Highlights color hex values and names with the color itself, and provides tools to easily modify color values or formats.
This module has no dedicated maintainers.
This module provides no flags.
This module has no prerequisites.
provides automatic highlighting to hex color codes, and in
relevant modes, color names (e.g. html color names in css-mode
or LaTeX color
names in latex-mode
provides commands to easily change the brightness, saturation, and
hue of hex colors (and a useful hydra for this, if :ui hydra
is enabled), as
well as conversion between hex and css colors
overrides the color highlighting of rainbow-mode
, limiting
the use of that plugin and on-site color changes using kurecolor
. To
automatically disable it only when rainbow-mode
is active, you can add the
following hook:
;; ~/.doom.d/config.el
(add-hook! 'rainbow-mode-hook
(hl-line-mode (if rainbow-mode -1 +1)))