copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2025-01-17 |
schematics agent health, agent health, health |
schematics |
{: #agentb1-health}
{{}} Agent performs a health check on the post deployment validation and in-use status of an agent. {: shortdesc}
{: #health-agentb1-cli} {: cli}
To review the health of an agent by using the CLI, use the agent health command. This command requires the AGENT_ID
as an input argument.
{: shortdesc}
The output of an agent health command displays the list of relevant Kubernetes and agent health property names, the expected value, actual value, and the result as PASS or FAIL.
ibmcloud schematics agent health --id agent-ga-prod-cli-jan-10.soA.cd1c
{: pre}
Initiating agent health...
Job ID .ACTIVITY.f6f77588
{: screen}
ibmcloud schematics agent get --id agent-ga-prod-cli-jan-10.soA.cd1c
{: pre}
Retrieving agent...
ID agent-ga-prod-cli-jan-10.soA.cd1c
Name agent-ga-prod-cli-jan-10
Location us-south
Agent Location us-south
Resource Group Default
Recent Job Job ID Status Last modified
DEPLOY f5c6987ce53032547b6d5d5f870dfe5f Job Success 2024-01-10T10:00:00.000Z
HEALTH .ACTIVITY.f6f77588 Triggered health check 2024-01-10T12:31:15.326Z
{: screen}
{: #agent-health-property}
The following table describes the list of agent and Kubernetes health properties.
Property name | Description |
runtime | Health of the workspace and action job pods in an agent. |
sandbox | Health of the Sandbox job pods in an agent, that are used to download Git repositories. |
job-runner | Health of the job orchestrator pods in an agent. |
log-collector | Health of the log collector pods in an agent. |
{: caption="{{}} Agent health properties" caption-side="top"} |
{: #health-agentb1-api} {: api}
Follow the steps to retrieve your IAM access token and authenticate with {{}} by using the API. For more information about agent health API, see get an agent health check job status. The agent health API displays the health status of your deployed agent. {: shortdesc}
GET /v2/agent_health/agent-id-xx-000soB.347a/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>
{: codeblock}
Health scan
| Namespaces | Result | Found | Expected |
| sandbox | Pass | Active | Active |
| runtime | Pass | Active | Active |
| job-runner | Pass | Active | Active |
| log-collector | Pass | Active | Active |
| Pods | Ready | Found | Expected |
| sandbox | 0/3 | ImagePullBackOff | Running |
| runtime | 0/6 | ImagePullBackOff | Running |
| job-runner | 0/1 | ImagePullBackOff | Running |
| log-collector | 3/3 | Running | Running |
Health Check Completed
{: screen}
{: #agent-health-nextstep}
When agent health deteriorates, you can review the current deployment and update the agent and the Kubernetes configuration as described in Deploying agents.
You can check out the agent FAQ for many common questions.