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285 lines (237 loc) · 12 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[1.5.0] - 2018.10.22


  • Contact form mailer - #1875 - Akbar Abdrakhmanov @akbarik
  • oauth2 configuration in setup - #1865 - Krister Andersson @Cyclonecode
  • GraphQL schema extendibility in the API - Yoann Vié
  • A lot of new docs - Natalia Tepluhina @NataliTepluhina
  • Magento2 integrated importer


  • New Modules API, and base modules (cart, wishlist, newsletter ...) refactored read more... - Filip Rakowski @filrak


  • The regionId field added to Order interface - #1258 - Jim Hil @jimcreate78
  • SSR Memory leaks fixed - #1882 Tomasz Duda @tomasz-duda
  • E2E tests fixed - #1861 - Patryk Tomczyk @patzik
  • UI animations - #1857 - Javier Villanueva @jahvi
  • Disabled buttons fixed - #1852 - Patryk Tomczyk @patzik
  • Mailchimp / Newsletter modules rebuilt - Filip Rakowski @filrak
  • Search component UX fixes - #1862 - Adrian Cagaanan @diboy2

[1.4.0] - 2018.10.05


  • GraphQL support - #1616 - Yuri Boyko @yuriboyko, Vladimir Plastovets @VladimirPlastovets => PHOENIX MEDIA
  • Layout switching + Advanced output mechanisms - #1787 - Piotr Karwatka @pkarw
  • Dynamic config reload - #1800 - Piotr Karwatka @pkarw
  • VuePress based docs - #1728 - Natalia Tepluhina - @NataliaTepluhina
  • Output Cache - #1664, #1641 - Piotr Karwatka - @pkarw
  • Instalation docs improvements - #1735 - Aleksander Grygier - @allozaur
  • Magento Product Reviews support - Agata Firlejczyk @afirlejczyk, Tomek Kikowski @qiqqq
  • Console silent mode (disabled by default) - #1752 - Piotr Karwatka - @pkarw



  • docker-compose.yml files updated - @kovinka
  • Non-core translations moved to theme resource files (i18n) - #1747 - David Rouyer @DavidRouyer
  • Non-core assets moved to the theme - #1739, #1740 - David Rouyer @DavidRouyer
  • Bug fixes: #1715, #1718, #1670
  • NPM packages cleanup - #1748 - David Rouyer @DavidRouyer
  • Filters were not updating - #1649 - Kacper Wierzbicki @vue-kacper
  • Breadcrumbs on the product page - #1745 - Agata Firlejczyk @afirlejczyk
  • Infinite scroll on mobile browsers - #1755 - Kacper Wierzbicki @vue-kacper
  • Coupon codes - #1759 - Tomek Kikowski @qiqqq

[1.3.0] - 2018.08.31


  • TypeScript support - please check TypeScript Action Plan for details
  • New core/modules added regarding the Refactor to modules plan
  • Price tier's support #1625
  • Qty field on product page #1617
  • Offline orders confirmation dialog has been added #1430
  • pwa-compat library has been added to support fully PWA manifests on legacy browsers
  • dynamic port allocation #1511


  • unused libs, components, core/api/cart webpack aliases
  • global.$VS has been replaced with rootStore #1624


  • core directory is now a @vue-storefront/core package, webpack alias and all related imports reflect this change [#1513]
  • core/api renamed to core/modules, mixin features moved to core/modules/module_name/features
  • core/lib/i18n moved into separate @vue-storefront/i18n package


  • installer paths are now normalized (to support paths including spaces) #1645
  • status check added to the configurable_children products #1639
  • product info update when clicking the related products #1601
  • media gallery issues + mobile view
  • product slider fixes #1561
  • shipping carrier code is now passed with order #1520
  • SEO support fixes #1514
  • UX fixes
  • bundle size optimizations (translations)
  • password validation rules are now aligned (server/client) #1476

[1.2.0] - 2018-08-01


  • Improved integration tests [#1471]
  • Minor taxcalc.js improvements [#1467]
  • Search by SKU fixed [#1455]
  • ProductList dbl click fix [#1438]


  • Docker support for vue-storefront
  • Production config docs added [#1450]
  • Integration tests for Compare products added [#1422]
  • Wishlist module refactored to the new core/api standard + unit tests [#1434]
  • Dropdown components in MyProfile replaced with the base-select [#1463]
  • Magento2/CMS integration by block/page identifiers [#1452]

[1.1.0] - 2018-07-02

Please keep an eye on the UPGRADE NOTES


  • Zip Code validation [#1372]
  • Get inpspired block [#968]
  • Favicon [#836]
  • Webpack config + refactoring [#1250]
  • Account page updates [#1323]
  • UI fixes [#901]
  • Vuex Store extensions fixes [#1028, #1102]
  • MS Edge + IE10 fixes [#1266]
  • IndexedDB locking issue


  • Added PM2 process manager [#1162]
  • Added billing data phone number support [#1338]
  • Added validation labels + generic control for CountrySelector [#1227]
  • Offline mode Push Notification support [#1348, #1122, #1317]
  • Added billing data phone number support [#1338]
  • PoC of API refactoring for the cart module [#1316]
  • Sort feature added [#671]
  • Page loader [#1240]
  • Production ready Docker config for vue-storefront-api

1.0.5 - 2018-06-04


  • Shipping region fix
  • Hotfix for missing config.storeViews.multistore check
  • Minor fixes

1.0.4 - 2018-06-02


  • defaultCountry fix for IT
  • Tax classes hotfix
  • tax_class_id is required by taxcalc - restored along with version inc
  • Minor fixes

1.0.3 - 2018-06-02


  • Minor fixes

1.0.2 - 2018-06-02


  • vue-storefront-stripe renamed to vsf-payment-stripe hotfix
  • Minor fixes

1.0.1 - 2018-05-31


  • Minor fixes

1.0.0 - 2018-05-30


  • Multistore - now it's possible to manage the store views with all the features like translations, custom category, and products content, shipping rates - basically all Magento2 features are supported! You can read more on how to setup Multistore here.
  • Bundle products - support for the Magento-like bundle products with all the custom options, pricing rules etc.
  • Configurable options - that allows users to select radio/checkbox options + put some custom notes (textboxes) on the products they like to order,
  • Crossell, Upsell, Related products - are now synchronized with Magento2,
  • Webpack4 support - we've migrated from Webpack2 -> Webpack4 and now the build process takes much less time while providing some cool new features,
  • Core components refactor - without changing APIs, we've stripped the core components from s to improve the performance and improve the code readability,
  • PWA Manifest fixes - iOS PWA support required us to adjust some settings,
  • Improved translations - we're constantly tweaking the translation files :) We've just added it-IT and pl-PL (finally!) support recently
  • Improved Travis-CI pipeline - and added support for end-2-end testing,
  • Lot of bugfixes + UX fixes - countless hours spent on improving the code and UI quality!
  • Please check it out: visit:

1.0.0-rc.3 - 2018-04-29


  • Performance tweaks: improved service worker config, reduced JSONs, two-stage caching,
  • User token auto refresh,
  • My Account fixes
  • Translations: RU, IT
  • UX fixes: navigation, notifications, product compare, product page
  • Host and port setup in the config,
  • Refactored Vuex store - prepared to be separated as the npm module which will give the Vue.js developers access to Magento backend
  • Product Gallery,
  • Infinite scroll,
  • Product and Category page refactoring

1.0.0-rc.2 - 2018-03-29


  • Basic Magento 1.9 support,
  • Translations: ES, DE, NL, FR
  • Lerna support for managing the npm packages within the one repository,
  • Installer fixes (Linux support),
  • Orders history,
  • Discount codes support,
  • Stripe Payments support,
  • External Checkout support for Magento 2.x,
  • Basic Travis checks,
  • Other fixes.

1.0.0-rc.0 - 2018-03-01


  • i18n (internationalization) support for the UI,
  • Support for Magento2 dynamic cart totals - which enables the shopping cart rules mechanism of Magento to work with VS,
  • ESlint-plugin-vue installed,
  • CSS properties moved to atomic classes
  • New SASS structure,
  • Architectural change: core extracted from src - preparation for publishing the official npm package,
  • Refactored vuex stores - we separated actions, getters and the state for better maintainability,
  • UI improvements: look & feel, accessibility, color palette normalization,
  • Assets can be now managed by theme developers,
  • Service-workers and webpack config can be now extended by theme developers,
  • Droppoints shipping methods (NL support) added.

0.4.0 - 2018-01-28


  • Improved theming support + B2B product catalog theme included (original github repo); it's PoC made in just one week! Isn't it amazing that you can customize VS in just one week to this extent? :)
  • Pimcore support (more on this, github repo)
  • Customer's dashboard + address book, integration with Checkout
  • Adjustments on product card on mobile
  • Adjustments on home page on mobile
  • Rebuilt checkout - UI + customer accounts support
  • Google Analytics eCommerce extension
  • order_2_magento rebuilt from scratch, supporting customer accounts and authorized carts
  • Real-time cart synchronization with Magento - (last step before synchronizing the checkout promo rules with Magento!)
  • Product comparison
  • Themes refactor
  • Lot of smaller tweaks

0.3.0 - 2017-12-21


  • Bundle products support,
  • Tax calculation regarding the Magento's logic for different rates per countries, states.
  • User registration, log-in, password reset
  • Refactor of Product and Category pages with support for updating product photos regarding selected filters (red t-shirts are now red on the list etc)
  • MailChimp support,
  • Stock Quantity check support
  • Special prices for products (catalog rules) are now fully supported for simple, bundled and configurable products,
  • 404 page,
  • Checkout tweaks and refactor,
  • Offline notification badge,
  • Wishlist,
  • Cookie notification bar
  • Security improvements (checksums for client-side processed data)
  • Lot of UI tweaks and refactors,
  • Updated installer with support for Linux and MacOSX

0.2.1-alpha.0 - 2017-11-16


  • Homepage
  • Category page
  • Product page
  • Cart
  • Checkout + validation
  • Basic Search
  • Magento2 synchronization: products, attributes, media, categories, orders
  • Offline support using service workers + indexedDb
  • PWA manifest + basic optimizations
  • SSR support
  • Filters + Configurable products
  • RWD (except some checkout issues to be fixed)

[0.2.0-alpha.0] - 2017-11-15


  • Lazy loaded blocks size fixed