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User guide

Alexander Dubrawski edited this page Aug 31, 2020 · 5 revisions

User guide

The following user guide describes how to use the Hyrise Cockpit.
Die folgende Anleitung beschreibt wichtige Prozesse in der Bedienung des Hyrise-Cockpits.




Workload settings

Settings of the monitoring entities

Add a database

  • Press the field to display the database list: Feld für Datenbanken
  • Press the button to add a database: Datenbank hinzufügen
  • Enter the data. The database id is used directly by the host. You can still manually change it to your preference. How exactly the host must be specified is determined by the network configuration. For example, if a Hyrise instance is running on the machine on port 1234, you would need to add in the host field and 1234 in the port field. If you added the host and port you can also select the number of workers. A worker is a process that sends the queries from a workload to the hyrise. More workers mean more pressure on the hyrise. But be aware that workers cost system resources and sometimes just a few workers are enough. After you selected the number of workers click on the 'Save' button: Datenbank Dialog

Delete a database

  • Press the field to display the database list: Feld für Datenbanken
  • Click the delete symbol: Datenbank Ansicht
  • Click the 'Remove' button: Remove Dialog

Send an SQL query

  • Press the field to display the database list: Feld für Datenbanken
  • Click the Sql-Button: Datenbank Ansicht
  • Enter the SQL query and click "send query" to send it to the database: SQl-Dialog
  • After the SQL query is processed you can see the results of it: SQL-Ergebnis

Activate and deactivate plugins

  • Press the field to display the plugin overview: Feld für Pluginübersicht
  • Activate or deactivate the desired plugin by pressing the switch (The plugin window can be moved freely): Plugin Dialog

Chanage settings of a plugin](#change-settings-of-a-plugin

  • Press the field to display the plugin overview: Feld für Pluginübersicht
  • By pressing the gearwheel when the plugin is activated, all possible settings are displayed: Plugin Ansicht
  • You can change the plugin settings and click 'Save'. Moreover, you can get an explanation for all the settings by hovering over the 'question mark': Plugin Einstellungen Ansicht

Get the plugin-Logs inside of the plugins overview

  • Press the field to display the plugin overview: Feld für Pluginübersicht
  • By pressing on 'plugin log messages' the display can be expanded: Plugin Dialog
  • The text field of the logs updates itself and can be scrolled: Plugin Log Nachrichten

Get the plugin-Logs inside of the diagrams

  • Log messages are drawn as gray bars in the line graphs at the time they occur: Diagramm
  • If you click on these lines you get the log message displayed. (You can move these log messages freely and can close them by pressing 'x'): Plugin Popup

Loading and unloading of data into the database

  • Click the field for the workload settings: Feld für Workloadeinstellungen
  • Select in the workload setting the data you want to load. The data consists of the binary tables for the selected workload/benchmark: Daten laden

Start a workload

  • Click the field for the workload settings: Feld für Workloadeinstellungen
  • First you need to load the data (binary tables) for the workload you want to run. If you want to run a mix of workloads (for example TPC-H and TPC-DS) you need to load for every workload the data. Otherwise, no binary tables are loaded and a start is not possible: Daten laden
  • Select the workload (or workloads) and define the number of requests per second that should be sent to every database. For that, you can enter a number or change the slider. Subsequently, click on 'Play': Workload Dialog
  • If a workload is running the 'Play'-Button is green: Workload läuft Dialog

End a workload

  • Click the field for the workload settings: Feld für Workloadeinstellungen
  • If the 'Play'-Button is green (so a workload is running) you can press stop (Delete al queries in the waiting queue): Workload läuft Dialog

Change a running workload

  • Click the field for the workload settings: Feld für Workloadeinstellungen
  • The SQL-Queries which are sent to the database per second can be changed by using the slider or text input. : Workload läuft Dialog
  • When the workload is activated, the detailed settings can be called up by switching tabs: Workload tabs
  • In the detailed settings, a weight can be set for each request in the workload using the slider or text input: Workload Detaileinstellungen Be aware, if you started your workload with a high frequency it is possible that the queue with all the queries that the worker uses to send the request to the database is very large. The new distribution of the queries defined by the new workload setting will take action until all queries from the time before the change of the settings are processed by the worker. All queries a process in LIFO. If you want to let the new distribution take immediate effect you need to restart the workload.

Edit the displayed metrics

  • Depending on which monitoring page (Overview, Comparison, and Workload Analysis) is currently open, it can be edited by pressing the gear: Monitoringseiten
  • For the respective page, the metrics can be selected and deselected by pressing the 'eye': Workload Metriken

Edit the displayed databases

  • Depending on which monitoring page (Overview, Comparison, and Workload Analysis) is currently open, it can be edited by pressing the gear: Monitoringseiten
  • For the respective page, the databases can be selected and deselected by pressing the 'eye': Workload Metriken

Setting the continuous-time and update intervals

  • Depending on which monitoring page (Overview, Comparison, and Workload Analysis) is currently open, it can be edited by pressing the gear: Monitoringseiten
  • Select the 'Time Range' tab: Zeit Reiter
  • The observed period can be set to the desired value using the 'Observed Time Range' dropdown: image *The update interval can be set through the 'Aggregation Interval' dropdow (the possible intervals differ depending on the observed period): Aktualisierungsintervall
  • If a static query is currently being carried out, then 'SET CONTINUOUS TIME RANGE' must be pressed (otherwise, the update happens automatically): image
  • The green point behind 'Continuous Range' shows whether a continuous query of the database data is currently taking place ( Continuous means that the data is updated at regular intervals): laufende kontinuierliche Abfrage

Setting static time periods

  • Depending on which monitoring page (Overview, Comparison, and Workload Analysis) is currently open, it can be edited by pressing the gear: Monitoringseiten
  • Select the 'Time Range' tab: Zeit Reiter
  • Switch to the page for editing static periods below: satischer Reiter
  • Specify start and end date and time (these must be in the past): Zeit auswählen
  • Specify the interval for aggregating the points: statisches Aktualisierungsintervall
  • click 'SET STATIC TIME RANGE': statisches Intervall senden
  • The green point behind 'Static Range' shows that static diagrams are currently being displayed (static diagrams do not update automatically) laufende statische Abfrage
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