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2024-11-14 |
IAM access for {{}}, permissions for {{}}, identity and access management for {{}}, roles for {{}}, actions for {{}}, assigning access for {{}} |
security-compliance |
{: #assign-roles}
As an account owner, you are automatically assigned Administrator platform access to {{}} so that you can further assign roles and customize access policies for others.
{: #assign-access-scc}
Create an access group for the type of users that you want to give access to and add those users to the group. For example, you might have a team of compliance specialists that all need the same level of access.
After you create a group and add users, go to the Manage > Access (IAM) > Access Groups page of the console.
Select the name of the group that you want to assign access to.
Click Access > Assign access.
Assign the following permissions by selecting a service and reviewing the available roles and actions that are available for each option.
Service Minimum required permissions {{}} Administrator Cloud Object Storage Reader Event Notifications Reader {: caption="Table. Minimum required permissions" caption-side="top"} To review the full list of which permissions are required for each action and assign more granular access to {{}}, see IAM actions for {{}}. {: note}
Click Add.
Review your selections and click Assign.
{: #assign-access-enterprise}
If you are working in an enterprise account, you must also assign permissions for the enterprise service.
You can assign Administrator access for the service, or you can create a custom role. When you assign permissions for an enterprise, you can give access to the full enterprise or specific accounts or account groups. To learn more about recommendations for enterprises, see Best practices for enterprises. {: tip}
- In the console, go to Manage > Access (IAM) > Roles and click Create.
- Give your role a name, programmatic ID, and description. For example, Compliance focal, ComplianceFocal, and Permissions that are required for compliance focal to work with {{}}.
- From the Service drop-down, select Enterprise, and then add the following actions.
- Review your selections to ensure that you added the correct permissions and click Create.
- Assign that role to the user or group that needs access to {{}}.
{: #assign-access-scopes}
To allow for certain users of your account to view results without having access to the rest of your {{}} instance, you must assign the following policies for the scope or subscope that you want to provide access to.
Get your scope or subscope ID from the {{}} UI.
Navigate to the IAM UI.
Click Manage > Access (IAM) > Users, and select the user that you want to provide access to.
Be sure to start from the Access groups tab if you're working with a group. {: tip}
Click Access > Assign access.
Give your user or access group permission to view {{}} instances.
- Select {{}} and then click Next.
- For resources, select All or provide the ID for a specific instance of the service.
- For permissions, select InstanceViewer.
- Click Add.
Give your user or access group permission to read results for a specific scope or subscope.
- Select {{}}, and then click Next.
- Select Specific resources. Then, select either Scope ID or Subscope ID.
- Input the ID that you copied in step 1 as the Value. Then, click Next.
- For permissions, select Reader. Then, click Next.
- Click Add.
Review your selections in the side panel.
Click Assign.
{: #assign-access-sat}
To evaluate the resources that run on Satellite, you must create a service-to-service authorization between {{}} and Satellite. To create a new authorization through the IAM UI, you can use the following steps.
- In the {{}} console, go to Manage > Access (IAM) > Authorizations.
- Click Create.
- Select {{}} from the Source service drop-down.
- Leave All resources selected.
- Select Satellite from the Target service drop-down.
- Leave All resources selected.
- Check Viewer to provide the required access.
- Click Authorize.