Models, views, controllers for primary database interactions.
- ./apps/ - Client and server applications for TDS.
- ./commands/ - Controllers for database models.
- ./deploy_strategy/ - Enforcement methods (Salt).
- ./model/ - Model definitions.
- ./notifications/ - E-mail, Hipchat, etc. notifications.
- ./scripts/
- ./utils/
- ./views/ - Views for interacting with database.
- ./ - Utilities for determining authorization level of actors.
- ./ - Declarations of command line arguments, subsarguments and options.
- ./ - Logging configuration for TDS.
- ./ - Definitions of exceptions.
- ./ - Wrappers around logging facilities
- ./ - Command and view resolver for TDS.
- ./
- ./ - Version definition for this instance of TDS. Copyright 2016 Ifwe Inc. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
You should have received a copy of the license along with this work. If not, see