copyright | lastupdated | content-type | subcollection | ||
2024-07-24 |
release-note |
quantum-computing |
{: #quantum-computing-relnotes}
Use these release notes to learn about the latest updates to {{}}. {: shortdesc}
{: #0.11.0} {: release-note}
Use the mode
argument to run in job, batch, or session mode. For information, refer to the Execution modes{: external} documentation.
{: #0.10.0} {: release-note}
The Qiskit Runtime CLI and its documentation have been removed.
{: #0.9.0} {: release-note}
Sessions run in dedicated mode, which might increase the cost of running a session. For information, refer to the Execution modes{: external} documentation.
{: #.8.0} {: release-note}
To use sessions, you must update to qiskit-ibm-runtime
0.20.0 or later.
{: #0.7.0} {: release-note}
The latest update for Qiskit Runtime includes V2 primitives, which require updated code formatting. For information, refer to Migrate to the Qiskit Runtime V2 primitives.{: external}
{: #0.6.0} {: release-note}
The primitives now require ISA input. Because this formating is specific to each backend, you must specify a backend.
{: #0.5.0} {: release-note}
The max_execution_time value is based on job execution time instead of wall clock time. Job execution time represents the time that the QPU complex (including control software, control electronics, QPU, and so on) is engaged in processing the job.
{: #0.4.0} {: release-note}
The Standard plan now includes access to simulators.
{: #0.3.0} {: release-note}
The Estimator and Sampler primitives interface is redesigned.
{: #0.2.0} {: release-note}
Qiskit Runtime achieves Beta maturity in IBM Cloud, and introduces pay-as-you-go for the standard plan.
{: #0.1.0} {: release-note}
Initial release of primitive programs.
{: #0.0.0} {: release-note}
You can run jobs on both physical quantum devices, as well as quantum device simulators. New API endpoints have been added to allow you to view device information. There is a free plan as well as a lite plan, to allow access to simulators or physical quantum devices. If you do not specify a device for your job to run on, the job will be sent to the least busy QPU or simulator that you have access to.
{: #1.0.0} {: release-note}
Introducing {{}} (internal-only). Get a glimpse of the quantum computing future with our world-leading Qiskit Runtime, a new architecture that delivers significant performance enhancements to program execution. Our physical QPUs and simulators (cloud-based classical emulators of QPUs) now enable you to experience frictionless quantum computing; that is, the ability to execute quantum programs in an environment where the classical computer is physically closer to the quantum computer. Test programs and algorithms, and develop new models with our cloud-based quantum runtime for drastically improved capacity and higher performance today.