copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | content-type | ||
2022-09-07 |
Qiskit Runtime backend, Qiskit Runtime device, Qiskit Runtime simulator, Qiskit Runtime QPUs |
quantum-computing |
howto |
{: #choose-backend}
Before you run a job, you must choose a physical QPU (quantum processing unit) or a simulator to run on. Alternatively, you can use Qiskit Runtime local testing mode.{: external} to run jobs on your local computer. {: shortdesc}
The Standard plan allows access to both physical QPUs and simulators, while the Lite plan allows access only to simulators. {: note}
To find your available QPUs and cloud simulators, view the Compute resources page{: external}. You must be logged in to see your available compute resources.
You can also view your available QPUs and simulators by using the List your backends{: external} API directly or in Swagger{: external}.