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hugomatic edited this page Oct 26, 2010 · 15 revisions

How to install from github:

Here’s how to get cncOnline and hugomatic (cncOnline uses hugomatic which has its own repository). This works if you have forked both repositries like this:

[email protected]:your_user_name/cncOnline.git
[email protected]:your_user_name/hugomatic.git

If you don’t want to modify anything, you can use the public links instead:


The cncOnline project relies on the hugomatic library, so you need to get the 2 projects:

$ git clone git://
$ cd cncOnline
$ git clone git://

To check that it works, try running the index:
$ python ./ relies on the python editor “Idle” tree widget that may not be installed by default.

When you create a new python script, you should make it an executable by having


as the first line, otherwise you won’t be able to run the code as a web page.

Eclipse tips:

If you use Eclipse to hack cncOnline or the hugomatic libraries, here are some useful tips:

Set the project root directory as a source folder:

This will give you better auto completion support.

Select the project node and press ALT + Enter to open the proerties view Select PyDev – Python path from the left list Press the Add source folder button, select the project root.
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