Make migration compatible with prev sqlite versions
Make migration compatible with prev sqlite versions
Sync transaction structure changes into iOS library
Sync transaction structure changes into iOS library
Add creating transfers table to migration
Add creating transfers table to migration
Pull request merge
Add creating transfers table to migration
Add creating transfers table to migration
Use inMsg to get memo for incoming transactions
Use inMsg to get memo for incoming transactions
Handle account does not exist state
Handle account does not exist state
Integrate transaction transfers into iOS demo app
Integrate transaction transfers into iOS demo app
Add ability to restart kit by stop and start
Add ability to restart kit by stop and start
Add methods to pause and resume kit
Add methods to pause and resume kit
Set state to NotStarted on stop
Set state to NotStarted on stop
Fix converting TonApiAdnl transactions to TonTransaction
Fix converting TonApiAdnl transactions to TonTransaction
Integrate fee values into iOS demo app
Integrate fee values into iOS demo app
Apply additional fees for Outgoing transactions
Apply additional fees for Outgoing transactions
Cancel currently running syncer jobs when internet is lost
Cancel currently running syncer jobs when internet is lost
Sync only when internet is available
Sync only when internet is available