Park-Manager is a full-stack hosting-management system.
In the documentation, you can find how to install Park-Manager, customize the platform, create your own Modules, and how to contribute to the project.
Park-Manager is still in active development, the current status is pre-alpha, and not recommended for production usage.
Major code changes should be expected. Some documentation sections may be incomplete or missing.
To install the Park-Manager Application you need at least a system that is able to run Docker.
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 setup
Park-Manager is build-up from multiple modules, that already provide a ridge functionality for your hosting solution, but what Park-Manager prides itself for is the extendability of the system.
In this chapter you learn how to fully customize Park-Manager to your needs.
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 architecture/index
Park-Manager is a community driven project, we value good coding quality, and easy to use software for users.
To contribute to Park-Manager please read this chapter carefully to understand how we build and maintain the Park-Manager project.
.. toctree:: :hidden: contributing/index