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237 lines (192 loc) · 13.6 KB


API Wide Requirements

There are a few HTTP headers that are required. Firstly, authentication needs to be in place (see Authentication). Secondly, Content-Type and Content-Length needs to be set to application/json; utf8 and the size of the body respectively. This makes sure the API understands that you send json formatted and utf8 encoded data in your request body.


All API calls require authentication with your account credentials. The REST API uses HTTP Basic Authentication using your account ID and API key. For how to get API credentials checkout this page.

To get your Basic Authentication string, take your account ID (i. e. ip1-12345) and your API-key (i. e. cCnbXFfyTM5BTKh7uNV) and run them through a Base64 encoder in the following way:


You should get at string that looks something like this:


This is your HTTP Basic Authentication string and should be given as an HTTP header in the following way:

Authorization: Basic aXAxLTEyMzQ1OkNuYlhGZnlUTTVCVEtoN3VOVg==`

Sending SMS messages

  • Base URL:
  • Endpoint: api/sms/send

In order to send SMS messages you need to have credits. When you create an account and verify your phone number you'll be given €1 in credits, the amount of SMS messages you'll be able to send with those credits will heavily depend on what country you'll be sending the messages to.

When creating a request to send SMS messages we use the /api/sms/send endpoint with the HTTP method POST.

Since our REST API is JSON based that's the data structure we'll use and when sending SMS messages we have seven properties to play with:

  • From: Who or what the SMS message should be sent from can be either a up to 15 digit (telephone) number or an up to 11 character ASCII string.
  • Numbers: A collection of phone numbers with country code, eg. 46 for Sweden.
  • Contacts: A collection of contact IDs. See the Contact section for how to use these.
  • Groups: A collection of group IDs. See the Group section for how to use these.
  • Message: A string containing the message you want to send to the recipients above.
  • Prio: DEPRECATED! This value was previously used for sending SMS with higher priority. Now all SMS are sent with with the same prio independently of what Prio value is used.
  • Email: A boolean value of whether email copies should be sent or not to the recipients that has an email provided previously. Note that in order for email copies to be sent you need to purchase the service Email Copy.

All recipients (Numbers, Contacts, Groups) will be converted into a single collection of Contacts (So that emails addresses and templating fields are conserved where applicable) and then remove all duplicated contacts distincted by their phone number.


We recommend sending to a maximum of 1000 recipients per HTTP request.

  "Numbers": [
  "Contacts": [
  "Groups": [
  "Email": false,
  "Prio": 1,
  "From": "iP.1",
  "Message": "This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow!"


Templating can be done by wrapping an argument with curly brackets ({lastName}) and then adding an object to the Parameters object with the phone number as the property name. The arguments are case sensitive meaning that {title} and {Title} won't match and thus be considered different arguments. For phone numbers not provided you may also specify templating values in the Parameters property default. The arguments specified in the message text will be replaced with their respective values prioritized in the following order:

  1. Number specific value eg. "4610606060": {"title": "Sir"}
  2. Default value
  3. Empty string

Note that if a you specify an argument in the message but don't provide an example for it in the parameter data it will not be replaced. As you can see below the whole message is wrapped in curly brackets. However if a parameter is given to only one recipient and not the others (including default) the parameter will default to empty string. This enables us to still use curly brackets when we don't want to template.

  "From": "TestNOS",
  "Numbers": [
  "Message": "{: Hello {title} {lastName}, how are you doing this fine day? :}",
  "Parameters": {
    "4610606060": {
      "title": "Sir",
      "lastName": "Newton"
    "default": {
      "lastName": "Friend"

Code Examples

Below you'll see example code for sending an SMS in a few languages.

.NET / C#

string account = "ip1-xxxxx";
string password = "cCnbXFfyTM5BTKh7uNV"

using (var client = new HttpClient())
    client.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

    string authString = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"{account}:{password}");
    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", authString);

    var sms = new object()
        From = "iP1",
        Numbers = new List<string>() { "46123456789" },
        Contacts = new List<int>(),
        Groups = new List<int>(),
        Message = "This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow!",
        Email = false

    HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("sms/send", sms);


// Account information and where we will send the request to
$conf = array(
  'account' => 'ip1-xxxxx',
  'password' => 'cCnbXFfyTM5BTKh7uNV',
  'apiUrl' => '',
  'method' => 'POST',
  'endpoint' => '/api/sms/send',
// The message it self
$message = array(
  'Numbers' => ['4673055555'],
  'From' => 'iP.1',
  'Message' => "This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow!",
// Encode to JSON
$jsonEncodedMessage = json_encode($message);
// Set up request options
$options = array(
    'http' => array(
        'header'  => array(
            'Content-Type: application/json',
            'Authorization: Basic '. base64_encode($conf['account'].":".$conf['password']),
            'Content-Length: ' . strlen($jsonEncodedMessage)
        'method'  => $conf['method'],
        'content' => $jsonEncodedMessage,
// Construct the URL
$url = "https://" . $conf['apiUrl'] . $conf['endpoint'];
$context  = stream_context_create($options);
// Send the request
$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);

Reading sent SMS messages

  • Base URL:
  • Endpoint: api/sms/sent/{id}

Once you've sent your request to api/sms/send you will first get a response for the SMS message containing information such as ID, message, recipient phone number and initial status report like the json below.

  "ID": 7331,
  "BundleID": 1337,
  "To": "4610606060",
  "From": "iP1",
  "Message": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
  "Status": 0,
  "StatusDescription": "Delivered to gateway",
  "Created": "2017-11-15T10:31:11.1727413+00:00",
  "Modified": "2017-11-15T10:31:11.1727413+00:00"
  • ID: A unique integer value for the specific SMS message.
  • BundleID: Multiple messages may be sent in one request, if that is the case a bundle ID will be added in order to group the messages together. If the message was sent alone no BundleID will be given to the message.
  • Status: Integer value telling the status of the SMS message. See Status codes for possible values.
  • StatusDescription: A describing text of the status code.
  • Created: When the SMS message was created in UTC.
  • Modified: When the SMS message was last updated. Most often when the status was updated. Only available on GET requests.

You can later use the ID to fetch updates for the specific SMS messages via the api/sms/sent/{id}-endpoint but you can also fetch all your sent SMS messages by not providing an ID and making a request to api/sms/sent.

Status codes

This is the list of all our SMS message status codes and their description. If you use multiple APIs with the same API key you'll need to add support for the status codes used in all of the used APIs.

Status code Error Message Description Retry with same data? Applicable API
0 Delivered to gateway The message has reached the gateway and should be considered as 'in transit' No (destination not final) REST, SOAP, Gateway
1 Gateway login failed Yes, later SOAP, Gateway
3 Invalid phone number format No SOAP, Gateway
11 Delayed delivery Will be sent in the future No (destination not final) SOAP, Gateway
12 Delayed delivery cancelled Delivery cancelled by user No SOAP, Gateway
21 Delivered to the GSM network The SMS message should be considered as 'in transit', may stay in this state until recipeint is connected to the GSM network or until 48 hours has passed No (destination not final) REST, SOAP, Gateway
22 Delivered to the phone The message has successfully been delivered No REST, SOAP, Gateway
41 Invalid message content No None (Deprecated)
42 Internal error Internal error. Please contact support for more information Yes REST, SOAP, Gateway
44 Delivery failed Recipient was not on the GSM network for the 48 hour lifespan of the SMS message Yes None (Deprecated)
50 General delivery error No SOAP, Gateway
51 Delivery to GSM network failed A radio tower failed to deliverRecipient was not on the GSM network for the 48 hour lifespan of the SMS message Yes REST, SOAP, Gateway
52 Delivery to phone failed Recipient was not on the GSM network for the 48 hour lifespan of the SMS message Yes REST, SOAP, Gateway
55 Unknown No None (Deprecated)
60 Unknown No None (Deprecated)
100 Insufficient credits Refill credits first SOAP, Gateway
101 Wrong account credentials No SOAP, Gateway
110 Parameter error No SOAP, Gateway