh) + (bone_R-middlefinger03.mesh) + (bone_R-ringfinger03.mesh) + (bone_R-pinky03.mesh) + (bone_R-thumb03.mesh) + (bone_head.mesh + (weight 1.5) + (offset 3 6 0)) + (bone_head.mesh + (weight 1.5) + (offset -2 6 0)))) + (criteria + ((match + {'||' + {== + {$a_clip get beat_align} + kPlayRealTime} + {== + {$b_clip get beat_align} + kPlayRealTime}}) + (cancel)) + ((match + {do + ($shared_flags + {& + {$a_clip get flags} + {$b_clip get flags}}) + {&& + {& $shared_flags kGenreAll} + {$a_clip shares_groups $b_clip}}}) + (restrict + {&& + {< $b_start 1} + {< $a_end 2}}) + (beat_align 1)) + ((cancel)))))) +(CharCollide + (editor + (flags + bitfield + (list + (CHAR_HAIR_FLAGS)) + (help + "Which collision volumes to hook up to this strand for collision")))) +(CharMeshHide + (editor + (flags + bitfield + (list + (CHAR_HIDE_FLAGS)) + (help + "Which flags this CharMeshHide has")) + (hides + (array + (struct + (draw + object + (class Draw) + (help + "object to hide")) + (flags + bitfield + (list + (CHAR_HIDE_FLAGS)) + (help + "If any flags match, hides draw"))))))) +(CharCuff + (editor + (category + symbol + (list + (feet legs torso wrist glasses)) + (help + "The outfit category to cuff against")))) +(CharGuitarString + (types + (open_strums + (parser guitar_string_open) + (enter + {if + [parser] + {handle + ([parser] + add_sink + $this)}}) + (exit + {if + [parser] + {handle + ([parser] + remove_sink + $this)}}) + (open + {$this set_open TRUE}) + (closed + {$this set_open FALSE})))) +(CharLookAt + (types + (drum_head + (enter + {set + [weight] + {switch + {{$this dir} + get + clip_mode} + ((kClipModeMeta kClipModeLoadingScreen) + 0) + 0.8}})))) +(CharWeightSetter + (editor + (flags + bitfield + (list + ("kLeftArm" + "kRightArm" + "kLeftLeg" + "kRightLeg" + "kMicStandLeftHand" + "kMicStandRightHand" + "kAnimateEyes" + "kIgnoreAccent" + "kDisableLipSync" + "kLookAtCam")) + (help + "Which Band clip flags to look for"))) + (types + (singalong + (parser guitar_singalong_parser) + (editor + (parser + string + (help + "name of singalong parser"))) + (enter + {set + [base_weight] + 0} + {handle + ([parser] + add_sink + $this)}) + (exit + {set + [base_weight] + 0} + {handle + ([parser] + remove_sink + $this)})) + (guitar_lookat + (parser guitar_streak_parser) + (parser2 guitar_singalong_streak_parser) + (singalong FALSE) + (enter + {if + [parser] + {handle + ([parser] + add_sink + $this)} + {set + [base_weight] + 0}} + {if + [parser2] + {handle + ([parser2] + add_sink + $this)}}) + (exit + {if + [parser] + {handle + ([parser] + remove_sink + $this)}} + {if + [parser2] + {handle + ([parser2] + remove_sink + $this)}}) + (lookat_in + {if_else + [singalong] + {set + [base_weight] + 0} + {set + [base_weight] + 1}}) + (lookat_out + {set + [base_weight] + 0})) + (drummer_play + (lhand_weight 1) + (rhand_weight 1) + (enter + {set + [base_weight] + 1} + {handle + (drums_left_hand add_sink $this)} + {handle + (drums_right_hand add_sink $this)}) + (exit + {set + [base_weight] + 1} + {handle + (drums_left_hand remove_sink $this)} + {handle + (drums_right_hand remove_sink $this)}) + (get_hand_weight + ($group) + {switch + $group + (hihat_fast 0.8) + (snare_fast 0.5) + (cymbal_r_grab 0.0) + (cymbal_l_grab 0.0) + (cymbal_l_crash 0.5) + (cymbal_l_crash_big 0.2) + (cymbal_r_crash 0.5) + (cymbal_l_crash_fast 0.5) + (floortom 0.5) + (floortom_fast 0.5) + (cymbal_l_side 0.2) + (cymbal_l_side_fast 0.1) + (cymbal_r_side 0.2) + (cymbal_r_side_fast 0.1) + (ride 0.65) + (ride_fast 0.45) + (ride_side_l 0.25) + (ride_side_r 0.25) + (cymbal_l 0.5) + (cymbal_r 0.5) + (tom_l 0.75) + (tom_r 0.75) + (tom_r_fast 0.5) + (tom_l_fast 0.5) + 1}) + (drum_lhand + ($group $length) + {set + [lhand_weight] + {$this get_hand_weight $group}} + {set + [base_weight] + {'*' + [lhand_weight] + [rhand_weight]}}) + (drum_rhand + ($group $length) + {set + [rhand_weight] + {$this get_hand_weight $group}} + {set + [base_weight] + {'*' + [lhand_weight] + [rhand_weight]}})))) +#define LIPDRIVER_COMMON +((change_song + {with_file_path_root + "." + {$this set_blink_song}}) + (set_blink_song + {$this + load_song + "char/blinktrack.milo" + TRUE} + {set + [loop] + TRUE} + {set + [song_offset] + {random_float 0 1000}})) +(CharIKHand + (types + (guitar_left_hand + (enter + {if + {== + {{$this dir} + get + clip_mode} + kClipModeLoadingScreen} + {do + {while + {$this + size + (targets)} + {$this + remove + (targets 0)}} + {$this + insert + (targets 0) + {find_obj + {$this dir} + bone_L-hand_L-hip.mesh}} + {$this + insert + (targets 1) + {find_obj + {$this dir} + bone_L-hand_mouth.mesh}}}})))) +(CharLipSyncDriver + (types + (vocal LIPDRIVER_COMMON) + (nonvocal + (enter + {set + [song_owner] + {if_else + {&& + {exists game} + {game is_up}} + {find_obj $world player_vocals0 song.lipdrv} + ''}}) + LIPDRIVER_COMMON + (exit + {set + [song_owner] + ''})))) +#include instruments.dta +#define OUTFIT_LOADER_COMMON +((change_outfit + ($async $loading) + {if + $loading + {cond + #ifndef _SHIP + ($char.no_clothes + {$this select_all -1}) + #endif + ({exists char_cache} + {do + ($char_data + {char_cache + find_char_data + {$this dir}}) + ($instrument + {char_cache + find_controller_sym + {$this dir}}) + #ifndef _SHIP + {unless + $char_data + {fail + "no char_data"}} + #endif + {$this + set_prefab + {find + {$char_data get_char_data} + outfit}} + {$this select_instrument $char_data $instrument}}) + ($venue_test + {$this select_all -1}) + ($edit_mode + {do + ($pd + {{$this dir} + proxy_dir}) + {if + {&& + $pd + {== + {$pd get_type} + chars}} + {$this select_all -1}}})}}) + (create_path + ($outfit $cat) + {cond + ({&& + {== $cat drum} + {! + {has_substr + $outfit + "drums_"}}} + {sprint + $outfit + "_" + {cond + ({&& + {exists meta} + {meta is_up}} + small_club) + ({exists game} + {do + ($venue + {game get_venue_dir}) + {cond + ({'||' + {== $venue blank} + {&& + {gamemode get is_h2h_arrangement} + {== + {{session_mgr get_leader_user} + get_track_sym} + drum}}} + small_club) + ({== $venue video} + big_club) + $venue}}) + ($world + {do + ($wp + {path_name $world}) + {cond + ({has_substr $wp arena} + arena) + ({has_substr $wp big_club} + big_club) + ({has_substr $wp small_club} + small_club) + ({has_substr $wp theater} + theater) + ({has_substr $wp video} + big_club) + small_club}}) + small_club}}) + ({&& + {'||' + {== $cat guitar} + {== $cat bass}} + {! + {has_substr + $outfit + "_"}}} + {sprint + $outfit + "_" + {if_else + {exists game} + {{char_cache + find_char_data + {$this dir}} + selected_variant + $cat + $outfit} + {elem + {find $syscfg objects OutfitLoader types male category $cat outfits $outfit default_variant} + 1}}}) + (TRUE kDataUnhandled)}) + (select_instrument + ($char_data $instrument) + {switch + $instrument + (vocals + {$this + select + mic + {$char_data selected_outfit mic}} + {$this select drum none} + {$this select guitar none} + {$this select bass none}) + (drum + {$this wipe_instruments}) + (guitar + {$this select mic none} + {$this select drum none} + {$this + select + guitar + {$char_data selected_outfit guitar}} + {$this select bass none})}) + (wipe_instruments + {foreach + $inst + (INSTRUMENTS) + {$this + select + {elem $inst 0} + none}})) +(OutfitLoader + #include outfitloader.dta) +#define VOCALIST_SCRIPT +((hide + {!= + {$this get_type} + vocal})) +#define CHAR_COMMON +((playing TRUE) + (cur_play 0) + (editor + (toggle_gender + script + (script + {$this do_toggle_gender}) + (help + "toggles the genre of the character")) + (neutral + script + (help + "Sets h=.5 w=.5") + (script + {set + [height] + 0.5} + {set + [weight] + 0.5} + {$this deform}) + (refresh height weight)) + (tall_and_fat + script + (help + "Sets h=1 w=1") + (script + {set + [height] + 1} + {set + [weight] + 1} + {$this deform}) + (refresh height weight)) + (short_and_fat + script + (help + "Sets h=0 w=1") + (script + {set + [height] + 0} + {set + [weight] + 1} + {$this deform}) + (refresh height weight)) + (tall_and_skinny + script + (help + "Sets h=1 w=0") + (script + {set + [height] + 1} + {set + [weight] + 0} + {$this deform}) + (refresh height weight)) + (short_and_skinny + script + (help + "Sets h=0 w=0") + (script + {set + [height] + 0} + {set + [weight] + 0} + {$this deform}) + (refresh height weight)) + (face_expression_test_group + symbol + (list + (CHARVISEMEGROUPS)) + (help + "test group")) + (face_expression_test + script + (script + {set + $clipset + {expression.drv get clips_ptr}} + {set + $grp + {$clipset + find + [face_expression_test_group]}} + {expression.drv + play_group + {$grp name}})) + (sit_and_play + script + (help + "Makes the drummer sit down by changing group to sit") + (script + {$this set_play kPlayIdleRealtime} + {$this change_group sit}) + (hide + {!= + {$this get_type} + drum})) + (strum_and_fret + script + (help + "Makes the character strum and fret so the arms aren't all wacky") + (script + {if + {exists strum.dmidi} + {strum.dmidi play 0 kPlayGraphLoop}} + {if + {exists fret.dmidi} + {fret.dmidi play 0 kPlayGraphLoop}}) + (hide + {!= + {$this get_type} + guitar})) + (become_bass + script + (script + {$this exit} + {$this world_configure bass} + {$this enter} + {if + {exists strum.dmidi} + {strum.dmidi play 0 kPlayGraphLoop}} + {if + {exists fret.dmidi} + {fret.dmidi play 0 kPlayGraphLoop}}) + (help + "become a bassist") + (hide + {!= + {$this get_type} + guitar})) + (become_guitar + script + (script + {$this exit} + {$this world_configure guitar} + {$this enter} + {if + {exists strum.dmidi} + {strum.dmidi play 0 kPlayGraphLoop}} + {if + {exists fret.dmidi} + {fret.dmidi play 0 kPlayGraphLoop}}) + (help + "become a guitarist") + (hide + {!= + {$this get_type} + guitar})) + (fret_hi + script + (script + {handle + (fret.ikmidi set cur_spot spot_neck_fret20.mesh)}) + (hide + {!= + {$this get_type} + guitar}) + (help + "set the fret hand high on the neck")) + (fret_med_hi + script + (script + {handle + (fret.ikmidi set cur_spot spot_neck_fret15.mesh)}) + (hide + {!= + {$this get_type} + guitar}) + (help + "set the fret hand med-high on the neck")) + (fret_med + script + (script + {handle + (fret.ikmidi set cur_spot spot_neck_fret10.mesh)}) + (hide + {!= + {$this get_type} + guitar}) + (help + "set the fret hand med on the neck")) + (fret_med_low + script + (script + {handle + (fret.ikmidi set cur_spot spot_neck_fret05.mesh)}) + (hide + {!= + {$this get_type} + guitar}) + (help + "set the fret hand med-low on the neck")) + (fret_low + script + (script + {handle + (fret.ikmidi set cur_spot spot_neck_fret01.mesh)}) + (hide + {!= + {$this get_type} + guitar}) + (help + "set the fret hand low on the neck")) + (clap + script + (script + {$this set_instrument clap}) + (help + "vocalists holds nothing to clap") + VOCALIST_SCRIPT) + (cowbell + script + (script + {$this set_instrument cowbell}) + (help + "vocalists holds the cowbell") + VOCALIST_SCRIPT) + (mic + script + (script + {$this set_instrument mic}) + (help + "vocalists holds the mic") + VOCALIST_SCRIPT) + (mic_stand + script + (script + {$this set_instrument mic_stand}) + (help + "vocalists holds the mic stand") + VOCALIST_SCRIPT) + (tambourine + script + (script + {$this set_instrument tambourine}) + (help + "vocalists holds the tambourine") + VOCALIST_SCRIPT)) + (face_expression_test_group normal) + (change_char_config + {if + {exists char_cache} + {do + ($char_data + {char_cache find_char_data $this}) + #ifndef _SHIP + {unless + $char_data + {notify + "no char_data"}} + #endif + {if + $char_data + {$char_data configure_char $this}} + {handle + (ui change_char_config)}}}) + (idle_realtime + {$this change_play kPlayIdleRealtime}) + (idle + {$this change_play kPlayIdle}) + (idle_intense + {$this change_play kPlayIdleIntense}) + (mellow + {$this change_play kPlayMellow}) + (play + {$this change_play kPlayNormal}) + (intense + {$this change_play kPlayIntense}) + (play_solo + {$this change_play kPlaySolo}) + (change_play + ($mode) + {set + [cur_play] + $mode} + {unless + [playing] + {switch + $mode + ((kPlayIntense kPlaySolo) + {set $mode kPlayIdleIntense}) + ((kPlayMellow kPlayNormal) + {set $mode kPlayIdle})}} + {$this set_play $mode}) + (tambourine_start + {$this group_override tambourine}) + (tambourine_end + {$this group_override ''}) + (cowbell_start + {$this group_override cowbell}) + (cowbell_end + {$this group_override ''}) + (clap_start + {$this group_override clap}) + (clap_end + {$this group_override ''}) + (game_over + {handle + ([parser] + remove_sink + $this)} + {$this group_override ''} + {$this + iterate + CharIKMidi + $midi + {handle + ($midi game_over)}} + {$this + iterate + CharDriverMidi + $midi + {handle + ($midi game_over)}}) + (game_won_finale + {set + [clip_mode] + kClipModeFinale} + {$this load_clips TRUE}) + (playing_final_cam + {$this idle_realtime}) + (game_outro + {if + {exists game} + {{$this dir} + remove_sink + $this}}) + (load_song_clips + {set + [tempo] + {song_mgr + anim_tempo + {meta_performer song}}} + {set + [clip_mode] + kClipModeWorld} + {$this load_lip_sync} + {$this load_clips TRUE}) + (sync_objects + {char_mesh_hide $this} + {do + ($visemes + {if_else + {$this exists visemes} + {$this find visemes} + {do + ($vis '') + {with_file_path_root + "." + {set + $vis + {load_objects + "char/male/anim/male_viseme_head_1.milo"}}} + {$vis delete_loader} + $vis}}) + {handle + (song.lipdrv set clips $visemes)} + {handle + (face.faceservo set clips $visemes)} + {handle + (expression.drv set_clips $visemes)} + {handle + (face_accent.dmidi set_clips $visemes)}}) + (pre_meta_configure + {song.lipdrv + set + song + ""} + {OutfitLoader.outfit wipe_instruments} + {OutfitLoader.outfit start_load TRUE} + {$this clear_group} + {$this clear_dircuts} + {set + [clip_mode] + kClipModeNone} + {$this load_clips TRUE}) + (meta_configure + {song.lipdrv set_blink_song} + {do + ($char_data + {char_cache find_char_data $this}) + ($instrument + {char_cache find_controller_sym $this}) + {OutfitLoader.outfit select_instrument $char_data $instrument} + {OutfitLoader.outfit start_load TRUE}} + {set + [clip_mode] + kClipModeMeta} + {$this load_clips TRUE}) + (load_realtime_clips + {$this clear_group} + {set + [clip_mode] + kClipModeRealtime} + {$this load_clips TRUE}) + (loading_screen_configure + {song.lipdrv + set + song + ""} + {set + [clip_mode] + kClipModeLoadingScreen} + {OutfitLoader.outfit select mic none} + {OutfitLoader.outfit select guitar none} + {OutfitLoader.outfit select bass none} + {OutfitLoader.outfit select drum none} + {OutfitLoader.outfit start_load TRUE}) + (do_toggle_gender + {do + ($g + {if_else + {== + [gender] + female} + male + female}) + {$this clear_dircuts} + {$this + set + proxy_file + {sprint + "char/" + $g + "/" + $g + "_" + {$this get_type} + ".milo"}} + {if + $world + {$world clothe_character $this}} + {$this enter}}) + (get_matching_dude + {if_else + {exists char_cache} + {char_cache get_matching_dude $this} + ''})) +#define CHAR_ENTER_COMMON +({set + $is_proxy + {&& + {! + {exists game}} + {$this is_proxy}}} + {set + [playing] + TRUE} + {set + [cur_play] + 0} + {if_else + {exists game} + {if + {game is_up} + {handle + ([parser] + add_sink + $this)} + {{$this dir} + add_sink + $this + (game_over game_outro game_won_finale playing_final_cam)} + {if + {exists char_cache} + {do + ($player + {game + get_player + {char_cache find_index $this}}) + {if + $player + {do + {$player + add_sink + $this + (hit miss pass disable_player enable_player)} + {if + {gamemode get is_h2h_arrangement} + {$this + set_h2h_location + {gamecfg + get_slot_num_from_player_num + {char_cache find_index $this}}}}}}}} + {$this + set_h2h_mode + {gamemode get is_h2h_arrangement}} + {if + {gamemode get separate_parts} + {do + ($desired_name + {switch + $game.play_mode + (h2h_drum drum) + (h2h_guitar guitar) + (h2h_bass bass) + (h2h_vocals vocal) + ''}) + {if + {&& + $desired_name + {has_substr + {$this name} + $desired_name}} + {if_else + {== + {game get_player_num_from_slot_num 0} + {char_cache find_index $this}} + {slot0_enable add_sink $this} + {slot1_enable add_sink $this}} + {$this disable_player}}}} + {$this set_play kPlayIdleRealtime} + {$this + change_group + [start_group]}} + {do + {cond + ({'||' $char_test $venue_test $is_proxy} + {set + [weight] + 0.5} + {set + [height] + 0.5} + {$this deform}) + {$this + iterate + CharIKScale + $s + {$s set scale 1}} + {$this + iterate + CharForeTwist + $s + {$s set length_scale 0.38}}}}}) +(CharDriver + (types + (main) + (expression) + (drum_add) + (snake + (enter + {$this play_group default kPlayGraphLoop})))) +(CharDriverMidi + (types + (musician + (editor + (parser + symbol + (help + "Name of the midi parser to hook into"))) + (enter + {if + {! + {exists + [parser]}} + {do + ($scene + {{$this dir} + dir}) + {unless + {== + {$scene get_type} + shell} + {if + {'||' + $venue_test + $char_test + {&& + $edit_mode + {!= + $scene + {$this dir}}}} + {$this play 0 kPlayGraphLoop}}}}}) + (game_over + {handle + ([parser] + remove_sink + $this)}) + (drum_lhand + ($group $length) + {$this drum_hit $group $length}) + (drum_rhand + ($group $length) + {$this drum_hit $group $length}) + (strum + ($group $length) + {do + ($flags + {& + {{$this dir} + get_play_flags} + kPlayAndAttitudeFlags}) + ($group + {[clips_ptr] + find + $group}) + ($clip + {$group find_clip $flags}) + {unless + $clip + {print + "NOTIFY: " + {path_name $group} + " could not find clip with flags " + $flags + ", trying 0\n"} + {set + $clip + {$group get_clip}}} + {if_else + $clip + {do + {if + {== + {$clip get beat_align} + kPlayRealTime} + {set + $length + {$mp.parser beat_to_sec_length $length}}} + {$this midi_parser $clip $length}} + {print + "NOTIFY: " + {path_name $group} + " could find no clip\n"}}}) + (drum_hit + ($group $length) + {do + ($flags + {& + {{$this dir} + get_play_flags} + kPlayAttitudeTempoFlags}) + ($group + {[clips_ptr] + find + $group}) + ($clip + {$group find_clip $flags}) + {unless + $clip + {print + "NOTIFY: " + {path_name $group} + " could not find clip with flags " + $flags + ", trying 0\n"} + {set + $clip + {$group get_clip}}} + {if_else + $clip + {do + {if + {== + {$clip get beat_align} + kPlayRealTime} + {set + $length + {$mp.parser beat_to_sec_length $length}}} + {$this midi_parser $clip $length}} + {print + "NOTIFY: " + {path_name $group} + " could find no clip\n"}}})))) +(CharHair + (editor + (strands + (array + (struct + (hookup_flags + bitfield + (list + (CHAR_HAIR_FLAGS)) + (help + "Which collision volumes to hook up to this strand for collision"))))))) +(CharIKMidi + (types + (musician + (parser guitar_fret_pos) + (editor + (parser + symbol + (help + "Name of the midi parser to hook into"))) + (enter + {if + {exists + [parser]} + {[parser] + add_sink + $this}}) + (exit + {handle + ([parser] + remove_sink + $this)}) + (game_over + {handle + ([parser] + remove_sink + $this)})))) +#define GUITAR_THINGS +((face_accent.dmidi fret.dmidi strum.dmidi fret.ikmidi string_hi.dmidi string_low.dmidi guitar.lookat)) +#define DRUM_THINGS +((hihat.dmidi kick.dmidi left_crash.dmidi left_foot.dmidi left_hand.dmidi ride.dmidi right_crash.dmidi right_foot.dmidi right_hand.dmidi)) +(CompositeCharacter + (editor + (prefab_name + symbol + (help + "Prefab to load") + (list + {$this list_prefabs}) + (no_test)) + (load_prefab + script + (script + {do + ($inst + {$this load_prefab}) + {if_else + {== + [clip_mode] + kClipModeLoadingScreen} + {$this hide_all_instruments} + {do + {if + {== $inst drum} + {OutfitLoader.outfit select mic none} + {OutfitLoader.outfit select guitar none} + {OutfitLoader.outfit select bass none}} + {if + {== $inst guitar} + {OutfitLoader.outfit select mic none} + {OutfitLoader.outfit select drum none} + {OutfitLoader.outfit select bass none}} + {if + {== $inst vocals} + {OutfitLoader.outfit select drum none} + {OutfitLoader.outfit select guitar none} + {OutfitLoader.outfit select bass none}}}} + {OutfitLoader.outfit start_load FALSE} + {if + {exists milo} + {milo update_open_editor $this}}}) + (help + "Loads prefab character specified by prefab_name"))) + (tattoos + (patch_chest chest torso_skin_proxy) + (patch_left_arm arm torso_skin_proxy) + (patch_right_arm arm torso_skin_proxy) + (patch_facepaint general head_skin_proxy)) + (patch + (sets + (general 10) + (chest 5) + (arm 5)) + (stickers + (patch_sailor + ../patchcreator/stickers_sailor_jerry.milo + preview_sailor_jerry.tex + (sets chest arm)) + (patch_newyork + ../patchcreator/tattoos_york_adorned.milo + preview_york_adorned.tex + (sets chest arm)) + (patch_corbins + ../patchcreator/tattoos_temple_tattoo.milo + preview_temple_tattoo.tex + (sets chest arm)) + (patch_slifers + ../patchcreator/tattoos_paul_slifer.milo + preview_paul_slifer.tex + (sets chest arm)) + (patch_suerte + ../patchcreator/stickers_adam_suerte.milo + preview_adam_suerte.tex + (sets chest arm)) + (patch_anchor + ../patchcreator/tattoos_anchor_steam_tattoo_gallery.milo + preview_Anchor_Steam_Tattoo_Gallery.tex + (sets chest arm)) + (patch_flyrite + ../patchcreator/tattoos_flyrite_studios.milo + preview_flyrite_studios.tex + (sets chest arm)) + (patch_demuth + ../patchcreator/stickers_aaron_demuth.milo + preview_aaron_demuth.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_carriuolo + ../patchcreator/stickers_adam_carriuolo.milo + preview_adam_carriuolo.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_matheson + ../patchcreator/stickers_dare_matheson.milo + preview_dare_matheson.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_battilana + ../patchcreator/stickers_david_battilana.milo + preview_david_battilana.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_bogdhan + ../patchcreator/stickers_david_bogdhan.milo + preview_david_bogdhan.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_goodrich + ../patchcreator/stickers_david_goodrich.milo + preview_david_goodrich.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_min + ../patchcreator/stickers_eliot_min.milo + preview_eliot_min.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_clapp + ../patchcreator/stickers_elliot_clapp.milo + preview_elliot_clapp.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_young + ../patchcreator/stickers_erin_young.milo + preview_erin_young.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_mcgill + ../patchcreator/stickers_fish_mcgill.milo + preview_fish_mcgill.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_dee + ../patchcreator/stickers_john_dee.milo + preview_john_dee.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_roan + ../patchcreator/stickers_kerry_roan.milo + preview_kerry_roan.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_davis + ../patchcreator/stickers_kurt_davis.milo + preview_kurt_davis.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_sundaramurthy + ../patchcreator/stickers_mallika_sundaramurthy.milo + preview_mallika_sundaramurthy.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_gilpin + ../patchcreator/stickers_matt_gilpin.milo + preview_matt_gilpin.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_perlot + ../patchcreator/stickers_matt_perlot.milo + preview_matt_perlot.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_georgeson + ../patchcreator/stickers_michael_georgeson.milo + preview_michael_georgeson.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_fletcher + ../patchcreator/stickers_mitch_fletcher.milo + preview_mitch_fletcher.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_berkley + ../patchcreator/stickers_noah_berkley.milo + preview_noah_berkley.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_macdonald + ../patchcreator/stickers_peter_macdonald.milo + preview_peter_macdonald.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_murakami + ../patchcreator/stickers_reiko_murakami.milo + preview_reiko_murakami.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_lesser + ../patchcreator/stickers_ryan_lesser.milo + preview_ryan_lesser.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_sinclair + ../patchcreator/stickers_scott_sinclair.milo + preview_scott_sinclair.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_witt + ../patchcreator/stickers_shawn_witt.milo + preview_shawn_witt.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_kimura + ../patchcreator/stickers_steven_kimura.milo + preview_steven_kimura.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_zylicz + ../patchcreator/stickers_tim_zylicz.milo + preview_tim_zylicz.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_gradient + ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_shapes_gradient.milo + preview_stickers_generic_shapes_gradient.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_outlines + ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_shapes_outlines.milo + preview_stickers_generic_shapes_outlines.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_solids + ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_shapes_solid.milo + preview_stickers_generic_shapes_solid.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_animals + ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_stickers_animals.milo + preview_generic_stickers_animals.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_decorative + ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_stickers_decorative.milo + preview_generic_stickers_decorative.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_luckycharms + ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_stickers_lucky_charms.milo + preview_generic_stickers_lucky_charms.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_plants + ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_stickers_plants.milo + preview_generic_stickers_plants.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_skineffects + ../patchcreator/stickers_skineffects.milo + preview_skin_effects.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_specialeffects + ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_stickers_special_effects.milo + preview_generic_stickers_special_effects.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_avant + ../patchcreator/stickers_letters_avant_garde.milo + preview_letters_avant_garde.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_bodoni + ../patchcreator/stickers_letters_bodoni.milo + preview_letters_bodoni.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_sailor_gothic + ../patchcreator/stickers_letters_sailor.milo + preview_letters_sailor.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + + ;dx - rb1 patches not in rb2 + (patch_talbot + ../patchcreator/stickers_eric_talbot.milo + preview_letters_sailor.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_reusch + ../patchcreator/stickers_mister_reusch.milo + preview_letters_sailor.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_lyons + ../patchcreator/stickers_paul_lyons.milo + preview_letters_sailor.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_painterly + ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_shapes_painterly.milo + preview_letters_sailor.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_thinlines + ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_shapes_thin_line.milo + preview_letters_sailor.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_thicklines + ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_shapes_thick_line.milo + preview_letters_sailor.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_sketchy + ../patchcreator/stickers_generic_shapes_sketchy.milo + preview_letters_sailor.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_chalet + ../patchcreator/stickers_letters_chalet.milo + preview_letters_sailor.tex + (sets general chest arm)) + (patch_fakir + ../patchcreator/stickers_letters_fakir_01.milo + preview_letters_sailor.tex + (sets general chest arm))) + (patch_layer ../patchcreator/og/patch_warpmesh.milo)) + (types + (guitar + (start_group stand) + (parser guitarist_parser) + (instrument guitar) + (enable_player + {foreach + $thing + GUITAR_THINGS + {handle + ({$thing get parser} + add_sink + $thing)}} + {set + [playing] + TRUE} + {$this + change_play + [cur_play]}) + (disable_player + {foreach + $thing + GUITAR_THINGS + {handle + ({$thing get parser} + remove_sink + $thing)}} + {set + [playing] + FALSE} + {$this + change_play + [cur_play]}) + (enter + CHAR_ENTER_COMMON + {$this + set_guitar_flags + {if_else + {has_substr + {$this name} + "bass"} + kValidBass + kValidGuitar}} + {left_hand.weight set beats_per_weight 0} + {right_hand.weight set beats_per_weight 0} + {left_hand.weight set weight 0} + {right_hand.weight set weight 0} + {if + {exists fret_add.drv} + {fret_add.drv play open}} + {if_else + {== + [clip_mode] + kClipModeMeta} + {do + {string01.string set target spot_nut01.mesh} + {string02.string set target spot_nut02.mesh} + {string03.string set target spot_nut03.mesh} + {string04.string set target spot_nut04.mesh} + {string05.string set target spot_nut05.mesh} + {string06.string set target spot_nut06.mesh}} + {do + {string01.string set target bone_tip_fret.mesh} + {string02.string set target bone_tip_fret.mesh} + {string03.string set target bone_tip_fret.mesh} + {string04.string set target bone_tip_fret.mesh} + {string05.string set target bone_tip_fret.mesh} + {string06.string set target bone_tip_fret.mesh}}}) + (world_configure + ($t) + {do + ($char_data + {if_else + {exists char_cache} + {char_cache find_char_data $this} + 0}) + {if_else + {== $t guitar} + {do + {OutfitLoader.outfit + select + guitar + {if_else + $char_data + {$char_data selected_outfit $t} + {$this valid_instrument $t}}} + {OutfitLoader.outfit select bass none} + {string01.string set parser guitar_string_open} + {string02.string set parser guitar_string_open} + {string03.string set parser guitar_string_open} + {string04.string set parser guitar_string_open} + {string05.string set parser guitar_string_open} + {string06.string set parser guitar_string_open} + {guitar.lookat set parser guitar_streak_parser} + {$this set_guitar_flags kValidGuitar} + {set + [parser] + guitarist_parser} + {fret.dmidi set parser guitar_fret} + {fret.dmidi set_inactive_clip_name open} + {strum.dmidi set parser guitar_strum} + {strum.dmidi set_inactive_clip_name strum_open} + {face_accent.dmidi set parser guitar_face_accent} + {fret.ikmidi set parser guitar_fret_pos} + {singalong.weight set parser guitar_singalong_parser} + {string_hi.dmidi set parser guitar_string_hi} + {string_low.dmidi set parser guitar_string_low} + {handle + (zBassOffset.drv enter)}} + {do + {OutfitLoader.outfit + select + bass + {if_else + $char_data + {$char_data selected_outfit $t} + {$this valid_instrument $t}}} + {OutfitLoader.outfit select guitar none} + {string01.string set parser ''} + {string02.string set parser ''} + {string03.string set parser ''} + {string04.string set parser ''} + {string05.string set parser ''} + {string06.string set parser ''} + {guitar.lookat set parser ''} + {$this set_guitar_flags kValidBass} + {set + [parser] + bassist_parser} + {fret.dmidi set parser bass_fret} + {fret.dmidi set_inactive_clip_name open} + {strum.dmidi set parser bass_strum} + {strum.dmidi set_inactive_clip_name strum_open} + {face_accent.dmidi set parser bass_face_accent} + {fret.ikmidi set parser bass_fret_pos} + {singalong.weight set parser bass_singalong_parser} + {handle + (zBassOffset.drv play offset)} + {string_hi.dmidi set parser bass_string_hi} + {string_low.dmidi set parser bass_string_low}}}} + {OutfitLoader.outfit select mic none} + {OutfitLoader.outfit select drum none} + {OutfitLoader.outfit start_load TRUE}) + (load_lip_sync + {song.lipdrv set_blink_song}) + CHAR_COMMON) + (drum + (clip_flags 0) + (start_group sit) + (parser drummer_parser) + (enter + CHAR_ENTER_COMMON + {if + {$this exists drumset.grp} + {if + $world + {if + {$world exists drumset.env} + {drumset.grp + set + environ + {$world find drumset.env}}} + {right_hand.dmidi play ready} + {left_hand.dmidi play ready}} + {drumset.grp + set_showing + {! + {'||' + {== + [clip_mode] + kClipModeMeta} + {== + [clip_mode] + kClipModeLoadingScreen}}}} + {if + {$this exists drum_translucent.grp} + {drum_translucent.grp + set_showing + {! + {'||' + {== + [clip_mode] + kClipModeMeta} + {== + [clip_mode] + kClipModeLoadingScreen}}}}}} + {if + {$this exists sticks.grp} + {sticks.grp + set + draw_only + {if_else + {== + [clip_mode] + kClipModeMeta} + doublestick.grp + singlestick.grp}} + {if + {== + [clip_mode] + kClipModeLoadingScreen} + {sticks.grp set_showing 0}}}) + (prep_win_sequence + {if + {$this exists sticks.grp} + {sticks.grp set draw_only mallet.grp}}) + (enable_player + {foreach + $thing + DRUM_THINGS + {{$thing get parser} + add_sink + $thing}} + {set + [playing] + TRUE} + {$this + change_play + [cur_play]}) + (disable_player + {foreach + $thing + DRUM_THINGS + {{$thing get parser} + remove_sink + $thing}} + {set + [playing] + FALSE} + {$this + change_play + [cur_play]}) + (world_configure + ($t) + {OutfitLoader.outfit + select + drum + {{char_cache find_char_data $this} + selected_outfit + drum}} + {if + {$this exists sticks.grp} + {sticks.grp set_showing 1}} + {OutfitLoader.outfit select mic none} + {OutfitLoader.outfit select guitar none} + {OutfitLoader.outfit select bass none} + {OutfitLoader.outfit start_load TRUE}) + (load_lip_sync + {song.lipdrv set_blink_song}) + CHAR_COMMON) + (vocal + (clip_flags 0) + (start_group stand) + (parser vocal_parser) + (enable_player + {set + [playing] + TRUE} + {$this + change_play + [cur_play]}) + (disable_player + {set + [playing] + FALSE} + {$this + change_play + [cur_play]}) + (set_instrument + ($inst) + {hands.grp + set + draw_only + {switch + $inst + (cowbell cowbell.grp) + (tambourine tambourine.grp) + ((mic mic_stand) + mic.grp) + (clap empty.grp)}} + {mic_trans.grp + set_showing + {find_elem + (mic mic_stand) + $inst}} + {mic_stand.grp + set_showing + {== $inst mic_stand}}) + (enter + CHAR_ENTER_COMMON + {unless + {&& $edit_mode $cache_mode} + {$this set_instrument mic}}) + (load_lip_sync + {do + ($song + {meta_performer song}) + ($songpath + {if_else + $song + {sprint + {song_mgr + song_file_path + $song + ".milo"}} + ""}) + {song.lipdrv load_song $songpath TRUE} + {song.lipdrv + set + song_offset + {- WORLD_OFFSET_SEC}}}) + (world_configure + ($t) + {OutfitLoader.outfit + select + mic + {{char_cache find_char_data $this} + selected_outfit + mic}} + {OutfitLoader.outfit select guitar none} + {OutfitLoader.outfit select bass none} + {OutfitLoader.outfit select drum none} + {OutfitLoader.outfit start_load TRUE}) + CHAR_COMMON))) +#define CharPart_None +(1) +#define CharPart_FullBody +(2) +#define CharPart_Hair +(4) +#define CharPart_Head +(8) +#define CharPart_Torso +(16) +#define CharPart_Hands +(32) +#define CharPart_Pants +(64) +#define CharPart_Shoes +(128) +#define CharPart_LeftLowerArm +(256) +#define CharPart_RightLowerArm +(512) +#define CharPart_Neck +(1024) +(Character + (types + (eq + (enter + {if + {exists main.drv} + {main.drv play still}})) + (light_target + (editor + (base_anim + symbol + (list + {$this get_clip_names})) + (base_amplitude + float + (range 0 1) + (help + "physical scale of animation loop")) + (base_speed + float + (help + "speed multiplier")) + (base_phase + float + (range 0 1) + (help + "0 to 1, 0.5 would start the loop half way through")) + (add_anim + symbol + (list + {$this get_clip_names})) + (add_amplitude + float + (range 0 1) + (help + "physical scale of animation loop")) + (add_speed + float + (help + "speed multiplier")) + (add_phase + float + (range 0 1) + (help + "0 to 1, 0.5 would start the loop half way through")) + (test + script + (script + {$this test_anim}))) + (base_anim '') + (base_amplitude 1) + (base_speed 1) + (base_phase 0) + (add_anim '') + (add_amplitude 0.5) + (add_speed 1) + (add_phase 0) + (get_clip_names + {set + $clips + {main.drv get clips_ptr}} + {set + $clipnames + {array 0}} + {$clips + iterate + CharClip + $i + {insert_elem + $clipnames + 0 + {$i name}}} + $clipnames) + (test_anim + {$this + play_anim + [base_anim] + [base_amplitude] + [base_speed] + [base_phase] + [add_anim] + [add_amplitude] + [add_speed] + [add_phase]}) + (play_anim + ($base_anim $base_amp $base_speed $base_phase $add_anim $add_amp $add_speed $add_phase) + {base_pos.drv set weight $base_amp} + {target_pos.drv set weight $add_amp} + {main.drv set beat_scale $base_speed} + {base_pos.drv set beat_scale $base_speed} + {base_rot.drv set beat_scale $add_speed} + {target_pos.drv set beat_scale $add_speed} + {base_pos_still.drv + play + still + {'|' kPlayNoBlend kPlayGraphLoop}} + {target_pos_still.drv + play + still + {'|' kPlayNoBlend kPlayGraphLoop}} + {main.drv + play + $base_anim + {'|' kPlayNoBlend kPlayGraphLoop}} + {base_pos.drv + play + $base_anim + {'|' kPlayNoBlend kPlayGraphLoop}} + {base_rot.drv + play + $add_anim + {'|' kPlayNoBlend kPlayGraphLoop}} + {target_pos.drv + play + $add_anim + {'|' kPlayNoBlend kPlayGraphLoop}} + {set + $clip + {main.drv first_clip}} + {set + $offset + {'*' + {$clip get length} + $base_phase}} + {main.drv offset $offset $offset} + {set + $clip + {base_pos.drv first_clip}} + {set + $offset + {'*' + {$clip get length} + $base_phase}} + {base_pos.drv offset $offset $offset} + {set + $clip + {base_rot.drv first_clip}} + {set + $offset + {'*' + {$clip get length} + $add_phase}} + {base_rot.drv offset $offset $offset} + {set + $clip + {target_pos.drv first_clip}} + {set + $offset + {'*' + {$clip get length} + $add_phase}} + {target_pos.drv offset $offset $offset})) + (clothing_obj + (editor + (mat1 + (indent + (target + object + (class Mat) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (diffuse_tex + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (two_color + bool + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (two_color_mask + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (custom_diffuse_tex + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (emissive_map + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (environ_map + object + (class CubeTex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (normal_map + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (specular_map + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update}) + (refresh specular_rgb)) + (specular_power + float + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (specular_rgb + color + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (fleck_shaded + bool + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (substrate_depth + float + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (substrate_color + color + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (fleck_shaded_mask + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (norm_detail_map + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (norm_detail_strength + float + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (norm_detail_tiling + float + (post_sync + {$this update})))) + (mat2 + (indent + (target2 + object + (class Mat) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (diffuse_tex2 + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (two_color2 + bool + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (two_color_mask2 + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (custom_diffuse_tex2 + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (emissive_map2 + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (environ_map2 + object + (class CubeTex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (normal_map2 + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (specular_map2 + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update}) + (refresh specular_rgb2)) + (specular_power2 + float + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (specular_rgb2 + color + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (fleck_shaded2 + bool + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (substrate_depth2 + float + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (substrate_color2 + color + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (fleck_shaded_mask2 + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (norm_detail_map2 + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (norm_detail_strength2 + float + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (norm_detail_tiling2 + float + (post_sync + {$this update})))) + (mat3 + (indent + (target3 + object + (class Mat) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (diffuse_tex3 + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (two_color3 + bool + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (two_color_mask3 + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (custom_diffuse_tex3 + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (emissive_map3 + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (environ_map3 + object + (class CubeTex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (normal_map3 + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (specular_map3 + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update}) + (refresh specular_rgb2)) + (specular_power3 + float + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (specular_rgb3 + color + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (fleck_shaded3 + bool + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (substrate_depth3 + float + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (substrate_color3 + color + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (fleck_shaded_mask3 + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})))) + (mat4 + (indent + (target4 + object + (class Mat) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (diffuse_tex4 + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (two_color4 + bool + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (two_color_mask4 + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (custom_diffuse_tex4 + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (emissive_map4 + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (environ_map4 + object + (class CubeTex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (normal_map4 + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (specular_map4 + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update}) + (refresh specular_rgb2)) + (specular_power4 + float + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (specular_rgb4 + color + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (fleck_shaded4 + bool + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (substrate_depth4 + float + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (substrate_color4 + color + (post_sync + {$this update})) + (fleck_shaded_mask4 + object + (class Tex) + (post_sync + {$this update})))) + (init_anim + object + (class Anim) + (help + "Animation to run on initialization."))) + (target + "") + (diffuse_tex + "") + (custom_diffuse_tex + "") + (emissive_map + "") + (environ_map + "") + (normal_map + "") + (specular_map + "") + (specular_power 30) + (specular_rgb 0) + (two_color 1) + (target2 + "") + (diffuse_tex2 + "") + (custom_diffuse_tex2 + "") + (emissive_map2 + "") + (environ_map2 + "") + (normal_map2 + "") + (specular_map2 + "") + (specular_power2 30) + (target3 + "") + (diffuse_tex3 + "") + (custom_diffuse_tex3 + "") + (emissive_map3 + "") + (environ_map3 + "") + (normal_map3 + "") + (specular_map3 + "") + (specular_power3 30) + (specular_rgb2 0) + (specular_rgb3 0) + (two_color2 1) + (two_color3 1) + (two_color_mask + "") + (two_color_mask2 + "") + (two_color_mask3 + "") + (spec_map_cache + "") + (spec_map_cache2 + "") + (spec_map_cache3 + "") + (fleck_shaded 0) + (fleck_shaded2 0) + (fleck_shaded3 0) + (target4 + "") + (diffuse_tex4 + "") + (custom_diffuse_tex4 + "") + (emissive_map4 + "") + (environ_map4 + "") + (normal_map4 + "") + (specular_map4 + "") + (specular_power4 30) + (specular_rgb4 0) + (two_color4 1) + (two_color_mask4 + "") + (spec_map_cache4 + "") + (fleck_shaded4 0) + (substrate_depth 1) + (substrate_color 1) + (fleck_shaded_mask + "") + (substrate_depth2 1) + (substrate_color2 1) + (fleck_shaded_mask2 + "") + (substrate_depth3 1) + (substrate_color3 1) + (fleck_shaded_mask3 + "") + (substrate_depth4 1) + (substrate_color4 1) + (fleck_shaded_mask4 + "") + (norm_detail_map + "") + (norm_detail_strength 10.0) + (norm_detail_tiling 10.0) + (norm_detail_map2 + "") + (norm_detail_strength2 10.0) + (norm_detail_tiling2 10.0) + (init_anim + "") + (enter + {if + $edit_mode + {set + [spec_map_cache] + [specular_map]} + {set + [spec_map_cache2] + [specular_map2]} + {set + [spec_map_cache3] + [specular_map3]} + {set + [spec_map_cache4] + [specular_map4]}} + {$this update}) + (update + {if + $edit_mode + {if + {&& + {! + [spec_map_cache]} + [specular_map]} + {set + [specular_rgb] + {pack_color 1 1 1}}} + {if + {&& + {! + [spec_map_cache2]} + [specular_map2]} + {set + [specular_rgb2] + {pack_color 1 1 1}}} + {if + {&& + {! + [spec_map_cache3]} + [specular_map3]} + {set + [specular_rgb3] + {pack_color 1 1 1}}} + {if + {&& + {! + [spec_map_cache4]} + [specular_map4]} + {set + [specular_rgb4] + {pack_color 1 1 1}}} + {set + [spec_map_cache] + [specular_map]} + {set + [spec_map_cache2] + [specular_map2]} + {set + [spec_map_cache3] + [specular_map3]} + {set + [spec_map_cache4] + [specular_map4]}} + {if + [target] + {[target] + set + diffuse_tex + [diffuse_tex]} + {[target] + set + custom_diffuse_tex + [custom_diffuse_tex]} + {[target] + set + emissive_map + [emissive_map]} + {[target] + set + environ_map + [environ_map]} + {[target] + set + normal_map + [normal_map]} + {[target] + set + specular_map + [specular_map]} + {[target] + set + two_color_mask + [two_color_mask]} + {[target] + set + specular_power + [specular_power]} + {[target] + set + specular_rgb + [specular_rgb]} + {[target] + set + two_color + [two_color]} + {[target] + set + fleck_shaded + [fleck_shaded]} + {[target] + set + substrate_depth + [substrate_depth]} + {[target] + set + substrate_color + [substrate_color]} + {[target] + set + fleck_shaded_mask + [fleck_shaded_mask]} + {[target] + set + norm_detail_map + [norm_detail_map]} + {[target] + set + norm_detail_strength + [norm_detail_strength]} + {[target] + set + norm_detail_tiling + [norm_detail_tiling]}} + {if + [target2] + {[target2] + set + diffuse_tex + [diffuse_tex2]} + {[target2] + set + custom_diffuse_tex + [custom_diffuse_tex2]} + {[target2] + set + emissive_map + [emissive_map2]} + {[target2] + set + environ_map + [environ_map2]} + {[target2] + set + normal_map + [normal_map2]} + {[target2] + set + specular_map + [specular_map2]} + {[target2] + set + two_color_mask + [two_color_mask2]} + {[target2] + set + specular_power + [specular_power2]} + {[target2] + set + specular_rgb + [specular_rgb2]} + {[target2] + set + two_color + [two_color2]} + {[target2] + set + fleck_shaded + [fleck_shaded2]} + {[target2] + set + substrate_depth + [substrate_depth2]} + {[target2] + set + substrate_color + [substrate_color2]} + {[target2] + set + fleck_shaded_mask + [fleck_shaded_mask2]} + {[target2] + set + norm_detail_map + [norm_detail_map2]} + {[target2] + set + norm_detail_strength + [norm_detail_strength2]} + {[target2] + set + norm_detail_tiling + [norm_detail_tiling2]}} + {if + [target3] + {[target3] + set + diffuse_tex + [diffuse_tex3]} + {[target3] + set + custom_diffuse_tex + [custom_diffuse_tex3]} + {[target3] + set + emissive_map + [emissive_map3]} + {[target3] + set + environ_map + [environ_map3]} + {[target3] + set + normal_map + [normal_map3]} + {[target3] + set + specular_map + [specular_map3]} + {[target3] + set + two_color_mask + [two_color_mask3]} + {[target3] + set + specular_power + [specular_power3]} + {[target3] + set + specular_rgb + [specular_rgb3]} + {[target3] + set + two_color + [two_color3]} + {[target3] + set + fleck_shaded + [fleck_shaded3]} + {[target3] + set + substrate_depth + [substrate_depth3]} + {[target3] + set + substrate_color + [substrate_color3]} + {[target3] + set + fleck_shaded_mask + [fleck_shaded_mask3]}} + {if + [target4] + {[target4] + set + diffuse_tex + [diffuse_tex4]} + {[target4] + set + custom_diffuse_tex + [custom_diffuse_tex4]} + {[target4] + set + emissive_map + [emissive_map4]} + {[target4] + set + environ_map + [environ_map4]} + {[target4] + set + normal_map + [normal_map4]} + {[target4] + set + specular_map + [specular_map4]} + {[target4] + set + two_color_mask + [two_color_mask4]} + {[target4] + set + specular_power + [specular_power4]} + {[target4] + set + specular_rgb + [specular_rgb4]} + {[target4] + set + two_color + [two_color4]} + {[target4] + set + fleck_shaded + [fleck_shaded4]} + {[target4] + set + substrate_depth + [substrate_depth4]} + {[target4] + set + substrate_color + [substrate_color4]} + {[target4] + set + fleck_shaded_mask + [fleck_shaded_mask4]}} + {if + {!= + [init_anim] + ""} + {[init_anim] + animate}})) + (crowd + (editor + (load_slow + script + (script + {$this load_tempo kTempoSlow}) + (help + "load slow clips")) + (load_medium + script + (script + {$this load_tempo kTempoMedium}) + (help + "load medium clips")) + (load_fast + script + (script + {$this load_tempo kTempoFast}) + (help + "load fast clips"))) + (load_song_clips + {$this + load_tempo + {song_mgr + anim_tempo + {meta_performer song}}}) + (load_tempo + ($tempo) + {male_base load_tempo $tempo} + {female_base load_tempo $tempo})))) +(PatchRenderer + (allowed_dirs RndDir) + (test_patch + "test_patch.milo")) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_ark/config/band.dta b/_ark/config/band.dta index cc0d917c..eb7947f2 100644 --- a/_ark/config/band.dta +++ b/_ark/config/band.dta @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ #include xlast_macros_update.dta #endif #include ../dx/config/dx_macros.dta +#include ../dx/countdown/dx_countdown.dta #ifdef HX_WII #define PATCH_NO_STICKERS (1) diff --git a/_ark/config/beatmatcher.dta b/_ark/config/beatmatcher.dta index 53e1cb52..b41b5a68 100644 --- a/_ark/config/beatmatcher.dta +++ b/_ark/config/beatmatcher.dta @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ {handle_type ($world halfbeat)}) (beat + DX_COUNTDOWN_TRACKER {unless {> {gamecfg get practice_speed} 0} {if {is_leader_local} {session send_msg_to_all {` (beatmatch set_music_speed {, $speedmod}) kNetReliable}}}} {unless {> {gamecfg get practice_speed} 0} {beatmatch set_music_speed $speedmod}} {if_else diff --git a/_ark/config/midi_parsers.dta b/_ark/config/midi_parsers.dta index ff3be30b..9114817f 100644 --- a/_ark/config/midi_parsers.dta +++ b/_ark/config/midi_parsers.dta @@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ {game get_venue} "video"} FALSE}} +#include ../dx/countdown/dx_countdown_midi_parsers.dta {new MidiParser events_parser diff --git a/_ark/config/modes.dta b/_ark/config/modes.dta index 55e15795..13de7b18 100644 --- a/_ark/config/modes.dta +++ b/_ark/config/modes.dta @@ -168,7 +168,16 @@ (unlock_song_initial_num 20) (enable_streak TRUE) (enable_star_power TRUE) - (cannot_connect_warning community_no_server_warning) + (cannot_connect_warning + {switch $dx_connected_server + (none + community_no_server_warning + ) + (ashcentral + ash_community_no_server_warning + ) + } + ) (missing_part_type kMissingSelectCoop) (has_track TRUE) (update_leaderboards TRUE) @@ -190,7 +199,17 @@ (lb_song_select_screen lb_song_select_screen) (leaderboards_screen leaderboards_screen) (leaderboards_band_profile_screen leaderboards_band_profile_screen) - (cannot_connect_warning community_no_server_warning)) + (cannot_connect_warning + {switch $dx_connected_server + (none + community_no_server_warning + ) + (ashcentral + ash_community_no_server_warning + ) + } + ) +) #define H2H_PROPERTIES ((game_screen h2h_game_screen) (track_panel h2h_track_panel) @@ -489,7 +508,16 @@ (tour_local TOUR_MODE_PROPERTIES (show_pause_quit FALSE) - (cannot_connect_warning tour_no_server_warning) + (cannot_connect_warning + {switch $dx_connected_server + (none + tour_no_server_warning + ) + (ashcentral + ash_tour_no_server_warning + ) + } + ) #ifdef HX_EE (main_mode_screen tour_band_sel_screen) #endif) @@ -679,7 +707,16 @@ (lb_song_select_screen lb_song_select_screen) (leaderboards_screen leaderboards_screen) (leaderboards_band_profile_screen leaderboards_band_profile_screen) - (cannot_connect_warning community_no_server_warning) + (cannot_connect_warning + {switch $dx_connected_server + (none + community_no_server_warning + ) + (ashcentral + ash_community_no_server_warning + ) + } + ) (uisink_lost_connection_screen main_community_screen) (uisink_default_screen main_community_screen) (uisink_signout_screen main_community_screen) @@ -688,7 +725,16 @@ #ifndef HX_PC (local_network FALSE) #endif - (cannot_connect_warning community_no_server_warning) + (cannot_connect_warning + {switch $dx_connected_server + (none + community_no_server_warning + ) + (ashcentral + ash_community_no_server_warning + ) + } + ) (login_status kProhibited) (uisink_lost_connection_screen store_unload_screen) (uisink_default_screen store_unload_screen) @@ -704,7 +750,16 @@ (player_arrangement kArrangeBand) (intro_category INTRO_VENUE) (game_mode_context CONTEXT_GAME_MODE_TYPE_JUKEBOX) - (cannot_connect_warning solo_no_server_warning) + (cannot_connect_warning + {switch $dx_connected_server + (none + solo_no_server_warning + ) + (ashcentral + ash_solo_no_server_warning + ) + } + ) (game_screen jukebox_screen) (is_jukebox TRUE) (has_track FALSE) diff --git a/_ark/config/prefab_groups.dta b/_ark/config/prefab_groups.dta index 8fa9e827..34b85ffe 100644 --- a/_ark/config/prefab_groups.dta +++ b/_ark/config/prefab_groups.dta @@ -1,43 +1,55 @@ (prefab_groups (rockin_rockers (keywords rock poprock the 60s the70s the80s the90s the00s) - (characters rb2drum6 rb2drum8 rb2drum9 drum1 drum2 drum3 drum4 drum5 drum7 drum11 drum14 guitar3 guitar4 guitar14 guitar22 guitar23 guitar37 guitar38 vocals0 vocals1 vocals3 vocals5 rb2drum14 vocals2 vocals4 vocals22)) + (characters rb2drum6 rb2drum8 rb2drum9 drum1 drum2 drum3 drum4 drum5 drum7 drum11 drum14 guitar3 guitar4 guitar14 guitar22 guitar23 vocals0 vocals1 vocals3 vocals5 rb2drum14 vocals2 vocals4 + kimberley_monroe dawson_blake penelope chill anth annai_renae)) (costume_rockers (keywords metal rock poprock the70s the80s the90s) - (characters rb2drum10 drum10 guitar16 vocals11 rb2guitar4 guitar17 guitar37)) + (characters rb2drum10 drum10 guitar16 vocals11 rb2guitar4 guitar17 + kimberley_monroe)) (artsy_alternatives (keywords alternative the90s the00s) - (characters rb2drum9 guitar0 guitar6 vocals5 vocals9 vocals13 rb2guitar5 drum6 drum13 drum16 guitar7 guitar37 vocals20)) + (characters rb2drum9 guitar0 guitar6 vocals5 vocals9 vocals13 rb2guitar5 drum6 drum13 drum16 guitar7 vocals20 + kimberley_monroe luna u628 chill anth annai_renae)) (southern_rockers (keywords southernrock the60s the70s the80s the90s the00s) - (characters rb2drum6 rb2drum11 drum4 drum11 drum12 guitar9 vocals6 vocals12 rb2drum14 rb2guitar2 drum8 guitar8 guitar15 guitar37)) + (characters rb2drum6 rb2drum11 drum4 drum11 drum12 guitar9 vocals6 vocals12 rb2drum14 rb2guitar2 drum8 guitar8 guitar15 + kimberley_monroe)) (true_metals (keywords metal the70s the80s the90s the00s) - (characters rb2drum0 drum10 guitar30 guitar34 rb2drum12 rb2drum13 rb2guitar1 guitar1 guitar5 vocals4)) + (characters rb2drum0 drum10 guitar30 guitar34 rb2drum12 rb2drum13 rb2guitar1 guitar1 guitar5 vocals4 + vocals16 luna u628 chill anth annai_renae)) (glam_rockers (keywords glam the70s the80s the90s) (characters rb2drum1 guitar25 vocals8 vocals21 rb2guitar2 guitar1 vocals20)) (hair_metals (keywords glam metal poprock the80s the90s) - (characters rb2drum1 guitar24 guitar25 vocals8 vocals21 guitar1)) + (characters rb2drum1 guitar24 guitar25 vocals8 vocals21 guitar1 + anth annai_renae)) (prog_rockers (keywords prog the60s the70s the80s) - (characters rb2drum2 guitar20 vocals7 drum8 guitar21)) + (characters rb2drum2 guitar20 vocals7 drum8 guitar21 + luna chill)) (road_warriors (keywords punk metal the70s the80s the90s) - (characters rb2drum3 rb2guitar8 drum9 guitar18 guitar19 guitar26 guitar37 guitar38 vocals10 rb2drum13 rb2drum17 vocals22)) + (characters rb2drum3 rb2guitar8 drum9 guitar18 guitar19 guitar26 vocals10 rb2drum13 rb2drum17 + vocals16 kimberley_monroe dawson_blake penelope u628 chill anth annai_renae)) (true_punks (keywords punk the70s the80s the90s) - (characters rb2drum4 rb2drum5 drum0 drum9 drum12 drum15 vocals10 vocals17 rb2drum15 rb2drum16 drum16 guitar33 guitar37 guitar38 vocals18)) + (characters rb2drum4 rb2drum5 drum0 drum9 drum12 drum15 vocals10 vocals17 rb2drum15 rb2drum16 drum16 guitar33 + vocals16 kimberley_monroe dawson_blake vocals18 chill anth annai_renae)) (seattle_grungers (keywords grunge other the70s the80s the90s the00s) - (characters rb2drum5 rb2drum8 rb2drum9 drum0 drum1 drum5 drum11 drum12 guitar12 vocals14 rb2guitar1 drum6 drum13 guitar38 guitar13 vocals18)) + (characters rb2drum5 rb2drum8 rb2drum9 drum0 drum1 drum5 drum11 drum12 guitar12 vocals14 rb2guitar1 drum6 drum13 guitar13 vocals18 + dawson_blake chill anth annai_renae)) (classic_rockers (keywords classicrock rock prog the60s the70s the80s the90s the00s) (characters rb2drum6 rb2drum7 rb2drum11 guitar9 guitar20 vocals1 vocals7 vocals9 rb2guitar0 rb2guitar4 rb2guitar5 drum8 guitar8 guitar21)) (nu_emo (keywords numetal emo the60s the70s the80s the90s the00s) - (characters drum17 guitar0 guitar6 guitar26 guitar30 guitar32 guitar34 vocals13 vocals15 vocals17 vocals19 rb2guitar0 rb2guitar3 guitar2 guitar7 guitar29 guitar31 vocals20)) + (characters drum17 guitar0 guitar6 guitar26 guitar30 guitar32 guitar34 vocals13 vocals15 vocals17 vocals19 rb2guitar0 rb2guitar3 guitar2 guitar7 guitar29 guitar31 vocals20 + luna u628 chill anth annai_renae)) (pop_oddities (keywords alternative fusion novelty poprock the60s the70s the80s the90s the00s) - (characters rb2drum10 guitar10 guitar32 vocals19 rb2drum15 rb2guitar3 guitar11 guitar28 guitar37 guitar39))) + (characters rb2drum10 guitar10 guitar32 vocals19 rb2drum15 rb2guitar3 guitar11 guitar28 + kimberley_monroe u628 anth annai_renae))) diff --git a/_ark/config/prefabs.dta b/_ark/config/prefabs.dta index 47d5730b..0c2b877b 100644 --- a/_ark/config/prefabs.dta +++ b/_ark/config/prefabs.dta @@ -1,8306 +1,6200 @@ (prefab - (rb2drum0 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreBanger) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 4) - (eyebrow_color_index 16) - (height 1.00) - (weight 0.75) - (outfit - (hair - hair_long - (colors - 16 - 0)) - (heads - head_3 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (facehair - head_3_ggallin - (colors - 16 - 0)) - (glasses - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - halfshirtbracers_cotton - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (hands - naked - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - camopants_canvas - (colors - 34 - 32)) - (feet - malespikydocs_solid - (colors - 0 - 16)) - (wrist - malewrist_studdedgauntlet - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (rings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (earrings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - kelly02_paint - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - c20bass_paint - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0))) - (tattoo)) - (rb2drum1 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreSpazz) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 6) - (eyebrow_color_index 18) - (height 0.75) - (weight 0.25) - (outfit - (hair - hanoi2_resource - (colors - 18 - 0)) - (heads - head_5 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes - head_5_eyes_13 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - head_5_lips_8 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (facehair - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (glasses - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - suspenders_studded - (colors - 4 - 23)) - (hands - malegloves_fingerlessdriving - (colors - 34 - 0)) - (legs - buttlesschaps_leather - (colors - 23 - 4)) - (feet - malehighheels_snakeskin - (colors - 20 - 19)) - (wrist - malewrist_barbedwire - (colors - 2 - 0)) - (rings - malerings_coatofarms - (colors - 2 - 0)) - (earrings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - doublejet_paint - (colors - 38 - 1)) - (bass - telebass_paint - (colors - 38 - 1)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 7 - 0))) - (tattoo - (patch_left_arm ((patch_flyrite - 1 - 0 - 5.00 - 0.00 - -98.00 - 0.00 - -1.11 - 0.59 - 0.00))) - (patch_right_arm ((patch_flyrite - 10 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - -181.00 - 0.00 - 1.00 - 0.30 - 0.00) - (patch_flyrite - 10 - 0 - -46.00 - 0.00 - -128.00 - 0.00 - 1.00 - 0.30 - 0.00) - (patch_flyrite - 10 - 0 - 128.00 - 0.00 - -152.00 - 0.00 - 1.00 - 0.30 - 0.00) - (patch_flyrite - 10 - 0 - 47.00 - 0.00 - -85.00 - 0.00 - 1.00 - 0.30 - 0.00) - (patch_flyrite - 10 - 0 - -71.00 - 0.00 - -85.00 - 11.98 - 1.00 - 0.30 - 0.00) - (patch_flyrite - 10 - 0 - 117.00 - 0.00 - -187.00 - 0.00 - 1.00 - 0.30 - 0.00) - (patch_flyrite - 10 - 0 - -84.00 - 0.00 - -166.00 - 0.00 - 1.00 - 0.30 - 0.00))))) - (rb2drum2 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (attitude kGenreDramatic) - (selectable TRUE) - (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 2) - (eyebrow_color_index 50) - (height 1.00) - (weight 0.00) - (outfit - (hair - baldeagle_resource - (colors - 50 - 0)) - (heads - head_14 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (facehair - head_14_scottian - (colors - 50 - 0)) - (glasses - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - glamitardtop_wizard - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (hands - naked - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - glamitardpants_wizard - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (feet - glamitardslippers_wizard - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (wrist - malewrist_watchleatherstrap - (colors - 29 - 0)) - (rings - malerings_demonclaw - (colors - 2 - 0)) - (earrings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - kelly02_sparkle - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (bass - kelly04_sparkle - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 1 - 0))) - (tattoo)) - (rb2drum3 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreSpazz) - (skin_color_index 5) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 2) - (height 1.00) - (weight 0.75) - (outfit - (hair - younghr_resource - (colors - 2 - 0)) - (heads - head_9 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes - head_9_eyes_6 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (facehair - head_9_bushybeard - (colors - 2 - 0)) - (glasses - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - buzzsawpads_wrecked - (colors - 3 - 2)) - (hands - naked - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - harajukubelt_camo - (colors - 24 - 16)) - (feet - maledocsductape_leather - (colors - 26 - 4)) - (wrist - malewrist_studdedwatchcombo - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (rings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (earrings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - kingv02_sparkle - (colors - 45 - 0)) - (bass - jazz02_sparkle - (colors - 45 - 33)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0))) - (tattoo)) - (rb2drum4 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreSpazz) - (skin_color_index 3) - (eye_color_index 1) - (eyebrow_color_index 44) - (height 0.75) - (weight 0.25) - (outfit - (hair - mohawk_resource - (colors - 44 - 42)) - (heads - head_14 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (facehair - head_14_chingoatee - (colors - 42 - 0)) - (glasses - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - tuxedo_sloppy - (colors - 23 - 25)) - (hands - naked - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - tuxpants_sloppy - (colors - 23 - 4)) - (feet - maleslipons_skully - (colors - 16 - 6)) - (wrist - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (rings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (earrings - maleearrings_safetypins - (colors - 2 - 0)) - (piercings - head_14_piercings_combo4 - (colors - 2 - 0)) - (guitar - kingv02_paint - (colors - 20 - 0)) - (bass - g6073_paint - (colors - 20 - 0)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 20 - 0))) - (tattoo)) - (rb2drum5 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreSpazz) - (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 5) - (eyebrow_color_index 29) - (height 1.00) - (weight 0.25) - (outfit - (hair - libertyspikes_resource - (colors - 29 - 27)) - (heads - head_13 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (facehair - head_13_chinstrap - (colors - 29 - 0)) - (glasses - malemask_eyebandage - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (torso - sweatervest_patched - (colors - 21 - 28)) - (hands - naked - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - tighterpants_plaidpunx - (colors - 44 - 17)) - (feet - tatteredshoe_homeless - (colors - 24 - 4)) - (wrist - malewrist_sweatbandcombo - (colors - 15 - 16)) - (rings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (earrings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision01_woodash - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0))) - (tattoo)) - (rb2drum6 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 5) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (height 0.00) - (weight 0.75) - (outfit - (hair - greaserslick_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (heads - head_11 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes - head_11_eyes_9 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (facehair - head_11_bushymoustache - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (glasses - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - uniformshirt_cotton - (colors - 26 - 0)) - (hands - naked - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - leatherpants_basicleather - (colors - 29 - 30)) - (feet - sambas_leather - (colors - 33 - 3)) - (wrist - malewrist_hercules - (colors - 2 - 0)) - (rings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (earrings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - synchromatic_triburstblack - (colors - 29 - 31)) - (bass - falconbass_triburst - (colors - 23 - 32)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 3 - 0))) - (tattoo - (patch_left_arm ((patch_flyrite - 8 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 139.00 - 0.00 - -1.51 - 0.74 - 0.00))) - (patch_right_arm ((patch_anchor - 4 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 119.00 - 0.00 - 0.91 - 0.60 - 0.00))))) - (rb2drum7 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 7) - (eyebrow_color_index 19) - (height 0.75) - (weight 0.25) - (outfit - (hair - prettyboy_resource - (colors - 19 - 0)) - (heads - head_12 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes - head_12_eyes_11 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (facehair - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (glasses - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - openshirthippy_silk - (colors - 21 - 0)) - (hands - naked - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - strippedpants_ornate - (colors - 12 - 27)) - (feet - dappershoes_solidshiny - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (wrist - malewrist_hercules - (colors - 33 - 0)) - (rings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (earrings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - projet_triburstpearl - (colors - 17 - 20)) - (bass - precision04_paint - (colors - 9 - 1)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 1 - 0))) - (tattoo)) - (rb2drum8 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 4) - (eyebrow_color_index 25) - (height 0.00) - (weight 1.00) - (outfit - (hair - longmop_resource - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (heads - head_4 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (facehair - head_4_bushymoustache - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (glasses - maleglasses_business - (colors - 4 - 1)) - (torso - roadiejacket_satin - (colors - 41 - 4)) - (hands - naked - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - corduroypants_worn - (colors - 12 - 1)) - (feet - basketballsneaks_custom - (colors - 14 - 4)) - (wrist - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (rings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (earrings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 45 - 1)) - (bass - precision04_paint - (colors - 36 - 1)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0))) - (tattoo)) - (rb2drum9 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreBanger) - (skin_color_index 3) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 2) - (height 0.00) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - ramones_resource - (colors - 2 - 0)) - (heads - head_10 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (facehair - head_10_handlebar - (colors - 5 - 0)) - (glasses - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - workjacket_grimey - (colors - 26 - 4)) - (hands - naked - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - workpants_grimey - (colors - 12 - 12)) - (feet - timberlandboots_muddy - (colors - 6 - 0)) - (wrist - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (rings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (earrings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster01_paint - (colors - 14 - 1)) - (bass - jaguarbass_paint - (colors - 1 - 1)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0))) - (tattoo)) - (rb2drum10 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreDramatic) - (skin_color_index 6) - (eye_color_index 9) - (eyebrow_color_index 1) - (height 1.00) - (weight 0.25) - (outfit - (hair - maleladyfropick_resource - (colors - 1 - 11)) - (heads - head_13 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes - head_13_eyes_6 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (facehair - head_13_chops - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (glasses - maleglasses_cataracts - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - kissarmor_sparkles - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (hands - naked - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - kissflares_sparkles - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (feet - kissboots_sparkles - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (wrist - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (rings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (earrings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - warrior02_sparkle - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (bass - kelly04_sparkle - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0))) - (tattoo)) - (rb2drum11 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 1) - (eye_color_index 2) - (eyebrow_color_index 2) - (height 1.00) - (weight 0.75) - (outfit - (hair - mandana_resource - (colors - 2 - 15)) - (heads - head_11 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (facehair - head_11_bushybeard - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (glasses - maleglasses_bugeyes - (colors - 5 - 0)) - (torso - indianchest_bone - (colors - 10 - 33)) - (hands - naked - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - wornleatherpants_worn - (colors - 5 - 8)) - (feet - malebarefeet_fleshy - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (wrist - malewrist_wristbandterrycloth - (colors - 11 - 0)) - (rings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (earrings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - telecaster01_sunburstpearl - (colors - 31 - 0)) - (bass - precision01_sunburstblack - (colors - 31 - 37)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0))) - (tattoo (patch_right_arm ((patch_newyork - 10 - 0 - -11.00 - 0.00 - 182.00 - 16.91 - 0.50 - 0.39 - 0.00))))) - (rb2drum12 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreDramatic) - (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 8) - (eyebrow_color_index 24) - (height 1.00) - (weight 0.75) - (outfit - (hair - japanhair1_resource - (colors - 24 - 0)) - (heads - head_5 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (eyes - head_5_eyes_25 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - head_5_lips_3 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - maidenstraps_studded - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (hands - naked - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - bondagepants_plaidknees - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (feet - midcalfspikes_leather - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (glasses - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (wrist - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (rings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (earrings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - warrior02_paint - (colors - 36 - 0)) - (bass - kelly04_paint - (colors - 36 - 0)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0))) - (tattoo)) - (rb2drum13 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreBanger) - (skin_color_index 1) - (eye_color_index 1) - (eyebrow_color_index 18) - (height 0.00) - (weight 0.00) - (outfit - (hair - ladypunk_resource - (colors - 18 - 19)) - (heads - head_4 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (eyes - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - choppedtee_chopped - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (hands - femalegloves_skeleton - (colors - 0 - 22)) - (legs - barbedwirepants_denim - (colors - 8 - 0)) - (feet - chucktaylors_folded - (colors - 26 - 3)) - (glasses - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (wrist - femalewrist_sweatband - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (rings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (earrings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - kingv02_paint - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (bass - doublebass_paint - (colors - 3 - 1)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 1 - 0))) - (tattoo - (patch_chest ()) - (patch_left_arm ((patch_suerte - 3 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 88.00 - 0.00 - 3.82 - 0.98 - 0.00) - (patch_suerte - 3 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 22.00 - 0.00 - 3.78 - 0.93 - 0.00) - (patch_suerte - 3 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - -61.00 - 0.00 - 3.67 - 1.18 - 0.00) - (patch_suerte - 3 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - -139.00 - 0.00 - 3.88 - 1.18 - 0.00) - (patch_flyrite - 12 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - -200.00 - 0.00 - 4.20 - 0.76 - 0.00))) - (patch_right_arm ((patch_suerte - 3 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 88.00 - 0.00 - 3.82 - 0.98 - 0.00) - (patch_suerte - 3 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 22.00 - 0.00 - 3.78 - 0.93 - 0.00) - (patch_suerte - 3 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - -61.00 - 0.00 - 3.67 - 1.18 - 0.00) - (patch_suerte - 3 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - -139.00 - 0.00 - 3.88 - 1.18 - 0.00) - (patch_flyrite - 12 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - -200.00 - 0.00 - 4.20 - 0.76 - 0.00))))) - (rb2drum14 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreBanger) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 6) - (eyebrow_color_index 25) - (height 0.00) - (weight 0.25) - (outfit - (hair - farrah_resource - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (heads - head_3 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (eyes - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - denimjacket_clean - (colors - 5 - 0)) - (hands - naked - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - layeredpants_shredded - (colors - 27 - 2)) - (feet - femalesportysneaks_pleather - (colors - 36 - 10)) - (glasses - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (wrist - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (rings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (earrings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 41 - 1)) - (bass - jazz01_paint - (colors - 41 - 3)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 5 - 0))) - (tattoo)) - (rb2drum15 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreSpazz) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 31) - (height 0.00) - (weight 1.00) - (outfit - (hair - cutepigtails_resource - (colors - 31 - 0)) - (heads - head_2 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (eyes - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - furbikini_cheetah - (colors - 8 - 8)) - (hands - naked - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - hotpants_camo - (colors - 27 - 23)) - (feet - femalelowchucks_skullsprint - (colors - 19 - 24)) - (glasses - femaleglasses_catseye - (colors - 18 - 0)) - (wrist - femalewrist_sweatbandcharmscombo - (colors - 0 - 20)) - (rings - femalerings_bandaid - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (earrings - femaleearrings_tribal - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - jaguar02_sunburstpearl - (colors - 38 - 43)) - (bass - jaguarbass_sunburstpearl - (colors - 45 - 49)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 3 - 0))) - (tattoo)) - (rb2drum16 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreSpazz) - (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 2) - (eyebrow_color_index 16) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - 50sbandana_resource - (colors - 16 - 27)) - (heads - head_10 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (eyes - head_10_eyes_16 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - head_10_lips_16 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - hoodie_patchy - (colors - 5 - 2)) - (hands - femalegloves_fingerlessdriving - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (legs - miniskirt_leatherpunky - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (feet - skates_dirty - (colors - 0 - 5)) - (glasses - femaleglasses_smashed - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (wrist - femalewrist_jelly - (colors - 6 - 6)) - (rings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (earrings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - supersonic_paint - (colors - 19 - 2)) - (bass - jaguarbass_paint - (colors - 20 - 1)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 19 - 0))) - (tattoo)) - (rb2drum17 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreSpazz) - (skin_color_index 5) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 50) - (height 1.00) - (weight 0.75) - (outfit - (hair - trihawk_resource - (colors - 50 - 27)) - (heads - head_8 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (eyes - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - spikepads_distressed - (colors - 31 - 28)) - (hands - femalegloves_bandaged - (colors - 30 - 0)) - (legs - buttflappants_khaki - (colors - 4 - 5)) - (feet - spikedplatformboots_solid - (colors - 27 - 28)) - (glasses - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (wrist - femalewrist_studdedbracer - (colors - 14 - 0)) - (rings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (earrings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - kelly02_sparkle - (colors - 33 - 0)) - (bass - kelly04_sparkle - (colors - 33 - 0)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 2 - 0))) - (tattoo - (patch_chest ((patch_suerte - 3 - 0 - -5.00 - 0.00 - -200.00 - 0.00 - 2.07 - 1.19 - 0.00))) - (patch_left_arm ((patch_suerte - 3 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - -106.00 - 0.00 - 2.66 - 0.69 - 0.00))) - (patch_right_arm ((patch_suerte - 3 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - -106.00 - 0.00 - 2.66 - 0.69 - 0.00))))) - (rb2guitar0 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreDramatic) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 7) - (eyebrow_color_index 19) - (height 1.00) - (weight 0.00) - (outfit - (hair - pixie_resource - (colors - 19 - 0)) - (heads - head_4 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (eyes - head_4_eyes_26 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - head_4_lips_6 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - turtleneck_occult - (colors - 27 - 3)) - (hands - naked - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - dresspants_solid - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (feet - flatslips_stripe - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (glasses - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (wrist - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (rings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (earrings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - telecaster02_sunburstpearl - (colors - 11 - 15)) - (bass - jazz01_sunburstpearl - (colors - 11 - 14)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 2 - 0))) - (tattoo)) - (rb2guitar1 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 5) - (height 0.00) - (weight 0.25) - (outfit - (hair - femaleyoungozzy_resource - (colors - 5 - 0)) - (heads - head_7 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (eyes - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - bulkyjacket_camo - (colors - 28 - 32)) - (hands - naked - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - wreckedjeans_worn - (colors - 23 - 0)) - (feet - femalecombatboots_leather - (colors - 3 - 2)) - (glasses - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (wrist - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (rings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (earrings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - telecaster01_paint - (colors - 33 - 4)) - (bass - jazz01_paint - (colors - 11 - 3)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0))) - (tattoo)) - (rb2guitar2 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreBanger) - (skin_color_index 5) - (eye_color_index 9) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (height 0.75) - (weight 0.25) - (outfit - (hair - ladylayered_cowboyhat - (colors - 0 - 1)) - (heads - head_8 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (eyes - head_8_eyes_20 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - head_8_lips_4 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - tiedshirt_plain - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (hands - naked - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - bellbottoms_jeans - (colors - 27 - 0)) - (feet - femalecowboyboots_western - (colors - 3 - 4)) - (glasses - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (wrist - femalewrist_sweatbandcharmscombo - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (rings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (earrings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - synchromatic_triburstpearl - (colors - 2 - 23)) - (bass - falconbass_triburst - (colors - 17 - 33)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0))) - (tattoo)) - (rb2guitar3 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreBanger) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 7) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (height 1.00) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - shortbangs_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (heads - head_4 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (eyes - head_4_eyes_7 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - head_4_lips_9 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - blazer_newwave - (colors - 14 - 1)) - (hands - naked - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - pantsspandex_spandex - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (feet - slouchyboots_solid - (colors - 14 - 0)) - (glasses - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (wrist - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (rings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (earrings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 1 - 1)) - (bass - precision01_woodash - (colors - 1 - 1)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 1 - 0))) - (tattoo)) - (rb2guitar4 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 4) - (eye_color_index 2) - (eyebrow_color_index 4) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.75) - (outfit - (hair - hilldreads_resource - (colors - 1 - 31)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (eyes - head_1_eyes_24 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - head_1_lips_6 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - jumpsuittop_nylon - (colors - 14 - 4)) - (hands - naked - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - jumpsuitpants_nylon - (colors - 14 - 2)) - (feet - femalesambas_leather - (colors - 4 - 2)) - (glasses - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (wrist - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (rings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (earrings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - kingv01_paint - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - mustang01_paint - (colors - 0 - 1)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0))) - (tattoo)) - (rb2guitar5 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreDramatic) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 2) - (eyebrow_color_index 49) - (height 0.00) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - hippybangs_resource - (colors - 18 - 9)) - (heads - head_10 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (eyes - head_10_eyes_24 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - head_10_lips_6 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - moddress_dottree - (colors - 7 - 0)) - (hands - naked - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - hotpantsplain_barelegs - (colors - 3 - 0)) - (feet - modavengerboots_leather - (colors - 17 - 6)) - (glasses - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (wrist - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (rings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (earrings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision01_woodash - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0))) - (tattoo)) - (rb2guitar8 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreSpazz) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 4) - (eyebrow_color_index 1) - (height 0.75) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - parkinglot_aviatorcap - (colors - 1 - 12)) - (heads - head_2 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes - head_2_eyes_9 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (facehair - head_2_sideburns - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (glasses - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - militaryjacketmask_canvas - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (hands - naked - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - bondagepants_zippered - (colors - 0 - 3)) - (feet - tallboots_solid - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (wrist - malewrist_sweatbandcombo - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (rings - malerings_bandaid - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (earrings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings - none - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - chainsaw_resource - (colors - 20 - 0)) - (bass - chainsawbass_resource - (colors - 20 - 0)) - (mic - brokenmic_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - rust - (colors - 0 - 0))) - (tattoo)) - (drum0 - (gender male) - (instrument drum) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreSpazz) - (weight 0.60) - (height 0.15) - (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 3) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (outfit - (hair - fauxhawk_resource - (colors - 42 - 18)) - (heads head_5) - (eyes head_5_eyes_10) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses none) - (torso - militaryjacket_canvas - (colors - 3 - 4)) - (hands naked) - (legs - bondagepants_zippered - (colors 1)) - (feet - highchucks_solid - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (wrist - gauntlet_resource - (colors 0)) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (drum1 - (gender male) - (instrument drum) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreBanger) - (weight 0.80) - (height 0.50) - (skin_color_index 4) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (outfit - (hair - bandanna - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses none) - (torso - buttonedshirtpatchy_veteran - (colors - 30 - 15)) - (hands naked) - (legs - flightsuitpants_canvas - (colors 0)) - (feet - tallboots_solid - (colors 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (drum2 - (gender male) - (attitude kGenreSpazz) - (selectable TRUE) - (instrument drum) - (weight 0.25) - (height 0.65) - (skin_color_index 4) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (outfit - (hair - lazyhawk_resource - (colors - 0 - 1)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (torso - worntshirt_vintage - (colors 0)) - (hands naked) - (legs - tightdistressedpants_jeans - (colors 1)) - (feet - dappershoes_solidshiny - (colors 0)) - (wrist - gauntlet_resource - (colors 0)) - (glasses none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (drum3 - (gender male) - (instrument drum) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (height 0.25) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - egyptian_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (heads - head_5 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses none) - (torso - worntshirt_vintage - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (hands naked) - (legs - loosepants_stripe - (colors - 0 - 14)) - (feet - dappershoes_solidshiny - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (drum4 - (gender male) - (instrument drum) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 1) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 12) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.80) - (outfit - (hair - billyidol_cowboyhat - (colors - 13 - 0)) - (heads - head_6 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair - head_6_chops - (colors - 12 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (torso naked) - (hands naked) - (legs - jeansripped_denim - (colors - 7 - 0)) - (feet - combatboots_var1 - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (drum5 - (gender male) - (instrument drum) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 9) - (eyebrow_color_index 1) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.75) - (outfit - (hair - ziggymullet_truckercap - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (heads - head_2 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses none) - (torso - downvest_stripe - (colors - 33 - 32)) - (hands naked) - (legs - wornleatherpants_worn - (colors - 3 - 4)) - (feet - sneakersstripes_nylon - (colors - 34 - 33)) - (wrist - malewrist_sweatband - (colors - 8 - 6)) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (drum6 - (gender female) - (instrument drum) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 5) - (eye_color_index 2) - (eyebrow_color_index 16) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - femalebillyidol_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (heads - head_3 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair none) - (eyes - head_3_eyes_5 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - head_3_lips_1 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - flightjacket_solid - (colors - 19 - 14)) - (hands naked) - (legs - tightjeans_faded - (colors - 0 - 5)) - (feet - semispats_solid - (colors - 37 - 0)) - (glasses - femaleglasses_goggles - (colors - 13 - 1)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings - femaleearrings_safetypins - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (piercings none) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (drum7 - (gender male) - (instrument drum) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 5) - (eyebrow_color_index 4) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - none - (colors - 4 - 4)) - (heads - head_5 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses none) - (torso naked) - (hands - malegloves_fingerlessdriving - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (legs - jeansripped_denim - (colors - 7 - 0)) - (feet - combatboots_var1 - (colors - 7 - 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (drum8 - (gender female) - (instrument drum) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreDramatic) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 4) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.75) - (outfit - (hair - lolita - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (heads - head_4 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair none) - (eyes - head_4_eyes_16 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - head_4_lips_6 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - scarftanktop_threelayers - (colors - 19 - 18)) - (hands naked) - (legs - nauticaltrousers_canvas - (colors - 11 - 6)) - (feet - tiedtallboots_suede - (colors - 15 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (drum9 - (gender male) - (instrument drum) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreSpazz) - (skin_color_index 3) - (eye_color_index 9) - (eyebrow_color_index 4) - (height 0.80) - (weight 0.25) - (outfit - (hair - squeebpunk_resource - (colors - 4 - 42)) - (heads - head_5 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses none) - (torso - militaryjacketmask_canvas - (colors - 23 - 0)) - (hands - malegloves_lacefishnet - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - camopants_canvas - (colors - 33 - 7)) - (feet - malesaggydocs_var2 - (colors - 0 - 1)) - (wrist - malewrist_barbedwire - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (drum10 - (gender male) - (instrument drum) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreSpazz) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 9) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (height 0.75) - (weight 0.25) - (outfit - (hair none) - (heads - head_3 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair - head_3_scottian - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (torso naked) - (hands naked) - (legs - fittedpants_gator - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (feet - summonershoes_burlap - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (drum11 - (gender male) - (instrument drum) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 13) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.75) - (outfit - (hair - parkinglot_resource - (colors - 13 - 0)) - (heads - head_4 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair - head_4_flavorsaver - (colors - 13 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (torso - wifebeater_worn - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (hands naked) - (legs - basictightpants_jeans - (colors - 15 - 28)) - (feet - sneakersstripes_nylon - (colors - 0 - 13)) - (wrist - malewrist_sweatband - (colors - 8 - 8)) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (drum12 - (gender male) - (instrument drum) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 7) - (eyebrow_color_index 8) - (height 0.25) - (weight 0.25) - (outfit - (hair - featheredshort_resource - (colors - 6 - 0)) - (heads - head_6 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair - head_6_chops - (colors - 6 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (torso - armyjacket_dirty - (colors - 28 - 32)) - (hands - malegloves_bandaged - (colors - 3 - 0)) - (legs - zipperpants_panels - (colors - 12 - 0)) - (feet - bootswithinboots_leather - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (drum13 - (gender female) - (instrument drum) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreSpazz) - (skin_color_index 5) - (eye_color_index 9) - (eyebrow_color_index 2) - (height 0.15) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - ladyfro_resource - (colors - 2 - 0)) - (heads - head_2 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair none) - (eyes - head_2_eyes_16 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips none) - (torso - frankensteintee_commie - (colors - 16 - 5)) - (hands - femalegloves_fingerlessdriving - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - microskirt_bondage - (colors - 6 - 16)) - (feet - gogoboot_tiger - (colors - 16 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (wrist - femalewrist_longspikes - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (drum14 - (gender male) - (instrument drum) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreBanger) - (skin_color_index 6) - (eye_color_index 2) - (eyebrow_color_index 11) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair none) - (heads - head_6 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses none) - (torso - tshirtdeath_cotton - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (hands - malegloves_fingerlessdriving - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - carhartts_heavy - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (feet - fatlaceskatersneakers_solid - (colors - 0 - 1)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (drum15 - (gender male) - (instrument drum) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 7) - (eyebrow_color_index 47) - (height 0.25) - (weight 0.25) - (outfit - (hair - squeebpunk_resource - (colors - 0 - 26)) - (heads - head_6 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes - head_6_eyes_12 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses none) - (torso naked) - (hands - malegloves_fingerlessdriving - (colors - 20 - 0)) - (legs - suspendedpants_plaid - (colors - 16 - 0)) - (feet - destroyedchucks_starsandstripes - (colors - 16 - 21)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource)) - (tattoo (patch_chest ((patch_corbins - 3 - 9 - 93.00 - 0.00 - 150.00 - 0.00 - 0.53 - 0.30 - 0.00))))) - (drum16 - (gender female) - (selectable TRUE) - (instrument drum) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 5) - (eye_color_index 2) - (eyebrow_color_index 47) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - 60spony_resource - (colors - 18 - 0)) - (heads - head_3 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair none) - (eyes - head_3_eyes_5 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - head_3_lips_8 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - schoolgirlshirt_dishevelled - (colors - 4 - 18)) - (hands naked) - (legs - shortskirt_skullbarelegs - (colors - 18 - 28)) - (feet - chunkyboots_plaid - (colors - 18 - 10)) - (glasses none) - (wrist none) - (rings - femalerings_jem - (colors - 18 - 0)) - (earrings - femaleearrings_safetypins - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (piercings none) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (drum17 - (gender male) - (instrument drum) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 2) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (height 0.10) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - emover_resource - (colors - 0 - 26)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes - head_1_eyes_9 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses none) - (torso - oringhoodie_cotton - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (hands - malegloves_bandaged - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - lamepants_basicshiny - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (feet - namboots_jungle - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (wrist none) - (rings - malerings_ebony - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - -#ifdef RAM_PREFABS - (drum18 - (gender female) - (instrument drum) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 5) - (eye_color_index 2) - (eyebrow_color_index 47) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.50) - (RAM_FEMALE - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (drum19 - (gender male) - (instrument drum) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 2) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (height 0.10) - (weight 0.50) - (RAM_MALE - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - -#endif - (guitar0 - (gender male) - (selectable TRUE) - (instrument guitar) - (attitude kGenreDramatic) - (weight 0.40) - (height 0.85) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 3) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (outfit - (hair - mop_resource - (colors 2)) - (heads head_3) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses none) - (torso - loosedapperjacket_vintage - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (hands naked) - (legs - darkriderpants_cotton - (colors 0)) - (feet - dressshoes_leather - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (mic sm58_resource) - (bass - precision01_triburstwhite - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - kelly01_sunburst - (colors - 0 - 0)))) - (guitar1 - (gender female) - (selectable TRUE) - (instrument guitar) - (attitude kGenreBanger) - (weight 0.50) - (height 0.50) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (outfit - (hair - ladylayered_resource - (colors 4)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors)) - (facehair none) - (eyes none) - (lips head_1_lips_1) - (torso - zebrachoptop_silk - (colors - 0 - 3)) - (hands naked) - (legs - leggings_shiny - (colors - 0 - 1)) - (feet - midcalfspikes_leather - (colors 0)) - (glasses none) - (wrist - gauntlet_resource - (colors 0)) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (bass - precision01_triburstwhite - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster01_triburstwhite - (colors - 5 - 7)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar2 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - lolita - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (facehair none) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (torso - corset_camo - (colors - 1 - 2)) - (hands naked) - (legs - armymini_denim - (colors - 0 - 1)) - (feet - femaledestroyedchucks_solid - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (mic sm58_resource) - (bass - precision01_triburstwhite - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - kelly01_sunburst - (colors - 0 - 0)))) - (guitar3 - (gender male) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (selectable TRUE) - (instrument guitar) - (weight 0.80) - (height 0.85) - (skin_color_index 3) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (outfit - (hair - featheredshort_resource - (colors 1)) - (heads - head_4 - (colors 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (torso - hoodieandjacket_leather - (colors - 3 - 4)) - (hands naked) - (legs - wornleatherpants_worn - (colors - 3 - 3)) - (feet - dappershoes_solidshiny - (colors 0)) - (wrist none) - (glasses none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (bass jazz01_woodash) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar jaguar01_paint) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar4 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreBanger) - (weight 0.40) - (height 0.75) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (outfit - (hair - shaggy - (colors 6)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses - maleglasses_aviators - (colors 0)) - (torso - tshirtdeath_wolf - (colors 1)) - (hands naked) - (legs - basictightpants_jeans - (colors 1)) - (feet - westernslipons_embroidered - (colors 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (bass precision01_triburstblack) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - telecaster01_woodash - (colors - 3 - 5)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar5 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreSpazz) - (weight 0.35) - (height 0.65) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (outfit - (hair - bettybangs_resource - (colors 0)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors)) - (facehair none) - (eyes none) - (lips head_1_lips_1) - (torso - vest_studded - (colors - 0 - 1)) - (hands naked) - (legs - hotpants_camo - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (feet - superhightops_leopard - (colors 0)) - (glasses none) - (wrist - gauntlet_resource - (colors 0)) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (bass jazz01_sunburstwhite) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - kelly01_triburst - (colors - 3 - 5)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar6 - (selectable TRUE) - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 3) - (height 0.75) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - youngozzy_resource - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (heads - head_3 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses - maleglasses_wayfarers - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (torso - oringhoodie_cotton - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (hands naked) - (legs - bigzipperpants_denim - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (feet - lowchucks_skullprint - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (bass - precision01_woodash - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar7 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 1) - (height 0.75) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - sideflip_resource - (colors - 1 - 1)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair none) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (torso - tuxjacket_silk - (colors - 0 - 14)) - (hands naked) - (legs - leggings_shiny - (colors - 0 - 30)) - (feet - semispats_solid - (colors - 30 - 0)) - (glasses - femaleglasses_catseye - (colors - 5 - 1)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (bass - jazz01_sparkle - (colors - 1 - 31)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar8 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreDramatic) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 13) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - sidepony_resource - (colors - 13 - 0)) - (heads - head_3 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair none) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (torso - layeredtanktop_threelayers - (colors - 4 - 5)) - (hands naked) - (legs - frillyskirt_solid - (colors - 12 - 5)) - (feet - flatslips_stripe - (colors - 21 - 2)) - (glasses none) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (guitar - doublejet_sunburstpearl - (colors - 24 - 0)) - (bass - jazz01_sparkle - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar9 - (selectable TRUE) - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 1) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 49) - (height 0.80) - (weight 0.00) - (outfit - (hair - bandanna - (colors - 49 - 10)) - (heads - head_3 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair - head_3_handlebar - (colors - 49 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (torso - fringeshirt_denim - (colors - 11 - 4)) - (hands naked) - (legs - tightdistressedpants_jeans - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (feet - cowboyboots_western - (colors - 3 - 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (bass - g6073_sparkle - (colors - 31 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar10 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 9) - (eyebrow_color_index 10) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - featheredshort_resource - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (heads - head_3 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses - maleglasses_catseye - (colors - 5 - 1)) - (torso - polo_coatofarms - (colors - 6 - 0)) - (hands naked) - (legs - rolledpants_jeans - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (feet - highchucks_solid - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (bass - precision01_woodash - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar11 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 20) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - loosepony_resource - (colors - 20 - 0)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair none) - (eyes - head_1_eyes_20 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - head_1_lips_6 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - tubetop_solid - (colors - 14 - 0)) - (hands naked) - (legs - cleanminiskirt_solid - (colors - 22 - 0)) - (feet - rubberboots_solid - (colors - 14 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (bass - jazz01_sparkle - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar12 - (gender male) - (selectable TRUE) - (instrument guitar) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 2) - (eyebrow_color_index 17) - (height 0.75) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - shaggy - (colors - 17 - 0)) - (heads - head_2 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair - head_2_flavorsaver - (colors - 10 - 0)) - (glasses - maleglasses_jackieos - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (torso - wornlongsleeveshirt_striped - (colors - 10 - 5)) - (hands naked) - (legs - shreddedjeans_solid - (colors - 0 - 2)) - (feet - malelowtopsneaks_skater - (colors - 34 - 32)) - (wrist - malewrist_hercules - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (rings - malerings_chief - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (bass - g6073_paint - (colors - 37 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar13 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 47) - (height 0.00) - (weight 0.00) - (outfit - (hair - sidepony_resource - (colors - 47 - 0)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair none) - (eyes - head_1_eyes_6 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - head_1_lips_2 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - baseballteetorn_stitched - (colors - 4 - 29)) - (hands naked) - (legs - highwaterjeans_ripped - (colors - 21 - 28)) - (feet - flatslips_stripe - (colors - 39 - 28)) - (glasses none) - (wrist - femalewrist_barbedwire - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (bass - jazz01_sparkle - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar14 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 3) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 4) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.75) - (outfit - (hair - shaggy_dockcap - (colors - 2 - 0)) - (heads - head_2 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses none) - (torso - worntshirt_vintage - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (hands naked) - (legs - tightdistressedpants_jeans - (colors - 13 - 0)) - (feet - westernslipons_embroidered - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (bass - precision01_woodash - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar15 - (selectable TRUE) - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 7) - (height 0.25) - (weight 0.75) - (outfit - (hair - farrah_resource - (colors - 7 - 0)) - (heads - head_6 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair none) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (torso - dishevelledshirt_southern - (colors - 13 - 30)) - (hands naked) - (legs - flarejeans_worn - (colors - 16 - 13)) - (feet - tallbuttonboots_embroidered - (colors - 0 - 3)) - (glasses none) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (bass - jazz01_triburstwhite - (colors - 22 - 30)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar16 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreBanger) - (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 9) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (height 0.15) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - ziggymullet_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (heads - head_5 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses none) - (torso - summonerrobe_burlap - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (hands naked) - (legs - summonerleggings_burlap - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (feet - summonershoes_burlap - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (bass - skullbass_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar17 - (gender female) - (selectable TRUE) - (instrument guitar) - (attitude kGenreBanger) - (skin_color_index 3) - (eye_color_index 9) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - 70sbisset_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (heads - head_4 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair none) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (torso - oilspillarmor_latex - (colors - 3 - 2)) - (hands naked) - (legs - oilspillleggings_latex - (colors - 3 - 0)) - (feet - oilspillboots_latex - (colors - 3 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (guitar - warrior01_paint - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - jazz01_sparkle - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar18 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreSpazz) - (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 9) - (eyebrow_color_index 1) - (height 0.15) - (weight 0.75) - (outfit - (hair - mohawk_resource - (colors - 1 - 1)) - (heads - head_4 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair - head_4_lemmy - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (torso - spikedarmor_leather - (colors - 20 - 20)) - (hands - malegloves_bandaged - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - cutoffshorts_denim - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (feet - roadwarriorboots_leather - (colors - 0 - 20)) - (wrist - malewrist_laceduparm - (colors - 0 - 8)) - (rings none) - (earrings - maleearrings_dangles - (colors - 2 - 0)) - (piercings - head_4_piercings_combo11 - none) - (guitar - mace_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision01_woodash - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar19 - (gender female) - (selectable TRUE) - (instrument guitar) - (attitude kGenreSpazz) - (skin_color_index 5) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 19) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - visor_resource - (colors - 19 - 1)) - (heads - head_2 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair none) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (torso - gearheadarmor_leather - (colors - 15 - 34)) - (hands naked) - (legs - gearheadleggings_leather - (colors - 14 - 15)) - (feet - gearheadboots_leather - (colors - 15 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar20 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 1) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 8) - (height 0.80) - (weight 0.25) - (outfit - (hair - malelongwavy_resource - (colors - 8 - 0)) - (heads - head_3 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair - head_3_bushybeard - (colors - 9 - 0)) - (glasses - maleglasses_circles - (colors - 1 - 3)) - (torso - frillyshirt_solid - (colors - 30 - 0)) - (hands naked) - (legs - strippedpants_ornate - (colors - 10 - 10)) - (feet - cowboyboots_western - (colors - 15 - 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings - malerings_coatofarms - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (guitar - doublejet_triburstpearl - (colors - 18 - 35)) - (bass - precision01_woodash - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar21 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreDramatic) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 16) - (height 0.80) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - hippybangs_resource - (colors - 16 - 1)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair none) - (eyes - head_1_eyes_11 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - head_1_lips_6 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - tunicoverlap_paisley - (colors - 13 - 0)) - (hands naked) - (legs - linenskirt_twotone - (colors - 32 - 13)) - (feet - tallfoldedboots_solid - (colors - 13 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (wrist - femalewrist_hercules - (colors - 2 - 0)) - (rings none) - (earrings - femaleearrings_dangles - (colors - 8 - 0)) - (piercings none) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (bass - jazz02_sunburstpearl - (colors - 22 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar22 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 4) - (eyebrow_color_index 1) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - parkinglot_resource - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses - maleglasses_aviators - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - tshirtdeath_cotton - (colors 0)) - (hands naked) - (legs - basictightpants_jeans - (colors - 1 - 6)) - (feet - creepers_vintage - (colors - 13 - 12)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (guitar - 5120_sunburst - (colors - 29 - 0)) - (bass - precision01_woodash - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar23 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 2) - (eyebrow_color_index 4) - (height 0.75) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - featheredshort_resource - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (heads - head_2 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair - head_2_flavorsaver - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (torso - jeanjacket_denim - (colors - 12 - 0)) - (hands naked) - (legs - bootcutpants_distressedjeans - (colors - 0 - 31)) - (feet - westernslipons_embroidered - (colors - 15 - 0)) - (wrist - malewrist_hercules - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (rings - malerings_chief - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (bass - g6073_paint - (colors - 37 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar24 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 3) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 3) - (height 0.75) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - longlayered_resource - (colors - 3 - 0)) - (heads - head_6 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses - maleglasses_badass - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - studdedjacket_leather - (colors - 0 - 7)) - (hands naked) - (legs - jeansstudded_denim - (colors - 7 - 0)) - (feet - gladiatorboots_leather - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 32 - 4)) - (bass - precision01_woodash - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar25 - (selectable TRUE) - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 4) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 4) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - nightcat_resource - (colors - 4 - 3)) - (heads - head_3 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses none) - (torso - jeanjacket_denim - (colors - 8 - 4)) - (hands - malegloves_fingerlessdriving - (colors - 33 - 0)) - (legs - jeansbleached_denim - (colors - 8 - 14)) - (feet - studdedcowboyboots_leather - (colors - 33 - 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (bass - precision01_sunburstblack - (colors - 22 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar26 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreSpazz) - (skin_color_index 3) - (eye_color_index 6) - (eyebrow_color_index 1) - (height 0.80) - (weight 0.25) - (outfit - (hair - maledreads_resource - (colors - 1 - 4)) - (heads - head_2 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses none) - (torso - leathervest_studded - (colors - 0 - 34)) - (hands naked) - (legs - bondagepants_zippered - (colors - 20 - 3)) - (feet - maledocsductape_leather - (colors - 13 - 0)) - (wrist - malewrist_studdedwatchcombo - (colors - 28 - 0)) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (guitar - jaguar03_paint - (colors - 36 - 3)) - (bass - g6073_paint - (colors - 14 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar27 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreDramatic) - (skin_color_index 3) - (eye_color_index 9) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (height 0.75) - (weight 0.75) - (outfit - (hair - longwavy_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (heads - head_4 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair none) - (eyes - head_4_eyes_10 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - head_4_lips_4 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - mummyjacket_cotton - (colors - 2 - 2)) - (hands - femalegloves_bandaged - (colors - 3 - 0)) - (legs - mummyleggings_cotton - (colors - 2 - 2)) - (feet - midcalfspikes_leather - (colors - 30 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (guitar - jaguar03_sunburstpearl - (colors - 25 - 28)) - (bass - precision02_paint - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar28 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreDramatic) - (skin_color_index 3) - (eye_color_index 1) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (height 0.15) - (weight 0.80) - (outfit - (hair - 50sbandana_resource - (colors - 0 - 19)) - (heads - head_3 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair none) - (eyes - head_3_eyes_2 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - head_3_lips_7 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - batvneck_cotton - (colors - 0 - 41)) - (hands - femalegloves_lacefishnet - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (legs - gothmicrosand_stripedtights - (colors - 0 - 19)) - (feet - femalegothstompers_leather - (colors - 0 - 41)) - (glasses none) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings - femaleearrings_hoops - (colors - 2 - 0)) - (piercings none) - (guitar - kelly02_sparkle - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - batwingbass_resource - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource)) - (tattoo - (patch_left_arm ((patch_sailor - 8 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 89.00 - 0.00 - 1.97 - 0.48 - 0.00) - (patch_sailor - 2 - 0 - -22.00 - 0.00 - -155.00 - 271.94 - 0.56 - 2.03 - 0.00))) - (patch_right_arm ((patch_flyrite - 1 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 130.00 - 0.00 - 1.12 - 0.38 - 0.00) - (patch_newyork - 2 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - -153.00 - 0.00 - 2.27 - 0.40 - 0.00))))) - (guitar29 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 5) - (eyebrow_color_index 1) - (height 0.75) - (weight 0.75) - (outfit - (hair - femover_resource - (colors - 0 - 24)) - (heads - head_4 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair none) - (eyes - head_4_eyes_3 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - head_4_lips_11 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - halfsleeveschooltop_cotton - (colors - 0 - 16)) - (hands naked) - (legs - zigzagleggings_nylon - (colors - 30 - 0)) - (feet - kneehighheel_leather - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (guitar - kingv03_paint - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (bass - kelly04_paint - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar30 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreBanger) - (skin_color_index 3) - (eye_color_index 9) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.80) - (outfit - (hair - malelongwavy_resource - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair - head_1_longgoatee - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (torso - spikedvest_leather - (colors - 0 - 14) - (patch ((patch_clapp - 10 - 1 - -9.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 1.39 - 1.27 - 0.00)))) - (hands naked) - (legs - bondagepants_zippered - (colors - 24 - 0)) - (feet - studdedcowboyboots_leather - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (wrist - malewrist_studdedgauntlet - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (rings - malerings_skull - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (guitar - warrior01_sunburst - (colors - 34 - 0)) - (bass - kelly04_sunburst - (colors - 36 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource)) - (tattoo - (patch_left_arm ((patch_slifers - 0 - 0 - 2.00 - 0.00 - -132.00 - 0.00 - 1.83 - 0.47 - 0.00) - (patch_corbins - 1 - 13 - 22.00 - 0.00 - 173.00 - 0.00 - 0.75 - 0.34 - 0.00) - (patch_newyork - 1 - 0 - 55.00 - 0.00 - 45.00 - 0.00 - 1.84 - 0.86 - 0.00) - (patch_slifers - 0 - 0 - 2.00 - 0.00 - -132.00 - 0.00 - 1.83 - 0.47 - 0.00))) - (patch_right_arm ((patch_slifers - 9 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 163.00 - 0.00 - 0.84 - 0.47 - 0.00) - (patch_newyork - 5 - 0 - -7.00 - 0.00 - -136.00 - 0.00 - 2.19 - 0.69 - 0.00) - (patch_suerte - 0 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 30.00 - 0.00 - 1.47 - 0.56 - 0.00))))) - (guitar31 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 4) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 2) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - gothdreads_resource - (colors - 27 - 36)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair none) - (eyes - head_1_eyes_7 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - head_1_lips_11 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - bigstraps_rubber - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (hands naked) - (legs - bondagepants_plaidknees - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (feet - kneehighplatform_pvc - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (wrist none) - (rings - femalerings_demonclaw - (colors - 2 - 0)) - (earrings - femaleearrings_safetypins - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings none) - (guitar - corvette_sparkle - (colors - 6 - 2)) - (bass - jazz01_sparkle - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar32 - (selectable TRUE) - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 1) - (eye_color_index 2) - (eyebrow_color_index 47) - (height 0.75) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - crazyhawk_resource - (colors - 38 - 28)) - (heads - head_2 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair - head_2_chops - (colors - 28 - 0)) - (glasses - maleglasses_goggles - (colors - 14 - 3)) - (torso - strapjacket_pleather - (colors - 45 - 12)) - (hands naked) - (legs - codpiecepants_robotic - (colors - 12 - 45)) - (feet - malebarefeet_fleshy - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (wrist - malewrist_hercules - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (rings - malerings_chief - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (bass - g6073_paint - (colors - 37 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar33 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 6) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 2) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - trihawk_resource - (colors - 47 - 24)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair none) - (eyes - head_1_eyes_2 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - head_1_lips_3 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - tanktop_solid - (colors - 8 - 0)) - (hands naked) - (legs - capripants_tigerstripe - (colors - 9 - 17)) - (feet - kneehighplatform_pvc - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (wrist none) - (rings - femalerings_demonclaw - (colors - 2 - 0)) - (earrings - femaleearrings_safetypins - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings none) - (guitar - stratocaster01_sparkle - (colors - 20 - 28)) - (bass - jazz01_sparkle - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar34 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 2) - (eyebrow_color_index 1) - (height 0.75) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair none) - (heads - head_2 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes - head_2_eyes_2 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips none) - (facehair - head_2_chingoatee - (colors - 44 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (torso naked) - (hands naked) - (legs - bootcutpants_distressedjeans - (colors - 0 - 31)) - (feet - rinoboots_leather - (colors - 0 - 2)) - (wrist - malewrist_hercules - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (rings - malerings_chief - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (earrings - maleearrings_spikeloop - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (piercings none) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (bass - g6073_paint - (colors - 37 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource)) - (tattoo - (patch_left_arm ((patch_sailor - 13 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 111.00 - 0.00 - 1.95 - 0.77 - 0.00))) - (patch_right_arm ((patch_newyork - 1 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 74.00 - 0.00 - 1.90 - 1.05 - 0.00))))) - (guitar37 - (gender female) + #include prefabs_dx.dta + (rb2drum0 + (gender male) (instrument guitar) (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (weight 0.75) - (height 0.25) + (attitude kGenreBanger) (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 3) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) + (eye_color_index 4) + (eyebrow_color_index 16) + (height 1.0) + (weight 0.75) (outfit (hair - ladylayered_cowboyhat + hair_long + (colors 16 0)) + (heads + head_3 + (colors 4 0)) + (eyes + none + (colors 0 0)) + (lips + none + (colors 0 0)) + (facehair + head_3_ggallin + (colors 16 0)) + (glasses + none + (colors 0 0)) + (torso + halfshirtbracers_cotton + (colors 0 0)) + (hands + naked + (colors 0 0)) + (legs + camopants_canvas + (colors 34 32)) + (feet + malespikydocs_solid + (colors 0 16)) + (wrist + malewrist_studdedgauntlet (colors 1 0)) + (rings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (earrings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (piercings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (guitar + kelly02_paint + (colors 0 0)) + (bass + c20bass_paint + (colors 0 0)) + (mic + sm58_resource + (colors 0 0)) + (drum + ludclassic_diamond + (colors 0 0))) + (tattoo)) + (rb2drum1 + (gender male) + (instrument guitar) + (selectable TRUE) + (attitude kGenreSpazz) + (skin_color_index 0) + (eye_color_index 6) + (eyebrow_color_index 18) + (height 0.75) + (weight 0.25) + (outfit + (hair + hanoi2_resource + (colors 18 0)) (heads - head_1) + head_5 + (colors 4 0)) (eyes - head_1_eyes_0 + head_5_eyes_13 (colors 0 0)) (lips - head_1_lips_0 + head_5_lips_8 + (colors 0 0)) + (facehair + none (colors 0 0)) - (facehair none) (glasses - femaleglasses_aviators - (colors 0 4)) + none + (colors 0 0)) (torso - openshirtbandana_print - (colors 0 20)) + suspenders_studded + (colors 4 23)) (hands - femalegloves_fingerlessdriving + malegloves_fingerlessdriving + (colors 34 0)) + (legs + buttlesschaps_leather + (colors 23 4)) + (feet + malehighheels_snakeskin + (colors 20 19)) + (wrist + malewrist_barbedwire + (colors 2 0)) + (rings + malerings_coatofarms + (colors 2 0)) + (earrings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (piercings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (guitar + doublejet_paint + (colors 38 1)) + (bass + telebass_paint + (colors 38 1)) + (mic + sm58_resource + (colors 0 0)) + (drum + ludclassic_diamond + (colors 7 0))) + (tattoo + (patch_left_arm + ((patch_flyrite 1 0 5.0 0.0 -98.0 0.0 -1.11 0.59 0.0))) + (patch_right_arm + ((patch_flyrite 10 0 0.0 0.0 -181.0 0.0 1.0 0.3 0.0) + (patch_flyrite 10 0 -46.0 0.0 -128.0 0.0 1.0 0.3 0.0) + (patch_flyrite 10 0 128.0 0.0 -152.0 0.0 1.0 0.3 0.0) + (patch_flyrite 10 0 47.0 0.0 -85.0 0.0 1.0 0.3 0.0) + (patch_flyrite 10 0 -71.0 0.0 -85.0 11.98 1.0 0.3 0.0) + (patch_flyrite 10 0 117.0 0.0 -187.0 0.0 1.0 0.3 0.0) + (patch_flyrite 10 0 -84.0 0.0 -166.0 0.0 1.0 0.3 0.0))))) + (rb2drum2 + (gender male) + (instrument guitar) + (selectable TRUE) + (attitude kGenreDramatic) + (skin_color_index 2) + (eye_color_index 2) + (eyebrow_color_index 50) + (height 1.0) + (weight 0.0) + (outfit + (hair + baldeagle_resource + (colors 50 0)) + (heads + head_14 + (colors 4 0)) + (eyes + none + (colors 0 0)) + (lips + none + (colors 0 0)) + (facehair + head_14_scottian + (colors 50 0)) + (glasses + none + (colors 0 0)) + (torso + glamitardtop_wizard + (colors 0 4)) + (hands + naked (colors 0 0)) (legs - wreckedjeans_worn - (colors 27 43)) + glamitardpants_wizard + (colors 0 4)) (feet - femalecowboyboots_embroidered - (colors 0 1)) + glamitardslippers_wizard + (colors 0 4)) (wrist - femalewrist_sweatband - (colors 26 0)) - (rings none) - (earrings - femaleearrings_hoops + malewrist_watchleatherstrap + (colors 29 0)) + (rings + malerings_demonclaw + (colors 2 0)) + (earrings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (piercings + none (colors 0 0)) - (piercings - femalepiercings_combo5 + (guitar + kelly02_sparkle (colors 1 0)) (bass - falconbass_paint + kelly04_sparkle (colors 1 0)) + (mic + sm58_resource + (colors 0 0)) (drum - ludclassic_fade + ludclassic_diamond + (colors 1 0))) + (tattoo)) + (rb2drum3 + (gender male) + (instrument guitar) + (selectable TRUE) + (attitude kGenreSpazz) + (skin_color_index 5) + (eye_color_index 0) + (eyebrow_color_index 2) + (height 1.0) + (weight 0.75) + (outfit + (hair + younghr_resource + (colors 2 0)) + (heads + head_9 + (colors 4 0)) + (eyes + head_9_eyes_6 + (colors 0 0)) + (lips + none + (colors 0 0)) + (facehair + head_9_bushybeard + (colors 2 0)) + (glasses + none + (colors 0 0)) + (torso + buzzsawpads_wrecked + (colors 3 2)) + (hands + naked + (colors 0 0)) + (legs + harajukubelt_camo + (colors 24 16)) + (feet + maledocsductape_leather + (colors 26 4)) + (wrist + malewrist_studdedwatchcombo + (colors 0 0)) + (rings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (earrings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (piercings + none (colors 0 0)) (guitar - penguin_paint - (colors 1 0)) + kingv02_sparkle + (colors 45 0)) + (bass + jazz02_sparkle + (colors 45 33)) (mic sm58_resource - (colors 0 0)))) - (guitar38 + (colors 0 0)) + (drum + ludclassic_diamond + (colors 0 0))) + (tattoo)) + (rb2drum4 (gender male) + (instrument guitar) (selectable TRUE) + (attitude kGenreSpazz) + (skin_color_index 3) + (eye_color_index 1) + (eyebrow_color_index 44) + (height 0.75) + (weight 0.25) + (outfit + (hair + mohawk_resource + (colors 44 42)) + (heads + head_14 + (colors 4 0)) + (eyes + none + (colors 0 0)) + (lips + none + (colors 0 0)) + (facehair + head_14_chingoatee + (colors 42 0)) + (glasses + none + (colors 0 0)) + (torso + tuxedo_sloppy + (colors 23 25)) + (hands + naked + (colors 0 0)) + (legs + tuxpants_sloppy + (colors 23 4)) + (feet + maleslipons_skully + (colors 16 6)) + (wrist + none + (colors 0 0)) + (rings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (earrings + maleearrings_safetypins + (colors 2 0)) + (piercings + head_14_piercings_combo4 + (colors 2 0)) + (guitar + kingv02_paint + (colors 20 0)) + (bass + g6073_paint + (colors 20 0)) + (mic + sm58_resource + (colors 0 0)) + (drum + ludclassic_diamond + (colors 20 0))) + (tattoo)) + (rb2drum5 + (gender male) (instrument guitar) + (selectable TRUE) (attitude kGenreSpazz) (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 9) - (eyebrow_color_index 4) + (eye_color_index 5) + (eyebrow_color_index 29) (height 1.0) (weight 0.25) (outfit (hair - longlayered_resource - (colors 4 0)) + libertyspikes_resource + (colors 29 27)) (heads - head_12 + head_13 (colors 4 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) + (eyes + none + (colors 0 0)) + (lips + none + (colors 0 0)) (facehair - head_12_flavorsaver + head_13_chinstrap + (colors 29 0)) + (glasses + malemask_eyebandage (colors 4 0)) - (glasses naked) (torso - flannelcoat_checked - (colors 14 5)) - (hands naked) + sweatervest_patched + (colors 21 28)) + (hands + naked + (colors 0 0)) (legs - flaredistressedjeans_bleachedjeans - (colors 5)) + tighterpants_plaidpunx + (colors 44 17)) (feet - highchucks_solid - (colors 15 4)) - (wrist naked) + tatteredshoe_homeless + (colors 24 4)) + (wrist + malewrist_sweatbandcombo + (colors 15 16)) (rings - malerings_rubberbands - (colors 3 0)) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) + none + (colors 0 0)) + (earrings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (piercings + none + (colors 0 0)) (guitar - corvette_sunbursttortoise - (colors 20 20)) + stratocaster02_paint + (colors 0 0)) (bass - jazz03_paint - (colors 36 0)) + precision01_woodash + (colors 0 0)) + (mic + sm58_resource + (colors 0 0)) (drum - ludvista_clear - (colors 14 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar39 - (gender female) + ludclassic_diamond + (colors 0 0))) + (tattoo)) + (rb2drum6 + (gender male) (instrument guitar) (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreDramatic) - (weight 0.50) - (height 0.50) + (attitude kGenreRocker) (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 9) - (eyebrow_color_index 3) + (eye_color_index 5) + (eyebrow_color_index 0) + (height 0.0) + (weight 0.75) (outfit (hair - femalehair_long - (colors 3 0)) + greaserslick_resource + (colors 0 0)) (heads - head_1) + head_11 + (colors 4 0)) (eyes - head_1_eyes_3 + head_11_eyes_9 (colors 0 0)) (lips - head_1_lips_3 + none + (colors 0 0)) + (facehair + head_11_bushymoustache (colors 0 0)) - (facehair none) (glasses - none) + none + (colors 0 0)) (torso - busselcoat_lace - (colors 1 20)) + uniformshirt_cotton + (colors 26 0)) (hands - naked) - (legs - gothminiflare_barelegs + naked (colors 0 0)) + (legs + leatherpants_basicleather + (colors 29 30)) (feet - femalesambas_leather - (colors 0 0)) + sambas_leather + (colors 33 3)) (wrist - none) - (rings none) - (earrings - none) - (piercings - none) + malewrist_hercules + (colors 2 0)) + (rings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (earrings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (piercings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (guitar + synchromatic_triburstblack + (colors 29 31)) (bass - neonbass_resource - (colors 18 7)) + falconbass_triburst + (colors 23 32)) + (mic + sm58_resource + (colors 0 0)) (drum - electronic + ludclassic_diamond + (colors 3 0))) + (tattoo + (patch_left_arm + ((patch_flyrite 8 0 0.0 0.0 139.0 0.0 -1.51 0.74 0.0))) + (patch_right_arm + ((patch_anchor 4 0 0.0 0.0 119.0 0.0 0.91 0.6 0.0))))) + (rb2drum7 + (gender male) + (instrument guitar) + (selectable TRUE) + (attitude kGenreRocker) + (skin_color_index 0) + (eye_color_index 7) + (eyebrow_color_index 19) + (height 0.75) + (weight 0.25) + (outfit + (hair + prettyboy_resource + (colors 19 0)) + (heads + head_12 + (colors 4 0)) + (eyes + head_12_eyes_11 + (colors 0 0)) + (lips + none + (colors 0 0)) + (facehair + none + (colors 0 0)) + (glasses + none + (colors 0 0)) + (torso + openshirthippy_silk + (colors 21 0)) + (hands + naked + (colors 0 0)) + (legs + strippedpants_ornate + (colors 12 27)) + (feet + dappershoes_solidshiny + (colors 4 0)) + (wrist + malewrist_hercules + (colors 33 0)) + (rings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (earrings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (piercings + none (colors 0 0)) (guitar - neon_resource - (colors 18 7)) + projet_triburstpearl + (colors 17 20)) + (bass + precision04_paint + (colors 9 1)) + (mic + sm58_resource + (colors 0 0)) + (drum + ludclassic_diamond + (colors 1 0))) + (tattoo)) + (rb2drum8 + (gender male) + (instrument guitar) + (selectable TRUE) + (attitude kGenreRocker) + (skin_color_index 2) + (eye_color_index 4) + (eyebrow_color_index 25) + (height 0.0) + (weight 1.0) + (outfit + (hair + longmop_resource + (colors 25 0)) + (heads + head_4 + (colors 4 0)) + (eyes + none + (colors 0 0)) + (lips + none + (colors 0 0)) + (facehair + head_4_bushymoustache + (colors 25 0)) + (glasses + maleglasses_business + (colors 4 1)) + (torso + roadiejacket_satin + (colors 41 4)) + (hands + naked + (colors 0 0)) + (legs + corduroypants_worn + (colors 12 1)) + (feet + basketballsneaks_custom + (colors 14 4)) + (wrist + none + (colors 0 0)) + (rings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (earrings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (piercings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (guitar + stratocaster02_paint + (colors 45 1)) + (bass + precision04_paint + (colors 36 1)) + (mic + sm58_resource + (colors 0 0)) + (drum + ludclassic_diamond + (colors 0 0))) + (tattoo)) + (rb2drum9 + (gender male) + (instrument guitar) + (selectable TRUE) + (attitude kGenreBanger) + (skin_color_index 3) + (eye_color_index 0) + (eyebrow_color_index 2) + (height 0.0) + (weight 0.5) + (outfit + (hair + ramones_resource + (colors 2 0)) + (heads + head_10 + (colors 4 0)) + (eyes + none + (colors 0 0)) + (lips + none + (colors 0 0)) + (facehair + head_10_handlebar + (colors 5 0)) + (glasses + none + (colors 0 0)) + (torso + workjacket_grimey + (colors 26 4)) + (hands + naked + (colors 0 0)) + (legs + workpants_grimey + (colors 12 12)) + (feet + timberlandboots_muddy + (colors 6 0)) + (wrist + none + (colors 0 0)) + (rings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (earrings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (piercings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (guitar + stratocaster01_paint + (colors 14 1)) + (bass + jaguarbass_paint + (colors 1 1)) + (mic + sm58_resource + (colors 0 0)) + (drum + ludclassic_diamond + (colors 0 0))) + (tattoo)) + (rb2drum10 + (gender male) + (instrument guitar) + (selectable TRUE) + (attitude kGenreDramatic) + (skin_color_index 6) + (eye_color_index 9) + (eyebrow_color_index 1) + (height 1.0) + (weight 0.25) + (outfit + (hair + maleladyfropick_resource + (colors 1 11)) + (heads + head_13 + (colors 4 0)) + (eyes + head_13_eyes_6 + (colors 0 0)) + (lips + none + (colors 0 0)) + (facehair + head_13_chops + (colors 1 0)) + (glasses + maleglasses_cataracts + (colors 0 0)) + (torso + kissarmor_sparkles + (colors 0 4)) + (hands + naked + (colors 0 0)) + (legs + kissflares_sparkles + (colors 0 4)) + (feet + kissboots_sparkles + (colors 0 4)) + (wrist + none + (colors 0 0)) + (rings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (earrings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (piercings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (guitar + warrior02_sparkle + (colors 1 0)) + (bass + kelly04_sparkle + (colors 1 0)) + (mic + sm58_resource + (colors 0 0)) + (drum + ludclassic_diamond + (colors 0 0))) + (tattoo)) + (rb2drum11 + (gender male) + (instrument guitar) + (selectable TRUE) + (attitude kGenreRocker) + (skin_color_index 1) + (eye_color_index 2) + (eyebrow_color_index 2) + (height 1.0) + (weight 0.75) + (outfit + (hair + mandana_resource + (colors 2 15)) + (heads + head_11 + (colors 4 0)) + (eyes + none + (colors 0 0)) + (lips + none + (colors 0 0)) + (facehair + head_11_bushybeard + (colors 4 0)) + (glasses + maleglasses_bugeyes + (colors 5 0)) + (torso + indianchest_bone + (colors 10 33)) + (hands + naked + (colors 0 0)) + (legs + wornleatherpants_worn + (colors 5 8)) + (feet + malebarefeet_fleshy + (colors 0 0)) + (wrist + malewrist_wristbandterrycloth + (colors 11 0)) + (rings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (earrings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (piercings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (guitar + telecaster01_sunburstpearl + (colors 31 0)) + (bass + precision01_sunburstblack + (colors 31 37)) + (mic + sm58_resource + (colors 0 0)) + (drum + ludclassic_diamond + (colors 0 0))) + (tattoo + (patch_right_arm + ((patch_newyork 10 0 -11.0 0.0 182.0 16.91 0.5 0.39 0.0))))) + (rb2drum12 + (gender female) + (instrument guitar) + (selectable TRUE) + (attitude kGenreDramatic) + (skin_color_index 2) + (eye_color_index 8) + (eyebrow_color_index 24) + (height 1.0) + (weight 0.75) + (outfit + (hair + japanhair1_resource + (colors 24 0)) + (heads + head_5 + (colors 4 0)) + (facehair + none + (colors 0 0)) + (eyes + head_5_eyes_25 + (colors 0 0)) + (lips + head_5_lips_3 + (colors 0 0)) + (torso + maidenstraps_studded + (colors 0 0)) + (hands + naked + (colors 0 0)) + (legs + bondagepants_plaidknees + (colors 0 0)) + (feet + midcalfspikes_leather + (colors 0 0)) + (glasses + none + (colors 0 0)) + (wrist + none + (colors 0 0)) + (rings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (earrings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (piercings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (guitar + warrior02_paint + (colors 36 0)) + (bass + kelly04_paint + (colors 36 0)) + (mic + sm58_resource + (colors 0 0)) + (drum + ludclassic_diamond + (colors 0 0))) + (tattoo)) + (rb2drum13 + (gender female) + (instrument guitar) + (selectable TRUE) + (attitude kGenreBanger) + 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stratocaster02_paint + (colors 0 4))) + (tattoo)) + (vocals15 + (gender male) + (instrument vocals) + (selectable TRUE) + (attitude kGenreDramatic) + (skin_color_index 2) + (eye_color_index 9) + (eyebrow_color_index 4) + (height 0.5) + (weight 0.8) + (outfit + (hair + lazyhawk_resource + (colors 4 2)) + (heads + head_4 + (colors 4 0)) + (eyes + none + (colors 0 0)) + (lips + none + (colors 0 0)) + (facehair + none + (colors 0 0)) + (glasses + none + (colors 0 0)) + (torso + leathershoulderstraps_twotone + (colors 0 29)) + (hands + naked + (colors 0 0)) + (legs + bootcutpants_distressedjeans + (colors 0 20)) + (feet + nailboots_rusty + (colors 0 34)) + (wrist + malewrist_sweatbandstuddedcombo + (colors 0 0)) + (rings + malerings_ebony + (colors 0 0)) + (earrings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (mic + sm58_resource + (colors 0 0)) + (bass + precision05_sparkle + (colors 25 0)) + (drum + ludclassic_diamond + (colors 0 0)) + (guitar + stratocaster02_paint + (colors 0 4))) + (tattoo)) + (vocals17 + (gender male) + (instrument vocals) + (selectable TRUE) + (attitude kGenreRocker) + (skin_color_index 1) + (eye_color_index 0) + (eyebrow_color_index 47) + (height 0.5) + (weight 0.5) + (outfit + (hair + libertyspikes_resource + (colors 0 24)) + (heads + head_1 + (colors 0 0)) + (eyes + head_1_eyes_4 + (colors 0 0)) + (lips + none + (colors 0 0)) + (facehair + head_1_flavorsaver + (colors 46 0)) + (glasses + none + (colors 0 0)) + (torso + wifebeaterplain_biohazard + (colors 0 30)) + (hands + malegloves_skeleton + (colors 0 30)) + (legs + harajukubelt_camo + (colors 0 3)) + (feet + malelowtopsneaks_skater + (colors 0 33)) + (wrist + malewrist_sweatband + (colors 16 27)) + (rings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (earrings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (mic + sm58_resource + (colors 0 0)) + (bass + precision05_sparkle + (colors 25 0)) + (drum + ludclassic_diamond + (colors 0 0)) + (guitar + stratocaster02_paint + (colors 0 4))) + (tattoo + (patch_left_arm + ((patch_murakami 22 3 89.0 0.0 38.0 179.65 -0.52 0.3 0.0) + (patch_murakami 22 3 90.0 0.0 -14.0 0.0 0.52 0.3 0.0) + (patch_murakami 8 8 39.0 0.0 187.0 0.0 1.0 0.3 0.0))) + (patch_right_arm + ((patch_newyork 15 0 31.0 0.0 -200.0 263.48 0.53 0.91 0.0))))) + (vocals18 + (gender female) + (instrument vocals) + (selectable TRUE) + (attitude kGenreRocker) + (skin_color_index 0) + (eye_color_index 0) + (eyebrow_color_index 0) + (height 0.5) + (weight 0.5) + (outfit + (hair + shortspikes_resource + (colors 24 0)) + (heads + head_3 + (colors 4 0)) + (eyes + head_3_eyes_27 + (colors 0 0)) + (lips + head_3_lips_9 + (colors 0 0)) + (torso + tanktop_nyhc + (colors 0 30)) + (hands + naked + (colors 0 0)) + (legs + cargopants_camo + (colors 28 14)) + (feet + saggydocs_var1 + (colors 14 14)) + (glasses + none + (colors 0 0)) + (wrist + femalewrist_jelly + (colors 14 28)) + (rings + femalerings_bandaid + (colors 7 0)) + (earrings + femaleearrings_plug + (colors 0 0)) + (mic + sm58_resource + (colors 0 0)) + (bass + precision05_sparkle + (colors 25 0)) + (drum + ludclassic_diamond + (colors 0 0)) + (guitar + stratocaster02_paint + (colors 0 4))) + (tattoo)) + (vocals19 + (gender male) + (instrument vocals) + (selectable TRUE) + (attitude kGenreRocker) + (skin_color_index 0) + (eye_color_index 2) + (eyebrow_color_index 47) + (height 0.8) + (weight 0.5) + (outfit + (hair + libertyspikes_resource + (colors 0 50)) + (heads + head_3 + (colors 4 0)) + (eyes + head_3_eyes_7 + (colors 0 0)) + (lips + head_3_lips_1 + (colors 0 0)) + (facehair + none + (colors 0 0)) + (glasses + none + (colors 0 0)) + (torso + militantstrappedcoat_whiteandblack + (colors 0 0)) + (hands + naked + (colors 0 0)) + (legs + darkriderpants_cotton + (colors 0 2)) + (feet + kneehighdocs_leather + (colors 0 3)) + (wrist + malewrist_nailgauntlet + (colors 34 0)) + (rings + malerings_eyeball + (colors 4 0)) + (earrings + maleearrings_safetypins + (colors 2 0)) + (mic + sm58_resource + (colors 0 0)) + (bass + precision05_sparkle + (colors 25 0)) + (drum + ludclassic_diamond + (colors 0 0)) + (guitar + stratocaster02_paint + (colors 0 4))) + (tattoo)) + (vocals20 + (gender female) + (instrument vocals) + (selectable TRUE) + (attitude kGenreSpazz) + (skin_color_index 1) + (eye_color_index 8) + (eyebrow_color_index 47) + (height 0.25) + (weight 0.5) + (outfit + (hair + hippybangs_maohat + (colors 19 2)) + (heads + head_1 + (colors 4 0)) + (eyes + head_1_eyes_7 + (colors 0 0)) + (lips + head_1_lips_3 + (colors 0 0)) + (torso + puffedsleeves_leather + (colors 0 4)) + (hands + naked + (colors 0 0)) + (legs + puffyskirt_barelegs + (colors 0 1)) + (feet + thighhighheel_pvc + (colors 34 0)) + (glasses + none + (colors 0 0)) + (wrist + none + (colors 0 0)) + (rings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (earrings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (mic + sm58_resource + (colors 0 0)) + (bass + precision05_sparkle + (colors 25 0)) + (drum + ludclassic_diamond + (colors 0 0)) + (guitar + stratocaster02_paint + (colors 0 4))) + (tattoo)) + (vocals21 + (gender male) + (instrument vocals) + (selectable TRUE) + (attitude kGenreRocker) + (skin_color_index 2) + (eye_color_index 5) + (eyebrow_color_index 4) + (height 0.5) + (weight 0.5) + (outfit + (hair + hanoi_resource + (colors 4 4)) + (heads + head_1 + (colors 4 0)) + (eyes none) + (lips none) + (facehair none) + (glasses none) + (torso + cutoffjeanjacket_denim + (colors 7 3)) + (hands + malegloves_fingerlessdriving + (colors 1 0)) + (legs + jeansripped_denim + (colors 7 0)) + (feet + combatboots_var1 + (colors 7 0)) + (wrist none) + (rings none) + (earrings none) + (piercings none) + (drum + ludclassic_diamond + (colors 0 0)) + (bass + precision05_sparkle + (colors 25 0)) + (guitar + stratocaster02_paint + (colors 0 4)) (mic - knife_resource - (colors 3 0)))) - -#ifdef RAM_PREFABS - (guitar35 - (gender female) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 6) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 2) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.50) - (RAM_FEMALE - (guitar - stratocaster01_sparkle - (colors - 20 - 28)) - (bass - jazz01_sparkle - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (guitar36 - (gender male) - (instrument guitar) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 2) - (eyebrow_color_index 1) - (height 0.75) - (weight 0.50) - (RAM_MALE - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (bass - g6073_paint - (colors - 37 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - -#endif - (vocals0 - (gender male) - (instrument vocals) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (weight 0.50) - (height 0.50) - (skin_color_index 3) - (eye_color_index 3) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (outfit - (hair - parkinglot_resource - (colors 3)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair - none - (colors 0)) - (glasses none) - (torso - paradejacket_ornate - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (hands naked) - (legs - tightdistressedpants_jeans - (colors 6)) - (feet - motorcycleboots_solid - (colors 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (vocals1 - (gender male) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (selectable TRUE) - (instrument vocals) - (weight 0.60) - (height 0.50) - (skin_color_index 1) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (outfit - (hair - hair_long - (colors 1)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (torso - wifebeater_worn - (colors 4)) - (hands naked) - (legs - leatherpants_basicleather - (colors 0)) - (feet - dappershoes_solidshiny - (colors 0)) - (wrist - gauntlet_resource - (colors 0)) - (glasses none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (vocals2 - (gender female) - (attitude kGenreSpazz) - (selectable TRUE) - (instrument vocals) - (weight 0.25) - (height 0.85) - (skin_color_index 4) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (outfit - (hair - longwavy_resource - (colors 6)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors)) - (facehair none) - (torso - tanktop_prismaticcheetah - (colors 4)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (hands naked) - (legs - highwaterjeans_ripped - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (feet - chucktaylors_folded - (colors 0)) - (wrist none) - (glasses none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (vocals3 - (gender male) - (instrument vocals) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (weight 0.50) - (height 0.50) - (skin_color_index 3) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (outfit - (hair - mop_resource - (colors 1)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses - maleglasses_aviators - (colors 0)) - (torso - militaryjacket_canvas - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (hands naked) - (legs - flaredistressedjeans_bleachedjeans - (colors 0)) - (feet - sportysneaks_pleather - (colors 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (vocals4 - (gender female) - (instrument vocals) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreBanger) - (weight 0.35) - (height 0.50) - (skin_color_index 4) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (outfit - (hair - ladylayered_resource - (colors 0)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors)) - (facehair none) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (torso - thermalundertee_thermal - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (hands naked) - (legs - highwaterjeans_ripped - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (feet - femaledestroyedchucks_solid - (colors 0)) - (glasses none) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic sm58_resource))) - (vocals5 - (gender male) - (instrument vocals) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 4) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - parkinglot_resource - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses none) - (torso - hoodieandjacket_leather - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (hands naked) - (legs - tightdistressedpants_jeans - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (feet - sneakersstripes_nylon - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings - malerings_twistedband - (colors - 2 - 0)) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)))) - (vocals6 - (selectable TRUE) - (gender male) - (instrument vocals) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 9) - (eyebrow_color_index 4) - (height 0.15) - (weight 0.75) - (outfit - (hair - ziggymullet_resource - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (heads - head_4 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair - head_4_dwarvenbeard - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (torso - flannelcoat_checked - (colors - 16 - 5)) - (hands naked) - (legs - rolledjeans_cowspot - (colors - 9 - 15)) - (feet - combatboots_var1 - (colors - 7 - 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)))) - (vocals7 - (selectable TRUE) - (gender male) - (instrument vocals) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 3) - (height 0.75) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - hair_long - (colors - 3 - 0)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair - head_1_handlebar - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (glasses - maleglasses_circles - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (torso - ornatecoat_bejewelled - (colors - 5 - 3)) - (hands naked) - (legs - sashandpants_jeans - (colors - 21 - 3)) - (feet - cowboyboots_embroidered - (colors - 2 - 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)))) - (vocals8 - (gender male) - (selectable TRUE) - (instrument vocals) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 14) - (height 0.25) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - glampoof_resource - (colors - 14 - 0)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes - head_1_eyes_4 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses none) - (torso - militaryjacket_canvas - (colors - 0 - 25)) - (hands naked) - (legs - chaps_leather - (colors - 0 - 9)) - (feet - combatboots_leather - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4))) - (tattoo - (patch_left_arm ((patch_newyork - 15 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - -57.00 - 0.00 - 1.70 - 1.00 - 0.00))) - (patch_right_arm ((patch_newyork - 13 - 3 - 55.00 - 0.00 - 64.00 - 0.00 - 1.44 - 1.27 - 0.00))))) - (vocals9 - (gender male) - (selectable TRUE) - (instrument vocals) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 15) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - short_resource - (colors - 17 - 0)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses none) - (torso - openshirt_classicfloral - (colors - 21 - 21)) - (hands naked) - (legs - corduroypants_worn - (colors - 15 - 27)) - (feet - dappershoes_solidshiny - (colors - 28 - 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4))) - (tattoo (patch_right_arm ((patch_anchor - 2 - 0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - -127.00 - 0.00 - 1.00 - 0.62 - 0.00))))) - (vocals10 - (gender male) - (instrument vocals) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreSpazz) - (skin_color_index 1) - (eye_color_index 9) - (eyebrow_color_index 18) - (height 0.75) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - billyidol_resource - (colors - 18 - 0)) - (heads - head_6 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses none) - (torso - onesleevejacket_roadwarrior - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (hands - malegloves_fingerlessdriving - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (legs - leatherslacks_roadwarrior - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (feet - combatboots_var1 - (colors - 0 - 13)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings - maleearrings_nail - (colors - 2 - 0)) - (piercings none) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)))) - (vocals11 - (selectable TRUE) - (gender male) - (instrument vocals) - (attitude kGenreBanger) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 9) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (height 0.80) - (weight 0.80) - (outfit - (hair - hair_long - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (heads - head_4 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair - head_4_longgoatee - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (torso - boneharness_leather - (colors - 0 - 30)) - (hands naked) - (legs - boneleggings_leather - (colors - 0 - 31)) - (feet - boneboots_leather - (colors - 0 - 29)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)))) - (vocals12 - (gender male) - (instrument vocals) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 6) - (height 0.75) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - fauxhawk_resource - (colors - 3 - 8)) - (heads - head_3 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair - head_3_sideburns - (colors - 3 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (torso - buttonedshirt_southern - (colors - 12 - 0)) - (hands naked) - (legs - loosepants_stripe - (colors - 1 - 9)) - (feet - creepers_vintage - (colors - 13 - 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings - malerings_coatofarms - (colors - 2 - 0)) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)))) - (vocals13 - (selectable TRUE) - (gender male) - (instrument vocals) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 5) - (eye_color_index 9) - (eyebrow_color_index 1) - (height 0.75) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - maleladyfrosmall_resource - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (heads - head_6 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair - head_6_flavorsaver - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (torso - casualmodjacket_tweed - (colors - 14 - 0)) - (hands naked) - (legs - cottondresspants_pinstripe - (colors - 1 - 3)) - (feet - dappershoes_solidshiny - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings - malerings_twistedband - (colors - 2 - 0)) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)))) - (vocals14 - (gender male) - (instrument vocals) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 2) - (eyebrow_color_index 4) - (height 0.80) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - malelongwavy_resource - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (heads - head_3 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses none) - (torso - worntshirt_vintage - (colors - 3 - 0)) - (hands naked) - (legs - flaredistressedjeans_bleachedjeans - (colors - 0 - 15)) - (feet - maledocsductape_leather - (colors - 12 - 29)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)))) - (vocals15 - (gender male) - (instrument vocals) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreDramatic) - (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 9) - (eyebrow_color_index 4) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.80) - (outfit - (hair - lazyhawk_resource - (colors - 4 - 2)) - (heads - head_4 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses none) - (torso - leathershoulderstraps_twotone - (colors - 0 - 29)) - (hands naked) - (legs - bootcutpants_distressedjeans - (colors - 0 - 20)) - (feet - nailboots_rusty - (colors - 0 - 34)) - (wrist - malewrist_sweatbandstuddedcombo - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (rings - malerings_ebony - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)))) - (vocals17 - (gender male) - (instrument vocals) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 1) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 47) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - libertyspikes_resource - (colors - 0 - 24)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (eyes - head_1_eyes_4 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips none) - (facehair - head_1_flavorsaver - (colors - 46 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (torso - wifebeaterplain_biohazard - (colors - 0 - 30)) - (hands - malegloves_skeleton - (colors - 0 - 30)) - (legs - harajukubelt_camo - (colors - 0 - 3)) - (feet - malelowtopsneaks_skater - (colors - 0 - 33)) - (wrist - malewrist_sweatband - (colors - 16 - 27)) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)))) - (vocals18 - (gender female) - (instrument vocals) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 0) - (eyebrow_color_index 0) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - shortspikes_resource - (colors - 24 - 0)) - (heads - head_3 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair none) - (eyes - head_3_eyes_27 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - head_3_lips_9 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - tanktop_nyhc - (colors - 0 - 30)) - (hands naked) - (legs - cargopants_camo - (colors - 28 - 14)) - (feet - saggydocs_var1 - (colors - 14 - 14)) - (glasses none) - (wrist - femalewrist_jelly - (colors - 14 - 28)) - (rings - femalerings_bandaid - (colors - 7 - 0)) - (earrings - femaleearrings_plug - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (piercings none) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)))) - (vocals19 - (gender male) - (instrument vocals) - (selectable TRUE) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 2) - (eyebrow_color_index 47) - (height 0.80) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - libertyspikes_resource - (colors - 0 - 50)) - (heads - head_3 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes - head_3_eyes_7 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - head_3_lips_1 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (facehair none) - (glasses none) - (torso - militantstrappedcoat_whiteandblack - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (hands naked) - (legs - darkriderpants_cotton - (colors - 0 - 2)) - (feet - kneehighdocs_leather - (colors - 0 - 3)) - (wrist - malewrist_nailgauntlet - (colors - 34 - 0)) - (rings - malerings_eyeball - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (earrings - maleearrings_safetypins - (colors - 2 - 0)) - (piercings none) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)))) - (vocals20 - (selectable TRUE) - (gender female) - (instrument vocals) - (attitude kGenreSpazz) - (skin_color_index 1) - (eye_color_index 8) - (eyebrow_color_index 47) - (height 0.25) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - hippybangs_maohat - (colors - 19 - 2)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (facehair none) - (eyes - head_1_eyes_7 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (lips - head_1_lips_3 - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (torso - puffedsleeves_leather - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (hands naked) - (legs - puffyskirt_barelegs - (colors - 0 - 1)) - (feet - thighhighheel_pvc - (colors - 34 - 0)) - (glasses none) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)))) - (vocals21 - (gender male) - (selectable TRUE) - (instrument vocals) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 2) - (eye_color_index 5) - (eyebrow_color_index 4) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - hanoi_resource - (colors - 4 - 4)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes none) - (lips none) - (facehair none) - (glasses none) - (torso - cutoffjeanjacket_denim - (colors - 7 - 3)) - (hands - malegloves_fingerlessdriving - (colors - 1 - 0)) - (legs - jeansripped_denim - (colors - 7 - 0)) - (feet - combatboots_var1 - (colors - 7 - 0)) - (wrist none) - (rings none) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (bass - precision05_sparkle - (colors - 25 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 4)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)))) - (vocals22 - (gender female) - (selectable TRUE) - (instrument vocals) - (attitude kGenreRocker) - (skin_color_index 0) - (eye_color_index 9) - (eyebrow_color_index 50) - (height 0.50) - (weight 0.50) - (outfit - (hair - femalehair_long - (colors - 50 - 0)) - (heads - head_1 - (colors - 4 - 0)) - (eyes - head_1_eyes_7) - (lips - head_1_lips_3) - (facehair none) - (glasses none) - (torso - thermalundertee_moped - (colors - 0 - 3)) - (hands - femalegloves_fingerlessdriving - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (legs - cargopants_camo - (colors - 31 - 14)) - (feet - lowtopsneaks_skater - (colors - 0 - 31)) - (wrist - femalewrist_studdedgauntlet_right - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (rings - femalerings_chief - (colors - 11 - 0)) - (earrings none) - (piercings none) - (drum - ludclassic_diamond - (colors - 23 - 0)) - (bass - precision01_paint - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (guitar - stratocaster02_paint - (colors - 0 - 0)) - (mic - sm58_resource - (colors - 0 - 0)))) -#ifndef _SHIP - -#include ../ui/framerate/chars/budget_chars.dta - -#ifdef HX_XBOX - -#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_male_xbox.dta - -#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_female_xbox.dta - -#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_male_xbox.dta - -#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_female_xbox.dta - -#else - -#ifdef HX_PS3 - -#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_male_ps3.dta - -#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_female_ps3.dta - -#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_male_ps3.dta - -#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_female_ps3.dta - -#else - -#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_male_xbox.dta - -#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_female_xbox.dta - -#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_male_xbox.dta - -#include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_female_xbox.dta - -#endif - -#endif - -#endif -) + sm58_resource + (colors 0 0)))) + + #ifndef _SHIP + #include ../ui/framerate/chars/budget_chars.dta + #ifdef HX_XBOX + #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_male_xbox.dta + #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_female_xbox.dta + #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_male_xbox.dta + #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_female_xbox.dta + #else + #ifdef HX_PS3 + #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_male_ps3.dta + #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_female_ps3.dta + #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_male_ps3.dta + #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_female_ps3.dta + #else + #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_male_xbox.dta + #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_cpu_female_xbox.dta + #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_male_xbox.dta + #include ../ui/framerate/chars/expensive_gs_female_xbox.dta + #endif + #endif + #endif) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_ark/config/prefabs_dx.dta b/_ark/config/prefabs_dx.dta new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e83d9f35 --- /dev/null +++ b/_ark/config/prefabs_dx.dta @@ -0,0 +1,506 @@ +(vocals16 ;Emily of Byron, rb1 character cut from rb2 + (gender female) + (instrument vocals) + (selectable TRUE) + (attitude kGenreDramatic) + (skin_color_index 0) + (eye_color_index 2) + (eyebrow_color_index 11) + (height 0.8) + (weight 0.5) + (outfit + (hair + 70sbisset_resource + (colors 11 0)) + (heads + head_5 + (colors 4 0)) + (eyes + head_5_eyes_22 + (colors 0 0)) + (lips + head_5_lips_14 + (colors 0 0)) + (torso + ironmaidenarmor_metal + (colors 2 0)) + (hands + naked + (colors 0 0)) + (legs + ironmaidenleggings_metal + (colors 2 0)) + (feet + ironmaidenboots_metal + (colors 2 0)) + (glasses + none + (colors 0 0)) + (wrist + none + (colors 0 0)) + (rings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (earrings + none + (colors 0 0)) + (mic + mic1_silver + (colors 0 0) + (patch + ((patch_dee 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.26 0.81 0.0)))) + (bass + precision05_sparkle + (colors 25 0)) + (drum + ludclassic_diamond + (colors 0 0)) + (guitar + stratocaster02_paint + (colors 0 4))) + (tattoo + (patch_facepaint + ((patch_solids 2 0 0.0 0.0 -67.0 309.98 5.0 5.0 0.0) + (patch_roan 2 0 -74.0 0.0 1.0 357.18 3.15 0.3 0.0))))) +(kimberley_monroe + (gender female) + (instrument guitar) + (selectable TRUE) + (attitude kGenreRocker) + (weight 0.75) + (height 0.25) + (skin_color_index 0) + (eye_color_index 3) + (eyebrow_color_index 0) + (outfit + (hair + ladylayered_cowboyhat + (colors 1 0)) + (heads + head_1) + (eyes + head_1_eyes_0 + (colors 0 0)) + (lips + head_1_lips_0 + (colors 0 0)) + (facehair none) + (glasses + femaleglasses_aviators + (colors 0 4)) + (torso + openshirtbandana_print + (colors 0 20)) + (hands + femalegloves_fingerlessdriving + (colors 0 0)) + (legs + wreckedjeans_worn + (colors 27 43)) + (feet + femalecowboyboots_embroidered + (colors 0 1)) + (wrist + femalewrist_sweatband + (colors 26 0)) + (rings none) + (earrings + femaleearrings_hoops + (colors 0 0)) + (piercings + femalepiercings_combo5 + (colors 1 0)) + (bass + falconbass_paint + (colors 1 0)) + (drum + ludclassic_fade + (colors 0 0)) + (guitar + penguin_paint + (colors 1 0)) + (mic + sm58_resource + (colors 0 0)))) +(dawson_blake + (gender male) + (selectable TRUE) + (instrument guitar) + (attitude kGenreSpazz) + (skin_color_index 2) + (eye_color_index 9) + (eyebrow_color_index 4) + (height 1.0) + (weight 0.25) + (outfit + (hair + longlayered_resource + (colors 4 0)) + (heads + head_12 + (colors 4 0)) + (eyes none) + (lips none) + (facehair + head_12_flavorsaver + (colors 4 0)) + (glasses naked) + (torso + flannelcoat_checked + (colors 14 5)) + (hands naked) + (legs + flaredistressedjeans_bleachedjeans + (colors 5)) + (feet + highchucks_solid + (colors 15 4)) + (wrist naked) + (rings + malerings_rubberbands + (colors 3 0)) + (earrings none) + (piercings none) + (guitar + corvette_sunbursttortoise + (colors 20 20)) + (bass + jazz03_paint + (colors 36 0)) + (drum + ludvista_clear + (colors 14 0)) + (mic sm58_resource))) +(luna + (gender female) + (instrument vocals) + (selectable TRUE) + (attitude kGenreDramatic) + (weight 0.50) + (height 0.50) + (skin_color_index 2) + (eye_color_index 9) + (eyebrow_color_index 2) + (outfit + (hair + femalehair_long + (colors 2 0)) + (heads + head_1) + (eyes + head_1_eyes_3 + (colors 0 0)) + (lips + head_1_lips_3 + (colors 0 0)) + (facehair none) + (glasses + none) + (torso + spikedleatherjacket_spiked + (colors 36 0)) + (hands + femalegloves_fingerlessdriving + (colors 14 0)) + (legs + cargopants_camo + (colors 26 14)) + (feet + femalemotorcycleboots_solid + (colors 0 0)) + (wrist + wrist_barbedwire + (colors 1 0)) + (rings none) + (earrings + earrings_hoops + (colors 2 0)) + (piercings + none) + (bass + neonbass_resource + (colors 18 7)) + (drum + electronic + (colors 0 0)) + (guitar + neon_resource + (colors 18 7)) + (mic + knife_resource + (colors 3 0)))) +(penelope + (gender female) + (selectable TRUE) + (instrument vocals) + (attitude kGenreRocker) + (skin_color_index 0) + (eye_color_index 9) + (eyebrow_color_index 50) + (height 0.50) + (weight 0.50) + (outfit + (hair + femalehair_long + (colors 50 0)) + (heads + head_1 + (colors 4 0)) + (eyes + head_1_eyes_7) + (lips + head_1_lips_3) + (facehair none) + (glasses none) + (torso + thermalundertee_moped + (colors 0 3)) + (hands + femalegloves_fingerlessdriving + (colors 0 0)) + (legs + cargopants_camo + (colors 31 14)) + (feet + lowtopsneaks_skater + (colors 0 31)) + (wrist + femalewrist_studdedgauntlet_right + (colors 0 0)) + (rings + femalerings_chief + (colors 11 0)) + (earrings none) + (piercings none) + (drum + ludclassic_diamond + (colors 23 0)) + (bass + precision01_paint + (colors 0 0)) + (guitar + stratocaster02_paint + (colors 0 0)) + (mic + sm58_resource + (colors 0 0)))) +(u628 + (gender male) + (instrument drum) + (selectable TRUE) + (attitude kGenreRocker) + (skin_color_index 3) + (eye_color_index 0) + (eyebrow_color_index 0) + (height 0.25) + (weight 0.25) + (outfit + (hair + emover_resource + (colors 15 15)) + (heads + head_5 + (colors 4 0)) + (eyes none) + (lips none) + (facehair none) + (glasses + maleglasses_wayfarers + (colors 0 0)) + (torso + wornlongsleeveshirt_striped + (colors 0 0)) + (hands + malegloves_materialgirl + (colors 0 0)) + (legs + relaxedpants_skatepunx + (colors 0 20)) + (feet + highchucks_solid + (colors 0 4)) + (wrist + malewrist_sweatbandstuddedcombo + (colors 0 0)) + (rings none) + (earrings + maleearrings_plug + (colors 0 0)) + (piercings none) + (drum + pearl_pearl + (colors 34 0)) + (bass + precision01_paint + (colors 1 0)) + (guitar + chainsaw_resource + (colors 4 0)) + (mic + sm58_resource + (colors 1 0)))) +(chill + (gender male) + (selectable TRUE) + (instrument guitar) + (attitude kGenreSpazz) + (skin_color_index 3) + (eye_color_index 9) + (eyebrow_color_index 0) + (height 0.50) + (weight 0.75) + (outfit + (hair + gentleman_resource + (colors 0 0)) + (heads + head_6 + (colors 4 0)) + (eyes none) + (lips none) + (facehair + head_6_bandana_cotton + (colors 0 0)) + (glasses + maleglasses_circles + (colors 3 0)) + (torso + modjacketturtleneck_woolen + (colors 0 3)) + (hands + malegloves_fullleather + (colors 0 0)) + (legs + leatherpants_basicleather + (colors 0)) + (feet + dressshoes_leather + (colors 0 3)) + (wrist naked) + (rings none) + (earrings + maleearrings_plug + (colors 0 0)) + (guitar + hbomb_resource + (colors 0 0)) + (bass + gravebass_resource + (colors 0 0)) + (drum + generic_zebra + (colors 0 0)) + (mic sm58_resource))) +(anth + (gender male) + (selectable TRUE) + (instrument vocals) + (attitude kGenreBanger) + (skin_color_index 3) + (eye_color_index 1) + (eyebrow_color_index 1) + (height 0.5) + (weight 0.25) + (outfit + (hair + ramones_resource + (colors 1 0)) + (heads + head_13 + (colors 1 0)) + (eyes none) + (lips none) + (facehair + head_13_dirtstaches + (colors 1 0)) + (glasses none) + (torso + blankhoodie_solid + (colors 1 0)) + (hands + malegloves_fingerlessdriving + (colors 0 0)) + (legs + loosepants_stripe + (colors 0 20)) + (feet + highchucks_solid + (colors 13 3)) + (wrist none) + (rings + rings_rubberbands + (colors 7 0)) + (earrings none) + (piercings none) + (drum + ludclassic_diamond + (colors 0 0)) + (bass + c20bass_paint + (colors 0 0)) + (guitar + stratocaster03_paint + (colors 31 0)) + (mic + sm58_resource + (colors 0 0)))) +(annai_renae + (gender female) + (selectable TRUE) + (instrument vocals) + (attitude kGenreSpazz) + (skin_color_index 0) + (eye_color_index 6) + (eyebrow_color_index 30) + (height 0.25) + (weight 0.75) + (outfit + (hair + chunli_resource + (colors 31 0)) + (heads + head_1 + (colors 30 0)) + (eyes + head_1_eyes_19 + (colors 0 0)) + (lips + head_1_lips_4 + (colors 0 0)) + (facehair none) + (glasses none) + (torso + thermalundertee_thermal + (colors 0 4)) + (hands + femalegloves_materialgirl + (colors 0 0)) + (legs + shortskirt_plaidpunky + (colors 20 50)) + (feet + thighhighheel_pvc + (colors 0 20)) + (wrist + wrist_laceduparm + (colors 0 20)) + (rings + femalerings_demonclaw + (colors 1 0)) + (earrings none) + (piercings + femalepiercings_combo10 + (colors 0 0)) + (drum + ludclassic_fade + (colors 16 0)) + (bass + kelly04_paint + (colors 16 0)) + (guitar + dinky01_paint + (colors 16 0)) + (mic + e935_resource + (colors 8 0)))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown.dta b/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown.dta new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cf826a13 --- /dev/null +++ b/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown.dta @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ +#define DX_COUNTDOWN_TRACKER +( + {if + #ifdef RB3DX + {&& + {! {gamemode in_mode practice}} {! {gamemode in_mode trainer}} + } + #else + $dx_countdown_enabled + #endif + {beatmatch foreach_active_player $player ;dx - add our custom fc checking callbacks to the currently loaded player + #ifdef RB3DX + {set $dx_current_checked_slot {{$player get_user} get_slot_num}} + #else + {switch {$player instrument} + (guitar + {switch {$player track} + (track0 {set $dx_current_checked_slot 0}) + (track1 {set $dx_current_checked_slot 1}) + (track2 {set $dx_current_checked_slot 2}) + kDataUnhandled + } + + ) + (bass + {switch {$player track} + (track0 {set $dx_current_checked_slot 0}) + (track1 {set $dx_current_checked_slot 1}) + (track2 {set $dx_current_checked_slot 2}) + kDataUnhandled + } + ) + (drum + {switch {$player track} + (track0 {set $dx_current_checked_slot 0}) + (track1 {set $dx_current_checked_slot 1}) + (track2 {set $dx_current_checked_slot 2}) + kDataUnhandled + } + ) + kDataUnhandled + } + #endif + {set $dx_current_checked_instrument {$player instrument}} + #ifdef RB3DX + {if {== $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals} + {if $dx_countdown_enabled + {unless $delay_tracked_vocals + {foreach $entry $vocals_note_tracker + {if {== {elem $entry 0} {sprint "delay_" $current_tracked_beat_vocals}} + {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_vocals {elem {find $entry {sprint "delay_" $current_tracked_beat_vocals}} 1}} + {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_vocals {elem {find $entry {sprint "delay_" $current_tracked_beat_vocals}} 2}} + {set $delay_tracked_vocals TRUE} + } + } + } + {if $delay_tracked_vocals + {if {>= {dx_get_current_beat} $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_vocals} + {dx_check_beat {- $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_vocals {dx_get_current_beat}}} + } + } + } + } + #endif + {if {&& $dx_countdown_enabled {! {== $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals}}} + {switch $dx_current_checked_slot + (0 {set $dx_current_search_tracker {sprint "delay_" $current_tracked_beat_0}}) + (1 {set $dx_current_search_tracker {sprint "delay_" $current_tracked_beat_1}}) + (2 {set $dx_current_search_tracker {sprint "delay_" $current_tracked_beat_2}}) + (3 {set $dx_current_search_tracker {sprint "delay_" $current_tracked_beat_3}}) + kDataUnhandled + } + {unless + {switch $dx_current_checked_slot + (0 $delay_tracked_0) + (1 $delay_tracked_1) + (2 $delay_tracked_2) + (3 $delay_tracked_3) + kDataUnhandled + } + {switch $dx_current_checked_instrument + ((guitar real_guitar) + {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint $dx_current_checked_instrument $dx_current_search_tracker " found, " $dx_current_checked_instrument " Start: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_guitar ", " $dx_current_checked_instrument " End: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_guitar ", Current Beat: " {dx_get_current_beat}}} + ) + ((bass real_bass) + {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint $dx_current_checked_instrument $dx_current_search_tracker " found, " $dx_current_checked_instrument " Start: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_bass ", " $dx_current_checked_instrument " End: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_bass ", Current Beat: " {dx_get_current_beat}}} + ) + ((keys real_keys) + {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint $dx_current_checked_instrument $dx_current_search_tracker " found, " $dx_current_checked_instrument " Start: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_keys ", " $dx_current_checked_instrument " End: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_keys ", Current Beat: " {dx_get_current_beat}}} + ) + ((drum real_drum) + {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint $dx_current_checked_instrument $dx_current_search_tracker " found, " $dx_current_checked_instrument " Start: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_drum ", " $dx_current_checked_instrument " End: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_drum ", Current Beat: " {dx_get_current_beat}}} + ) + kDataUnhandled + } + {foreach $entry + {switch $dx_current_checked_instrument + ((guitar real_guitar) $guitar_note_tracker) + ((bass real_bass) $bass_note_tracker) + ((keys real_keys) $keys_note_tracker) + ((drum real_drum) $drum_note_tracker) + kDataUnhandled + } + {if {== {elem $entry 0} + {switch $dx_current_checked_slot + (0 {sprint "delay_" $current_tracked_beat_0}) + (1 {sprint "delay_" $current_tracked_beat_1}) + (2 {sprint "delay_" $current_tracked_beat_2}) + (3 {sprint "delay_" $current_tracked_beat_3}) + kDataUnhandled + } + } + {switch $dx_current_checked_instrument + ((guitar real_guitar) + {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_guitar {elem {find $entry $dx_current_search_tracker} 1}} + {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_guitar {elem {find $entry $dx_current_search_tracker} 2}} + ) + ((bass real_bass) + {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_bass {elem {find $entry $dx_current_search_tracker} 1}} + {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_bass {elem {find $entry $dx_current_search_tracker} 2}} + ) + ((keys real_keys) + {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_keys {elem {find $entry $dx_current_search_tracker} 1}} + {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_keys {elem {find $entry $dx_current_search_tracker} 2}} + ) + ((drum real_drum) + {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_drum {elem {find $entry $dx_current_search_tracker} 1}} + {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_drum {elem {find $entry $dx_current_search_tracker} 2}} + ) + kDataUnhandled + } + {switch $dx_current_checked_slot + (0 {set $delay_tracked_0 TRUE}) + (1 {set $delay_tracked_1 TRUE}) + (2 {set $delay_tracked_2 TRUE}) + (3 {set $delay_tracked_3 TRUE}) + kDataUnhandled + } + } + } + } + {if + {switch $dx_current_checked_slot + (0 $delay_tracked_0) + (1 $delay_tracked_1) + (2 $delay_tracked_2) + (3 $delay_tracked_3) + kDataUnhandled + } + {switch $dx_current_checked_instrument + ((guitar real_guitar) + {if {>= {dx_get_current_beat} $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_guitar} + {unless $dx_log_stopper + {set $dx_log_stopper TRUE} + {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "Current Beat: " {dx_get_current_beat} " matches " $dx_current_checked_instrument " break start: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_guitar ", counting down to end of " $dx_current_checked_instrument " break at: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_guitar}} + } + {dx_check_beat {- $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_guitar {dx_get_current_beat}}} + } + ) + ((bass real_bass) + {if {>= {dx_get_current_beat} $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_bass} + {unless $dx_log_stopper + {set $dx_log_stopper TRUE} + {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "Current Beat: " {dx_get_current_beat} " matches " $dx_current_checked_instrument " break start: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_bass ", counting down to end of " $dx_current_checked_instrument " break at: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_bass}} + } + {dx_check_beat {- $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_bass {dx_get_current_beat}}} + } + ) + ((keys real_keys) + {if {>= {dx_get_current_beat} $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_keys} + {unless $dx_log_stopper + {set $dx_log_stopper TRUE} + {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "Current Beat: " {dx_get_current_beat} " matches " $dx_current_checked_instrument " break start: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_keys ", counting down to end of " $dx_current_checked_instrument " break at: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_keys}} + } + {dx_check_beat {- $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_keys {dx_get_current_beat}}} + } + ) + ((drum real_drum) + {if {>= {dx_get_current_beat} $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_drum} + {unless $dx_log_stopper + {set $dx_log_stopper TRUE} + {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "Current Beat: " {dx_get_current_beat} " matches " $dx_current_checked_instrument " break start: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_drum ", counting down to end of " $dx_current_checked_instrument " break at: " $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_drum}} + } + {dx_check_beat {- $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_drum {dx_get_current_beat}}} + } + ) + kDataUnhandled + } + } + } + #ifdef RB3DX + {if $dx_end_song_feedback + {switch $dx_current_checked_instrument + ((guitar real_guitar) + {if {== {dx_get_current_beat} {+ $dx_final_note_guitar 1}} {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_final_note_report}} + {if {== {dx_get_current_beat} {+ $dx_final_note_guitar 7}} {dx_final_percent_report}} + ) + ((bass real_bass) + {if {== {dx_get_current_beat} {+ $dx_final_note_bass 1}} {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_final_note_report}} + {if {== {dx_get_current_beat} {+ $dx_final_note_bass 7}} {dx_final_percent_report}} + ) + ((keys real_keys) + {if {== {dx_get_current_beat} {+ $dx_final_note_keys 1}} {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_final_note_report}} + {if {== {dx_get_current_beat} {+ $dx_final_note_keys 7}} {dx_final_percent_report}} + ) + ((drum real_drum) + {if {== {dx_get_current_beat} {+ $dx_final_note_drum 1}} {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_final_note_report}} + {if {== {dx_get_current_beat} {+ $dx_final_note_drum 7}} {dx_final_percent_report}} + ) + kDataUnhandled + } + } + #endif + } + {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "Current Beat: " {dx_get_current_beat}}} + } +) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_funcs.dta b/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_funcs.dta new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3b248f92 --- /dev/null +++ b/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_funcs.dta @@ -0,0 +1,902 @@ +#define PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 +({{get_track_panel} find player_feedback_01}) +#define PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 +({{get_track_panel} find player_feedback_02}) +#define PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 +({{get_track_panel} find player_feedback_03}) +#ifdef RB3DX +#define SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL +(solo_percent.lbl) +#else +#define SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL +(solo_percent.txt) +#endif +#ifdef RB3DX +#define SCORE_LABEL +(score.lbl) +#else +#define SCORE_LABEL +(score.txt) +#endif +#define SOLO_PERCENT_GUITAR_INT +({int {/ {- $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_guitar {dx_get_current_beat}} 4}}) +#define SOLO_PERCENT_BASS_INT +({int {/ {- $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_bass {dx_get_current_beat}} 4}}) +#define SOLO_PERCENT_DRUM_INT +({int {/ {- $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_drum {dx_get_current_beat}} 4}}) +#define SOLO_PERCENT_VOX_INT +({int {/ {- $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_vocals {dx_get_current_beat}} 4}}) +#define SOLO_PERCENT_KEYS_INT +({int {/ {- $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_keys {dx_get_current_beat}} 4}}) +#ifdef RB3DX +#define PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 +({{find_obj {{get_track_panel} loaded_dir} track_0} find player_feedback}) +#else +#define PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 +({{get_track_panel} find player_feedback_01}) +#endif +#ifdef RB3DX +#define PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 +({{find_obj {{get_track_panel} loaded_dir} track_1} find player_feedback}) +#else +#define PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 +({{get_track_panel} find player_feedback_02}) +#endif +#ifdef RB3DX +#define PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 +({{find_obj {{get_track_panel} loaded_dir} track_2} find player_feedback}) +#else +#define PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 +({{get_track_panel} find player_feedback_03}) +#endif +#ifdef RB3DX +#define PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 +({{find_obj {{get_track_panel} loaded_dir} track_3} find player_feedback}) +#endif +#ifdef RB3DX +#define PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX +({{find_obj {{get_track_panel} loaded_dir} vocals} find player_feedback}) +#else +#define PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX +({{{get_track_panel} find vocals} get player_feedback}) +#endif +{func + dx_countdown_var_reset + {dx_log_writer info {sprint "func: dx_countdown_var_reset"}} + {dx_log_writer info + {sprintf "Executed dx_countdown_var_reset - time: %.4fms" + {time + {set $current_beat FALSE} {set $startingbpm FALSE} + {set $dx_bpm_counter_for_countdown FALSE} {set $solo_box_up_0 FALSE} {set $solo_box_up_1 FALSE} {set $solo_box_up_2 FALSE} {set $solo_box_up_3 FALSE} {set $solo_box_up_vocals FALSE} + {set $delay_tracked_0 FALSE} {set $delay_tracked_1 FALSE} {set $delay_tracked_2 FALSE} {set $delay_tracked_3 FALSE} {set $delay_tracked_vocals FALSE} + {set $current_tracked_beat_0 FALSE} {set $current_tracked_beat_1 FALSE} {set $current_tracked_beat_2 FALSE} {set $current_tracked_beat_3 FALSE} {set $current_tracked_beat_vocals FALSE} + {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_guitar FALSE} {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_guitar FALSE} {set $first_guitar_gem_tracked FALSE} + {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_bass FALSE} {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_bass FALSE} {set $first_bass_gem_tracked FALSE} + {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_drum FALSE} {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_drum FALSE} {set $first_drum_gem_tracked FALSE} + {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_keys FALSE} {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_keys FALSE} {set $first_keys_gem_tracked FALSE} + {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_start_vocals FALSE} {set $tracked_beat_no_notes_end_vocals FALSE} {set $first_vocals_gem_tracked FALSE} + } + } + } +} +{func + dx_midi_parser_var_reset + {dx_log_writer info {sprint "func: dx_midi_parser_var_reset"}} + {dx_log_writer info + {sprintf "Executed dx_midi_parser_var_reset - time: %.4fms" + {time + {resize $guitar_note_tracker 0} ;resize the array + {push_back $guitar_note_tracker (none none)} ;push_back a new state into the array + + {resize $drum_note_tracker 0} ;resize the array + {push_back $drum_note_tracker (none none)} ;push_back a new state into the array + + {resize $bass_note_tracker 0} ;resize the array + {push_back $bass_note_tracker (none none)} ;push_back a new state into the array + + {resize $keys_note_tracker 0} ;resize the array + {push_back $keys_note_tracker (none none)} ;push_back a new state into the array + + {resize $vocals_note_tracker 0} ;resize the array + {push_back $vocals_note_tracker (none none)} ;push_back a new state into the array + {set $dx_final_note 0} + } + } + } +} +{func + dx_get_current_beat + {int {+ 0.5 {seconds_to_beat {/ {beatmatch get_song_ms} 1000}}}} +} +{func + dx_show_solo_box + {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "func: dx_show_solo_box"}} + {dx_log_writer countdown + {sprintf "Executed dx_show_solo_box - time: %.4fms" + {time + #ifdef RB3DX + {if {== $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals} + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX start_solo} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX find solo_start.trig} trigger} + {set $solo_box_up_vocals TRUE} + } + #endif + {if {!= $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals} + {switch $dx_current_checked_slot + (0 + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 start_solo} + ;{{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find solo_start.trig} trigger} + {set $solo_box_up_0 TRUE} + ) + (1 + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 start_solo} + ;{{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find solo_start.trig} trigger} + {set $solo_box_up_1 TRUE} + ) + (2 + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 start_solo} + ;{{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find solo_start.trig} trigger} + {set $solo_box_up_2 TRUE} + ) + (3 + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 start_solo} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find solo_start.trig} trigger} + {set $solo_box_up_3 TRUE} + ) + kDataUnhandled + } + } + } + } + } +} +{func + dx_restore_solo_box + {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "func: dx_restore_solo_box"}} + {dx_log_writer countdown + {sprintf "Executed dx_restore_solo_box - time: %.4fms" + {time + #ifdef RB3DX + {if {== $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals} + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX set_showing TRUE} + {set $solo_box_up_vocals FALSE} + {set $delay_tracked_vocals FALSE} + {set $current_tracked_beat_vocals {+ $current_tracked_beat_vocals 1}} + } + #endif + {if {!= $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals} + {switch $dx_current_checked_slot + (0 + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 set_showing TRUE} + {set $solo_box_up_0 FALSE} + {set $delay_tracked_0 FALSE} + {set $current_tracked_beat_0 {+ $current_tracked_beat_0 1}} + ) + (1 + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 set_showing TRUE} + {set $solo_box_up_1 FALSE} + {set $delay_tracked_1 FALSE} + {set $current_tracked_beat_1 {+ $current_tracked_beat_1 1}} + ) + (2 + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 set_showing TRUE} + {set $solo_box_up_2 FALSE} + {set $delay_tracked_2 FALSE} + {set $current_tracked_beat_2 {+ $current_tracked_beat_2 1}} + ) + (3 + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 set_showing TRUE} + {set $solo_box_up_3 FALSE} + {set $delay_tracked_3 FALSE} + {set $current_tracked_beat_3 {+ $current_tracked_beat_3 1}} + ) + kDataUnhandled + } + } + } + } + } +} +{func + dx_clean_solo_box + {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "func: dx_clean_solo_box"}} + {dx_log_writer countdown + {sprintf "Executed dx_clean_solo_box - time: %.4fms" + {time + #ifdef RB3DX + {if {== $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals} + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX set_showing FALSE} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX find points.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt dx_points #else set_localized dx_points #endif} + } + #endif + {if {!= $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals} + {switch $dx_current_checked_slot + (0 + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 set_showing FALSE} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find points.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt dx_points #else set_localized dx_points #endif} + ) + (1 + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 set_showing FALSE} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find points.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt dx_points #else set_localized dx_points #endif} + ) + (2 + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 set_showing FALSE} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find points.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt dx_points #else set_localized dx_points #endif} + ) + (3 + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 set_showing FALSE} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find points.lbl} set_token_fmt dx_points} + ) + kDataUnhandled + } + } + } + } + } +} +{func + dx_hide_solo_box ;not used anymore + {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "func: dx_hide_solo_box"}} + {dx_log_writer countdown + {sprintf "Executed dx_hide_solo_box - time: %.4fms" + {time + #ifdef RB3DX + {if {== $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals} + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX set_showing TRUE} + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX end_solo} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX find solo_end.trig} trigger} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int 2} #else set_text "2" #endif} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX find solo_rating.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt get_ready #else set_localized {localize get_ready} #endif} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX find SCORE_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_text " " #endif} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX find points.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_localized {localize os_blnk} #endif} + } + #endif + {if {!= $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals} + {switch $dx_current_checked_slot + (0 + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 set_showing TRUE} + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 end_solo} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find solo_end.trig} trigger} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int 2} #else set_text "2" #endif} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find solo_rating.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt get_ready #else set_localized {localize get_ready} #endif} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SCORE_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_text " " #endif} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find points.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_localized {localize os_blnk} #endif} + ) + (1 + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 set_showing TRUE} + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 end_solo} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find solo_end.trig} trigger} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int 2} #else set_text "2" #endif} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find solo_rating.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt get_ready #else set_localized {localize get_ready} #endif} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SCORE_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_text " " #endif} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find points.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_localized {localize os_blnk} #endif} + ) + (2 + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 set_showing TRUE} + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 end_solo} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find solo_end.trig} trigger} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int 2} #else set_text "2" #endif} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find solo_rating.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt get_ready #else set_localized {localize get_ready} #endif} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SCORE_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_text " " #endif} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find points.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_localized {localize os_blnk} #endif} + ) + (3 + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 set_showing TRUE} + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 end_solo} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find solo_end.trig} trigger} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int 2} #else set_text "2" #endif} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find solo_rating.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt get_ready #else set_localized {localize get_ready} #endif} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SCORE_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_text " " #endif} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find points.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_localized {localize os_blnk} #endif} + ) + kDataUnhandled + } + } + } + } + } +} +{func + dx_final_percent_report + {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "func: dx_final_percent_report"}} + {dx_log_writer countdown + {sprintf "Executed dx_final_percent_report - time: %.4fms" + {time + {switch $dx_current_checked_slot + (0 + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 set_showing FALSE} + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 end_solo} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find solo_end.trig} trigger} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_text " " #endif} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find solo_rating.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_localized {localize os_blnk} #endif} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SCORE_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_text " " #endif} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find points.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_localized {localize os_blnk} #endif} + {set $solo_box_up_0 FALSE} + ) + (1 + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 set_showing FALSE} + {PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 end_solo} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find solo_end.trig} trigger} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_text " " #endif} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find solo_rating.lbl} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_localized {localize os_blnk} #endif} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SCORE_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt os_blnk #else set_text " " #endif} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find 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$num_gems_miss_guitar}}} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_guitar}}}} + } + } + {set $guitar_finalnote TRUE} + ) + (real_guitar + {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_guitar $num_gems_miss_real_guitar} 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short} + {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_guitar 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_guitar}}} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_guitar}}}} + } + } + {set $real_guitar_finalnote TRUE} + ) + (bass + {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_bass $num_gems_miss_bass} 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short} + {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_bass 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_bass}}} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_bass}}}} + } + } + {set $bass_finalnote TRUE} + ) + (real_bass + {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_bass $num_gems_miss_real_bass} 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short} + {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_bass 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_bass}}} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_bass}}}} + } + } + {set $real_bass_finalnote TRUE} + ) + (keys + {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_keys $num_gems_miss_keys} 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short} + {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_keys 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_keys}}} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_keys}}}} + } + } + {set $keys_finalnote TRUE} + ) + (real_keys + {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_keys $num_gems_miss_real_keys} 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short} + {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_keys 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_keys}}} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_keys}}}} + } + } + {set $real_keys_final_note TRUE} + ) + (drum + {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_drum $num_gems_miss_drum} 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short} + {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_drum 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_drum}}} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_drum}}}} + } + } + {set $drum_finalnote TRUE} + ) + (real_drum + {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_drum $num_gems_miss_real_drum} 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short} + {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_drum 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_drum}}} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_drum}}}} + } + } + {set $real_drum_finalnote TRUE} + ) + kDataUnhandled + } + ) + (1 + {switch $dx_current_checked_instrument + (guitar + {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_guitar $num_gems_miss_guitar} 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} 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{{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short} + {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_bass 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_bass}}} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_bass}}}} + } + } + {set $bass_finalnote TRUE} + ) + (real_bass + {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_bass $num_gems_miss_real_bass} 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short} + {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_bass 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_bass}}} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_bass}}}} + } + } + {set $real_bass_finalnote TRUE} + ) + (keys + {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_keys 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$num_gems_pass_drum $num_gems_miss_drum} 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short} + {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_drum 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_drum}}} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_drum}}}} + } + } + {set $drum_finalnote TRUE} + ) + (real_drum + {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_drum $num_gems_miss_real_drum} 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short} + {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_drum 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_drum}}} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_drum}}}} + } + } + {set $real_drum_finalnote TRUE} + ) + 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{localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_guitar}}}} + } + } + {set $real_guitar_finalnote TRUE} + ) + (bass + {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_bass $num_gems_miss_bass} 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short} + {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_bass 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_bass}}} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_bass}}}} + } + } + {set $bass_finalnote TRUE} + ) + (real_bass + {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_bass $num_gems_miss_real_bass} 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short} + {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_bass 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_bass}}} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} 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SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_keys}}}} + } + } + {set $real_keys_finalnote TRUE} + ) + (drum + {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_drum $num_gems_miss_drum} 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short} + {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_drum 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_drum}}} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_drum}}}} + } + } + {set $drum_finalnote TRUE} + ) + (real_drum + {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_drum $num_gems_miss_real_drum} 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short} + {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_drum 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_drum}}} + 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find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_guitar}}} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_guitar}}}} + } + } + {set $real_guitar_finalnote TRUE} + ) + (bass + {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_bass $num_gems_miss_bass} 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short} + {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_bass 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_bass}}} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_bass}}}} + } + } + {set $bass_finalnote TRUE} + ) + (real_bass + {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_bass $num_gems_miss_real_bass} 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short} + {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_bass 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_bass}}} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_bass}}}} + } + } + {set $real_bass_finalnote TRUE} + ) + (keys + {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_keys $num_gems_miss_keys} 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short} + {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_keys 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_keys}}} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_keys}}}} + } + } + {set $keys_finalnote TRUE} + ) + (real_keys + {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_keys $num_gems_miss_real_keys} 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short} + {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_keys 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_keys}}} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_keys}}}} + } + } + {set $real_keys_finalnote TRUE} + ) + (drum + {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_drum $num_gems_miss_drum} 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short} + {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_drum 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_drum}}} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_drum}}}} + } + } + {set $drum_finalnote TRUE} + ) + (real_drum + {if_else {== {+ $num_gems_pass_real_drum $num_gems_miss_real_drum} 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt full_combo_short} + {if_else {== $num_gems_pass_real_drum 0} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt overstrums {localize_separated_int {int $num_gems_miss_real_drum}}} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int {int {- 0 $num_gems_pass_real_drum}}}} + } + } + {set $real_drum_finalnote TRUE} + ) + kDataUnhandled + } + ) + } + } + } + } +} +{func + dx_solo_set_label + {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "func: dx_solo_set_label"}} + {dx_log_writer countdown + {sprintf "Executed dx_solo_set_label - time: %.4fms" + {time + #ifdef RB3DX + {if {== $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals} + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_VOX find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_VOX_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_VOX_INT} #endif} + } + #endif + {if {!= $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals} + {switch $dx_current_checked_slot + (0 + {switch $dx_current_checked_instrument + ((guitar real_guitar) + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_GUITAR_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_GUITAR_INT} #endif} + ) + ((bass real_bass) + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_BASS_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_BASS_INT} #endif} + ) + ((keys real_keys) + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_KEYS_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_KEYS_INT} #endif} + ) + ((drum real_drum) + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_00 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_DRUM_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_DRUM_INT} #endif} + ) + kDataUnhandled + } + ) + (1 + {switch $dx_current_checked_instrument + ((guitar real_guitar) + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_GUITAR_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_GUITAR_INT} #endif} + ) + ((bass real_bass) + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_BASS_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_BASS_INT} #endif} + ) + ((keys real_keys) + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_KEYS_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_KEYS_INT} #endif} + ) + ((drum real_drum) + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_01 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_DRUM_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_DRUM_INT} #endif} + ) + kDataUnhandled + } + ) + (2 + {switch $dx_current_checked_instrument + ((guitar real_guitar) + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_GUITAR_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_GUITAR_INT} #endif} + ) + ((bass real_bass) + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_BASS_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_BASS_INT} #endif} + ) + ((keys real_keys) + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_KEYS_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_KEYS_INT} #endif} + ) + ((drum real_drum) + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_02 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} #ifdef RB3DX set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_DRUM_INT} #else set_text {sprintf "%d" SOLO_PERCENT_DRUM_INT} #endif} + ) + kDataUnhandled + } + ) + (3 + {switch $dx_current_checked_instrument + ((guitar real_guitar) + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_GUITAR_INT}} + ) + ((bass real_bass) + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_BASS_INT}} + ) + ((keys real_keys) + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_KEYS_INT}} + ) + ((drum real_drum) + {{PLAYER_FEEDBACK_03 find SOLO_PERCENT_LABEL} set_token_fmt solo_countdown {localize_separated_int SOLO_PERCENT_DRUM_INT}} + ) + kDataUnhandled + } + ) + } + } + } + } + } +} +{func + dx_check_beat + ($input) + {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "func: dx_check_beat" " - Args: " $input}} + {dx_log_writer countdown + {sprintf "Executed dx_check_beat - time: %.4fms" + {time + {switch $input + (1.0 + {set $dx_log_stopper FALSE} + {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "restoring defaults for score box" {dx_get_current_beat}}} + #ifdef RB3DX + {if {== $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals} + {if $solo_box_up_vocals {dx_restore_solo_box}} + } + #endif + {if {!= $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals} + {switch $dx_current_checked_slot + (0 + {if $solo_box_up_0 {dx_restore_solo_box}} + ) + (1 + {if $solo_box_up_1 {dx_restore_solo_box}} + ) + (2 + {if $solo_box_up_2 {dx_restore_solo_box}} + ) + (3 + {if $solo_box_up_3 {dx_restore_solo_box}} + ) + kDataUnhandled + } + } + ) + ;(5.0 + ; {set $dx_log_stopper FALSE} + ; {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "cleaning up score box" {dx_get_current_beat}}} + ; {if {== $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals} + ; {if $solo_box_up_vocals {dx_clean_solo_box}} + ; } + ; {switch $dx_current_checked_slot + ; (0 + ; {if $solo_box_up_0 {dx_clean_solo_box}} + ; ) + ; (1 + ; {if $solo_box_up_1 {dx_clean_solo_box}} + ; ) + ; (2 + ; {if $solo_box_up_2 {dx_clean_solo_box}} + ; ) + ; (3 + ; {if $solo_box_up_3 {dx_clean_solo_box}} + ; ) + ; } + ;) + (8.0 + {set $dx_log_stopper FALSE} + {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "Countdown successfully complete. Current beat: " {dx_get_current_beat}}} + #ifdef RB3DX + {if {== $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals} + {if $solo_box_up_vocals {dx_hide_solo_box}} + } + #endif + {if {!= $dx_current_checked_instrument vocals} + {switch $dx_current_checked_slot + (0 + {if $solo_box_up_0 {dx_hide_solo_box}} + ) + (1 + {if $solo_box_up_1 {dx_hide_solo_box}} + ) + (2 + {if $solo_box_up_2 {dx_hide_solo_box}} + ) + (3 + {if $solo_box_up_3 {dx_hide_solo_box}} + ) + kDataUnhandled + } + } + ) + ((104.0 204.0 304.0 404.0 504.0 604.0 704.0 804.0 904.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((108.0 208.0 308.0 408.0 508.0 608.0 708.0 808.0 908.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((12.0 112.0 212.0 312.0 412.0 512.0 612.0 712.0 812.0 912.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((16.0 116.0 216.0 316.0 416.0 516.0 616.0 716.0 816.0 916.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((20.0 120.0 220.0 320.0 420.0 520.0 620.0 720.0 820.0 920.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((24.0 124.0 224.0 324.0 424.0 524.0 624.0 724.0 824.0 924.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((28.0 128.0 228.0 328.0 428.0 528.0 628.0 728.0 828.0 928.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((32.0 132.0 232.0 332.0 432.0 532.0 632.0 732.0 832.0 932.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((36.0 136.0 236.0 336.0 436.0 536.0 636.0 736.0 836.0 936.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((40.0 140.0 240.0 340.0 440.0 540.0 640.0 740.0 840.0 940.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((44.0 144.0 244.0 344.0 444.0 544.0 644.0 744.0 844.0 944.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((48.0 148.0 248.0 348.0 448.0 548.0 648.0 748.0 848.0 948.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((52.0 152.0 252.0 352.0 452.0 552.0 652.0 752.0 852.0 952.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((56.0 156.0 256.0 356.0 456.0 556.0 656.0 756.0 856.0 956.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((60.0 160.0 260.0 360.0 460.0 560.0 660.0 760.0 860.0 960.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((64.0 164.0 264.0 364.0 464.0 564.0 664.0 764.0 864.0 964.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((68.0 168.0 268.0 368.0 468.0 568.0 668.0 768.0 868.0 968.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((72.0 172.0 272.0 372.0 472.0 572.0 672.0 772.0 872.0 972.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((76.0 176.0 276.0 376.0 476.0 576.0 676.0 776.0 876.0 976.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((80.0 180.0 280.0 380.0 480.0 580.0 680.0 780.0 880.0 980.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((84.0 184.0 284.0 384.0 484.0 584.0 684.0 784.0 884.0 984.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((88.0 188.0 288.0 388.0 488.0 588.0 688.0 788.0 888.0 988.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((92.0 192.0 292.0 392.0 492.0 592.0 692.0 792.0 892.0 992.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((96.0 196.0 296.0 396.0 496.0 596.0 696.0 796.0 896.0 996.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + ((100.0 200.0 300.0 400.0 500.0 600.0 700.0 800.0 900.0 1000.0) {dx_show_solo_box} {dx_solo_set_label}) + kDataUnhandled + } + } + } + } +} diff --git a/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_locale.dta b/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_locale.dta new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e9fecfe2 --- /dev/null +++ b/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_locale.dta @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +(get_ready + "Get\nReady!") +(dx_points + "POINTS") +(solo_countdown + "%s") +(overstrums + "+%s") +(final_percent + "%s%") \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_midi_parsers.dta b/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_midi_parsers.dta new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b78533e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_midi_parsers.dta @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ +{new + MidiParser + guitar_timer + (track_name 'PART GUITAR') + (inverted FALSE) + (up FALSE) + (append_length TRUE) + (compress TRUE) + (message_type midi_parser) + (mp.up FALSE) + (idle) + (allowed_notes + (96 97 98 99 100)) + (gem + {unless $first_guitar_gem_tracked + {set $first_guitar_gem_tracked TRUE} + {set $tracked_break_num_guitar 0} + {set $first_guitar_gem_beat {int $mp.start}} + {if {> $first_guitar_gem_beat 10} + {push_back $guitar_note_tracker ("delay_0" 0 $first_guitar_gem_beat)} + {set $guitar_note_tracker {array $guitar_note_tracker}} + {set $tracked_break_num_guitar 1} + } + } + {if {&& {>= $mp.prev_start 16} {< $mp.prev_start 10000}} + {set $guitar_tracked_start {int $mp.start}} + {set $guitar_tracked_prev_end {int {- $guitar_tracked_start $mp.prev_start}}} + {push_back $guitar_note_tracker ({sprint "delay_" $tracked_break_num_guitar} $guitar_tracked_prev_end $guitar_tracked_start)} + {set $guitar_note_tracker {array $guitar_note_tracker}} + {set $tracked_break_num_guitar {+ $tracked_break_num_guitar 1}} + {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "Guitar Tracker array: " $guitar_note_tracker}} + } + {set $dx_final_note_guitar {int $mp.start}} + {if {> $dx_final_note_guitar $dx_final_note} {set $dx_final_note $dx_final_note_guitar}} + ) +} +{new + MidiParser + drum_timer + (track_name 'PART DRUMS') + (inverted FALSE) + (up FALSE) + (append_length TRUE) + (compress TRUE) + (message_type midi_parser) + (mp.up FALSE) + (idle) + (allowed_notes + (96 97 98 99 100)) + (gem + {unless $first_drum_gem_tracked + {set $first_drum_gem_tracked TRUE} + {set $tracked_break_num_drum 0} + {set $first_drum_gem_beat {int $mp.start}} + {if {> $first_drum_gem_beat 10} + {push_back $drum_note_tracker ("delay_0" 0 $first_drum_gem_beat)} + {set $drum_note_tracker {array $drum_note_tracker}} + {set $tracked_break_num_drum 1} + } + } + {if {&& {>= $mp.prev_start 16} {< $mp.prev_start 10000}} + {set $drum_tracked_start {int $mp.start}} + {set $drum_tracked_prev_end {int {- $drum_tracked_start $mp.prev_start}}} + {push_back $drum_note_tracker ({sprint "delay_" $tracked_break_num_drum} $drum_tracked_prev_end $drum_tracked_start)} + {set $drum_note_tracker {array $drum_note_tracker}} + {set $tracked_break_num_drum {+ $tracked_break_num_drum 1}} + {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "Drum Tracker array: " $drum_note_tracker}} + } + {set $dx_final_note_drum {int $mp.start}} + {if {> $dx_final_note_drum $dx_final_note} {set $dx_final_note $dx_final_note_drum}} + ) +} +{new + MidiParser + bass_timer + (track_name 'PART BASS') + (inverted FALSE) + (up FALSE) + (append_length TRUE) + (compress TRUE) + (message_type midi_parser) + (mp.up FALSE) + (idle) + (allowed_notes + (96 97 98 99 100)) + (gem + {unless $first_bass_gem_tracked + {set $first_bass_gem_tracked TRUE} + {set $tracked_break_num_bass 0} + {set $first_bass_gem_beat {int $mp.start}} + {if {> $first_bass_gem_beat 10} + {push_back $bass_note_tracker ("delay_0" 0 $first_bass_gem_beat)} + {set $bass_note_tracker {array $bass_note_tracker}} + {set $tracked_break_num_bass 1} + } + } + {if {&& {>= $mp.prev_start 16} {< $mp.prev_start 10000}} + {set $bass_tracked_start {int $mp.start}} + {set $bass_tracked_prev_end {int {- $bass_tracked_start $mp.prev_start}}} + {push_back $bass_note_tracker ({sprint "delay_" $tracked_break_num_bass} $bass_tracked_prev_end $bass_tracked_start)} + {set $bass_note_tracker {array $bass_note_tracker}} + {set $tracked_break_num_bass {+ $tracked_break_num_bass 1}} + {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "Bass Tracker array: " $bass_note_tracker}} + } + {set $dx_final_note_bass {int $mp.start}} + {if {> $dx_final_note_bass $dx_final_note} {set $dx_final_note $dx_final_note_bass}} + ) +} +{new + MidiParser + keys_timer + (track_name 'PART KEYS') + (inverted FALSE) + (up FALSE) + (append_length TRUE) + (compress TRUE) + (message_type midi_parser) + (mp.up FALSE) + (idle) + (allowed_notes + (96 97 98 99 100)) + (gem + {$this rt_compute_space} + {unless $first_keys_gem_tracked + {set $first_keys_gem_tracked TRUE} + {set $tracked_break_num_keys 0} + {set $first_keys_gem_beat {int $mp.start}} + {if {> $first_keys_gem_beat 10} + {push_back $keys_note_tracker ("delay_0" 0 $first_keys_gem_beat)} + {set $keys_note_tracker {array $keys_note_tracker}} + {set $tracked_break_num_keys 1} + } + } + {if {&& {>= $mp.prev_start 16} {< $mp.prev_start 10000}} + {set $keys_tracked_start {int $mp.start}} + {set $keys_tracked_prev_end {int {- $keys_tracked_start $mp.prev_start}}} + {push_back $keys_note_tracker ({sprint "delay_" $tracked_break_num_keys} $keys_tracked_prev_end $keys_tracked_start)} + {set $keys_note_tracker {array $keys_note_tracker}} + {set $tracked_break_num_keys {+ $tracked_break_num_keys 1}} + {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "Keys Tracker array: " $keys_note_tracker}} + } + {set $dx_final_note_keys {int $mp.start}} + {if {> $dx_final_note_keys $dx_final_note} {set $dx_final_note $dx_final_note_keys}} + ) +} +#ifdef RB3DX +{new + MidiParser + vocals_timer + (track_name 'PART VOCALS') + (inverted FALSE) + (up FALSE) + (append_length TRUE) + (compress TRUE) + (message_type midi_parser) + (mp.up FALSE) + (idle) + (allowed_notes + {if_else {== $dx_vocal_type solo} + (36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 96) + (36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84) + } + ) + (midi + {$this rt_compute_space} + {unless $first_vocals_gem_tracked + {set $first_vocals_gem_tracked TRUE} + {set $tracked_break_num_vocals 0} + {set $first_vocals_gem_beat {int $mp.start}} + {if {> $first_vocals_gem_beat 10} + {push_back $vocals_note_tracker ("delay_0" 0 $first_vocals_gem_beat)} + {set $vocals_note_tracker {array $vocals_note_tracker}} + {set $tracked_break_num_vocals 1} + } + } + {if {&& {>= $mp.prev_start 16} {< $mp.prev_start 10000}} + {set $vocals_tracked_start {int $mp.start}} + {set $vocals_tracked_prev_end {int {- $vocals_tracked_start $mp.prev_start}}} + {push_back $vocals_note_tracker ({sprint "delay_" $tracked_break_num_vocals} $vocals_tracked_prev_end $vocals_tracked_start)} + {set $vocals_note_tracker {array $vocals_note_tracker}} + {set $tracked_break_num_vocals {+ $tracked_break_num_vocals 1}} + {dx_log_writer countdown {sprint "Vocal Tracker array: " $vocals_note_tracker}} + } + {set $dx_final_note_vocals {int $mp.start}} + {if {> $dx_final_note_vocals $dx_final_note} {set $dx_final_note $dx_final_note_vocals}} + ) +} +#endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_ui_init.dta b/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_ui_init.dta new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0fc205a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/_ark/dx/countdown/dx_countdown_ui_init.dta @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +{set $dx_countdown_enabled TRUE} +{set $dx_end_song_feedback FALSE} +#ifndef RB3DX +{set $dx_vocal_type solo} +#endif +{unless $dx_only_populate_once_notes + {set $dx_only_populate_once_notes TRUE} + {set $guitar_note_tracker {array ()}} + {resize $guitar_note_tracker 0} ;resize the array + {push_back $guitar_note_tracker (none none)} ;don't start with an empty array or it doesnt work lol + + {set $drum_note_tracker {array ()}} + {resize $drum_note_tracker 0} + {push_back $drum_note_tracker (none none)} + + {set $bass_note_tracker {array ()}} + {resize $bass_note_tracker 0} + {push_back $bass_note_tracker (none none)} + + {set $keys_note_tracker {array ()}} + {resize $keys_note_tracker 0} + {push_back $keys_note_tracker (none none)} + + {set $vocals_note_tracker {array ()}} + {resize $vocals_note_tracker 0} + {push_back $vocals_note_tracker (none none)} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_ark/dx/locale/dx_locale_updates.dta b/_ark/dx/locale/dx_locale_updates.dta new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aaaf0fd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/_ark/dx/locale/dx_locale_updates.dta @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +#include ../countdown/dx_countdown_locale.dta \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_ark/dx/ui/dx_funcs.dta b/_ark/dx/ui/dx_funcs.dta index 8a924e47..98aba712 100644 --- a/_ark/dx/ui/dx_funcs.dta +++ b/_ark/dx/ui/dx_funcs.dta @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +#include ../countdown/dx_countdown_funcs.dta ; funcs for finding instrument objects in track panel {func get_guitar_panel {{get_track_panel} find guitar} @@ -14,7 +15,14 @@ {func get_track_1_panel {{get_track_panel} find track_1} } - +;fake log writer so rb3 ported script doesnt crash +{func + dx_log_writer + ($loglevel $dx_log_writer) + {if {|| $dx_logging_essential $dx_logging_default $dx_logging_info $dx_logging_insane $dx_logging_beatmatch $dx_logging_countdown} + {set $dx_log_counter 0} + } +} ;overshell change screen functions {func os_change_screen ($next) ;for moving forward, flip from right to left {set $os_next_screen {sprint $next "_screen"}} diff --git a/_ark/dx/ui/dx_init.dta b/_ark/dx/ui/dx_init.dta index 0ca31b69..1b5bbdcf 100644 --- a/_ark/dx/ui/dx_init.dta +++ b/_ark/dx/ui/dx_init.dta @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ #include ../../ui/overshell.dta ; having overshell.dta in ./dx crashes the game for some reason #include ../track/dx_track_callback.dta #include dx_funcs.dta +#include ../countdown/dx_countdown_ui_init.dta + +{set $dx_connected_server none} ;sets default track speed. 1.15 is 115%, 1.30 is 130% and so on. {set $trackspeed 1.0} diff --git a/_ark/dx/ui/dx_overshell_macros.dta b/_ark/dx/ui/dx_overshell_macros.dta index f501d0a0..54ff668d 100644 --- a/_ark/dx/ui/dx_overshell_macros.dta +++ b/_ark/dx/ui/dx_overshell_macros.dta @@ -729,4 +729,546 @@ {{$os_next_panel find all.grp} set_local_rot $osxrot $osyrot {- $oszrot 9}} {$task sleep 0.005} {{$os_next_panel find all.grp} set_local_rot $osxrot $osyrot $oszrot} +) + +#define OS_MOD_OPEN_ANIM +( + {set $modpos_add 450} + {thread_task kTaskUISeconds + (script + {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_01.mesh} set_showing FALSE} + {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_05.mesh} set_showing FALSE} + {modifiers_panel set_local_pos $modx $mody {+ $modz $modpos_add}} + {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} set_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y {+ $opl3z $modpos_add}} + {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} set_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy {+ $opgcz $modpos_add}} + {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} set_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy {+ $opbgz $modpos_add}} + {$task sleep 0.005} + {cond + ({== $modpos_add 450} + {set $modpos_add 404} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 404} + {set $modpos_add 360} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 360} + {set $modpos_add 319} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 319} + {set $modpos_add 280} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 280} + {set $modpos_add 244} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 244} + {set $modpos_add 211} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 211} + {set $modpos_add 180} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 180} + {set $modpos_add 151} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 151} + {set $modpos_add 125} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 125} + {set $modpos_add 101} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 101} + {set $modpos_add 80} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 80} + {set $modpos_add 61} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 61} + {set $modpos_add 45} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 45} + {set $modpos_add 31} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 31} + {set $modpos_add 20} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 20} + {set $modpos_add 11} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 11} + {set $modpos_add 5} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 5} + {set $modpos_add 0} + {$task loop} + ) + } + ) + } +) ; close anim doesnt work for system menus + +#define OS_CONSOLE_OPEN_ANIM +( + {set $modpos_add 450} + {thread_task kTaskUISeconds + (script + {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_01.mesh} set_showing FALSE} + {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_05.mesh} set_showing FALSE} + {options_console_panel set_local_pos $conx $cony {+ $conz $modpos_add}} + {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} set_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y {+ $opl3z $modpos_add}} + {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} set_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy {+ $opgcz $modpos_add}} + {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} set_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy {+ $opbgz $modpos_add}} + {$task sleep 0.005} + {cond + ({== $modpos_add 450} + {set $modpos_add 404} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 404} + {set $modpos_add 360} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 360} + {set $modpos_add 319} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 319} + {set $modpos_add 280} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 280} + {set $modpos_add 244} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 244} + {set $modpos_add 211} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 211} + {set $modpos_add 180} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 180} + {set $modpos_add 151} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 151} + {set $modpos_add 125} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 125} + {set $modpos_add 101} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 101} + {set $modpos_add 80} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 80} + {set $modpos_add 61} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 61} + {set $modpos_add 45} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 45} + {set $modpos_add 31} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 31} + {set $modpos_add 20} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 20} + {set $modpos_add 11} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 11} + {set $modpos_add 5} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 5} + {set $modpos_add 0} + {$task loop} + ) + } + ) + } +) ; close anim doesnt work for system menus + +#define OS_SD_OPEN_ANIM +( + {set $modpos_add 450} + {thread_task kTaskUISeconds + (script + {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_01.mesh} set_showing FALSE} + {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_05.mesh} set_showing FALSE} + {options_savedata_panel set_local_pos $sdx $sdy {+ $sdz $modpos_add}} + {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} set_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y {+ $opl3z $modpos_add}} + {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} set_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy {+ $opgcz $modpos_add}} + {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} set_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy {+ $opbgz $modpos_add}} + {$task sleep 0.005} + {cond + ({== $modpos_add 450} + {set $modpos_add 404} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 404} + {set $modpos_add 360} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 360} + {set $modpos_add 319} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 319} + {set $modpos_add 280} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 280} + {set $modpos_add 244} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 244} + {set $modpos_add 211} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 211} + {set $modpos_add 180} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 180} + {set $modpos_add 151} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 151} + {set $modpos_add 125} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 125} + {set $modpos_add 101} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 101} + {set $modpos_add 80} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 80} + {set $modpos_add 61} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 61} + {set $modpos_add 45} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 45} + {set $modpos_add 31} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 31} + {set $modpos_add 20} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 20} + {set $modpos_add 11} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 11} + {set $modpos_add 5} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 5} + {set $modpos_add 0} + {$task loop} + ) + } + ) + } +) ; close anim doesnt work for system menus + +#define OS_GP_OPEN_ANIM +( + {set $modpos_add 450} + {thread_task kTaskUISeconds + (script + {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_01.mesh} set_showing FALSE} + {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_05.mesh} set_showing FALSE} + {options_gameplay_panel set_local_pos $gpx $gpy {+ $gpz $modpos_add}} + {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} set_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y {+ $opl3z $modpos_add}} + {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} set_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy {+ $opgcz $modpos_add}} + {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} set_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy {+ $opbgz $modpos_add}} + {$task sleep 0.005} + {cond + ({== $modpos_add 450} + {set $modpos_add 404} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 404} + {set $modpos_add 360} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 360} + {set $modpos_add 319} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 319} + {set $modpos_add 280} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 280} + {set $modpos_add 244} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 244} + {set $modpos_add 211} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 211} + {set $modpos_add 180} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 180} + {set $modpos_add 151} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 151} + {set $modpos_add 125} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 125} + {set $modpos_add 101} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 101} + {set $modpos_add 80} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 80} + {set $modpos_add 61} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 61} + {set $modpos_add 45} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 45} + {set $modpos_add 31} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 31} + {set $modpos_add 20} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 20} + {set $modpos_add 11} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 11} + {set $modpos_add 5} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 5} + {set $modpos_add 0} + {$task loop} + ) + } + ) + } +) ; close anim doesnt work for system menus + +#define OS_SLD_OPEN_ANIM +( + {set $modpos_add 450} + {thread_task kTaskUISeconds + (script + {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_01.mesh} set_showing FALSE} + {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_05.mesh} set_showing FALSE} + {options_milo_panel set_local_pos $sldx $sldy {+ $sldz $modpos_add}} + {options_color_panel set_local_pos $sldx $sldy {+ $sldz $modpos_add}} + {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} set_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y {+ $opl3z $modpos_add}} + {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} set_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy {+ $opgcz $modpos_add}} + {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} set_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy {+ $opbgz $modpos_add}} + {$task sleep 0.005} + {cond + ({== $modpos_add 450} + {set $modpos_add 404} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 404} + {set $modpos_add 360} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 360} + {set $modpos_add 319} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 319} + {set $modpos_add 280} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 280} + {set $modpos_add 244} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 244} + {set $modpos_add 211} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 211} + {set $modpos_add 180} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 180} + {set $modpos_add 151} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 151} + {set $modpos_add 125} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 125} + {set $modpos_add 101} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 101} + {set $modpos_add 80} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 80} + {set $modpos_add 61} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 61} + {set $modpos_add 45} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 45} + {set $modpos_add 31} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 31} + {set $modpos_add 20} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 20} + {set $modpos_add 11} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 11} + {set $modpos_add 5} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 5} + {set $modpos_add 0} + {$task loop} + ) + } + ) + } +) + +#define OS_SLD_CLOSE_ANIM +( + {set $modpos_add 5} + {thread_task kTaskUISeconds + (script + {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_01.mesh} set_showing FALSE} + {{options_background_panel find cornertrim_05.mesh} set_showing FALSE} + {options_milo_panel set_local_pos $sldx $sldy {+ $sldz $modpos_add}} + {options_color_panel set_local_pos $sldx $sldy {+ $sldz $modpos_add}} + {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} set_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y {+ $opl3z $modpos_add}} + {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} set_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy {+ $opgcz $modpos_add}} + {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} set_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy {+ $opbgz $modpos_add}} + {$task sleep 0.005} + {cond + ({== $modpos_add 450} + {synth play button_toggle} + {ui pop_screen} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 404} + {set $modpos_add 450} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 360} + {set $modpos_add 404} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 319} + {set $modpos_add 360} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 280} + {set $modpos_add 319} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 244} + {set $modpos_add 280} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 211} + {set $modpos_add 244} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 180} + {set $modpos_add 211} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 151} + {set $modpos_add 180} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 125} + {set $modpos_add 151} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 101} + {set $modpos_add 125} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 80} + {set $modpos_add 101} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 61} + {set $modpos_add 80} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 45} + {set $modpos_add 61} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 31} + {set $modpos_add 45} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 20} + {set $modpos_add 31} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 11} + {set $modpos_add 20} + {$task loop} + ) + ({== $modpos_add 5} + {set $modpos_add 11} + {$task loop} + ) + } + ) + } ) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_eric_talbot.milo_ps3 b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_eric_talbot.milo_ps3 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..54944236 Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_eric_talbot.milo_ps3 differ diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_eric_talbot.milo_xbox b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_eric_talbot.milo_xbox new file mode 100644 index 00000000..224b0cfb Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_eric_talbot.milo_xbox differ diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_painterly.milo_ps3 b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_painterly.milo_ps3 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1305d49c Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_painterly.milo_ps3 differ diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_painterly.milo_xbox b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_painterly.milo_xbox new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d16ae675 Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_painterly.milo_xbox differ diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_sketchy.milo_ps3 b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_sketchy.milo_ps3 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..80528ed3 Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_sketchy.milo_ps3 differ diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_sketchy.milo_xbox b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_sketchy.milo_xbox new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cb66cc6c Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_sketchy.milo_xbox differ diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thick_line.milo_ps3 b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thick_line.milo_ps3 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..232ddfce Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thick_line.milo_ps3 differ diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thick_line.milo_xbox b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thick_line.milo_xbox new file mode 100644 index 00000000..734da4e8 Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thick_line.milo_xbox differ diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thin_line.milo_ps3 b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thin_line.milo_ps3 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3788341e Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thin_line.milo_ps3 differ diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thin_line.milo_xbox b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thin_line.milo_xbox new file mode 100644 index 00000000..276f76fb Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_generic_shapes_thin_line.milo_xbox differ diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_chalet.milo_ps3 b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_chalet.milo_ps3 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0864476c Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_chalet.milo_ps3 differ diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_chalet.milo_xbox b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_chalet.milo_xbox new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5264e8f5 Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_chalet.milo_xbox differ diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_fakir_01.milo_ps3 b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_fakir_01.milo_ps3 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5501544e Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_fakir_01.milo_ps3 differ diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_fakir_01.milo_xbox b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_fakir_01.milo_xbox new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1821db67 Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_letters_fakir_01.milo_xbox differ diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_mister_reusch.milo_ps3 b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_mister_reusch.milo_ps3 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..62ca92a7 Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_mister_reusch.milo_ps3 differ diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_mister_reusch.milo_xbox b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_mister_reusch.milo_xbox new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6a37a08f Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_mister_reusch.milo_xbox differ diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_paul_lyons.milo_ps3 b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_paul_lyons.milo_ps3 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f4a10ef0 Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_paul_lyons.milo_ps3 differ diff --git a/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_paul_lyons.milo_xbox b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_paul_lyons.milo_xbox new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b934bb56 Binary files /dev/null and b/_ark/patchcreator/gen/stickers_paul_lyons.milo_xbox differ diff --git a/_ark/ui/band_ui.dta b/_ark/ui/band_ui.dta index 8f848651..08f4a718 100644 --- a/_ark/ui/band_ui.dta +++ b/_ark/ui/band_ui.dta @@ -116,12 +116,25 @@ ($reason) {$this set_ok - {localize - {switch - $reason - (kLostConnection error_lost_connection) - (kLostServer error_lost_server) - (kEthernetUnplugged error_ethernet_unplugged)}}} + {switch $dx_connected_server + (none + {localize + {switch + $reason + (kLostConnection error_lost_connection) + (kLostServer error_lost_server) + (kEthernetUnplugged error_ethernet_unplugged)}} + ) + (ashcentral + {localize + {switch + $reason + (kLostConnection error_lost_connection) + (kLostServer ash_error_lost_server) + (kEthernetUnplugged error_ethernet_unplugged)}} + ) + } + } {net_sync disable_and_goto meta_loading_uisink_lost_connection_screen}) (SELECT_DONE_MSG {band_ui dismiss_event})) @@ -131,7 +144,15 @@ (init {$this set_ok - {localize error_lost_server}} + {switch $dx_connected_server + (none + {localize error_lost_server} + ) + (ashcentral + {localize ash_error_lost_server} + ) + } + } {if_else {session is_local} {net_sync disable_and_goto meta_loading_return_to_tour_hub_screen} diff --git a/_ark/ui/endgame/endgame.dta b/_ark/ui/endgame/endgame.dta index 67caa1a1..12daef52 100644 --- a/_ark/ui/endgame/endgame.dta +++ b/_ark/ui/endgame/endgame.dta @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ "coop_endgame.milo") ENDGAME_PANEL_HANDLERS (enter + {dx_countdown_var_reset} {set $already_restarted FALSE} ;ensure the next time the track loads, it restarts once to be safe {if_else {gamemode is_audition} diff --git a/_ark/ui/eng/locale_updates.dta b/_ark/ui/eng/locale_updates.dta index c8cf74af..b8dfd625 100644 --- a/_ark/ui/eng/locale_updates.dta +++ b/_ark/ui/eng/locale_updates.dta @@ -217,6 +217,48 @@ (leader_hb_choosesong240 "Choose Song at 240%") (leader_hb_choosesong245 "Choose Song at 245%") (leader_hb_choosesong250 "Choose Song at 250%") + +;server stuff +;none +(shell_network_busy "Communicating with the game servers...") +(upload_uploading "Communicating with the game servers...") +(upload_error_start_single "There was an error during the upload to the game servers.") +(upload_error_start_fmt "There were %d errors during the upload to the game servers.") +(upload_error_server_down "The game servers appear to be unavailable. Rock Band 2 will attempt to upload again automatically during a later autosave.") +(error_lost_server "You have lost contact with the game servers.") +(leaderboards_not_available_rock_central "You will only be able to see local leaderboards while logged out of the game servers.") +(connecting_server "Connecting to the game servers...") +(solo_no_server_warning "Couldn't connect to the game servers.\n\nYou won't be able to send your scores to the leaderboards. Continue anyway?") +(tour_no_server_warning "Couldn't connect to the game servers.\n\nYou won't be able to send your scores to the leaderboards or update your band to the website. Continue anyway?") +#ifdef HX_PS3 +(community_no_server_warning "Couldn't connect to the game servers.\n\nYou won't be able to access the online leaderboards. Continue anyway?") +#else +(community_no_server_warning "Couldn't connect to the game servers.\n\nYou won't be able to access the Xbox LIVE leaderboards. Continue anyway?") +#endif +(motd_no_rock_central "Attempting to connect to the game servers...") +(motd_online_disabled "Cannot connect to the game servers while modifiers are enabled.") +(privileges_restricted_strict "Connecting to the game server is disabled on your PLAYSTATION®Network account due to parental control restrictions.\n\nYou are not allowed to access this mode.") +(privileges_restricted_lenient "Connecting to the game server is disabled on your PLAYSTATION®Network account due to parental control restrictions.\n\nYou will be unable to view leaderboards or post your scores.") +(leaderboard_connection_error "Failed to connect to the game servers.") +(botb_net_failed "The game servers are unable to send battle information at this time. Please try again in a few minutes.") +(tour_no_botb_connecting "Sorry, but you're unable to play Battle of the Bands at the moment. You are currently attempting to connect to the game servers.") +;ashcentral +(ash_qp_online "AshCentral Quickplay") +(ash_tour_online "AshCentral Tour") +(ash_player_match "AshCentral Match") +(ash_shell_network_busy "Communicating with the AshCentral server...") +(ash_upload_uploading "Uploading data to the AshCentral server...") +(ash_upload_error_start_single "There was an error during the upload to the AshCentral server.") +(ash_upload_error_start_fmt "There were %d errors during the upload to the AshCentral server.") +(ash_error_lost_server "You have lost contact with the AshCentral server.") +(ash_leaderboards_not_available_rock_central "You will only be able to see local leaderboards while logged out of AshCentral.") +(ash_connecting_server "Connecting to the AshCentral server...") +(ash_solo_no_server_warning "Couldn't connect to the AshCentral server.\n\nYou won't be able to send your scores to the leaderboards. Continue anyway?") +(ash_tour_no_server_warning "Couldn't connect to the AshCentral server.\n\nYou won't be able to send your scores to the leaderboards or update your band to the website. Continue anyway?") +(ash_community_no_server_warning "Couldn't connect to the AshCentral server.\n\nYou won't be able to access the online leaderboards. Continue anyway?") +(ash_privileges_restricted_strict "Connecting to the AshCentral server is disabled on your PLAYSTATION®Network account due to parental control restrictions.\n\nYou are not allowed to access this mode.") +(ash_privileges_restricted_lenient "Connecting to the AshCentral server is disabled on your PLAYSTATION®Network account due to parental control restrictions.\n\nYou will be unable to view leaderboards or post your scores.") + #ifdef HX_PS3 (error_cheating "Sorry, you have a modifier activated that disables online play. You cannot access any online features until the modifier is disabled.") @@ -289,8 +331,6 @@ #endif (charcreator_full_profile_fmt "You already own the maximum of %d characters. If you want to make a new character, you'll have to delete an old one first.") -(tour_no_botb_connecting - "Sorry, but you're unable to play Battle of the Bands at the moment. You are currently attempting to connect to Rock Central.") #ifdef HX_PS3 (cal_video_desc_pad_swapped "This test determines the amount of Video Latency in your system. When you see the needle hit either side of the meter, press the circle button.") @@ -1477,9 +1517,6 @@ "The Duke of Gravity") (prefab_guitar33 "Raquelle Jihiman") (prefab_guitar34 "Dan LaMona") -(prefab_guitar37 "Kimberley Monroe") -(prefab_guitar38 "Dawson Blake") -(prefab_guitar39 "Luna") (prefab_vocals0 "Jeremy Kitty") @@ -1511,7 +1548,36 @@ (prefab_vocals20 "Penelope McQueen") (prefab_vocals21 "Josh Price") -(prefab_vocals22 "Penelope") + +;dx prefabs +(prefab_kimberley_monroe "Kimberley Monroe") +(prefab_dawson_blake "Dawson Blake") +(prefab_luna "Luna") +(prefab_penelope "Penelope") +(prefab_u628 "U628") +(prefab_chill "Chill2Music") +(prefab_anth "Anth") +(prefab_annai_renae "Annai Renae") + +;rb1 patches +(patch_talbot + "Eric Talbot") +(patch_reusch + "Mister Reusch") +(patch_lyons + "Paul Lyons") +(patch_painterly + "Painterly") +(patch_thinlines + "Thin Lines") +(patch_thicklines + "Thick Lines") +(patch_sketchy + "Sketchy") +(patch_chalet + "Chalet Typeface") +(patch_fakir + "Fakir Typeface") ;; Lego Trivia ;; (Tokens 900-1044) @@ -1792,7 +1858,7 @@ (loading_trivia1037 "Korn Guitarist James 'Munky' Schaffer acquired his nickname from his feet, which his bandmates say look like monkey hands.") (loading_trivia1038 - "\qWord Up\q was originally a hit for funk/hip-hop band Cameo, and was their first U.S. Top 40 hit. The song has since been covered many times, most notably by Finnish humppa band Eläkeläiset, but was also a modest hit for Melanie B of The Spice Girls.") + "\qWord Up\q was originally a hit for funk/hip-hop band Cameo, and was their first U.S. Top 40 hit. The song has since been covered many times, most notably by Finnish humppa band El�kel�iset, but was also a modest hit for Melanie B of The Spice Girls.") (loading_trivia1039 "Before joining Bon Jovi, guitarist Richie Sambora was slated to audition for KISS.") (loading_trivia1040 @@ -2001,7 +2067,7 @@ (loading_trivia1106 "Tyler's impressive 6 octave high 'whistle' note near the end of this song is said to be heavily inspired by the ending of \qSince I Don't Have You\q by The Skyliners.") ;;ACDC Track Pack Trivia -(loading_trivia1200 "There are streets named for AC/DC in both Melbourne, Australia and Leganés, Spain.") +(loading_trivia1200 "There are streets named for AC/DC in both Melbourne, Australia and Legan�s, Spain.") (loading_trivia1201 "Though known throughout the world as Australia's foremost rock & roll band, the roots of AC/DC lie in post-war Scotland: guitar-playing brothers Angus and Malcolm Young were born in Glasgow (in 1958 & 1953, respectively) while the band's iconic first frontman Bon Scott was born in the highland town of Kirriemuir in 1946.") (loading_trivia1202 "The Youngs moved from Scotland to Australia in 1963, when Angus was 6.") (loading_trivia1203 "As a member of the Easybeats, Angus and Malcolm's older sibling, George Young, created one of Australia's first international hits, \qFriday On My Mind,\q in 1966.") @@ -2015,7 +2081,7 @@ (loading_trivia1211 "The beloved AC/DC trademark logo -- raised metallic Gothic lettering separated by Zeus's lightning bolt -- made its first appearance on the cover of the \qLet There Be Rock\q album in 1977.") (loading_trivia1212 "Produced by Mutt Lange, \qBack In Black,\q Brian Johnson's first album with AC/DC, is a deeply felt tribute to Bon Scott.") (loading_trivia1213 "AC/DC's top-selling album ever, \qBack In Black\q is one of the world's best-selling albums of all-time, selling over 45 million since its release.") -(loading_trivia1214 "There are streets named for AC/DC in both Melbourne, Australia and Leganés, Spain.") +(loading_trivia1214 "There are streets named for AC/DC in both Melbourne, Australia and Legan�s, Spain.") (loading_trivia1215 "Though known throughout the world as Australia's foremost rock & roll band, the roots of AC/DC lie in post-war Scotland: guitar-playing brothers Angus and Malcolm Young were born in Glasgow (in 1958 & 1953, respectively) while the band's iconic first frontman Bon Scott was born in the highland town of Kirriemuir in 1946.") (loading_trivia1216 "The Youngs moved from Scotland to Australia in 1963, when Angus was 6.") (loading_trivia1217 "As a member of the Easybeats, Angus and Malcolm's older sibling, George Young, created one of Australia's first international hits, \qFriday On My Mind,\q in 1966.") @@ -2029,7 +2095,7 @@ (loading_trivia1225 "The beloved AC/DC trademark logo -- raised metallic Gothic lettering separated by Zeus's lightning bolt -- made its first appearance on the cover of the \qLet There Be Rock\q album in 1977.") (loading_trivia1226 "Produced by Mutt Lange, \qBack In Black,\q Brian Johnson's first album with AC/DC, is a deeply felt tribute to Bon Scott.") (loading_trivia1227 "AC/DC's top-selling album ever, \qBack In Black\q is one of the world's best-selling albums of all-time, selling over 45 million since its release.") -(loading_trivia1228 "There are streets named for AC/DC in both Melbourne, Australia and Leganés, Spain.") +(loading_trivia1228 "There are streets named for AC/DC in both Melbourne, Australia and Legan�s, Spain.") (loading_trivia1229 "Though known throughout the world as Australia's foremost rock & roll band, the roots of AC/DC lie in post-war Scotland: guitar-playing brothers Angus and Malcolm Young were born in Glasgow (in 1958 & 1953, respectively) while the band's iconic first frontman Bon Scott was born in the highland town of Kirriemuir in 1946.") (loading_trivia1230 "The Youngs moved from Scotland to Australia in 1963, when Angus was 6.") (loading_trivia1231 "As a member of the Easybeats, Angus and Malcolm's older sibling, George Young, created one of Australia's first international hits, \qFriday On My Mind,\q in 1966.") @@ -2043,7 +2109,7 @@ (loading_trivia1239 "The beloved AC/DC trademark logo -- raised metallic Gothic lettering separated by Zeus's lightning bolt -- made its first appearance on the cover of the \qLet There Be Rock\q album in 1977.") (loading_trivia1240 "Produced by Mutt Lange, \qBack In Black,\q Brian Johnson's first album with AC/DC, is a deeply felt tribute to Bon Scott.") (loading_trivia1241 "AC/DC's top-selling album ever, \qBack In Black\q is one of the world's best-selling albums of all-time, selling over 45 million since its release.") -(loading_trivia1242 "There are streets named for AC/DC in both Melbourne, Australia and Leganés, Spain.") +(loading_trivia1242 "There are streets named for AC/DC in both Melbourne, Australia and Legan�s, Spain.") (loading_trivia1243 "Though known throughout the world as Australia's foremost rock & roll band, the roots of AC/DC lie in post-war Scotland: guitar-playing brothers Angus and Malcolm Young were born in Glasgow (in 1958 & 1953, respectively) while the band's iconic first frontman Bon Scott was born in the highland town of Kirriemuir in 1946.") (loading_trivia1244 "The Youngs moved from Scotland to Australia in 1963, when Angus was 6.") (loading_trivia1245 "As a member of the Easybeats, Angus and Malcolm's older sibling, George Young, created one of Australia's first international hits, \qFriday On My Mind,\q in 1966.") @@ -2112,15 +2178,15 @@ ;Metal Track Pack (loading_phrase1305 "Lacuna Coil frontwoman Cristina Scabbia says she enjoys being miserable and writes her best songs when she's not happy.") (loading_phrase1306 "Lacuna Coil's name is a half-Italian, half-English phrase meaning \qempty spiral.\q This has something to do with their outlook on life.") -(loading_phrase1307 "Who coined the unforgettable phrase \qKilled By Death\q? According to Motörhead's Lemmy, the credit goes to English comedian Spike Milligan.") -(loading_phrase1308 "Singer/bassist Lemmy has claimed that if Motörhead moved next door to you, your lawn would die. ") -(loading_phrase1309 "\qKilled By Death\q marked the debut of Motörhead's short-lived two-guitar lineup. Singer/bassist Lemmy was still louder than both combined.") +(loading_phrase1307 "Who coined the unforgettable phrase \qKilled By Death\q? According to Mot�rhead's Lemmy, the credit goes to English comedian Spike Milligan.") +(loading_phrase1308 "Singer/bassist Lemmy has claimed that if Mot�rhead moved next door to you, your lawn would die. ") +(loading_phrase1309 "\qKilled By Death\q marked the debut of Mot�rhead's short-lived two-guitar lineup. Singer/bassist Lemmy was still louder than both combined.") (loading_phrase1310 "\qRed Devil\q is about three of Yngwie Malmsteen's most prized possessions: his three Ferraris.") (loading_phrase1311 "Singer Tim \qRipper\q Owens is the guy who temporarily replaced Rob Halford in Judas Priest, before hooking up with Yngwie Malmsteen and singing on \qRed Devil.\q ") -(loading_phrase1312 "Hawkwind were on their third bassist when they recorded \qMaster of the Universe.\q Future Motörhead leader Lemmy would be the fourth.") +(loading_phrase1312 "Hawkwind were on their third bassist when they recorded \qMaster of the Universe.\q Future Mot�rhead leader Lemmy would be the fourth.") (loading_phrase1313 "The sci-fi novelist Michael Moorcock has not only written lyrics for Hawkwind, he has also toured as one of their singers. ") -(loading_phrase1314 "Record producer Sandy Pearlman dreamed up the name Blue Öyster Cult, but it was guitarist Allen Lanier who added the all-important umlaut.") -(loading_phrase1315 "If Blue Öyster Cult sounds like a weird name, how about Soft White Underbelly? That was the psychedelic band that included some future Cult members in 1967.") +(loading_phrase1314 "Record producer Sandy Pearlman dreamed up the name Blue �yster Cult, but it was guitarist Allen Lanier who added the all-important umlaut.") +(loading_phrase1315 "If Blue �yster Cult sounds like a weird name, how about Soft White Underbelly? That was the psychedelic band that included some future Cult members in 1967.") (loading_phrase1316 "As a teenager, Children of Bodom guitarist Alexi Laiho was told by his music teacher that you couldn't make a living playing heavy metal. ") (loading_phrase1317 "Children of Bodom's name refers to an unsolved murder in their hometown of Espoo, Finland.") (loading_phrase1318 "Children of Bodom's bandmembers, its road crew and its fans are collectively known as the \qHate Crew.\q ") @@ -2157,14 +2223,16 @@ (loading_phrase1349 "Rage Against the Machine's first performance was in a friend's living room in Orange County, California.") (loading_phrase1350 "How does Rob Halford recommend getting into the mindset for this song? Three words: chains and leather.") (loading_phrase1351 "Lacuna Coil originally went by the band name Ethereal, before finding that a Greek band had already claimed it.") -(loading_phrase1352 "Long before forming Motörhead, singer/bassist Lemmy was a guitar roadie for Jimi Hendrix.") -(loading_phrase1353 "Singer/bassist Lemmy formed Motörhead shortly after getting kicked out of the band Hawkwind.") -(loading_phrase1354 "Motörhead frontman Lemmy is an avid collector of World War II memorabilia.") +(loading_phrase1352 "Long before forming Mot�rhead, singer/bassist Lemmy was a guitar roadie for Jimi Hendrix.") +(loading_phrase1353 "Singer/bassist Lemmy formed Mot�rhead shortly after getting kicked out of the band Hawkwind.") +(loading_phrase1354 "Mot�rhead frontman Lemmy is an avid collector of World War II memorabilia.") (loading_phrase1355 "At last count, over twenty-five different musicians have performed in Queens of the Stone Age.") (loading_phrase1356 "In 2001, former Queens of the Stone Age member Nick Oliveri was arrested in Rio for performing onstage wearing only his bass.") (loading_phrase1357 "Queens of the Stone Age were originally called \qGamma Ray\q but another band had already claimed the name.") (loading_phrase1358 "Queens of the Stone Age reportedly opted not to be called \qKings of the Stone Age\q because they thought it would sound overly masculine.") - +(os_blnk + " ") +#include ../../dx/locale/dx_locale_updates.dta ;ALWAYS KEEP THIS LAST SO IT LOADS ON TOP OF EVERYTHING ELSE ;user added locale strings -#include locale_extras.dta +#include locale_extras.dta \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_ark/ui/leaderboards/leaderboards.dta b/_ark/ui/leaderboards/leaderboards.dta new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c93b5fe8 --- /dev/null +++ b/_ark/ui/leaderboards/leaderboards.dta @@ -0,0 +1,755 @@ +{new + HeldButtonPanel + leaderboards_panel + (file + "leaderboards.milo") + (focus leaderboard.lst) + (held_buttons + (kAction_Option 0.2)) + (shortcut_mode none) + (read_done TRUE) + (limits_array + ()) + (set_limits + ($a) + {set + [limits_array] + $a}) + (enter + {leaderboards + set_page_size + {leaderboard.lst num_display}} + {$this + update_warning + ""} + {$this + update_unranked + ""} + {leaderboards + set_limits + [limits_array]} + {set + [read_done] + TRUE} + {leaderboards enumerate} + {$this update_titles} + {$this + update_filter + {leaderboards get_filter}} + {champ_name.lbl set_showing FALSE} + {champ_score.lbl set_showing FALSE} + {leaderboard.lst set_showing FALSE} + {$this shortcut_exit} + {rank_number_1.lbl set_showing FALSE} + {number_one.mesh set_showing FALSE}) + (update_titles + {event.lbl + set_localized + ""} + {song.lbl + set_localized + ""} + {type.lbl + set_localized + ""} + {switch + {leaderboards get_type} + (kPlayerSong + {if_else + {== + {leaderboards get_song_sym} + career} + {song.lbl + set_localized + {localize career}} + {song.lbl + set_localized + {song_mgr + song_name + {leaderboards get_song_sym}}}} + {event.lbl + set_localized + {localize player_song}} + {type.lbl + set_localized + {leaderboards get_track_type_char}} + {instrument_type.grp set_showing TRUE} + {band_logo.grp set_showing FALSE}) + (kScoreDuel + {event.lbl + set_localized + {localize h2h_pro}} + {type.lbl + set_localized + {leaderboards get_track_type_char}} + {instrument_type.grp set_showing TRUE} + {band_logo.grp set_showing FALSE}) + (kTugOfWar + {event.lbl + set_localized + {localize h2h_normal}} + {type.lbl + set_localized + {leaderboards get_track_type_char}} + {instrument_type.grp set_showing TRUE} + {band_logo.grp set_showing FALSE}) + (kBandSong + {if_else + {== + {leaderboards get_song_sym} + career} + {song.lbl + set_localized + {localize career}} + {song.lbl + set_localized + {song_mgr + song_name + {leaderboards get_song_sym}}}} + {event.lbl + set_localized + {localize band_song}} + {instrument_type.grp set_showing FALSE} + {band_logo.grp set_showing TRUE} + {band_logo.pic + set + tex_file + "ui/textures/generic_band_logo_keep.png"}) + (kBandFans + {event.lbl + set_localized + {localize band_fans}} + {instrument_type.grp set_showing FALSE} + {band_logo.grp set_showing TRUE} + {band_logo.pic + set + tex_file + "ui/textures/generic_band_logo_keep.png"})}) + (update_filter + ($type) + {switch + $type + (kByAll + {filter_title.lbl + set_localized + {localize filter_gamer}}) + (kByFriends + {filter_title.lbl + set_localized + {localize filter_friends}}) + (kByLocal + {filter_title.lbl + set_localized + {localize filter_local}})}) + (update_leaderboard + {do + ($num_data + {{leaderboards get_provider} + num_data}) + {leaderboard.lst + set_provider + {leaderboards get_provider}} + {$this enable leaderboard.lst} + {leaderboard.lst set_showing $num_data} + {do + ($user_pos + {leaderboards get_user_pos}) + {if + {> $user_pos 0} + {leaderboard.lst set_selected $user_pos}}} + {champ_name.lbl + set_localized + {leaderboards get_champ_text name}} + {champ_name.lbl set_showing TRUE} + {champ_score.lbl + set_localized + {leaderboards get_champ_text score}} + {champ_score.lbl set_showing TRUE} + {rank_number_1.lbl set_showing $num_data} + {number_one.mesh set_showing $num_data} + {$this update_helpbar}}) + (update_warning + ($msg) + {warning.lbl set_localized $msg} + {warning.lbl set_showing TRUE}) + (update_unranked + ($msg) + {unranked.lbl set_localized $msg} + {unranked.lbl set_showing TRUE}) + (exit + {$this shortcut_exit} + {network_busy_panel set_busy FALSE} + {leaderboards cancel_enumerate} + {leaderboard.lst set_showing FALSE} + {leaderboard.lst set_provider leaderboard.lst} + {shortcut.lst set_showing FALSE} + {shortcut.lst set_provider shortcut.lst} + {leaderboards destroy} + {set + [read_done] + FALSE}) + (SCROLL_MSG + {if + {== $component leaderboard.lst} + {leaderboards + set_user_pos + {leaderboard.lst selected_pos}}}) + (BUTTON_DOWN_MSG + {if_else + {&& + [read_done] + {== + [shortcut_mode] + none}} + {cond + ({== $action kAction_ViewModify} + {leaderboards rotate_filter}) + ({&& + {== $action kAction_Down} + {== + {leaderboard.lst selected_pos} + {- + {leaderboard.lst num_display} + 1}}} + {leaderboards request_new_page TRUE} + {$this poll}) + ({&& + {== $action kAction_Up} + {== + {leaderboard.lst selected_pos} + 0}} + {leaderboards request_new_page FALSE} + {$this poll}) + ({&& + {== $action kAction_Option} + {leaderboards enum_complete}} + {leaderboards + next_landmark + {leaderboard.lst selected_pos}} + {$this poll}) + ({== $action kAction_Confirm} + {if_else + {leaderboards can_rows_be_selected} + kDataUnhandled + TRUE}) + ({== $action kAction_Cancel} + {leaderboard.lst set_showing FALSE} + kDataUnhandled) + (TRUE kDataUnhandled)} + {if_else + {&& + {!= + [shortcut_mode] + none} + {== $action kAction_Cancel}} + {$this shortcut_exit} + kDataUnhandled}}) + (BUTTON_UP_MSG + {switch + [shortcut_mode] + (none kDataUnhandled) + (friends + {if + {&& + [read_done] + {== $action kAction_Option}} + {$this on_select shortcut.lst}})}) + (SELECT_MSG + {if + [read_done] + {$this on_select $component}}) + (on_select + ($component) + {switch + $component + (shortcut.lst + {leaderboards + enumerate_landmark + {shortcut.lst selected_pos}} + {$this shortcut_exit}) + (leaderboard.lst + {do + ($result + {leaderboards + select_row + {leaderboard.lst selected_pos} + $player_num}) + {if + {!= $result ''} + {lb_signin_screen set error_msg $result} + {ui push_screen lb_signin_screen}}})} + {$this poll}) + (poll + {if + {&& + [read_done] + {! + {leaderboards enum_complete}}} + {$this show_async_read}} + {if + {&& + {! + [read_done]} + {leaderboards enum_complete}} + {$this hide_async_read} + {leaderboard.lst set_dirty}}) + (on_button_held + ($user_num $user $raw_button $action $pad_num) + {$this + shortcut_enter + {if_else + {== $action kAction_Option} + friends + filters}}) + (show_async_read + {set + [read_done] + FALSE} + {network_busy_panel set_busy TRUE}) + (hide_async_read + {set + [read_done] + TRUE} + {network_busy_panel set_busy FALSE}) + (shortcut_enter + ($mode) + {if + {&& + {== + none + [shortcut_mode]} + {! + {input_mgr network_busy}} + {{leaderboards get_shortcut_provider} + num_data}} + {set + [shortcut_mode] + $mode} + {shortcut.lst + set_provider + {leaderboards get_shortcut_provider}} + {shortcut.lst + set_selected + {leaderboards + get_current_shortcut + {leaderboard.lst selected_pos}}} + {shortcut.mesh set_showing TRUE} + {$this set_focus shortcut.lst} + {$this disable leaderboard.lst}}) + (shortcut_exit + {$this enable leaderboard.lst} + {shortcut.mesh set_showing FALSE} + {$this set_focus leaderboard.lst} + {set + [shortcut_mode] + none}) + (update_helpbar + {helpbar + set_config + {switch + {leaderboards get_type} + #ifdef HX_PS3 + (kPlayerSong + ((cancel helpbar_back) + (view_modify leaderboard_changefilter))) + (kScoreDuel + ((cancel helpbar_back) + (view_modify leaderboard_changefilter))) + (kTugOfWar + ((cancel helpbar_back) + (view_modify leaderboard_changefilter) + (option leaderboard_next_friend leaderboard_friend_hold))) + #else + (kPlayerSong + ((cancel helpbar_back) + (view_modify leaderboard_changefilter) + (confirm leader_hb_viewgamercard))) + (kScoreDuel + ((cancel helpbar_back) + (view_modify leaderboard_changefilter) + (confirm leader_hb_viewgamercard))) + (kTugOfWar + ((cancel helpbar_back) + (view_modify leaderboard_changefilter) + (confirm leader_hb_viewgamercard))) + #endif + (kBandSong + ((cancel helpbar_back) + (view_modify leaderboard_changefilter) + (confirm + {if_else + {&& + {!= + career + {leaderboards get_song_sym}} + {== + kByLocal + {leaderboards get_filter}}} + leader_hb_viewgamercard + leader_hb_viewband}))) + (kBandFans + ((cancel helpbar_back) + (view_modify leaderboard_changefilter) + (confirm leader_hb_viewband)))}} + {if_else + {== + 0 + {leaderboards num_data}} + {do + {helpbar confirm ''} + {helpbar option ''}} + {helpbar option leaderboard_next_friend leaderboard_friend_hold}} + {if + {leaderboards get_offline} + {helpbar view_modify ''}}) + (JOYPAD_CONNECT_MSG + {if + {! $connected} + {$this shortcut_exit}})} +{new + UIPanel + leaderboards_netwatcher_panel + (file + "") + (return_screen main_community_screen) + (return_screen_in_progress main_community_screen) + (block_event + ($event) + {'||' + {== $event disband} + {&& + {== $event lost_connection} + {$this deal_with_lost_connection}}}) + (enter + {platform_mgr + add_sink + $this + (connection_status_changed)} + {server + add_sink + $this + (server_status_changed)}) + (exit + {platform_mgr remove_sink $this connection_status_changed} + {server remove_sink $this server_status_changed}) + (deal_with_lost_connection + {&& + {gamemode get local_network} + {! + {gamemode get leave_if_connection_lost}}}) + (connection_status_changed + ($connected) + {if + {&& + {$this deal_with_lost_connection} + {! + {leaderboards get_offline}} + {! $connected}} + {set + [return_screen_in_progress] + [return_screen]} + {band_ui trigger_event leaderboard_error}}) + (server_status_changed + ($connected) + {if + {&& + {! + {leaderboards get_offline}} + {! $connected}} + {set + [return_screen_in_progress] + [return_screen]} + {band_ui trigger_event leaderboard_error}})} +#define LEADERBOARDS_SCREEN_HANDLERS +((focus leaderboards_panel) + (back + {do + {switch + {leaderboards get_type} + (kPlayerSong + {song_offer_provider set is_leaderboards TRUE} + {gamemode get lb_song_select_screen}) + (kBandSong + {song_offer_provider set is_leaderboards TRUE} + {gamemode get lb_song_select_screen}) + (kScoreDuel + {gamemode get leaderboards_seltrack_screen}) + (kTugOfWar + {gamemode get leaderboards_seltrack_screen}) + {gamemode get community_screen}}}) + (update_filter + ($type) + {leaderboards_panel update_filter $type}) + (TRANSITION_COMPLETE_MSG + {leaderboards_panel update_helpbar}) + (BUTTON_DOWN_MSG + {do + ($list + {leaderboards_panel find leaderboard.lst}) + {if_else + {&& + {$list is_scrolling} + {'||' + {== $action kAction_Down} + {== $action kAction_Up}}} + TRUE + kDataUnhandled}})) +{new + BandScreen + leaderboards_screen + (panels meta postsong_sfx_panel movie_panel leaderboards_panel tour_lower3rd_panel leaderboards_netwatcher_panel) + LEADERBOARDS_SCREEN_HANDLERS} +{new + BandScreen + tour_leaderboards_screen + (panels meta practice_space_panel leaderboards_panel tour_lower3rd_panel leaderboards_netwatcher_panel) + LEADERBOARDS_SCREEN_HANDLERS} +{new + BandScreen + lb_signin_screen + (panels dialog_panel) + (focus dialog_panel) + (error_msg '') + (enter + {dialog_panel + set_ok + {localize + [error_msg]}}) + (SELECT_MSG + {ui pop_screen})} +{new + BandScreen + lb_song_select_screen + (panels meta lb_song_select_content_loading_panel postsong_sfx_panel leaderboards_netwatcher_panel movie_panel song_select_details_panel song_select_panel tour_lower3rd_panel) + COMMON_SONG_SELECT_SCREEN} +{new + BandScreen + tour_lb_song_select_screen + (panels meta practice_space_panel leaderboards_netwatcher_panel song_select_details_panel song_select_panel tour_lower3rd_panel) + COMMON_SONG_SELECT_SCREEN} +{new + UIPanel + leaderboards_seltrack_panel + (file + "leaderboards_seltrack.milo") + (focus guitar.btn) + (SELECT_MSG + {leaderboards + set_track_type + {switch + $component + (guitar.btn kTrackGuitar) + (bass.btn kTrackBass) + (drums.btn kTrackDrum) + (vocals.btn kTrackVocals)}} + {if_else + {== + {leaderboards get_type} + kPlayerSong} + {do + {song_offer_provider set is_leaderboards TRUE} + {ui + goto_screen + {gamemode get lb_song_select_screen}}} + {ui + goto_screen + {gamemode get leaderboards_screen}}})} +#define LEADERBOARDS_SELTRACK_HANDLERS +((focus leaderboards_seltrack_panel) + (helpbar + ((cancel helpbar_back) + (confirm helpbar_select))) + (back + {gamemode get community_screen})) +{new + BandScreen + leaderboards_seltrack_screen + (panels meta postsong_sfx_panel movie_panel leaderboards_seltrack_panel tour_lower3rd_panel leaderboards_netwatcher_panel) + LEADERBOARDS_SELTRACK_HANDLERS} +{new + BandScreen + tour_leaderboards_seltrack_screen + (panels meta practice_space_panel leaderboards_seltrack_panel tour_lower3rd_panel leaderboards_netwatcher_panel) + LEADERBOARDS_SELTRACK_HANDLERS} +{new + UIPanel + community_leaderboard_panel + #ifdef HX_PS3 + (file + "leaderboard_menu_ps3.milo") + #else + (file + "leaderboard_menu.milo") + #endif + (focus solo.btn) + (enter + #ifdef HX_XBOX + {if_else + {leaderboards get_offline} + {do + {$this disable h2h_ranked.btn} + {$this disable h2h_pro_ranked.btn}} + {do + {$this enable h2h_ranked.btn} + {$this enable h2h_pro_ranked.btn}}} + #endif + {leaderboards clear_type}) + (SELECT_MSG + {leaderboards set_player_num $player_num} + {switch + $component + (solo.btn + {leaderboards set_type kPlayerSong} + {ui + goto_screen + {gamemode get leaderboards_seltrack_screen}}) + (band_fans.btn + {leaderboards set_type kBandFans} + {leaderboards set_band_from_tour} + {ui + goto_screen + {gamemode get leaderboards_screen}}) + (band_song.btn + {leaderboards set_type kBandSong} + {leaderboards set_band_from_tour} + {song_offer_provider set is_leaderboards TRUE} + {ui + goto_screen + {gamemode get lb_song_select_screen}}) + (h2h_ranked.btn + {leaderboards set_type kTugOfWar} + {ui + goto_screen + {gamemode get leaderboards_seltrack_screen}}) + (h2h_pro_ranked.btn + {leaderboards set_type kScoreDuel} + {ui + goto_screen + {gamemode get leaderboards_seltrack_screen}})})} +{new + BandScreen + community_leaderboard_screen + (panels meta community_leaderboard_panel leaderboards_netwatcher_panel) + (focus community_leaderboard_panel) + (back main_community_screen) + (helpbar + ((cancel helpbar_back) + (confirm helpbar_select)))} +{new + UIPanel + main_leaderboard_panel + MAIN_SUBSCREEN_PANEL_HANDLER + (enter + {main_panel update_leaderboard_buttons} + {leaderboards clear_type}) + (SELECT_MSG + {leaderboards set_player_num $player_num} + {switch + $component + (lb_solo.btn + {leaderboards set_type kPlayerSong} + {main_panel push_focus} + {ui + goto_screen + {gamemode get leaderboards_seltrack_screen}}) + (lb_fans.btn + {leaderboards set_type kBandFans} + {leaderboards set_band_from_tour} + {main_panel push_focus} + {ui + goto_screen + {gamemode get leaderboards_screen}}) + (lb_songs.btn + {leaderboards set_type kBandSong} + {leaderboards set_band_from_tour} + {song_offer_provider set is_leaderboards TRUE} + {main_panel push_focus} + {ui + goto_screen + {gamemode get lb_song_select_screen}}) + (lb_tow.btn + {leaderboards set_type kTugOfWar} + {main_panel push_focus} + {ui + goto_screen + {gamemode get leaderboards_seltrack_screen}}) + (lb_scoreduel.btn + {leaderboards set_type kScoreDuel} + {main_panel push_focus} + {ui + goto_screen + {gamemode get leaderboards_seltrack_screen}})})} +{new + BandScreen + main_leaderboard_screen + (panels meta main_panel main_leaderboard_panel leaderboards_netwatcher_panel) + (focus main_leaderboard_panel) + (back main_community_screen) + MAIN_SCREEN_HANDLERS} +{new + BandScreen + tour_hub_community_screen + (panels meta practice_space_panel community_leaderboard_panel leaderboards_netwatcher_panel tour_lower3rd_panel) + (show_char + ($player_num) + FALSE) + (focus community_leaderboard_panel) + (back tour_hub_screen) + (helpbar + ((cancel helpbar_back) + (confirm helpbar_select))) + (enter + {practice_space_panel + select_cam + "leaderboards"}) + (exit + {if + {gamemode get is_tour} + {tour_profile_panel + set_band_data + {tour band}}})} +{new + BandScreen + tour_leaderboard_offline_screen + (panels dialog_panel) + (enter + {dialog_panel + set_ok + {cond + ({platform_mgr is_connected} + {switch $dx_connected_server + (none + {localize leaderboards_not_available_rock_central} + ) + (ashcentral + {localize ash_leaderboards_not_available_rock_central} + ) + } + ) + (TRUE + {localize leaderboards_not_available_connection})}}) + (SELECT_MSG + {ui pop_screen tour_hub_community_screen})} +#define LEADERBOARDS_BAND_PROFILE_HANDLERS +((focus tour_profile_panel) + (back + {gamemode get leaderboards_screen}) + (enter + {with + tour_profile_panel + {enter.grp + set_frame + {enter.grp end_frame}}} + {leaderboards_panel set_showing FALSE}) + (exit + {leaderboards_panel set_showing TRUE})) +{new + BandScreen + leaderboards_band_profile_screen + (panels meta postsong_sfx_panel movie_panel leaderboards_panel tour_profile_panel tour_lower3rd_panel leaderboards_netwatcher_panel) + LEADERBOARDS_BAND_PROFILE_HANDLERS} +{new + BandScreen + tour_leaderboards_band_profile_screen + (panels meta practice_space_panel leaderboards_panel tour_profile_panel tour_lower3rd_panel leaderboards_netwatcher_panel) + LEADERBOARDS_BAND_PROFILE_HANDLERS} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_ark/ui/loading.dta b/_ark/ui/loading.dta new file mode 100644 index 00000000..40081f2f --- /dev/null +++ b/_ark/ui/loading.dta @@ -0,0 +1,430 @@ +#ifndef _SHIP +{new + BandScreen + loading_multi_screen + (helpbar + ((min_height 0))) + (enter + {ui goto_screen loading_multi_content_screen})} +{new + UIPanel + loading_multi_content_panel + (load + {content_mgr start_refresh}) + (is_loaded + {content_mgr refresh_done})} +{new + BandScreen + loading_multi_content_screen + (panels loading_multi_content_panel) + (helpbar + ((min_height 0))) + (enter + {tour create_test_event} + {ui goto_screen loading_screen})} +{new + UIPanel + loading_mem_chars + (load + {game + load_all_chars + (world TRUE)}) + (is_loaded + {char_cache loaded})} +{new + BandScreen + loading_mem_screen + (panels loading_mem_chars) + (helpbar + ((min_height 0))) + (enter + {heap_report} + {ui goto_screen loading_screen})} +#endif +{new + UIPanel + loading_panel + (file + "loading.milo") + (next_screen '') + (load + {gamecfg set_active_roster TRUE} + {if + {== $first_screen loading_screen} + {content_mgr start_refresh}}) + (is_loaded + {content_mgr refresh_done}) + (enter + {botb_details_panel invalidate_cache} + {song_offer_provider set_setlist_mode FALSE} + {if + {tour band} + {{tour band} + reset_iron_bladder}} + {seed_random_context + {gamecfg get net_random_seed}} + {set + [next_screen] + {cond + ($force_loading_tip loading_tip_screen) + ($force_loading_image loading_image_screen) + ({!= + {tour loading_screen} + ''} + loading_image_screen) + ({&& + {gamemode get show_loading_images} + {== + {mod + {gamecfg get net_random_seed} + 2} + 0}} + loading_image_screen) + (TRUE loading_tip_screen)}} + {if_else + {== + [next_screen] + loading_tip_screen} + {do + {Plane01.mesh set_showing TRUE} + {tip.lbl set_showing TRUE} + {tip.lbl + set_localized + {localize + {if_else + $force_loading_tip + $force_loading_tip + {if_else + {gamemode get use_static_tip} + {gamemode get the_static_tip} + {random_context + {elem + {find $syscfg tips} + 1}}}}}}} + {do + {Plane01.mesh set_showing FALSE} + {tip.lbl set_showing FALSE}}} + {if + {'||' + {== + {band_ui current_event} + pad_lost} + {== + {band_ui current_event} + remote_exit}} + {band_ui dismiss_event}} + {do + ($first_guitar + "") + ($first_bass + "") + ($first_drum + "") + ($first_vocals + "") + {foreach_int + $i + 0 + {user_mgr get_max_users} + {do + ($user + {user_mgr get_user_from_slot $i}) + ($track + {if_else + $user + {$user get_track_sym} + none}) + ($object + {sprintf + "load_icon_%i" + $i}) + ($var + {sprintf + "first_%s" + $track}) + ($flip FALSE) + ($object_to_flip $object) + {cond + ({== $track guitar} + {if_else + {== + $first_guitar + ""} + {set $first_guitar $object} + {set $flip TRUE}}) + ({== $track bass} + {if_else + {== + $first_bass + ""} + {set $first_bass $object} + {do + {set $flip TRUE} + {set $object_to_flip $first_bass}}}) + ({== $track drum} + {if_else + {== + $first_drum + ""} + {set $first_drum $object} + {set $flip TRUE}}) + ({== $track vocals} + {if_else + {== + $first_vocals + ""} + {set $first_vocals $object} + {do + {set $flip TRUE} + {set $object_to_flip $first_vocals}}})} + {if + $flip + {do + ($sx 1.0) + ($sy 1.0) + ($sz 1.0) + ($anim + {sprintf + "%s.anim" + $track}) + {$object_to_flip get_local_scale $sx $sy $sz} + {$object_to_flip + set_local_scale + {'*' $sx -1.0} + $sy + $sz} + {{$object_to_flip find $anim} + animate + (delay 0.4) + (loop)}}}}}}) + (block_event + ($event) + {!= $event content_file_read_failed})} +{new + BandScreen + loading_screen + (panels loading_panel) + (helpbar + ((min_height 0))) + (enter + {net_sync set_ui_state kNetUI_Loading} + {input_mgr set_limit kLimitSession} + {ui goto_screen preloading_screen} + {helpbar + set_config + ((min_height 0))})} +{new + PreloadPanel + preload_panel + (content_name + "") + (corrupt FALSE) + (enter + {dx_countdown_var_reset} + {dx_midi_parser_var_reset} + #ifdef IGNORE_PRELOAD_OK + {ui goto_screen real_loading_screen} + #else + {if_else + [preload_ok] + {ui goto_screen real_loading_screen} + {band_ui + content_file_read_failed + [content_name] + [corrupt]}} + #endif)} +{new + BandScreen + preloading_screen + (panels loading_panel preload_panel) + (focus preload_panel) + (helpbar + ((min_height 0)))} +{new + BandScreen + real_loading_screen + (panels loading_panel) + (helpbar + ((min_height 0))) + (enter + {song_mgr + add_recent_song + {meta_performer song}} + {if + {meta_performer has_sync_permission} + {meta_performer advance_song_select_user}} + {ui + goto_screen + {loading_panel get next_screen}})} +{new + UIPanel + char_loading_panel + (load + {if + {gamemode get load_chars} + {game + load_all_chars + (world TRUE)}}) + (is_loaded + {if_else + {gamemode get load_chars} + {char_cache loaded} + TRUE})} +{new + UIPanel + char_loaded_panel + (load + {if + {gamemode get load_chars} + {char_cache set_loading_screen_mode}}) + (is_loaded + {if_else + {gamemode get load_chars} + {char_cache loading_screen_configure_done} + TRUE})} +{new + BandScreen + loading_tip_screen + (panels loading_panel char_loading_panel) + (helpbar + ((min_height 0))) + (enter + {synth stop_all_sfx} + {ui goto_screen loading_tip_screen_2})} +{new + BandScreen + loading_tip_screen_2 + (panels loading_panel char_loaded_panel) + (helpbar + ((min_height 0))) + (enter + {ui + goto_screen + {gamemode get game_screen}})} +{new + BandScreen + loading_image_screen + (panels loading_panel char_loading_panel) + (helpbar + ((min_height 0))) + (enter + {synth stop_all_sfx} + {ui goto_screen loading_photo_screen})} +{new + LoadingPanel + loading_photo + (file + {cond + ({&& + $force_loading_image + {! $force_loading_image_random}} + $force_loading_image) + ({!= + {tour loading_screen} + ''} + {tour loading_screen}) + ({gamemode get load_chars} + {if_else + {gamemode is_band_arrangement} + {random_context + {elem + {find $syscfg loading_screens} + 1}} + {switch + {{session_mgr get_leader_user} + get_track_sym} + (guitar loading/ls_h2h_guitar.milo) + (bass loading/ls_h2h_bass.milo) + (drum loading/ls_h2h_drum.milo) + (vocals loading/ls_h2h_vocals.milo)}}) + ""} + kLoadStayBack) + (enter + {cond + ({gamemode is_h2h_arrangement} + {do + ($mode + {if_else + {gamemode get separate_parts} + tug_of_war + score_duel}) + {mode0.lbl set text_token $mode} + {mode1.lbl set text_token $mode}} + {foreach_int + $slot + kGameH2hSlot0 + kGameH2hNumSlots + {do + ($user + {user_mgr get_user_from_slot $slot}) + {{sprintf + "char%i.lbl" + $slot} + set_localized + {$user intro_name}}}}) + ({&& + {tour band} + {tour event} + {{tour event} + is_battle}} + {do + ($band + {tour band}) + {band_name.lbl + set_localized + {$band band_name}} + {band_logo.rndtex + set + draw + {$band logo_patch}} + {if_else + {meta_performer is_battle_brand_new} + {do + {rival_name.lbl + set_localized + "-"} + {rival_logo.mesh set_showing FALSE}} + {do + {rival_name.lbl + set_localized + {$band get_botb_rival_band_name}} + {rival_logo.rndtex + set + draw + {$band get_botb_rival_band_icon}} + {rival_logo.mesh set_showing TRUE}}}})})} +{new + BandScreen + loading_photo_screen + (panels loading_photo char_loaded_panel loading_panel) + (helpbar + ((min_height 0))) + (delay_frames -1) + (show_event FALSE) + (enter + {set + [delay_frames] + 3}) + (poll + {-- + [delay_frames]} + {if + {== + [delay_frames] + 0} + {set + [delay_frames] + -1} + {game + load_all_chars + (world TRUE)} + {do + ($ld + {loading_photo loaded_dir}) + {if + $ld + {handle + ($ld restore_clips)}}} + {ui + goto_screen + {gamemode get game_screen}}})} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_ark/ui/main/main.dta b/_ark/ui/main/main.dta index 057c0035..525c9a60 100644 --- a/_ark/ui/main/main.dta +++ b/_ark/ui/main/main.dta @@ -193,6 +193,21 @@ {store.btn set_state kComponentDisabled} ;disable music store button, we don't need it rn {store.btn set_showing FALSE} ;hide it too #endif + #ifndef HX_EE + {switch $dx_connected_server + (ashcentral + {do + {online_bandcoop.btn set_localized {localize ash_qp_online}} + {online.btn set_localized {localize ash_tour_online}} + #ifndef HX_XBOX + {player_match_scoreduel.btn set_localized {localize ash_player_match}} + {player_match_tow.btn set_localized {localize ash_player_match}} + #endif + } + ) + kDataUnhandled + } + #endif ) (exit {if {exists logo_task_populate} ;check if the above task is running @@ -952,7 +967,15 @@ {! {platform_mgr has_online_privilege 0}} {platform_mgr is_connected}} - {localize leaderboards_not_available_rock_central}) + {switch $dx_connected_server + (none + {localize leaderboards_not_available_rock_central} + ) + (ashcentral + {localize ash_leaderboards_not_available_rock_central} + ) + } + ) (TRUE {localize leaderboards_not_available_connection})}}) (SELECT_MSG diff --git a/_ark/ui/modifiers_screen.dta b/_ark/ui/modifiers_screen.dta index 2a510db1..72e91f34 100644 --- a/_ark/ui/modifiers_screen.dta +++ b/_ark/ui/modifiers_screen.dta @@ -17,7 +17,18 @@ {memcardmgr add_sink $this - (save_load_all_complete_msg)}) + (save_load_all_complete_msg)} + {unless $mod_first_entry + {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} get_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y $opl3z} + {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} get_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy $opgcz} + {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} get_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy $opbgz} + {modifiers_panel get_local_pos $modx $mody $modz} + {set $mod_first_entry TRUE} + } + {if $mod_os_entered + OS_MOD_OPEN_ANIM + } + ) (exit {profile_mgr remove_sink $this profile_changed_msg} {memcardmgr remove_sink $this save_load_all_complete_msg}) @@ -59,15 +70,26 @@ {$this set is_autoloading TRUE} {autoload}} {modifiers.lst set_dirty}}} - {do - {if_else - {modifier_mgr does_disable_features $modifier} - {do - {modifier_confirm_screen set modifier $modifier} - {ui push_screen modifier_confirm_screen}} - {do - {modifier_mgr activate_modifier $modifier} - {modifiers.lst set_dirty}}}}}}}}}}) + {do + {if_else {modifier_mgr does_disable_features $modifier} + {do + {if_else $iamingamenow + {do + kDataUnhandled + } + {do + {modifier_confirm_screen set modifier $modifier} + {ui push_screen modifier_confirm_screen} + } + } + } + {do + {modifier_mgr activate_modifier $modifier} + {modifiers.lst set_dirty} + } + } + } + }}}}}}) (update_helpbar {if_else {== diff --git a/_ark/ui/options/options.dta b/_ark/ui/options/options.dta index 5ae2865e..8e65aa27 100644 --- a/_ark/ui/options/options.dta +++ b/_ark/ui/options/options.dta @@ -1168,7 +1168,18 @@ {modifier_mgr is_feature_enabled modifier_saving_feature}} {profile_mgr get_all_unlocked}} {$this disable save.btn} - {$this enable save.btn}}) + {$this enable save.btn}} + {unless $sd_first_entry + {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} get_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y $opl3z} + {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} get_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy $opgcz} + {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} get_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy $opbgz} + {options_savedata_panel get_local_pos $sdx $sdy $sdz} + {set $sd_first_entry TRUE} + } + {if $mod_os_entered + OS_SD_OPEN_ANIM + } + ) (SELECT_MSG {switch $component diff --git a/_ark/ui/options/options_console.dta b/_ark/ui/options/options_console.dta index bf59fb84..6cfa08f7 100644 --- a/_ark/ui/options/options_console.dta +++ b/_ark/ui/options/options_console.dta @@ -14,7 +14,18 @@ add_sink $this (save_load_all_complete_msg)} - {$this update_all}) + {$this update_all} + {unless $console_first_entry + {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} get_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y $opl3z} + {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} get_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy $opgcz} + {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} get_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy $opbgz} + {options_console_panel get_local_pos $conx $cony $conz} + {set $console_first_entry TRUE} + } + {if $mod_os_entered + OS_CONSOLE_OPEN_ANIM + } + ) (exit {memcardmgr remove_sink $this save_load_all_complete_msg}) (save_load_all_complete_msg diff --git a/_ark/ui/options/options_gameplay.dta b/_ark/ui/options/options_gameplay.dta index ec523702..eabce5de 100644 --- a/_ark/ui/options/options_gameplay.dta +++ b/_ark/ui/options/options_gameplay.dta @@ -11,7 +11,18 @@ add_sink $this (signin_changed)} - {$this update_lefty_check}) + {$this update_lefty_check} + {unless $gp_first_entry + {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} get_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y $opl3z} + {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} get_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy $opgcz} + {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} get_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy $opbgz} + {options_gameplay_panel get_local_pos $gpx $gpy $gpz} + {set $gp_first_entry TRUE} + } + {if $mod_os_entered + OS_GP_OPEN_ANIM + } + ) (exit {platform_mgr remove_sink $this signin_changed}) (SIGNIN_CHANGED_MSG diff --git a/_ark/ui/overshell_sliders.dta b/_ark/ui/overshell_sliders.dta index 019f95cb..40995cd1 100644 --- a/_ark/ui/overshell_sliders.dta +++ b/_ark/ui/overshell_sliders.dta @@ -36,6 +36,14 @@ {$this disable background_music.btn} } {$this update_all_from_profile} + {unless $sld_first_entry + {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} get_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y $opl3z} + {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} get_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy $opgcz} + {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} get_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy $opbgz} + {options_milo_panel get_local_pos $sldx $sldy $sldz} + {set $sld_first_entry TRUE} + } + OS_SLD_OPEN_ANIM ) (display_trackspeed_msg ($tspd) @@ -133,9 +141,8 @@ {if_else {== $action kAction_Cancel} {do - {ui goto_screen overshell_main_screen} - {synth play button_toggle} - {ui pop_screen}} + OS_SLD_CLOSE_ANIM + } kDataUnhandled}}) (set_speeds {do @@ -224,7 +231,7 @@ ; {profile_mgr get_vocal_cue_volume}}) })} {new - AutoloadScreen + BandScreen options_milo_screen (panels options_background_panel options_milo_panel) (focus options_milo_panel) @@ -266,6 +273,14 @@ {vocal_track.btn set_localized {localize {sprintf "gemcolor_%i" $slot3_color}}} ;update text for button 3 {crowd.btn set_localized {localize {sprintf "gemcolor_%i" $slot4_color}}} ;update text for button 4 {sfx.btn set_localized {localize {sprintf "gemcolor_%i" $slot5_color}}} ;update text for button 5 + {unless $sld_first_entry + {{options_background_panel find tour_solo_lower3rd.grp} get_local_pos $opl3x $opl3y $opl3z} + {{options_background_panel find genre_corners.grp} get_local_pos $opgcx $opgcy $opgcz} + {{options_background_panel find bubble13.grp} get_local_pos $opbgx $opbgy $opbgz} + {options_color_panel get_local_pos $sldx $sldy $sldz} + {set $sld_first_entry TRUE} + } + OS_SLD_OPEN_ANIM ) (exit) (TRANSITION_COMPLETE_MSG @@ -354,9 +369,8 @@ {if_else {== $action kAction_Cancel} {do - {ui goto_screen overshell_track_screen} - {synth play button_toggle} - {ui pop_screen}} + OS_SLD_CLOSE_ANIM + } kDataUnhandled}}) (on_slider_change ($component) @@ -416,7 +430,7 @@ ) } {new - AutoloadScreen + BandScreen options_color_screen (panels options_background_panel options_color_panel) (focus options_color_panel) diff --git a/_ark/ui/saveload.dta b/_ark/ui/saveload.dta index 7b6490da..f38264cc 100644 --- a/_ark/ui/saveload.dta +++ b/_ark/ui/saveload.dta @@ -377,16 +377,40 @@ (update_autosave_disabled {saveload_dialog_panel setup_continue mc_autosave_disabled}) (update_upload - {saveload_dialog_panel setup_msg_waiting upload_uploading}) + {saveload_dialog_panel setup_msg_waiting + {switch $dx_connected_server + (none + upload_uploading + ) + (ashcentral + ash_upload_uploading + ) + } + } + ) (update_upload_error_start ($count) {saveload_dialog_panel setup_2btn_localized {if_else {== $count 1} - {localize upload_error_start_single} + {switch $dx_connected_server + (none + {localize upload_error_start_single} + ) + (ashcentral + {localize ash_upload_error_start_single} + ) + } {sprintf - {localize upload_error_start_fmt} + {switch $dx_connected_server + (none + {localize upload_error_start_fmt} + ) + (ashcentral + {localize ash_upload_error_start_fmt} + ) + } $count}} upload_button_view_first upload_button_return