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Satellite Attitude Control (Reaction Wheel) using Lingua Franca

Contact: [email protected] [email protected]

This uses the mujoco simulator to demonstrate the static scheduler.


  1. Install Lingua Franca. Make sure to switch to the static-schedule branch first.

    $ git clone [email protected]:lf-lang/lingua-franca.git
    $ cd lingua-franca
    $ git checkout static-schedule
    $ git submodule update --init --recursive
    $ ./gradlew assemble
  2. Install MuJoCo.

    Make sure that the MuJoCo dynamic libraries and header files are in the compiler search path (e.g., usr/local/lib and usr/local/include). This step can be done if you follow the build from source instructions.

  3. Install GLFW.

  4. Adjust src/mujoco.cmake accordingly.

    On some platforms, you might need to adjust this cmake file so that the dependencies can be located.

    For example, here is one possible version

    # My mujoco/mujoco.h is in /usr/local/include.
    find_package (Threads)
    find_library(MUJOCO_LIBRARY NAMES mujoco PATHS /usr/local/lib/libmujoco.dylib /usr/local/lib/libmujoco.3.1.1.dylib)
    message(FATAL_ERROR "MuJoCo library not found")
    find_library(GLFW_LIBRARY NAMES glfw PATHS /usr/local/Cellar/glfw/3.3.9/lib/libglfw.dylib /usr/local/Cellar/glfw/3.3.9/lib/libglfw.3.dylib /usr/local/Cellar/glfw/3.3.9/lib/libglfw.3.3.dylib)
    message(FATAL_ERROR "Glfw library not found")
  5. Compile the LF program using lfc-dev.

    lfc-dev src/ReactionWheel.lf

Using Mocasin to Improve Execution Time and Energy

The following instructions describe the steps to compile and execute src/CompressFiles.lf such that execution time and energy are enhanced under the guidance of Mocasin.

  1. Make sure Lingua Franca is installed (as described above) and switched to the static-schedule branch.

  2. Install Mocasin

  3. In src/CompressFiles.lf, under the scheduler target property, make sure that type is set to STATIC and static-scheduler is set to MOCASIN. DO NOT set mocasin-mapping yet.

    scheduler: {
        type: STATIC,
        static-scheduler: MOCASIN,
        // mocasin-mapping: [
        //     "./mappings/mappings-opt-0.csv",
        //     "./mappings/mappings-subopt-1.csv",
        //     "./mappings/mappings-opt-2.csv",
        // ],
  4. Compile the program using lfc-dev.

    $ lfc-dev src/CompressFiles.lf

    If everything goes well, you should see

    --- Generating a static schedule
    lfc: info: SDF3 files generated. Please invoke `mocasin` to generate mappings and provide paths to them using the `mocasin-mapping` target property under `scheduler`. A sample mocasin command is `mocasin pareto_front graph=sdf3_reader trace=sdf3_reader platform=odroid sdf3.file=<abs_path_to_xml>`
  5. Invoke mocasin to generate mappings. In src-gen/CompressFiles/mocasin/, there should now be some XML files generated.

    $ cd src-gen/CompressFiles/mocasin/
    $ mocasin pareto_front graph=sdf3_reader trace=sdf3_reader platform=odroid sdf3.file=./sdf_frag_0.xml
    $ mocasin pareto_front graph=sdf3_reader trace=sdf3_reader platform=odroid sdf3.file=./sdf_frag_1.xml
    $ mocasin pareto_front graph=sdf3_reader trace=sdf3_reader platform=odroid sdf3.file=./sdf_frag_2.xml

    There should now be an output/ directory under src-gen/CompressFiles/mocasin/ with three mappings.csv inside.

  6. Choose the best mapping. Open each mappings.csv, select your desired mapping by moving it to the first row, under the column headers.

  7. Register the mappings in the LF program. Now, open src/CompressFiles.lf again and set the paths of the modified mappings.csv files under mocasin-mapping, for example:

    scheduler: {
        type: STATIC,
        static-scheduler: MOCASIN,
        mocasin-mapping: [
  8. Invoke lfc-dev again.

    $ lfc-dev src/CompressFiles.lf

    If everything goes well, you should see the following

    [100%] Built target CompressFiles
    Install the project...
    -- Install configuration: "Debug"
    lfc: info: Compiled binary is in <path-to-satellite-altitude-control>/bin
    lfc: info: Code generation finished.
  9. (Tricky) Identify which core a worker maps to. Open src-gen/CompressFiles/graphs/ (preferably visualize it using Graphviz) and see where each reaction is mapped. There should be a worker label within each reaction node. Also open the 2nd modified mapping (in the example, ./mappings/mappings-subopt-1.csv, since it describes the periodic phase). In the mapping, see which core the reactions assigned to the same worker runs on. For example, if reaction A and B are both assigned to worker 0 in the dot file, and in the mapping CSV, both mapped to core 7, then we need to remember this mapping (A, B => Core 7) for the later pinning step.

  10. Now follow the instructions below to pin the workers to the right cores.

Isolating CPUs and Pinning Threads on ODROID-XU4

Author: @axmmisaka

The following steps were taken:

Isolating CPUs

  1. Modify boot.ini in the first partition in the SD card. In bootargs add isolcpus=2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Note that CPU0 cannot be isolated. Verify by checking cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/isolated.
  2. Modify /etc/systemd/system.conf, make sure CPUAffinity=0 1.
  3. Note: Core 0-3 are little cores (Cortex-A7) and core 4-7 are big cores (Cortex-A15).

Pinning Threads

Note that

  1. this ONLY work if the POSIX threading implementation is used.

  2. this is a non-portable solution and ONLY works with GCC.

  3. Generate source by running the source generator.

  4. Modify src-gen/ProjectName/core/threaded/reactor_threaded.c, as follows:

>   // Again, this assumes the use of glibc POSIX threads. This adds the utilities needed.
>   #define _GNU_SOURCE
    #include <assert.h>
    #include <signal.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <time.h>
>   #include <sched.h>
>   #include <pthread.h>
>   #include <unistd.h>

This pins worker threads to one or more cores:

    void* worker(void* arg) {
      environment_t *env = (environment_t* ) arg;

      assert(env != GLOBAL_ENVIRONMENT);

      int worker_number = worker_thread_count++;
      LF_PRINT_LOG("Worker thread %d started.", worker_number);
>     cpu_set_t cpuset; CPU_ZERO(&cpuset);
>     CPU_SET(worker_number + 2 /* Or whichever core you want to use*/ , &cpuset);
>     /* You can also pin the thread to multiple cores, by adding more cores to the set.
>         CPU_SET(worker_number + 3 , &cpuset);
>     */
>     pthread_t current_thread = pthread_self();
>     int rv = pthread_setaffinity_np(current_thread, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpuset);
>     /* The following code could be used to verify which cores is the thread using. 
>         CPU_ZERO(&cpuset);
>         int aff = pthread_getaffinity_np(current_thread, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpuset);
>     */
>     printf("I am worker thread %d using ", worker_number);
>     for (size_t j = 0; j < CPU_SETSIZE; ++j){ if (CPU_ISSET(j, &cpuset)) { printf(" %zu", j); }}
>     printf("\n");
>     lf_mutex_unlock(&env->mutex);

And you can do similar things in lf_reactor_c_main() to pin the "main" thread.

  1. After you finish, remake and run the executable.