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Using IBM MQ with Kafka Connect

Many organizations use both IBM MQ and Apache Kafka for their messaging needs. Although they're typically used to solve different kinds of messaging problems, people often want to connect them together. When connecting Apache Kafka to other systems, the technology of choice is the Kafka Connect framework.

These instructions tell you how to set up MQ and Apache Kafka from scratch and use the connectors to transfer messages between them using a client connection to MQ. The instructions are for MQ v9 running on Linux, so if you're using a different version or platform, you might have to adjust them slightly. The instructions also expect Apache Kafka 2.0.0 or later.

Kafka Connect concepts

The best place to read about Kafka Connect is of course the Apache Kafka documentation.

Kafka Connect connectors run inside a Java process called a worker. Kafka Connect can run in either standalone or distributed mode. Standalone mode is intended for testing and temporary connections between systems. Distributed mode is more appropriate for production use. These instructions focus on standalone mode because it's easier to see what's going on.

When you run Kafka Connect with a standalone worker, there are two configuration files. The worker configuration file contains the properties needed to connect to Kafka. The connector configuration file contains the properties needed for the connector. So, configuration to connect to Kafka goes into the worker configuration file, while the MQ configuration goes into the connector configuration file.

It's simplest to run just one connector in each standalone worker. Kafka Connect workers spew out a lot of messages and it's much simpler to read them if the messages from multiple connectors are not interleaved.

Setting it up from scratch

The following steps show how to run the connector in standalone mode for development and test purposes.


  • IBM MQ v8 or later installed. Note: These instructions are for IBM MQ v9 running on Linux. If you're using a different version or platform, you might have to adjust some steps slightly.
  • An Apache Kafka distribution which includes the Kafka Connect runtime environment. These instructions are for Apache Kafka 2.0.0 or later.

Create a queue manager

These sample instructions set up an IBM MQ queue manager that uses its local operating system to authenticate the user ID and password. The example uses the user ID alice and the password passw0rd. The user ID and password you provide must already be created on the operating system where IBM MQ is running.

It is assumed that you have installed MQ, you're logged in as a user authorized to administer MQ and the MQ commands are on the path.

  1. Create a queue manager with a TCP/IP listener (on port 1414 in this example):

    crtmqm -p 1414 MYQM
  2. Start the queue manager:

    strmqm MYQM
  3. Start the runmqsc tool to configure the queue manager:

    runmqsc MYQM
  4. In runmqsc, create a server-connection channel:

  5. Set the channel authentication rules to accept connections requiring userid and password:

  6. Set the identity of the client connections based on the supplied context, the user ID:

  7. Refresh the connection authentication information:

  8. Create a queue for the connector to use:

  9. Authorize alice to connect to and inquire the queue manager:

  10. Finally authorize alice to use the queue:

  11. End runmqsc:


The queue manager is now ready to accept connection from Kafka Connect connectors.

Download and set up Apache Kafka

These instructions assume you have Apache Kafka downloaded and running locally. See the Apache Kafka quickstart guide for more details.

  1. Start a ZooKeeper server:

    bin/ config/
  2. In another terminal, start a Kafka server:

    bin/ config/
  3. Create a topic called TSINK for the connector to pull event from:

    bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181  --create --topic TSINK --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1

You now have a Kafka cluster consisting of a single node. This configuration is just a toy, but it works fine for a little testing.

The configuration is as follows:

  • Kafka bootstrap server - localhost:9092
  • ZooKeeper server - localhost:2181
  • Topic name - TSINK

Note: This configuration of Kafka puts its data in /tmp/kafka-logs, while ZooKeeper uses /tmp/zookeeper and Kafka Connect uses /tmp/connect.offsets. You can clear out these directories to reset to an empty state, making sure beforehand that they're not being used for something else.

Running the MQ sink connector

The MQ sink connector takes messages from a Kafka topic and transfers them to an MQ queue.

If you haven't already, clone and build the connector:

git clone
cd kafka-connect-mq-sink
mvn clean package

The top-level directory that you used to build the connector is referred to as the connector root directory.

Configure and run the connector:

  1. In a terminal window, change directory into the connector root directory and copy the sample connector configuration file into your home directory so you can edit it safely:

    cp config/ ~
  2. Edit the following properties in the ~/ to match the configuration so far:

  3. Change directory to the Kafka root directory. Start the connector worker replacing <connector-root-directory> and <version> with your directory and the connector version:

    CLASSPATH=<connector-root-directory>/target/kafka-connect-mq-sink-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar ./bin/ config/ ~/

    The log output will include the following messages that indicate the connector worker has started and successfully connected to IBM MQ:

    INFO Created connector mq-sink
    INFO Connection to MQ established

If something goes wrong, you'll see familiar MQ reason codes in the error messages to help you diagnose the problems, such as:

ERROR MQ error: CompCode 2, Reason 2538 MQRC_HOST_NOT_AVAILABLE

You can just kill the worker, fix the problem and start it up again.

Once it's started successfully and connected to MQ, you'll see this message:

INFO Connection to MQ established

Send messages from Kafka to MQ

In another terminal window, use the Kafka console producer to type in some messages and publish them on the Kafka topic:

bin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic TSINK

Now, use the amqsget sample to get the messages from the MQ queue:

/opt/mqm/samp/bin/amqsget MYQSINK MYQM

After a short delay, you should see the messages printed.

Congratulations! The messages were transferred from the Kafka topic TSINK onto the MQ queue MYQSINK.

Stopping Apache Kafka

After you have finished experimenting with this, you will probably want to stop Apache Kafka. You start by stopping any Kafka Connect workers and console producers and consumers that you may have left running.

Then, in the Kafka root directory, stop Kafka and ZooKeeper:


Note: Make sure Kafka is fully stopped before stopping ZooKeeper.

Using existing MQ or Kafka installations

You can use an existing MQ or Kafka installation, either locally or on the cloud. For performance reasons, it is recommended to run the Kafka Connect worker close to the queue manager to minimise the effect of network latency. So, if you have a queue manager in your datacenter and Kafka in the cloud, it's best to run the Kafka Connect worker in your datacenter.

To use an existing queue manager, you'll need to specify the configuration information in the connector configuration file. For a client connection, you will need the following configuration information:

  • The hostname (or IP address) and port number for the queue manager
  • The server-connection channel name
  • If using user ID/password authentication, the user ID and password for client connection
  • If using SSL/TLS, the name of the cipher suite to use
  • The queue manager name
  • The queue name

For a bindings connection, you must run the worker on the same system as the queue manager. You will also have to make sure that the Kafka Connect worker has access to the native JNI library used by JMS to establish the bindings connection. You will need the following configuration information:

  • The queue manager name
  • The queue name
  • Set the connection mode to "bindings"

To use an existing Kafka cluster, you specify the connection information in the worker configuration file. You will need:

  • A list of one or more servers for bootstrapping connections
  • Whether the cluster requires connections to use SSL/TLS
  • Authentication credentials if the cluster requires clients to authenticate

You will also need to run the Kafka Connect worker. If you already have access to the Kafka installation, you probably have the Kafka Connect executables. Otherwise, download Apache Kafka from the website.

Alternatively, you can run the connector against IBM Event Streams.

IBM Event Streams

IBM Event Streams is an event-streaming platform based on the open-source Apache Kafka project. It builds upon the IBM Cloud Private platform to deploy Apache Kafka in a resilient and manageable way. A commercially supported version of this connector is available for customers with a support entitlement for IBM Event Streams.

See the documentation for a guide to running this connector against IBM Event Streams.

IBM Event Streams for IBM Cloud

IBM Event Streams for IBM Cloud is a fully-managed cloud deployment of Apache Kafka running in IBM Cloud. In this case, the cluster is running in IBM Cloud but you will still need to run the Kafka Connect worker. If the queue manager is also in the cloud, you could also run the worker in the cloud. If the network latency between the queue manager and Kafka is high, you should run the worker near the queue manager.

For information about how to configure Kafka Connect to work with IBM Event Streams for IBM Cloud see the documentation.