diff --git a/.github/workflows/release.yml b/.github/workflows/release.yml index 83b25d1..76b14c3 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/release.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/release.yml @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ jobs: run: | helm repo add grafana https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami - helm repo add horizoncd https://horizoncd.github.io/helm-charts helm repo add chartmuseum https://chartmuseum.github.io/charts helm repo add argo-cd https://argoproj.github.io/argo-helm helm repo add harbor https://helm.goharbor.io diff --git a/charts/horizon/.gitignore b/charts/horizon/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index ad151e2..0000000 --- a/charts/horizon/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -.idea -charts/*.tgz -.DS_Store \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/charts/horizon/.helmignore b/charts/horizon/.helmignore deleted file mode 100644 index 0e8a0eb..0000000 --- a/charts/horizon/.helmignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -# Patterns to ignore when building packages. -# This supports shell glob matching, relative path matching, and -# negation (prefixed with !). Only one pattern per line. -.DS_Store -# Common VCS dirs -.git/ -.gitignore -.bzr/ -.bzrignore -.hg/ -.hgignore -.svn/ -# Common backup files -*.swp -*.bak -*.tmp -*.orig -*~ -# Various IDEs -.project -.idea/ -*.tmproj -.vscode/ diff --git a/charts/horizon/Chart.yaml b/charts/horizon/Chart.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index bae64e6..0000000 --- a/charts/horizon/Chart.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -apiVersion: v2 -name: horizon -description: A CICD DevOps Platform - -type: application - -version: 2.0.1 -appVersion: v2.0.1 - -dependencies: - - name: gitlab - version: 2.0.1 - repository: https://horizoncd.github.io/helm-charts - condition: gitlab.enabled - - name: tektoncd - version: 2.0.1 - repository: https://horizoncd.github.io/helm-charts - condition: tektoncd.enabled - - name: minio - version: 11.10.13 - repository: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami - condition: minio.enabled - - name: mysql - version: 9.4.1 - repository: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami - condition: mysql.enabled - - name: chartmuseum - version: 3.9.1 - repository: https://chartmuseum.github.io/charts - condition: chartmuseum.enabled - - name: grafana - version: 6.26.5 - repository: https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts - condition: grafana.enabled - - name: argo-cd - version: 5.0.0 - repository: https://argoproj.github.io/argo-helm - condition: argo-cd.enabled - - name: harbor - version: 1.6.3 - repository: https://helm.goharbor.io - condition: harbor.enabled diff --git a/charts/horizon/README.md b/charts/horizon/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4af9a8e..0000000 --- a/charts/horizon/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,449 +0,0 @@ -# Helm Chart for Horizon - -## Introduction - -This Helm chart installs [Horizon](https://github.com/horizoncd/horizon) in a Kubernetes cluster. - -## TL;DR - -```console -helm repo add horizon https://horizoncd.github.io/helm-charts -helm install horizon horizon/horizon -n horizoncd -``` - -**Attention:** - -- The chart's default `values.yaml` file provides a minimal installation, only for test purpose, not for production - use. - -## Prerequisites - -- Kubernetes cluster 1.19+ -- Helm 3.4.0+ - -## Installation - -### Add Helm repository - -```bash -helm repo add horizon https://horizon.github.io/helm-charts -``` - -### Install the chart - -Install the Horizon helm chart with a release name `horizon` in `horizoncd` namespace: - -helm 3: - -```bash -helm install horizon horizon/horizon -n horizoncd -``` - -### Uninstallation - -To uninstall the `horizon` release: - -helm 3: - -```bash -helm uninstall horizon -n horizoncd -``` - -## Parameters - -### Common parameters - -| Name | Description | Value | -| ------------------ | ---------------------------------------------- | ----- | -| `nameOverride` | String to partially override fullname template | "" | -| `fullnameOverride` | String to fully override fullname template | "" | -| `imagePullSecrets` | The image pull policy | "" | -| `imagePullPolicy` | The imagePullSecrets names for all deployments | "" | - -### Ingress parameters - -| Name | Description | Value | -| ----------------- | ----------------------- | ------------------ | -| `ingress.enabled` | The replica count | true | -| `ingress.tls` | Tls for ingress's hosts | [] | -| `ingress.hosts` | Hosts for the ingress | - horizon.h8s.site | - -### Core / Job application parameters - -| Name | Description | Value | -| ------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `config.serverConfig.port` | The service port Horizon listens on when serving with HTTP | 8080 | -| `config.cloudEventServerConfig.port` | The service port CloudEvent listens on when serving with HTTP. CloudEvent is a a separate HTTP service used to receive callback requests from Tekton. | 8181 | -| `config.dbConfig.host` | The host of the database | horizon-mysql | -| `config.dbConfig.port` | The port of the database | 3306 | -| `config.dbConfig.username` | The username of the database | horizon | -| `config.dbConfig.password` | The password of the database | horizon | -| `config.dbConfig.database` | The schema of the database | horizon | -| `config.dbConfig.prometheusEnabled` | Enable prometheus metrics exposing or not | true | -| `config.kubeconfig` | The kubeconfig Horizon use | "" | -| `config.redisConfig.protocol` | The protocol of the redis Horizon will connect | tcp | -| `config.redisConfig.address` | The address of the redis Horizon will connect | horizon-redis-ha:6379 | -| `config.redisConfig.password` | The password of the redis Horizon will connect | "" | -| `config.redisConfig.db` | The database of the redis Horizon will connect | 1 | -| `config.sessionConfig.maxAge` | The duration of the session | 43200 | -| `config.gitRepos` | The git repository configurations, including url and token, example is like:
- kind: github
  url: https://github.com
  token: xxxxxx | [] | -| `config.gitopsRepoConfig.rootGroupPath` | The path of the root group for gitops gitlab | cloud-native | -| `config.templateRepo.kind` | The kind of the repository for templates, `harbor` and `chartmuseum` are the available options | chartmuseum | -| `config.templateRepo.host` | The host of the repository for templates | http://horizon-chartmuseum:8080 | -| `config.templateRepo.username` | The username of the repository the templates | "" | -| `config.templateRepo.password` | The password of the repository for templates | "" | -| `config.templateRepo.insecure` | Set security of the host of the repository for templates | true | -| `config.templateRepo.repoName` | Project name in the Chart Repository (must be set when kind is `harbor`) | "" | -| `config.argoCDMapper` | The mapping between environments and configs of argocds | default:
  url: http://horizon-argocd-server
  token: xxx
  namespace: horizoncd | -| `config.tektonMapper` | The mapping between environments and configs of tektons | default:
  server: http://el-horizon-  listener:8080
  namespace: horizoncd
  kubeconfig: ""
    accessKey: admin
    secretKey: qOIh3Xt5jg
    region: china
    endpoint: "horizon-minio:9000"
    bucket: horizon
    disableSSL: true
    skipVerify: true
    s3ForcePathStyle: true | -| `config.grafanaConfig.host` | The host of the grafana installed on the K8s | "" | -| `config.grafanaConfig.namespace` | The namespace of the grafana installed on the K8s | horizoncd | -| `config.grafanaConfig.dashboards.labelKey` | The dashboards' label key of the grafana installed on the K8s | grafana_dashboard | -| `config.grafanaConfig.dashboards.labelValue` | The dashboards' label value of the grafana installed on the K8s | "1" | -| `config.grafanaConfig.syncDatasourceConfig.period` | The period that horizon-job sync prometheus datasources to grafana | 2m | -| `config.grafanaConfig.syncDatasourceConfig.labelKey` | The datasources' label key of the grafana installed on the K8s | grafana_datasource | -| `config.grafanaConfig.syncDatasourceConfig.labelValue` | The datasources' label value of the grafana installed on the K8s | "1" | -| `config.autoFree.enabled` | Enable autoFree moudule or not | false | -| `config.oauth.oauthHTMLLocation` | The path of the oauth html file | "/home/appops/authhtml" | -| `config.oauth.authorizeCodeExpireIn` | The duration of the authorized code | 10m | -| `config.oauth.accessTokenExpireIn` | The duration of the access token | 24h | -| `config.webhook.clientTimeout` | The timeout duration of webhook's http client | 30 | -| `config.webhook.idleWaitInterval` | The idleWait internal of webhook's http client | 2 | -| `config.webhook.workerReconcileInterval` | The reconcile internal of webhook | 5 | -| `config.webhook.responseBodyTruncateSize` | The size that needs to be exceeded when truncating text | 16384 | -| `config.eventHandler.batchEventsCount` | The batch events count of the event handler | 5 | -| `config.eventHandler.cursorSaveInterval` | The cursor save interval of the event handler | 10 | -| `config.eventHandler.idleWaitInterval` | The idle wait of the event handler's http client | 3 | - -### Core deployment parameters - -| Name | Description | Value | -| ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | -| `core.replica` | The replica count | 1 | -| `core.image.repository` | Repository for Horizon core image | horizoncd/horizon | -| `core.image.tag` | Tag for Horizon core image | v1.0.0 | -| `core.args.loglevel` | Loglevel of Horizon core | info | -| `core.args.gitOpsRepoDefaultBranch` | Default branch for gitops repository | main | -| `core.securityContext.runAsUser` | User ID for the container | 10001 | -| `core.securityContext.fsGroup` | Group ID for the container | 10001 | -| `core.serviceAccount.create` | Create the serviceAccount or not | true | -| `core.resources` | The [resources] to allocate for container | {} | -| `core.nodeSelector` | Node labels for pod assignment | {} | -| `core.tolerations` | Tolerations for pod assignment | [] | -| `core.affinity` | Node/Pod affinities | {} | -| `core.service.port` | The port of the core service | 80 | -| `core.cloudEventService.port` | The port of the cloudevent service | 80 | -| `core.cloudEventIngress.enabled` | Enable ingress of the cloudEvent or not | true | -| `core.cloudEventIngress.hosts` | The hosts of the cloudEvent's ingress | [] | -| `core.envs` | The environments in Horizon core | {} | -| `core.monitor.enabled` | Enable monitor of Horizon core or not | false | -| `core.grafanaDashboards` | Grafana dashboards in json format. Please note that the default dashboards are built based on metrics of `Kube-state-metrics:v1.9.7`, you may need to modify the dashboards if you are using a higher verion becuase of renaming in some metrics. | - name: pod
  value: xxx | - -### Web deployment parameters - -| Name | Description | Value | -| ------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ------------- | -| `web.replicas` | The replica count | 1 | -| `web.image.repository` | Repository for Horizon web image | horizoncd/web | -| `web.image.tag` | Tag for Horizon web image | v1.0.0 | -| `web.securityContext.runAsUser` | User ID for the container | 10001 | -| `web.securityContext.fsGroup` | Group ID for the container | 10001 | -| `web.resources` | The [resources] to allocate for container | {} | -| `web.nodeSelector` | Node labels for pod assignment | {} | -| `web.tolerations` | Tolerations for pod assignment | [] | -| `web.affinity` | Node/Pod affinities | {} | -| `web.port` | Port of Horizon web container | 8080 | -| `web.service.port` | Kubernetes port where service is exposed | 80 | - -### Job deployment parameters - -| Name | Description | Value | -| ---------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ------------- | -| `job.image.repository` | Repository for Horizon job image | horizoncd/job | -| `job.image.tag` | Tag for Horizon job image | v1.0.0 | -| `job.args.loglevel` | Loglevel of Horizon job | info | -| `job.args.gitOpsRepoDefaultBranch` | Default branch for gitops repository | main | -| `job.securityContext.runAsUser` | User ID for the container | 10001 | -| `job.securityContext.fsGroup` | Group ID for the container | 10001 | -| `job.serviceAccount.create` | Create the serviceAccount or not | true | -| `job.resources` | The [resources] to allocate for container | {} | -| `job.nodeSelector` | Node labels for pod assignment | {} | -| `job.tolerations` | Tolerations for pod assignment | [] | -| `job.affinity` | Node/Pod affinities | {} | - -### Swagger deployment parameters - -| Name | Description | Value | -| ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------- | -| `swagger.replicas` | The replica count | 1 | -| `swagger.image.repository` | Repository for Horizon swagger image | horizoncd/swagger | -| `swagger.image.tag` | Tag for Horizon swagger image | v1.0.0 | -| `swagger.securityContext.runAsUser` | User ID for the container | 10001 | -| `swagger.securityContext.fsGroup` | Group ID for the container | 10001 | -| `swagger.envs.BASE_URL` | Environment named `BSE_URL` in Horizon swagger container | /apis/swagger | -| `swagger.envs.SWAGGER_JSON` | Environment named `SWAGGER_JSON` in Horizon swagger container | /openapi/restful.json | -| `swagger.service.port` | Kubernetes port where service is exposed | 80 | -| `swagger.service.targetPort` | The port on which the service will send requests to | 8080 | -| `swagger.resources` | The [resources] to allocate for container | {} | - -### Third-party components parameters - -Horizon has the ability to initialize third-party components conveniently to build the whole CI&CD system. - -**Attention**: - -- By default, the components(Mysql、Gitlab、Minio、Harbor) that are initialized by Horizon use `PVC` to persistent data, - which means a default `StorageClass` is needed in the Kubernetes cluster to dynamic provision the volumes. - -- You can definitely use your own maintained components for sure, to do that, just set the `enabled` field to false, and then fill in the corresponding fields with your own configurations. More information will be explained below. - -#### Minio - -We use `Minio` as the `s3` storage service. The default parameters are: - -``` -minio: - enabled: true - ingress: - enabled: true - hostname: minio.h8r.site - persistence: - enabled: true - defaultBuckets: horizon - auth: - rootUser: admin - rootPassword: qOIh3Xt5jg - provisioning: - enabled: true - config: - - name: region - options: - name: china -``` - -If you want to use your own `s3` storage service, you need to do the following steps: - -1. disable `minio` by setting the `enabled` field to false - -2. modify `Tekton` config in the path: `config.tektonMapper.[environment].s3` - -3. modify `Harbor` config in the path: `harbor.persistence.imageChartStorage.s3` - -4. Modify `Chartmusuem` config in the path: `chartmuseum.env.open` and `chartmuseum.env.secret` - -#### Gitlab - -We use `Gitlab` as the `gitops` repository. The default parameters are: - -``` -gitlab: - enabled: true - image: gitlab/gitlab-ce - imageTag: "13.11.7-ce.0" - ingress: - enabled: true - hosts: - - gitlab.h8r.site - persistence: - enabled: true - config: - GITLAB_ROOT_PASSWORD: root1234 - GITLAB_ROOT_ACCESS_TOKEN: horizon-access-token - GITLAB_HOST: gitlab.h8r.site - GITLAB_TIMEZONE: "Asia/Shanghai" - resources: - requests: - memory: 4Gi - cpu: 2 - limits: - memory: 4Gi - cpu: 2 -``` - -If you want to use your own `gitlab` instance, you need to do the following steps: - -1. disable `gitlab` by setting the `enabled` field to false - -2. modify gitops config in path: `cnofig.gitopsRepoConfig` - -#### Chartmuseum - -We use `Chartmuseum` as the helm chart repository. The default parameters are: - -``` -chartmuseum: - enabled: true - ingress: - enabled: true - hosts: - - name: chartmuseum.h8r.site - env: - open: - # storage backend, can be one of: local, alibaba, amazon, google, microsoft, oracle - STORAGE: amazon - # s3 bucket to store charts for amazon storage backend - STORAGE_AMAZON_BUCKET: horizon - # region of s3 bucket to store charts - STORAGE_AMAZON_REGION: china - # alternative s3 endpoint - STORAGE_AMAZON_ENDPOINT: "http://horizon-minio:9000" - DISABLE_API: false - secret: - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: admin - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: qOIh3Xt5jg -``` - -If you want to use your own helm chart repository, you need to do the following steps: - -1. disable `chartmuseum` by setting the `enabled` field to false - -2. modify helm template config in path: `cnofig.templateRepo` - -#### Mysql - -We use `Mysql` as the database. The default parameters are: - -``` -mysql: - enabled: true - auth: - rootPassword: "horizon" - createDatabase: true - database: "horizon" - initdbScriptsConfigMap: horizon-dbinit - primary: - resources: - limits: - cpu: 250m - memory: 1Gi - requests: - cpu: 100m - memory: 500Mi -``` - -If you want to use your own database, you need to do the following steps: - -1. disable `mysql` by setting the `enabled` field to false - -2. modify database config in path: `cnofig.dbConfig` - -#### Harbor - -We use `Harbor` as the image repository. The default parameters are: - -``` -harbor: - enabled: true - expose: - type: clusterIP - tls: - auto: - commonName: "harbor.horizoncd.svc.cluster.local" - clusterIP: - name: harbor - externalURL: https://harbor.horizoncd.svc.cluster.local - persistence: - imageChartStorage: - disableredirect: true - type: s3 - s3: - region: china - bucket: horizon - accesskey: admin - secretkey: qOIh3Xt5jg - regionendpoint: http://horizon-minio:9000 - secure: false - skipverify: true - redis: - type: external - external: - addr: "horizon-redis-ha:6379" - chartmuseum: - enabled: false - core: - replicas: 1 - jobservice: - replicas: 1 - registry: - replicas: 1 - notary: - enabled: false - trivy: - enabled: false -``` - -If you want to use your own image repository, you need to do the following steps: - -1. disable `harbor` by setting the `enabled` field to false - -2. Add `Registry` in the Horizon manager web - -#### Grafana - -We use `Grafana` as the monitoring display system. The default parameters are: - -``` -grafana: - enabled: true - defaultDashboardsEnabled: true - adminPassword: admin - ingress: - enabled: true - hosts: - - grafana.h8r.site - path: / - sidecar: - dashboards: - enabled: true - datasources: - enabled: true - grafana.ini: - auth.anonymous: - enabled: true - security: - allow_embedding: true -``` - -If you want to use your own Grafana instance, you need to do the following steps: - -1. disable `grafana` by setting the `enabled` field to false - -2. Modify `grafana` config in the path: `config.grafanaConfig` - -#### Tektoncd - -We use `Tektoncd` as the CI tool. The default parameters are: - -``` -tektoncd: - enabled: true - configDefaults: - default-cloud-events-sink: http://horizon-core-cloudevent.horizoncd/apis/internal/cloudevents - tektonDashboard: - ingress: - host: tekton.h8s.site -``` - -If you want to use your own `Tektoncd` instance, you need to do the following steps: - -1. disable `tektoncd` by setting the `enabled` field to false - -2. Modify tektoncd config in the path: `config.tektonMapper.[environment]` - -#### Tektonci-resources - -We have embedded `Tekton Pipeline & Task` as the default CI definition. The default parameters are: - -``` -tektonci-resources: - horizon: - deployTask: - horizonApiUrl: http://horizon-core - auth: - dockerConfigJson: { "auths": { "harbor.horizoncd.svc.cluster.local": { "username": "admin", "password": "Harbor12345", "auth": "YWRtaW46SGFyYm9yMTIzNDU=" } }} - gitRepos: [] -``` - -If you want to define your own CI logics, you need to do the following steps: - -1. Modify scripts in the path: `tektonci-resources.horiozn.script` diff --git a/charts/horizon/charts/redis-ha/Chart.yaml b/charts/horizon/charts/redis-ha/Chart.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index c57e616..0000000 --- a/charts/horizon/charts/redis-ha/Chart.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -apiVersion: v1 -name: redis-ha -home: http://redis.io/ -engine: gotpl -keywords: -- redis -- keyvalue -- database -version: 4.12.15 -appVersion: 6.0.7 -description: This Helm chart provides a highly available Redis implementation with a master/slave configuration and uses Sentinel sidecars for failover management -icon: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/6/6b/Redis_Logo.svg/1200px-Redis_Logo.svg.png -maintainers: -- email: salimsalaues@gmail.com - name: ssalaues -- email: aaron.layfield@gmail.com - name: dandydeveloper -sources: -- https://redis.io/download -- https://github.com/DandyDeveloper/charts/blob/master/charts/redis-ha -- https://github.com/oliver006/redis_exporter diff --git a/charts/horizon/charts/redis-ha/README.md b/charts/horizon/charts/redis-ha/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8241a96..0000000 --- a/charts/horizon/charts/redis-ha/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,292 +0,0 @@ -# Redis - -[Redis](http://redis.io/) is an advanced key-value cache and store. It is often referred to as a data structure server since keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets, bitmaps and hyperloglogs. - -## TL;DR - -```bash -helm repo add dandydev https://dandydeveloper.github.io/charts -helm install dandydev/redis-ha -``` - -By default this chart install 3 pods total: - -* one pod containing a redis master and sentinel container (optional prometheus metrics exporter sidecar available) -* two pods each containing a redis slave and sentinel containers (optional prometheus metrics exporter sidecars available) - -## Introduction - -This chart bootstraps a [Redis](https://redis.io) highly available master/slave statefulset in a [Kubernetes](http://kubernetes.io) cluster using the Helm package manager. - -## Prerequisites - -* Kubernetes 1.8+ with Beta APIs enabled -* PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure - -## Upgrading the Chart - -Please note that there have been a number of changes simplifying the redis management strategy (for better failover and elections) in the 3.x version of this chart. These changes allow the use of official [redis](https://hub.docker.com/_/redis/) images that do not require special RBAC or ServiceAccount roles. As a result when upgrading from version >=2.0.1 to >=3.0.0 of this chart, `Role`, `RoleBinding`, and `ServiceAccount` resources should be deleted manually. - -### Upgrading the chart from 3.x to 4.x - -Starting from version `4.x` HAProxy sidecar prometheus-exporter removed and replaced by the embedded [HAProxy metrics endpoint](https://github.com/haproxy/haproxy/tree/master/contrib/prometheus-exporter), as a result when upgrading from version 3.x to 4.x section `haproxy.exporter` should be removed and the `haproxy.metrics` need to be configured for fit your needs. - -## Installing the Chart - -To install the chart - -```bash -helm repo add dandydev https://dandydeveloper.github.io/charts -helm install dandydev/redis-ha -``` - -The command deploys Redis on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. By default this chart install one master pod containing redis master container and sentinel container along with 2 redis slave pods each containing their own sentinel sidecars. The [configuration](#configuration) section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation. - -> **Tip**: List all releases using `helm list` - -## Uninstalling the Chart - -To uninstall/delete the deployment: - -```bash -helm delete -``` - -The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release. - -## Configuration - -The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Redis chart and their default values. - -| Parameter | Description | Default | -|:--------------------------|:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -| `image` | Redis image | `redis` | -| `imagePullSecrets` | Reference to one or more secrets to be used when pulling redis images | [] | -| `tag` | Redis tag | `6.0.3-alpine` | -| `replicas` | Number of redis master/slave pods | `3` | -| `ro_replicas` | Comma separated list of slaves which never get promoted to be master. Count starts with 0. Allowed values 1-9. i.e. 3,4 - 3th and 4th redis slave never make it to be master, where master is index 0. | ``| -| `serviceAccount.create` | Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created | `true` | -| `serviceAccount.name` | The name of the ServiceAccount to create | Generated using the redis-ha.fullname template | -| `serviceAccount.automountToken` | Opt in/out of automounting API credentials into container | `false` | -| `podSecurityPolicy.create` | Specifies whether a PodSecurityPolicy should be created | `false` | -| `rbac.create` | Create and use RBAC resources | `true` | -| `redis.port` | Port to access the redis service | `6379` | -| `redis.tlsPort` | TLS Port to access the redis service |``| -| `redis.tlsReplication` | Configures redis with tls-replication parameter, if true sets "tls-replication yes" in redis.conf |``| -| `redis.authClients` | It is possible to disable client side certificates authentication when "authClients" is set to "no" |``| -| `redis.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Initial delay in seconds for liveness probe | `30` | -| `redis.livenessProbe.periodSeconds` | Period in seconds after which liveness probe will be repeated | `15` | -| `redis.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | Timeout seconds for liveness probe | `15` | -| `redis.livenessProbe.successThreshold` | Success threshold for liveness probe | `1` | -| `redis.livenessProbe.failureThreshold` | Failure threshold for liveness probe | `5` | -| `redis.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Initial delay in seconds for readiness probe | `30` | -| `redis.readinessProbe.periodSeconds` | Period in seconds after which readiness probe will be repeated | `15` | -| `redis.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | Timeout seconds for readiness probe | `15` | -| `redis.readinessProbe.successThreshold` | Success threshold for readiness probe | `1` | -| `redis.readinessProbe.failureThreshold` | Failure threshold for readiness probe | `5` | -| `redis.masterGroupName` | Redis convention for naming the cluster group: must match `^[\\w-\\.]+$` and can be templated | `mymaster` | -| `redis.config` | Any valid redis config options in this section will be applied to each server (see below) | see values.yaml | -| `redis.customConfig` | Allows for custom redis.conf files to be applied. If this is used then `redis.config` is ignored |``| -| `redis.resources` | CPU/Memory for master/slave nodes resource requests/limits | `{}` | -| `redis.lifecycle` | Container Lifecycle Hooks for redis container | `{}` | -| `redis.annotations` | Annotations for the redis statefulset | `{}` | -| `redis.updateStategy.type`| Update strategy for redis statefulSet | `RollingUpdate` | -| `sentinel.port` | Port to access the sentinel service | `26379` | -| `sentinel.bind` | Configure the 'bind' directive to bind to a list of network interfaces | `` | -| `sentinel.tlsPort` | TLS Port to access the sentinel service |``| -| `sentinel.tlsReplication` | Configures sentinel with tls-replication parameter, if true sets "tls-replication yes" in sentinel.conf |``| -| `sentinel.authClients` | It is possible to disable client side certificates authentication when "authClients" is set to "no" |``| -| `sentinel.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Initial delay in seconds for liveness probe | `30` | -| `sentinel.livenessProbe.periodSeconds` | Period in seconds after which liveness probe will be repeated | `15` | -| `sentinel.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | Timeout seconds for liveness probe | `15` | -| `sentinel.livenessProbe.successThreshold` | Success threshold for liveness probe | `1` | -| `sentinel.livenessProbe.failureThreshold` | Failure threshold for liveness probe | `5` | -| `sentinel.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Initial delay in seconds for readiness probe | `30` | -| `sentinel.readinessProbe.periodSeconds` | Period in seconds after which readiness probe will be repeated | `15` | -| `sentinel.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | Timeout seconds for readiness probe | `15` | -| `sentinel.readinessProbe.successThreshold` | Success threshold for readiness probe | `3` | -| `sentinel.readinessProbe.failureThreshold` | Failure threshold for readiness probe | `5` | -| `sentinel.auth` | Enables or disables sentinel AUTH (Requires `sentinel.password` to be set) | `false` | -| `sentinel.password` | A password that configures a `requirepass` in the conf parameters (Requires `sentinel.auth: enabled`) |``| -| `sentinel.existingSecret` | An existing secret containing a key defined by `sentinel.authKey` that configures `requirepass` in the conf parameters (Requires `sentinel.auth: enabled`, cannot be used in conjunction with `.Values.sentinel.password`) |``| -| `sentinel.authKey` | The key holding the sentinel password in an existing secret. | `sentinel-password` | -| `sentinel.quorum` | Minimum number of servers necessary to maintain quorum | `2` | -| `sentinel.config` | Valid sentinel config options in this section will be applied as config options to each sentinel (see below) | see values.yaml | -| `sentinel.customConfig` | Allows for custom sentinel.conf files to be applied. If this is used then `sentinel.config` is ignored |``| -| `sentinel.resources` | CPU/Memory for sentinel node resource requests/limits | `{}` | -| `sentinel.lifecycle` | Container Lifecycle Hooks for sentinel container | `{}` | -| `init.resources` | CPU/Memory for init Container node resource requests/limits | `{}` | -| `auth` | Enables or disables redis AUTH (Requires `redisPassword` to be set) | `false` | -| `redisPassword` | A password that configures a `requirepass` and `masterauth` in the conf parameters (Requires `auth: enabled`) |``| -| `authKey` | The key holding the redis password in an existing secret. | `auth` | -| `existingSecret` | An existing secret containing a key defined by `authKey` that configures `requirepass` and `masterauth` in the conf parameters (Requires `auth: enabled`, cannot be used in conjunction with `.Values.redisPassword`) |``| -| `nodeSelector` | Node labels for pod assignment | `{}` | -| `tolerations` | Toleration labels for pod assignment | `[]` | -| `hardAntiAffinity` | Whether the Redis server pods should be forced to run on separate nodes. | `true` | -| `additionalAffinities` | Additional affinities to add to the Redis server pods. | `{}` | -| `securityContext` | Security context to be added to the Redis server pods. | `{runAsUser: 1000, fsGroup: 1000, runAsNonRoot: true}` | -| `affinity` | Override all other affinity settings with a string. | `""` | -| `labels` | Labels for the Redis pod. | `{}` | -| `configmap.labels` | Labels for the Redis configmap. | `{}` | -| `persistentVolume.size` | Size for the volume | 10Gi | -| `persistentVolume.annotations` | Annotations for the volume | `{}` | -| `emptyDir` | Configuration of `emptyDir`, used only if persistentVolume is disabled and no hostPath specified | `{}` | -| `exporter.enabled` | If `true`, the prometheus exporter sidecar is enabled | `false` | -| `exporter.image` | Exporter image | `oliver006/redis_exporter` | -| `exporter.tag` | Exporter tag | `v1.15.1` | -| `exporter.port` | Exporter port | `9121` | -| `exporter.portName` | Exporter port name | `exporter-port` | -| `exporter.address` | Redis instance Hostname/Address Exists to circumvent some issues with issues in IPv6 hostname resolution | `localhost` | -| `exporter.annotations` | Prometheus scrape annotations | `{prometheus.io/path: /metrics, prometheus.io/port: "9121", prometheus.io/scrape: "true"}` | -| `exporter.extraArgs` | Additional args for the exporter | `{}` | -| `exporter.script` | A custom custom Lua script that will be mounted to exporter for collection of custom metrics. Creates a ConfigMap and sets env var `REDIS_EXPORTER_SCRIPT`. | | -| `exporter.serviceMonitor.enabled` | Use servicemonitor from prometheus operator | `false` | -| `exporter.serviceMonitor.namespace` | Namespace the service monitor is created in | `default` | -| `exporter.serviceMonitor.interval` | Scrape interval, If not set, the Prometheus default scrape interval is used | `nil` | -| `exporter.serviceMonitor.telemetryPath` | Path to redis-exporter telemetry-path | `/metrics` | -| `exporter.serviceMonitor.labels` | Labels for the servicemonitor passed to Prometheus Operator | `{}` | -| `exporter.serviceMonitor.timeout` | How long until a scrape request times out. If not set, the Prometheus default scape timeout is used | `nil` | -| `haproxy.enabled` | Enabled HAProxy LoadBalancing/Proxy | `false` | -| `haproxy.replicas` | Number of HAProxy instances | `3` | -| `haproxy.image.repository`| HAProxy Image Repository | `haproxy` | -| `haproxy.image.tag` | HAProxy Image Tag | `2.0.1` | -| `haproxy.image.pullPolicy`| HAProxy Image PullPolicy | `IfNotPresent` | -| `haproxy.imagePullSecrets`| Reference to one or more secrets to be used when pulling haproxy images | [] | -| `haproxy.annotations` | HAProxy template annotations | `{}` | -| `haproxy.customConfig` | Allows for custom config-haproxy.cfg file to be applied. If this is used then default config will be overwriten |``| -| `haproxy.extraConfig` | Allows to place any additional configuration section to add to the default config-haproxy.cfg |``| -| `haproxy.resources` | HAProxy resources | `{}` | -| `haproxy.emptyDir` | Configuration of `emptyDir` | `{}` | -| `haproxy.labels` | Labels for the HAProxy pod | `{}` | -| `haproxy.podSecurityPolicy.create` | Specifies whether a PodSecurityPolicy should be created | `false` | -| `haproxy.service.type` | HAProxy service type "ClusterIP", "LoadBalancer" or "NodePort" | `ClusterIP` | -| `haproxy.service.nodePort` | HAProxy service nodePort value (haproxy.service.type must be NodePort) | not set | -| `haproxy.service.externalTrafficPolicy`| HAProxy service externalTrafficPolicy value (haproxy.service.type must be LoadBalancer) | not set | -| `haproxy.service.annotations` | HAProxy service annotations | `{}` | -| `haproxy.stickyBalancing` | HAProxy sticky load balancing to Redis nodes. Helps with connections shutdown. | `false` | -| `haproxy.hapreadport.enable` | Enable a read only port for redis slaves | `false` | -| `haproxy.hapreadport.port` | Haproxy port for read only redis slaves | `6380` | -| `haproxy.metrics.enabled` | HAProxy enable prometheus metric scraping | `false` | -| `haproxy.metrics.port` | HAProxy prometheus metrics scraping port | `9101` | -| `haproxy.metrics.portName` | HAProxy metrics scraping port name | `http-exporter-port` | -| `haproxy.metrics.scrapePath` | HAProxy prometheus metrics scraping port | `/metrics` | -| `haproxy.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled` | Use servicemonitor from prometheus operator for HAProxy metrics | `false` | -| `haproxy.metrics.serviceMonitor.namespace` | Namespace the service monitor for HAProxy metrics is created in | `default` | -| `haproxy.metrics.serviceMonitor.interval` | Scrape interval, If not set, the Prometheus default scrape interval is used | `nil` | -| `haproxy.metrics.serviceMonitor.telemetryPath` | Path to HAProxy metrics telemetry-path | `/metrics` | -| `haproxy.metrics.serviceMonitor.labels` | Labels for the HAProxy metrics servicemonitor passed to Prometheus Operator | `{}` | -| `haproxy.metrics.serviceMonitor.timeout` | How long until a scrape request times out. If not set, the Prometheus default scape timeout is used | `nil` | -| `haproxy.init.resources` | Extra init resources | `{}` | -| `haproxy.timeout.connect` | haproxy.cfg `timeout connect` setting | `4s` | -| `haproxy.timeout.server` | haproxy.cfg `timeout server` setting | `30s` | -| `haproxy.timeout.client` | haproxy.cfg `timeout client` setting | `30s` | -| `haproxy.timeout.check` | haproxy.cfg `timeout check` setting | `2s` | -| `haproxy.checkInterval` | haproxy.cfg `check inter` setting | `1s` | -| `haproxy.priorityClassName` | priorityClassName for `haproxy` deployment | not set | -| `haproxy.securityContext` | Security context to be added to the HAProxy deployment. | `{runAsUser: 1000, fsGroup: 1000, runAsNonRoot: true}` | -| `haproxy.hardAntiAffinity` | Whether the haproxy pods should be forced to run on separate nodes. | `true` | -| `haproxy.affinity` | Override all other haproxy affinity settings with a string. | `""` | -| `haproxy.additionalAffinities` | Additional affinities to add to the haproxy server pods. | `{}` | -| `podDisruptionBudget` | Pod Disruption Budget rules | `{}` | -| `priorityClassName` | priorityClassName for `redis-ha-statefulset` | not set | -| `hostPath.path` | Use this path on the host for data storage | not set | -| `hostPath.chown` | Run an init-container as root to set ownership on the hostPath | `true` | -| `sysctlImage.enabled` | Enable an init container to modify Kernel settings | `false` | -| `sysctlImage.command` | sysctlImage command to execute | [] | -| `sysctlImage.registry` | sysctlImage Init container registry | `docker.io` | -| `sysctlImage.repository` | sysctlImage Init container name | `busybox` | -| `sysctlImage.tag` | sysctlImage Init container tag | `1.31.1` | -| `sysctlImage.pullPolicy` | sysctlImage Init container pull policy | `Always` | -| `sysctlImage.mountHostSys`| Mount the host `/sys` folder to `/host-sys` | `false` | -| `sysctlImage.resources` | sysctlImage resources | `{}` | -| `schedulerName` | Alternate scheduler name | `nil` | -| `tls.secretName` | The name of secret if you want to use your own TLS certificates. The secret should contains keys named by "tls.certFile" - the certificate, "tls.keyFile" - the private key, "tls.caCertFile" - the certificate of CA and "tls.dhParamsFile" - the dh parameter file | ``| -| `tls.certFile` | Name of certificate file | `redis.crt` | -| `tls.keyFile` | Name of key file | `redis.key` | -| `tls.dhParamsFile` | Name of Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange parameters file |`` | -| `tls.caCertFile` | Name of CA certificate file | `ca.crt` | -| `restore.s3.source` | Restore init container - AWS S3 location of dump - i.e. s3://bucket/dump.rdb | `false` | -| `restore.s3.access_key` | Restore init container - AWS AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID to access restore.s3.source |``| -| `restore.s3.secret_key` | Restore init container - AWS AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to access restore.s3.source |``| -| `restore.s3.region` | Restore init container - AWS AWS_REGION to access restore.s3.source |``| -| `restore.ssh.source` | Restore init container - SSH scp location of dump - i.e. user@server:/path/dump.rdb | `false` | -| `restore.ssh.key` | Restore init container - SSH private key to scp restore.ssh.source to init container. Key should be in one line separated with \n. i.e. -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n...\n...\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- |`` | - -Specify each parameter using the `--set key=value[,key=value]` argument to `helm install`. For example, - -```bash -$ helm repo add dandydev https://dandydeveloper.github.io/charts -$ helm install \ - --set image=redis \ - --set tag=5.0.5-alpine \ - dandydev/redis-ha -``` - -The above command sets the Redis server within `default` namespace. - -Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example, - -```bash -helm install -f values.yaml dandydev/redis-ha -``` - -> **Tip**: You can use the default [values.yaml](values.yaml) - -## Custom Redis and Sentinel config options - -This chart allows for most redis or sentinel config options to be passed as a key value pair through the `values.yaml` under `redis.config` and `sentinel.config`. See links below for all available options. - -[Example redis.conf](http://download.redis.io/redis-stable/redis.conf) -[Example sentinel.conf](http://download.redis.io/redis-stable/sentinel.conf) - -For example `repl-timeout 60` would be added to the `redis.config` section of the `values.yaml` as: - -```yml - repl-timeout: "60" -``` - -Note: - -1. Some config options should be renamed by redis version,e.g.: - - ```yml - # In redis 5.x,see https://raw.githubusercontent.com/antirez/redis/5.0/redis.conf - min-replicas-to-write: 1 - min-replicas-max-lag: 5 - - # In redis 4.x and redis 3.x,see https://raw.githubusercontent.com/antirez/redis/4.0/redis.conf and https://raw.githubusercontent.com/antirez/redis/3.0/redis.conf - min-slaves-to-write 1 - min-slaves-max-lag 5 - ``` - -Sentinel options supported must be in the the `sentinel