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Tutorial: Retargeting

Sean Trott edited this page Jun 16, 2016 · 14 revisions

contact: [email protected]

In general, we believe that retargeting the application to a new application consists of several crucial steps:

  1. Identify application domain and its relevant vocabulary, as well as the API; if the API doesn't exist, define/design it.
  2. Design n-tuple templates to convey semantics to Problem Solver.
  3. Add relevant tokens (and schemas/constructions, if necessary) to the grammar with the Token Tool.
  4. Extend existing Core Specializer and Problem Solver as needed for application.
  5. Build and test the new product.

Below is a hypothetical example of retargeting this system to a new domain.


KARMA (Naryanan, 1997) was a system that made predictions about economic states and policies based on metaphors in language. The original project did not include a module for language analysis, however, and assumed as input an ntuple-like feature-structure.

We considered how one would integrate a working KARMA system with our system, and came up with the steps below.

  1. Identify application domain and its relevant vocabulary, as well as the API; if the API doesn't exist, define/design it.

Domain: Economic policy metaphors
Source: MOTION (stumble, collapse...)
HEALTH (cure, prescribe, sick ...)
TARGET: ECONOMIC POLICY (economy, depression..)
App: (after) KARMA

Example sentence:
India is stumbling in implementing its economic policy

  1. Design n-tuple templates to convey semantics to Problem Solver.
Action_is_Motion: {  
   mover: @India  
   actionary: @stumble  
   aspect: @progressive  
   frame: SelfMotion  
   action: {   
       actionary: @implement  
       createdThing: @policy  
       creator: @India  
       frame: Creation  
  1. Add relevant tokens (and schemas/constructions, if necessary) to the grammar with the Token Tool.
India :: Country :: self.m.referent <-- @India  
Stumble :: SelfMotion :: self.m.actionary <-- @stumble  
Policy :: AbstractNoun :: self.m.ontological-category <-- @policy  
Implement :: CreationType :: self.m.actionary <-- @implement  
  1. Extend existing Core Specializer and Problem Solver as needed for application.


  1. Build and test the new product.

India is stumbling in implementing its economic policy.