iPdfWriter is a lightweight implementation that allows modifying a pdf document totally or partially by replacing tags. Currently only works on Windows
The idea is to try to quickly and easily facilitate the task of filling in the 'typical' report file that the client wants to send by email with the data filled in from their erp, vertical application, custom development, etc... to which I am sure that you have faced each other at some point.
I hope it helps someone. 😏
- From nuget gallery
- From package manager console
PM> Install-Package iPdfWriter
Below is a list of extensions available to use with iPdfWriter.
Library | Version | Description |
![]() |
1.0.1 | Extends iPdfWriter to work in AspNet (FullFramework) projects, contains extension methods to download PdfInput instances as well as OutputResult, facilitating its use in this environment |
![]() |
1.0.1 | Extends iPdfWriter to work in AspNetCore projects, contains extension methods to download PdfInput instances as well as OutputResult, facilitating its use in this environment |
![]() |
1.0.1 | Extends iPdfWriter, contains extension methods to download PdfInput instances as well as OutputResult |
Basic steps, for more details please see sample01.cs file.
Load pdf file
var doc = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-01/file-sample.pdf" };
Define the styles to use
Text styles
private static readonly Dictionary<string, PdfTextStyle> TextStylesTable = new Dictionary<string, PdfTextStyle> { "ReportTitle", new PdfTextStyle { Font = { Name = "Arial", Size = 28.0f, Bold = YesNo.Yes, Italic = YesNo.Yes, Color = "Blue" }, Content = { Alignment = { Vertical = KnownVerticalAlignment.Center, Horizontal = KnownHorizontalAlignment.Center } } } };
Image styles
private static readonly Dictionary<string, PdfImageStyle> ImagesStylesTable = new Dictionary<string, PdfImageStyle> { { "Default", new PdfImageStyle { Content = { Alignment = { Horizontal = KnownHorizontalAlignment.Left }}} } };
Replace #TITLE# tag with another text
doc.Replace(new ReplaceText( new WithTextObject { Text = "#TITLE#", NewText = "Lorem ipsum", Style = TextStylesTable["ReportTitle"], ReplaceOptions = ReplaceTextOptions.AccordingToMargins }));
Replace #BAR-CHART# tag with an image
doc.Replace(new ReplaceText( new WithImageObject { Text = "#BAR-CHART#", UseTestMode = useTestMode, Offset = PointF.Empty, Style = StylesHelper.Sample01.ImagesStylesTable["Default"], ReplaceOptions = ReplaceTextOptions.Default, Image = PdfImage.FromFile("~Resources/Sample-01/Images/bar-chart.png") }));
Try to create pdf output result
sync mode
var result = doc.CreateResult(); if (!result.Success) { // Handle errors }
async mode
var result = await doc.CreateResultAsync(); if (!result.Success) { // Handle errors }
Save pdf file result
sync mode
var saveResult = result.Result.Action(new SaveToFile { OutputPath = "~/Output/Sample01/Sample-01" }); if (!saveResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
async mode
var saveResult = await result.Result.Action(new SaveToFileAsync { OutputPath = "~/Output/Sample01/Sample-01" }); if (!saveResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
Basic steps, for more details please see sample02.cs file.
Load pdf file
var doc = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-02/file-sample.pdf" };
Define HTML table with embbebed styles
private static string GenerateHtmlDatatable() { var result = new StringBuilder(); result.AppendLine("<table border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='6' style='width:100%'>"); result.AppendLine(" <tbody>"); result.AppendLine(" <tr style='font-size:10.5pt; font-family:Arial; color:#404040; text-align: left;'>"); result.AppendLine(" <td> </td>"); result.AppendLine(" <td>Lorem ipsum</td>"); result.AppendLine(" <td>Lorem ipsum</td>"); result.AppendLine(" <td>Lorem ipsum</td>"); result.AppendLine(" </tr>"); result.AppendLine(" <tr style='font-size:10.5pt; font-family:Arial; color:#404040; text-align: left;'>"); result.AppendLine(" <td>1</td>"); result.AppendLine(" <td>In eleifend velit vitae libero sollicitudin euismod.</td>"); result.AppendLine(" <td>Lorem</td>"); result.AppendLine(" <td> </td>"); result.AppendLine(" </tr>"); result.AppendLine(" <tr style='font-size:10.5pt; font-family:Arial; color:#404040; text-align: left;'>"); result.AppendLine(" <td>2</td>"); result.AppendLine(" <td>Cras fringilla ipsum magna, in fringilla dui commodo a.</td>"); result.AppendLine(" <td>Lorem</td>"); result.AppendLine(" <td> </td>"); result.AppendLine(" </tr>"); result.AppendLine(" <tr style='font-size:10.5pt; font-family:Arial; color:#404040; text-align: left;'>"); result.AppendLine(" <td>3</td>"); result.AppendLine(" <td>LAliquam erat volutpat.</td>"); result.AppendLine(" <td>Lorem</td>"); result.AppendLine(" <td> </td>"); result.AppendLine(" </tr>"); result.AppendLine(" <tr style='font-size:10.5pt; font-family:Arial; color:#404040; text-align: left;'>"); result.AppendLine(" <td>4</td>"); result.AppendLine(" <td>Fusce vitae vestibulum velit. </td>"); result.AppendLine(" <td>Lorem</td>"); result.AppendLine(" <td> </td>"); result.AppendLine(" </tr>"); result.AppendLine(" <tr style='font-size:10.5pt; font-family:Arial; color:#404040; text-align: left;'>"); result.AppendLine(" <td>5</td>"); result.AppendLine(" <td>Etiam vehicula luctus fermentum.</td>"); result.AppendLine(" <td>Ipsum</td>"); result.AppendLine(" <td> </td>"); result.AppendLine(" </tr>"); result.AppendLine(" </tbody>"); result.AppendLine("</table>"); return result.ToString(); }
Replace #DATA-TABLE# tag with a HTML table
doc.Replace(new ReplaceText( new WithTableObject { Text = "#DATA-TABLE#", Offset = PointF.Empty, Style = PdfTableStyle.Default, ReplaceOptions = ReplaceTextOptions.FromPositionToRightMargin, Table = PdfTable.CreateFromHtml(GenerateHtmlDatatable()) }));
Try to create pdf output result
var result = doc.CreateResult(); if (!result.Success) { // Handle errors }
Save pdf result to file
var saveResult = result.Result.Action(new SaveToFile { OutputPath = "~/Output/Sample02/Sample-02" }); if (!saveResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
Basic steps, for more details please see sample03.cs file.
Load pdf pages
Page 1
var page1 = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-03/file-sample-1.pdf" };
Page 2
var page2 = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-03/file-sample-2.pdf" };
Page 3
var page3 = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-03/file-sample-3.pdf" };
Page 4
var page4 = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-03/file-sample-4.pdf" };
Replace Tags
Replace the elements in the pages, for reasons of space I omit this step, We would do it as we have seen in examples 1 and 2.
Create a list of elements to merge
Note that you can set the order in which they will be merged.
var files = new PdfObject { Items = new List<PdfInput> { new PdfInput {Index = 0, Input = page1}, new PdfInput {Index = 1, Input = page2}, new PdfInput {Index = 2, Input = page3}, new PdfInput {Index = 3, Input = page4} } };
Try to merge into a pdf output result
sync mode
var mergeResult = files.TryMergeInputs(); if (!mergeResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
async mode
var mergeResult = await files.TryMergeInputsAsync(); if (!mergeResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
Save merged result to file
var saveResult = mergeResult.Result.Action(new SaveToFile { OutputPath = "~/Output/Sample03/Sample-03" }); if (!saveResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
On many occasions we must make repetitive replacements such as the header or footer, or any other text or image across the entire report.
For these cases we have global replacements.
Basic steps, for more details please see sample04.cs file.
Load pdf pages
Page 1
var page1 = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-04/file-sample-1.pdf" };
Page 2
var page2 = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-04/file-sample-2.pdf" };
Page 3
var page3 = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-04/file-sample-3.pdf" };
Page 4
var page4 = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-04/file-sample-4.pdf" };
Define the styles to use
private static readonly Dictionary<string, PdfTextStyle> TextStylesTable = new Dictionary<string, PdfTextStyle> { "Header", new PdfTextStyle { Font = { Name = "Verdana", Size = 8.0f, Bold = YesNo.Yes, Color = "Gray" }, Content = { Alignment = { Vertical = KnownVerticalAlignment.Center, Horizontal = KnownHorizontalAlignment.Left } } }, // Other tag styles here!! };
Replace Tags
Replace the elements in the pages, for reasons of space I omit this step, We would do it as we have seen in examples 1 and 2.
Create a special object GlobalReplacementsCollection
var globalReplacements = new GlobalReplacementsCollection { new WithTextObject { Text = "#HEADER-TEXT#", NewText = "Report Name - Lorem ipsum dolor", Style = TextStylesTable["Header"], ReplaceOptions = ReplaceTextOptions.FromLeftMarginToNextElement } };
Create a list of elements to merge
Note that you can set the order in which they will be merged.
var files = new PdfObject(new PdfObjectConfig { GlobalReplacements = globalReplacements }) { Items = new List<PdfInput> { new PdfInput {Index = 0, Input = page1}, new PdfInput {Index = 1, Input = page2}, new PdfInput {Index = 2, Input = page3}, new PdfInput {Index = 3, Input = page4} } };
Try to merge into a pdf output result
var mergeResult = files.TryMergeInputs(); if (!mergeResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
Save merged result to file
var saveResult = mergeResult.Result.Action(new SaveToFile { OutputPath = "~/Output/Sample04/Sample-04" }); if (!saveResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
Another repetitive task when we create or modify reports is the page numbers to try to speed up this, the SystemTags appear.
Currently we natively have the PageNumberSystemTag and TotalPagesSystemTag objects for this purpose.
Remember that you can create the ones you need, for this you have to implement the ISystemTag interface
Basic steps, for more details please see sample05.cs file.
Load pdf pages
Page 1
var page1 = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-05/file-sample-1.pdf" };
Page 2
var page2 = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-05/file-sample-2.pdf" };
Page 3
var page3 = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-05/file-sample-3.pdf" };
Page 4
var page4 = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-05/file-sample-4.pdf" };
Define the styles to use
private static readonly Dictionary<string, PdfTextStyle> TextStylesTable = new Dictionary<string, PdfTextStyle> { "Header", new PdfTextStyle { Font = { Name = "Verdana", Size = 8.0f, Bold = YesNo.Yes, Color = "Gray" }, Content = { Alignment = { Vertical = KnownVerticalAlignment.Center, Horizontal = KnownHorizontalAlignment.Left } } }, "PageNumber", new PdfTextStyle { Font = { Name = "Verdana", Size = 8.0f, Bold = YesNo.No, Color = "Gray" }, Content = { Alignment = { Vertical = KnownVerticalAlignment.Center, Horizontal = KnownHorizontalAlignment.Right } } }, // Other tag styles here!! };
Replace Tags
Replace the elements in the pages, for reasons of space I omit this step, We would do it as we have seen in examples 1 and 2.
Create a special object GlobalReplacementsCollection
var globalReplacements = new GlobalReplacementsCollection { new WithTextObject { Text = "#HEADER-TEXT#", NewText = "Report Name - Lorem ipsum dolor", Style = TextStylesTable["Header"], ReplaceOptions = ReplaceTextOptions.FromLeftMarginToNextElement } };
Create a special object SystemTagsCollection
var systemTags = new SystemTagsCollection { new PageNumberSystemTag { Offset = PointF.Empty, Style = TextStylesTable["PageNumber"], ReplaceOptions = ReplaceTextOptions.FromPositionToRightMargin } };
Create a list of elements to merge
Note that you can set the order in which they will be merged.
var files = new PdfObject(new PdfObjectConfig { Tags = systemTags, GlobalReplacements = globalReplacements }) { Items = new List<PdfInput> { new PdfInput {Index = 0, Input = page1}, new PdfInput {Index = 1, Input = page2}, new PdfInput {Index = 2, Input = page3}, new PdfInput {Index = 3, Input = page4} } };
Try to merge into a pdf output result
var mergeResult = files.TryMergeInputs(); if (!mergeResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
Save merged result to file
var saveResult = mergeResult.Result.Action(new SaveToFile { OutputPath = "~/Output/Sample05/Sample-05" }); if (!saveResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
The test mode represents a special mode for use at development time to see if the changes are adjusted correctly.
During the test mode, both in the case of text and table, it appears with a red outline, in the case of images, it is not drawn and the outline also appears in red.
To enable or disable test mode, the UseTestMode property is available on all repleceable elements.
Value | Description |
YesNo.Yes | Activates the test mode |
YesNo.No | Shows the applied change |
Basic steps, for more details please see sample06.cs file.
Load pdf pages
Page 1
var page1 = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-06/file-sample-1.pdf" };
Page 2
var page2 = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-06/file-sample-2.pdf" };
Page 3
var page3 = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-06/file-sample-3.pdf" };
Page 4
var page4 = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-06/file-sample-4.pdf" };
Define styles
Please see sample 1.
Replace Tags
Page 1
page1.Replace(new ReplaceText( new WithTextObject { Text = "#TITLE#", NewText = "Lorem ipsum", UseTestMode = YesNo.Yes, Style = TextStylesTable["ReportTitle"], ReplaceOptions = ReplaceTextOptions.AccordingToMargins }));
// Inserts bar-chart image page1.Replace(new ReplaceText( new WithImageObject { Text = "#BAR-CHART#", UseTestMode = useTestMode, Offset = PointF.Empty, Style = PdfImageStyle.Default, ReplaceOptions = ReplaceTextOptions.Default, Image = PdfImage.FromFile("~Resources/Sample-01/Images/bar-chart.png") }));
Page 2
page2.Replace(new ReplaceText( new WithTableObject { Text = "#DATA-TABLE#", UseTestMode = YesNo.Yes, Offset = PointF.Empty, Style = PdfTableStyle.Default, ReplaceOptions = ReplaceTextOptions.FromPositionToNextElement, Table = PdfTable.CreateFromHtml(GenerateHtmlDatatable(), config: new PdfTableConfig { HeightStrategy = TableHeightStrategy.Exact }) }));
Page 3 Nothing to do
Page 4
page4.Replace(new ReplaceText( new WithImageObject { Text = "#IMAGE1#", UseTestMode = useTestMode, Offset = PointF.Empty, Style = PdfImageStyle.Center, ReplaceOptions = ReplaceTextOptions.AccordingToMargins, Image = PdfImage.FromFile("~/Resources/Sample-01/Images/image-1.jpg") }));
Create a special object GlobalReplacementsCollection
var globalReplacements = new GlobalReplacementsCollection { new WithTextObject { Text = "#HEADER-TEXT#", UseTestMode = YesNo.Yes, NewText = "Report Name - Lorem ipsum dolor", Style = TextStylesTable["Header"], ReplaceOptions = ReplaceTextOptions.FromLeftMarginToNextElement } };
Create a special object SystemTagsCollection
var systemTags = new SystemTagsCollection { new PageNumberSystemTag { Offset = PointF.Empty, UseTestMode = YesNo.Yes, Style = TextStylesTable["PageNumber"], ReplaceOptions = ReplaceTextOptions.FromPositionToRightMargin } };
Create a list of elements to merge
Note that you can set the order in which they will be merged.
var files = new PdfObject(new PdfObjectConfig { Tags = systemTags, GlobalReplacements = globalReplacements }) { Items = new List<PdfInput> { new PdfInput {Index = 0, Input = page1}, new PdfInput {Index = 1, Input = page2}, new PdfInput {Index = 2, Input = page3}, new PdfInput {Index = 3, Input = page4} } };
Try to merge into a pdf output result
var mergeResult = files.TryMergeInputs(); if (!mergeResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
Save merged result to file
var saveResult = mergeResult.Result.Action(new SaveToFile { OutputPath = "~/Output/Sample06/Sample-06" }); if (!saveResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
Sometimes the result of a pdf is too heavy to be able to send it by email or to save it on disk, etc...
iPdfWriter provides the PdfOutputResultConfig class, where you can define the zip file name as well as a property indicating whether it is to be compressed.
If the file name is not specified, a random name will be automatically generated, the sample10.cs file show how it works and the following link sample10.zip shows the output.
Basic steps, for more details please see sample07.cs file.
Try to create pdf output result
var result = doc.CreateResult(new PdfOutputResultConfig { Filename = "Sample-07.pdf", Zipped = true }); if (!result.Success) { // Handle errors }
Save pdf file result
var saveResult = result.Result.Action(new SaveToFile { OutputPath = "~/Output/Sample07/Sample-07" }); if (!saveResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
You can see the result following the following link Sample07.zip.
iPdfWriter provides the PdfObjectConfig class, where you can indicate if the result of merging the different pdf files is going to be compressed (for more information, please see AllowCompression property), you can also indicate a threshold (for more information, please see CompressionThreshold property), that indicates from what size it is going to be compressed, for example, you can indicate that you want the result to be compressed if the result of the merge is greater than 2Mb Basic steps,
For more details please see sample08.cs file.
Create a list of elements to merge
Without CompressionThreshold
var files = new PdfObject(new PdfObjectConfig { Tags = systemTags, GlobalReplacements = globalReplacements, AllowCompression = true }) { Items = new List<PdfInput> { new PdfInput {Index = 0, Input = page1}, new PdfInput {Index = 1, Input = page2}, new PdfInput {Index = 2, Input = page3}, new PdfInput {Index = 3, Input = page4}, } };
With CompressionThreshold
var files = new PdfObject(new PdfObjectConfig { Tags = systemTags, GlobalReplacements = globalReplacements, AllowCompression = true, CompressionThreshold = 2 }) { Items = new List<PdfInput> { new PdfInput {Index = 0, Input = page1}, new PdfInput {Index = 1, Input = page2}, new PdfInput {Index = 2, Input = page3}, new PdfInput {Index = 3, Input = page4}, } };
Try to merge into a pdf output result
var mergeResult = files.TryMergeInputs(); if (!mergeResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
Save pdf file result
Without CompressionThreshold
var saveResult = mergeResult.Result.Action(new SaveToFile { OutputPath = "~/Output/Sample08/Sample-08" }); if (!saveResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
With CompressionThreshold
var saveResult = mergeResult.Result.Action(new SaveToFile { OutputPath = "~/Output/Sample09/Sample-09" }); if (!saveResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
You can see the result (Without CompressionThreshold) following the following link Sample08.zip or you can see the result (With CompressionThreshold) following the following link Sample10.zip.
Ok, it's nice to be able to use styles, but in the end if we need to modify the color, or the font, etc..., it would be good if it was static!!!
Well, iPdfWriter provides a mechanism to be able to serialize and deserialize any style, supported formats are XML and Json, you can decide this by using a parameter when saving the style.
By default it is saved in XML format.
For more details please see sample12.cs file.
Create styles
var imageStyle = new PdfImageStyle { Name = "ImageStyle", Borders = { new BaseBorder {Color = "Red", Show = YesNo.Yes, Position = KnownBorderPosition.Right}, new BaseBorder {Color = "Yellow", Show = YesNo.Yes, Position = KnownBorderPosition.Top} }, Content = { Color = "Blue", Alignment = { Horizontal = KnownHorizontalAlignment.Right }, Properties = new Properties { new Property {Name = "p001", Value = "v001"}, new Property {Name = "p002", Value = "v002"} } } };
var textStyle = new PdfTextStyle { Name = "NormalStyle", Font = { Bold = YesNo.Yes, Italic = YesNo.Yes, Color = "Yellow", Underline = YesNo.No }, Borders = { new BaseBorder {Color = "Red", Show = YesNo.Yes, Position = KnownBorderPosition.Right}, new BaseBorder {Color = "Yellow", Show = YesNo.Yes, Position = KnownBorderPosition.Top} }, Content = { Color = "Blue", Alignment = { Vertical = KnownVerticalAlignment.Top, Horizontal = KnownHorizontalAlignment.Right }, Properties = new Properties { new Property {Name = "p001", Value = "v001"}, new Property {Name = "p002", Value = "v002"} } } };
var tableStyle = new PdfTableStyle { Name = "NormalStyle", Alignment = { Vertical = KnownVerticalAlignment.Top }, Borders = { new BaseBorder {Color = "Red", Show = YesNo.Yes, Position = KnownBorderPosition.Right}, new BaseBorder {Color = "Yellow", Show = YesNo.Yes, Position = KnownBorderPosition.Top} }, Content = { Color = "Blue", Show = YesNo.Yes, Properties = new Properties { new Property {Name = "p001", Value = "v001"}, new Property {Name = "p002", Value = "v002"} } } };
Try to save styles
var imageStyleAsXmlResult = imageStyle.SaveToFile("~/Output/Sample12/ImageStyle"); if (!imageStyleAsXmlResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
var imageStyleAsJsonResult = imageStyle.SaveToFile("~/Output/Sample12/ImageStyle", KnownFileFormat.Json); if (!tableStyleAsJsonResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
var textStyleAsXmlResult = textStyle.SaveToFile("~/Output/Sample12/TextStyle"); if (!textStyleAsXmlResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
var textStyleAsJsonResult = textStyle.SaveToFile("~/Output/Sample12/TextStyle", KnownFileFormat.Json); if (!textStyleAsJsonResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
var tableStyleAsXmlResult = tableStyle.SaveToFile("~/Output/Sample12/TableStyle"); if (!tableStyleAsXmlResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
var tableStyleAsJsonResult = tableStyle.SaveToFile("~/Output/Sample12/TableStyle", KnownFileFormat.Json); if (!tableStyleAsJsonResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
As an example, the result of serializing an image style is shown. You can see all the results by following the following link Sample12.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PdfBaseStyle xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:q1="http://schemas.iTin.com/pdf/style/v1.0" xsi:type="q1:PdfImageStyle" Name="ImageStyle">
<q1:Borders Color="Red" Position="Right" Show="Yes" />
<q1:Borders Color="Yellow" Position="Top" Show="Yes" />
<q1:Content AlternateColor="Blue" Color="Blue">
<Properties xmlns="http://schemas.iTin.com/style/v1.0">
<Property Name="p001" Value="v001" />
<Property Name="p002" Value="v002" />
<q1:Alignment Horizontal="Right" />
</PdfBaseStyle> |
Json |
"$type": "iTin.Utilities.Pdf.Design.Styles.PdfImageStyle, iTin.Utilities.Pdf.Design",
"content": {
"$type": "iTin.Utilities.Pdf.Design.Styles.PdfImageContent, iTin.Utilities.Pdf.Design",
"alignment": {
"$type": "iTin.Utilities.Pdf.Design.Styles.PdfImageContentAlignment, iTin.Utilities.Pdf.Design",
"horizontal": "Right"
"alternate-color": "Blue",
"color": "Blue",
"properties": {
"$type": "iTin.Core.Models.Properties, iTin.Core.Models",
"$values": [
"$type": "iTin.Core.Models.Property, iTin.Core.Models",
"name": "p001",
"value": "v001"
"$type": "iTin.Core.Models.Property, iTin.Core.Models",
"name": "p002",
"value": "v002"
"name": "ImageStyle",
"inherits": null,
"borders": {
"$type": "iTin.Core.Models.Design.Styling.BordersCollection, iTin.Core.Models.Design.Styling",
"$values": [
"$type": "iTin.Core.Models.Design.Styling.BaseBorder, iTin.Core.Models.Design.Styling",
"color": "Red",
"position": "Right",
"show": "Yes"
"$type": "iTin.Core.Models.Design.Styling.BaseBorder, iTin.Core.Models.Design.Styling",
"color": "Yellow",
"position": "Top",
"show": "Yes"
} |
Deserialize styles
Below is how to deserialize an image style
var imageStyleFromXml = PdfImageStyle.LoadFromFile("~/Output/Sample12/ImageStyle.xml"); if (imageStyleFromXml == null) { // Handle errors }
var imageStyleFromJson = PdfImageStyle.LoadFromFile("~/Output/Sample12/ImageStyle.json", KnownFileFormat.Json); if (imageStyleFromJson == null) { // Handle errors }
Basic steps, for more details please see sample13.cs file.
Basic steps, for more details please see sample16.cs file.
Defines a Person model
public class Person { public string Name { get; set; } public string Surname { get; set; } }
Load pdf file
var doc = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-16/file-sample.pdf" };
Replace #DATA-TABLE# tag with an typed enumerable
doc.Replace(new ReplaceText( new WithTableObject { Text = "#DATA-TABLE#", UseTestMode = useTestMode, Offset = PointF.Empty, Style = PdfTableStyle.Default, ReplaceOptions = ReplaceTextOptions.FromPositionToRightMargin, Table = PdfTable.CreateFromEnumerable( data: new List<Person> { new Person {Name = "Name-01", Surname = "Surname-01"}, new Person {Name = "Name-02", Surname = "Surname-02"}, new Person {Name = "Name-03", Surname = "Surname-03"}, new Person {Name = "Name-04", Surname = "Surname-04"}, new Person {Name = "Name-05", Surname = "Surname-05"}, new Person {Name = "Name-06", Surname = "Surname-06"}, new Person {Name = "Name-07", Surname = "Surname-07"}, new Person {Name = "Name-08", Surname = "Surname-08"}, }, css: @" table { border-spacing: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; } tr { font-size: 9pt; font-family: Arial; color: #AC1198; text-align: left; overflow: hidden; } td { padding: 6px; }") }));
Try to create pdf output result
var result = doc.CreateResult(); if (!result.Success) { // Handle errors }
Save pdf result to file
var saveResult = result.Result.Action(new SaveToFile { OutputPath = "~/Output/Sample16/Sample-16" }); if (!saveResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
Basic steps, for more details please see sample18.cs file.
Defines a Person model
public class Person { public string Name { get; set; } public string Surname { get; set; } }
Load pdf file
var doc = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-18/file-sample.pdf" };
Replace #DATA-TABLE# tag with a DataTable object
doc.Replace(new ReplaceText( new WithTableObject { Text = "#DATA-TABLE#", UseTestMode = useTestMode, Offset = PointF.Empty, Style = PdfTableStyle.Default, ReplaceOptions = ReplaceTextOptions.FromPositionToRightMargin, Table = PdfTable.CreateFromDataTable( data: new List<Person> { new Person {Name = "Name-01", Surname = "Surname-01"}, new Person {Name = "Name-02", Surname = "Surname-02"}, new Person {Name = "Name-03", Surname = "Surname-03"}, new Person {Name = "Name-04", Surname = "Surname-04"}, new Person {Name = "Name-05", Surname = "Surname-05"}, new Person {Name = "Name-06", Surname = "Surname-06"}, new Person {Name = "Name-07", Surname = "Surname-07"}, new Person {Name = "Name-08", Surname = "Surname-08"}, } .ToDataTable<Person>("People"), css: @" table { border-spacing: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; } tr { font-size: 9pt; font-family: Arial; color: #AC1198; text-align: left; overflow: hidden; } td { padding: 6px; }") }));
Try to create pdf output result
var result = doc.CreateResult(); if (!result.Success) { // Handle errors }
Save pdf result to file
var saveResult = result.Result.Action(new SaveToFile { OutputPath = "~/Output/Sample18/Sample-18" }); if (!saveResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
Basic steps, for more details please see sample20.cs file.
Creates Style file
Remember you can use both XML and Json formats.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <PdfBaseStyle xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:q1="http://schemas.iTin.com/pdf/style/v1.0" xsi:type="q1:PdfTextStyle" Name="ReportTitle"> <q1:Font Name="Arial" Size="28" Color="Blue" Bold="Yes" Italic="Yes" /> <q1:Content AlternateColor="Transparent"> <q1:Alignment Horizontal="Center" /> </q1:Content> </PdfBaseStyle>
{ "$type": "iTin.Utilities.Pdf.Design.Styles.PdfImageStyle, iTin.Utilities.Pdf.Design", "content": { "$type": "iTin.Utilities.Pdf.Design.Styles.PdfImageContent, iTin.Utilities.Pdf.Design", "alignment": { "$type": "iTin.Utilities.Pdf.Design.Styles.PdfImageContentAlignment, iTin.Utilities.Pdf.Design", "horizontal": "Center" }, "alternate-color": "Transparent" }, "name": "Center", "inherits": null }
Load pdf file
var doc = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-18/file-sample.pdf" };
Replace #TITLE# tag with another text but using a style that is loaded from a file
doc.Replace(new ReplaceText( new WithTextObject { Text = "#TITLE#", NewText = "Lorem ipsum", UseTestMode = useTestMode, Offset = PointF.Empty, ReplaceOptions = ReplaceTextOptions.AccordingToMargins, Style = (PdfTextStyle) PdfTextStyle.LoadFromFile("~Resources/Sample-18/Styles/TextStyle.Xml", format: KnownFileFormat.Xml) }));
Replace #IMAGE1# tag with an image but using a style that is loaded from a file
doc.Replace(new ReplaceText( new WithImageObject { Text = "#IMAGE1#", UseTestMode = useTestMode, Offset = PointF.Empty, ReplaceOptions = ReplaceTextOptions.AccordingToMargins, Image = PdfImage.FromFile("~/Resources/Sample-18/Images/image-1.jpg"), Style = (PdfImageStyle) PdfImageStyle.LoadFromFile("~Resources/Sample-18/Styles/ImageStyle.Json", format: KnownFileFormat.Json) }));
Try to create pdf output result
var result = doc.CreateResult(); if (!result.Success) { // Handle errors }
Save pdf result to file
var saveResult = result.Result.Action(new SaveToFile { OutputPath = "~/Output/Sample18/Sample-18" }); if (!saveResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
The result is the same as in sample 1.
Basic steps, for more details please see sample21.cs file.
Define the styles to use. notice that now the dictionary is of type PdfBaseStyle.
private static readonly Dictionary<string, PdfBaseStyle> StylesTable = new() { { "ReportTitle", new PdfTextStyle { Font = { Name = "Pacifico", Size = 28.0f, Bold = YesNo.Yes, Italic = YesNo.Yes, Color = "Blue" }, Content = { Alignment = { Vertical = KnownVerticalAlignment.Center, Horizontal = KnownHorizontalAlignment.Center } } } }, { "Center", new PdfImageStyle { Content = { Alignment = { Horizontal = KnownHorizontalAlignment.Center } } } }, { "Default", new PdfImageStyle { Content = { Alignment = { Horizontal = KnownHorizontalAlignment.Left } } } } };
Register font from file
var registerResult = PdfFonts.RegisterFont("Pacifico", @"~Resources/Sample-21/Fonts/Pacifico/Pacifico.ttf"); if (!registerResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
Load pdf file
var doc = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-21/file-sample.pdf" };
Replace #TITLE# tag with another text but using a style that is loaded from a file
doc.Replace(new ReplaceText( new WithTextObject { Text = "#TITLE#", NewText = "Lorem ipsum", UseTestMode = useTestMode, Offset = PointF.Empty, Style = (PdfTextStyle) StylesTable["ReportTitle"], ReplaceOptions = ReplaceTextOptions.AccordingToMargins }));
Try to create pdf output result
var result = doc.CreateResult(); if (!result.Success) { // Handle errors }
Save pdf result to file
var saveResult = result.Result.Action(new SaveToFile { OutputPath = "~/Output/Sample21/Sample-21" }); if (!saveResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
Basic steps, for more details please see sample25.cs file.
Creates PdfInput from HTML code.
var doc = PdfInput.CreateFromHtml( html: @" <table border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='6' style='width:100%'> <tbody> <tr style='font-size:10.5pt; font-family:Arial; color:#404040; text-align: left;'> <td> </td> <td>Lorem ipsum</td> <td>Lorem ipsum</td> <td>Lorem ipsum</td> </tr> <tr style='font-size:10.5pt; font-family:Arial; color:#404040; text-align: left;'> <td>1</td> <td>In eleifend velit vitae libero sollicitudin euismod.</td> <td>Lorem</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr style='font-size:10.5pt; font-family:Arial; color:#404040; text-align: left;'> <td>2</td> <td>Cras fringilla ipsum magna, in fringilla dui commodo a.</td> <td>Lorem</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr style='font-size:10.5pt; font-family:Arial; color:#404040; text-align: left;'> <td>3</td> <td>LAliquam erat volutpat.</td> <td>Lorem</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr style='font-size:10.5pt; font-family:Arial; color:#404040; text-align: left;'> <td>4</td> <td>Fusce vitae vestibulum velit. </td> <td>Lorem</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr style='font-size:10.5pt; font-family:Arial; color:#404040; text-align: left;'> <td>5</td> <td>Etiam vehicula luctus fermentum.</td> <td>Ipsum</td> <td> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>");
Try to create pdf output result
var result = doc.CreateResult(); if (!result.Success) { // Handle errors }
Save pdf result to file
var saveResult = result.Result.Action(new SaveToFile { OutputPath = "~/Output/Sample25/Sample-25" }); if (!saveResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
Basic steps, for more details please see sample26.cs file.
Load pdf file
var doc = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-26/file-sample.pdf" };
Set metadata information
doc .Set(new SetCreator { Value = "iPdfWriter" }) .Set(new SetTitle { Value = "Hello from iPdfWriter" }) .Set(new SetSubject { Value = "Subject changed from iPdfWriter" }) .Set(new SetAuthor { Value = "iPdfWriter" }) .Set(new SetKeywords { Value = "Samples, iPdfWriter, pdf" });
Try to create pdf output result
var outputResult = doc.CreateResult(); if (!outputResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
Save pdf result to file
var saveResult = outputResult.Result.Action(new SaveToFile { OutputPath = "~/Output/Sample26/Sample-26" }); if (!saveResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
Basic steps, for more details please see sample27.cs file.
Load pdf file
var doc = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-27/file-sample.pdf" };
Replace, insert or set actions
// // Replace, insert or set actions here! //
Try to create pdf output result
var outputResult = doc.CreateResult(); if (!outputResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
Save result with password to file
var saveResult = outputResult.Result.Action(new SaveToFile { Password = "iPdfWriter", OutputPath = "~/Output/Sample27/Sample-27" }); if (!saveResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
Basic steps, for more details please see sample28.cs file.
Load pdf file
var doc = new PdfInput { AutoUpdateChanges = true, Input = "~/Resources/Sample-28/file-sample.pdf" };
Insert actions
doc.Insert(new InsertImage { Page = 1, UseTestMode = YesNo.No, Offset = new PointF(450.0f, 200.0f), Image = PdfImage.FromFile("~/Resources/Sample-28/Images/pirate.png") });
Try to create pdf output result
var outputResult = doc.CreateResult(); if (!outputResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
Save result to file
var saveResult = outputResult.Result.Action(new SaveToFile { OutputPath = "~/Output/Sample28/Sample-28" }); if (!saveResult.Success) { // Handle errors }
- For Writer code documentation, please see next link documentation.
If you have found iPdfWriter useful at work or in a personal project, I would love to hear about it. If you have decided not to use iPdfWriter, please send me and email stating why this is so. I will use this feedback to improve iPdfWriter in future releases.
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