diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 050acbb..38d8be2 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ In order to connect the control box to a Raspberry Pi and ESP32/ESP8266 chip I u
HS13B-1 |
HS13A-1 |
HS01B-1 |
+ HCB223A-1 |
@@ -108,6 +109,25 @@ Note that RX and TX is defined like this on receiver (control panel) side. So RX
Note that RX and TX is defined like this on receiver (control panel) side. So RX can be used to receive data, TX to send data.
+#### HCB223A-1
+- **Desk model**: Flexispot E5 with "4 presets keypad" (on website) EC5B-V2 (printed on box)
+- **Integrated hand switch and control box**
+- **Source**: Embossed on the case of the hand switch control box and printed on the PCB.
+| RJ45 pin | Name | Original Cable Color | Ethernet cable color (T568B) |
+| -------- | --------- | --------------------- | ---------------------------- |
+| 8 | +5V (VDD) | Yellow | Brown |
+| 7 | GND | Blue | White-Brown |
+| 6 | TX | Black | Green |
+| 5 | RX | Green | White-Blue |
+| 4 | (unknown) | Red | Blue |
+| 3 | (unknown) | Purple | White-Green |
+| 2 | (unknown) | White | Orange |
+| 1 | (unknown) | Brown | White-Orange |
+Note that RX and TX is defined like this on receiver (control panel) side. So RX can be used to receive data, TX to send data.
Other control panels / control boxes could be supported in the same way, but you would need to figure the RJ45 pinout mapping. Most control boxes have an extra RJ45 port for serial communication, but otherwise you would need to place your device in between the control panel and the control box.
### Retrieve current height
diff --git a/packages/esphome/flexispot_ec5b-v2.yaml b/packages/esphome/flexispot_ec5b-v2.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..427d7a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/esphome/flexispot_ec5b-v2.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+ device_name: "Flexispot EC5B-V2"
+ name: "flexispot-ec5b-v2"
+ min_height: "24.7"
+ max_height: "43.0"
+ # real min height from desk 24.6
+ # real max height from product page 49.2
+ # my max height 43
+# Notes:
+# controller model: HCB223A-1
+# place desk_height_sensor.h in esphome /config/flexispot-ec5b-v2
+# https://github.com/iMicknl/LoctekMotion_IoT/tree/main/packages/esphome
+ name: ${name}
+ comment: ${device_name}
+ includes:
+ - standing-desk/desk_height_sensor.h
+ on_boot:
+ then:
+ - lambda: id(desk_height).publish_state(24.7); # TODO Set to min height
+esp32: # TODO Change to your platform
+ board: esp32dev # TODO Change to your board
+ framework:
+ type: arduino
+ ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
+ password: !secret wifi_password
+# Enable logging
+# set baud rate to 0 to disable hardware serial logging
+# this is important for using hardware serial port
+ baud_rate: 0
+# Enable Home Assistant API
+ encryption:
+ key: !secret enc_key
+ password: !secret ota_password
+ - id: desk_uart
+ baud_rate: 9600
+ tx_pin: GPIO1 # TODO Find correct GPIO
+ rx_pin: GPIO3 # TODO Find correct GPIO
+ - platform: wifi_signal
+ name: "WiFi Signal"
+ update_interval: 60s
+ - platform: uptime
+ name: Uptime
+ - platform: custom
+ lambda: |-
+ auto desk_height_sensor = new DeskHeightSensor(id(desk_uart));
+ App.register_component(desk_height_sensor);
+ return {desk_height_sensor};
+ sensors:
+ id: "desk_height"
+ name: Desk Height
+ unit_of_measurement: in
+ accuracy_decimals: 1
+ icon: "mdi:counter"
+ # currently not connected - can't get this to work
+ - platform: gpio
+ name: "Virtual Screen"
+ pin:
+ mode: OUTPUT
+ restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF
+ internal: true
+ - platform: uart
+ name: "Preset 1"
+ id: switch_preset1
+ icon: mdi:numeric-1-box
+ data: [0x9b, 0x06, 0x02, 0x04, 0x00, 0xac, 0xa3, 0x9d]
+ uart_id: desk_uart
+ - platform: uart
+ name: "Preset 2"
+ id: switch_preset2
+ icon: mdi:numeric-2-box
+ data: [0x9b, 0x06, 0x02, 0x08, 0x00, 0xac, 0xa6, 0x9d]
+ uart_id: desk_uart
+ - platform: uart
+ name: "Preset 3"
+ id: switch_preset3
+ icon: mdi:numeric-3-box
+ data: [0x9b, 0x06, 0x02, 0x10, 0x00, 0xac, 0xac, 0x9d]
+ uart_id: desk_uart
+ - platform: uart
+ name: "Preset 4"
+ id: switch_preset4
+ icon: mdi:numeric-4-box
+ data: [0x9b, 0x06, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0xac, 0x60, 0x9d]
+ uart_id: desk_uart
+ - platform: uart
+ name: "Up"
+ id: switch_up
+ icon: mdi:arrow-up-bold
+ data: [0x9b, 0x06, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0xfc, 0xa0, 0x9d]
+ uart_id: desk_uart
+ internal: true
+ - platform: uart
+ name: "Down"
+ id: switch_down
+ icon: mdi:arrow-down-bold
+ data: [0x9b, 0x06, 0x02, 0x02, 0x00, 0x0c, 0xa0, 0x9d]
+ uart_id: desk_uart
+ internal: true
+# - platform: uart
+# name: "M"
+# id: switch_m
+# icon: mdi:alpha-m-circle
+# data: [0x9b, 0x06, 0x02, 0x20, 0x00, 0xac, 0xb8, 0x9d]
+# uart_id: desk_uart
+ - platform: uart
+ name: "(wake up)" # Not available on all control panels
+ id: switch_wake_up
+ icon: mdi:gesture-tap-button
+ data: [0x9b, 0x06, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x6c, 0xa1, 0x9d]
+ uart_id: desk_uart
+ - platform: template
+ # TODO choose your icon
+ icon: mdi:desk
+ # icon: mdi:table-chair
+ # icon: mdi-human-male-height-variant
+ name: "Desk"
+ id: desk_cover
+ assumed_state: true
+ has_position: true
+ # set current position percent
+ lambda: return (float(id(desk_height).state) - float(${min_height})) / (float(${max_height}) - float(${min_height}));
+ # target height mode
+ position_action:
+ # find if we are going up or down
+ - if:
+ condition:
+ lambda: return float(id(desk_cover).position) < pos;
+ then:
+ - while:
+ condition:
+ # if going up, offset current position to 2 percent higher than reality and loop
+ lambda: return (float(id(desk_cover).position) + 0.02) < pos;
+ then:
+ - cover.template.publish:
+ id: desk_cover
+ current_operation: OPENING
+ #- logger.log: "Executing up command"
+ - switch.turn_on: switch_up
+ - delay: 10ms
+ else:
+ - while:
+ condition:
+ # if going down, offset current position to 2 percent lower than reality and loop
+ lambda: return (float(id(desk_cover).position) - 0.02) > pos;
+ then:
+ - cover.template.publish:
+ id: desk_cover
+ current_operation: CLOSING
+ - switch.turn_on: switch_down
+ - delay: 10ms
+ # clear the command queue with wake up command - https://github.com/iMicknl/LoctekMotion_IoT/issues/42#issuecomment-1416823108
+ - switch.turn_on: switch_wake_up
+ # publish idle status
+ - cover.template.publish:
+ id: desk_cover
+ current_operation: IDLE
+ # Move desk to top
+ open_action:
+ - while:
+ condition:
+ sensor.in_range:
+ id: desk_height
+ below: ${max_height}
+ then:
+ - switch.turn_on: switch_up
+ - delay: 100ms
+ # clear the command queue with wake up command - https://github.com/iMicknl/LoctekMotion_IoT/issues/42#issuecomment-1416823108
+ - switch.turn_on: switch_wake_up
+ - cover.template.publish:
+ id: desk_cover
+ state: OPEN
+ current_operation: IDLE
+ # Move desk to bottom
+ close_action:
+ - while:
+ condition:
+ sensor.in_range:
+ id: desk_height
+ above: ${min_height}
+ then:
+ - switch.turn_on: switch_down
+ - delay: 100ms
+ # clear the command queue with wake up command - https://github.com/iMicknl/LoctekMotion_IoT/issues/42#issuecomment-1416823108
+ - switch.turn_on: switch_wake_up
+ - cover.template.publish:
+ id: desk_cover
+ state: CLOSED
+ current_operation: IDLE
+ # set to false to ensure that height is calculated during each move time
+ optimistic: false