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File metadata and controls

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Gemini configuration

Gemini is configured using .gemini.yml file at the root of the project.

Complete example with all available settings looks like this, but you'll need to specify only a few settings specific for your project:

  commonThing: value
calibrate: false
tolerance: 3.5
httpTimeout: 5000
sessionRequestTimeout: 60000
sessionQuitTimeout: 5000
screenshotsDir: './screens'
windowSize: 1600x1080
sessionsPerBrowser: 2
suitesPerSession: 100

      version: "37.0"
      browserName: chrome
      platform: LINUX

    screenshotsDir: './ff-screens'
    calibrate: true
      version: "31.0"
      browserName: firefox
      platform: LINUX

     - gemini/ff
     - firefox-latest
     - gemini/chrome
     - chrome-latest

  projectRoot: ../project
  sourceRoot: ../project/src
    - node_modules/**
    teamcity: true
  debug: true
  parallelLimit: 3
  diffColor: '#ff0000'
    enabled: true
     - libs/**
     - "*.blocks/**/*.tests/blocks/**"
     - "*.blocks/**/*.tests/*.blocks/**"
    html: false

System settings

There is a system section in the config file, which contains global gemini settings. These settings can not be set per-browser.

  • projectRoot — root directory of a project. All relative paths in config or options will be resolved relatively to it. By default it is the directory config file is placed in.

  • sourceRoot — directory which contains the source files. Local sources will be used in the coverage report when the source map is available, but the sources can not be downloaded via URLs from the test pages. By default, it is equal to projectRoot.

  • tempDir — directory to save temporary images (current states) to. This directory should exist. Gemini will create own temp directory in it with name starting with .gemini.tmp. where all temporary images will be saved. After run created directory will be removed. If not set system temp directory will be used.

  • exclude — array of glob patterns to exclude paths from the test search. For example:

  - node_modules/**
  - gemini/helpers/**
  - foo/{bar,baz}/*.js
  • plugins — list of plugins to enable. Should have form of pluginName: settings. For example:

      teamcity: true
        username: user
        password: pass

    Each plugin should be an installed npm package named gemini-<pluginName>.

  • debug — turn on debug logging to the terminal.

  • parallelLimit — by default, gemini will run all browsers simultaneously. Sometimes (i.e. when using cloud services, such as SauceLabs) you have a limit of a number of browser that can be run once at a time. Use this option to limit the number of browsers that gemini will try to run in parallel.

  • diffColor — specifies color which will be used to highlight differences between images. Specified in hexadecimal RGB (#RRGGBB). Magenta by default (#FF00FF).

  • coveragegemini can gather and report CSS tests coverage. It supports source maps, so you can get the report even if you are using preprocessor or minifier. The JSON and html reports are saved to gemini-coverage directory. There are many settings under this section:

    • enabled — set to true to enable coverage reporting.

    • map — function which can be used for overriding default logic of source root path resolving. By default it returns path to CSS file relative to the source root. This function accepts 2 arguments:

      • url — full url of source file which coverage should be obtained
      • rootUrl — root url specified in the config for current browser
    • exclude — array of file paths or glob patterns to exclude from coverage report. For example:

            - libs/**
            - path/to/some.css
    • html — set to false to disable html report and save only JSON.

  • ctx — a context which will be available in tests via method gemini.ctx.

Browsers settings

These settings specify the configuration of each browser used for tests. Each setting can be specified in two ways:

  1. At the top level of a config file. This way it affects all browsers.
  2. Inside the browsers section. This way it will affect only one browser and override top level value.

Format of the browsers section:

    <setting>: <value>
    <setting>: <value>

<browser-id> value is used for browser identification in test reports and for constructing screens file names.

Settings list:

  • rootUrl (required) — the root URL of your website. Target URLs of your test suites will be resolved relatively to it. If top level rootUrl value is set and browser rootUrl — is relative url, then resolved rootUrl will be result of concatenation of top level rootUrl and individual browser rootUrl.

  • desiredCapabilities (required) — WebDriver DesiredCapabilites for the browser. Per-browser value will be merged with top-level value instead of overriding it.

  • gridUrl — WebDriver URL to use for taking screenshots. By default is http://localhost:4444/wd/hub

  • calibrate — does this browser need to perform the calibration procedure. This procedure allows to correctly capture the image in case the particular WebDriver implementation captures browser UI along with web page. Enabled by default. If you are sure this is not the case for your WebDriver, you can disable it by setting this option to false.

  • httpTimeout — timeout for HTTP requests to WebDriver, milliseconds. By default the server timeout is used.

  • sessionRequestTimeout — timeout for getting of browser sessions, milliseconds. By default the value of option httpTimeout is used.

  • sessionQuitTimeout — timeout for closing browser sessions, milliseconds. By default the value of option httpTimeout is used.

  • screenshotsDir — directory to save reference screenshots to. <projectRoot>/gemini/screens by default.

  • tolerance — indicates maximum allowed CIEDE2000 difference between colors. Used only in non-strict mode. By default it's 2.3 which should be enough for the most cases. Increasing global default is not recommended, prefer changing tolerance for particular suites or states instead.

  • windowSize — specify browser window dimensions (i.e. 1600x1200). If not specified, the size of the window depends on WebDriver. ⚠️ You can't set specific resolutions for browser Opera or mobile platforms. They use only full-screen resolution.

  • sessionsPerBrowser — how many WebDriver sessions can be launched simultaneously for this browser. Default is 1. Increase the value if you want to speed up your tests.

  • suitesPerSession — maximum amount of test suites to run in each web driver session. After limit is reached, session gets closed and new session gets started. By default is .inf (no limit). Set to smaller number if you are experiencing stability problems.

  • retry — maximum amount of relaunch fallen tests with a critical error. If not specified, the fallen tests will not be relaunched (by default it's 0).

    Note that the same test never be performed in the same browser session.

  • screenshotMode — image capture mode. There are 3 allowed values for this option:

    • auto (default). Mode will be obtained automatically.
    • fullpage. Gemini will deal with screenshot of full page.
    • viewport. Only viewport area will be used.
  • compositeImage — allows testing of regions which bottom bounds are outside of a viewport height (default: false). In the resulting screenshot the area which fits the viewport bounds will be joined with the area which is outside of the viewport height.

    ⚠️ Option does not work in [email protected].


You can link some set of tests with certain browsers using sets.

Format of the sets section:

     - <dir-with-test-files>
     - <browser-id-to-test-in>
  • files — list of test files or directories with test files. Should be relative to project root directory. Also, you can use masks for this property. For example: gemini/test-suites/*.gemini.js. Can be a string if you want to specify just one file or directory.

  • browsers — list of browser ids to run tests specified in files. All browsers by default.

If sets are not specified in config, all files from gemini directory will be launched in all browsers specified in a config.

You can specify sets to run using CLI option --set.

Overriding settings

All options can also be overridden via command-line flags or environment variables. Priorities are the following:

  • command-line option has the highest priority. It overrides environment variable and config file value.

  • environment variable has second priority. It overrides config file value.

  • config file value has the lowest priority.

  • if no command-line option, environment variable or config file option specified, default is used.

To override config setting with CLI option, convert full option path to --kebab-case. For example, if you want to run tests against different root URL, call:

gemini test --root-url

To save screenshots for IE9 to different location (considering you have browser with ie9 id in the config):

gemini update --browsers-ie9-screenshots-dir ./ie9-screens

To override setting with environment variable, convert its full path to snake_case and add gemini_ prefix. Above examples can be rewritten to use environment variables instead of CLI options:

gemini_root_url= gemini test
gemini_browsers_ie9_screenshots_dir=./ie9-screens gemini update