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+\includepdf[pages={1-2}]{egfigure/eggbcitationay.pdf} - - - - - - - - - -\section{参考文献著录格式示例} - -\subsection{GB/T 7714-2015 中的参考文献示例}\label{sec:eg:gb77142015} +\subsection{GB/T 7714-2015 中的附录参考文献示例}\label{sec:eg:gb77142015} \begin{refsection} 普通图书(book) diff --git a/egfigure/eggbcitation.tex b/egfigure/eggbcitation.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bdbbb70 --- /dev/null +++ b/egfigure/eggbcitation.tex @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +\documentclass{article} +\usepackage{ctex} +\usepackage{xcolor} +\usepackage{toolbox} +\usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} +\usepackage{lipsum} +\usepackage[paperwidth=21cm,paperheight=29cm,top=3cm,bottom=2cm,left=1.5cm,right=1.5cm]{geometry} +\usepackage{xltxtra,mflogo,texnames} +\usepackage[backend=biber,style=gb7714-2015]{biblatex}%sorting=nyt + +%\usepackage{filecontents} +%\begin{filecontents}{\jobname.bib} +% +%\end{filecontents} + +\addbibresource{example.bib} +\renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\textcircled{\tiny\arabic{footnote}}} + + +\begin{document} + +\section*{GB/T 7714-2015 中的著录标准和顺序编码制示例} + +\subsection*{4.1 专著} +\begin{refsection} + +\nocite{陈登原2000-29-29, +哈里森沃尔德伦2012-235-236, +北京市政协民族和宗教委员会2012-112-112, +全国信息与文献标准化技术委员会2010-2-3, +徐光宪2010--, +顾炎武1992--, +王夫之1865--, +牛志明2012--, +中国第一历史档案馆2001--, +杨保军2012--, +赵学功2001--, +同济大学土木工程防灾国家重点实验室2011-5-6, +中国造纸学会2003--, +Peebles2001--, +Yufin2000--, +Baldock2011-105-105, +Fan2013-25-26 +} + +\printbibliography[heading=subbibliography] +\end{refsection} + +\subsection*{4.2 专著中的析出文献} +\begin{refsection} + +\nocite{ +王夫之2011-1109-1109, +程根伟1999-32-36, +陈晋镳1980-56-114a, +马克思2013-302-302, +贾东琴2011-45-52, +Weinstein1974-745-772, +Roberson2011-1-36 +} + +\printbibliography[heading=subbibliography] +\end{refsection} + +\subsection*{4.3 连续出版物} +\begin{refsection} + +\nocite{ +中华医学会湖北分会1984----, +中国图书馆学会1957--1990--, +AAAS1883----, +} + +\printbibliography[heading=subbibliography] +\end{refsection} + +\subsection*{4.4 连续出版物中的析出文献} +\begin{refsection} + +\nocite{袁训来2012-3219-3219, +余建斌2013--, +李炳穆2008-6-12, +李幼平2010-225-228, +武丽丽2008-8-9, +Kanamori1998-2063-2063, +Caplan1993-61-66, +Frese2013-378-398, +Myburg2014-356-362 +} + +\printbibliography[heading=subbibliography] +\end{refsection} + +\subsection*{4.5 专利文献} +\begin{refsection} + +\nocite{邓一刚2006--, +西安电子科技大学2002--, +Tachibana2005--} + +\printbibliography[heading=subbibliography] +\end{refsection} + +\subsection*{4.6 电子资源} +\begin{refsection} + +\nocite{中国互联网络信息中心2012--, +北京市人民政府办公厅2005--, +Bawden2008--, +OCLC--, +Hopkinson2009-- +} + +\printbibliography[heading=subbibliography] +\end{refsection} + + +\subsection*{8.6 获取和访问路径} +\begin{refsection} + +\nocite{储大同2010-721-724,weiner2010-38} + +\printbibliography[heading=subbibliography] +\end{refsection} + +\subsection*{8.7 数字对象唯一识别符} +\begin{refsection} + +\nocite{刘乃安2000-17-18,Deverell2013-21-22} + +\printbibliography[heading=subbibliography] +\end{refsection} + +\subsection*{9.2 文献表} +\begin{refsection} + +\nocite{Baker1995--,Chernik1982--,尼葛洛庞帝1996--,汪冰1997-16-16,杨宗英1996-24-29,Dowler1995-5-26} + +\printbibliography[heading=subbibliography] +\end{refsection} + +\subsection*{10.1.1 一处引用一篇文献} + +\begin{refsection} + +所谓移情,就是“说话人将自己认同于......他用句子所描述的时间或状态中的一个参与者”\cite{Sunstein1996-903-903}。《汉语大词典》和张相 +\cite{Morri2010--}都认为“可”是“痊愈”, +候精一认为是“减轻”\cite{罗杰斯2011-15-16}。......另外,根据候精一,表示病痛程度减轻的形容词“可”和表示逆转否定的副词“可” +是兼类词\cite{陈登原2000-29-29},这也说明二者应该存在着源流关系。 + + +所谓移情,就是“说话人将自己认同于......他用句子所描述的时间或状态中的一个参与者”\footfullcite{Sunstein1996-903-903}。《汉语大词典》和张相 +\footfullcite{Morri2010--}都认为“可”是“痊愈”, +候精一认为是“减轻”\footfullcite{罗杰斯2011-15-16}。......另外,根据候精一,表示病痛程度减轻的形容词“可”和表示逆转否定的副词“可” +是兼类词\footfullcite{陈登原2000-29-29},这也说明二者应该存在着源流关系。 + + +\end{refsection} + +\subsection*{10.1.2 一处引用多篇文献} +\begin{refsection} + +裴伟提出\cite{Humphrey1971--,CRANE1972--}...... + +莫拉德对稳定区的研究 +\cite{CRANE1972--,WEINSTEIN1974-745-772,KENNEDY1975-311-386}...... + + +\end{refsection} + +\subsection*{10.1.3 多次引用同一著者的同一文献} +\begin{refsection} +……改变社会规范也可能存在类似的“二阶囚徒困境”问题:尽管改变旧的规范对所有人都好,但个人理性选择使得没有人愿意率先违反旧的规范\cite{Sunstein1996-903-903}。 +……事实上,古希腊对轴心时代思想真正的贡献不是来自对民主的赞扬,而是来自对民主制度的批评,苏格拉底、柏拉图和亚里士多德3位贤圣 +都是民主制度的坚决反对者\pagescite[20]{Morri2010--}。 +……柏拉图在西方世界的影响力是如此之大以至于有学者评论说,一切后世的思想都是一系列为柏拉图思想所作的脚注\cite{罗杰斯2011-15-16}。 +……据《唐会要》记载,当时拆毁的寺院有4 600余所,招提、兰若等佛教建筑4万余所,没收寺产,并强迫僧尼还俗达260 500人。 +佛教受到极大的打击\pagescite[326-329]{Morri2010--}。 +……陈登原先生的考证是非常精确的,他印证了《春秋说题辞》“黍者绪也,故其立字,禾入米为黍,为酒以扶老,为酒以序尊卑,禾为柔物,亦宜养老”,指出:“以上谓等威之辨,尊卑之序,由于饮食荣辱。”\cite{陈登原2000-29-29} + +\printbibliography[heading=subbibliography] +\end{refsection} + +\begin{refsection} +……改变社会规范也可能存在类似的“二阶囚徒困境”问题:尽管改变旧的规范对所有人都好,但个人理性选择使得没有人愿意率先违反旧的规范 +\footfullcite{Sunstein1996-903-903}。 +……事实上,古希腊对轴心时代思想真正的贡献不是来自对民主的赞扬,而是来自对民主制度的批评,苏格拉底、柏拉图和亚里士多德3位贤圣 +都是民主制度的坚决反对者\footfullcite[20]{Morri2010--}。 +……柏拉图在西方世界的影响力是如此之大以至于有学者评论说,一切后世的思想都是一系列为柏拉图思想所作的脚注\footfullcite{罗杰斯2011-15-16}。 +……据《唐会要》记载,当时拆毁的寺院有4 600余所,招提、兰若等佛教建筑4万余所,没收寺产,并强迫僧尼还俗达260 500人。 +佛教受到极大的打击\footfullcite[326-329]{Morri2010--}。 +……陈登原先生的考证是非常精确的,他印证了《春秋说题辞》“黍者绪也,故其立字,禾入米为黍,为酒以扶老,为酒以序尊卑,禾为柔物,亦宜养老”,指出:“以上谓等威之辨,尊卑之序,由于饮食荣辱。”\footfullcite{陈登原2000-29-29} +\end{refsection} + +\end{document} diff --git a/egfigure/eggbcitationay.tex b/egfigure/eggbcitationay.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..080ad70 --- /dev/null +++ b/egfigure/eggbcitationay.tex @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +\documentclass{article} +\usepackage{ctex} +\usepackage{xcolor} +\usepackage{toolbox} +\usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} +\usepackage{lipsum} +\usepackage[paperwidth=21cm,paperheight=29cm,top=3cm,bottom=2cm,left=1.5cm,right=1.5cm]{geometry} +\usepackage{xltxtra,mflogo,texnames} +\usepackage[backend=biber,style=gb7714-2015ay]{biblatex}%sorting=nyt + +%\usepackage{filecontents} +%\begin{filecontents}{\jobname.bib} +% +%\end{filecontents} + +\addbibresource{example.bib} +\renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\textcircled{\tiny\arabic{footnote}}} + + +\begin{document} + +\section*{GB/T 7714-2015 中的著者年份制示例} + + +\subsection*{9.2 文献表} +\begin{refsection} + +\nocite{尼葛洛庞帝1996--,汪冰1997-16-16,杨宗英1996-24-29,Baker1995--,Chernik1982--,Dowler1995-5-26} + +\printbibliography[heading=subbibliography] +\end{refsection} + +\subsection*{10.2.1 引用单篇文献} +\begin{refsection} + +the notion of an invisible college has been explored in thesciences\cite{CRANE1972--}.Its absence among historians was noted by Stieg\yearcite{STIEG1981-549-560} ... + +\printbibliography[heading=subbibliography] +\end{refsection} + + + +\subsection*{10.2.2/10.2.3 多著者、同著者同年份多篇文献} +\begin{refsection} + +\nocite{王临慧2010-147,王临慧2010-138} +\nocite{KENNEDY1975-311-386,KENNEDY1975-339-360} + + +\printbibliography[heading=subbibliography] +\end{refsection} + +\subsection*{10.2.4 多次引用同一著者的同一文献} +\begin{refsection} +主编靠编辑思想指挥全局已是编辑界的共识\cite{张忠智1997-33-34},然而对编辑思想至今没有一个明确的界定,故不妨提出一个构架……参与讨论。 +由于“思想”的内涵是“客观存在反映在人的意识中经过思维活动而产生的结果” +\pagescite[1194]{中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室1996--},所以“编辑思想”的内涵就是编辑实践反映在编辑工作者 +的意识中,“经过思维活动而产生的结果”。 +……《中国青年》杂志创办人追求的高格调- +理性的成熟与热点的凝聚\cite{刘彻东1998-38-39},表明其读者群的文化的品位的高层次……“方针”指“引导事业前进的方向和目标” +\pagescite[235]{中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室1996--}。 +……对编辑方针,1981年中国科协副主席裴丽生曾有过科学的论断—“自然科学学术期刊必须坚持以马列主义、毛泽东思想为指导,贯彻为国民经济发展服务,理论与实践相结合,普及与提高相结合,‘百花齐放,百家争鸣’的方针。” \cite{裴丽生1981-2-10}它完整地回答了为谁服务怎样服务,如何服务得更好的间题。 + +\printbibliography[heading=subbibliography] +\end{refsection} + +\end{document} diff --git a/egfigure/makeclear.bat b/egfigure/makeclear.bat index e51a63a..33f3659 100644 --- a/egfigure/makeclear.bat +++ b/egfigure/makeclear.bat @@ -1,2 +1,5 @@ @echo off del /q *.aux *.bbl *.blg *.log *.out *.toc *.bcf *.xml *.synctex *.nlo *.nls *.bak *.ind *.idx *.ilg *.lof *.lot *.ent-x *.tmp *.ltx *.los *.lol *.loc *.listing *.gz *.userbak *.nav *.snm *.vrb + + +del /q *.nav *.snm *.vrb *.fls *.xdv *.fdb_latexmk \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/egfigure/makefileeg.bat b/egfigure/makefileeg.bat index 49058e4..c6dcdd9 100644 --- a/egfigure/makefileeg.bat +++ b/egfigure/makefileeg.bat @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ IF NOT EXIST gb7714-2015.bbx ( +copy ..\example.bib . /y copy ..\gb7714-2015.bbx . /y copy ..\gb7714-2015.cbx . /y copy ..\gb7714-2015ay.bbx . /y diff --git a/example/example.bib b/example.bib similarity index 81% rename from example/example.bib rename to example.bib index 428a9d2..cc506bf 100644 --- a/example/example.bib +++ b/example.bib @@ -1,11 +1,91 @@ -% This file was created with JabRef 2.11. -% Encoding: UTF8 +% Encoding: UTF-8 @Other{易仕和,2013, Entryset = {易仕和2013--,Yi2013--} } + +@PhdThesis{刘乃安2000-17-18, + author = {刘乃安}, + title = {生物质材料热解失重动力学及其分析方法研究}, + year = {2000}, + pages = {17--18}, + doi = {10.7666/d.y351065}, + url = {http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=GJDJxb4lxBUXnIPmq1XoEGSIr1H8TMLbidW_LjlYu33tpt707u62rKliypU_FBGUmox7ovPNaVIVBALAMd5yfwuKUUOAGYuB7cuZ-BYEhXa}, + urldate = {2014-08-29}, + address = {安徽}, + school = {中国科学技术大学}, +} + +@PhdThesis{Deverell2013-21-22, + author = {Deverell, William and Igler, David}, + title = {A Companion to {California} History}, + year = {2013}, + date = {2013-11-15}, + pages = {21--22}, + doi = {10.1002/9781444305036.ch2}, + url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781444305036.ch2/summary}, + urldate = {2014-06-24}, + address = {New York}, + school = {John Wiley \& Sons}, +} + +@Book{尼葛洛庞帝1996--, + author = {尼葛洛庞帝}, + title = {数字化生存}, + year = {1996}, + translator = {胡泳 and 范海燕}, + publisher = {海南出版社}, + address = {海口}, +} + +@Book{汪冰1997-16-16, + author = {汪冰}, + title = {电子图书馆理论与实践研究}, + year = {1997}, + publisher = {北京图书馆出版社}, + pages = {16}, + address = {北京}, +} + +@Article{杨宗英1996-24-29, + author = {杨宗英}, + title = {电子图书馆的现实模型}, + journal = {中国图书馆学报}, + year = {1996}, + number = {2}, + pages = {24--29}, +} + +@Book{Baker1995--, + author = {Baker, S K and Jackson, M E}, + title = {The Future of Resource Sharing}, + year = {1995}, + publisher = {The Haworth Press}, + address = {New York}, +} + +@Book{Chernik1982--, + author = {Chernik, B E}, + title = {Introduction to Library Services for Library Technicians}, + year = {1982}, + publisher = {Libraries Unlimited, Inc.}, + address = {Littleton, Colo.}, +} + + +@Article{Dowler1995-5-26, + author = {Dowler, L}, + title = {The Research University’s Dilemma: Resource Sharing and Research in a Transinstitutional Environment}, + journal = {Journal of library administration}, + year = {1995}, + volume = {21}, + number = {1/2}, + pages = {5--26}, +} + + @Inproceedings{ref-replace-char, Title = {Cognitive Radio and Cooperative Strategies for Power Saving in Multi-Standard Wireless Devices}, Address = {Florence, Italy}, @@ -31,6 +111,28 @@ @Online{olnoauthoren Year = {2012-06-14} } +@Article{王临慧2010-147, + author = {王临慧 and others}, + title = {天津方言的源流关系刍议}, + journal = {山西师范大学学报(社会科学版)}, + year = {2010}, + volume = {37}, + number = {4}, + pages = {147}, +} + + +@InProceedings{王临慧2010-138, + author = {王临慧}, + title = {从几组声母的演变看天津方言形成的自然条件和历史条件}, + bookauthor= {曹志耘}, + booktitle = {汉语方言的地理语言学研究:首届中国地理语言学国际学术研讨会论文集}, + year = {2010}, + publisher = {北京语言大学出版社}, + pages = {138}, + address = {北京}, +} + @Book{王夫之1845--, Title = {宋论}, Author = {王夫之}, @@ -205,8 +307,7 @@ @Article{KENNEDY1975-311-386 } @Article{KENNEDY1975-339-360, - Title = {Morphology and genesis of nodular chalks and hardgrounds in the Upper - Cretacesous of southern England}, + Title = {Morphology and genesis of nodular phosphates in the cenomanian of South-east England}, Author = {W. J. KENNEDY and R. E. GARRISON}, Date = {1975}, Journaltitle = {Lethaia}, @@ -232,6 +333,50 @@ @Book{IFLAI1977-- Location = {London} } + +@InProceedings{张忠智1997-33-34, + author = {张忠智}, + title = {科技书刊的总编(主编)的角色要求}, + booktitle = {中国科学技术期刊编辑学会建会十周年学术研讨会论文汇编}, + year = {1997}, + editor = {中国科学技术期刊编辑学会}, + publisher = {中国科学技术期刊编辑学会学术委员会}, + pages = {33--34}, + address = {北京}, +} + +@Book{中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室1996--, + author = {中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室}, + title = {现代汉语词典}, + year = {1996}, + edition = {修订本}, + publisher = {商务印书馆}, + address = {北京}, +} + + +@Article{刘彻东1998-38-39, + Title = {中国的青年刊物}, + Author = {刘彻东}, + Date = {1998}, + Journaltitle = {中国出版}, + Number = {5}, + Pages = {38-39}, + Titleaddon = {个性特色为本} +} + +@InProceedings{裴丽生1981-2-10, + author = {裴丽生}, + title = {在中国科协学术期刊编辑工作经验交流会上的讲话}, + booktitle = {中国科协学术期刊编辑工作经验交流会资料选}, + year = {1981}, + editor = {中国科学技术协会}, + publisher = {中国科学技术协会学会工作部}, + pages = {2--10}, + address = {北京}, +} + + @Article{亚洲地质图编目组1978-194-208, Title = {亚洲地层与地质历史概述}, Author = {亚洲地质图编目组}, @@ -263,6 +408,513 @@ @Inbook{陈晋镳1980-56-114 Year = {1980} } +@Article{Sunstein1996-903-903, + author = {Sunstein, Cass R.}, + title = {Social Norms and Social Roles}, + journal = {Columbia law review}, + year = {1996}, + volume = {96}, + pages = {903}, + url = {http://www.heinonline.org/HOL/Page?handle=hein.journals/clr96&id=913&collection=journals&index=journals/clr}, + urldate = {2012-01-26}, +} + +@Book{罗杰斯2011-15-16, + author = {罗杰斯}, + title = {西方文明史: 问题与源头}, + year = {2011}, + translator = {潘惠霞 and 魏婧 and 杨艳 and others译}, + publisher = {东北财经大学出版社}, + pages = {15--16}, + address = {大连}, +} + +@Book{陈登原2000-29-29, + author = {陈登原}, + title = {国史旧闻:第1卷}, + year = {2000}, + publisher = {中华书局}, + pages = {29}, + address = {北京}, +} + +@Book{哈里森沃尔德伦2012-235-236, + author = {哈里森·沃尔德伦}, + title = {经济数学与金融数学}, + year = {2012}, + translator = {谢远涛}, + publisher = {中国人民大学出版社}, + pages = {235--236}, + address = {北京}, +} + +@Book{北京市政协民族和宗教委员会2012-112-112, + author = {北京市政协民族和宗教委员会 and 北京联合大学民族与宗教研究所}, + title = {历代王朝与民族宗教}, + year = {2012}, + publisher = {民族出版社}, + pages = {112}, + address = {北京}, +} + +@Standard{全国信息与文献标准化技术委员会2010-2-3, + author = {全国信息与文献标准化技术委员会}, + title = {都柏林核心元数据元素集:GB/T 25100—2010}, + year = {2010}, + address = {北京}, + pages = {2--3}, + publisher = {中国标准出版社}, + series = {信息与文献}, +} + +@Book{徐光宪2010--, + author = {徐光宪 and 王祥云}, + title = {物质结构}, + year = {2010}, + publisher = {科学出版社}, + address = {北京}, +} + +@Book{顾炎武1992--, + author = {顾炎武}, + title = {昌平山水记:京东考古录}, + year = {1992}, + publisher = {北京古籍出版社}, + address = {北京}, +} + +@Book{王夫之1865--, + author = {王夫之}, + title = {宋论}, + year = {1865(清同治四年)}, + edition = {刻本}, + publisher = {湘乡曾国荃}, + address = {金陵}, +} + +@Proceedings{牛志明2012--, + title = {综合湿地管理国际研讨会论文集}, + year = {2012}, + editor = {牛志明 and 斯温兰德 and 雷光春}, + publisher = {海洋出版社}, + address = {北京}, +} + +@Archive{中国第一历史档案馆2001--, + author = {中国第一历史档案馆 and 辽宁省档案馆}, + title = {中国明朝档案总汇}, + year = {2001}, + address = {桂林}, + publisher = {广西师范大学出版社}, +} + +@PhdThesis{杨保军2012--, + author = {杨保军}, + title = {新闻道德论}, + year = {2012}, + url = {http://apabi.lib.pku.edu.cn/usp/pku/pub.mvc?pid=book.detail&metaid=m.20101104-BPO-889-1023&cult=CN}, + urldate = {2012-11-01}, + address = {北京}, + publisher = {中国人民大学出版社}, +} + +@Book{赵学功2001--, + author = {赵学功}, + title = {当代美国外交}, + year = {2001}, + publisher = {社会科学文献出版社}, + url = {http://www.cadal.zju.edu.cn/book/trySinglePage/33023884/1}, + urldate = {2014-06-11}, + address = {北京}, +} + +@Book{同济大学土木工程防灾国家重点实验室2011-5-6, + author = {同济大学土木工程防灾国家重点实验室}, + title = {汶川地震灾害研究}, + year = {2011}, + publisher = {同济大学出版社}, + pages = {5--6}, + url = {http://apabi.lib.pku.edu.cn/usp/pku/pub.mvc?pid=book.detail&metaid=m.20120406-YPT-889-0010}, + urldate = {2013-05-09}, + address = {上海}, +} + +@Book{中国造纸学会2003--, + author = {中国造纸学会}, + title = {中国造纸年鉴:2003}, + year = {2003}, + publisher = {中国轻工业出版社}, + url = {http://www.cadal.zju.edu.cn/book/view/25010080}, + urldate = {2014-04-25}, + address = {北京}, +} + +@Book{Peebles2001--, + author = {Peebles, Jr, Peyton Z.}, + title = {Probability, Random Variables, and Random Signal Principles}, + year = {2001}, + edition = {4}, + publisher = {McGraw-Hill}, + address = {New York}, +} + +@Proceedings{Yufin2000--, + title = {Geoecology and Computers: Proceedings of the {Third International Conference on Advances of Computer Methods in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Moscow, Russia, February 1--4, 2000}}, + year = {2000}, + editor = {Yufin, Sergey A}, + publisher = {A. 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STIEG}, @@ -273,15 +925,7 @@ @Article{STIEG1981-549-560 Volume = {42} } -@Inproceedings{裴丽生1981-2-10, - Title = {在中国科协技术期刊编辑工作经验交流会上的讲话}, - Author = {裴丽生}, - Booktitle = {中国科协学术期刊编辑工作经验交流会资料选}, - Date = {1981}, - Pages = {2-10}, - Institution = {中国科学技术协会学会工作部}, - Location = {北京} -} + @Article{Milstein1982-436-446, Title = {The effect of multiple-tone interfering signals on a direct sequence spread spectrum communication system}, @@ -559,14 +1203,7 @@ @Book{国家环境保护局科技标准司1996-2-3 Year = {1996} } -@Book{中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室1996--, - Title = {现代汉语词典}, - Author = {中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室}, - Date = {1996}, - Edition = {修订本}, - Publisher = {商务印书馆}, - Location = {北京} -} + @Inbook{钟文发1996-468-471, Title = {非线性规划在可燃毒物配置中的应用}, @@ -589,15 +1226,7 @@ @Inproceedings{Nemec1997-209-214 Year = {1997} } -@Inproceedings{张忠智1997-33-34, - Title = {科技书刊的总编(主编)的角色要求}, - Author = {张忠智}, - Booktitle = {中国科学技术期刊编辑学会建会十周年学术研讨会论文汇编}, - Date = {1997}, - Pages = {33-34}, - Institution = {中国科学技术期刊编辑学会学术委员会}, - Location = {北京} -} + @Article{Andrisano1998-1383-1401, Title = {Millimeter waves for short-range multimedia communication systems}, @@ -659,15 +1288,7 @@ @Book{蒋有绪1998-- Year = {1998} } -@Article{刘彻东1998-38-39, - Title = {中国的青年刊物}, - Author = {刘彻东}, - Date = {1998}, - Journaltitle = {中国出版}, - Number = {5}, - Pages = {38-39}, - Titleaddon = {个性特色为本} -} + @Article{鲁明羽1998-290-295, Title = {关于数据库系统数据词典的重要作用}, @@ -718,15 +1339,15 @@ @Article{Dardari1999-1709-1721 Year = {1999} } -@Inbook{程根伟1999-32-36, - Title = {1998年长江洪水的成因与减灾对策}, - Author = {程根伟}, - Bookauthor = {许厚泽 and 赵其国}, - Booktitle = {长江流域洪涝灾害与科技对策}, - Pages = {32-36}, - Publisher = {科学出版社}, - Location = {北京}, - Year = {1999} +@InBook{程根伟1999-32-36a, + author = {程根伟}, + title = {1998年长江洪水的成因与减灾对策}, + booktitle = {长江流域洪涝灾害与科技对策}, + year = {1999}, + bookauthor = {许厚泽 and 赵其国}, + publisher = {科学出版社}, + location = {北京}, + pages = {32-36}, } @Article{江向东1999-4-4, @@ -1085,21 +1706,21 @@ @Book{余敏2001-179-193c Location = {北京} } -@Book{赵学功2001--, - Title = {当代美国外交}, - Author = {赵学功}, - Publisher = {社会科学文献出版社}, - Url = {http://www.baidu.com}, - Urldate = {2014-06-11}, - Year = {2001} +@Book{赵学功2001--a, + author = {赵学功}, + title = {当代美国外交}, + year = {2001}, + publisher = {社会科学文献出版社}, + url = {http://www.baidu.com}, + urldate = {2014-06-11}, } -@Manual{中国第一历史档案馆2001--, - Title = {中国明朝档案总汇}, - Author = {中国第一历史档案馆 and 辽宁省档案馆}, - Address = {桂林}, - Organization = {广西师范大学出版社}, - Year = {2001} +@Manual{中国第一历史档案馆2001--a, + author = {中国第一历史档案馆 and 辽宁省档案馆}, + title = {中国明朝档案总汇}, + year = {2001}, + organization = {广西师范大学出版社}, + address = {桂林}, } @Article{郜宪林2001-114-116, @@ -1218,13 +1839,13 @@ @Book{张伯伟2002-- Year = {2002} } -@Patent{西安电子科技大学2002--, - Title = {光折变自适应光外差探测方法}, - Author = {西安电子科技大学}, - Date = {2002-03-06}, - Number = {01128777.2}, - Url = {}, - Urldate = {2002-05-28} +@Patent{西安电子科技大学2002--a, + author = {西安电子科技大学}, + title = {光折变自适应光外差探测方法}, + number = {01128777.2}, + date = {2002-03-06}, + url = {}, + urldate = {2002-05-28}, } @Patent{TACHIBANA2002--, @@ -1756,12 +2377,21 @@ @Article{储大同2010-721-724 Number = {10}, Pages = {721-724}, Volume = {32}, - Doi = {10.7666/d.y351065}, Url = {http://www.sohu.com}, Urldate = {2014-06-25}, Year = {2010} } +@book{weiner2010-38, + Title = {Microarchaeology: beyond the visible archaeological record}, + Author = {Weiner, S}, + Address = {Cambridge, Eng.}, + Date = {2010}, + Publisher = {Cambridge University Press Textbooks}, + Url = {http://lib.MYLIB.COM/OPEN.aspx?id=253897}, + Urldate = {2013-10-14}, +} + @Article{储大同2010-721-724m, Title = {恶性肿瘤个体化治疗靶向药物的临床表现}, Author = {储大同}, @@ -1890,15 +2520,15 @@ @Proceedings{陈志勇2011-- Year = {2011} } -@Inproceedings{贾东琴2011-45-52, - Title = {面向数字素养的高校图书馆数字服务体系研究}, - Address = {北京}, - Author = {贾东琴 and 柯平}, - Bookauthor = {中国图书馆学会}, - Booktitle = {中国图书馆学会年会论文集:2011年卷}, - Pages = {45-52}, - Publisher = {国家图书馆出版社}, - Year = {2011} +@InProceedings{贾东琴2011-45-52a, + author = {贾东琴 and 柯平}, + title = {面向数字素养的高校图书馆数字服务体系研究}, + booktitle = {中国图书馆学会年会论文集:2011年卷}, + year = {2011}, + publisher = {国家图书馆出版社}, + pages = {45-52}, + address = {北京}, + bookauthor = {中国图书馆学会}, } @Inbook{楼梦麟2011-11-12, @@ -1925,14 +2555,14 @@ @Thesis{马欢2011-27-27 Year = {2011} } -@Inbook{王夫之2011-1109-1109, - Title = {周易外传:卷5}, - Bookauthor = {王夫之}, - Booktitle = {船山全书:第6册}, - Pages = {1109}, - Publisher = {岳麓书社}, - Location = {长沙}, - Year = {2011} +@InBook{2011-1109-1109, + title = {周易外传:卷5}, + booktitle = {船山全书:第6册}, + year = {2011}, + bookauthor = {王夫之}, + publisher = {岳麓书社}, + location = {长沙}, + pages = {1109}, } @Book{胡伟2011--, @@ -2153,15 +2783,15 @@ @Book{LIU2003-- Year = {2003} } -@Inbook{马克思2013-302-302, - Title = {政治经济学批判}, - Address = {北京}, - Author = {马克思}, - Bookauthor = {马克思 and 恩格斯}, - Booktitle = {马克思恩格斯全集:第35卷}, - Pages = {302}, - Publisher = {人民出版社}, - Year = {2013} +@InBook{马克思2013-302-302a, + author = {马克思}, + title = {政治经济学批判}, + booktitle = {马克思恩格斯全集:第35卷}, + year = {2013}, + bookauthor = {马克思 and 恩格斯}, + publisher = {人民出版社}, + pages = {302}, + address = {北京}, } @Article{杨洪升2013-56-75, @@ -2423,11 +3053,11 @@ @Online{JabRefManual-- Url = {http://blog.csdn.net/zd0303/article/details/7676807} } -@Online{OCLC--, - Title = {History of OCLC}, - Author = {{Online Computer Library Center, Inc.}}, - Url = {http://www.oclc.org/about/history/default.htm}, - Urldate = {2000-01-08} +@Online{OCLC--a, + author = {{Online Computer Library Center, Inc.}}, + title = {History of OCLC}, + url = {http://www.oclc.org/about/history/default.htm}, + urldate = {2000-01-08}, } @Book{Parsons2000nodate--, @@ -2586,17 +3216,6 @@ @Book{booknopubitems Pages = {50-63} } -@comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:biblatex;} - -@comment{jabref-entrytype: Collection: req[author;title;location;publisher;date] opt[]} - -@comment{jabref-entrytype: Newspaper: req[] opt[]} - -@comment{jabref-entrytype: Online: req[author;title;date;url;urldate;publisher] opt[doi]} - -@comment{jabref-entrytype: Report: req[author;title;type;number;address;institution;date;pages] opt[url;urldate;doi;subtitle]} - -@comment{jabref-entrytype: Thesis: req[author;title;type;address;institution;date;pages] opt[url;urldate;doi]} - -@comment{jabref-entrytype: Www: req[;author;title;url;urldate] opt[]} +@Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:biblatex;} +@Comment{jabref-entrytype: Newspaper: req[] opt[]} diff --git a/example/makefileeg.bat b/example/makefileeg.bat index b1e1bdf..16ec618 100644 --- a/example/makefileeg.bat +++ b/example/makefileeg.bat @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ IF NOT EXIST gb7714-2015.bbx ( +copy ..\example.bib . /y copy ..\gb7714-2015.bbx . /y copy ..\gb7714-2015.cbx . /y copy ..\gb7714-2015ay.bbx . /y diff --git a/gb7714-2015-gbk.def b/gb7714-2015-gbk.def index c78fd53..249c3a4 100644 --- a/gb7714-2015-gbk.def +++ b/gb7714-2015-gbk.def @@ -17,3 +17,6 @@ \def\str@noaddress{ز} \def\str@nopublisher{߲} \def\str@edition{} + \def\str@volumecn{} + \def\str@numbercn{} + \def\str@serialcn{} diff --git a/gb7714-2015.bbx b/gb7714-2015.bbx index 5f49952..8d88282 100644 --- a/gb7714-2015.bbx +++ b/gb7714-2015.bbx @@ -241,6 +241,9 @@ \def\str@noaddress{出版地不详} \def\str@nopublisher{出版者不详} \def\str@edition{版} + \def\str@volumecn{卷} + \def\str@numbercn{册} + \def\str@serialcn{第} \AtEndOfPackage{% \iftoggle{bbx:codegbk}{% @@ -548,6 +551,9 @@ \NewBibliographyString{andcn} \NewBibliographyString{andincitecn} \NewBibliographyString{andincite} + \NewBibliographyString{volumecn} + \NewBibliographyString{numbercn} + \NewBibliographyString{serialcn} % % 修改一些当地化字符串 @@ -571,6 +577,9 @@ backrefpage = {\str@backrefpage:}, backrefpages = {\str@backrefpages:}, in={in\intitlepunct}, + volumecn={\str@volumecn}, + numbercn={\str@numbercn}, + serialcn={\str@serialcn} } @@ -632,22 +641,32 @@ \map{ \pertype{database}%对应增加的一个数据库类型database \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={DB}]%没有专门的驱动,定义一个usera域,方便映射后使用 + \step[fieldsource=publisher] %有时会把publisher和institution混淆,处理后避免该问题 + \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{dataset}%对应增加的一个数据集类型dataset \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={DS}]%没有专门的驱动,定义一个usera域,方便映射后使用 + \step[fieldsource=publisher] %有时会把publisher和institution混淆,处理后避免该问题 + \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{software}%对应增加的一个软件类型software \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={CP}]%没有专门的驱动,定义一个usera域,方便映射后使用 + \step[fieldsource=publisher] %有时会把publisher和institution混淆,处理后避免该问题 + \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{map}%对应增加的一个舆图类型map \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={CM}]%没有专门的驱动,定义一个usera域,方便映射后使用 + \step[fieldsource=publisher] %有时会把publisher和institution混淆,处理后避免该问题 + \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{archive}%对应增加的一个档案类型archive \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={A}]%没有专门的驱动,定义一个usera域,方便映射后使用 + \step[fieldsource=publisher] %有时会把publisher和institution混淆,处理后避免该问题 + \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{misc}%当misc类型带有网址时,将其转换为online类型 @@ -703,6 +722,8 @@ \pertype{mastersthesis}%兼容老的mastersthesis和phdthesis类型 \pertype{phdthesis} \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={D}] + \step[fieldsource=publisher] %有时会把publisher和institution混淆,处理后避免该问题 + \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{online} @@ -715,12 +736,16 @@ \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={A}] \step[fieldsource=edition] %有时会把version和edition混淆,处理后避免该问题,可以直接用version \step[fieldset=version, origfieldval] + \step[fieldsource=publisher] %有时会把publisher和institution混淆,处理后避免该问题 + \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] \step[fieldsource=organization]%因为用的report的驱动,所以需要institution域,把organization转成它以增强兼容性 \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{incollection} \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={G}] + \step[fieldsource=editor] %%有的时候可能只填写了编者,没有author,把它复制一下 + \step[fieldset=bookauthor, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{collection} @@ -1905,6 +1930,31 @@ test {\iflistundef{location}} and test {\iflistundef{publisher}}% }% } +% +% 对volume卷信息格式做出修改 +% v1.0o,20190105,hzz +% +\DeclareFieldFormat{volume}{% +\testCJKfirst{userd}% +\iftoggle{ifCJKforgbt}% +{\bibstring{serialcn}#1\bibstring{volumecn}}% +{\bibstring{volume}~#1}% +}% volume of a book +\DeclareFieldFormat[article,periodical]{volume}{#1}% volume of a journal + +% +% 对number册信息格式做出修改 +% v1.0o,20190105,hzz +% +\DeclareFieldFormat{number}{#1}% +\DeclareFieldFormat[book,collection,inbook,% +incollection,proceedings,inproceedings]{number}{% +\testCJKfirst{userd}% +\iftoggle{ifCJKforgbt}% +{\bibstring{serialcn}#1\bibstring{numbercn}}% +{#1}% +}% + % % 对edition版本信息格式做出修改 % @@ -2220,11 +2270,11 @@ test {\iflistundef{location}} and test {\iflistundef{publisher}}% \newunit \printfield{edition}% \newunit\newblock%% +\iftoggle{bbx:gbstrict}{}{% \iffieldundef{maintitle}% {\printfield{volume}% \printfield{part}}% {}% -\iftoggle{bbx:gbstrict}{}{% \newunit% \printfield{volumes}% \newunit\newblock% @@ -2280,20 +2330,22 @@ test {\iflistundef{location}} and test {\iflistundef{publisher}}% \ifnameundef{bookauthor}{}{\newunit}%替换下一句 %\newunit\newblock \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}% + \setunit{\addcolon}\printfield{volume}\printfield{number}%增加卷和册信息 \newunit\newblock % \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}% % \newunit\newblock \printfield{edition}% \newunit - \iffieldundef{maintitle} - {\printfield{volume}% - \printfield{part}} - {}% - \newunit +\iftoggle{bbx:gbstrict}{}{% +% \iffieldundef{maintitle} +% {\printfield{volume}% +% \printfield{part}} +% {}% +% \newunit \printfield{volumes}% \newunit\newblock \usebibmacro{series+number}% - \newunit\newblock + \newunit\newblock} %\printfield{note}% %\newunit\newblock \usebibmacro{publisher+location+date}% @@ -2698,17 +2750,18 @@ test {\iflistundef{location}} and test {\iflistundef{publisher}}% \ifnameundef{bookauthor}{}{\newunit}%替换下一句 %\newunit\newblock \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}% + \setunit{\addcolon}\printfield{volume}\printfield{number}%增加卷和册信息 \newunit\newblock \usebibmacro{event+venue+date}% \newunit\newblock % \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}% % \newunit\newblock \iftoggle{bbx:gbstrict}{}{% - \iffieldundef{maintitle} - {\printfield{volume}% - \printfield{part}} - {}% - \newunit +% \iffieldundef{maintitle} +% {\printfield{volume}% +% \printfield{part}} +% {}% +% \newunit \printfield{volumes}% \newunit\newblock \usebibmacro{series+number}% @@ -2814,17 +2867,18 @@ test {\iflistundef{location}} and test {\iflistundef{publisher}}% \ifnameundef{bookauthor}{}{\newunit}%替换下一句\newblock %\newunit\newblock \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}%}% + \setunit{\addcolon}\printfield{volume}\printfield{number}%增加卷和册信息 \newunit\newblock % \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}% % \newunit\newblock \printfield{edition}% \newunit - \iffieldundef{maintitle} - {\printfield{volume}% - \printfield{part}} - {}% \iftoggle{bbx:gbstrict}{}{% - \newunit +% \iffieldundef{maintitle} +% {\printfield{volume}% +% \printfield{part}} +% {}% +% \newunit \printfield{volumes}% \newunit\newblock \usebibmacro{series+number}}% diff --git a/gb7714-2015ay.bbx b/gb7714-2015ay.bbx index 19369f0..c318022 100644 --- a/gb7714-2015ay.bbx +++ b/gb7714-2015ay.bbx @@ -237,6 +237,9 @@ \def\str@noaddress{出版地不详} \def\str@nopublisher{出版者不详} \def\str@edition{版} + \def\str@volumecn{卷} + \def\str@numbercn{册} + \def\str@serialcn{第} \AtEndOfPackage{% \iftoggle{bbx:codegbk}{% @@ -334,7 +337,7 @@ minbibnames=3, isbn=false, sorting=gb7714-2015, - sortlocale=zh__pinyin, + sortlocale=zh__pinyin,%zh__big5han,%zh__stroke,%zh__gb2312han,%zh__pinyin, } % @@ -518,6 +521,9 @@ \NewBibliographyString{andcn} \NewBibliographyString{andincitecn} \NewBibliographyString{andincite} + \NewBibliographyString{volumecn} + \NewBibliographyString{numbercn} + \NewBibliographyString{serialcn} % % 修改一些当地化字符串 @@ -540,6 +546,9 @@ backrefpage = {\str@backrefpage:}, backrefpages = {\str@backrefpages:}, in={in\intitlepunct}, + volumecn={\str@volumecn}, + numbercn={\str@numbercn}, + serialcn={\str@serialcn} } @@ -600,22 +609,32 @@ \map{ \pertype{database}%对应增加的一个数据库类型database \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={DB}]%没有专门的驱动,定义一个usera域,方便映射后使用 + \step[fieldsource=publisher] %有时会把publisher和institution混淆,处理后避免该问题 + \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{dataset}%对应增加的一个数据集类型dataset \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={DS}]%没有专门的驱动,定义一个usera域,方便映射后使用 + \step[fieldsource=publisher] %有时会把publisher和institution混淆,处理后避免该问题 + \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{software}%对应增加的一个软件类型software \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={CP}]%没有专门的驱动,定义一个usera域,方便映射后使用 + \step[fieldsource=publisher] %有时会把publisher和institution混淆,处理后避免该问题 + \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{map}%对应增加的一个舆图类型map \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={CM}]%没有专门的驱动,定义一个usera域,方便映射后使用 + \step[fieldsource=publisher] %有时会把publisher和institution混淆,处理后避免该问题 + \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{archive}%对应增加的一个档案类型archive \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={A}]%没有专门的驱动,定义一个usera域,方便映射后使用 + \step[fieldsource=publisher] %有时会把publisher和institution混淆,处理后避免该问题 + \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{misc}%当misc类型带有网址时,将其转换为online类型 @@ -671,6 +690,8 @@ \pertype{mastersthesis}%兼容老的mastersthesis和phdthesis类型 \pertype{phdthesis} \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={D}] + \step[fieldsource=publisher] %有时会把publisher和institution混淆,处理后避免该问题 + \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{online} @@ -685,10 +706,14 @@ \step[fieldset=version, origfieldval] \step[fieldsource=organization]%因为用的report的驱动,所以需要institution域,把organization转成它以增强兼容性 \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] + \step[fieldsource=publisher] %有时会把publisher和institution混淆,处理后避免该问题 + \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{incollection} \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={G}] + \step[fieldsource=editor] %%有的时候可能只填写了编者,没有author,把它复制一下 + \step[fieldset=bookauthor, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{collection} @@ -2041,6 +2066,31 @@ test {\iflistundef{location}} and test {\iflistundef{publisher}}% } +% +% 对volume卷信息格式做出修改 +% v1.0o,20190105,hzz +% +\DeclareFieldFormat{volume}{% +\testCJKfirst{userd}% +\iftoggle{ifCJKforgbt}% +{\bibstring{serialcn}#1\bibstring{volumecn}}% +{\bibstring{volume}~#1}% +}% volume of a book +\DeclareFieldFormat[article,periodical]{volume}{#1}% volume of a journal + +% +% 对number册信息格式做出修改 +% v1.0o,20190105,hzz +% +\DeclareFieldFormat{number}{#1}% +\DeclareFieldFormat[book,collection,inbook,% +incollection,proceedings,inproceedings]{number}{% +\testCJKfirst{userd}% +\iftoggle{ifCJKforgbt}% +{\bibstring{serialcn}#1\bibstring{numbercn}}% +{#1}% +}% + % % 对edition版本信息格式做出修改 % @@ -2432,7 +2482,7 @@ test {\iflistundef{location}} and test {\iflistundef{publisher}}% % % 原理方法:使用bibmacro{in:}改变了以前在driver中直接输出//的方式,同时也简化了标点控制。 \renewbibmacro*{in:}{% - \iftoggle{bbx:gbpunctin}{\printtext{\texttt{//}\addthinspace}}% + \iftoggle{bbx:gbpunctin}{\printtext{\texttt{//}\allowbreak}}%\addthinspace {\setunit{\adddot\addspace}\printtext{\bibstring{in}}}}%\newunit\newblock\intitlepunct @@ -2510,20 +2560,22 @@ test {\iflistundef{location}} and test {\iflistundef{publisher}}% \ifnameundef{bookauthor}{}{\newunit}%替换下一句 %\newunit\newblock \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}% + \setunit{\addcolon}\printfield{volume}\printfield{number}%增加卷和册信息 \newunit\newblock % \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}% % \newunit\newblock \printfield{edition}% \newunit - \iffieldundef{maintitle} - {\printfield{volume}% - \printfield{part}} - {}% - \newunit + \iftoggle{bbx:gbstrict}{}{% +% \iffieldundef{maintitle} +% {\printfield{volume}% +% \printfield{part}} +% {}% +% \newunit \printfield{volumes}% \newunit\newblock \usebibmacro{series+number}% - \newunit\newblock + \newunit\newblock} %\printfield{note}% %\newunit\newblock \usebibmacro{publisher+location+date}% @@ -2917,17 +2969,18 @@ test {\iflistundef{location}} and test {\iflistundef{publisher}}% \ifnameundef{bookauthor}{}{\newunit}%替换下一句 %\newunit\newblock \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}% + \setunit{\addcolon}\printfield{volume}\printfield{number}%增加卷和册信息 \newunit\newblock \usebibmacro{event+venue+date}% \newunit\newblock % \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}% % \newunit\newblock \iftoggle{bbx:gbstrict}{}{% - \iffieldundef{maintitle} - {\printfield{volume}% - \printfield{part}} - {}% - \newunit +% \iffieldundef{maintitle} +% {\printfield{volume}% +% \printfield{part}} +% {}% +% \newunit \printfield{volumes}% \newunit\newblock \usebibmacro{series+number}% @@ -3027,17 +3080,18 @@ test {\iflistundef{location}} and test {\iflistundef{publisher}}% \ifnameundef{bookauthor}{}{\newunit}%替换下一句 %\newunit\newblock \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}% + \setunit{\addcolon}\printfield{volume}\printfield{number}%增加卷和册信息 \newunit\newblock% % \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}% % \newunit\newblock \printfield{edition}% \newunit - \iffieldundef{maintitle} - {\printfield{volume}% - \printfield{part}} - {}% \iftoggle{bbx:gbstrict}{}{% - \newunit +% \iffieldundef{maintitle} +% {\printfield{volume}% +% \printfield{part}} +% {}% +% \newunit \printfield{volumes}% \newunit\newblock \usebibmacro{series+number}}% diff --git a/gb7714-2015ms.bbx b/gb7714-2015ms.bbx index 7937bd9..7a8e34f 100644 --- a/gb7714-2015ms.bbx +++ b/gb7714-2015ms.bbx @@ -135,6 +135,9 @@ \def\str@noaddress{出版地不详} \def\str@nopublisher{出版者不详} \def\str@edition{版} + \def\str@volumecn{卷} + \def\str@numbercn{册} + \def\str@serialcn{第} \AtEndOfPackage{% \iftoggle{bbx:codegbk}{% @@ -360,6 +363,9 @@ \NewBibliographyString{andcn} \NewBibliographyString{andincitecn} \NewBibliographyString{andincite} + \NewBibliographyString{volumecn} + \NewBibliographyString{numbercn} + \NewBibliographyString{serialcn} % % 修改一些当地化字符串 @@ -382,6 +388,9 @@ backrefpage = {\str@backrefpage:}, backrefpages = {\str@backrefpages:}, in={in\intitlepunct}, + volumecn={\str@volumecn}, + numbercn={\str@numbercn}, + serialcn={\str@serialcn} } @@ -443,22 +452,32 @@ \map{ \pertype{database}%对应增加的一个数据库类型database \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={DB}]%没有专门的驱动,定义一个usera域,方便映射后使用 + \step[fieldsource=publisher] %有时会把publisher和institution混淆,处理后避免该问题 + \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{dataset}%对应增加的一个数据集类型dataset \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={DS}]%没有专门的驱动,定义一个usera域,方便映射后使用 + \step[fieldsource=publisher] %有时会把publisher和institution混淆,处理后避免该问题 + \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{software}%对应增加的一个软件类型software \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={CP}]%没有专门的驱动,定义一个usera域,方便映射后使用 + \step[fieldsource=publisher] %有时会把publisher和institution混淆,处理后避免该问题 + \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{map}%对应增加的一个舆图类型map \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={CM}]%没有专门的驱动,定义一个usera域,方便映射后使用 + \step[fieldsource=publisher] %有时会把publisher和institution混淆,处理后避免该问题 + \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{archive}%对应增加的一个档案类型archive \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={A}]%没有专门的驱动,定义一个usera域,方便映射后使用 + \step[fieldsource=publisher] %有时会把publisher和institution混淆,处理后避免该问题 + \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{misc}%当misc类型带有网址时,将其转换为online类型 @@ -514,6 +533,8 @@ \pertype{mastersthesis}%兼容老的mastersthesis和phdthesis类型 \pertype{phdthesis} \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={D}] + \step[fieldsource=publisher] %有时会把publisher和institution混淆,处理后避免该问题 + \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{online} @@ -528,10 +549,14 @@ \step[fieldset=version, origfieldval] \step[fieldsource=organization]%因为用的report的驱动,所以需要institution域,把organization转成它以增强兼容性 \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] + \step[fieldsource=publisher] %有时会把publisher和institution混淆,处理后避免该问题 + \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{incollection} \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={G}] + \step[fieldsource=editor] %%有的时候可能只填写了编者,没有author,把它复制一下 + \step[fieldset=bookauthor, origfieldval] } \map{ \pertype{collection} @@ -1405,6 +1430,31 @@ test {\iflistundef{location}} and test {\iflistundef{publisher}}% }% } +% +% 对volume卷信息格式做出修改 +% v1.0o,20190105,hzz +% +\DeclareFieldFormat{volume}{% +\testCJKfirst{userd}% +\iftoggle{ifCJKforgbt}% +{\bibstring{serialcn}#1\bibstring{volumecn}}% +{\bibstring{volume}~#1}% +}% volume of a book +\DeclareFieldFormat[article,periodical]{volume}{#1}% volume of a journal + +% +% 对number册信息格式做出修改 +% v1.0o,20190105,hzz +% +\DeclareFieldFormat{number}{#1}% +\DeclareFieldFormat[book,collection,inbook,% +incollection,proceedings,inproceedings]{number}{% +\testCJKfirst{userd}% +\iftoggle{ifCJKforgbt}% +{\bibstring{serialcn}#1\bibstring{numbercn}}% +{#1}% +}% + % % 对edition版本信息格式做出修改 % @@ -1732,20 +1782,22 @@ test {\iflistundef{location}} and test {\iflistundef{publisher}}% \ifnameundef{bookauthor}{}{\newunit}%替换下一句 %\newunit\newblock \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}% - \newunit\newblock + \setunit{\addcolon}\printfield{volume}\printfield{number}%增加卷和册信息 + \newunit % \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}% % \newunit\newblock \printfield{edition}% - \newunit - \iffieldundef{maintitle} - {\printfield{volume}% - \printfield{part}} - {}% - \newunit + \newunit\newblock + \iftoggle{bbx:gbstrict}{}{% +% \iffieldundef{maintitle} +% {\printfield{volume}% +% \printfield{part}} +% {}% +% \newunit \printfield{volumes}% \newunit\newblock \usebibmacro{series+number}% - \newunit\newblock + \newunit\newblock} %\printfield{note}% %\newunit\newblock \usebibmacro{publisher+location+date}% @@ -2151,17 +2203,18 @@ test {\iflistundef{location}} and test {\iflistundef{publisher}}% \ifnameundef{bookauthor}{}{\newunit}%替换下一句 %\newunit\newblock \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}% - \newunit\newblock + \setunit{\addcolon}\printfield{volume}\printfield{number}%增加卷和册信息 + \newunit \usebibmacro{event+venue+date}% \newunit\newblock % \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}% % \newunit\newblock \iftoggle{bbx:gbstrict}{}{% - \iffieldundef{maintitle} - {\printfield{volume}% - \printfield{part}} - {}% - \newunit +% \iffieldundef{maintitle} +% {\printfield{volume}% +% \printfield{part}} +% {}% +% \newunit \printfield{volumes}% \newunit\newblock \usebibmacro{series+number}% @@ -2267,17 +2320,18 @@ test {\iflistundef{location}} and test {\iflistundef{publisher}}% \ifnameundef{bookauthor}{}{\newunit}%替换下一句\newblock %\newunit\newblock \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}%}% - \newunit\newblock +\setunit{\addcolon}\printfield{volume}\printfield{number}%增加卷和册信息 + \newunit % \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}% % \newunit\newblock \printfield{edition}% \newunit - \iffieldundef{maintitle} - {\printfield{volume}% - \printfield{part}} - {}% \iftoggle{bbx:gbstrict}{}{% - \newunit +% \iffieldundef{maintitle} +% {\printfield{volume}% +% \printfield{part}} +% {}% +% \newunit \printfield{volumes}% \newunit\newblock \usebibmacro{series+number}}% diff --git a/makeclear.bat b/makeclear.bat index b1ff419..df15e17 100644 --- a/makeclear.bat +++ b/makeclear.bat @@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ del *.def /Q del *.pdf /Q +del *.bib /Q + cd .. cd egfigure @@ -38,5 +40,7 @@ del *.def /Q del *.pdf /Q +del *.bib /Q + cd .. \ No newline at end of file