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Code Generation Guide

This guide explains the C++ code generated by the hpp-proto plugin of the Protocol Buffer compiler for any given .proto schema file.

Compiler Invocation

Compiler Invocation from CMake

Once the hpp-proto package has been added via find_package or FetchContent, the Protocol Buffer compiler can be invoked using the protobuf_generate_hpp function in the following format:

    TARGET <TargetName> 
    [IMPORT_DIRS <dirs>]
    [PROTOC_OUT_DIR <output_dir>]
    [PROTOS <protobuf_files>]
    [PLUGIN_OPTIONS <plugin_options>])
- IMPORT_DIRS: Specifies common parent directories for schema files.
- PROTOC_OUT_DIR: Output directory for generated source files. Defaults to CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR.
- PROTOS: List of proto schema files. If omitted, then every source file ending in proto of TARGET will be used.
- PLUGIN_OPTIONS: A comma-separated string forwarded to the protoc-gen-hpp plugin to customize code generation. Options include:
    * `root_namespace=`: Prepends a root namespace to the generated code, in addition to the package namespace.
    * `top_directory=`:  Prepends a directory to all import dependencies.
    * `proto2_explicit_presence=`: For Proto2 only, makes optional scalar fields implicitly present except for specified scopes. This option can be specified multiple times. For example: the option `proto2_explicit_presence=.pkg1.msg1.field1,proto2_explicit_presence=.pkg1.msg2` instructs the code generator that explicit presence is only applicable for the `field1` of `pkg1.msg1` and all fields of `pkg1.msg2`.
    * `non_owning`: Generates non-owning messages. 

The compiler generates several header files for each .proto file, transforming the filename and extension as follows:

  • The .proto extension is replaced with .msg.hpp, .pb.hpp, .glz.hpp and .desc.hpp for different header file types.
  • The proto path (specified with --proto_path= or -I flags) is replaced with the output path (specified with the --hpp_out flag).

Example CMake configuration:

add_library(non_owning_unittest_proto3_proto_lib INTERFACE)
target_include_directories(non_owning_unittest_proto3_proto_lib INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})
    TARGET non_owning_unittest_proto3_proto_lib
    PROTOS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/google/protobuf/unittest_proto3.proto
    PLUGIN_OPTIONS non_owning,root_namespace=non_owning,top_directory=non_owning)

Compiler Invocation from command line

You can invoke the hpp-proto plugin from the command line with the following command:

protoc --hpp_out=<output_dir> [--hpp_opt=<plugin_option>] [--proto_path=<dir>] <protobuf_files...>


If a .proto file contains a package declaration, the entire contents are placed in a corresponding C++ namespace. For example:


All declarations in the file will reside in the foo::bar namespace.

If you need to use both hpp-proto and the official Google Protobuf library in the same program, you can use the root_namespace option to customize the top-level namespace in the generated files. For example:

protoc --proto_path=src --hpp_out build/gen  --hpp_opt=root_namespace=baz src/foo.proto

This command will place all declarations in the baz::foo::bar namespace.


Given a simple message declaration like:

message Foo {}

The protocol buffer compiler generates a struct called Foo.


For each field defined in a .proto message, the compiler generates corresponding member variables in the C++ struct.

Implicit Presence Fields (proto3)

syntax = "proto3"; 
message Foo {
    int32  f1 = 1;
    string f2 = 2;
    bytes  f3 = 3;

The compiler will generate the following struct:

Regular Mode

struct Foo {
    int32_t f1;
    std::string f2;
    std::vector<std::byte> f3;

Non-owning Mode

struct Foo {
    int32_t f1;
    std::string f2;
    hpp::proto::equality_comparable_span<const std::byte> f3;

The hpp::proto::equality_comparable_span is a template class which inherits std::span and adds an additional equality comparison operator.

Explicit Presence Fields (proto2)

For a Proto2 message with optional fields:

syntax = "proto2"; 
message Foo {
    optional int32  f1 = 1;
    optional string f2 = 2;
    optional bytes  f3 = 3;
    optional int64  f4 = 4 [default = 100];

The compiler will generate the following struct:

Regular Mode

struct Foo {
    hpp::proto::optional<int32_t> f1;
    hpp::proto::optional<std::string> f2;
    hpp::proto::optional<std::vector<std::byte>> f3;
    hpp::proto::optional<int64_t, 100> f4;

Non-owning Mode

struct Foo {
    hpp::proto::optional<int32_t> f1;
    hpp::proto::optional<std::string_view> f2;
    hpp::proto::optional<hpp::proto::equality_comparable_span<const std::byte>> f3;
    hpp::proto::optional<int64_t, 100> f4;

The hpp::proto::optional<T, DefaultValue> type has the same interface with std::optional<T> except the value() and operator*() member functions return the default value if the field is not present. Furthermore, the specialization for hpp::proto::optional<bool> deletes type conversion to bool to avoid ambiguity between a missing value and a false value.

Optional Embedded Message Fields (proto2 and proto3)

Given Bar is a message, any of these field definitions like:

optional Bar foo = 1;

Bar foo = 1;

The compiler will generate:

std::optional<Bar> foo;

Repeated Fields

For repeated fields, the compiler generates std::vector<T> in regular mode and hpp::proto::equality_comparable_span<const T> in non-owning mode.

Oneof fields

For oneof fields:

message TestOneof {
  oneof foo {
    int32 foo_int = 1;
    string foo_string = 2;
    NestedMessage foo_message = 3;
    NestedMessage foo_lazy_message = 4 [lazy = true];
  message NestedMessage {
    double required_double = 1;

The compiler maps the oneof field to std::variant, with the first alternative being std::monostate:

struct TestOneof {
  struct NestedMessage {
    double required_double = {};

    bool operator == (const NestedMessage&) const = default;

  enum foo_oneof_case : int {
    foo_int = 1,
    foo_string = 2,
    foo_message = 3,
    foo_lazy_message = 4

  std::variant<std::monostate, int32_t, std::string, NestedMessage, NestedMessage> foo;

  bool operator == (const TestOneof&) const = default;

Map fields

For map fields:

message TestMap {
  map<int32, int32> map1 = 1;

The compiler generates hpp::proto::flat_map<key_type, mapped_type> for regular mode and with hpp::proto::equality_comparable_span<std::pair<key_type, mapped_type>> for non-owning mode. In the non-owning mode, the library does not handle key deduplication during serialization or deserialization.
Given a deserialized message with duplicate map keys, users are responsible to make sure that only the last key seen should be treated as valid.

Regular Mode

struct TestMap {
  hpp::proto::flat_map<int32_t,int32_t> map1;
  bool operator == (const TestMap&) const = default;

Non-owning Mode

struct TestMap {
  hpp::proto::equality_comparable_span<std::pair<int32_t,int32_t>> map1;
  bool operator == (const TestMap&) const = default;

### Any Type For google.protobuf.Any fields:
message TestAny {
  google.protobuf.Any any_value = 2;

The compiler generates ::google::protobuf::Any.

struct TestAny {
  std::optional<::google::protobuf::Any> any_value;
  bool operator == (const TestAny&) const = default;

To read or write Any fields, use hpp::proto::unpack_any and hpp::proto::pack_any.

Regular Mode

    TestAny message;
    using namespace std::string_literals;
    google::protobuf::FieldMask fm{.paths = {"/usr/share"s, "/usr/local/share"s}};
    assert(hpp::proto::pack_any(message.any_value.emplace(), fm).ok());

    std::vector<char> buf;
    assert(hpp::proto::write_proto(message, buf).ok());

    TestAny message2;
    assert(hpp::proto::read_proto(message2, buf).ok());
    google::protobuf::FieldMask fm2;
    assert(hpp::proto::unpack_any(message2.any_value.value(), fm2).ok());

Non-owning Mode

    TestAny message;
    using namespace std::string_view_literals;
    std::array<std::string_view, 2> paths = {"/usr/share"sw, "/usr/local/share"sw};
    google::protobuf::FieldMask fm;
    fm.paths = paths;
    std::pmr::monotonic_buffer_resource pool;
    hpp::proto::pb_context ctx{pool};

    assert(hpp::proto::pack_any(message.any_value.emplace(), fm, ctx).ok());

    std::pmr::vector<std::byte> buffer{&pool};
    assert(hpp::proto::write_proto(message, buffer).ok());

    TestAny message2;
    assert(hpp::proto::read_proto(message2, buf, ctx).ok());
    google::protobuf::FieldMask fm2;
    assert(hpp::proto::unpack_any(message2.any_value.value(), fm2, ctx).ok());