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#!/bin/octavefunction [ affine_rotation, translation, s ] = affine( p, q ) ## this function "affine(p,q)" finds the optimal affine transform in ## 3-dimensional euclidian space, using least squares and ## single-value-decomposition. Given a 3xn matrix (set of n 3d ## positions), it returns and the rotation matrtix "affine_rotation", ## and the translation vector "translation". ## ## K. S. Arun, T. S. Huang and S. D. Blostein, "Least-Squares Fitting of ## Two 3-D Point Sets," in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and ## Machine Intelligence, vol. PAMI-9, no. 5, pp. 698-700, Sept. 1987, ## doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.1987.4767965. ## ## Berthold K. P. Horn, "Closed-form solution of absolute orientation ## using unit quaternions," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 4, 629-642 (1987) ## ## @ moritz siegel global hd global wd global nwd ## check stuff. assert( nargin == 2 && size( p ) == size( q ), ... "need 2 identical input matrices\n" ); assert( size( p, 2 ) == 3, "input matrix p must be nx3\n" ); assert( size( q, 2 ) == 3, "input matrix q must be nx3\n" ); n = size( p, 1 ); assert( n > 2, "need at least 3 points\n" ); ## 1) center to get rid of translation. centroid_p = mean( p, 1 ); centroid_q = mean( q, 1 ); p_shifted = p - repmat( centroid_p, n, 1 ); q_shifted = q - repmat( centroid_q, n, 1 ); ## 2) orthogonal reduction. ## ------------------------ ## variance (?) matrices. s_p = p_shifted' * p_shifted; s_q = q_shifted' * q_shifted; ## square-roots of the covariance matrices. ## choleski decomposition: "A -> LL*" , any advantage over sqrtm()? #s_sqrt_p = sqrtm( s_p ); #s_sqrt_q = sqrtm( s_q ); s_sqrt_p = chol( s_p, "lower" ); s_sqrt_q = chol( s_q, "lower" ); ## left division. "x\y" is conceptually equivalent to the expression ## "inv(x) * y" but it is computed without forming the inverse of x. ## if the system is not square, or if the coefficient matrix is ## singular, a minimum norm solution is computed. p_orthogonal = ( s_sqrt_p \ p_shifted' )'; q_orthogonal = ( s_sqrt_q \ q_shifted' )'; ## "p" and "q" are now solely related by a rotational matrix ## "r = s_inv_sqrt_q * affine * s_sqrt_p" (no inverse!). ## 3) solve least squares problem for best rotation. ## ------------------------------------------------- ## covariance matrix again. h = p_orthogonal' * q_orthogonal; ## singular value decomposition. [ u, s, v ] = svd( h ); rotation = v * u'; ## reflection? theres more to that. if ( det( rotation ) < 0 ) printf( "warning: det(rotation) < 0\n" ); if ( any( s( : ) ) < 0 ) printf( "found reflection, correcting.\n" ); v( :, 3 ) = - v( :, 3 ); rotation = v * u'; else printf( "error: single-value-decomposition might have failed! \provided data seems is too noisy for least-squares.\n" ); endif endif ## 4) reverse the rotation to the non-orthogonal affine transform using ## right division: "x/y" is conceptually equivalent to the expression ## "x * inv(y)" but it is computed without forming the inverse of x. affine_rotation = ( s_sqrt_q * rotation ) / s_sqrt_p; ## 5) compute translation. translation = centroid_q - ( affine_rotation * centroid_p' )'; ## save stuff for plotting. ## chdir( nwd ) ## save p_shifted.mat p_shifted; ## save q_shifted.mat q_shifted; ## save p_orthogonal.mat p_orthogonal; ## save q_orthogonal.mat q_orthogonal; ## save rotation.mat rotation ## save affine_rotation.mat affine_rotation ## save translation.mat translation endfunction