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Hyprland crashes with third monitor (USB-C) after 0.42.0-1 upgrade #7322

yyyyyyyan opened this issue Aug 13, 2024 · 16 comments

Hyprland crashes with third monitor (USB-C) after 0.42.0-1 upgrade #7322

yyyyyyyan opened this issue Aug 13, 2024 · 16 comments
bug Something isn't working


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yyyyyyyan commented Aug 13, 2024



System Info and Version

System/Version info
Hyprland, built from branch main at commit 77cf651825c2afac69e3a827ff910a62c73e1218  (protocols: avoid crashing in drmlease (7290)).
Date: Mon Aug 12 15:49:52 2024
Tag: v0.42.0-14-g77cf6518, commits: 5083

flags: (if any)

System Information:
System name: Linux
Node name: archy
Release: 6.10.4-zen2-1-zen
Version: #1 ZEN SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sun, 11 Aug 2024 16:18:46 +0000

GPU information: 
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation WhiskeyLake-U GT2 [UHD Graphics 620] [8086:3ea0] (rev 02) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])

os-release: NAME="Arch Linux"
PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux"



Config File: /home/y/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf: Read Succeeded

# Please note not all available settings / options are set here.
# For a full list, see the wiki

env = LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME,nvidia
env = XDG_SESSION_TYPE,wayland
#env = GBM_BACKEND,nvidia-drm
#env = XCURSOR_SIZE,24

cursor {
    no_hardware_cursors = true

# autogenerated = 1 # remove this line to remove the warning
# See
monitor=DP-5,[email protected],0x0,1
# monitor=eDP-1,preferred,auto,1.5
# monitor=,preferred,auto,1,mirror,eDP-1

# See for more

# Execute your favorite apps at launch
# exec-once = waybar & hyprpaper & firefox
exec-once = dunst
exec-once = /usr/lib/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1
exec-once = wl-paste -p -t text --watch clipman store -P --histpath="~/.local/share/clipman-primary.json"
exec-once = dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
exec-once = XDG_MENU_PREFIX=arch- kbuildsycoca6
exec-once = hyprpaper & hypridle

# Source a file (multi-file configs)
# source = ~/.config/hypr/myColors.conf

# Set programs that you use
$terminal = kitty
$fileManager = dolphin
$menu = wofi --show drun
$browser = firefox
$taskmanager = kitty btop

# For all categories, see
input {
    kb_layout = br
    kb_variant =
    kb_model =
    kb_options =
    kb_rules =

    follow_mouse = 1

    touchpad {
        natural_scroll = no

    sensitivity = 0 # -1.0 - 1.0, 0 means no modification.

general {
    # See for more

    gaps_in = 5
    gaps_out = 20
    border_size = 2
    col.active_border = rgba(33ccffee) rgba(00ff99ee) 45deg
    col.inactive_border = rgba(595959aa)

    layout = dwindle

    # Please see before you turn this on
    allow_tearing = false

decoration {
    # See for more

    rounding = 10
    blur {
        enabled = true
        size = 3
        passes = 1

    drop_shadow = yes
    shadow_range = 4
    shadow_render_power = 3
    col.shadow = rgba(1a1a1aee)

animations {
    enabled = yes

    # Some default animations, see for more

    bezier = myBezier, 0.05, 0.9, 0.1, 1.05

    animation = windows, 1, 7, myBezier
    animation = windowsOut, 1, 7, default, popin 80%
    animation = border, 1, 10, default
    animation = borderangle, 1, 8, default
    animation = fade, 1, 7, default
    animation = workspaces, 1, 6, default

dwindle {
    # See for more
    pseudotile = yes # master switch for pseudotiling. Enabling is bound to mainMod + P in the keybinds section below
    preserve_split = yes # you probably want this

master {
    # See for more
    new_status = true

gestures {
    # See for more
    workspace_swipe = off

misc {
    # See for more
    force_default_wallpaper = -1 # Set to 0 to disable the anime mascot wallpapers

# Example per-device config
# See for more
# device {
#     name = epic-mouse-v1
#     sensitivity = -0.5
# }

# Example windowrule v1
# windowrule = float, ^(kitty)$
# Example windowrule v2
# windowrulev2 = float,class:^(kitty)$,title:^(kitty)$
# See for more
windowrulev2 = suppressevent maximize, class:.* # You'll probably like this.

# See for more
$mainMod = SUPER

# Example binds, see for more
bind = $mainMod, T, exec, $terminal
bind = $mainMod, K, killactive, 
bind = $mainMod CTRL, Q, exit, 
bind = $mainMod, E, exec, $fileManager
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, W, togglefloating, 
bind = $mainMod, R, exec, $menu
bind = $mainMod, P, pseudo, # dwindle
bind = $mainMod, J, togglesplit, # dwindle

# Move focus with mainMod + arrow keys
bind = $mainMod, left, movefocus, l
bind = $mainMod, right, movefocus, r
bind = $mainMod, up, movefocus, u
bind = $mainMod, down, movefocus, d

# Switch workspaces with mainMod + [0-9]
bind = $mainMod, 1, workspace, 1
bind = $mainMod, 2, workspace, 2
bind = $mainMod, 3, workspace, 3
bind = $mainMod, 4, workspace, 4
bind = $mainMod, 5, workspace, 5
bind = $mainMod, 6, workspace, 6
bind = $mainMod, 7, workspace, 7
bind = $mainMod, 8, workspace, 8
bind = $mainMod, 9, workspace, 9
bind = $mainMod, 0, workspace, 10

# Move active window to a workspace with mainMod + SHIFT + [0-9]
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 1, movetoworkspace, 1
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 2, movetoworkspace, 2
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 3, movetoworkspace, 3
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 4, movetoworkspace, 4
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 5, movetoworkspace, 5
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 6, movetoworkspace, 6
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 7, movetoworkspace, 7
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 8, movetoworkspace, 8
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 9, movetoworkspace, 9
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 0, movetoworkspace, 10

# Example special workspace (scratchpad)
bind = $mainMod, S, togglespecialworkspace, magic
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, S, movetoworkspace, special:magic

# Scroll through existing workspaces with mainMod + scroll
bind = $mainMod, mouse_down, workspace, e+1
bind = $mainMod, mouse_up, workspace, e-1

# Move/resize windows with mainMod + LMB/RMB and dragging
bindm = $mainMod, mouse:272, movewindow
bindm = $mainMod, mouse:273, resizewindow

## Custom Window Rules
windowrulev2 = opacity 1.0 0.5,floating:1

## Custom Workspace Rules
workspace = 1,monitor:eDP-1,default:true

## Custom Binds
bind = $mainMod, F, fullscreen, 1
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, F, fullscreen, 0
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, left, movewindow, l
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, right, movewindow, r
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, up, movewindow, u
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, down, movewindow, d
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, C, centerwindow
bind = ALT, Tab, cyclenext, prev
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, O, exec, hyprctl setprop active opaque toggle
bind = $mainMod, V, exec, clipman pick -t wofi
bind = $mainMod CTRL, right, movecurrentworkspacetomonitor, eDP-1
bind = $mainMod CTRL, left, movecurrentworkspacetomonitor, HDMI-A-2
bind = $mainMod, B, exec, $browser
bind = $mainMod, C, exec, wl-color-picker
bind = CTRL SHIFT, ESCAPE, exec, $taskmanager
bind = $mainMod, L, exec, pidof hyprlock || hyprlock
bind = $mainMod CTRL, H, exec, ~/.local/bin/hibernate

# Screenshot select to clipboard:
bind = , Print, exec, fish -c "screenshot --select"
# Screenshot active window to clipboard:
bind = CTRL, Print, exec, fish -c "screenshot --window"
# Screenshot active monitor to clipboard:
bind = ALT, Print, exec, fish -c "screenshot --monitor"
# Screenshot everything:
bind = SHIFT, Print, exec, fish -c "screenshot --full"
# Save image from clipboard to Pictures and clear clipboard:
bind = $mainMod CTRL, S, exec, fish -c "paste_to_img --clear"

# Scale up monitor:
bind = $mainMod CTRL, mouse_down, exec, hyprctl keyword monitor "$(hyprctl -j monitors | jq -r '.[] | select(.focused) | "\(.name),\(.width)x\(.height)@\(.refreshRate),\(.x)x\(.y),1.5"')"
# Scale down monitor:
bind = $mainMod CTRL, mouse_up, exec, hyprctl keyword monitor "$(hyprctl -j monitors | jq -r '.[] | select(.focused) | "\(.name),\(.width)x\(.height)@\(.refreshRate),\(.x)x\(.y),1"')"

## Custom Binds for predefined workspaces
#bind = $mainMod CTRL ALT, D, exec, [workspace 1] ~/.local/bin/hyprworkspace_default

## Lid binds:
bindl=,switch:Lid Switch,exec,pidof hyprlock || hyprlock



Hyprland crashes on initialization with third monitor connected through USB-C. It was working properly on Thursday (08/08).

How to reproduce

On a Thinkpad T490 with a Dell Dock connected with USB-C.

Crash reports, logs, images, videos

   Hyprland Crash Report
Well this is awkward.

Hyprland received signal 6(ABRT)
Version: 77cf651825c2afac69e3a827ff910a62c73e1218
Tag: v0.42.0-14-g77cf6518
Date: Mon Aug 12 15:49:52 2024

System info:
	System name: Linux
	Node name: archy
	Release: 6.10.4-zen2-1-zen
	Version: #1 ZEN SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sun, 11 Aug 2024 16:18:46 +0000

	00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation WhiskeyLake-U GT2 [UHD Graphics 620] [8086:3ea0] (rev 02) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])

	NAME="Arch Linux"
	PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux"
	# | Hyprland(_Z12getBacktracev+0x46) [0x633d5f3da756]
	#1 | Hyprland(_ZN13CrashReporter18createAndSaveCrashEi+0xabe) [0x633d5f36519e]
	#2 | Hyprland(_Z25handleUnrecoverableSignali+0x5c) [0x633d5f2f976c]
	#3 | /usr/lib/ [0x7f210f75d1d0]
	#4 | /usr/lib/ [0x7f210f7b63f4]
	#5 | /usr/lib/ [0x7f210f75d120]
	#6 | Hyprland(_ZN15CHyprOpenGLImpl22renderTexturePrimitiveEN9Hyprutils6Memory14CSharedPointerI8CTextureEEPNS0_4Math4CBoxE+0x100) [0x633d5f59d2d0]
		CHyprOpenGLImpl::renderTexturePrimitive(Hyprutils::Memory::CSharedPointer<CTexture>, Hyprutils::Math::CBox*)
	#7 | Hyprland(_ZN15CHyprOpenGLImpl3endEv+0x51e) [0x633d5f59ff0e]
	#8 | Hyprland(_ZN13CHyprRenderer9endRenderEv+0x115) [0x633d5f5c4985]
	#9 | Hyprland(_ZN13CHyprRenderer13renderMonitorEP8CMonitor+0x878) [0x633d5f5b9508]
	#1 | Hyprland(_ZN11CCompositor12onNewMonitorEN9Hyprutils6Memory14CSharedPointerIN10Aquamarine7IOutputEEE+0x406) [0x633d5f31bf76]
	#11 | Hyprland(_ZN11CCompositor10initServerENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEi+0xc4d) [0x633d5f2fb34d]
		CCompositor::initServer(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, int)
	#12 | Hyprland(main+0xbca) [0x633d5f291e1a]
	#13 | /usr/lib/ [0x7f210f745e08]
	#14 | /usr/lib/ [0x7f210f745ecc]
	#15 | Hyprland(_start+0x25) [0x633d5f2c08a5]

Log tail:
[LOG] Shaders initialized successfully.
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] Creating a texture for BGTex
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] Background created for monitor HDMI-A-2
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Cannot commit when a page-flip is awaiting
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Cannot commit when a page-flip is awaiting
[LOG] New output with name DP-5
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for DP-5
[LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] and format XR24 with modifier 72057594037927940 aka Y_TILED_CCS
[LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] and format XR24 with modifier 72057594037927940 aka Y_TILED_CCS
[LOG] [AQ] Swapchain: Reconfigured a swapchain to [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] XR24 of length 2
[LOG] CMonitorState::ensureBufferPresent: no buffer, attaching one from the swapchain for modeset being possible
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[LOG] Monitor DP-5: REJECTED available mode: [email protected]!
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[LOG] Monitor DP-5: REJECTED available mode: [email protected]!
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[LOG] Monitor DP-5: REJECTED available mode: [email protected]!
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[ERR] Custom resolution FAILED, falling back to preferred
[ERR] Monitor 2 has NO PREFERRED MODE, and an INVALID one was requested: [email protected]
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting DP-5 with [email protected]
[ERR] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET PAGE_FLIP_EVENT 
[WARN] state.commit() failed in CMonitor::onCommit
[LOG] Added new monitor with name DP-5 at [-1, -1] with size [0, 0], pointer 633d96811a40
[LOG] New monitor: WORKSPACEID 3, exists: 0
[LOG] [WLOutput (DP-5)] Registered global
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for eDP-1
[LOG] Setting preferred mode for eDP-1
[LOG] output eDP-1 succeeded basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting eDP-1 with [email protected]
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Cannot commit when a page-flip is awaiting
[ERR] Couldn't commit output named eDP-1
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: 3 to arrange
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: HDMI-A-2 explicit [1920, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-5 explicit [0, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: eDP-1 auto [3840, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: eDP-1 xwayland [0, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: HDMI-A-2 xwayland [1920, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-5 xwayland [3840, 0]
[LOG] Monitor eDP-1 data dump: res [email protected], scale 1.00, transform 0, pos 3840x0, 10b 0
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for HDMI-A-2
[LOG] Not applying a new rule to HDMI-A-2 because it's already applied!
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for DP-5
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[LOG] Monitor DP-5: REJECTED available mode: [email protected]!
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[LOG] Monitor DP-5: REJECTED available mode: [email protected]!
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[LOG] Monitor DP-5: REJECTED available mode: [email protected]!
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[ERR] Custom resolution FAILED, falling back to preferred
[ERR] Monitor 2 has NO PREFERRED MODE, and an INVALID one was requested: [email protected]
[LOG] Shaders initialized successfully.

Attempted to draw NULL texture!

at: line 1546 in OpenGL.cpp

Installed packages (yay -Q)t
a52dec 0.8.0-2
aalib 1.4rc5-18
abseil-cpp 20240722.0-1
acl 2.3.2-1
acpi 1.7-4
adobe-source-code-pro-fonts 2.042u+1.062i+1.026vf-2
adwaita-cursors 46.2-1
adwaita-icon-theme 46.2-1
adwaita-icon-theme-legacy 46.2-1
aegisub 3.3.3-9
alsa-lib 1.2.12-1
alsa-plugins 1:1.2.12-3
alsa-ucm-conf 1.2.12-1
alsa-utils 1.2.12-1
aom 3.9.1-1
apple-fonts 6-1
appstream 1.0.3-1
aquamarine-git 0.3.1_r176.g9312aa2-1
aquamarine-git-debug 0.3.1_r176.g9312aa2-1
archlinux-keyring 20240709-1
argon2 20190702-6
aria2 1.37.0-1
aribb24 1.0.3-4
aribb25 0.2.7-3
ark 24.05.2-2
at-spi2-core 2.52.0-1
atkmm 2.28.4-1
attica 6.4.0-1
attr 2.5.2-1
audiofile 0.3.6-9
audit 4.0.1-3
autoconf 2.72-1
automake 1.17-1
avahi 1:0.8+r194+g3f79789-2
babl 0.1.108-1
baloo 6.4.0-1
baloo-widgets 24.05.2-1
base 3-2
base-devel 1-1
bash 5.2.032-1
bat 0.24.0-2
binutils 2.43+r4+g7999dae6961-1
bison 3.8.2-6
blas 3.12.0-5
blosc 1.21.6-1
bluez 5.77-1
bluez-libs 5.77-1
bluez-utils 5.77-1
boost-libs 1.83.0-9
botan 3.5.0-1
box2d 2.4.2-1
breeze-icons 6.4.0-1
bridge-utils 1.7.1-2
brightnessctl 0.5.1-3
brotli 1.1.0-2
btop 1.3.2-1
bubblewrap 0.9.0-1
bzip2 1.0.8-6
c-ares 1.29.0-1
ca-certificates 20240618-1
ca-certificates-mozilla 3.103-1
ca-certificates-utils 20240618-1
cairo 1.18.0-2
cairomm 1.14.5-1
cantarell-fonts 1:0.303.1-2
cdparanoia 10.2-9
cdrtools 3.02a09-6
chromaprint 1.5.1-8
chromium 127.0.6533.99-1
cifs-utils 7.0-4
cjson 1.7.18-1
clipman 1.6.4-1
cloc 2.02-1
cmake 3.30.2-1
cod 0.1.0-5
confuse 3.3-4
containerd 1.7.20-1
convertlit 1.8-12
coreutils 9.5-1
cpio 2.15-1
cppdap 1.58.0-2
crypto++ 8.9.0-1
cryptsetup 2.7.4-1
cups 2:2.4.10-1
cups-filters 2.0.0-2
cups-pdf 3.0.1-8
curl 8.9.1-2
cython 3.0.10-5
dav1d 1.4.3-1
db5.3 5.3.28-5
dbus 1.14.10-2
dbus-broker 36-4
dbus-broker-units 36-4
dconf 0.40.0-3
debugedit 5.0-6
default-cursors 2-2
deluge 1:2.1.1-6
deluge-gtk 1:2.1.1-6
desktop-file-utils 0.27-1
device-mapper 2.03.25-2
diffutils 3.10-1
displaylink 6.0-0
displaylink-debug 6.0-0
dkms 3.0.12-1
docker 1:27.1.1-1
docker-compose 2.29.1-1
dolphin 24.05.2-1
dosfstools 4.2-4
double-conversion 3.3.0-2
duktape 2.7.0-7
dunst 1.11.0-1
dvd+rw-tools 7.1-10
dvdauthor 0.7.2-12
dvdstyler 3.2.1-3
dvisvgm 3.4-1
e2fsprogs 1.47.1-4
ebook-tools 0.2.2-8
efibootmgr 18-3
efivar 39-1
egl-wayland 4:
eglexternalplatform 1.1-3
enchant 2.8.0-1
evdi 1.14.5-0
evdi-debug 1.14.5-0
exfat-utils 1.4.0-3
exiv2 0.28.3-1
expat 2.6.2-1
eza 0.19.0-1
faac 1.30-5
faad2 2.11.1-1
fakeroot 1.35-1
fd 10.1.0-1
ffcall 2.4-3
ffmpeg 2:7.0.1-2
ffmpeg4.4 4.4.4-6
ffms2 5.0-1
fftw 3.3.10-7
file 5.45-1
filesystem 2024.04.07-1
filezilla 3.67.1-1
findutils 4.10.0-1
firefox 129.0-1
fish 3.7.1-2
flac 1.4.3-2
flashrom 1.4.0-1
flex 2.6.4-5
fluidsynth 2.3.6-1
fmt 10.2.0-1
fontconfig 2:2.15.0-2
fontforge 20230101-4
foomatic-db-engine 5:20200131-1
freeglut 3.6.0-1
freeimage 3.18.0-22
freetype2 2.13.2-2
fribidi 1.0.15-1
ftgl 2.4.0-3
fuse-common 3.16.2-1
fuse2 2.9.9-5
fuse3 3.16.2-1
fwupd 1.9.23-1
fwupd-efi 1.6-1
gammastep 2.0.9-3
gaupol 1.15-2
gawk 5.3.0-1
gc 8.2.6-1
gcalcli 4.3.0-3
gcc 14.2.1+r32+geccf707e5ce-1
gcc-libs 14.2.1+r32+geccf707e5ce-1
gd 2.3.3-8
gdal 3.9.1-3
gdb 15.1-1
gdb-common 15.1-1
gdbm 1.24-1
gdbuspp 1-1
gdk-pixbuf2 2.42.12-1
gegl 0.4.48-4
geoclue 2.7.1-3
geoip 1.6.12-3
geoip-database 20240720-1
geos 3.12.2-1
gettext 0.22.5-1
ghc-libs 9.2.8-1
ghostscript 10.03.1-1
giflib 5.2.2-1
gimp 2.10.38-1
git 2.46.0-1
git-crypt 0.7.0-3
glew 2.2.0-7
glib-networking 1:2.80.0-3
glib2 2.80.4-1
glibc 2.40+r16+gaa533d58ff-2
glibmm 2.66.7-1
glm 1.0.1-1
glow 1.5.1-2
glslang 14.2.0-1
glu 9.0.3-2
gmime3 3.2.15-1
gmp 6.3.0-2
gnu-free-fonts 20120503-8
gnupg 2.4.5-4
gnutls 3.8.6-1
go-task-bin 3.37.2-1
gobject-introspection-runtime 1.80.1-3
gparted 1.6.0-1
gperftools 2.15-1
gpgme 1.23.2-6
gpm 1.20.7.r38.ge82d1a6-6
gptfdisk 1.0.10-1
graphene 1.10.8-1
graphicsmagick 1.3.43-1
graphite 1:1.3.14-4
graphviz 12.0.0-1
grep 3.11-1
grim 1.4.1-2
groff 1.23.0-6
grub 2:2.12-2
gsasl 2.2.1-1
gsettings-desktop-schemas 46.1-2
gsettings-system-schemas 46.1-2
gsfonts 20200910-4
gsm 1.0.22-2
gspell 1.12.2-3
gssdp 1.6.3-1
gst-libav 1.24.6-1
gst-plugin-gtk 1.24.6-1
gst-plugins-bad 1.24.6-1
gst-plugins-bad-libs 1.24.6-1
gst-plugins-base 1.24.6-1
gst-plugins-base-libs 1.24.6-1
gst-plugins-good 1.24.6-1
gst-plugins-ugly 1.24.6-1
gstreamer 1.24.6-1
gtest 1.15.2-1
gtk-update-icon-cache 1:4.14.4-2
gtk2 2.24.33-4
gtk3 1:3.24.43-1
gtk4 1:4.14.4-2
gtkmm3 3.24.9-1
gtksourceview3 1:3.24.11+r28+g73e57b57-2
guile 3.0.10-1
gupnp 1:1.6.6-1
gupnp-igd 1.6.0-1
gzip 1.13-4
harfbuzz 9.0.0-1
harfbuzz-icu 9.0.0-1
has 1.5.0-1
haskell-aeson-pretty 0.8.10-9
haskell-ansi-terminal 0.11.4-66
haskell-ansi-wl-pprint 0.6.9-418
haskell-appar 0.1.8-14
haskell-asn1-encoding 0.9.6-230
haskell-asn1-parse 0.9.5-230
haskell-asn1-types 0.3.4-209
haskell-assoc 1.0.2-270
haskell-async 2.2.5-27
haskell-attoparsec 0.14.4-74
haskell-auto-update 0.1.6-339
haskell-base-compat 0.12.2-2
haskell-base-compat-batteries 0.12.2-83
haskell-basement 0.0.16-2
haskell-bifunctors 5.6-81
haskell-boring 0.2.1-3
haskell-byteorder 1.0.4-25
haskell-call-stack 0.4.0-184
haskell-citeproc 0.8.1-107
haskell-cmdargs 0.10.22-2
haskell-colour 2.3.6-210
haskell-commonmark-extensions 0.2.4-2
haskell-comonad 5.0.8-265
haskell-conduit 1.3.5-55
haskell-conduit-extra 1.3.6-136
haskell-constraints 0.13.4-50
haskell-contravariant 1.5.5-4
haskell-cookie 0.4.6-2
haskell-crypton 0.34-11
haskell-crypton-connection 0.3.2-8
haskell-crypton-x509 1.7.6-28
haskell-crypton-x509-store 1.6.9-28
haskell-crypton-x509-system 1.6.7-28
haskell-crypton-x509-validation 1.6.12-28
haskell-data-default-instances-containers 0.0.1-37
haskell-data-default-instances-dlist 0.0.1-319
haskell-data-default-instances-old-locale 0.0.1-37
haskell-data-fix 0.3.2-102
haskell-dec 0.0.5-5
haskell-digits 0.3.1-21
haskell-dlist 1.0-241
haskell-doctemplates 0.11-73
haskell-easy-file 0.2.5-21
haskell-emojis 0.1.3-10
haskell-fast-logger 3.1.2-76
haskell-foldable1-classes-compat 0.1-81
haskell-generically 0.1.1-2
haskell-ghc-bignum-orphans 0.1.1-2
haskell-glob 0.10.2-90
haskell-haddock-library 1.11.0-19
haskell-hourglass 0.2.12-246
haskell-hslua 2.3.0-54
haskell-hslua-classes 2.3.0-55
haskell-hslua-core 2.3.1-47
haskell-hslua-list 1.1.1-62
haskell-hslua-marshalling 2.3.1-7
haskell-hslua-module-doclayout 1.1.0-60
haskell-hslua-module-path 1.1.0-55
haskell-hslua-module-version 1.1.0-55
haskell-hslua-module-zip 1.1.1-24
haskell-hslua-objectorientation 2.3.0-51
haskell-hslua-packaging 2.3.1-16
haskell-hslua-repl 0.1.2-13
haskell-hslua-typing 0.1.1-9
haskell-http-api-data 0.5.1-56
haskell-http-client 0.7.15-25
haskell-http-date 0.0.11-136
haskell-http-types 0.12.4-8
haskell-http2 4.1.0-24
haskell-indexed-traversable 0.1.3-73
haskell-iproute 1.7.12-82
haskell-ipynb 0.2-141
haskell-isocline 1.0.9-2
haskell-jira-wiki-markup 1.5.1-22
haskell-juicypixels 3.3.8-31
haskell-lexer 1.1.1-2
haskell-libyaml 0.1.4-7
haskell-lpeg 1.0.4-26
haskell-lua 2.3.2-6
haskell-memory 0.18.0-8
haskell-mmorph 1.2.0-6
haskell-network-byte-order 0.1.7-2
haskell-onetuple 0.4.1-2
haskell-only 0.1-23
haskell-ordered-containers 0.2.3-2
haskell-pandoc 3.1.9-2
haskell-pandoc-lua-marshal 0.2.4-4
haskell-pandoc-types 1.23.1-23
haskell-pem 0.2.4-286
haskell-pretty-show 1.10-15
haskell-prettyprinter 1.7.1-167
haskell-quickcheck 2.14.3-64
haskell-recv 0.1.0-30
haskell-resourcet 1.2.6-51
haskell-safe 0.3.21-5
haskell-semigroupoids 5.3.7-144
haskell-servant 0.20.1-14
haskell-servant-server 0.20-25
haskell-simple-sendfile 0.2.32-38
haskell-singleton-bool 0.1.7-3
haskell-skylighting 0.14-17
haskell-skylighting-core 0.14-16
haskell-skylighting-format-ansi 0.1-123
haskell-skylighting-format-latex 0.1-123
haskell-socks 0.6.1-237
haskell-some 1.0.5-2
haskell-split 0.2.5-6
haskell-statevar 1.2.2-3
haskell-tagged 0.8.8-2
haskell-tagsoup 0.14.8-226
haskell-temporary 1.3-585
haskell-text-short 0.1.5-79
haskell-th-compat 0.1.5-2
haskell-th-lift 0.8.4-2
haskell-th-lift-instances 0.1.20-47
haskell-time-manager 0.0.1-35
haskell-tls 1.8.0-29
haskell-transformers-base 0.4.6-102
haskell-transformers-compat 0.7.2-2
haskell-type-equality 1.0.1-1
haskell-typst-symbols 0.1.4-2
haskell-uniplate 1.6.13-223
haskell-unix-compat 0.7.1-18
haskell-unix-time 0.4.13-1
haskell-unordered-containers 0.2.20-18
haskell-utf8-string 1.0.2-150
haskell-wai 3.2.4-21
haskell-wai-app-static 3.1.9-16
haskell-wai-cors 0.2.7-357
haskell-wai-extra 3.1.15-6
haskell-wai-logger 2.4.0-447
haskell-warp 3.3.30-61
haskell-witherable 0.4.2-103
haskell-word8 0.1.3-23
haskell-xml 1.3.14-31
haskell-xml-types 0.3.8-9
hicolor-icon-theme 0.18-1
hidapi 0.14.0-3
highway 1.2.0-1
hplip 1:3.24.4-2
hslua-cli 1.4.1-51
http-parser 2.9.4-2
httpie 3.2.3-1
hub 2.14.2-4
hunspell 1.7.2-2
hunspell-en_us 2020.12.07-5
hunspell-pt-br 3.2.15-1
hwdata 0.385-1
hyphen 2.8.8-6
hyprcursor-git 0.1.9.r11.g912d5602-1
hypridle-git 0.1.2.r12.g96d51ec2-1
hypridle-git-debug 0.1.2.r12.g96d51ec2-1
hyprland-git 0.42.0.r14.77cf6518-1
hyprlang-git 0.5.2.r8.gadbefbf4-1
hyprlock 0.4.1-1
hyprpaper-git 0.7.0.r17.ge32a2c8-1
hyprpaper-git-debug 0.7.0.r17.ge32a2c8-1
hyprutils-git 0.2.1.r1.g0252fd13-1
hyprwayland-scanner-git 0.4.0.r4.ga048a6cb-1
iana-etc 20240612-1
icu 75.1-1
ijs 0.35-6
imath 3.1.11-2
imlib2 1.12.3-1
imv 4.5.0-2
intel-ucode 20240531-1
iproute2 6.10.0-2
iptables 1:1.8.10-2
iputils 20240117-1
ipython 8.26.0-1
iso-codes 4.16.0-1
isoimagewriter 24.05.2-1
jack2 1.9.22-1
jansson 2.14-4
jasper 4.2.4-1
jbig2dec 0.20-1
jbigkit 2.1-8
jq 1.7.1-2
json-c 0.17-2
json-glib 1.8.0-2
jsoncpp 1.9.5-3
jxrlib 0.2.4-2
karchive 6.4.0-1
karchive5 5.116.0-1
kauth 6.4.0-1
kauth5 5.116.0-1
kbd 2.6.4-1
kbookmarks 6.4.0-1
kcmutils 6.4.0-1
kcodecs 6.4.0-1
kcodecs5 5.116.0-1
kcolorscheme 6.4.0-1
kcompletion 6.4.0-1
kconfig 6.4.0-1
kconfig5 5.116.0-1
kconfigwidgets 6.4.0-1
kconfigwidgets5 5.116.0-1
kcoreaddons 6.4.0-1
kcoreaddons5 5.116.0-1
kcrash 6.4.0-1
kdbusaddons 6.4.0-1
kdbusaddons5 5.116.0-1
kdnssd 6.4.0-1
kdsoap-qt6 2.2.0-1
kdsoap-ws-discovery-client 0.4.0-1
keepassxc 2.7.9-3
keyutils 1.6.3-3
kfilemetadata 6.4.0-1
kglobalaccel 6.4.0-1
kglobalaccel5 5.116.0-1
kguiaddons 6.4.0-1
kguiaddons5 5.116.0-1
ki18n 6.4.0-1
ki18n5 5.116.0-1
kiconthemes 6.4.0-1
kiconthemes5 5.116.0-1
kidletime 6.4.0-1
kio 6.4.1-1
kio-extras 24.05.2-1
kirigami 6.4.0-2
kitemviews 6.4.0-1
kitemviews5 5.116.0-1
kitty 0.35.2-1
kitty-shell-integration 0.35.2-1
kitty-terminfo 0.35.2-1
kjobwidgets 6.4.0-1
kmix 24.05.2-1
kmod 32-1
knewstuff 6.4.0-1
knotifications 6.4.0-1
knotifications5 5.116.0-1
kpackage 6.4.0-1
kparts 6.4.0-1
kpty 6.4.0-1
krb5 1.21.3-1
kservice 6.4.0-1
ktextwidgets 6.4.0-1
kuserfeedback 6.4.0-1
kwallet 6.4.0-1
kwayland-integration 6.1.4-1
kwayland5 5.116.0-1
kwidgetsaddons 6.4.1-1
kwidgetsaddons5 5.116.0-1
kwindowsystem 6.4.0-1
kwindowsystem5 5.116.0-1
kxmlgui 6.4.0-1
kxmlgui5 5.116.0-1
kyotocabinet 1.2.79-2
l-smash 2.14.5-4
lame 3.100-5
lapack 3.12.0-5
lcms2 2.16-1
ldb 2:2.9.1-2
lensfun 1:0.3.4-4
less 1:661-1
lib32-acl 2.3.2-1
lib32-brotli 1.1.0-1
lib32-bzip2 1.0.8-3
lib32-dbus 1.14.10-2
lib32-e2fsprogs 1.47.1-1
lib32-expat 2.6.2-1
lib32-fontconfig 2:2.15.0-1
lib32-freetype2 2.13.2-1
lib32-gcc-libs 14.2.1+r32+geccf707e5ce-1
lib32-gettext 0.22.5-1
lib32-glib2 2.80.4-1
lib32-glibc 2.40+r16+gaa533d58ff-2
lib32-harfbuzz 9.0.0-1
lib32-icu 75.1-1
lib32-keyutils 1.6.3-2
lib32-krb5 1.21.3-1
lib32-libcap 2.70-1
lib32-libffi 3.4.6-1
lib32-libgcrypt 1.11.0-1
lib32-libgpg-error 1.50-1
lib32-libldap 2.6.8-1
lib32-libnl 3.10.0-1
lib32-libnsl 2.0.1-1
lib32-libpcap 1.10.4-1
lib32-libpng 1.6.43-1
lib32-libtirpc 1.3.5-1
lib32-libunwind 1.8.1-1
lib32-libx11 1.8.10-1
lib32-libxau 1.0.11-1
lib32-libxcb 1.17.0-1
lib32-libxcrypt 4.4.36-2
lib32-libxcursor 1.2.2-1
lib32-libxdmcp 1.1.5-1
lib32-libxext 1.3.6-1
lib32-libxfixes 6.0.1-1
lib32-libxi 1.8.1-1
lib32-libxkbcommon 1.7.0-2
lib32-libxml2 2.13.3-1
lib32-libxrandr 1.5.4-1
lib32-libxrender 0.9.11-1
lib32-openssl 1:3.3.1-1
lib32-pam 1.6.1-1
lib32-pcre2 10.44-1
lib32-systemd 256.4-1
lib32-util-linux 2.40.2-1
lib32-wayland 1.23.0-1
lib32-xz 5.6.2-1
lib32-zlib 1.3.1-1
lib32-zstd 1.5.6-1
libaacs 0.11.1-2
libabw 0.1.3-4
libadwaita 1:1.5.3-1
libaec 1.1.3-1
libao 1.2.2-6
libarchive 3.7.4-1
libass 0.17.3-1
libassuan 3.0.0-1
libasyncns 1:0.8+r3+g68cd5af-3
libatasmart 0.19-6
libatomic_ops 7.8.2-1
libavc1394 0.5.4-6
libavif 1.1.1-1
libavtp 0.2.0-3
libb2 0.98.1-3
libblockdev 3.1.1-2
libblockdev-crypto 3.1.1-2
libblockdev-fs 3.1.1-2
libblockdev-loop 3.1.1-2
libblockdev-mdraid 3.1.1-2
libblockdev-nvme 3.1.1-2
libblockdev-part 3.1.1-2
libblockdev-swap 3.1.1-2
libbluray 1.3.4-1
libbpf 1.4.3-1
libbs2b 3.1.0-9
libbsd 0.12.2-2
libbytesize 2.8-3
libcaca 0.99.beta20-4
libcamera 0.3.1-2
libcamera-ipa 0.3.1-2
libcanberra 1:0.30+r2+gc0620e4-4
libcap 2.70-1
libcap-ng 0.8.5-2
libcbor 0.11.0-1
libcdio 2.1.0-4
libcdio-paranoia 10.2+2.0.2-1
libcdr 0.1.7-8
libcloudproviders 0.3.6-1
libcmis 0.6.2-1
libcolord 1.4.7-2
libcups 2:2.4.10-1
libcupsfilters 2.0.0-2
libdaemon 0.14-6
libdatrie 0.2.13-4
libdbusmenu-glib 16.04.0.r498-2
libdbusmenu-qt5 0.9.3+16.04.20160218-7
libdc1394 2.2.7-1
libdca 0.0.7-2
libde265 1.0.15-2
libdeflate 1.21-1
libdiscid 0.6.4-3
libdisplay-info 0.2.0-1
libdovi 3.3.1-1
libdrm 2.4.122-1
libdv 1.0.0-11
libdvbpsi 1:1.3.3-3
libdvdcss 1.4.3-2
libdvdnav 6.1.1-2
libdvdread 6.1.3-2
libe-book 0.1.3-16
libebml 1.4.5-1
libedit 20240517_3.1-1
libei 1.3.0-1
libelf 0.191-4
libepoxy 1.5.10-3
libepubgen 0.1.1-5
libetonyek 0.1.10-4
libevdev 1.13.2-1
libevent 2.1.12-4
libexif 0.6.24-3
libexttextcat 3.4.7-1
libfdk-aac 2.0.3-1
libffi 3.4.6-1
libfilezilla 1:0.48.1-1
libfontenc 1.1.8-1
libfreeaptx 0.1.1-2
libfreehand 0.1.2-5
libfreexl 2.0.0-2
libftdi 1.5-6
libgcrypt 1.11.0-2
libgeotiff 1.7.3-1
libgexiv2 0.14.3-1
libgirepository 1.80.1-3
libgit2 1:1.8.1-1
libglvnd 1.7.0-1
libgme 0.6.3-5
libgoom2 2k4-5
libgpg-error 1.50-1
libgphoto2 2.5.31-2
libgudev 238-1
libgusb 0.4.9-1
libheif 1.18.2-1
libice 1.1.1-3
libid3tag 0.16.3-2
libidn 1.42-1
libidn2 2.3.7-1
libiec61883 1.2.0-8
libieee1284 0.2.11-16
libimagequant 4.3.3-1
libimobiledevice 1.3.0-13
libimobiledevice-glue 1.3.0-1
libinih 58-1
libinput 1.26.1-1
libinstpatch 1.1.6-3
libisl 0.26-2
libixion 0.19.0-2
libjcat 0.2.1-1
libjpeg-turbo 3.0.3-1
libjxl 0.10.3-1
libkate 0.4.1-10
libkexiv2 24.05.2-1
libksba 1.6.7-1
liblangtag 0.6.7-1
liblc3 1.1.1-1
libldap 2.6.8-1
libliftoff 0.5.0-1
liblqr 0.4.2-4
liblrdf 0.6.1-5
libltc 1.3.2-2
libmad 0.15.1b-10
libmanette 0.2.7-1
libmatroska 1.7.1-2
libmbim 1.30.0-1
libmd 1.1.0-2
libmediainfo 24.06-1
libmfx 23.2.2-3
libmicrodns 0.2.0-2
libmm-glib 1.22.0-1
libmms 0.6.4-5
libmng 2.0.3-4
libmnl 1.0.5-2
libmpc 1.3.1-2
libmpcdec 1:0.1+r475-6
libmpdclient 2.22-1
libmpeg2 0.5.1-10
libmspack 1:1.11-1
libmspub 0.1.4-16
libmtp 1.1.21-2
libmwaw 0.3.22-3
libmypaint 1.6.1-2
libndp 1.9-1
libnetfilter_conntrack 1.0.9-2
libnewt 0.52.24-2
libnfnetlink 1.0.2-2
libnfs 5.0.3-1
libnftnl 1.2.7-1
libnghttp2 1.62.1-1
libnghttp3 1.4.0-1
libngtcp2 1.6.0-1
libnice 0.1.22-1
libnl 3.10.0-1
libnm 1.48.8-1
libnotify 0.8.3-1
libnsl 2.0.1-1
libnumbertext 1.0.11-2
libnvme 1.10-1
libodfgen 0.1.8-3
libogg 1.3.5-2
libomxil-bellagio 0.9.3-5
libopenmpt 0.7.9-1
liborcus 0.19.2-2
libp11-kit 0.25.5-1
libpagemaker 0.0.4-4
libpaper 2.2.5-1
libpcap 1.10.4-1
libpciaccess 0.18.1-2
libpgm 5.3.128-3
libpipeline 1.5.7-2
libpipewire 1:1.2.2-1
libplacebo 7.349.0-1
libplist 2.6.0-1
libpng 1.6.43-1
libppd 2.0.0-2
libproxy 0.5.8-1
libpsl 0.21.5-2
libpulse 17.0-3
libqmi 1.34.0-1
libqrtr-glib 1.2.2-3
libqxp 0.0.2-12
libraqm 0.10.1-2
libraw 0.21.2-1
libraw1394 2.1.2-4
libreoffice-fresh 24.2.5-2
librevenge 0.0.5-3
librist 0.2.10-3
librsvg 2:2.58.2-1
librsync 1:2.3.4-2
librttopo 1.1.0-6
libsamplerate 0.2.2-3
libsasl 2.1.28-4
libseccomp 2.5.5-3
libsecret 0.21.4-1
libshout 1:2.4.6-3
libsidplayfp 2.8.0-1
libsigc++ 2.12.1-1
libsigsegv 2.14-3
libsixel 1.10.3-6
libsm 1.2.4-2
libsndfile 1.2.2-2
libsodium 1.0.20-1
libsoup3 3.4.4-1
libsoxr 0.1.3-4
libspatialite 5.1.0-2
libspiro 1:20221101-3
libsrtp 1:2.6.0-1
libssh 0.11.0-1
libssh2 1.11.0-1
libstaroffice 0.0.7-3
libstemmer 2.2.0-2
libsynctex 2024.2-2
libsysprof-capture 46.0-4
libtar 1.2.20-7
libtasn1 4.19.0-2
libteam 1.32-2
libthai 0.1.29-3
libtheora 1.1.1-6
libtiff 4.6.0-5
libtiger 0.3.4-8
libtirpc 1.3.5-1
libtommath 1.3.0-1
libtool 2.5.1-2
libtorrent-rasterbar 1:2.0.10-2
libunibreak 6.1-1
libuninameslist 20221022-2
libunistring 1.2-1
libunwind 1.8.1-3
libupnp 1.14.19-3
liburing 2.6-2
libusb 1.0.27-1
libusb-compat 0.1.8-1
libusbmuxd 2.1.0-1
libutempter 1.2.1-4
libuv 1.48.0-2
libva 2.22.0-1
libva-nvidia-driver-git 0.0.12.r11.gf3205bd-1
libvdpau 1.5-3
libverto 0.3.2-5
libvisio 0.1.7-11
libvorbis 1.3.7-3
libvpl 2.12.0-1
libvpx 1.14.1-1
libwacom 2.12.2-1
libwbclient 4.20.4-1
libwebp 1.4.0-1
libwireplumber 0.5.5-1
libwmf 0.2.13-2
libwpd 0.10.3-5
libwpe 1.16.0-1
libwps 0.4.14-2
libx11 1.8.10-1
libxau 1.0.11-3
libxaw 1.0.16-1
libxcb 1.17.0-1
libxcomposite 0.4.6-2
libxcrypt 4.4.36-2
libxcursor 1.2.2-1
libxcvt 0.1.2-2
libxdamage 1.1.6-2
libxdmcp 1.1.5-1
libxext 1.3.6-1
libxfixes 6.0.1-2
libxfont2 2.0.7-1
libxft 2.3.8-2
libxi 1.8.1-2
libxinerama 1.1.5-2
libxkbcommon 1.7.0-2
libxkbcommon-x11 1.7.0-2
libxkbfile 1.1.3-1
libxml2 2.13.3-1
libxmlb 0.3.19-1
libxmu 1.2.1-1
libxnvctrl 555.58.02-1
libxpm 3.5.17-2
libxpresent 1.0.1-2
libxrandr 1.5.4-1
libxrender 0.9.11-2
libxshmfence 1.3.2-2
libxslt 1.1.42-1
libxss 1.2.4-2
libxt 1.3.0-2
libxtst 1.2.5-1
libxv 1.0.12-2
libxxf86vm 1.1.5-2
libyaml 0.2.5-3
libyuv r2426+464c51a0-1
libzen 0.4.41-2
libzip 1.10.1-2
libzmf 0.0.2-16
licenses 20240728-1
lilv 0.24.24-2
linux-api-headers 6.10-1
linux-firmware 20240703.e94a2a3b-1
linux-firmware-whence 20240703.e94a2a3b-1
linux-headers 6.10.4.arch2-1
linux-zen 6.10.4.zen2-1
linux-zen-headers 6.10.4.zen2-1
lirc 1:0.10.2-4
live-media 2024.04.19-1
llvm-libs 18.1.8-4
lm_sensors 1:3.6.0.r41.g31d1f125-3
lmdb 0.9.32-1
lua 5.4.7-1
lua-lpeg 1.1.0-2
lua53 5.3.6-3
luajit 2.1.1720049189-1
luit 20240102-2
lv2 1.18.10-1
lynx 2.9.2-1
lz4 1:1.10.0-2
lzo 2.10-5
m4 1.4.19-3
mailcap 2.1.54-2
make 4.4.1-2
man-db 2.12.1-1
man-pages 6.9.1-1
marktext-bin 0.17.1-2
mbedtls 3.6.0-1
mbedtls2 2.28.8-3
md4c 0.5.2-1
mdadm 4.3-2
media-player-info 24-4
mediainfo 24.06-1
mesa 1:24.1.5-2
meson 1.5.1-1
micro 2.0.13-1
minizip 1:1.3.1-2
mitmproxy 10.4.2-1
mjpegtools 2.2.1-2
mkinitcpio 39.2-2
mkinitcpio-busybox 1.36.1-1
mktorrent 1.1-7
mobile-broadband-provider-info 20240407-1
mpc 0.35-1
mpd 0.23.15-5
mpdecimal 4.0.0-2
mpdscribble 0.25-2
mpfr 4.2.1-4
mpg123 1.32.7-1
mpv 1:0.38.0-6
msmtp 1.8.26-2
mtdev 1.1.7-1
mujs 1.3.5-1
mypaint-brushes1 1.3.1-2
nano 8.1-1
ncmpcpp 0.9.2-19
ncurses 6.5-3
neofetch 7.1.0-2
neomutt 20240425-1
neon 0.33.0-1
net-snmp 5.9.4-4
netpbm 10.86.42-1
nettle 3.10-1
networkmanager 1.48.8-1
networkmanager-dmenu-git r195.0bd2f11-1
ninja 1.12.1-1
node-gyp 10.2.0-1
nodejs 22.6.0-1
nodejs-nopt 7.2.0-2
notmuch-runtime 0.38.3-3
npm 10.8.2-1
npth 1.7-1
nspr 4.35-3
nss 3.103-1
ntfs-3g 2022.10.3-1
numactl 2.0.18-1
nvidia-dkms 555.58.02-1
nvidia-settings 555.58.02-1
nvidia-utils 555.58.02-1
ocl-icd 2.3.2-2
offlineimap 8.0.0-5
oniguruma 6.9.9-1
openal 1.23.1-2
opencore-amr 0.1.6-2
openexr 3.2.4-1
openjpeg2 2.5.2-1
openslide 4.0.0-4
openssh 9.8p1-1
openssl 3.3.1-1
openvpn3 22_dev-6
opus 1.5.2-1
orc 0.4.39-1
otf-monocraft 4.0-1
ov-bin 0.35.0-1
p11-kit 0.25.5-1
p7zip 1:17.05-2
pacman 6.1.0-3
pacman-mirrorlist 20240717-1
pahole 1:1.27-2
pam 1.6.1-2
pambase 20230918-1
pamixer 1.6-3
pango 1:1.54.0-1
pangomm 2.46.4-1
parted 3.6-2
passim 0.1.8-1
patch 2.7.6-10
pciutils 3.13.0-1
pcre 8.45-4
pcre2 10.44-1
pcsclite 2.3.0-1
perl 5.38.2-2
perl-algorithm-diff 1:1.201-5
perl-alien-build 2.83-1
perl-alien-libxml2 0.19-3
perl-capture-tiny 0.48-8
perl-class-method-modifiers 2.15-3
perl-clone 0.46-3
perl-data-optlist 0.114-3
perl-dbi 1.643-7
perl-devel-globaldestruction 0.14-10
perl-encode-locale 1.05-12
perl-error 0.17029-6
perl-ffi-checklib 0.31-4
perl-file-basedir 0.09-4
perl-file-chdir 0.1011-6
perl-file-desktopentry 0.22-12
perl-file-listing 6.16-3
perl-file-mimeinfo 0.35-1
perl-file-which 1.27-4
perl-html-parser 3.82-1
perl-html-tagset 3.24-1
perl-http-cookiejar 0.014-2
perl-http-cookies 6.11-1
perl-http-daemon 6.16-3
perl-http-date 6.06-2
perl-http-message 6.46-1
perl-http-negotiate 6.01-13
perl-import-into 1.002005-10
perl-io-html 1.004-5
perl-ipc-system-simple 1.30-6
perl-libwww 6.77-1
perl-lwp-mediatypes 6.04-5
perl-mailtools 2.21-8
perl-module-runtime 0.016-4
perl-moo 2.005005-3
perl-net-http 6.23-3
perl-parallel-forkmanager 2.02-6
perl-params-util 1.102-5
perl-path-tiny 0.144-3
perl-regexp-common 2024080801-1
perl-role-tiny 2.002004-5
perl-sub-exporter 0.991-1
perl-sub-exporter-progressive 0.001013-10
perl-sub-install 0.929-1
perl-sub-quote 1:2.006008-3
perl-timedate 2.33-6
perl-try-tiny 0.31-4
perl-uri 5.28-1
perl-www-robotrules 6.02-13
perl-xml-libxml 2.0210-1
perl-xml-namespacesupport 1.12-6
perl-xml-parser 2.47-1
perl-xml-sax 1.02-2
perl-xml-sax-base 1.09-6
pet-bin 0.7.0-1
phonon-qt6 4.12.0-4
phonon-qt6-vlc 0.12.0-2
picard 2.12-1
pinentry 1.3.1-5
pipewire 1:1.2.2-1
pixman 0.43.4-1
pkgconf 2.1.1-1
plasma-activities 6.1.4-1
polkit 125-1
polkit-kde-agent 6.1.4-1
polkit-qt5 0.200.0-1
polkit-qt6 0.200.0-1
poppler 24.08.0-1
poppler-data 0.4.12-2
poppler-glib 24.08.0-1
poppler-qt6 24.08.0-1
popt 1.19-1
portaudio 1:19.7.0-3
postman-bin 11.7.0-1
potrace 1.16-3
procps-ng 4.0.4-3
progress 0.17-1
proj 9.4.1-1
projectm 3.1.12-5
protobuf 27.3-1
protobuf-c 1.5.0-4
psmisc 23.7-1
publicsuffix-list 20240306.1440.9094af5-1
pugixml 1.14-1
pulseaudio 17.0-3
pulseaudio-alsa 1:1.2.12-3
pulseaudio-bluetooth 17.0-3
pycharm-professional 2024.2-2
python 3.12.4-1
python-aioquic 1.2.0-1
python-argcomplete 3.4.0-1
python-asgiref 3.7.2-2
python-asttokens 2.4.1-2
python-attrs 23.2.0-3
python-autocommand 2.2.2-6
python-automat 22.10.0-5
python-blinker 1.7.0-2
python-brotli 1.1.0-2
python-build 1.2.1-3
python-cachecontrol 1:0.14.0-3
python-cachetools 5.3.2-3
python-cachy 0.3.0-10
python-cairo 1.26.1-1
python-certifi 2024.07.04-1
python-cffi 1.16.0-2
python-chardet 5.2.0-2
python-charset-normalizer 3.3.2-2
python-cleo 2.1.0-2
python-click 8.1.7-3
python-colorama 0.4.6-3
python-constantly 23.10.0-2
python-coverage 7.6.1-1
python-crashtest 0.4.1-3
python-cryptography 42.0.6-1
python-dateutil 2.9.0-5
python-dbus 1.3.2-4
python-decorator 5.1.1-4
python-defusedxml 0.7.1-6
python-discid 1.2.0-9
python-distlib 0.3.8-2
python-distro 1.9.0-2
python-dulwich 0.22.1-1
python-executing 2.0.0-3
python-fasteners 0.19-3
python-fastjsonschema 2.20.0-1
python-filelock 3.13.3-2
python-flask 2.3.3-2
python-geoip 1.3.2-15
python-gobject 3.48.2-2
python-google-api-core 2.19.1-1
python-google-api-python-client 2.140.0-1
python-google-auth 2.32.0-1
python-google-auth-httplib2 0.2.0-2
python-googleapis-common-protos 1.63.2-1
python-h11 0.14.0-3
python-h2 4.1.0-4
python-hpack 4.0.0-5
python-html5lib 1.1-14
python-httplib2 0.22.0-5
python-hyperframe 6.0.1-5
python-hyperlink 21.0.0-6
python-idna 3.7-1
python-ifaddr 0.2.0-5
python-imaplib2 3.6-6
python-incremental 22.10.0-5
python-inflect 7.3.1-1
python-iniconfig 2.0.0-5
python-installer 0.7.0-8
python-itsdangerous 2.1.2-4
python-jaraco.classes 3.4.0-1
python-jaraco.context 5.3.0-1
python-jaraco.functools 4.0.2-1
python-jaraco.text 4.0.0-1
python-jedi 0.19.1-2
python-jeepney 0.8.0-3
python-jinja 1:3.1.4-1
python-jsonschema 4.23.0-1
python-jsonschema-specifications 2023.12.1-2
python-kaitaistruct 0.10-4
python-keyring 25.2.1-1
python-lark-parser 1.1.9-3
python-ldap3 2.9.1-6
python-lockfile 0.12.2-13
python-mako 1.3.5-1
python-markdown 3.6-3
python-markdown-it-py 3.0.0-2
python-markupsafe 2.1.5-2
python-matplotlib-inline 0.1.7-1
python-mdurl 0.1.2-5
python-mitmproxy-rs 0.6.3-1
python-more-itertools 10.3.0-1
python-msgpack 1.0.5-2
python-multidict 6.0.5-2
python-mutagen 1.47.0-2
python-oauth2client 4.1.3-10
python-ordered-set 4.1.0-5
python-packaging 24.1-1
python-parsedatetime 2.6-9
python-parso 1:0.8.4-2
python-passlib 1.7.4-8
python-pexpect 4.9.0-2
python-pillow 10.4.0-1
python-pip 24.2-1
python-pipx 1.6.0-1
python-pkgconfig 1.5.5-6
python-pkginfo 1.10.0-1
python-platformdirs 4.2.2-1
python-pluggy 1.5.0-1
python-poetry 1.8.3-1
python-poetry-core 1.9.0-5
python-poetry-plugin-export 1.8.0-1
python-prompt_toolkit 3.0.47-1
python-protobuf 27.3-1
python-psutil 6.0.0-1
python-ptyprocess 0.7.0-6
python-publicsuffix2 2.20191221-8
python-pure-eval 0.2.3-1
python-pyasn1 0.6.0-1
python-pyasn1-modules 0.4.0-1
python-pycparser 2.22-2
python-pygments 2.18.0-1
python-pyjwt 2.9.0-1
python-pylsqpack 0.3.18-2
python-pyopenssl 24.1.0-1
python-pyparsing 3.1.2-2
python-pyperclip 1.8.2-7
python-pyproject-api 1.7.1-1
python-pyproject-hooks 1.1.0-1
python-pyqt5 5.15.11-1
python-pyqt5-sip 12.15.0-1
python-pysocks 1.7.1-9
python-pytest 1:8.3.2-1
python-pytz 2024.1-2
python-pywal 3.3.0-9
python-pyxdg 0.28-3
python-rapidfuzz 3.6.2-3
python-referencing 0.35.1-1
python-rencode 1.0.6-9
python-requests 2.32.3-1
python-requests-toolbelt 1.0.0-2
python-rfc6555 0.1.0-3
python-rich 13.7.1-2
python-rpds-py 0.19.0-1
python-rsa 4.9-4
python-ruamel-yaml 0.18.6-2
python-ruamel.yaml.clib 0.2.8-2
python-secretstorage 3.3.3-5
python-service-identity 23.1.0-2
python-setproctitle 1.3.3-2
python-setuptools 1:69.5.1-1
python-shellingham 1.5.4-2
python-shtab 1.7.1-1
python-six 1.16.0-9
python-sortedcontainers 2.4.0-6
python-stack-data 0.6.3-2
python-systemd 235-3
python-termcolor 2.4.0-2
python-tomli 2.0.1-4
python-tomlkit 0.13.0-1
python-tornado 6.4.1-1
python-tox 4.12.1-2
python-tqdm 4.66.5-1
python-traitlets 5.14.3-2
python-trove-classifiers 2024.7.2-1
python-twisted 24.3.0-2
python-typeguard 4.3.0-1
python-typing_extensions 4.12.2-1
python-uc-micro-py 1.0.3-2
python-uritemplate 4.1.1-4
python-urllib3 1.26.19-1
python-urwid 2.6.10-3
python-userpath 1.9.2-2
python-validate-pyproject 0.18-1
python-virtualenv 20.26.2-1
python-vobject 0.9.7-3
python-wcwidth 0.2.13-2
python-webencodings 0.5.1-11
python-werkzeug 3.0.1-1
python-wheel 0.44.0-1
python-wsproto 1.2.0-4
python-wxpython 1:4.2.1-2
python-xmltodict 0.13.0-4
python-yaml 6.0.1-4
python-zope-interface 6.3-1
python-zstandard 0.22.0-2
qca-qt6 2.3.9-2
qgpgme-qt6 1.23.2-6
qhull 2020.2-5
qpdf 11.9.1-1
qrencode 4.1.1-3
qt5-base 5.15.14+kde+r143-1
qt5-declarative 5.15.14+kde+r28-1
qt5-multimedia 5.15.14+kde+r2-1
qt5-speech 5.15.14+kde+r1-1
qt5-svg 5.15.14+kde+r5-1
qt5-tools 5.15.14+kde+r4-2
qt5-translations 5.15.14-1
qt5-wayland 5.15.14+kde+r59-1
qt5-x11extras 5.15.14-1
qt5ct 1.8-2
qt6-5compat 6.7.2-1
qt6-base 6.7.2-1
qt6-declarative 6.7.2-1
qt6-multimedia 6.7.2-1
qt6-multimedia-ffmpeg 6.7.2-1
qt6-shadertools 6.7.2-1
qt6-speech 6.7.2-1
qt6-svg 6.7.2-1
qt6-translations 6.7.2-1
qt6-wayland 6.7.2-4
raptor 2.0.16-5
rar 7.01-1
rasqal 1:0.9.33-7
rav1e 0.7.1-1
rclone 1.67.0-1
readline 8.2.013-1
redland 1:1.0.17-9
reflector 2023-2
rhash 1.4.4-1
ripgrep 14.1.0-1
rsync 3.3.0-2
rtkit 0.13-3
rtmpdump 1:2.4.r105.6f6bb13-1
rubberband 3.3.0-2
ruby 3.2.4-1
ruby-bundled-gems 3.2.4-1
ruby-bundler 2.5.11-2
ruby-debug 1.7.1-1
ruby-default-gems 3.2.4-1
ruby-erb 4.0.4-4
ruby-irb 1.6.2-2
ruby-matrix 0.4.2-1
ruby-minitest 5.22.3-1
ruby-net-ftp 0.3.5-2
ruby-net-imap 0.4.12-1
ruby-net-pop 0.1.2-1
ruby-net-smtp 0.5.0-2
ruby-power_assert 2.0.3-3
ruby-prime 0.1.2-1
ruby-racc 1.6.2-1
ruby-rake 13.0.6-3
ruby-rbs 3.4.4-2
ruby-rexml 3.2.6-2
ruby-rss 0.3.0-2
ruby-stdlib 3.2.4-1
ruby-test-unit 3.6.1-3
ruby-typeprof 0.21.8-1
rubygems 3.4.19-1
ruff 0.5.7-1
runc 1.1.13-1
sane 1.3.1-1
sbc 2.0-2
sdbus-cpp 1.5.0-3
sdl2 2.30.6-1
seatd 0.8.0-2
sed 4.9-3
semver 7.6.3-1
serd 0.32.2-1
sfsexp 1.4.1-2
shaderc 2024.1-1
shadow 4.16.0-1
shared-mime-info 2.4-1
slang 2.3.3-3
slurp 1.5.0-1
smbclient 4.20.4-1
snappy 1.1.10-1
solid 6.4.0-1
solid5 5.116.0-1
sonnet 6.4.0-1
sord 0.16.16-1
sound-theme-freedesktop 0.8-6
soundtouch 2.3.3-1
source-highlight 3.1.9-12
sox 14.4.2+r184+gf3094754-1
spandsp 0.0.6-5
speedtest-cli 2.1.3-8
speex 1.2.1-2
speexdsp 1.2.1-2
spek 0.8.5-1
spirv-tools 2024.2-1
sqlite 3.46.0-1
sratom 0.6.16-1
srt 1.5.3-2
sublime-text-4 4.4180-1
sudo 1.9.15.p5-2
suitesparse 7.7.0-2
svt-av1 2.1.2-1
svt-hevc 1.5.1-3
swayidle 1.8.0-2
syndication 6.4.0-1
syntax-highlighting 6.4.0-1
systemd 256.4-1
systemd-libs 256.4-1
systemd-sysvcompat 256.4-1
taglib 2.0.1-1
talloc 2.4.2-3
tar 1.35-2
task 3.1.0-1
tcl 8.6.14-4
tdb 1.4.12-1
tdl-bin 0.17.3-1
tevent 1:0.16.1-3
texinfo 7.1-2
texlive-basic 2024.2-2
texlive-bibtexextra 2024.2-2
texlive-bin 2024.2-2
texlive-binextra 2024.2-2
texlive-context 2024.2-2
texlive-fontsextra 2024.2-2
texlive-fontsrecommended 2024.2-2
texlive-fontutils 2024.2-2
texlive-formatsextra 2024.2-2
texlive-games 2024.2-2
texlive-humanities 2024.2-2
texlive-latex 2024.2-2
texlive-latexextra 2024.2-2
texlive-latexrecommended 2024.2-2
texlive-luatex 2024.2-2
texlive-mathscience 2024.2-2
texlive-metapost 2024.2-2
texlive-music 2024.2-2
texlive-pictures 2024.2-2
texlive-plaingeneric 2024.2-2
texlive-pstricks 2024.2-2
texlive-publishers 2024.2-2
texlive-xetex 2024.2-2
timg 1.6.0-1
tinyxml2 10.0.0-1
tk 8.6.14-4
tldr 3.3.0-1
tomlplusplus 3.4.0-1
tpm2-tss 4.0.1-1
tracker3 3.7.3-2
tre-command 0.4.0-1
tslib 1.23-1
ttf-ancient-fonts 2.60-2
ttf-baekmuk 2.2-14
ttf-bitstream-vera 1.10-16
ttf-dejavu 2.37+18+g9b5d1b2f-7
ttf-droid 20121017-11
ttf-inconsolata 1:3.000-4
ttf-jetbrains-mono 2.304-2
ttf-liberation 2.1.5-2
ttf-librebaskerville 1.0-4
ttf-meslo-nerd-font-powerlevel10k 2.3.3-1
ttf-mononoki 1.6-2
ttf-opensans 1.101-3
twolame 0.4.0-4
tzdata 2024a-2
uchardet 0.0.8-3
udisks2 2.10.1-4
unixodbc 2.3.12-2
upower 1.90.4-1
urlscan 1.0.3-1
usbutils 017-1
util-linux 2.40.2-1
util-linux-libs 2.40.2-1
v4l-utils 1.26.1-1
vapoursynth R69-1
vcdimager 2.0.1-4
ventoy-bin 1.0.99-1
vid.stab 1.1.1-2
vim 9.1.0672-1
vim-runtime 9.1.0672-1
virtualfish 2.5.9-1
vlc 3.0.21-2
vmaf 3.0.0-1
volume_key 0.3.12-9
vulkan-headers 1:1.3.285-1
vulkan-icd-loader 1.3.285-1
wavpack 5.7.0-1
wayland 1.23.0-1
wayland-protocols 1.36-1
webkit2gtk-4.1 2.44.2-1
webrtc-audio-processing-1 1.3-3
wev 1.0.0-13
wf-recorder 0.4.1-2
wget 1.24.5-3
whatmp3 3.8-1
which 2.21-6
wildmidi 0.4.6-1
wine 9.14-1
wireplumber 0.5.5-1
wl-clipboard 1:2.2.1-2
wl-color-picker 1.3-1
wlr-randr 0.4.1-4
wlroots0.17 0.17.4-3
woeusb-ng 0.2.12-3
woff2 1.0.2-5
wofi 1.4.1-1
wpa_supplicant 2:2.11-2
wpebackend-fdo 1.14.2-2
wxsvg 1.5.25-2
wxwidgets-common 3.2.5-1
wxwidgets-gtk3 3.2.5-1
x264 3:0.164.r3108.31e19f9-2
x265 3.6-1
xapian-core 1:1.4.25-1
xbitmaps 1.1.3-2
xcb-proto 1.17.0-2
xcb-util 0.4.1-2
xcb-util-cursor 0.1.5-1
xcb-util-errors 1.0.1-2
xcb-util-image 0.4.1-3
xcb-util-keysyms 0.4.1-5
xcb-util-renderutil 0.3.10-2
xcb-util-wm 0.4.2-2
xdg-dbus-proxy 0.1.5-2
xdg-desktop-portal 1.18.4-1
xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland 1.3.3-2
xdg-user-dirs 0.18-2
xdg-utils 1.2.1-1
xerces-c 3.2.5-2
xkeyboard-config 2.42-1
xmlsec 1.3.5-1
xorg-fonts-encodings 1.1.0-1
xorg-server-common 21.1.13-1
xorg-setxkbmap 1.3.4-2
xorg-xkbcomp 1.4.7-1
xorg-xprop 1.2.7-1
xorg-xset 1.2.5-2
xorg-xwayland 24.1.2-1
xorgproto 2024.1-2
xterm 393-1
xvidcore 1.3.7-3
xxhash 0.8.2-1
xz 5.6.2-1
yad 14.1-1
yajl 2.1.0-6
yarn 1.22.22-2
yay 12.3.5-1
yay-debug 12.3.5-1
yq 3.4.3-1
yt-dlp 2024.08.06-1
zbar 0.23.93-1
zenity 4.0.2-1
zeromq 4.3.5-2
zimg 3.0.5-1
zix 0.4.2-2
zlib 1:1.3.1-2
zstd 1.5.6-1
zvbi 0.2.42-1
zxing-cpp 2.2.1-1
zziplib 0.13.78-1
@yyyyyyyan yyyyyyyan added the bug Something isn't working label Aug 13, 2024
Copy link

can you bisect?

Copy link

yyyyyyyan commented Aug 13, 2024

can you bisect?

Working on this right now. I replaced all hypr-git packages to their non-git versions and downgraded all packages to their versions on 08/08. It's working again. I'll do day by day updates to figure out what went wrong.

Installed packages on 08/08 (working)
a52dec 0.8.0-2
aalib 1.4rc5-18
abseil-cpp 20240722.0-1
acl 2.3.2-1
acpi 1.7-4
adobe-source-code-pro-fonts 2.042u+1.062i+1.026vf-2
adwaita-cursors 46.2-1
adwaita-icon-theme 46.2-1
adwaita-icon-theme-legacy 46.2-1
aegisub 3.3.3-9
alsa-lib 1.2.12-1
alsa-plugins 1:1.2.12-3
alsa-ucm-conf 1.2.12-1
alsa-utils 1.2.12-1
aom 3.9.1-1
apple-fonts 6-1
appstream 1.0.3-1
aquamarine 0.3.0-1
archlinux-keyring 20240709-1
argon2 20190702-6
aria2 1.37.0-1
aribb24 1.0.3-4
aribb25 0.2.7-3
ark 24.05.2-2
at-spi2-core 2.52.0-1
atkmm 2.28.4-1
attica 6.4.0-1
attr 2.5.2-1
audiofile 0.3.6-9
audit 4.0.1-3
autoconf 2.72-1
automake 1.17-1
avahi 1:0.8+r194+g3f79789-2
babl 0.1.108-1
baloo 6.4.0-1
baloo-widgets 24.05.2-1
base 3-2
base-devel 1-1
bash 5.2.032-1
bat 0.24.0-2
binutils 2.43+r4+g7999dae6961-1
bison 3.8.2-6
blas 3.12.0-5
blosc 1.21.6-1
bluez 5.77-1
bluez-libs 5.77-1
bluez-utils 5.77-1
boost-libs 1.83.0-9
botan 3.5.0-1
box2d 2.4.1-2
breeze-icons 6.4.0-1
bridge-utils 1.7.1-2
brightnessctl 0.5.1-3
brotli 1.1.0-2
btop 1.3.2-1
bubblewrap 0.9.0-1
bzip2 1.0.8-6
c-ares 1.29.0-1
ca-certificates 20240618-1
ca-certificates-mozilla 3.103-1
ca-certificates-utils 20240618-1
cairo 1.18.0-2
cairomm 1.14.5-1
cantarell-fonts 1:0.303.1-2
cdparanoia 10.2-9
cdrtools 3.02a09-6
chromaprint 1.5.1-8
chromium 127.0.6533.99-1
cifs-utils 7.0-4
cjson 1.7.18-1
clipman 1.6.4-1
cloc 2.00-1
cmake 3.30.2-1
cod 0.1.0-5
confuse 3.3-4
containerd 1.7.20-1
convertlit 1.8-12
coreutils 9.5-1
cpio 2.15-1
cppdap 1.58.0-2
crypto++ 8.9.0-1
cryptsetup 2.7.4-1
cups 2:2.4.10-1
cups-filters 2.0.0-2
cups-pdf 3.0.1-8
curl 8.9.1-2
cython 3.0.10-5
dav1d 1.4.3-1
db5.3 5.3.28-5
dbus 1.14.10-2
dbus-broker 36-4
dbus-broker-units 36-4
dconf 0.40.0-3
debugedit 5.0-6
default-cursors 2-2
deluge 1:2.1.1-6
deluge-gtk 1:2.1.1-6
desktop-file-utils 0.27-1
device-mapper 2.03.25-2
diffutils 3.10-1
displaylink 6.0-0
displaylink-debug 6.0-0
dkms 3.0.12-1
docker 1:27.1.1-1
docker-compose 2.29.1-1
dolphin 24.05.2-1
dosfstools 4.2-4
double-conversion 3.3.0-2
duktape 2.7.0-7
dunst 1.11.0-1
dvd+rw-tools 7.1-10
dvdauthor 0.7.2-12
dvdstyler 3.2.1-3
dvisvgm 3.4-1
e2fsprogs 1.47.1-4
ebook-tools 0.2.2-8
efibootmgr 18-3
efivar 39-1
egl-wayland 3:
eglexternalplatform 1.1-3
enchant 2.8.0-1
evdi 1.14.5-0
evdi-debug 1.14.5-0
exfat-utils 1.4.0-3
exiv2 0.28.3-1
expat 2.6.2-1
eza 0.19.0-1
faac 1.30-5
faad2 2.11.1-1
fakeroot 1.35-1
fd 10.1.0-1
ffcall 2.4-3
ffmpeg 2:7.0.1-2
ffmpeg4.4 4.4.4-6
ffms2 5.0-1
fftw 3.3.10-7
file 5.45-1
filesystem 2024.04.07-1
filezilla 3.67.1-1
findutils 4.10.0-1
firefox 129.0-1
fish 3.7.1-2
flac 1.4.3-2
flashrom 1.4.0-1
flex 2.6.4-5
fluidsynth 2.3.6-1
fmt 10.2.0-1
fontconfig 2:2.15.0-2
fontforge 20230101-4
foomatic-db-engine 5:20200131-1
freeglut 3.6.0-1
freeimage 3.18.0-22
freetype2 2.13.2-2
fribidi 1.0.15-1
ftgl 2.4.0-3
fuse-common 3.16.2-1
fuse2 2.9.9-5
fuse3 3.16.2-1
fwupd 1.9.23-1
fwupd-efi 1.6-1
gammastep 2.0.9-3
gaupol 1.15-2
gawk 5.3.0-1
gc 8.2.6-1
gcalcli 4.3.0-3
gcc 14.2.1+r32+geccf707e5ce-1
gcc-libs 14.2.1+r32+geccf707e5ce-1
gd 2.3.3-8
gdal 3.9.1-2
gdb 15.1-1
gdb-common 15.1-1
gdbm 1.24-1
gdbuspp 1-1
gdk-pixbuf2 2.42.12-1
gegl 0.4.48-4
geoclue 2.7.1-3
geoip 1.6.12-3
geoip-database 20240720-1
geos 3.12.2-1
gettext 0.22.5-1
ghc-libs 9.2.8-1
ghostscript 10.03.1-1
giflib 5.2.2-1
gimp 2.10.38-1
git 2.46.0-1
git-crypt 0.7.0-3
glew 2.2.0-7
glib-networking 1:2.80.0-3
glib2 2.80.4-1
glibc 2.40+r16+gaa533d58ff-2
glibmm 2.66.7-1
glm 1.0.1-1
glow 1.5.1-2
glslang 14.2.0-1
glu 9.0.3-2
gmime3 3.2.15-1
gmp 6.3.0-2
gnu-free-fonts 20120503-8
gnupg 2.4.5-4
gnutls 3.8.6-1
go-task-bin 3.37.2-1
gobject-introspection-runtime 1.80.1-3
gparted 1.6.0-1
gperftools 2.15-1
gpgme 1.23.2-6
gpm 1.20.7.r38.ge82d1a6-6
gptfdisk 1.0.10-1
graphene 1.10.8-1
graphicsmagick 1.3.43-1
graphite 1:1.3.14-4
graphviz 12.0.0-1
grep 3.11-1
grim 1.4.1-2
groff 1.23.0-6
grub 2:2.12-2
gsasl 2.2.1-1
gsettings-desktop-schemas 46.1-2
gsettings-system-schemas 46.1-2
gsfonts 20200910-4
gsm 1.0.22-2
gspell 1.12.2-3
gssdp 1.6.3-1
gst-libav 1.24.6-1
gst-plugin-gtk 1.24.6-1
gst-plugins-bad 1.24.6-1
gst-plugins-bad-libs 1.24.6-1
gst-plugins-base 1.24.6-1
gst-plugins-base-libs 1.24.6-1
gst-plugins-good 1.24.6-1
gst-plugins-ugly 1.24.6-1
gstreamer 1.24.6-1
gtest 1.15.2-1
gtk-update-icon-cache 1:4.14.4-2
gtk2 2.24.33-4
gtk3 1:3.24.43-1
gtk4 1:4.14.4-2
gtkmm3 3.24.9-1
gtksourceview3 1:3.24.11+r28+g73e57b57-2
guile 3.0.10-1
gupnp 1:1.6.6-1
gupnp-igd 1.6.0-1
gzip 1.13-4
harfbuzz 9.0.0-1
harfbuzz-icu 9.0.0-1
has 1.5.0-1
haskell-aeson-pretty 0.8.10-8
haskell-ansi-terminal 0.11.4-66
haskell-ansi-wl-pprint 0.6.9-418
haskell-appar 0.1.8-14
haskell-asn1-encoding 0.9.6-230
haskell-asn1-parse 0.9.5-230
haskell-asn1-types 0.3.4-209
haskell-assoc 1.0.2-268
haskell-async 2.2.5-27
haskell-attoparsec 0.14.4-74
haskell-auto-update 0.1.6-339
haskell-base-compat 0.12.2-2
haskell-base-compat-batteries 0.12.2-83
haskell-basement 0.0.16-2
haskell-bifunctors 5.6-79
haskell-boring 0.2.1-3
haskell-byteorder 1.0.4-25
haskell-call-stack 0.4.0-184
haskell-citeproc 0.8.1-106
haskell-cmdargs 0.10.22-2
haskell-colour 2.3.6-210
haskell-commonmark-extensions 0.2.4-2
haskell-comonad 5.0.8-263
haskell-conduit 1.3.5-54
haskell-conduit-extra 1.3.6-135
haskell-constraints 0.13.4-50
haskell-contravariant 1.5.5-4
haskell-cookie 0.4.6-2
haskell-crypton 0.34-11
haskell-crypton-connection 0.3.2-8
haskell-crypton-x509 1.7.6-28
haskell-crypton-x509-store 1.6.9-28
haskell-crypton-x509-system 1.6.7-28
haskell-crypton-x509-validation 1.6.12-28
haskell-data-default-instances-containers 0.0.1-37
haskell-data-default-instances-dlist 0.0.1-319
haskell-data-default-instances-old-locale 0.0.1-37
haskell-data-fix 0.3.2-102
haskell-dec 0.0.5-5
haskell-digits 0.3.1-21
haskell-dlist 1.0-241
haskell-doctemplates 0.11-72
haskell-easy-file 0.2.5-21
haskell-emojis 0.1.3-10
haskell-fast-logger 3.1.2-75
haskell-foldable1-classes-compat 0.1-79
haskell-generically 0.1.1-2
haskell-ghc-bignum-orphans 0.1.1-2
haskell-glob 0.10.2-90
haskell-haddock-library 1.11.0-18
haskell-hourglass 0.2.12-246
haskell-hslua 2.3.0-53
haskell-hslua-classes 2.3.0-54
haskell-hslua-core 2.3.1-46
haskell-hslua-list 1.1.1-61
haskell-hslua-marshalling 2.3.1-6
haskell-hslua-module-doclayout 1.1.0-59
haskell-hslua-module-path 1.1.0-54
haskell-hslua-module-version 1.1.0-54
haskell-hslua-module-zip 1.1.1-23
haskell-hslua-objectorientation 2.3.0-50
haskell-hslua-packaging 2.3.1-15
haskell-hslua-repl 0.1.2-12
haskell-hslua-typing 0.1.1-8
haskell-http-api-data 0.5.1-55
haskell-http-client 0.7.15-24
haskell-http-date 0.0.11-136
haskell-http-types 0.12.4-7
haskell-http2 4.1.0-23
haskell-indexed-traversable 0.1.3-71
haskell-iproute 1.7.12-82
haskell-ipynb 0.2-140
haskell-isocline 1.0.9-2
haskell-jira-wiki-markup 1.5.1-22
haskell-juicypixels 3.3.8-31
haskell-lexer 1.1.1-2
haskell-libyaml 0.1.4-6
haskell-lpeg 1.0.4-26
haskell-lua 2.3.2-6
haskell-memory 0.18.0-8
haskell-mmorph 1.2.0-6
haskell-network-byte-order 0.1.7-2
haskell-onetuple 0.4-1
haskell-only 0.1-23
haskell-ordered-containers 0.2.3-2
haskell-pandoc 3.1.8-35
haskell-pandoc-lua-marshal 0.2.4-3
haskell-pandoc-types 1.23.1-22
haskell-pem 0.2.4-286
haskell-pretty-show 1.10-15
haskell-prettyprinter 1.7.1-166
haskell-quickcheck 2.14.3-64
haskell-recv 0.1.0-30
haskell-resourcet 1.2.6-51
haskell-safe 0.3.21-5
haskell-semigroupoids 5.3.7-143
haskell-servant 0.20.1-13
haskell-servant-server 0.20-24
haskell-simple-sendfile 0.2.32-37
haskell-singleton-bool 0.1.7-3
haskell-skylighting 0.14-16
haskell-skylighting-core 0.14-15
haskell-skylighting-format-ansi 0.1-122
haskell-skylighting-format-latex 0.1-122
haskell-socks 0.6.1-237
haskell-some 1.0.5-2
haskell-split 0.2.5-6
haskell-statevar 1.2.2-3
haskell-tagged 0.8.8-2
haskell-tagsoup 0.14.8-226
haskell-temporary 1.3-585
haskell-text-short 0.1.5-79
haskell-th-compat 0.1.5-2
haskell-th-lift 0.8.4-2
haskell-th-lift-instances 0.1.20-47
haskell-time-manager 0.0.1-35
haskell-tls 1.8.0-29
haskell-transformers-base 0.4.6-102
haskell-transformers-compat 0.7.2-2
haskell-type-equality 1.0.1-1
haskell-typst-symbols 0.1.4-2
haskell-uniplate 1.6.13-223
haskell-unix-compat 0.7.1-17
haskell-unix-time 0.4.13-1
haskell-unordered-containers 0.2.20-18
haskell-utf8-string 1.0.2-150
haskell-wai 3.2.4-20
haskell-wai-app-static 3.1.9-15
haskell-wai-cors 0.2.7-356
haskell-wai-extra 3.1.15-4
haskell-wai-logger 2.4.0-445
haskell-warp 3.3.30-60
haskell-witherable 0.4.2-102
haskell-word8 0.1.3-23
haskell-xml 1.3.14-31
haskell-xml-types 0.3.8-9
hicolor-icon-theme 0.18-1
hidapi 0.14.0-3
highway 1.2.0-1
hplip 1:3.24.4-1
hslua-cli 1.4.1-50
http-parser 2.9.4-2
httpie 3.2.3-1
hub 2.14.2-4
hunspell 1.7.2-2
hunspell-en_us 2020.12.07-5
hunspell-pt-br 3.2.15-1
hwdata 0.384-1
hyphen 2.8.8-6
hyprcursor 0.1.9-1
hypridle 0.1.2-1
hypridle-git-debug 0.1.2.r12.g96d51ec2-1
hyprland 0.41.2-3
hyprlang 0.5.2-1
hyprlock 0.4.1-1
hyprpaper 0.7.0-2
hyprutils 0.2.0-1
hyprwayland-scanner-git 0.4.0.r4.ga048a6cb-1
hyprwayland-scanner-git-debug 0.4.0.r4.ga048a6cb-1
iana-etc 20240612-1
icu 75.1-1
ijs 0.35-6
imath 3.1.11-2
imlib2 1.12.3-1
imv 4.5.0-2
intel-ucode 20240531-1
iproute2 6.10.0-2
iptables 1:1.8.10-2
iputils 20240117-1
ipython 8.26.0-1
iso-codes 4.16.0-1
isoimagewriter 24.05.2-1
jack2 1.9.22-1
jansson 2.14-4
jasper 4.2.4-1
jbig2dec 0.20-1
jbigkit 2.1-8
jq 1.7.1-2
json-c 0.17-2
json-glib 1.8.0-2
jsoncpp 1.9.5-3
jxrlib 0.2.4-2
karchive 6.4.0-1
karchive5 5.116.0-1
kauth 6.4.0-1
kauth5 5.116.0-1
kbd 2.6.4-1
kbookmarks 6.4.0-1
kcmutils 6.4.0-1
kcodecs 6.4.0-1
kcodecs5 5.116.0-1
kcolorscheme 6.4.0-1
kcompletion 6.4.0-1
kconfig 6.4.0-1
kconfig5 5.116.0-1
kconfigwidgets 6.4.0-1
kconfigwidgets5 5.116.0-1
kcoreaddons 6.4.0-1
kcoreaddons5 5.116.0-1
kcrash 6.4.0-1
kdbusaddons 6.4.0-1
kdbusaddons5 5.116.0-1
kdnssd 6.4.0-1
kdsoap-qt6 2.2.0-1
kdsoap-ws-discovery-client 0.4.0-1
keepassxc 2.7.9-3
keyutils 1.6.3-3
kfilemetadata 6.4.0-1
kglobalaccel 6.4.0-1
kglobalaccel5 5.116.0-1
kguiaddons 6.4.0-1
kguiaddons5 5.116.0-1
ki18n 6.4.0-1
ki18n5 5.116.0-1
kiconthemes 6.4.0-1
kiconthemes5 5.116.0-1
kidletime 6.4.0-1
kio 6.4.1-1
kio-extras 24.05.2-1
kirigami 6.4.0-2
kitemviews 6.4.0-1
kitemviews5 5.116.0-1
kitty 0.35.2-1
kitty-shell-integration 0.35.2-1
kitty-terminfo 0.35.2-1
kjobwidgets 6.4.0-1
kmix 24.05.2-1
kmod 32-1
knewstuff 6.4.0-1
knotifications 6.4.0-1
knotifications5 5.116.0-1
kpackage 6.4.0-1
kparts 6.4.0-1
kpty 6.4.0-1
krb5 1.21.3-1
kservice 6.4.0-1
ktextwidgets 6.4.0-1
kuserfeedback 6.4.0-1
kwallet 6.4.0-1
kwayland-integration 6.1.3-1
kwayland5 5.116.0-1
kwidgetsaddons 6.4.1-1
kwidgetsaddons5 5.116.0-1
kwindowsystem 6.4.0-1
kwindowsystem5 5.116.0-1
kxmlgui 6.4.0-1
kxmlgui5 5.116.0-1
kyotocabinet 1.2.79-2
l-smash 2.14.5-4
lame 3.100-5
lapack 3.12.0-5
lcms2 2.16-1
ldb 2:2.9.1-2
lensfun 1:0.3.4-4
less 1:661-1
lib32-acl 2.3.2-1
lib32-brotli 1.1.0-1
lib32-bzip2 1.0.8-3
lib32-dbus 1.14.10-2
lib32-e2fsprogs 1.47.1-1
lib32-expat 2.6.2-1
lib32-fontconfig 2:2.15.0-1
lib32-freetype2 2.13.2-1
lib32-gcc-libs 14.2.1+r32+geccf707e5ce-1
lib32-gettext 0.22.5-1
lib32-glib2 2.80.4-1
lib32-glibc 2.40+r16+gaa533d58ff-2
lib32-harfbuzz 9.0.0-1
lib32-icu 75.1-1
lib32-keyutils 1.6.3-2
lib32-krb5 1.21.3-1
lib32-libcap 2.70-1
lib32-libffi 3.4.6-1
lib32-libgcrypt 1.11.0-1
lib32-libgpg-error 1.50-1
lib32-libldap 2.6.8-1
lib32-libnl 3.10.0-1
lib32-libnsl 2.0.1-1
lib32-libpcap 1.10.4-1
lib32-libpng 1.6.43-1
lib32-libtirpc 1.3.5-1
lib32-libunwind 1.8.1-1
lib32-libx11 1.8.10-1
lib32-libxau 1.0.11-1
lib32-libxcb 1.17.0-1
lib32-libxcrypt 4.4.36-2
lib32-libxcursor 1.2.2-1
lib32-libxdmcp 1.1.5-1
lib32-libxext 1.3.6-1
lib32-libxfixes 6.0.1-1
lib32-libxi 1.8.1-1
lib32-libxkbcommon 1.7.0-2
lib32-libxml2 2.13.3-1
lib32-libxrandr 1.5.4-1
lib32-libxrender 0.9.11-1
lib32-openssl 1:3.3.1-1
lib32-pam 1.6.1-1
lib32-pcre2 10.44-1
lib32-systemd 256.4-1
lib32-util-linux 2.40.2-1
lib32-wayland 1.23.0-1
lib32-xz 5.6.2-1
lib32-zlib 1.3.1-1
lib32-zstd 1.5.6-1
libaacs 0.11.1-2
libabw 0.1.3-4
libadwaita 1:1.5.3-1
libaec 1.1.3-1
libao 1.2.2-6
libarchive 3.7.4-1
libass 0.17.3-1
libassuan 3.0.0-1
libasyncns 1:0.8+r3+g68cd5af-3
libatasmart 0.19-6
libatomic_ops 7.8.2-1
libavc1394 0.5.4-6
libavif 1.1.1-1
libavtp 0.2.0-3
libb2 0.98.1-3
libblockdev 3.1.1-2
libblockdev-crypto 3.1.1-2
libblockdev-fs 3.1.1-2
libblockdev-loop 3.1.1-2
libblockdev-mdraid 3.1.1-2
libblockdev-nvme 3.1.1-2
libblockdev-part 3.1.1-2
libblockdev-swap 3.1.1-2
libbluray 1.3.4-1
libbpf 1.4.3-1
libbs2b 3.1.0-9
libbsd 0.12.2-2
libbytesize 2.8-3
libcaca 0.99.beta20-4
libcamera 0.3.1-2
libcamera-ipa 0.3.1-2
libcanberra 1:0.30+r2+gc0620e4-4
libcap 2.70-1
libcap-ng 0.8.5-2
libcbor 0.11.0-1
libcdio 2.1.0-4
libcdio-paranoia 10.2+2.0.2-1
libcdr 0.1.7-8
libcloudproviders 0.3.6-1
libcmis 0.6.2-1
libcolord 1.4.7-2
libcups 2:2.4.10-1
libcupsfilters 2.0.0-2
libdaemon 0.14-6
libdatrie 0.2.13-4
libdbusmenu-glib 16.04.0.r498-2
libdbusmenu-qt5 0.9.3+16.04.20160218-7
libdc1394 2.2.7-1
libdca 0.0.7-2
libde265 1.0.15-2
libdeflate 1.20-2
libdiscid 0.6.4-3
libdisplay-info 0.2.0-1
libdovi 3.3.0-2
libdrm 2.4.122-1
libdv 1.0.0-11
libdvbpsi 1:1.3.3-3
libdvdcss 1.4.3-2
libdvdnav 6.1.1-2
libdvdread 6.1.3-2
libe-book 0.1.3-16
libebml 1.4.5-1
libedit 20240517_3.1-1
libei 1.2.1-1
libelf 0.191-4
libepoxy 1.5.10-3
libepubgen 0.1.1-5
libetonyek 0.1.10-4
libevdev 1.13.2-1
libevent 2.1.12-4
libexif 0.6.24-3
libexttextcat 3.4.7-1
libfdk-aac 2.0.3-1
libffi 3.4.6-1
libfilezilla 1:0.48.1-1
libfontenc 1.1.8-1
libfreeaptx 0.1.1-2
libfreehand 0.1.2-5
libfreexl 2.0.0-2
libftdi 1.5-6
libgcrypt 1.11.0-2
libgeotiff 1.7.3-1
libgexiv2 0.14.3-1
libgirepository 1.80.1-3
libgit2 1:1.8.1-1
libglvnd 1.7.0-1
libgme 0.6.3-5
libgoom2 2k4-5
libgpg-error 1.50-1
libgphoto2 2.5.31-2
libgudev 238-1
libgusb 0.4.9-1
libheif 1.18.1-1
libice 1.1.1-3
libid3tag 0.16.3-2
libidn 1.42-1
libidn2 2.3.7-1
libiec61883 1.2.0-8
libieee1284 0.2.11-16
libimagequant 4.3.1-1
libimobiledevice 1.3.0-13
libimobiledevice-glue 1.3.0-1
libinih 58-1
libinput 1.26.1-1
libinstpatch 1.1.6-3
libisl 0.26-2
libixion 0.19.0-2
libjcat 0.2.1-1
libjpeg-turbo 3.0.3-1
libjxl 0.10.3-1
libkate 0.4.1-10
libkexiv2 24.05.2-1
libksba 1.6.7-1
liblangtag 0.6.7-1
liblc3 1.1.1-1
libldap 2.6.8-1
libliftoff 0.5.0-1
liblqr 0.4.2-4
liblrdf 0.6.1-5
libltc 1.3.2-2
libmad 0.15.1b-10
libmanette 0.2.7-1
libmatroska 1.7.1-2
libmbim 1.30.0-1
libmd 1.1.0-2
libmediainfo 24.06-1
libmfx 23.2.2-3
libmicrodns 0.2.0-2
libmm-glib 1.22.0-1
libmms 0.6.4-5
libmng 2.0.3-4
libmnl 1.0.5-2
libmpc 1.3.1-2
libmpcdec 1:0.1+r475-6
libmpdclient 2.22-1
libmpeg2 0.5.1-10
libmspack 1:1.11-1
libmspub 0.1.4-16
libmtp 1.1.21-2
libmwaw 0.3.22-3
libmypaint 1.6.1-2
libndp 1.9-1
libnetfilter_conntrack 1.0.9-2
libnewt 0.52.24-2
libnfnetlink 1.0.2-2
libnfs 5.0.3-1
libnftnl 1.2.7-1
libnghttp2 1.62.1-1
libnghttp3 1.4.0-1
libngtcp2 1.6.0-1
libnice 0.1.22-1
libnl 3.10.0-1
libnm 1.48.6-1
libnotify 0.8.3-1
libnsl 2.0.1-1
libnumbertext 1.0.11-2
libnvme 1.10-1
libodfgen 0.1.8-3
libogg 1.3.5-2
libomxil-bellagio 0.9.3-5
libopenmpt 0.7.9-1
liborcus 0.19.2-2
libp11-kit 0.25.5-1
libpagemaker 0.0.4-4
libpaper 2.2.5-1
libpcap 1.10.4-1
libpciaccess 0.18.1-2
libpgm 5.3.128-3
libpipeline 1.5.7-2
libpipewire 1:1.2.2-1
libplacebo 7.349.0-1
libplist 2.6.0-1
libpng 1.6.43-1
libppd 2.0.0-2
libproxy 0.5.8-1
libpsl 0.21.5-2
libpulse 17.0-3
libqmi 1.34.0-1
libqrtr-glib 1.2.2-3
libqxp 0.0.2-12
libraqm 0.10.1-2
libraw 0.21.2-1
libraw1394 2.1.2-4
libreoffice-fresh 24.2.5-1
librevenge 0.0.5-3
librist 0.2.10-3
librsvg 2:2.58.2-1
librsync 1:2.3.4-2
librttopo 1.1.0-6
libsamplerate 0.2.2-3
libsasl 2.1.28-4
libseccomp 2.5.5-3
libsecret 0.21.4-1
libshout 1:2.4.6-3
libsidplayfp 2.8.0-1
libsigc++ 2.12.1-1
libsigsegv 2.14-3
libsixel 1.10.3-6
libsm 1.2.4-2
libsndfile 1.2.2-2
libsodium 1.0.20-1
libsoup3 3.4.4-1
libsoxr 0.1.3-4
libspatialite 5.1.0-2
libspiro 1:20221101-3
libsrtp 1:2.6.0-1
libssh 0.10.6-2
libssh2 1.11.0-1
libstaroffice 0.0.7-3
libstemmer 2.2.0-2
libsynctex 2024.2-2
libsysprof-capture 46.0-4
libtar 1.2.20-7
libtasn1 4.19.0-2
libteam 1.32-2
libthai 0.1.29-3
libtheora 1.1.1-6
libtiff 4.6.0-5
libtiger 0.3.4-8
libtirpc 1.3.5-1
libtommath 1.3.0-1
libtool 2.5.1-2
libtorrent-rasterbar 1:2.0.10-2
libunibreak 6.1-1
libuninameslist 20221022-2
libunistring 1.2-1
libunwind 1.8.1-3
libupnp 1.14.19-3
liburing 2.6-2
libusb 1.0.27-1
libusb-compat 0.1.8-1
libusbmuxd 2.1.0-1
libutempter 1.2.1-4
libuv 1.48.0-2
libva 2.22.0-1
libva-nvidia-driver-git 0.0.12.r11.gf3205bd-1
libvdpau 1.5-3
libverto 0.3.2-5
libvisio 0.1.7-11
libvorbis 1.3.7-3
libvpl 2.12.0-1
libvpx 1.14.1-1
libwacom 2.12.2-1
libwbclient 4.20.4-1
libwebp 1.4.0-1
libwireplumber 0.5.5-1
libwmf 0.2.13-2
libwpd 0.10.3-5
libwpe 1.16.0-1
libwps 0.4.14-2
libx11 1.8.10-1
libxau 1.0.11-3
libxaw 1.0.16-1
libxcb 1.17.0-1
libxcomposite 0.4.6-2
libxcrypt 4.4.36-2
libxcursor 1.2.2-1
libxcvt 0.1.2-2
libxdamage 1.1.6-2
libxdmcp 1.1.5-1
libxext 1.3.6-1
libxfixes 6.0.1-2
libxfont2 2.0.7-1
libxft 2.3.8-2
libxi 1.8.1-2
libxinerama 1.1.5-2
libxkbcommon 1.7.0-2
libxkbcommon-x11 1.7.0-2
libxkbfile 1.1.3-1
libxml2 2.13.3-1
libxmlb 0.3.19-1
libxmu 1.2.1-1
libxnvctrl 555.58.02-1
libxpm 3.5.17-2
libxpresent 1.0.1-2
libxrandr 1.5.4-1
libxrender 0.9.11-2
libxshmfence 1.3.2-2
libxslt 1.1.42-1
libxss 1.2.4-2
libxt 1.3.0-2
libxtst 1.2.5-1
libxv 1.0.12-2
libxxf86vm 1.1.5-2
libyaml 0.2.5-3
libyuv r2426+464c51a0-1
libzen 0.4.41-2
libzip 1.10.1-2
libzmf 0.0.2-16
licenses 20240728-1
lilv 0.24.24-2
linux-api-headers 6.10-1
linux-firmware 20240703.e94a2a3b-1
linux-firmware-whence 20240703.e94a2a3b-1
linux-headers 6.10.3.arch1-2
linux-zen 6.10.3.zen1-2
linux-zen-headers 6.10.3.zen1-2
lirc 1:0.10.2-4
live-media 2024.04.19-1
llvm-libs 18.1.8-4
lm_sensors 1:3.6.0.r41.g31d1f125-3
lmdb 0.9.32-1
lua 5.4.7-1
lua-lpeg 1.1.0-2
lua53 5.3.6-3
luajit 2.1.1720049189-1
luit 20240102-2
lv2 1.18.10-1
lynx 2.9.2-1
lz4 1:1.10.0-2
lzo 2.10-5
m4 1.4.19-3
mailcap 2.1.54-2
make 4.4.1-2
man-db 2.12.1-1
man-pages 6.9.1-1
marktext-bin 0.17.1-2
mbedtls 3.6.0-1
mbedtls2 2.28.8-3
md4c 0.5.2-1
mdadm 4.3-2
media-player-info 24-4
mediainfo 24.06-1
mesa 1:24.1.5-1
meson 1.5.1-1
micro 2.0.13-1
minizip 1:1.3.1-2
mitmproxy 10.4.2-1
mjpegtools 2.2.1-2
mkinitcpio 39.2-2
mkinitcpio-busybox 1.36.1-1
mktorrent 1.1-7
mobile-broadband-provider-info 20240407-1
mpc 0.35-1
mpd 0.23.15-5
mpdecimal 4.0.0-2
mpdscribble 0.25-2
mpfr 4.2.1-4
mpg123 1.32.6-1
mpv 1:0.38.0-6
msmtp 1.8.26-2
mtdev 1.1.7-1
mujs 1.3.5-1
mypaint-brushes1 1.3.1-2
nano 8.1-1
ncmpcpp 0.9.2-19
ncurses 6.5-3
neofetch 7.1.0-2
neomutt 20240425-1
neon 0.33.0-1
net-snmp 5.9.4-4
netpbm 10.86.42-1
nettle 3.10-1
networkmanager 1.48.6-1
networkmanager-dmenu-git r201.6ad647e-1
ninja 1.12.1-1
node-gyp 10.2.0-1
nodejs 22.6.0-1
nodejs-nopt 7.2.0-2
notmuch-runtime 0.38.3-2
npm 10.8.2-1
npth 1.7-1
nspr 4.35-3
nss 3.103-1
ntfs-3g 2022.10.3-1
numactl 2.0.18-1
nvidia-dkms 555.58.02-1
nvidia-settings 555.58.02-1
nvidia-utils 555.58.02-1
ocl-icd 2.3.2-2
offlineimap 8.0.0-5
oniguruma 6.9.9-1
openal 1.23.1-2
opencore-amr 0.1.6-2
openexr 3.2.4-1
openjpeg2 2.5.2-1
openslide 4.0.0-4
openssh 9.8p1-1
openssl 3.3.1-1
openvpn3 22_dev-6
opus 1.5.2-1
orc 0.4.39-1
otf-monocraft 4.0-1
ov-bin 0.35.0-1
p11-kit 0.25.5-1
p7zip 1:17.05-2
pacman 6.1.0-3
pacman-mirrorlist 20240717-1
pahole 1:1.27-2
pam 1.6.1-2
pambase 20230918-1
pamixer 1.6-3
pango 1:1.54.0-1
pangomm 2.46.4-1
parted 3.6-2
passim 0.1.8-1
patch 2.7.6-10
pciutils 3.13.0-1
pcre 8.45-4
pcre2 10.44-1
pcsclite 2.3.0-1
perl 5.38.2-2
perl-algorithm-diff 1:1.201-5
perl-alien-build 2.83-1
perl-alien-libxml2 0.19-3
perl-capture-tiny 0.48-8
perl-class-method-modifiers 2.15-3
perl-clone 0.46-3
perl-data-optlist 0.114-3
perl-dbi 1.643-7
perl-devel-globaldestruction 0.14-10
perl-encode-locale 1.05-12
perl-error 0.17029-6
perl-ffi-checklib 0.31-4
perl-file-basedir 0.09-4
perl-file-chdir 0.1011-6
perl-file-desktopentry 0.22-12
perl-file-listing 6.16-3
perl-file-mimeinfo 0.35-1
perl-file-which 1.27-4
perl-html-parser 3.82-1
perl-html-tagset 3.24-1
perl-http-cookiejar 0.014-2
perl-http-cookies 6.11-1
perl-http-daemon 6.16-3
perl-http-date 6.06-2
perl-http-message 6.46-1
perl-http-negotiate 6.01-13
perl-import-into 1.002005-10
perl-io-html 1.004-5
perl-ipc-system-simple 1.30-6
perl-libwww 6.77-1
perl-lwp-mediatypes 6.04-5
perl-mailtools 2.21-8
perl-module-runtime 0.016-4
perl-moo 2.005005-3
perl-net-http 6.23-3
perl-parallel-forkmanager 2.02-6
perl-params-util 1.102-5
perl-path-tiny 0.144-3
perl-regexp-common 2017060201-7
perl-role-tiny 2.002004-5
perl-sub-exporter 0.991-1
perl-sub-exporter-progressive 0.001013-10
perl-sub-install 0.929-1
perl-sub-quote 1:2.006008-3
perl-timedate 2.33-6
perl-try-tiny 0.31-4
perl-uri 5.28-1
perl-www-robotrules 6.02-13
perl-xml-libxml 2.0210-1
perl-xml-namespacesupport 1.12-6
perl-xml-parser 2.47-1
perl-xml-sax 1.02-2
perl-xml-sax-base 1.09-6
pet-bin 0.7.0-1
phonon-qt6 4.12.0-4
phonon-qt6-vlc 0.12.0-2
picard 2.12-1
pinentry 1.3.1-5
pipewire 1:1.2.2-1
pixman 0.43.4-1
pkgconf 2.1.1-1
plasma-activities 6.1.3-1
polkit 124-2
polkit-kde-agent 6.1.3-1
polkit-qt5 0.200.0-1
polkit-qt6 0.200.0-1
poppler 24.06.1-1
poppler-data 0.4.12-2
poppler-glib 24.06.1-1
poppler-qt6 24.06.1-1
popt 1.19-1
portaudio 1:19.7.0-3
postman-bin 11.7.0-1
potrace 1.16-3
procps-ng 4.0.4-3
progress 0.17-1
proj 9.4.1-1
projectm 3.1.12-5
protobuf 27.3-1
protobuf-c 1.5.0-4
psmisc 23.7-1
publicsuffix-list 20240306.1440.9094af5-1
pugixml 1.14-1
pulseaudio 17.0-3
pulseaudio-alsa 1:1.2.12-3
pulseaudio-bluetooth 17.0-3
pycharm-professional 2024.2-2
python 3.12.4-1
python-aioquic 1.2.0-1
python-argcomplete 3.1.2-1
python-asgiref 3.7.2-2
python-asttokens 2.4.1-2
python-attrs 23.2.0-3
python-autocommand 2.2.2-6
python-automat 22.10.0-5
python-blinker 1.7.0-2
python-brotli 1.1.0-2
python-build 1.2.1-3
python-cachecontrol 1:0.14.0-3
python-cachetools 5.3.2-3
python-cachy 0.3.0-10
python-cairo 1.26.1-1
python-certifi 2024.07.04-1
python-cffi 1.16.0-2
python-chardet 5.2.0-2
python-charset-normalizer 3.3.2-2
python-cleo 2.1.0-2
python-click 8.1.7-3
python-colorama 0.4.6-3
python-constantly 23.10.0-2
python-coverage 7.6.0-1
python-crashtest 0.4.1-3
python-cryptography 42.0.6-1
python-dateutil 2.9.0-5
python-dbus 1.3.2-4
python-decorator 5.1.1-4
python-defusedxml 0.7.1-6
python-discid 1.2.0-9
python-distlib 0.3.8-2
python-distro 1.9.0-2
python-dulwich 0.22.1-1
python-executing 2.0.0-3
python-fasteners 0.19-3
python-fastjsonschema 2.20.0-1
python-filelock 3.13.3-2
python-flask 2.3.3-2
python-geoip 1.3.2-15
python-gobject 3.48.2-2
python-google-api-core 2.19.1-1
python-google-api-python-client 2.140.0-1
python-google-auth 2.32.0-1
python-google-auth-httplib2 0.2.0-2
python-googleapis-common-protos 1.63.2-1
python-h11 0.14.0-3
python-h2 4.1.0-4
python-hpack 4.0.0-5
python-html5lib 1.1-14
python-httplib2 0.22.0-5
python-hyperframe 6.0.1-5
python-hyperlink 21.0.0-6
python-idna 3.7-1
python-ifaddr 0.2.0-5
python-imaplib2 3.6-6
python-incremental 22.10.0-5
python-inflect 7.3.1-1
python-iniconfig 2.0.0-5
python-installer 0.7.0-8
python-itsdangerous 2.1.2-4
python-jaraco.classes 3.4.0-1
python-jaraco.context 5.3.0-1
python-jaraco.functools 4.0.2-1
python-jaraco.text 4.0.0-1
python-jedi 0.19.1-2
python-jeepney 0.8.0-3
python-jinja 1:3.1.4-1
python-jsonschema 4.23.0-1
python-jsonschema-specifications 2023.12.1-2
python-kaitaistruct 0.10-4
python-keyring 25.2.1-1
python-lark-parser 1.1.9-3
python-ldap3 2.9.1-6
python-lockfile 0.12.2-13
python-mako 1.3.5-1
python-markdown 3.6-3
python-markdown-it-py 3.0.0-2
python-markupsafe 2.1.5-2
python-matplotlib-inline 0.1.7-1
python-mdurl 0.1.2-5
python-mitmproxy-rs 0.6.3-1
python-more-itertools 10.3.0-1
python-msgpack 1.0.5-2
python-multidict 6.0.5-2
python-mutagen 1.47.0-2
python-oauth2client 4.1.3-10
python-ordered-set 4.1.0-5
python-packaging 24.1-1
python-parsedatetime 2.6-9
python-parso 1:0.8.4-2
python-passlib 1.7.4-8
python-pexpect 4.9.0-2
python-pillow 10.4.0-1
python-pip 24.1.2-1
python-pipx 1.6.0-1
python-pkgconfig 1.5.5-6
python-pkginfo 1.10.0-1
python-platformdirs 4.2.2-1
python-pluggy 1.5.0-1
python-poetry 1.8.3-1
python-poetry-core 1.9.0-5
python-poetry-plugin-export 1.8.0-1
python-prompt_toolkit 3.0.47-1
python-protobuf 27.3-1
python-psutil 6.0.0-1
python-ptyprocess 0.7.0-6
python-publicsuffix2 2.20191221-8
python-pure-eval 0.2.3-1
python-pyasn1 0.6.0-1
python-pyasn1-modules 0.4.0-1
python-pycparser 2.22-2
python-pygments 2.18.0-1
python-pyjwt 2.8.0-2
python-pylsqpack 0.3.18-2
python-pyopenssl 24.1.0-1
python-pyparsing 3.1.2-2
python-pyperclip 1.8.2-7
python-pyproject-api 1.7.1-1
python-pyproject-hooks 1.1.0-1
python-pyqt5 5.15.11-1
python-pyqt5-sip 12.15.0-1
python-pysocks 1.7.1-9
python-pytest 1:8.3.2-1
python-pytz 2024.1-2
python-pywal 3.3.0-9
python-pyxdg 0.28-3
python-rapidfuzz 3.6.2-3
python-referencing 0.35.1-1
python-rencode 1.0.6-9
python-requests 2.32.3-1
python-requests-toolbelt 1.0.0-2
python-rfc6555 0.1.0-3
python-rich 13.7.1-2
python-rpds-py 0.19.0-1
python-rsa 4.9-4
python-ruamel-yaml 0.18.6-2
python-ruamel.yaml.clib 0.2.8-2
python-secretstorage 3.3.3-5
python-service-identity 23.1.0-2
python-setproctitle 1.3.3-2
python-setuptools 1:69.5.1-1
python-shellingham 1.5.4-2
python-shtab 1.7.1-1
python-six 1.16.0-9
python-sortedcontainers 2.4.0-6
python-stack-data 0.6.3-2
python-systemd 235-3
python-termcolor 2.4.0-2
python-tomli 2.0.1-4
python-tomlkit 0.13.0-1
python-tornado 6.4.1-1
python-tox 4.12.1-2
python-tqdm 4.66.5-1
python-traitlets 5.14.3-2
python-trove-classifiers 2024.7.2-1
python-twisted 24.3.0-2
python-typeguard 4.3.0-1
python-typing_extensions 4.12.2-1
python-uc-micro-py 1.0.3-2
python-uritemplate 4.1.1-4
python-urllib3 1.26.19-1
python-urwid 2.6.10-3
python-userpath 1.9.2-2
python-validate-pyproject 0.18-1
python-virtualenv 20.26.2-1
python-vobject 0.9.7-3
python-wcwidth 0.2.13-2
python-webencodings 0.5.1-11
python-werkzeug 3.0.1-1
python-wheel 0.44.0-1
python-wsproto 1.2.0-4
python-wxpython 1:4.2.1-2
python-xmltodict 0.13.0-4
python-yaml 6.0.1-4
python-zope-interface 6.3-1
python-zstandard 0.22.0-2
qca-qt6 2.3.9-2
qgpgme-qt6 1.23.2-6
qhull 2020.2-5
qpdf 11.9.1-1
qrencode 4.1.1-3
qt5-base 5.15.14+kde+r143-1
qt5-declarative 5.15.14+kde+r28-1
qt5-multimedia 5.15.14+kde+r2-1
qt5-speech 5.15.14+kde+r1-1
qt5-svg 5.15.14+kde+r5-1
qt5-tools 5.15.14+kde+r4-2
qt5-translations 5.15.14-1
qt5-wayland 5.15.14+kde+r59-1
qt5-x11extras 5.15.14-1
qt5ct 1.8-2
qt6-5compat 6.7.2-1
qt6-base 6.7.2-1
qt6-declarative 6.7.2-1
qt6-multimedia 6.7.2-1
qt6-multimedia-ffmpeg 6.7.2-1
qt6-shadertools 6.7.2-1
qt6-speech 6.7.2-1
qt6-svg 6.7.2-1
qt6-translations 6.7.2-1
qt6-wayland 6.7.2-4
raptor 2.0.16-5
rar 7.01-1
rasqal 1:0.9.33-7
rav1e 0.7.1-1
rclone 1.67.0-1
readline 8.2.013-1
redland 1:1.0.17-9
reflector 2023-2
rhash 1.4.4-1
ripgrep 14.1.0-1
rsync 3.3.0-2
rtkit 0.13-3
rtmpdump 1:2.4.r105.6f6bb13-1
rubberband 3.3.0-2
ruby 3.2.4-1
ruby-bundled-gems 3.2.4-1
ruby-bundler 2.5.11-2
ruby-debug 1.7.1-1
ruby-default-gems 3.2.4-1
ruby-erb 4.0.4-4
ruby-irb 1.6.2-2
ruby-matrix 0.4.2-1
ruby-minitest 5.22.3-1
ruby-net-ftp 0.3.5-2
ruby-net-imap 0.4.12-1
ruby-net-pop 0.1.2-1
ruby-net-smtp 0.5.0-2
ruby-power_assert 2.0.3-3
ruby-prime 0.1.2-1
ruby-racc 1.6.2-1
ruby-rake 13.0.6-3
ruby-rbs 3.4.4-2
ruby-rexml 3.2.6-2
ruby-rss 0.3.0-2
ruby-stdlib 3.2.4-1
ruby-test-unit 3.6.1-3
ruby-typeprof 0.21.8-1
rubygems 3.4.19-1
ruff 0.5.6-1
runc 1.1.13-1
sane 1.3.1-1
sbc 2.0-2
sdbus-cpp 1.5.0-3
sdl2 2.30.6-1
seatd 0.8.0-2
sed 4.9-3
semver 7.6.3-1
serd 0.32.2-1
sfsexp 1.4.1-2
shaderc 2024.1-1
shadow 4.16.0-1
shared-mime-info 2.4-1
slang 2.3.3-3
slurp 1.5.0-1
smbclient 4.20.4-1
snappy 1.1.10-1
solid 6.4.0-1
solid5 5.116.0-1
sonnet 6.4.0-1
sord 0.16.16-1
sound-theme-freedesktop 0.8-6
soundtouch 2.3.3-1
source-highlight 3.1.9-12
sox 14.4.2+r184+gf3094754-1
spandsp 0.0.6-5
speedtest-cli 2.1.3-8
speex 1.2.1-2
speexdsp 1.2.1-2
spek 0.8.5-1
spirv-tools 2024.2-1
sqlite 3.46.0-1
sratom 0.6.16-1
srt 1.5.3-2
sublime-text-4 4.4180-1
sudo 1.9.15.p5-2
suitesparse 7.7.0-2
svt-av1 2.1.2-1
svt-hevc 1.5.1-3
swayidle 1.8.0-2
syndication 6.4.0-1
syntax-highlighting 6.4.0-1
systemd 256.4-1
systemd-libs 256.4-1
systemd-sysvcompat 256.4-1
taglib 2.0.1-1
talloc 2.4.2-3
tar 1.35-2
task 3.0.2-1
tcl 8.6.14-4
tdb 1.4.12-1
tdl-bin 0.17.3-1
tevent 1:0.16.1-3
texinfo 7.1-2
texlive-basic 2024.2-2
texlive-bibtexextra 2024.2-2
texlive-bin 2024.2-2
texlive-binextra 2024.2-2
texlive-context 2024.2-2
texlive-fontsextra 2024.2-2
texlive-fontsrecommended 2024.2-2
texlive-fontutils 2024.2-2
texlive-formatsextra 2024.2-2
texlive-games 2024.2-2
texlive-humanities 2024.2-2
texlive-latex 2024.2-2
texlive-latexextra 2024.2-2
texlive-latexrecommended 2024.2-2
texlive-luatex 2024.2-2
texlive-mathscience 2024.2-2
texlive-metapost 2024.2-2
texlive-music 2024.2-2
texlive-pictures 2024.2-2
texlive-plaingeneric 2024.2-2
texlive-pstricks 2024.2-2
texlive-publishers 2024.2-2
texlive-xetex 2024.2-2
timg 1.6.0-1
tinyxml2 10.0.0-1
tk 8.6.14-4
tldr 3.3.0-1
tomlplusplus 3.4.0-1
tpm2-tss 4.0.1-1
tracker3 3.7.3-2
tre-command 0.4.0-1
tslib 1.23-1
ttf-ancient-fonts 2.60-2
ttf-baekmuk 2.2-14
ttf-bitstream-vera 1.10-16
ttf-dejavu 2.37+18+g9b5d1b2f-7
ttf-droid 20121017-11
ttf-inconsolata 1:3.000-4
ttf-jetbrains-mono 2.304-2
ttf-liberation 2.1.5-2
ttf-librebaskerville 1.0-4
ttf-meslo-nerd-font-powerlevel10k 2.3.3-1
ttf-mononoki 1.6-2
ttf-opensans 1.101-3
twolame 0.4.0-4
tzdata 2024a-2
uchardet 0.0.8-3
udisks2 2.10.1-4
unixodbc 2.3.12-2
upower 1.90.4-1
urlscan 1.0.3-1
usbutils 017-1
util-linux 2.40.2-1
util-linux-libs 2.40.2-1
v4l-utils 1.26.1-1
vapoursynth R69-1
vcdimager 2.0.1-4
ventoy-bin 1.0.99-1
vid.stab 1.1.1-2
vim 9.1.0648-1
vim-runtime 9.1.0648-1
virtualfish 2.5.9-1
vlc 3.0.21-2
vmaf 3.0.0-1
volume_key 0.3.12-9
vulkan-headers 1:1.3.285-1
vulkan-icd-loader 1.3.285-1
vulkan-validation-layers 1.3.275-1
wavpack 5.7.0-1
wayland 1.23.0-1
wayland-protocols 1.36-1
webkit2gtk-4.1 2.44.2-1
webrtc-audio-processing-1 1.3-3
wev 1.0.0-13
wf-recorder 0.4.1-2
wget 1.24.5-3
whatmp3 3.8-1
which 2.21-6
wildmidi 0.4.6-1
wine 9.14-1
wireplumber 0.5.5-1
wl-clipboard 1:2.2.1-2
wl-color-picker 1.3-1
wlr-randr 0.4.1-4
wlroots0.17 0.17.4-3
woeusb-ng 0.2.12-3
woff2 1.0.2-5
wofi 1.4.1-1
wpa_supplicant 2:2.11-2
wpebackend-fdo 1.14.2-2
wxsvg 1.5.25-2
wxwidgets-common 3.2.5-1
wxwidgets-gtk3 3.2.5-1
x264 3:0.164.r3108.31e19f9-2
x265 3.6-1
xapian-core 1:1.4.25-1
xbitmaps 1.1.3-2
xcb-proto 1.17.0-2
xcb-util 0.4.1-2
xcb-util-cursor 0.1.5-1
xcb-util-errors 1.0.1-2
xcb-util-image 0.4.1-3
xcb-util-keysyms 0.4.1-5
xcb-util-renderutil 0.3.10-2
xcb-util-wm 0.4.2-2
xdg-dbus-proxy 0.1.5-2
xdg-desktop-portal 1.18.4-1
xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland 1.3.3-2
xdg-user-dirs 0.18-2
xdg-utils 1.2.1-1
xerces-c 3.2.5-2
xkeyboard-config 2.42-1
xmlsec 1.3.5-1
xorg-fonts-encodings 1.1.0-1
xorg-server-common 21.1.13-1
xorg-setxkbmap 1.3.4-2
xorg-xinput 1.6.4-2
xorg-xkbcomp 1.4.7-1
xorg-xprop 1.2.7-1
xorg-xrandr 1.5.2-2
xorg-xset 1.2.5-2
xorg-xwayland 24.1.2-1
xorgproto 2024.1-2
xterm 393-1
xvidcore 1.3.7-3
xxhash 0.8.2-1
xz 5.6.2-1
yad 14.1-1
yajl 2.1.0-6
yarn 1.22.22-2
yay 12.3.5-1
yay-debug 12.3.5-1
yq 3.4.3-1
yt-dlp 2024.08.01-1
zbar 0.23.93-1
zenity 4.0.2-1
zeromq 4.3.5-2
zimg 3.0.5-1
zix 0.4.2-2
zlib 1:1.3.1-2
zstd 1.5.6-1
zvbi 0.2.42-1
zxing-cpp 2.2.1-1
zziplib 0.13.77-1
Installed packages on 08/09 (working) ``` a52dec 0.8.0-2 aalib 1.4rc5-18 abseil-cpp 20240722.0-1 acl 2.3.2-1 acpi 1.7-4 adobe-source-code-pro-fonts 2.042u+1.062i+1.026vf-2 adwaita-cursors 46.2-1 adwaita-icon-theme 46.2-1 adwaita-icon-theme-legacy 46.2-1 aegisub 3.3.3-9 alsa-lib 1.2.12-1 alsa-plugins 1:1.2.12-3 alsa-topology-conf alsa-ucm-conf 1.2.12-1 alsa-utils 1.2.12-1 aom 3.9.1-1 apple-fonts 6-1 appstream 1.0.3-1 aquamarine 0.3.0-1 archlinux-keyring 20240709-1 archlinux-xdg-menu argon2 20190702-6 aria2 1.37.0-1 aribb24 1.0.3-4 aribb25 0.2.7-3 ark 24.05.2-2 at-spi2-core 2.52.0-1 atkmm 2.28.4-1 attica 6.4.0-1 attr 2.5.2-1 audiofile 0.3.6-9 audit 4.0.1-3 autoconf 2.72-1 automake 1.17-1 avahi 1:0.8+r194+g3f79789-2 babl 0.1.108-1 baloo 6.4.0-1 baloo-widgets 24.05.2-1 base 3-2 base-devel 1-1 bash 5.2.032-1 bat 0.24.0-2 binutils 2.43+r4+g7999dae6961-1 bison 3.8.2-6 blas 3.12.0-5 blosc 1.21.6-1 bluez 5.77-1 bluez-libs 5.77-1 bluez-utils 5.77-1 boost-libs 1.83.0-9 botan 3.5.0-1 box2d 2.4.1-2 breeze-icons 6.4.0-1 bridge-utils 1.7.1-2 brightnessctl 0.5.1-3 brotli 1.1.0-2 btop 1.3.2-1 bubblewrap 0.9.0-1 bzip2 1.0.8-6 c-ares 1.29.0-1 ca-certificates 20240618-1 ca-certificates-mozilla 3.103-1 ca-certificates-utils 20240618-1 cairo 1.18.0-2 cairomm 1.14.5-1 cantarell-fonts 1:0.303.1-2 cdparanoia 10.2-9 cdrtools 3.02a09-6 chromaprint 1.5.1-8 chromium 127.0.6533.99-1 cifs-utils 7.0-4 cjson 1.7.18-1 clipman 1.6.4-1 cloc 2.00-1 clucene cmake 3.30.2-1 cod 0.1.0-5 confuse 3.3-4 containerd 1.7.20-1 convertlit 1.8-12 coreutils 9.5-1 cpio 2.15-1 cppdap 1.58.0-2 crypto++ 8.9.0-1 cryptsetup 2.7.4-1 cups 2:2.4.10-1 cups-filters 2.0.0-2 cups-pdf 3.0.1-8 curl 8.9.1-2 cython 3.0.10-5 dav1d 1.4.3-1 db5.3 5.3.28-5 dbus 1.14.10-2 dbus-broker 36-4 dbus-broker-units 36-4 dconf 0.40.0-3 debugedit 5.0-6 default-cursors 2-2 deluge 1:2.1.1-6 deluge-gtk 1:2.1.1-6 desktop-file-utils 0.27-1 device-mapper 2.03.25-2 diffutils 3.10-1 displaylink 6.0-0 displaylink-debug 6.0-0 dkms 3.0.12-1 docker 1:27.1.1-1 docker-compose 2.29.1-1 dolphin 24.05.2-1 dosfstools 4.2-4 double-conversion 3.3.0-2 duktape 2.7.0-7 dunst 1.11.0-1 dvd+rw-tools 7.1-10 dvdauthor 0.7.2-12 dvdstyler 3.2.1-3 dvisvgm 3.4-1 e2fsprogs 1.47.1-4 ebook-tools 0.2.2-8 efibootmgr 18-3 efivar 39-1 egl-wayland 3: eglexternalplatform 1.1-3 enchant 2.8.0-1 evdi 1.14.5-0 evdi-debug 1.14.5-0 exfat-utils 1.4.0-3 exiv2 0.28.3-1 expat 2.6.2-1 eza 0.19.0-1 faac 1.30-5 faad2 2.11.1-1 fakeroot 1.35-1 fd 10.1.0-1 ffcall 2.4-3 ffmpeg 2:7.0.1-2 ffmpeg4.4 4.4.4-6 ffms2 5.0-1 fftw 3.3.10-7 file 5.45-1 filesystem 2024.04.07-1 filezilla 3.67.1-1 findutils 4.10.0-1 firefox 129.0-1 fish 3.7.1-2 flac 1.4.3-2 flashrom 1.4.0-1 flex 2.6.4-5 fluidsynth 2.3.6-1 fmt 10.2.0-1 fontconfig 2:2.15.0-2 fontforge 20230101-4 foomatic-db-engine 5:20200131-1 freeglut 3.6.0-1 freeimage 3.18.0-22 freetype2 2.13.2-2 fribidi 1.0.15-1 ftgl 2.4.0-3 fuse-common 3.16.2-1 fuse2 2.9.9-5 fuse3 3.16.2-1 fwupd 1.9.23-1 fwupd-efi 1.6-1 gammastep 2.0.9-3 gaupol 1.15-2 gawk 5.3.0-1 gc 8.2.6-1 gcalcli 4.3.0-3 gcc 14.2.1+r32+geccf707e5ce-1 gcc-libs 14.2.1+r32+geccf707e5ce-1 gd 2.3.3-8 gdal 3.9.1-2 gdb 15.1-1 gdb-common 15.1-1 gdbm 1.24-1 gdbuspp 1-1 gdk-pixbuf2 2.42.12-1 gegl 0.4.48-4 geoclue 2.7.1-3 geoip 1.6.12-3 geoip-database 20240720-1 geos 3.12.2-1 gettext 0.22.5-1 ghc-libs 9.2.8-1 ghostscript 10.03.1-1 giflib 5.2.2-1 gimp 2.10.38-1 git 2.46.0-1 git-crypt 0.7.0-3 glew 2.2.0-7 glib-networking 1:2.80.0-3 glib2 2.80.4-1 glibc 2.40+r16+gaa533d58ff-2 glibmm 2.66.7-1 glm 1.0.1-1 glow 1.5.1-2 glslang 14.2.0-1 glu 9.0.3-2 gmime3 3.2.15-1 gmp 6.3.0-2 gnu-free-fonts 20120503-8 gnupg 2.4.5-4 gnutls 3.8.6-1 go-task-bin 3.37.2-1 gobject-introspection-runtime 1.80.1-3 gparted 1.6.0-1 gperftools 2.15-1 gpgme 1.23.2-6 gpm 1.20.7.r38.ge82d1a6-6 gptfdisk 1.0.10-1 graphene 1.10.8-1 graphicsmagick 1.3.43-1 graphite 1:1.3.14-4 graphviz 12.0.0-1 grep 3.11-1 grim 1.4.1-2 groff 1.23.0-6 grub 2:2.12-2 gsasl 2.2.1-1 gsettings-desktop-schemas 46.1-2 gsettings-system-schemas 46.1-2 gsfonts 20200910-4 gsm 1.0.22-2 gspell 1.12.2-3 gssdp 1.6.3-1 gst-libav 1.24.6-1 gst-plugin-gtk 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-bad 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-bad-libs 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-base 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-base-libs 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-good 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-ugly 1.24.6-1 gstreamer 1.24.6-1 gtest 1.15.2-1 gtk-update-icon-cache 1:4.14.4-2 gtk2 2.24.33-4 gtk3 1:3.24.43-1 gtk4 1:4.14.4-2 gtkmm3 3.24.9-1 gtksourceview3 1:3.24.11+r28+g73e57b57-2 gts guile 3.0.10-1 gupnp 1:1.6.6-1 gupnp-igd 1.6.0-1 gzip 1.13-4 harfbuzz 9.0.0-1 harfbuzz-icu 9.0.0-1 has 1.5.0-1 haskell-aeson haskell-aeson-pretty 0.8.10-9 haskell-ansi-terminal 0.11.4-66 haskell-ansi-wl-pprint 0.6.9-418 haskell-appar 0.1.8-14 haskell-asn1-encoding 0.9.6-230 haskell-asn1-parse 0.9.5-230 haskell-asn1-types 0.3.4-209 haskell-assoc 1.0.2-270 haskell-async 2.2.5-27 haskell-attoparsec 0.14.4-74 haskell-attoparsec-aeson haskell-attoparsec-iso8601 haskell-auto-update 0.1.6-339 haskell-base-compat 0.12.2-2 haskell-base-compat-batteries 0.12.2-83 haskell-base-orphans haskell-base-unicode-symbols haskell-base16-bytestring haskell-base64 haskell-base64-bytestring haskell-basement 0.0.16-2 haskell-bifunctors 5.6-81 haskell-bitvec haskell-blaze-builder haskell-blaze-html haskell-blaze-markup haskell-boring 0.2.1-3 haskell-bsb-http-chunked haskell-byteorder 1.0.4-25 haskell-call-stack 0.4.0-184 haskell-case-insensitive haskell-cassava haskell-cereal haskell-citeproc 0.8.1-107 haskell-cmdargs 0.10.22-2 haskell-colour 2.3.6-210 haskell-commonmark haskell-commonmark-extensions 0.2.4-2 haskell-commonmark-pandoc haskell-comonad 5.0.8-265 haskell-conduit 1.3.5-55 haskell-conduit-extra 1.3.6-136 haskell-constraints 0.13.4-50 haskell-contravariant 1.5.5-4 haskell-cookie 0.4.6-2 haskell-crypton 0.34-11 haskell-crypton-connection 0.3.2-8 haskell-crypton-x509 1.7.6-28 haskell-crypton-x509-store 1.6.9-28 haskell-crypton-x509-system 1.6.7-28 haskell-crypton-x509-validation 1.6.12-28 haskell-data-array-byte haskell-data-default haskell-data-default-class haskell-data-default-instances-containers 0.0.1-37 haskell-data-default-instances-dlist 0.0.1-319 haskell-data-default-instances-old-locale 0.0.1-37 haskell-data-fix 0.3.2-102 haskell-dec 0.0.5-5 haskell-digest haskell-digits 0.3.1-21 haskell-distributive haskell-dlist 1.0-241 haskell-doclayout haskell-doctemplates 0.11-73 haskell-easy-file 0.2.5-21 haskell-emojis 0.1.3-10 haskell-erf haskell-fast-logger 3.1.2-76 haskell-file-embed haskell-foldable1-classes-compat 0.1-81 haskell-generically 0.1.1-2 haskell-ghc-bignum-orphans 0.1.1-2 haskell-glob 0.10.2-90 haskell-gridtables haskell-haddock-library 1.11.0-19 haskell-hashable haskell-hourglass 0.2.12-246 haskell-hslua 2.3.0-54 haskell-hslua-aeson haskell-hslua-classes 2.3.0-55 haskell-hslua-core 2.3.1-47 haskell-hslua-list 1.1.1-62 haskell-hslua-marshalling 2.3.1-7 haskell-hslua-module-doclayout 1.1.0-60 haskell-hslua-module-path 1.1.0-55 haskell-hslua-module-system haskell-hslua-module-text haskell-hslua-module-version 1.1.0-55 haskell-hslua-module-zip 1.1.1-24 haskell-hslua-objectorientation 2.3.0-51 haskell-hslua-packaging 2.3.1-16 haskell-hslua-repl 0.1.2-13 haskell-hslua-typing 0.1.1-9 haskell-http-api-data 0.5.1-56 haskell-http-client 0.7.15-25 haskell-http-client-tls haskell-http-date 0.0.11-136 haskell-http-media haskell-http-types 0.12.4-8 haskell-http2 4.1.0-24 haskell-hunit haskell-indexed-traversable 0.1.3-73 haskell-indexed-traversable-instances haskell-integer-logarithms haskell-iproute 1.7.12-82 haskell-ipynb 0.2-141 haskell-isocline 1.0.9-2 haskell-jira-wiki-markup 1.5.1-22 haskell-juicypixels 3.3.8-31 haskell-lexer 1.1.1-2 haskell-libyaml 0.1.4-7 haskell-lpeg 1.0.4-26 haskell-lua 2.3.2-6 haskell-memory 0.18.0-8 haskell-mime-types haskell-mmorph 1.2.0-6 haskell-monad-control haskell-mono-traversable haskell-network haskell-network-byte-order 0.1.7-2 haskell-network-uri haskell-old-locale haskell-old-time haskell-onetuple 0.4.1-2 haskell-only 0.1-23 haskell-optparse-applicative haskell-ordered-containers 0.2.3-2 haskell-pandoc 3.1.9-2 haskell-pandoc-lua-engine haskell-pandoc-lua-marshal 0.2.4-4 haskell-pandoc-server haskell-pandoc-types 1.23.1-23 haskell-pem 0.2.4-286 haskell-pretty-show 1.10-15 haskell-prettyprinter 1.7.1-167 haskell-primitive haskell-psqueues haskell-quickcheck 2.14.3-64 haskell-random haskell-recv 0.1.0-30 haskell-regex-base haskell-regex-tdfa haskell-resourcet 1.2.6-51 haskell-safe 0.3.21-5 haskell-safe-exceptions haskell-scientific haskell-semialign haskell-semigroupoids 5.3.7-144 haskell-servant 0.20.1-14 haskell-servant-server 0.20-25 haskell-sha haskell-simple-sendfile 0.2.32-38 haskell-singleton-bool 0.1.7-3 haskell-skylighting 0.14-17 haskell-skylighting-core 0.14-16 haskell-skylighting-format-ansi 0.1-123 haskell-skylighting-format-blaze-html haskell-skylighting-format-context haskell-skylighting-format-latex 0.1-123 haskell-socks 0.6.1-237 haskell-some 1.0.5-2 haskell-sop-core haskell-split 0.2.5-6 haskell-splitmix haskell-statevar 1.2.2-3 haskell-streaming-commons haskell-strict haskell-string-conversions haskell-syb haskell-tagged 0.8.8-2 haskell-tagsoup 0.14.8-226 haskell-temporary 1.3-585 haskell-texmath haskell-text-conversions haskell-text-icu haskell-text-short 0.1.5-79 haskell-th-abstraction haskell-th-compat 0.1.5-2 haskell-th-lift 0.8.4-2 haskell-th-lift-instances 0.1.20-47 haskell-these haskell-time-compat haskell-time-manager 0.0.1-35 haskell-tls 1.8.0-29 haskell-toml-parser haskell-transformers-base 0.4.6-102 haskell-transformers-compat 0.7.2-2 haskell-type-equality 1.0.1-1 haskell-typed-process haskell-typst haskell-typst-symbols 0.1.4-2 haskell-unicode-collation haskell-unicode-data haskell-unicode-transforms haskell-uniplate 1.6.13-223 haskell-unix-compat 0.7.1-18 haskell-unix-time 0.4.13-1 haskell-unliftio haskell-unliftio-core haskell-unordered-containers 0.2.20-18 haskell-utf8-string 1.0.2-150 haskell-uuid-types haskell-vault haskell-vector haskell-vector-algorithms haskell-vector-stream haskell-wai 3.2.4-21 haskell-wai-app-static 3.1.9-16 haskell-wai-cors 0.2.7-357 haskell-wai-extra 3.1.15-6 haskell-wai-logger 2.4.0-447 haskell-warp 3.3.30-61 haskell-witherable 0.4.2-103 haskell-word8 0.1.3-23 haskell-xml 1.3.14-31 haskell-xml-conduit haskell-xml-types 0.3.8-9 haskell-yaml haskell-zip-archive haskell-zlib hicolor-icon-theme 0.18-1 hidapi 0.14.0-3 highway 1.2.0-1 hplip 1:3.24.4-1 hslua-cli 1.4.1-51 http-parser 2.9.4-2 httpie 3.2.3-1 hub 2.14.2-4 hunspell 1.7.2-2 hunspell-en_us 2020.12.07-5 hunspell-pt-br 3.2.15-1 hwdata 0.385-1 hyphen 2.8.8-6 hyprcursor 0.1.9-1 hypridle 0.1.2-1 hypridle-git-debug 0.1.2.r12.g96d51ec2-1 hyprland 0.41.2-3 hyprlang 0.5.2-1 hyprlock 0.4.1-1 hyprpaper 0.7.0-2 hyprutils 0.2.0-1 hyprwayland-scanner-git 0.4.0.r4.ga048a6cb-1 hyprwayland-scanner-git-debug 0.4.0.r4.ga048a6cb-1 iana-etc 20240612-1 icu 75.1-1 ijs 0.35-6 imagemagick imath 3.1.11-2 imlib2 1.12.3-1 imv 4.5.0-2 inotify-tools intel-ucode 20240531-1 iproute2 6.10.0-2 iptables 1:1.8.10-2 iputils 20240117-1 ipython 8.26.0-1 iso-codes 4.16.0-1 isoimagewriter 24.05.2-1 jack2 1.9.22-1 jansson 2.14-4 jasper 4.2.4-1 jbig2dec 0.20-1 jbigkit 2.1-8 jq 1.7.1-2 json-c 0.17-2 json-glib 1.8.0-2 jsoncpp 1.9.5-3 jxrlib 0.2.4-2 karchive 6.4.0-1 karchive5 5.116.0-1 kauth 6.4.0-1 kauth5 5.116.0-1 kbd 2.6.4-1 kbookmarks 6.4.0-1 kcmutils 6.4.0-1 kcodecs 6.4.0-1 kcodecs5 5.116.0-1 kcolorscheme 6.4.0-1 kcompletion 6.4.0-1 kconfig 6.4.0-1 kconfig5 5.116.0-1 kconfigwidgets 6.4.0-1 kconfigwidgets5 5.116.0-1 kcoreaddons 6.4.0-1 kcoreaddons5 5.116.0-1 kcrash 6.4.0-1 kdbusaddons 6.4.0-1 kdbusaddons5 5.116.0-1 kdnssd 6.4.0-1 kdsoap-qt6 2.2.0-1 kdsoap-ws-discovery-client 0.4.0-1 keepassxc 2.7.9-3 keyutils 1.6.3-3 kfilemetadata 6.4.0-1 kglobalaccel 6.4.0-1 kglobalaccel5 5.116.0-1 kguiaddons 6.4.0-1 kguiaddons5 5.116.0-1 ki18n 6.4.0-1 ki18n5 5.116.0-1 kiconthemes 6.4.0-1 kiconthemes5 5.116.0-1 kidletime 6.4.0-1 kio 6.4.1-1 kio-extras 24.05.2-1 kirigami 6.4.0-2 kitemviews 6.4.0-1 kitemviews5 5.116.0-1 kitty 0.35.2-1 kitty-shell-integration 0.35.2-1 kitty-terminfo 0.35.2-1 kjobwidgets 6.4.0-1 kmix 24.05.2-1 kmod 32-1 knewstuff 6.4.0-1 knotifications 6.4.0-1 knotifications5 5.116.0-1 kpackage 6.4.0-1 kparts 6.4.0-1 kpty 6.4.0-1 krb5 1.21.3-1 kservice 6.4.0-1 ktextwidgets 6.4.0-1 kuserfeedback 6.4.0-1 kwallet 6.4.0-1 kwayland-integration 6.1.4-1 kwayland5 5.116.0-1 kwidgetsaddons 6.4.1-1 kwidgetsaddons5 5.116.0-1 kwindowsystem 6.4.0-1 kwindowsystem5 5.116.0-1 kxmlgui 6.4.0-1 kxmlgui5 5.116.0-1 kyotocabinet 1.2.79-2 l-smash 2.14.5-4 lame 3.100-5 lapack 3.12.0-5 lcms2 2.16-1 ldb 2:2.9.1-2 lensfun 1:0.3.4-4 less 1:661-1 lib32-acl 2.3.2-1 lib32-brotli 1.1.0-1 lib32-bzip2 1.0.8-3 lib32-dbus 1.14.10-2 lib32-e2fsprogs 1.47.1-1 lib32-expat 2.6.2-1 lib32-fontconfig 2:2.15.0-1 lib32-freetype2 2.13.2-1 lib32-gcc-libs 14.2.1+r32+geccf707e5ce-1 lib32-gettext 0.22.5-1 lib32-glib2 2.80.4-1 lib32-glibc 2.40+r16+gaa533d58ff-2 lib32-harfbuzz 9.0.0-1 lib32-icu 75.1-1 lib32-keyutils 1.6.3-2 lib32-krb5 1.21.3-1 lib32-libcap 2.70-1 lib32-libffi 3.4.6-1 lib32-libgcrypt 1.11.0-1 lib32-libgpg-error 1.50-1 lib32-libldap 2.6.8-1 lib32-libnl 3.10.0-1 lib32-libnsl 2.0.1-1 lib32-libpcap 1.10.4-1 lib32-libpng 1.6.43-1 lib32-libtirpc 1.3.5-1 lib32-libunwind 1.8.1-1 lib32-libx11 1.8.10-1 lib32-libxau 1.0.11-1 lib32-libxcb 1.17.0-1 lib32-libxcrypt 4.4.36-2 lib32-libxcursor 1.2.2-1 lib32-libxdmcp 1.1.5-1 lib32-libxext 1.3.6-1 lib32-libxfixes 6.0.1-1 lib32-libxi 1.8.1-1 lib32-libxkbcommon 1.7.0-2 lib32-libxml2 2.13.3-1 lib32-libxrandr 1.5.4-1 lib32-libxrender 0.9.11-1 lib32-openssl 1:3.3.1-1 lib32-pam 1.6.1-1 lib32-pcre2 10.44-1 lib32-systemd 256.4-1 lib32-util-linux 2.40.2-1 lib32-wayland 1.23.0-1 lib32-xz 5.6.2-1 lib32-zlib 1.3.1-1 lib32-zstd 1.5.6-1 libaacs 0.11.1-2 libabw 0.1.3-4 libadwaita 1:1.5.3-1 libaec 1.1.3-1 libao 1.2.2-6 libarchive 3.7.4-1 libass 0.17.3-1 libassuan 3.0.0-1 libasyncns 1:0.8+r3+g68cd5af-3 libatasmart 0.19-6 libatomic_ops 7.8.2-1 libavc1394 0.5.4-6 libavif 1.1.1-1 libavtp 0.2.0-3 libb2 0.98.1-3 libblockdev 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-crypto 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-fs 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-loop 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-mdraid 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-nvme 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-part 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-swap 3.1.1-2 libbluray 1.3.4-1 libbpf 1.4.3-1 libbs2b 3.1.0-9 libbsd 0.12.2-2 libbytesize 2.8-3 libcaca 0.99.beta20-4 libcamera 0.3.1-2 libcamera-ipa 0.3.1-2 libcanberra 1:0.30+r2+gc0620e4-4 libcap 2.70-1 libcap-ng 0.8.5-2 libcbor 0.11.0-1 libcdio 2.1.0-4 libcdio-paranoia 10.2+2.0.2-1 libcdr 0.1.7-8 libcloudproviders 0.3.6-1 libcmis 0.6.2-1 libcolord 1.4.7-2 libcups 2:2.4.10-1 libcupsfilters 2.0.0-2 libdaemon 0.14-6 libdatrie 0.2.13-4 libdbusmenu-glib 16.04.0.r498-2 libdbusmenu-qt5 0.9.3+16.04.20160218-7 libdc1394 2.2.7-1 libdca 0.0.7-2 libde265 1.0.15-2 libdeflate 1.20-2 libdiscid 0.6.4-3 libdisplay-info 0.2.0-1 libdovi 3.3.0-2 libdrm 2.4.122-1 libdv 1.0.0-11 libdvbpsi 1:1.3.3-3 libdvdcss 1.4.3-2 libdvdnav 6.1.1-2 libdvdread 6.1.3-2 libe-book 0.1.3-16 libebml 1.4.5-1 libedit 20240517_3.1-1 libei 1.2.1-1 libelf 0.191-4 libepoxy 1.5.10-3 libepubgen 0.1.1-5 libetonyek 0.1.10-4 libevdev 1.13.2-1 libevent 2.1.12-4 libexif 0.6.24-3 libexttextcat 3.4.7-1 libfdk-aac 2.0.3-1 libffi 3.4.6-1 libfilezilla 1:0.48.1-1 libfontenc 1.1.8-1 libfreeaptx 0.1.1-2 libfreehand 0.1.2-5 libfreexl 2.0.0-2 libftdi 1.5-6 libgcrypt 1.11.0-2 libgeotiff 1.7.3-1 libgexiv2 0.14.3-1 libgirepository 1.80.1-3 libgit2 1:1.8.1-1 libglvnd 1.7.0-1 libgme 0.6.3-5 libgoom2 2k4-5 libgpg-error 1.50-1 libgphoto2 2.5.31-2 libgudev 238-1 libgusb 0.4.9-1 libheif 1.18.1-1 libice 1.1.1-3 libid3tag 0.16.3-2 libidn 1.42-1 libidn2 2.3.7-1 libiec61883 1.2.0-8 libieee1284 0.2.11-16 libimagequant 4.3.1-1 libimobiledevice 1.3.0-13 libimobiledevice-glue 1.3.0-1 libinih 58-1 libinput 1.26.1-1 libinstpatch 1.1.6-3 libisl 0.26-2 libixion 0.19.0-2 libjcat 0.2.1-1 libjpeg-turbo 3.0.3-1 libjxl 0.10.3-1 libkate 0.4.1-10 libkexiv2 24.05.2-1 libksba 1.6.7-1 liblangtag 0.6.7-1 liblc3 1.1.1-1 libldac libldap 2.6.8-1 libliftoff 0.5.0-1 liblqr 0.4.2-4 liblrdf 0.6.1-5 libltc 1.3.2-2 libmad 0.15.1b-10 libmanette 0.2.7-1 libmatroska 1.7.1-2 libmbim 1.30.0-1 libmd 1.1.0-2 libmediainfo 24.06-1 libmfx 23.2.2-3 libmicrodns 0.2.0-2 libmikmod libmm-glib 1.22.0-1 libmms 0.6.4-5 libmng 2.0.3-4 libmnl 1.0.5-2 libmodplug libmpc 1.3.1-2 libmpcdec 1:0.1+r475-6 libmpdclient 2.22-1 libmpeg2 0.5.1-10 libmspack 1:1.11-1 libmspub 0.1.4-16 libmtp 1.1.21-2 libmwaw 0.3.22-3 libmypaint 1.6.1-2 libndp 1.9-1 libnetfilter_conntrack 1.0.9-2 libnewt 0.52.24-2 libnfnetlink 1.0.2-2 libnfs 5.0.3-1 libnftnl 1.2.7-1 libnghttp2 1.62.1-1 libnghttp3 1.4.0-1 libngtcp2 1.6.0-1 libnice 0.1.22-1 libnl 3.10.0-1 libnm 1.48.6-1 libnotify 0.8.3-1 libnsl 2.0.1-1 libnumbertext 1.0.11-2 libnvme 1.10-1 libodfgen 0.1.8-3 libogg 1.3.5-2 libomxil-bellagio 0.9.3-5 libopenmpt 0.7.9-1 liborcus 0.19.2-2 libp11-kit 0.25.5-1 libpagemaker 0.0.4-4 libpaper 2.2.5-1 libpcap 1.10.4-1 libpciaccess 0.18.1-2 libpgm 5.3.128-3 libpipeline 1.5.7-2 libpipewire 1:1.2.2-1 libplacebo 7.349.0-1 libplist 2.6.0-1 libpng 1.6.43-1 libppd 2.0.0-2 libproxy 0.5.8-1 libpsl 0.21.5-2 libpulse 17.0-3 libqalculate libqmi 1.34.0-1 libqrtr-glib 1.2.2-3 libqxp 0.0.2-12 libraqm 0.10.1-2 libraw 0.21.2-1 libraw1394 2.1.2-4 libreoffice-fresh 24.2.5-1 librevenge 0.0.5-3 librist 0.2.10-3 librsvg 2:2.58.2-1 librsync 1:2.3.4-2 librttopo 1.1.0-6 libsamplerate 0.2.2-3 libsasl 2.1.28-4 libseccomp 2.5.5-3 libsecret 0.21.4-1 libshout 1:2.4.6-3 libsidplayfp 2.8.0-1 libsigc++ 2.12.1-1 libsigsegv 2.14-3 libsixel 1.10.3-6 libsm 1.2.4-2 libsndfile 1.2.2-2 libsodium 1.0.20-1 libsoup3 3.4.4-1 libsoxr 0.1.3-4 libspatialite 5.1.0-2 libspiro 1:20221101-3 libsrtp 1:2.6.0-1 libssh 0.10.6-2 libssh2 1.11.0-1 libstaroffice 0.0.7-3 libstemmer 2.2.0-2 libsynctex 2024.2-2 libsysprof-capture 46.0-4 libtar 1.2.20-7 libtasn1 4.19.0-2 libteam 1.32-2 libthai 0.1.29-3 libtheora 1.1.1-6 libtiff 4.6.0-5 libtiger 0.3.4-8 libtirpc 1.3.5-1 libtommath 1.3.0-1 libtool 2.5.1-2 libtorrent-rasterbar 1:2.0.10-2 libunibreak 6.1-1 libuninameslist 20221022-2 libunistring 1.2-1 libunwind 1.8.1-3 libupnp 1.14.19-3 liburing 2.6-2 libusb 1.0.27-1 libusb-compat 0.1.8-1 libusbmuxd 2.1.0-1 libutempter 1.2.1-4 libuv 1.48.0-2 libva 2.22.0-1 libva-nvidia-driver-git 0.0.12.r11.gf3205bd-1 libvdpau 1.5-3 libverto 0.3.2-5 libvisio 0.1.7-11 libvorbis 1.3.7-3 libvpl 2.12.0-1 libvpx 1.14.1-1 libwacom 2.12.2-1 libwbclient 4.20.4-1 libwebp 1.4.0-1 libwireplumber 0.5.5-1 libwmf 0.2.13-2 libwpd 0.10.3-5 libwpe 1.16.0-1 libwps 0.4.14-2 libx11 1.8.10-1 libxau 1.0.11-3 libxaw 1.0.16-1 libxcb 1.17.0-1 libxcomposite 0.4.6-2 libxcrypt 4.4.36-2 libxcursor 1.2.2-1 libxcvt 0.1.2-2 libxdamage 1.1.6-2 libxdmcp 1.1.5-1 libxext 1.3.6-1 libxfixes 6.0.1-2 libxfont2 2.0.7-1 libxft 2.3.8-2 libxi 1.8.1-2 libxinerama 1.1.5-2 libxkbcommon 1.7.0-2 libxkbcommon-x11 1.7.0-2 libxkbfile 1.1.3-1 libxml2 2.13.3-1 libxmlb 0.3.19-1 libxmu 1.2.1-1 libxnvctrl 555.58.02-1 libxpm 3.5.17-2 libxpresent 1.0.1-2 libxrandr 1.5.4-1 libxrender 0.9.11-2 libxshmfence 1.3.2-2 libxslt 1.1.42-1 libxss 1.2.4-2 libxt 1.3.0-2 libxtst 1.2.5-1 libxv 1.0.12-2 libxxf86vm 1.1.5-2 libyaml 0.2.5-3 libyuv r2426+464c51a0-1 libzen 0.4.41-2 libzip 1.10.1-2 libzmf 0.0.2-16 licenses 20240728-1 lilv 0.24.24-2 linux-api-headers 6.10-1 linux-firmware 20240703.e94a2a3b-1 linux-firmware-whence 20240703.e94a2a3b-1 linux-headers 6.10.3.arch1-2 linux-zen 6.10.3.zen1-2 linux-zen-headers 6.10.3.zen1-2 lirc 1:0.10.2-4 live-media 2024.04.19-1 llvm-libs 18.1.8-4 lm_sensors 1:3.6.0.r41.g31d1f125-3 lmdb 0.9.32-1 lpsolve lua 5.4.7-1 lua-lpeg 1.1.0-2 lua53 5.3.6-3 luajit 2.1.1720049189-1 luit 20240102-2 lv2 1.18.10-1 lynx 2.9.2-1 lz4 1:1.10.0-2 lzo 2.10-5 m4 1.4.19-3 mailcap 2.1.54-2 make 4.4.1-2 man-db 2.12.1-1 man-pages 6.9.1-1 marktext-bin 0.17.1-2 mbedtls 3.6.0-1 mbedtls2 2.28.8-3 md4c 0.5.2-1 mdadm 4.3-2 media-player-info 24-4 mediainfo 24.06-1 mesa 1:24.1.5-1 meson 1.5.1-1 micro 2.0.13-1 minizip 1:1.3.1-2 mitmproxy 10.4.2-1 mjpegtools 2.2.1-2 mkinitcpio 39.2-2 mkinitcpio-busybox 1.36.1-1 mktorrent 1.1-7 mobile-broadband-provider-info 20240407-1 mpc 0.35-1 mpd 0.23.15-5 mpdecimal 4.0.0-2 mpdscribble 0.25-2 mpfr 4.2.1-4 mpg123 1.32.7-1 mpv 1:0.38.0-6 msmtp 1.8.26-2 mtdev 1.1.7-1 mujs 1.3.5-1 mypaint-brushes1 1.3.1-2 nano 8.1-1 ncmpcpp 0.9.2-19 ncurses 6.5-3 neofetch 7.1.0-2 neomutt 20240425-1 neon 0.33.0-1 net-snmp 5.9.4-4 netpbm 10.86.42-1 nettle 3.10-1 networkmanager 1.48.6-1 networkmanager-dmenu-git r201.6ad647e-1 ninja 1.12.1-1 node-gyp 10.2.0-1 nodejs 22.6.0-1 nodejs-nopt 7.2.0-2 notmuch-runtime 0.38.3-2 npm 10.8.2-1 npth 1.7-1 nspr 4.35-3 nss 3.103-1 ntfs-3g 2022.10.3-1 numactl 2.0.18-1 nvidia-dkms 555.58.02-1 nvidia-settings 555.58.02-1 nvidia-utils 555.58.02-1 ocl-icd 2.3.2-2 offlineimap 8.0.0-5 oniguruma 6.9.9-1 openal 1.23.1-2 opencore-amr 0.1.6-2 openexr 3.2.4-1 openjpeg2 2.5.2-1 openslide 4.0.0-4 openssh 9.8p1-1 openssl 3.3.1-1 openvpn3 22_dev-6 opus 1.5.2-1 orc 0.4.39-1 otf-monocraft 4.0-1 ov-bin 0.35.0-1 p11-kit 0.25.5-1 p7zip 1:17.05-2 pacman 6.1.0-3 pacman-mirrorlist 20240717-1 pahole 1:1.27-2 pam 1.6.1-2 pambase 20230918-1 pamixer 1.6-3 pandoc-cli pango 1:1.54.0-1 pangomm 2.46.4-1 parted 3.6-2 passim 0.1.8-1 patch 2.7.6-10 pciutils 3.13.0-1 pcre 8.45-4 pcre2 10.44-1 pcsclite 2.3.0-1 perl 5.38.2-2 perl-algorithm-diff 1:1.201-5 perl-alien-build 2.83-1 perl-alien-libxml2 0.19-3 perl-capture-tiny 0.48-8 perl-class-method-modifiers 2.15-3 perl-clone 0.46-3 perl-data-optlist 0.114-3 perl-dbi 1.643-7 perl-devel-globaldestruction 0.14-10 perl-encode-locale 1.05-12 perl-error 0.17029-6 perl-ffi-checklib 0.31-4 perl-file-basedir 0.09-4 perl-file-chdir 0.1011-6 perl-file-desktopentry 0.22-12 perl-file-listing 6.16-3 perl-file-mimeinfo 0.35-1 perl-file-which 1.27-4 perl-html-parser 3.82-1 perl-html-tagset 3.24-1 perl-http-cookiejar 0.014-2 perl-http-cookies 6.11-1 perl-http-daemon 6.16-3 perl-http-date 6.06-2 perl-http-message 6.46-1 perl-http-negotiate 6.01-13 perl-import-into 1.002005-10 perl-io-html 1.004-5 perl-ipc-system-simple 1.30-6 perl-libwww 6.77-1 perl-lwp-mediatypes 6.04-5 perl-mailtools 2.21-8 perl-module-runtime 0.016-4 perl-moo 2.005005-3 perl-net-http 6.23-3 perl-parallel-forkmanager 2.02-6 perl-params-util 1.102-5 perl-path-tiny 0.144-3 perl-regexp-common 2017060201-7 perl-role-tiny 2.002004-5 perl-sub-exporter 0.991-1 perl-sub-exporter-progressive 0.001013-10 perl-sub-install 0.929-1 perl-sub-quote 1:2.006008-3 perl-timedate 2.33-6 perl-try-tiny 0.31-4 perl-uri 5.28-1 perl-www-robotrules 6.02-13 perl-xml-libxml 2.0210-1 perl-xml-namespacesupport 1.12-6 perl-xml-parser 2.47-1 perl-xml-sax 1.02-2 perl-xml-sax-base 1.09-6 pet-bin 0.7.0-1 phonon-qt6 4.12.0-4 phonon-qt6-vlc 0.12.0-2 picard 2.12-1 pinentry 1.3.1-5 pipewire 1:1.2.2-1 pixman 0.43.4-1 pkgconf 2.1.1-1 plasma-activities 6.1.4-1 polkit 124-2 polkit-kde-agent 6.1.4-1 polkit-qt5 0.200.0-1 polkit-qt6 0.200.0-1 poppler 24.06.1-1 poppler-data 0.4.12-2 poppler-glib 24.06.1-1 poppler-qt6 24.06.1-1 popt 1.19-1 portaudio 1:19.7.0-3 postman-bin 11.7.0-1 potrace 1.16-3 procps-ng 4.0.4-3 progress 0.17-1 proj 9.4.1-1 projectm 3.1.12-5 protobuf 27.3-1 protobuf-c 1.5.0-4 psmisc 23.7-1 publicsuffix-list 20240306.1440.9094af5-1 pugixml 1.14-1 pulseaudio 17.0-3 pulseaudio-alsa 1:1.2.12-3 pulseaudio-bluetooth 17.0-3 pycharm-professional 2024.2-2 python 3.12.4-1 python-aioquic 1.2.0-1 python-argcomplete 3.1.2-1 python-asgiref 3.7.2-2 python-asttokens 2.4.1-2 python-attrs 23.2.0-3 python-autocommand 2.2.2-6 python-automat 22.10.0-5 python-blinker 1.7.0-2 python-brotli 1.1.0-2 python-build 1.2.1-3 python-cachecontrol 1:0.14.0-3 python-cachetools 5.3.2-3 python-cachy 0.3.0-10 python-cairo 1.26.1-1 python-certifi 2024.07.04-1 python-cffi 1.16.0-2 python-chardet 5.2.0-2 python-charset-normalizer 3.3.2-2 python-cleo 2.1.0-2 python-click 8.1.7-3 python-colorama 0.4.6-3 python-constantly 23.10.0-2 python-coverage 7.6.1-1 python-crashtest 0.4.1-3 python-cryptography 42.0.6-1 python-dateutil 2.9.0-5 python-dbus 1.3.2-4 python-decorator 5.1.1-4 python-defusedxml 0.7.1-6 python-discid 1.2.0-9 python-distlib 0.3.8-2 python-distro 1.9.0-2 python-dulwich 0.22.1-1 python-executing 2.0.0-3 python-fasteners 0.19-3 python-fastjsonschema 2.20.0-1 python-filelock 3.13.3-2 python-flask 2.3.3-2 python-geoip 1.3.2-15 python-gobject 3.48.2-2 python-google-api-core 2.19.1-1 python-google-api-python-client 2.140.0-1 python-google-auth 2.32.0-1 python-google-auth-httplib2 0.2.0-2 python-googleapis-common-protos 1.63.2-1 python-h11 0.14.0-3 python-h2 4.1.0-4 python-hpack 4.0.0-5 python-html5lib 1.1-14 python-httplib2 0.22.0-5 python-hyperframe 6.0.1-5 python-hyperlink 21.0.0-6 python-idna 3.7-1 python-ifaddr 0.2.0-5 python-imaplib2 3.6-6 python-incremental 22.10.0-5 python-inflect 7.3.1-1 python-iniconfig 2.0.0-5 python-installer 0.7.0-8 python-itsdangerous 2.1.2-4 python-jaraco.classes 3.4.0-1 python-jaraco.context 5.3.0-1 python-jaraco.functools 4.0.2-1 python-jaraco.text 4.0.0-1 python-jedi 0.19.1-2 python-jeepney 0.8.0-3 python-jinja 1:3.1.4-1 python-jsonschema 4.23.0-1 python-jsonschema-specifications 2023.12.1-2 python-kaitaistruct 0.10-4 python-keyring 25.2.1-1 python-lark-parser 1.1.9-3 python-ldap3 2.9.1-6 python-lockfile 0.12.2-13 python-mako 1.3.5-1 python-markdown 3.6-3 python-markdown-it-py 3.0.0-2 python-markupsafe 2.1.5-2 python-matplotlib-inline 0.1.7-1 python-mdurl 0.1.2-5 python-mitmproxy-rs 0.6.3-1 python-more-itertools 10.3.0-1 python-msgpack 1.0.5-2 python-multidict 6.0.5-2 python-mutagen 1.47.0-2 python-oauth2client 4.1.3-10 python-ordered-set 4.1.0-5 python-packaging 24.1-1 python-parsedatetime 2.6-9 python-parso 1:0.8.4-2 python-passlib 1.7.4-8 python-pexpect 4.9.0-2 python-pillow 10.4.0-1 python-pip 24.1.2-1 python-pipx 1.6.0-1 python-pkgconfig 1.5.5-6 python-pkginfo 1.10.0-1 python-platformdirs 4.2.2-1 python-pluggy 1.5.0-1 python-poetry 1.8.3-1 python-poetry-core 1.9.0-5 python-poetry-plugin-export 1.8.0-1 python-prompt_toolkit 3.0.47-1 python-protobuf 27.3-1 python-psutil 6.0.0-1 python-ptyprocess 0.7.0-6 python-publicsuffix2 2.20191221-8 python-pure-eval 0.2.3-1 python-pyasn1 0.6.0-1 python-pyasn1-modules 0.4.0-1 python-pycparser 2.22-2 python-pygments 2.18.0-1 python-pyjwt 2.8.0-2 python-pylsqpack 0.3.18-2 python-pyopenssl 24.1.0-1 python-pyparsing 3.1.2-2 python-pyperclip 1.8.2-7 python-pyproject-api 1.7.1-1 python-pyproject-hooks 1.1.0-1 python-pyqt5 5.15.11-1 python-pyqt5-sip 12.15.0-1 python-pysocks 1.7.1-9 python-pytest 1:8.3.2-1 python-pytz 2024.1-2 python-pywal 3.3.0-9 python-pyxdg 0.28-3 python-rapidfuzz 3.6.2-3 python-referencing 0.35.1-1 python-rencode 1.0.6-9 python-requests 2.32.3-1 python-requests-toolbelt 1.0.0-2 python-rfc6555 0.1.0-3 python-rich 13.7.1-2 python-rpds-py 0.19.0-1 python-rsa 4.9-4 python-ruamel-yaml 0.18.6-2 python-ruamel.yaml.clib 0.2.8-2 python-secretstorage 3.3.3-5 python-service-identity 23.1.0-2 python-setproctitle 1.3.3-2 python-setuptools 1:69.5.1-1 python-shellingham 1.5.4-2 python-shtab 1.7.1-1 python-six 1.16.0-9 python-sortedcontainers 2.4.0-6 python-stack-data 0.6.3-2 python-systemd 235-3 python-termcolor 2.4.0-2 python-tomli 2.0.1-4 python-tomlkit 0.13.0-1 python-tornado 6.4.1-1 python-tox 4.12.1-2 python-tqdm 4.66.5-1 python-traitlets 5.14.3-2 python-trove-classifiers 2024.7.2-1 python-twisted 24.3.0-2 python-typeguard 4.3.0-1 python-typing_extensions 4.12.2-1 python-uc-micro-py 1.0.3-2 python-uritemplate 4.1.1-4 python-urllib3 1.26.19-1 python-urwid 2.6.10-3 python-userpath 1.9.2-2 python-validate-pyproject 0.18-1 python-virtualenv 20.26.2-1 python-vobject 0.9.7-3 python-wcwidth 0.2.13-2 python-webencodings 0.5.1-11 python-werkzeug 3.0.1-1 python-wheel 0.44.0-1 python-wsproto 1.2.0-4 python-wxpython 1:4.2.1-2 python-xmltodict 0.13.0-4 python-yaml 6.0.1-4 python-zope-interface 6.3-1 python-zstandard 0.22.0-2 qca-qt6 2.3.9-2 qgpgme-qt6 1.23.2-6 qhull 2020.2-5 qpdf 11.9.1-1 qrencode 4.1.1-3 qt5-base 5.15.14+kde+r143-1 qt5-declarative 5.15.14+kde+r28-1 qt5-multimedia 5.15.14+kde+r2-1 qt5-speech 5.15.14+kde+r1-1 qt5-svg 5.15.14+kde+r5-1 qt5-tools 5.15.14+kde+r4-2 qt5-translations 5.15.14-1 qt5-wayland 5.15.14+kde+r59-1 qt5-x11extras 5.15.14-1 qt5ct 1.8-2 qt6-5compat 6.7.2-1 qt6-base 6.7.2-1 qt6-declarative 6.7.2-1 qt6-multimedia 6.7.2-1 qt6-multimedia-ffmpeg 6.7.2-1 qt6-shadertools 6.7.2-1 qt6-speech 6.7.2-1 qt6-svg 6.7.2-1 qt6-translations 6.7.2-1 qt6-wayland 6.7.2-4 raptor 2.0.16-5 rar 7.01-1 rasqal 1:0.9.33-7 rav1e 0.7.1-1 rclone 1.67.0-1 readline 8.2.013-1 redland 1:1.0.17-9 reflector 2023-2 rhash 1.4.4-1 ripgrep 14.1.0-1 rsync 3.3.0-2 rtkit 0.13-3 rtmpdump 1:2.4.r105.6f6bb13-1 rubberband 3.3.0-2 ruby 3.2.4-1 ruby-bundled-gems 3.2.4-1 ruby-bundler 2.5.11-2 ruby-debug 1.7.1-1 ruby-default-gems 3.2.4-1 ruby-erb 4.0.4-4 ruby-irb 1.6.2-2 ruby-matrix 0.4.2-1 ruby-minitest 5.22.3-1 ruby-net-ftp 0.3.5-2 ruby-net-imap 0.4.12-1 ruby-net-pop 0.1.2-1 ruby-net-smtp 0.5.0-2 ruby-power_assert 2.0.3-3 ruby-prime 0.1.2-1 ruby-racc 1.6.2-1 ruby-rake 13.0.6-3 ruby-rbs 3.4.4-2 ruby-rdoc ruby-rexml 3.2.6-2 ruby-rss 0.3.0-2 ruby-stdlib 3.2.4-1 ruby-test-unit 3.6.1-3 ruby-typeprof 0.21.8-1 rubygems 3.4.19-1 ruff 0.5.7-1 runc 1.1.13-1 sane 1.3.1-1 sbc 2.0-2 sdbus-cpp 1.5.0-3 sdl2 2.30.6-1 seatd 0.8.0-2 sed 4.9-3 semver 7.6.3-1 serd 0.32.2-1 sfsexp 1.4.1-2 shaderc 2024.1-1 shadow 4.16.0-1 shared-mime-info 2.4-1 slang 2.3.3-3 slurp 1.5.0-1 smbclient 4.20.4-1 snappy 1.1.10-1 solid 6.4.0-1 solid5 5.116.0-1 sonnet 6.4.0-1 sord 0.16.16-1 sound-theme-freedesktop 0.8-6 soundtouch 2.3.3-1 source-highlight 3.1.9-12 sox 14.4.2+r184+gf3094754-1 spandsp 0.0.6-5 speedtest-cli 2.1.3-8 speex 1.2.1-2 speexdsp 1.2.1-2 spek 0.8.5-1 spirv-tools 2024.2-1 sqlite 3.46.0-1 sratom 0.6.16-1 srt 1.5.3-2 sublime-text-4 4.4180-1 sudo 1.9.15.p5-2 suitesparse 7.7.0-2 svt-av1 2.1.2-1 svt-hevc 1.5.1-3 swayidle 1.8.0-2 syndication 6.4.0-1 syntax-highlighting 6.4.0-1 systemd 256.4-1 systemd-libs 256.4-1 systemd-sysvcompat 256.4-1 taglib 2.0.1-1 talloc 2.4.2-3 tar 1.35-2 task 3.1.0-1 tcl 8.6.14-4 tdb 1.4.12-1 tdl-bin 0.17.3-1 tevent 1:0.16.1-3 texinfo 7.1-2 texlive-basic 2024.2-2 texlive-bibtexextra 2024.2-2 texlive-bin 2024.2-2 texlive-binextra 2024.2-2 texlive-context 2024.2-2 texlive-fontsextra 2024.2-2 texlive-fontsrecommended 2024.2-2 texlive-fontutils 2024.2-2 texlive-formatsextra 2024.2-2 texlive-games 2024.2-2 texlive-humanities 2024.2-2 texlive-latex 2024.2-2 texlive-latexextra 2024.2-2 texlive-latexrecommended 2024.2-2 texlive-luatex 2024.2-2 texlive-mathscience 2024.2-2 texlive-metapost 2024.2-2 texlive-music 2024.2-2 texlive-pictures 2024.2-2 texlive-plaingeneric 2024.2-2 texlive-pstricks 2024.2-2 texlive-publishers 2024.2-2 texlive-xetex 2024.2-2 timg 1.6.0-1 tinyxml2 10.0.0-1 tk 8.6.14-4 tldr 3.3.0-1 tomlplusplus 3.4.0-1 tpm2-tss 4.0.1-1 tracker3 3.7.3-2 tre-command 0.4.0-1 tslib 1.23-1 ttf-ancient-fonts 2.60-2 ttf-baekmuk 2.2-14 ttf-bitstream-vera 1.10-16 ttf-dejavu 2.37+18+g9b5d1b2f-7 ttf-droid 20121017-11 ttf-inconsolata 1:3.000-4 ttf-jetbrains-mono 2.304-2 ttf-liberation 2.1.5-2 ttf-librebaskerville 1.0-4 ttf-meslo-nerd-font-powerlevel10k 2.3.3-1 ttf-mononoki 1.6-2 ttf-opensans 1.101-3 twolame 0.4.0-4 tzdata 2024a-2 uchardet 0.0.8-3 udisks2 2.10.1-4 unixodbc 2.3.12-2 upower 1.90.4-1 urlscan 1.0.3-1 usbutils 017-1 util-linux 2.40.2-1 util-linux-libs 2.40.2-1 v4l-utils 1.26.1-1 vapoursynth R69-1 vcdimager 2.0.1-4 ventoy-bin 1.0.99-1 vid.stab 1.1.1-2 vim 9.1.0648-1 vim-runtime 9.1.0648-1 virtualfish 2.5.9-1 vlc 3.0.21-2 vmaf 3.0.0-1 volume_key 0.3.12-9 vulkan-headers 1:1.3.285-1 vulkan-icd-loader 1.3.285-1 vulkan-validation-layers 1.3.275-1 wavpack 5.7.0-1 wayland 1.23.0-1 wayland-protocols 1.36-1 webkit2gtk-4.1 2.44.2-1 webrtc-audio-processing-1 1.3-3 wev 1.0.0-13 wf-recorder 0.4.1-2 wget 1.24.5-3 whatmp3 3.8-1 which 2.21-6 wildmidi 0.4.6-1 wine 9.14-1 wireplumber 0.5.5-1 wl-clipboard 1:2.2.1-2 wl-color-picker 1.3-1 wlr-randr 0.4.1-4 wlroots0.17 0.17.4-3 woeusb-ng 0.2.12-3 woff2 1.0.2-5 wofi 1.4.1-1 wpa_supplicant 2:2.11-2 wpebackend-fdo 1.14.2-2 wxsvg 1.5.25-2 wxwidgets-common 3.2.5-1 wxwidgets-gtk3 3.2.5-1 x264 3:0.164.r3108.31e19f9-2 x265 3.6-1 xapian-core 1:1.4.25-1 xbitmaps 1.1.3-2 xcb-proto 1.17.0-2 xcb-util 0.4.1-2 xcb-util-cursor 0.1.5-1 xcb-util-errors 1.0.1-2 xcb-util-image 0.4.1-3 xcb-util-keysyms 0.4.1-5 xcb-util-renderutil 0.3.10-2 xcb-util-wm 0.4.2-2 xdg-dbus-proxy 0.1.5-2 xdg-desktop-portal 1.18.4-1 xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland 1.3.3-2 xdg-user-dirs 0.18-2 xdg-utils 1.2.1-1 xerces-c 3.2.5-2 xkeyboard-config 2.42-1 xmlsec 1.3.5-1 xorg-fonts-encodings 1.1.0-1 xorg-server-common 21.1.13-1 xorg-setxkbmap 1.3.4-2 xorg-xinput 1.6.4-2 xorg-xkbcomp 1.4.7-1 xorg-xprop 1.2.7-1 xorg-xrandr 1.5.2-2 xorg-xset 1.2.5-2 xorg-xwayland 24.1.2-1 xorgproto 2024.1-2 xterm 393-1 xvidcore 1.3.7-3 xxhash 0.8.2-1 xz 5.6.2-1 yad 14.1-1 yajl 2.1.0-6 yarn 1.22.22-2 yay 12.3.5-1 yay-debug 12.3.5-1 yq 3.4.3-1 yt-dlp 2024.08.06-1 zbar 0.23.93-1 zenity 4.0.2-1 zeromq 4.3.5-2 zimg 3.0.5-1 zix 0.4.2-2 zlib 1:1.3.1-2 zstd 1.5.6-1 zvbi 0.2.42-1 zxing-cpp 2.2.1-1 zziplib 0.13.77-1 ```
Installed packages on 08/10 (working) ``` a52dec 0.8.0-2 aalib 1.4rc5-18 abseil-cpp 20240722.0-1 acl 2.3.2-1 acpi 1.7-4 adobe-source-code-pro-fonts 2.042u+1.062i+1.026vf-2 adwaita-cursors 46.2-1 adwaita-icon-theme 46.2-1 adwaita-icon-theme-legacy 46.2-1 aegisub 3.3.3-9 alsa-lib 1.2.12-1 alsa-plugins 1:1.2.12-3 alsa-topology-conf alsa-ucm-conf 1.2.12-1 alsa-utils 1.2.12-1 aom 3.9.1-1 apple-fonts 6-1 appstream 1.0.3-1 aquamarine 0.3.1-1 archlinux-keyring 20240709-1 archlinux-xdg-menu argon2 20190702-6 aria2 1.37.0-1 aribb24 1.0.3-4 aribb25 0.2.7-3 ark 24.05.2-2 at-spi2-core 2.52.0-1 atkmm 2.28.4-1 attica 6.4.0-1 attr 2.5.2-1 audiofile 0.3.6-9 audit 4.0.1-3 autoconf 2.72-1 automake 1.17-1 avahi 1:0.8+r194+g3f79789-2 babl 0.1.108-1 baloo 6.4.0-1 baloo-widgets 24.05.2-1 base 3-2 base-devel 1-1 bash 5.2.032-1 bat 0.24.0-2 binutils 2.43+r4+g7999dae6961-1 bison 3.8.2-6 blas 3.12.0-5 blosc 1.21.6-1 bluez 5.77-1 bluez-libs 5.77-1 bluez-utils 5.77-1 boost-libs 1.83.0-9 botan 3.5.0-1 box2d 2.4.2-1 breeze-icons 6.4.0-1 bridge-utils 1.7.1-2 brightnessctl 0.5.1-3 brotli 1.1.0-2 btop 1.3.2-1 bubblewrap 0.9.0-1 bzip2 1.0.8-6 c-ares 1.29.0-1 ca-certificates 20240618-1 ca-certificates-mozilla 3.103-1 ca-certificates-utils 20240618-1 cairo 1.18.0-2 cairomm 1.14.5-1 cantarell-fonts 1:0.303.1-2 cdparanoia 10.2-9 cdrtools 3.02a09-6 chromaprint 1.5.1-8 chromium 127.0.6533.99-1 cifs-utils 7.0-4 cjson 1.7.18-1 clipman 1.6.4-1 cloc 2.02-1 clucene cmake 3.30.2-1 cod 0.1.0-5 confuse 3.3-4 containerd 1.7.20-1 convertlit 1.8-12 coreutils 9.5-1 cpio 2.15-1 cppdap 1.58.0-2 crypto++ 8.9.0-1 cryptsetup 2.7.4-1 cups 2:2.4.10-1 cups-filters 2.0.0-2 cups-pdf 3.0.1-8 curl 8.9.1-2 cython 3.0.10-5 dav1d 1.4.3-1 db5.3 5.3.28-5 dbus 1.14.10-2 dbus-broker 36-4 dbus-broker-units 36-4 dconf 0.40.0-3 debugedit 5.0-6 default-cursors 2-2 deluge 1:2.1.1-6 deluge-gtk 1:2.1.1-6 desktop-file-utils 0.27-1 device-mapper 2.03.25-2 diffutils 3.10-1 displaylink 6.0-0 displaylink-debug 6.0-0 dkms 3.0.12-1 docker 1:27.1.1-1 docker-compose 2.29.1-1 dolphin 24.05.2-1 dosfstools 4.2-4 double-conversion 3.3.0-2 duktape 2.7.0-7 dunst 1.11.0-1 dvd+rw-tools 7.1-10 dvdauthor 0.7.2-12 dvdstyler 3.2.1-3 dvisvgm 3.4-1 e2fsprogs 1.47.1-4 ebook-tools 0.2.2-8 efibootmgr 18-3 efivar 39-1 egl-wayland 3: eglexternalplatform 1.1-3 enchant 2.8.0-1 evdi 1.14.5-0 evdi-debug 1.14.5-0 exfat-utils 1.4.0-3 exiv2 0.28.3-1 expat 2.6.2-1 eza 0.19.0-1 faac 1.30-5 faad2 2.11.1-1 fakeroot 1.35-1 fd 10.1.0-1 ffcall 2.4-3 ffmpeg 2:7.0.1-2 ffmpeg4.4 4.4.4-6 ffms2 5.0-1 fftw 3.3.10-7 file 5.45-1 filesystem 2024.04.07-1 filezilla 3.67.1-1 findutils 4.10.0-1 firefox 129.0-1 fish 3.7.1-2 flac 1.4.3-2 flashrom 1.4.0-1 flex 2.6.4-5 fluidsynth 2.3.6-1 fmt 10.2.0-1 fontconfig 2:2.15.0-2 fontforge 20230101-4 foomatic-db-engine 5:20200131-1 freeglut 3.6.0-1 freeimage 3.18.0-22 freetype2 2.13.2-2 fribidi 1.0.15-1 ftgl 2.4.0-3 fuse-common 3.16.2-1 fuse2 2.9.9-5 fuse3 3.16.2-1 fwupd 1.9.23-1 fwupd-efi 1.6-1 gammastep 2.0.9-3 gaupol 1.15-2 gawk 5.3.0-1 gc 8.2.6-1 gcalcli 4.3.0-3 gcc 14.2.1+r32+geccf707e5ce-1 gcc-libs 14.2.1+r32+geccf707e5ce-1 gd 2.3.3-8 gdal 3.9.1-2 gdb 15.1-1 gdb-common 15.1-1 gdbm 1.24-1 gdbuspp 1-1 gdk-pixbuf2 2.42.12-1 gegl 0.4.48-4 geoclue 2.7.1-3 geoip 1.6.12-3 geoip-database 20240720-1 geos 3.12.2-1 gettext 0.22.5-1 ghc-libs 9.2.8-1 ghostscript 10.03.1-1 giflib 5.2.2-1 gimp 2.10.38-1 git 2.46.0-1 git-crypt 0.7.0-3 glew 2.2.0-7 glib-networking 1:2.80.0-3 glib2 2.80.4-1 glibc 2.40+r16+gaa533d58ff-2 glibmm 2.66.7-1 glm 1.0.1-1 glow 1.5.1-2 glslang 14.2.0-1 glu 9.0.3-2 gmime3 3.2.15-1 gmp 6.3.0-2 gnu-free-fonts 20120503-8 gnupg 2.4.5-4 gnutls 3.8.6-1 go-task-bin 3.37.2-1 gobject-introspection-runtime 1.80.1-3 gparted 1.6.0-1 gperftools 2.15-1 gpgme 1.23.2-6 gpm 1.20.7.r38.ge82d1a6-6 gptfdisk 1.0.10-1 graphene 1.10.8-1 graphicsmagick 1.3.43-1 graphite 1:1.3.14-4 graphviz 12.0.0-1 grep 3.11-1 grim 1.4.1-2 groff 1.23.0-6 grub 2:2.12-2 gsasl 2.2.1-1 gsettings-desktop-schemas 46.1-2 gsettings-system-schemas 46.1-2 gsfonts 20200910-4 gsm 1.0.22-2 gspell 1.12.2-3 gssdp 1.6.3-1 gst-libav 1.24.6-1 gst-plugin-gtk 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-bad 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-bad-libs 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-base 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-base-libs 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-good 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-ugly 1.24.6-1 gstreamer 1.24.6-1 gtest 1.15.2-1 gtk-update-icon-cache 1:4.14.4-2 gtk2 2.24.33-4 gtk3 1:3.24.43-1 gtk4 1:4.14.4-2 gtkmm3 3.24.9-1 gtksourceview3 1:3.24.11+r28+g73e57b57-2 gts guile 3.0.10-1 gupnp 1:1.6.6-1 gupnp-igd 1.6.0-1 gzip 1.13-4 harfbuzz 9.0.0-1 harfbuzz-icu 9.0.0-1 has 1.5.0-1 haskell-aeson haskell-aeson-pretty 0.8.10-9 haskell-ansi-terminal 0.11.4-66 haskell-ansi-wl-pprint 0.6.9-418 haskell-appar 0.1.8-14 haskell-asn1-encoding 0.9.6-230 haskell-asn1-parse 0.9.5-230 haskell-asn1-types 0.3.4-209 haskell-assoc 1.0.2-270 haskell-async 2.2.5-27 haskell-attoparsec 0.14.4-74 haskell-attoparsec-aeson haskell-attoparsec-iso8601 haskell-auto-update 0.1.6-339 haskell-base-compat 0.12.2-2 haskell-base-compat-batteries 0.12.2-83 haskell-base-orphans haskell-base-unicode-symbols haskell-base16-bytestring haskell-base64 haskell-base64-bytestring haskell-basement 0.0.16-2 haskell-bifunctors 5.6-81 haskell-bitvec haskell-blaze-builder haskell-blaze-html haskell-blaze-markup haskell-boring 0.2.1-3 haskell-bsb-http-chunked haskell-byteorder 1.0.4-25 haskell-call-stack 0.4.0-184 haskell-case-insensitive haskell-cassava haskell-cereal haskell-citeproc 0.8.1-107 haskell-cmdargs 0.10.22-2 haskell-colour 2.3.6-210 haskell-commonmark haskell-commonmark-extensions 0.2.4-2 haskell-commonmark-pandoc haskell-comonad 5.0.8-265 haskell-conduit 1.3.5-55 haskell-conduit-extra 1.3.6-136 haskell-constraints 0.13.4-50 haskell-contravariant 1.5.5-4 haskell-cookie 0.4.6-2 haskell-crypton 0.34-11 haskell-crypton-connection 0.3.2-8 haskell-crypton-x509 1.7.6-28 haskell-crypton-x509-store 1.6.9-28 haskell-crypton-x509-system 1.6.7-28 haskell-crypton-x509-validation 1.6.12-28 haskell-data-array-byte haskell-data-default haskell-data-default-class haskell-data-default-instances-containers 0.0.1-37 haskell-data-default-instances-dlist 0.0.1-319 haskell-data-default-instances-old-locale 0.0.1-37 haskell-data-fix 0.3.2-102 haskell-dec 0.0.5-5 haskell-digest haskell-digits 0.3.1-21 haskell-distributive haskell-dlist 1.0-241 haskell-doclayout haskell-doctemplates 0.11-73 haskell-easy-file 0.2.5-21 haskell-emojis 0.1.3-10 haskell-erf haskell-fast-logger 3.1.2-76 haskell-file-embed haskell-foldable1-classes-compat 0.1-81 haskell-generically 0.1.1-2 haskell-ghc-bignum-orphans 0.1.1-2 haskell-glob 0.10.2-90 haskell-gridtables haskell-haddock-library 1.11.0-19 haskell-hashable haskell-hourglass 0.2.12-246 haskell-hslua 2.3.0-54 haskell-hslua-aeson haskell-hslua-classes 2.3.0-55 haskell-hslua-core 2.3.1-47 haskell-hslua-list 1.1.1-62 haskell-hslua-marshalling 2.3.1-7 haskell-hslua-module-doclayout 1.1.0-60 haskell-hslua-module-path 1.1.0-55 haskell-hslua-module-system haskell-hslua-module-text haskell-hslua-module-version 1.1.0-55 haskell-hslua-module-zip 1.1.1-24 haskell-hslua-objectorientation 2.3.0-51 haskell-hslua-packaging 2.3.1-16 haskell-hslua-repl 0.1.2-13 haskell-hslua-typing 0.1.1-9 haskell-http-api-data 0.5.1-56 haskell-http-client 0.7.15-25 haskell-http-client-tls haskell-http-date 0.0.11-136 haskell-http-media haskell-http-types 0.12.4-8 haskell-http2 4.1.0-24 haskell-hunit haskell-indexed-traversable 0.1.3-73 haskell-indexed-traversable-instances haskell-integer-logarithms haskell-iproute 1.7.12-82 haskell-ipynb 0.2-141 haskell-isocline 1.0.9-2 haskell-jira-wiki-markup 1.5.1-22 haskell-juicypixels 3.3.8-31 haskell-lexer 1.1.1-2 haskell-libyaml 0.1.4-7 haskell-lpeg 1.0.4-26 haskell-lua 2.3.2-6 haskell-memory 0.18.0-8 haskell-mime-types haskell-mmorph 1.2.0-6 haskell-monad-control haskell-mono-traversable haskell-network haskell-network-byte-order 0.1.7-2 haskell-network-uri haskell-old-locale haskell-old-time haskell-onetuple 0.4.1-2 haskell-only 0.1-23 haskell-optparse-applicative haskell-ordered-containers 0.2.3-2 haskell-pandoc 3.1.9-2 haskell-pandoc-lua-engine haskell-pandoc-lua-marshal 0.2.4-4 haskell-pandoc-server haskell-pandoc-types 1.23.1-23 haskell-pem 0.2.4-286 haskell-pretty-show 1.10-15 haskell-prettyprinter 1.7.1-167 haskell-primitive haskell-psqueues haskell-quickcheck 2.14.3-64 haskell-random haskell-recv 0.1.0-30 haskell-regex-base haskell-regex-tdfa haskell-resourcet 1.2.6-51 haskell-safe 0.3.21-5 haskell-safe-exceptions haskell-scientific haskell-semialign haskell-semigroupoids 5.3.7-144 haskell-servant 0.20.1-14 haskell-servant-server 0.20-25 haskell-sha haskell-simple-sendfile 0.2.32-38 haskell-singleton-bool 0.1.7-3 haskell-skylighting 0.14-17 haskell-skylighting-core 0.14-16 haskell-skylighting-format-ansi 0.1-123 haskell-skylighting-format-blaze-html haskell-skylighting-format-context haskell-skylighting-format-latex 0.1-123 haskell-socks 0.6.1-237 haskell-some 1.0.5-2 haskell-sop-core haskell-split 0.2.5-6 haskell-splitmix haskell-statevar 1.2.2-3 haskell-streaming-commons haskell-strict haskell-string-conversions haskell-syb haskell-tagged 0.8.8-2 haskell-tagsoup 0.14.8-226 haskell-temporary 1.3-585 haskell-texmath haskell-text-conversions haskell-text-icu haskell-text-short 0.1.5-79 haskell-th-abstraction haskell-th-compat 0.1.5-2 haskell-th-lift 0.8.4-2 haskell-th-lift-instances 0.1.20-47 haskell-these haskell-time-compat haskell-time-manager 0.0.1-35 haskell-tls 1.8.0-29 haskell-toml-parser haskell-transformers-base 0.4.6-102 haskell-transformers-compat 0.7.2-2 haskell-type-equality 1.0.1-1 haskell-typed-process haskell-typst haskell-typst-symbols 0.1.4-2 haskell-unicode-collation haskell-unicode-data haskell-unicode-transforms haskell-uniplate 1.6.13-223 haskell-unix-compat 0.7.1-18 haskell-unix-time 0.4.13-1 haskell-unliftio haskell-unliftio-core haskell-unordered-containers 0.2.20-18 haskell-utf8-string 1.0.2-150 haskell-uuid-types haskell-vault haskell-vector haskell-vector-algorithms haskell-vector-stream haskell-wai 3.2.4-21 haskell-wai-app-static 3.1.9-16 haskell-wai-cors 0.2.7-357 haskell-wai-extra 3.1.15-6 haskell-wai-logger 2.4.0-447 haskell-warp 3.3.30-61 haskell-witherable 0.4.2-103 haskell-word8 0.1.3-23 haskell-xml 1.3.14-31 haskell-xml-conduit haskell-xml-types 0.3.8-9 haskell-yaml haskell-zip-archive haskell-zlib hicolor-icon-theme 0.18-1 hidapi 0.14.0-3 highway 1.2.0-1 hplip 1:3.24.4-1 hslua-cli 1.4.1-51 http-parser 2.9.4-2 httpie 3.2.3-1 hub 2.14.2-4 hunspell 1.7.2-2 hunspell-en_us 2020.12.07-5 hunspell-pt-br 3.2.15-1 hwdata 0.385-1 hyphen 2.8.8-6 hyprcursor 0.1.9-1 hypridle 0.1.2-1 hypridle-git-debug 0.1.2.r12.g96d51ec2-1 hyprland 0.41.2-3 hyprlang 0.5.2-1 hyprlock 0.4.1-1 hyprpaper 0.7.0-2 hyprutils 0.2.0-1 hyprwayland-scanner-git 0.4.0.r4.ga048a6cb-1 hyprwayland-scanner-git-debug 0.4.0.r4.ga048a6cb-1 iana-etc 20240612-1 icu 75.1-1 ijs 0.35-6 imagemagick imath 3.1.11-2 imlib2 1.12.3-1 imv 4.5.0-2 inotify-tools intel-ucode 20240531-1 iproute2 6.10.0-2 iptables 1:1.8.10-2 iputils 20240117-1 ipython 8.26.0-1 iso-codes 4.16.0-1 isoimagewriter 24.05.2-1 jack2 1.9.22-1 jansson 2.14-4 jasper 4.2.4-1 jbig2dec 0.20-1 jbigkit 2.1-8 jq 1.7.1-2 json-c 0.17-2 json-glib 1.8.0-2 jsoncpp 1.9.5-3 jxrlib 0.2.4-2 karchive 6.4.0-1 karchive5 5.116.0-1 kauth 6.4.0-1 kauth5 5.116.0-1 kbd 2.6.4-1 kbookmarks 6.4.0-1 kcmutils 6.4.0-1 kcodecs 6.4.0-1 kcodecs5 5.116.0-1 kcolorscheme 6.4.0-1 kcompletion 6.4.0-1 kconfig 6.4.0-1 kconfig5 5.116.0-1 kconfigwidgets 6.4.0-1 kconfigwidgets5 5.116.0-1 kcoreaddons 6.4.0-1 kcoreaddons5 5.116.0-1 kcrash 6.4.0-1 kdbusaddons 6.4.0-1 kdbusaddons5 5.116.0-1 kdnssd 6.4.0-1 kdsoap-qt6 2.2.0-1 kdsoap-ws-discovery-client 0.4.0-1 keepassxc 2.7.9-3 keyutils 1.6.3-3 kfilemetadata 6.4.0-1 kglobalaccel 6.4.0-1 kglobalaccel5 5.116.0-1 kguiaddons 6.4.0-1 kguiaddons5 5.116.0-1 ki18n 6.4.0-1 ki18n5 5.116.0-1 kiconthemes 6.4.0-1 kiconthemes5 5.116.0-1 kidletime 6.4.0-1 kio 6.4.1-1 kio-extras 24.05.2-1 kirigami 6.4.0-2 kitemviews 6.4.0-1 kitemviews5 5.116.0-1 kitty 0.35.2-1 kitty-shell-integration 0.35.2-1 kitty-terminfo 0.35.2-1 kjobwidgets 6.4.0-1 kmix 24.05.2-1 kmod 32-1 knewstuff 6.4.0-1 knotifications 6.4.0-1 knotifications5 5.116.0-1 kpackage 6.4.0-1 kparts 6.4.0-1 kpty 6.4.0-1 krb5 1.21.3-1 kservice 6.4.0-1 ktextwidgets 6.4.0-1 kuserfeedback 6.4.0-1 kwallet 6.4.0-1 kwayland-integration 6.1.4-1 kwayland5 5.116.0-1 kwidgetsaddons 6.4.1-1 kwidgetsaddons5 5.116.0-1 kwindowsystem 6.4.0-1 kwindowsystem5 5.116.0-1 kxmlgui 6.4.0-1 kxmlgui5 5.116.0-1 kyotocabinet 1.2.79-2 l-smash 2.14.5-4 lame 3.100-5 lapack 3.12.0-5 lcms2 2.16-1 ldb 2:2.9.1-2 lensfun 1:0.3.4-4 less 1:661-1 lib32-acl 2.3.2-1 lib32-brotli 1.1.0-1 lib32-bzip2 1.0.8-3 lib32-dbus 1.14.10-2 lib32-e2fsprogs 1.47.1-1 lib32-expat 2.6.2-1 lib32-fontconfig 2:2.15.0-1 lib32-freetype2 2.13.2-1 lib32-gcc-libs 14.2.1+r32+geccf707e5ce-1 lib32-gettext 0.22.5-1 lib32-glib2 2.80.4-1 lib32-glibc 2.40+r16+gaa533d58ff-2 lib32-harfbuzz 9.0.0-1 lib32-icu 75.1-1 lib32-keyutils 1.6.3-2 lib32-krb5 1.21.3-1 lib32-libcap 2.70-1 lib32-libffi 3.4.6-1 lib32-libgcrypt 1.11.0-1 lib32-libgpg-error 1.50-1 lib32-libldap 2.6.8-1 lib32-libnl 3.10.0-1 lib32-libnsl 2.0.1-1 lib32-libpcap 1.10.4-1 lib32-libpng 1.6.43-1 lib32-libtirpc 1.3.5-1 lib32-libunwind 1.8.1-1 lib32-libx11 1.8.10-1 lib32-libxau 1.0.11-1 lib32-libxcb 1.17.0-1 lib32-libxcrypt 4.4.36-2 lib32-libxcursor 1.2.2-1 lib32-libxdmcp 1.1.5-1 lib32-libxext 1.3.6-1 lib32-libxfixes 6.0.1-1 lib32-libxi 1.8.1-1 lib32-libxkbcommon 1.7.0-2 lib32-libxml2 2.13.3-1 lib32-libxrandr 1.5.4-1 lib32-libxrender 0.9.11-1 lib32-openssl 1:3.3.1-1 lib32-pam 1.6.1-1 lib32-pcre2 10.44-1 lib32-systemd 256.4-1 lib32-util-linux 2.40.2-1 lib32-wayland 1.23.0-1 lib32-xz 5.6.2-1 lib32-zlib 1.3.1-1 lib32-zstd 1.5.6-1 libaacs 0.11.1-2 libabw 0.1.3-4 libadwaita 1:1.5.3-1 libaec 1.1.3-1 libao 1.2.2-6 libarchive 3.7.4-1 libass 0.17.3-1 libassuan 3.0.0-1 libasyncns 1:0.8+r3+g68cd5af-3 libatasmart 0.19-6 libatomic_ops 7.8.2-1 libavc1394 0.5.4-6 libavif 1.1.1-1 libavtp 0.2.0-3 libb2 0.98.1-3 libblockdev 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-crypto 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-fs 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-loop 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-mdraid 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-nvme 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-part 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-swap 3.1.1-2 libbluray 1.3.4-1 libbpf 1.4.3-1 libbs2b 3.1.0-9 libbsd 0.12.2-2 libbytesize 2.8-3 libcaca 0.99.beta20-4 libcamera 0.3.1-2 libcamera-ipa 0.3.1-2 libcanberra 1:0.30+r2+gc0620e4-4 libcap 2.70-1 libcap-ng 0.8.5-2 libcbor 0.11.0-1 libcdio 2.1.0-4 libcdio-paranoia 10.2+2.0.2-1 libcdr 0.1.7-8 libcloudproviders 0.3.6-1 libcmis 0.6.2-1 libcolord 1.4.7-2 libcups 2:2.4.10-1 libcupsfilters 2.0.0-2 libdaemon 0.14-6 libdatrie 0.2.13-4 libdbusmenu-glib 16.04.0.r498-2 libdbusmenu-qt5 0.9.3+16.04.20160218-7 libdc1394 2.2.7-1 libdca 0.0.7-2 libde265 1.0.15-2 libdeflate 1.21-1 libdiscid 0.6.4-3 libdisplay-info 0.2.0-1 libdovi 3.3.1-1 libdrm 2.4.122-1 libdv 1.0.0-11 libdvbpsi 1:1.3.3-3 libdvdcss 1.4.3-2 libdvdnav 6.1.1-2 libdvdread 6.1.3-2 libe-book 0.1.3-16 libebml 1.4.5-1 libedit 20240517_3.1-1 libei 1.2.1-1 libelf 0.191-4 libepoxy 1.5.10-3 libepubgen 0.1.1-5 libetonyek 0.1.10-4 libevdev 1.13.2-1 libevent 2.1.12-4 libexif 0.6.24-3 libexttextcat 3.4.7-1 libfdk-aac 2.0.3-1 libffi 3.4.6-1 libfilezilla 1:0.48.1-1 libfontenc 1.1.8-1 libfreeaptx 0.1.1-2 libfreehand 0.1.2-5 libfreexl 2.0.0-2 libftdi 1.5-6 libgcrypt 1.11.0-2 libgeotiff 1.7.3-1 libgexiv2 0.14.3-1 libgirepository 1.80.1-3 libgit2 1:1.8.1-1 libglvnd 1.7.0-1 libgme 0.6.3-5 libgoom2 2k4-5 libgpg-error 1.50-1 libgphoto2 2.5.31-2 libgudev 238-1 libgusb 0.4.9-1 libheif 1.18.1-1 libice 1.1.1-3 libid3tag 0.16.3-2 libidn 1.42-1 libidn2 2.3.7-1 libiec61883 1.2.0-8 libieee1284 0.2.11-16 libimagequant 4.3.1-1 libimobiledevice 1.3.0-13 libimobiledevice-glue 1.3.0-1 libinih 58-1 libinput 1.26.1-1 libinstpatch 1.1.6-3 libisl 0.26-2 libixion 0.19.0-2 libjcat 0.2.1-1 libjpeg-turbo 3.0.3-1 libjxl 0.10.3-1 libkate 0.4.1-10 libkexiv2 24.05.2-1 libksba 1.6.7-1 liblangtag 0.6.7-1 liblc3 1.1.1-1 libldac libldap 2.6.8-1 libliftoff 0.5.0-1 liblqr 0.4.2-4 liblrdf 0.6.1-5 libltc 1.3.2-2 libmad 0.15.1b-10 libmanette 0.2.7-1 libmatroska 1.7.1-2 libmbim 1.30.0-1 libmd 1.1.0-2 libmediainfo 24.06-1 libmfx 23.2.2-3 libmicrodns 0.2.0-2 libmikmod libmm-glib 1.22.0-1 libmms 0.6.4-5 libmng 2.0.3-4 libmnl 1.0.5-2 libmodplug libmpc 1.3.1-2 libmpcdec 1:0.1+r475-6 libmpdclient 2.22-1 libmpeg2 0.5.1-10 libmspack 1:1.11-1 libmspub 0.1.4-16 libmtp 1.1.21-2 libmwaw 0.3.22-3 libmypaint 1.6.1-2 libndp 1.9-1 libnetfilter_conntrack 1.0.9-2 libnewt 0.52.24-2 libnfnetlink 1.0.2-2 libnfs 5.0.3-1 libnftnl 1.2.7-1 libnghttp2 1.62.1-1 libnghttp3 1.4.0-1 libngtcp2 1.6.0-1 libnice 0.1.22-1 libnl 3.10.0-1 libnm 1.48.8-1 libnotify 0.8.3-1 libnsl 2.0.1-1 libnumbertext 1.0.11-2 libnvme 1.10-1 libodfgen 0.1.8-3 libogg 1.3.5-2 libomxil-bellagio 0.9.3-5 libopenmpt 0.7.9-1 liborcus 0.19.2-2 libp11-kit 0.25.5-1 libpagemaker 0.0.4-4 libpaper 2.2.5-1 libpcap 1.10.4-1 libpciaccess 0.18.1-2 libpgm 5.3.128-3 libpipeline 1.5.7-2 libpipewire 1:1.2.2-1 libplacebo 7.349.0-1 libplist 2.6.0-1 libpng 1.6.43-1 libppd 2.0.0-2 libproxy 0.5.8-1 libpsl 0.21.5-2 libpulse 17.0-3 libqalculate libqmi 1.34.0-1 libqrtr-glib 1.2.2-3 libqxp 0.0.2-12 libraqm 0.10.1-2 libraw 0.21.2-1 libraw1394 2.1.2-4 libreoffice-fresh 24.2.5-1 librevenge 0.0.5-3 librist 0.2.10-3 librsvg 2:2.58.2-1 librsync 1:2.3.4-2 librttopo 1.1.0-6 libsamplerate 0.2.2-3 libsasl 2.1.28-4 libseccomp 2.5.5-3 libsecret 0.21.4-1 libshout 1:2.4.6-3 libsidplayfp 2.8.0-1 libsigc++ 2.12.1-1 libsigsegv 2.14-3 libsixel 1.10.3-6 libsm 1.2.4-2 libsndfile 1.2.2-2 libsodium 1.0.20-1 libsoup3 3.4.4-1 libsoxr 0.1.3-4 libspatialite 5.1.0-2 libspiro 1:20221101-3 libsrtp 1:2.6.0-1 libssh 0.10.6-2 libssh2 1.11.0-1 libstaroffice 0.0.7-3 libstemmer 2.2.0-2 libsynctex 2024.2-2 libsysprof-capture 46.0-4 libtar 1.2.20-7 libtasn1 4.19.0-2 libteam 1.32-2 libthai 0.1.29-3 libtheora 1.1.1-6 libtiff 4.6.0-5 libtiger 0.3.4-8 libtirpc 1.3.5-1 libtommath 1.3.0-1 libtool 2.5.1-2 libtorrent-rasterbar 1:2.0.10-2 libunibreak 6.1-1 libuninameslist 20221022-2 libunistring 1.2-1 libunwind 1.8.1-3 libupnp 1.14.19-3 liburing 2.6-2 libusb 1.0.27-1 libusb-compat 0.1.8-1 libusbmuxd 2.1.0-1 libutempter 1.2.1-4 libuv 1.48.0-2 libva 2.22.0-1 libva-nvidia-driver-git 0.0.12.r11.gf3205bd-1 libvdpau 1.5-3 libverto 0.3.2-5 libvisio 0.1.7-11 libvorbis 1.3.7-3 libvpl 2.12.0-1 libvpx 1.14.1-1 libwacom 2.12.2-1 libwbclient 4.20.4-1 libwebp 1.4.0-1 libwireplumber 0.5.5-1 libwmf 0.2.13-2 libwpd 0.10.3-5 libwpe 1.16.0-1 libwps 0.4.14-2 libx11 1.8.10-1 libxau 1.0.11-3 libxaw 1.0.16-1 libxcb 1.17.0-1 libxcomposite 0.4.6-2 libxcrypt 4.4.36-2 libxcursor 1.2.2-1 libxcvt 0.1.2-2 libxdamage 1.1.6-2 libxdmcp 1.1.5-1 libxext 1.3.6-1 libxfixes 6.0.1-2 libxfont2 2.0.7-1 libxft 2.3.8-2 libxi 1.8.1-2 libxinerama 1.1.5-2 libxkbcommon 1.7.0-2 libxkbcommon-x11 1.7.0-2 libxkbfile 1.1.3-1 libxml2 2.13.3-1 libxmlb 0.3.19-1 libxmu 1.2.1-1 libxnvctrl 555.58.02-1 libxpm 3.5.17-2 libxpresent 1.0.1-2 libxrandr 1.5.4-1 libxrender 0.9.11-2 libxshmfence 1.3.2-2 libxslt 1.1.42-1 libxss 1.2.4-2 libxt 1.3.0-2 libxtst 1.2.5-1 libxv 1.0.12-2 libxxf86vm 1.1.5-2 libyaml 0.2.5-3 libyuv r2426+464c51a0-1 libzen 0.4.41-2 libzip 1.10.1-2 libzmf 0.0.2-16 licenses 20240728-1 lilv 0.24.24-2 linux-api-headers 6.10-1 linux-firmware 20240703.e94a2a3b-1 linux-firmware-whence 20240703.e94a2a3b-1 linux-headers 6.10.3.arch1-2 linux-zen 6.10.3.zen1-2 linux-zen-headers 6.10.3.zen1-2 lirc 1:0.10.2-4 live-media 2024.04.19-1 llvm-libs 18.1.8-4 lm_sensors 1:3.6.0.r41.g31d1f125-3 lmdb 0.9.32-1 lpsolve lua 5.4.7-1 lua-lpeg 1.1.0-2 lua53 5.3.6-3 luajit 2.1.1720049189-1 luit 20240102-2 lv2 1.18.10-1 lynx 2.9.2-1 lz4 1:1.10.0-2 lzo 2.10-5 m4 1.4.19-3 mailcap 2.1.54-2 make 4.4.1-2 man-db 2.12.1-1 man-pages 6.9.1-1 marktext-bin 0.17.1-2 mbedtls 3.6.0-1 mbedtls2 2.28.8-3 md4c 0.5.2-1 mdadm 4.3-2 media-player-info 24-4 mediainfo 24.06-1 mesa 1:24.1.5-1 meson 1.5.1-1 micro 2.0.13-1 minizip 1:1.3.1-2 mitmproxy 10.4.2-1 mjpegtools 2.2.1-2 mkinitcpio 39.2-2 mkinitcpio-busybox 1.36.1-1 mktorrent 1.1-7 mobile-broadband-provider-info 20240407-1 mpc 0.35-1 mpd 0.23.15-5 mpdecimal 4.0.0-2 mpdscribble 0.25-2 mpfr 4.2.1-4 mpg123 1.32.7-1 mpv 1:0.38.0-6 msmtp 1.8.26-2 mtdev 1.1.7-1 mujs 1.3.5-1 mypaint-brushes1 1.3.1-2 nano 8.1-1 ncmpcpp 0.9.2-19 ncurses 6.5-3 neofetch 7.1.0-2 neomutt 20240425-1 neon 0.33.0-1 net-snmp 5.9.4-4 netpbm 10.86.42-1 nettle 3.10-1 networkmanager 1.48.8-1 networkmanager-dmenu-git r201.6ad647e-1 ninja 1.12.1-1 node-gyp 10.2.0-1 nodejs 22.6.0-1 nodejs-nopt 7.2.0-2 notmuch-runtime 0.38.3-3 npm 10.8.2-1 npth 1.7-1 nspr 4.35-3 nss 3.103-1 ntfs-3g 2022.10.3-1 numactl 2.0.18-1 nvidia-dkms 555.58.02-1 nvidia-settings 555.58.02-1 nvidia-utils 555.58.02-1 ocl-icd 2.3.2-2 offlineimap 8.0.0-5 oniguruma 6.9.9-1 openal 1.23.1-2 opencore-amr 0.1.6-2 openexr 3.2.4-1 openjpeg2 2.5.2-1 openslide 4.0.0-4 openssh 9.8p1-1 openssl 3.3.1-1 openvpn3 22_dev-6 opus 1.5.2-1 orc 0.4.39-1 otf-monocraft 4.0-1 ov-bin 0.35.0-1 p11-kit 0.25.5-1 p7zip 1:17.05-2 pacman 6.1.0-3 pacman-mirrorlist 20240717-1 pahole 1:1.27-2 pam 1.6.1-2 pambase 20230918-1 pamixer 1.6-3 pandoc-cli pango 1:1.54.0-1 pangomm 2.46.4-1 parted 3.6-2 passim 0.1.8-1 patch 2.7.6-10 pciutils 3.13.0-1 pcre 8.45-4 pcre2 10.44-1 pcsclite 2.3.0-1 perl 5.38.2-2 perl-algorithm-diff 1:1.201-5 perl-alien-build 2.83-1 perl-alien-libxml2 0.19-3 perl-capture-tiny 0.48-8 perl-class-method-modifiers 2.15-3 perl-clone 0.46-3 perl-data-optlist 0.114-3 perl-dbi 1.643-7 perl-devel-globaldestruction 0.14-10 perl-encode-locale 1.05-12 perl-error 0.17029-6 perl-ffi-checklib 0.31-4 perl-file-basedir 0.09-4 perl-file-chdir 0.1011-6 perl-file-desktopentry 0.22-12 perl-file-listing 6.16-3 perl-file-mimeinfo 0.35-1 perl-file-which 1.27-4 perl-html-parser 3.82-1 perl-html-tagset 3.24-1 perl-http-cookiejar 0.014-2 perl-http-cookies 6.11-1 perl-http-daemon 6.16-3 perl-http-date 6.06-2 perl-http-message 6.46-1 perl-http-negotiate 6.01-13 perl-import-into 1.002005-10 perl-io-html 1.004-5 perl-ipc-system-simple 1.30-6 perl-libwww 6.77-1 perl-lwp-mediatypes 6.04-5 perl-mailtools 2.21-8 perl-module-runtime 0.016-4 perl-moo 2.005005-3 perl-net-http 6.23-3 perl-parallel-forkmanager 2.02-6 perl-params-util 1.102-5 perl-path-tiny 0.144-3 perl-regexp-common 2024080801-1 perl-role-tiny 2.002004-5 perl-sub-exporter 0.991-1 perl-sub-exporter-progressive 0.001013-10 perl-sub-install 0.929-1 perl-sub-quote 1:2.006008-3 perl-timedate 2.33-6 perl-try-tiny 0.31-4 perl-uri 5.28-1 perl-www-robotrules 6.02-13 perl-xml-libxml 2.0210-1 perl-xml-namespacesupport 1.12-6 perl-xml-parser 2.47-1 perl-xml-sax 1.02-2 perl-xml-sax-base 1.09-6 pet-bin 0.7.0-1 phonon-qt6 4.12.0-4 phonon-qt6-vlc 0.12.0-2 picard 2.12-1 pinentry 1.3.1-5 pipewire 1:1.2.2-1 pixman 0.43.4-1 pkgconf 2.1.1-1 plasma-activities 6.1.4-1 polkit 124-2 polkit-kde-agent 6.1.4-1 polkit-qt5 0.200.0-1 polkit-qt6 0.200.0-1 poppler 24.06.1-1 poppler-data 0.4.12-2 poppler-glib 24.06.1-1 poppler-qt6 24.06.1-1 popt 1.19-1 portaudio 1:19.7.0-3 postman-bin 11.7.0-1 potrace 1.16-3 procps-ng 4.0.4-3 progress 0.17-1 proj 9.4.1-1 projectm 3.1.12-5 protobuf 27.3-1 protobuf-c 1.5.0-4 psmisc 23.7-1 publicsuffix-list 20240306.1440.9094af5-1 pugixml 1.14-1 pulseaudio 17.0-3 pulseaudio-alsa 1:1.2.12-3 pulseaudio-bluetooth 17.0-3 pycharm-professional 2024.2-2 python 3.12.4-1 python-aioquic 1.2.0-1 python-argcomplete 3.1.2-1 python-asgiref 3.7.2-2 python-asttokens 2.4.1-2 python-attrs 23.2.0-3 python-autocommand 2.2.2-6 python-automat 22.10.0-5 python-blinker 1.7.0-2 python-brotli 1.1.0-2 python-build 1.2.1-3 python-cachecontrol 1:0.14.0-3 python-cachetools 5.3.2-3 python-cachy 0.3.0-10 python-cairo 1.26.1-1 python-certifi 2024.07.04-1 python-cffi 1.16.0-2 python-chardet 5.2.0-2 python-charset-normalizer 3.3.2-2 python-cleo 2.1.0-2 python-click 8.1.7-3 python-colorama 0.4.6-3 python-constantly 23.10.0-2 python-coverage 7.6.1-1 python-crashtest 0.4.1-3 python-cryptography 42.0.6-1 python-dateutil 2.9.0-5 python-dbus 1.3.2-4 python-decorator 5.1.1-4 python-defusedxml 0.7.1-6 python-discid 1.2.0-9 python-distlib 0.3.8-2 python-distro 1.9.0-2 python-dulwich 0.22.1-1 python-executing 2.0.0-3 python-fasteners 0.19-3 python-fastjsonschema 2.20.0-1 python-filelock 3.13.3-2 python-flask 2.3.3-2 python-geoip 1.3.2-15 python-gobject 3.48.2-2 python-google-api-core 2.19.1-1 python-google-api-python-client 2.140.0-1 python-google-auth 2.32.0-1 python-google-auth-httplib2 0.2.0-2 python-googleapis-common-protos 1.63.2-1 python-h11 0.14.0-3 python-h2 4.1.0-4 python-hpack 4.0.0-5 python-html5lib 1.1-14 python-httplib2 0.22.0-5 python-hyperframe 6.0.1-5 python-hyperlink 21.0.0-6 python-idna 3.7-1 python-ifaddr 0.2.0-5 python-imaplib2 3.6-6 python-incremental 22.10.0-5 python-inflect 7.3.1-1 python-iniconfig 2.0.0-5 python-installer 0.7.0-8 python-itsdangerous 2.1.2-4 python-jaraco.classes 3.4.0-1 python-jaraco.context 5.3.0-1 python-jaraco.functools 4.0.2-1 python-jaraco.text 4.0.0-1 python-jedi 0.19.1-2 python-jeepney 0.8.0-3 python-jinja 1:3.1.4-1 python-jsonschema 4.23.0-1 python-jsonschema-specifications 2023.12.1-2 python-kaitaistruct 0.10-4 python-keyring 25.2.1-1 python-lark-parser 1.1.9-3 python-ldap3 2.9.1-6 python-lockfile 0.12.2-13 python-mako 1.3.5-1 python-markdown 3.6-3 python-markdown-it-py 3.0.0-2 python-markupsafe 2.1.5-2 python-matplotlib-inline 0.1.7-1 python-mdurl 0.1.2-5 python-mitmproxy-rs 0.6.3-1 python-more-itertools 10.3.0-1 python-msgpack 1.0.5-2 python-multidict 6.0.5-2 python-mutagen 1.47.0-2 python-oauth2client 4.1.3-10 python-ordered-set 4.1.0-5 python-packaging 24.1-1 python-parsedatetime 2.6-9 python-parso 1:0.8.4-2 python-passlib 1.7.4-8 python-pexpect 4.9.0-2 python-pillow 10.4.0-1 python-pip 24.1.2-1 python-pipx 1.6.0-1 python-pkgconfig 1.5.5-6 python-pkginfo 1.10.0-1 python-platformdirs 4.2.2-1 python-pluggy 1.5.0-1 python-poetry 1.8.3-1 python-poetry-core 1.9.0-5 python-poetry-plugin-export 1.8.0-1 python-prompt_toolkit 3.0.47-1 python-protobuf 27.3-1 python-psutil 6.0.0-1 python-ptyprocess 0.7.0-6 python-publicsuffix2 2.20191221-8 python-pure-eval 0.2.3-1 python-pyasn1 0.6.0-1 python-pyasn1-modules 0.4.0-1 python-pycparser 2.22-2 python-pygments 2.18.0-1 python-pyjwt 2.9.0-1 python-pylsqpack 0.3.18-2 python-pyopenssl 24.1.0-1 python-pyparsing 3.1.2-2 python-pyperclip 1.8.2-7 python-pyproject-api 1.7.1-1 python-pyproject-hooks 1.1.0-1 python-pyqt5 5.15.11-1 python-pyqt5-sip 12.15.0-1 python-pysocks 1.7.1-9 python-pytest 1:8.3.2-1 python-pytz 2024.1-2 python-pywal 3.3.0-9 python-pyxdg 0.28-3 python-rapidfuzz 3.6.2-3 python-referencing 0.35.1-1 python-rencode 1.0.6-9 python-requests 2.32.3-1 python-requests-toolbelt 1.0.0-2 python-rfc6555 0.1.0-3 python-rich 13.7.1-2 python-rpds-py 0.19.0-1 python-rsa 4.9-4 python-ruamel-yaml 0.18.6-2 python-ruamel.yaml.clib 0.2.8-2 python-secretstorage 3.3.3-5 python-service-identity 23.1.0-2 python-setproctitle 1.3.3-2 python-setuptools 1:69.5.1-1 python-shellingham 1.5.4-2 python-shtab 1.7.1-1 python-six 1.16.0-9 python-sortedcontainers 2.4.0-6 python-stack-data 0.6.3-2 python-systemd 235-3 python-termcolor 2.4.0-2 python-tomli 2.0.1-4 python-tomlkit 0.13.0-1 python-tornado 6.4.1-1 python-tox 4.12.1-2 python-tqdm 4.66.5-1 python-traitlets 5.14.3-2 python-trove-classifiers 2024.7.2-1 python-twisted 24.3.0-2 python-typeguard 4.3.0-1 python-typing_extensions 4.12.2-1 python-uc-micro-py 1.0.3-2 python-uritemplate 4.1.1-4 python-urllib3 1.26.19-1 python-urwid 2.6.10-3 python-userpath 1.9.2-2 python-validate-pyproject 0.18-1 python-virtualenv 20.26.2-1 python-vobject 0.9.7-3 python-wcwidth 0.2.13-2 python-webencodings 0.5.1-11 python-werkzeug 3.0.1-1 python-wheel 0.44.0-1 python-wsproto 1.2.0-4 python-wxpython 1:4.2.1-2 python-xmltodict 0.13.0-4 python-yaml 6.0.1-4 python-zope-interface 6.3-1 python-zstandard 0.22.0-2 qca-qt6 2.3.9-2 qgpgme-qt6 1.23.2-6 qhull 2020.2-5 qpdf 11.9.1-1 qrencode 4.1.1-3 qt5-base 5.15.14+kde+r143-1 qt5-declarative 5.15.14+kde+r28-1 qt5-multimedia 5.15.14+kde+r2-1 qt5-speech 5.15.14+kde+r1-1 qt5-svg 5.15.14+kde+r5-1 qt5-tools 5.15.14+kde+r4-2 qt5-translations 5.15.14-1 qt5-wayland 5.15.14+kde+r59-1 qt5-x11extras 5.15.14-1 qt5ct 1.8-2 qt6-5compat 6.7.2-1 qt6-base 6.7.2-1 qt6-declarative 6.7.2-1 qt6-multimedia 6.7.2-1 qt6-multimedia-ffmpeg 6.7.2-1 qt6-shadertools 6.7.2-1 qt6-speech 6.7.2-1 qt6-svg 6.7.2-1 qt6-translations 6.7.2-1 qt6-wayland 6.7.2-4 raptor 2.0.16-5 rar 7.01-1 rasqal 1:0.9.33-7 rav1e 0.7.1-1 rclone 1.67.0-1 readline 8.2.013-1 redland 1:1.0.17-9 reflector 2023-2 rhash 1.4.4-1 ripgrep 14.1.0-1 rsync 3.3.0-2 rtkit 0.13-3 rtmpdump 1:2.4.r105.6f6bb13-1 rubberband 3.3.0-2 ruby 3.2.4-1 ruby-bundled-gems 3.2.4-1 ruby-bundler 2.5.11-2 ruby-debug 1.7.1-1 ruby-default-gems 3.2.4-1 ruby-erb 4.0.4-4 ruby-irb 1.6.2-2 ruby-matrix 0.4.2-1 ruby-minitest 5.22.3-1 ruby-net-ftp 0.3.5-2 ruby-net-imap 0.4.12-1 ruby-net-pop 0.1.2-1 ruby-net-smtp 0.5.0-1 ruby-power_assert 2.0.3-3 ruby-prime 0.1.2-1 ruby-racc 1.6.2-1 ruby-rake 13.0.6-3 ruby-rbs 3.4.4-2 ruby-rdoc ruby-rexml 3.2.6-2 ruby-rss 0.3.0-2 ruby-stdlib 3.2.4-1 ruby-test-unit 3.6.1-3 ruby-typeprof 0.21.8-1 rubygems 3.4.19-1 ruff 0.5.7-1 runc 1.1.13-1 sane 1.3.1-1 sbc 2.0-2 sdbus-cpp 1.5.0-3 sdl2 2.30.6-1 seatd 0.8.0-2 sed 4.9-3 semver 7.6.3-1 serd 0.32.2-1 sfsexp 1.4.1-2 shaderc 2024.1-1 shadow 4.16.0-1 shared-mime-info 2.4-1 slang 2.3.3-3 slurp 1.5.0-1 smbclient 4.20.4-1 snappy 1.1.10-1 solid 6.4.0-1 solid5 5.116.0-1 sonnet 6.4.0-1 sord 0.16.16-1 sound-theme-freedesktop 0.8-6 soundtouch 2.3.3-1 source-highlight 3.1.9-12 sox 14.4.2+r184+gf3094754-1 spandsp 0.0.6-5 speedtest-cli 2.1.3-8 speex 1.2.1-2 speexdsp 1.2.1-2 spek 0.8.5-1 spirv-tools 2024.2-1 sqlite 3.46.0-1 sratom 0.6.16-1 srt 1.5.3-2 sublime-text-4 4.4180-1 sudo 1.9.15.p5-2 suitesparse 7.7.0-2 svt-av1 2.1.2-1 svt-hevc 1.5.1-3 swayidle 1.8.0-2 syndication 6.4.0-1 syntax-highlighting 6.4.0-1 systemd 256.4-1 systemd-libs 256.4-1 systemd-sysvcompat 256.4-1 taglib 2.0.1-1 talloc 2.4.2-3 tar 1.35-2 task 3.1.0-1 tcl 8.6.14-4 tdb 1.4.12-1 tdl-bin 0.17.3-1 tevent 1:0.16.1-3 texinfo 7.1-2 texlive-basic 2024.2-2 texlive-bibtexextra 2024.2-2 texlive-bin 2024.2-2 texlive-binextra 2024.2-2 texlive-context 2024.2-2 texlive-fontsextra 2024.2-2 texlive-fontsrecommended 2024.2-2 texlive-fontutils 2024.2-2 texlive-formatsextra 2024.2-2 texlive-games 2024.2-2 texlive-humanities 2024.2-2 texlive-latex 2024.2-2 texlive-latexextra 2024.2-2 texlive-latexrecommended 2024.2-2 texlive-luatex 2024.2-2 texlive-mathscience 2024.2-2 texlive-metapost 2024.2-2 texlive-music 2024.2-2 texlive-pictures 2024.2-2 texlive-plaingeneric 2024.2-2 texlive-pstricks 2024.2-2 texlive-publishers 2024.2-2 texlive-xetex 2024.2-2 timg 1.6.0-1 tinyxml2 10.0.0-1 tk 8.6.14-4 tldr 3.3.0-1 tomlplusplus 3.4.0-1 tpm2-tss 4.0.1-1 tracker3 3.7.3-2 tre-command 0.4.0-1 tslib 1.23-1 ttf-ancient-fonts 2.60-2 ttf-baekmuk 2.2-14 ttf-bitstream-vera 1.10-16 ttf-dejavu 2.37+18+g9b5d1b2f-7 ttf-droid 20121017-11 ttf-inconsolata 1:3.000-4 ttf-jetbrains-mono 2.304-2 ttf-liberation 2.1.5-2 ttf-librebaskerville 1.0-4 ttf-meslo-nerd-font-powerlevel10k 2.3.3-1 ttf-mononoki 1.6-2 ttf-opensans 1.101-3 twolame 0.4.0-4 tzdata 2024a-2 uchardet 0.0.8-3 udisks2 2.10.1-4 unixodbc 2.3.12-2 upower 1.90.4-1 urlscan 1.0.3-1 usbutils 017-1 util-linux 2.40.2-1 util-linux-libs 2.40.2-1 v4l-utils 1.26.1-1 vapoursynth R69-1 vcdimager 2.0.1-4 ventoy-bin 1.0.99-1 vid.stab 1.1.1-2 vim 9.1.0648-1 vim-runtime 9.1.0648-1 virtualfish 2.5.9-1 vlc 3.0.21-2 vmaf 3.0.0-1 volume_key 0.3.12-9 vulkan-headers 1:1.3.285-1 vulkan-icd-loader 1.3.285-1 vulkan-validation-layers 1.3.275-1 wavpack 5.7.0-1 wayland 1.23.0-1 wayland-protocols 1.36-1 webkit2gtk-4.1 2.44.2-1 webrtc-audio-processing-1 1.3-3 wev 1.0.0-13 wf-recorder 0.4.1-2 wget 1.24.5-3 whatmp3 3.8-1 which 2.21-6 wildmidi 0.4.6-1 wine 9.14-1 wireplumber 0.5.5-1 wl-clipboard 1:2.2.1-2 wl-color-picker 1.3-1 wlr-randr 0.4.1-4 wlroots0.17 0.17.4-3 woeusb-ng 0.2.12-3 woff2 1.0.2-5 wofi 1.4.1-1 wpa_supplicant 2:2.11-2 wpebackend-fdo 1.14.2-2 wxsvg 1.5.25-2 wxwidgets-common 3.2.5-1 wxwidgets-gtk3 3.2.5-1 x264 3:0.164.r3108.31e19f9-2 x265 3.6-1 xapian-core 1:1.4.25-1 xbitmaps 1.1.3-2 xcb-proto 1.17.0-2 xcb-util 0.4.1-2 xcb-util-cursor 0.1.5-1 xcb-util-errors 1.0.1-2 xcb-util-image 0.4.1-3 xcb-util-keysyms 0.4.1-5 xcb-util-renderutil 0.3.10-2 xcb-util-wm 0.4.2-2 xdg-dbus-proxy 0.1.5-2 xdg-desktop-portal 1.18.4-1 xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland 1.3.3-2 xdg-user-dirs 0.18-2 xdg-utils 1.2.1-1 xerces-c 3.2.5-2 xkeyboard-config 2.42-1 xmlsec 1.3.5-1 xorg-fonts-encodings 1.1.0-1 xorg-server-common 21.1.13-1 xorg-setxkbmap 1.3.4-2 xorg-xinput 1.6.4-2 xorg-xkbcomp 1.4.7-1 xorg-xprop 1.2.7-1 xorg-xrandr 1.5.2-2 xorg-xset 1.2.5-2 xorg-xwayland 24.1.2-1 xorgproto 2024.1-2 xterm 393-1 xvidcore 1.3.7-3 xxhash 0.8.2-1 xz 5.6.2-1 yad 14.1-1 yajl 2.1.0-6 yarn 1.22.22-2 yay 12.3.5-1 yay-debug 12.3.5-1 yq 3.4.3-1 yt-dlp 2024.08.06-1 zbar 0.23.93-1 zenity 4.0.2-1 zeromq 4.3.5-2 zimg 3.0.5-1 zix 0.4.2-2 zlib 1:1.3.1-2 zstd 1.5.6-1 zvbi 0.2.42-1 zxing-cpp 2.2.1-1 zziplib 0.13.78-1 ```
Installed packages on 08/11 (working) ``` a52dec 0.8.0-2 aalib 1.4rc5-18 abseil-cpp 20240722.0-1 acl 2.3.2-1 acpi 1.7-4 adobe-source-code-pro-fonts 2.042u+1.062i+1.026vf-2 adwaita-cursors 46.2-1 adwaita-icon-theme 46.2-1 adwaita-icon-theme-legacy 46.2-1 aegisub 3.3.3-9 alsa-lib 1.2.12-1 alsa-plugins 1:1.2.12-3 alsa-topology-conf alsa-ucm-conf 1.2.12-1 alsa-utils 1.2.12-1 aom 3.9.1-1 apple-fonts 6-1 appstream 1.0.3-1 aquamarine 0.3.1-1 archlinux-keyring 20240709-1 archlinux-xdg-menu argon2 20190702-6 aria2 1.37.0-1 aribb24 1.0.3-4 aribb25 0.2.7-3 ark 24.05.2-2 at-spi2-core 2.52.0-1 atkmm 2.28.4-1 attica 6.4.0-1 attr 2.5.2-1 audiofile 0.3.6-9 audit 4.0.1-3 autoconf 2.72-1 automake 1.17-1 avahi 1:0.8+r194+g3f79789-2 babl 0.1.108-1 baloo 6.4.0-1 baloo-widgets 24.05.2-1 base 3-2 base-devel 1-1 bash 5.2.032-1 bat 0.24.0-2 binutils 2.43+r4+g7999dae6961-1 bison 3.8.2-6 blas 3.12.0-5 blosc 1.21.6-1 bluez 5.77-1 bluez-libs 5.77-1 bluez-utils 5.77-1 boost-libs 1.83.0-9 botan 3.5.0-1 box2d 2.4.2-1 breeze-icons 6.4.0-1 bridge-utils 1.7.1-2 brightnessctl 0.5.1-3 brotli 1.1.0-2 btop 1.3.2-1 bubblewrap 0.9.0-1 bzip2 1.0.8-6 c-ares 1.29.0-1 ca-certificates 20240618-1 ca-certificates-mozilla 3.103-1 ca-certificates-utils 20240618-1 cairo 1.18.0-2 cairomm 1.14.5-1 cantarell-fonts 1:0.303.1-2 cdparanoia 10.2-9 cdrtools 3.02a09-6 chromaprint 1.5.1-8 chromium 127.0.6533.99-1 cifs-utils 7.0-4 cjson 1.7.18-1 clipman 1.6.4-1 cloc 2.02-1 clucene cmake 3.30.2-1 cod 0.1.0-5 confuse 3.3-4 containerd 1.7.20-1 convertlit 1.8-12 coreutils 9.5-1 cpio 2.15-1 cppdap 1.58.0-2 crypto++ 8.9.0-1 cryptsetup 2.7.4-1 cups 2:2.4.10-1 cups-filters 2.0.0-2 cups-pdf 3.0.1-8 curl 8.9.1-2 cython 3.0.10-5 dav1d 1.4.3-1 db5.3 5.3.28-5 dbus 1.14.10-2 dbus-broker 36-4 dbus-broker-units 36-4 dconf 0.40.0-3 debugedit 5.0-6 default-cursors 2-2 deluge 1:2.1.1-6 deluge-gtk 1:2.1.1-6 desktop-file-utils 0.27-1 device-mapper 2.03.25-2 diffutils 3.10-1 displaylink 6.0-0 displaylink-debug 6.0-0 dkms 3.0.12-1 docker 1:27.1.1-1 docker-compose 2.29.1-1 dolphin 24.05.2-1 dosfstools 4.2-4 double-conversion 3.3.0-2 duktape 2.7.0-7 dunst 1.11.0-1 dvd+rw-tools 7.1-10 dvdauthor 0.7.2-12 dvdstyler 3.2.1-3 dvisvgm 3.4-1 e2fsprogs 1.47.1-4 ebook-tools 0.2.2-8 efibootmgr 18-3 efivar 39-1 egl-wayland 3: eglexternalplatform 1.1-3 enchant 2.8.0-1 evdi 1.14.5-0 evdi-debug 1.14.5-0 exfat-utils 1.4.0-3 exiv2 0.28.3-1 expat 2.6.2-1 eza 0.19.0-1 faac 1.30-5 faad2 2.11.1-1 fakeroot 1.35-1 fd 10.1.0-1 ffcall 2.4-3 ffmpeg 2:7.0.1-2 ffmpeg4.4 4.4.4-6 ffms2 5.0-1 fftw 3.3.10-7 file 5.45-1 filesystem 2024.04.07-1 filezilla 3.67.1-1 findutils 4.10.0-1 firefox 129.0-1 fish 3.7.1-2 flac 1.4.3-2 flashrom 1.4.0-1 flex 2.6.4-5 fluidsynth 2.3.6-1 fmt 10.2.0-1 fontconfig 2:2.15.0-2 fontforge 20230101-4 foomatic-db-engine 5:20200131-1 freeglut 3.6.0-1 freeimage 3.18.0-22 freetype2 2.13.2-2 fribidi 1.0.15-1 ftgl 2.4.0-3 fuse-common 3.16.2-1 fuse2 2.9.9-5 fuse3 3.16.2-1 fwupd 1.9.23-1 fwupd-efi 1.6-1 gammastep 2.0.9-3 gaupol 1.15-2 gawk 5.3.0-1 gc 8.2.6-1 gcalcli 4.3.0-3 gcc 14.2.1+r32+geccf707e5ce-1 gcc-libs 14.2.1+r32+geccf707e5ce-1 gd 2.3.3-8 gdal 3.9.1-3 gdb 15.1-1 gdb-common 15.1-1 gdbm 1.24-1 gdbuspp 1-1 gdk-pixbuf2 2.42.12-1 gegl 0.4.48-4 geoclue 2.7.1-3 geoip 1.6.12-3 geoip-database 20240720-1 geos 3.12.2-1 gettext 0.22.5-1 ghc-libs 9.2.8-1 ghostscript 10.03.1-1 giflib 5.2.2-1 gimp 2.10.38-1 git 2.46.0-1 git-crypt 0.7.0-3 glew 2.2.0-7 glib-networking 1:2.80.0-3 glib2 2.80.4-1 glibc 2.40+r16+gaa533d58ff-2 glibmm 2.66.7-1 glm 1.0.1-1 glow 1.5.1-2 glslang 14.2.0-1 glu 9.0.3-2 gmime3 3.2.15-1 gmp 6.3.0-2 gnu-free-fonts 20120503-8 gnupg 2.4.5-4 gnutls 3.8.6-1 go-task-bin 3.37.2-1 gobject-introspection-runtime 1.80.1-3 gparted 1.6.0-1 gperftools 2.15-1 gpgme 1.23.2-6 gpm 1.20.7.r38.ge82d1a6-6 gptfdisk 1.0.10-1 graphene 1.10.8-1 graphicsmagick 1.3.43-1 graphite 1:1.3.14-4 graphviz 12.0.0-1 grep 3.11-1 grim 1.4.1-2 groff 1.23.0-6 grub 2:2.12-2 gsasl 2.2.1-1 gsettings-desktop-schemas 46.1-2 gsettings-system-schemas 46.1-2 gsfonts 20200910-4 gsm 1.0.22-2 gspell 1.12.2-3 gssdp 1.6.3-1 gst-libav 1.24.6-1 gst-plugin-gtk 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-bad 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-bad-libs 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-base 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-base-libs 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-good 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-ugly 1.24.6-1 gstreamer 1.24.6-1 gtest 1.15.2-1 gtk-update-icon-cache 1:4.14.4-2 gtk2 2.24.33-4 gtk3 1:3.24.43-1 gtk4 1:4.14.4-2 gtkmm3 3.24.9-1 gtksourceview3 1:3.24.11+r28+g73e57b57-2 gts guile 3.0.10-1 gupnp 1:1.6.6-1 gupnp-igd 1.6.0-1 gzip 1.13-4 harfbuzz 9.0.0-1 harfbuzz-icu 9.0.0-1 has 1.5.0-1 haskell-aeson haskell-aeson-pretty 0.8.10-9 haskell-ansi-terminal 0.11.4-66 haskell-ansi-wl-pprint 0.6.9-418 haskell-appar 0.1.8-14 haskell-asn1-encoding 0.9.6-230 haskell-asn1-parse 0.9.5-230 haskell-asn1-types 0.3.4-209 haskell-assoc 1.0.2-270 haskell-async 2.2.5-27 haskell-attoparsec 0.14.4-74 haskell-attoparsec-aeson haskell-attoparsec-iso8601 haskell-auto-update 0.1.6-339 haskell-base-compat 0.12.2-2 haskell-base-compat-batteries 0.12.2-83 haskell-base-orphans haskell-base-unicode-symbols haskell-base16-bytestring haskell-base64 haskell-base64-bytestring haskell-basement 0.0.16-2 haskell-bifunctors 5.6-81 haskell-bitvec haskell-blaze-builder haskell-blaze-html haskell-blaze-markup haskell-boring 0.2.1-3 haskell-bsb-http-chunked haskell-byteorder 1.0.4-25 haskell-call-stack 0.4.0-184 haskell-case-insensitive haskell-cassava haskell-cereal haskell-citeproc 0.8.1-107 haskell-cmdargs 0.10.22-2 haskell-colour 2.3.6-210 haskell-commonmark haskell-commonmark-extensions 0.2.4-2 haskell-commonmark-pandoc haskell-comonad 5.0.8-265 haskell-conduit 1.3.5-55 haskell-conduit-extra 1.3.6-136 haskell-constraints 0.13.4-50 haskell-contravariant 1.5.5-4 haskell-cookie 0.4.6-2 haskell-crypton 0.34-11 haskell-crypton-connection 0.3.2-8 haskell-crypton-x509 1.7.6-28 haskell-crypton-x509-store 1.6.9-28 haskell-crypton-x509-system 1.6.7-28 haskell-crypton-x509-validation 1.6.12-28 haskell-data-array-byte haskell-data-default haskell-data-default-class haskell-data-default-instances-containers 0.0.1-37 haskell-data-default-instances-dlist 0.0.1-319 haskell-data-default-instances-old-locale 0.0.1-37 haskell-data-fix 0.3.2-102 haskell-dec 0.0.5-5 haskell-digest haskell-digits 0.3.1-21 haskell-distributive haskell-dlist 1.0-241 haskell-doclayout haskell-doctemplates 0.11-73 haskell-easy-file 0.2.5-21 haskell-emojis 0.1.3-10 haskell-erf haskell-fast-logger 3.1.2-76 haskell-file-embed haskell-foldable1-classes-compat 0.1-81 haskell-generically 0.1.1-2 haskell-ghc-bignum-orphans 0.1.1-2 haskell-glob 0.10.2-90 haskell-gridtables haskell-haddock-library 1.11.0-19 haskell-hashable haskell-hourglass 0.2.12-246 haskell-hslua 2.3.0-54 haskell-hslua-aeson haskell-hslua-classes 2.3.0-55 haskell-hslua-core 2.3.1-47 haskell-hslua-list 1.1.1-62 haskell-hslua-marshalling 2.3.1-7 haskell-hslua-module-doclayout 1.1.0-60 haskell-hslua-module-path 1.1.0-55 haskell-hslua-module-system haskell-hslua-module-text haskell-hslua-module-version 1.1.0-55 haskell-hslua-module-zip 1.1.1-24 haskell-hslua-objectorientation 2.3.0-51 haskell-hslua-packaging 2.3.1-16 haskell-hslua-repl 0.1.2-13 haskell-hslua-typing 0.1.1-9 haskell-http-api-data 0.5.1-56 haskell-http-client 0.7.15-25 haskell-http-client-tls haskell-http-date 0.0.11-136 haskell-http-media haskell-http-types 0.12.4-8 haskell-http2 4.1.0-24 haskell-hunit haskell-indexed-traversable 0.1.3-73 haskell-indexed-traversable-instances haskell-integer-logarithms haskell-iproute 1.7.12-82 haskell-ipynb 0.2-141 haskell-isocline 1.0.9-2 haskell-jira-wiki-markup 1.5.1-22 haskell-juicypixels 3.3.8-31 haskell-lexer 1.1.1-2 haskell-libyaml 0.1.4-7 haskell-lpeg 1.0.4-26 haskell-lua 2.3.2-6 haskell-memory 0.18.0-8 haskell-mime-types haskell-mmorph 1.2.0-6 haskell-monad-control haskell-mono-traversable haskell-network haskell-network-byte-order 0.1.7-2 haskell-network-uri haskell-old-locale haskell-old-time haskell-onetuple 0.4.1-2 haskell-only 0.1-23 haskell-optparse-applicative haskell-ordered-containers 0.2.3-2 haskell-pandoc 3.1.9-2 haskell-pandoc-lua-engine haskell-pandoc-lua-marshal 0.2.4-4 haskell-pandoc-server haskell-pandoc-types 1.23.1-23 haskell-pem 0.2.4-286 haskell-pretty-show 1.10-15 haskell-prettyprinter 1.7.1-167 haskell-primitive haskell-psqueues haskell-quickcheck 2.14.3-64 haskell-random haskell-recv 0.1.0-30 haskell-regex-base haskell-regex-tdfa haskell-resourcet 1.2.6-51 haskell-safe 0.3.21-5 haskell-safe-exceptions haskell-scientific haskell-semialign haskell-semigroupoids 5.3.7-144 haskell-servant 0.20.1-14 haskell-servant-server 0.20-25 haskell-sha haskell-simple-sendfile 0.2.32-38 haskell-singleton-bool 0.1.7-3 haskell-skylighting 0.14-17 haskell-skylighting-core 0.14-16 haskell-skylighting-format-ansi 0.1-123 haskell-skylighting-format-blaze-html haskell-skylighting-format-context haskell-skylighting-format-latex 0.1-123 haskell-socks 0.6.1-237 haskell-some 1.0.5-2 haskell-sop-core haskell-split 0.2.5-6 haskell-splitmix haskell-statevar 1.2.2-3 haskell-streaming-commons haskell-strict haskell-string-conversions haskell-syb haskell-tagged 0.8.8-2 haskell-tagsoup 0.14.8-226 haskell-temporary 1.3-585 haskell-texmath haskell-text-conversions haskell-text-icu haskell-text-short 0.1.5-79 haskell-th-abstraction haskell-th-compat 0.1.5-2 haskell-th-lift 0.8.4-2 haskell-th-lift-instances 0.1.20-47 haskell-these haskell-time-compat haskell-time-manager 0.0.1-35 haskell-tls 1.8.0-29 haskell-toml-parser haskell-transformers-base 0.4.6-102 haskell-transformers-compat 0.7.2-2 haskell-type-equality 1.0.1-1 haskell-typed-process haskell-typst haskell-typst-symbols 0.1.4-2 haskell-unicode-collation haskell-unicode-data haskell-unicode-transforms haskell-uniplate 1.6.13-223 haskell-unix-compat 0.7.1-18 haskell-unix-time 0.4.13-1 haskell-unliftio haskell-unliftio-core haskell-unordered-containers 0.2.20-18 haskell-utf8-string 1.0.2-150 haskell-uuid-types haskell-vault haskell-vector haskell-vector-algorithms haskell-vector-stream haskell-wai 3.2.4-21 haskell-wai-app-static 3.1.9-16 haskell-wai-cors 0.2.7-357 haskell-wai-extra 3.1.15-6 haskell-wai-logger 2.4.0-447 haskell-warp 3.3.30-61 haskell-witherable 0.4.2-103 haskell-word8 0.1.3-23 haskell-xml 1.3.14-31 haskell-xml-conduit haskell-xml-types 0.3.8-9 haskell-yaml haskell-zip-archive haskell-zlib hicolor-icon-theme 0.18-1 hidapi 0.14.0-3 highway 1.2.0-1 hplip 1:3.24.4-2 hslua-cli 1.4.1-51 http-parser 2.9.4-2 httpie 3.2.3-1 hub 2.14.2-4 hunspell 1.7.2-2 hunspell-en_us 2020.12.07-5 hunspell-pt-br 3.2.15-1 hwdata 0.385-1 hyphen 2.8.8-6 hyprcursor 0.1.9-1 hypridle 0.1.2-1 hypridle-git-debug 0.1.2.r12.g96d51ec2-1 hyprland 0.41.2-3 hyprlang 0.5.2-1 hyprlock 0.4.1-1 hyprpaper 0.7.0-2 hyprutils 0.2.0-1 hyprwayland-scanner-git 0.4.0.r4.ga048a6cb-1 hyprwayland-scanner-git-debug 0.4.0.r4.ga048a6cb-1 iana-etc 20240612-1 icu 75.1-1 ijs 0.35-6 imagemagick imath 3.1.11-2 imlib2 1.12.3-1 imv 4.5.0-2 inotify-tools intel-ucode 20240531-1 iproute2 6.10.0-2 iptables 1:1.8.10-2 iputils 20240117-1 ipython 8.26.0-1 iso-codes 4.16.0-1 isoimagewriter 24.05.2-1 jack2 1.9.22-1 jansson 2.14-4 jasper 4.2.4-1 jbig2dec 0.20-1 jbigkit 2.1-8 jq 1.7.1-2 json-c 0.17-2 json-glib 1.8.0-2 jsoncpp 1.9.5-3 jxrlib 0.2.4-2 karchive 6.4.0-1 karchive5 5.116.0-1 kauth 6.4.0-1 kauth5 5.116.0-1 kbd 2.6.4-1 kbookmarks 6.4.0-1 kcmutils 6.4.0-1 kcodecs 6.4.0-1 kcodecs5 5.116.0-1 kcolorscheme 6.4.0-1 kcompletion 6.4.0-1 kconfig 6.4.0-1 kconfig5 5.116.0-1 kconfigwidgets 6.4.0-1 kconfigwidgets5 5.116.0-1 kcoreaddons 6.4.0-1 kcoreaddons5 5.116.0-1 kcrash 6.4.0-1 kdbusaddons 6.4.0-1 kdbusaddons5 5.116.0-1 kdnssd 6.4.0-1 kdsoap-qt6 2.2.0-1 kdsoap-ws-discovery-client 0.4.0-1 keepassxc 2.7.9-3 keyutils 1.6.3-3 kfilemetadata 6.4.0-1 kglobalaccel 6.4.0-1 kglobalaccel5 5.116.0-1 kguiaddons 6.4.0-1 kguiaddons5 5.116.0-1 ki18n 6.4.0-1 ki18n5 5.116.0-1 kiconthemes 6.4.0-1 kiconthemes5 5.116.0-1 kidletime 6.4.0-1 kio 6.4.1-1 kio-extras 24.05.2-1 kirigami 6.4.0-2 kitemviews 6.4.0-1 kitemviews5 5.116.0-1 kitty 0.35.2-1 kitty-shell-integration 0.35.2-1 kitty-terminfo 0.35.2-1 kjobwidgets 6.4.0-1 kmix 24.05.2-1 kmod 32-1 knewstuff 6.4.0-1 knotifications 6.4.0-1 knotifications5 5.116.0-1 kpackage 6.4.0-1 kparts 6.4.0-1 kpty 6.4.0-1 krb5 1.21.3-1 kservice 6.4.0-1 ktextwidgets 6.4.0-1 kuserfeedback 6.4.0-1 kwallet 6.4.0-1 kwayland-integration 6.1.4-1 kwayland5 5.116.0-1 kwidgetsaddons 6.4.1-1 kwidgetsaddons5 5.116.0-1 kwindowsystem 6.4.0-1 kwindowsystem5 5.116.0-1 kxmlgui 6.4.0-1 kxmlgui5 5.116.0-1 kyotocabinet 1.2.79-2 l-smash 2.14.5-4 lame 3.100-5 lapack 3.12.0-5 lcms2 2.16-1 ldb 2:2.9.1-2 lensfun 1:0.3.4-4 less 1:661-1 lib32-acl 2.3.2-1 lib32-brotli 1.1.0-1 lib32-bzip2 1.0.8-3 lib32-dbus 1.14.10-2 lib32-e2fsprogs 1.47.1-1 lib32-expat 2.6.2-1 lib32-fontconfig 2:2.15.0-1 lib32-freetype2 2.13.2-1 lib32-gcc-libs 14.2.1+r32+geccf707e5ce-1 lib32-gettext 0.22.5-1 lib32-glib2 2.80.4-1 lib32-glibc 2.40+r16+gaa533d58ff-2 lib32-harfbuzz 9.0.0-1 lib32-icu 75.1-1 lib32-keyutils 1.6.3-2 lib32-krb5 1.21.3-1 lib32-libcap 2.70-1 lib32-libffi 3.4.6-1 lib32-libgcrypt 1.11.0-1 lib32-libgpg-error 1.50-1 lib32-libldap 2.6.8-1 lib32-libnl 3.10.0-1 lib32-libnsl 2.0.1-1 lib32-libpcap 1.10.4-1 lib32-libpng 1.6.43-1 lib32-libtirpc 1.3.5-1 lib32-libunwind 1.8.1-1 lib32-libx11 1.8.10-1 lib32-libxau 1.0.11-1 lib32-libxcb 1.17.0-1 lib32-libxcrypt 4.4.36-2 lib32-libxcursor 1.2.2-1 lib32-libxdmcp 1.1.5-1 lib32-libxext 1.3.6-1 lib32-libxfixes 6.0.1-1 lib32-libxi 1.8.1-1 lib32-libxkbcommon 1.7.0-2 lib32-libxml2 2.13.3-1 lib32-libxrandr 1.5.4-1 lib32-libxrender 0.9.11-1 lib32-openssl 1:3.3.1-1 lib32-pam 1.6.1-1 lib32-pcre2 10.44-1 lib32-systemd 256.4-1 lib32-util-linux 2.40.2-1 lib32-wayland 1.23.0-1 lib32-xz 5.6.2-1 lib32-zlib 1.3.1-1 lib32-zstd 1.5.6-1 libaacs 0.11.1-2 libabw 0.1.3-4 libadwaita 1:1.5.3-1 libaec 1.1.3-1 libao 1.2.2-6 libarchive 3.7.4-1 libass 0.17.3-1 libassuan 3.0.0-1 libasyncns 1:0.8+r3+g68cd5af-3 libatasmart 0.19-6 libatomic_ops 7.8.2-1 libavc1394 0.5.4-6 libavif 1.1.1-1 libavtp 0.2.0-3 libb2 0.98.1-3 libblockdev 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-crypto 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-fs 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-loop 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-mdraid 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-nvme 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-part 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-swap 3.1.1-2 libbluray 1.3.4-1 libbpf 1.4.3-1 libbs2b 3.1.0-9 libbsd 0.12.2-2 libbytesize 2.8-3 libcaca 0.99.beta20-4 libcamera 0.3.1-2 libcamera-ipa 0.3.1-2 libcanberra 1:0.30+r2+gc0620e4-4 libcap 2.70-1 libcap-ng 0.8.5-2 libcbor 0.11.0-1 libcdio 2.1.0-4 libcdio-paranoia 10.2+2.0.2-1 libcdr 0.1.7-8 libcloudproviders 0.3.6-1 libcmis 0.6.2-1 libcolord 1.4.7-2 libcups 2:2.4.10-1 libcupsfilters 2.0.0-2 libdaemon 0.14-6 libdatrie 0.2.13-4 libdbusmenu-glib 16.04.0.r498-2 libdbusmenu-qt5 0.9.3+16.04.20160218-7 libdc1394 2.2.7-1 libdca 0.0.7-2 libde265 1.0.15-2 libdeflate 1.21-1 libdiscid 0.6.4-3 libdisplay-info 0.2.0-1 libdovi 3.3.1-1 libdrm 2.4.122-1 libdv 1.0.0-11 libdvbpsi 1:1.3.3-3 libdvdcss 1.4.3-2 libdvdnav 6.1.1-2 libdvdread 6.1.3-2 libe-book 0.1.3-16 libebml 1.4.5-1 libedit 20240517_3.1-1 libei 1.2.1-1 libelf 0.191-4 libepoxy 1.5.10-3 libepubgen 0.1.1-5 libetonyek 0.1.10-4 libevdev 1.13.2-1 libevent 2.1.12-4 libexif 0.6.24-3 libexttextcat 3.4.7-1 libfdk-aac 2.0.3-1 libffi 3.4.6-1 libfilezilla 1:0.48.1-1 libfontenc 1.1.8-1 libfreeaptx 0.1.1-2 libfreehand 0.1.2-5 libfreexl 2.0.0-2 libftdi 1.5-6 libgcrypt 1.11.0-2 libgeotiff 1.7.3-1 libgexiv2 0.14.3-1 libgirepository 1.80.1-3 libgit2 1:1.8.1-1 libglvnd 1.7.0-1 libgme 0.6.3-5 libgoom2 2k4-5 libgpg-error 1.50-1 libgphoto2 2.5.31-2 libgudev 238-1 libgusb 0.4.9-1 libheif 1.18.1-1 libice 1.1.1-3 libid3tag 0.16.3-2 libidn 1.42-1 libidn2 2.3.7-1 libiec61883 1.2.0-8 libieee1284 0.2.11-16 libimagequant 4.3.1-1 libimobiledevice 1.3.0-13 libimobiledevice-glue 1.3.0-1 libinih 58-1 libinput 1.26.1-1 libinstpatch 1.1.6-3 libisl 0.26-2 libixion 0.19.0-2 libjcat 0.2.1-1 libjpeg-turbo 3.0.3-1 libjxl 0.10.3-1 libkate 0.4.1-10 libkexiv2 24.05.2-1 libksba 1.6.7-1 liblangtag 0.6.7-1 liblc3 1.1.1-1 libldac libldap 2.6.8-1 libliftoff 0.5.0-1 liblqr 0.4.2-4 liblrdf 0.6.1-5 libltc 1.3.2-2 libmad 0.15.1b-10 libmanette 0.2.7-1 libmatroska 1.7.1-2 libmbim 1.30.0-1 libmd 1.1.0-2 libmediainfo 24.06-1 libmfx 23.2.2-3 libmicrodns 0.2.0-2 libmikmod libmm-glib 1.22.0-1 libmms 0.6.4-5 libmng 2.0.3-4 libmnl 1.0.5-2 libmodplug libmpc 1.3.1-2 libmpcdec 1:0.1+r475-6 libmpdclient 2.22-1 libmpeg2 0.5.1-10 libmspack 1:1.11-1 libmspub 0.1.4-16 libmtp 1.1.21-2 libmwaw 0.3.22-3 libmypaint 1.6.1-2 libndp 1.9-1 libnetfilter_conntrack 1.0.9-2 libnewt 0.52.24-2 libnfnetlink 1.0.2-2 libnfs 5.0.3-1 libnftnl 1.2.7-1 libnghttp2 1.62.1-1 libnghttp3 1.4.0-1 libngtcp2 1.6.0-1 libnice 0.1.22-1 libnl 3.10.0-1 libnm 1.48.8-1 libnotify 0.8.3-1 libnsl 2.0.1-1 libnumbertext 1.0.11-2 libnvme 1.10-1 libodfgen 0.1.8-3 libogg 1.3.5-2 libomxil-bellagio 0.9.3-5 libopenmpt 0.7.9-1 liborcus 0.19.2-2 libp11-kit 0.25.5-1 libpagemaker 0.0.4-4 libpaper 2.2.5-1 libpcap 1.10.4-1 libpciaccess 0.18.1-2 libpgm 5.3.128-3 libpipeline 1.5.7-2 libpipewire 1:1.2.2-1 libplacebo 7.349.0-1 libplist 2.6.0-1 libpng 1.6.43-1 libppd 2.0.0-2 libproxy 0.5.8-1 libpsl 0.21.5-2 libpulse 17.0-3 libqalculate libqmi 1.34.0-1 libqrtr-glib 1.2.2-3 libqxp 0.0.2-12 libraqm 0.10.1-2 libraw 0.21.2-1 libraw1394 2.1.2-4 libreoffice-fresh 24.2.5-2 librevenge 0.0.5-3 librist 0.2.10-3 librsvg 2:2.58.2-1 librsync 1:2.3.4-2 librttopo 1.1.0-6 libsamplerate 0.2.2-3 libsasl 2.1.28-4 libseccomp 2.5.5-3 libsecret 0.21.4-1 libshout 1:2.4.6-3 libsidplayfp 2.8.0-1 libsigc++ 2.12.1-1 libsigsegv 2.14-3 libsixel 1.10.3-6 libsm 1.2.4-2 libsndfile 1.2.2-2 libsodium 1.0.20-1 libsoup3 3.4.4-1 libsoxr 0.1.3-4 libspatialite 5.1.0-2 libspiro 1:20221101-3 libsrtp 1:2.6.0-1 libssh 0.10.6-2 libssh2 1.11.0-1 libstaroffice 0.0.7-3 libstemmer 2.2.0-2 libsynctex 2024.2-2 libsysprof-capture 46.0-4 libtar 1.2.20-7 libtasn1 4.19.0-2 libteam 1.32-2 libthai 0.1.29-3 libtheora 1.1.1-6 libtiff 4.6.0-5 libtiger 0.3.4-8 libtirpc 1.3.5-1 libtommath 1.3.0-1 libtool 2.5.1-2 libtorrent-rasterbar 1:2.0.10-2 libunibreak 6.1-1 libuninameslist 20221022-2 libunistring 1.2-1 libunwind 1.8.1-3 libupnp 1.14.19-3 liburing 2.6-2 libusb 1.0.27-1 libusb-compat 0.1.8-1 libusbmuxd 2.1.0-1 libutempter 1.2.1-4 libuv 1.48.0-2 libva 2.22.0-1 libva-nvidia-driver-git 0.0.12.r11.gf3205bd-1 libvdpau 1.5-3 libverto 0.3.2-5 libvisio 0.1.7-11 libvorbis 1.3.7-3 libvpl 2.12.0-1 libvpx 1.14.1-1 libwacom 2.12.2-1 libwbclient 4.20.4-1 libwebp 1.4.0-1 libwireplumber 0.5.5-1 libwmf 0.2.13-2 libwpd 0.10.3-5 libwpe 1.16.0-1 libwps 0.4.14-2 libx11 1.8.10-1 libxau 1.0.11-3 libxaw 1.0.16-1 libxcb 1.17.0-1 libxcomposite 0.4.6-2 libxcrypt 4.4.36-2 libxcursor 1.2.2-1 libxcvt 0.1.2-2 libxdamage 1.1.6-2 libxdmcp 1.1.5-1 libxext 1.3.6-1 libxfixes 6.0.1-2 libxfont2 2.0.7-1 libxft 2.3.8-2 libxi 1.8.1-2 libxinerama 1.1.5-2 libxkbcommon 1.7.0-2 libxkbcommon-x11 1.7.0-2 libxkbfile 1.1.3-1 libxml2 2.13.3-1 libxmlb 0.3.19-1 libxmu 1.2.1-1 libxnvctrl 555.58.02-1 libxpm 3.5.17-2 libxpresent 1.0.1-2 libxrandr 1.5.4-1 libxrender 0.9.11-2 libxshmfence 1.3.2-2 libxslt 1.1.42-1 libxss 1.2.4-2 libxt 1.3.0-2 libxtst 1.2.5-1 libxv 1.0.12-2 libxxf86vm 1.1.5-2 libyaml 0.2.5-3 libyuv r2426+464c51a0-1 libzen 0.4.41-2 libzip 1.10.1-2 libzmf 0.0.2-16 licenses 20240728-1 lilv 0.24.24-2 linux-api-headers 6.10-1 linux-firmware 20240703.e94a2a3b-1 linux-firmware-whence 20240703.e94a2a3b-1 linux-headers 6.10.3.arch1-2 linux-zen 6.10.3.zen1-2 linux-zen-headers 6.10.3.zen1-2 lirc 1:0.10.2-4 live-media 2024.04.19-1 llvm-libs 18.1.8-4 lm_sensors 1:3.6.0.r41.g31d1f125-3 lmdb 0.9.32-1 lpsolve lua 5.4.7-1 lua-lpeg 1.1.0-2 lua53 5.3.6-3 luajit 2.1.1720049189-1 luit 20240102-2 lv2 1.18.10-1 lynx 2.9.2-1 lz4 1:1.10.0-2 lzo 2.10-5 m4 1.4.19-3 mailcap 2.1.54-2 make 4.4.1-2 man-db 2.12.1-1 man-pages 6.9.1-1 marktext-bin 0.17.1-2 mbedtls 3.6.0-1 mbedtls2 2.28.8-3 md4c 0.5.2-1 mdadm 4.3-2 media-player-info 24-4 mediainfo 24.06-1 mesa 1:24.1.5-1 meson 1.5.1-1 micro 2.0.13-1 minizip 1:1.3.1-2 mitmproxy 10.4.2-1 mjpegtools 2.2.1-2 mkinitcpio 39.2-2 mkinitcpio-busybox 1.36.1-1 mktorrent 1.1-7 mobile-broadband-provider-info 20240407-1 mpc 0.35-1 mpd 0.23.15-5 mpdecimal 4.0.0-2 mpdscribble 0.25-2 mpfr 4.2.1-4 mpg123 1.32.7-1 mpv 1:0.38.0-6 msmtp 1.8.26-2 mtdev 1.1.7-1 mujs 1.3.5-1 mypaint-brushes1 1.3.1-2 nano 8.1-1 ncmpcpp 0.9.2-19 ncurses 6.5-3 neofetch 7.1.0-2 neomutt 20240425-1 neon 0.33.0-1 net-snmp 5.9.4-4 netpbm 10.86.42-1 nettle 3.10-1 networkmanager 1.48.8-1 networkmanager-dmenu-git r201.6ad647e-1 ninja 1.12.1-1 node-gyp 10.2.0-1 nodejs 22.6.0-1 nodejs-nopt 7.2.0-2 notmuch-runtime 0.38.3-3 npm 10.8.2-1 npth 1.7-1 nspr 4.35-3 nss 3.103-1 ntfs-3g 2022.10.3-1 numactl 2.0.18-1 nvidia-dkms 555.58.02-1 nvidia-settings 555.58.02-1 nvidia-utils 555.58.02-1 ocl-icd 2.3.2-2 offlineimap 8.0.0-5 oniguruma 6.9.9-1 openal 1.23.1-2 opencore-amr 0.1.6-2 openexr 3.2.4-1 openjpeg2 2.5.2-1 openslide 4.0.0-4 openssh 9.8p1-1 openssl 3.3.1-1 openvpn3 22_dev-6 opus 1.5.2-1 orc 0.4.39-1 otf-monocraft 4.0-1 ov-bin 0.35.0-1 p11-kit 0.25.5-1 p7zip 1:17.05-2 pacman 6.1.0-3 pacman-mirrorlist 20240717-1 pahole 1:1.27-2 pam 1.6.1-2 pambase 20230918-1 pamixer 1.6-3 pandoc-cli pango 1:1.54.0-1 pangomm 2.46.4-1 parted 3.6-2 passim 0.1.8-1 patch 2.7.6-10 pciutils 3.13.0-1 pcre 8.45-4 pcre2 10.44-1 pcsclite 2.3.0-1 perl 5.38.2-2 perl-algorithm-diff 1:1.201-5 perl-alien-build 2.83-1 perl-alien-libxml2 0.19-3 perl-capture-tiny 0.48-8 perl-class-method-modifiers 2.15-3 perl-clone 0.46-3 perl-data-optlist 0.114-3 perl-dbi 1.643-7 perl-devel-globaldestruction 0.14-10 perl-encode-locale 1.05-12 perl-error 0.17029-6 perl-ffi-checklib 0.31-4 perl-file-basedir 0.09-4 perl-file-chdir 0.1011-6 perl-file-desktopentry 0.22-12 perl-file-listing 6.16-3 perl-file-mimeinfo 0.35-1 perl-file-which 1.27-4 perl-html-parser 3.82-1 perl-html-tagset 3.24-1 perl-http-cookiejar 0.014-2 perl-http-cookies 6.11-1 perl-http-daemon 6.16-3 perl-http-date 6.06-2 perl-http-message 6.46-1 perl-http-negotiate 6.01-13 perl-import-into 1.002005-10 perl-io-html 1.004-5 perl-ipc-system-simple 1.30-6 perl-libwww 6.77-1 perl-lwp-mediatypes 6.04-5 perl-mailtools 2.21-8 perl-module-runtime 0.016-4 perl-moo 2.005005-3 perl-net-http 6.23-3 perl-parallel-forkmanager 2.02-6 perl-params-util 1.102-5 perl-path-tiny 0.144-3 perl-regexp-common 2024080801-1 perl-role-tiny 2.002004-5 perl-sub-exporter 0.991-1 perl-sub-exporter-progressive 0.001013-10 perl-sub-install 0.929-1 perl-sub-quote 1:2.006008-3 perl-timedate 2.33-6 perl-try-tiny 0.31-4 perl-uri 5.28-1 perl-www-robotrules 6.02-13 perl-xml-libxml 2.0210-1 perl-xml-namespacesupport 1.12-6 perl-xml-parser 2.47-1 perl-xml-sax 1.02-2 perl-xml-sax-base 1.09-6 pet-bin 0.7.0-1 phonon-qt6 4.12.0-4 phonon-qt6-vlc 0.12.0-2 picard 2.12-1 pinentry 1.3.1-5 pipewire 1:1.2.2-1 pixman 0.43.4-1 pkgconf 2.1.1-1 plasma-activities 6.1.4-1 polkit 124-2 polkit-kde-agent 6.1.4-1 polkit-qt5 0.200.0-1 polkit-qt6 0.200.0-1 poppler 24.08.0-1 poppler-data 0.4.12-2 poppler-glib 24.08.0-1 poppler-qt6 24.08.0-1 popt 1.19-1 portaudio 1:19.7.0-3 postman-bin 11.7.0-1 potrace 1.16-3 procps-ng 4.0.4-3 progress 0.17-1 proj 9.4.1-1 projectm 3.1.12-5 protobuf 27.3-1 protobuf-c 1.5.0-4 psmisc 23.7-1 publicsuffix-list 20240306.1440.9094af5-1 pugixml 1.14-1 pulseaudio 17.0-3 pulseaudio-alsa 1:1.2.12-3 pulseaudio-bluetooth 17.0-3 pycharm-professional 2024.2-2 python 3.12.4-1 python-aioquic 1.2.0-1 python-argcomplete 3.4.0-1 python-asgiref 3.7.2-2 python-asttokens 2.4.1-2 python-attrs 23.2.0-3 python-autocommand 2.2.2-6 python-automat 22.10.0-5 python-blinker 1.7.0-2 python-brotli 1.1.0-2 python-build 1.2.1-3 python-cachecontrol 1:0.14.0-3 python-cachetools 5.3.2-3 python-cachy 0.3.0-10 python-cairo 1.26.1-1 python-certifi 2024.07.04-1 python-cffi 1.16.0-2 python-chardet 5.2.0-2 python-charset-normalizer 3.3.2-2 python-cleo 2.1.0-2 python-click 8.1.7-3 python-colorama 0.4.6-3 python-constantly 23.10.0-2 python-coverage 7.6.1-1 python-crashtest 0.4.1-3 python-cryptography 42.0.6-1 python-dateutil 2.9.0-5 python-dbus 1.3.2-4 python-decorator 5.1.1-4 python-defusedxml 0.7.1-6 python-discid 1.2.0-9 python-distlib 0.3.8-2 python-distro 1.9.0-2 python-dulwich 0.22.1-1 python-executing 2.0.0-3 python-fasteners 0.19-3 python-fastjsonschema 2.20.0-1 python-filelock 3.13.3-2 python-flask 2.3.3-2 python-geoip 1.3.2-15 python-gobject 3.48.2-2 python-google-api-core 2.19.1-1 python-google-api-python-client 2.140.0-1 python-google-auth 2.32.0-1 python-google-auth-httplib2 0.2.0-2 python-googleapis-common-protos 1.63.2-1 python-h11 0.14.0-3 python-h2 4.1.0-4 python-hpack 4.0.0-5 python-html5lib 1.1-14 python-httplib2 0.22.0-5 python-hyperframe 6.0.1-5 python-hyperlink 21.0.0-6 python-idna 3.7-1 python-ifaddr 0.2.0-5 python-imaplib2 3.6-6 python-incremental 22.10.0-5 python-inflect 7.3.1-1 python-iniconfig 2.0.0-5 python-installer 0.7.0-8 python-itsdangerous 2.1.2-4 python-jaraco.classes 3.4.0-1 python-jaraco.context 5.3.0-1 python-jaraco.functools 4.0.2-1 python-jaraco.text 4.0.0-1 python-jedi 0.19.1-2 python-jeepney 0.8.0-3 python-jinja 1:3.1.4-1 python-jsonschema 4.23.0-1 python-jsonschema-specifications 2023.12.1-2 python-kaitaistruct 0.10-4 python-keyring 25.2.1-1 python-lark-parser 1.1.9-3 python-ldap3 2.9.1-6 python-lockfile 0.12.2-13 python-mako 1.3.5-1 python-markdown 3.6-3 python-markdown-it-py 3.0.0-2 python-markupsafe 2.1.5-2 python-matplotlib-inline 0.1.7-1 python-mdurl 0.1.2-5 python-mitmproxy-rs 0.6.3-1 python-more-itertools 10.3.0-1 python-msgpack 1.0.5-2 python-multidict 6.0.5-2 python-mutagen 1.47.0-2 python-oauth2client 4.1.3-10 python-ordered-set 4.1.0-5 python-packaging 24.1-1 python-parsedatetime 2.6-9 python-parso 1:0.8.4-2 python-passlib 1.7.4-8 python-pexpect 4.9.0-2 python-pillow 10.4.0-1 python-pip 24.1.2-1 python-pipx 1.6.0-1 python-pkgconfig 1.5.5-6 python-pkginfo 1.10.0-1 python-platformdirs 4.2.2-1 python-pluggy 1.5.0-1 python-poetry 1.8.3-1 python-poetry-core 1.9.0-5 python-poetry-plugin-export 1.8.0-1 python-prompt_toolkit 3.0.47-1 python-protobuf 27.3-1 python-psutil 6.0.0-1 python-ptyprocess 0.7.0-6 python-publicsuffix2 2.20191221-8 python-pure-eval 0.2.3-1 python-pyasn1 0.6.0-1 python-pyasn1-modules 0.4.0-1 python-pycparser 2.22-2 python-pygments 2.18.0-1 python-pyjwt 2.9.0-1 python-pylsqpack 0.3.18-2 python-pyopenssl 24.1.0-1 python-pyparsing 3.1.2-2 python-pyperclip 1.8.2-7 python-pyproject-api 1.7.1-1 python-pyproject-hooks 1.1.0-1 python-pyqt5 5.15.11-1 python-pyqt5-sip 12.15.0-1 python-pysocks 1.7.1-9 python-pytest 1:8.3.2-1 python-pytz 2024.1-2 python-pywal 3.3.0-9 python-pyxdg 0.28-3 python-rapidfuzz 3.6.2-3 python-referencing 0.35.1-1 python-rencode 1.0.6-9 python-requests 2.32.3-1 python-requests-toolbelt 1.0.0-2 python-rfc6555 0.1.0-3 python-rich 13.7.1-2 python-rpds-py 0.19.0-1 python-rsa 4.9-4 python-ruamel-yaml 0.18.6-2 python-ruamel.yaml.clib 0.2.8-2 python-secretstorage 3.3.3-5 python-service-identity 23.1.0-2 python-setproctitle 1.3.3-2 python-setuptools 1:69.5.1-1 python-shellingham 1.5.4-2 python-shtab 1.7.1-1 python-six 1.16.0-9 python-sortedcontainers 2.4.0-6 python-stack-data 0.6.3-2 python-systemd 235-3 python-termcolor 2.4.0-2 python-tomli 2.0.1-4 python-tomlkit 0.13.0-1 python-tornado 6.4.1-1 python-tox 4.12.1-2 python-tqdm 4.66.5-1 python-traitlets 5.14.3-2 python-trove-classifiers 2024.7.2-1 python-twisted 24.3.0-2 python-typeguard 4.3.0-1 python-typing_extensions 4.12.2-1 python-uc-micro-py 1.0.3-2 python-uritemplate 4.1.1-4 python-urllib3 1.26.19-1 python-urwid 2.6.10-3 python-userpath 1.9.2-2 python-validate-pyproject 0.18-1 python-virtualenv 20.26.2-1 python-vobject 0.9.7-3 python-wcwidth 0.2.13-2 python-webencodings 0.5.1-11 python-werkzeug 3.0.1-1 python-wheel 0.44.0-1 python-wsproto 1.2.0-4 python-wxpython 1:4.2.1-2 python-xmltodict 0.13.0-4 python-yaml 6.0.1-4 python-zope-interface 6.3-1 python-zstandard 0.22.0-2 qca-qt6 2.3.9-2 qgpgme-qt6 1.23.2-6 qhull 2020.2-5 qpdf 11.9.1-1 qrencode 4.1.1-3 qt5-base 5.15.14+kde+r143-1 qt5-declarative 5.15.14+kde+r28-1 qt5-multimedia 5.15.14+kde+r2-1 qt5-speech 5.15.14+kde+r1-1 qt5-svg 5.15.14+kde+r5-1 qt5-tools 5.15.14+kde+r4-2 qt5-translations 5.15.14-1 qt5-wayland 5.15.14+kde+r59-1 qt5-x11extras 5.15.14-1 qt5ct 1.8-2 qt6-5compat 6.7.2-1 qt6-base 6.7.2-1 qt6-declarative 6.7.2-1 qt6-multimedia 6.7.2-1 qt6-multimedia-ffmpeg 6.7.2-1 qt6-shadertools 6.7.2-1 qt6-speech 6.7.2-1 qt6-svg 6.7.2-1 qt6-translations 6.7.2-1 qt6-wayland 6.7.2-4 raptor 2.0.16-5 rar 7.01-1 rasqal 1:0.9.33-7 rav1e 0.7.1-1 rclone 1.67.0-1 readline 8.2.013-1 redland 1:1.0.17-9 reflector 2023-2 rhash 1.4.4-1 ripgrep 14.1.0-1 rsync 3.3.0-2 rtkit 0.13-3 rtmpdump 1:2.4.r105.6f6bb13-1 rubberband 3.3.0-2 ruby 3.2.4-1 ruby-bundled-gems 3.2.4-1 ruby-bundler 2.5.11-2 ruby-debug 1.7.1-1 ruby-default-gems 3.2.4-1 ruby-erb 4.0.4-4 ruby-irb 1.6.2-2 ruby-matrix 0.4.2-1 ruby-minitest 5.22.3-1 ruby-net-ftp 0.3.5-2 ruby-net-imap 0.4.12-1 ruby-net-pop 0.1.2-1 ruby-net-smtp 0.5.0-2 ruby-power_assert 2.0.3-3 ruby-prime 0.1.2-1 ruby-racc 1.6.2-1 ruby-rake 13.0.6-3 ruby-rbs 3.4.4-2 ruby-rdoc ruby-rexml 3.2.6-2 ruby-rss 0.3.0-2 ruby-stdlib 3.2.4-1 ruby-test-unit 3.6.1-3 ruby-typeprof 0.21.8-1 rubygems 3.4.19-1 ruff 0.5.7-1 runc 1.1.13-1 sane 1.3.1-1 sbc 2.0-2 sdbus-cpp 1.5.0-3 sdl2 2.30.6-1 seatd 0.8.0-2 sed 4.9-3 semver 7.6.3-1 serd 0.32.2-1 sfsexp 1.4.1-2 shaderc 2024.1-1 shadow 4.16.0-1 shared-mime-info 2.4-1 slang 2.3.3-3 slurp 1.5.0-1 smbclient 4.20.4-1 snappy 1.1.10-1 solid 6.4.0-1 solid5 5.116.0-1 sonnet 6.4.0-1 sord 0.16.16-1 sound-theme-freedesktop 0.8-6 soundtouch 2.3.3-1 source-highlight 3.1.9-12 sox 14.4.2+r184+gf3094754-1 spandsp 0.0.6-5 speedtest-cli 2.1.3-8 speex 1.2.1-2 speexdsp 1.2.1-2 spek 0.8.5-1 spirv-tools 2024.2-1 sqlite 3.46.0-1 sratom 0.6.16-1 srt 1.5.3-2 sublime-text-4 4.4180-1 sudo 1.9.15.p5-2 suitesparse 7.7.0-2 svt-av1 2.1.2-1 svt-hevc 1.5.1-3 swayidle 1.8.0-2 syndication 6.4.0-1 syntax-highlighting 6.4.0-1 systemd 256.4-1 systemd-libs 256.4-1 systemd-sysvcompat 256.4-1 taglib 2.0.1-1 talloc 2.4.2-3 tar 1.35-2 task 3.1.0-1 tcl 8.6.14-4 tdb 1.4.12-1 tdl-bin 0.17.3-1 tevent 1:0.16.1-3 texinfo 7.1-2 texlive-basic 2024.2-2 texlive-bibtexextra 2024.2-2 texlive-bin 2024.2-2 texlive-binextra 2024.2-2 texlive-context 2024.2-2 texlive-fontsextra 2024.2-2 texlive-fontsrecommended 2024.2-2 texlive-fontutils 2024.2-2 texlive-formatsextra 2024.2-2 texlive-games 2024.2-2 texlive-humanities 2024.2-2 texlive-latex 2024.2-2 texlive-latexextra 2024.2-2 texlive-latexrecommended 2024.2-2 texlive-luatex 2024.2-2 texlive-mathscience 2024.2-2 texlive-metapost 2024.2-2 texlive-music 2024.2-2 texlive-pictures 2024.2-2 texlive-plaingeneric 2024.2-2 texlive-pstricks 2024.2-2 texlive-publishers 2024.2-2 texlive-xetex 2024.2-2 timg 1.6.0-1 tinyxml2 10.0.0-1 tk 8.6.14-4 tldr 3.3.0-1 tomlplusplus 3.4.0-1 tpm2-tss 4.0.1-1 tracker3 3.7.3-2 tre-command 0.4.0-1 tslib 1.23-1 ttf-ancient-fonts 2.60-2 ttf-baekmuk 2.2-14 ttf-bitstream-vera 1.10-16 ttf-dejavu 2.37+18+g9b5d1b2f-7 ttf-droid 20121017-11 ttf-inconsolata 1:3.000-4 ttf-jetbrains-mono 2.304-2 ttf-liberation 2.1.5-2 ttf-librebaskerville 1.0-4 ttf-meslo-nerd-font-powerlevel10k 2.3.3-1 ttf-mononoki 1.6-2 ttf-opensans 1.101-3 twolame 0.4.0-4 tzdata 2024a-2 uchardet 0.0.8-3 udisks2 2.10.1-4 unixodbc 2.3.12-2 upower 1.90.4-1 urlscan 1.0.3-1 usbutils 017-1 util-linux 2.40.2-1 util-linux-libs 2.40.2-1 v4l-utils 1.26.1-1 vapoursynth R69-1 vcdimager 2.0.1-4 ventoy-bin 1.0.99-1 vid.stab 1.1.1-2 vim 9.1.0648-1 vim-runtime 9.1.0648-1 virtualfish 2.5.9-1 vlc 3.0.21-2 vmaf 3.0.0-1 volume_key 0.3.12-9 vulkan-headers 1:1.3.285-1 vulkan-icd-loader 1.3.285-1 vulkan-validation-layers 1.3.275-1 wavpack 5.7.0-1 wayland 1.23.0-1 wayland-protocols 1.36-1 webkit2gtk-4.1 2.44.2-1 webrtc-audio-processing-1 1.3-3 wev 1.0.0-13 wf-recorder 0.4.1-2 wget 1.24.5-3 whatmp3 3.8-1 which 2.21-6 wildmidi 0.4.6-1 wine 9.14-1 wireplumber 0.5.5-1 wl-clipboard 1:2.2.1-2 wl-color-picker 1.3-1 wlr-randr 0.4.1-4 wlroots0.17 0.17.4-3 woeusb-ng 0.2.12-3 woff2 1.0.2-5 wofi 1.4.1-1 wpa_supplicant 2:2.11-2 wpebackend-fdo 1.14.2-2 wxsvg 1.5.25-2 wxwidgets-common 3.2.5-1 wxwidgets-gtk3 3.2.5-1 x264 3:0.164.r3108.31e19f9-2 x265 3.6-1 xapian-core 1:1.4.25-1 xbitmaps 1.1.3-2 xcb-proto 1.17.0-2 xcb-util 0.4.1-2 xcb-util-cursor 0.1.5-1 xcb-util-errors 1.0.1-2 xcb-util-image 0.4.1-3 xcb-util-keysyms 0.4.1-5 xcb-util-renderutil 0.3.10-2 xcb-util-wm 0.4.2-2 xdg-dbus-proxy 0.1.5-2 xdg-desktop-portal 1.18.4-1 xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland 1.3.3-2 xdg-user-dirs 0.18-2 xdg-utils 1.2.1-1 xerces-c 3.2.5-2 xkeyboard-config 2.42-1 xmlsec 1.3.5-1 xorg-fonts-encodings 1.1.0-1 xorg-server-common 21.1.13-1 xorg-setxkbmap 1.3.4-2 xorg-xinput 1.6.4-2 xorg-xkbcomp 1.4.7-1 xorg-xprop 1.2.7-1 xorg-xrandr 1.5.2-2 xorg-xset 1.2.5-2 xorg-xwayland 24.1.2-1 xorgproto 2024.1-2 xterm 393-1 xvidcore 1.3.7-3 xxhash 0.8.2-1 xz 5.6.2-1 yad 14.1-1 yajl 2.1.0-6 yarn 1.22.22-2 yay 12.3.5-1 yay-debug 12.3.5-1 yq 3.4.3-1 yt-dlp 2024.08.06-1 zbar 0.23.93-1 zenity 4.0.2-1 zeromq 4.3.5-2 zimg 3.0.5-1 zix 0.4.2-2 zlib 1:1.3.1-2 zstd 1.5.6-1 zvbi 0.2.42-1 zxing-cpp 2.2.1-1 zziplib 0.13.78-1 ```
Installed packages on 08/12 (working) ``` a52dec 0.8.0-2 aalib 1.4rc5-18 abseil-cpp 20240722.0-1 acl 2.3.2-1 acpi 1.7-4 adobe-source-code-pro-fonts 2.042u+1.062i+1.026vf-2 adwaita-cursors 46.2-1 adwaita-icon-theme 46.2-1 adwaita-icon-theme-legacy 46.2-1 aegisub 3.3.3-9 alsa-lib 1.2.12-1 alsa-plugins 1:1.2.12-3 alsa-topology-conf alsa-ucm-conf 1.2.12-1 alsa-utils 1.2.12-1 aom 3.9.1-1 apple-fonts 6-1 appstream 1.0.3-1 aquamarine 0.3.1-1 archlinux-keyring 20240709-1 archlinux-xdg-menu argon2 20190702-6 aria2 1.37.0-1 aribb24 1.0.3-4 aribb25 0.2.7-3 ark 24.05.2-2 at-spi2-core 2.52.0-1 atkmm 2.28.4-1 attica 6.4.0-1 attr 2.5.2-1 audiofile 0.3.6-9 audit 4.0.1-3 autoconf 2.72-1 automake 1.17-1 avahi 1:0.8+r194+g3f79789-2 babl 0.1.108-1 baloo 6.4.0-1 baloo-widgets 24.05.2-1 base 3-2 base-devel 1-1 bash 5.2.032-1 bat 0.24.0-2 binutils 2.43+r4+g7999dae6961-1 bison 3.8.2-6 blas 3.12.0-5 blosc 1.21.6-1 bluez 5.77-1 bluez-libs 5.77-1 bluez-utils 5.77-1 boost-libs 1.83.0-9 botan 3.5.0-1 box2d 2.4.2-1 breeze-icons 6.4.0-1 bridge-utils 1.7.1-2 brightnessctl 0.5.1-3 brotli 1.1.0-2 btop 1.3.2-1 bubblewrap 0.9.0-1 bzip2 1.0.8-6 c-ares 1.29.0-1 ca-certificates 20240618-1 ca-certificates-mozilla 3.103-1 ca-certificates-utils 20240618-1 cairo 1.18.0-2 cairomm 1.14.5-1 cantarell-fonts 1:0.303.1-2 cdparanoia 10.2-9 cdrtools 3.02a09-6 chromaprint 1.5.1-8 chromium 127.0.6533.99-1 cifs-utils 7.0-4 cjson 1.7.18-1 clipman 1.6.4-1 cloc 2.02-1 clucene cmake 3.30.2-1 cod 0.1.0-5 confuse 3.3-4 containerd 1.7.20-1 convertlit 1.8-12 coreutils 9.5-1 cpio 2.15-1 cppdap 1.58.0-2 crypto++ 8.9.0-1 cryptsetup 2.7.4-1 cups 2:2.4.10-1 cups-filters 2.0.0-2 cups-pdf 3.0.1-8 curl 8.9.1-2 cython 3.0.10-5 dav1d 1.4.3-1 db5.3 5.3.28-5 dbus 1.14.10-2 dbus-broker 36-4 dbus-broker-units 36-4 dconf 0.40.0-3 debugedit 5.0-6 default-cursors 2-2 deluge 1:2.1.1-6 deluge-gtk 1:2.1.1-6 desktop-file-utils 0.27-1 device-mapper 2.03.25-2 diffutils 3.10-1 displaylink 6.0-0 displaylink-debug 6.0-0 dkms 3.0.12-1 docker 1:27.1.1-1 docker-compose 2.29.1-1 dolphin 24.05.2-1 dosfstools 4.2-4 double-conversion 3.3.0-2 duktape 2.7.0-7 dunst 1.11.0-1 dvd+rw-tools 7.1-10 dvdauthor 0.7.2-12 dvdstyler 3.2.1-3 dvisvgm 3.4-1 e2fsprogs 1.47.1-4 ebook-tools 0.2.2-8 efibootmgr 18-3 efivar 39-1 egl-wayland 3: eglexternalplatform 1.1-3 enchant 2.8.0-1 evdi 1.14.5-0 evdi-debug 1.14.5-0 exfat-utils 1.4.0-3 exiv2 0.28.3-1 expat 2.6.2-1 eza 0.19.0-1 faac 1.30-5 faad2 2.11.1-1 fakeroot 1.35-1 fd 10.1.0-1 ffcall 2.4-3 ffmpeg 2:7.0.1-2 ffmpeg4.4 4.4.4-6 ffms2 5.0-1 fftw 3.3.10-7 file 5.45-1 filesystem 2024.04.07-1 filezilla 3.67.1-1 findutils 4.10.0-1 firefox 129.0-1 fish 3.7.1-2 flac 1.4.3-2 flashrom 1.4.0-1 flex 2.6.4-5 fluidsynth 2.3.6-1 fmt 10.2.0-1 fontconfig 2:2.15.0-2 fontforge 20230101-4 foomatic-db-engine 5:20200131-1 freeglut 3.6.0-1 freeimage 3.18.0-22 freetype2 2.13.2-2 fribidi 1.0.15-1 ftgl 2.4.0-3 fuse-common 3.16.2-1 fuse2 2.9.9-5 fuse3 3.16.2-1 fwupd 1.9.23-1 fwupd-efi 1.6-1 gammastep 2.0.9-3 gaupol 1.15-2 gawk 5.3.0-1 gc 8.2.6-1 gcalcli 4.3.0-3 gcc 14.2.1+r32+geccf707e5ce-1 gcc-libs 14.2.1+r32+geccf707e5ce-1 gd 2.3.3-8 gdal 3.9.1-3 gdb 15.1-1 gdb-common 15.1-1 gdbm 1.24-1 gdbuspp 1-1 gdk-pixbuf2 2.42.12-1 gegl 0.4.48-4 geoclue 2.7.1-3 geoip 1.6.12-3 geoip-database 20240720-1 geos 3.12.2-1 gettext 0.22.5-1 ghc-libs 9.2.8-1 ghostscript 10.03.1-1 giflib 5.2.2-1 gimp 2.10.38-1 git 2.46.0-1 git-crypt 0.7.0-3 glew 2.2.0-7 glib-networking 1:2.80.0-3 glib2 2.80.4-1 glibc 2.40+r16+gaa533d58ff-2 glibmm 2.66.7-1 glm 1.0.1-1 glow 1.5.1-2 glslang 14.2.0-1 glu 9.0.3-2 gmime3 3.2.15-1 gmp 6.3.0-2 gnu-free-fonts 20120503-8 gnupg 2.4.5-4 gnutls 3.8.6-1 go-task-bin 3.37.2-1 gobject-introspection-runtime 1.80.1-3 gparted 1.6.0-1 gperftools 2.15-1 gpgme 1.23.2-6 gpm 1.20.7.r38.ge82d1a6-6 gptfdisk 1.0.10-1 graphene 1.10.8-1 graphicsmagick 1.3.43-1 graphite 1:1.3.14-4 graphviz 12.0.0-1 grep 3.11-1 grim 1.4.1-2 groff 1.23.0-6 grub 2:2.12-2 gsasl 2.2.1-1 gsettings-desktop-schemas 46.1-2 gsettings-system-schemas 46.1-2 gsfonts 20200910-4 gsm 1.0.22-2 gspell 1.12.2-3 gssdp 1.6.3-1 gst-libav 1.24.6-1 gst-plugin-gtk 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-bad 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-bad-libs 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-base 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-base-libs 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-good 1.24.6-1 gst-plugins-ugly 1.24.6-1 gstreamer 1.24.6-1 gtest 1.15.2-1 gtk-update-icon-cache 1:4.14.4-2 gtk2 2.24.33-4 gtk3 1:3.24.43-1 gtk4 1:4.14.4-2 gtkmm3 3.24.9-1 gtksourceview3 1:3.24.11+r28+g73e57b57-2 gts guile 3.0.10-1 gupnp 1:1.6.6-1 gupnp-igd 1.6.0-1 gzip 1.13-4 harfbuzz 9.0.0-1 harfbuzz-icu 9.0.0-1 has 1.5.0-1 haskell-aeson haskell-aeson-pretty 0.8.10-9 haskell-ansi-terminal 0.11.4-66 haskell-ansi-wl-pprint 0.6.9-418 haskell-appar 0.1.8-14 haskell-asn1-encoding 0.9.6-230 haskell-asn1-parse 0.9.5-230 haskell-asn1-types 0.3.4-209 haskell-assoc 1.0.2-270 haskell-async 2.2.5-27 haskell-attoparsec 0.14.4-74 haskell-attoparsec-aeson haskell-attoparsec-iso8601 haskell-auto-update 0.1.6-339 haskell-base-compat 0.12.2-2 haskell-base-compat-batteries 0.12.2-83 haskell-base-orphans haskell-base-unicode-symbols haskell-base16-bytestring haskell-base64 haskell-base64-bytestring haskell-basement 0.0.16-2 haskell-bifunctors 5.6-81 haskell-bitvec haskell-blaze-builder haskell-blaze-html haskell-blaze-markup haskell-boring 0.2.1-3 haskell-bsb-http-chunked haskell-byteorder 1.0.4-25 haskell-call-stack 0.4.0-184 haskell-case-insensitive haskell-cassava haskell-cereal haskell-citeproc 0.8.1-107 haskell-cmdargs 0.10.22-2 haskell-colour 2.3.6-210 haskell-commonmark haskell-commonmark-extensions 0.2.4-2 haskell-commonmark-pandoc haskell-comonad 5.0.8-265 haskell-conduit 1.3.5-55 haskell-conduit-extra 1.3.6-136 haskell-constraints 0.13.4-50 haskell-contravariant 1.5.5-4 haskell-cookie 0.4.6-2 haskell-crypton 0.34-11 haskell-crypton-connection 0.3.2-8 haskell-crypton-x509 1.7.6-28 haskell-crypton-x509-store 1.6.9-28 haskell-crypton-x509-system 1.6.7-28 haskell-crypton-x509-validation 1.6.12-28 haskell-data-array-byte haskell-data-default haskell-data-default-class haskell-data-default-instances-containers 0.0.1-37 haskell-data-default-instances-dlist 0.0.1-319 haskell-data-default-instances-old-locale 0.0.1-37 haskell-data-fix 0.3.2-102 haskell-dec 0.0.5-5 haskell-digest haskell-digits 0.3.1-21 haskell-distributive haskell-dlist 1.0-241 haskell-doclayout haskell-doctemplates 0.11-73 haskell-easy-file 0.2.5-21 haskell-emojis 0.1.3-10 haskell-erf haskell-fast-logger 3.1.2-76 haskell-file-embed haskell-foldable1-classes-compat 0.1-81 haskell-generically 0.1.1-2 haskell-ghc-bignum-orphans 0.1.1-2 haskell-glob 0.10.2-90 haskell-gridtables haskell-haddock-library 1.11.0-19 haskell-hashable haskell-hourglass 0.2.12-246 haskell-hslua 2.3.0-54 haskell-hslua-aeson haskell-hslua-classes 2.3.0-55 haskell-hslua-core 2.3.1-47 haskell-hslua-list 1.1.1-62 haskell-hslua-marshalling 2.3.1-7 haskell-hslua-module-doclayout 1.1.0-60 haskell-hslua-module-path 1.1.0-55 haskell-hslua-module-system haskell-hslua-module-text haskell-hslua-module-version 1.1.0-55 haskell-hslua-module-zip 1.1.1-24 haskell-hslua-objectorientation 2.3.0-51 haskell-hslua-packaging 2.3.1-16 haskell-hslua-repl 0.1.2-13 haskell-hslua-typing 0.1.1-9 haskell-http-api-data 0.5.1-56 haskell-http-client 0.7.15-25 haskell-http-client-tls haskell-http-date 0.0.11-136 haskell-http-media haskell-http-types 0.12.4-8 haskell-http2 4.1.0-24 haskell-hunit haskell-indexed-traversable 0.1.3-73 haskell-indexed-traversable-instances haskell-integer-logarithms haskell-iproute 1.7.12-82 haskell-ipynb 0.2-141 haskell-isocline 1.0.9-2 haskell-jira-wiki-markup 1.5.1-22 haskell-juicypixels 3.3.8-31 haskell-lexer 1.1.1-2 haskell-libyaml 0.1.4-7 haskell-lpeg 1.0.4-26 haskell-lua 2.3.2-6 haskell-memory 0.18.0-8 haskell-mime-types haskell-mmorph 1.2.0-6 haskell-monad-control haskell-mono-traversable haskell-network haskell-network-byte-order 0.1.7-2 haskell-network-uri haskell-old-locale haskell-old-time haskell-onetuple 0.4.1-2 haskell-only 0.1-23 haskell-optparse-applicative haskell-ordered-containers 0.2.3-2 haskell-pandoc 3.1.9-2 haskell-pandoc-lua-engine haskell-pandoc-lua-marshal 0.2.4-4 haskell-pandoc-server haskell-pandoc-types 1.23.1-23 haskell-pem 0.2.4-286 haskell-pretty-show 1.10-15 haskell-prettyprinter 1.7.1-167 haskell-primitive haskell-psqueues haskell-quickcheck 2.14.3-64 haskell-random haskell-recv 0.1.0-30 haskell-regex-base haskell-regex-tdfa haskell-resourcet 1.2.6-51 haskell-safe 0.3.21-5 haskell-safe-exceptions haskell-scientific haskell-semialign haskell-semigroupoids 5.3.7-144 haskell-servant 0.20.1-14 haskell-servant-server 0.20-25 haskell-sha haskell-simple-sendfile 0.2.32-38 haskell-singleton-bool 0.1.7-3 haskell-skylighting 0.14-17 haskell-skylighting-core 0.14-16 haskell-skylighting-format-ansi 0.1-123 haskell-skylighting-format-blaze-html haskell-skylighting-format-context haskell-skylighting-format-latex 0.1-123 haskell-socks 0.6.1-237 haskell-some 1.0.5-2 haskell-sop-core haskell-split 0.2.5-6 haskell-splitmix haskell-statevar 1.2.2-3 haskell-streaming-commons haskell-strict haskell-string-conversions haskell-syb haskell-tagged 0.8.8-2 haskell-tagsoup 0.14.8-226 haskell-temporary 1.3-585 haskell-texmath haskell-text-conversions haskell-text-icu haskell-text-short 0.1.5-79 haskell-th-abstraction haskell-th-compat 0.1.5-2 haskell-th-lift 0.8.4-2 haskell-th-lift-instances 0.1.20-47 haskell-these haskell-time-compat haskell-time-manager 0.0.1-35 haskell-tls 1.8.0-29 haskell-toml-parser haskell-transformers-base 0.4.6-102 haskell-transformers-compat 0.7.2-2 haskell-type-equality 1.0.1-1 haskell-typed-process haskell-typst haskell-typst-symbols 0.1.4-2 haskell-unicode-collation haskell-unicode-data haskell-unicode-transforms haskell-uniplate 1.6.13-223 haskell-unix-compat 0.7.1-18 haskell-unix-time 0.4.13-1 haskell-unliftio haskell-unliftio-core haskell-unordered-containers 0.2.20-18 haskell-utf8-string 1.0.2-150 haskell-uuid-types haskell-vault haskell-vector haskell-vector-algorithms haskell-vector-stream haskell-wai 3.2.4-21 haskell-wai-app-static 3.1.9-16 haskell-wai-cors 0.2.7-357 haskell-wai-extra 3.1.15-6 haskell-wai-logger 2.4.0-447 haskell-warp 3.3.30-61 haskell-witherable 0.4.2-103 haskell-word8 0.1.3-23 haskell-xml 1.3.14-31 haskell-xml-conduit haskell-xml-types 0.3.8-9 haskell-yaml haskell-zip-archive haskell-zlib hicolor-icon-theme 0.18-1 hidapi 0.14.0-3 highway 1.2.0-1 hplip 1:3.24.4-2 hslua-cli 1.4.1-51 http-parser 2.9.4-2 httpie 3.2.3-1 hub 2.14.2-4 hunspell 1.7.2-2 hunspell-en_us 2020.12.07-5 hunspell-pt-br 3.2.15-1 hwdata 0.385-1 hyphen 2.8.8-6 hyprcursor 0.1.9-1 hypridle 0.1.2-1 hypridle-git-debug 0.1.2.r12.g96d51ec2-1 hyprland 0.41.2-3 hyprlang 0.5.2-1 hyprlock 0.4.1-1 hyprpaper 0.7.0-2 hyprutils 0.2.0-1 hyprwayland-scanner-git 0.4.0.r4.ga048a6cb-1 hyprwayland-scanner-git-debug 0.4.0.r4.ga048a6cb-1 iana-etc 20240612-1 icu 75.1-1 ijs 0.35-6 imagemagick imath 3.1.11-2 imlib2 1.12.3-1 imv 4.5.0-2 inotify-tools intel-ucode 20240531-1 iproute2 6.10.0-2 iptables 1:1.8.10-2 iputils 20240117-1 ipython 8.26.0-1 iso-codes 4.16.0-1 isoimagewriter 24.05.2-1 jack2 1.9.22-1 jansson 2.14-4 jasper 4.2.4-1 jbig2dec 0.20-1 jbigkit 2.1-8 jq 1.7.1-2 json-c 0.17-2 json-glib 1.8.0-2 jsoncpp 1.9.5-3 jxrlib 0.2.4-2 karchive 6.4.0-1 karchive5 5.116.0-1 kauth 6.4.0-1 kauth5 5.116.0-1 kbd 2.6.4-1 kbookmarks 6.4.0-1 kcmutils 6.4.0-1 kcodecs 6.4.0-1 kcodecs5 5.116.0-1 kcolorscheme 6.4.0-1 kcompletion 6.4.0-1 kconfig 6.4.0-1 kconfig5 5.116.0-1 kconfigwidgets 6.4.0-1 kconfigwidgets5 5.116.0-1 kcoreaddons 6.4.0-1 kcoreaddons5 5.116.0-1 kcrash 6.4.0-1 kdbusaddons 6.4.0-1 kdbusaddons5 5.116.0-1 kdnssd 6.4.0-1 kdsoap-qt6 2.2.0-1 kdsoap-ws-discovery-client 0.4.0-1 keepassxc 2.7.9-3 keyutils 1.6.3-3 kfilemetadata 6.4.0-1 kglobalaccel 6.4.0-1 kglobalaccel5 5.116.0-1 kguiaddons 6.4.0-1 kguiaddons5 5.116.0-1 ki18n 6.4.0-1 ki18n5 5.116.0-1 kiconthemes 6.4.0-1 kiconthemes5 5.116.0-1 kidletime 6.4.0-1 kio 6.4.1-1 kio-extras 24.05.2-1 kirigami 6.4.0-2 kitemviews 6.4.0-1 kitemviews5 5.116.0-1 kitty 0.35.2-1 kitty-shell-integration 0.35.2-1 kitty-terminfo 0.35.2-1 kjobwidgets 6.4.0-1 kmix 24.05.2-1 kmod 32-1 knewstuff 6.4.0-1 knotifications 6.4.0-1 knotifications5 5.116.0-1 kpackage 6.4.0-1 kparts 6.4.0-1 kpty 6.4.0-1 krb5 1.21.3-1 kservice 6.4.0-1 ktextwidgets 6.4.0-1 kuserfeedback 6.4.0-1 kwallet 6.4.0-1 kwayland-integration 6.1.4-1 kwayland5 5.116.0-1 kwidgetsaddons 6.4.1-1 kwidgetsaddons5 5.116.0-1 kwindowsystem 6.4.0-1 kwindowsystem5 5.116.0-1 kxmlgui 6.4.0-1 kxmlgui5 5.116.0-1 kyotocabinet 1.2.79-2 l-smash 2.14.5-4 lame 3.100-5 lapack 3.12.0-5 lcms2 2.16-1 ldb 2:2.9.1-2 lensfun 1:0.3.4-4 less 1:661-1 lib32-acl 2.3.2-1 lib32-brotli 1.1.0-1 lib32-bzip2 1.0.8-3 lib32-dbus 1.14.10-2 lib32-e2fsprogs 1.47.1-1 lib32-expat 2.6.2-1 lib32-fontconfig 2:2.15.0-1 lib32-freetype2 2.13.2-1 lib32-gcc-libs 14.2.1+r32+geccf707e5ce-1 lib32-gettext 0.22.5-1 lib32-glib2 2.80.4-1 lib32-glibc 2.40+r16+gaa533d58ff-2 lib32-harfbuzz 9.0.0-1 lib32-icu 75.1-1 lib32-keyutils 1.6.3-2 lib32-krb5 1.21.3-1 lib32-libcap 2.70-1 lib32-libffi 3.4.6-1 lib32-libgcrypt 1.11.0-1 lib32-libgpg-error 1.50-1 lib32-libldap 2.6.8-1 lib32-libnl 3.10.0-1 lib32-libnsl 2.0.1-1 lib32-libpcap 1.10.4-1 lib32-libpng 1.6.43-1 lib32-libtirpc 1.3.5-1 lib32-libunwind 1.8.1-1 lib32-libx11 1.8.10-1 lib32-libxau 1.0.11-1 lib32-libxcb 1.17.0-1 lib32-libxcrypt 4.4.36-2 lib32-libxcursor 1.2.2-1 lib32-libxdmcp 1.1.5-1 lib32-libxext 1.3.6-1 lib32-libxfixes 6.0.1-1 lib32-libxi 1.8.1-1 lib32-libxkbcommon 1.7.0-2 lib32-libxml2 2.13.3-1 lib32-libxrandr 1.5.4-1 lib32-libxrender 0.9.11-1 lib32-openssl 1:3.3.1-1 lib32-pam 1.6.1-1 lib32-pcre2 10.44-1 lib32-systemd 256.4-1 lib32-util-linux 2.40.2-1 lib32-wayland 1.23.0-1 lib32-xz 5.6.2-1 lib32-zlib 1.3.1-1 lib32-zstd 1.5.6-1 libaacs 0.11.1-2 libabw 0.1.3-4 libadwaita 1:1.5.3-1 libaec 1.1.3-1 libao 1.2.2-6 libarchive 3.7.4-1 libass 0.17.3-1 libassuan 3.0.0-1 libasyncns 1:0.8+r3+g68cd5af-3 libatasmart 0.19-6 libatomic_ops 7.8.2-1 libavc1394 0.5.4-6 libavif 1.1.1-1 libavtp 0.2.0-3 libb2 0.98.1-3 libblockdev 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-crypto 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-fs 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-loop 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-mdraid 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-nvme 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-part 3.1.1-2 libblockdev-swap 3.1.1-2 libbluray 1.3.4-1 libbpf 1.4.3-1 libbs2b 3.1.0-9 libbsd 0.12.2-2 libbytesize 2.8-3 libcaca 0.99.beta20-4 libcamera 0.3.1-2 libcamera-ipa 0.3.1-2 libcanberra 1:0.30+r2+gc0620e4-4 libcap 2.70-1 libcap-ng 0.8.5-2 libcbor 0.11.0-1 libcdio 2.1.0-4 libcdio-paranoia 10.2+2.0.2-1 libcdr 0.1.7-8 libcloudproviders 0.3.6-1 libcmis 0.6.2-1 libcolord 1.4.7-2 libcups 2:2.4.10-1 libcupsfilters 2.0.0-2 libdaemon 0.14-6 libdatrie 0.2.13-4 libdbusmenu-glib 16.04.0.r498-2 libdbusmenu-qt5 0.9.3+16.04.20160218-7 libdc1394 2.2.7-1 libdca 0.0.7-2 libde265 1.0.15-2 libdeflate 1.21-1 libdiscid 0.6.4-3 libdisplay-info 0.2.0-1 libdovi 3.3.1-1 libdrm 2.4.122-1 libdv 1.0.0-11 libdvbpsi 1:1.3.3-3 libdvdcss 1.4.3-2 libdvdnav 6.1.1-2 libdvdread 6.1.3-2 libe-book 0.1.3-16 libebml 1.4.5-1 libedit 20240517_3.1-1 libei 1.3.0-1 libelf 0.191-4 libepoxy 1.5.10-3 libepubgen 0.1.1-5 libetonyek 0.1.10-4 libevdev 1.13.2-1 libevent 2.1.12-4 libexif 0.6.24-3 libexttextcat 3.4.7-1 libfdk-aac 2.0.3-1 libffi 3.4.6-1 libfilezilla 1:0.48.1-1 libfontenc 1.1.8-1 libfreeaptx 0.1.1-2 libfreehand 0.1.2-5 libfreexl 2.0.0-2 libftdi 1.5-6 libgcrypt 1.11.0-2 libgeotiff 1.7.3-1 libgexiv2 0.14.3-1 libgirepository 1.80.1-3 libgit2 1:1.8.1-1 libglvnd 1.7.0-1 libgme 0.6.3-5 libgoom2 2k4-5 libgpg-error 1.50-1 libgphoto2 2.5.31-2 libgudev 238-1 libgusb 0.4.9-1 libheif 1.18.2-1 libice 1.1.1-3 libid3tag 0.16.3-2 libidn 1.42-1 libidn2 2.3.7-1 libiec61883 1.2.0-8 libieee1284 0.2.11-16 libimagequant 4.3.3-1 libimobiledevice 1.3.0-13 libimobiledevice-glue 1.3.0-1 libinih 58-1 libinput 1.26.1-1 libinstpatch 1.1.6-3 libisl 0.26-2 libixion 0.19.0-2 libjcat 0.2.1-1 libjpeg-turbo 3.0.3-1 libjxl 0.10.3-1 libkate 0.4.1-10 libkexiv2 24.05.2-1 libksba 1.6.7-1 liblangtag 0.6.7-1 liblc3 1.1.1-1 libldac libldap 2.6.8-1 libliftoff 0.5.0-1 liblqr 0.4.2-4 liblrdf 0.6.1-5 libltc 1.3.2-2 libmad 0.15.1b-10 libmanette 0.2.7-1 libmatroska 1.7.1-2 libmbim 1.30.0-1 libmd 1.1.0-2 libmediainfo 24.06-1 libmfx 23.2.2-3 libmicrodns 0.2.0-2 libmikmod libmm-glib 1.22.0-1 libmms 0.6.4-5 libmng 2.0.3-4 libmnl 1.0.5-2 libmodplug libmpc 1.3.1-2 libmpcdec 1:0.1+r475-6 libmpdclient 2.22-1 libmpeg2 0.5.1-10 libmspack 1:1.11-1 libmspub 0.1.4-16 libmtp 1.1.21-2 libmwaw 0.3.22-3 libmypaint 1.6.1-2 libndp 1.9-1 libnetfilter_conntrack 1.0.9-2 libnewt 0.52.24-2 libnfnetlink 1.0.2-2 libnfs 5.0.3-1 libnftnl 1.2.7-1 libnghttp2 1.62.1-1 libnghttp3 1.4.0-1 libngtcp2 1.6.0-1 libnice 0.1.22-1 libnl 3.10.0-1 libnm 1.48.8-1 libnotify 0.8.3-1 libnsl 2.0.1-1 libnumbertext 1.0.11-2 libnvme 1.10-1 libodfgen 0.1.8-3 libogg 1.3.5-2 libomxil-bellagio 0.9.3-5 libopenmpt 0.7.9-1 liborcus 0.19.2-2 libp11-kit 0.25.5-1 libpagemaker 0.0.4-4 libpaper 2.2.5-1 libpcap 1.10.4-1 libpciaccess 0.18.1-2 libpgm 5.3.128-3 libpipeline 1.5.7-2 libpipewire 1:1.2.2-1 libplacebo 7.349.0-1 libplist 2.6.0-1 libpng 1.6.43-1 libppd 2.0.0-2 libproxy 0.5.8-1 libpsl 0.21.5-2 libpulse 17.0-3 libqalculate libqmi 1.34.0-1 libqrtr-glib 1.2.2-3 libqxp 0.0.2-12 libraqm 0.10.1-2 libraw 0.21.2-1 libraw1394 2.1.2-4 libreoffice-fresh 24.2.5-2 librevenge 0.0.5-3 librist 0.2.10-3 librsvg 2:2.58.2-1 librsync 1:2.3.4-2 librttopo 1.1.0-6 libsamplerate 0.2.2-3 libsasl 2.1.28-4 libseccomp 2.5.5-3 libsecret 0.21.4-1 libshout 1:2.4.6-3 libsidplayfp 2.8.0-1 libsigc++ 2.12.1-1 libsigsegv 2.14-3 libsixel 1.10.3-6 libsm 1.2.4-2 libsndfile 1.2.2-2 libsodium 1.0.20-1 libsoup3 3.4.4-1 libsoxr 0.1.3-4 libspatialite 5.1.0-2 libspiro 1:20221101-3 libsrtp 1:2.6.0-1 libssh 0.11.0-1 libssh2 1.11.0-1 libstaroffice 0.0.7-3 libstemmer 2.2.0-2 libsynctex 2024.2-2 libsysprof-capture 46.0-4 libtar 1.2.20-7 libtasn1 4.19.0-2 libteam 1.32-2 libthai 0.1.29-3 libtheora 1.1.1-6 libtiff 4.6.0-5 libtiger 0.3.4-8 libtirpc 1.3.5-1 libtommath 1.3.0-1 libtool 2.5.1-2 libtorrent-rasterbar 1:2.0.10-2 libunibreak 6.1-1 libuninameslist 20221022-2 libunistring 1.2-1 libunwind 1.8.1-3 libupnp 1.14.19-3 liburing 2.6-2 libusb 1.0.27-1 libusb-compat 0.1.8-1 libusbmuxd 2.1.0-1 libutempter 1.2.1-4 libuv 1.48.0-2 libva 2.22.0-1 libva-nvidia-driver-git 0.0.12.r11.gf3205bd-1 libvdpau 1.5-3 libverto 0.3.2-5 libvisio 0.1.7-11 libvorbis 1.3.7-3 libvpl 2.12.0-1 libvpx 1.14.1-1 libwacom 2.12.2-1 libwbclient 4.20.4-1 libwebp 1.4.0-1 libwireplumber 0.5.5-1 libwmf 0.2.13-2 libwpd 0.10.3-5 libwpe 1.16.0-1 libwps 0.4.14-2 libx11 1.8.10-1 libxau 1.0.11-3 libxaw 1.0.16-1 libxcb 1.17.0-1 libxcomposite 0.4.6-2 libxcrypt 4.4.36-2 libxcursor 1.2.2-1 libxcvt 0.1.2-2 libxdamage 1.1.6-2 libxdmcp 1.1.5-1 libxext 1.3.6-1 libxfixes 6.0.1-2 libxfont2 2.0.7-1 libxft 2.3.8-2 libxi 1.8.1-2 libxinerama 1.1.5-2 libxkbcommon 1.7.0-2 libxkbcommon-x11 1.7.0-2 libxkbfile 1.1.3-1 libxml2 2.13.3-1 libxmlb 0.3.19-1 libxmu 1.2.1-1 libxnvctrl 555.58.02-1 libxpm 3.5.17-2 libxpresent 1.0.1-2 libxrandr 1.5.4-1 libxrender 0.9.11-2 libxshmfence 1.3.2-2 libxslt 1.1.42-1 libxss 1.2.4-2 libxt 1.3.0-2 libxtst 1.2.5-1 libxv 1.0.12-2 libxxf86vm 1.1.5-2 libyaml 0.2.5-3 libyuv r2426+464c51a0-1 libzen 0.4.41-2 libzip 1.10.1-2 libzmf 0.0.2-16 licenses 20240728-1 lilv 0.24.24-2 linux-api-headers 6.10-1 linux-firmware 20240703.e94a2a3b-1 linux-firmware-whence 20240703.e94a2a3b-1 linux-headers 6.10.4.arch2-1 linux-zen 6.10.4.zen2-1 linux-zen-headers 6.10.4.zen2-1 lirc 1:0.10.2-4 live-media 2024.04.19-1 llvm-libs 18.1.8-4 lm_sensors 1:3.6.0.r41.g31d1f125-3 lmdb 0.9.32-1 lpsolve lua 5.4.7-1 lua-lpeg 1.1.0-2 lua53 5.3.6-3 luajit 2.1.1720049189-1 luit 20240102-2 lv2 1.18.10-1 lynx 2.9.2-1 lz4 1:1.10.0-2 lzo 2.10-5 m4 1.4.19-3 mailcap 2.1.54-2 make 4.4.1-2 man-db 2.12.1-1 man-pages 6.9.1-1 marktext-bin 0.17.1-2 mbedtls 3.6.0-1 mbedtls2 2.28.8-3 md4c 0.5.2-1 mdadm 4.3-2 media-player-info 24-4 mediainfo 24.06-1 mesa 1:24.1.5-1 meson 1.5.1-1 micro 2.0.13-1 minizip 1:1.3.1-2 mitmproxy 10.4.2-1 mjpegtools 2.2.1-2 mkinitcpio 39.2-2 mkinitcpio-busybox 1.36.1-1 mktorrent 1.1-7 mobile-broadband-provider-info 20240407-1 mpc 0.35-1 mpd 0.23.15-5 mpdecimal 4.0.0-2 mpdscribble 0.25-2 mpfr 4.2.1-4 mpg123 1.32.7-1 mpv 1:0.38.0-6 msmtp 1.8.26-2 mtdev 1.1.7-1 mujs 1.3.5-1 mypaint-brushes1 1.3.1-2 nano 8.1-1 ncmpcpp 0.9.2-19 ncurses 6.5-3 neofetch 7.1.0-2 neomutt 20240425-1 neon 0.33.0-1 net-snmp 5.9.4-4 netpbm 10.86.42-1 nettle 3.10-1 networkmanager 1.48.8-1 networkmanager-dmenu-git r201.6ad647e-1 ninja 1.12.1-1 node-gyp 10.2.0-1 nodejs 22.6.0-1 nodejs-nopt 7.2.0-2 notmuch-runtime 0.38.3-3 npm 10.8.2-1 npth 1.7-1 nspr 4.35-3 nss 3.103-1 ntfs-3g 2022.10.3-1 numactl 2.0.18-1 nvidia-dkms 555.58.02-1 nvidia-settings 555.58.02-1 nvidia-utils 555.58.02-1 ocl-icd 2.3.2-2 offlineimap 8.0.0-5 oniguruma 6.9.9-1 openal 1.23.1-2 opencore-amr 0.1.6-2 openexr 3.2.4-1 openjpeg2 2.5.2-1 openslide 4.0.0-4 openssh 9.8p1-1 openssl 3.3.1-1 openvpn3 22_dev-6 opus 1.5.2-1 orc 0.4.39-1 otf-monocraft 4.0-1 ov-bin 0.35.0-1 p11-kit 0.25.5-1 p7zip 1:17.05-2 pacman 6.1.0-3 pacman-mirrorlist 20240717-1 pahole 1:1.27-2 pam 1.6.1-2 pambase 20230918-1 pamixer 1.6-3 pandoc-cli pango 1:1.54.0-1 pangomm 2.46.4-1 parted 3.6-2 passim 0.1.8-1 patch 2.7.6-10 pciutils 3.13.0-1 pcre 8.45-4 pcre2 10.44-1 pcsclite 2.3.0-1 perl 5.38.2-2 perl-algorithm-diff 1:1.201-5 perl-alien-build 2.83-1 perl-alien-libxml2 0.19-3 perl-capture-tiny 0.48-8 perl-class-method-modifiers 2.15-3 perl-clone 0.46-3 perl-data-optlist 0.114-3 perl-dbi 1.643-7 perl-devel-globaldestruction 0.14-10 perl-encode-locale 1.05-12 perl-error 0.17029-6 perl-ffi-checklib 0.31-4 perl-file-basedir 0.09-4 perl-file-chdir 0.1011-6 perl-file-desktopentry 0.22-12 perl-file-listing 6.16-3 perl-file-mimeinfo 0.35-1 perl-file-which 1.27-4 perl-html-parser 3.82-1 perl-html-tagset 3.24-1 perl-http-cookiejar 0.014-2 perl-http-cookies 6.11-1 perl-http-daemon 6.16-3 perl-http-date 6.06-2 perl-http-message 6.46-1 perl-http-negotiate 6.01-13 perl-import-into 1.002005-10 perl-io-html 1.004-5 perl-ipc-system-simple 1.30-6 perl-libwww 6.77-1 perl-lwp-mediatypes 6.04-5 perl-mailtools 2.21-8 perl-module-runtime 0.016-4 perl-moo 2.005005-3 perl-net-http 6.23-3 perl-parallel-forkmanager 2.02-6 perl-params-util 1.102-5 perl-path-tiny 0.144-3 perl-regexp-common 2024080801-1 perl-role-tiny 2.002004-5 perl-sub-exporter 0.991-1 perl-sub-exporter-progressive 0.001013-10 perl-sub-install 0.929-1 perl-sub-quote 1:2.006008-3 perl-timedate 2.33-6 perl-try-tiny 0.31-4 perl-uri 5.28-1 perl-www-robotrules 6.02-13 perl-xml-libxml 2.0210-1 perl-xml-namespacesupport 1.12-6 perl-xml-parser 2.47-1 perl-xml-sax 1.02-2 perl-xml-sax-base 1.09-6 pet-bin 0.7.0-1 phonon-qt6 4.12.0-4 phonon-qt6-vlc 0.12.0-2 picard 2.12-1 pinentry 1.3.1-5 pipewire 1:1.2.2-1 pixman 0.43.4-1 pkgconf 2.1.1-1 plasma-activities 6.1.4-1 polkit 125-1 polkit-kde-agent 6.1.4-1 polkit-qt5 0.200.0-1 polkit-qt6 0.200.0-1 poppler 24.08.0-1 poppler-data 0.4.12-2 poppler-glib 24.08.0-1 poppler-qt6 24.08.0-1 popt 1.19-1 portaudio 1:19.7.0-3 postman-bin 11.7.0-1 potrace 1.16-3 procps-ng 4.0.4-3 progress 0.17-1 proj 9.4.1-1 projectm 3.1.12-5 protobuf 27.3-1 protobuf-c 1.5.0-4 psmisc 23.7-1 publicsuffix-list 20240306.1440.9094af5-1 pugixml 1.14-1 pulseaudio 17.0-3 pulseaudio-alsa 1:1.2.12-3 pulseaudio-bluetooth 17.0-3 pycharm-professional 2024.2-2 python 3.12.4-1 python-aioquic 1.2.0-1 python-argcomplete 3.4.0-1 python-asgiref 3.7.2-2 python-asttokens 2.4.1-2 python-attrs 23.2.0-3 python-autocommand 2.2.2-6 python-automat 22.10.0-5 python-blinker 1.7.0-2 python-brotli 1.1.0-2 python-build 1.2.1-3 python-cachecontrol 1:0.14.0-3 python-cachetools 5.3.2-3 python-cachy 0.3.0-10 python-cairo 1.26.1-1 python-certifi 2024.07.04-1 python-cffi 1.16.0-2 python-chardet 5.2.0-2 python-charset-normalizer 3.3.2-2 python-cleo 2.1.0-2 python-click 8.1.7-3 python-colorama 0.4.6-3 python-constantly 23.10.0-2 python-coverage 7.6.1-1 python-crashtest 0.4.1-3 python-cryptography 42.0.6-1 python-dateutil 2.9.0-5 python-dbus 1.3.2-4 python-decorator 5.1.1-4 python-defusedxml 0.7.1-6 python-discid 1.2.0-9 python-distlib 0.3.8-2 python-distro 1.9.0-2 python-dulwich 0.22.1-1 python-executing 2.0.0-3 python-fasteners 0.19-3 python-fastjsonschema 2.20.0-1 python-filelock 3.13.3-2 python-flask 2.3.3-2 python-geoip 1.3.2-15 python-gobject 3.48.2-2 python-google-api-core 2.19.1-1 python-google-api-python-client 2.140.0-1 python-google-auth 2.32.0-1 python-google-auth-httplib2 0.2.0-2 python-googleapis-common-protos 1.63.2-1 python-h11 0.14.0-3 python-h2 4.1.0-4 python-hpack 4.0.0-5 python-html5lib 1.1-14 python-httplib2 0.22.0-5 python-hyperframe 6.0.1-5 python-hyperlink 21.0.0-6 python-idna 3.7-1 python-ifaddr 0.2.0-5 python-imaplib2 3.6-6 python-incremental 22.10.0-5 python-inflect 7.3.1-1 python-iniconfig 2.0.0-5 python-installer 0.7.0-8 python-itsdangerous 2.1.2-4 python-jaraco.classes 3.4.0-1 python-jaraco.context 5.3.0-1 python-jaraco.functools 4.0.2-1 python-jaraco.text 4.0.0-1 python-jedi 0.19.1-2 python-jeepney 0.8.0-3 python-jinja 1:3.1.4-1 python-jsonschema 4.23.0-1 python-jsonschema-specifications 2023.12.1-2 python-kaitaistruct 0.10-4 python-keyring 25.2.1-1 python-lark-parser 1.1.9-3 python-ldap3 2.9.1-6 python-lockfile 0.12.2-13 python-mako 1.3.5-1 python-markdown 3.6-3 python-markdown-it-py 3.0.0-2 python-markupsafe 2.1.5-2 python-matplotlib-inline 0.1.7-1 python-mdurl 0.1.2-5 python-mitmproxy-rs 0.6.3-1 python-more-itertools 10.3.0-1 python-msgpack 1.0.5-2 python-multidict 6.0.5-2 python-mutagen 1.47.0-2 python-oauth2client 4.1.3-10 python-ordered-set 4.1.0-5 python-packaging 24.1-1 python-parsedatetime 2.6-9 python-parso 1:0.8.4-2 python-passlib 1.7.4-8 python-pexpect 4.9.0-2 python-pillow 10.4.0-1 python-pip 24.2-1 python-pipx 1.6.0-1 python-pkgconfig 1.5.5-6 python-pkginfo 1.10.0-1 python-platformdirs 4.2.2-1 python-pluggy 1.5.0-1 python-poetry 1.8.3-1 python-poetry-core 1.9.0-5 python-poetry-plugin-export 1.8.0-1 python-prompt_toolkit 3.0.47-1 python-protobuf 27.3-1 python-psutil 6.0.0-1 python-ptyprocess 0.7.0-6 python-publicsuffix2 2.20191221-8 python-pure-eval 0.2.3-1 python-pyasn1 0.6.0-1 python-pyasn1-modules 0.4.0-1 python-pycparser 2.22-2 python-pygments 2.18.0-1 python-pyjwt 2.9.0-1 python-pylsqpack 0.3.18-2 python-pyopenssl 24.1.0-1 python-pyparsing 3.1.2-2 python-pyperclip 1.8.2-7 python-pyproject-api 1.7.1-1 python-pyproject-hooks 1.1.0-1 python-pyqt5 5.15.11-1 python-pyqt5-sip 12.15.0-1 python-pysocks 1.7.1-9 python-pytest 1:8.3.2-1 python-pytz 2024.1-2 python-pywal 3.3.0-9 python-pyxdg 0.28-3 python-rapidfuzz 3.6.2-3 python-referencing 0.35.1-1 python-rencode 1.0.6-9 python-requests 2.32.3-1 python-requests-toolbelt 1.0.0-2 python-rfc6555 0.1.0-3 python-rich 13.7.1-2 python-rpds-py 0.19.0-1 python-rsa 4.9-4 python-ruamel-yaml 0.18.6-2 python-ruamel.yaml.clib 0.2.8-2 python-secretstorage 3.3.3-5 python-service-identity 23.1.0-2 python-setproctitle 1.3.3-2 python-setuptools 1:69.5.1-1 python-shellingham 1.5.4-2 python-shtab 1.7.1-1 python-six 1.16.0-9 python-sortedcontainers 2.4.0-6 python-stack-data 0.6.3-2 python-systemd 235-3 python-termcolor 2.4.0-2 python-tomli 2.0.1-4 python-tomlkit 0.13.0-1 python-tornado 6.4.1-1 python-tox 4.12.1-2 python-tqdm 4.66.5-1 python-traitlets 5.14.3-2 python-trove-classifiers 2024.7.2-1 python-twisted 24.3.0-2 python-typeguard 4.3.0-1 python-typing_extensions 4.12.2-1 python-uc-micro-py 1.0.3-2 python-uritemplate 4.1.1-4 python-urllib3 1.26.19-1 python-urwid 2.6.10-3 python-userpath 1.9.2-2 python-validate-pyproject 0.18-1 python-virtualenv 20.26.2-1 python-vobject 0.9.7-3 python-wcwidth 0.2.13-2 python-webencodings 0.5.1-11 python-werkzeug 3.0.1-1 python-wheel 0.44.0-1 python-wsproto 1.2.0-4 python-wxpython 1:4.2.1-2 python-xmltodict 0.13.0-4 python-yaml 6.0.1-4 python-zope-interface 6.3-1 python-zstandard 0.22.0-2 qca-qt6 2.3.9-2 qgpgme-qt6 1.23.2-6 qhull 2020.2-5 qpdf 11.9.1-1 qrencode 4.1.1-3 qt5-base 5.15.14+kde+r143-1 qt5-declarative 5.15.14+kde+r28-1 qt5-multimedia 5.15.14+kde+r2-1 qt5-speech 5.15.14+kde+r1-1 qt5-svg 5.15.14+kde+r5-1 qt5-tools 5.15.14+kde+r4-2 qt5-translations 5.15.14-1 qt5-wayland 5.15.14+kde+r59-1 qt5-x11extras 5.15.14-1 qt5ct 1.8-2 qt6-5compat 6.7.2-1 qt6-base 6.7.2-1 qt6-declarative 6.7.2-1 qt6-multimedia 6.7.2-1 qt6-multimedia-ffmpeg 6.7.2-1 qt6-shadertools 6.7.2-1 qt6-speech 6.7.2-1 qt6-svg 6.7.2-1 qt6-translations 6.7.2-1 qt6-wayland 6.7.2-4 raptor 2.0.16-5 rar 7.01-1 rasqal 1:0.9.33-7 rav1e 0.7.1-1 rclone 1.67.0-1 readline 8.2.013-1 redland 1:1.0.17-9 reflector 2023-2 rhash 1.4.4-1 ripgrep 14.1.0-1 rsync 3.3.0-2 rtkit 0.13-3 rtmpdump 1:2.4.r105.6f6bb13-1 rubberband 3.3.0-2 ruby 3.2.4-1 ruby-bundled-gems 3.2.4-1 ruby-bundler 2.5.11-2 ruby-debug 1.7.1-1 ruby-default-gems 3.2.4-1 ruby-erb 4.0.4-4 ruby-irb 1.6.2-2 ruby-matrix 0.4.2-1 ruby-minitest 5.22.3-1 ruby-net-ftp 0.3.5-2 ruby-net-imap 0.4.12-1 ruby-net-pop 0.1.2-1 ruby-net-smtp 0.5.0-2 ruby-power_assert 2.0.3-3 ruby-prime 0.1.2-1 ruby-racc 1.6.2-1 ruby-rake 13.0.6-3 ruby-rbs 3.4.4-2 ruby-rdoc ruby-rexml 3.2.6-2 ruby-rss 0.3.0-2 ruby-stdlib 3.2.4-1 ruby-test-unit 3.6.1-3 ruby-typeprof 0.21.8-1 rubygems 3.4.19-1 ruff 0.5.7-1 runc 1.1.13-1 sane 1.3.1-1 sbc 2.0-2 sdbus-cpp 1.5.0-3 sdl2 2.30.6-1 seatd 0.8.0-2 sed 4.9-3 semver 7.6.3-1 serd 0.32.2-1 sfsexp 1.4.1-2 shaderc 2024.1-1 shadow 4.16.0-1 shared-mime-info 2.4-1 slang 2.3.3-3 slurp 1.5.0-1 smbclient 4.20.4-1 snappy 1.1.10-1 solid 6.4.0-1 solid5 5.116.0-1 sonnet 6.4.0-1 sord 0.16.16-1 sound-theme-freedesktop 0.8-6 soundtouch 2.3.3-1 source-highlight 3.1.9-12 sox 14.4.2+r184+gf3094754-1 spandsp 0.0.6-5 speedtest-cli 2.1.3-8 speex 1.2.1-2 speexdsp 1.2.1-2 spek 0.8.5-1 spirv-tools 2024.2-1 sqlite 3.46.0-1 sratom 0.6.16-1 srt 1.5.3-2 sublime-text-4 4.4180-1 sudo 1.9.15.p5-2 suitesparse 7.7.0-2 svt-av1 2.1.2-1 svt-hevc 1.5.1-3 swayidle 1.8.0-2 syndication 6.4.0-1 syntax-highlighting 6.4.0-1 systemd 256.4-1 systemd-libs 256.4-1 systemd-sysvcompat 256.4-1 taglib 2.0.1-1 talloc 2.4.2-3 tar 1.35-2 task 3.1.0-1 tcl 8.6.14-4 tdb 1.4.12-1 tdl-bin 0.17.3-1 tevent 1:0.16.1-3 texinfo 7.1-2 texlive-basic 2024.2-2 texlive-bibtexextra 2024.2-2 texlive-bin 2024.2-2 texlive-binextra 2024.2-2 texlive-context 2024.2-2 texlive-fontsextra 2024.2-2 texlive-fontsrecommended 2024.2-2 texlive-fontutils 2024.2-2 texlive-formatsextra 2024.2-2 texlive-games 2024.2-2 texlive-humanities 2024.2-2 texlive-latex 2024.2-2 texlive-latexextra 2024.2-2 texlive-latexrecommended 2024.2-2 texlive-luatex 2024.2-2 texlive-mathscience 2024.2-2 texlive-metapost 2024.2-2 texlive-music 2024.2-2 texlive-pictures 2024.2-2 texlive-plaingeneric 2024.2-2 texlive-pstricks 2024.2-2 texlive-publishers 2024.2-2 texlive-xetex 2024.2-2 timg 1.6.0-1 tinyxml2 10.0.0-1 tk 8.6.14-4 tldr 3.3.0-1 tomlplusplus 3.4.0-1 tpm2-tss 4.0.1-1 tracker3 3.7.3-2 tre-command 0.4.0-1 tslib 1.23-1 ttf-ancient-fonts 2.60-2 ttf-baekmuk 2.2-14 ttf-bitstream-vera 1.10-16 ttf-dejavu 2.37+18+g9b5d1b2f-7 ttf-droid 20121017-11 ttf-inconsolata 1:3.000-4 ttf-jetbrains-mono 2.304-2 ttf-liberation 2.1.5-2 ttf-librebaskerville 1.0-4 ttf-meslo-nerd-font-powerlevel10k 2.3.3-1 ttf-mononoki 1.6-2 ttf-opensans 1.101-3 twolame 0.4.0-4 tzdata 2024a-2 uchardet 0.0.8-3 udisks2 2.10.1-4 unixodbc 2.3.12-2 upower 1.90.4-1 urlscan 1.0.3-1 usbutils 017-1 util-linux 2.40.2-1 util-linux-libs 2.40.2-1 v4l-utils 1.26.1-1 vapoursynth R69-1 vcdimager 2.0.1-4 ventoy-bin 1.0.99-1 vid.stab 1.1.1-2 vim 9.1.0672-1 vim-runtime 9.1.0672-1 virtualfish 2.5.9-1 vlc 3.0.21-2 vmaf 3.0.0-1 volume_key 0.3.12-9 vulkan-headers 1:1.3.285-1 vulkan-icd-loader 1.3.285-1 vulkan-validation-layers 1.3.275-1 wavpack 5.7.0-1 wayland 1.23.0-1 wayland-protocols 1.36-1 webkit2gtk-4.1 2.44.2-1 webrtc-audio-processing-1 1.3-3 wev 1.0.0-13 wf-recorder 0.4.1-2 wget 1.24.5-3 whatmp3 3.8-1 which 2.21-6 wildmidi 0.4.6-1 wine 9.14-1 wireplumber 0.5.5-1 wl-clipboard 1:2.2.1-2 wl-color-picker 1.3-1 wlr-randr 0.4.1-4 wlroots0.17 0.17.4-3 woeusb-ng 0.2.12-3 woff2 1.0.2-5 wofi 1.4.1-1 wpa_supplicant 2:2.11-2 wpebackend-fdo 1.14.2-2 wxsvg 1.5.25-2 wxwidgets-common 3.2.5-1 wxwidgets-gtk3 3.2.5-1 x264 3:0.164.r3108.31e19f9-2 x265 3.6-1 xapian-core 1:1.4.25-1 xbitmaps 1.1.3-2 xcb-proto 1.17.0-2 xcb-util 0.4.1-2 xcb-util-cursor 0.1.5-1 xcb-util-errors 1.0.1-2 xcb-util-image 0.4.1-3 xcb-util-keysyms 0.4.1-5 xcb-util-renderutil 0.3.10-2 xcb-util-wm 0.4.2-2 xdg-dbus-proxy 0.1.5-2 xdg-desktop-portal 1.18.4-1 xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland 1.3.3-2 xdg-user-dirs 0.18-2 xdg-utils 1.2.1-1 xerces-c 3.2.5-2 xkeyboard-config 2.42-1 xmlsec 1.3.5-1 xorg-fonts-encodings 1.1.0-1 xorg-server-common 21.1.13-1 xorg-setxkbmap 1.3.4-2 xorg-xinput 1.6.4-2 xorg-xkbcomp 1.4.7-1 xorg-xprop 1.2.7-1 xorg-xrandr 1.5.2-2 xorg-xset 1.2.5-2 xorg-xwayland 24.1.2-1 xorgproto 2024.1-2 xterm 393-1 xvidcore 1.3.7-3 xxhash 0.8.2-1 xz 5.6.2-1 yad 14.1-1 yajl 2.1.0-6 yarn 1.22.22-2 yay 12.3.5-1 yay-debug 12.3.5-1 yq 3.4.3-1 yt-dlp 2024.08.06-1 zbar 0.23.93-1 zenity 4.0.2-1 zeromq 4.3.5-2 zimg 3.0.5-1 zix 0.4.2-2 zlib 1:1.3.1-2 zstd 1.5.6-1 zvbi 0.2.42-1 zxing-cpp 2.2.1-1 zziplib 0.13.78-1 ```

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yyyyyyyan commented Aug 13, 2024

@vaxerski Confirmed the issue appears specifically on upgrading Hyprland to 0.42.0 (extra/hyprland 0.41.2-3 -> 0.42.0-1). It works fine with 0.41.2-3.

Output on Hyprland execution:

Environment variable $QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME not set, ignoring.
Environment variable $XDG_DATA_DIRS not set, ignoring.
kbuildsycoca6 running...
Hyprland has crashed :( Consult the crash report at /home/y/.cache/hyprland/hyprlandCrashReport718.txt for more information.
The compositor does not seem to implement seat, which is required for wl-clipboard to work
WARNING: compositor doesn't support wl_compositor
[LOG] Registered timeout rule for 60s:
      on-resume: hyprctl clients -j | jq -r '.[] | select(.title == "mpv-screensaver") | .pid' | xargs -I{} bash -c '[[ $(ps -o etimes= -p {}) -gt 1 ]] && kill -2 {}'
[LOG] Registered timeout rule for 600s:
      on-timeout: hyprctl clients -j | jq -er '.[] | select(.title == "mpv-screensaver")' || VIDEO=$(find ~/Videos/screensavers/ | shuf -n 1); hyprctl monitors -j | jq -r '.[].id' | xargs -I{} bash -c 'hyprctl dispatch focusmonitor {}; mpv --title="mpv-screensaver" --stop-screensaver=no --no-audio --fs --loop-file=inf '"$VIDEO"' & sleep 1'
[LOG] Registered timeout rule for 300s:
      on-resume: hyprctl clients -j | jq -r '.[] | select(.title == "mpv-screensaver") | .pid' | xargs -I{} bash -c '[[ $(ps -o etimes= -p {}) -gt 1 ]] && kill -2 {}' && loginctl lock-session
[CRITICAL] Couldn't bind to ext-idle-notifier-v1, does your compositor support it?
WARNING: Couldn't initialize wayland output. Falling back to X11 output.
WARNING: Cannot open X11 display.
ERROR: [  get_x11_output:0070] Couldn't initialize X11 output. Aborting...
qt.qpa.wayland: "wl-shell" is a deprecated shell extension, prefer using "xdg-shell" if supported by the compositor by setting the environment variable QT_WAYLAND_SHELL_INTEGRATION
qt.qpa.wayland: Loading shell integration failed.
qt.qpa.wayland: Attempted to load the following shells QList("xdg-shell", "wl-shell", "ivi-shell", "qt-shell")
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in "" even though it was found.
qt.qpa.xcb: could not connect to display :0
qt.qpa.plugin: From 6.5.0, xcb-cursor0 or libxcb-cursor0 is needed to load the Qt xcb platform plugin.
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Available platform plugins are: minimalegl, xcb, linuxfb, wayland-egl, offscreen, eglfs, minimal, vnc, wayland, vkkhrdisplay.

KCrash: appFilePath points to nullptr!
KCrash: Application '<unknown>' crashing... crashRecursionCounter = 2
   Hyprland Crash Report

Hyprland received signal 6(ABRT)
Version: 9a09eac79b85c846e3a865a9078a3f8ff65a9259
Tag: v0.42.0
Date: Wed Aug 7 19:17:10 2024

System info:
	System name: Linux
	Node name: archy
	Release: 6.10.4-zen2-1-zen
	Version: #1 ZEN SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sun, 11 Aug 2024 16:18:46 +0000

	00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation WhiskeyLake-U GT2 [UHD Graphics 620] [8086:3ea0] (rev 02) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])

	NAME="Arch Linux"
	PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux"
	# | Hyprland(_Z12getBacktracev+0x61) [0x5ececc1f56a1]
	#1 | Hyprland(_ZN13CrashReporter18createAndSaveCrashEi+0xb89) [0x5ececc175609]
	#2 | Hyprland(_Z25handleUnrecoverableSignali+0x71) [0x5ececc0f5f71]
	#3 | /usr/lib/ [0x7b032b44c1d0]
	#4 | /usr/lib/ [0x7b032b4a53f4]
	#5 | /usr/lib/ [0x7b032b44c120]
	#6 | Hyprland(_ZN15CHyprOpenGLImpl22renderTexturePrimitiveEN9Hyprutils6Memory14CSharedPointerI8CTextureEEPNS0_4Math4CBoxE+0x102) [0x5ececc3bd312]
		CHyprOpenGLImpl::renderTexturePrimitive(Hyprutils::Memory::CSharedPointer<CTexture>, Hyprutils::Math::CBox*)
	#7 | Hyprland(_ZN15CHyprOpenGLImpl3endEv+0x591) [0x5ececc3c0301]
	#8 | Hyprland(_ZN13CHyprRenderer9endRenderEv+0x116) [0x5ececc3e6bf6]
	#9 | Hyprland(_ZN13CHyprRenderer13renderMonitorEP8CMonitor+0x8a6) [0x5ececc3dae96]
	#1 | Hyprland(_ZN11CCompositor12onNewMonitorEN9Hyprutils6Memory14CSharedPointerIN10Aquamarine7IOutputEEE+0x530) [0x5ececc1182d0]
	#11 | Hyprland(_ZN11CCompositor10initServerENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEi+0xc7b) [0x5ececc0fc49b]
		CCompositor::initServer(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, int)
	#12 | Hyprland(main+0xc2d) [0x5ececc0b36fd]
	#13 | /usr/lib/ [0x7b032b434e08]
	#14 | /usr/lib/ [0x7b032b434ecc]
	#15 | Hyprland(_start+0x25) [0x5ececc0f1fc5]

Log tail:
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] Creating a texture for BGTex
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[ERR] createBGTextureForMonitor: failed, file doesn't exist or access denied, ec: Success
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Cannot commit when a page-flip is awaiting
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Cannot commit when a page-flip is awaiting
[LOG] New output with name DP-5
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for DP-5
[LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] and format XR24 with modifier 72057594037927940 aka Y_TILED_CCS
[LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] and format XR24 with modifier 72057594037927940 aka Y_TILED_CCS
[LOG] [AQ] Swapchain: Reconfigured a swapchain to [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] XR24 of length 2
[LOG] CMonitorState::ensureBufferPresent: no buffer, attaching one from the swapchain for modeset being possible
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[LOG] Monitor DP-5: REJECTED available mode: [email protected]!
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[LOG] Monitor DP-5: REJECTED available mode: [email protected]!
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[LOG] Monitor DP-5: REJECTED available mode: [email protected]!
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[ERR] Custom resolution FAILED, falling back to preferred
[ERR] Monitor 2 has NO PREFERRED MODE, and an INVALID one was requested: [email protected]
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting DP-5 with [email protected]
[ERR] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET PAGE_FLIP_EVENT 
[WARN] state.commit() failed in CMonitor::onCommit
[LOG] Added new monitor with name DP-5 at [-1, -1] with size [0, 0], pointer 5ecf0ac4ef80
[LOG] New monitor: WORKSPACEID 3, exists: 0
[LOG] [WLOutput (DP-5)] Registered global
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for eDP-1
[LOG] Setting preferred mode for eDP-1
[LOG] output eDP-1 succeeded basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting eDP-1 with [email protected]
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Cannot commit when a page-flip is awaiting
[ERR] Couldn't commit output named eDP-1
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: 3 to arrange
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: HDMI-A-2 explicit [1920, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-5 explicit [0, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: eDP-1 auto [3840, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: eDP-1 xwayland [0, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: HDMI-A-2 xwayland [1920, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-5 xwayland [3840, 0]
[LOG] Monitor eDP-1 data dump: res [email protected], scale 1.00, transform 0, pos 3840x0, 10b 0
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for HDMI-A-2
[LOG] Not applying a new rule to HDMI-A-2 because it's already applied!
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for DP-5
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[LOG] Monitor DP-5: REJECTED available mode: [email protected]!
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[LOG] Monitor DP-5: REJECTED available mode: [email protected]!
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[LOG] Monitor DP-5: REJECTED available mode: [email protected]!
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[ERR] Custom resolution FAILED, falling back to preferred
[ERR] Monitor 2 has NO PREFERRED MODE, and an INVALID one was requested: [email protected]
[LOG] Shaders initialized successfully.

Attempted to draw NULL texture!

at: line 1546 in OpenGL.cpp

@yyyyyyyan yyyyyyyan changed the title Hyprland crashes with third monitor (USB-C) Hyprland crashes with third monitor (USB-C) after 0.42.0-1 upgrade Aug 13, 2024
Copy link

ikalco commented Aug 13, 2024

try disabling DP-5, seems like a driver bug or something

[LOG] Added new monitor with name DP-5 at [-1, -1] with size [0, 0], pointer 633d96811a40

but it could also be something with buffers so can you give a full log with trace

Copy link

yyyyyyyan commented Aug 14, 2024

try disabling DP-5, seems like a driver bug or something

Disabling DP-5 works, but I don't get why the monitor is not working with the update. I'm working on bisecting the commit that causes the issue.

Log with trace:

   Hyprland Crash Report
Well this is awkward.

Hyprland received signal 6(ABRT)
Version: 197f8807900afc81c1c92ad17e621d1998ee268b
Tag: v0.42.0-19-g197f8807
Date: Wed Aug 14 14:35:07 2024

System info:
	System name: Linux
	Node name: archy
	Release: 6.10.4-zen2-1-zen
	Version: #1 ZEN SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sun, 11 Aug 2024 16:18:46 +0000

	00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation WhiskeyLake-U GT2 [UHD Graphics 620] [8086:3ea0] (rev 02) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])

	NAME="Arch Linux"
	PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux"
	# | Hyprland(_Z12getBacktracev+0x46) [0x55a1c5aa1996]
	#1 | Hyprland(_ZN13CrashReporter18createAndSaveCrashEi+0xabe) [0x55a1c5a2c39e]
	#2 | Hyprland(_Z25handleUnrecoverableSignali+0x5c) [0x55a1c59c082c]
	#3 | /usr/lib/ [0x750c81d5d1d0]
	#4 | /usr/lib/ [0x750c81db63f4]
	#5 | /usr/lib/ [0x750c81d5d120]
	#6 | Hyprland(_ZN15CHyprOpenGLImpl22renderTexturePrimitiveEN9Hyprutils6Memory14CSharedPointerI8CTextureEEPNS0_4Math4CBoxE+0x100) [0x55a1c5c64590]
		CHyprOpenGLImpl::renderTexturePrimitive(Hyprutils::Memory::CSharedPointer<CTexture>, Hyprutils::Math::CBox*)
	#7 | Hyprland(_ZN15CHyprOpenGLImpl3endEv+0x51e) [0x55a1c5c671ce]
		/usr/src/debug/hyprland-git/Hyprland/build/../src/render/OpenGL.cpp:920 (discriminator 1)
	#8 | Hyprland(_ZN13CHyprRenderer9endRenderEv+0x115) [0x55a1c5c8bf05]
	#9 | Hyprland(_ZN13CHyprRenderer13renderMonitorEP8CMonitor+0x878) [0x55a1c5c80aa8]
		/usr/src/debug/hyprland-git/Hyprland/build/../src/render/Renderer.cpp:1364 (discriminator 1)
	#1 | Hyprland(_ZN11CCompositor12onNewMonitorEN9Hyprutils6Memory14CSharedPointerIN10Aquamarine7IOutputEEE+0x406) [0x55a1c59e3046]
		/usr/src/debug/hyprland-git/Hyprland/build/../src/Compositor.cpp:2969 (discriminator 1)
	#11 | Hyprland(_ZN11CCompositor10initServerENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEi+0xc4d) [0x55a1c59c240d]
		CCompositor::initServer(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, int)
	#12 | Hyprland(main+0xbca) [0x55a1c5958e5a]
	#13 | /usr/lib/ [0x750c81d45e08]
	#14 | /usr/lib/ [0x750c81d45ecc]
	#15 | Hyprland(_start+0x25) [0x55a1c5987945]

Log tail:
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 92
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 14 with value 0
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[LOG] Monitor DP-5: REJECTED available mode: [email protected]!
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Committed a buffer, updating state
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: CDRMFB: buffer has drmfb attachment with fb 55a1e45d90e0
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: calculateMode: modeline dump: 173000 1920 2048 2248 2576 1080 1083 1088 1120 60 6
[TRACE] [AQ] Connector blob id 146: clock 173000, 1920x1080, vrefresh 60, name: 1920x1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector blobs: mode_id 23, active 22, crtc_id 20, link_status 5, content_type 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector values: CRTC 97, mode 146
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 20 with value 97
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 23 with value 146
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 5 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 113 with value 8
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 22 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 24 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: prop blobs: src_x 9, src_y 10, src_w 11, src_h 12, crtc_w 15, crtc_h 16, fb_id 17, crtc_id 20, crtc_x 13, crtc_y 14
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 9 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 10 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 11 with value 125829120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 12 with value 70778880
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 15 with value 1920
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 16 with value 1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 17 with value 142
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 20 with value 97
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 92
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 14 with value 0
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[ERR] Custom resolution FAILED, falling back to preferred
[ERR] Monitor 2 has NO PREFERRED MODE, and an INVALID one was requested: [email protected]
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] Output eDP-1 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] Output HDMI-A-2 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] Output DP-5 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 3, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 3, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 3, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending false, frameEventScheduled true
[LOG] Shaders initialized successfully.

Attempted to draw NULL texture!

at: line 1546 in OpenGL.cpp

Copy link

@vaxerski Just finished bisecting, confirmed issue is introduced with 016da23 (Core: Move to aquamarine (#6608)).

Copy link

ikalco commented Aug 15, 2024

try disabling DP-5, seems like a driver bug or something

Disabling DP-5 works, but I don't get why the monitor is not working with the update. I'm working on bisecting the commit that causes the issue.

Log with trace:

I meant the full log from /run/user/1000/hypr/$HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE/hyprlandd.log

Copy link

Thank you for pointing this out @yyyyyyyan. Downgrading to 0.41.2-3 did the trick for me. 🙌

If someone else stumbles upon this thread as well, here are the steps to downgrade on Arch until the next release.

paru -S downgrade


yay -S downgrade


sudo downgrade hyprland

Pick the latest version of 0.41.2 and then reboot. :)

Copy link

@ikalco Here it is, with hyprland-git and aquamarine-git:

[LOG] Instance Signature: c5feee1e357f3c3c59ebe406630601c627807963_1723843281_1077911193
[LOG] Runtime directory: /run/user/1000/hypr/c5feee1e357f3c3c59ebe406630601c627807963_1723843281_1077911193
[LOG] Hyprland PID: 928
[LOG] ===== SYSTEM INFO: =====
[LOG] System name: Linux
[LOG] Node name: archy
[LOG] Release: 6.10.4-zen2-1-zen
[LOG] Version: #1 ZEN SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sun, 11 Aug 2024 16:18:46 +0000

[LOG] GPU information:
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation WhiskeyLake-U GT2 [UHD Graphics 620] [8086:3ea0] (rev 02) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])

[LOG] os-release:
NAME="Arch Linux"
PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux"

[LOG] ========================

[INFO] If you are crashing, or encounter any bugs, please consult

Current splash: You're gonna hear my voice when I shout it out loud

[LOG] Old rlimit: soft -> 1024, hard -> 524288
[LOG] New rlimit: soft -> 524288, hard -> 524288
[LOG] Creating the EventLoopManager!
[LOG] Creating the HookSystem!
[LOG] Creating the KeybindManager!
[LOG] Creating the AnimationManager!
[LOG] Created a bezier curve, baked 255 points, mem usage: 4.08kB, time to bake: 22.44µs. Estimated average calc time: 0.05µs.
[LOG] Creating the ConfigManager!
[LOG] Created a bezier curve, baked 255 points, mem usage: 4.08kB, time to bake: 12.10µs. Estimated average calc time: 0.07µs.
[LOG] Using config: /home/y/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf
[INFO] !!!!HEY YOU, YES YOU!!!!: further logs to stdout / logfile are disabled by default. BEFORE SENDING THIS LOG, ENABLE THEM. Use debug:disable_logs = false to do so:
[LOG] Created a bezier curve, baked 255 points, mem usage: 4.08kB, time to bake: 11.60µs. Estimated average calc time: 0.04µs.
[LOG] Disabling stdout logs! Check the log for further logs.
[LOG] Creating the PointerManager!
[LOG] Creating the EventManager!
[LOG] [AQ] Creating an Aquamarine backend!
[LOG] [AQ] [libseat] [libseat/backend/seatd.c:64] Could not connect to socket /run/seatd.sock: No such file or directory
[LOG] [AQ] [libseat] [libseat/libseat.c:76] Backend 'seatd' failed to open seat, skipping
[LOG] [AQ] [libseat] [libseat/libseat.c:73] Seat opened with backend 'logind'
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Enumerated device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1
[LOG] [AQ] libseat: Device /dev/dri/card1 supports kms
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Enumerated device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1/card1-DP-1
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Skipping device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1/card1-DP-1, no devnode
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Enumerated device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1/card1-DP-2
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Skipping device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1/card1-DP-2, no devnode
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Enumerated device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1/card1-DP-3
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Skipping device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1/card1-DP-3, no devnode
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Enumerated device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1/card1-DP-4
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Skipping device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1/card1-DP-4, no devnode
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Enumerated device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1/card1-DP-5
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Skipping device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1/card1-DP-5, no devnode
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Enumerated device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1/card1-HDMI-A-1
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Skipping device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1/card1-HDMI-A-1, no devnode
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Enumerated device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1/card1-HDMI-A-2
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Skipping device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1/card1-HDMI-A-2, no devnode
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Enumerated device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1/card1-eDP-1
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Skipping device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1/card1-eDP-1, no devnode
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Enumerated device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/0000:3c:00.0/drm/card0
[LOG] [AQ] libseat: Device /dev/dri/card0 does not support kms
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Skipping device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/0000:3c:00.0/drm/card0, not a KMS device
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Found 1 GPUs
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Starting backend for /dev/dri/card1, with driver i915
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Registered gpu /dev/dri/card1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Atomic supported, using atomic for modesetting
[LOG] [AQ] drm: drmProps.supportsAsyncCommit: true
[LOG] [AQ] drm: drmProps.supportsAddFb2Modifiers: true
[LOG] [AQ] drm: drmProps.supportsTimelines: true
[LOG] [AQ] drm: found 3 CRTCs
[LOG] [AQ] drm: found 9 planes
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 32 has type 1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 32 has 16 formats
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format NV12
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XYUV
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927941 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927940 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927941 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927940 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927941 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927940 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927941 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927940 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format NV12
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format NV12
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format NV12
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format NV12
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XYUV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XYUV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XYUV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XYUV
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 40 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 40 has 16 formats
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format NV12
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XYUV
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927941 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927940 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927941 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927940 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927941 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927940 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927941 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927940 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format NV12
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format NV12
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format NV12
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format NV12
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XYUV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XYUV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XYUV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XYUV
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 48 has type 2
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 48 has 1 formats
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format AR24
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format AR24
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 54 has type 1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 54 has 16 formats
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format NV12
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XYUV
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927941 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927940 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927941 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927940 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927941 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927940 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927941 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927940 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format NV12
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format NV12
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format NV12
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format NV12
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XYUV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XYUV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XYUV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XYUV
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 62 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 62 has 16 formats
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format NV12
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XYUV
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927941 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927940 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927941 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927940 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927941 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927940 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927941 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927940 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format NV12
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format NV12
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format NV12
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format NV12
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XYUV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XYUV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XYUV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XYUV
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 70 has type 2
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 70 has 1 formats
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format AR24
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format AR24
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 76 has type 1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 76 has 15 formats
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XYUV
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XYUV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XYUV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XYUV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XYUV
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 84 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 84 has 15 formats
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format XYUV
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format C8
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format RG16
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format AR24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format AB24
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XR30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XB30
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XR4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XB4H
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format YUYV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format YVYU
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format UYVY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format VYUY
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927939 with format XYUV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927938 with format XYUV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 72057594037927937 with format XYUV
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format XYUV
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 92 has type 2
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 92 has 1 formats
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Format AR24
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: | Modifier 0 with format AR24
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Basic init pass for gpu /dev/dri/card1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connectors for /dev/dri/card1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 99
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Initializing connector id 99
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector gets name eDP-1
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Using crtc_id for finding crtc
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 99 connection state: 1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector eDP-1 connected
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connecting connector eDP-1, CRTC ID 53
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Dumping detected modes:
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 0: [email protected]  (preferred)
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Physical size [Vector2D: x: 310, y: 170] (mm)
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Description Chimei Innolux Corporation 0x14E5  (eDP-1)
[LOG] [AQ] drm: connector eDP-1 crtc is incapable of vrr: props.vrr_capable -> 0, crtc->props.vrr_enabled -> 24
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Explicit sync supported
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 107
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Initializing connector id 107
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector gets name DP-1
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Using crtc_id for finding crtc
[ERR] [AQ] drm: getCurrentCRTC: No CRTC 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 107 connection state: 2
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 117
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Initializing connector id 117
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector gets name HDMI-A-1
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Using crtc_id for finding crtc
[ERR] [AQ] drm: getCurrentCRTC: No CRTC 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 117 connection state: 2
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 123
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Initializing connector id 123
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector gets name DP-2
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Using crtc_id for finding crtc
[ERR] [AQ] drm: getCurrentCRTC: No CRTC 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 123 connection state: 2
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 129
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Initializing connector id 129
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector gets name HDMI-A-2
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Using crtc_id for finding crtc
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 129 connection state: 1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector HDMI-A-2 connected
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connecting connector HDMI-A-2, CRTC ID 75
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Dumping detected modes:
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 0: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 1: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 2: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 3: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 4: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 5: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 6: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 7: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 8: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 9: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 10: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 11: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 12: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 13: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 14: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 15: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 16: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 17: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 18: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 19: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 20: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 21: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 22: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 23: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 24: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 25: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 26: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 27: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 28: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 29: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 30: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Physical size [Vector2D: x: 610, y: 360] (mm)
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Description LG Electronics 27GN7 0x0003A5A6 (HDMI-A-2)
[LOG] [AQ] drm: connector HDMI-A-2 crtc is incapable of vrr: props.vrr_capable -> 0, crtc->props.vrr_enabled -> 24
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Explicit sync supported
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 134
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Initializing connector id 134
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector gets name DP-3
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Using crtc_id for finding crtc
[ERR] [AQ] drm: getCurrentCRTC: No CRTC 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 134 connection state: 2
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 137
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Initializing connector id 137
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector gets name DP-4
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Using crtc_id for finding crtc
[ERR] [AQ] drm: getCurrentCRTC: No CRTC 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 137 connection state: 2
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 139
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Initializing connector id 139
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector gets name DP-5
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Using crtc_id for finding crtc
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 139 connection state: 1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector DP-5 connected
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connecting connector DP-5, CRTC ID 97
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Dumping detected modes:
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 0: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 1: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 2: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 3: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 4: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 5: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 6: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 7: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 8: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 9: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 10: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 11: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 12: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 13: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 14: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 15: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 16: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 17: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 18: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 19: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 20: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 21: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 22: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 23: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 24: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 25: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 26: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 27: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 28: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 29: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 30: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 31: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 32: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 33: [email protected] 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Physical size [Vector2D: x: 610, y: 360] (mm)
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Description LG Electronics 27GN7 0x00069345 (DP-5)
[LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-5 crtc is incapable of vrr: props.vrr_capable -> 0, crtc->props.vrr_enabled -> 24
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Explicit sync supported
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Rechecking CRTCs
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Skipping connector eDP-1, has crtc 53 and is connected
[LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-1, has crtc -1, will be rechecked
[LOG] [AQ] drm: connector HDMI-A-1, has crtc -1, will be rechecked
[LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-2, has crtc -1, will be rechecked
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Skipping connector HDMI-A-2, has crtc 75 and is connected
[LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-3, has crtc -1, will be rechecked
[LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-4, has crtc -1, will be rechecked
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Skipping connector DP-5, has crtc 97 and is connected
[LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 0 crtc 53 taken by eDP-1, skipping
[LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 1 crtc 75 taken by HDMI-A-2, skipping
[LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 2 crtc 97 taken by DP-5, skipping
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector DP-1 is not connected
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector HDMI-A-1 is not connected
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector DP-2 is not connected
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector DP-3 is not connected
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector DP-4 is not connected
[LOG] [AQ] drm: rescanning after realloc
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connectors for /dev/dri/card1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 99
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 99 already initialized
[LOG] [AQ] drm: connector eDP-1 crtc is incapable of vrr: props.vrr_capable -> 0, crtc->props.vrr_enabled -> 24
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Explicit sync supported
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 99 connection state: 1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 107
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 107 already initialized
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 107 connection state: 2
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 117
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 117 already initialized
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 117 connection state: 2
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 123
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 123 already initialized
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 123 connection state: 2
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 129
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 129 already initialized
[LOG] [AQ] drm: connector HDMI-A-2 crtc is incapable of vrr: props.vrr_capable -> 0, crtc->props.vrr_enabled -> 24
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Explicit sync supported
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 129 connection state: 1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 134
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 134 already initialized
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 134 connection state: 2
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 137
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 137 already initialized
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 137 connection state: 2
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 139
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 139 already initialized
[LOG] [AQ] drm: connector DP-5 crtc is incapable of vrr: props.vrr_capable -> 0, crtc->props.vrr_enabled -> 24
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Explicit sync supported
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 139 connection state: 1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: gpu /dev/dri/card1 becomes primary drm
[LOG] [AQ] Starting the Aquamarine backend!
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 53 prop 23 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 53 prop 22 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 75 prop 23 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 75 prop 22 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 23 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 22 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 99 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 107 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 117 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 123 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 129 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 134 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 137 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 32
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 40
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 40 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 40 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 40 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 40 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 48
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 54
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 62
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 62 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 62 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 62 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 62 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 70
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 70 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 70 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 70 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 70 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 76
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 84
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 84 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 84 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 84 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 84 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 92
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 14 with value 0
[LOG] [AQ] Starting the Wayland backend!
[ERR] [AQ] Wayland backend cannot start: wl_display_connect failed (is a wayland compositor running?)
[ERR] [AQ] Requested backend (wayland) could not start, enabling fallbacks
[ERR] [AQ] Implementation wayland failed, erasing.
[LOG] [AQ] Created a GBM allocator with drm fd 37
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connectors size2 8
[LOG] [AQ] Created a GBM allocator with drm fd 41
[LOG] [AQ] CDRMRenderer: got a high priority context
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: Supported formats:
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format AB4H (0x48344241)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000004: Y_TILED_CCS
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format XB4H (0x48344258)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000004: Y_TILED_CCS
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format AB48 (0x38344241)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000004: Y_TILED_CCS
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format XB48 (0x38344258)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000004: Y_TILED_CCS
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format AR30 (0x30335241)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format XR30 (0x30335258)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format AB30 (0x30334241)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format AR24 (0x34325241)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000004: Y_TILED_CCS
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format AB24 (0x34324241)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000004: Y_TILED_CCS
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format XR24 (0x34325258)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000004: Y_TILED_CCS
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format XB24 (0x34324258)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000004: Y_TILED_CCS
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format AR15 (0x35315241)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format AR12 (0x32315241)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format RG16 (0x36314752)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format R8 (0x20203852)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format R16 (0x20363152)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format GR88 (0x38385247)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format GR32 (0x32335247)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | with modifier 0x100000000000004: Y_TILED_CCS
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format YUV9 (0x39565559)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format YU11 (0x31315559)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format YU12 (0x32315559)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format YU16 (0x36315559)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format YU24 (0x34325559)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format YVU9 (0x39555659)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format YV11 (0x31315659)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format YV12 (0x32315659)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format YV16 (0x36315659)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format YV24 (0x34325659)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format NV12 (0x3231564e)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format NV21 (0x3132564e)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format P010 (0x30313050)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format P012 (0x32313050)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format P016 (0x36313050)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format P030 (0x30333050)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format NV16 (0x3631564e)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format AYUV (0x56555941)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format XYUV (0x56555958)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y410 (0x30313459)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y412 (0x32313459)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y416 (0x36313459)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format YUYV (0x56595559)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format YVYU (0x55595659)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format UYVY (0x59565955)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format VYUY (0x59555956)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y210 (0x30313259)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y212 (0x32313259)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y216 (0x36313259)
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x0: LINEAR
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000001: X_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0x100000000000002: Y_TILED
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL:  | external only with modifier 0xffffffffffffff: INVALID
[TRACE] [AQ] EGL: Found 197 formats
[LOG] [AQ] CDRMRenderer: success
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: onReady: gathered 197 gl formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: onReady: connector 99
[LOG] [AQ] drm: onReady: connector 99 has output name eDP-1
[LOG] [AQ] Swapchain: Clearing
[LOG] New aquamarine output with name eDP-1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: onReady: connector 107
[LOG] [AQ] drm: onReady: connector 117
[LOG] [AQ] drm: onReady: connector 123
[LOG] [AQ] drm: onReady: connector 129
[LOG] [AQ] drm: onReady: connector 129 has output name HDMI-A-2
[LOG] [AQ] Swapchain: Clearing
[LOG] New aquamarine output with name HDMI-A-2
[LOG] [AQ] drm: onReady: connector 134
[LOG] [AQ] drm: onReady: connector 137
[LOG] [AQ] drm: onReady: connector 139
[LOG] [AQ] drm: onReady: connector 139 has output name DP-5
[LOG] [AQ] Swapchain: Clearing
[LOG] New aquamarine output with name DP-5
[LOG] Running on DRMFD: 36
[LOG] wl_display_add_socket for wayland-1 succeeded with 0
[LOG] Creating the CHyprOpenGLImpl!
[LOG] Supported EGL extensions: (16) EGL_EXT_platform_base EGL_EXT_device_base EGL_EXT_device_enumeration EGL_EXT_device_query EGL_KHR_client_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_EXT_client_extensions EGL_KHR_debug EGL_KHR_platform_x11 EGL_EXT_platform_x11 EGL_EXT_platform_device EGL_MESA_platform_surfaceless EGL_EXT_explicit_device EGL_KHR_platform_wayland EGL_EXT_platform_wayland EGL_KHR_platform_gbm EGL_MESA_platform_gbm EGL_EXT_platform_xcb
[LOG] eglDeviceFromDRMFD: Using device /dev/dri/card1
[LOG] EGL: IMG_context_priority supported, requesting high
[LOG] EGL: EXT_create_context_robustness supported, requesting lose on reset
[LOG] EGL: Got a high priority context
[LOG] Creating the Hypr OpenGL Renderer!
[LOG] Using: OpenGL ES 3.2 Mesa 24.1.5-arch1.2
[LOG] Vendor: Intel
[LOG] Renderer: Mesa Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620 (WHL GT2)
[LOG] Supported extensions: (159) GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_stencil8 GL_OES_texture_3D GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_depth_texture GL_AMD_performance_monitor GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_NV_conditional_render GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_APPLE_texture_max_level GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_read_format_bgra GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_NV_pack_subimage GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_EXT_frag_depth GL_NV_fbo_color_attachments GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_OES_viewport_array GL_ANGLE_pack_reverse_row_order GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3 GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5 GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean GL_EXT_robustness GL_EXT_texture_rg GL_EXT_unpack_subimage GL_NV_draw_buffers GL_NV_read_buffer GL_NV_read_depth GL_NV_read_depth_stencil GL_NV_read_stencil GL_APPLE_sync GL_EXT_draw_buffers GL_EXT_instanced_arrays GL_EXT_map_buffer_range GL_KHR_debug GL_KHR_robustness GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_NV_generate_mipmap_sRGB GL_NV_pixel_buffer_object GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map GL_OES_required_internalformat GL_OES_surfaceless_context GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_debug_label GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch GL_EXT_shader_group_vote GL_EXT_shader_implicit_conversions GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix GL_EXT_tessellation_point_size GL_EXT_tessellation_shader GL_INTEL_conservative_rasterization GL_INTEL_performance_query GL_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a GL_EXT_base_instance GL_EXT_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_sub_texture GL_EXT_copy_image GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed GL_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_EXT_gpu_shader5 GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box GL_EXT_render_snorm GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_EXT_texture_buffer GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array GL_EXT_texture_norm16 GL_EXT_texture_view GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_KHR_context_flush_control GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_NV_image_formats GL_NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation GL_OES_copy_image GL_OES_draw_buffers_indexed GL_OES_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_OES_gpu_shader5 GL_OES_primitive_bounding_box GL_OES_sample_shading GL_OES_sample_variables GL_OES_shader_io_blocks GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation GL_OES_tessellation_point_size GL_OES_tessellation_shader GL_OES_texture_border_clamp GL_OES_texture_buffer GL_OES_texture_cube_map_array GL_OES_texture_stencil8 GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array GL_OES_texture_view GL_EXT_blend_func_extended GL_EXT_buffer_storage GL_EXT_float_blend GL_EXT_geometry_point_size GL_EXT_geometry_shader GL_EXT_shader_samples_identical GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 GL_KHR_no_error GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_sliced_3d GL_NV_fragment_shader_interlock GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 GL_OES_geometry_point_size GL_OES_geometry_shader GL_OES_shader_image_atomic GL_EXT_clear_texture GL_EXT_clip_cull_distance GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc_srgb GL_MESA_shader_integer_functions GL_EXT_clip_control GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_EXT_memory_object GL_EXT_memory_object_fd GL_EXT_semaphore GL_EXT_semaphore_fd GL_EXT_texture_compression_bptc GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile GL_NV_alpha_to_coverage_dither_control GL_EXT_EGL_image_storage GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent GL_EXT_texture_shadow_lod GL_INTEL_blackhole_render GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives GL_EXT_demote_to_helper_invocation GL_EXT_depth_clamp GL_EXT_texture_query_lod GL_MESA_sampler_objects GL_MESA_bgra GL_MESA_texture_const_bandwidth 
[LOG] Supported DMA-BUF formats:
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AB4H (0x48344241)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_CCS (0x100000000000004)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XB4H (0x48344258)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_CCS (0x100000000000004)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AB48 (0x38344241)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_CCS (0x100000000000004)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XB48 (0x38344258)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_CCS (0x100000000000004)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AR30 (0x30335241)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XR30 (0x30335258)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AB30 (0x30334241)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AR24 (0x34325241)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_CCS (0x100000000000004)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AB24 (0x34324241)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_CCS (0x100000000000004)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XR24 (0x34325258)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_CCS (0x100000000000004)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XB24 (0x34324258)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_CCS (0x100000000000004)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AR15 (0x35315241)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AR12 (0x32315241)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format RG16 (0x36314752)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format R8 (0x20203852)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format R16 (0x20363152)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format GR88 (0x38385247)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format GR32 (0x32335247)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_CCS (0x100000000000004)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YUV9 (0x39565559)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YU11 (0x31315559)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YU12 (0x32315559)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YU16 (0x36315559)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YU24 (0x34325559)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YVU9 (0x39555659)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YV11 (0x31315659)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YV12 (0x32315659)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YV16 (0x36315659)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YV24 (0x34325659)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format NV12 (0x3231564e)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format NV21 (0x3132564e)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format P010 (0x30313050)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format P012 (0x32313050)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format P016 (0x36313050)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format P030 (0x30333050)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format NV16 (0x3631564e)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AYUV (0x56555941)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XYUV (0x56555958)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y410 (0x30313459)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y412 (0x32313459)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y416 (0x36313459)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YUYV (0x56595559)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YVYU (0x55595659)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format UYVY (0x59565955)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format VYUY (0x59555956)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y210 (0x30313259)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y212 (0x32313259)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y216 (0x36313259)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: 47 formats found in total. Some modifiers may be omitted as they are external-only.
[LOG] Creating the ProtocolManager!
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [WLSeat]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [WLDataDevice]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [WLCompositor]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [WLSubcompositor]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [WLSHM]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [Viewporter]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [TearingControl]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [FractionalScale]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [XDGOutput]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [CursorShape]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [IdleInhibit]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [RelativePointer]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [XDGDecoration]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [AlphaModifier]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [GammaControl]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [ForeignToplevel]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [PointerGestures]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [ForeignToplevelWlr]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [ShortcutsInhibit]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [TextInputV1]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [TextInputV3]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [PointerConstraints]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [OutputPower]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [XDGActivation]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [IdleNotify]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [SessionLock]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [IMEv2]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [VirtualKeyboard]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [VirtualPointer]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [OutputManagement]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [ServerDecorationKDE]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [FocusGrab]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [TabletV2]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [LayerShell]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [Presentation]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [XDGShell]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [DataDeviceWlr]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [PrimarySelection]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [XWaylandShell]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [Screencopy]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [ToplevelExport]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [GlobalShortcuts]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [DRMLease]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [DRMSyncobj]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [MesaDRM]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [LinuxDMABUF]
[LOG] Creating the SeatManager!
[LOG] Creating the ThreadManager!
[LOG] Creating CHyprCtl
[LOG] Hypr socket started at /run/user/1000/hypr/c5feee1e357f3c3c59ebe406630601c627807963_1723843281_1077911193/.socket.sock
[LOG] Creating the InputManager!
[LOG] Creating the HyprRenderer!
[LOG] DRM driver information: i915 v1.6.0 from 20230929 description Intel Graphics
[LOG] Creating the XWaylandManager!
[LOG] Creating the SessionLockManager!
[LOG] Creating the HyprDebugOverlay!
[LOG] Creating the HyprNotificationOverlay!
[LOG] Creating the PluginSystem!
[LOG] Creating the DecorationPositioner!
[LOG] Creating the CursorManager!
[hc] CHyprcursorManager: attempting to find theme from env
[hc] themeNameFromEnv: env unset
[hc] CHyprcursorManager: attempting to find any theme
[hc] CHyprcursorManager: no themes matched
[ERR] Hyprcursor failed loading theme "", falling back to Xcursor.
[WARN] XCURSOR_SIZE size not set, defaulting to size 24
[LOG] XCursor scanning theme default
[LOG] XCursor parsing index.theme /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme
[LOG] XCursor theme default inherits Adwaita
[LOG] XCursor scanning theme Adwaita
[LOG] XCursor using theme path /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/cursors
[LOG] XCursor parsing index.theme /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/index.theme
[LOG] XCursor theme Adwaita inherits AdwaitaLegacy
[LOG] XCursor theme Adwaita inherits hicolor
[LOG] XCursor scanning theme hicolor
[LOG] XCursor parsing index.theme /usr/share/icons/hicolor/index.theme
[LOG] XCursor scanning theme AdwaitaLegacy
[LOG] XCursor parsing index.theme /usr/share/icons/AdwaitaLegacy/index.theme
[LOG] XCursor theme AdwaitaLegacy inherits hicolor
[LOG] XCursor scanning theme Adwaita
[LOG] XCursor using theme path /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/cursors
[LOG] XCursor parsing index.theme /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/index.theme
[LOG] XCursor theme Adwaita inherits AdwaitaLegacy
[LOG] XCursor theme Adwaita inherits hicolor
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape default loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape context-menu loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape help loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape pointer loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape progress loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape wait loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor failed to find a legacy shape with name plus, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape crosshair loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape text loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape vertical-text loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor failed to find a legacy shape with name dnd-link, skipping
[LOG] XCursor failed to find a legacy shape with name dnd-copy, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape move loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor failed to find a legacy shape with name dnd-none, skipping
[LOG] XCursor failed to find a legacy shape with name crossed_circle, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape grab loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape grabbing loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape e-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape n-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape ne-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape nw-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape s-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape se-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape sw-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape w-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape ew-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape ns-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape nesw-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape nwse-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape col-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape row-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape all-scroll loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape zoom-in loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape zoom-out loaded, skipping
[LOG] Starting XWayland
[LOG] Starting up the XWayland server
[LOG] XWayland found a suitable display socket at DISPLAY: :0
[LOG] New output with name eDP-1
[LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: newMonitor
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for eDP-1
[LOG] Setting preferred mode for eDP-1
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Allocating a buffer: size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080], format XR24, cursor: false, multigpu: false, scanout: true
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Dropping modifier 0x100000000000005 as it's not renderable
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Dropping modifier 0x100000000000003 as it's not renderable
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Using modifier-based allocation, modifiers: 5
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x0
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x100000000000004
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x100000000000002
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x100000000000001
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x0
[LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] and format XR24 with modifier 72057594037927940 aka Y_TILED_CCS
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Allocating a buffer: size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080], format XR24, cursor: false, multigpu: false, scanout: true
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Dropping modifier 0x100000000000005 as it's not renderable
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Dropping modifier 0x100000000000003 as it's not renderable
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Using modifier-based allocation, modifiers: 5
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x0
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x100000000000004
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x100000000000002
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x100000000000001
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x0
[LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] and format XR24 with modifier 72057594037927940 aka Y_TILED_CCS
[LOG] [AQ] Swapchain: Reconfigured a swapchain to [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] XR24 of length 2
[LOG] CMonitorState::ensureBufferPresent: no buffer, attaching one from the swapchain for modeset being possible
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Committed a buffer, updating state
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: CDRMFB: plane 0 has fd 67, got handle 1
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: CDRMFB: plane 1 has fd 68, got handle 1
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Using drmModeAddFB2WithModifiers to import buffer into KMS: Size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] with format XR24 and mod 72057594037927940
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: new buffer 100
[TRACE] [AQ] Connector blob id 142: clock 152840, 1920x1080, vrefresh 60, name: 1920x1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector blobs: mode_id 23, active 22, crtc_id 20, link_status 5, content_type 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector values: CRTC 53, mode 142
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 99 prop 20 with value 53
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 53 prop 23 with value 142
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 99 prop 5 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 99 prop 104 with value 8
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 53 prop 22 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 53 prop 24 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: prop blobs: src_x 9, src_y 10, src_w 11, src_h 12, crtc_w 15, crtc_h 16, fb_id 17, crtc_id 20, crtc_x 13, crtc_y 14
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 9 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 10 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 11 with value 125829120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 12 with value 70778880
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 15 with value 1920
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 16 with value 1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 17 with value 100
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 20 with value 53
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 48
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 14 with value 0
[LOG] output eDP-1 succeeded basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 0, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending false, frameEventScheduled false
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting eDP-1 with [email protected]
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Committed a buffer, updating state
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: CDRMFB: buffer has drmfb attachment with fb 563b56f5f770
[TRACE] [AQ] Connector blob id 143: clock 152840, 1920x1080, vrefresh 60, name: 1920x1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector blobs: mode_id 23, active 22, crtc_id 20, link_status 5, content_type 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector values: CRTC 53, mode 143
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 99 prop 20 with value 53
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 53 prop 23 with value 143
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 99 prop 5 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 99 prop 104 with value 8
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 53 prop 22 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 53 prop 24 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: prop blobs: src_x 9, src_y 10, src_w 11, src_h 12, crtc_w 15, crtc_h 16, fb_id 17, crtc_id 20, crtc_x 13, crtc_y 14
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 9 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 10 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 11 with value 125829120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 12 with value 70778880
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 15 with value 1920
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 16 with value 1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 17 with value 100
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 20 with value 53
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 48
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 14 with value 0
[LOG] Monitor eDP-1 -> destroyed all render data
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: 1 to arrange
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: eDP-1 auto [-1, -1]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: eDP-1 xwayland [0, 0]
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame false, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[LOG] Monitor eDP-1 data dump: res [email protected], scale 1.00, transform 0, pos 0x0, 10b 0
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] Output eDP-1 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 3, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Committed a buffer, updating state
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: CDRMFB: buffer has drmfb attachment with fb 563b56f5f770
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector blobs: mode_id 23, active 22, crtc_id 20, link_status 5, content_type 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector values: CRTC 53, mode 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 99 prop 20 with value 53
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 53 prop 22 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 53 prop 24 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: prop blobs: src_x 9, src_y 10, src_w 11, src_h 12, crtc_w 15, crtc_h 16, fb_id 17, crtc_id 20, crtc_x 13, crtc_y 14
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 9 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 10 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 11 with value 125829120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 12 with value 70778880
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 15 with value 1920
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 16 with value 1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 17 with value 100
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 20 with value 53
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 48
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 14 with value 0
[LOG] Added new monitor with name eDP-1 at [0, 0] with size [1920, 1080], pointer 563b564749d0
[LOG] New monitor: WORKSPACEID 1, exists: 0
[LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: createWorkspace
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame false, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] Output eDP-1 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [WLOutput (eDP-1)]
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 7, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 7, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[LOG] Process Created with pid 957
[LOG] Executing dunst
[LOG] Process Created with pid 960
[LOG] Executing /usr/lib/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1
[LOG] Process Created with pid 962
[LOG] Executing wl-paste -p -t text --watch clipman store -P --histpath="~/.local/share/clipman-primary.json"
[LOG] Process Created with pid 964
[LOG] Executing dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
[LOG] Process Created with pid 973
[LOG] Executing XDG_MENU_PREFIX=arch- kbuildsycoca6
[LOG] Process Created with pid 975
[LOG] Executing hyprpaper & hypridle
[LOG] Process Created with pid 977
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for eDP-1
[LOG] Setting preferred mode for eDP-1
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Committed a buffer, updating state
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: CDRMFB: buffer has drmfb attachment with fb 563b56f5f770
[TRACE] [AQ] Connector blob id 142: clock 152840, 1920x1080, vrefresh 60, name: 1920x1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector blobs: mode_id 23, active 22, crtc_id 20, link_status 5, content_type 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector values: CRTC 53, mode 142
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 99 prop 20 with value 53
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 53 prop 23 with value 142
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 99 prop 5 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 99 prop 104 with value 8
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 53 prop 22 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 53 prop 24 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: prop blobs: src_x 9, src_y 10, src_w 11, src_h 12, crtc_w 15, crtc_h 16, fb_id 17, crtc_id 20, crtc_x 13, crtc_y 14
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 9 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 10 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 11 with value 125829120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 12 with value 70778880
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 15 with value 1920
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 16 with value 1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 17 with value 100
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 20 with value 53
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 48
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 14 with value 0
[LOG] output eDP-1 succeeded basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 0, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting eDP-1 with [email protected]
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Cannot commit when a page-flip is awaiting
[ERR] Couldn't commit output named eDP-1
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: 1 to arrange
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: eDP-1 auto [0, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: eDP-1 xwayland [0, 0]
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[LOG] Monitor eDP-1 data dump: res [email protected], scale 1.00, transform 0, pos 0x0, 10b 0
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] Output eDP-1 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 3, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] Output eDP-1 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 3, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: render
[LOG] Monitor eDP-1 -> destroyed all render data
[LOG] Shaders initialized successfully.
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] Creating a texture for BGTex
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] Background created for monitor eDP-1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting eDP-1 with [email protected]
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Cannot commit when a page-flip is awaiting
[TRACE] Monitor state commit failed, retrying without a fence
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting eDP-1 with [email protected]
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Cannot commit when a page-flip is awaiting
[TRACE] Monitor state commit failed
[TRACE] Aquamarine did not return an explicit out fence
[TRACE] Explicit: 0 presented
[LOG] New output with name HDMI-A-2
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for HDMI-A-2
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Allocating a buffer: size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080], format XR24, cursor: false, multigpu: false, scanout: true
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Dropping modifier 0x100000000000005 as it's not renderable
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Dropping modifier 0x100000000000003 as it's not renderable
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Using modifier-based allocation, modifiers: 5
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x0
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x100000000000004
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x100000000000002
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x100000000000001
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x0
[LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] and format XR24 with modifier 72057594037927940 aka Y_TILED_CCS
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Allocating a buffer: size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080], format XR24, cursor: false, multigpu: false, scanout: true
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Dropping modifier 0x100000000000005 as it's not renderable
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Dropping modifier 0x100000000000003 as it's not renderable
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Using modifier-based allocation, modifiers: 5
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x0
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x100000000000004
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x100000000000002
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x100000000000001
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x0
[LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] and format XR24 with modifier 72057594037927940 aka Y_TILED_CCS
[LOG] [AQ] Swapchain: Reconfigured a swapchain to [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] XR24 of length 2
[LOG] CMonitorState::ensureBufferPresent: no buffer, attaching one from the swapchain for modeset being possible
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Committed a buffer, updating state
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: CDRMFB: plane 0 has fd 71, got handle 1
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: CDRMFB: plane 1 has fd 72, got handle 1
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Using drmModeAddFB2WithModifiers to import buffer into KMS: Size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] with format XR24 and mod 72057594037927940
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: new buffer 144
[TRACE] [AQ] Connector blob id 145: clock 297000, 1920x1080, vrefresh 120, name: 1920x1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector blobs: mode_id 23, active 22, crtc_id 20, link_status 5, content_type 120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector values: CRTC 75, mode 145
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 129 prop 20 with value 75
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 75 prop 23 with value 145
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 129 prop 5 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 129 prop 120 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 129 prop 131 with value 8
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 75 prop 22 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 75 prop 24 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: prop blobs: src_x 9, src_y 10, src_w 11, src_h 12, crtc_w 15, crtc_h 16, fb_id 17, crtc_id 20, crtc_x 13, crtc_y 14
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 9 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 10 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 11 with value 125829120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 12 with value 70778880
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 15 with value 1920
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 16 with value 1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 17 with value 144
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 20 with value 75
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 70
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 70 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 70 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 70 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 70 prop 14 with value 0
[LOG] Monitor HDMI-A-2: requested [email protected], found available mode: 1920x1080@120000mHz, applying.
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Committed a buffer, updating state
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: CDRMFB: buffer has drmfb attachment with fb 563b574aa6b0
[TRACE] [AQ] Connector blob id 146: clock 297000, 1920x1080, vrefresh 120, name: 1920x1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector blobs: mode_id 23, active 22, crtc_id 20, link_status 5, content_type 120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector values: CRTC 75, mode 146
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 129 prop 20 with value 75
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 75 prop 23 with value 146
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 129 prop 5 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 129 prop 120 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 129 prop 131 with value 8
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 75 prop 22 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 75 prop 24 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: prop blobs: src_x 9, src_y 10, src_w 11, src_h 12, crtc_w 15, crtc_h 16, fb_id 17, crtc_id 20, crtc_x 13, crtc_y 14
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 9 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 10 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 11 with value 125829120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 12 with value 70778880
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 15 with value 1920
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 16 with value 1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 17 with value 144
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 20 with value 75
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 70
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 70 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 70 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 70 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 70 prop 14 with value 0
[LOG] output HDMI-A-2 succeeded basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 0, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending false, frameEventScheduled false
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting HDMI-A-2 with [email protected]
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Committed a buffer, updating state
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: CDRMFB: buffer has drmfb attachment with fb 563b574aa6b0
[TRACE] [AQ] Connector blob id 145: clock 297000, 1920x1080, vrefresh 120, name: 1920x1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector blobs: mode_id 23, active 22, crtc_id 20, link_status 5, content_type 120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector values: CRTC 75, mode 145
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 129 prop 20 with value 75
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 75 prop 23 with value 145
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 129 prop 5 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 129 prop 120 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 129 prop 131 with value 8
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 75 prop 22 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 75 prop 24 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: prop blobs: src_x 9, src_y 10, src_w 11, src_h 12, crtc_w 15, crtc_h 16, fb_id 17, crtc_id 20, crtc_x 13, crtc_y 14
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 9 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 10 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 11 with value 125829120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 12 with value 70778880
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 15 with value 1920
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 16 with value 1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 17 with value 144
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 20 with value 75
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 70
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 70 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 70 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 70 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 70 prop 14 with value 0
[LOG] Monitor HDMI-A-2 -> destroyed all render data
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: 2 to arrange
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: HDMI-A-2 explicit [1920, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: eDP-1 auto [0, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: eDP-1 xwayland [0, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: HDMI-A-2 xwayland [1920, 0]
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame false, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[LOG] Monitor HDMI-A-2 data dump: res [email protected], scale 1.00, transform 0, pos 1920x0, 10b 0
[TRACE] Output eDP-1 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] Output HDMI-A-2 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 3, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 3, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Committed a buffer, updating state
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: CDRMFB: buffer has drmfb attachment with fb 563b574aa6b0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector blobs: mode_id 23, active 22, crtc_id 20, link_status 5, content_type 120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector values: CRTC 75, mode 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 129 prop 20 with value 75
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 129 prop 120 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 75 prop 22 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 75 prop 24 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: prop blobs: src_x 9, src_y 10, src_w 11, src_h 12, crtc_w 15, crtc_h 16, fb_id 17, crtc_id 20, crtc_x 13, crtc_y 14
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 9 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 10 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 11 with value 125829120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 12 with value 70778880
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 15 with value 1920
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 16 with value 1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 17 with value 144
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 20 with value 75
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 54 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 70
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 70 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 70 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 70 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 70 prop 14 with value 0
[LOG] Added new monitor with name HDMI-A-2 at [1920, 0] with size [1920, 1080], pointer 563b56466a90
[LOG] New monitor: WORKSPACEID 2, exists: 0
[TRACE] Output eDP-1 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] Output HDMI-A-2 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame false, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [WLOutput (HDMI-A-2)]
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 7, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 7, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for eDP-1
[LOG] Setting preferred mode for eDP-1
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Committed a buffer, updating state
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: CDRMFB: buffer has drmfb attachment with fb 563b56f5f770
[TRACE] [AQ] Connector blob id 146: clock 152840, 1920x1080, vrefresh 60, name: 1920x1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector blobs: mode_id 23, active 22, crtc_id 20, link_status 5, content_type 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector values: CRTC 53, mode 146
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 99 prop 20 with value 53
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 53 prop 23 with value 146
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 99 prop 5 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 99 prop 104 with value 8
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 53 prop 22 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 53 prop 24 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: prop blobs: src_x 9, src_y 10, src_w 11, src_h 12, crtc_w 15, crtc_h 16, fb_id 17, crtc_id 20, crtc_x 13, crtc_y 14
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 9 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 10 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 11 with value 125829120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 12 with value 70778880
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 15 with value 1920
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 16 with value 1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 17 with value 100
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 20 with value 53
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 48
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 14 with value 0
[LOG] output eDP-1 succeeded basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 0, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting eDP-1 with [email protected]
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Cannot commit when a page-flip is awaiting
[ERR] Couldn't commit output named eDP-1
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: 2 to arrange
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: HDMI-A-2 explicit [1920, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: eDP-1 auto [3840, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: eDP-1 xwayland [0, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: HDMI-A-2 xwayland [1920, 0]
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[LOG] Monitor eDP-1 data dump: res [email protected], scale 1.00, transform 0, pos 3840x0, 10b 0
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] Output eDP-1 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] Output HDMI-A-2 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 3, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 3, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for HDMI-A-2
[LOG] Not applying a new rule to HDMI-A-2 because it's already applied!
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] Output eDP-1 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] Output HDMI-A-2 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 3, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 3, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[LOG] Monitor HDMI-A-2 -> destroyed all render data
[LOG] Shaders initialized successfully.
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] Creating a texture for BGTex
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] Background created for monitor HDMI-A-2
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Cannot commit when a page-flip is awaiting
[TRACE] Monitor state commit failed, retrying without a fence
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Cannot commit when a page-flip is awaiting
[TRACE] Monitor state commit failed
[TRACE] Aquamarine did not return an explicit out fence
[TRACE] Explicit: 0 presented
[LOG] New output with name DP-5
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for DP-5
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Allocating a buffer: size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080], format XR24, cursor: false, multigpu: false, scanout: true
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Dropping modifier 0x100000000000005 as it's not renderable
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Dropping modifier 0x100000000000003 as it's not renderable
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Using modifier-based allocation, modifiers: 5
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x0
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x100000000000004
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x100000000000002
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x100000000000001
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x0
[LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] and format XR24 with modifier 72057594037927940 aka Y_TILED_CCS
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Allocating a buffer: size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080], format XR24, cursor: false, multigpu: false, scanout: true
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Dropping modifier 0x100000000000005 as it's not renderable
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Dropping modifier 0x100000000000003 as it's not renderable
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: Using modifier-based allocation, modifiers: 5
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x0
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x100000000000004
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x100000000000002
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x100000000000001
[TRACE] [AQ] GBM: | mod 0x0
[LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] and format XR24 with modifier 72057594037927940 aka Y_TILED_CCS
[LOG] [AQ] Swapchain: Reconfigured a swapchain to [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] XR24 of length 2
[LOG] CMonitorState::ensureBufferPresent: no buffer, attaching one from the swapchain for modeset being possible
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Committed a buffer, updating state
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: CDRMFB: plane 0 has fd 75, got handle 1
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: CDRMFB: plane 1 has fd 76, got handle 1
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Using drmModeAddFB2WithModifiers to import buffer into KMS: Size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] with format XR24 and mod 72057594037927940
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: new buffer 142
[TRACE] [AQ] Connector blob id 147: clock 148500, 1920x1080, vrefresh 60, name: 1920x1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector blobs: mode_id 23, active 22, crtc_id 20, link_status 5, content_type 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector values: CRTC 97, mode 147
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 20 with value 97
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 23 with value 147
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 5 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 113 with value 8
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 22 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 24 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: prop blobs: src_x 9, src_y 10, src_w 11, src_h 12, crtc_w 15, crtc_h 16, fb_id 17, crtc_id 20, crtc_x 13, crtc_y 14
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 9 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 10 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 11 with value 125829120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 12 with value 70778880
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 15 with value 1920
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 16 with value 1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 17 with value 142
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 20 with value 97
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 92
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 14 with value 0
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[LOG] Monitor DP-5: REJECTED available mode: [email protected]!
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Committed a buffer, updating state
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: CDRMFB: buffer has drmfb attachment with fb 563b574bb0f0
[TRACE] [AQ] Connector blob id 147: clock 148500, 1920x1080, vrefresh 60, name: 1920x1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector blobs: mode_id 23, active 22, crtc_id 20, link_status 5, content_type 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector values: CRTC 97, mode 147
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 20 with value 97
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 23 with value 147
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 5 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 113 with value 8
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 22 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 24 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: prop blobs: src_x 9, src_y 10, src_w 11, src_h 12, crtc_w 15, crtc_h 16, fb_id 17, crtc_id 20, crtc_x 13, crtc_y 14
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 9 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 10 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 11 with value 125829120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 12 with value 70778880
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 15 with value 1920
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 16 with value 1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 17 with value 142
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 20 with value 97
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 92
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 14 with value 0
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[LOG] Monitor DP-5: REJECTED available mode: [email protected]!
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Committed a buffer, updating state
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: CDRMFB: buffer has drmfb attachment with fb 563b574bb0f0
[TRACE] [AQ] Connector blob id 147: clock 148352, 1920x1080, vrefresh 60, name: 1920x1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector blobs: mode_id 23, active 22, crtc_id 20, link_status 5, content_type 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector values: CRTC 97, mode 147
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 20 with value 97
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 23 with value 147
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 5 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 113 with value 8
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 22 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 24 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: prop blobs: src_x 9, src_y 10, src_w 11, src_h 12, crtc_w 15, crtc_h 16, fb_id 17, crtc_id 20, crtc_x 13, crtc_y 14
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 9 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 10 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 11 with value 125829120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 12 with value 70778880
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 15 with value 1920
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 16 with value 1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 17 with value 142
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 20 with value 97
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 92
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 14 with value 0
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[LOG] Monitor DP-5: REJECTED available mode: [email protected]!
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Committed a buffer, updating state
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: CDRMFB: buffer has drmfb attachment with fb 563b574bb0f0
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: calculateMode: modeline dump: 173000 1920 2048 2248 2576 1080 1083 1088 1120 60 6
[TRACE] [AQ] Connector blob id 147: clock 173000, 1920x1080, vrefresh 60, name: 1920x1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector blobs: mode_id 23, active 22, crtc_id 20, link_status 5, content_type 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector values: CRTC 97, mode 147
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 20 with value 97
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 23 with value 147
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 5 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 113 with value 8
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 22 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 24 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: prop blobs: src_x 9, src_y 10, src_w 11, src_h 12, crtc_w 15, crtc_h 16, fb_id 17, crtc_id 20, crtc_x 13, crtc_y 14
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 9 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 10 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 11 with value 125829120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 12 with value 70778880
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 15 with value 1920
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 16 with value 1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 17 with value 142
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 20 with value 97
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 92
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 14 with value 0
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[ERR] Custom resolution FAILED, falling back to preferred
[ERR] Monitor 2 has NO PREFERRED MODE, and an INVALID one was requested: [email protected]
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting DP-5 with [email protected]
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Committed a buffer, updating state
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: CDRMFB: buffer has drmfb attachment with fb 563b574bb0f0
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: calculateMode: modeline dump: 173000 1920 2048 2248 2576 1080 1083 1088 1120 60 6
[TRACE] [AQ] Connector blob id 147: clock 173000, 1920x1080, vrefresh 60, name: 1920x1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector blobs: mode_id 23, active 22, crtc_id 20, link_status 5, content_type 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector values: CRTC 97, mode 147
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 20 with value 97
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 23 with value 147
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 5 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 113 with value 8
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 22 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 24 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: prop blobs: src_x 9, src_y 10, src_w 11, src_h 12, crtc_w 15, crtc_h 16, fb_id 17, crtc_id 20, crtc_x 13, crtc_y 14
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 9 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 10 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 11 with value 125829120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 12 with value 70778880
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 15 with value 1920
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 16 with value 1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 17 with value 142
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 20 with value 97
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 92
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 14 with value 0
[ERR] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET PAGE_FLIP_EVENT 
[WARN] state.commit() failed in CMonitor::onCommit
[LOG] Added new monitor with name DP-5 at [-1, -1] with size [0, 0], pointer 563b564657f0
[LOG] New monitor: WORKSPACEID 3, exists: 0
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] Output eDP-1 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] Output HDMI-A-2 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] Output DP-5 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [WLOutput (DP-5)]
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 7, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending false, frameEventScheduled false
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 7, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending false, frameEventScheduled true
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for eDP-1
[LOG] Setting preferred mode for eDP-1
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Committed a buffer, updating state
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: CDRMFB: buffer has drmfb attachment with fb 563b56f5f770
[TRACE] [AQ] Connector blob id 147: clock 152840, 1920x1080, vrefresh 60, name: 1920x1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector blobs: mode_id 23, active 22, crtc_id 20, link_status 5, content_type 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector values: CRTC 53, mode 147
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 99 prop 20 with value 53
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 53 prop 23 with value 147
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 99 prop 5 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 99 prop 104 with value 8
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 53 prop 22 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 53 prop 24 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: prop blobs: src_x 9, src_y 10, src_w 11, src_h 12, crtc_w 15, crtc_h 16, fb_id 17, crtc_id 20, crtc_x 13, crtc_y 14
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 9 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 10 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 11 with value 125829120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 12 with value 70778880
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 15 with value 1920
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 16 with value 1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 17 with value 100
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 20 with value 53
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 32 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 48
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 48 prop 14 with value 0
[LOG] output eDP-1 succeeded basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 0, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting eDP-1 with [email protected]
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Cannot commit when a page-flip is awaiting
[ERR] Couldn't commit output named eDP-1
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: 3 to arrange
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: HDMI-A-2 explicit [1920, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-5 explicit [0, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: eDP-1 auto [3840, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: eDP-1 xwayland [0, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: HDMI-A-2 xwayland [1920, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: DP-5 xwayland [3840, 0]
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[LOG] Monitor eDP-1 data dump: res [email protected], scale 1.00, transform 0, pos 3840x0, 10b 0
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] Output eDP-1 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] Output HDMI-A-2 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] Output DP-5 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 3, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 3, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 3, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending false, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for HDMI-A-2
[LOG] Not applying a new rule to HDMI-A-2 because it's already applied!
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for DP-5
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Committed a buffer, updating state
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: CDRMFB: buffer has drmfb attachment with fb 563b574bb0f0
[TRACE] [AQ] Connector blob id 146: clock 148500, 1920x1080, vrefresh 60, name: 1920x1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector blobs: mode_id 23, active 22, crtc_id 20, link_status 5, content_type 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector values: CRTC 97, mode 146
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 20 with value 97
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 23 with value 146
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 5 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 113 with value 8
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 22 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 24 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: prop blobs: src_x 9, src_y 10, src_w 11, src_h 12, crtc_w 15, crtc_h 16, fb_id 17, crtc_id 20, crtc_x 13, crtc_y 14
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 9 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 10 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 11 with value 125829120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 12 with value 70778880
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 15 with value 1920
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 16 with value 1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 17 with value 142
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 20 with value 97
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 92
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 14 with value 0
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[LOG] Monitor DP-5: REJECTED available mode: [email protected]!
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Committed a buffer, updating state
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: CDRMFB: buffer has drmfb attachment with fb 563b574bb0f0
[TRACE] [AQ] Connector blob id 146: clock 148500, 1920x1080, vrefresh 60, name: 1920x1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector blobs: mode_id 23, active 22, crtc_id 20, link_status 5, content_type 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector values: CRTC 97, mode 146
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 20 with value 97
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 23 with value 146
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 5 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 113 with value 8
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 22 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 24 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: prop blobs: src_x 9, src_y 10, src_w 11, src_h 12, crtc_w 15, crtc_h 16, fb_id 17, crtc_id 20, crtc_x 13, crtc_y 14
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 9 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 10 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 11 with value 125829120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 12 with value 70778880
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 15 with value 1920
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 16 with value 1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 17 with value 142
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 20 with value 97
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 92
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 14 with value 0
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[LOG] Monitor DP-5: REJECTED available mode: [email protected]!
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Committed a buffer, updating state
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: CDRMFB: buffer has drmfb attachment with fb 563b574bb0f0
[TRACE] [AQ] Connector blob id 146: clock 148352, 1920x1080, vrefresh 60, name: 1920x1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector blobs: mode_id 23, active 22, crtc_id 20, link_status 5, content_type 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector values: CRTC 97, mode 146
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 20 with value 97
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 23 with value 146
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 5 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 113 with value 8
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 22 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 24 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: prop blobs: src_x 9, src_y 10, src_w 11, src_h 12, crtc_w 15, crtc_h 16, fb_id 17, crtc_id 20, crtc_x 13, crtc_y 14
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 9 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 10 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 11 with value 125829120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 12 with value 70778880
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 15 with value 1920
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 16 with value 1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 17 with value 142
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 20 with value 97
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 92
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 14 with value 0
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[LOG] Monitor DP-5: REJECTED available mode: [email protected]!
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: Committed a buffer, updating state
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: CDRMFB: buffer has drmfb attachment with fb 563b574bb0f0
[TRACE] [AQ] drm: calculateMode: modeline dump: 173000 1920 2048 2248 2576 1080 1083 1088 1120 60 6
[TRACE] [AQ] Connector blob id 146: clock 173000, 1920x1080, vrefresh 60, name: 1920x1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector blobs: mode_id 23, active 22, crtc_id 20, link_status 5, content_type 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic addConnector values: CRTC 97, mode 146
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 20 with value 97
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 23 with value 146
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 5 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 139 prop 113 with value 8
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 22 with value 1
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 97 prop 24 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: prop blobs: src_x 9, src_y 10, src_w 11, src_h 12, crtc_w 15, crtc_h 16, fb_id 17, crtc_id 20, crtc_x 13, crtc_y 14
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 9 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 10 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 11 with value 125829120
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 12 with value 70778880
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 15 with value 1920
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 16 with value 1080
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 17 with value 142
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 20 with value 97
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 76 prop 14 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic planeProps: disabling plane 92
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 17 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 20 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 13 with value 0
[TRACE] [AQ] atomic drm request: adding id 92 prop 14 with value 0
[LOG] [AQ] atomic drm request: failed to commit: Invalid argument, flags: ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 
[ERR] Custom resolution FAILED, falling back to preferred
[ERR] Monitor 2 has NO PREFERRED MODE, and an INVALID one was requested: [email protected]
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] Output eDP-1 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] Output HDMI-A-2 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] Output DP-5 rejected hardware cursors, falling back to sw
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 6, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 3, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 3, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending true, frameEventScheduled true
[TRACE] [AQ] CDRMOutput::scheduleFrame: reason 3, needsFrame true, isPageFlipPending false, frameEventScheduled true
[LOG] Shaders initialized successfully.

Attempted to draw NULL texture!

at: line 1546 in OpenGL.cpp

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ikalco commented Aug 17, 2024

sorry for asking for so many logs but this should be the last one

can you do this to get kernel drm logs

echo 0x19F | sudo tee /sys/module/drm/parameters/debug # Enable verbose DRM logging
sudo dmesg -C # Clear kernel logs
dmesg -w >dmesg.log & # Continuously write DRM logs to a file, in the background
fg # Kill dmesg -w with Ctrl+C
echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/module/drm/parameters/debug # Disable DRM logging

you just need to run this, plug in 3rd monitor, then exit Hyprland, finally ctrl+c
then give dmesg.log (btw it might be really big but thats fine)

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@ikalco Is this it? I used hyprland-git/aquamarine-git, so plugging in the 3rd monitor still just crashes Hyprland right away.

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dr0bz commented Aug 21, 2024

@ramonpzg downgrading works! But now the plugins are not working. Updating fails.

P.S.: sorry for offtopic

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and it still happends with the monitor fixes in aq-git hl-git from yesterday?

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yyyyyyyan commented Aug 21, 2024

@gulafaran Not crashing anymore if I start Hyprland with the monitor connected, but get no signal on the monitor, it just stays black. Probably the same as #7321. If I start Hyprland with the monitor disconnected and then connect it, Hyprland crashes.

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@ikalco @vaxerski Should we close this issue as the crash is resolved? Is there any way to confirm that the blank screen is the same as #7321?

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no clue, but there are 10 "blank screen" issues open and I think thats enough

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