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111 lines (111 loc) · 7.05 KB
Operator Description
Abs y = (x > 0) ? x : -x
ArgMax max value index
AttentionMask transformer local attention mask
Attention transformer global attention mask
BatchNorm y = (x - mean) / sqrt(variance + eps) per channel
BatchToSpaceNd tensorflow batch_to_space function
BilateralSliceApply hdrnet BilateralSliceApply function, you can use it by using caffe or onnx self-defined operator, please refer to inference/examples/bilateral_slice_apply/
Cast change tensor data type
Ceil y = ceil(x)
ChannelResize channel padding or channel cut
Check element level compare, same as onnx Greater, GreaterOrEqual, Equal, LowerOrEqual, Lower
Clip y = clip(x, min, max)
Concat many tensors concat on some axis
ConstantOfShape allocate memory(not implement)
Constant onnx constant
ConvertColor YUV_NV21 <-> RGB,BGR,RGBA,BGRA, you can use it by using caffe or onnx self-defined operator, please refer to inference/examples/convert_color/
Convolution common 1D&2D&3D convolution, dilated 1D&2D&3D convolution, group 1D&2D&3D convolution, depthwise 1D&2D convolution
Copy memory copy
Cos y = cos(x)
Cum prefix function, currently support cumsum, cumprod
Deconvolution 1D&2D deconvolution, onnx ConvTranspose
Depth2Space tensorflow depth_to_space function
DetectionOutput SSD caffe DetectionOutput
Dropout dropout function
Einsum same as onnx einsum
Elu elu activation function
Eltwise sum, min, max, mul(prod), sub, div elementwise operation
Embedding Caffe embedding
Equal elementwise tensor compare, same as onnx equal, this also support tflite NOT_EQUAL, Equal is replaced with Check
Erf erf(x) = 2/sqrt(pi) * integral from 0 to x of exp(-t^2) dt
Expand onnx expand
Exp y = exp(x)
Flatten same as onnx flatten
Floor y = floor(x)
FullyConnected onnx Gemm, Linear
GAT graph attention module
Gather onnx gather, gather_elements, gatherND, also same as embedding
Gelu gelu activation
GenerateProposals same as tf tf.image.generate_bounding_box_proposals
Greater elementwise tensor compare, same as onnx greater
GridSample same as onnx grid_sample
HSigmoid hard sigmoid, y = clip((x + 1) / 2, 0, 1)
HSwishNoDiv y = x * relu6(x + 3)
HSwish y = x * relu6(x + 3) / 6
InstanceNorm Instance Normalization
Jump if statement for dynamic control flow
L2Normalization L2 Normalization
LayerNorm layernorm
LeakyRelu relu(scale != 0 when x < 0)
LogSoftmax log softmax
Log y = log(x)
Matmul matrix multiply
Mish y = x * tanh(log(1 + e ^ x))
MultiHeadAttention transformer multi-head attention
Neg y = -x
NonMaxSuppression same as onnx non max suppression
NonZero same as onnx non zero
Not y = ! (x), same as onnx not
OneHot same as onnx one hot
Pad constant(0), reflect, edge, symmetric padding
Pooling max, mean pooling
Power y = (scale * x + shift) ^ pow
PreAllocatedMemory allocate memory
Prelu prelu activation
PriorBox SSD caffe PriorBox
QuantizeLinear int8 quantization
Random random function, currently support uniform and normal random
Range same as onnx range
Reciprocal same as onnx reciprocal, y = 1 / x
Reduction sum, min, max, mean reduction
RelativePositionEmbedding self-defined relative position embedding operator
RelativeShift self-defined relative shift operator
Relu6 y = relu6(x)
Relu relu(scale = 0 when x < 0)
Repeat do while loop for dynamic control flow
Reshape change dimension
Resize linear, nearest, cubic mode resize, same as onnx Resize, Upsample
RNN LSTM, PLSTM, GRU, onnx LBR GRU, onnx Scan, also supports bi-direction
RoIAlign same as onnx RoIAlign
Round y = round(x)
Scale y = alpha * x + beta per channel
Scatter onnx scatter, scatter_elements, scatterND
Select y = choice ? a : b, same as tflite select
Shape get tensor shape
SharedWeight used to represent onnx/tflite operator input that is not generated by another operator
Sigmoid sigmoid activation
Sign y = sign(x)
Sin y = sin(x)
Slice caffe slice
SoftmaxWithLoss softmax with loss(not implement)
Softmax y = exp(x - max(x)) / sum(exp(x - max(x)))
SoftPlus y = log(1 + e ^ x)
Space2Depth tensorflow space_to_depth function
SpaceToBatchNd tensorflow space_to_batch function
Splice Kaldi extract feature function, same as Gather
Split same as onnx split
SqDiff tflite squared difference
Squeeze remove 1 dimension
Swish y = x * exp(x)
TanH y = tanh(x)
Tdnn Kaldi tdnn operator(Splice + Linear)
TfSlice onnx or tflite slice, strided slice
Tile onnx tile
TopK same as onnx topk
Transpose transpose data, same as caffe permute
UnPooling same as onnx unpooling
Unsqueeze add 1 dimension
Where same as onnx where
Yolov3DetectionOutput Yolov3 caffe detectionOutput