All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed volume cleanup to only run at startup, reducing io when many mounts are used
- Fixed locking behavior with volumes, terminating pods could fail to be cleaned up due to a race in the locks.
- Updated dependencies on k8s apis
- Updated dependencies on k8s apis
- Removed volumeID from prometheus metrics tags
- Added locking around publish requests to prevent concurrent publish/unpublish requests for the same volumeID causing inconsistent state.
- Added edge case handling for node unpublish volume requests where the volume was already cleaned up.
- Metrics for successful, failed, and cleanup csi operations
- Fixed permission of the volume dir, from
- Fixed permission handling with defaultMode
- Added cleanup logic to delete unused cluster config map data in the daemonset hostpath dir on NodeUnpublishVolume requests
- Initial release