A pixel-style game that uses handwriting recognition to eliminate falling animals for points.
This game was created by me when I first graduated from college.
It's a small 2D pixel-style game developed using the cocos2d-x engine.
The handwriting recognition algorithm used was $1 Unistroke Recognizer from the University of Washington. -
手写识别使用的是华盛顿大学的 $1 Unistroke Recognizer 算法。 -
It was previously available on the AppStore but has since been taken down due to lack of updates.
The code is not extensive, and a lot of time was spent on art. I used to love drawing pixel art when I was young :) -
代码不多,大量的时间都在美术上消耗掉了,年少时的我很爱画像素画 :)