copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2024-12-17 |
Backup, backup service, backup plan, backup policy, restore, restore volume, restore data |
vpc |
{: #backup-service-manage}
You can manage backup policies and their associated plans that were created for your resources in the console, from the CLI, with the API, or Terraform. You can delete policies and plans that you no longer need. You can update the backup policy and plans when your needs change. You can add or remove tags. You can check the status of your backup policies. Audit your policies by integrating Activity tracking events. {: shortdesc}
{: #backup-manage-policy-ui} {: ui}
You can rename a backup policy, delete a plan within a backup policy, delete the policy, and edit user tags in the console.
{: #backup-rename-policy-ui}
You can rename a policy from the list of backup policies or from the backup policies details page.
From the list of backup policies, click the Actions icon and select Rename.
From the policy details page, click the Edit icon next to the policy name.
{: #backup-edit-tags}
From the Backup policy details page, you can edit the tags for your target resources.
Go to the details page for a backup policy.
In the new window, enter a user tag name. For existing block volumes or file shares with user tags, enter the tag name exactly as it appears in the volume or share. You can also add a user tag here and then go back and add it to a volume or share. You need only one tag to create a backup.
Click Next.
Review the information on the next window. If you're satisfied, check the disclaimer and click Save changes.
{: #backup-consistency-group-update-ui}
From the Backup policy details page, you can include or exclude {{}} boot volumes in the backup policy.
Go to the details page for a backup policy.
On the Overview tab, look for Boot volume in the Policy details, and click the Edit icon to change the value.
{: #backup-edit-delete-plan-ui}
After you provisioned a backup policy and created a backup plan, you can edit the plan details or delete the plan. You must have at least one remaining plan for the policy to create backups.
From the backup plan details page, expand the Actions menu for the plan.
Select Edit. The plan details appear in the side panel. You can modify the same information that you specified when you created the plan, such as the name and backup frequency. For individual volume backups, you can enable or disable fast restore, or change which regions fast restore is available in. You can also enable or disable the creation and retention of copies in other regions. Fast restore and cross-region copy features are not supported for multi-volume or file share backups.
Confirm your selections when you're finished.
{: #backup-manage-policy-cli} {: cli}
Delete a backup policy, rename a policy, and edit user tags from the CLI.
{: #backup-manage-policy-cli-prereq}
Before you can use the CLI, you must install the IBM Cloud CLI and the VPC CLI plug-in. For more information, see the CLI prerequisites. {: requirement}
Log in to {{}}.
ibmcloud login --sso -a
{: pre}
This command returns a URL and prompts for a passcode. Go to that URL in your browser and log in. If successful, you get a one-time passcode. Copy this passcode and paste it as a response on the prompt. After successful authentication, you are prompted to choose your account. If you have access to multiple accounts, select the account that you want to log in as. Respond to any remaining prompts to finish logging in.
{: #backup-rename-policy-cli}
Run the ibmcloud is backup-policy-update
command and specify the policy ID or policy name, and a new name for the backup policy.
ibmcloud is backup-policy-update POLICY [--name NEW_NAME] [--output JSON] [-q, --quiet]
{: pre}
The following example renames a backup policy that is identified by name:
cloudshell:~$ ibmcloud is backup-policy-update backup-policy-v1 --name new-policy-23
Updating backup policy backup-policy-v1 under account Test Account as user [email protected]...
ID r138-0521986d-963c-4c18-992d-d6a7a99d115f
Name new-policy-23
CRN crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:eu-de:a/a1234567::backup-policy:r138-0521986d-963c-4c18-992d-d6a7a99d115f
Status stable
Last job completed at 2023-02-22T20:12:44.000Z
Plans ID Name Resource type
r138-2129a79a-5629-4069-bf79-7bb0af3b0bd3 my-policy-plan-a backup_policy_plan
r138-6f4f08ba-e0bb-470f-bbfb-f3a22aebbfa9 my-policy-plan-c backup_policy_plan
Backup tags dev:test
Match resource type volume
Resource group defaults
Created at 2023-02-21T22:42:10+00:00
{: screen}
The following example updates an Enterprise backup policy that is identified by ID:
cloudshell:~$ ibmcloud is backup-policy-update r006-0bc533ed-4796-407a-982e-693b418f3de3 --name cli-updated-2
Updating backup policy r006-0bc533ed-4796-407a-982e-693b418f3de3 under account Enterprise Test as user [email protected]...
ID r006-0bc533ed-4796-407a-982e-693b418f3de3
Name cli-updated-2
CRN crn:bluemix:public:is:us-south:a/a1234567::backup-policy:r006-0bc533ed-4796-407a-982e-693b418f3de3
Status stable
Plans ID Name Resource type
r006-0741b600-e8d5-41b4-88a7-c19b6fbf89ca scope-plan-2 backup_policy_plan
Backup tags dev:test
Match resource type volume
Resource group ID Name
e579217258f74f42974e6ec4da287fc5 Default
Scope ID CRN Resource type
7e44cb4667ba4b88b1b1f8dcc15e33b3 crn:v1:bluemix:public:enterprise::a/a1234567::enterprise:7e44cb4667ba4b88b1b1f8dcc15e33b3 -
Health State ok
Created at 2023-08-30T13:39:10+05:30
{: screen}
For more information about available command options, see ibmcloud is backup-policy-update
{: external}.
{: #backup-edit-tags-cli}
Run the ibmcloud is backup-policy-update
command and specify the policy ID or policy name, and the tags that you want to modify.
ibmcloud is backup-policy-update POLICY [--match-tags MATCH_TAGS] [--output JSON] [-q, --quiet]
{: pre}
The following example updates backup policy user tags of the policy that is identified by ID.
cloudshell:~$ ibmcloud is backup-policy-update r138-0521986d-963c-4c18-992d-d6a7a99d115f --match-tags dev:env,bck:test
Updating backup policy r138-0521986d-963c-4c18-992d-d6a7a99d115f under account Test Account as user [email protected]...
ID r138-0521986d-963c-4c18-992d-d6a7a99d115f
Name new-policy-23
CRN crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:eu-de:a/a1234567::backup-policy:r138-0521986d-963c-4c18-992d-d6a7a99d115f
Status stable
Last job completed at 2023-02-22T20:12:44.000Z
Plans ID Name Resource type
r138-2129a79a-5629-4069-bf79-7bb0af3b0bd3 my-policy-plan-a backup_policy_plan
r138-6f4f08ba-e0bb-470f-bbfb-f3a22aebbfa9 my-policy-plan-c backup_policy_plan
Backup tags dev:env,bck:test
Match resource type volume
Resource group ID Name
11caaa983d9c4beb82690daab08717e9 Default
Scope ID Resource type
a1234567 account
Health State ok
Created at 2023-02-21T22:42:10+00:00
{: screen}
For more information about available command options, see ibmcloud is backup-policy-update
{: external}.
{: #backup-consistency-group-update-cli}
Run the ibmcloud is backup-policy-update
command and specify the policy ID or policy name, and the tags that you want to modify.
ibmcloud is backup-policy-update POLICY [--included_content data_volumes|boot_volume ] [--output JSON] [-q, --quiet]
{: pre}
The following example updates backup policy to be applied to only the data volumes that are attached to the virtual server instance with the matching tag.
ibmcloud is backup-policy-create --match-tags dev:test --name my-cr-backup-policy-v1 --match-resource-type instance --included-content data_volumes
Updating backup policy my-cr-backup-policy-v1 under account Test Account as user [email protected]...
ID r006-e0713176-37b6-4168-88ab-ad92f8a544f9
Name my-cr-backup-policy-v1
CRN crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south:a/a1234567::backup-policy:r006-e0713176-37b6-4168-88ab-ad92f8a544f9
Status stable
Plans ID Name Resource type
Backup tags dev:test
Match resource type instance
Included Content data_volumes
Resource group ID Name
11caaa983d9c4beb82690daab08717e9 Default
Scope ID Resource type
a1234567 account
Health State ok
Created at 2023-12-05T19:29:35+05:30
{: screen}
For more information about available command options, see ibmcloud is backup-policy-update
{: external}.
{: #backup-update-plan-cli}
Run the ibmcloud is backup-policy-plan-update
command to update a backup plan. Identify the policy and plan by ID or name in the command line. You can update the plan name, cron-spec
backup schedule, attach user tags, update backup retention period, add, or remove fast restore zones.
The following code snippet shows the command syntax.
ibmcloud is backup-policy-plan-update POLICY PLAN --cron-spec CRON_SPEC [--name NAME] [--active] [--attach-tags ATTACH_TAGS] [--copy-tags true | false] [--delete-after DELETE_AFTER] [--delete-over-count DELETE_OVER_COUNT] [--clone-policy-zones ZONES] [--clone-policy-max-snapshots MAX_SNAPSHOTS] [--output JSON] [-q, --quiet] [--copy-remote-regions TBD] [--encryption-key TBD]
{: pre}
To rename the backup plan, run the command like the following example. It specifies the backup policy and plan by name, and changes the name of the plan from my-policy-plan-c
to my-policy-plan-b
cloudshell:~$ ibmcloud is backup-policy-plan-update new-policy-23 my-policy-plan-c --name my-policy-plan-b
Updating plan my-policy-plan-c of the backup policy r138-0521986d-963c-4c18-992d-d6a7a99d115f under account Test Account as user [email protected]...
ID r138-6f4f08ba-e0bb-470f-bbfb-f3a22aebbfa9
Name my-policy-plan-b
Active true
Lifecycle state updating
Clone policy Max snapshots Zones
3 eu-de-1,eu-de-2
Deletion trigger Delete after Delete over count
20 20
Attached tags daily-backup-plan
Copy tags true
Cron specification 10 20 * * *
Created at 2023-02-21T22:42:32+00:00
Resource type backup_policy_plan
{: screen}
To update locations of fast restore clones of backup snapshots, run the command like the following example. It specifies the backup policy and plan by their IDs. Because only eu-de-1
is specified in the --clone-policy-zones
option, fast restore snapshot clones are no longer retained in eu-de-2
. The update also changes the number of backup clones to be created and stored in that zone from three to five.
cloudshell:~$ ibmcloud is backup-policy-plan-update r138-0521986d-963c-4c18-992d-d6a7a99d115f r138-6f4f08ba-e0bb-470f-bbfb-f3a22aebbfa9 --clone-policy-max-snapshots 5 --clone-policy-zones eu-de-1
Updating plan r138-6f4f08ba-e0bb-470f-bbfb-f3a22aebbfa9 of the backup policy r138-0521986d-963c-4c18-992d-d6a7a99d115f under account Test Account as user [email protected]...
ID r138-6f4f08ba-e0bb-470f-bbfb-f3a22aebbfa9
Name my-policy-plan-b
Active true
Lifecycle state updating
Clone policy Max snapshots Zones
5 eu-de-1
Deletion trigger Delete after Delete over count
20 20
Attached tags daily-backup-plan
Copy tags true
Cron specification 10 20 * * *
Created at 2023-02-21T22:42:32+00:00
Resource type backup_policy_plan
{: screen}
To update the backup plan to include the creation of a remote copy of the backup snapshot in a different region, run the backup-policy-plan-update
command with --remote-region-policies
option. The following example updates the my-policy-plan-b plan that is part of the new-policy-23. It specifies the us-east
region as the destination of the remote region copy. Optionally, you can add the --encryption-key
option to provide the CRN of the root key to be used to decrypt the snapshot in the remote region.
cloudshell:~$ ibmcloud is backup-policy-plan-update new-policy-23 my-policy-plan-b --remote-region-policies '[
{"delete_over_count": 99,"region": {"name": "us-east"}}
Updating plan r138-6f4f08ba-e0bb-470f-bbfb-f3a22aebbfa9 of the backup policy r138-0521986d-963c-4c18-992d-d6a7a99d115f under account Test Account as user [email protected]...
ID r138-6f4f08ba-e0bb-470f-bbfb-f3a22aebbfa9
Name my-policy-plan-b
Active true
Lifecycle state updating
Clone policy Max snapshots Zones
5 eu-de-1
Deletion trigger Delete after Delete over count
20 20
Remote Region Policies Region Encryption Key Delete over count
us-east - 99
Attached tags daily-backup-plan
Copy tags true
Cron specification 10 20 * * *
Created at 2023-05-05T22:42:32+00:00
Resource type backup_policy_plan
{: codeblock}
For more information about available command options, see ibmcloud is backup-policy-plan-update
{: external}.
Fast restore and cross-region copy features are not supported for multi-volume or file share backups. {: note}
{: #backup-manage-policy-api} {: api}
You can rename and update a policy, edit user tags, and delete a backup policy programmatically with the API.
{: #backup-rename-policy-api}
To change the name of a backup policy, make a PATCH /backup_policies/{backup_policies_id}
request and specify a new name for a backup policy. The following example shows how to rename policy 5063bfe5-c16f-4606-ba26-fba0f099b97d
to my-backup-policy
curl -X PATCH\
-H "Authorization: $iam_token"\
-d {"name": "my-backup-policy"}
{: codeblock}
{: #backup-edit-tags-api}
To update the user tags for target resources, make a PATCH /backup_policies/{backup_policies_id}
request and specify the new tag like the following example.
curl -X PATCH\
-H "Authorization: $iam_token"\
-d {"match_user_tags": ["my-daily-backup-policy"]}
{: codeblock}
{: #backup-consistency-group-update-api}
When you want to update a multi-volume backup policy to include or exclude the boot volume from the consistency group, you can make a PATCH /backup_policies/{backup_policies_id}
request and specify the value for included-content
property as either data_volumes
, boot_volume
, or just data_volumes
curl -X PATCH\
-H "Authorization: $iam_token"\
-d {"included_content": ["data_volumes"]}
{: codeblock}
{: #backup-update-plan-api}
Make a PATCH /backup_policies/{backup_policy_id}/plans/{plan_id}
request to update the backup plan by specifying the following properties:
specifies the user tags from the backup policy that are to be attached to backups created by the plan. Updating this value doesn't change the user tags for backups that were already created by this plan. -
specifies whether source tags are to be copied to the backup snapshot. The value is a Boolean, it's eithertrue
. -
has two properties. Thedelete_after
property sets the number of days to keep a backup. Thedelete_over_count
property sets the maximum number of recent backups to keep. When the maximum number is reached, the oldest backup is deleted to make space for a new one. Specifynull
to remove the existing maximum.
curl -X PATCH\
-H "Authorization: $iam_token"\
-d '{
"active": true,
"attach_user_tags": ["my-daily-backup-plan"],
"copy_user_tags": true,
"cron_spec": "*/5 1,2,3 * * *",
"deletion_trigger": {
"delete_after": 20,
"delete_over_count": 1
"name": "my-policy-plan"
{: codeblock}
{: #baas-update-plan-fast-restore-api}
Make a POST /backup_policies/{backup_policy_id}/plans/{plan_id}
request to update a backup plan. Specify the clone_policy
property and zones
subproperty to indicate which zone in your region you want to create the backup snapshot clone. The zone must be different than your source zone. You can specify multiple zones. The plan includes keeping a maximum of two cached backup snapshots in each zone.
This example updates a backup policy to create a backup plan. The new plan defines a clone policy to create snapshot clones in zone us-south-3. The plan specifies keeping a maximum of three cached backup snapshots.
curl -X POST "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/backup_policies/8758bd18-344b-486a-b606-5b8cb8cdd044/plans?version=2022-12-09&generation=2"\
-H "Authorization: $iam_token"\
-d '{
"active": true,
"attach_user_tags": ["daily-backups"],
"clone_policy": {
"max_snapshots": 3,
"zones": [
{"name": "us-south-3"},
{"href": ""}
"copy_user_tags": true,
"cron_spec": "30 */2 * * 1-5",
"deletion_trigger": {
"delete_after": 20,
"delete_over_count": 20
"name": "my-daily-plan-1"
{: codeblock}
A successful response shows that the clone policy is created.
"active": true,
"attach_user_tags": ["daily-backups"],
"clone_policy": {
"max_snapshots": 3,
"zones": [
{"name": "us-south-2"},
{"href": ""}
"copy_user_tags": false,
"created_at": "2022-12-09T15:16:37Z",
"cron_spec": "30 */2 * * 1-5",
"deletion_trigger": {"delete_after": 5},
"href": "",
"id": "6e251cfe-6f7b-4638-a6ba-00e9c327b178",
"lifecycle_state": "stable",
"name": "my-daily-plan-1",
"resource_type": "backup_policy_plan"
{: codeblock}
{: #baas-update-plan-crc-api}
Make a PATCH /backup_policies/{backup_policy_id}/plans/{plan_id}
request to update a backup plan. Specify the remote_region_policies
property and region
subproperty to indicate the region where you want to create the backup copy.
This example updates a backup policy to create a backup plan that creates backups in the us-south
region and includes the creation of a remote copy. The following example specifies that the copies are to be created in the us-east
curl -X PATCH "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/backup_policies/8758bd18-344b-486a-b606-5b8cb8cdd044/plans?version=2023-05-09&generation=2"\
-H "Authorization: $iam_token"\
-d '{
"active": true,
"attach_user_tags": ["daily-backups"],
"copy_user_tags": true,
"cron_spec": "30 */2 * * 1-5",
"deletion_trigger": {
"delete_after": 20,
"delete_over_count": 20
"remote_region_policies": {
"delete_over_count": 5,
"encryption_key": [{"CRN": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/a1234567:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd617"}],
"region": [{"name":"us-east"}]
"name": "my-daily-plan-2"
{: codeblock}
A successful response shows that the remote region policy is created.
"active": true,
"attach_user_tags": [
"copy_user_tags": false,
"created_at": "2023-05-09T15:16:37Z",
"cron_spec": "0 */2 * * *",
"deletion_trigger": {
"delete_after": 5
"href": "",
"id": "6e251cfe-6f7b-4638-a6ba-00e9c327b178",
"lifecycle_state": "stable",
"name": "my-hourly-plan-2",
"remote_region_policies": {
"delete_over_count": 5,
"encryption_key": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/a1234567:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd617" ,
"region": [
{"name": "us-east"},
{"href": ""}
"resource_type": "backup_policy_plan"
{: codeblock}
Fast restore and cross-region copy features are not supported for multi-volume or file share backups. {: note}
{: #backup-manage-policy-terraform} {: terraform}
You can manage backup policies by using Terraform.
To use Terraform, download the Terraform CLI and configure the {{}} Provider plug-in. For more information, see Getting started with Terraform. {: requirement}
VPC infrastructure services use a specific regional endpoint, which targets to us-south
by default. If your VPC is created in another region, make sure to target the appropriate region in the provider block in the
See the following example of targeting a region other than the default us-south
provider "ibm" {
region = "eu-de"
{: screen}
{: #backup-rename-policy-terraform}
To update a backup policy, use the ibm_is_backup_policy
resource. The following example identifies the name of the backup policy and the associated tags.
resource "ibm_is_backup_policy" "example" {
match_user_tags = ["dev:env","bck:test",]
name = "example-backup-policy"
{: codeblock}
For more information about the arguments and attributes, see ibm_is_backup_policy{: external}.
{: #backup-update-plan-terraform}
To update a backup policy, use the ibm_is_backup_policy_plan
resource. The following example resource identifies the policy by ID, and you can change the plan's name or its schedule by updating the name or the cron_spec arguments.
resource "ibm_is_backup_policy_plan" "example" {
backup_policy_id = "r138-0521986d-963c-4c18-992d-d6a7a99d115f"
cron_spec = "10 20 * * *"
name = "example-backup-policy-plan"
{: codeblock}
The following example is a resource definition that you can use to update the backup plan with fast restore clones in two eu-de zones.
resource "ibm_is_backup_policy_plan" "example" {
backup_policy_id = "r138-0521986d-963c-4c18-992d-d6a7a99d115f"
cron_spec = "10 20 * * *"
name = "example-backup-policy-plan"
clone_policy {
zones = ["eu-de-1", "eu-de-2"]
max_snapshots = 4
{: codeblock}
For more information about the arguments and attributes, see ibm_is_backup_policy_plan{: external}.
Fast restore and cross-region copy features are not supported for multi-volume or file share backups. {: note}
{: #backup-delete}
You can delete a plan or multiple plans within a policy. When you delete a backup policy, you also delete all the plans that are associated with it.
When you delete a backup policy, it no longer creates new backups. However, the existing backups that it created remain intact as their lifecycle is independent from the policy. Existing backups are retained until their expiration date.
{: #backup-delete-plan} {: ui}
Go to the list of backup policies and locate the backup policy.
On the backup policy details page, select the plan that you want to delete. Expand the Actions menu for the plan, and select delete. You can have up to four backup plans per policy.
{: #backup-delete-policy} {: ui}
Go to the list of backup policies.
Locate the policy that you want to delete.
From the Actions menu, select Delete.
Confirm that the resources that are associated with the backup policy are no longer to be backed up, and that backups that were created by the policy continue to exist. You must go to the list of snapshots and delete each one manually.
Enter delete to confirm, the click Delete policy.
{: #backup-delete-plan-cli} {: cli}
Run the ibmcloud is backup-policy-plan-delete
command and specify the backup policy and the plan or plans that you want to delete. You can specify the backup policy and plans by ID or by name.
The following example shows the command syntax.
ibmcloud is backup-policy-plan-delete POLICY (PLAN1 PLAN2 ...) [--output JSON] [-f, --force] [-q, --quiet]
{: pre}
The following example deletes the backup plan my-policy-plan-a
from the my-new-policy-23
policy that is identified by its ID.
$ ibmcloud is backup-policy-plan-delete r138-0521986d-963c-4c18-992d-d6a7a99d115f my-policy-plan-a
This will delete plan my-policy-plan-a and cannot be undone. Continue [y/N] ?> y
Deleting plan my-policy-plan-a under account Test Account as user [email protected]...
Deletion request for plan my-policy-plan-a has been accepted.
{: screen}
For more information about available command options, see ibmcloud is backup-policy-plan-delete
{: external}.
{: #backup-delete-policy-cli} {: cli}
Run the backup-policy-delete
command and specify the policy ID or policy name for one or more backup policies. Backup plans that are associated with the policy are also deleted. For more information about backup policy deletion, see Backup policy deletion overview.
ibmcloud is backup-policy-delete (POLICY1 POLICY2 ...) [--output JSON] [-f, --force] [-q, --quiet]
{: pre}
The following example is a request to delete a backup policy by name.
$ ibmcloud is backup-policy-delete my-backup-policy-v1
This will delete backup policy my-backup-policy-v1 and can't be undone. Continue [y/N] ?> y
Deleting backup policy my-backup-policy-v1 under account Test Account as user [email protected]...
Deletion request for backup policy my-backup-policy-v1 has been accepted.
{: screen}
The following example is a request to delete a backup policy by ID and provides the response in JSON format.
$ ibmcloud is backup-policy-delete r138-5c719085-cf26-456e-9216-984866659e29 --output JSON
"id": "r138-5c719085-cf26-456e-9216-984866659e29",
"result": true,
"Error": null
{: screen}
For more information about available command options, see ibmcloud is backup-policy-delete
{: #backup-delete-plan-api} {: api}
Make a DELETE /backup_policies/{backup_policy_id}/plans/{plan_id}
request to delete a specific backup plan from a backup policy. Resources that were created by the plan remain but they are no longer subject to the plan's deletion trigger. During the deletion, the status shows deleting
. When the deletion is complete (status = deleted
), the backup plan can't be recovered.
See the following example.
curl -X DELETE\
-H "Authorization: $iam_token"
{: codeblock}
The response shows that the backup plan was deleted.
"active": true,
"attach_user_tags": ["my-daily-backup-plan"],
"copy_user_tags": true,
"created_at": "2022-06-22T01:44:49.070Z",
"cron_spec": "*/5 1,2,3 * * *",
"deletion_trigger": {"delete_after": 20},
"href": "",
"id": "4cf9171a-0043-4434-8727-15b53dbc374c",
"lifecycle_state": "deleted",
"name": "my-policy-plan",
"resource_type": "backup_policy_plan"
{: screen}
{: #backup-delete-policy-api} {: api}
Make a DELETE /backup_policies/{backup_policy_id}
request to delete a backup policy and all associated backup plans. During the deletion, the status shows deleting
. When the deletion is complete (status = deleted
), the backup policy and backup plans can't be recovered.
See the following example.
curl -X DELETE\
-H "Authorization: $iam_token"
{: codeblock}
The response indicates that all backup plans are deleted.
{: #backup-delete-plan-terraform} {: terraform}
Use the terraform destroy
command to conveniently delete a remote object such as a single backup plan or backup policy. The following example erases the example-backup-policy-plan
terraform destroy --target
{: codeblock}
The following example deletes the example-backup-policy
terraform destroy --target
{: codeblock}
For more information, see terraform destroy{: external}.
{: #backup-next-steps-manage}
You can do the following actions.