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File metadata and controls

354 lines (249 loc) · 11.8 KB


ChartViewer is a TypeScript UI control to show interactive charts. It is based on Interactive Data Display.


  • gives a user an informative legend, smooth navigation, log scales and probes
  • exposes a succinct and easy API to create and update a chart
  • allows to visualize uncertain values as well as usual numeric values
  • high performance enables interactive visualization of tens of thousands data items
  • automatically puts geographical map on a background
  • works on mobile devices and supports gestures

Preparing to use


Add following line to bower.json to get all required scripts and resources:

"idd": "~1.1.1"


  • Interactive Data Display
  • Reactive Extensions
  • JQuery
  • JQuery UI
  • BingMaps Map Control
  • Modernizr

Using from HTML

Add following references to your HTML page (don't forget to correct paths):

<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/idd.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="dist/chartViewer.css" />

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<script src="dist/idd.js"></script>
<script src="dist/chartViewer.js"></script>

The variables ChartViewer and Plot are globally defined.

Use as AMD module in TypeScript

  1. Add reference to require.js script in HTML file.

  2. Create file config.js and configure following modules using require.config (please don't forget to update paths):

         baseUrl: ".",
         paths: {
             "chartViewer": "scripts/chartViewer",
             "jquery": "scripts/jquery",
             "jquery-ui": "scripts/jquery-ui",
             "idd": "scripts/idd",
             "idd-css": "scripts/idd",
             "rx": "scripts/rx.lite",
             "css": "scripts/css"
  3. Import chartViewer module and get Charting object which has two properties: ChartViewer and Plot:

    import Charting = require("chartViewer.umd");, {
    	"y(x)": Charting.Plot.line({ x: [0,1,2], y: [3,4,2] })

Use as AMD module

  1. Add reference to require.js script in HTML file.

  2. Configure following modules using require.config (please don't forget to update paths):

         baseUrl: ".",
         paths: {
             "chartViewer": "scripts/chartViewer",
             "jquery": "scripts/jquery",
             "jquery-ui": "scripts/jquery-ui",
             "idd": "scripts/idd",
             "idd-css": "scripts/idd",
             "rx": "scripts/rx.lite",
             "css": "scripts/css"
  3. Require chartViewer module and get Charting object which has two properties: ChartViewer and Plot:

     require(["chartViewer.umd"], function (Charting) {, {
     			"y(x)": Charting.Plot.line({ x: [0,1,2], y: [3,4,2] })


Please see the file called LICENSE.

How to create a ChartViewer

Use, plots) : ViewerControl method to turn the htmlElement to a ChartViewer and show the given plot definitions plots.

The following example creates a ChartViewer that displays a line plot of a grid function y(x) by providing two arrays for x and y:, {
	"y(x)": Plot.line({ x: [0,1,2], y: [3,4,2] })

What is a plot definition gets a map of pairs (plot identifier, plot definition) as a second argument. Plot definition is a collection of key-value pairs specifying properties of a plot, such as line stroke or marker shape. Each plot definition has at least one property which is kind; it determines a rendering method and must be known to the ChartViewer.

List of other mandatory and optional properties depends on the kind value. For example, line plot expects mandatory properties x and y and optional stroke, thickness.

To simplify process of defining a plot, there are typed functions building plot definitions. They allow a user (i) to see list of available plot kinds using suggestion list of a code editor, and (ii) to see a list of available properties of each plot kind. These functions are exposed by the Plot module.

The following list shows which plot kinds are supported by the ChartViewer:

  • line dispays information as straight line segments connecting a series of data points. If a variable determining the position on the vertical axis is uncertain, bands corresponding to the quantiles of the uncertain values are displayed instead of line segments.
  • area draws a colored area between two scalar grid functions y1[i]=y1(x[i]) and y2[i]=y2(x[i]).
  • boxplot draws a colored box plot. The variable determining the position on vertical axis is uncertain.
  • markers displays data as a collection of points, each having the value of one variable determining the position on the horizontal axis and the value of the other variable determining the position on the vertical axis. Other variables can be bound to marker size and color. Dependent variable, size-bound variable or color-bound variable can be real or uncertain.
  • heatmap displays a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors. If the values are uncertain, allows to see quantiles of each point and highlight regions with similar values.


Dispays information as straight line segments connecting a series of data points. If a variable that determines the position on the vertical axis is uncertain, bands corresponding to the quantiles of the uncertain values are displayed instead of line segments.

Use Plot.line(LineDefinition) : PlotInfo to a define a line plot.

type LineDefinition = {
	x?: number[];
	y: number[] | Quantiles;
	stroke?: Color;
	thickness?: number;
	treatAs?: string;
	fill68?: Color;
	fill95?: Color;
	displayName?: string;
	titles?: LineTitles;

treatAs is one of pre-defined values:

module LineTreatAs {
	var Function = "function";
	var Trajectory = "trajectory";

If treatAs is "Function" (default value), the series x[i] and y[i] are sorted by increasing values x. Otherwise, the arrays are rendered as is.

If x series is missing, it is [0, 1, ..., y.length-1].

Example:, {
	"y(x)": Plot.line({ x: [0,1,2], y: [3,4,2], stroke: 'blue' })


The plot draws a colored area between two scalar grid functions. Use Plot.area(AreaDefinition) : PlotInfo to a define an area plot.

type AreaDefinition = {
	x: number[];
	y1: number[];
	y2: number[];
	fill?: Color;
	displayName?: string;
	titles?: AreaTitles;

The space between lines y1[i](x[i]) and y2[i](x[i]) is filled with a solid color; the boundaries are not stroked.

Example:, {
	"area": Plot.area({ x: [0,1,2], y1: [3,4,2], y2: [1,2,6], fill: 'gray' })


The plot draws a colored boxplot. Use Plot.boxplot(BoxPlotDefinition) : PlotInfo to a define a box plot (

type BoxPlotDefinition = {
	y: Quantiles;
	x?: number[];
	borderColor?: Color;
	color?: Color;
	displayName?: string;
	titles?: BoxPlotTitles;

Example:, {
	"boxplot": Plot.boxplot({ 
		y: { median: [1,2,3], lower68: [0,0,0], upper68: [4,4,4], lower95: [0.5,1,2], upper95: [2,3,3.5] }, 
		x : [1,2,3], border: 'red', fill: 'gray' })


Displays data as a collection of points, each having the value of one variable determining the position on the horizontal axis and the value of the other variable determining the position on the vertical axis. Also variables can be bound to marker size and color. Dependent variable, size-bound variable or color-bound variable can be real or uncertain; the latter is represented as a set of quantiles.

Use Plot.markers(MarkersDefinition) : PlotInfo to a define a markers plot.

type MarkersDefinition = {
	x: number[];
	y: number[];
	shape?: string;		
	color?: Color | number[] | Quantiles;
	colorPalette?: ColorPalette;
	size?: number | number[] | Quantiles;
	sizeRange?: SizeRange;
	borderColor?: Color;
	displayName?: string;
	titles?: MarkersTitles;

sizeRange is used if size is an array of numbers. In this case, a marker size is within the given range in screen pixels and proportional to the corresponding value of the array size:

type SizeRange = {
	min: number;
	max: number

Marker shape is either one of pre-defined shapes or a cutom marker shape identified by a string:

module MarkerShape {        
	var Box = "box";
    var Circle = "circle";
    var Diamond = "diamond";
    var Cross = "cross";
    var Triangle = "triangle";

Example:, {
	"y(x)": Plot.markers({ x: [0,1,2], y: [3,4,2], color: 'blue', shape: Plot.MarkerShape.Circle })


  • If color is a value of Color, the colorPalette is ignored.
  • If color is a value of Quantiles, size must be a number; shape is ignored and markers are rendered as so-called 'bull-eyes' glyphs when outer and inner colors indicate level of uncertainty.
  • If size is a number, the sizeRange is ignored.
  • If size is a value of Quantiles, color must be a Color; shape is ignored and markers are rendered as so-called 'petals' glyphs when shape indicates level of uncertainty.


Displays a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors. If the values are uncertain, allows to see quantiles of each point and highlight regions with similar values.

Use Plot.heatmap(HeatmapDefinition) : PlotInfo to a define a heatmap plot.

type HeatmapDefinition = {
	x: number[];
	y: number[];
	values: number[] | Quantiles;
	colorPalette?: ColorPalette;
	treatAs?: string; 		 
	displayName?: string;
	titles?: HeatmapTitles;

treatAs is one of pre-defined values:

module HeatmapRenderType {        
	var Gradient = "gradient";
	var Discrete =  "discrete";

Tabular input

One way to define input data for a heatmap is to use tabular definition, when x, y, value form columns of a table and rows correpond to a single grid point in any order. Final grid is a bounding box of points given in the table. Missing values are considered as NaN.

For example, the tabular input:

x  y  values
0  0  0      
0  1  0.5    
1  0  0.5    
1  1  1.0    

and the code:, {
	"heatmap": Plot.heatmap({x: [0,0,1,1], y: [0,1,0,1], values: [0,0.5,0.5,1])

Two-dimensional values

not supported yet

About used types

  • Color is a string that supports same color definition as in CSS: "blue", "#606060", "rgba(10,150,200,100)"

  • ColorPalette is a string that has specific syntax to define palettes, e.g. "reg,green,blue" or "0=red=white=blue=100".

  • Quantiles allows to represent a sequence of uncertain values by providing the quantiles for each of these values:

      type Quantiles = {
      	median: number[];
      	lower68: number[];
      	upper68: number[];
      	lower95: number[];
      	upper95: number[];

Using a geographical map on the background

to do

How to give names to data series

to do

How to show dynamic data

Use ViewerControl.update(plots) method to update plots.

to do