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How to make a new release (maintainer info)

Release schedule

The xPack GNU RISC-V Embedded GCC release schedule will follow the GNU release schedule.

Prepare the build

Before starting the build, perform some checks and tweaks.

Check Git

  • switch to the xpack-develop branch
  • if needed, merge the xpack branch

Identify the main GCC version

Determine the GCC version (like 12.1.0) and update the scripts/VERSION file; the format is 12.2.0-1. The fourth digit is the number of the the xPack GNU RISC-V Embedded GCC release number of this version.

Update versions in README files

  • update version in
  • update version in
  • update version in

Fix possible open issues

Check GitHub issues and pull requests:

and fix them; assign them to a milestone (like 12.2.0-1).


Normally should not need changes, but better check. Information related to the new version should not be included here, but in the version specific release page.


  • open the file
  • check if all previous fixed issues are in
  • add a new entry like - v12.2.0-1 prepared
  • commit with a message like prepare v12.2.0-1

Note: if you missed to update the before starting the build, edit the file and rerun the build, it should take only a few minutes to recreate the archives with the correct file.

Update the version specific code

  • open the file
  • add a new if with the new version before the existing code
  • update the versions, branch names and commit ids

Update helper

With a git client, go to the helper repo and update to the latest master commit.


Before starting the build, perform some checks.

Development run the build scripts

Before the real build, run a test build on the development machine (wksi) or the production machines (xbbma, xbbmi):

sudo rm -rf ~/Work/riscv-none-elf-gcc-*-*

caffeinate bash ${HOME}/Work/riscv-none-elf-gcc-xpack.git/scripts/helper/ --develop --macos --disable-multilib

Similarly on the Intel Linux (xbbli):

bash ${HOME}/Work/riscv-none-elf-gcc-xpack.git/scripts/helper/ --develop --linux64 --disable-multilib

bash ${HOME}/Work/riscv-none-elf-gcc-xpack.git/scripts/helper/ --develop --win64 --disable-multilib

... on the Arm Linux 64-bit (xbbla64):

bash ${HOME}/Work/riscv-none-elf-gcc-xpack.git/scripts/helper/ --develop --arm64 --disable-multilib

... and on the Arm Linux (xbbla32):

bash ${HOME}/Work/riscv-none-elf-gcc-xpack.git/scripts/helper/ --develop --arm32 --disable-multilib

The builds (without multi-lib) may take up to 3h30:

  • xbbmi: 141 min
  • xbbma: 30 min
  • xbbli: 35 min for Linux, 16 min for Windows
  • xbbla64: 182 min
  • xbbla32: 189 min

Work on the scripts until all platforms pass the build.

Push the build scripts

  • push the xpack-develop branch to GitHub
  • possibly push the helper project too

From here it'll be cloned on the production machines.

Run the CI build

The automation is provided by GitHub Actions and three self-hosted runners.

It is recommended to do a first run without the multi-libs (see the file), test it, and, when ready, rerun the full build.

Run the generate-workflows to re-generate the GitHub workflow files; commit and push if necessary.

  • on the macOS machine (xbbmi) open ssh sessions to the build machines (xbbma, xbbli, xbbla64 and xbbla32):
caffeinate ssh xbbma
caffeinate ssh xbbli
caffeinate ssh xbbla64
caffeinate ssh xbbla32

Start the runner on all machines:

~/actions-runners/xpack-dev-tools/ &

Check that both the project Git and the submodule are pushed to GitHub.

To trigger the GitHub Actions build, use the xPack actions:

  • trigger-workflow-build-xbbli
  • trigger-workflow-build-xbbla64
  • trigger-workflow-build-xbbla32
  • trigger-workflow-build-xbbmi
  • trigger-workflow-build-xbbma

This is equivalent to:

bash ${HOME}/Work/riscv-none-elf-gcc-xpack.git/scripts/helper/ --machine xbbli
bash ${HOME}/Work/riscv-none-elf-gcc-xpack.git/scripts/helper/ --machine xbbla64
bash ${HOME}/Work/riscv-none-elf-gcc-xpack.git/scripts/helper/ --machine xbbla32
bash ${HOME}/Work/riscv-none-elf-gcc-xpack.git/scripts/helper/ --machine xbbmi
bash ${HOME}/Work/riscv-none-elf-gcc-xpack.git/scripts/helper/ --machine xbbma

These scripts require the GITHUB_API_DISPATCH_TOKEN variable to be present in the environment, and the organization PUBLISH_TOKEN to be visible in the Settings → Action → Secrets page.

These commands use the xpack-develop branch of this repo.

The builds may take almost 14 hours (3h10 without multilib):

  • xbbmi: 6h20 (1h10)
  • xbbma: 2h41 (30m)
  • xbbli: 3h30 (including Windows) (52m)
  • xbbla64: 12h51 (3h05)
  • xbbla32: 13h30 (3h10)

The workflows results and logs are available from the Actions page.

The resulting binaries are available for testing from pre-releases/test.


CI tests

The automation is provided by GitHub Actions.

On the macOS machine (xbbmi) open a ssh sessions to the Arm/Linux test machine xbbla:

caffeinate ssh xbbla

Start both runners (to allow the 32/64-bit tests to run in parallel):

~/actions-runners/xpack-dev-tools/1/ &
~/actions-runners/xpack-dev-tools/2/ &

To trigger the GitHub Actions tests, use the xPack actions:

  • trigger-workflow-test-prime
  • trigger-workflow-test-docker-linux-intel
  • trigger-workflow-test-docker-linux-arm

These are equivalent to:

bash ${HOME}/Work/riscv-none-elf-gcc-xpack.git/scripts/helper/tests/
bash ${HOME}/Work/riscv-none-elf-gcc-xpack.git/scripts/helper/tests/
bash ${HOME}/Work/riscv-none-elf-gcc-xpack.git/scripts/helper/tests/

These scripts require the GITHUB_API_DISPATCH_TOKEN variable to be present in the environment.

These actions use the xpack-develop branch of this repo and the pre-releases/test binaries.

The tests results are available from the Actions page.

Since GitHub Actions provides a single version of macOS, the multi-version macOS tests run on Travis.

To trigger the Travis test, use the xPack action:

  • trigger-travis-macos

This is equivalent to:

bash ${HOME}/Work/riscv-none-elf-gcc-xpack.git/scripts/helper/tests/

This script requires the TRAVIS_COM_TOKEN variable to be present in the environment.

The test results are available from Travis CI.

Manual tests

Install the binaries on all supported platforms and check if they are functional.

For this, on each platform (Mac, GNU/Linux, Windows):

  • download archive from pre-releases
  • unpack the archive in Downloads
  • on macOS it is necessary to remove the attribute of archive and possibly the expanded folder:
xattr -dr ~/Downloads/xpack-riscv-none-elf-gcc-*
  • rename the version folder, by replacing a dash with a space; this will test paths with spaces; on Windows the current paths always use spaces, so renaming is not needed
  • clone this repo locally; on Windows use the Git console
rm -rf ${HOME}/Work/riscv-none-elf-gcc-xpack.git; \
git clone \
  --branch xpack-develop \ \
  ${HOME}/Work/riscv-none-elf-gcc-xpack.git; \
git -C ${HOME}/Work/riscv-none-elf-gcc-xpack.git submodule update --init --recursive
  • in a separate workspace, Import → General → Existing Projects into Workspace the Eclipse projects available in the tests/eclipse folder of the build repo; more details in the
  • define the EclipsePreferences...MCUWorkspace RISC-V Toolchain path to use the Downloads temporary location
  • to test the compiler: for all projects
    • remove all build folders, or Clean all
    • build all configs, with the hammer, in riscv-h1b-fs
    • build all configs, with the hammer, in riscv-h1b-fs-lib; this should also run the builds in riscv-static-lib
  • to test the debugger: for all OpenOCD debug configurations
    • start the OpenOCD debug session,
    • single step a few lines (Step Over)
    • start continuous run (Resume)
    • halt (Suspend)
    • start (Resume)
    • stop (Terminate)
    • (don't miss the LTO cases, since in the past they had problems)
  • to test the Python debugger, start it with --version

Create a new GitHub pre-release draft

  • in, add the release date and a message like - v12.2.0-1 released
  • commit and push the xpack-develop branch
  • run the xPack action trigger-workflow-publish-release

The workflows results and logs are available from the Actions page.

The result is a draft pre-release tagged like v12.2.0-1 (mind the dash in the middle!) and named like xPack GNU RISC-V Embedded GCC v12.2.0-1 (mind the dash), with all binaries attached.

  • edit the draft and attach it to the xpack-develop branch (important!)
  • save the draft (do not publish yet!)

Prepare a new blog post

Run the xPack action generate-jekyll-post; this will leave a file on the Desktop.

In the xpack/web-jekyll GitHub repo:

  • select the develop branch
  • copy the new file to _posts/releases/riscv-none-elf-gcc

If any, refer to closed issues.

Update the preview Web

  • commit the develop branch of xpack/web-jekyll GitHub repo; use a message like xPack GNU RISC-V Embedded GCC v12.2.0-1 released
  • push to GitHub
  • wait for the GitHub Pages build to complete
  • the preview web is

Create the pre-release

  • go to the GitHub Releases page
  • perform the final edits and check if everything is fine
  • temporarily fill in the Continue Reading » with the URL of the web-preview release
  • keep the pre-release button enabled
  • do not enable Discussions yet
  • publish the release

Note: at this moment the system should send a notification to all clients watching this project.

Update the README-BUILD listings and examples

  • check and possibly update the ls -l output
  • check and possibly update the output of the --version runs
  • check and possibly update the output of tree -L 2
  • commit changes

Check the list of links

  • open the package.json file
  • check if the links in the bin property cover the actual binaries
  • if necessary, also check on Windows

Update package.json binaries

  • select the xpack-develop branch
  • run the xPack action update-package-binaries
  • open the package.json file
  • check the baseUrl: it should match the file URLs (including the tag/version); no terminating / is required
  • from the release, check the SHA & file names
  • compare the SHA sums with those shown by cat *.sha
  • check the executable names
  • commit all changes, use a message like package.json: update urls for 12.2.0-1 release (without v)

Publish on the server

  • select the xpack-develop branch
  • check the latest commits npm run git-log
  • update, add a line like - v12.2.0-1.1 published on
  • commit with a message like CHANGELOG: publish npm v12.2.0-1.1
  • npm pack and check the content of the archive, which should list only the package.json, the, LICENSE and; possibly adjust .npmignore
  • npm version 12.2.0-1.1; the first 4 numbers are the same as the GitHub release; the fifth number is the npm specific version
  • the commits and the tag should have been pushed by the postversion script; if not, push them with git push origin --tags
  • npm publish --tag next (use --access public when publishing for the first time)

After a few moments the version will be visible at:

Test if the binaries can be installed with xpm

Run the xPack action trigger-workflow-test-xpm, this will install the package via xpm install on all supported platforms.

The tests results are available from the Actions page.

Update the repo

  • merge xpack-develop into xpack
  • push to GitHub

Tag the npm package as latest

When the release is considered stable, promote it as latest:

  • npm dist-tag ls @xpack-dev-tools/riscv-none-elf-gcc
  • npm dist-tag add @xpack-dev-tools/[email protected] latest
  • npm dist-tag ls @xpack-dev-tools/riscv-none-elf-gcc

In case the previous version is not functional and needs to be unpublished:

Update the Web

  • in the master branch, merge the develop branch
  • wait for the GitHub Pages build to complete
  • the result is in
  • remember the post URL, since it must be updated in the release page

Create the final GitHub release

  • go to the GitHub Releases page
  • check the download counter, it should match the number of tests
  • add a link to the Web page [Continue reading »](); use an same blog URL
  • remove the tests only notice
  • disable the pre-release button
  • click the Update Release button

Share on Twitter

  • in a separate browser windows, open TweetDeck
  • using the @xpack_project account
  • paste the release name like xPack GNU RISC-V Embedded GCC v12.2.0-1 released
  • paste the link to the Web page release
  • click the Tweet button

Remove pre-release binaries

Clean the work area

Run the xPack action trigger-workflow-deep-clean, this will remove the build folders on all supported platforms.

The tests results are available from the Actions page.

Announce to RISC-V community

Add a new topic in the Announcements category of the [RISC-V forums]

Subject: xPack GNU RISC-V Embedded GCC v12.2.0-1 released

Version 12.2.0-1 is a new release of the xPack GNU RISC-V Embedded GCC; it follows the GNU GCC release.