For the one dimensional hydrodynamic models, the forces on netting are calculated based on individual twines. The twines are taken as a cylindrical elements. In practice, the force is usually decomposed into two components: normal drag force and tangential drag force
(Cheng et al., 2020)
is the undisturbed incoming flow velocity in the upstream of the net panel.
The unit vectors
$ and
$ which are used to indicate the directions of forces are defined by the following equations (
is the unit vector of the cylindrical element):
are the normal drag and tangential force coefficients in the one dimension hydrodynamic models, respectively. These force coefficients are usually obtained from experiments that approximate the ideal conditions of a cylinder in an infinite flow field.
Example code:
import hydroModules as hdm
rope = hdm.one_dimensional.line("M4",
model_index: [string] [-]. To indicate the model function, e.g., 'M1', 'M2', 'M3'.
hydro_element: [list] [-]. A python list to indicate how the lines are connected, e.g.., [[0,1],[1,2],[2,1]]
solidity: [float] [-]. The solidity of netting.
dw0: [float] [m]. The diameter of the physical net twines. It is used for the hydrodynamic coefficients.
dwh: [float] [m]. The hydrodynamic diameter of the numerical net twines. It is used for the force calculation (reference area).